I am copying a report on potentizing Elephant’s Milk that I was associated with in 2008 which I discovered on the Homeopathy and More Forum of which I was a Founder Member. I am copying it on my own Website for purposes of record.
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
May 1 2008
I would like to record the process that we used to Triturate Elephant’s Milk (Lac Loxodonta Ceylanica) under the direction of a Homeopath from Switzerland who visited Sri Lanka a few days ago to obtain a sample of this Milk which was drawn from a lactating Elephant.
One drop of the milk is inserted on 3 gm Lactose (about 1 coffee spoonful) which is heaped on a sterilized porcelain mortar about 15 cm diameter. It is then ground into the lactose by the porcelain pestle which is rotated by hand for 6 minutes around the inside of the mortar which is covered evenly by the lactose. The smell of the drop of Elephant’s Milk was very noticeable at this stage and it pervaded the room throughout the trituration process.
The potency of the first trituration is considered as 1C
The lactose is collected into a heap by scraping the sides of the mortar and another 3 gm is added to the heap. The process is repeated for another 6 minutes and the powder collected into a heap.
The potency of the second trituration is considered as 2 C.
Another 3 gm is added and the process repeated for a further 6 minutes.
The potency of the second trituration is considered as 3 C.
The process is repeated for the 4th time and is considered as 4 C
1 gm is taken from the triturated lactose and inserted into 9 gm distilled water in a sterilized glass bottle with glass lid and is succussed by shaking hard in the hand for about 6 minutes. The remedy is considered to be 5 C.
The water is emptied and another 9 gm water inserted into the bottle and the process is continued. The droplets of water that adhere to the inside surface of the bottle is the starter for the higher potency. Each additional succussion is considered as 1 C higher on the potency scale.
When the required potency is reached the distilled water is replaced by 95% Ethanol which is succussed in the same manner and is used to potentize lactose pellets in the usual manner.
The potentized Elephant’s Milk has not been proved up to now but the Swiss expert is of opinion that it can help to pass on to the user the characteristics of the Elephant. Details of provings will be forwarded to me sometime in the future.
This process of Trituration with Lactose and later with Ethanol can be used to potentize any substance including plants when a tiny piece of a leaf or flower is used. It will be observed that this process will widen the catalogue of remedies that are now available in Homeopathy and it will be possible for those interested in the propagation of this science to potentize various remedies from plants that have been used in Ayurveda for centuries whose curative effects are already recorded.
It is my hope that others will continue this process that I have detailed above and will prove the remedies that they potentize and record their observations on a Forums like ours and share this information with the World Body of Homeopaths.
Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
By: udaya kumar
May 1 2008
Dear Joe,
Thanks for the information.
One thing I would like to place on record here is what I have heard from my father as a child,around 45 years ago, about the use of elephant in medicines. I was told that my grand uncles were renowned vaidyas and doctors and my father was also good at medicines. I then had overheard what he was mentioning about a medicine. I cannot recollect now distinctly as to whether it was taken from its dung or from its teeth or from its hair on the tail. But, one of the parts of the elephant he mentioned as having extraordinary capacity in growing hair on a bald head.
And then he immediately added that there is one bad effect in it. i.e. the hair may come fast and stay there for some time but when the hair goes off, those places will be effected by Leucoderma, just the same way as the forehead and ears of the elephant are affected by Leucoderma.
That is a preparation in material dose. In the case of homeopathy, the effect should be reverse. And therefore, the effect of homeopathic doses of Lac Loxodonta Indianica should be a cure for Leucoderma! In that case it should be breakthrough as one medicine for all because that is going to be a Sarcode/Nosode.
It is also observed that the prevailence of Leucoderma has been on the rise in the recent years. Arsenic Sulph Flavum being a head reamedy, for Leucoderma (Vitiligo), we can easily conclude that it is a malady of miasmetic origin as both Arsenic and Sulphur together is able to control it. Arsenic and Sulphur BOTH being remedies which work against all the three miasms i.e. anti psoric, anti-syphlitic and anti-sycotic. And their area of function undoubtedly is stomach and skin. The intrinsic relationship in the case of Leucoderma therefore, is between stomach and skin. Also in all cases where I have checked with the person suffering from this malady, the person have been using excessive lemon, lemon water or citric juices and fond of milk and milk products. There is a need to establish these links.
“”””The potentized Elephant’s Milk has not been proved up to now but the Swiss expert is of opinion that it can help to pass on to the user the characteristics of the Elephant. Details of provings will be forwarded to me sometime in the future. ”””
Talking about the characteristics of the elephant, One thing I am sure about elephant is that it does not have any EGO neither about its power, its size or its intelligence. It is very pious animal and devoted to God and therefore in a higher plane of consciousness than human beings. Its milk is certainly required for many many modern men and women.
with regards. udaya
By: garcot
May 2 2008
Off all the living things in this world,
Elephants retain their memory longest.
because they have the biggest ( size)
Elephants never sleep ( that is a sad thing, Elephants need only about four hours rest each night and unless the animal is sick, it will not lie down to sleep.)
Elephants can run very long distances non stop
Elephants are very compassionate.
Elephants (some of them) develop leucoderma ( as Udaya said )
Elephants can recognise their enemy even after 12 years!
Elephants are herbivores and will spend up to 20 hours a day eating anywhere from 150 to 300kg of jungle fodder or 6 to 8% of their body weight in food each day. They have a simple digestive system with an unusual cylindrical shaped stomach that stores the food while it waits to be fermented by bacteria in the caecum. The combined length of the small and large intestines is about 100ft. (35m) and it takes about 24 hours to digest a meal. They only derive nutrition from about 45% of what they eat. They prefer feeding on grasses; however they will also eat large amounts of bark, roots and leaves. Understandably, when elephants come across cultivated crops this food becomes addicting and as a result leads to human elephant confrontations. As far as cultivated foods, they seem to prefer rice, bananas and sugar cane. It is like a child being let loose in a candy store.
Elephants have very small eyes compared to the rest of their sense organs.
Elephants normally move only in small groups. BEHAVIOR:
The basic social structure is made up of a family group consisting of 2 to 10 females and their offspring. It has been found that groups of 3 or less adult females with offspring are more stable than larger groups. Young males start to move out of the family group between the ages of 6 and 7 years old. Young males will associate with each other in transitory groups until they reach adulthood. When they become full-grown males they are solitary and only associate with a group when courting a female in estrus.
Elephants live as long as 70 years and above. ( A newborn calf weighs 200 pounds and stands about three feet tall at the shoulder. One of the first things a calf smells is the dung of the mother that is dropped shortly after the calf born; this associates her scent to her baby. The calf can stand two hours after birth and it will begin to suckle. The young are weaned at about 2 years old. Their rate of growth, the age at which they reach puberty, their life span, and their gerontic (last phase of life) progression is similar to that of man).
Elephant’s pass stools in large lumps.
The gestation period is 22 months and one or sometimes two calves are born.
females reach sexual maturity at about the age of 10. If conditions are difficult sexual maturity may be delayed several years.
Elephants have a pulse rate which is half that of humans. ( infact crocodiles have the lowest with 2 to 3 per minute (like in deep meditation) and they live upto 600 years)
Elephants by nature have rough skin and are generally on the darker side. The skin is about 1 inch (2.5cm) thick, however it is paper-thin on the insides of the ears, around the mouth and the anus. The skin contains no sweat glands and is soft to the touch. Skin care is an important part of an elephants lifestyle. Wallowing plays an integral role in elephant society; it also serves as a way to protect the skin from insect bites, sunburn and moisture loss. A bath is important to both captive and wild elephants. It not only cleans them, but is also relaxing to them.
Hearing: All elephants have acute hearing far superior to humans and their large ears act amplifiers. There is a knuckle found at the back of the ear, which is one of the softest parts of their bodies; mahouts, using their feet will steer or give commands to the animal. Elephants communication is rich in infrasound (ranging below what humans can hear) with sound traveling over many kilometers. These long distance infrasonic calls are used in times of stress, excitement, during separation and to relay sexual information. Elephants have have small eyes and poor eyesight so they can only see clearly up to about 30-40 feet (10m). Their sight tends to improve when they are in shaded areas. and have no canine teeth.
Teeth: Elephants do not have canine teeth but they have four high crowned molars with a complex structure for grinding their food. These teeth do not succeed one another vertically in the usual mammalian fashion, but come in successively from behind, one tooth at a time. Think of them like a conveyor belt moving slowly from back to front. When the foremost tooth is so worn down and is of no further use, it is pushed out, mostly in pieces and replaced at the rear by a new one. An elephant grows only six complete sets of these molars during its lifetime; the final set finishes growing in at about the age of 40. This method of replacing teeth prolongs their dentition until that age. Many elephants do reach the age of 60, but few elephants reach the age of 70 because the teeth will be worn down and decayed to the point of them not being able to eat any more resulting in death by slow starvation. A baby elephant will have two or three cheek teeth in each jaw quadrant. As it gets older, new and successively bigger teeth will form in back of these, slowly pushing them forward.
Hope the above facts help us to use the mental and physical patterns where this milk in potentised form may be required.
“wisdom in your body is deeper than your deepest philosophy”(Nietszche)
By: garcot
May 4 2008
Looks like, the potentised milk of an elephant would help in the following:
It would help in the following:
1. High Pulse rate / BP
2. Insomnia
3. Skin problems
4. It would help in Arthritis
5. Oversensitive to sounds
6. longivity
7. Elimination of Longterm Memory for negative impressions. ( depression?)
8. Lack of hunger
Some kind of proving would help us understand the effectiveness of this potentised milk.
Who will bell the cat?