I have been requested by many patients who are losing their hair to advise them on the therapy that I have formulated to arrest the loss of hair.
About 20 years ago I discovered that I too was losing hair at an alarming rate daily. I was about 60 years old at that time and I started experimenting with various Homeopathic remedies and have finally evolved what I feel is the best therapy to help with the Loss of Hair.
The following ingredients are required:
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 30ml bottle
Olive Oil 200 ml
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
500ml bottle of Spring water or Bottled water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour 80ml Olive oil into a bottle and mix it with 20ml Arnica Q. Shake the bottle and the Arnica will form an emulsion with the Olive Oil.
Wet the finger tips with the emulsion and part your hair and apply the oil on the roots of the hair and spend some time in massaging it into the scalp which should show an oily shine. This is done daily for best results after a shower.
Make a Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Avoid harsh shampoos. Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo instead.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair was arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
In my case I still have a good head of grey hair at age 82 although it has thinned down to about half the hair I had 40 years ago.
hi Joe.im 19 and hiv positive.ive had 2 fistulas for about 4months now.im starting university next year.i cant sit or walk properly.im about to start jeopathy.any extra advice for my situation?thank you
dear joe , u r really a very well known man for regrwoing hair on virtual world . wd really like to appreciate ur work> i want to use ur remedy but i was told by a doctor not to use oil on my scalp as my scalp is oily and yet have dandruff . though it has been 2 years since i have lost almost 60 % hair on my crown area only . hair on sides and back are intact.
what i want to ask is whether only wet dose of 30 C arnica is sufficient to grow hair along with fish cod capsule??? can the massaging part be skipped as i have used many oil massaging but have to stop that because of increased hair fall and i dont have enough hair to risk so asking if that step can ebe skipped . please reply
Did it work for you?
I have the same issue. I also have dandruff and doc asked not to use oil on scalp. Confused
Nope Dr i never doubted your treatment else would have not come here from ABC homeopathy forum . i trust u thats why i have come here. about history of hairloss in family . My father is 50 plus . his hair are thinning but still he has almost 80% of hair and i have lost more than 50% in just 25 :(.
Actually iam taking piles homepathic medicine from a doctor so will continue after that ur course . i commented on ABC forum as well that i would like to do ur treatment with pics so that faith of people increases manifold on ur hard work.
if u somehow make another remedy – to grow adult height , i think you will achieve status of great along with many discoverers
Thanks for reply and sorry for late reply
Dear joe , nope , it started in 2007 actually , i used to have long hair for which i used to use hair band . I moved from delhi to ludhiana for 2 months for summer training at that time while bathing i used to loose hair but i thought that this is normal hairfall, but when i came back i realized that that my scalp is visible then i went under blade and got my head shaved many times during which i realized that there are huge flakes of dry skin coming out and when they are removd there is little reddish head for sometime , then i met a doctor in lady hardinge medical college she gave me one H vitamin pill and one more pill whose name i dont remember , a shampoo and one lotion to put on my head but i didnt find that lotion and i started using minoxidil . i started getting my hair back but then as i stopped they again started falling . i tried various other stuffs like onion rubbing , nail rubbing(skin just below my nail started to come out ) but was never persistent enough to carry for more than 3-4 months. then i met my friend who has saloon i went to him he used to have some treatment called ozone treatment where there is rod that has some slight current that is used on head to activate foliciles plus amla pack plus some oiling , my hair again came back but then again there i got dandruff and it again fell . now i have lost so many hair from upper head . want them to come back permanently as i have spent enough time for temporary result . BTW can i get atleast my hair back to atleast 80% of what i used to have????
I got hemorrhoids just an year back . they are almost cured by a homeopath from a government dispensary as my father is government servant but some other problem comes up and i have to leave the hemorrhoids treatment in between . Like i recently is suffering from UTI and scabbies (UTI is cured but taking medicine for scabbies) . So after scabbies is cured i will continue with piles medicine to get it completely cured .
requoting my question . can i get back to 80% of my original hair level ???? i can post u the pics if u want me to
Hi! Hope you can help me with some concerns. My 21 year old daughter is suffering from terrible hair loss. We are wondering what your theory is about gluten-intolerance? Do we need to restrict the gluten as much of my research is saying? Do know that there are some issues with her spleen and then of course, with hormones. The homeopathyperson that we are currently dealing with doesn’t think that gluten is an issue. Any thoughts? We would very much appreciate your input.
Hi, I am 37 and have been aware of lair loss for about 15 years. I grew up with medium thickness in my hair and had a lot of it. In my early 20’s I noticed that it was becoming a little thin in a middle parting, but only I was aware of this. In my early 30’s I went to see a Tricologist and he suggested I had male pattern baldness. I believe from looking at ludwigs diagrams and my hair loss this is true. Is there anything I can do to aid this? I am desperate and don’t find any of the tablets or treatments I have taken to really help.
Kindly awaiting your response.
I would like to know if I can use the Iodine therapy prescribed above if I color my hair with commercial hair colors? Also, any remedy to reverse graying of the hair. Thank you.
thanks. somehow I thought Arnica was Iodine, sorry. So what should I use for my hair. If I stop coloring my hair, would Arnica help to reverse the gray hair and hair loss. Please give me the details of how I should proceed. Thank you.
Still can’t find the Arnica Q or mother tincture. One of the homeopathic site said I need a prescription for it.
IN New York, United States
To Jesper
You will leave it for as long as is possible.
It is best to apply it immediately after a shower and you can apply it on the tips of your fingers on the hair roots.
Leave it in situ till your next showet
To Tej
I cannot recollect the remedy I gave you but I do appreciate your comments and hope that my Joepathy will help you.
To Nusrat
I have helped a few patients who presented Alopecia and I presume that your condition is similar. I presume that you have already read my therapy for Hair Loss on this website and you are advised to follow my therapy pricisely as prescribed if you wish to be helped.
I note that you are using other medication today and it is essential that you use my therapy exclusively.
I was interested to note that you have already noticed that my therapy is helping you in just a week and this fact alone should stop you from using other remedies which can clash with mine.
Respected Sir Joe!
plz let me know that if we can use Arnica Q oil (as u prescribed) daily before shower? and can we leave it to stay all night on our hair??
one more thing in my place i can’t find 5 ml liquid dilution of arnica 30c, can i use arnica 30 c in 30 ml for making wet dose?
You seem to have mixed up my therapy as I do not prescribe Arnica Q oil today.
Report in detail the remedies you are using today with your case history.
Respected Sir,
after reading your advice I said him to use johnson’s baby shampoo so since 1 year he is using that! He is using now Arnica Q mixed in olive oil (as I read that on the website) since 15 days (the oil stays the whole night on his hair, He can’t use oil in the day) and now I can notice that his hair color is becoming good… I have bought Ferrum Phos 6x and Cod liver oil capsules and Arnica 30 c(for making wet dose) in 30 ml 90% Alcohol pack as I can’t find 5 ml bottle… I have bought all these after reading on your website for hair loss!

my younger brother of age 23 is suffering from baldness! Since 3-4 yrs I am noticing that his hairs are going thin day by day and hairs are losing their natural color.. he has lost his hairs from forehead and sides of front completely! I read your advices on your website, seriously Sir I am a big fan of you
Problems: He has asthma problem since he was very little but after many treatments of Homeopathic, naturopathic and allopathic He is very good since 10 years I think! now he suffers little
He smokes since 4 years i think!
This is all his case history… Please tell what I can do and whether he should start these medicines or not?
I would be very thankful to you Sir!
Glad to learn that your brother is already using my default therapy for Hair Loss and that he has shown some positive results.
I regret that my therapy for Asthma will not help him although it has CURED perhaps 50 patients permanently who have recorded their cures on my Website which you can verify by doing a search under “Asthma”.
He will have to QUIT smoking as this is the primary cause and my theray will NOT help him.
ok well he is trying to stop smoking! but please let me know that should He start these medicines now or not?
To Sanjay Jain
I regret to inform you that you have left your problem too late for the last 20 years to be helped at this late stage by me. I find it strange that you should lose your hearing so early in life at age 55 but if you had contacted me 20 years ago, I may have been able to help you with Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which you may like to know I have been using since 1996 nightly and which I believe has been responsible to keeping me perfectly fit and healthy at my advanced age of 82 without any aches and pains and without any loss of hearing up to now.
I have also been closely associated with music and have been a musician for the last 75 years of my life and have noticed that my hearing of higher frequencies above 15 KHz is lost but this is a small price to pay for my advanced age. I was able to hear up to 20 KHz about 15 years ago and noticed that I continued to loose my hearing the higher frequencies with my passing years.
I do not think that Arnica 30c in the Wet dose can help you at this stage but there is no harm in using it even now as there is a faint chance that it may help you to regain your lost sense of hearing.
In the meanwhile you will have to depend on your hearing aids which you are using today.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
To Rajiv
You state that you suffer from Crohns but you are concerned about your Hair Loss which is obviously due to your problem.
Please visit the link below:
In your own interest I would advice you to first treat your Crohns as this is a disease that must be controlled early and hopefully eradicated by changing your diet and also taking a few Homeopathic Remedies which I can prescribe for you to see if they can help you to overcome this ailment.
If you would like me to take your case, I shall be glad to do so. You will first have to give me your full case history by filling up the Patients Questionnaire on the link below:
Please also list all the drugs you are taking today to give me more data to work on.
To Rajiv
I am glad that you have finally decided to let me treat your Crohn’s and your remedies are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily immediately after a meal.
Aloe Soc 6c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
I presume you already know how to make the Wet dose.
Please report progress weekly or more often if necessary.
Hello Joe.. I m reading ur advice on all the websites and have started taking Arnica Q. I asked one more homeopathic dr and he advised to mix 30 ml each of Arnica zQ, Jaborandi Q and Ceanothus Americanus in 200 ml of coconut oil and apply on scalp.. Just wanted to knw is this is the right medication as I lost so many hairs this year but after I startd using this combination the hair fall is very less and I do not have any complications like Thyroid, BP, stress etc. My hair loss was so bad that my scalp started visible. Kindly advise whether this combination will hep me in regrwoth of my hairs. Also I tried to find Arnica 30c and I got Arnica Montana 30 and it was showing having 90% alocohol. Please confirm is it same as Arnica 30 C in 90% Etanol.
Please adbvice as I need ur Help
I presume that you have read my complete instructions to help with Loss of Hair.
For the record I shall copy the therapy that I have prescribed to many patients the majority of whom have reported that they were helped.
I have no experience with using the multiple remedies you listed which were suggested by your homeopath which you state have helped you. If this is the case, you are advised to stay with these remedies instead of changing over to my therapy.
Arnica = Arnica Montana.
Many chronic cases of Hair Loss have responded to my therapy copied below.
The loss of hair is usually arrested in 2 weeks and in 2 months the new growth of hair is seen between the existing hair roots. Inspection for the new hair must be done in a darkened room with a flashlight by someone who has good eyesight.
The remedies are as noted below:
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture to be mixed with Olive Oil to be massaged in a 20% emulsion daily into the hair roots. the 20% emulsion is made using 20 parts Arncia Q mixed into 80 parts Olive oil. The emulsion must be shaken hard to emulsify with the Olive oil immediately before application daily into the roots of the hair daily after a shower.
Ferr Phos 6x 3 tablets taken twice daily.
Cod liver oil capsules dose 1-2 daily.
Exercise is essential to sweat it out.
Drink at least 3 liters of liquids preferably water daily.
No harsh shampoos.
The Wet dose is made up as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also known as Liquid Dilution.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles.
This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is sipped as directed.
Report progress in a month or earlier.
Thanks Joe.. again wanna ask whether Arnica Montana 30 C in 90% Alcohol is same as Arnica Montana 30 C in 90% Ethanol. Also can i use coconut oil instead of olive oil for Arnica mother tuncture.
To Nisha
Arnica = Arnica Montana
Coconut oil is equally good in comparison to the Olive oil. It is only more pungent and as long as you can tolerate the scent it can even be considered as better.
hello oe,, i tried whatever u suggested but i can’t fidn hair regrowth.. what to do now?
To Nisha
Can you explain precisely what your problem is ?
Hello Joe,
Actually my hairs are falling again and i found that front part of the scalp starts visible. I get all my blood/hormone test done. everything is perfect.. please suggest what to do?
If you are using my default therapy for Hair Loss precisely as prescribed, there is very little more that I can do to help you.
joe need your advice that what little more you can don for me as u mentioned in ur mail as my hair condition worsens on day to day basis.
do not recollect treating your Hair loss.
Please indicate your present position and also what therapy you have used and for how long.
Hell Joe!
I need our help, I have been taking your arnica remedy for 7 months now, it had been working great until a month ago when I noticed my hair started falling again at almost the same rate as before.
Im a 22 year old female.
what do you suggest I do?
please help!
thank you!
To Elenora
If as you state, you have been using my Hair Loss protocol, you must continue to use it as you have done up to now.
It is also essential that you have a regular exercise routine and you must also drink at least 3 liters of water.
hi joe!!!!
i come to know abt this treatment of urs through google search….is it actually beneficial?and please let me know if there are any side effects.i am suffering from hairfall from last 3-4 years and m tired of it.took some homeopathic medicines,got relief too but facing the same problem again as i hv stopped taking them.PLEASE HELP!!!!!God Bless You.
To Riya
Many patients who used my therapy have confirmed that they were helped.
Let us hope that you too will be among those who were fortunate to regrow their hair.
Many chronic cases of Hair Loss have responded to my therapy copied below.
The loss of hair is usually arrested in 2 weeks and in 2 months the new growth of hair is seen between the existing hair roots. Inspection for the new hair must be done in a darkened room with a flashlight by someone who has good eyesight.
The remedies are as noted below:
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture to be mixed with Olive Oil to be massaged in a 20% emulsion daily into the hair roots. the 20% emulsion is made using 20 parts Arncia Q mixed into 80 parts Olive oil. The emulsion must be shaken hard to emulsify with the Olive oil immediately before application daily into the roots of the hair daily after a shower.
Ferr Phos 6x 3 tablets taken twice daily.
Cod liver oil capsules dose 1-2 daily.
Exercise is essential to sweat it out.
Drink at least 3 liters of liquids preferably water daily.
No harsh shampoos.
The Wet dose is made up as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also known as Liquid Dilution.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles.
This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is sipped as directed.
Report progress in a month or earlier.
Dear Joe!
Hello! It’s wonderful to read the research work that you have done on Homoeopathic remedies for several diseases. It helped me develop a faith in this alternative form of medicine…i had read many articles earlier claiming that Homoeopathy is nothing but a farce…your website and way of explanation assures me of it’s scientific basis and efficacy.
I am writing today since i have been experiencing hair loss for quite some time now and would like to adopt the Arnica regimen advised by you. I had a small doubt, are Arnica Montana 30 and 30C the same? (I have purchased the liquid dilution of same, manufactured by SBL in India). The shopkeeper said that they do not have 30c, and have only the liquid dilution “30”. Before i start with the treatment i thought it right to check with you if 30 and 30C are the same?
Thank you,
To Padma
Glad you liked my presentation on Homeopathy.
Arnica M 30 and 30c are the one and the same.
Check if the Liquid DIlution is in the 87% alcohol product as the low 20% is not snough.
Dear Joe,
Thank you very much for your reply. I have checked the bottle and it says that the liquid dilution is 90% Alcohol, v/v.
Could you also please tell me if it is okay to apply the Arnica-oil mixture at nights and to wash it off in the mornings?
To Padma
Please follow my instructions precisely as prescribed.
You must keep the Arnica emulsion on your hair 24/7.
You may wash your hair daily but it is important to replace it ASAP.
Dear Joe,
Hello! I have been using the prescribed treatment for almost three weeks now. Though i haven’t noticed a change in my hair loss, i do feel more energetic and better. I am continuing the same regimen of Arnica treatment.
I would like to request you to please let me know if it is possible for me to phone you to discuss a few specific things i have noticed relating to my hair loss.
Also, i wanted to request you to please let me know if swimming in chlorinated water could be detrimental to hair health?
Thank you,
With regards,
To Padma
Please indicate precisely the therapy you are now using for your Hair Loss which I cannot recollect prescribing for you.
You stated:
“i do feel more energetic and better.”
I believe that you also sleep more deeply than you did before you took Arnica. This is how Arnica enables the user to achieve a better state of health which it does by filtering the blood in about a month after starting on this remedy thereby enabling it to reach the surface micro capillaries under the skin which are usually clogged and often are the cause of Eczema and other skin ailments and of course Hair Loss.
I have observed that this increase in the blood supply to the skin helps with the growth of the hair.
You may call me during office hours at:
+9411 2439422
dear sir joe pls help me in my premature ejaculation cos i cannot stroke much just 3 to 4 stroke only i ejaculate so pls help me
To Vinod
I regret that I am not able to help you.
Suggest you post your case on the ABC Homeopathy Forum where other members may help you.
Hi Joe,
I must say you are serving great to people like me who are almost in a shock to see hair fall at an early age.
I am 27 years old and suffered from a severe hair loss from last one and half year. This problem is not genetic, in fact I am the only one in my entire family to suffer from hair loss. I had very long hairs up to my shoulders when they started falling. I shortened them to normal so hair fall would be decreased and started oiling them daily but had no success.
At last I razed my head and then I saw dandruff pasted on my scalp like an allergy. From now on, I have razed many times and used medicated anti dandruff and as a result dandruff is cured and hair falling is stopped from last 2 months.
Now, I have decided to start your remedy i.e Arnica Q with coconut oil and Arnica 30C in wet dose to re grow lost hairs. I was wondering, if it is correct solution since I lost hairs due to dandruff?
(Because hairs are lost only from the area where dandruff was pasted.)
And if it is correct, can I continue with my medicated anti dandruff instead of Johnson’s baby shampoo? Or Johnson’s will be sufficient to keep me away from dandruff?
Looking towards your kind reply because it is like a shame for me to have less hairs in front of all my family.
Best regards,
Copied from ABC
To Hashmi
You must obviously dry your hair before you use the Arnica Q emulsion in olive oil which you will massage into the roots of the hair on your scalp.
In your email to me you msntioned that you had long hair and that you shaved your head to eradicate the dandruff. This would not have been necessary if you used the Arnica 30 orally and the Arnica Q emulsion which you would have massaged into your scalp.
Dandruff is usually caused by the bacteria on the scalp proliferating on the perspiration and natural oil on your scalp. The easiest way to deal with this problem is to wash the hair often say twice daily to wash the sweat on your scalp and this usually eradicates the dandruff which is just dead skin which is shed by the scalp.
You may like to know that the skin on the body comprises dead cells which are constantly being shed by the body. Ths top layer of the skin is not LIVING tissue as almost everyone thinks it is.
Your prescription for falling of hair is by far the best.
However, have you given a thought if JABORANDI Q is also added to the Arnica Q and Olive oil mixture it may be good for enhancing regrowth and even help in grey hairs replaced by black hair in regrowth.
Kind regards
Hi Mohan
Welcome to my website.
I have missed you on the ABC for many months and was wondering where you were.
Your suggestion to mix both Jaborandi Q with Arnica Q seems interesting but I have not used it on my own hair nor prescribed it to others. The results that I have personally got from my Hair Loss therapy and the reports I have received from many patients who have used it and are also using it today are indeed heartening as at age 82, I shall be 83 next month, I do have a good head of hair which is about half what I had 40 years ago. It is all silver grey today but I do not seem to lose any hair and I have plenty of new growth judging by the short hairs that I see in the mirror.
I would appreciate if you can experiment with your idea of the 2 remedies and report any results to me at your convenience.
Warm Regards
Hi Joe,
I’m very interested in trying your hair loss remedy as I’ve lost as much as 50% of my hair in the last year (mostly stress related I think).
Would it be okay to continue using the Arnica wet dose & Arnica mother tincture if I got pregnant?
To Jane
The therapy for Hair Loss can be followed quite safely even if pregnant.
It is most likely that pregnancy will double your hair when no extra therapy will be necessary.
Any reason for stress?
Hello Joe, I need your help, I have been taking arnica in wet dose for a year. First I used the pellets and now I’m using the drops since you said that it was more efficient.
At first the remedy worked great! I had no hair loss, until I stopped taking it for a week because I left for vacation and forgot to take it with me, when I came back and started taking it again it wasn’t working, my hair started falling at alarming rates again, I haven’t stopped taking the medication but I’m seeking your help once again. what should I do? I tried putting more than 5 drops in the water to make it more potent but its the same. I exercise 4 days a week and drink plenty of water, I also take daily multi vitamins. I cut my hair short to see if the cause of my hair loss was that it was long and nutrients couldn’t penetrate it, it did help a bit but not much difference.
please help!!! what do you suggest?
thank you in advance Joe.
I cannot understand the reason why the remedies I have prescribed which you can access by typing “Hair Loss” into the Search box on the Home page are not working.
Please indicated precisely what you are using today.
hello Joe! thank you for your prompt response.
I am currently using arnica 30c in wet dose, I put 7 drops of arnica in 400ml of water and take (a tablespoon) 2 times a day after banging the bottle against my palm five times. I bought the arnica from abchomepathy. I am also taking a multivitamin once a day.
You must stop ALL DRUGS AND VITAMINS if you wish to be cured with my therapy.
good morning Joe. thanks again for your response.
about the vitamins, I started taking them only a month ago, but my problem with the arnica has been happening for 9 months. I will stop taking them again.
do you think it is the water I drink or shower with? I have noticed when I travel to venezuela my hair falls less.
or maybe its that I became immune to it after I stopped taking it for that week?
thank you for your help and patience.
also I forgot to say my hair was very curly until 4 years ago and now it has turned wavy or straight. I took the contraception pill for 6 months and then stopped several months before beginning with your remedy. maybe the hormones affected something?
I appreciate ur prescription for the sufferer and definitely useful to the mankind. I am also doing the same services to the poor people who cannot afford the medicine i am giving them free of cost. really it will be grate if people like can give free advise on web to eradicate the illness. i hope people of honesty,dedicated will certainly do something for mankind. thanks for valuable work.
Thank you for your appreciation of my effort to help suffering humanity with my own Joepathy.
You may like to know that I have been advising on 4 Homeopathic Forums since 2001 when they were first established and continue to do so even today at my advanced age of 83 years. It was just over a year ago that I established my own website as I wished to collect the many posts that are of interest with reports of cures and other details which I felt should be easily accessible to anyone who wishes to explore my therapy which the classical homeopaths named “Joepathy” as it differs from their own therapy which does not usually work. The great advantage that classical homeopaths have is that by observing the rules that they were indoctrinated into believing, the patient is compelled to visit them regularly for that next installment of the remedy and each visit guarantees a constant revenue which can add up to about $1000 in the US.
Both you and I offer our service free of charge and in my case I also give the remedy in the Wet dose that I have used since 2005 and the patient is usually cured. I provide the remedies completely free of charge.
Feel free to discuss any matter on my website.
i am of 22 a facing terrible hair loss problem can you suggest anything about using arnica Q??
Visit the thread below for instructions on treating Hair loss which has helped many patients:
Hi my name is sathish, and i’m from chennai. I’am experiencing severe hair fall in recent months, now a days i feel like, i may be bald in next two or three days. Please i need some help immediately to arrest my hair fall. Already i lost my hair on temples, frontal and on the crown area. After searching the internet for the remedies, i heard that arnica 30 and arnica q formula works very well , please i want to know more about it, or you can also suggest me any good remedies. i’ve already gone through the forum, but i’m really confused about how to use it and also please do tell me is it possible to regrow my lost hair on my frontal parts? Thankyou
personal details:
Age: 26, male
hair type: curly
hair fall type: severe
hair thinning: yes
Kidney problems : yes(kidney stone)
Yet to take any medication, previously suggested medication is to use arnica q n silica q with 100ml of coconut oil daily.
I hope that you are aware that Hair Loss is the least of your current problems.
You state:
“Kidney problems : yes(kidney stone)”
I would prefer that you start by treating your Calculus (Stone) as it is not impossible that your hair loss is due to the blockage of urine caused by your Kidney Stone blocking the Ureter.
Please visit “How Joepathy expelled another Kidney Stone”
Please have a Scan and an Xray done immediately and report the result.
I shall copy below my default remedy for Hair Loss:
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and wil also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 30ml bottle
Olive Oil 200 ml
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
500ml bottle of Spring water or Bottled water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour 80ml Olive oil into a bottle and mix it with 20ml Arnica Q. Shake the bottle and the Arnica will form an emulsion with the Olive Oil.
Wet the finger tips with the emulsion and part your hair and apply the oil directly on the roots of the hair and spend some time in massaging it into the scalp which should show an oily shine. This is done daily for best results after a shower.
Make a Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propogate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Thank you for the reply DR Joe, I will follow your prescription,i’am really confused about the wet dose, please correct me if i’m wrong, i should have to buy arnica 30 and mix it with spring water according to the measurements, is it correct?. Second and a common question, some people said it is difficult for any person to regrow his or her hair on the front and temple sections, is it true dr? Thankyou very much for your response..
There should be nothing that you cannot understand in my instructions to make the Wet dose which I shall repeat below.
You will buy Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution and follow the steps to make the Wet dose and make it according to the instructions below:
Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Thanks joe for clearing my doubts. On previous suggestions you said to not to continue any medication, when dealing with joepathy. Please can you explain more on that because i’m already taking saw palmetto and ginkgo biloba for blocking DHT and for blood circulation.
Please make up your mind on which therapy you wish to use.
As far as I remember you have not listed your problem with:
“blocking DHT and for blood circulation.”
I am not aware what DHT is but Arnica will help with blood circulation.
If you wish to use the therapy I have prescribed please note that you will not use any other.
HI sir, this is selva again, for the past week i’m using your arnica medication for hair fall. Its been good, but the hair fall did not stop, before starting your medication i used take bath only twice a week bcoz of hairfall, but now i’m bathing everyday and my hairfall is also severe. what shall i do? Please help me….
Are you using the Arnica Q in the Emulsion with Olive Oil or my latest discovery with 20 drops Arnic Q in water to be massaged daily into the scalp?
Sorry for the late reply sir, Arnica q with olive oil sir.
You can use my modified therapy where you mix in 20 drops of Arnica Q into 400ml bottle of water which you will use to dampen and massage your hair twice daily.
I use it myself in preference to the Olive oil emulsion and find that it is as good and far less messy.
Thank you sir, i’ll try it out and let you know about my results, and what is your result with the new combination so far?
i’m 25 years old male suffering from hair loss. for last 3 years my hair has become very thin. and is falling and my head is visible because of thinness in hair. plz suggest me wat to do to make thick my hair and to gregrow hair
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour out abour 100ml of water fron each bottle.
Pour in 25 drops of Arnica Q into a bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
A teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be applied on the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water is not to be taken orally.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make a Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propogate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in 2 weeks.
Hi Joe,
I am a 30 yr old male suffering from male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). This is genetic and my father also had a bald head. I still do have hair left but its thin and the hairline has receeded giving a V look from the front.
My question is can I use your prescription for achieving good results mainly keeping what I have got and regrowth? I am currently using minoxidil which is a solution used topically on the scalp. Do your prescription treats baldness which is genetic. Kindly answer soon.
Thanks & Regards, Anirban
I note that you have already read about my therapy for Hair Loss but I shall copy my latest therapy below:
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour out about 100ml of water fron each bottle.
Pour in 25 drops of Arnica Q into the water in a bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be applied on the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water is not to be taken orally.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propogate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in 2 weeks.
Thanks Joe for your prompt response. Just wanted to understand 2 more things:
1) Is there any method of taking the medications like no water or food 30mins before and after taking the medication. I have heard of such rules for homeopathic medicines but not exactly sure. Please let me know if any such rule exists.
2) Where do you suggest I keep the bottles after I prepare the medications? In the refrigerator or normal room temperature?
Thanks & Regards, Anirban
1) It is best that you do not take anything for half hour before or 2 hours after food.
2) You do not have to refrigerate the remedy. Keep it away from sunlight as this will promote the growth of algae when the water will turn into a green colour.
30 Report progress weekly.
Dear Sir,
Pl take my “namaskar”. Recently I suffered with bph and urine infection thereof.
My prostate was diagnosed as grade one. I was prescribed with an antibiotic for one week and daily one capsule for one month as alpha-blocker for urinary ease. I was ok from my infection during that one week and flow of urine during the month of alpha-blocker with some trouble and with retrograde ejaculation (as the side effect of the capsule). I was not ready to continue allopathic medicine as I was prescribed no curative one and searched for Homeopathy in the net as soon as I found out you.
• I am 52, working in telephone service, living with my wife and two daughters all matured.
• I have my hair loss at the middle from the front to the back of my head not yet completely bladed.
• I have mild diabetes; no medicine only controlling direct sugar, potato etc.
• I have poor eye sight for both long and short distance and use bifocal lens.
• I am non-veg.and much inclined to tobacco; two-three years ago I drunk sometimes but do not now.
• I have stopped allopathic medicine on 5th may this year after one month of its use with some recovery. I faced one problem with my urination that is I had to make a break before starting my urination. I thought all my ailments (I mean my craving for tobacco, diabetes, hair-loss, eye sight and urinary problem) will be cured with Arnica—prepared wet dose with Arnica Q three drops with some 450ml of water and Arnica 30 three drops with same quantity of water in another bottle (450 ml means pouring some water from a 500 ml bottle from market). I used one teaspoon from that Arnica-Q bottle in a bowl with finger on my scalp on 12/05/2012 at 8 pm. I took one tea spoon from the Arnica 30 wet dose before sleep same day.
After the first dose of Arnica30 the “break” of urine I mentioned was gone and the flow was with much ease. On 13th morning I felt slight floating headache (very much bearable) and some tendency to sleep, went to work for full duty hours. Till night the head was felt free and I used Arnica-Q and took Arnica30 wet dose as 12th. Today (14th) no headache is there but with heaviness till this time and I am feeling an urge for sleep for the whole day. I have Conium 6 and Olive oil at my disposal, also but not fish liver oil capsule yet. I am not using or taking Arnica yesterday and today because I think I should ask for your advice. Pl help exactly how I can use Arnica as you do. I know you are very busy and will not mind if you can’t find out time for me but will be very grateful if you could get some.
With best regards and one more namaskar.
G Sarma
Assam, India
I have not prescribed any remedy for you but note that you are using many remedies for your Prostate and for your Hair Loss. Self medication can be counter productive.
You stated:
“I have stopped allopathic medicine on 5th may this year after one month of its use with some recovery. I faced one problem with my urination that is I had to make a break before starting my urination. I thought all my ailments (I mean my craving for tobacco, diabetes, hair-loss, eye sight and urinary problem) will be cured with Arnica—prepared wet dose with Arnica Q three drops with some 450ml of water and Arnica 30 three drops with same quantity of water in another bottle (450 ml means pouring some water from a 500 ml bottle from market). I used one teaspoon from that Arnica-Q bottle in a bowl with finger on my scalp on 12/05/2012 at 8 pm. I took one tea spoon from the Arnica 30 wet dose before sleep same day.”
I shall copy my therapy for Prostate problems and note that you have taken the Arnica which has helped you to pee more easily.
Please follow my instructions below precisely as prescribed.
Joepathy for the treatment of ailments affecting the Prostate
Your remedies are
Conium 6c and Arnica 30c both taken twice daily in the Wet dose.
The combination of both Conium 6c and Arnica 30c seems to reduce the enlarged Prostate which is often responsible for Prostatitis which was caused by the retention of Urine which in turn causes the bacterial infection.
I would recommend that anyone who reads this post and suffers from any difficulty or burning in passing Urine starts using Conium 6c in the Wet dose ASAP once daily with Arnica 30c also once daily and I shall give instructions below on how this Wet dose is made. Conium 6c taken as prescribed will ease the flow of urine by relaxing the Prostate in a manner that drugs cannot equal. It will do this very safely in comparison to drugs which will eventually have some side effects. It will also reduce the enlarged Prostate which in turn can hopefully rule out any eventual surgery to the Prostate.
It is also necessary that a Blood Test is done annually to check the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) level which is accepted as normal at between 0 – 4. This Blood test can also be extended for Lipid Profile and other factors that your doctor may find necessary.
I have compiled my research on Arnica which I have used or prescribed for many ailments and diseases which are not recorded in the Materia Medicas and Repertories currently used in Homeopathy and you are invited to visit:
“Arnica the Miracle Remedy – Brief case histories” on:
“The Arnica Miracle Continues” on:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcoholl pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capful which is the dose. Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Thank you Joe sir for your kind prescription. I have taken wet dose of Conium 6c this evening and will take that of Arnica 30c before going to sleep. From tomorrow onwards both will be twice daily. I shall report my progress soon.
Let all have a pleasant evening.
G Sarma
Good Night.
Where do you live?
Joe sir,
I am living in Guwahati,the state capital of Assam situated in the north -eastern part of India.Guwahati is a very beautiful city with natural beauty of its hills and with the mighty red river Brahmaputra. The famous temple of Mother Kamakhya is situated in its Nilachal hill. I shall have no bounday of happiness if you could visit once .
Thank you and goodnight.
G sarma
Dear Joe sir,
I have been taking Joepathic preparations of Arnica 30c and Conium 6c since 16th of May . The break before starting urination as I mentioned earlier is not there. I had a sitting discomfort and a little bit feeling bad in the area between the scrotum to the anal area (not external), which I thought it as a part of the BPH. This is also felt a bit ameliorated now but I don’t know if I have missed some remedy from you for this. I have experienced the magic of the first teaspoonful WD of Arnica 30c (that means I have determined to take Arnica 30c WD lifelong. may I?). Please mention how long would I take Conium 6c.The discomfort and feeling bad as I mentioned is physical but I am feeling bright internally with your golden touch.
The feeling of good, bad, comfort, discomfort will be there, (my illness will be cured as you are there, I know); but I have something else to mention! That is I have a deep respect to the personalities who swim against the current with a noble cause and survive. I hope you sense my feeling to you. If you don’t mind please give us the link for “Images of Joe De Livera”
G Sarma
I am glad to note that in just over a week, that many of the problems that you suffered from in your prostate have been helped by the Arnica and the Conium that I prescribed.
Many of my patients who have followed my example and have taken a teaspoonful of Arnica in the Wet dose, have confirmed that they discovered overnight, that at least some of the problems that they suffered from for a long period, which their doctors could not identify and prescribe for, were solved as if by magic.
As no doubt you will appreciate, if in just one week on my Joepathy you discovered the blessed relief that my therapy has already brought you, it can be assumed that this process of cure will continue into the future.
I cannot promise that you will be cured of the various problems associated with the increase in size of the prostate gland which invariably occurs with the advancing years, but the joint action of the 2 remedies I have prescribed will help to arrest the increase in size of the prostate and also enable you to pass urine more comfortably.
You have to be patient and let these medicines that I have prescribed for you to help you.
I’m happy to note that you are one of the few whom I have treated who has appreciated my attitude to those pseudo-classical homeopaths who have followed almost every post I made on the ABC forum, especially the Australian from Brisbane who pretends that he is the ultimate font of information in homoeopathy to which the scenes the claim some special ownership and rights. I believe that I have finally instilled into thick skull that it is not only his classical homoeopathy that can cure, and my own Joepathy can cure equally well with the intrinsic difference that my therapy, using the same standard of homeopathic remedies that he uses, may cure the patient’s ailments in a far shorter timeframe than his own classical Therapy which usually does not heal.
You have asked me for some images of Joe De Livera but I do not have any of my photographs on the web and I prefer to stay anonymous as long as possible.
As you probably know I am 83 years old and I have developed my own methodology in the use of standard homeopathic remedies in a manner that heals the ailments the patient presents and as soon as possible, as you already seen in just one week in your own case.
It is no wonder that my therapy which is also referred to as “Joepathy” internationally heals in a manner that is even better than in classical homoeopathy.
Joe sir,
I feel pain for the agony given to you as I have read most of the posts of yours and others regarding your new approach to homeopathy. But please be content that you are not the only victim. Pages of history are full of examples of such annihilation. What happened when it was first declared that the earth is round? This is the inertia to stay with the trend. That is why revolution takes place! Please never matter for that. Still Jesus is worshipped on the land where He was assassinated.
I shall follow your valuable instructions and report further developments.
Best regards.
Good Night.
G Sarma
G Sharma
I am indeed touched by the sentiments you have expressed in your post and you may like to know that it was after many years of being unfairly criticized, in some cases at very low levels, on the many Homeopathic Forums that I used to visit since 2001 that I decided to establish my own website to share my therapy, aka “Joepathy” with my patients who valued the manner that I treated their ailments, which I too am aware, is in many ways different from the standard treatment prescribed by classical homeopaths.
The difference in my case is that I try to cure the patient’s ailment and return him back to health ASAP but the classical homeopath would invariably like to ensure that the patient returns sometimes on a weekly basis for that next consultation when he will be prescribed the follow up remedy which the patient is advised was essential for a cure. It will be understood that every weekly visit guarantees the fees that the patient pays the homeopath which in my case does not arise, as I treat everyone who consults me completely free of charge. Here in Sri Lanka where I live, I also give the remedy, which I dispense in a bottle of water, which is referred to as the Wet dose, into which I insert just 3 drops of the liquid dilution of the remedy.
I would like to conclude with a quotation on Truth by Arthur Schopenhauer 1788-1860 which epitomizes my philosophy:
All truth passes through three stages.
First it is ridiculed
Second it is violently opposed
Third it is accepted as being Self-evident.
Joe Sir,
In the header ‘Index for Ailments’ there is a topic for back pain as
“Back Pain
The back is the workhorse of human body. This remarkably strong structure literally carries the burden of the entire body, and is responsible for almost every move you make. This makes it susceptible to injury, and the resultant back pain can be quite immobilizing. It is estimated that four out of five adults suffer from back pain at least once during their lifetimes, and it is also one of the main reasons for being absent from work.”
Kindly give some remedies for Back Pain as more people like me are likely to benifited by it.
Thank you.
G Sarma
Back pain, in my experience, is a very difficult ailment to CURE. The origin of the pain can be muscular or in the spine. The Spinal pain is virtually impossible to be helped with Homeopathy but the muscular can respond to a few remedies.
You will have to be more specific about your back pain to enable me to help you.
Joe Sir,
Nine days passed from the last post. During this period the pain is reducing day by day but not fully gone. I have past experience of the same kind for two or three occasions. In those occasions I did not use any NSAIDs but this time I found it to be most serious for which as you know I sought your immediate help and you had promptly help me to overcome it.
My back pain is there in the area above the left side hip joint. I feel I am walking with a slight slanting towards left side with some pain but if I walk keeping my left hand with slight pressure on the affected area of my back waist, I feel straight with no pain. I feel more comfortable while sitting than standing. There is pain while changing position.
(Naturally I stand erect but don’t sit erect. If I manage to sit erect consciously and get absorbed in my work I come to my natural position unknowingly i.e. I find myself sitting slightly bended at the waist. I always feel comfortable to sit cross-legged especially while travelling.)
I am continuing with previous Joepathic preparations for my prostate and feeling comfortable with it. I think Arnica 30c WD is also working for my back pain.
Please advise me anything to follow with additional remedy if required.
Joe sir,
Apart from a doctor patient relationship, I am actually impressed with the life you enjoy with your business and helping people selflessly, the bold attitude to stand tall against all garbage thrown by some inert people while dealing with Joepathy and obviously want to know more about you, such as how did you pass your early life, get involved in homeopathy and other aspects of life etc. etc.
With warm regards,
G Sarma
“During this period the pain is reducing day by day but not fully gone.”
You have complained about your back pain a few days ago and I presume that you refer to your chronic problem. As I stated in a previous post, back pain is one that is not easy to alleviate with Homeopathy and I have sometimes prescribed Diclofenac Sodium (Voltaren) 50mg to be taken twice daily after a meal to reduce this pain and it usually helps to reduce the pain in about 24 hours. In your case you will have to consult a doctor to identify the cause of your pain and if you will report his diagnosis, I may be in a better position to help you.
You are correct that Arnica 30 can also help your pain but this is only incidental as it works by increasing the supply of blood throughout the body and this thereby helps the affected area to recover.
You can use Hypericum 200 in the Wet dose to help with reducing your pain and we can only hope that it will not clash with the action of the remedies for your Prostate. If you discover that it does, you will have to stop taking it. The dose is 1 capful taken ever 3-4 hours.
I shall try to answer your other questions about myself at a later date as I have had a very checkered history but it was my complete trust in God that guided me through some incredible and unbelievable periods in my life.
Joe Sir,
Thank you for your kind advice. I shall try Hypericum 200 WD which is not at hand today. Actually I am a bit reluctant to go for medical test easily (which I know one should not be) as ten years ago I suffered from pain in joints and had performed medical tests for blood, urine etc. and it was diagnosed as arthritis. Medicines were prescribed with a good number of painkillers which I took for some days with not much relief and dared not to continue further. Ultimately there were some herbs to massage with for recovery .Many thanks to the local expert. Next time there was pain in joints of my feet and it was Ledum Pal this time to recover prescribed by a local homeopath.
Anyway, I shall perform one ultrasonography for the prostate after a month or two and will check-up for my back too.
I shall report you back soon.
Best regards.
G Sarma
“ten years ago I suffered from pain in joints and had performed medical tests for blood, urine etc. and it was diagnosed as arthritis.”
You must understand that I cannot diagnose the problem that a patient presents as I am only able to treat anyone on my blog basing my therapy on the statements made. If you had informed me about your Arthritis since I first started to treat you, you would hopefully have been cured by now.
The remedy for Arthritis is :
Argentum Metallicum 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Many patients have informed me that in just a week all pain in their joints seemed to just vanish. I shall be interested if this remedy can help you too.
Stop all other treatment you are undergoing for your joint pains including Ledum P.
Joe Sir,
Good evening. I thought that you might have posted something today and immediately after returning from my office I checked for it. I was right. FYI The medicines including pain killer and the herbal massages were done before nine or ten years and the Ledum Pal doses also I took four years ago only. For the earlier back pains I had taken nothing as I could tolerate it. This time I took three tablets of Diclofenac Sodium 50 mg only.
Yesterday after my post I felt some aggravation of my back pain and today I have felt slight pain in the middle knot of my right hand forefinger and joints of my feet near middle fourth and pinky toes. I am feeling now slight feverishness and burning eyes also with no cold.
Sir, excuse me if I am writing more, but I feel that I should at least give a gist of my ailments from my child hood. As I can remember when I was a toddler I had one serious boil on my head and as my mother told me that they thought I would never survive? My mother passed away with diabetes on her seventy-eight. My father passed away with cancer one month after my birth during his fifties. (Sir, can you guess the soft corner of my heart?)
At my teenage I had fainted for two times and suffered several times from either cough or bronchitis. I experienced arthritic pain two or three times towards forty during change of season from summer to winter. Burning of urine and congestion was there in some previous occasions also and it was ok with some turmeric in a cup of warm milk of with some allopathic medicines etc. I like to keep myself busy in my work and find it difficult to leave it incomplete.
Sir, should I continue Arg.met 6c with the other two i.e. Arnica30c and Conium 6c Wd?
Waiting for your ASAP advice.
With best regards.
G Sarma
“Sir, should I continue Arg.met 6c with the other two i.e. Arnica30c and Conium 6c ”
I do not understand the reason for your question.
You have already indicated that you suffer from
Arthritis for which Arg Met 6c in the WD is the accepted remedy.
Enlarged Prostate for which the remedy is Conium 6c
Urine retention for which the remedy is Arnica 30c. Arnica 6c may be even better.
I prescribed Hypericum 200 and Voltaren 50mg for you. Did they help you? You have not reported any relief.
I would like to know the reason why you wish to burden me to reply you again and again.
You must understand that I am 83 and am very busy with my office work right now but do feel that it is my duty to help patients to overcome their ailments which I do cheerfully as I have always done for you.
It is the repetitive questions like yours that do tend to upset me and I would appreciate if you will please remember to only post another question for another remedy if the current therapy has not worked as this will save me some annoyance and time.
Joe Sir,
I am extremely sorry for wasting your precious time. Voltaren worked for me. I could not try Hypericum 200. I determined to go with Arg.met as I have chronic Arthritis problem.
I repeat sorry again.
Best regards.
Good night .
G Sarma.
I have been using various homotoxicology remedies mostly pellets some liquid for thinning hair loss/seborrhic dermatitis/shedding recommended by a homeopath that i have been working with but they are not working, perhaps because they just wont or maybe in combination with spironolactone it is canceled out but Arnica is not one of them. Could i add in Arnica wet dose or it should be on its own more in a classic homeopathy treatment? And which arnica wet dose is it? is it the mother tincture arnica, the arnica from Heel products that is actually a combination of a bunch of things (compositium) I read on a different blog that spironolactone may fight against the homeopathy…Is this true? or does it compete only is classic homeopathy and not homotoxicology? The homepathy I have been taken includes (cutis compositum, heel detox drops, ovarium comp, placenta comp, selenium drops, mercurius comp, coenzyme comp, glyoxal comp, ubichinon comp.) And can i take vitamins and such along with the above.. what do you think
If you would like me to help you please compose yourself first and send me just ONE post where you will state your ailment precisely and also affirm that you will NOT take any other remedy if I decide to prescribe a remedy for you.
And also I have read that xrays and things like that can almost immediately inactivate homeopathy..but when you buy it in a store or delivered it is likely scanned by such a method prior to arrival..do you think this can impact the potential of the remedies?
And to give you some background on my hair issues..have been having female pattern hair thinning for 5-6 years I am in mid 20’s, still have a good amount of hair left but becoming see thru in some areas, stopped birth control 6 months ago which caused a dramatic shed, began spironolactone few months ago to help but still have shedding. Also hx acne. the dermatitis got worse after stopping the pill due to the hormone fluctuation but has improved greatly with the spironoalctone. I assume some of the hair loss is due in part to inflammation as well recently.
And I have been taking the Homeopathy for 2 in a half months for the first month twice daily, second month 3 to 4 times daily and now trying to keep it at 3 times but mostly twice.
-Thank you in advance for reading my posts. I look forward to your response.
I have been having female pattern hair thinning for the last 5-6 years and I am now 26. I started out with alot of hair and slowly over the time it has become thinner. Half of this time I was on birth control pills for both acne and hair. On the recommendation of my PMD who told me that birth control pills are bad for hair I stopped them 6 months ago which of course led to a dramatic shed for a few months and seborrheic dermatitis. I saw a trichologist the same month I stopped the pill who told me my vitamin D was low (26), ferittin low (11) and told me to take iron, vitamin d, lysine, vitamin B complex vitamins which I began taking. 3-4 months ago I began taking spironolactone for the hair loss and for the acne which came back (My endocrinologist tested my hormone levels and stated they were normal I was just likely sensitive to the even normal level of testosterone which on my skin caused acne, oily skin and thinning hair and that stopping the pill was actually a bad idea because the extra estrogen keeps hair on the head. Also I have antibodies against thyroid but not any gland destruction so I dont need any thyroid treatment at this time). Spironolactone has helped my acne, seborrhea and oily skin but the hair shedding is still going on. All of the seborrhea is not gone yet but greatly improved but I feel that an inflammatory component has or must of contributed to the hair issues lately. I still have a good amount of hair but is see-thru in some areas on the top of the head because of all the shedding. 2 in a half months ago I began seeing a homeopath who prescribed various homotoxicology remedies mostly pelletss some liquid for thinning hair loss/seborrhic dermatitis/shedding/acne/hormones. The first month the remedies were HEEL detox drops, selenium drops, mercurius compositum, placenta comp, ovarium comp, cutis comp and hormeel drops all twice a day (the drops 10 drops each twice a day). The seond month Glyoxal tablets, coenzyme tablets and ubichinon comp was added. I was told to do all the above 4 times daily which at times was difficult to do and for this month (the 3rd month) to do 3 times daily. (DISCLAIMER: THESE REMEDIES WERE PRESCRIBED FOR ME AND MAY NOT BE CORRECT FOR ANYONE ELSE AND REMEDIES SHOULD BE TAILORED TO EACH PERSON SITUATION)I have still been taking the spironolactone during this time which has caused irregaulr periods. The hair shedding/re-grwoth has not improved at all. I was afraid that taking too many things at once could inhibit the homeopathy treatment so I stopped the vitamins I stated above.
-Could i add in Arnica wet dose or it should be on its own more in a classic homeopathy treatment where it is really just one remedy? And which arnica wet dose is it? is it the mother tincture arnica, the arnica from Heel products that is actually a combination of a bunch of things (compositium).I am at a loss for what do do about this whole situation. Or perhaps it is too soon to see any improvement in the treatment I have been doing. I read on a different blog that spironolactone may compete with the homeopathy.
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour out about 100ml of water fron each bottle.
Pour in 10 drops of Arnica Q into the water in a bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be applied on the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use. It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propogate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in 2 weeks.
Hi joe
Couple of questiosn regarding hiar loss.
1) can you put more than 10 drops into Arnica Q?
2) can you use the solution more than twice a day?
3) In your original hair loss remedy, you used Olive oil with it. Do we need this or not?
Thank you for your kind support.
I note that you suffer from Hair Loss and I presume that you are using the therapy I have detailed in my blog.
You may use not over 20 drops in a 500ml bottle of water.
You may use it not more than twice daily.
I have since amended my original therapy which used Olive oil as I have discovered in my own case that the new therapy is by far more effective and far less messy.
I presume that you are following all the other details I have outlined in my therapy.
Please confirm
Thanks Joe. I am following your therapy with Arnica 30c solution, and cod liver oil tablets, excercise and water. is tehre anything else? I saw that you took ferr Phos tablets as well. Do I need thsi or not?
Hello Joe
-When you states the 100ml has to be poured out of a 500ml bottle and then the 10 drps are put in …is it in the 100ml or the 400ml? And once the 10 drops are placed do any more drops have to be placed in the next coming days?
Also I have read that Arnica should not be ingested?
You have read my prescription and are hopefully using Arnica 30c and Arnica Q which are in 2 separate bottles.
Can you let me know which remedy you are talking about.
Is it Arnica 30c or Arnica Q?
Also confirm that you are using the Johnsons Baby Shampoo.
Also I see you post at different times between 10 to 25 drops of the arnica Q in the bottle, which is preferred?
Hello, I was asking about the arnica q for the scalp preparation. You say to pour out 100 ml from a 500 ml bottle and then place 10 drops into the water. But is the ten drops into the poured out 100 ml or into the remaining 400. And after looking at multiple posts I see you recommend sometimes 10 drops and sometimes up to 25 drops for the scalp, which is better?
You will only follow the instructions you quoted for the Arnica 30c and NOT the Arnica Q.
You will need airspace to succuss or shake the water in the bottle and this will only be for the Arnica 30c.
You can use all the water in the bottle for the Arnica Q which you will use about 15 drops in a 500ml bottle.
Okay thank you. I am just a bit confused because the entire hair loss recipe u posted in response to my question stated to pour out 100 ml from the bottle for the scalp prep and to shake the water when the drops are placed. And also if i cant find the arnica 30 loquid for the wet dose can i use 30 c tablets instead? When i use the scalp prep twice daily i should also be washing my hair daily with baby shampoo and then reapply after the shower? Thank you for your help in advance
There is no real objection to your pouring out 100ml in each bottle as this is only to provide some air space for the remedy for succussing or shaking with bubbling before every dose.
You must use the Liquid Dilution to make the remedy. Pellets are not 10% as effective.
Follow all my instructions literally.
Hello Joe. Why do you say to only use baby shampoo? I know that there is no alcohol in it or something like that by why else?
I did not instruct you to use any baby shampoo.
My instructions were specific and I prescribed that JOHNSONS BABY SHAMPOO be used if you wish to stem the loss of hair.
The reason is because I have through the years, discovered that its formula which does not contain the standard alkaline ingredients used in the formulation of Hair Shampoo which are nearer the soap formula, changes the pH levels in the scalp and hair roots, which materially affects the shedding and growth of hair. The surfactants used in Johnsons do not depend on the alkalinity like soap to wash the scalp clean in the manner that soap and other shampoos do.
The combination of the Johnsons and the Arnica Q massage and the Arnica 30c taken orally all contribute to arresting the loss and in about 3 weeks to regrowing the hair which should be plainly visible between the long strands of the hair on the scalp.
The new hair can be identified in the light of a flashlight on the scalp.
I hope that this long definition will convince you to follow my Joepathy to treat Hair Loss
You may like to know that Johnsons is also a very effective Underarm Deodorant, superior to all those roll on types which can beget Cancer and the sprays by blocking the hair roots which do not perspire as they are designed to do.
I have been using the arnica scalp prep with baby shampoo for almost two weeks now. Areas where I had seborrheic flakes still stuck on the scalp, some have lifted which is good but I have also had increased hair fall from those same areas and their surroundings. Why is that? Is the arnica making the hair shed?
Please indicate precisely what remedies you are using today for your Hair Loss and Dandruff.
Well I have not begun using the wet dose yet. I have not received the arnica 30c yet. The scalp prep I am only able to do onetime daily because it makes my hair more noticable in the areas that are thinner. I am still using spironolactone which I have been using for a few months and from what I read is not a medication to stop cold turkey, the dose should be titrated down which I have begun. I know you will say do to exactly as you have stated but could the topical onetime daily be harming not helping? I did feel for the first week the shedding get better.
Please do not bother me with your reports in future if you do not wish to follow my therapy which has helped many hundreds, perhaps thousands of patients to regrow their lost hair.
You have already seen that your hair loss has not been reduced and your dandruff has not improved either.
I cannot understand the reason why you insist on using your own therapy and reporting results for which my therapy is not responsible.
You are only wasting my time in trying to help you.
The dandruff has improved as some of the seborrheic plaques that were adhered lifted, but I think the shedding has gotten worse with a one time daily application. I understand the shedding hasn’t gotten better but I am just asking could the daily application make it worse? Or maybe these are hairs that would have fallen out regardless? Also just wondering what the ph of the arnica application is? Please don’t become angry about my questions..
I am 30 year old Male.
I have had hairloss issue for past 5-8 years. Noone in my family has hair loss problem/bald, my dad/brother even my uncles on both mom/dad side have full head of hair and they are all 60-70 years old.
I dont think its Male Pattern Baldness because its happening all over the body like chest, legs eyebrows and all over the head. the hair on my arms are ok. I can pull my hair from the front or chest/eyebrows and they come out without any resistance.
Someone suggested to shave my head which i did last year but my hair came back very thin and it looks like as if I had lost 30% of my hair from my head and have a bald spot forming at the back. I also have to shampoo my hair daily as they get very greasy if I dont. I have tried the known homeopathic medicines like Thallium/Selenium etc but they didnt have any effect. I am getting married in 6 months wondering if there is any remedy that you can prescribe that may fix it.
I am also using Rogaine but thats not doing anything either.
I have also had my blood tests done to check thyroids and vitamin levels but that came back ok. If you want I can forward that through to you.
Thnx in advance
It is very likely that you suffer from Alopecia which is an auto immune disease for which there is unfortunately no cure.
You may however use my standard Hair Loss therapy which has helped many patients to regain their hair and observe if it can help you.
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour out about 100ml of water fron each bottle.
Pour in 20 drops of Arnica Q into the water in a bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be applied on the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use. It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propogate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in 2 weeks.
Thanks, could you please advise how I find out if it is the autoimmune disease thats causing it.. any blood tests etc?
Also, can I order Arnica Q and 30c online? dont think its available in my area.
I also suffered from hives last year and the doctor advised me to stop taking fish .. so fish liver oil wont create any problems?
I am NOT a doctor and you are advised to ask a qualified medico about autoimmune diseases of which there are many.
You can also do a search on the Internet starting with Alopecia.
Hello, Do you sell any of your remedies? I am specially interested in Arnica Q/mother tincture. I am in NEW YORK, USA. Thank you.
It is unfortunate that the FDA rules in the US do not permit the sale of Arnica Q.
I live in Sri Lanka and although there is no restriction on the sale of this remedy here I am not in a position to export it to you.
Hey ,
I’m 15 yr old Boy n my hair were really THICK
from last 6 months i’m noticing hair fall n my hair have become very thin now compared to hair quantity 6 months ago (all because of that useless shampoo which 1st made me believe that my hair are getting silky but actually they were getting thin )
it’s been a month now i’ve been using Arnica ,
hairfall has reduced to it’s normal rate , but there are SOME doubts i want to be cleared :-
Q.) As i end up massaging My scalp i notice 5-10 hair strands on my hands. so is it normal ?
Q.) after applying the tincture on my scalp my head starts paining
Q.)how much time it will take my hair to become thick again ?
Q.) will my hair be PERFECT again or not ?
Please Reply As Soon As possible
You stated:
“after applying the tincture on my scalp my head starts paining”
I believe that you are using Arnica Mother Tincture directly on your scalp WITHOUT dilution in water.
You must STOP this immediately and report precisely what you have been doing to reduce your hair loss.
Ohkay , Actually I’m Confused Between The Names,
And What About The Other 3 Questions I Asked !
What are they?
Q.1) how much time it will take my hair to become thick again ?
Q.2) will my hair be PERFECT again or not ?
n Yaa I’m Not Using Arnica q Directly On My Head , I’ve Mixed It with olive oil as my local doctor said.
Sorry For The wrong Information Because I Didnt Knew As My Mom Is Helping Me with It.
Q.1) how much time it will take my hair to become thick again ?
Q.2) will my hair be PERFECT again or not ?
n Yaa I’m Not Using Arnica q Directly On My Head , I’ve Mixed It with olive oil as my local doctor said.
Sorry For The wrong Information Because I Didnt Knew As My Mom Is Helping Me with It.
Reply Fast Please
I believe that you are under the impression that I have to respond immediately to your posts and to give you a time frame when you will regain your hair.
I would like you to understand that there is no possibility of giving you any guarantee of your doing so as Homeopathy is NOT designed to oblige boys like you.
You stated that your Mom was helping you.
Please request her to contact me by email ASAP on
Thank you !
Now I just want ask 1 question.
Please Tell me some precautions so that it does not start again.
And Thank You Once Again
Hello dear Joe
Good day
Thanks a lot for your nice website
If possible please guide me
I am Semi , I have a big problem with my hairs
from my 18 years old I have gray hair and now i think 90% of my hairs are gray
I am 27 years old and I can see I have wrinkle
can you guide me what I should to do?
Thanks a lot
kind regards
“from my 18 years old I have gray hair and now i think 90% of my hairs are gray”
I regret to inform you that I have not succeeded in changing grey hair back to its original colour.
I have however succeeded in stopping Hair Loss and also in promoting the regrowth of hair.
You can read the many cases of people who have succeeded in doing so on my website.
“I am 27 years old and I can see I have wrinkle”
The remedy that can help you is:
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Please visit:
Hello dear Joe
Really thanks a lot
Please let me know a website that I can purchase my medicine that have delivery for Iran
Thanks a lot
I have already informed you that I cannot help you to return your grey hair back to their original colour.
If however you are losing hair other than the normal hair loss which occurs daily, I can help you after you have confirmed your hair loss with a close up photograph of your scalp which you can send me by email
Hello dear Joe
Thanks a lot
Please let me know how can I buy Arnica 30c
what website?
and one question:
I should drink ? or massage on my head?
please guide me
Thanks a lot
Hello Joe,
I have been taking your arnica remedy for a while now. I stated on the wet dose or arnica 30c and it was fantastic, until I stopped taking it for a week and when I went back to it it no longer worked. I tried putting more pellets on it to see if it helped but it didn’t.
I then bought arnica 6c pellets and repeated the same process of putting the pellets on a bottle of water since the 30c was no longer working for me. Arnica 6c worked well until 2 weeks ago when I noticed my hair started falling again at alarming rate, more than 100 strands a day. I hadn’t seen this much hair loss since I started taking arnica.
the remedies are no longer working for me, why? what do you suggest I do? do you have any other remedy that can help with my hair loss? I am a 23 year old female that live in the tropics. please help!!!
Glad to note that your experiment with Arnica 30c worked “it was fantastic, until I stopped taking it for a week and when I went back to it it no longer worked.”
Your problem seems to be that you are using the pellets which cannot be relied upon and you have already observed that adding more pellets did not help to arrest your hair loss.
I shall copy my default therapy for Hair Loss and would request you to follow the therapy precisely as prescribed.
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour out about 100ml of water from each bottle.
Pour in 20 drops of Arnica Q into the water in a bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be applied on the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use. It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in 2 weeks.
Thank you Joe!
I prepared the remedy, I will get back to you with my progress in two weeks.
I am currently losing more than 200 hair strands daily, I really hope this works.
thank again!
Dear Mr.JoeDeLivera
Hope You will be fine
I am very much impressd by your searches and I am with firm belief that You are the person who can solve my problem.
I am 32 years old lady. I belong to Pakistan. I gave birth to 2 kids. my first kid died at fifth day after birth. my second child is now 5 years old.
About 6 years ago, soon after the death of my first kid, I had to face severe Hair falling. It was perhaps for the reason of immense weeping. Before this I had very very charming long hair.
I consult a skin specialist and after treatment of 6 months, my hair began stop falling.But after a few months, there began to visible “Chlazion” on my both eyes upper as well as lower lids. I am not sure that it was the side effect of hair fall treatment or not. Please note that according to eye specialist it were “chlazion” and not the styes.
So with in one year,I had to get surgery of my eyes about 10 times. there was interval of one month in every surgery.
After 5 years, again My hair suffer from severe falling then after consulting Skin Specialist, I had to take again that multivitamins “Onergy”, “TRox” ,”Fesovit-Z” and used “Minoxidill”. With in use of one month, My eyes again got infected….perhaps from minoxidill spray or perhaps that multivitamins containing Iron And Zinc etc. again caused to grow Chlazion on both eyes’upper lids.
Again I had to get surgery and this time the no. of surgery was “12”….Yes, I had to suffer surgery after every month….It was not possible to operate all little little clots at the same time. Instead I had to wait for being Chlazion rather grown up, so that thay may be operatable. After last surgery I thought that I should never use again any type of multivitamins for hair loss problem….But today… I am much helpless..I did not know what to do…My hair start falling again and this time, My front line has become so prominent that even I can’t look at me in the mirror.My front head has become about empty.
this time I was afraid of using any type of aelopathic treatment, so I started making searches on Internet..
Dear Joe…I read ABC forum and
according to your suggestion to many people..
me too used ARNICA 30C 6 weeks ago. I took it for one month
it is in liquid form
10 ml dilution
Alcohol vol. % 90
made in Germany
Dr. Willmar Schwabe”
According to my approach, I were using its 2 drops in half glass of water, 3 times a day
No doubt, I got better sleep, but There was no reduction in my hair fall problem..further there began to seem Big sized Pimples on my whole face.
I was thinking perhaps my composition of using medicine is not correct..
I have read in your web site that Arnica must be mixed in “Sharp Water”
my question is..Can I use mineral water instead of “sharp water”..Infact I don’t know what is Sharp water..?
and please tell me ..here Arnica is available in 10 ml dilution. is it the same Arnica suggested by you which I were using?
Further more please guide me..I am using “ARNICA medicated Hair Oil” of BM company, mixing it 20%, in 80 % Coconut Oil. Is it that “ARNICA Q” ?
My next question is…which actually has much worth for me..
can I use Arnica before or during pregnancy?
Coz I know in homeopathic, treatment takes at least 6 to 8 months to recover..And my husband works in abroad..He comes to me after every 3 years…Now in December 2012 He is coming after completing his 3 years of service…I am much anxious to produce at least one baby more. I always use “Aletris Cordial” for 2 to 3 months for conceiving purposes. I am with the intention of using it again because there are left only 2 months in arrival of my husband.
I have tension of hair falling ..I have tension of conceiving..I have tension of my eyes beauty.bcoz again 3 little clots of chlazion are becoming prominent on my eyes…..perhaps it is again because, I am taking now “FEFOL-VIT” from 2 weeks, with the sense that may be, my hair stop falling before my husband comes.
Please Joe tell me such composition that with in these 2 months my hair may grow again…My eyes may become totally neat and without any clumsy clot….and may I be able to produce healthy,living baby with in my husbands’s stay of 9 weeks.
May God bless you with healthy long life and more energy and more passion of helping others.
Thanking you
Sadia Sajid
I am shocked to learn that you have had over 10 surgeries to scoop out the Chalazion embedded into your eyelids.
“According to my approach, I were using its 2 drops in half glass of water, 3 times a day”
This is I believe the real reason why your are producing Chalazions monthly. I believe that you are aggravating your problem due to the heavy overdose of Arnica which you are forcing your body to accept 3 times daily with 2 drops in every glass.
I shall copy my default method of making the Wet dose which you MUST follow literally:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
I shall also copy my default remedy for Hair Loss which included Arnica which you are already using for your Chalazions. You will therefore NOT use it again for Hair Loss and you will only take a dose twice daily.
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour out about 100ml of water from each bottle.
Pour in 20 drops of Arnica Q into the water in a bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be applied on the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use. It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in 2 weeks.
Hello JoeDeLivera
Thank you very much for your prompt response.
I will not take much from your precious time. I try to describe to the point.
By reading all comments on “Hair Loss”, I am with the view that I can use Mineral Water as Sharp Water.Am I right?
Further Please suggest me for my “Chlazion” problem. Currently I am suffering three painful clots on my eye lids.They are growing day by day.
Moreover,I have pimples on my face,Please Sir tell me something to cure it…
or the same Hair Loss Therapy of Arnica 30 will work for my chlazion and pimples?
Best Regards
Sorry joe I wrongly wrote “Mineral Water as Sharp Water”
Actually I want to say “Mineral Water as Spring Water”
I have already informed you that the reason for your increase in getting infected with Styes which turn into hard Chalazions was most likely due to the overdose of Arnica that you were using.
You can STOP taking Arnica as you have been doing for about a week and then start on the Wet dose method that I have already prescribed of Arnica 6c which is far less in concentration than the 2 drops in water that you have been using 3 times daily.
You must understand that you cannot play about with Homeopathic remedies or drugs without any knowledge of how they work and also the dosage used.
Report progress in about 2 weeks.
I am 22, and am losing hair for past few months. The rate has gone up alarmingly now. I am diagnosed with Thyroid problem with the TSH level well above range. My hairs have become very weak,it’s getting uprooted.A doctor prescribed me to use Ceanothus americanus 0/30ml solution externally. But no change in condition is seen as such. Please give me some advice regarding this
It is obvious that your loss of hair is due to your high TSH level which you state is well above the accepted levels and you will first have to stabilize it with the standard drug Thyroxin which you will have to have prescribed by your doctor.
After you have done so, you may use the therapy which I have prescribed to many hundreds of patients which has helped the majority of them to regain their lost hair.
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour out about 100ml of water from each bottle.
Pour in 20 drops of Arnica Q into the water in a bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be applied on the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use. It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month.
Thank you Dr.Joe. I’ll certainly let you know the effect of the medication you’ve prescribed.
Good morning Joe, I am reporting my progress like I promised, it has been 3 weeks since I started using the remedy you gave me and taking fish oil daily. my hair loss has decreased from over 200 strands to less than 200 strands daily. I am still loosing a great amount of hair each day, I would say approximately 150 strands a day. I still don’t understand why the remedy stopped working in the first place. What do you suggest I do? please help me!
It usually takes about 2 months before a patient finds that the Loss of Hair has finally stopped. It is from that time that the regrowth of the hair starts and this continues throughout life and the patient is advised to take the remedies prescribed for life as quite apart from hair loss the patient also experiences the healing power of Arnica which ensures many other benefits which are referred to in my article ARNICA THE MIRACLE REMEDY
You have already experienced the slowing down of hair loss and must remember that my therapy aka “Joepathy” is by no means an instant fix of your problem which is usually not treatable with drugs like Minoxidil which is only good while it is being used and is very expensive. It has also been reputed to cause other serious medical problems including ED which has been reported by many patients.
In direct contrast my therapy is FREE for all who care to use it and it will also improve the quality of life of the patient in the long term.
Please note that exercise is essential and the use of other drugs will antidote my therapy.
Good morning Joe, I am reporting my progress.It has been 4 weeks since I started using the remedy you gave me and taking fish oil daily. There seem small black roots at my front head but I am still loosing a great amount of hair each day,aproximately 200 strands a day. I am much worried ,still chlazion is on my both eyes, giving me very ugly look. Chlazion clots are not growing more. There seems a STOP on their growth. but they don’t seem tends to reduce in size. According to your advice I am using wet dose of Arnica 6 , 3 drops in boiled tap water for oral use instead of Arnica 30. and also applying massage of Arnica Q ,15 drops in boild tap water. How can I get rid of these Chlazion problem?What do you suggest I do? please help me!
I do not recollect your case as a Search for Sadia brought up the case of another Sadia whom I have treated for GERD.
Can you give me more data on your case which I believe is Hair Loss and Chalazions?
You must know that Chalazions are the last stages of Styes which form in the eyelids and harden. When they do harden there is unfortunately nothing that can be done except to have they scooped out by an eye surgeon.
Good Morning Joe,
Sorry Sir, I could not understand, what sort of data should I give for
“Hair Loss and Chalazion”?
and My case name is just “Hair Loss”. it will help you search for “Sadia” …….”Hair Loss”
Best Regards
I cannot understand why your Hair loss continues as many patients have reported that they observed a reduction in their own loss of hair within a week. The little black hair you have observed are the new hair that are replacing the hair that you have lost. You will see them better with a flashlight focused on your hair in the dark.
“According to your advice I am using wet dose of Arnica 6 , 3 drops in boiled tap water for oral use instead of Arnica 30”
I hope that you are following my therapy precisely to make the Wet dose. You will insert just 3 DROPS into the bottle of water and take a dose which can be a capful or a teaspoonful twice daily.
Glad to note that your Chalazions have stopped increasing. It will take some time to be rid of the infection as you will not get any more Styes which end up as Chalazions. You may have to get them scooped out in a few weeks when you are certain that you do not get any new Styes.
Good Morning Joe
Iam glad that my front head has very visible small black roots.Please give me advice if I start wet dose of Arnica 30 instead of Arnica 6 which Iam using now. Because My hair are still falling rapidly.May be my hair reduce falling by using wet dose of Arnica 30.
Further, I want to clear that exact 5 years ago,I had to get chlazion scooped out for 10 times and it was with the interval of one month for each chlazion surgery.
Again after 5 years, from June 2011 to July 2012, I have to get chlazion scoop out for exact 12 times, with the interval of about one month. So the number of total “surgical CUTS” on my both eyes’lids is “22”.
Dear joe, this is too much. My eye’s skin is now quite tired and I have no more courage for having cuts on my eyes’lids.
After exhausting from number of surgeries, I decided to go Homeopath. But honestly speaking, Homeopathic treatment is very costly….plus till yet I have not any progress regarding Chlazion homeopathic treatment.
I decided to make internet searches on Homeopathic treatments, from where I met “JoePathy” ….So , if countless peoples are solving their miseries by taking benefits from joepathy… then why me not???
I want to take advice about chlazion medicines usage because again I dont wish to suffer from over dosage problems.
below are the names of those medicines which I have seen in ABC forum for chlazion treatment.
Silica 200
Sepia 30
Pulsatilla Nigricans
Thuja 200 and Conium 200
Hepar Sulfris
I want to add that before the second series of my chlazion surgeries.. I have had used Sepia 30..one drop in half glass of water, daily…..But after 3 months usage, I suffered from low blood pressure problem. Moreover this “sepia” aggravated my chlazion and finally I had to go to a Surgeon for scooped them out.
Please give me advice
Good morning Joe, You have not replied me and after waiting for 2 weeks I am a bit worried about your health. Thanx joe! your Arnica has proved for me a mriacle. I really feel happy when I look my head in the mirror.May God bless you with long and healthy life. May you enjoy every pleasure of life. and may God make you capable of exploring more and more search on my chlazion problem too.
I am reporting my progress.I am very satisfied that now my hair, aproximately 60 to 70 strands a day.
I am using wet dose of Arnica 6 , 3 drops in boiled tap water for oral use twice daily and also applying massage of Arnica Q ,15 drops in
boild tap water twice daily. Since the season has changed so I feel very bad cold, after Arnica Q’s spray on my hair.
Please joe reply me. My husband is coming to me in 3rd week of this December.He is coming for 6 weeks. I have one kid 6 years old. Now I wish to make one baby more. Should I continue using Arnica 6 for oral? Notice that my hair still are falling but at very low rate.
I want to use any precautionary measures that I may conceieve very soon. Either I have to give up using Arnica 6 Or it can be used along with other treatment for conceieving?
Hoping to have an early response.
My apologies for not having responded to your post of November 12 which I remember reading but failed to respond to.
I can imagine the trauma you suffered from 12 surgeries to your eyelids as I too was a victim of Styes and Chalazions about 20 years ago. I too had 3 surgeries to scoop out the hard Chalazions and it was only after I first started on Arnica for my Prostate that I also discovered that it also STOPPED the weekly outbreak of yet another Sty. I know how it feels to wake up and discover that slight sting on my eyelid which is the precursor to another Sty.
I had been experimenting with other remedies for my Urine retention as my Prostate had enlarged at that time, and was agreeably surprised to discovered quite accidentally that my weekly Sty formation had also ceased. I later discovered that if I did not take Arnica for about a week, that I would run the risk of starting another Sty.
I had been experimented with many other remedies to protect me from another sty and used to foment my eyelids twice daily. I was in the habit of consulting the eye doctor at least twice monthly for help to avoid that next sty. And all with no success. All the eye doctor could do was to prescribe Fuscithalmic Eye Drops which did not help at all.
I was agreeably surprised to discover that Arnica was the answer and it was fortunate that I was able to share my research with the world on the ABC Forum as I did not have my own website at that time. You can read about my adventures with my Styes and Chalazions on the ABC archives. I believe that Arnica helps by increasing the blood flow throughout the body and also in the eyelids and thereby it helps to clear the bacteria in the hair follicles caused by the dust settling on the eyes. Arnica is the Ultimate remedy and I hope that you have visited my article “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” here on my website where I have recorded all my research on this Miracle Remedy.
I hope that you too can benefit from my discovery Arnica and that the formation of that next Sty will cease. Please keep me informed.
I am glad to learn that your Hair Loss has reduced. I would like to have more precise details of how you are faring today with your hair as your record is not precise.
I would also like to have your report on the present state of your Chalazions and whether you have discovered any improvement in the formation of that next Sty after you started on a daily dose of Arnica.
Where do you live?
Good Morning Joe
Thanx for replying.
I feel my chlazion clots have slept. Before this there was a constant
swelling in my eye lids. but now there is no more growth in them. I am sure it is beacause of using Arnica wet dose. I am with the hope a time will come that my blood circulation will be more regular causing my eye lids completely neat.
Dear Joe I want to use constantly this therapy because I see visible improvement in my face skin. My pimples spots are lighter than before.My question is still there. Please give me advice. Can I continue this therapy along with my gyne treatment which I wish to start before my husband comes. I have had used Aletris Cordial for conceivement purpose. Now in December again I want to use it because I have very limited time of 6 weeks to try my luck. Please pray for me that I may be blessed with one baby more.
Best Regards
Hi Sadia
It seems to me that your Chalazions are finally under control as you have stated:
“Before this there was a constant swelling in my eye lids. but now there is no more growth in them. I am sure it is beacause of using Arnica wet dose.”
I checked our exchange of posts and discovered that it took about 2 months for your eyelids to STOP giving birth to that next Sty which in your case ended in a Chalazion.
For this great improvement in your condition I am grateful to the Supreme Power that has inspired me to treat suffering humanity with my “Joepathy”.
You will have to continue with the Arnica for LIFE as I am also doing by taking just ONE dose every night.
You have asked for my advice about starting another baby and all I can state is that it is not in my hands or yours as to when you will be blessed with another baby.
Just leave it to God and I am confident that you will be blessed.
You may like to know that my wife and I had to wait for 10 long years before we had our first child and we were blessed with 3 lovely boys who are now all over 40 years of age and have their own children, my grandchildren. All we did was PRAY and our prayers were heard by God and we were blessed with 3 boys.
You have my assurance of prayers and my best wishes that you will succeed.
Hi Joe Sir,
Hope you are doing well !!
Sir, i have been suffering from hair loss and severe dandruff from last 12-13 years, since my teenage. I am currently 28 years old. I have lost significant amount of hairs from frontal sides and overall density has also gone drastically down. Nonone in my family is bald or have such hair problem.
2 months back i started having panic attacks. I normally worries a lot and mostly stays in the state of depression , partly due to my struggles in life and partly because of hair problems. I started taking homeopathic treatment for depression. Doctor gave me Kali Phoshp. 30 and things are little better now but hair problem are still same.
I read about your therapy and good results of it. I think you are doing a great service to humanity and for that please accept my humble gratitude.
I am thinking of trying your therapy myself but as you mentioned in your therapy that no other medication should be taken along with this , i am little hesitant as i am taking kali phos 30 for depression treatment.
Can you please suggest me whether i should start your therapy with my current treatment of depression OR should i wait till current treatment gets over.
Thank you in advance.
I note that you are taking Kali Phos 30c for depression but this is NOT the potency that will help you.
You must use Kali Phos 200c in the Wet dose taken twice daily and report your response in a week.
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour out about 100ml of water from each bottle.
Pour in 20 drops of Arnica Q into the water in a bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be applied on the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use. It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
Hi Joe Sir,
Hope everything is fine at your end !!
I have started your therapy from last 2 weeks as you advised. But from last 5-6 days i noticed there are some small rashes coming out on frontal part of my scalp. There is some pain in them too. When i first noticed them, i stopped topical use of wet dose and the rash went away. Just to be sure of the reason of them i used the topical wet dose after 2 days of gap and i noticed that the rashes were back again. So i again stopped topical use of wet dose (of mother tincture arnica Q) though i am orally taking the wet dose ( of Arnica 30c). It looks like that wet dose of topical usage is causing the issue.
Let me explain how i made them from your therapy.
For wet dose of topical use , i took 1 liter mineral water and added 50 drops of Arnica Q ( which comes out to be of same ratio as you mentioned using 400gm water). I could not find spring water near my locality so used mineral water. And i am using a water spray bottle to apply it on the scalp. And making sure to shake the bottle 15-20 times before spraying. After spraying messaging a bit. I tried direct application of wet dose but that caused much more hair loss so using spray bottle.
For oral usa, i boiled 400gm mineral water and added 3 drops of Arnica 30c ad stored in a 1 litre bottle. Taking 1 capfull daily in morning and before bed and making sure of shaking it 15-20 times before each usage.
Daily taking 1-2 seacod cod liver oil capsule and making sure of running daily for 4-5 Kilometers daily in morning.
And for Depression i am taking Kali Phos 200c 5 drops twice daily as advised.
Can you please check and advise if there is anything which am doing wrong or incorrectly. I researched myself and found from your earlier posts that if i am using mineral water i should boil it first. I missed that while creating wet dose of Arnica Q. Can that be the reason.
Thank you
It is strange that your scalp seems to be reacting to Arnica Q. This is indeed very rare and you are the first case that has reacted to my knowledge which dates back to 2000 when I first discovered that my own loss of hair was arrested at my age which was 71 at that time. Today at age 84 I do still have a good head of grey hair, thanks to my Arnica therapy which I use daily.
I believe that it is essential that you use Arnica Q on your scalp daily and massage it into the scalp. You will however use just 10 drops in a 500ml bottle of water.
It also occurs to me that the Arnica Q you have purchased may not be as labelled.
Suggest you purchase another brand and report after using it for a couple of days.
I do wonder what your reason is to insist on using a 1lt bottle of water which is far too large to be used daily.
I use a 350ml bottle of spring water which is a convenient size to shake about and suggest that you too use the same size.
Also STOP the Kali Phos 200 which I did not prescribe and may be reacting with the Arnica Q.
Hi Joe Sir,
Hope everything is fine at your end !!
Just giving update about new brand usage of Arnica Q.
I purchased different brand of Arnica Q ( Dr. Reckeweg ) and started using wet dose for topical application one week back. It took me some time to get different brand here. This seems stable and i have not noticed any rashes on scalp till now. I am continuing with both oral wet dose and topical wet dose for now.
Will keep you posted.
Thanks & Regards,
Dear Joe,
Happy New Year
I have got Arnica 1M in liquid. How can I use it for High BP? Can I make a wet dose – how many drops of it in 500ml of bottle water? It will be a long time to get Arnica30C as you suggested in ABC homeopathy forum.
Also my friend’s wife is a chronic patient of High BP. She wants to stop allopathic medicines and switch to Homeopathy. If Arnica 1M can be used by her then plz suggest the procedure to make wet dose with it.
Thanks & With Very best regards
I have not treated you as far as I remember up to now, and you have posted some questions on my website which you should ask your Homeopath who has apparently prescribed Arnica 1M for your Hypertension. You have also indicated that this same remedy in the 1M potency should cure your friend’s wife.
I would suggest that you continue your dialogue with this homeopath instead of consulting me.
You are right that I did not consult you before. After reading your suggestion at ABC I ordered Arnica30C but due to some confusion I have received 1M instead. I am in Saudi and these medicines have to be brought from India. Kindly inform if 1M is of any use for me or I discard it and wait for 30C. I am 46 and has developed this ailment (high BP:150/100)3 to 4months ago. Plz advise if I have to submit further info to get a prescription from you.
Please note that Arnica 1M cannot be used to treat Hypertension.
You can use Nat Mur 200c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily for a week and reduced to twice weekly thereafter.
Regular exercise is also essential and you must drink at least 3 liters water daily.
Your food intake must also be controlled.
Check your BP weekly and report results.
Have a Blood Test for Lipid Profile done and report results.
You can use Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily as a ‘tonic’ and will also filter and thin your blood.
Respected Joe
My Aunt of age around 60 is suffering with dry cough. Her observation is like whenever she eat any food item or fany ruit (sweet, salt, spicy/non spicy, even rice/roti etc), first swallo leads her to get cough which will be keep coming very frequenty for 15 to 20 mins. Slowly it gets reduced and she becomes normal. This happens with all types of food (dry food, gravey, sambar rice, chips, mixtures, biscut etc). This won’t occur with any liquid items like juice, water, milk, coffee, tea (hot or cold, no problem). It is very much dry cough and no mucus/phlemg, no blockage of nose. This happens all the day irresctive of cold or worm weather in the room/hall.
She undergone several tests of Asthma, lungs, etc and several blood tests and every result came out as normal. Can you help us with any remedy to cure this cough which happens for the first bite of the food.
It is possible that your aunt is choking on her food every time she starts eating anything.
You can ask her to take a sip of water before she starts eating to see if this helps her to avoid coughing.
I am a college student of age 20 yrs, i started lossing hairs 2 yrs back nd now i m left with only 40% of hairs on crown area. There is no hairfall in side and back. I have too much of dandruff, Actually my scalp skin get dry and fall. and with that hairs too come out. Currently i have started using arnica oil and liquid dilution. Please help me.
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 50 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
Are you M or F?
I have read your comments about Arnica on several blogs. I am hopeful that this treatment will assist me. I have already ordered Arnica 30C in 5ml liquid dilution and have added it to a 500 ml bottle of water, but it does not have a distinctive smell or taste. Does this sound right to you? When shaking it there are some bubbles as you have mentioned, but I just want to know if I should expect smell/taste.. Also, where can I get the Q mother tincture from? I am in the states, and finding a distributor has been difficult..
A little about myself: I am a 27 year old male and recently over the past year and a half my hair has started to fall out at an alarming rate. I exercise frequently, eat plenty of vegetables, and get plenty of Omega 3 in my diet. I also take Astaxanthin, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Plant based Vitamins, Enzymes and Probiotics. I fear that I may be diabetic, as I drank plenty of soda as a child… That is why I try to exercise and eat as healthy as possible. My fear is that perhaps I do have Diabetes, and that is the reason as to why I have started to lose my hair. If in fact I am Diabetic, will Arnica Q applied to scalp as well as the 30C wet dose still help me in arresting hair loss?
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 50 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
I am aware that Arnica Q is not available today in the US for some reason which I do not understand.
You can get the lower potency of around 3x and you may use this and observe results.
I have just read your report of taking:
” I also take Astaxanthin, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Plant based Vitamins, Enzymes and Probiotics”
You must STOP all the above as they will antidote the Arnica 30c I have prescribed.
You have presumed that you are Diabetic but you do not quote your Blood Sugar levels.
Thank you for your prompt response. I really appreciate it. If you don’t mind me asking, how do those supplements antidote the therapy? They are antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.. Hypothetically, if I were to eat Salmon, Astaxanthin would be present. If I were to consume leafy greens such as Kale and Spinach, various vitamins and minerals would be present. Yogurt contains probiotics, and fruits like Pineapple and Papaya have digestive enzymes present. So would these foods also antidote the therapy?
It will take me far to long to teach you the fundamentals of Homeopathy to answer your question.
Briefly this Science comprises the use of remedies which are diluted to a Nano level which logically cannot work but have been proved to do so as the remedy is potentized in doing so.
I have prescribed remedies which I feel can help your problems and it is up to you to use or reject my therapy which will NOT work with the vast amount of other products you are consuming daily which are all excreted by the body. If you eat a normal home cooked meal, your body will be fully served by the same chemicals you are now force feeding which are rejected by your body.
I have dealt with this matter in a letter to the Daily Mirror and you may like to read it on:
I read the article and I agree with your views on pharmaceutical drugs 100%. Diet and exercise are key in preventing disease and no type of supplement will replace a poor diet. I am actually studying holistic medicine, which is why I am encouraged to try your prescribed therapy. I did not mean to offend you by questioning your judgement. I’ll adhere to your guidelines as prescribed and I’ll report back with progress…. Thanks!
I just got the mother tincture in the mail. To my surprise, I was able to get it from a supplier in California. On the label it reads Organic, and for the ingredients it states: water, alcohol 45-65%, fresh arnica montana flowers. Does the ratio of arnica to alcohol seem appropriate? Is this the average content of arnica to expect in a tincture? Also, how much of this should I mix into coconut oil.. Thanks
It is unlikely that the product you have got is Arnica Q. It seems to me to be the result of some experiment on the part of the producer to over-ride the restriction on Arnica Q by your FDA.
I cannot comment on the product you have but in any case I do not prescribe both Coconut and Olive oils as I have amended my therapy to use 50 drops of Arnica Q in 500ml water.
I believe that I have already copied my default therapy for Hair Loss and it is up to you to use it precisely as prescribed.
Hi Joe,
I have been experiencing hair loss off and on for abt 2 years since a miscarriage. I have been taking arnica montana mother tincture orally…3 drops in water daily and it seems to help some days. I read your advice and notice that I’m supposed to be putting this in my hair with oil, not taking it orally. Is this correct? I am taking cod liver oil pill and will look for arnica 30 c liquid.
Thanks so much for helping so many people.
Arnica Q or mother tincture is NOT for oral use.
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 50 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
Hi Sir,
Greetings to you to Sir. Thanks for helping everyone for free.
I am a 26 year old guy. Till 25 I had very dense hair, suddenly due to lot of stress, improper eating habits and no exercise I am facing a lot of hairfall. I suppose these are the right reasons.
Can you please let me know if testosterone levels has any effect on hair loss and what can be done. Please explain in brief.
Is Hair Regrowth actually possible.
I have started Homeopathic treatment from a doctor. I am not sure abt the name of the medicine as he has mixed his medicine in the minute sugar balls which I need to take thrice a day.
He has told that the hair regrowth will take six months to one year.
I need your suggestion as I need my dense hair back. The crown area is balding very fast.
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 50 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
Greetings from California! I’m bored to tears at
work so I decided to browse your website on my iphone during lunch break.
I love the knowledge you provide here and can’t
wait to take a look when I get home. I’m shocked at how quick your blog loaded on my phone
.. I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyways, superb site!
After few weeks of usage, my hair fall reduced. But now its back to its old amount. I loose around 200 strands a day and they all have a small bulge in a end. I was thinking ofincreasing the dosage of arnica q to 5 times a day or should I stick to 3 times a day?
DO NOT INCREASE the dosage as indicated by you.
REDUCE the number of drops to 10 and make a new bottle of Arnica Q.
It is possible that the concentration of the topical application is too high.
Confirm that you are using the Arnica Q Water on your hair. Not Oil.
Report progress in a week.
Yes, am using arnica q water
There’s no change, am still losing lot of hair. A month back while I was on this therapy hair fall was very less. But then for a week I went to Philippines and did all sorts of water activity like scuba diving etc. I thought my hairfall increased coz of the trip, but its been 3weeks since then and there’s no sign of improvement.
I regret that there is nothing more that I can think of to help your hair loss except to request you to give up Scuba Diving.
I have a few other patients who have also suffered from loss of hair due to many hours under water and you have the choice.
Scuba or your Hair.
Moreover back then I was using 50 drops of arnica q in 500ml of water
No where did I see about the length of this treatment. Does it have to be followed all of one’s life? What is the duration of the treatment please?
What are you talking about?
I have no record of treating you and if you give me more data on your ailment I may be able to help you.
Hi Mr. Joe,
I was looking for some homeopathic cure for hair fall on Internet and your Joepathy is one, which has been followed by maximum no. of people.
I went through all the cases and your responses to these since year 2008, which involves gradual evolvement in your own prescription over the period. So, I need an update from you before starting the therapy.
I notice that you have increased quantity of Arnica Q to 50 drops in your most recent post. As, there are no more posts afterwards, can you please confirm that one has to mix 50 drops of Arnica Q in 400 ml of water to get correct mixture?
For oral consumption what potency one should use? Arnica 30 or Arnica 6 ? (In India we don’t get 30c or 6c)
You do not have to use 50 drops of Arnica Q as I have found that even 25 drops will do.
Arnica 30 = Arnica 30c
Dear Mr Delivera,
I am a 33 year old. I recently had a baby and my hair has been falling at an alarming rate 3 months after my delivery.
I have consulted you before regarding my son’s health and I thought of coming back here to have a look about hair loss.
I started your default hair treatment about three days ago. I am using coconut oil with arnica q. Currently I am in India and my hair is too frizzy without oil. So I preferred your remedy with oil instead of water.
I am really pleased to report that my hair fall has reduced considerably in just three days of your treatment.
I am extremely grateful for your generosity in helping thousands of people, including me, free of charge.
Could I please ask you a few questions. I am mindful of the fact that your precious time is being taken up by me.
Firstly I am taking a capfull of the wet dose of Arnica 30c twice daily.
How long should I continue taking it twice?
Currently I have no other ailments as such
Is it ok to continue arnica wet dose once per day in the future?
My mother who is 60 years of age is experiencing some difficulty in controlling her bladder. She needs to go as soon as she feels the urge. Or else she cannot control it.
I suggested the arnica 30c wet dose as a general well being tonic as per what I have read in your articles. And I notice that she is sleeping more peacefully since starting this.
Is there any other remedy that she could take?
Can my kids also b given arnica 30s wet dose?
Or is it only for adults?
I really want to express my sincere gratitude for this selfless service.
I shall answer your questions first:
I have taken Arnica 30c in the Wet dose since 1996 and at age 85 I have proved that it has helped me to enjoy a state of wellness that many who are half my age envy.
You are welcome to take Arnica 30c as I have done and enjoy good health which you will soon notice in a few weeks on my therapy.
Your mother’s case is difficult as I do not know the real reason for her incontinence. At age 60 it is unusual to visit the toilet so often and I would suggest that you do a Urine culture as it is very likely that this is due to some bacterial infection which can be treated with an antibiotic.
Glad to note that you have already given her Arnica 30c in the Wet dose and that she sleeps more deeply. This has been reported by many hundreds of patients to whom I have introduced this remedy.
I have not promoted Arnica for kids but if you do decide to give it to them, it cannot harm them if given just a teaspoonful daily. Do let me know your observations on their response.
Feel free to address your problems on my website. I am here to help you.
Do you live near Kanyakumari?
Dear Mr Delivera,
Thank you for your prompt reply. I really admire your energy and dedication to this service.
I live in Kerala and my town Kollam is about 5 hours from kanyakumari.
If you do plan to visit, you are very welcome sir.
I am settled in London and currently here since we decided to have my delivery here. We do take few homeo medicines to London and use it there since the health care there is pathetic to say the least.
I am going through some of your posts and noting down medicines like bryonia 200 and eupatorium perf 200c etc. I will ensure I take some supplies with me so that I can turn to you for help.
In London we purchase homeo remedies from Helios which is of course much more expensive than it is here in india.
I will ask my mum to do a urine culture. But my grandmother also suffered from similar incontinence. I am nurturing a secret hope that arnica’s wet dose from joepathy will help her!
I have already introduced arnica to my aunty’s family here and they seem to be benefitting from a restful night as well.
My kids are mostly treated with Ayurvedic concoctions and I think I will let it be for the time being. Maybe when they are older I will introduce them to arnica.
I hope you enjoy a long life which is truly blessed and is evident in your selfless service.
With prayers and gratitude
Dear Sir,
I have been thinking of you very often
And just wanted to say another thank you for all the help you give people.
I had requested you for some help with my mother’s urinal incontinence.
I should say that she has been cured by just taking Arnica in the wet dose.
Thank you
With prayers for you and your family
Dear Mr Delivera,
Sorry to take up your time again and I will keep it brief this time.
But I just wanted to ask when I can switch over from two doses of arnica to one dose.
I am currently taking a capfull in the morning and at night on account of my hair fall. In a matter of 4 days I have noticed great improvement and my hair fall has noticeably reduced.
There is no time restriction in using Arnica 30c in the Wet dose. I have taken it nightly or more often as necessary for over 18 years and have proved that it is absolutely safe to do so. Please note however that you cannot take it in the standard pellets over long periods as there is a possibility of it being counterproductive.
In your case, you can take it for life as you are using it to treat your loss of your hair which you confirm has been reversed in a few days. I hope that you are aware that NO OTHER THERAPY can do so and this includes the most expensive drugs which may help but after many more days of use and at high cost. You may also not know that this is my own discovery and therefore qualifies to be termed “Joepathy”.
I use and recommend the Fish liver oil PULSE which will also help your unborn baby. This will help your regrowth of your hair.
hello Joe. as far as I know homeopathy medicine are highly diluted.and in addition to that you are prescribing to add merely 3 drops of arnica 30 in 400 ml of water.and suggesting to take only one cap of mixture two times daily.so Joe I just want to know would it be effective or not? since it is too much diluted and you are prescribing in a very low dose merely an cap of bottle?
and Joe.can I use hepar sulphur 200 in addition to your therapy.because I m suffering from acne as well?
thanx in advance
I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe. I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.
Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
I am 85.
You have questioned my therapy and I cannot understand the reason why you have consulted me if you do not wish to abide by my therapy which if you choose to spend some time on my Website, you will observe that hundreds of patients throughout the world have benefited from my therapy aka “Joepathy”.
hello sir.first of all I am really sorry if anything went wrong.but sir my intend wasn’t to hurt your sentiments.and I didn’t notice you are 85 as I read your therapy roughly.and I am not questioning your therapy sire.I am just clarifying whether a cap of mixture is to be OK to halt further hairfall or not?.and as you are a great homeopathionist.I wanted to know would taking hepar sulphur 200 along with your therapy be ok or not.and again I am really apologize.please pardon me
thanking you sir.
It is very rare to have a patient question the therapy prescribed by a physician, especially one like me who has the experience of around 40 years of study and active participation in helping patients on many Homeopathic Forums including my own Website which you can study for your own problem which is loss of hair and acne.
You seem to have consulted another homeopath for your ailments and I feel that it is best that you stay with your consultant as I prefer not to waste my time on you.
Dear Dr Joe,
Firstly, I am very impressed by the number of people who have benefited from “Joepathy”. You are really great for being able to change so many people’s life with your advice and guidance.
I am 27 years old, suffering from dandruff and hair loss. I feel like my hair loss has worsened after I started having dandruff. I also suffer from acne and black marks (scars) on my face and on my shoulder. It really makes me embarrassing and shy to go out (facing people) and even wear sarees. The pimples and black marks on my back are very obvious.
I also have a cousin who suffers from hair loss. His head has patches of bald areas, where there is no hair growth at all. It looks like the condition called alopecia areata, but we’re not sure about it.
However, I really have a feeling that your treatment can help both of us recover from hair loss. I read from this page that Arnica oil helps treat hair loss and also acne problems. I am from Malaysia, and I am not sure where I can find them here. Can I order them from you?
I pray that my skin problem is solved with your treatment and blessings as I really lack confidence and feel bad, as a women when I look at others who are with perfect skin. Thank you Dr.
I shall copy my default therapy for Acne which I hope can help you.
The remedy that has helped many is Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily orally, and also applied directly on the lesions on the face as often as is possible, to keep the lesions damp.
It is essential that the patient continues to take just ONE dose of Arnica 6c nightly just before bed for at least 6 months after the problem has been resolved as there is every chance that the lesions can return otherwise.
The use of a spray device in which the medicated water can be stored and be sprayed on the acne lesions or the eyelids without directly touching them is best.
You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack aka Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Please post your response to the Arnica therapy in a week.
Dear Dr Joe,
Thank you very much for your reply. I can’t wait to start the Arnica therapy.
Can I know where I can find them in Malaysia or India? My cousin will be going to India this week, so I can ask her to buy them for me. Or can I get them from any reliable online stores? Please advise.
I have prescribed for your Acne but discovered that you also suffer from Hair Loss.
I shall copy my default therapy for your problem below:
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 20 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
Your cousin can get the Homeopathic remedies from any Homeopathic Pharmacy in India and there are thousands of them in that country.
Which town is she going to in India?
Dear Dr Joe,
My cousin is going to Chennai, Tamil Nadu. So, I shall ask her to get me the Arnica Q and Arnica 30c for me and my cousin (suffering from alopecia).
Since it is the first time she’s buying it, I’m afraid she wouldn’t know to even ensure if she has bought the right one. Is there any particular brand that is good or you would recommend?
The Homeopathic Center
100 First Floor
Dr Muthulakshmi Salai
Opp Nerct Electronics
Chennai 20
009144 24404393
Hi sir
my name is sadaf .I hve seen ur research here.in vvvv impressed by your best work.i am having same problem of hair fall.i had so much hair
before.now I m 37.i m having dandruff first of wet type n thn infection like itching n piple on my scalp n feeling like burning effect n event cant comb. My hair start falling day by day.i have used alopathic medicne from four years almost.but neathing cured in dis scalp infection prolem is then increaed and from last three months. i have typhiod and keavet enlargement.my typhiod was in middle stage which is ok now.n leaver function test reports are ok n perfect n thoriod test is ok n my all blood reports are ok.im now using hemeopsthic medicine for leaver enlargement and fir hair fall n scalp fungal infections.
phosphorus 200 hair fall
r23 n r68 for infection.
I m having likoria infection hemeopsthic nedicine
for leaver enlargement medicine of Dr shawabaay
but from last 2 weeks very serious problem happened dat my hair
starting falling like in patches and bunches from the rutes.in one wash
like thousand hair.
I hve short hair cut till neck even thn its happening n my infection still there
after using homeopathic medicine.
I hve long medical history.
plsssssssss suggest me sone ghing to do.im dying with tention.
u r hope for me whn I seen ur dis post.
u r giving dis much precious time of urs to other s.plzzzzz help me.
now my sclap start visibly so much from front and over all.as
I already have hair fall prblem.
And plzzz condider my problem.and plz tell is it possible due to
dis medicine altogether creating problem of dis much hair fall n
hair start shellting like dis.
plzzz suggest me what to do with dese medicne
and tell me hair fall solution and other disease medicine an sclap infection.
I can’t get spring water .I just can have minereal water.csn I use dis
arnica products with it.
plzzzzzzzzzzzz reply me.y r hope for me plxzzzz
me waitng
regards sadaf
It is very likely that you suffer from Hyperacidity or Gastritis, aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) and I shall copy my default therapy that has helped hundreds of patients to overcome this disease for which doctors usually prescribe PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which are dangerous and can cause many other more serious problem when used in the long term.
You will hopefully discover that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will help you within 24 hours after you have taken your first dose after a meal.
The remedies you will order are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 2-3 tablets taken immediately after each of 3 meals.
This remedy accelerates the passage of food down the gut and prevents the formation of acid which would otherwise reflux causing GERD.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
This remedy works to repair the damaged Esophagus which has metastasised to resemble the gut to deal with the Hcl refluxed into it causing severe distress. Arnica works with the Nat Phos to speedily cure the problem.
You can also take a PROBIOTIC like Bifilac daily. A Probiotic will help by changing the balance of the Bacteria in the gut and will contribute to your cure and help to ensure that your problem does not recur. After your problem with GERD is stabilised you can take the Arnica in the Wet dose nightly before bed and the Probiotic daily for life. You do not need to take Nat Phos daily but you will keep a stock to be used whenever you feel uncomfortable after a meal when you will take 2-3 tablets as necessary.
Please observe the following simple rules:
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Report progress weekly.
You may use boiled tap water if you cannot get pure spring water. Boiling releases the Chlorine in mains water.
Dear sir
Thknsssssss alot.u r so much nice and vvvvvvvv kind.
I can’t believe dis much instant reply n response.u r really v nice.
Sir sorry I m disturbing u again. I have told in last mail dat I have dese diseases listed below
likoria problem from last long hours witch is now in bad condition.
sclap infection n dandruff so muchn same piples in smeller form in
my skin of face of the same infection of sclap means from last year it
appeared on face as well.its come down whn I use any tube stiriod based
recommend by alopathic dr but always after a week it appears again.
plzzz recommend me the medicine for dese disease. Now I have so much dandruff.as u have mentioned in other mails dat with dandruff root cause if dsndruff and
alerji in sclap cannot cure the hair growth with it.i m so much trouble due to dis mproblem.all the time itching n pain like burning in my sclap
and even I cant sleep n comb now.plzzxzz tel me medicne for dis and
consider my dis problems.
As my eating history.i m taking small meals n mostly taking vegetables ssoup n not taking spices.milk n fish n fresh juices n water n no cofee tea n drinks.just taking fat free diet.but still in same condition and feeling more weeknesss.
can I use fish oil tblets?
Plzzzz tell me what is biotic which u recommend me to use plzzz explain it what is dis n how to use n from where to get?
and I have purchased arnice 30 n other applications of arnica mother which u told in coconut hair oil .csn I use it
plz tell me liver enlargment disease need to cure and medicine or it is
normal?my liver size is 18.the normal size in female is 8 to 10.n my
weight is 60 n age 37 and heght 4.9.
plzzzzzz help me n reply me
I mmmmmm vvvvvv thank
waiting for ur reply
I regret that your case is too complicated for me to help you.
You are advised to consult a homeopath in your city to help you.
Sir u r great hope for me.plz help me for atleast my alerji problem
plz explain me probiotic from where icsn get it.
I have consulted the homeopath.plz dontreply lke dis.
plzzzz advice me plz plz me waitng.plz suggest me for dese hair problem n tell me for probiotic.
immmmm very thnkful to u.
Sir u r great hope for me.plz help me for atleast my alerji problem
plz explain me probiotic from where icsn get it.
I have consulted the homeopath.plz dontreply lke dis.
plzzzz advice me plz plz me waitng.plz suggest me for dese hair problem n tell me for probiotic. Used
immmmm very thnkful to u.
Thank you joe sir…
I am a 24 years old belongs to india… I tried many of the homeopathic medicines like licopodium. Jaborandi etc. & Allopathic ‘s too like finax & mintop .. but with no benefits.. I have lost almost 60% of mid scalp hairs. And continuosly losing.
Now I am to going to start your thorough prescription… May god it will help me to regain my hairs..
Sir I want to ask you one more thing . Can you prescribe me any medicines for my dad as he had bipolar disorder from many years
. It will be great help for me & my family?
Eagerly waiting for your response..
I regret that I cannot help your dad’s Bipolar Disorder.
He may however benefit from Arnica 30c taken twice daily in the Wet dose.
Thank you so much sir ..for your quick response.
Sir .. one thing also I would like to confirm from you.. whether tea is also would act as antidote. For your prescribe medications.???
I am going to start your prescriptions from today.
I have NOT included Tea among the items that will antidote my Therapy and you are expected to read and understand my instructions before you ask questions.
Hello sir.
I apologise about my that silly question of tea.
Now here I am just to give an update & taking your precious time again
It’s now 3days of treatment . I am taking arnica montana 30 with water orally & arnica Q mother tinture with water applying on my scalp for massaging a bit.
But today I felt some itching on scalp. Whether is it okay or I am doing something wrong.
I am using both the medicines of SBL COMPANY.
also having seacod liver oil capsules daily but not initiated yet my exercise.
I am going to start that within few days..
THANKS & Regards…
A few patients have reported itching of the scalp and I have advised them to use less Arnica Q in the 500ml bottle of water.
Reduce the drops to just 10 and report results.
Hello joe sir..
thank you so much for your for last instruction. It helped me & there is no itching on my scalp.
sir I have one more concern about my hair fall, whenever I. Applied oil or your prescribed arnica q water & massage a bit on my scalp , I can see 10 to 12 hairs coming out attached with my fingers.
It will be very helpful for me if you May suggest something in this regard.
Thanks a lot sir.
“Applied oil or your prescribed arnica q water & massage a bit on my scalp , I can see 10 to 12 hairs coming out attached with my fingers.”
I do not prescribe OIL today as I now prescribe that 10-20 drops of Arnica Q be mixed in water and applied to the hair. Stop the oil massage and use the water instead.
Sir plz reply me.i cant understand dat proniotic.plz explain me.how can
I take it n from where I can get it?
Plzzzzzzz reply me.i m waiting from long time.
Plz dont be angry.i m using as per ur precipition
arnica 30.
Plzzzzzzzzzzzz reply
I cannot understand your English and you will have to tell me if the medicine I prescribed some time ago has helped you.
Also tell me what your present problem is.
dear sadaf
Joe sir has already explained that what is pribiotic and suggest a medicine ” bifilac” as a pribiotic.
Sir thanks alot for your reply.
sir I m using arnica 30 according to your prescription from one month.
U have prescribed me probiotic but doze was not mentioned.
I don’t understand from where I can get it and how can I use it.plz tell me dat.
I m right now having hair fall problem and getting hair loss in bunches
in single wash.im having fungul infection
and eczema problem from so many years
.plz help me and prescribed me for hair fall and eczema problem.
I will be very thnkful to u.
Regards sadaf
I believe that you suffer from Eczema as per your last post.
I shall copy below my default therapy for Eczema which has helped the lesions of many chronic cases to dry up in a few days.
The remedy for your Eczema is Arnica 6c in the Wet dose which is made up as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.
Sip a capful of the remedy water twice daily and also apply the water directly on your lesions as often as possible to keep them damp. This accelerates healing.
You should observe some improvement in your condition on about the third day into this therapy.
Please report your response on the third day.
It is understood that you will not take any other drug while using the Arnica therapy.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Hello Sir
Needs your kind attention please
ITS now 8th days having your hair loss remedies & your instructions..but suddenly today I found that large amount of white particals are coming out of my scalp .. I reexamine that on a black cloth. MAY BE ITS DANDRUFF . I
KINDLY suggest me on this behalf.what should I do now.?
Eagerly waiting for your precious response.
Thanks & regards
You MUST massage Johnson’s Baby Shampoo daily as this CURES Dandruff.
The flakes you find are dandruff.
You must use my therapy DAILY for some months and when you are OK you can stop the medication but you must continue the Arnica for the rest of your life.
Thank you sir..
I AM using Johansson s baby shampoo with mixing it BAKING POWDER & IT WORKS
SIR , one more thing I want to ask you &it will be great help for me & my family..
My sister’s age is 26 , just married ,she is living on dialysis as both of her kidney fails to work just after 1month of her marriage..
It’s being so costly for us as we belongs to average family. Is there any homeopathic cure for it.??
Her situation is very critical..
You are such a great hope for me
Thanks & regards
Hello Sir
Its now almost 2weeks , I am following your prescriptions as well as instructions. & it seems like my hairloss has been arrested .it’s felt like some magic has happened to me.
Now I just hope , some more magic will happen to me & I can see , regrowth of my hairs..
This is the tremendous & great helping forum from the great joe sir.
thanks & regards
“This is the tremendous & great helping forum from the great joe sir.
I am just another normal person and I AM NOT “GREAT”.
I believe that God has blessed me with some special gift of healing which I share with anyone who consults me on my Website. Many have benefited from my therapy aka “Joepathy” but there are a few individuals who consider my therapy as not Homeopathic as I do not follow the classical rules, although my rate of CURE of ailments is far higher than that of classical homeopaths.
It is the jealousy that impels them to criticize my therapy as Joepathy HEALS while their classical homeopathy does NOT usually.
sir I m using ur tharapi of arnica 6c.sir plz tell me I m having so much dandruff in my hair and face cand dat egzema on my face now.and very verst condition on my face.plz sugeset me some thng.
thnks waiting for ur reply.
I referred back to your first post on my Website and discovered that you contacted me on November 9 with the problems you listed:
“my name is sadaf .I hve seen ur research here.in vvvv impressed by your best work.i am having same problem of hair fall.i had so much hair
before.now I m 37.i m having dandruff first of wet type n thn infection like itching n piple on my scalp n feeling like burning effect n event cant comb. My hair start falling day by day.i have used alopathic medicne from four years almost.but neathing cured in dis scalp infection prolem is then increaed and from last three months. i have typhiod and keavet enlargement.my typhiod was in middle stage which is ok now.n leaver function test reports are ok n perfect n thoriod test is ok n my all blood reports are ok.im now using hemeopsthic medicine for leaver enlargement and fir hair fall n scalp fungal infections.
phosphorus 200 hair fall
r23 n r68 for infection.
I m having likoria infection hemeopsthic nedicine
for leaver enlargement medicine of Dr shawabaay
but from last 2 weeks very serious problem happened dat my hair
starting falling like in patches and bunches from the rutes.in one wash
like thousand hair.
I hve short hair cut till neck even thn its happening n my infection still there
after using homeopathic medicine.
I hve long medical history.
plsssssssss suggest me sone ghing to do.im dying with tention.”
I have prescribed many remedies for you and find that you continue to complain about various new problems but you have not indicated if my prescriptions have helped you for the ailments you have listed up to now.
If you still wish to be treated by me the least I can expect from you is to give me a list of your current symptoms with the medicines I have prescribed for them and if my medicines have helped you.
Hi sir
I m very thnkful to u for ur help n guidline n consider my reauest.
sir I m using your medicine of eczema. Arnica 6c in water.
Its help me alot.its cured some bit.sir I m still using it because
dis eczema is on my face n piples on my face n head .but before your medicine I even cant sleep.im thank full to u.plz prescribed me medicine for eczma for permanent cure.i m having so much dandruff in my sclap and echicing
and rashes in my sclap. I have lost my hair so much in last couple of weeks.
now hair are not falling.plz tell me the medicine for regrowth plz.
My leaver is enlarged but leaver function test id accurate now.
but I m still having pain in my stomach all the time.i cant eat even.
especially when I wake up in morning having
so much pain in stomach. Plz tell me medicine for this.
I m again thnkful to u for prescription of arnica 6c.thnks alot
plz help me plźzzzzzzz
im waiting for ur reply
I would like to have a detailed statement from you of the remedies prescribed by me you are using, and how you are using them. Please be precise in your statement to enable me to verify how often you are using them and what and when you are using them.
You will have to give me more data on your liver problem with your doctor’s diagnosis and any drugs you were prescribed.
Do you suffer from pain or some burning sensation in your stomach when you are in bed after dinner?
Hi sir thnks alot for your instint reply.
sir I m using arnica 6c drop which are 3 drops in 1.5 leter boiled water
Suspension I have made as u told me and doze 1 big ful table spoon in morning when get up from the bed and at night when going to the bed.
im using it from last thee weeks for ezecema and fungul infection.
I was infected by typhiodband temp for whole month and had leaver enlargement problem n stomach pain and vomit for whole month.now my leaver function test is accurate but still having vomit problem and pain in stomach.Leaver enlargement problm I had used homeopathy medicine carduus marianus and chelidonium of shawabaay.reiesk tablets for stomach.
Yes I m having burning effect and pain in stomach in morning and almost whole day.and after eating specially.some time after esting I felt like vomit and vomiting as well some times.plz prescribed
medicine for fungul enfection as well.and in last mail I forgot to tell u
dat I m having aletji on my body as well specially on legs like ithching
and when I wear warm clothes its started irritaning me ann itching started on my legs and thaies and body.
and my teath become so much sensitive and having pain in all teeth.
no jurms no damage in my teeth.just once I had scaling and polishing
last three years back after dat my teeth become senstive and now
condition is di dat I cant eat anythng due to pain and senstivity
Even tea and water giving pain.plzzzz prescribed me for dat as well.
I need prescription for dese
1.fungul infection and eczema on face too
2.stomach pain and vomiting
3.teeth senstivity and pain
4.alerji on my body and legs.
Plz reply me I m waiting
I note that you seem to have the impression that you have a right to COMMAND me to respond to your post immediately as you have requested me in just 20 minutes after your previous post to do so.
If this is the case I regret that I shall not be available to help you.
Hair Loss, baldness, Dandruff, Hair is thin and whitening, itching scalp.
I am male 36,Frontal bald area and the one at the crown are fused and continue to enlarge. The back part of the bald area is wider.
Kindly provide us the homeopathic remedies or treatments, if I can get new hair growth. I live in south Asian region.
As per Blood medical reports
1) I also have Deficiency of Vitamin D. I have injected Vitamin D Injection too.
2) My cholesterol Level is on border line, Not High.
3) Weight 70 KG
4) Height 5.8″
Kindly provide us the homeopathic remedies or treatments, if I can get new hair growth. I live in south Asian region.
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 20 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
The progress of your given remedies is as follows:-
Some few hair is coming in front area of head, Randomly , but in back area head no progress.
Some few hair is coming in front area of head, Randomly , but in back area head no progress. Please update can i continue this remedy
Respected sir,
My son is 15 years old and hair have started becoming white from last one year at so early age whereas my hair started becoming white after 40 years.
Pl. suggest some remedy to arrest whitening of hairs at an early age.
Rajasthan, India
I regret that I am not aware of any Homeopathic remedy that can help your 15 year old son to reverse his grey hair to black. It is possible that this is due to his puberty and will hopefully pass.
You can also consult a physician to check him out with the relevant blood tests to diagnose the reason for his premature grey hair.
I am amlan and my age is 24. I am suffering for hairfall for 4 years. It becomes worst day by day. The protein part of hair root is missing. And hairs become thin and not silky at all. In some day ago your recomendation for endometriosis helps a lot for my another family member keya. She believes you can make miracle by your vast knowledge in homeopathy. I need your help sir. Waiting for your most valuable reply
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 20 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
Hi Joe,
Atlast i think i have got good solution for hair loss, i have read your treatment and like to start , but i have one doubt, when we put 3 drops remedy into the spring water we need to use one capful, next time we need to only shake and take one capful, or every time we need to put 3 drops remedy and shake then one capful, pls confirm
I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.
I see that you are of Indian origin and in your country and mine, our cultures are similar and it is not normal to address strangers by their first name unlike in the US, where this is accepted.
You are consulting a physician and it is not usual to present your case by addressing me by my given name.
Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
I am 86 years old.
Dear sir,
i want to start this treatment for my hair loss, but i am not getting spring water in chennai, can we use normal water or what is the alternate?
also as per your latest treatment you have mentioned that for external application also spring water instead of coconut oil, but it is mentioned only few drops, but when we use in oil we are using 30 ml with coconut oil, so is this 3 drops sufficient ?
Request your advice
Thanks and Regards
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 20 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
Dear sir
Thank you very much for your detailed answer. My only problem is i am not getting the spring water, where i can get this? can i get in any online shopping? or is there any alternative for spring water?
Tap water will do as long as you boil it to release the chlorine which will antidote the Homeopathy instantly.
Hello sir,
Seeing this forum is a relief that I can put forth my case to someone who is actually listening. I am extremely distressed so much that I am only thinking about this all the time. My efforts to stay happy is being defeated by my hair fall and loss of eyebrows.
My problem started few months after my first delivery in May 2013. I started taking biotin 10mg including other multivitamins and salmon fish oil 1000mg as recommended by my derm. It helped to some extent I began to see some slow growth (although not completely) improved a bit until I moved to Canada in Feb 2015. With the hard water and cold here I lost whatever little hair had started to grow on scalp and Eyebrows both. Loosing 200-300 strands a day. I started a homeopathy treatment along with it for 6 months. Which seemed to help but due to some factors I was unable to continue that. Currently I am only taking biotin 10mg with multivitamins and salmon fish oil. But there is no hair growth noticed. Loose about 150 strand on the day of hair wash 2xweek and 50/60 strands daily. I have very very scant hair on the forehead, hairline moved back, temples show scalp with sparse hair. I am desperately looking for someone to understand my condition and tell me what’s going on with me and what should I do… I must say that one of my major concern also is that any treatment I take is turning out temporary when stopping the medicine whatever was saved falls all together. Need help!
My default therapy has helped many thousands of patients who reported Hair Loss on their HEAD.
You reported that your Eyebrows too have been affected and this can mean that your case is perhaps more chronic than normal. You may use my therapy below and hope that it will work.
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 20 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
Thank you so much for the response sir. My issue started about 2 yrs back after I had my first child. I will follow as you say. But I am not able to find the ethanol dilution anywhere online. Can you guide me where I should order it from? I found arnica Montana 30ch pillets in a near by nutrition store. Can I take that to start off? Awaiting your advise. Thank you so much.
You can mail order the remedies from:
Washington Homeopathic Products
1 800 336 1695
You may substitute Arnica 30c in pellets but they are not as effective as the Liquid Dilution.
You will use 8 pellets in 500ml spring water.
You must however get the Arnica Q in Alcohol.
Oh ok.. 8 pellets in 500 ml of spring water, 1tsp every morning and night right.
I will do that. And I will try to get the said dilution and arnica q. Thank you very much for the link I will do as advised. I am hopeful. I want to take a minute to thank you for your relentless service and I can only say that I hope I will be half as zestful and healthy as you at your age. Will get back to you with my progress report and will consult incase of any doubt. Keep us in prayers. Thank you again.
Many thanks for your remedies. And it really works. Not for this also for endometriosis treatment, you become savier for us.. no word can perfectly show our gratitude to you sir.
I want to tell us another problame about my hair. I have started my training in aviation and hospitality industry. And i have to go 4 hrs to reach there by train. And by doining this or anyhow my hair become unhealthy, rough. Hair falls prevented bt new hairs are not coming out properly in gaps. So my request you to help me regarding this matter by giving your valuable time and remedies so that my hair looks healthy smooth and hair can come out naturaly. Thank you sir
You have posted under 2 names Keya and Amian Chandra but you have both used the same email address and you have used 2 computers one in Denmark and the other in Switzerland. One of you stated that you live in Vellore and the other Amian Chandra reported from Bern Switzerland that you have to travel 4 hours by train.
Who lives in Vellore and who in Bern and who in Denmark ?
Also who suffers from Endometriosis and who from hair loss?
Give details of how you responded to my therapy for Endo and Chocolate Cysts.
You are actually right.
I am amlan chandra and the amlanchandra5@gmail.com is my gmail id. And i live in kolkata in india not in switzerland. It thnk by fault computer showing it. I travelled evry day for 4 hrs for going and coming back each. And i have hair problem.
And the another way keya das is my relative.she also from kolkata.. She is suffering for endometriosis. When i googled about remedies over it then i discovered you and joepathy. And i write according to her problem as she had no email id. I explain her problem and you gave us the remedies. I suggest him to follow your remedies and evry word.she had done it. But here dr suggest her to do some test and after doing some test they conclude that it become cancurous. Then her parent taken him in chennai, cmc vellore for treatment. And as per her problem or statement i informd you about her condition. Evry words that she wanted to tell you, gave me a written copy and i pasted it with you and for your suggestion sir.
Have i done something wrong sir?? If it is then i beg perdon from you.. and if you think its okk then please help me advising me the remedies..
Thank you sir..
You have not done anything wrong and no apology is required.
I was confused about how 2 girls could have separate problems and have the same email address.
I would like to have more data on Keya whose Chocolate Cyst (CC) has been diagnosed as Cancer. I cannot believe this story and would like to have the diagnosis of the gynecologist in Vellore which you can copy and paste on my Website. I suspect that her gynecologist who diagnosed Cancer was trying to frighten her parents as the default therapy I had prescribed had already reduced her CC in a few weeks before surgery but she was compelled to have a Laparoscopy which was totally unnecessary as it was perhaps deliberately mis-diagnosed to be Cancerous, which in my opinion is impossible in a girl of her age.
Hair Loss
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 20 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
Teething Problem,
I am 36 years Old,
My working in I.T Dept
Actually my teeth roots are not stronger I Brush my teeth daily, but cavity is still getting stronger and also my teeth is breaks into pieces, four main chewing teeth are already root canal by the dentist.
And some main chewing teeth are still weakening.
My Lab test of 25 Proxy Vitamin D 8.5 ng/ml
And also have Back problem
I regret that I am not able to help your teeth.
You can however use Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which you will take twice daily to hopefully strengthen your gums.
Respected Sir,
My father who has an active interest in Homoeopathy came across your treatment for Hair Loss and suggested me the same as I am suffering from the regular male baldness pattern. He had earlier suggested me Lycopodium along with Silicea which I took regularly for 2 months but didnt get desired results.
I am 36 years old, non-smoker, social drinker, play table tennis regularly and occasionally do basic hath yoga.
I have gone through the entire list of articles on your website along with the comments and have enough faith that this treatment would be beneficial to me.
So I have taken a proper note of your latest treatment and will be starting tomorrow. I would be keeping you updated of any noticeable changes so that you may advise me of your precious guidance from time to time.
Lastly, I appreciate the service you have been providing all your life and would try to spread the word about your treatment as much as possible.
Sir, You are an inspiration.
I am glad to learn that you have studied my therapy for Loss of Hair and that you will start the therapy tomorrow.
I shall be interested to learn how my therapy helped you in a few weeks.
Thank you for your kind words which are appreciated.
Respected Sir,
There has been no visible progress on my hair yet but I am not stopping and will report you any positive results as soon as I notice any.
I think it is the hard water in Bangalore which is delaying the progress. Reason is that last 2 weeks I stayed in Trivandrum for work and my hair was not dry at all like it used to be in Bangalore. Also, I read in your forum about your patient reporting the same problem when she moved to Canada where she also reported Hard Water effects. So I thought I would report this ‘Hard Water’ problem to you. Kindly ignore in case my observation is not a concern.
I am already back in Bangalore and continuing the treatment.
Hope to see positive results soon.
Thanks, Sir.
Do not despair about your hair loss as many thousands, perhaps unknown Hundreds of thousands have used it successfully.
Do you take any other drugs like for Diabetes or Blood Pressure?
Thanks for your kind and inspiring words, Sir.
No, I do not take any other drugs at all.
Also, I would like to point out that in general, I do not sweat much. So even after exercising for 30-45 in Gym, not a drop of sweat appears out of my forehead. Since you mentioned the importance of sweating out the the Arnica poison out of the body, I thought I would let you know this observation as well.
Once again, thank you sir.
Will keep you updated on progress.
Dear Sir,
I have 2 observations to report –
1. Hair from my right side (temple) is falling more than the left side.
2. Dry flakes have started to appear on scalp as I have stopped using any kind of Anti-Dandruff Shampoo and using only Johnson Baby Shampoo.
Request you to advise any anti dry flakes treatment you would recommend.
Dear Sir,
It is with sadness to report that there has been no improvement and hairfall has continued unabated.
In addition, right temple has more hairfall compared to left side.
Kindly advise.
Sir I suffered dengu 8 sept then fully recover on 27 sept but after 1and half month I saw severy hair loss I think it is telegen eflluvium can I recover from that I have faith on homeo earlier I use pul 1m for irregular mains and get wonderful result my hair loss starter from 10 Nov and continue I loss hair 150 in aday but before dengu I have medium size and medium thick hairand loss only 5 to 8 hair in a day .age 22.can I get earlier hair .can my hair regrow .I use lemon for dandruff. And use homemade amla reetha sikkai and 10herbal component shampoo.I put oil irregular instead of this I use curd or milk one day in a weak .I fully tensed .my exam nearby .pl suggest remedy .pl.pl.help me
You are still suffering from the Dengue Virus and you will take the remedy copied below thrice daily for a week and later twice daily till you are OK.
The Remedy is Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose taken as prescribed above.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
If the Liquid Dilution is not available you may use 6 pellets of the remedy to save time in getting the Liquid Dilution as the patient must be given the remedy ASAP.
Some patients have reported that they experienced the same symptoms of Dengue long after they were cured up to even 3 years after infection. The same remedy Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c can be used but taken just thrice daily and the patient will usually experience relief after the second dose.
You are suffering from the after effects of the Virus and you will hopefully be CURED in a few weeks.
It is very likely that your loss of hair will cease when you start on my therapy
Report progress weekly.
Hi joe,
Am a 24 yr old woman. Am suffering from thyroid though aftr having eltroxin its undr cntrl. I also have IBS. Am having bald patches due to alarming rate of hair fall. Will this therapy work fr me?
For which ailment do you seek my help?
I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.
I see that you are of Indian origin living in Kolkata and in your country and mine, our cultures are similar and it is not normal to address strangers by their first name unlike in the US, where this is accepted.
I also note that you are a 24 year old girl and am very surprised that you have addressed me by name when I am old enough to be your GRANDFATHER.
You are consulting a physician and it is not usual to present your case by addressing me by my given name.
Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
I am 86 years old.
Hello Joe Sir
I am suffering from dandruff and hair loss so decided to apply your remedy for results. I have read your previous posts for Arnica 30C vs 6C and their benefits on abchomeopathy forum. I noted that you have also mentioned the usage of Arnica 6C has better results for dandruff and hair loss problems. I ended up buying both Arnica 6C and 30C for now.
I have added 3-4 drops of Arnica 6C into 400ml of water and I am ingesting a cap full of it twice daily (morning/night). However my question is how do I apply it? Do I use the same wet dose and simply apply it on my scalp or should I make another potent mix (more 6C drops with water or perhaps oil) for non-oral use. I fear that I will catch a cold if I sleep with Arnica 6C water rubbed on my scalp.
I haven’t started taking the fish liver oil yet but managed to stop drinking coffee, preserved meats, and all canned cola beverages.
Please advise. Appreciate your feedback.
Please follow the instructions given below to treat Hair Loss and report your response in 2 months.
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 20 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
Hello Joe Sir
Thanks for your response. My question is that I’ve been using Arnica 6C for the past week. Should I switch it to Arnica 30C or continue with 6C?
I can’t seem to find Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle for purchase and get it shipped to Canada. Would you be able to recommend any links where I can buy it if possible?
Please follow my instructions as contained in my prescription which I have prescribed to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of fellow victims of Hair Loss.
I have NOT prescribed Arnica 6c and do not understand your question.
You may try to locate the lowest potency of Arnica like 1X up to 3X which will hopefully replace the Arnica Q.
Hi Joe, I’m 25 and I’m suffering from hairfall since last 5 years and I’ve become almost bald in topside. Its not hereditary as none of my parents or grandparents had this issue ever. The hairfall is severe and white oily and greasy mud kind of substance forms over the scalp as the hair grows.I can’t get rid of it in any way, neither shampoo nor ‘Scalpe’ works. I had also taken the treatment of Dr. Batra(Homoeopath), but no improvement.I’m helpless. Pls Pls help me in any way if you can. You can also refer me to sum1, if you think he/she can help…
I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.
I see that you are of Indian origin living in Hyderabad and in your country and mine, our cultures are similar and it is not normal to address strangers by their first name.
You are consulting a physician and it is not usual to present your case by addressing me by my given name.
Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
I am 86 years and old enough to be your Grandfather.
Sorry for the above comment. I never meant it to disrespect you in any way. Actually in IT sector, we do talk like that and it has become our habit.Even we address our CEO by their 1st name. So pls don’t take it otherwise. Once again sorry for all these.
Sir you know I need your help.I raised my issue in previous comment. Pls pls suggest me something that can help…
I shall copy my default therapy for hair loss which has helped many patients to regain their lost hair. I hope that it will help your friend who is only 25 years of age.
I have no idea of helping her to reduce her calf muscles as this is not a medical condition.
Does she suffer from any digestive problems after a meal?
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 20 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
Sir i would like to know can i use any kind of hair oil to mix with arnica q and apply on scalp or it there any particular one ? actually i have searched many sites and found out you have mentioned olive oil on some sites and coconut oil in some. I was planning to use johnson baby hair oil and the shampoo of same company as you have mentioned to use mild one.
So kindly clarify about which oil could be used. Thank you
You have read many of my older prescriptions which I have amended throughout the years on the basis of my ongoing research for Hair Loss based on my own experience and the reports of patients I receive. I now exclusively use and prescribe Arnica Q in WATER. I did so as I discovered that any oil will block the hair follicles and the pores on the scalp which are the cause of Dandruff which also contributes to loss of hair.
I am now 86 years and do still have a good head of hair and the reports I get have established what can be classified as the Ultimate remedy for Hair Loss that works and which I shall copy below:
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 20 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
Greetings Sir,
Well first of all i would like to thank you for giving me a ray of hope that is because as per your guidance i have been massaging my scalp since past month and i have come up with positive results.
The hair have started to regrow in very tiny size. Thanks a lot sir. Well i’ll be thankful to you if you could tell me about the estimate time to be taken for the hair to be grown like a normal size so that i could have an idea of about how much months i need to do the massage as per one month result shows very very tiny size,so i guess it would take an year or so to be grown as normal size. what is your say sir ?
Sir, I would like to know if there are any other foods (outside of those you mentioned before) that interfere with Arnica 30c. I’m asking you this because I took some homeopathic remedies a while ago and the homeopathic practitioner told me to completely avoid coffee, green tea, mint and all spicy foods like the ones with garlic or onion. I also had to use a special toothpaste without mint.
Thanks a lot for all your support!
I do not have any record of having prescribed for you on my Website and would like to know if I have done so and for which ailment.
You are right. You have not prescribed for me on your website. I just wanted to follow your treatment recommendation for hair loss. I am a woman, 29 years old.
I would’ve liked to know if there are any other foods (outside of those you already mentioned) that interfere with Arnica 30c. I’m asking you this because I took some homeopathic remedies a while ago and the homeopathic practitioner told me to completely avoid coffee, green tea, mint and all spicy foods like garlic or onion. I also had to use a special toothpaste without mint.
Thank you sir for all your support, for all the help that you provide, and please excuse my late reply and poor English!
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 40 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
A teaspoonful of this medicated water is massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
Thank you, sir! I really appreciate your kindness and all your effort you put in for helping people in need.
Greetings Sir,
Well first of all i would like to thank you for giving me a ray of hope that is because as per your guidance i have been massaging my scalp since past month and i have come up with positive results.
The hair have started to regrow in very tiny size. Thanks a lot sir. Well i’ll be thankful to you if you could tell me about the estimate time to be taken for the hair to be grown like a normal size so that i could have an idea of about how much months i need to do the massage as per one month result shows very very tiny size,so i guess it would take an year or so to be grown as normal size. what is your say sir ?
Hi Dr De Livera
I have a question re the Wet Dose. If the bottle has 500 ml and we are having just 10-15 ml every day, it will last for a month. So does the bottle stay outside (or in a cupboard) for so long? or do we keep the bottle in the fridge, in which case the liquid will be cold when we consume it. Thanks
I do not recollect prescribing my therapy aka “Joepathy” for you.
Before I answer your question, I would like to know for which ailment you wish to use it.
Hello Doctor Joe, I have written to you previously but for some reason my question is not appearing on the this forum. I am in desperate need for help Doctor. I am 33 yrs old Female, married with two kids. I am suffering from severe hair loss to the point where my scalp is seen on the sides of my head and on the crown. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism around 5 yrs back and have been taking Thyroxine 50 mg since then . T3 and T4 levels were normal only TSH was high. In the last 4 years my skin has become dry, with fine lines and my hair has become dry , brittle with constant hair fall and constant dandruff. Few months back hair fall increased a lot along with dandruff and I have been panicking since. I have quit using shampoos and conditioners and use a natural soapnut based hair wash with a last rinse of Apple cider Vinegar .I’ve been oiling my hair regularly with coconut oil and essential oils. Hair fall while washing has reduced but it persists at other times. I have also read about the side effects of thyroxine and have been consuming a tbsp of coconut oil with a pinch of turmeric powder and a pinch of black pepper with some warm water every night . And I take a glass of coriander water every morning- coriander seeds boiled and soaked overnight then strained and consumed . This treatment has been ongoing for about 2 months along with thyroxine and my TSH levels fell to 2 which is quite low. So I have now reduced thyroxine to 25 mg and am continuing with this treatment. but there is no change in my hair fall and there is no new hair growth. Plz help me out here. Waiting for your response. Thank you.
I shall copy my default therapy which has helped thousands to regrow their lost hair and would recommend that you do NOT use oil on your scalp as I have discovered that it blocks the pores and hinders regrowth of the hair and also prevents the action of the Johnsons Baby shampoo to change the “environment” on the scalp which will promote growth.
Treatment for Hair Loss and Allopecia
Many chronic cases of Hair Loss have been successfully treated with my therapy. The loss of hair is usually arrested in 2 weeks and in 2 months the new growth of hair is seen between the existing hair roots. Inspection for the new hair must be done in a darkened room with a flashlight by someone who has good eyesight.
The remedies are noted below:
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 50 drops to be mixed into 500ml water and a spoonful of this mixture to be massaged into the scalp twice daily. The mixture will be brown in colour and will bubble when the bottle is shaken.
Ferr Phos 6x 3 tablets taken twice daily.
Cod liver oil capsules dose 1-2 daily.
Exercise is essential to sweat it out.
Drink at least 3 liters of liquids preferably water daily.
You will use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily.
The Wet dose is made up as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also known as Liquid Dilution.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket. Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it before each dose.
You will STOP all other medication you may be using today.
Report progress in a month or earlier.
Thank you so much doctor. Really appreciate your response and your help. Will start the therapy immediately an get back to you with the result.