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Posts for January 2022
Friday, December 31st, 2021How Joepathy helped a patient with 9 Stents.
Sunday, December 19th, 2021• Meena says:December 4, 2021 at 11:01 AM (Edit)
Dear Dr. De Livera,
Thank you for doing the important work that you do. Your selfless service for humanity is highly appreciated. Since my father found your website in 2014, my entire family has benefitted from your recommendations and we are so grateful for your help.
My dad had a heart attack in 2007, and his ejection fraction went down to 35-40%. After this heart attack, allopathic medications were not very effective for him, so he turned to natural remedies and improved his election fraction to about 60%. From 2010 to 2021 he was free from all allopathic medications. Since he seemed to be doing very well, his cardiologist never ordered any scans of his heart to check the status of his coronary arteries.
Unfortunately, about ten days ago he had a heart attack. The doctors discovered that he had many blockages in his heart and they inserted stents to fix this. His ejection fraction has dropped down to 40%. The doctors also suspect that he has a blood clot (about 1cm in length) in the left ventricle of his heart. Doctors have prescribed Aspirin, Plavix, and Warfarin, but these are only preventative medications and will not dissolve the blood clot.
My dad is aware of your recommendation of Arnica 30C, Arnica 6C, Nat Phos, and Ferr Phos for heart attack patients and blood clots. He would appreciate your advice about which remedies you would recommend for his condition to dissolve the blood clot safely without breaking it into smaller fragments that might escape into the circulatory system and cause a stroke.
We would appreciate it if you could please let us know, from your experience, how a blood clot like this can be dissolved safely, how much time this might take, and any other precautions or recommendations you have for his condition, especially with respect to using homeopathy with other medications.
Thank you for your time. We sincerely appreciate your kindness.
• Joe says:
December 4, 2021 at 12:15 PM (Edit)
I cannot understand the reason why you did not seek my help in 2014 after your dad’s Heart attack as you state:
“Since my father found your website in 2014, my entire family has benefitted from your recommendations and we are so grateful for your help.”.
I looked back on my Website for any records of having treated your family but did not succeed in doing so. It is possible that you consulted me under another name and if so, please indicate it as it will help me to prescribe for him now.
In order to save time, which is of essence today for him, I shall share my therapy aka “Joepathy” below:
The Remedies listed below will help your Cardiac problems and you must report progress often to enable me to advise you.
My therapy comprises using Arnica 30c, and Apis 6c. All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose made precisely as indicated. You will also add Nat Phos 6x and Ferr Phos 6x to be taken in the dry tablets as prescribed below.
Arnica, has the incredible ability of filtering the blood and increasing its flow throughout the body. A dose is taken twice daily and will help in many ways.
Nat Phos 6x will help by accelerating the passage of food down the gut which will help digestion after a meal and will treat GERD. Dose 2 -3 tablets taken after every meal thrice daily.
Ferr Phos 6x will increase the oxygenation of the blood and will help in the curative process.
Dose 3 tablets taken before meals thrice daily.
Apis 6c will help to increase Kidney functions to enable the body to leach out the harmful chemicals in the blood. It is a diuretic and will help to pass excess fluid in your body as urine.
Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
You must exercise in moderation daily and you will drink over 2 liters water daily to flush out your system.
Report progress weekly.
Order the remedy in the Ethanol / Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about half the water from the bottle as the alcohol sometimes changes the taste of the medicated water in about a month, when a fresh batch should be made.
Insert 5 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a dose which is 5ml or a teaspoonful as prescribed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a teaspoonful.
• Meena says:
December 5, 2021 at 10:20 AM (Edit)
Dear Dr. De Livera,
I cannot thank you enough for your prompt response. I sincerely appreciate it.
My father’s heart attack was in 2007 and he successfully recovered using other natural remedies. He only found your website in 2014, after his recovery, which is why he did not contact you then. He has been diligently following the remedies you prescribe for other minor problems, such as indigestion and pain, and has shared your remedies with my family. We have all benefitted immensely and are so grateful to you. I apologize for the miscommunication on my end; my family did not contact your prior to my message yesterday.
Regarding the therapy you so kindly shared with us, fortunately I have Arnica 30c, Nat Phos 6x, and Ferr Phos 6x at home already. I will buy Apis 6c tomorrow and start his therapy right away following your recommendations. I will report his progress weekly, as requested. My father will also get an MRI done in a month or so to visualize the clot again, and hopefully it will decrease in size by then. I will share the MRI results as well.
I would appreciate your advice on another matter that just arose. My father had minor internal bleeding yesterday that reduced his hemoglobin level to 104. If you could please let us know if you have any recommendations for stopping or preventing internal gastrointestinal bleeding, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you again for your time and all the important work that you do. May God bless you.
• Joe says:
December 5, 2021 at 11:10 AM (Edit)
I am glad to read your post and to know that even today, it may not be too late to contribute my therapy aka “Joepathy” even at my advanced age over 92 years, to help your Dad’s current problems.
“I would appreciate your advice on another matter that just arose. My father had minor internal bleeding yesterday that reduced his hemoglobin level to 104. If you could please let us know if you have any recommendations for stopping or preventing internal gastrointestinal bleeding”.
He would also have discovered that his stools are black. Please comment.
The reason for his internal bleeding is due to the drugs especially Blood Thinners, Warfarin and Aspirin that he is presumably taking today prescribed by his doctors who just blindly prescribe them without considering that while they do function to thin the blood, Warfarin is also used to kill rats while Aspirin is known to cause internal bleeding, but is being prescribed as a matter of routine, and damn the results!
You should discover that his problem will cease and you will report progress.
• Meena says:
December 5, 2021 at 12:18 PM (Edit)
Dear Dr. De Livera,
Thank you so much again for your response.
Yes, unfortunately my father is taking 5mg Warfarin and 81mg Asprin daily, as prescribed by his doctors. He is also taking 75mg Clopidogrel, Enoxapam injections, 50mg Meteprolol twice daily, 40mg Pantoprazol, 2.5mg Ramipril, and 40mg Rosuvastatin. He has noticed internal bleeding and black stool.
Sadly he is a little scared to stop taking the blood thinners since he was told that they will help prevent blood clots, and since he has a large blood clot in his heart he does not want to make the situation worse. Of course, you are absolutely right about the medications’ horrible side effects. I believe I can convince him to stop taking the medications since he whole-heartedly believes in your therapy. I have just started him on the Arnica and Nat Phos.
In your experience, how long do you think it would take for a blood clot to dissolve using “Joepathy” therapy? Does Arnica also prevent blood clots from getting bigger, or escaping and causing a stroke? I apologize for asking so many questions. If you have time to answer, I would sincerely appreciate it, as this information would be comforting for my family to hear. If not, I completely understand of course.
Thank you again for your time, Dr. De Livera. I am so grateful for your help with my dad’s recovery. I look forward to sharing positive results from his recovery soon.
• Joe says:
December 6, 2021 at 8:33 AM (Edit)
I have spent a lot of time in trying to help your father and it is up to him to decide on whom he would like to be guided by, his current physician who follows the standard protocol with drugs with disastrous effects, or my Joepathy.
You can read the many cases I have nursed back to life by doing a search on my Website and if and when you decide to be guided by me, you can come back, if I am still around.
• Meena says:
December 19, 2021 at 6:21 AM (Edit)
Dear Dr. De Livera,
I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your help with my father’s case.
When he was discharged from the hospital I immediately told him about your treatments and he decided to faithfully follow your treatment plan and stop taking all other medications. However, before hearing your advice, the doctors had already given him many medications in the hospital (that I listed in my previous message). Unfortunately, by the time I relayed your message to him and he stopped taking his medications, it was already too late: he had a massive internal bleeding event on December 5th and has been in the hospital for the past 12 days. He has since refused to take Asprin and any other blood thinners except Plavix that they tried to give him in the hospital, as per your recommendation.
While he was in the hospital he continued to take Arnica and Nat Phos and occasionally Ferr Phos. He was discharged two days ago and is now taking all the treatments you recommended. Since he has 9 stents in his heart he has decided to continue taking Plavix for now to keep the stents open since he never had an adverse reaction to it before. If you could suggest any other homeopathic remedy that can keep stents unblocked, he would be very grateful and eager to take it instead of Plavix.
I just wanted to update you on his case and thank you again for your help. My father has already started to recover satisfactorily in the past two days he has left the hospital.
He will also get an MRI or MIBI done soon and I can share the results of his recovery with you if you would like.
Thank you again Doctor.
Posts for December 2021
Wednesday, December 1st, 2021How “Joepathy” cured a case of Acidosis in a patient.
Sunday, November 14th, 2021I felt that I should devote an article to this case which I would recommend anyone interested to read to learn how Homeopathic Remedies when used in the manner that I do, aka “Joepathy” can work in some miraculous manner to CURE a patient of Acidosis which resulted in a very high level of Blood Sugar.
I checked back on my Website on your Mother’s case of Chronic Diabetes which occurred quite suddenly which many doctors whom you consulted could not understand and cure which I was successful in curing. I hope that she is OK today after you first consulted me in 2016 and must admit that even today at my advanced age of 92, I am agreeably surprised at the outcome of her case.
I am copying below the many posts that both you and I have made on my Website in 2016 as it may interest Homeopaths and perhaps even Allopathic physicians who may like to know that it is the combination of both Allopathic Medicine and Homeopathy that will eventually prevail and SAVE the world from annihilation today from the current Corona/Covid Virus Pandemic, simply because they are suspicious of this Science of Homeopathy which is older that Modern Medicine and works in a manner that is illogical because it uses Nano levels of Remedies, unlike increasing the dose, like in your mother’s case, when the doctors increased the dosage of anti diabetic drugs which could have killed her.
• Ruchi Jain says:
June 29, 2016 at 2:39 PM (Edit)
Dear Sir,
On 14.5.2016 my mother was admitted to ICU for severe acidosis and sugar level beyond readable capacity of glucometer. As on date also, she is hospitalised and the doctors have not been able to bring down the sugar level to normal. Today morning sugar level (at 6.00 am before eating anything was 311). Sugar level on few other days were : date morning midday evening
21-6-2016 273 280 381
22-6-2016 320 221 279
24-6-16 328 210 161 (359 at 3 am)
25-6-16 300 190
26-6-16 217 291 221
27-6-16 305 260 314
Yesterday, When doctors tried to shift her from insulin to tablets of Armoyl and Glycomet, the sugar level shot up to 415.
She is being given 18-18-20ml of insulin (Actrapit). Please help urgently.
• Joe says:
June 29, 2016 at 2:50 PM (Edit)
You have not given me any details of your mother’s Diabetes except for the record of her current position in hospital.
I would like to have information of her age, and for how long she has suffered from Diabetes and what treatment she received from her doctors with reports of their diagnosis.
In the meanwhile you can give her a teaspoonful of Arnica 6c in the Wet dose every 3 hours made as follows.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol / Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
I have just read your report of her ACIDOSIS which I did not notice up to now.
Can you give me more data on this problem which is rare with the doctor’s diagnosis and the drugs prescribed.
She will continue to take all the drugs prescribed by her doctors and you will report her response to me in 24 hours when I expect to have some news of a lower BS level after the Arnica takes effect.
• Ruchi Jain says:
June 29, 2016 at 4:15 PM (Edit)
Dear Sir,
My mother has no earlier history of diabetes.Till the day she was hospitalised we never knew about it nor did any doctor suggested that we get her checked for sugar. She was not feeling like eating for last 15-20 days and had urge for chilled water. She was losing weight at a great speed. Worried I took her to hospital for glucose drips, where she collapsed, losing all sense of directions and questions and fell unconcious. The doctor immediately admitted her to icu for severe acidosis. I have photographs of doctors treatment so far – 76 pages. Please guide on how I should send them to you- as there is no provision to submit them here.
I appreciate your prompt response Sir. I will start Arnica 6 c immediately.
With Regards and appreciation
Ruchi Jain
• Joe says:
June 29, 2016 at 6:21 PM (Edit)
I cannot possibly read 76 pages of data from her doctors as I just do not have the time to do so. I am 86 years old and am not a professional Homeopath as Homeopathy to me is only a Hobby which I have used and prescribed to suffering humanity with some success as although I first studied it 40 years ago, I discovered that classical homeopathy was not as effective as my “Joepathy” (Google) to cure the suffering patient. I shall however welcome an abridged version of the treatment and the drugs used which I would like to study to map out the therapy her doctors are using to help her.
I responded in a few minutes as I realized that your post needed an immediate response from me.
I prescribe Nat Phos 6x extensively to help GERD or Hyperacidity in the stomach and it does so very effectively. Your mother suffers from Acidosis which is defined:
“Acidosis is an increased acidity in the blood and other body tissue (i.e. an increased hydrogen ion concentration). If not further qualified, it usually refers to acidity of the blood plasma.”
I have never encountered it in the past but I cannot help wondering if it can help her Acidosis. I shall copy below the notes of Dr Scheussler about 150 years ago on Nat Phos 6x and shall leave it to you and perhaps your doctors to evaluate it as a possible remedy for her Acidosis.
All I can state is that it is an incredible remedy (Not a Drug) which works in some wondrous way to CURE excess acid in the stomach. I hope and pray that it can help your mother.
Natrium Phosphoricum
Notes by Dr Schuessler
Sodium and Phosphate ions are to be found in our body in the muscle, nerve and brain cells, in the blood corpuscles and in the tissue fluids. According to Dr Schuessler, Nat Phos splits the lactic acid, which is produced by the work of muscles into carbonic acid and water. The carbonic acid is absorbed by the sodium phosphate and brought to the lungs where it is eliminated in the process of breathing. If sodium phosphate is lacking, there results an excess of lactic acid and consequently a sour taste, heart burn, sour stools, vomiting of sour, caseous matter, particularly in babies who are overfed with sugar and milk. If lactic acid reaches the lymphatic glands, the albumin of the lymph glands coagulates and the gland begins to swell. In the initial stages of swelling of the lymphatic glands therefore, Nat Phos has a healing effect because it can split lactic acid. Nat Phos further assures that the uric acid of the blood which is formed by the splitting up of the albuminous substance is kept in solution and secreted by the kidneys. Should this not be the case, uric acid will be deposited in the joints. The sequels are Rheumatism. Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago. In the Gall, Nat Phos saponifies the fatty acids which have been consumed with the food. It is hence indicated against digestive disturbances resulting from excessive consumption of fat.
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy
From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] on 2006-07-16
I am almost embarrassed by the reports in the posts above on the successful outcome of cases of GERD which I treated with my default remedies Nat Phos 6x and Arnica 30. I have always maintained that I am not a qualified homeopath but I do have the dedication to this science which has given me the opportunity of using many remedies for ailments that are not listed in the classical texts as a result of which I have been marked as one who rocks the homeopathic boat and is perhaps the reason for the wide spread criticism that I often encounter even on this forum by some pseudo classical types.
I felt that I should take this opportunity of once again projecting my viewpoint on the use of the Non classical approach towards healing which I am aware is held in utter scorn by the classical school of homeopaths who would never even dream of using simple remedies in the manner that I do to heal patients who usually come to Homeopathy as a last resort when after years of being under treatment from gastric specialists who would delight in prescribing various drugs that are used in medicine for GERD like Nexium, Prilosec, Tagamet, and Zantac to name only a few, all of which are expensive and are H2 blockers and operate by reducing the flow of acid in the stomach. They use these drugs when it is discovered that the patient does not react to the OTC drugs bases on Aluminium Hydroxide which were popular up to about a decade ago which operate by neutralizing the acidity in the stomach. All these powerful drugs serve only as palliatives and can by no means be considered as a cure of GERD in any form. They also have known side effects which are too numerous to list here. They all are only palliatives and members would have read on this and other threads how many patients have suffered for years, even up to 45 years with GERD, only to experience the blessed relief that my treatment of this seemingly chronic disease which sometimes ends in cancer, when in a few weeks on Nat Phos and Arnica they are able to return to normal health which is the right of every human being.
It is a matter of concern to me personally to note the reaction of the classical homeopathic fraternity to the methodology I use to treat ailments. I have no quarrel with them but I do resent their continued attacks on other forums which I have stopped visiting as I spent too much time in defending my position of treating the disease instead of virtually going round the bush and using the ‘constitutional remedy’ approach to solve a problem which I have proved is not at all necessary to cure a disease like GERD or others that I specialize in and which members of this forum may be aware of.
I do not rule out the use of the classical approach to cure but I feel that it is time that the classical homeopathic fraternity wakes up and condescends to use methods similar to my own which is to treat the disease, after taking into account the various factors that cause it, if it is considered pertinent to the diagnosis. The point that I wish to convey is that if a certain remedy has been proved to help a patient who suffers from GERD there is no possible excuse that can be made by the homeopath to use other remedies purported to be the classically sanctioned remedy merely because they are listed in the Homeopathic texts. Medicine and Homeopathy are progressing forward daily and with it new discoveries are made in both sciences. I believe that it would be foolish for the respective science to not use a drug or remedy merely because it is not officially sanctioned and permitted to be used if it has been discovered to also help the ailment being treated.
I can think of another serendipitous discovery on my part of using Arnica for the control of Diabetes. I had given this remedy to a Type I Diabetic to help cure his non healing wound and he discovered that his blood sugar level had dropped in a remarkable manner that he had not experienced ever before. Arnica is now being used by many homeopaths both here in Sri Lanka and in India and I presume in other parts of the world after I first announced my discovery on the Internet.
I do hope that others too will follow my example and not hesitate to use a remedy in the manner that I have done and if they too discover a response to a remedy that is not listed, I hope that they too will share their discovery with others on forums such as these.
I believe that this will help the forward march of this precious science into the future.
Natrum phos (sodium phosphate)
As defined in Scheussler’s Biochemistry, this cell salt’s primary role in the body is to decompose acids. Thus its remedy, Nat phos, offers an extremely safe way to treat a range of acid-related conditions in all ages and stages of life.
The sodium phosphate in our digestive tracts breaks down stomach acids and regulates bile. When overwhelmed by fatty, bitter or sugar-filled foods and beverages, including alcohol, the body cannot make enough sodium phosphate to handle all the stomach acids needed for digestion. As a result, we get acid symptoms like heartburn, diarrhea, gas, sour belching and a yellow coating on the back of the tongue. In babies, Nat phos is a very natural gentle way to relieve colic, sour vomiting and sour smelling green diarrhea. In children, Nat phos can ease the crash and headaches of sugar highs. As a safe source for heartburn relief during pregnancy, Nat phos is irreplaceable. Top of the head headaches and sick headaches with sour vomiting find relief in it whether due to morning sickness, dietary excesses or illness.
The sodium phosphate in our muscles keeps them limber and gliding smoothly. When exercise or shock deprives muscles of oxygen, they fill with lactic acid, cramp and stiffen until sodium phosphate breaks down the acids. Thus Nat phos can save hours of discomfort after workouts, weight-lifting or accidents.
Sodium phosphate is also critical in our joints, to keep them free of acidic deposits. Thus the remedy supports balancing relief for stiff or inflamed joints.
When ignored, acidity leads to sick headaches, fatigue, sluggish sour digestion, stiff musculoskeletal symptoms and head colds with yellow mucus and a painful cough. In any of these circumstances, the cell salt remedy Natrum phos, can help the body find its natural balance of sodium phosphate and acidity.
The need for Nat phos’ help is most marked by two typical symptoms of acid buildup and resulting congestion: sourness, sour belching, vomiting, sour smelling perspiration; and yellowness, yellow mucus, a yellow coating on the back of the tongue, and yellow skin issues. Nat phos symptoms usually worsen after eating bitter or fatty foods and from mental exertion. Those most in need grow fearful at night and suffer nervous fatigue, indifference and mental dullness.
Breaking down stomach acids, lactic acids and acidic deposits is the specialty of this cell salt and its source nutrient. In digestion, it offers balancing relief when fatty or sugary foods lead to sugar highs, heartburn, gas or diarrhea. If muscles and joints cramp and stiffen after shock or exercise, it helps break down lactic acid and relieve pain. It relieves a range of other acidity induced symptoms including: sick headaches, sluggish sour digestion, stiff joints, fatigue and indifference, especially if tongue has a yellow coating.
• Ruchi Jain says:
June 29, 2016 at 7:46 PM (Edit)
Dear Sir,
I am one of your earlier patients who has benefited from “Joepathy” in GERD, after suffering for years with the problem.I keep Nat Phos 6x with me all the time and still use it on SOS basis. I have great faith in you. I will follow your advice and start Nat Phos 6x also along with Arnica 6.
Is Arnica 6 and 6 c same? I could get Arnica 6 here. I have give her the first dose. Reading before the dose was 222, doctors have increased insulin to 25 ml. I will report the BS level after 24 hrs as per your instructions.
With Regards and Appreciation,
Ruchi Jain
• Joe says:
June 29, 2016 at 9:37 PM (Edit)
Good to hear from an ex patient.
Glad to learn that you are willing to experiment with Nat Pho 6x for your mother.
I do not envisage any negative after effect as it is not a drug and you are a witness to its almost miraculous effect.
Arnica 6 = 6c.
My theory is that it is her Acidosis which is the root cause of her Diabetes.
If I am proved correct it will be another first for Joepathy.
• Ruchi Jain says:
June 30, 2016 at 7:31 PM (Edit)
Dear Sir,
With great relief, I report that one last dose is left for Arnica 6c, as per the 24 hrs schedule set. The sugar level has come down to 120, before eating as at 7.00 pm. Insulin has been reduced to 12ml from 25 ml. Nat Phos 6x one dose has been taken. Ketone was positive as per urine test today morning.
I await further instructions.
With Regards and appreciation,
Ruchi Jain
• Joe says:
June 30, 2016 at 9:56 PM (Edit)
Glad to note that my therapy has helped you and you will continue the dose of Arnica 6c taken twice daily for LIFE .
Report progress from time to time to enable me to advise you when necessary.
• Ruchi Jain says:
July 1, 2016 at 6:48 AM (Edit)
Dear Sir,
Sugar level increased to 219 today morning as at 6.45 am.
With Regards,
• Joe says:
July 1, 2016 at 10:12 AM (Edit)
Please list ALL the drugs and the Homeopathic remedies that were given to her during the past 24 hours.
You will understand that her case is very difficult to diagnose and to prescribe for but I shall try to help her with a few more remedies which you will give her in the Wet Dose. You will continue with the Nat Phos and Arnica as prescribed and after I receive your reply I shall indicate the next remedy to be added to her current treatment.
• Ruchi Jain says:
July 5, 2016 at 8:21 PM (Edit)
Dear Sir,
I have mailed the summary of diagnosis and treatment given by the doctors and the medicines prescribed. My mother was discharged from the hospital on Saturday evening.
I am giving her Arnica 6c in the morning and at night before sleeping and Nat Phos 6x thrice after meals.
Within 6 days of giving the medicines as adviced by you, the sugar level has dropped to 106, as at 7.00 pm today, and INSULIN INJECTIONS HAVE BEEN STOPPED COMPLETELY SINCE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. I truly believe that this is the result of medicines advised by you.
Please advice further course of action.
With Lots and Lots of Thanks and Regards,
Ruchi Jain
• Joe says:
July 6, 2016 at 7:12 PM (Edit)
Thank you for informing me that your mother was discharged from hospital last Saturday and that “Within 6 days of giving the medicines as adviced by you, the sugar level has dropped to 106, as at 7.00 pm today, and INSULIN INJECTIONS HAVE BEEN STOPPED COMPLETELY SINCE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. I truly believe that this is the result of medicines advised by you.”
I am deeply touched by your statement:
“I truly believe that this is the result of medicines advised by you.”
I have to inform you that although I have helped many patients who presented Diabetes with my default therapy which I discovered in 2005, this is the first time that I have succeeded in using it for a case like your mother who was quite normal till she suddenly presented Acidosis and Type I Diabetes with a Blood Sugar level of 381 for some reason unknown and which I believe was triggered by a serious malfunction of her Pancreas which stopped functioning.
You also reported:
“Yesterday, When doctors tried to shift her from insulin to tablets of Armoyl and Glycomet, the sugar level shot up to 415.
She is being given 18-18-20ml of insulin (Actrapit). Please help urgently.”
It is very likely that my Joepathy will continue to help her and she will continue to take the same Arnica 6c but just twice daily for some time in the future.
She will also take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after every meal thrice daily.
It is important that you report her progress at least weekly or more often if necessary.
I have not received the summary of diagnosis and treatment given by the doctors and the medicines prescribed.
Please send them by email to the address below:
• Ruchi Jain says:
July 27, 2016 at 2:26 PM (Edit)
Dear Sir,
My mother was being given the following medicines:
Galvus 50 mg twice daily
Glycomet 500 mg thrice daily.
I am glad to report that now, the same has been REDUCED to Galvus 50 mg once daily and Glycomet 500 mg Twice Daily. Her sugar levels are between 88-135.
She is taking Nat Phos 6x 2 tablets twice daily and Arnica 6C twice daily. Please advice in case any change has to be made in the above.
After July end, this link will be removed. To report further progress should I start a new link in August ?
With Regards and Appreciation,
Ruchi Jain