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A 29 years old girl married for 4 years and unable to have a baby reports on her Baby Boy after 2 years.

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013


I am copying below the consersations we have had about your Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which were preventing you from having a baby many years ago which I feel would be of interest to visitors to my Website.


From Geeta Sharma on 2010-07-20
15 replies 2982 views
I am 29 years old. I am married for last 4 years. Last year i went through laproscopy wherein my chocolate cyst of 4 cm in right ovary was removed. Doc asked me to try to conceive asap. Bt i failed. And now there is another cyst developing in left ovary of 19 mm in size. I am very very upset. My cycle is regular. My both tubes are opened.Still I am not able to conceive.Doc has advised me for IVF. What should I do?
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Re: Endometriosis From Dr. Rakesh Km Lko on 2010-07-20
Are you provided with all information regarding conception.

Please describe what measures they told to have conception (some general)
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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2010-07-20
Many patients who present Endometriosis experience some problems in starting a baby especially if they also have Chocolate Cysts. It is possible that these Cysts prevent the ovum from entering the Fallopian Tube as they usually block the entrance.

IVF is perhaps the answer to your problem which you can consider at your convenience. If you succeed in conceiving, you may discover that it will also cure your problem.

A remedy that I have prescribed for Endometriosis which has resulted in a high rate of cure is Bellis Perennnis 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. Arnica 30c in the Wet dose will reduce the Heavy Bleeding that you also suffer from and will also eliminate the pain associated with your periods usually within 2 days after you start this therapy.

Please note that Surgery is not the answer for your condition as it does nothing to prevent it. Surgery is only good for the moment but Bellis Perennis will first reduce the Chocolate Cyst in a few months and will also ensure that you will be cured in about a year.

The combination of both the Bellis Perennis and Arnica is the ultimate choice to treat this ailment towards a cure.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.

You can visit the Homeopathy and More Forum whose link I cannot give you on this post as the software prevents it. You can however Google it and then type “Endometriosis and Heavy Bleeding” to read the accounts of many patients whom I have cured of their ailment.

You may like to know that I was the first Homeopath to pioneer this therapy which is now referred to as “Joepathy” as this protocol is not referred to in the classical Homeopathic texts.

Please report progress in a few weeks after you commence this therapy.
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Re: Endometriosis From Geeta Sharma on 2010-07-23
Thank You Sir for your prompt response. I will surely start with the medication asap.I wanted to tell you that my periods last only for 2 or 2 1/2 days. So should I take Arnica 30C. Its not heavy bleeding rather its less. Secondly, when i got surgery done last year then the cyst was removed. I followed Ovulation Study for 4-5 months.Egg was growing very fine. It ruptured also. Still I didnt succeed.Something went wrong somewhere. What could be the reason. I hope that by taking these medicines my cyst will go away. But Will I be able to conceive now.
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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2010-07-23
Arnica is a remedy for which I have great respect as it has helped the ailments of many patients who despaired that they will never be cured. There is every chance that it will help you. In any case it cannot do you any harm.

The Bellis P will also help you.

Please visit the link below for more information on Arnica:


On the basis of the information that you have submitted:
“I followed Ovulation Study for 4-5 months.Egg was growing very fine. It ruptured also. Still I didnt succeed.Something went wrong somewhere.”

Suggest you give the therapy I have prescribed a few months and if you do not succeed you can follow my advice in doing a IVF to ensure that the egg is firmly implanted in your womb.

My prayers are with you and God will surely bless you with a Baby soon.
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Re: Endometriosis From Geeta Sharma on 2010-07-26
Dear Dr. Rakesh Km Lko

I followed Ovulation Study for 4-5 months. I did as doctor advised me. Evrything was normal. Egg size, rupturing and Ovulation days.But still of …….
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Re: Endometriosis From Geeta Sharma on 2010-09-06
Dear Joe De Livera
I am glad to inform you that I am PREGNANT.What medicines should I take now. Should I continue takinf Bellis P and Arnica. Thanks for your support and wishes.
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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2010-09-07
Dear Geeta

Please accept my congratulations on the wonderful news you gave me and I hope and pray to God who has heard our prayers that your Baby will be delivered safely.

I have always had an abiding trust in God and have found that my prayerful approach to Him invariably works wonderfully well.

You have asked for my advice on what remedies you should take today. I wish I was able to confidently answer your question but quite frankly I must admit that I do not know. It is obvious that Bellis Perennis is not of any use now as we can presume that it has done its work and reduced your Chocolate Cyst which was blocking the Fallopian Tubes and was the reason for your not conceiving for the past 4 years. The change in the hormones in your body which are occurring now will prevent the return of the CC’s in future. This can be checked with a Scan but I would not recommend it right now as the sound waves can affect the Baby depending on how many weeks you are pregnant. If you feel that there is a need for information you can do one in12 weeks.

Arnica 30 in the Wet dose taken just once daily before sleep can help you and you can continue it at the reduced dosage safely.

Please keep me advised of your progress in the future and be assured of my prayers for a safe delivery.

Joe De Livera
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Re: Endometriosis From Geeta Sharma on 2010-09-07
Thanks so munch Sir and I will surely be in touch with you..Thanks once again
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Re: Endometriosis From Geeta Sharma on 2010-12-17
Dear Joe
how r you..hope u r in best of your health and njoying life.As i told youl ast that i got pregnant by your wishes and advise but now i am again in great trouble.I am 4.5 months pregnant but my cervix length has shortened to 3 cms.My treating Doctor has advised complete bed rest now.What does this mean and what should I do now.Actually I have got admission in MBA in US University and my husband and myself were supposed to fly in January 2011.I am currently in India.Please advise.What shoud we do?There was some discharge also but that’s not amniotic fluid.My baby is fine by God’s grace.Should we fly now or drop the idea completely.Doctor has even asked me to rest on the bed with one side elevated.
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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2010-12-17
Dear Geetha,

I have often been thinking of you and how you were faring in your pregnancy. I am glad to learn that you are progressing well but the news that you have given me is causing me great concern as your gynecologist has advised you to have bed rest as your Cervix is just 3 cm which you must know, is far too short and may have been caused by the Endometrial tissue restricting its normal growth and expansion which is normal with the growth of your baby.

You have asked for my advice as to whether it would be safe for you to fly to the US with your husband and although I am not a gynecologist it is obvious that you cannot possibly even consider
doing so as the danger to your unborn baby and also to you is too great to even leave your home today.

I remember your stating that you had been trying to have a baby for 4 years and had gone through many surgical procedures for your Chocolate Cysts one of which I was able to reduce with Bellis P. I hope that you will reflect on how God has blessed you both with your Baby who at 4.5 months must be given every facility to progress to a normal birth which you may be denying him/her if you fly as the danger is far too great to even consider.

Please do not leave home till you have your baby.

Please keep me informed of your progress and be assured of my prayers for a safe delivery.
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Re: Endometriosis From Geeta Sharma on 2010-12-19
Dear Joe
Thanks so much for your reply.Do you advise me to take any homeopathic medicine which may help in improving my cervix length and also help in keeping my baby’s health well.Also as I am on bedrest,i am not allowed to walk. I was little worried about my normal delivery and exercises which a normal pregnant lady should do.Do you want me to take any medicine which may later on help me with my normal and safe delivery.
Thanks a lot for everything you have done for me. I can never repay you.
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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2010-12-19
Dear Geeta

I presume that you have no intention of leaving for the US right now.

You have requested me to advise you on a remedy that can help you in your present state but I regret to inform you that I do not have any experience in treating your condition which is unique.

I realize that bed rest can also create other problems without exercise and I would recommend that you post your problem on a new thread on the ABC in the hope that another more experienced practitioner can help you. You can give the link to this thread to put them into the picture.
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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2011-01-28
Dear Geeta

I would like to have your latest report.

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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2011-02-18
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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2013-09-03
I am copying your post which you made on my website which arrived a short while ago where you announced that you were blessed with a baby (Boy or Girl) 2.5 years ago.


Submitted on 2013/09/03 at 11:12 AM

I am so thankful to Mr Joe..You have really helped me to be a proud mom of 2 and a half years old baby.I was the patient of endometriosis and met you on case history is also mentioned on this site of yours.I am once again thankful to you Sir. How r u sir”

I am copying my response to your post on my website below:


You have given me great joy by informing me that you have safely delivered a baby 2.5 years ago. I thank you for doing so and am copying below the conversations that we have had on the ABC Homeopathy Forum where I first treated you which I feel would be of interest to other visitors to my Website. I shall also copy your case under Articles on my website where I post cases of special interest which is a more permanent record of my cases that I have treated with my “Joepathy” .

I have tried to contact you by posting twice on the ABC website where I first treated you but when you did not respond, I feared the worst as your case was a matter of touch and go as you reported that your gynaecologist had ordered you to have bed rest due to your Cervix being just 3 cm in length.

I am delighted indeed to know that you carried your baby to full term and I shall be happy to help you with my Joepathy if and when you or your baby would like to consult me.

Where do you live today? India or USA?metriosis

From Geeta Sharma on 2010-07-20
15 replies 2982 views
I am 29 years old. I am married for last 4 years. Last year i went through laproscopy wherein my chocolate cyst of 4 cm in right ovary was removed. Doc asked me to try to conceive asap. Bt i failed. And now there is another cyst developing in left ovary of 19 mm in size. I am very very upset. My cycle is regular. My both tubes are opened.Still I am not able to conceive.Doc has advised me for IVF. What should I do?
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Re: Endometriosis From Dr. Rakesh Km Lko on 2010-07-20
Are you provided with all information regarding conception.

Please describe what measures they told to have conception (some general)
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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2010-07-20
Many patients who present Endometriosis experience some problems in starting a baby especially if they also have Chocolate Cysts. It is possible that these Cysts prevent the ovum from entering the Fallopian Tube as they usually block the entrance.

IVF is perhaps the answer to your problem which you can consider at your convenience. If you succeed in conceiving, you may discover that it will also cure your problem.

A remedy that I have prescribed for Endometriosis which has resulted in a high rate of cure is Bellis Perennnis 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. Arnica 30c in the Wet dose will reduce the Heavy Bleeding that you also suffer from and will also eliminate the pain associated with your periods usually within 2 days after you start this therapy.

Please note that Surgery is not the answer for your condition as it does nothing to prevent it. Surgery is only good for the moment but Bellis Perennis will first reduce the Chocolate Cyst in a few months and will also ensure that you will be cured in about a year.

The combination of both the Bellis Perennis and Arnica is the ultimate choice to treat this ailment towards a cure.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.

You can visit the Homeopathy and More Forum whose link I cannot give you on this post as the software prevents it. You can however Google it and then type “Endometriosis and Heavy Bleeding” to read the accounts of many patients whom I have cured of their ailment.

You may like to know that I was the first Homeopath to pioneer this therapy which is now referred to as “Joepathy” as this protocol is not referred to in the classical Homeopathic texts.

Please report progress in a few weeks after you commence this therapy.
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Re: Endometriosis From Geeta Sharma on 2010-07-23
Thank You Sir for your prompt response. I will surely start with the medication asap.I wanted to tell you that my periods last only for 2 or 2 1/2 days. So should I take Arnica 30C. Its not heavy bleeding rather its less. Secondly, when i got surgery done last year then the cyst was removed. I followed Ovulation Study for 4-5 months.Egg was growing very fine. It ruptured also. Still I didnt succeed.Something went wrong somewhere. What could be the reason. I hope that by taking these medicines my cyst will go away. But Will I be able to conceive now.
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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2010-07-23
Arnica is a remedy for which I have great respect as it has helped the ailments of many patients who despaired that they will never be cured. There is every chance that it will help you. In any case it cannot do you any harm.

The Bellis P will also help you.

Please visit the link below for more information on Arnica:


On the basis of the information that you have submitted:
“I followed Ovulation Study for 4-5 months.Egg was growing very fine. It ruptured also. Still I didnt succeed.Something went wrong somewhere.”

Suggest you give the therapy I have prescribed a few months and if you do not succeed you can follow my advice in doing a IVF to ensure that the egg is firmly implanted in your womb.

My prayers are with you and God will surely bless you with a Baby soon.
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Re: Endometriosis From Geeta Sharma on 2010-07-26
Dear Dr. Rakesh Km Lko

I followed Ovulation Study for 4-5 months. I did as doctor advised me. Evrything was normal. Egg size, rupturing and Ovulation days.But still of …….
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Re: Endometriosis From Geeta Sharma on 2010-09-06
Dear Joe De Livera
I am glad to inform you that I am PREGNANT.What medicines should I take now. Should I continue takinf Bellis P and Arnica. Thanks for your support and wishes.
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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2010-09-07
Dear Geeta

Please accept my congratulations on the wonderful news you gave me and I hope and pray to God who has heard our prayers that your Baby will be delivered safely.

I have always had an abiding trust in God and have found that my prayerful approach to Him invariably works wonderfully well.

You have asked for my advice on what remedies you should take today. I wish I was able to confidently answer your question but quite frankly I must admit that I do not know. It is obvious that Bellis Perennis is not of any use now as we can presume that it has done its work and reduced your Chocolate Cyst which was blocking the Fallopian Tubes and was the reason for your not conceiving for the past 4 years. The change in the hormones in your body which are occurring now will prevent the return of the CC’s in future. This can be checked with a Scan but I would not recommend it right now as the sound waves can affect the Baby depending on how many weeks you are pregnant. If you feel that there is a need for information you can do one in12 weeks.

Arnica 30 in the Wet dose taken just once daily before sleep can help you and you can continue it at the reduced dosage safely.

Please keep me advised of your progress in the future and be assured of my prayers for a safe delivery.

Joe De Livera
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Re: Endometriosis From Geeta Sharma on 2010-09-07
Thanks so munch Sir and I will surely be in touch with you..Thanks once again
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Re: Endometriosis From Geeta Sharma on 2010-12-17
Dear Joe
how r you..hope u r in best of your health and njoying life.As i told youl ast that i got pregnant by your wishes and advise but now i am again in great trouble.I am 4.5 months pregnant but my cervix length has shortened to 3 cms.My treating Doctor has advised complete bed rest now.What does this mean and what should I do now.Actually I have got admission in MBA in US University and my husband and myself were supposed to fly in January 2011.I am currently in India.Please advise.What shoud we do?There was some discharge also but that’s not amniotic fluid.My baby is fine by God’s grace.Should we fly now or drop the idea completely.Doctor has even asked me to rest on the bed with one side elevated.
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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2010-12-17
Dear Geetha,

I have often been thinking of you and how you were faring in your pregnancy. I am glad to learn that you are progressing well but the news that you have given me is causing me great concern as your gynecologist has advised you to have bed rest as your Cervix is just 3 cm which you must know, is far too short and may have been caused by the Endometrial tissue restricting its normal growth and expansion which is normal with the growth of your baby.

You have asked for my advice as to whether it would be safe for you to fly to the US with your husband and although I am not a gynecologist it is obvious that you cannot possibly even consider
doing so as the danger to your unborn baby and also to you is too great to even leave your home today.

I remember your stating that you had been trying to have a baby for 4 years and had gone through many surgical procedures for your Chocolate Cysts one of which I was able to reduce with Bellis P. I hope that you will reflect on how God has blessed you both with your Baby who at 4.5 months must be given every facility to progress to a normal birth which you may be denying him/her if you fly as the danger is far too great to even consider.

Please do not leave home till you have your baby.

Please keep me informed of your progress and be assured of my prayers for a safe delivery.
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Re: Endometriosis From Geeta Sharma on 2010-12-19
Dear Joe
Thanks so much for your reply.Do you advise me to take any homeopathic medicine which may help in improving my cervix length and also help in keeping my baby’s health well.Also as I am on bedrest,i am not allowed to walk. I was little worried about my normal delivery and exercises which a normal pregnant lady should do.Do you want me to take any medicine which may later on help me with my normal and safe delivery.
Thanks a lot for everything you have done for me. I can never repay you.
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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2010-12-19
Dear Geeta

I presume that you have no intention of leaving for the US right now.

You have requested me to advise you on a remedy that can help you in your present state but I regret to inform you that I do not have any experience in treating your condition which is unique.

I realize that bed rest can also create other problems without exercise and I would recommend that you post your problem on a new thread on the ABC in the hope that another more experienced practitioner can help you. You can give the link to this thread to put them into the picture.
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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2011-01-28
Dear Geeta

I would like to have your latest report.

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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2011-02-18
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Re: Endometriosis From Joe De Livera on 2013-09-03
I am copying your post which you made on my website which arrived a short while ago where you announced that you were blessed with a baby (Boy or Girl) 2.5 years ago.


Submitted on 2013/09/03 at 11:12 AM

I am so thankful to Mr Joe..You have really helped me to be a proud mom of 2 and a half years old baby.I was the patient of endometriosis and met you on case history is also mentioned on this site of yours.I am once again thankful to you Sir. How r u sir”


You have given me great joy by informing me that you have safely delivered a baby 2.5 years ago. I thank you for doing so and am copying below the conversations that we have had on the ABC Homeopathy Forum where I first treated you which I feel would be of interest to other visitors to my Website. I shall also copy your case under Articles on my website where I post cases of special interest which is a more permanent record of my cases that I have treated with my “Joepathy” .

I have tried to contact you by posting twice on the ABC website where I first treated you but when you did not respond, I feared the worst as your case was a matter of touch and go as you reported that your gynaecologist had ordered you to have bed rest due to your Cervix being just 3 cm in length.

I am delighted indeed to know that you carried your baby to full term and I shall be happy to help you with my Joepathy if and when you or your baby would like to consult me.

Where do you live today? India or USA?

Chronic Catarrh CURED

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

I am copying the case of a patient Diane whom I helped to overcome her Chronic Catarrh in a few days which I thought would be of interest to visitors to my website.
I have deleted the email address of the patient to ensure her privacy.

Submitted on 2013/08/29 at 9:52 AM | In reply to Diane.

I am very glad that my SHOT IN THE DARK hit a BULL’S EYE.

Some may classify it as LUCK but I call it “Inspiration” from a Higher Force whom I call God in whom I have an abiding trust.

I shall copy your post under “Articles” to make it more permanent on my Website to enable others to access it easily.

You need not take 4 doses of Eupat P daily from now on. Just 2 will do.

Report your progress from time to time.

Dear Joe,

I am writing to thank you for prescribing a remedy for my chronic sinus congestion and year round allergies. On August 8th you suggested I take Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c 4 timses daily and report my results. I did that and found immediate relief. You also recommended taking Gelsemium and Arnica 30C which I have been taking twice daily since then. My sinus congestion has almost completely cleared up now. It feels like a miracle. I’ve been suffering for so many years and had given up on ever being able to breathe normally again. I consulted various doctors and took various medications, some of them brought temporary relief, others did nothing.

Thank you so much for helping me feel better. You said it was a shot in the dark when you first suggested this remedy, but the shot in the dark really paid off. Keep up the good work, you are helping so many people through your website and I am very grateful for your advice.

Thank you,


Yes do please record your case on this thread, and I shall copy it under a more permanent heading which will enable other visitors to read it.

Joe, I will be happy to recount my experience about how well the remedy worked for me. Please let me know where you want me to post the comments. Should I do it right here or is there another section of the website for testimonials?


I am glad to learn that my “Joepathy” has helped you to at least temporarily overcome your chronic “allergies” to prevent you sneezing as you have done for years.

It would be of interest for you to recount your case on my website in detail as a permanent record of how my proverbial “Shot in the Dark” as I described my therapy when I first prescribed it for you, worked. Quite frankly I did not think that I could have helped you.

Answerng your question, you may take the remedies in the pellets when travelling and use just ONE PELLET in half a cup of water which you will stir in till dissolved in about a minute. A dose is just a SIP of the water. You will make a fresh dose every time. You cannot however mix 2 remedies together.

Please confirm that you are NOT taking other DRUGS with the Homeopathy.

Dear Joe,

I am continuing to do well with the remedies you suggested, Arnica, Gelsemium and Eup Perf. Right now I am taking them in the wet dose. I was wondering if I could switch to the pellets because when I travel by plane, I cannot carry liquids with me. I understand that the wet dose is preferred but will I suffer a setback if I switch to the dry dose. It’s easy to carry in my purse and will be more convenient.


Yours is a very complicated case and I would prefer that you do not overload yourself with the Nat Mur right now. You have achieved some measure of success with my therapy for your ENT problems and let us first treat them for a few weeks and then treat your depression.

Can I take Nat Mur in addition to the Arnica, Gelsemium and Eup Perf?


You can take Nat Mur 6x dose 3 tablets thrice daily and report response in a week.

Yes, I am taking Arnica 30 as well and will continue to do so.

I was wondering if you could suggest a remedy for my depression. I’ve been depressed for several months now, not sure if there is some chemical imbalance that needs to be corrected. I don’t want to take anti-depressants because there are too many side effects. Is there a remedy you know of that helps with depression?


Glad to learn that I have scored a BULLS EYE with the 2 remedies Eupat Perf 200 and Gelsemium 200.
You can safely take both remedies twice daily spaced out at half hour intervals twice daily.

I hope that you are also using the Arnica 30c. If you do not have Asthma, 30c is preferred.

Report progress weekly.

Hi Joe, I have been taking Gelsimium and Eup Perf for 48 hours and I am feeling much better. For the first time in months, I can breathe from both nostrils. Should I continue to take this remedy daily?

Joe, you mentioned Arnica 30C which I have been taking but in your last post you said Arnica 6C. Please specify if I should take 30C or 6C. I haven’t been able to find the Gelsemium. I’ll look for it at another store tomorrow.


Did I prescribe Gelsemium 30 to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily ?

I have prescribed this remedy to be taken with the Eup Perf in chronic cases like yours and I would like to observe if this will help you. You must understand that Eup P cannot be taken for any long period as it can have other side effects.

Also add Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.

Report progress in 48 hours

Submitted on 2013/08/15 at 4:59 AM | In reply to Joe.
Joe, my allergies have been really bad for the past two days, my right nostril is blocked and I’m sneezing all day. Should I go back to taking Eup Perf 4 times a day? The two days that I took the remedy were the only two days I had any relief from my symptoms. Right now I am taking it twice a day but it’s not giving me the same kind of relief. Please advise.

Thank you,

Submitted on 2013/08/13 at 7:56 PM | In reply to Joe.
Joe, thanks for everything you do. I enjoy reading your posts, they are educational and informative. God bless you.


You must leave at least half hour between remedies as there is every chance that one remedy can antidote the other.

Add Gelsemium 30c in the Wet dose to your current list of remedies taken twice daily and report your response.

As you are aware, your case is unique and it may take a few more weeks to get to the bottom and hopefully CURE you.

It is possible that you can benefit from STEAM which you will inhale twice daily as this will help to clear the passages in your sinus which have caused the sneezing and coryza. You can get the type of steaming device used in beauty palours

Submitted on 2013/08/13 at 6:47 PM | In reply to Joe.
Joe, I woke up this morning and my right nostril was completely blocked again. I can’t breathe through it. I don’t have asthma just allergies. I’ll take Arnica and Eup Perf twice daily and will report back to you. Can I take them together or should I keep a gap between both medications?

Submitted on 2013/08/13 at 11:33 AM | In reply to Diane.

I am delighted to learn that the medication I prescribed a few days ago has helped you. As I stated in my last post which I copy below it was indeed a “Shot in the Dark” and IT WORKED !!!

I am copying your post:

“I have been suffering from chronic sinus infections since the beginning of this year. It clears up when I take antibiotics but it comes back again in a few months. I am going through my second round of antibiotics for this year and will be done in 4 days.”

My reply:


This is a shot in the dark and I am presuming that your problem with your Sinus is due to a repeated infection by a Virus.

You will take Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose 4 times daily and report your response in 48 hours.”

You can safely take the Eupat Perf but you will reduce it to twice daily and report your response weekly.

Also ADD

Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
This additional remedy can also help you.

Do you suffer from Asthma?
You will have to consult a doctor to diagnose this problem as I cannot do so on my website.

Submitted on 2013/08/13 at 10:38 AM | In reply to Joe.
Hello Joe,

Thank your for prescribing this medication for me. I really appreciate it. I’m feeling much better after taking Eup Perf for 48 hours. I still have a little bit of nasal congestion. Should I continue with the medication? I also suffer from year round allergies and sneezing and runny noses are pretty common for me.

Thank you Joe, I will order this medication and will take it 4 times a day for 2 days.

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Submitted on 2013/08/08 at 10:58 AM | In reply to Diane.

This is a shot in the dark and I am presuming that your problem with your Sinus is due to a repeated infection by a Virus.

You will take Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose 4 times daily and report your response in 48 hours.


The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:

Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

Posts for August
341 View Post
Submitted on 2013/08/08 at 3:42 AM | In reply to Joe.
Joe, my sinus problems started the beginning of this year. It causes stuffiness in my nose, my right nostril is almost always blocked. I have headaches and feel pressure behind my cheeks and all over my face. I feel better after inhaling steam but that’s just temporary. In March my doctor gave me a Z-pack and my symptoms went away. They came back again in June, on and off and then contstant for 3 weeks now. My doctor gave me another Z-pack and already I am feeling better. I don’t like to take anti-biotics over and over again and would rather treat the cause instead of the symptoms.

Posts for August
341 View Post
Submitted on 2013/08/07 at 10:43 PM | In reply to Diane.

You will have to give me more information on your current problem with your Sinus and also indicate the TIME FRAME during which you have been suffering and treated by doctors.

Also indicate the drugs that you were prescribed and your response to them.

Posts for August
341 View Post
Submitted on 2013/08/07 at 9:15 PM
Dear Joe,

I have been suffering from chronic sinus infections since the beginning of this year. It clears up when I take antibiotics but it comes back again in a few months. I am going through my second round of antibiotics for this year and will be done in 4 days. Once I am done, I would like to take some homeopathy medication to prevent this from coming back. Is there anything you can recommend for me?

Thank you,

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Marissa cured of Asthma and frequent Colds

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

Marissa cured of Asthma and frequent Colds

This is the record of my treatment of Marissa who is now 8 years old whom I treated last year for her Asthma which was usually triggered by a Cold which she does not seem to catch so often today.


Submitted on 2013/05/12 at 21:05
This is further to the post that I had made last year in the month of March 2012 w.r.t. her rhinitis. As prescribed by Mr. Joe I started giving her Eupat Perf 30, for her rhinitis it has not only has helped her to get over her rhinitis but has also helped her to control her asthma. For the last 8 months she’s not had an asthma attack at all. Immediately after starting Eupat Perf. 30C the frequency of her asthma attacks had reduced she got just 3 attacks. I started her treatment on 15th of January 2012. Usually month of April – May used to be very bad for her. – we are in the middle east – weather changes around this time- She used to get at least around 4 attacks. Last year May -2012 as well as this year till now she’s not got an attack, also in the month of December she used to catch cold and get atleast around 3 attacks but this December she never got an attack. For the last 8 months she’s not got an attack at all. The last attack she got was in the month of September it was very mild. In the month of March she was really down with cold, with continious coughing which was so bad that she used to not get sleep in the night at all. She was down with the flu for 3 weeks but inspite of her being so weak,… she did not get an asthma attack. Here again I repeat Mr Joe’s dose of Euph Perf 30c only helped her to overcome her asthma. These days I occasionally give her ice cream and she is fine. I usually used to not give her the same.
These days as suggested by Mr. Joe I have changed to Euph. Perf 200c from April 2013
Thank you very much Mr. Joe for the help and guidance that you given me this last 16 months. It is rare nowadays to find people who will do something for a person and not get anything in return.
Thank you, Joe

Posted on March 26 2012 by

Carol Merilyn Fernandes
As a child Marissa did not have any problems w.r.t cold. Though when she was small she had skin allergy. This passed off with application of a home remedy.

When she was around 4 and half years we shifted to Abu Dhabi. Here the room that we used to sleep in had a window A/C. Well from that time on she started getting allergic cold with fever. As usual after she got the cold she would get her bout of coughing. We used to go to the Dr. , he used to prescribe all the medicine.. right from antibiotics. Then one day when she had got the cold I showed her to per Dr. in Dubai who had treated her when she was small. He diagnosed that she was asthmatic.

She used to often get asthma attacks. Having breathing difficulty – spasmodic breathing etc.

By then, it was March, she had developed rhinitis as well, we showed her to another Dr. he prescribed an ayurvedic medicine for her rhinitis. This helped her a lot. Her rhinitis was quite under control. The doctor had advised a break of 15 days after taking the medicine for a month. But as soon as she stopped the medicine. She used to develop rhinitis again and it was quite severe. Showed her to many doctors, for her rhinitis, was not much worried about the asthma as in the last year she got her attacks only when the climate changed. i.e. in November and March.

Though her rhinitis is still there. I stopped the ayurvedic medicine in July after two years and started giving her loratidine 3ml to 5ml in the night, depending on the severity of her sneezes in the morning as she developed a reaction for the ayurvedic medicine, Loratidine used to help her to a certain extent. She used to get the sneezes but not many – maybe around 15-20. But with the sneezing the phlegm also used to come. Without loratidine she used to get maybe around 30 to 40 sneezes with eyes watering. Also gave her cetrizine but this did not help her.

Now from 14th January, 2012 started giving her Eup Perf 30 c. There is a remarkable difference.

She just sneezes 2-3 times in the morning with no phlegm coming out, and there is no nasal congestion. She usually used to get irritation/throat pain, watering of the eyes etc, Per Eup 30 c has helped her, a lot and she has not complained about the above since the last almost two months.

I also feel that the above medicine has given her relief against asthma, she had only a very mild attack in late January, this she had got as a result of being out when it was cold and windy. But then she overcame the cold without any medicine other than eup per 30 c.

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Sunday, March 31st, 2013

Turmeric equals exercise in its ability to prevent aging

Sunday, March 31st, 2013

Turmeric equals exercise in its ability to prevent aging

Sunday, March 31, 2013 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

(NaturalNews) A chemical that naturally occurs in turmeric root appears to protect the heart from aging as much as moderate aerobic exercise, according to a trio of studies conducted by researchers from the University of Tsukuba in Japan.

Turmeric root has been an important component of traditional Asian medicinal systems for hundreds of years. In recent decades, scientific studies have confirmed the potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of the trio of turmeric chemicals known as “curcuminoids,” which give the root its distinctive yellow-orange color. Although only one of these chemicals is properly known as “curcumin,” the name is commonly used to refer to all of them collectively.

The three new studies all compared the effects of exercise and curcumin on heart health and postmenopausal women over an eight-week period. All the studies were randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled. Curcumin was delivered by means of colloidal nanoparticles.

Can turmeric prevent heart disease?
In the first study, researchers assigned 32 women to either take a curcumin supplement, engage in moderate aerobic exercise training, or undergo no intervention at all. The researchers measured participants’ vascular endothelial function – the responsiveness of the layer of cells that line the blood vessels, a key indicator of overall cardiovascular health – both at the beginning and end of the study. They found that while there was no improvement in the control group, endothelial function significantly increased in both the exercise and curcumin groups. Most surprisingly, the improvement in the two experimental groups was identical.

The second study examined curcumin’s effects on the responsiveness of arteries to changes in blood pressure (“arterial compliance”), another key measure of cardiovascular health. In this study, 32 women were randomly assigned to receive either a curcumin supplement or a placebo pill, or to undergo an exercise routine plus either a curcumin or placebo pill. The researchers found no significant improvement in the control group, significant (and equivalent) improvements in both the exercise-only and curcumin-only groups, and the greatest improvement among participants who exercised and also took the supplements.

In the final study, researchers examined the effects of exercise and curcumin on the rate of age-related degeneration of the heart’s left ventricle. 45 participants were randomly assigned into one of the same four groups used in the second study.

The researchers once again found that both exercise and curcumin produced significant increases in heart health. In this study; however, curcumin alone did not appear to provide any benefit. Specifically, brachial systolic blood pressure (SBP) decreased among participants who exercised, whether or not they took curcumin. In addition, heart-rate-corrected aortic augmentation index (AIx) and aortic SBP both decreased significantly only among participants who both exercised and took curcumin.

“Regular ingestion of curcumin could be a preventive measure against cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women,” the authors of the first study wrote. “Furthermore, our results suggest that curcumin may be a potential alternative … for patients who are unable to exercise.”

Curcumin is best absorbed from turmeric root, rather than from supplements.


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