How a girl suffering from Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts succeeded in starting a Baby.

Re: Endometriosis Treatment From Joe De Livera on 2012-05-07
I am copying a post made by Homeoworks on how the author’s wife had successfully used my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts a few months ago, unknown to me, and which they had jointly read on my website:

They were both thrilled to discover that she conceived and bore the baby for 8 weeks during which time they were able to listen to the fetal heartbeat. Unfortunately the baby was lost shortly afterwards and anyone interested in my therapy aka “Joepathy” can read of the joy and the sorrow of this case on the post
which I shall copy in full below:

Please help Joe De Livera – Chocolate Cyst and PCOS

From homeo_workson 2012-05-060

Hi Joe,


First of all let me thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your medicine for chocolate cyst worked wonders. Me and my wife had lost all hopes untill we came across your site. Let me give you an insight into our story.

On 25th of October 2010 I took her to a renowned Hospital as she had been diagnosed with Femoral Hernia. During the Ultrasound sonography, the doctor detected a 38mm cyst on the right ovary. No cyst on left ovary.Doctor suggested Lap surgery for femoral hernia & Ovarian Cyst puncturing both to be done together.

She was admitted on 15th November 2010 to Hospital for Laparoscopic Right Femoral hernia repair with Right Ovarian Endometrioma Exicision – Operation to be done on the same day

Post surgery, on 16th November 2010, doctor gave 1st dose of Zoladex injection to stop her monthly periods for some time. Again on 15th December 2010, 2nd dose of Zoladex injection was given. Her periods stopped from December 2010 till February 2011. Periods again started from February 2011.

From the month of February 2011 till March 2011, she started her fertility treatment which included injections to produce good quality egg, injections to rupture eggs, Letroz tablets followed by IUI (Intrauterine Insemination). We didnot get any success and not only was she unable to conceive but also the doctor during Ultrasound Sonography detected two new cyst on left ovary – 1.7cm x 1.5 cm and 1.4 cm x 1.3 cm Please note that this was just after one month after her surgery. Her doctor suggested a 2nd operation to remove the new cyst on the left ovary followed by IVF. My wife was completely uncomfortable to undergo a 2nd operation within a months time. So we decided to stop all fertility treatments and allow nature to take its course. (Please note that this was in the month of March 2011)

Since we were unable to conceive naturally, In the month July we visited a different doctor and a different hospital. This time during the ultrasound sonography doctor detected multiple cysts on both left and right ovary. Post surgery the cysts started spreading across. This doctor too suggested surgery to remove the cysts followed by IVF. We lost all hopes. Though my wife was completely uncomfortable to do a 2nd surgery so soon, however not seeing any other options she made up her mind for the same.

During this time as I was researching on the net, I came across your site and read few of the cases of Chocolate cyst treated by you. To be honest I was not really sure if we should try this option. However we decided that since there was nothing to loose lets us give it a shot. She consumed the two medications suggested by you i.e Bellis P – 30 and Arnica – 30 in wet doses.

She consumed this medicine for five months continuously and in the month of February 2012 she conceived. We were extremely glad. The next few visits to the doctor was very exciting. Tears rolled our eyes as we heard our baby’s first heart beats. It was an out of the world feeling. It was a great feeling and we couldn’t stop thanking you.

However unfortunately this month she miscarried after two months of pregnancy. The doctor said that she also has Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and hence she miscarried.

But our hopes are still alive as we know that she can conceive which never happened during the course of allopathic treatment. Thanks to you. May God bless you.

Post miscarriage I am continuing the medicine once again as we decided to give a two months gap before we try again. What do you suggest?

Also request you to help us with some medicine to prevent miscarriage and also treat PCOS.

Looking forward to your valuable advice. Please let me know if you need any additional information.

Many thanks for your wonderful work and may god bless u always for it.

Thanks & Regards

It is my hope that my chief detractor from Brisbane will read this post and hopefully accept that there is indeed ‘method in my madness’ in prescribing the ONE remedy that no other homeopath, classical or otherwise prescribes for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts, Bellis Perennis 30c and Arnica 30c both to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily.

I would refer him to his snide comments on this thread to my lack of the qualification in this Science which he states he has and states:
“A first year student can prescribe roughly 50-100 remedies – how many can you use Joe? 5, 10 maybe? Mostly all Arnica/Nat-phos and a few others. And yet you ridicule people with MORE knowledge and skill than you?”

I hope that David will now EAT HIS OWN WORDS and accept that although I may not possess that piece of paper that he purports to possess, I do have the background of over 40 years of involvement in Homeopathy which I have studied from the same textbooks that he has used and 25 years of active hands on experience in helping all who seek my assistance to cure their ailments which I gladly do at my advanced age of 83, free of charge during my spare time.

I do admit that I am not a professional homeopath like David who seems to be more engrossed in displaying his own knowledge in this science which he often considers is his own private domain rather than in actually curing patients. I shall leave it to those who are interested in the CURES that I have carried out with my own brand of Homeoapthy now known as “Joepathy” to read and evaluate the reason why David in common with other classical homeopaths have never used the 2 remedies I have always prescribed as my default remedies for this ailment to help other patients who present Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts.

I would also like to add that I have not found any reference to Bellis P and Arnica prescribed for the above mentioned ailment in any of the classical textbooks used today and feel that it was just a hunch “Inspiration?” that originally made me to prescribe these remedies to many patients both known and the majority unknown, like Homeoworks whose wife benefitted from it.

I shall now copy and paste the thread on:

Re: Endometriosis Treatment From brisbanehomoeopath on 2011-05-24

Somehow I knew that my question would provoke a rant from you.

So the answer is you don’t know what happened to her? Well that is a shame – I hope someone was able to help her in the end.Just seems strange to present this as a successful case – if she lost her baby it is hardly a success. I did not say that you were responsible for her situation.

Yes you love to talk about your thousands of cures. Whenever I or others go searching for them, they are few and far between. Classical homoeopathy is far superior to any therapy that cannot cure the whole patient, cannot cure all their symptoms, as the thousands of homoeopaths have proved over the last 2 centuries. Our literature is full of cures. I see many cases of endometrosis in my clinic, it is actually not too difficult to cure with proper homoeopathy. Full cure, of all symptoms, allowing women to fall pregnant and keep their babies. Remedies given in small doses, chosen on the individual symptoms of the patient, without needing constant dosing for the rest of their lives – as homoeopathy was meant to be used.

A first year student can prescribe roughly 50-100 remedies – how many can you use Joe? 5, 10 maybe? Mostly all Arnica/Nat-phos and a few others. And yet you ridicule people with MORE knowledge and skill than you? People who have dedicated themselves to study, who struggle to comprehend and utilize a very difficult science, devoted to curing patients in the true sense of the word. I know many of these people, have taught some. They deserve respect and applause for what they do, not your misplaced and malicious insults.

Cure in homoeopathy, the cures I get, that other homoeopaths get when prescribing according to our philosophy, is FULL CURE of their symptoms. We do not declare a patient cured who has only had one complaint palliated or suppressed. You rarely cure anyone, although you love to boast and brag about them, using your ‘patients’ as a scoreboard to advance your perceived prowess.

I have seen some people on this forum leap to your defence.People who have not been cured by you, people you have convinced cannot be cured or who have only had one or two complaints resolved and then are told there is no further help for them. This is perplexing to me but says something about your charisma and your abilities at marketing. I have no idea what your background is, but you are certainly talented.

Cure means ALL symptoms cured, not just one. Your claims of cure are flawed, because you define cure in a completely different way to homoeopaths. In an inferior way. How many cases do you have where you cured all the major symptoms of the patients, in all locations? Disease is one entity in the patient, expressing itself in various locations. Homoeopathy cures the disease, which means all the local manifestations of the disease vanish. I can do this, and I do it regularly. My colleagues do it, my teachers do it, my students do it.

Of course if you set the bar so low, how can you not reach it. I personally set my bar alot higher, and the fact that it can be reached by classical homoeopathy is one of the most compelling argument for its use over lesser forms of treatment.

Your voice on this forum is loud, in your criticism of homoeopathy. Do not for a second think that my own voice is not equally as loud in defending it. This is, after all, a site dedicated to homoeopathy, not ‘joepathy’ which is the opposite of homoeopathy in most ways.

So why am I motivated to criticise you? Firstly because you are a vocal opponent of homoeopathy. How can I not rise to that challenge, since I love homoeopathy so much. My entire adult life has revolved around the teachings of Hahnemann, who has never failed to guide me towards helping others. Secondly, because there needs to be one person at least who can remind people of the better way to use our medicines, so that they do not go away from your therapy believing that homoeopathy has failed them.

And again, come the personal attacks. You have no right to comment on my business, my practice, anything in my personal life. It shows the quality of person you are, that you resort to this each time.

And again, you try to convince me that my desire to debate you is actually some kind of illness. Of all your craziness, this is the most disturbing. So you believe those people who disagree with you must all be ill, is that it. Only sick people could possibly oppose you?

If your aim is to ‘vanquish’ me as you believe you have other genuine homoeopaths who have attempted to balance your outlandish views with more reasonable ones….well I believe you will be greatly disappointed.

Homoeopathy has a proven track record, and people come here looking for help based on that record. All your claims are meaningless, chaff in the wind, compared to that powerful legacy. I am proud to be a part of it, proud to speak on behalf of our wonderful medical art. It has survived far greater attempts than yours to destroy it, and it will be here long after you have gone, even after I have gone.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Tue, 24 May 2011 01:22:51 BST]
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Tue, 24 May 2011 01:26:04 BST]

Any comments David?


  1. hi
    my name is aisha mohamed and i have been suffering from endometriosis for the past 12 years. i have had 9 operations the last being in november last year, in which they sent me home with DECAPEPTYL injections to be administered once a month for 3 months. i started my periods again after 8 months, and this time with even more constant pain. i had a scan done and they say i have a 4cm cyst with low levels internal echoes, most consistant with endometriosis. my doctor says i will have to have another operation done. but iam done with all that and iam hoping that you will be able to help me with something more permanant. please!!

    • Joe says:

      aisha mohamed

      I noticed that you have omitted in your post to include the vital information you gave me in your email which is relevant to my diagnosis and therapy.

      ” iam, 31yrs old and am married and i have 2 children aged 15 and 10.”

      My sympathies are with you for having undergone 9 surgeries up to last November. You have already identified another Chocolate Cyst (CC) of 4cm and it will obviously grow into the large cysts that you have suffered from up to now.

      It is my hope that my therapy can help you as it has helped many who suffer from Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts and I shall copy my default therapy below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  2. thank you so much for your quick reply…

    now!! i live in lusaka zambia, where would be the nearest place i would be able to get this medication??? if not, would it be possible for you to send them to me?

    thanks aisha

    • Joe says:

      aisha mohamed

      It is very unlikely that you can source any Homeopathic remedy in Zambia.

      You are advised to mail order them from London from any of the vendors below:

      Ainsworths Homœopathic Pharmacy
      36 New Cavendish Street, London W1M 7LH
      Tel 020 7935 5330

      Freemans Homeopathic Pharmacy
      18-20 Main Street, Busby, Glasgow G76 8DU
      Tel 0845 225 5155

      Helios Homœopathic Pharmacies
      97 Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2QP
      Tel 01892 537254

      Nelsons Pharmacies Ltd
      73 Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, London W1M 6BY
      Tel 020 7495 2404

      I would also suggest that you include the following remedies to your order:

      Mag Phos 12x To relieve pain during menstruation.

      The remedies below to be used in the event of any member of your family succumbing to Fever, Colds and Coughs.

      Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200
      This is my default remedy for all virus borne diseases like Dengue, Colds and Fever. It will also provide Prophylaxis against catching colds.
      The dosage is variable depending on the ailment and you will have to contact me for instructions.

      Coughs Bryonia 200

  3. debarpita das says:

    Hi Joe,

    I heard many a times about your homeopathy treatment for chocolate cysts that miraculously treat the patients.

    Joe I am 23 yrs old and suffering from chocolate cyst for last 1 yr..6 months before when I was diagnosed with chocolate cyst it was 4.4 cm.My Gyn advised me with birth control pills Novelon for 6 months. After that I took a US Scan which showed the size increased to 6.4*5.7 cm in size.Then my doctor prescribed me with laproscopic surgery.But since I am unmarried..I dont want to undergo surgery right now..I consulted with another and he provided me with Danogen for 6 weeks right now…
    Also I started Danogen only 2 days ago..

    Joe..Can you help me in this regard…as to how I should I am still unmarried…and planning to get married after more 2 yrs..Kindly revert your it can show me a direction…

    • Joe says:

      debarpita das

      I shall copy below my therapy aka “Joepathy” for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts (CC) which you have suffered from for the last 18 months and for which your doctor gave you Danosol or Danogen which to my knowledge is only good to slow the progress of the CC temporarily as long as you take the drug.

      My therapy is fine tuned after many women have used it and reported a reduction in the size which was confirmed by US Scans. You can read about these cases on my website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  4. debarpita das says:

    Hi Joe,

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    As I am staying in Chennai, India…Can you suggest me where is the nearest shop where I can find this medicine.

    Also as I started taking Danogen..shall I discontinue it..from today onwards..

    Kindly revert back

    • Joe says:

      debarpita das


      You can order the remedies from

      The Homeopathic Center
      100 First Floor
      Dr Muthulakshmi Salai
      Opp Nerct Electronics
      Chennai 20

      009144 24404393

    • Dia says:

      Hello Dr.Joe

      Please let me know where i can purchase these medicines(wet dose) in Dubai/Cochin or Trivandrum

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      • Joe says:

        Your name seemed familiar and I made a quick check on my Website and discovered that you first consulted me on October 28 2012 when you stated:

        “I heard many a times about your homeopathy treatment for chocolate cysts that miraculously treat the patients.

        Joe I am 23 yrs old and suffering from chocolate cyst for last 1 yr..6 months before when I was diagnosed with chocolate cyst it was 4.4 cm.My Gyn advised me with birth control pills Novelon for 6 months. After that I took a US Scan which showed the size increased to 6.4*5.7 cm in size.Then my doctor prescribed me with laproscopic surgery.But since I am unmarried..I dont want to undergo surgery right now..I consulted with another and he provided me with Danogen for 6 weeks right now…
        Also I started Danogen only 2 days ago..

        Joe..Can you help me in this regard…as to how I should I am still unmarried…and planning to get married after more 2 yrs..Kindly revert your it can show me a direction…”

        I prescribed my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which has helped many patients and you now wish to know again for the second time where you can get the remedies I prescribed for you 5 years ago.

        Do I understand that you have NOT used the therapy I prescribed for the last 5 years?

        • Niya says:

          Hello Dr.Joe

          Please let me know where i can purchase these medicines(wet dose) in Dubai/Cochin or Trivandrum

          Bellis Perennis 30c
          Arnica 30c
          Apis 6c


          • Joe says:

            I regret that I cannot waste my time on replying your identical post which I have replied at
            March 20, 2017 at 5:29 PM

            • Niya says:

              Dear Dr. Joe.

              Apologizes .. but this is a misunderstanding.
              The post didn’t help me because the person you have referred to on your post on March 20 2017 is not me. I haven’t contacted you in 2012 and that’s not my report or post.
              I was recently diagnosed with chocolate cysts and endometriosis and was researching and came across your website and thought you could help me.

              Appreciate if you could help me source the medicines.


              • Joe says:

                Your email IP indicates that you live in Dubai and you can get the remedies I have prescribed from:

                ABU DHABI

                Life Pharmacy
                P O Box 71246
                Al Wasl Road
                United Arab Emirates
                Contact: Telephone: 04-3441122

                Sana Pharmacy,
                Sana Fashions Building,

                You can also get these medicines from any Homeopathic pharmacy in India.

  5. visit says:

    I simply desired to say thanks again. I do not know what I would’ve accomplished without the thoughts revealed by you regarding that situation. Certainly was a very fearsome circumstance in my view, however , witnessing this specialised approach you dealt with the issue made me to weep for delight. I’m just grateful for your advice and then trust you know what a great job you are carrying out training many people all through your webpage. I’m certain you have never encountered all of us.

  6. R Rajendran says:

    Hi Joe,
    My daughter got married in Feb 2012. She is a software professional at Bangalore and now 24 years old. Her periods were irregular for the past 2-3 months. When we consulted Gynacologists at Erode and Bangalore, they confirmed presence of 5 to 6 cm chocolate cysts in both overies and advised surgery. But, my daughter opted homeopathic treatment and consulted a doctor at Homeocare, Bangalore. As per his view, it is curable without surgery and she has to take homeopathic medicine continuously for about one year.

    In the meanwhile, fortunately I happened to visit your website while browsing randomly. Your services are really impressive. Please offer your suggestions to get cured from the problem completely. We are very much eager to see happiness in my daughter’s face.


    • Joe says:


      I note that you have visited my website and have also read some of the cases of girls whom I have helped to overcome their fear of Surgery which is so very unnecessary as my therapy has helped many to first reduce their Chocolate Cysts (CC) and I have also helped at least 2 girls to have Babies.

      Surgery is only good to be done laparoscopically but it will NOT prevent the next CC from forming which it will do with every period. It is very strange that medicine does not have any drug to equal the therapy I shall prescribe below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      • R Rajendran says:

        Dear Joe,
        I am grateful for your immediate advice and prescriptions. But, I viewed it 2 days back only when I visited your web site. I immediately contacted Homeopathic Center at Chennai and bought the 3 medicines in liquid form. In the meanwhile, my daughter is taking the medicines given by Homeocare for the last 2 months. She wants to know, whether to continue those medicines along with Bellis perennis, Arnica and Apis or discontinue Homeocare medicines and start your therapy. Kindly advise.


        • Joe says:

          R Rajendran

          You informed me that your daughter is a “software professional at Bangalore and now 24 years old.” in your last post on my website.

          Don’t you think that it would be better that she presents her case to me directly instead of through you?
          You have stated that “I viewed it 2 days back only when I visited your web site.”
          It is obvious that if she, the patient does so, the chances are better that she may be cured sooner.

          If she wishes to pose any questions, it is better that she does so directly and I would like her to list the remedies that she has been using for the last few months and also indicate her response to them.

          As far as I am aware, the software on my website sends an automatic email alert as soon as there is any conversation and I cannot understand the reason why you did not get the alert in January to read my response to your previous post which as you state, I replied immediately I saw it coming in, as I am doing even right now.

          I use a MacBook Pro computer and the new OS X has a very useful feature which shows a pop up screen on top to alert me to any incoming messages.

          • Sassirekha Rajendran says:

            Hi Joe,

            This is Sassirekha Rajendran D/o R. Rajendran. Its about 2 months now, I’m taking homeopathy medicines for endometriosis. I’m not aware of name of the medicines which I’m taking regularly now.

            1. Could you please confirm, if I can take the Bellis Perennis medicines along with current medicines?

            2. When I enquired for Spring water in super market, they are just providing mineral water. I’m not sure whether both are same.Could you please let me know if I can have it normal mineral water.

            • Joe says:

              Sassirekha Rajendran

              I presume that you have suffered from Endometriosis for some time and you may be aware that this disease usually is accompanied with Chocolate Cysts.

              You have requested me to confirm that you may take Bellis Perennis together with the “current medicines” which you do not identify.

              I fail to understand the reason why you wish to take your current medicines with my therapy which has in the majority of cases helped the patients to rid themselves of their disease.

          • Sassirekha Rajendran says:

            Hi Joe,

            I started taking your medicines but just want to confirm with you once that should I take with along with my current medicines or not. Now its clear for me to continue with your medicines. Hope to reply back with good result. Thank you.

  7. Helena says:

    Dear Joe, I would be forever grateful if you could please recommend a course of treatment for my particular problem. I think it’s wonderful how you are helping people with your passion for homeopathy.

    I’m 32 years old, female. Married. Absent periods since I was 20. I’ve been on hormone replacement therapy that induced my periods but they stopped when I finished the treatment. I didn’t feel good about taking synthetic hormones for a long time. I’m overweight. Anxious at times and feel sad. I worry a lot about the future. I’m an emotional eater. I can’t sleep throughout the night without waking up and eating something. I just start eating whenever I’m feeling down. I really do feel that I eat as an emotional response to something. I’m very sensitive. I have a dry cough every year that can last weeks – itchy, dry cough. I had social phobia at an early age – felt uncomfortable in social settings. I don’t interact much with people. I over analyze situations to the point of obsession. Always take things personally. I get upset with the injustices in the world. Always care about what people think about me. Low self esteem etc. My main concern is curing my PCOS so that I can conceive a child. I’ve been feeling very depressed lately because I worry so much about having a child. I read somewhere that Psorinum in one dose might be helpful. I wouldn’t mind trying a number of remedies and your expert advice would be greatly appreciated. I wonder if all of the other symptoms are connected to my hormonal imbalance? I also read that Sulphur can be helpful.

    Thank you in advance.


    • Joe says:


      I can well imagine the torment in your mind toady since you are married and have suffered from PCOS from your Menarche. The problems that you have encountered some of which you listed, are ALL due to your PCOS and no amount of hormones will help you.

      Please visit the link below and study all the cases therein:

      There is a case similar to yours of:

      Sebanti Roy Chowdhury
      who announced on August 2 2012:

      “I am 8 weeks’ pregnant with my first child. I am overweight to the point of obese. I have a history of PCOD.
      I have sciatica pain and have found relief with Calc. Fluor 6X.
      I am taking allopathic medicine for thyroid. I am taking progesterone hormone as per the advice of my gynae.
      along with it i take Nat Phos 6X (4 tabs) + Nat Sulph. 6X (3 tabs) 4 times daily because I have some acidity problems and gas with flatulence (also bloating but no vomiting yet). I am suffering from nausea, severe constipation, dizziness, and bloating with gas , very painful breasts and itchiness of breasts at night.
      I am also having headaches especially in the evening that feel better on applying cold water and pressure on forehead, and insomnia with burning sensation under the feet that feel better on putting on something cold.
      I am allergic to sulphur and cold+dust.
      I have always had acne-prone skin and now am suffering from a bout of acne and heavy oil secretion on face.

      I take Calc. Phos. 6X (2 tabs twice daily) as calcium supplement. I want to prevent stretch marks and I also want to ensure my baby does not suffer from calcium deficiency as I have not been prescribed any mineral supplement.

      am i doing things right or should I take Calc. fluor. 6X instead of Calc. Phos. and Nat. Mur. instead of Nat. Phos.? Or can i take these salts together, if so, in what quantity and what frequency?”

      It is likely that I can try to help you to overcome your problem which I could have solved if you had contacted me earlier, say shortly after you discovered that you were not menstruating regularly.

      You will have to give me more data on your present condition and also if you have been identified with Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts. As you are perhaps aware, I have had some success in the treatment of this condition and it was only a few days ago that a girl announced that she was pregnant for 6 weeks after using my therapy

      This is the case of Mohini copied below on:

      Submitted on 2013/02/26 at 4:54 am
      Good after noon sir,

      as per your prescription i am taking Arnica 30c wet dose regularly twice a day since November and its a big good news that i am pregnant after 6 year of our marriage first time. its 1 and half month running and my pregnancy test kit is positive.

      im very thankful of yours that you have changed my life and gave me my life’s most valuable Gift. may god will give you more happiness and love in your life.



  8. Helena says:

    Hello Joe,
    Thank you for responding. What is the recommended dosage for Arnica? Do you recommend another remedy in conjunction with it? Is it possible for two different types of remedies to counteract with each other? Any more information would be most grateful. I was able to locate a store near me – I just need the dosage information. Thanks so much.
    What are you thoughts on Psorinum?

    • Joe says:


      My apologies as I had not prescribed for you although I had indicated the cases of a few patients who used my therapy which you can also follow.

      It is possible that they can antidote the therapy prescribed by me below.

      I would like to reduce your weight first and shall copy my default therapy for Obesity.

      You will ADD Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which is already prescribed in my therapy for Obesity and you can take it twice daily.


      Please visit the link below entitied

      The Ultimate Cure for Obesity on:

      This is a post I made on the ABC way back in 2004 on December 25, the day before the Tsunami hit Sri Lanka, a day which will forever will remain in my mind for as long as I live as I was involved in the Homeopathic after care of the many thousands of survivors immediately after the Tsunami when I was joined by members of Homeopaths Without Borders who sent 6 pairs of erstwhile Homeopaths to help me in my efforts to help them.

      Basically your therapy will comprise the use of
      Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals
      Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily before meals.
      Do not take the Arnica 30c prescribed for Obseity as the 6c is more suited for you. It will also help you to overcome your urge to overeat as reported by you.

      Weigh yourself today before you commence on my therapy and report your weight loss weekly when the standard loss which you can expect and has been reported is around 1kg per week.

      You will also do a regular stint of at least 45 minutes of exercise which will be done by you at intensive levels, irrespective of the general feeling of tiredness that you may experience, if you wish to benefit from my Joepathy.

      You will also control your diet and avoid fatty fools completely and eat in moderation to ensure that your stomach is filled to comfortable levels.

  9. Helena says:

    Thank you Joe, I will follow your therapy exactly as prescribed and report back to you with my progress. I found a homeopathic pharmacy nearby that has Natrum Phos. 6X (Brand: Hyland’s) I haven’t been able to find the Arnica 6C in wet dose though – they only supply the pellets (6CH, 12CH and 15CH) I have tried to search for other homeopathic stores in Toronto – but they don’t seem to supply it either. Do you know where I can find it? Will the pellets be just as effective? I am eager and looking forward to pick it up tomorrow so I can start it as soon as possible. I’ve read through many of your cases, not only here but on other websites as well – the amount of positive feedback is overwhelming. Thank you.

    • Joe says:


      The Nat Phos 6x from Hylands is OK

      You can mail order the Liquid Dilution of any homeopathic remedy from

      Washington Homeopathics
      1 800 336 1695

      You may in the meanwhile use the pellets till you get the other which is essential to make the Wet dose as you will only use just 3 DROPS.

      You can use about 8 pellets in 500ml spring water and you will make a fresh bottle without mixing the drops into the bottle you have made with the pellets, when you get the Liquid dilution.

      Report your response in a month or earlier if you so desire.

  10. Helena says:

    Thank you, Joe, I picked up the Nat Phos and Arnica pellets today. I added 8 of the Arnica pellets to 500ml of water (without touching) and shook the bottle a few times. I will have a tablespoon before I go to bed. Really hope it helps me sleep too as it takes me around 2 hours to fall asleep and I wake up several times throughout the night. I would be thrilled if it helps my menstrual cycle – I miss feeling like a woman and I’m sure the irregularity impacts my hormones and sense of well being as well. Is it okay if I give a spoonful to my husband too? He had surgery a couple of years ago (spontaneous pneumothorax) and he feels discomfort on the surgery site from time to time. Thanks again

    • Joe says:


      A tablespoonful is a very large dose. It is OK to take it but a teaspoonful is even better and as effective..
      You will of course get the Liquid Dilution for best results ASAP.
      A dose comprises 5ml or the equivalent of a Capful of the bottle of spring water. The cap is always at hand but you may, if you prefer use a teaspoon which must of course be absolutely clean.

      Take a dose thrice daily for a week and report your response in 48 hours.

      I have been taking Arnica 30c nightly since 1996 which makes it 17 years and at age 84, I believe that I have discovered the “Fountain of Youth” as my appearance is that of one 20 years younger and I still drive daily to work at my business organization of which I am the CEO with my son to assist me in the daily running.

      You can give it to your husband and to anyone else who desires to share the benefits of taking Arnica daily as recorded in my Monograph


      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

  11. Helena says:

    Hi Joe! thanks for all of the helpful advice. This is my third day doing the treatment – when should I expect to see results? I’m not impatient, just desperate for a cure 🙂 Today I experienced mood swings with a tension headache. I’m also experiencing cramps in my lower pelvic region – maybe not cramps but a sore feeling that comes and go.. must be my ovaries. I’m wondering if Arnica has started to effect my hormone levels, thus explaining the mood swings? The last time I felt this way was just before a period (when I was taking the hormones) I felt extremely agitated for no reason, just wanted to go outside for some fresh air.. like I am confined in a small area. Well that’s all the news I have for now. Thank you

  12. Helena says:

    Update: I have lost 2kg and I saw my period aswell.. It’s really heavy and I’m super pleased because I haven’t seen one in a year / the last time I had one was when I was on hormone replacement therapy. So just wanted to share the news. Thanks 🙂

    • Joe says:


      I rejoice with you that my Joepathy has been instrumental in helping you in a manner that no other therapy can.

      I did not realize that your case was so stubborn that you have a period just annually.

      I hope that you are also taking Nat Phos 6x to reduce your weight. Dose is 3 tablets taken thrice daily with or after a meal.

  13. Helena says:

    Thank you Joe, I am delighted with the results and can’t believe that it brought on my menstrual cycle without the hormone replacement therapy. How does Arnica work exactly in these cases? Does it treat a wide array of symptoms? You know it’s really strange because bef

    • Joe says:


      Please visit the treatise below on:


      You should discover that your bleeding will be shortened as some who have been suffering from continuous bleeding discovered in a few days that they were normal. Their relief from pain was also another surprise and you can read their experience from the many articles on my website.

  14. Raj says:

    First of all thanks for your services to the people. Fortunately I visited your web site as my wife is suffering from endometriosis and I was looking for some remedies from homeopathy etc., Would like to give below my wife’s detail :
    She is 31 yrs aged. For the past 7-8 yrs she is suffering from the endometriosis (chocolate cysts) and we had done 4 laparoscopic, the last one was being done on Sep’12. But the result is zero as it appears again and again. Her present situation is as below :
    Periods regular, no red / flow bleeding but very brownish and dry bleeding during periods and veginal itching. Now both side of endometriosis chocolate cyst – left ovary 1.6 x 2 cms and right ovary – 3 x 3.2 cms. Now we have stopped taking all allopathic or any other medicines since 4.1.13.
    I request you to give us your help and suggestion. Thanks in advance and eagerly waiting your reply. – RAJ

    • Joe says:


      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      • Raj says:

        Dear Joe,

        Thank you very much for your reply. I have ordered the remedies and shall come back to you in case of any doubt. Thanks in advance….


  15. Raj says:

    Hi Joe,

    As advised by you, I bought below remedies and spring water for
    my wife’s chocolate cyst. Please confirm my below understanding
    is correct. Kindly reply in front of my below points. Thanks.

    a) Arnica 30c– First dose (1 teaspoonful) on empty stomach in
    the morning & 2nd dose of Arnica 30c before bed.

    b) BP 30c – First dose in the morning after one hour of Arnica (here
    pls confirm BP should be taken on empty stomach or after
    breakfast ) & 2nd dose half hour before dinner.

    c) Apis 6c — Kindly clarify when it has to be taken in the morning &
    night (after Arnica or after BP ??)

    Kindly note Spring water is available only in 750 ml bottle in my
    place. In that case how many drops of remedies to be inserted
    in 750 ml bottle (of course after pouring out 3 cm of water from
    the bottle to give some air space) or should I transfer this water
    to a 500 ml bottle ? I afraid that it may get contaminated. Please
    advise your view.

    Also I would like to know if there is any dietary restriction.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    • Joe says:


      I hope that you will understand that I cannot be expected to answer ALL your questions as I have already prescribed for her ailments and it is now up to you and her to follow my therapy precisely as prescribed.

      You can report her response in a few weeks.

  16. Raj says:

    Dear Joe,

    Sorry, if you feel I asked too many questions. It was the first time
    I asked clarification after you prescribed 3 remedies for my wife’s
    CC on 22nd March’13.

    Please at least let us know when to take APIS 6C – after food or before food (morning and night).

    We have 100% faith on you and your therapy. My wife is suffering from CC for the past 8 yrs and she is ready to follow your therapy precisely. Please help…

    Definitely I shall report her response after few weeks. Thanks.


  17. Raj says:

    Dear Joe, my wife started your therapy precisely from 6th April and I shall give feed back after a month as we planned to take a scan after one month. Thank you very much – Raj

    • Joe says:


      I would prefer that you do a scan in 2 months as it is possible that her CC’s may not have responded in 30 days. The standard reduction is 1cm every 2 months.

      If she also has heavy bleeding and pain during her periods, she will observe that her next period is very mild and the level of pain is very low.

  18. Raj says:

    Dear Joe, Thanks for your reply. I will do scan after 2 months and then I shall report you the result. Fortunately my wife never had heavy bleeding or pain during her periods. She is suffering from only CC and thus unable to conceive and when we lost hope, by God’s grace I found you and your therapy last month. We are 100% confident in your therapy. Thanks to you — Raj

  19. israt jahan says:

    Dear sir (Joe)

    I am 30 yrs old ,Female.Married in 2010.I have no child. we are trying but not conceived. For that reason i see a gynecologist who gave me various test. all test found normal accept hemoglobin(less)E.S.R(high) and Alta sound report. ultrasound study findings of PELVIC ORGANS are stating bellow:



    I have a date to see gynecologist tomorrow. If doctor say for laparoscopy then what can i do. I heard that after laparoscopy there further chance to develop cyst. In Ultra sound report there not mentioned whether cysts are chocolate. I am very frustrated. please help me. Is there any medicine for me? please prescribe. I have trust on your “jeopathy”as many patient cured by your therapy.
    thanking you.

    • Joe says:

      israt jahan

      It is very likely that it is your Chocolate Cysts (CC) aka Ovarian Cysts that are the reason for your not having a baby. It is also very likely that you have Endometriosis which your gyne should be able to identify during the scan.

      Please note that laparoscopic surgery to reduce your CC’s is just a waste of time and money as they keep on recurring with almost every period.

      You will be better served by using my therapy copied below which has helped many girls and has succeeded in helping 3 couples to have babies.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  20. Satyajeet says:

    Hi Joe,

    Greetings !!!

    This is Satyajeet I am from Pune(Maharashtra, India). This is regarding my wife Nayana she is suffering from endometriosis since last 6 – 8 years or may be before that. Till date we have done here 3 laparoscopy to removed the fibroids and chocolate cysts from her uters / ovaries. Also the recent laparoscopy was done by a specialists in India which resulted into good results as the pain has reduced to great extent. The Dr. has also advice us to have a child as soon as possible as the condition of cc and fibroids may reoccur. She has also done a surgery of presacral nerve which has reduced her pain to great extent.
    After all these surgeries we tried for IUI and IVF once with resulted into failure. After the failure the dr suggested us to do some pathological test which revealed that there is some antibody present into her uterus due to which the pregnancy was failed in both IUI and IVF. For the next IVF cycle the dr has suggested that they will be using steroids to suppress the interference of the antibody which will result into successful pregnancy ?

    Now my question here is
    1) Will endometriosis reoccur in case if the pregnancy is not achieved in short duration of time ?
    2) Also I have read your posts about the Joe therapy to getting endometriosis under control by using the medication
    Bellis Perennis 30c
    Arnica 30c
    Apis 6c

    can you please give us more details on how to take this medication in more simple format ? I have gone through your posts about this but was not able to make much out of it.

    Also let me know where in Mumbai or Pune we can get this medication ?

    you can also reply on my mail id –
    or can contact me on 9158988336

    or provide your contact details so that I can call you in case of any doubts about the medication ?

    Warm Regards,

    • Joe says:


      I note that you have read the therapy I have prescribed to over 50 women who, like your wife, suffer from Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts. I am very concerned that she has had to undergo 3 laparoscopic surgeries and you can reassure her from me that she will NEVER have to do so in the future as long as she uses my therapy aka “Joepathy”.

      You have stated:

      “can you please give us more details on how to take this medication in more simple format ? I have gone through your posts about this but was not able to make much out of it.”

      As far as I know ALL my patients have understood and used this same therapy that I have prescribed and if you have any problem in understanding it you are requested to specify what more you would like me to explain.

      I live in Sri Lanka and do not have any vendors of Homeopathic remedies in Pune from whom you can get supplies.

  21. swati kharpate says:

    i am having chocolate cyst of 5.4 cm in my right ovary i dnt want to get operated again because in 2010 i was operated that tym i was having cyst on my left ovary sir i want 2 take your therapy please provide me detail information about your therapy sir please do rply i am very tensed

    • Joe says:

      swati kharpate


      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      • swati kharpate says:

        Thanks a lot for ur reply.this remedies is available in any of the homeopathy shop? or i have to order it from any specific place .
        the remedies which is prescribed by you is for how many days

        • Joe says:

          swati kharpate

          It is customary that a patient indicates a few basic personal details like age, marital status and occupation to any physician during a consultation and up to now you have not done so. You now inquire where you can buy the few remedies I have prescribed and for how long these remedies will last.

          I copied my default therapy as I sensed that you were worried about your ailment and whether or not your Chocolate Cysts can be reduced and finally cured.

          I feel that it now time that you give me more details of yourself as a person to enable me to anwer your questions.

          • swati kharpate says:

            i am 24 yr old unmarried lives in raipur, chhattisgarh. m working as a lecturer in university

            • Joe says:

              swati kharpate

              You live in Raipur and there are most likely many Homeopathic Pharmacies in your town. Visit the largest and ask for the remedy in Alcohol and follow my instructions literally.

              You will have a US Scan done in 3 months and you can expect a distinct reduction in the size of your Chocolate Cyst which you will report to me.

  22. swati kharpate says:


  23. swati says:

    dear sir,
    I got the remedy reccomended by you.but before starting your therapy i want to tell you a little more detail about me i am taking danogen from last 1 month after the detection of cyst and for pain she has written a painkiller named clomin. from last two-three months during periods i was experiencing heavy pain but after periods i was not having pain but in this month after periods 1 week is over but i am still experiencing pain n the pain is like pin pinching type in lower abdomen some times pain is their in the back or in leg. After lunch and dinner for 3-4 hr i feel very uncomfortable n during night i have to wake up two to three times due 2 pain n due to cyst m having constipation problem too. i hope ur recommended med arcina will work for my pain . after starting your med n after getting some relief i vll surely report back 2 you. sorry for not discussing all this thing earlier.
    thank you

    • Joe says:


      I can see that you have been suffering for some time with your problem which was originally due to Endometriosis which resulted in Chocolate Cysts (CC) for which medicine has only the drug Danasol or Danogen both of which cannot reduce the CC and are only mildly effective to reduce pain while the drug is being taken by the patient. When this drug is stopped the pain increases while the growth of the CC will eventually result in surgery which unfortunately is NOT a permanent solution as with every period both the Endometriosis and the CC get reactivated again. I have had instances of girls who have been forced to stand 4 surgeries over a few years who were helped and some CURED.

      The therapy I have prescribed will:
      STOP the pain suffered during your period.
      REDUCE the flow of blood to normal.
      REDUCE the Ø of the CC.
      CLARIFY the fluid in the CC to make it invisible to a Scan.

      This improvement in your status will be experienced by you in about 2-3 weeks before a period while the reduction in size of the CC will take about 3-4 months. Patients have confirmed that they found their CC reducing by 1Cm per month.

      You have reported Constipation and you can add:
      Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily.

      Exercise is essential and you will control your diet by abstaining from oily food. Nat Phos will also reduce your weight by 1kg per week.

      You will STOP all drugs that you are taking when you start my therapy.

      Feel free to report your response on my website.

  24. swati kharpate says:

    dear sir,
    Thank you sir for your support and i vll start therapy from tomorrow n i vl report back my response to you.

  25. swati kharpate says:

    Hello sir,
    i started your therapy on 3rd sept. after starting therapy there was a little relief in pain but today bleeding started(bleeding is less) but its paining n my last period date was 21st aug n ends on 27aug. how period started so early only 10 days are over. i am little worried about it what to do.

    • Joe says:

      swati kharpate

      I find your report unusual but this is not a reason to be concerned as it is likely that the remedies I have prescribed are helping to stabilising your gynaecological problems which hopefully will soon be cured.

      Keep me advised of your progress but DO NOT STOP the remedies which I hope you are taking as prescribed.

  26. swati kharpate says:

    ya i am taking your remedy as prescribed n i vll keep reporting you my progress

  27. swati kharpate says:

    dear sir,
    as i told u in my last post that my periods started again but it lasts for two days only. but m experiencing terrible pain that begins 2-3 hours after meal.during night time i have to wake up 2-3 times due to pain. please suggest me something to get releif from pain.

    • Joe says:

      swati kharpate

      I am beginning to wonder if you suffer from GERD and if so the remedy is Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken immediately after a meal thrice daily.

      Report your response in 24 hours

      • swati kharpate says:

        Dear Sir,
        I started taking Nat Phos as per ur prescription, it gives me relief for sometime but after that pain again begins.
        And it becomes severe as soon as consumed food is digested.
        Pain remains throughout the day and due to which I am unable to perform my daily routine; even it pains when I stand.
        I am unable to sleep even.
        I feel good only during few hours in morning and 2-3 hours in evening. Rest of the time I feel pinching type pain.

        Sir please help me, this pain has developed so much of negative thoughts inside me.

        • Joe says:

          swati kharpate

          You will continue to take the Nat Phos 6x but you will increase the dosage to 4 tablets.

          You will ADD Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose which you now know how to make, twice daily.

          Report progress.

          I note that you have not reported if your other problem has improved in any way.

  28. Jagdish Pabreja says:

    Hello Joe Sir,
    I had Groin Hernia Operation on 11th Sept 2013 at about 7.30 AM. I was all right till 3 PM but then I had cold sweats on my forehead and by 6 PM my BP had gone down to 40/90 and pulse rate to 40. Then a cardiologist doctor was called and she gave me some medicines and injections and referred me to Hero Heartcare for monitoring my heart. Eco was done and it was OK and BP/pulse all were fine. I was discharged the next day. But now I have one major problem that is I have throat pain when I swallow water or some food and pain extends to upper part of my chest. I am 69 years old.
    I have BP since last 7 years and am taking 2.5 mg Amlodec daily and also taking Urimax .4 for enlarged prostate. Also I have Psoriasis since last so many years and it covers my wole body sometimes.
    After Hernia operation I have no pain now around the operation cut.
    NOW PLEASE advice me what Homeopathy medicines should I take to releive my throat pain and the piain which extends to upper chest. I fell it is not a heart problem.

    Please advise early.
    Jagdish Pabreja

    • Joe says:

      Jagdish Prabeda

      You have posted on a thread which is not related to your problem.

      It seems to me that your surgery was done in a hospital that had no competent surgeon and anaesthetist as the reason for your current inability to swallow is due to the insertion of the Breathing Tube used by the anaesthetist to enable you to breathe during surgery when you are connected to a breathing machine This is done very gently by the anesthisist but it is obvious that it was done very roughly without any lubricant which has caused some damage or laceration internally. If the larynx and trachea are damaged and infected you will have to use an Antibiotic like Amoxyllin 500gm taken thrice daily to stop the infection. You will consult a doctor to do so.

      This discomfort will hopefully soon pass over but you can take

      Arnica 30c in the Wet dose 4 times daily to help the internal wound to heal.

      I note that you also suffer from an enlarged Prostate and shall copy my therapy below which will help you.

      I shall copy below the therapy I have pioneered to treat problems associated with the Prostate from which I too have suffered and resulted in surgery, which could have been avoided if I had discovered the 2 remedies listed below in time.

      The remedies are

      Arnica 6c
      Conium 6c

      Both remedies to be taken twice daily in the Wet dose made as per instructions below.
      Arnica 6c can be taken thrice daily for a month and reduced to twice daily thereafter.

      The combination of both Conium 6c and Arnica 6c seems to reduce the enlarged Prostate which can sometimes result in Prostatitis, an infection of the Prostate Gland caused by the retention of Urine. The effect of these remedies is usually experienced within a few hours after taking them.

      I would recommend that anyone who reads this post and suffers from any difficulty or burning in passing Urine starts taking Conium 30c in the Wet dose ASAP with Arnica 6c twice daily. The joint action of both remedies will ease the flow of urine by relaxing the Prostate in a manner that drugs cannot equal. It will do this very safely in comparison to drugs which usually cause other side effects. These remedies will also reduce the enlarged Prostate which in turn can hopefully rule out surgery.

      It is also necessary that a Blood Test is done annually to check the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) level which is accepted as normal at between 0 – 4. This Blood test can be added to the standard test for Lipid Profile and other factors that your doctor may find necessary.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capful which is the dose. Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.

      It is understood that the patient will STOP all other drugs which can antidote the Homeopathy.

      The following restrictions must be observed to ensure that the Homeopathy is not antidoted.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      Report progress weekly for further advice if needed.

      Where do you live?

  29. Jagdish Pabreja says:

    Joe Sir,
    Thank you for your reply. I will start the medicine Arnica 30C in Wet Dose tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, I will like to mention here that Anesthetist and Surgeons both are very senior doctors. Actually no Breathing Tube was inserted in my throat. I was given local anesthesia and was listening to whatever they were talking. My eyes were covered, I could not see.
    Now I got my first dressing and stitches will be opened on 18th (wed).
    I have pain in my throat while swallowing (otherwise no pain). My BP and pulse rate are normal. My pulse rate is always 60 for the last more than 20 years. I am feeling perfectly OK
    except pain while swallowing. There is no injury no infection in my throat. Please advise what should I take for this problem.
    I will start taking Prostate Medicine also after my stitches are open and am comfortable of Hernia.
    Waiting for your reply.
    Thanks and regards.
    Jagdish Pabreja

    • Joe says:

      Jagdish Pabreja

      Glad to learn that my diagnosis of your pain in your throat was not correct.

      I cannot identify the reason for your pain on my website and suggest that you consult your doctor to diagnose the reason for it.

      • Jagdish Pabreja says:

        Joe Sir,
        Thanks for your reply. I started Arnica 30C in wet dose this morning and have taken 2 doses since morning. Can I take Arnica 6C and Conium 6C in wet dose for enlarged prostate (as after Hernia operation, flow of urine is very less and total quantity passed is very less at one time, so I have to go several times. Moreover 5 have to more pressure while passing urine). If Arnica 6C and Conium 6C will help in this case, please let me know if I can take these during the same day that is Arnica 30C, Arnica 6C and Conium 6C.
        My throat pain is quite less today than it was yesterday.

        Please advise. Thanks.

        Jagdish Pabreja

        • Joe says:

          Jagdish Pabreja

          I was treating you for your throat pain with Arnica 30 and it appears that this has helped.

          If you now wish to treat your problems associated with your Prostate, you will change over to Arnica 6c and Conium 6c which I hope will respond to my therapy as prescribed.

          • Jagdish Pabreja says:

            Joe Sir,
            My question now is that can I continue taking Arnica 30, and also start Arnica 6 and Coidium 6 alongwith. Or I have to stop Arnica 30 and then start the other ones.

            Thanks and regards.
            Jagdish Pabreja

            • Joe says:

              Jagdish Pabreja

              You will stop the Arnica 30c as instructed by me and replace it with Arnica 6c.

              “If you now wish to treat your problems associated with your Prostate, you will change over to Arnica 6c and Conium 6c which I hope will respond to my therapy as prescribed.”

  30. swati kharpate says:

    hey sir,
    i am feeling better today.m experiencing less pain today i hope this vll continue when i vll go for my work tommorow actually m taking rest from two days. i was unable to start vomica as yesterday was sunday i didnt got the remedy. today i vll bring that. can u tell me for what vomica is for?? today i was feeling better so i thought to inform u.

  31. swati kharpate says:

    ok thank you sir

  32. Jagdish Pabreja says:

    Joe Sir,
    I am starting Arnica 6c and Conium 6c from today. I was taking Alopathy medicine for Prostate URIMAX (Tamsulosin Hydrochloride modified release capsule 400 mcg) 1 capsule daily at 4 PM. Should I stop this medicine from today. I told you that I was taking Alopathy medicines for Psoriasis. Methotraxate 20 mg every Sunday and Acetec 25 (2 tablets daily morning evening). These medicines I stopped on 12th Aug 2013 as my skin doctor told me to stop these for 30 days and then go in for hernia operation. Now after stopping these since 12th Aug my skin problem Psoriasis is coming back.
    I do not want to continue these medicines as after taking these I have to get my CBC, KFT, LFT and so many other tests every 6-7 weeks and my total Cholestral has gone to 194 and triglycerides 140, LDL–126, VLDL–28, HDL–40. In LFT total Bilirubin is 2.51 on 12/9/13 which was 1.21 on 31/7/2013.
    Please suggest me some skin medicine for Psoriasis which can at least control it. A few years back I was in USA and Psoriasis flared up and I called up some doctor and he suggested me Pulstilla CM which I had and took 2 drops 3 times a week. My problem was almost 70% cured in about 4 weeks though never fully cured. I just wanted to mention that Pulstilla works on my skin and if you feel it can work further you can regulate its potency and dose.
    Please suggest something.
    Thanks and regards.
    Jagdish Pabreja

    • Joe says:

      Jagdish Pabreja

      Yours is an extremely complicated case for one person as you seem to be suffering from so many ailments that I hesitate to treat you for fear that the Drugs you take can antidote that the remedies that I prescribe, thereby rendering my therapy ineffective.

      You must understand that all Homeopathic remedies are potentized to make the presence of the original remedy to be at Nano levels which are neutralised by the drugs you are using.

      All I can advise you at this stage is to use my therapy for your Prostate as per my prescription and report your response. I do not like to take the responsibility of asking you to stop your drugs as I do not know what the repercussions would be. It is therefore up to you to decide on using the drugs or my therapy.

      Since you state that Puslatilla CM has helped you, you may use this remedy in the Wet dose which you already know how to make and see if it helps by taking it on a daily basis but just ONCE daily.

      • Jagdish Pabreja says:

        Joe Sir,
        Thanks for your reply. Actually I am scared of using Alopathy Medicines. I never used Alopathy medicines for treating Psoriasis for more than 20 years.
        My son from US was here in Delhi and when he saw my skin he was after me and took me to the best and very well known skin specialist in Delhi and that is all, I took his medicines for 4 and half months and now wanted to stop them. Because I was to go in for Hernia operation and my skin specialist asked me to stop his medication for 30 days and then go in for operation. I have no intention to start his treatment as it is now 37 days passed and I have not taken his medicines nor intend to take in future. Even my Cardiologist has today told me to take his medicine for BP only if needed. He advised me to check BP and if it is on the higher side then only to take 2.5 mg Amlodec. As today my BP was 140/80 since I have not taken any medicine for BP for the last 5 days.
        Now I am not taking any medicines at all except the ones Conium 6c and Arnica 6c in wet dose as prescribed by you.
        My ailments are not much as pointed out by you. These are 1. Enlarged Prostate 2. Psoriasis 3.Inguinal Hernia (which is operated and repaired now).

        Please give your best advise.
        Thanks and regards.

        Jagdish Pabreja

        • Jagdish Pabreja says:

          Joe Sir,
          After taking 2 doses of Conium 6C and 3 of Arnica 6C today I am having better flow of urine than what it was during last 5 days after my surgery on 11th.
          I may mention here that I am feeling constipated as well, can you please suggest me something for that also.

          Thanks and regards.

          Jagdish Pabreja

          • Joe says:

            Jagdish Pabreja

            Glad to learn that in just one day you have discovered that your Prostate problems have been helped. This improvement will continue into the future when you can reduce the dosage of both remedies.

            You can take Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets after every meal to help with constipation.
            Report your response in 3 days.

  33. Jagdish Pabreja says:

    Thanks a lot Joe


    • Jagdish Pabreja says:

      Hello Joe Sir,
      I am writing after one week. Sorry for that, as I was having problem in passing urine again in-spite of the fact that I was taking Arnica 6C and Conium 6c–2 dozes every day. I started Nat Phos 6X–3 tabs after every meal. I am having normal stool. Third medicine I am taking is Pulstilla CM one doze daily for skin problem. It has not shown any effect till now.
      Now my main problem is that I stopped taking URIMAX .4 for prostate and my urine flow is not normal. Can I again start this or please advise me further to follow. As my surgeons told me that I was not taking medicines for Prostate and had to strain for passing urine during 2010 to 2012. In July 2012 I noticed one small lump on my lower part of abdomen and showed it to surgeon. He told me that this is Hernia when has come up because I was not taking medicine for that. Then I started Urimax .4 in July 2012 and continued it till Sept this year.

      One more thing I may mention here that after my hernia operation I am having no pain whatsoever. My skin is hard at the place where incision was made to open up for surgery. Might be that is the healing process or because of Mesh used to patch up the weak muscle. But no pain.

      Please advise me to continue medicines accordingly.

      • Joe says:

        Jagdish Pabreja

        You stated
        “Joe Sir,
        After taking 2 doses of Conium 6C and 3 of Arnica 6C today I am having better flow of urine than what it was during last 5 days after my surgery on 11th.”

        If you now discover that you cannot pass urine, you can go back to the Urimax but you must know that the drug will most likely antidote the Homeopathic remedies.

        • Jagdish Pabreja says:

          Respected Joe Sir,
          I stopped taking Conium 6C and Arnica 6C as I had to fly to US and hectic schedule. Now I am settled in US and shall be here for another 5 months. I have the above medicines with me and have started it today. Also I started Pulstilla CM (for Psoriasis) in WD one dose daily. Also I am taking Nat Phos 6X 2 times 3 tabs after meals.
          I will now report you after a week or 10 days.
          Apart from above I am taking Dietary supplements like Mega 3 and Calcium, Magnesium and vit C tabs. Can I continue these or stop these. These are recommended to me by a skin specialist for Psoriasis.
          Please reply.
          Thanks & regards.

          Jagdish Pabreja

          • Joe says:

            Jagdish Pabreja

            You consulted me last February for your son and since that time you have repeatedly consulted me for various ailments which I prescribed for and I believe that I have succeeded in helping you with my Joepathy in a manner that was bettter than the results you had obtained with drugs.

            You now wish to use various drugs and supplements and have requested me to comment on their use.

            I believe that it is now time for me to call it quits in treating you in the future as I find that I am spending far too much time in treating your ailments and those of your extended family, which time I can devote to other more deserving cases.

  34. swati kharpate says:

    hello joe sir,
    i went to my gynec for regular check up she told me for doing sonography. earlier the cyst size was 5.4 * 4.3cm and now its size is 6.3*5.1 cm. she told me to take danozol for further 3 months as i had stopped danozol from 1 month when i started your therapy and i am still continuing your remedy. after starting vomica i got much relief from pain. today my condition is much better than before. nw i experience pain for short time only when the bladder gets full, after motion and when i drive then due to jerk it pains.
    one more thing sir i had not got my periods this month last period date was 21-27aug n then i posted you that i saw little bleeding on 7th sept that lasts only for two days.
    now sir please tell me should i continue all the remedy in the same manner or you want me to do some changes?
    although cyst size has increased but m still hoping that the size will also reduce as i have got much relief from pain by ur remedy. i am hoping that the remedy will work for size too.

    • Joe says:

      swati kharpate

      Danasol will only keep the Chocolate Cyst at the current size. It will NOT reduce it.

      You have used my remedy for a month and this is not sufficient time for it to reduce your CC.

      I can see that the Arnica seems to have helped you as you report less pain. This is not due to Nux which is only to help the Nat P to help with your GERD.

      Change the Bellis P to the 6c potency to help it to work better than the 30c.

  35. swati kharpate says:

    ok i vl change bellis 30c to 6c

  36. Jagdish Pabreja says:

    Respected Joe Sir,
    Why get angry Sir, I and my extended family members need your selfless services for a very long time to come and wish you very very long life extending 100+.
    I am taking medicines as prescribed by you. But in Psoriasis lot of skin sheds every day and for that skin specialists give dietary supplements specially Omega 3 and Zinc and B 12. My question to you was if after taking Homeopathy medicines prescribed by you, I need supplements or not. I can stop them in case you recommend me to do so. Already I have stopped taking Urimax D for Prostate. Even for Blood Pressure I am not taking that Amlodec .25 mg which I took for 6-7 years. I need your selfless services for a very long time and wish you can continue giving advises to people like me and many more.
    You can tell me where I am wrong and always agree with you.
    I am just scared because my skin problem gives me bad time and I told you Pulstilla CM worked in my case and you recommended me to take one dose daily in WD which I am taking. Even for Prostate I am taking your medicines as I do not want to go in for surgery for this and will follow you as you already are writing your personal case that had you known these medicines Conium 6c and Arnica 6c work so wonderfully, you would have avoided the operation.
    I will follow your advise Sir. Reply my query.
    Jagdish Pabreja

  37. Rupak says:

    Hello Dr. Joe,
    I underwent laprosoopic hysterectomy to deflate large bilateral ovarian chocolate cysts in August 2013. My gynaecologist put me on ZOladex 3.6 mg for 3 months. After three shots, a sonography showed that the cysts still exist but smaller in size (right 6*2, left 3*2).
    The doctor has given me 2 options – 3 more months on Zoladex or IVF/IUi. I sincerely wish to go for homeopathy treatment. What can I do? Please help!


    • Joe says:


      You did not state the diameter of your Chocolate Cysts (CC’s) which were laparoscopically deflated but returned even though you were prescribed Zoladex for 3 months.

      Do not lose hope as my therapy copied below will deflate the CC’s and also
      ensure that they are eliminated in a few months.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      • Rupak says:

        Thank you so much for your prompt reply. I sincerely appreciate it. These were the dimensions before the surgery: Right: 9*7*8.4 and Left: 6.7*4.2*4.7. I never had any abdominal pain and periods were regular. This got diagnosed during a routine sonography.
        If I understand right, you mean to say that I cannot take zoladex while on your suggested treatment.
        How long do you think I need to continue taking homeopathic medications? Im in no rush to have a baby as I believe that I need to give the baby a nourishing environment and not when I’m ailing with endometriosis and have zoladex running in my systems.

        Thank you.

  38. Eli says:

    Hello Dr. Joe,
    I had MRI scan in June 2012 and it shows i have endometrioma. The doctors still not sure on left or on right ovary, because is it behind the uterus. The size was 10x9x8.5cm. I was five months on Visanne to stop my period, the cyst after that was 9x8cm. I started natural progesteron because i have much pain and very bad PMS, the symptoms are better now. In May 2013 i decided to start Bellis Perrenis c30 and Arnica C30, but i use globuls. Now i live in Germany and here i can’t find liquid dilusion in this potency. They have only D6 and D12. So i am using 5 globuls for my dose of each twice daily. Before a few days i made scan again and the result is: 74x56x70mm cyst now. Now the strange thing is before The start of Bellis and Arnica the cyst was with homogenic structure, now inside of it is a spot. The size is smaller and i hope it will continue that way.
    My question is: How do you think, the dose is ok for me or not? Is it nessesary to change something like potency or lower the dose? Now i saw here is Apis too. May be i need to include it?
    Is there a way to make wet dose by using globuls?
    Thax God i found this page!
    Thank you so much for your help, time and all what you doing for us!
    God bless You,

    • Joe says:

      Glad to learn that you have discovered my Website and have already been using my therapy aka “Joepathy” for your Endometriosis and Chocolate Cyst since May 2013 and that there is a reduction of about 3cm in your CC. This is because you are using an overdose of the pellets or globules which you must stop immediately.

      I do not understand how you used my therapy and 2 remedies without even consulting me last year before you started on my therapy.

      I note that you are taking the remedies in Pellets:
      “i can’t find liquid dilusion in this potency. They have only D6 and D12. So i am using 5 globuls for my dose of each twice daily.”

      You must be warned that you are taking an gross overdose of the remedies using 5 globuls for my dose of each twice daily.

      You MUST get the Liquid Dilution which you can do in Germany where you live from:

      Dr Reckeweg of Benshiem.

      For the moment you may use just 6 pellets of each remedy in a 500ml bottle of spring water and a dose is 5ml or the contents of the cap of the bottle.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      • Eli says:

        Hello again Dr. Joe,
        Thank you so much for your answer! Thank you for the information where i can get the dilution! I made the wet dose with the 6 pellets and i continue with it from this evening, till i can get the liquid dilution. Do i need to make a break because of overdose or to continue with the 6 pellets wet dose? Thanx God nothing wrong happened with me with this overdose.

        When i found i have CC i was so confused because the doctors said to me i have no chance for normal living without an operation because of the size and type, i searched in i-net for homeopathy remedies and i found one forum with your therapy and e mail, i wrote the remedies in my note book and then i never find that forum again. So decide to ask in pharmacies here for the dose and they said to try 5 pellets for about 6 to 9 months, because they don’t have a dilution. I decided to don’t loose more time and to try.
        Yesterday i did a search about Apis Mellifica and i found your page, i am so happy 🙂 Now i see the light 🙂
        I have pellets Apis D12, they are perfect work for me in case of urinary infection. Can i also use 6 pellets from them in water, and use with the other two remedies? What i need to keep the dose, room temperature or cool place? I also use every evening before sleep Nux Vomica C15, because of sleep problems and Fish oil once daily for immunity, is it ok or i must stop them? I am not using progesterone all the time.
        Thank you,
        God bless,

        • Joe says:

          It is essential you get the Liquid Dilution in alcohol ASAP to treat your problems.

          You have inquired about taking a break to start on my therapy but I do not think that you need a break as long as you use the instructions I gave you to make the remedy in spring water.

          I am aware of how doctors would love to put you on the table as this is how they ensure their revenue.

          You are invited to read the many cases I have helped and those I have CURED of Endometriosis and CC’s on my website.

          I note that you wish to use Apis M 12x but I have prescribed 6c which is not the same potency. If you wish to be treated by me you must follow my therapy aka “Joepathy”.

          I note that you are using Progesterone and you are not aware that this hormone will add to your problems.

          STOP it.

          • Eli says:

            Thank you for your recommendations Dr. Joe,
            I ordered dilution Arnica C30, for Bellis and Apis i need to wait a little. Without Progesterone the cyst grows if i have ovulation, but i have a hope. Ok i will start with dilutions soon as possible. Can you tell me please is it a problem if take the remedies sometimes 1,5 -2 hours between each?
            Is it possible to have fast heart beating sometimes because of overdose Arnica C30?
            I have gallstone 0,4cm, i am using lemon juice and olive oil for it, but do you know some homeopathy remedy for it?
            Thank you!

            • Joe says:

              I have already advised you in my prescription that you cannot use any other drugs when you start on my therapy as Homeopathic remedies are at Nano levels which are anti-doted by other drugs.

              “Is it possible to have fast heart beating sometimes because of overdose Arnica C30?”

              Do I understand that you have been taking Arnica 30c in large doses and fear that it is causing a fast heart BPM?

              If so what is your BPM, for how long have you taken the large dose and why did you take the Arnica?

  39. Eli says:

    Hello Dr. Joe,
    From May until January i used Arnica C30 and Bellis C30 2×5 pellets.
    I feel nervous and like i am hurry for somewhere but that is only feeling. My heart beating was 80-90 in the evening and in the morning sometimes ( 2 or 3 times per month) i had irregular heart beating. Now with the low dose i don’t have irregular heart beating. May be after time i will need to reduce it once per day in the evening. We will keep in touch and you will tell me. Can i use now Arnica C30 wet dose ( my evening dose ) just before go to bed?
    Can you please answer me the question about my gall stone? I don’t have problems with it, but i just want to know for the future.
    Thank you

    • Eli says:

      Hello again.
      i have one more question. I have caries filled this evening, can that antidote the remedies that i must take after 2 hours?
      Thank you

      • Joe says:

        You do not have any alternative right now as you must continue to take the remedies for your Endometriosis in the hope that the drugs used during your surgery will not antidote the Homeopathy.

        • Eli says:

          Hello Dr. Joe ,
          thank you for your answer! Can you answer on my comment from January 19, 2014 at 10:37 PM please ( a few comments above ), may be the system not informed you about it. I still feel irregular heart beating and i am so nervous and worried, can’t sleep well. Sorry for all my questions but i want to be healthy and feel good again. Thank you so much for all!

          • Joe says:

            I have patiently answered all your questions on my website and regret that I cannot spend anymore time in responding to another like yesterday about your tooth filling as I have other more important matters to attend to.

            You consulted me on your Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts on January 16 and have sent me a total of 6 posts up to now which I have patiently answered. You cannot expect to be cured in just 2 weeks as my therapy is not an instant fix to your problem which is
            usually treated surgically. Read the accounts of patients who have been cured on this website.

            Please note that I am 85 years of age and am doing a service to suffering humanity free of charge and it seems to me that you are taking undue advantage of my patience.

  40. Eli says:

    Thank you for your time! From the first day i found your web site i am reading all about cysts here and it gives me a big hope. Because of my mistake of overdose before i just want to know now i am doing all right. I just want to be sure:
    “Hello Dr. Joe,
    From May until January i used Arnica C30 and Bellis C30 2×5 pellets.
    I feel nervous and like i am hurry for somewhere but that is only feeling. My heart beating was 80-90 in the evening and in the morning sometimes ( 2 or 3 times per month) i had irregular heart beating. Now with the low dose i don’t have irregular heart beating. May be after time i will need to reduce it once per day in the evening. We will keep in touch and you will tell me. Can i use now Arnica C30 wet dose ( my evening dose ) just before go to bed?”
    That is answer of your questions:
    “Do I understand that you have been taking Arnica 30c in large doses and fear that it is causing a fast heart BPM?

    If so what is your BPM, for how long have you taken the large dose and why did you take the Arnica?”

    May be it is not a connection with Arnica, but i don’t know the answer…
    Thank you

  41. sarah says:

    I would be grateful for your advice – I have been recently diagnosed with 7cm cyst on right ovary and a couple of smaller cysts on the other ovary. I have read up on your site and noted success in treatment with several homeopathy applications. I could only buy the weleda dry tablets that dissolve on the tongue. I bought Bellis Perennis 30c, Arnica 30c and Apis Mel 6c. Then I realised that you say wet dose. Is there anything I can do with these tablets? I live in Northern Ireland and dont seem to be able to buy them in my local health store. I am a 40 year old female, no children.

    I am also very concerned that my gynecologist is recommending surgery and I opted to wait. My symptoms are pretty mild, I feel pressure on my bladder sometimes and have tiredness, but apart from that feel ok. I suppose when i research the internet, the general consensus is that this type of Endometrial cyst is very hard to treat/reduce in size and also can burst. I am very concerned with this type of opinion in leaving this size of cyst intact, but equally scared of surgery.

    I would be very grateful on your advice on this matter.

    • Joe says:

      I note that you have already read up on my therapy to help your ailment and that you have also purchased the remedies in the standard pellets. You may use them for the moment, but you are advised to get these remedies in the Liquid Dilution (LD) if you discover that the pellets do not work. In fact, I would prefer that you follow my therapy precisely as prescribed, as it is a small price to pay to cure your condition for which your Gynecologist has suggested surgery which I am confident that you will not require, if you do so.

      You must however be warned that treating your problem is not a quick fix like you can expect with surgery. Many women who suffered from your complaint have informed me that they have had to have repeated surgical adventures with their surgeon for laparoscopic surgery as these cysts form with every ovulation cycle that a woman experiences monthly. It is obvious that one cannot have surgery done yearly throughout a lifetime, to treat the many Chocolate Cysts (CC) that form in about 3 months around almost every egg that somehow does not penetrate the delicate membrane over the Fallopian Tubes which is the normal process, but ends up as a CC in your case.

      You may use 8 pellets in the 500ml bottle of spring water to make the remedy while you await the LD of the remedies prescribed

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      I would also request you to read the many cases of patients whom I have helped with special reference to 3 cases of ladies who have had babies after using my therapy for some months.

      • sarah says:

        Thank you so much for your kind reply. Much appreciated. I will certainly try and get the wet dose of these 3 doses, If anyone on here is Uk based maybe you could advise were you bought the wet dose??
        Just another question – I am cutting out meat, dairy and bread from my diet and aiming to eat as much vegetables as I can. Is thiis something you would recommend alongside the prescribed wet dose? Is it ok to take magnesium, B vitamin and selenium alongside this wet dose (as Ive read that these can be a great help?

        Your opinion on this would be much appreciated, I will keep you informed how this goes. I am due another scan in 3 months.

        Bless you. Sarah.

  42. monica says:

    Bello José, i,m from Spain, muy english es very bad, sorry
    I am endometriosis woman, 41 years old with chocolate cysts. I have a depression and anxiety disorder, crohn’s disease with ileal constriction.
    I have one only dose of 20mg of paroxetine and i can not le ave it.
    Could i follow tour terapy with paroxetine drug too?
    I suffered toó much pain with endometriosis , i need a cure.
    Thanck you so much

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      You may continue to take the drug for your Thyroid as usual.

      You will also take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after every meal for your Crohn’s.

      Report progress weekly.

  43. Sanju says:

    Hello Joe,

    This is sanju & i am suffering from chocolate cyst . Am trying for baby but doctor say’s coz of cyst its not possible & we need to go for laposcopy surgery … my height is 5.5 and weight is 65 … cyst size is 4.2 X 5.1 …. now we are not able to decide as i m already 31 & don’t have much time …. can you suggest how much time we can see result of medication ??? Sorry for asking such question but we do have family pressure for baby …. please help us and if possible please give your email id so that can get in touch wiith you …


    • Joe says:

      I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe. I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.

      Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
      I am 85.

      • Sanju says:

        Dear Sir ,

        I am sorry for addressing you by your name.
        Can you please help me with my problem & i am very disturbed .
        I have to take some decision for CC as i am not able to conceive .
        please please help & suggest what should i do.

        Thanks in advance .

        • Joe says:

          In your first post on my Website you stated:
          “can you suggest how much time we can see result of medication ???”

          Your question surprises me even more than your addressing me by my name as I discovered that you live in Singapore from your IP address. I presume from your name that you are of Indian origin and I cannot understand how an Indian living in Singapore addresses a complete stranger whom you wished to consult to help you to have a baby by name.

          You have obviously read the thread devoted to fellow patients who suffered from Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts some of whom I helped to have babies. You should have read about how they all waited patiently for the reduction of their Chocolate Cysts and other attendant problems and you now want me to prophesy when you will have a baby even before you start on my therapy aka “Joepathy”!

          I believe that you must change your mental attitude and learn to accept life as you have experienced it up to now. If you believe in God, you can pray for a Baby without adopting your attitude of virtually demanding a baby as you seem to be doing today.

          I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

          Your remedies are:

          Bellis Perennis 30c
          Apis 6c
          Arnica 30c

          All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

          You are advised to follow the dosage pattern below:

          7 AM Bellis P
          8 AM Apis
          9 AM Arnica

          7 PM Bellis P
          8 PM Apis
          9 PM Arnica

          Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
          Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
          Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

          Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

          Report your response in a week and after your next period.

          You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

          Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

          Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
          Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
          Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
          Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
          Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

          Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  44. Sanju says:

    Thanks Sir …….

    I am trying to search for the medicines in Singapore but i am not able to find. It will be great help If you know any pharmacy selling here then please let me know.

    I am very grateful for all your help.

    One more thing I am pure vegetarian do i need to avoid some food in veg or diary product or any thing else .


    • Joe says:


      P&L Pharmacy Pte Ltd
      19, Tanglin Road,
      #01-40 Tanglin Shopping Centre, Singapore
      Phone : 6235 0915 ??

  45. em lund says:

    Hi Doctor Joe,

    I have been reading your thread all day about Chocolate Cysts. About two months ago, I was diagnosed with chocolate cysts on each ovaries. I have changed my diet and added supplements. This cycle was less painful than my last, but I had loads of gas without it coming out and sharp pains here and there. I just called my doctor and said I would like to cancel my surgery because I believe in our bodies ability to heal itself. After reading your treatments, I ordered Bellis Perennis 30c and plan to take it as a wet dose. Can you help me? I am 27, I have no children and I want to conceive one day. I thank you so much!

    • em lund says:

      I apologize, I should be more respectful Mr. De Livera.

    • Joe says:

      Glad to note that you have studied my therapy for your problem and are already using the remedies prescribed.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis 6c
      Arnica 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      You are advised to follow the dosage pattern below:

      7 AM Bellis P
      8 AM Apis
      9 AM Arnica

      7 PM Bellis P
      8 PM Apis
      9 PM Arnica

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      • Emerald says:

        Hello Dr. De Livera,

        I appreciate your timely response. I will do as you say. I found the following Liquid Dilutions online:

        Bellis Perennis 30C
        Arnica Montana 30C
        Apis Mellifica 6C

        The Bellis Perennis is verbatim, but as far as the other two, are these the correct remedies? I only ask because of the “Montana” and “Mellifica” part throws me off. I shall order these online once confirmed to start the treatment.

        Wishing you well!

        • Joe says:

          I could not identify you as you had posted under 2 ID’s

          em lund

          I then discovered that your email ID is the same and a quick check proved that you live in Boston.

          Glad to note that you chose my therapy instead of a Laparoscopy and let us hope and pray that I can add you to my long list of patients who have been saved the danger of surgery which causes more problems that it solves and more importantly, I hope and pray that you will be blessed with a Baby.

          The remedies you have listed are correct.

          Keep me advised of your progress and Pray if you believe in God.
          You may like to know that I am 85 years old and Homeopathy is NOT my profession. I am the CEO of a very old business organization and after my son arrived 20 years ago after his studies in the Rochester University, I found that I had more time to use to help patients like you to achieve a better state of health with my therapy.

          I am convinced that I have been chosen by God to help suffering humanity with my therapy aka “Joepathy” and you are invited to Google this term for more information.

          Keep me advised of your progress as instructed in my prescription.

          I note that you have not indicated your problem in detail and would like to have more data on your age and for how long you have suffered and what drugs if any you have used so far. Reports of scans and advice from doctors is also useful.

  46. Emerald says:

    Hello Dr. De Livera,

    It is people like you who give me hope in humanity! I am also glad to see that after so many years, you found your calling in this. It is what I tend to gravitate towards, I hope one day I can help people like you do! Yes Boston is correct.

    -27 Year old single female. I have never conceived, miscarriaged or anything like that.
    -My cycle became painful about 6 months ago, went 45 days with no period and then my cycles changed from 28 days to 23-26 days.
    -I went to the emergency room twice for intense abdominal pain, they found nothing but gas and sent me on my way.
    -8/11/14 I was brought in for an ultrasound and this is what they found
    “Small uterine fibroids. Otherwise normal uterus and endometrioma”
    “Bilateral complex cystic ovarian lesions most consistent with endometriomas”
    Right ovary – 4.0 x 3.5 x 2.7 cm complex cystic lesion with low level internal echoes and echogenic mural excrescences in the dependent aspect representing accumulated/adherent debris.
    Left ovary – 2.7 x 2.6 x 2.0 cm cystic lesion with fluid debris

    Supplements I started taking:
    Vitamin D3
    Fish Oil
    Vitamin A,C,E and Selenium
    Calcium w/ vitamin D
    Turmeric or Pycnogenol for what feels like inflammation in my intestines as needed.

    I haven’t taken any other things for this issue. Doctors recommended I add more fiber to my diet, which I did. Also recommended Laproscopy surgery to which I have just declined. I have never had surgery. I hope I have provided you with the information you were seeking. I am forever grateful for having found you. Also thank you for clarifying the name of the remedies for me. Shall I cease using my supplements and vitamins or is it safe to take them with the remedy?


    • Joe says:

      Thank you for the additional information about yourself which as I expected will enable me to understand your problem better to advise you.

      You will add Nat Phos 6x to the remedies I have prescribed already and you will take 2 tablets immediately after each of 2 main meals. NP will fix your problem with bloating by accelerating the digestion of food and it will also help you to shed weight at 1kg per WEEK !!!

      I can see that you had a narrow shave in refusing surgery as this is not the answer to your problem. What doctors do not tell their patients is the simple fact that with every period a new cyst is formed on the tissue immediately surrounding the Ovary which the egg is designed to penetrate on its way down the Fallopian Tube on its way down into the Womb. If the patient is also prone to Endometriosis, the chances are that she will be having multiple Chocolate Cysts with every period and it is just not possible to have surgery to fix these CC’s throughout life.

      The therapy I have identified and have prescribed to hundreds of women is designed to reduce the CC, fix the Endo and reduce the bleeding and the pain associated with your disease.

      I presume you are aware that I live in Sri Lanka which is exactly opposite the US on the globe.

      I shall be interested to learn how you identified me and my Website.

      You must stop all other drugs and supplements when you start on my therapy.
      The Fish Oil is OK and I recommend PULSE made by Seven Seas.
      If you can get it you will buy the lower dose which is an oval capsule.

  47. Emerald says:

    Hi Dr. De Livera,

    Thank you again for a timely response. Ever since leaving my homestate of California 2009, my D levels have dropped. Yes, I did notice your global location and the time difference. I googled Chocolate Cysts and was led to abchomeopathy website. A thread I was reading, you had mentioned that you could be reached much better here.

    I shall give you other vitals of mine:

    5’3 and 128 lbs
    Blood Pressure and Cholestoral levels are great!

    I have placed the order for the following:
    15ml Liquid Dilution Arnica Montana 30C
    15ml Liquid Dilution Bellis Perennis 30C
    15ml Liquid Dilution Apis Mellifica 6C
    4dm Pills Natrum Phosphoricum 6X

    I will cease usage of all other drugs and supplements when I start your therapy as you have directed. I will continue with the Fish Oil. My cycle just ended yesterday and I still have pain/cramp discomfort mostly on my right side. Feels like twisting pain, but not unbearable as I have been coming to work.

    I look forward to starting your therapy and will pray for best results! I will keep you informed of my progress.

    Thank You!

  48. Emerald says:

    Dr. Joe,
    I have new symptoms. While waiting on the order for chocolate cysts remedy, I moved forward with Nat phos per instructions. Bowel movements included yellow orange mucus in quarter size amounts. I now have rectal pain with no visible symptoms. My whole rectal area is very sore and in pain. I’ve not experienced this before. Please kindly advise.


    • Joe says:

      I have prescribed 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x twice daily after meals and have no doubt that they could not be the cause of your Diarrhoea.

      Check again if you have got Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and cannot possibly cause Diarrhoea.
      In any case you will STOP the tablets.

      You may have to consult a doctor for advice if your condition does not improve in 24 hours

      • Emerald says:

        Hi Dr, Joe,

        Thank you, I will stop the Nat Phos 6x per your advice. Just more detail, the pain subsides in about an hour after bowel movement. However, I will still stop the Nat Phos 6x.

        Thank you again and wishing you well!

  49. sandhya says:

    Hi joe

    If possible can you please give me your email id so that I will send my scan reports to you.
    So that you can suggest me the medicine sir
    Please sir help me

    • Joe says:

      I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.
      I know from your IP address that you live in Bangalore where your customs are similar to ours and you will not dare to address a physician by the first name on the first encounter.

      I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.
      Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
      I am 85.

      How old are you?

  50. Jina says:

    Hello Dr. Joe,

    I am 32 years old and i had chocolate cyst in both my ovaries of about 10.5cm and 7 cm. Doctor suggested me to have laproscopy done as the cyst were very big and covered my entire ovary. I got laproscopy done in Oct 2012, when i was still married. But now i have been divorced. My last two menstrual cycle were a little more painful so i decided to visit my doctor once again. And today in scanning we noticed a 10mm cyst again in one of my ovary. The doctor suggested not to go for another surgery as i am young and have no kids yet. She said to start with some medication and injections, which she has not prescribed yet as she is waiting for the scan reports done outside.

    I am very scared for few reasons; as i do not want to get surgery done once again. I am single and have no kids. I want to start a new married life in near future with gods grace. So i though to go with homeopathy so that it cures me without harming me. Can you please suggest some medication. I live in India in Gujarat. I am very scared and tensed, please help me.


    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis 6c
      Arnica 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      You are advised to follow the dosage pattern below:

      7 AM Bellis P
      8 AM Apis
      9 AM Arnica

      7 PM Bellis P
      8 PM Apis
      9 PM Arnica

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  51. Sahiba Singh says:

    Hi Dr Joe,

    I have read a lot about your treatments for chocolate cysts. 4 months back I have been diagnosed with 5.5 cm of chocolate cyst in my left ovary. I tried taking some homeopathy medicine for the same, but in vain. Doctors are now recommending surgery.I do not want to go in for surgery, as I know that this thing comes back and I want to remove the problem from the root cause.

    I am 26yrs old and also suffer from polysistic ovary. Request you to please give me your treatment for the same. I am tired of ultrasounds. Also please let me know, how much improvement should I see with your treatment in 1 month? Is it safe to discountinue all other medicines while taking your medicine. I hope the situation doesnt become worse.

    Also, I was curious that where does the fluid of chocolate cyst disappear when it starts dissolving with your medicine. Is it not risky? As doctors are telling me that it is impossible for a chocolate cyst to disappear.

    I could also, email you my ultrasound reports in case they are required.

    Awaiting your earliest reply.

    Thanks in advance

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis 6c
      Arnica 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      You are advised to follow the dosage pattern below:

      7 AM Bellis P
      8 AM Apis
      9 AM Arnica

      7 PM Bellis P
      8 PM Apis
      9 PM Arnica

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      Answering your question, the Chocolate coloured fluid that fill the Cyst is reabsorbed into the body and you will be able to prove to your doctor that the fluid is rendered anechoic in 3 months and the CC will be shown to have reduced at the rate of 1 cm per month starting at the second month into my therapy.

      You may send your reports by email to me on

      • Sahiba Singh says:

        Hi Dr Joe,

        I have emailed you my last 3 ultrasound reports. Please advice in case of any more precautions I need to take

        Also Sir, I wanted to check that I take apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses as part of my daily routine. Should I discontinue that while on your therapy.

        I am really hopeful after reading so many cases that I will be cured of this. Therefore I do not want to do anything wrong.

        I am having just little discomfort in left lower pelvic and pain is going to my left leg. So wanted to clarify these few doubts and start your therapy ASAP.

        Also Sir, is their any restriction on consumption of eggs, milk, dairy and wheat.

        Awaiting your reply sir.

        Thanks in advance

        • Joe says:

          There is very little to add to my therapy which I have already give you and it is now up to you to use it and to report your response weekly.

          I would prefer that you do not take “apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses” of which I do not have any information about.

          You can have your normal diet and also exercise daily to sweat it out and also drink plenty of water or other liquids.

          What is your Height and Weight?

  52. Sahiba Singh says:


    Will start your therapy from tomorrow. Just trying to arrange Apis 6c as it is usually available in 30c in all stores.

    My height is 5ft 3 inches and weight is 60 kgs.

    Thanks Sir

  53. Jina says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,

    Thank you for your response on my case. Just few clarifications.

    1. Instead of sparkling water can i use normal mineral water?
    2. 3 drops of each medicine right?
    2. If only 1 teaspoonful is the dose morning and evening… Should the remaining mixture be used in the subsequent days, till its finishes?

    I will order the medicine from Chennai as soon as i have the clarity on the above and start with the medication.

  54. Jina says:

    Dear sir,

    Waiting for your reply on my query.
    Please revert back so that i can start with the medication.


    • Joe says:

      You can use any water after boiling to release the chlorine and cooling.
      You will read and follow my therapy precisely as prescribed.
      You will use the remedy up to the last drop.

  55. Jina says:

    Hello Dr. Joe,

    I tired calling the Homeopethic centre in Chennai to place my order for the medication, but no one attends the call on that number provided. I live in Gujarat, India. Can you please inform me other homeopathic centre in gujarat or nearby to order the product.

    Further i also wanted to know if i can do my regular gym and abdominal exercises as usual or i need to stop abdominal exercise due to the cyst problem.

    Await your reply.

    Kind Regards,
    P.S. I have provided my email id but i dont receive any intimation or reply to my query in my email id.

    • Joe says:

      Here are some more addresses of Homeopathic Pharmacies in india.




      The Zorastrian Pharmacy
      600 J S S Road
      Chira Bazaar
      Next to Wadia’s Fire Temple
      Mumbai 400 002


      Haresh Homeo House,
      25/3 M.B.Plaza 1st Floor Opp SBM ATM,
      Shivajinagar, Bangalore 560001

      Mahaveer Ayur & Homeo,
      23 Lady Curzon Road Opp Bowring Hospital, Shivajinagar, Bangalore 560001.

      Homoeopathy clinic
      2, Commercial complex
      Shrestha vihar,

      There is nothing I can do about your non receipt of the auto email alert as the latest upgrade of the WordPress template which I use for my Website seems to have some bugs which I have already reported.

      Exercise is essential for your cure and you will continue with your normal routine, but do not overdo it.

  56. Jina says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,
    Thank you for the addresses. I will try to get the medicine from one of the pharmacies. Will keep you posted on the progress of my health.

    Thank you,

  57. Swapna Acharya says:

    Dear Sir,
    I am unmarried and 24 year old. I am suffering with chocolate cyst from Dec 2013 when I was done my 1st U/S of pelvis. I took allopathic drug for a period of 6 months, that reduced the size of cyst. But due to eating that drug I got gastric problem. After that I stop my allopathic drug, then I went to Ayurvedic mediciene, after taking the ayurvedic mediciene for period of 2 months, Again I felt the gas problem. Now since one month I am taking homeopathic medicine. Today I have done my 7 U/S, Again I am suffering with chocalate Cyst. The pain is very sever. My parents are planning for my marriage. Please help me sir. God will bless you.

    Ultrasound reports
    1st Dec 2013 = Chocolate Cyst (69mm*48mm) in Right Ovary
    28th dec 2013 = Chocolate Cyst (62mm *51mm) in Right Ovary
    7th Jan 2014 =Chocolate Cyst(55mm*55mm) in inseparable from in Right Ovary
    7th feb 2014= Chocolate Cyst(56mm*43mm) having septation inside in Right Ovary and Chocolate Cyst (35mm*23mm) in left ovary
    7th march 2014= Chocolate Cyst (50mm *25mm) with no septation inside at right ovary
    23rd October 2014 = Ovaries shows poly cystic change. Chocolate Cyst (35mm*25mm) in right ovary.

    I am taking the following homeopathic medicine

    1) Thuja-200
    2) C.F. -6

    Please sir advice me.

    Thank you

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      You are advised to follow the dosage pattern below:

      7 AM Bellis
      8 AM Apis
      9 AM Arnica

      7 PM Bellis
      8 PM Apis
      9 PM Arnica

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  58. Swapna Acharya says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,
    Thank you for your help and advice.Please say, I will take the medicines in empty stomach or after food. Another question, If after taking medicine , If I will not have any pain then , can I stop taking the medicine Arnica. Because I am not going through heavy bleeding during periods. I am ordering the medicines.

    Thank you for your care. God bless you.


    • Joe says:

      You do not have to stop Arnica 30c in the Wet dose as it is NOT a drug.
      I have taken it nightly since 1996 and owe to it my state of wellness at age 86.

      You will report your progress after you use the remedies I have prescribed and we can decide which of these remedies you may stop depending on your response.

      You will take homeopathic remedies before a meal for best effect.

      • Swapna Acharya says:

        Dear Dr Joe,

        Good morning. Can you please say me what is the difference between 30c and 30. Because Yesterday I went to a homeopathic drug house at cuttack. I asked there all the 3 medicines which you have prescribed me. But I found there
        Bellis Perennis 30
        Apis Mel 6
        Arnica M 30

        All the three medicines are in liquid form. I am not getting spring water in Odisha. I have ordered it from Delhi. It will reach me within 5 days. I am planning to use my regular drinking water after boiling and cooling it for present.

        Thank you for your care and help.

        • Joe says:

          It is accepted in Homeopathic circles that if any remedy is referred to in a figure like 3, 6, 12, 30, 200 it is understood to be the 3c, 6c, 30c etc.

          You do not have to get spring water from Delhi as plain boiled and filtered TAP WATER is OK. The boiling releases the Chlorine in the mains water which will otherwise antidote the remedy.

  59. Swapna Acharya says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,
    Thank you for your help. I am going to buy the medicine right now. I will prepare the medicine and start taking it from today evening. I wake up by 4.30 am. After doing yoga . I will take medicines in empty stomach. After 15 minutes of taking Arnica in morning, I will take my Break fast at 7:15.
    5 AM Bellis
    6 AM Apis
    7 AM Arnica

    5 PM Bellis
    6 PM Apis
    7 PM Arnica

    May I follow this schedule. If between medicines, If I will feel hungry, Can I take light food or fruit juice. please suggest.

    Thank you.

    • Joe says:

      You do not have to starve yourself when taking the medicines I have prescribed. It is good to take them in the morning in the manner that you have listed but you are free to have a cup of tea between the medicines in the morning and you can take your normal food after the morning session leaving at least half hour between or after food and the medicines.

      • Swapna Acharya says:

        Dear Dr. Joe,
        Good morning. I am taking the three remedies last 6 days. But today morning when I am having my medicine, I found very bad odor (like as the solutions deteriorate) when I opened the caps of the bottles to having my morning dose. Shall I prepare the medicine again? I am using ordinary plastic bottle to prepare the solution. Shall I switch to glass jar or bottle to prepare the remedies.

        I sip a capfull of solution. can you please say the quantity in terms of ml.

        Thank you

        • Joe says:

          If there is any unpleasant odour, this is due to the quality of the water which is most likely harbouring some fungal growth.

          Get a new set of bottles of another brand and make the solution again. Glass bottles are preferred but can you get them? If you succeed in getting unused bottles, make certain that the caps are not contaminated.

          PET bottles are safer as they are filled just once and discarded after use.

          Keep the bottles away from a window and direct sunlight as this promotes fungal growth.

          The dose is 5ml.

          • Swapna Acharya says:

            Dear Dr joe,
            Good evening,I have a Mineral RO water purifier (RO+UF+UV+TDS control) Which removes 98% chlorine. In this case Boiling and cooling of water is necessary or not to prepare the wet solution of remedies.

            Thank you for your care

  60. jina says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,
    I have got the medicine and will start the medication from today. Just clarify if I can have one cup of coffee in the evening around 5pm and at night if I can have the last dose of medicine at 9pm, after having my dinner at 8:30pm.

    If there are anyother restrictions to be taken care of interms of food please do let me know.

    • Joe says:

      I regret to inform you that COFFEE is not permitted if you are taking any Homeopathic remedy as it is known to ANTIDOTE it.

      You will have to make this sacrifice if you wish to be CURED in the manner that many other patients like you have been as you can read by doing a search on my Website.

      I have already indicated the protocol to be followed in detail in a previous post and it is up to you to follow it precisely as prescribed to give the remedies prescribed the best chance to cure you. There are more items of food that are not permitted and I have listed them out for you.

      Tea is OK.

  61. Jina says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,

    I will surely give up coffee as i want to get cured. I have not gone through all your posts so i did not come across the food not permitted. But i will go through now and follow accordingly.

    Thank you for all your help. Will keep you posted.


  62. Jina says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,

    It is 20 days now that i am using your prescribed medicine for my chocolate cyst problem. I take the medicine as prescribed by you in the morning and evening, with one hour gap. ie. at 6am – Bellis, 7am- Apis and 8 am- Arnica and same way in evening 6pm, 7pm and 8pm.

    I have 2 questions to ask:
    1) Can i change the timings now to better suite my work hours
    2) Can the gap between each dose be kept as half hour instead of one hour?

    Please do let me know
    Thank you

    • Joe says:

      You may alter the timings of your intake of the remedies.
      I fear that if I treat your hair loss, you may suffer from “remedy overload”.
      In any case you are already taking Arnica which is the main remedy I prescribe for Hair loss.
      Half hour between remedies and food is OK.

  63. Jina says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,

    I understand and dont want to suffer for remedy overload. In your earlier post to someone else i had read that you recommend Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle to apply on scalp. As its not an oral intake, can i atleast start with this for hairfall. If it would be benefical. If not that i will drop the hair fall treatment as of now.

    Please do let me know
    Thank you

    • Joe says:

      Since you are anxious about your loss of hair, I shall copy my default therapy below which may not cause the remedy overload as it is used externally.

      The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.

      Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle

      Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.


      Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.

      Insert 20 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.

      Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
      Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.

      Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.

      Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.

      Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.

      It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.

      Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.

      Report progress in a month

  64. Jina says:

    Thank you so much Dr. Joe.


  65. Jina says:

    Hello Dr. Joe,

    I had started the medication suggested by you for chocolate cyst and i had my first period after taking the medication on 17th Nov. I was very glad to note that i did not have the initial pain of spasm. But i had a different kind of pain on the right side of the lower abdomen, near the right ovary. I had similar kind of pain earlier in the last few months also and it seems its due to acidity. On the third day of my period i had such acidic pain which is quite painful and restraints me from doing any work.

    Can you give your advise on the same. To deal with acidity, i drink cold milk daily at night before sleep.

    Await your reply.


    • Joe says:

      If you are certain that your pain is due to acidity in your stomach you have the remedy with you– Nat Phos 6x which I prescribed for you some time ago but you did not take it for fear that you will lose weight.
      Dose 2-3 tablets after meals.

      “To deal with acidity, i drink cold milk daily at night before sleep.”
      I would not recommend milk for acidity as milk too can cause stomach cramps at night when digestion slows down.

      Take the Nat Phos after meals and report response.

      How is your mother’s Hemorrhoids?

  66. jina says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,
    I am not sure if the pain is due to acidity but I get relief after I take some medicine for acidity. I have started nat phos from tonight. But should I take 1 tablet after breakfast lunch and dinner or 2-3 tablets three times. Please clarify.

    Regarding my mom, she is ok but I m not staying with her so not able to get the list of the drugs she is taking for BP, cholesterol etc.. thats the reason I did not come back to you on the same.


    • Joe says:

      Nat Phos 6x is NOT a drug and is absolutely safe to take.
      1 tablet cannot work in your case. 3 are indicated and when you observe results you can go with just 2 after every meal.

  67. Samreen says:

    Dear sir,
    Thank you so much for your help and support for humanity. I am 35 years old woman have one child 7 years old. Since I was 16 I always have pain during first 2/3 days at that time pain was moderate but since last year my periods pain is severe very high. I also had laporscopy for my gallbladder 3 years ago and recently 4 months ago had appendix out as well. Since after operation of appendix i have been informed by surgeon that I have got endometrosis and since after my operation I’m suffering very very serious pain during menstural cycle, the pain is so worse that I ended up in going to emergency but they just give me birth control pill like microgynon to control endometrosis but im not taking them I’m just taking pain killers and iron tablet as my iron level is quite low. I not only having pain in my periods but also during 10 mid-days of my monthly cycle. (0valution time).
    I had scan as well which confirmed I have got chocolate cyst on my right ovary 3.7×3.8×4.1 cm which was on September
    Kindly help me please Sir also advice me can I take iron tablet with your remedy.
    Thanks once again for your time to read my post and for your help and support.

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      You are advised to follow the dosage pattern below:

      7 AM Bellis
      8 AM Apis
      9 AM Arnica

      7 PM Bellis
      8 PM Apis
      9 PM Arnica

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      • Samreen says:

        Thanks very much Sir for your reply, I’m very weak in understanding things so please could you confirm my understanding I will be very very grateful to you.
        bellis perennis 30C take 3 drops than pour it in 500ml of water
        Arnica 30c take 3 drops than pour it in 500ml of water
        Apis 6c take 3 drops than pour it in 500ml of water
        Each has to take with 1 hour difference every day twice
        Please confirm it as I’m very slow in understanding. Sorry for asking again.
        Many thanks Sir once again I will update my post Ian’s let you know my progress Sir .

        • Joe says:

          There is absolutely nothing wrong in your comprehension or understanding of my therapy as confirmed by you.

          You have understood my instructions correctly.

  68. Swapna Acharya says:

    Dear Dr Joe,
    I am having your medicine regularly. This is working good. I am getting my reqular periods without pain. But Doctor in the evening when I am coming to home from work place, I feel hungry, so last 10 days I am taking the medicine like below
    6 PM Bellis
    7 PM Apis
    7.30pm Dinner
    8.30 PM Arnica
    For this time table, anything wrong will happen?

    Anotherthing I have started taking this medicine from 3rd Nov, I got my regular period 4 days earlier on 1st December. It was happend for 3 days. But I had stopped the medicine from 25th Nov to 15th Dec, Because I was taking Gas medicine and cold medicine. Now I have again started taking the medicine from 16th Dec onward. I also having an orange in between the medicine time in the morning. Because I do not drink tea. So for hungry I am having orange.

    Please suggest anything wrong will happen?

    Thank You and God bless you for your helping work


    • Joe says:

      Glad to note that my therapy is helping you. You will continue with my therapy and take another US Scan in 2 months to compare the difference in the dimensions of your Chocolate Cysts before and after my therapy.

      There is no reason to be worried with your getting your period 4 days early. Did you notice any difference in the bleeding?

      I hope you understand that it is very unlikely that you would have received the therapy I gave you from anyone else. I have pioneered in this therapy and many women have benefitted from it as you can read from the accounts of patients who have confirmed their relief and also from 4 who have had babies after using it for some time.

      The timing of your taking the remedies can be altered to suit yourself. You do not have to abide by the timing I have suggested which I have copied from another patient who wished to have it.

      You can also eat anything you wish to and when you feel like doing so.

  69. Swapna Acharya says:

    Dear Dr Joe,
    thank you for replying. But can you please suggest me How many days I will take the medicine for completely cure. My period was completed with normal beelding within 3 days.

    Thank you

  70. Swapna Acharya says:

    Dear Dr Joe,
    These day I am going through pain in Left upper back, neck,arm and hand and some times pain in chest and breast since last 3 months, Initial I thought that this is due to gas or wrong pose of sleeping and sometime I am feeling head pain near neck. Now I feel this may be the cause of some neurologicall disoder because 4 months back,I fall from a chair in a very bad manner. To conform this I am going for a CT Scan. Please Doctor, Suggest me what to do? I feel hopeless due to the health problems.

    Thank you and God bless you

    • Joe says:

      “But can you please suggest me How many days I will take the medicine for completely cure.”

      You have only been using my therapy for a few days and you have already reported that it has helped you in many ways. I hope that you understand that the chances of your experiencing this improvement if you had consulted any other physician is remote and you have to thank God that you were directed to my Website and that you have been helped within a few days.

      Your inquiry of when you will be CURED is very surprising as I am NOT a prophet and cannot give you a time frame for a CURE.

      I am not able to help your neurological problems as I am only treating you for your gynecological problems.

  71. Swapna Acharya says:

    Dear Dr Joe,
    I am very sorry for asking you like that. I feel by reading your reply I have hurt you. For the God’s grace I came under your consultant.I am always thankful to God for this. And You came in to my life as a prophet. If I need your therapy throughout my life, Then I am ready to take happily. But I know homeopathy should not take with allopathic drug. Thatswhy I did ask that very emotionally. sorry again for that. You helped me a lot in many ways, You increased my confident 2% to 100%. now you please don’t angry on me. Please suggest me the neurologist whom I was consulted has given me a one protein tablet to eat after dinner because after doing MRI, the report shows C2-C3 to C5-C6 level dehydration with small poestero-central herination of disc. And he then advised me to stop Yoga and exercise for 10 days. and he found my B.P. is 100/70.

    So please you suggest me can I continue the medicine with your theraphy. Doctor I am really sorry for the previous mail. I am really feeling Shame for that. please forgive me.You are very old but still you are giving time for my type of patient. I have always lot of respect for you. I have learned to help others from you. I will do it throughout my life. I have no much money to fly your country to meet you and ask you for forgive. But in life time, If I will earn that much of money I will try to meet you once if you will give me permission. Because for me You r the messenger of God.

    Thank you and God bless you
    Swapna Acharya

    • Joe says:

      You do not have to apologise in the manner that you have done as I was only surprised at your question on how long you should take my therapy to be CURED when you had only used it for a few days. I believe that you would not have posed this question to your last doctor and it is just that I could not understand the reason for your query especially when you had already stated that you felt much better after using my therapy.

      I am not conversant with your neurological problems and after reading your report:
      “the report shows C2-C3 to C5-C6 level dehydration with small poestero-central herination of disc. And he then advised me to stop Yoga and exercise for 10 days. and he found my B.P. is 100/70.”

      I fail to understand how protein tablet can help your problem when it is obvious that it is most likely your Yoga and other exercises that are the real cause. The only remedy is RESTING the affected area.

      I have already prescribed Arnica for you and believe that it is the best remedy for your “neurological” problems.

  72. Swapna Acharya says:

    Dear Dr Joe,
    Thank you doctor you have solved my problem. I will give rest to the affected area.

    Thank you and God bless you

  73. priya says:

    Hi Joe,
    We are seeking help for natural conception and get rid of chocolate cyst and fibroids thru homeopathy
    i am 33 years old and have been married for 1 year. After marriage i had lower abdominal pain and pain during sex. Then we found that i had endometriotic cyst in my both ovaries and large fibroids in my uterus. i got surgery ( cystectomy and myomectomy) to remove them on april 2014. Right now i am taking treatment ( follicle stimulation studies) to get pregnant by IUI method .This month ultra sound results shows the recurrence of chocolate cyst and fibroids. So that i am worried about my health condition i don’t want to do surgery anymore. please help me to get rid of this problem.

    • Joe says:

      I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.
      I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.

      Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
      I am 86 years old.

      I note from your email IP that you live in India. I have spent some time in your country some years ago and discovered that your customs are parallel to ours in Sri Lanka where a stranger is NOT addressed by name till you are accepted as a close friend. And this is more relevant in the manner you address your elders.

      I fail to understand how you can address a Physician by name on the first consultation.

      If you still wish to consult me you are requested to re-post your problem without addressing me by my name.

  74. priya says:

    Dear Sir,

    i would like to express my regrets for addressing you by your name and apologize for the same.
    We are seeking help for natural conception and get rid of chocolate cyst and fibroids thru homeopathy
    i am 33 years old and have been married for 1 year. After marriage i had lower abdominal pain and pain during sex. Then we found that i had endometriotic cyst in my both ovaries and large fibroids in my uterus. i got surgery ( cystectomy and myomectomy) to remove them on april 2014. Right now i am taking treatment ( follicle stimulation studies) to get pregnant by IUI method .This month ultra sound results shows that the recurrence of chocolate cyst and fibroids. So that i am worried about my health condition i don’t want to do surgery anymore. please help me to get rid of these problem.
    Left ovary: Cyst measuring 1.6cmX1.5cm and small multiple chocolate cyst seen

    Right Ovary: Cyst measuring 1.8cmX1.16cm and adherent to uterus.

    small multiple intramural fibroids are seen.

    Thank you


    • Joe says:

      Surgery is unfortunately NOT the solution for Chocolate Cysts as they will keep recurring with every ovulation. My therapy which I have pioneered should hopefully help you to overcome them but you must be warned that this will take a few months.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      You are advised to follow the dosage pattern below if possible:

      7 AM Bellis
      8 AM Apis
      9 AM Arnica

      7 PM Bellis
      8 PM Apis
      9 PM Arnica

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  75. priya says:

    Dear Sir,

    Thank you very much for prescribing the remedy. Right now i am undergoing treatment for conception thru IUI method, so that Shall i take your remedy after this treatment?

    thank you


  76. Hima says:

    Hi Dr Joe,

    Im a 37 year old female. 2 Years back(Dec 2012) I have been diagnosed with endometriosis and ovarian cysts in the left ovary. At that time they were small in size so I opted for Natural remedies/Acupuncture, also stopped taking Wheat/Soy/diary. However cysts on the left ovary continued to increase in size along with increased bleeding.
    On Jul 2014 I had a scan and they said the prominent cyst increased to 5.6 cm diameter. From August, I stopped Acupuncture and followed Homeopathy through my uncle. Pulsatilla 200 pills gave me good pain relief and started Lachesis from 30 – 1M potency pills for the cysts. I again got a scan done on 12/24/2014 and the Doc got back to me saying the left ovary cyst doubled in size and now it is 9cm and maximum size. She advises me to go for Laproscopy in a few weeks as otherwise it is very risky . I may also lose my left ovary in the Laproscopy.
    From past 3 days I have started the Bellis Perennis 30c Liquid dose as suggested in your responses. I have also been doing rigorous pranayama since last 10 days. Im very nervous with the thought of a surgery. Wondering if there is anything you can suggest for my condition. Appreciate your help so much.
    Thank You!

    • Joe says:

      I saw your post coming in and although it is rather late here in Colombo where I live, I shall copy my default therapy which I presume that you have already read but I note only partially as you do not mention about the 2 other remedies Apis and Arnica which are part of my therapy copied below:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  77. Hima says:

    Dr. Joe

    Thank You so much. It was so kind of you to respond at this hour. As mentioned by you I will try to order the other remedies quickly.

    I do have a few additional Qs, hope you can please respond at your next convenience.
    1. While doing the liquid remedy, I accidentally added 4 drops instead of 3 drops in The Bellis Perennis remedy. Wondering if I should discard this and start fresh
    2. Also currently Im taking Levothroid 100mcg(as Im hypothyroid), Vitamin D & Iron supplements (due to deficiency). I hope this does not cause the medicines to be ineffective
    3. On the Laproscopy do you have any recommendations please, if I need to get it done quickly due to the 9cm left ovarian cyst or is this something that can wait.

    Thank You so much!

    • Joe says:

      Answers to your questions:

      1 4 drops is OK

      2 As you are aware your Chocolate Cyst at 9 cm is at a dangerously large level and I would prefer that you do not take ANY OTHER DRUGS which can antidote the Homeopathy which as you may be aware is at Nano levels. (3 DROPS in 500ml water). You also seem to be bleeding heavily during your periods and this must be stopped ASAP. You should discover this reduction in bleeding at your next period.

      The therapy I have pioneered has helped many women, some of whom have confirmed that they were helped on my Website. I am sharing this therapy with those who would like to be helped and in your case it is essential that you commence treatment immediately to try to avoid surgery.

      Also STOP pranayama.

      You will report progress weekly to enable me to help you, even though you consulted me at the 11th hour.

      You will do a Scan in 2 months to check for results.

  78. Hima says:

    Thank You so much Dr. Joe!

  79. nvisu says:

    Respected sir,

    This is my second letter to you sir. I already breifed about my wife sufferings. That is, during mensus period, once satrts lightly and then it becomes more bleeding and painful. This month 10th May and continues upto 20th May. During this period, she had stomach pain also. It had gone peak on 17th May. She has not able to stand on her own foot. By 2 A M on 17th May the pain starts and upto 8 A M untolerable pain. We went to well know Hospital. But there simply given pain releiver and ask us to come OPD by 22nd May.

    By 18th May just I opened ABC where I found your remedy and I gave her one dose of Arnica-30 and Bellis pernnis – 30 in wet dose form. Next day she felt, bleeding as well as stomach pain is reduced and now she is alright.

    Now She is afraid of next coming mensus period.

    Kindly suggest me suiable remedy.


    • Joe says:

      Glad to learn that you have used my therapy which I had prescribed to a patient on the ABC, for your wife and that it has helped her.

      You stated:

      “By 18th May just I opened ABC where I found your remedy and I gave her one dose of Arnica-30 and Bellis pernnis – 30 in wet dose form. Next day she felt, bleeding as well as stomach pain is reduced and now she is alright.

      Now She is afraid of next coming mensus period.”

      There is no reason for any fear at all as she will take my therapy twice daily as prescribed below for some more time and you will report her progress on my Website for further advice.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  80. Visvanathan N says:

    Respected sir,

    Thank you verymuch for early reply and suggestion on my wife sufferings. Really I am happy to hear your service to the Universe. In the same way my son 14 years old suffered by Cough. NOrmally I used to give him Ant. Tart. / Acconitum for two to three days in pills form. But from your website I saw the remedy as Nat.Sulph for asthma and cough in wet dose. Immediately I gave him, for the last 3 days. He is now 50 – 60% alright. I am suggesting him to continue for another two days.

    I am grateful to you sir. kindly continue the service to the Universe. I am praying the Almighty to give you Good Health forever.

    Visu, Tamilnadu, India.

    • Joe says:

      Glad my Asthma therapy with Nat Sulph 6c helped your son. This remedy helps to dry out the lungs and thereby prevents the phlegm from forming. The cough reflex is the body’s way to bring out the phlegm.

      Steam is also important and it must be inhaled for about 5 minutes twice daily. You can get the steaming device used in beauty saloons for facial treatment. You will most likely cough up a lot of phlegm immediately after steaming.

      Physiotherapy is also indicated after steaming to rid the lungs and airways of the phlegm which is also the cause of Asthma. You will lay flat across your bed with your chest slightly elevated above your head which is hanging down over the side. You will get someone to tap your chest on the back from the waist up to your neck and you should find that your phlegm will drool out in cupfuls.

      Exercise is essential for you and you will drink at least 3 liters of water daily.

  81. Visvanathan N says:

    Respected sir,

    Thank q for your suggestion. I will follow the same for my son. ONe more request. ONe of my colleague wife is facing / suffering lungs tumor. Will you suggest some remedy.


  82. Visvanathan N says:

    Respected Sir,

    My wife is suffering from stomach pain for the last two days. By 28th May 2015 she has attended One Marriage dinner. From Next days onwards she feld heaviness in his stomach and vomiting sensation and did not take anything the whole day. I suggested to take Lycopodium and Ipecock. But she is not comfort and still she is finding having pain and thrice she had loose motion also.

    She feels very tired and uncomfortable not taking anything and feels heaviness in his stomach.

    please suggest a remedy to control his stomach pain and tiredness.



  83. Visvanathan N says:

    Respected sir,

    Thank q sir. After completing my official work, I went to my home and enquired about the condition of health. Now she is somewhat better. But suddenly she is facing severe Headache and tiredness. could u able to suggest for her headache.



  84. Sarada Khadka says:

    Dear Mr, Joe,
    I am Sarada Khadka age 29(single) from Nepal. I have chocolate cyst problem and had surgery(open surgery) in August,2014 (CA – 125 was 45U/ml), size- Right side- 6.4*5.9*6.1 cm. But again after one year same problem was seen. Now CA- 125 is 101.5 U/ml. size right side- 4.1*4.0*3.2 cm with single thick septation measuring 5mm. In both side cyst was seen. Doctor suggest me to do surgery through (operative laparoscopy). I am in dilemma. What should I do?
    My Questions;
    1. Is there any treatment without surgery?
    2. Is there any permanent solution for this cyst?
    3. I am taking following 4 types of medicine: mefenamic acid-500mg, Feminine (Norethisterone-5mg), Natural vitamin and evening primrose, oil soft gelatin capsules (NE-400mg). Is this medicine has long term side effect since I was using it for 2 months?
    4. Continuous paining and sometimes unbearable?
    I hope to get your suggestions and advices.

    Sarada Khadka

    • Joe says:

      I am concerned that you underwent open surgery to treat a Chocolate Cyst (CC) a year ago and that you have again discovered that you present CC’s of almost the same dimensions today. I hope that you are aware that you will most likely have to contend with your problem with every period as you will be producing an Ovum around the 13th day of your cycle and some of these Eggs are unable to pass through the fine membrane that covers the Fallopian Tubes and when this occurs, the egg is stranded on this membrane and the body responds by forming a cover over it which in a few months changes into a Cyst filled with a chocolate coloured fluid.

      Did your gynecologist indicate the presence of Endometrial tissue around your CC’s. This is usually the case and this ailment too with the heavy bleeding that usually accompanies it will respond to my therapy below.

      I note that you live in Nepal where I presume medical treatment is not advanced as in other parts of India and in the world where a CC is always treated with Laparoscipic surgery which is far less invasive and is not dangerous as your last surgery was.

      I am glad that you have located my Website and you have, I presume, read the many cases of ladies who have been successfully treated by me for Endometriosis and CC’s.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      You will discover that your pain, bleeding and other symptoms will respond to my therapy and I would like to be kept informed of your progress as often as you wish as your messages will be stored on my Website which I visit often.

      I would like to know you survived the many Earthquakes in your country a few months ago and what the situation is today.

      • Sarada Khadka says:

        Thank you for your help.
        I am afraid that medicine you mentioned are not available in Nepal?
        Where we can these medicine?
        I am lucky enough to survive from deadliest earthquake. still there are aftershock.

  85. shettypooja1605 says:


    I am 26 years old got married in January 2015 and was diagnosed with Endometriosis in February 2015 with ovarian cyst (chocolate cyst) of 12 cms on left ovary and 3 cms on right. I underwent laproscopy surgery for removing the same.

    Post surgery i was prescribed with Luprodex 3mg.

    In july i found the symptoms coming back and got a sonography done and found that the cyst was back this time the right one was 5.4 cms and left one 4cms.

    My doctor has suggested me to try Dinofirst tablets twice a day.

    Could you please suggest an alternative or a more helpful method as we wish to try for a child soon, but are not sure if that is possible with the cyst.

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website including 4 who have been blessed with Babies after a few months on my therapy.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      I note that you have been taking Luprodex since your surgery but it has not helped you to prevent the formation of your latest CC.

      I am confident that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will reduce the CC’s in a few months when I shall expect you to report progress monthly.

  86. Nilofur says:


    I am 23 years old and was diagnosed with Endometriosis in December 2013 with ovarian cyst (chocolate cyst) of 11 cms. I underwent open surgery for removing the same.

    In August 2015 i found the symptoms coming back and got a ultra sonography done and found that the cyst was back this time 7*4cms.

    My doctor has suggested me to undergo surgery.
    Could you please suggest an alternative or a more helpful method other than surgery.

    • Joe says:

      I do wish that other patients like you will read about my therapy aka “Joepathy” as it seems to work in a manner that ALL DRUGS cannot equal in reducing the Chocolate Cyst by resorbing the liquid into the body.

      You will observe that your CC’s (present and in the future) will all be absorbed by your body at the rate of 1cm / month.


      Please spread the news and take a US Scan before you start on my therapy and take the second in 2 months to map the reduction of your CC’s.

      You will also observe that your periods are milder in about 2 weeks after you start my therapy and the pain and bleeding will be far more comfortable.

      Please report your progress in a few weeks.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  87. Nilofur says:

    Dr Joe,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

  88. Safiya Basit Haidari says:

    Dear Joe,
    I’d been suffering from left ovarian cyst and got operated upon 5 years back, but immediately in the following year I was diagnosed with a yet another chocolate cyst and most recently fibroids too..
    I’m too agonised as I’ve to suffer severe pain 10 days prior to my monthly cycle.
    I live in India.
    I got married 10 months back and also suffered a miscarriage of 7 weeks.
    Please help me out.

    • Joe says:

      I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.

      I see that you are of Indian origin and in your country and mine, our cultures are similar and it is not normal to address strangers by their first name unlike in the US, where this is accepted.

      You are consulting a physician and it is not usual to present your case by addressing me by my given name.

      Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
      I am 86 years old.

  89. Anjum says:

    iam anjum,iam 24yrs old iam married and iam nt conceving frm last 5 Yrs becoz i was suffering frm pcos and one fibrod of 7cms i went through a surgery in 2013 and after tht again i came to no tht i am suffering frm choclate cysts,3cyst mesuring 11cms in both the ovaries d doc r saying for surgery bt i dont want to do surgery, i want to concive can u plz suggest me

    • Joe says:

      Let us first start your treatment with my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which is copied below:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  90. Anjum says:

    Iam taking ayurvedic medicne frm 2 months nw my menses is regular frm 2months wht shuld i do plz suggest me

  91. Anjum says:

    Thank u sir

  92. Sesi says:

    Dr. Joe,

    Firstly, I would congratulate you for offering successful treatments through this blog. Secondly, I appreciate your efforts and the service to humanity especially at this age. After reading your blog, I am writing to you in a hope to get cured of Chocolate Cysts.
    I am 36 years, Female, 77 kgs. I have a daughter, 11 years old. I am taking thyroxin 100 mcg daily for my hypothyroidism. My periods are regular but heavy.
    I had a laparoscopy in January, 2014 for bilateral chocolate cysts that were 13cms and 5cms on left and right ovaries respectively. I was on Visanne for many months following surgery and intermittently for the recurrence of cysts. The small cysts were gone after a while.
    As per the ultrasound on 7th January, 2016, there are two cysts. One, very close to right ovary measuring 1.9cm and another cyst measuring 4.4cm on the left ovary.
    I have been using Ayurvedic medicines for 3 months now for my cysts. A little better with my PMS and pain but the profuse bleeding (like a flow from tap) still exists on the 2nd and 3rd days of every period. The cysts have increased in size since October.
    Apart from these, I had gestational diabetes (No diabetes now). For my Polyarthritis(fibromyalagia), I was prescribed Milnacipran. It gave me nausea and vomiting. So I am not using anything for this condition but managing with calcium, vitamin D and paracetamol.
    I get some side effects (swollen face) from analgesics like combiflam and other NSAID, so I stick to paracetamol only for any pain.
    Thanks for reading this far and would you please advise if I can use homeo? Could you please address my 3 concerns about the homeo medicine.
    1. I understand I have to stop Ayurveda when I start homeo, but can I use paracetamol if necesary for any kind of pain like headache or spondolysis when I use homeo?
    2. Can homeo be used along with any antibiotics or should be stopped during the tenure of antibiotics? I take antibiotics for severe laryngitis due to allergies or other reasons when prescribed by an ENT.
    3. Though my two fibroids are small and measure 2 cms each and existed from 2 years, I would like to know if the homeo medicines you prescribe will treat fibroids too?

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Chocolate Cysts (CC) which are usually accompanied by Endometriosis, which condition you did not mention. The Arnica prescribed will ensure that your bleeding perhaps with clots is minimised. The acute pain you experienced will not be noticeable if you use my therapy 2 weeks before your next period. I shall expect you to report your response immediately after your next period.

      I note that you also present Fibroids. Patients who present Endo and CC’s do not usually present Fibroids which makes it difficult for me to prescribe as you can suffer from a remedy overload. I shall not therefore treat your Fibroid till we treat your CC’s.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      You have mentioned various analgesics but you must know that Homeopathic remedies are all highly diluted to Nano levels and drugs will antidote them.

      Pain can be overcome with Hypericum 200c in the Wet dose taken every 4 hours.
      You will leave half hour between each remedy.

      It seems to me that you are addicted to taking a multitude of prescription drugs and I would like you to visit the link below which made the headlines in a local newspaper in Sri Lanka.


  93. Sesi says:

    Dr. Joe,

    Thank you very much for your response.

    Indeed I have endometriosis and have been suffering from a very young age. I did not realize that I missed to mention it until I read your reply.

    Also, I would like to reiterate that I don’t overuse drugs, but barely take 1 paracetamol or less in a week for pain that arises due to spondolysis, headaches from sinus and for cramps and backache during periods. I gave these details so it would give you some understanding of my existing conditions.

    Kindly confirm how should Hypericum 200c be diluted? (how many drops in how much water?)

    Thanks again.

    • Joe says:

      Hypericum is to be made in the manner you make the Arnica.
      You will observe that it is a very effective analgesic and is very safe in use.
      Stop ALL drugs as they will antidote the Homeopathy.

  94. Sesi says:

    Dr. Joe,

    Thanks for you support. Yet, I need to ask you one last thing.

    I suppose I can use the Thyroxin along with homeo. Can I continue the supplements like Vitamin D, calcium and other supplements for fibromyalagia?

    Also, kindly prescribe a medicine for cold, sore throat and cough (acute larynzytis) as I get them frequently during winter.

    I found out that there are very few homeo medicines and absolutely no wet doses here in UAE and I have to order all the medicines from India. I need to keep the important medicines handy.

    Thanks and Regards.

    • Joe says:

      You can order the following remedies from India in the 80(+) % Alcohol pack in glass bottles with leakproof caps.

      ARNICA 30C
      APIS M 6C
      BRYONIA 200C
      HYPERICUM 200C


      You may continue the Thyroxin till you get the Homeopathic remedy.

  95. Sesi says:

    Thank You Dr. Joe. I shall order these now.

  96. sesi says:

    Dr. Joe,

    I just got all the medicines as prescribed in liquids. Only Nat phos tablets were in less quantity as my friend who brought has some baggage weight issues. But I can get them again upon requirement.

    I shall start the medicines Arnica, Bellis and Apis as per the protocol. Also, Hypericum when needed.

    Please indicate how Thyrodinum should be used and is it ok to stop the regular thyroxin hormone that I have been taking? I am taking 100 mcg every day.

    Also, kindly advise about the following medicines, how and when they should be used.

    BRYONIA 200C


  97. Saha says:

    Hi Dr.Joe,
    I have endometriotic cyst of 5 cms and a fibroid of 8 cms. Can these medicines help me with my fibroids as well.


    • Joe says:

      It is very rare to have a patient presenting both Endometriosis with Chocolate Cysts (CC) and Fibroids. You are invited to read the accounts of patients on my Website who have confirmed that their Endometriosis and CC’s were helped and that their CC’s reduced by 1Cm per month using my therapy which I shall copy below.

      I shall treat your Fibroid after your CC has been reduced in about 3 months as I believe that this is causing you many problems.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  98. Priya Swaminathan says:

    Hi Joe,

    I had ovarian cyst and got it drilled in Sept, 2015. The next month I conceived and I underwent a chemical pregnancy leading to miscarriage.Then I have been undergoing fertility treatments and two failed IUI’s. I am just tired of taking allopathic medicines. Could you please advise me the accurate medicines to be taken in order to shrink the cysts. The cysts are 7cm complex cysts and test with CA 125 blood test. Blood test reports are normal. I stay in India and please let me know where do we get your recommended medicines.I want to get rid of these cysts and conceive soon.Please help.

    Priya Swaminathan

    • Joe says:

      I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.

      I see that you are of Indian origin and in your country and mine, our cultures are similar and it is not normal to address strangers by their first name unlike in the US, where this is accepted.

      You are consulting a physician and it is not usual to present your case by addressing me by my given name.

      Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
      I am 86 years old.

  99. Maryam says:

    Hi joe . I am diagnosed with chocolate cyst on both the ovaries . On Right ovary it is 7.1 cm and on the left side it is 5.8 cm .. . I am 24 years of age and this year i m gonna get married . My gynae adviced me to do surgery to remove my both of the cyst but i dont wanna go for the surgery . i also wanna have the babies . . Plz advice me something except surgery . I m crying since the time i got to know about this . Plz reply soon nd also tell me what to eat or what not to to eat … I am ready to follow anything but not surgery ….

    • Joe says:

      I note from your email IP address that you live in San Fransisco but you refer to your “poor” English which I cannot fault except for your addressing me in your first post .as “Hi Joe” which I do not accept on my Website. You must understand that you are addressing a physician who is 86 years old but since you have corrected yourself in your second post I shall take it as your explanation in your reference to “weak in english”.

      You do not have to be subjected to the trauma of Surgery for your Chocolate Cysts (CC) as my therapy usually reduces a CC at the average rate of 1cm per month and this should hopefully be in time for your wedding in 8 months.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      I note that you are anxious to have babies and you may like to know that 4 patients have had babies, some after many years of waiting.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      Exercise is essential for you and at age 24, I would suggest that you start with a brisk walk for half hour and slowly graduate to a jog to help with the remedies I have prescribed for your CC’s which are invariably caused by Endometriosis which you have not referred to.

  100. Maryam says:

    Dr. joe i forgot to mention that after 8 months i will be having my marriage and today i got to know about this coz today only they did my ultrasound scanning … Sorry for poor english Dr. joe as i am weak in english plz advice . i m very depressed . ;(

  101. Maryam says:

    No i m from india . Dr. joe one thing that is bothering is why they surgically remove ovary sometimes along with the cyst? Ok Where do i get this medicines in india? Yes it is endometriosis . I hve normal periods but each periods arrives with loads of cramps … This month i had vomitings also due to pain . . can i do stretching exercise as well???
    Thanks Dr. joe as soon as i get this medicine ,i will start with the course nd will inform u about my condition…..

    • Joe says:

      I am very surprised to learn that
      “they surgically remove ovary sometimes along with the cyst?”

      There is absolutely no need to remove the Ovary with the Cyst. If the gynecologist has done this surgery he MUST BE REPORTED to the Medical Council in your city.

      I have prescribed my default therapy which has helped hundreds of women and you have only to read their comments after using my therapy which reduces the Cyst by 1cm per month thereby ensuring that the patient does not have to undergo surgery.

      You should also experience normal periods WITHOUT pain and the excessive bleeding that many have reported.

      I hope that you will also report your response to my “Joepathy” although some patients do not do so.

      One patient whom I treated for some time surprised me when she referred her 5 year old daughter’s ailment to me for treatment although she had not shared the news that after many years of waiting she had been blessed with a baby after using my therapy for many months.

  102. Maryam says:

    i live lucknow,uttar pradesh . From Where do i get this medicine in lucknow ?

    • Joe says:

      I live in Sri Lanka which is about 200km from where you live and I can only prescribe a Homeopathic remedy for you which I do purely for the satisfaction I get from helping suffering humanity with my own therapy which a coterie of classical homeopaths labelled “Joepathy” when they discovered that my therapy CURED their own patients who had suffered unnecessarily from their classical homeopathy which does not usually heal.

      I regret that I have no idea of where you can get Homeopathic remedies in Lucknow but it is very likely that you can get them from the nearest Homeopathic Pharmacy.

  103. Maryam says:

    can i use mineral or filtered water instead of spring water ? cause its hard to find one … Do i hve to put each medicine into the water bottle .i mean cant we take it directly or water dilution is required ?

    • Joe says:

      You may use mains water after boiling to release the chlorine.
      You will use separate bottles for each medicine and follow my instructions precisely.

  104. Maryam says:

    is it safe to do stretching exercise ?

  105. Maryam says:

    my periods were always normal on time but this month after diagnosis of ovarian cyst first time in my life hve got second period on same month … my last period on 29th march nd now again i hve got another period today i.e. 12th april . Why this is happening ? is it due to medication or something else ? i m having pain on my leg or hips sometimes ….

    • Joe says:

      I cannot explain the reason for your second period.

      We can only hope that this is a sign that my therapy is working.

      You will continue the therapy as prescribed and report as often as you wish on my Website as I monitor it often daily.

  106. Maryam says:

    why there is a weight loss in chocolate cyst?

    • Joe says:

      Please explain yourself as I cannot understand your statement

      “why there is a weight loss in chocolate cyst?”

  107. Sayed Rezvi says:

    Hello sir,
    Me and my wife trying for a baby 3 years but not success… wife have no problem.Her period is regular…The doctor said only lap surgery or IVF option left for us…But we want a baby without any surgery or IVF…..Plz sir help us…is there any other option to get a baby naturally????…….

    • Joe says:

      You must consult a gynecologist to do a full check of your reproductive system and also have your husband’s sperm checked for count, motility and mortality.

      You can copy the report to me if you so desire.

      NO SURGERY CAN HELP YOU unless you have a retroverted womb.
      If you suffer from Chocolate Cysts they can be reduced by my therapy.

      IVF may be useful if other methods do not help.

      You can both start on Arnica 30c in the Wet dose made as per instructions below and taken twice daily.

      Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:

      Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.

  108. Eram says:

    I am diagnosed with cc nd endometriosis in both ovaries during ultrasound . ….. Now i am really concerned about this ….. What r the chances of cyst to be malignanant? is laproscopy the only option left ? i m still unmarried nd young … How to get rid of this cyst by natural way ?

    • Joe says:

      I can sense how worried you are after you were diagnosed with Chocolate Cysts (CC) in both ovaries and you are already imagining the worst but,

      DON’T PANIC !

      You have already read some of the cases of patients whom I have helped to reduce their CC’s and in the many scores of cases I have treated successfully, there is not even one that turned out to be malignant.

      Laparoscopy is the standard therapy that all gynecologists can offer as they do not accept that Homeopathy or more correctly “Joepathy” can reduce your CC’s and also alleviate your pain which in some cases I have treated bordered on agony. And all this takes just a few months when the bleeding stops and the patient can expect the CC’s to reduce by 1cm per month and which can even be quicker in some cases.

      It would be useful if you had stated your age and the background of your case like when you discovered your CC’s and whether there was evidence of Endometriosis which only your gyne could have identified.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  109. Eram says:

    I was having a lot of unbearable pain nd then vomiting . pain was so sharp that i feel like to be fainted …. Then i took the pain killers …. After that i go for ultrasound nd it shows large cc in both ovaries nd endometriosis …

  110. Eram says:

    Dr. it was my periods time that i had a very sharp pain nd a burden on my whole lower abdomen area .. I first thought it was the gas or apendicitis or kidney stones but it turned out to be other thing ….Now i am afraid of my periods . is there sometimes which can relief my pain during periods ????

    • Joe says:

      You consulted me just 4 days ago and I presume that you are taking the 3 remedies I prescribed in my post of April 22.

      Be assured that you will NOT experience any pain or other discomfort as long as you continue with my therapy with your next period, when your bleeding will also be normal. You will also discover that your CC’s will reduce by 1cm+ per month and you will take another US Scan in 3 months to observe their progress which you will report to me.

      I noticed that you have not indicated the dimensions of your CC after the last scan and would appreciate if you will please do so now for record.

      Exercise is very important and I hope you follow the instructions in my prescription.

  111. Eram says:

    why there is blood spot in every alternate days . Is it because of medicine or because cyst is dissolving?

    • Joe says:

      You consulted me on April 22 and you will continue to use my therapy as prescribed for a month and report your response at that time.

      I hope you understand that I cannot be expected to respond almost daily to your problems and there is no question of a CC dissolving as you stated. The chocolate coloured liquid is resorbed into your body when the CC reduces in its dimensions.

      I shall expect to hear from you after you have used my therapy for a month.

  112. Eram says:

    ok dr. joe . And one thing to mention that i hve nver encountered blood spots on alternate days ever .I am taking dienogest/endosis along with these homeopathic medicines . Is it because of dienogest that blood spot is occuring coz before this i never ought to face irregular periods or bleeding .

    • Joe says:

      I have clearly specified in my prescription that :

      “You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.”

      If you wish to continue under my care you will STOP ALL DRUGS.

  113. hurmath says:

    Hello sir iam 25years old married women and iam nt conceiving, I have one fibroid of 16cms now in utres ,doctors are suggesting for surgery do u give medicine for fibroid also

    • Joe says:

      Your state that your Fibroid is 16cm which is just over 6 inches. I regret to inform you that it is impossible to reduce a Fibroid of this size with any Homeopathic remedy.

      I presume that it is causing you a great deal of discomfort and your are advised to have it surgically removed ASAP.

      I have a 100% record of success in treating Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which patients have reported usually reduce at the rate of 1cm per month with all the pain associated with Endometriosis ceasing in a few weeks.

  114. hurmath says:

    Sir plz reply

  115. hurmath says:

    Thank you sir

  116. Zemina says:

    Hello Doctor joe . I am diagnosed with chocolate cyst of size 7×6cm on both the ovaries . In ultrasound it is mentioned bilateral functional chocolate cysts and endometriosis is also there . Now i am taking homeopathic medicine . Because the doctor adviced me for laroscopic surgery nd i dont want that as i m just in my 20s and unmarried . who knows tomarrow they would ask for hyserectomy or anything else … i have a good appetite but the thing that i m concened about is cancer .. As i have read somewhere that loss of weight means cancer … As i have lost weight . Just tell me what r the chances of cancer . I am really scared 🙁 … Does loss of weightdue to cysts always means cancer but i have a good appetite too …

    • Joe says:

      I hope you understand that there is absolutely NO QUESTION of your suffering from cancer. I can see that you are very upset but there is every chance that I can help your Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts and you can read the many cases I have successfully treated for the last 10 years on my Website.

      You will NOT accept Laparoscopic Surgery as this is NOT the therapy to cure you. You will be producing an Ovum or Egg every 28 days and if this does not pass out of the fine tissue surrounding the Fallopian Tubes, it can cause the Chocolate Cyst which doctors can only treat with Laparoscopic surgery. They do not accept that you cannot have this surgery after every period as any medical intervention results in an increase to their revenue.

      You will eat normally and it is also very important that you exercise to sweat it out on a daily basis. You must also drink over 3 ltrs of liquids chiefly water.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      Where do you live?
      Can you get Homeopathic Medicines in your country?

  117. Zemina says:

    Doctor i live in india … And i hope that this medicine must be available in nearest homeopathic store …

  118. ALISHA says:

    URGENT PLZZZ NEED HELP Hello Doctor Joe. I was diagnosed with bilateral ovarian cyst in 2014 and DR did surgery laparotomy to remove ovarian cyst in JULY 2014 and during surgery they could not save my right ovary so I have only 1 left ovary now then since 2014 I am trying to conceive naturally but no use again then in august 2015 in ultrasound Dr saw some cyst coming again then I started consulting homeopathic dr he gave me JONOSIA ASOKA Q to conceive but no use then again in feburary 2016 I did ultrasound and showed big cyst again behind ovary and near around uterus, blood test came out normal CA 125 no tumor marker its normal DR said. Every time I go to dr she says you have follicles in ultrasound good size but only I have cyst problem ….i did all my hormonal test everything is normal….AMH,FSH,LH, THYROID TEST , PROLACTIN , CA 125 ALL ARE NORMAL. HEMOGLOBIN ALSO 13 thanks GOD.

    I don’t have any pain …. During Homeopathic Dr medicine I was having irregular periods COMING AFTER 40 DAYS AND flow was for 10 days with clots …. Soft tender bobs and bloating and constipation …….i don’t have any pain kind of thing …….plzz help me DR.

    This month I did not went to my homeopathic DR I was searching online and saw you posts ….this month my period came after 28 days and started as spotting on 30/07/2016 then 31,1,2,3 normal good flow then today 04/08/2016 again only spotting…..felling nausea in morning….i have constipation ……MY FEETS AND HAND COLD AND I WEAR SOCKS …..LIVING IN UAE AND HERE ITS HOT WEATHER …….I LIKE FRESH AIR AND I DRINK ROOM TEMPERATURE WATER NOT COLD WATER ……….I JUST WANT TO CURE THIS CYST AND HAVE A HEALTHY BABIES WITH YOUR HELP …PLZZZZ……HUBBY REPORTS ARE GOOD.
    Married for almost 4 years in sept 2016

    • Joe says:

      I believe that I can detect the panic in your 2 posts which is justified as you have been subjected to some totally unnecessary ‘butchery’ which included the excision of one of your precious Ovaries by your Gynecologist who obviously did not know how to resolve your problem without surgery.

      If you had discovered my Website In 2014, I could have reduced your Chocolate Cyst in both Ovaries and also treated your Endometriosis which your gyne classified as “BIG CYSTIC MASS SHOWING IN SCAN AND FREE FLUID TOO”

      It is very likely that you suffer from PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which was not diagnosed by your doctor who obviously preferred to take the easy way out and for good measure also removed your Ovary. Your statement:

      This proves how primitive medicine is as practised in Abu Dhabi, where your email IP indicates you live. However there is nothing we can do as you have halved your chance of being blessed with a Baby.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      You stated that you are constipated.
      Do you suffer from GERD or fullness and heartbutn after meals especially dinner?

  119. ALISHA says:

    DR.Joe, thanks alot for your reply. No actually i dont have any Gerd issue or heartburn.If i eat white rice ,white bread i feel bloated .. I dont have constipation problem in my life only during above homeopathic medicine only i was having constipation and now….but when i drink more water its fine…..really thanks for your reply …i will buy medicines tomorow and update you my progress…thanks again

    • ALISHA says:

      I am taking folic acid and vitamin D medicine ..Planning to buy omega 3 alsoo.. plzz tell me what i should eat ? Any diet plan

  120. ALISHA says:

    Dear Dr.Joe,

    As per the medicine you have prescribed me I have checked in Abu Dhabi Pharmacy and Homeopathic Clinic also and checked 3 pharmacies they have available medicines Bellis perennis 30ch and Apis Mel 7 ch is available only in tablet form to dissolve in water.

    Please advise me in order for me to purchase the medicines and plzz tell me do I have to take these during my periods also?

    Dr.Joe as per the pharmacist and one Dr I have check he said the homeopathic medicine available in uae for ovarian cyst are as under …plzz check and advise me Dr.Joe which medicine is best for my ovarian cyst, endometrioses and pcos disease.

    tablet form available below medicines………or plzz tell me any place to buy the liquid medicines you have prescribed me above.

    Bellis perennis 30ch
    Apis Mel 7 ch
    Calc flour 12x
    Pulsatilla 30
    Thuja 1M
    Apis 200 & Apis 30
    Milliphotium 2ro
    Milliphosium 200

    Plz tell me any diet to follow.

    Thanks & Regards,


    • Joe says:

      Since you cannot get the remedies I prescribed in Alcohol in your country you may use the small white Pellets to make the Wet dose.

      You will use 6 pellets in 500ml water.

      Report progress in a few weeks.

      You have listed many remedies which I did not prescribe. You will only get those I have prescribed.

  121. ALISHA says:

    thanks Dr. Joe for the reply …Plz I need some clarification :-

    1) I will buy Bellis perennis 30ch medicine and put 6 pellets/Tablets in 500 ml water to drink daily yes right

    2)Apis Mel 6 ch and dissolve 6 pellets in 500 ml water and drink daily?

    3)What about Arnica M 30c all these i have to take same way like above mentioned?

    Do I have to take these medicines during my next periods also ?
    GAP between medicines? i will drink 500ml water in one time?

    • Joe says:

      I have already given you clear instructions on how to use the therapy I have prescribed for your problems and regret that I cannot spend time to instruct you further on how to follow these instructions and use the medicines prescribed for you.

      If you cannot understand them you can get someone who understands English to help you. It is up to you to follow them precisely as prescribed.

      “Do I have to take these medicines during my next periods also ?
      GAP between medicines? i will drink 500ml water in one time?”

      In my prescription I indicated that you will take just a capful of the remedy or 5ml as the dose twice daily.


  122. Emie says:

    Doctor Joe i am in need of help . Plz help.I am diagnosed with big chocolate cyst/endometrioma of size 13 cm right and size 12.4 cm on left . Doctors are forcing me to do surgery .

    • Joe says:

      You have not indicated your age and what your symptoms are and when you were diagnosed with yout CC’s. This information is essential for a diagnosis and treatment but since you stated that you are being forced to do surgery, I shall prescribe immediately to ensure that you do not fall a victim to your doctors who know that surgery is not the answer to your problem.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  123. Emie says:

    i am in my 20s and still unmarried.If i was married or had i have kids,i wouldnt mind for surgery but unfortunetely i m neither married nor have kids .Symptoms include : thigh pain,gas and bloating ,irregular periods.

  124. jhew says:

    Dr . joe i am diagnosed with chocolate cyst 8 cm on right ovary .So thats quite big . My problem is that i am going to get married after a week nd it cant be postponed as the preparations has already been done nd wedding cards has been distributed . i have heared about ur theraphy . I know that the cyst is big and it will take time to resolve as u have prescribed others . My main problem is which i m shy to tell anyone . will it harm my married life ?Should i refrain from being physical untill nd unless cyst becomes small ?Or talk husbnd about this ….. plz advice . i m very sad :'(

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts (CC) which I have pioneered and prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      You will observe that my therapy reduces the severe pain and bleeding you would otherwise have suffered from your Endometriosis in a few weeks. You can also expect your CC’s to reduce by 1cm Ø per month and your gynecologist will confirm that if you start a baby, your problems should also vanish. You will however continue to use my therapy to reduce your CC which in many cases interferes with starting a baby.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  125. jhew says:

    Thanks Dr for quick reply but i am so worried whether it will affect my married life or not? is there any harm?Should i have to talk to my husbnd or not as my marriage is after a week.

    • Joe says:

      It seems a pity that you contacted me just a week before your wedding as if you had done so say 6 months ago, you may have even been cured of your Chocolate Cysts and your Endometriosis would have been stabilized.

      You are writing from a thread where the patient confirms that she was blessed with a baby and as I advised you in my last post, the sooner you start a baby the better it will be for both you and your future husband.

      You have requested me to advise you on whether you should inform your husband at the eleventh hour and I would prefer that you did not put me into a difficult position to help you to make up your mind. Since you have done so twice in the last few hours, and since I am at age 87 able to advise you a girl who could be my grand daughter, my advice is not to do so right now as this may cause some unnecessary upheaval in your wedding plans.

      I would request you however to discuss the problem with your parents who will be in a better position to advise you than I am.

      I wish you all the very best in life and shall be very interested to have your report of your response to my therapy aka “Joepathy” (Google) after doing a scan in 3 months when I am confident that your CC will be reduced by at least 3Cm Ø.

  126. SALMA says:

    Hi doctor Joe,

    I have a chocolate cyst measuring 5 cm in my right ovary and another measuring 2 cm in my left ovary. I am 30 years old, and I wish to avoid surgery to preserve my ovaries as I would like to have children.

    I have purchased your remedy and would like to clarify its usage. In a 500 ml bottle of spring water, should I add one drop each of Bellis, Apis, and Arnica? After shaking the mixture at least six times, should I then take one teaspoon twice daily, leaving an hour between doses, and continue using the same preparation until the 500 ml is finished?

    Thank you for your guidance.

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many patients in the past 10 years and you are invited to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 6c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about half hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.
      You can expect your CC’s to reduce at 1Cm per month and you will do a US Scan and report the reduction in 3 months.

      You will not take any other drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

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