Study finds that Turmeric Prevents and Treats Diabetes

By Joe March 25th, 2013, under Uncategorized

March 24 2013
Study finds that turmeric Prevents and Treats Diabetes
by David Gutierrez

Turmeric has a long history of use in a variety of traditional Asian medical systems for treating a wide variety of ailments. Now, Western scientists are increasingly finding that this culinary root and its active ingredients may be potent weapons in the fight against diabetes. Indeed, it has been shown to be effective at nearly every stage of diabetes and pre-diabetes.

Biochemical activity
One of the earlier studies on turmeric’s effectiveness in diabetes prevention was conducted by researchers from the National Centre for Cell Science in India and published in the European Journal of Pharmacology in 2007. Researchers exposed pancreatic cells from mice to a stressor after first incubating some of them in a solution of curcumin for 24 hours.

Curcumin is the active ingredient that gives turmeric its orange-yellow color. Along with related chemicals, it comprises the family of curcuminoids.

The researchers found that curcumin-treated cells were significantly less damaged by free radicals and suffered significantly less damage than untreated cells. This has implications for diabetes because damage to the pancreas can interfere with its ability to produce healthy levels of insulin.

“We show here for the first time, that prophylactic use of curcumin may effectively rescue islets from damage without affecting the normal function of these cellular structures,” the researchers wrote.

Another study, published in the journal Nutrition in 2011, found that when people ate a meal high in turmeric and other spices, their blood levels of triglycerides and insulin decreased significantly, even when that meal was high in fat. Antioxidant activity in the body was also increased.

Diabetes prevention and treatment
It’s not just in the short-term that turmeric provides protection against diabetes. A study published in the journal Diabetes Care in July 2012 found that it may actually prevent prediabetes from developing into diabetes.

The researchers assigned prediabetic participants to take either a 250 mg curcuminoid supplement or a placebo every day for nine months. By the end of the study, not a single person in the curcuminoid group had developed diabetes, compared with 16.4 percent of the participants in the placebo group.

But even if you have already been diagnosed with diabetes, it’s not too late for turmeric to provide real benefits. A 2012 study from Harbin Medical University and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that people with Type II diabetes who were given 300 mg of curcuminoids each day for three months dramatically lowered their glucose levels and insulin resistance, as well as their levels of hemoglobin A1c and free fatty acids.

“This is the first study to show that curcuminoids may have an anti-diabetic effect by decreasing serum fatty acid possibly through the promotion of fatty acid oxidation and utilization,” the researchers wrote.

Turmeric has also been linked to a number of other health benefits, including reducing the inflammation and oxidation damage that can produce chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease and cancer; promoting healthy fat loss; promoting liver health; and reducing the risk of heart disease. Turmeric is also one of the most effective cancer-fighting foods.


Medical Science confirms the “Processed meat ‘early death’ link”

By Joe March 7th, 2013, under Uncategorized

7 March 2013

By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News

Sausages, ham, bacon and other processed meats appear to increase the risk of dying young, a study of half a million people across Europe suggests.

It concluded diets high in processed meats were linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer and early deaths.

The researchers, writing in the journal BMC Medicine, said salt and chemicals used to preserve the meat may damage health.

The British Heart Foundation suggested opting for leaner cuts of meat.

The study followed people from 10 European countries for nearly 13 years on average.

Lifestyle factors
It showed people who ate a lot of processed meat were also more likely to smoke, be obese and have other behaviours known to damage health.

However, the researchers said even after those risk factors were accounted for, processed meat still damaged health.

One in every 17 people followed in the study died. However, those eating more than 160g of processed meat a day – roughly two sausages and a slice of bacon – were 44% more likely to die over a typical follow-up time of 12.7 years than those eating about 20g.

In total, nearly 10,000 people died from cancer and 5,500 from heart problems.

Prof Sabine Rohrmann, from the University of Zurich, told the BBC: “High meat consumption, especially processed meat, is associated with a less healthy lifestyle.

“But after adjusting for smoking, obesity and other confounders we think there is a risk of eating processed meat.

“Stopping smoking is more important than cutting meat, but I would recommend people reduce their meat intake.”

Health benefits
She said if everyone in the study consumed no more than 20g of processed meat a day then 3% of the premature deaths could have been prevented.

The UK government recommends eating no more than 70g of red or processed meat – two slices of bacon – a day.

A spokesperson said: “People who eat a lot of red and processed meat should consider cutting down.”

However a little bit of meat, even processed meat, had health benefits in the study.

Ursula Arens from the British Dietetic Association told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that putting fresh meat through a mincer did not make it processed meat.

“Something has been done to it to extend its shelf life, or to change its taste, or to make it more palatable in some way… and this could be a traditional process like curing or salting.”

She said even good quality ham or sausages were still classed as processed meat, while homemade burgers using fresh meat were not.

“For most people there’s no need to cut back on fresh, red meat. For people who have very high intake of red meat – eat lots of red meat every day – there is the recommendation that they should moderate their intake,” she added.

Ms Arens also confirmed that the study’s finding that processed meat was linked to heart disease was new.

Mr Roger Leicester, a consultant surgeon and a member of the Meat Advisory Panel, said: “I would agree people should eat small quantities of processed meat.”

However, he said there needed to be a focus on how meat was processed: “We need to know what the preservatives are, what the salt content is, what the meat content is…meat is actually an essential part of out diet.”

Growing evidence
Dr Rachel Thompson, from the World Cancer Research Fund, said: “This research adds to the body of scientific evidence highlighting the health risks of eating processed meat.

“Our research, published in 2007 and subsequently confirmed in 2011, shows strong evidence that eating processed meat, such as bacon, ham, hot dogs, salami and some sausages, increases the risk of getting bowel cancer.”

The organisation said there would be 4,000 fewer cases of bowel cancer if people had less than 10g a day.

“This is why World Cancer Research Fund recommends people avoid processed meat,” said Dr Thompson.

Tracy Parker, a heart health dietitian with the British Heart Foundation, said the research suggested processed meat might be linked to an increased risk of early death, but those who ate more of it in the study also made “other unhealthy lifestyle choices”.

“They were found to eat less fruit and vegetables and were more likely to smoke, which may have had an impact on results.

“Red meat can still be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet.

“Opting for leaner cuts and using healthier cooking methods such as grilling will help to keep your heart healthy.

“If you eat lots of processed meat, try to vary your diet with other protein choices such as chicken, fish, beans or lentils.”

Posts for March

By Joe March 1st, 2013, under Uncategorized

Please post your ailments on this thread and I shall respond after I get the automatic email alert.

Posts for February

By Joe February 27th, 2013, under Uncategorized

I am reserving this space to enable all patients who wish to post on my blog to do so in future as it seems the easiest method for anyone to submit their medical problems to me for advice.

All one has to do is to click on the Archive for the latest month and state their ailment and I will then receive an email alert of the ptoblem.

Post for January 2013

By Joe January 28th, 2013, under Uncategorized

I am reserving this space for an interesting case to include into the monthly Archives which will otherwise appear blank.

A patient who fell down from a tree and was in a coma for 5 weeks wakes up in a week after he was given Arnica 1M

By Joe December 24th, 2012, under Uncategorized

I am copying below the case of a man living in Serbia who fell from a tree early in November who had many serious injuries including fracture of his skull and limbs who was alive up to December 7 when his daughter posted his case on the ABC.

He woke up on December 17 and I shall copy the whole case as it appears on

Vigil Coma-please help

From Jovanka Smajic on 2012-12-07
7 replies 151 views
I am writting you from Serbia. My father fell from the tree on 12th November 2012. He has several very bad injures. He broke several bones in his head,he had also bleedings inside,he broke 9 ribs,and also he broke several bones in his pelvis. He also had inside bleedings in his stomac. For 17 days he was in reanimation center where he was fighting for his life. So many complications,like pneumotorax. But he succeeded to stay alive. All that time he was in inducted coma. After
that when they turned off that sedatives,he opened his eyes,but unfortunately he stayed in vigil coma. Today it is the 25th day since the accident. His condition improved on all metters but he just won’t to wake up. He open his eyes from time to time,he had some swallowings,he even move his arm and leg by reflex,but thats all. The doctors told us that he is now in vigil coma.I read about influence of Arnica for such a cases, so I wonder if you could help me, and give me some advices about that,and some directions.Also I forgot to mention that he is fed by tube.
Thank you in advance for your answer
Jovanka Smajic from Serbia
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Re: Vigil Coma-please help From Joe De Livera on 2012-12-08
Please visit the link below:

I prescribed Arnica 1M in the Wet dose for this patient and he survived with a broken back and is confined to a wheel chair.

You can follow the same therapy and it is likely that your dad can regain consciousness but it will take some time.

You will give him Arnica 1M which you will make from the Liquid Dilution. You will give him a dose thrice daily and report progress from time to time.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
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Re: Vigil Coma-please help From Jovanka Smajic on 2012-12-09
Dear Joe,
thank you very much for your answer. Tomorrow I will go to buy Arnika.I hope I can find it here in Serbia. I have one more question. As my father is being fed by tube,how do you recommend to give him this remedy? At the moment the tube goes from nose to his stomach,but from Wednesday they will put him a tube which will go directly to his stomach.
Best regards
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Re: Vigil Coma-please help From Joe De Livera on 2012-12-09
I do not have any addresses of vendors of Homeopathic remedies in Serbia but you should be able to mail order remedies from any of the addresses below:

If you cannot get the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol you can buy the pellets which are the standard product on sale. This will enable you to give it to him immediately as this is essential. You will use 6 pellets in a 500ml bottle of spring water.

Ainsworths Homœopathic Pharmacy
36 New Cavendish Street, London W1M 7LH
Tel 020 7935 5330

Freemans Homeopathic Pharmacy
18-20 Main Street, Busby, Glasgow G76 8DU
Tel 0845 225 5155

Helios Homœopathic Pharmacies
97 Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2QP
Tel 01892 537254

Nelsons Pharmacies Ltd
73 Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, London W1M 6BY
Tel 020 7495 2404

Weleda UK Ltd
Heanor Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8DR
Tel. 0115 944 8200

Answering your question about giving your father the remedies this is not difficult at all as you can just pour it into the syringe that you are using to feed him.
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Re: Vigil Coma-please help From Jovanka Smajic on 2012-12-17
Dear Joe,
I did everything you told me. That means that I found Arnica 1M,there is a homeopathy pharmacy in Serbia. As I haven’t had any way to give him this remedy through tube I gave him on his lips,drop by drop. My father started to feel better day by day,and today he woke up completely conscious.You cannot imagine my happiness.He doesn’t know many things,like what he do in his life,what is his profession…etc, but he knows us and his friends.He can even talk (without voice because he has tracheostomy). What do you think,do I have to continue to give him this remedy?As he had 21 broken bone I suppose Arnica can help him also for faster recovery? Today they put him tube directly to the stomach so I can give him through tube.
Thank you,thank you million times.
Best regards
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Re: Vigil Coma-please help From selfhelp 1 on 2012-12-17
yes joe

ARNICA is gold like crataegus-Q

huray to joe
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Re: Vigil Coma-please help From Joe De Livera on 2012-12-18
Hi Jovanka

I am delighted to learn that Arnica 1M in the Wet dose has helped your dad and that in about 10 days after you started on my therapy, he regained consciousness.

It is this form of news that keeps me active at my advanced age of 84 years to help anyone in distress with my knowledge of Homeopathy which many have classified as “Joepathy” as my therapy differs from the strict rules governing classical Homeopathy which all qualified homeopaths must follow if they wish to be licensed. In my case I have studied this Science about 40 years ago and am not qualified, but I believe that I have in my own way contributed to the advance of this Science of Homeopathy which has suffered from the strict adherence to the classical rules which have often contributed to the patient NOT being cured, as the classical homeopath must obey the rules even though he realises that my direct “This for That” therapy which they derisively classified as “Joepathy” is by far the more positive form of therapy which CURES the patient.

I too followed the classical rules but decided many years ago that my own therapy Joepathy, was an advance on the classical homeopathy in practice today which in many cases, does not seem to cure the patient in the same manner that my therapy does. I would like to add that Homeopathy is only a Hobby to me to which I am passionately dedicated and you are invited to visit my own website:

to read the many cases of many other Miracle Cures that I have been able to do with my patients who consult me and whom I treat completely free of charge.

I am grateful to you for recording your dad’s response and his improvement and I have no doubt that this improvement will continue into the future.

You have inquired if you can continue with the Arnica 1M and the answer is YES. You can continue to give it to him twice daily.

You can also add the remedy below to help his bones to heal faster:

Symphytum Q aka Mother Tincture which you will give him in the following manner.

3 Drops in a teaspoonful of water taken thrice daily.

I noted that you refer to Crataetus Q in your post:
“ARNICA is gold like crataegus-Q”
I hope that you are NOT giving it to your dad as this is contraindicated.

Please continue to report his response as often as you can do so as his case is of great interest to me and all who may be following my therapy aka “Joepathy”.
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Re: Vigil Coma-please help From Joe De Livera on 2012-12-20
How is your dad progressing today?

Alternative medicine: Manioc cure for cancer

By Joe November 17th, 2012, under Uncategorized

Editorial in The Daily Mirror of November 17 2012

Alternative medicine: Manioc cure for cancer

If the private health sector in Sri Lanka has decayed to a large extent from a centre of healing to big business, one of the root causes of this cancer is the absence of a clear-cut national health policy where the rightful place is given to all forms of medicine – allopathy, ayurveda, homoeopathy, acupuncture and others.

Over the past few decades western medicine has become one of the biggest profit-making business ventures all over the world and especially in developing countries including Sri Lanka. Rising consultation charges, rising prices of drugs under a variety of highly-expensive brand names, heavy costs of tests – many of which are not essential – have created a calamity where centres of healing, which were once sacred, have become like dens of robbers.

In view of this, the Government needs to urgently work out and implement a national health policy where other forms of medicine have effective cures. One instance is the cure for malignant cancer through manioc treatment. According to veteran ENT consultant Dr. Cynthia Jayasuriya, she overcame secondary cancer in the bladder without having radiation and chemotherapy. Her treatment was the use of a substance called B17 which is found in manioc. After one month the bladder was examined by cystoscopy and it did not show any sign of cancer.

She says that after she first wrote about this cure, many people with cancer contacted her and they also have been healed by eating manioc.

One old gentleman who was cured of cancer by eating manioc said that he had been able to save the cost of five injections at Rs.47,000 each.

According to reports, Professor Manuel Navarro of the San Thome Medical College of the University of Manila has cured more than 500 patients using manioc only. The specific method that Professor Navarro used is to take a 4-inch piece of raw manioc about two to 3 inches in diameter, clean it and cut it up into small pieces and place them in a blender, with two measuring cups of water (two large cups) for two minutes. The blended liquid becomes like milk. Pour it into a tall glass container and keep in a fridge for two hours. The white part (mainly carbohydrate) settles down at the bottom. Gently pour out the supernate (the colourless water on top) and drink half in the morning and half in the evening

Dr. Jayasuriya says she hopes this information will help some people, especially those who cannot pay the fabulous prices of cancer drugs. Yet they strive to buy with great difficult and end unsuccessfully.

After years of telling people chemotherapy is the only way to try (‘try’, being the key word) to eliminate cancer, the famous John Hopkins University also is finally starting to tell people there is an alternative way. Sri Lanka needs to learn from this.

A patient with MVP (Mitral Valve Prolapse) cured

By Joe November 3rd, 2012, under Uncategorized

I am copying the case of Mitral Valve Prolapse of a patient whom I treated in Sri Lanka which is of interest to those who still doubt that Homeopathy can work Miracles of Cure.

I believe that the remedies I prescribed had in some mysterious manner achieved what is considered as impossible in modern medicine.

Paul Rajasekera
Submitted on 2012/10/31 at 10:54 am
Dear Mr. Joe Livera

You will remember I called on you, about a year ago, after reading and hearing of so many success stories of your treatment especially with Arnica, the wonder drug. I related to you the story, particularly of my MVP problem and of the allopathy treatment I had been recommended and taking for its cure, control or relief.

My MVP was detected long years ago (December 1986) by a renowned heart specialist and surgeon. No serious treatment was recommended. Later, on the advice of so many physicians of all hues, I had totally forgotten or ignored this defect as it did not affect my well being in any way. I continued with my normal activities including involvement in games such as cricket that taxed my physical energy.

In mid 2008, I suffered from a severe cough and fever from which I recovered after strong anti-biotic treatment and cough syrups. The
lung specialist who treated my cough referred me to an Interventionist Cardiologist for assessment of my MVP condition. Several other Cardiologists were consulted. They all recommended immediate mitral valve replacement as there was severe mitral valve prolapse and regurgitation. The Consultant Surgeon who was consulted for a second opinion recommended that the valve replacement surgery may be optional and treated me with the following drugs – Lasix 40, Aldacton, and E.Corin 75. Check ups with Eco Cardiograms etc. were done on a 3/6 monthly basis.

Echo cardiogram registered mitral regurgitation grade ranging from 3 to 4 in July 2012. But I was declared too old now to stand valve replacement surgery in the normal way unless new methods of externally implanting mitral valve ( which will cost millions but not yer done in this country) is resorted to.

In October 2011, I began receiving treatment from you. On your recommendation I treated myself with Arnica (a capful off a 400 ltr, bottle) twice a day which I have been taking up to date. Along with Arnica I also take Nat Phos 6 x, 2 tablets twice a day that has removed all traces of gastric discomfort from my system.

I informed you that for some time, in addition to your recommended treatment, I continued to take the allopathy medicine prescribed by my heart specialist surgeon, as I had not yet developed confidence in your treatment despite your advice that the drugs I took were not quite necessary with your treatment. When I finally decided to opt for your treatment fully, my feet showed signs of swelling. I resumed the allopathy treatment and I consulted you then and you recommended a treatment called Apis 6 and the swelling promptly vanished. From about mid August this year, I am entirely on your treatment (Arnica and Nat Phos 6 x). My lungs are good now, and I must telll you that I enjoy a sense of wellness with your drugs. I do not experience any ill effects of having eliminated the drugs I used to take.

This note serves to record my experience with your treatment for my MVP. I am deeply thankful to you that I am now free from swallowing quite unnecessary and harmful drugs and enjoy better health now.

Paul Rajasekra

Submitted on 2012/10/31 at 8:31 pm | In reply to Paul Rajasekera.
Paul Rajasekera

Thank you for posting details of what can be termed, your recovery from your Mitral Valve Prolapse which you suffered from since 1986, and for which a succession of Cardiac specialists and surgeons had recommended urgent surgery for replacement of your Mitral Valve.

It is fortunate for you that you consulted me, a year ago and I suggested that you give my therapy aka “Joepathy” a chance to heal your multiple ailments which I can see from your report, seem to have been helped and possibly, cured. And that WITHOUT your taking the many drugs that you listed in your report. I noticed that you failed to list the PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drug Omeprazol that you were taking for your GERD before you consulted me.

It is very likely that it was your GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) aka Gastritis that was the root cause of many of your ailments which I am delighted to learn, are all history today.

You will continue with Arnica 30 twice daily in the Wet dose (5ml) for life, as I have done myself since 1996 which I believe is the reason for my sense of wellness today. I presume that you have a stock of Nat Phos 6x available for use in the unlikely event of your presenting any digestive discomfort. You will also use the Apis 6 in the unlikely event of your ankles showing any signs of swelling.

You are advised to have your heart checked every 6 months to ensure that you continue in your current state of health. I would also recommend that you continue with your current program of exercise but would not recommend strenuous exercise like Cricket which may be a little too demanding on your heart.

Update on treating Dengue November 3 2012

By Joe November 3rd, 2012, under Uncategorized

Re: Dengue Fever – India From Joe De Livera on 2012-11-02
This is a thread that dates back to 2010 and since that time I have been privileged to help CURE over 250 cases of Dengue which is unfortunately at Pandemic levels in Sri Lanka. I would like to record the therapy I have used to cure them in the interest of members who many visit this thread.

Some of the patients I have cured were children and I have had the satisfaction of listening to the parent’s thanks and blessings when they visited me, some with their children whom I had cured.

My standard therapy is to use Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200 in the Wet dose (3 drops in a bottle of water). I instruct the parent to inform the doctor that the water is “Pirith Water” or water blessed by the Buddhist monks as this gives the parent the permission to visit his unconcious child who is usually in the ICU of the hospital on Oxygen and a IV Drip with a Platelet count which in many cases is at or below 10000. I instruct him to wet the lips of the patient with the remedy water and when the doctor is out of sight, to insert a few drops of the remedy into the mouth by spreading the lips.

Many parents have confirmed how in about an hour the unconscious child opens his eyes and usually screams for water which is flatly denied by the doctors for reasons unknown.
The child’s screams then qualify him to be hastily sent from the ICU into the ward where the remedy is given every 2 hours and the patient is discharged within 24 hours with a Platelet count of over 150000.

This scenario has been repeated many times over and the child or the adult patient is saved in what can be termed as a Miracle Cure.

I have personally tried to ensure that the doctors in the hospitals use my remedy and have succeeded in promoting this simple and safe cure to parents but unfortunately the doctors are under orders in our Sri Lankan hospitals NOT to use any alternate remedy.

We have lost over 100 patients who were all suffering from Dengue for this year so far in Sri Lanka.

I may mention here that I have never charged anyone for my therapy aka “Joepathy”.

Please visit “The Treatment of Dengue”

Treatment Of Dengue

How a girl suffering from Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts succeeded in starting a Baby.

By Joe October 8th, 2012, under Uncategorized

Re: Endometriosis Treatment From Joe De Livera on 2012-05-07
I am copying a post made by Homeoworks on how the author’s wife had successfully used my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts a few months ago, unknown to me, and which they had jointly read on my website:

They were both thrilled to discover that she conceived and bore the baby for 8 weeks during which time they were able to listen to the fetal heartbeat. Unfortunately the baby was lost shortly afterwards and anyone interested in my therapy aka “Joepathy” can read of the joy and the sorrow of this case on the post
which I shall copy in full below:

Please help Joe De Livera – Chocolate Cyst and PCOS

From homeo_workson 2012-05-060

Hi Joe,


First of all let me thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your medicine for chocolate cyst worked wonders. Me and my wife had lost all hopes untill we came across your site. Let me give you an insight into our story.

On 25th of October 2010 I took her to a renowned Hospital as she had been diagnosed with Femoral Hernia. During the Ultrasound sonography, the doctor detected a 38mm cyst on the right ovary. No cyst on left ovary.Doctor suggested Lap surgery for femoral hernia & Ovarian Cyst puncturing both to be done together.

She was admitted on 15th November 2010 to Hospital for Laparoscopic Right Femoral hernia repair with Right Ovarian Endometrioma Exicision – Operation to be done on the same day

Post surgery, on 16th November 2010, doctor gave 1st dose of Zoladex injection to stop her monthly periods for some time. Again on 15th December 2010, 2nd dose of Zoladex injection was given. Her periods stopped from December 2010 till February 2011. Periods again started from February 2011.

From the month of February 2011 till March 2011, she started her fertility treatment which included injections to produce good quality egg, injections to rupture eggs, Letroz tablets followed by IUI (Intrauterine Insemination). We didnot get any success and not only was she unable to conceive but also the doctor during Ultrasound Sonography detected two new cyst on left ovary – 1.7cm x 1.5 cm and 1.4 cm x 1.3 cm Please note that this was just after one month after her surgery. Her doctor suggested a 2nd operation to remove the new cyst on the left ovary followed by IVF. My wife was completely uncomfortable to undergo a 2nd operation within a months time. So we decided to stop all fertility treatments and allow nature to take its course. (Please note that this was in the month of March 2011)

Since we were unable to conceive naturally, In the month July we visited a different doctor and a different hospital. This time during the ultrasound sonography doctor detected multiple cysts on both left and right ovary. Post surgery the cysts started spreading across. This doctor too suggested surgery to remove the cysts followed by IVF. We lost all hopes. Though my wife was completely uncomfortable to do a 2nd surgery so soon, however not seeing any other options she made up her mind for the same.

During this time as I was researching on the net, I came across your site and read few of the cases of Chocolate cyst treated by you. To be honest I was not really sure if we should try this option. However we decided that since there was nothing to loose lets us give it a shot. She consumed the two medications suggested by you i.e Bellis P – 30 and Arnica – 30 in wet doses.

She consumed this medicine for five months continuously and in the month of February 2012 she conceived. We were extremely glad. The next few visits to the doctor was very exciting. Tears rolled our eyes as we heard our baby’s first heart beats. It was an out of the world feeling. It was a great feeling and we couldn’t stop thanking you.

However unfortunately this month she miscarried after two months of pregnancy. The doctor said that she also has Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and hence she miscarried.

But our hopes are still alive as we know that she can conceive which never happened during the course of allopathic treatment. Thanks to you. May God bless you.

Post miscarriage I am continuing the medicine once again as we decided to give a two months gap before we try again. What do you suggest?

Also request you to help us with some medicine to prevent miscarriage and also treat PCOS.

Looking forward to your valuable advice. Please let me know if you need any additional information.

Many thanks for your wonderful work and may god bless u always for it.

Thanks & Regards

It is my hope that my chief detractor from Brisbane will read this post and hopefully accept that there is indeed ‘method in my madness’ in prescribing the ONE remedy that no other homeopath, classical or otherwise prescribes for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts, Bellis Perennis 30c and Arnica 30c both to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily.

I would refer him to his snide comments on this thread to my lack of the qualification in this Science which he states he has and states:
“A first year student can prescribe roughly 50-100 remedies – how many can you use Joe? 5, 10 maybe? Mostly all Arnica/Nat-phos and a few others. And yet you ridicule people with MORE knowledge and skill than you?”

I hope that David will now EAT HIS OWN WORDS and accept that although I may not possess that piece of paper that he purports to possess, I do have the background of over 40 years of involvement in Homeopathy which I have studied from the same textbooks that he has used and 25 years of active hands on experience in helping all who seek my assistance to cure their ailments which I gladly do at my advanced age of 83, free of charge during my spare time.

I do admit that I am not a professional homeopath like David who seems to be more engrossed in displaying his own knowledge in this science which he often considers is his own private domain rather than in actually curing patients. I shall leave it to those who are interested in the CURES that I have carried out with my own brand of Homeoapthy now known as “Joepathy” to read and evaluate the reason why David in common with other classical homeopaths have never used the 2 remedies I have always prescribed as my default remedies for this ailment to help other patients who present Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts.

I would also like to add that I have not found any reference to Bellis P and Arnica prescribed for the above mentioned ailment in any of the classical textbooks used today and feel that it was just a hunch “Inspiration?” that originally made me to prescribe these remedies to many patients both known and the majority unknown, like Homeoworks whose wife benefitted from it.

I shall now copy and paste the thread on:

Re: Endometriosis Treatment From brisbanehomoeopath on 2011-05-24

Somehow I knew that my question would provoke a rant from you.

So the answer is you don’t know what happened to her? Well that is a shame – I hope someone was able to help her in the end.Just seems strange to present this as a successful case – if she lost her baby it is hardly a success. I did not say that you were responsible for her situation.

Yes you love to talk about your thousands of cures. Whenever I or others go searching for them, they are few and far between. Classical homoeopathy is far superior to any therapy that cannot cure the whole patient, cannot cure all their symptoms, as the thousands of homoeopaths have proved over the last 2 centuries. Our literature is full of cures. I see many cases of endometrosis in my clinic, it is actually not too difficult to cure with proper homoeopathy. Full cure, of all symptoms, allowing women to fall pregnant and keep their babies. Remedies given in small doses, chosen on the individual symptoms of the patient, without needing constant dosing for the rest of their lives – as homoeopathy was meant to be used.

A first year student can prescribe roughly 50-100 remedies – how many can you use Joe? 5, 10 maybe? Mostly all Arnica/Nat-phos and a few others. And yet you ridicule people with MORE knowledge and skill than you? People who have dedicated themselves to study, who struggle to comprehend and utilize a very difficult science, devoted to curing patients in the true sense of the word. I know many of these people, have taught some. They deserve respect and applause for what they do, not your misplaced and malicious insults.

Cure in homoeopathy, the cures I get, that other homoeopaths get when prescribing according to our philosophy, is FULL CURE of their symptoms. We do not declare a patient cured who has only had one complaint palliated or suppressed. You rarely cure anyone, although you love to boast and brag about them, using your ‘patients’ as a scoreboard to advance your perceived prowess.

I have seen some people on this forum leap to your defence.People who have not been cured by you, people you have convinced cannot be cured or who have only had one or two complaints resolved and then are told there is no further help for them. This is perplexing to me but says something about your charisma and your abilities at marketing. I have no idea what your background is, but you are certainly talented.

Cure means ALL symptoms cured, not just one. Your claims of cure are flawed, because you define cure in a completely different way to homoeopaths. In an inferior way. How many cases do you have where you cured all the major symptoms of the patients, in all locations? Disease is one entity in the patient, expressing itself in various locations. Homoeopathy cures the disease, which means all the local manifestations of the disease vanish. I can do this, and I do it regularly. My colleagues do it, my teachers do it, my students do it.

Of course if you set the bar so low, how can you not reach it. I personally set my bar alot higher, and the fact that it can be reached by classical homoeopathy is one of the most compelling argument for its use over lesser forms of treatment.

Your voice on this forum is loud, in your criticism of homoeopathy. Do not for a second think that my own voice is not equally as loud in defending it. This is, after all, a site dedicated to homoeopathy, not ‘joepathy’ which is the opposite of homoeopathy in most ways.

So why am I motivated to criticise you? Firstly because you are a vocal opponent of homoeopathy. How can I not rise to that challenge, since I love homoeopathy so much. My entire adult life has revolved around the teachings of Hahnemann, who has never failed to guide me towards helping others. Secondly, because there needs to be one person at least who can remind people of the better way to use our medicines, so that they do not go away from your therapy believing that homoeopathy has failed them.

And again, come the personal attacks. You have no right to comment on my business, my practice, anything in my personal life. It shows the quality of person you are, that you resort to this each time.

And again, you try to convince me that my desire to debate you is actually some kind of illness. Of all your craziness, this is the most disturbing. So you believe those people who disagree with you must all be ill, is that it. Only sick people could possibly oppose you?

If your aim is to ‘vanquish’ me as you believe you have other genuine homoeopaths who have attempted to balance your outlandish views with more reasonable ones….well I believe you will be greatly disappointed.

Homoeopathy has a proven track record, and people come here looking for help based on that record. All your claims are meaningless, chaff in the wind, compared to that powerful legacy. I am proud to be a part of it, proud to speak on behalf of our wonderful medical art. It has survived far greater attempts than yours to destroy it, and it will be here long after you have gone, even after I have gone.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Tue, 24 May 2011 01:22:51 BST]
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Tue, 24 May 2011 01:26:04 BST]

Any comments David?