In 2005 I discovered that a Homeopathic Remedy – Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c would stop the common Cold for which Billions are being expended throughout the world to find a cure. The success rate I achieved was around 75% provided the patient takes this remedy early, as soon as s/he feels the usual signs of an oncoming cold (sneezing and coryza).
In 2007 Dengue was first reported in Sri Lanka and it occurred to me that this same remedy could help to treat this disease which is another virus borne disease which is vectored by the Aedes Egyptii mosquito. I was agreeably surprised by the success rate I achieved of 100% in treating hundreds of patients who contacted me by giving them a 500ml bottle of water, free of charge, which I medicated with 10 #30 globules of Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c.
Dengue can now be recognised as an Epidemic in Sri Lanka and we have had over 100 fatalities in 2019 according to the count released officially but it would be safe to state that this figure is an understatement.
I offered this remedy to the National Hospital in Colombo and the IDH (Infectious Disease Hospital) both free of charge, to use it on a test basis on a few patients but they have both consistently refused to use it up to today. As a result we have lost hundreds of precious lives so very unnecessarily to Dengue. I am confident that they could all have been saved if the authorities had used it on a test basis to verify my claim.
I have been lobbying the Health Authorities in Sri Lanka and Doctors and Care givers at a number of meetings and the consensus of opinion that I encountered, especially from Doctors to whom I had given this Remedy who had used it on their patients, was that they too had discovered to their surprise that it worked wonderfully well as indicated by me, but they could not use it in their Hospitals as they were governed by certain rules which they had to follow under pain of losing their license to practice.
A few of them had a snide comment to make on using my discovery and stated that if they used my Therapy it could result in their losing their revenue as it restored the patient to normal health every time they prescribed it in a few hours, and this was tantamount to cutting the grass under their feet!
I have in the meanwhile, been distributing hundreds of medicated bottles of water with this remedy free of charge since 2007 and the care givers have testified that their patients were cured in a few hours while at home, and always under 24 hours. My observation based on the reports of patients who have used it, is that the patient who was Dengue positive will recover in 3-6 hours if treated within the first 3 days after infection when the Platelet count which is usually below 50000 rises rapidly by about 2500 every hour. If the patient is warded and on an IV drip the recovery is slower, after the third day. The patient is given the Remedy in a 5ml dose every 3 hours and recovers miraculously and is usually discharged on the day after. This has been my experience in hundreds of cases as related by their care givers.
I believe that this same remedy Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose can be used to treat the current Corona Virus and all that is necessary is that it is obtained in the standard #30 pellets or globules of which 10 are used to medicate a 500ml bottle of water available in any supermarket. The patient is given a dose which is 5ml or a teaspoonful of this water every 3 hours and my experience with Dengue is that in about 3-6 hours the patient shows signs of improvement. It is very likely that this same response will follow in the case of this Corona Virus too.
The general public in Colombo is alarmed by the many reports of a few patients who returned from Wuhan a few of whom presented a fever which was not found to be the Corona Virus. Many people avoid visiting supermarkets and other congested areas especially if they are air-conditioned. I have given this remedy to many clients in Colombo to be used as a Prophylactic against catching the Corona Virus and a dose is taken twice a day to ensure that it will hopefully protect the person who is covered by this remedy. Many have informed me that they do not present the usual signs they suffered from like Catarrh and blocked noses and that they generally feel better and do not get tired as they used to do in the past after they started on my therapy.
I hope that the reader will understand the advantage of using my therapy which they can use either as a Prophylactic or as a Cure in the event of a patient presenting the Corona Virusis. The remedy Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c is available in almost all Homeopathic Pharmacies throughout the world and all one has to do is to use it as prescribed by me below.
The remedy is Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in #30 pellets or globules.Insert 10 pellets into a 500ml bottle of Spring water available in any supermarket.Take 5ml or equivalent in a teaspoonful of this medicated water every 3 hours and wait for results which will be visible in under 4 doses.This remedy can safely be taken more often, like every 2 hours if the patient is positive for the Corona Virus.
All I can do is to give you the reader, this information which is based on a lifetime of research into Homeopathy which other classical Homeopaths have dubbed “Joepathy” (Google). I would like to mention here that I am over 90 years in age and do not take any drugs except on a SOS basis like after surgery, and I owe my long life to my use of Homeopathy exclusively to treat myself.
Joe De Livera
I wanted to say a very sincere thankyou Dr, for your selfless work xxx
It was indeed a pleasant surprise for me to read your post recognising the work I am doing at my advanced age of 90 years, in helping suffering humanity through my Website.
I must admit that at a first glance, I thought that it was yet another of the over 2000 spam messages I receive daily on my Website which fortunately for me are filtered by the many Spam filters that I have to depend on, to do so.
I checked your location from your IP address and discovered that you are writing from North Tyneside which I remember has an ancient Roman Fort.
You may like to know that I am the CEO of a family owned business organization located in Colombo, which will be a Century old in 2024, the management of which I share with the youngest of my 3 Sons. I have given Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose to all members of my staff of which I have prescribed a dose of one teaspoonful be taken as a Prophylactic daily. I am gratified to state that they all informed me that they discovered that they do not present any problems in terms of sneezing or Catarrh which some were suffering from for years, and that they feel fresher.
It is my fervent hope that this remedy is accepted by Health Authorities of Governments throughout the world for use, at least on a test basis, to treat the novel Corona Virus which is at a Pandemic level in China and is slowly catching up in other countries including Sri Lanka, where we had one case of a Chinese woman who was treated in time to save her life. It seems that the treatment is to first treat the Virus, which I am confident my anti viral remedy will do, followed by oxygenation of the blood followed by an antibiotic to kill the Bacteria that follows the Virus and causes Pneumonia.
I do hope and pray that the authorities will heed my plea to save the world from destroying itself by testing this Anti Viral remedy which is the only antidote that I am aware of, that can do so. Today I am spending some time in lobbying various News Channels like the BBC and TIME and others to wake them up to the reality of mass destruction throughout the world if no positive antidote is discovered and used to stop this imminent danger to us all.
I shall be grateful if you can help by sharing this vital information with the public in the UK.
Dear Dr. De Livera. I am so happy for finding your website. I am so impressed by your treatments, i cannot keep my eyes off the phone. I am still reading your cases and treatments that you suggested to so many people. I feel so sad that i was not able to come upon your website 2 years back when my 3 year old daughter was suffering with pneumonia. She was in lot of pain with continuous antibiotic injections. But now i am happy that i can write about my family’s health problems to you and get the remedies.
I will share about you on my facebook page, if its ok with you, so that all my friends can have access to your remedies. May your work spread more and help lots of people who are in distress. Thank you for your amazing and selfless work at this age.
Kind regards
Dr joe,
My sister has come down with a running nose and fever of 99.4 . Doc is treating her for covid. Pls help with homeopathy as situation in delhi is really bad.
The Remedy is Eupatorium Perfolatum 200c in the Wet dose which can be taken as a prophylactic and also to CURE this disease if ther patient is PCR Positive.
You will take a dose of 5ml which is roughly a dessert spoonful just once dailly as a prophylactic.
If the patieit is PCR Positive the dosa is taken every 3 hours and the patient will discover that there some improvement in 24 hours or less.
The Wet dose is made as follows:
You will insert 5 drops of the alcohol product into 500ml water and a dose is 5ml taken as instructed above.
If you use the pellets you will insert 10 pellets into 500ml water.
You can make the Wet dose of any Remedy by using 5 drops of the Alcohol product or you can use 10 Pellets in 500ml water. You may use tap water after boiling to release the chlorine.
I discovered it in 2005 as the Ultimate remedy to stop an oncoming Cold and in 2007 I prescribed it, and do so even now, to CURE Dengue which is rampant in Sri Lanka.
I have tested it in 6 countries through my clients who had access to infected patients and it CURES the patient in 4 days.
It acts as a prophylactic against catching this deadly Corona Virus and I am convinced that it will save the world from annihilation if only the medical profession will use it worldwide instead of waiting for the vaccine which may take years to perfect.
No allopathic doctor can cure anyone from Covid 19. As far as I am aware I believe that it is only I have succeeded with my therapy copied below.
The Remedy is Eupatorium Perfolatum 200c in the Wet dose which can be taken as a prophylactic and also to CURE this disease if ther patient is PCR Positive.
You will take a dose of 5ml which is roughly a dessert spoonful just once dailly as a prophylactic.
If the patieit is PCR Positive the dosa is taken every 3 hours and the patient will discover that there some improvement in 24 hours or less.
The Wet dose is made as follows:
You will insert 5 drops of the alcohol product into 500ml water and a dose is 5ml taken as instructed above.
If you use the pellets you will insert 10 pellets into 500ml water.
You can make the Wet dose of any Remedy by using 5 drops of the Alcohol product or you can use 10 Pellets in 500ml water. You may use tap water after boiling to release the chlorine.
I discovered it in 2005 as the Ultimate remedy to stop an oncoming Cold and in 2007 I prescribed it, and do so even now, to CURE Dengue which is rampant in Sri Lanka.
I have tested it in 6 countries through my clients who had access to infected patients and it CURES the patient in 4 days.
It acts as a prophylactic against catching this deadly Corona Virus and I am convinced that it will save the world from annihilation if only the medical profession will use it worldwide instead of waiting for the vaccine which may take years to perfect.
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge Sir.
I would like to ask you about this.
1.We have here only in 10mg globuli, not pellets. I have seen your video in YouTube, it says I need 10 pellet from 30 pellets.
Does it mean I can mix 3,33 mg globuli with 500 ml water?
2. Is it safe for children and what dosage can 3,5 year old take, let say for treatment or precaution?
Thank you very much for your kindly help.
You are confusing me with your report of globuli and their weight.
I am not familiar with your description of 10g globuli. They are usually expressed in #30 which is Ø 3mm.
It is best that you ask a homeopath for help.
You may use 8 pellets in 500ml spring water and a dose is 5ml for a child taken twice daily.
Sorry Sir, it was my mistake. The globuli is 10g instead of 10mg.
In my country I can not buy the pellets.
Only a Schwabe Homeopathy Eupatorium perfoliatum MT in tincture 30ml
Could I still use this if needed? and could you please tell me what the dose would be? Would you recommend 2 bottles?
THANK YOU, so much!
I want to be prepared and have this ready if need be.
Kind regards,
Ann Marie
Hi Joe,
In my country I can not buy the pellets.
Only a Schwabe Homeopathy Eupatorium perfoliatum MT in tincture 30ml
Could I still use this if needed? and could you please tell me what the dose would be? Would you recommend 2 bottles?
THANK YOU, so much!
I want to be prepared and have this ready if need be.
Kind regards,
Yes you can 10 to 20 drops of MT (Mother tincture) Eupatorium perf thrice a day.
Thank you
Dear doctor Joe
Hope all is well at your end! You are a saviour of many and May God Bless You and your family with good health and happiness always.
I was reading your post on Corona and Eupat. You mentioned putting pellets in 500ml. Does that still mean 3 drops of the liquid? I have Adel Company’s Eupat which I had bought earlier for a therapy for cold that you had advised for my daughter for her constant sneezing..
Does the dose stay the same for children also?
If you remember, my daughter Kiara 10 years old, is doing your therapy for asthma. When I start your therapy it gives me comfort and assurance that all will be well and cured.
Please advise about Eupat 200 drops and dose.
Always in my prayers thanking God for you.
For how many days can I continue this medicine as a prevention?
Is it safe for children and what dosage can 1 year old child take, let say for treatment or precaution?
Dear Dr. Joe,
We are living in Colombo, how could my daughter and I get a consult with you? My daughter has history of asthma, my lungs were compromised because of whooping coughs in my childhood, and is it possible to get some preventive measures against Corona?
With much appreciation for all you are doing for the public health
I am not a professional Homeopath and only prescribe through my Website to help anyone who consults me from across the world. I believe you are aware that I am over 90 years in age and I do usually attend office daily in my business organization Titus Stores in Pettah which is almost a Century old, of which I am the CEO, with my youngest son assisting.
You can collect a bottle of my antidote to the Corona Virus, Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose when we open for business this week from office, free of charge.
I note that your daughter presents Asthma but I am confused by your statement:
“My daughter has history of asthma, my lungs were compromised because of whooping coughs in my childhood,”
Are you both patients?
I decided yesterday that I will not attend office till this crisis over Covid 19 blows over when I shall request you to meet me with your daughter.
Dear Dr. Joe,
I was very impressed with your knowledge and altruism, sharing a lifetime of wisdom with the rest of the world.
In the case of the doctors that could not use your treatment in the hospitals due to regulations, and for those who will not use it for being so efficient that will cut their profit over a longer course of treatment, it is so frustrating, colliding with reality and finding so much resistance to spread the goodness…
Congratulations for your age and centenary knowledge, wishing you great success on your fight against evil, blessing so many lives.
I will be adapting the classic Italian wish (Cent’Anni) to you:
Centi Cinquanta Anni !!
May you live a long, healthy and happy life.
Here Dr, is an Arabian Proverb that will serve for your fight against the naysayers:
“The dogs bark and the caravan moves on.”
It was nice to receive your post from NY today and to know that you have been monitoring my Website.
I have been fascinated by Homeopathy ever since I was cured of my frequent colds by one of the first Homeopaths in Ceylon as Sri Lanka was first known when the doctors in many parts of the world were not able to do so.
I did not qualify in Homeopathy as it is not my profession but I did study it after getting almost all the textbooks that a student will use in a Homeopathic College for a degree course in 1970 from B Jain Delhi. Homeopathy fascinated me and I spent some time in studying this Science and I do believe that I have in my own way contributed to this Science in discovering a few remedies that are not listed in Boericke
Diabetes Arnica 6c,
GERD Nat Phos 6x
Obesity Nat Phos 6x (1 Kg per week !!!)
I do not charge any fee as most others do, and if you peruse the many cases on my Website you can identify many more.
I am currently taking a dose of Eupat Perf 200c in the Wet dose twice daily and am confident that it will serve as a Prophylactic against Corona in the manner it has done against Colds and Dengue.
Have you visited:
Thank you for your greetings and good wishes.
I have a transcendent connection with God and the very fact that I am alive at 90.5 years in my present state of health is indeed proof that my Philosophy has worked for me.
Respected sir,
I am writing to you again to seek your help in my persistent throat issue. I get pain kind of dryness in the throat in the middle of night. I drink few sips of water and pain subsides. I have scratchy and painful throat. Doctor give me antibiotic but this pain in the throat and some time pressure in ears returns back. After few days.
I don’t have difficulty in swallowing but normal food with little spice also hurts.
I don’t sleep with mouth open.
I don’t want want to take any antibiotics anymore.please help
This is your first post:
“Hi Joe,
I am 37 years female and suffering from LPR from last 5 months. I have no heartburn…but have this consistent feeling of mucus in throat. i also feel gas some days and excessive belching also some days. i have stopped eating out…please help!!!
I find your case somewhat strange as I discovered that I have been treating you and members of your extended family since 2015 when you posted the statement above that you were suffering from LPR for some months.
You addressed me by my given name Joe, and when I pretested at this somewhat unexpected familiarity when addressing a physician from whom you expected some help for your LPR you then were more respectful. You may like to know that I am over 90 years in age and am still able to help patients like you and thousands of others which I do free of charge unlike most others.
I have responded patiently to over 25 posts that you have made in the past all pertaining to your Chronic GERD which doctors seemed unable to Cure while I was able to do so in a few days and when you enjoyed this relief you then stopped the medicine Nat Phos 6x for a few days which made your digestive system to go back to square one when you would complain again.
Quite frankly, I am tired of helping you and would prefer to stop treating you in future.
Yes sir. I completely agree that you have been treating me and my family members since 2015 and I often get relief after talking to you and taking your prescription. That’s why for any ailment I write to you so that I can get immediate relief that’s the kind of faith I have on you and your jeopathy. I seek pardon if I offended you in my mails or any other way.
I am taking nat phos and arnica for quite sometime now as suggested by you and recently I had undergone a cosmetic surgery and I took arnica 4 times a day in wet and I didn’t experience any pain. So yes, I am following your jeopathy as when needed.
This time I consulted you for a throat pain.
Thanks for your support as always
I cannot believe that you do not understand that you suffer from Chronic GERD which is slowly burning up your Esophagus and your throat and is the reason for the pain you refer to which is caused by the stomach acid burning your throat.
You have taken NP6x so many times in the past that I would have expected you to remember how it has helped you and continue to take it as prescribed.
You can also increase the dosage say to a maximum of 6 tablets after every meal to enable your system to recover fully. You must not stop taking the medicine which is quite safe to be used, as it is not a drug.
You may stop it after you are satisfied that your stomach is able to operate on its own without the NP6x.
I was surprised to note that you have also taken an antibiotic to treat your throat.
I hope you understand that this it the worst thing you can do to treat the burn caused by the stomach acid burning your throat.
Dear Dr de Livera,
Regarding Eupat Perf for viruses, please can you advise on the following:
1. If children show cold/flu symptoms, should they take a teaspoon of the wet dose every 3 hours like you suggest for adults? Or at a different interval?
2. For how long should someone take the remedy intensively like this?
3. How long can you use a bottle of any remedy in the wet dose? Should I make up a new bottle after a certain number of days/weeks to keep the water fresh?
I am so grateful for the gift of your recommendations. Thank you for all you do to help people.
If anyone including a child over 5 years develops a fever, headache, vomiting and coryza with sneezing , Eupat Perf 200c will stop the symptoms in under 3 hours. But the remedy must be given ASAP.
The 5ml dose is minuscule and the EP200 is at nano levels and can be used very safely for as long as the infection lasts.
You may make a new bottle if you discover that the water turns green due to a fungus which can form if the bottle is exposed to sunlight like from a window.
Thank you so much, Dr De Livera
Stay well. This world needs you.
I was touched by your response and discovered from your email IP that you live in Eastbourne UK and your name Ali can indicate that you are of Indian origin. You may like to know that my first visit to the UK or England as it was then known, was in 1947 with my late Father when I was just 17 years in age, shortly after WW II.
I remember that even at that time I had this streak of originality which served me well throughout my long life and although I am not a qualified Homeopath I believe that I have helped to advance this Science in my own way by refusing to accept the standard rule of “Similar Similibus Curentur” which dictates that the Homeopath treats the “Symptoms presentedd by the patient with a single remedy”. To my surprise I discovered a few years ago that the Dr Banerji Homeopathic Foundation in Kolkata, used the same “This for That” protocol which works far more effectively.
In my last response to you I failed to mention that my advice on using Empat Perf 200c in the Wet dose is based on hard facts as reported by patients who have used it for over 10 years in their homes and reported that although I had given the remedy to Cure Dengue which is prevalent even today in Sri Lanka although it seems to have been replaced by the Corona virus during the last week with 50 positive cases so far, they had discovered that they do not visit the hospitals with their children anymore, as they take a dose of the “magic water’ as soon as anyone at home presents a Cold or other ailment as it works almost instantly.
You may like to know that I do not take any drugs except on a SOS basis like after surgery, and I owe my long life at 90 years to God and my own “Joepathy”.
Thank you, Dr de Livera, for this extra information.
I wish I had known of this years ago when I often had to take my eldest son to hospital to be treated for viral-induced wheeze. I will certainly use it for colds and flu-like symptoms within my family from now on, and I will recommend your Joepathy to anyone who is prepared to give it a try.
Sir, Can I use ordinary/ mineral water for making wet dose in place of spring water ?
Boiled filtered water can be used if water from deep bore well are not available.
RO water is not acceptable.
Hi Dr Joe,
I have EP on hand at all times. Fortunately I recently bought a large handbag with a side pocket that perfectly holds my bottle of wet dose EP upright. During this worldwide outbreak, I have trust in the Lord Jesus and the fact that He led me to you years ago and you shared with me about EP and Arnica and also nat phos 6x and Rob pseu – each of those have worked wonders for me.
All 4 of us in the family have our own bottles of the concentrated EP and we all know how to make the wet dose. At the first sign of any unusual sensation in the throat or nose we succuss and take a gulp remembering to swish it around the mouth as you said it has great effect starting in the mouth. Thank you so much. May you and Hermie be safe from this terrible virus.
Dr. Joe, i read your post above in its entirety and I see that you suggest 10 globules of EP 200c in a 500ml water bottle. I have been using 3 drops of the EP 200c in ethanol (liquid remedy) in 500 ml water bottle for years. I hope that is equally effective.. Thanks Cathy
Glad to know that you already have the EP200 with you.You may use either 10 pellets or 3 drops Alcohol in 500ml water which is even more powerful.
Take a dose twice daily as a prophylactic and I hope and pray that it will stop the Corona as it did the Dengue virus.
I am trying to introduce it to the doctors here but have not succeeded so far. I fear that this Corona virus can eventually kill off the population as it is no respecter of persons and there is nothing one can do to prevent it from infecting the population.
Are you contactable on FaceTime?
Dr. Joe, we are taking it twice daily and feeling good. Praise God! Thanks for confirming that the liquid remedy is good to use.
I do believe that it will be effective as it was for dengue. No i don’t have Facetime unfortunately. I have an android phone.
If you are overexercising often even at the expense of your general wellbeing, merely to keep your weight under control, you can also do so by taking Nat Phos 6x immediately after each of 2 meals daily. 2 after lunch and 3 after dinner.
You can drop 1 kg per week.
You need an exercise routine by walking as I also do for 2-3km at dusk daily. I have done this for the last over 50 years after I stopped my tennis and previous to that in riding which I gave up in 1955.
Dear respected Dr. De Livera,
I have not been on your site for a long time as I wasn’t in need of anything mainly thanks to you and your treatment protocols. Only today I was wondering how you were doing and am so happy to read that you’re fine! I’d like to thank you for your amazing and wonderful help with this treatment. I’ll spread the word and hope and pray that many, many people can be treated this way.
I’ll include you in my prayers, if I may.
Stay healthy and always be protected!
Cornelia, Munich, Germany
You will be doing me a big favour by sharing the information that I have given you above with all your contacts by translating my last post to you into German.
The problem I have with doctors here in Sri Lanka is that they are forbidden to use any Homeopathic Cure for any ailment or disease unless their Medical Council permits them to use it under pain of losing their license to practise medicine.
Many doctors who have used my therapy aka “Joepathy” (Google) have informed unofficial that they are themselves very surprised that my therapy works in some mysterious manner to CURE Dengue which has caused the death of over 125 patients last year. They cannot however use my EP 200c for their patients due to the ban on using Homeopathic medicine.
Please spread the news that EP 200c can hopefully CURE the Corona Virus.
I hope that you will share news of the response of any patients who may use this remedy who suffer from the Corona Virus.
Prayer is another very powerful weapon and you may like to know that I spend over half hour morning and at night in Praying to God and thanking Him for granting me the Gift of a Long Life which I have dedicated to helping anyone who contacts me.
Dear Sir, I have another issue: Do I have your permission to translate your article above into German and give it to people?
This would be very kind!
Thank you and again, stay in good health!
Dear Sir,
there is a slight problem in the German homeopathic market. EP200C ist completely sold out. It’s not a problem for me and the people close to me. I can help them out. But I friends all over Germany, Europe and the world and I have no idea what the situation’s like in other countries. I’ve been trying for hours now to find an online pharmacy or homeopathic manufacturer who still offers – without success.
In your treasured opinion, would it be worth tryin EP30C as this is still available in some places. Thank you in advance for your kind help.
I have experimented with the various potencies of Eupatorium Perfoliatum and am satisfied that the 200c is the ultimate to eradicate the numerous Viruses I have encountered like the:
Cold Virus
Any Virus causing Fever.
I do wish that the medical fraternity will finally subject it to extensive research to identify how EP which I understand is a flower has some complex chemical structure that can attack a Virus which I hope will include the CORONA virus in the manner that it attacks the DENGUE virus under 3 hours and saves the patient’s life.
I first discovered this remedy which I first used in 2005 to CURE my frequent Colds and have prescribed it for thousands of patients for colds and for Dengue since 2007.
I have evidence that a 12 year old boy who tested positive to Dengue in the evening was given 5ml of the EP200c in the Wet dose (3 drops in 500ml water) and after the second dose was given in 2 hours, his fever, headache and vomiting left him and he was demanding Ice Cream which his mother referred to me and I Okayed.
His recovery was complete in under 3 hours after his first dose. Miracle ???
I have just done a simple exercise right now by doing a Google Search under Eupatorium Perfoliatum and recommend that you do so ASAP. It is interesting that the reference is to Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c. Not to any other potency and there are 257000 results indicated for this heading.
I can claim to be partially responsible for identifying this potency which I discovered was the most effective from all the other potencies to treat and CURE Dengue which I did in 2007 when I treated my first patient, who was my neighbour who appealed to me for a remedy after he was tested and found to be Dengue Positive.
I have discovered that this remedy EP 200c in most effective in the Wet dose which is made by inserting 3 drops of the remedy in Alcohol into 500ml water. A dose is 5ml of this 500ml water which is a teaspoonful and it given to the patient every 2-3 hours.
It is indeed a MIRACLE REMEDY and will most likely kill the Corona Virus but I have no proof that it will do so as I have not given it to a patient so far as I am now over 90 years in age and am not a professional Homeopath as I only prescribe through my Website.
I am convinced that Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c can annihilate the Corona Virus and if it does, it can be used very quickly throughout the world wherever Homeopathic Pharmacies stock this remedy in the 200c potency. The Wet dose protocol which I use exclusively makes it absurdly cost effective and can be used worldwide.
Please study all my posts above and you may understand why EP30c cannot replace EP200c.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
I studied all your posts and understood. Then I did as you allowed me to and translated your text about your experiences with EP 200 C wet dose and your opinion regarding the treatment for Coronavirus into German and spread it as much as I could. I have quite a few friends who are homeopaths and are grateful for any support!
I have also prepared Wet Doses for both my parents who are 80+ and unfortunately don’t live in my area. This is the least I can do for them. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!
I myself have had symptoms of a cold for 10 days now: sore throat mainly and lots of mucus running down the throat plus a blocked nose. After 3 days I started to have stomach cramps and diarrhoea Amazingly I have had no fever and no cough, but shortness of breath and general weakness. I feel rather dizzy sometimes and my heartbeat is too fast now and then.
Being a teacher who has had a maximum of contacts every day until schools were closed down, I had started to take Thuja 30 C for prevention against the Coronavirus before as the Drs Banerji of Kolkata had recommended earlier. But I stopped taking Thuja 30 C when my cold set in as I didn’t want to get anything mixed.
For the symptoms of my cold I have started today to take the EP200C wet dose even though I did not have a fever. I hope this is the right thing to do! I do not know if I have a Corona virus infection or sth else. We cannot be tested in Germany if your case is not severe as there aren’t enough tests. So it could be any other virus or bacteria….
I will report the development of my case and others that I will hear of. And I’d like to thank you so much for your endless efforts and support for all of us. As this is a universal crisis, we need people like you who are generously offering their knowledge and experience for free!!! This is the kindest thing a person can do.
Be protected and stay healthy and safe!
Glad to learn that you were able to source EP 200c which you stated was not available a few days ago and wished to know if you could substitute it with EP 30c, which I informed you was not possible.
Since you are suffering from a chronic 10 day old cold you can double the dose to make it 10ml and take it every 3 hours. You will also gargle every dose to enable the throat tissues to absorb the medicine. Please report your response when you find some relief. The chances that your cold is due to the Corona is remote but since you are a teacher interacting with many students, it is not impossible. I hope and pray that you will be safe. In any case you contacted me in the nick of time.
I note that you intend giving the EP200 to your parents and it occurred to me that they will also benefit from Arnica 30c in the Wd which they both can take twice daily very safely, when they will notice that they will sleep better. Leave half hour between remedies.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
I must write once more and express my deepest gratitude for your wisdom! I have taken the 4th wet dose of EP200 just now and 1 wet dose of Arnica 30 C earlier, because I concluded my heartbeat could be regulated this way. I feel very much better, breathing is a lot easier and I am experiencing a kind of happiness spreading within me. I had the same experience of happiness when I took Arnica 30 C wet dose the first time. I was dancing in the kitchen tonight (forgive my detailed description) preparing my family’s meal and my daughter looked at me and shook her head.
May you be blessed at all times with love, joy, happiness, peace and a long and healthy life!
Thank you!!! Just to explain the availability of EP200: I have had EP200 in my medicine cabinet before, but as I am distributing your article, I wanted to order some for friends and family outside of Munich as well whom I couldn’t pass mine on to. It is still sold out in Germany. But I’ve managed to order more from England just now.
I will also prepare Arnica 30 C wet dose for my parents, thank you!
Take care and stay in good health.
You can mail order the Boiron product as it is usually available at Ainsworths in London.
Ainsworths Homœopathic Pharmacy
36 New Cavendish Street, London W1M 7LH
Tel 020 7935 5330
Glad you are sharing my article with others after translating to German. It will hopefully keep Homeopaths informed of the potential of Eupat Perf 200c to treat Viral diseases hopefully including Corona.
This is exactly where I ordered, thank you! They haven’t closed down yet as many other mail order pharmacies have.
I wish you and also the whole world peace, joy and health as it seems very awkward what’s going on at the moment. People could be cured from a virus so effectively and without any side-effects, but only a few people seem to want to listen.
This is where you can help, God willing.
If any one of your Homeopath friends can use it, and if as I hope it proves to be as effective for the Corona Virus as it has proved to be for Dengue where I CURED over 10000 cases, this will be the opening for us to prove that EP200 in the Wet dose will cure the patient in some mysterious way and thereby enable us to save the world from annihilation.
I pray that God grants us the favour of life.
Thy Will Be Done.
Amen, dear Dr. De Livera! May I also post it on Facebook in German or do you object to this? It seems there’s more involved than just a virus… I don’t want to discuss this any further here.
Be blessed and protected.
I have no objection to your posting this information on FaceBook in German and also in English.
All I hope for is that this remedy Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose will work in the manner that it does to CURE Colds which I discovered in 2005 and later used in 2007 to cure Dengue in Sri Lanka. Since Covid-19 is another Virus, I am confident that it will work in the same manner.
If as I hope it does work, it will be very easy to share this information with the rest of the world very fast, as this remedy is available in almost every country in the world where Homeopathy is used. It can be obtained in either the Alcohol pack or in the 3mm Ø pellets aka “Globules” which may be more freely available.
All one has to do is to get the product in Alcohol or in the Pellets / Globules of Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c and follow the instructions below:
Insert 3 drops of the Alcohol or 10 pellets into a 500ml bottle of pure spring water which is usually sold in supermarkets. Tap water may also be used after boiling to release the Chlorine. The dose is just 5ml or a large teaspoonful taken every 2-3 hours. There is no danger of an overdose as the Medicine is at a Nano level and is only medicated water.
I have observed in the case of a Dengue patient, that there is a distinct improvement in just 3 hours when the patient perspires profusely and feels better. The Vomiting stops and the Headache and Fever follow. The Blood Platelet count which is usually very low and in some cases below 20000 rises very fast at around 2500 units per hour and the patient soon recovers in some miraculous manner.
There is nothing to be lost in sharing this vital information with the world by every means available and I hope and pray that it will succeed in CURING patients suffering from Covid-19.
It is possible that this same Remedy Eupatorium Perfoliatum can be used as a Prophylactic to PREVENT patients from being infected by the Corona Virus as it has done so in the case of Dengue Virus where I have prescribed it for use in households who have patients suffering from Dengue and where the mosquito Aedes Egyptii is responsible for passing the infection to others with just one bite.
Please keep me informed of progress and I wish you God Speed.
Thanks, I’m working on it. May the world recover from this soon!
Be healthy and be protected!
Dear Dr. De Livera,
I’d like to report the change of my infection status: the mucus in the back of the throat has got better, the pain in the throat also. But now my tongue has started to burn. I take 10ml of EP200 wet dose every 3 hrs. And I take Arnica 30C wet dose morning and evening leaving minimum 30 minutes between the 2 remedies. My palpitations have stopped.
Also my husband has had a slightly more severe cold with a bad cough and a light fever recently. He had it for 3 weeks almost and then he started to recover slowly. He’s a teacher, too. Yesterday he felt weaker again and I gave him EP200 wet dose every 3 hours. Today he feels a lot better.
Thank you and have a blessed weekend!
Glad to learn that your problems are being resolved by my therapy.
It is very rare to present a burning in your tongue and I am not able to suggest a remedy to help you to overcome it.
You will take Arnica 30c in the Wd for the rest of your life but at a reduced frequency which you can decide is best for you. 1 dose at night is recommended.
You can safely continue to take the EP200c for as long as you and your family feel that they are doing some good.
Have your completed your mission to translate my recommended therapy for the Corona Virus and also to publish it in English?
Dear Dr. De Livera (or may I call you Joe)?
Thank you for your kind and helpful suggestions again. I’ll do so with Arnica 30 C WD. I took it twice daily as I had the idea it could appease my palpitations which it did.
According to a homeopath friend, my tongue could be a sign of a nervous condition. You must know that one of my daughters studies art and music in England and is still there and the other one had a miscarriage a few weeks ago. So there is more to worry for me at the moment than the Corona virus. My homeopath friend suggested I take Vitamin B.
We will continue taking EP200C WD as long as we think it necessary.
Yes, my mission – as you call it –
is finished. Your therapy has been translated and posted on Facebook as well as shared with all homeopaths and therapists I know as well as colleagues and friends here, in the UK and in France.
Let’s hope for the best, stay confident about the world, have faith and trust in the good there is.
Be protected and be blessed! Thank you for being what you are!
I don’t know if you are aware that I am over 90 years in age and live in a country where age, especially old age is respected and even venerated, and you wish to address me by my given name, Joe. This would go against our culture and I would prefer that you do not do so.
You do not have to address me in your posts as Dr De Livera as I am not qualified to use it. I refused to pass any Homeopathic exams, because this is not my profession. Suggest you follow my example in not addressing me at all, as you may just type the text of your message like I do, without the salutation.
I was not aware of your palpitations and I do not remember your mentioning it in your posts except for the last one. I would have immediately prescribed my default therapy, Arnica 30 and I have cured many desperate cases including my late Mother. Are you aware if you present Paroxysmal Tachycardia which is the standard Palpitation or the other more dangerous Ventral or Atrial Tachycardia. Also what is your Heart BPM when you suffer an attack and how often do you have it and what did your doctors advise you?
Please visit:
I do admire you for taking time to help me to announce this Remedy, Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c as the possible cure for the Corona Virus, to the world. I do hope that someone who reads it will use it for a patient who suffers from the Virus and discovers that the patient is cured like patients whom I have treated for Dengue, here In Sri Lanka.
All that is necessary is for a few patients to be cured in a few hours for the world to start using this antidote to the Corona.
Can you please copy your posts in German and in English for my records in your next post?
Sorry to learn of your daughter’s miscarriage. I remember that there is a remedy for it when it is threatened but I have never used it.
BBC has just announced the sudden increase of patients in the UK who present the Virus with a large number of fatalities and am very concerned, as it is possible that they may have been saved.
All that I am praying for is the initial breakthrough with one desperate patient who suddenly wakes up in the manner that Dengue patients wake up, usually in 3 hours after the second dose of EP200.
I admit, It is unusual for me not to use a greeting, but I will follow your wishes, of course. I also apologize if I have offended you by my request. This is the least thing that I intended do! Again, my apologies! I just thought it quicker than addressing you by Dr. De Livera every time I wrote something.
In my country respect for persons of age is UNFORTUNATELY not very common any more whereas I myself must say that I do honour people of age and wisdom and also have taught my daughters to do so. Therefore I feel all the more ashamed having asked you this (stupid) question.
As to my palpitations, I cannot visit a doctor at the moment, but as I said, they have improved immediately since I took Arnica 30C WD twice daily. I have reduced it to 1 dose a day now following your advice. I’ll continue to do so.
One of my homeopath friends would like to know what the difference would be if she put 1 drop of EP200 in a glass of water and the person took little sips from it during the day. Would this have the same effect as the wet dose you prescribe? I guess she is used to prescribing this method and is eager to know the difference.
I will send you the posts in German/English which I forwarded to all my contacts in a separate message.
Thank you for your kind support and your tireless efforts in curing people!
Here you will find a copy of your posts of Jan 31 and March 25 regarding the Coronavirus and the EP200 C wet dose translated into German. I tried to stick as much as possible to your original words as I considered it essential to transfer your message to the people.
Artikel 1: 31. Januar 2020
Eupatorium perfoliatum C 200 im Einsatz bei Coronaviren
(Autor: Joe De Livera, Sri Lanka (90 Jahre) –
2005 stellte ich fest, dass das homöopathische Mittel Eupatorium perfoliatum (EP) C200 eine einfache Grippe heilt, wofür Milliarden auf der Suche nach einem Heilmittel ausgegeben werden. Meine Erfolgsquote lag bei ca. 75% unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Patienten das Mittel direkt beim Auftreten der ersten Symptome einnehmen.
2007 gab es die ersten Dengue-Fälle auf Sri Lanka und ich hatte die Vermutung, dass dieses Mittel diese Krankheit heilen könnte, da es sich ebenso um eine virale Erkrankung handelte, ausgelöst durch den Aedes Egyptii mosquito. Ich behandelte Hunderte von Patienten, die mich kontaktierten, und schenkte ihnen EP C200 verkleppert in einer 500ml-Wasserflasche. Meine Erfolgsquote von 100% überraschte mich positiv.
Dengue wird in Sri Lanka als eine Epidemie eingestuft. 2019 gab es nach Aussagen offizieller Statistiken über 100 Todesfälle, wobei ich von einer höheren Dunkelziffer ausgehe.
Ich wies das Nationalkrankenhaus in Colombo und das IDH (Infectious Disease Hospital)-Krankenhaus auf meine Erfahrungen hin und bot ihnen EP C200 kostenlos an, um es in einer Testphase an einigen Patienten anzuwenden. Beide lehnen aber bis heute ab. Wir verloren Hunderte wertvoller Leben an das Dengue-Fieber. Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass man zumindest einige von ihnen hätte retten können, hätten die Behörden zugestimmt, es in einer Testphase zur Bestätigung meiner Hypothese einzusetzen.
In vielen Besprechungen mit der Gesundheitsbehörde Sri Lankas, mit Ärzten und Pflegepersonal habe ich mich dafür versucht, einzusetzen. Es gab Zustimmung, die ich besonders von Ärzten erhielt, denen ich das Mittel zur Verfügung gestellt und die es an ihren Patienten getestet hatten. Denn auch sie stellten zu ihrer eigenen Überraschung fest, dass das Mittel eindeutig wirkte, wie ich es dargestellt hatte. Jedoch durften sie es in ihren Krankenhäusern nicht einsetzen, da sie bestimmten Gesetzen unterlagen, bei deren Nichtbeachtung ihnen ihre ärztliche Zulassung entzogen würde.
Seit 2007 habe ich inzwischen habe ich Hunderte von Wasserflaschen mit verkleppertem EP C200 verschenkt. Die Pflegekräfte bezeugten, dass sich ihre zu Hause betreuten Patienten innerhalb weniger Stunden erholten, spätestens innerhalb von 24 Stunden. Meine Beobachtungen, die auf den Berichten der Patienten, die das Mittel genommen haben, basieren sind wie folgt: Der Zustand der Dengue-Fieber-positiven Patienten bessert sich in 3 bis 6 Stunden, wenn sie in den ersten 3 Tagen nach Ausbruch der Krankheit behandelt werden. Wenn der Patient schon länger in Behandlung ist, verläuft die Genesung langsamer, in der Regel nach 3 Tagen. Die Patienten erhalten das verklepperte EP C200 in Gaben von 5ml alle 3 Stunden und sie werden in der Regel 1 Tag nach der Genesung entlassen. Diese Erfahrung wurde mir in Hunderten von Fällen von den betreuenden Personen berichtet.
Es ist meine felsenfeste Überzeugung, dass dasselbe Mittel als Behandlung für den aktuellen Coronavirus eingesetzt werden kann. 3 Tropfen oder 10 Tabletten/Globuli (ca. 3mm) des Mittels werden in einer 500ml Wasserflasche verkleppert. Der Patient erhält eine Gabe von 5ml/1 TL alle 3 Stunden und sollte – wie in den Fällen von Dengue-Fieber – nach 3-6 Stunden eine deutliche Verbesserung seines Zustands zeigen.
Die Öffentlichkeit in Colombo ist alarmiert von den vielen Berichten einiger Patienten, die aus Wuhan zurückkamen und von denen einige Fieber unbekannten Ursprungs hatten. Viele Menschen vermeiden die Supermärkte und andere belebte, v.a. klimatisierte Orte. Ich habe dieses Mittel meinen Kunden in Colombo als Prophylaxe gegeben. Man nimmt eine Gabe von 5ml/1TL 2 Mal täglich, um sicherzustellen, dass sich dadurch Schutz aufbaut. Viele haben mir rückgemeldet, dass ihre ersten Anzeichen von Erkältung oder verstopfter Nase wieder abgeklungen seien, dass ihr Allgemeinbefinden sich verbessert habe und sie nicht so schnell erschöpft waren wie davor.
Ich hoffe, meine Leser können die Wirksamkeit meiner Therapie erkennen, welche sie im Fall von Coronavirus entweder als Prophylaxe oder zur Behandlung anwenden können. Das Mittel gibt es in fast allen homöopathischen Apotheken weltweit. Man verwendet das wie oben beschriebene verklepperte Mittel im Abstand von 3 Stunden und einer Gabe von 5ml/1TL. Der Zustand bessert sich nach weniger als 4 Gaben. Das Mittel kann auch in kürzeren Abständen genommen werden, wenn der Patient akut am Coronavirus erkrankt ist.
Alles was ich tun kann, ist meinen Lesern diese Information zur Verfügung zu stellen, die auf meiner lebenslangen Forschung im Bereich der Homöopathie beruht und die andere Homöopathen als „Joepathy“ bezeichnen. Ich möchte an dieser Stelle noch einmal erwähnen, dass ich über 90 Jahre alt bin, keinerlei Medikamente zu mir nehme (außer in Notfallsituationen und/oder nach Operationen), und dass ich mein langes und gesundes Leben ausschließlich meiner Eigenbehandlung mit Homöopathie verdanke.
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung, Joe De Livera
Artikel 2: 25. März 2020
Eupatorium perfoliatum C 200 im Einsatz bei Coronaviren
(Autor: Joe De Livera, Sri Lanka (90 Jahre) –
Ich habe mit den unterschiedlichen Potenzen von Eupatorium perfoliatum (EP) experimentiert und bin davon überzeugt, dass die C200 die wirksamste Potenz ist, um nach meiner Erfahrung zahlreiche Viren, welche Symptome von Erkältung/Grippe und Fieber verursachen, zu behandeln.
Mein größter Wunsch ist es, dass der Ärzteverband Sri Lankas endlich eine ausführliche Untersuchung und Prüfung dieses Mittels durchführen würde, um zu analysieren, auf welche Weise EP, das meines Wissens eine Pflanze von komplexer chemischer Struktur ist, ein Virus deaktivieren kann. Ich bin der festen Überzeugung und würde sehr hoffen, so den Beweis dafür zu erhalten, dass dies auch beim Corona-Virus zutrifft, so wie es den Dengue-Virus innerhalb von ca. 3 Stunden deaktiviert und die Leben der Patienten rettet.
Ich bin zum ersten Mal im Jahr 2005 auf der Suche nach Heilung für meine häufigen Erkältungen und grippalen Infekte auf dieses Mittel gestoßen. Seither habe ich es Tausenden von Patienten mit diesen Symptomen über meine Website empfohlen, und seit 2007 setzte ich es bei Dengue ein.
Ein Fallbespiel: ein 12jähriger Junge, der positiv auf Dengue getestet wurde und bereits Symptome zeigte, erhielt eine Gabe (5ml) EP C200 verkleppert in Wasser (3 Tropfen auf 500ml Wasser). Nach der zweiten Gabe im Abstand von 2 Stunden ließen das Fieber, die Kopfschmerzen und das Erbrechen nach, und er bat um eine Portion Eis, die ich ihm natürlich erlaubte. Ca. 3 Stunden nach der ersten Gabe war er so gut wie genesen. Ein Wunder?
Es ist jedoch wesentlich, das Mittel ausschließlich in der Potenz C200 und in keiner anderen Potenz zu verabreichen!
Die Tatsache, dass dieses homöopathische Mittel im Vergleich zu allen anderen Potenzen genau in dieser Potenz als am wirkungsvollsten zur Behandlung und Heilung von Dengue gilt, ist möglicherweise u.a. auch auf meine Erfahrungen zurückzuführen. 2007 habe ich meinen Nachbarn als meinen ersten Patienten erfolgreich damit behandelt. Er hatte sich an mich wegen eines Medikaments gewandt, nachdem er positiv auf Dengue getestet worden war.
Ich habe zudem die Feststellung gemacht, dass das Mittel EP C200 am besten wirkt, wenn es in Wasser verkleppert wird. Diese Mischung soll folgendermaßen hergestellt werden: Man gibt 3 Tropfen oder alternativ 10 Tabletten / Globuli (ca. 3mm Durchmesser) in 500 ml stilles Quellwasser. Eine Gabe sind 5ml (ca. 1 Teelöffel) und man gibt sie im Akutfall alle 2-3 Stunden.
Meiner Erfahrung nach handelt es sich tatsächlich um ein Heilmittel, das mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit in der Lage ist, an Coronavirus Erkrankte zu heilen. Ich bin fest davon überzeugt.
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung, Joe De Livera
As for the English version, I just added your posts on this website of Jan 31, March 25 and 27 into one pdf and shared it where- and whenever I could.
I hope I could be of service to the people in need of help! Thank you for giving me your allowance to do so.
Kind regards
These are the German translations. I tried to stick as close to your words as I could as I considered this essential.
Artikel 1: 31. Januar 2020
Eupatorium perfoliatum C 200 im Einsatz bei Coronaviren
(Autor: Joe De Livera, Sri Lanka (90 Jahre) –
2005 stellte ich fest, dass das homöopathische Mittel Eupatorium perfoliatum (EP) C200 eine einfache Grippe heilt, wofür Milliarden auf der Suche nach einem Heilmittel ausgegeben werden. Meine Erfolgsquote lag bei ca. 75% unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Patienten das Mittel direkt beim Auftreten der ersten Symptome einnehmen.
2007 gab es die ersten Dengue-Fälle auf Sri Lanka und ich hatte die Vermutung, dass dieses Mittel diese Krankheit heilen könnte, da es sich ebenso um eine virale Erkrankung handelte, ausgelöst durch den Aedes Egyptii mosquito. Ich behandelte Hunderte von Patienten, die mich kontaktierten, und schenkte ihnen EP C200 verkleppert in einer 500ml-Wasserflasche. Meine Erfolgsquote von 100% überraschte mich positiv.
Dengue wird in Sri Lanka als eine Epidemie eingestuft. 2019 gab es nach Aussagen offizieller Statistiken über 100 Todesfälle, wobei ich von einer höheren Dunkelziffer ausgehe.
Ich wies das Nationalkrankenhaus in Colombo und das IDH (Infectious Disease Hospital)-Krankenhaus auf meine Erfahrungen hin und bot ihnen EP C200 kostenlos an, um es in einer Testphase an einigen Patienten anzuwenden. Beide lehnen aber bis heute ab. Wir verloren Hunderte wertvoller Leben an das Dengue-Fieber. Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass man zumindest einige von ihnen hätte retten können, hätten die Behörden zugestimmt, es in einer Testphase zur Bestätigung meiner Hypothese einzusetzen.
In vielen Besprechungen mit der Gesundheitsbehörde Sri Lankas, mit Ärzten und Pflegepersonal habe ich mich dafür versucht, einzusetzen. Es gab Zustimmung, die ich besonders von Ärzten erhielt, denen ich das Mittel zur Verfügung gestellt und die es an ihren Patienten getestet hatten. Denn auch sie stellten zu ihrer eigenen Überraschung fest, dass das Mittel eindeutig wirkte, wie ich es dargestellt hatte. Jedoch durften sie es in ihren Krankenhäusern nicht einsetzen, da sie bestimmten Gesetzen unterlagen, bei deren Nichtbeachtung ihnen ihre ärztliche Zulassung entzogen würde.
Seit 2007 habe ich inzwischen habe ich Hunderte von Wasserflaschen mit verkleppertem EP C200 verschenkt. Die Pflegekräfte bezeugten, dass sich ihre zu Hause betreuten Patienten innerhalb weniger Stunden erholten, spätestens innerhalb von 24 Stunden. Meine Beobachtungen, die auf den Berichten der Patienten, die das Mittel genommen haben, basieren sind wie folgt: Der Zustand der Dengue-Fieber-positiven Patienten bessert sich in 3 bis 6 Stunden, wenn sie in den ersten 3 Tagen nach Ausbruch der Krankheit behandelt werden. Wenn der Patient schon länger in Behandlung ist, verläuft die Genesung langsamer, in der Regel nach 3 Tagen. Die Patienten erhalten das verklepperte EP C200 in Gaben von 5ml alle 3 Stunden und sie werden in der Regel 1 Tag nach der Genesung entlassen. Diese Erfahrung wurde mir in Hunderten von Fällen von den betreuenden Personen berichtet.
Es ist meine felsenfeste Überzeugung, dass dasselbe Mittel als Behandlung für den aktuellen Coronavirus eingesetzt werden kann. 3 Tropfen oder 10 Tabletten/Globuli (ca. 3mm) des Mittels werden in einer 500ml Wasserflasche verkleppert. Der Patient erhält eine Gabe von 5ml/1 TL alle 3 Stunden und sollte – wie in den Fällen von Dengue-Fieber – nach 3-6 Stunden eine deutliche Verbesserung seines Zustands zeigen.
Die Öffentlichkeit in Colombo ist alarmiert von den vielen Berichten einiger Patienten, die aus Wuhan zurückkamen und von denen einige Fieber unbekannten Ursprungs hatten. Viele Menschen vermeiden die Supermärkte und andere belebte, v.a. klimatisierte Orte. Ich habe dieses Mittel meinen Kunden in Colombo als Prophylaxe gegeben. Man nimmt eine Gabe von 5ml/1TL 2 Mal täglich, um sicherzustellen, dass sich dadurch Schutz aufbaut. Viele haben mir rückgemeldet, dass ihre ersten Anzeichen von Erkältung oder verstopfter Nase wieder abgeklungen seien, dass ihr Allgemeinbefinden sich verbessert habe und sie nicht so schnell erschöpft waren wie davor.
Ich hoffe, meine Leser können die Wirksamkeit meiner Therapie erkennen, welche sie im Fall von Coronavirus entweder als Prophylaxe oder zur Behandlung anwenden können. Das Mittel gibt es in fast allen homöopathischen Apotheken weltweit. Man verwendet das wie oben beschriebene verklepperte Mittel im Abstand von 3 Stunden und einer Gabe von 5ml/1TL. Der Zustand bessert sich nach weniger als 4 Gaben. Das Mittel kann auch in kürzeren Abständen genommen werden, wenn der Patient akut am Coronavirus erkrankt ist.
Alles was ich tun kann, ist meinen Lesern diese Information zur Verfügung zu stellen, die auf meiner lebenslangen Forschung im Bereich der Homöopathie beruht und die andere Homöopathen als „Joepathy“ bezeichnen. Ich möchte an dieser Stelle noch einmal erwähnen, dass ich über 90 Jahre alt bin, keinerlei Medikamente zu mir nehme (außer in Notfallsituationen und/oder nach Operationen), und dass ich mein langes und gesundes Leben ausschließlich meiner Eigenbehandlung mit Homöopathie verdanke.
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung, Joe De Livera
Artikel 2: 25. März 2020
Eupatorium perfoliatum C 200 im Einsatz bei Coronaviren
(Autor: Joe De Livera, Sri Lanka (90 Jahre) –
Ich habe mit den unterschiedlichen Potenzen von Eupatorium perfoliatum (EP) experimentiert und bin davon überzeugt, dass die C200 die wirksamste Potenz ist, um nach meiner Erfahrung zahlreiche Viren, welche Symptome von Erkältung/Grippe und Fieber verursachen, zu behandeln.
Mein größter Wunsch ist es, dass der Ärzteverband Sri Lankas endlich eine ausführliche Untersuchung und Prüfung dieses Mittels durchführen würde, um zu analysieren, auf welche Weise EP, das meines Wissens eine Pflanze von komplexer chemischer Struktur ist, ein Virus deaktivieren kann. Ich bin der festen Überzeugung und würde sehr hoffen, so den Beweis dafür zu erhalten, dass dies auch beim Corona-Virus zutrifft, so wie es den Dengue-Virus innerhalb von ca. 3 Stunden deaktiviert und die Leben der Patienten rettet.
Ich bin zum ersten Mal im Jahr 2005 auf der Suche nach Heilung für meine häufigen Erkältungen und grippalen Infekte auf dieses Mittel gestoßen. Seither habe ich es Tausenden von Patienten mit diesen Symptomen über meine Website empfohlen, und seit 2007 setzte ich es bei Dengue ein.
Ein Fallbespiel: ein 12jähriger Junge, der positiv auf Dengue getestet wurde und bereits Symptome zeigte, erhielt eine Gabe (5ml) EP C200 verkleppert in Wasser (3 Tropfen auf 500ml Wasser). Nach der zweiten Gabe im Abstand von 2 Stunden ließen das Fieber, die Kopfschmerzen und das Erbrechen nach, und er bat um eine Portion Eis, die ich ihm natürlich erlaubte. Ca. 3 Stunden nach der ersten Gabe war er so gut wie genesen. Ein Wunder?
Es ist jedoch wesentlich, das Mittel ausschließlich in der Potenz C200 und in keiner anderen Potenz zu verabreichen!
Die Tatsache, dass dieses homöopathische Mittel im Vergleich zu allen anderen Potenzen genau in dieser Potenz als am wirkungsvollsten zur Behandlung und Heilung von Dengue gilt, ist möglicherweise u.a. auch auf meine Erfahrungen zurückzuführen. 2007 habe ich meinen Nachbarn als meinen ersten Patienten erfolgreich damit behandelt. Er hatte sich an mich wegen eines Medikaments gewandt, nachdem er positiv auf Dengue getestet worden war.
Ich habe zudem die Feststellung gemacht, dass das Mittel EP C200 am besten wirkt, wenn es in Wasser verkleppert wird. Diese Mischung soll folgendermaßen hergestellt werden: Man gibt 3 Tropfen oder alternativ 10 Tabletten / Globuli (ca. 3mm Durchmesser) in 500 ml stilles Quellwasser. Eine Gabe sind 5ml (ca. 1 Teelöffel) und man gibt sie im Akutfall alle 2-3 Stunden.
Meiner Erfahrung nach handelt es sich tatsächlich um ein Heilmittel, das mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit in der Lage ist, an Coronavirus Erkrankte zu heilen. Ich bin fest davon überzeugt.
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung, Joe De Livera
Thank you for your support in enabling me to share my prescription to use Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose to treat the Corona Virus which I am confident will work, if only the public will use it as prescribed.
It has worked in a miraculous manner to CURE patients suffering from Dengue in Sri Lanka and in many countries worldwide and this is the reason why I,at my advanced age of over 90 years am trying to spread this message world wide to save the population. Nothing is lost in using it and all I ask is that anyone who uses it will please advise me on my Website when they have confirmation that it has saved a patient who is positive for Covid-19.
If you still have the time, please continue to copy this information in the future to enable all who read your message will use it as prescribed and be saved from this Virus which is claiming precious lives in every country including Sri Lanka which has had the first fatality in the case of a patient who had only 1 Kidney and whose relations arrived from their homes in Milan and infected him in a few hours after arrival 2 weeks ago.
Apologies, I sent the German version twice as I didn’t see it the first time.
Hello Dr DeLivera I found Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c (4.5g #38) by boiron am I able to use this to help prevent the coronavirus? They are pellets. Do I add 10 to the water bottle as you described? I wasn’t sure if the #38 is different than the # 30 you described. Can I take this long term daily until the virus seems to go away? Thank you for your wisdom and time.
Please follow the instructions I have alreadh given to use EP200c in the Wt dose and you can use 10 pellets to activate a 500ml bottle of spring water which should last for over 3 months when a dose of 5ml is take twice daily.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
I will keep posting the translations of your texts and your originals wherever I can, I promise.
I would have another question from my side: can you recommend a remedy for acute muscular back pain in the lower back? The pain acutally occurs when I sit too long in front of the PC (teacher’s duty in times of homeschooling) or when I carry a heavy weight. Thank you!
With gratefulness and good wishes
This is the first time you have presented your problem:
” acute muscular back pain in the lower back? The pain acutally occurs when I sit too long in front of the PC (teacher’s duty in times of homeschooling) or when I carry a heavy weight”
You seem to have been suffering from this back pain for some time from your description and it would be useful if you can remember how it all started. Did you experience the pain suddenly during your normal day or when you were doing something out of the ordinary? Does the pain occur in a spasm or is it continuous? Does it reduce when you are in bed?
Arnica 30 can help but you can also use other more powerful Remedies which I can prescribe after you give me more data.
Oh, and I forgot to write that you might be pleased to know that all my symptoms of cold have disappeared gradually by taking EP200 according to your advice. My family and I will be taking the WD twice daily for prevention.
THANK YOU with all my <3
I have observed that a Cold can be stopped if this remedy EP200 is used every 2 hours. The patient finds that the nose dries up in under an hour when the sneezing and coryza stop. Both nostrils are open and the patient continues taking the dose till s/he feels well.
The greatest advantage with EP200c is that no side effects have even been reported.
This is the reason why I am keen to use it for the Corona Virus as I am convinced that it will save the world as it did with Dengue.
PS at 12.20 Sri Lanka time
One of my employees in my Business organization who is taking a daily dose of EP200 which I have given all members of my staff who is an Asthmatic informed me today that he feels more comfortable in his breathing as he does not experience any blocked nose anymore after taking the dose of EP200. He feels much fitter, perhaps because he does not have to commute to work daily by train which he has done for the past 30 years daily.
This information is of interest as it would seem that EP200 has more beneficial side effects that what I thought in helping the body to avoid disease from other sources of infection which are of Viral origin.
Sorry Sir, I went through all your posts and discovered for myself that the cure for acute back pain again is Arnica 30 C WD. What would be the maximum dose if the pain is very acute? Twice daily or even more?
THANK YOU! Cornelia
Thank you for reporting the response of many patients who have benefited by using my “Joepathy” (Google) to treat the Corona Virus.
You are the first person to report an improvement in a Corona Positive and I am indeed very happy that you did so.
Please spread the word to all who can benefit by using this simple therapy which can be copied by anyone living in all countries where Homeopathic Remedies are marketed. Please share this vitally important information with the doctors in your city which your IP address indicates is Breda in the Netherlands.
I would appreciate if you will remain in contact with me as your information can make a monumental difference in the treatment of patients suffering from the Corona Virus through the world.
I shall copy below your post on my Website to enable others who visit it to also appreciate the valuable contribution that we can all make worldwide, to annihilate this Virus which has been responsible for thousands of fatalities throughout the world up to today and adding.
I shall be very grateful if you will co-operate with me in saving the lives of many thousands of Corona positive patients throughout the world with Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose used as prescribed by me on 31st January 2020.
Copy of your post received by me today 31st March 2020 from:
“I wrote you for the first time in September/October 2017, looking for help for my father with cancer, for my mother in law and her brain tumor, and my daughter with what seemed to be an asthma. I am writing this message quickly, so please excuse any omissions or mistakes. I have followed and used your therapy for all these years. Since beginning of March my whole family has been drinking Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c as suggested by you here. I gave a bottle yesterday to a family with confirmed Corona virus. The dad, 50 years old, was starting to develop breathing problems. The mom had been already in the hospital but was sent to recover home as she us young, 30 years old, and was still not critical. They are all doing much better today, after starting on the Eupatorium Perfoliatum. That is amazing. Be blessed for all the amazing work you do for the humanity!!!!”
Please revisit the first Article I made on January 31 2020 on my Website:
“Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200 may succeed in treating the Corona Virus.”
I would like to add that I am over 90 years in age and I treat all patients who seek my assistance with my “Joepathy” (Google) free of charge through my Website.
I hope and pray that the medical profession will take notice of the first report of a positive response to my therapy of a confirmed Corona case as this is important to prove that Homeopathy can also help in CURING seemingly impossible cases of disease, in this case the Corona Virus in anyone who follows the simple protocol I have prescribed which can be replicated in almost all countries.
One last thought before I post my response on my Website.
You have used Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose and reported that it has helped patients who were Corona positive. I first discovered in 2005 that it cured patients who presented the Cold Virus. I later used it to CURE thousands of patients who presented the Dengue Virus in Sri Lanka and abroad.
It is possible that it may also prove to be effective in CURING AIDS.
I hope and pray it will.
Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka.
I wrote you for the first time in September/October 2017, looking for help for my father with cancer, for my mother in law and her brain tumor, and my daughter with what seemed to be an asthma. I am writing this message quickly, so please excuse any omissions or mistakes. I have followed and used your therapy for all these years. Since beginning of March my whole family has been drinking Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c as suggested by you here. I gave a bottle yesterday to a family with confirmed Corona virus. The dad, 50 years old, was starting to develop breathing problems. The mom had been already in the hospital but was sent to recover home as she us young, 30 years old, and was still not critical. They are all doing much better today, after starting on the Eupatorium Perfoliatum. That is amazing. Be blessed for all the amazing work you do for the humanity!!!!
Thank you for reporting the response of many patients who have benefited by using my “Joepathy” (Google) to treat the Corona Virus.
You are the first person to report an improvement in a Corona Positive and I am indeed very happy that you did so.
Please spread the word to all who can benefit by using this simple therapy which can be copied by anyone living in all countries where Homeopathic Remedies are marketed. Please share this vitally important information with the doctors in your city which your IP address indicates is Breda in the Netherlands.
I would appreciate if you will remain in contact with me as your information can make a monumental difference in the treatment of patients suffering from the Corona Virus through the world.
I shall copy below your post on my Website to enable others who visit it to also appreciate the valuable contribution that we can all make worldwide, to annihilate this Virus which has been responsible for thousands of fatalities throughout the world up to today and adding.
I shall be very grateful if you will co-operate with me in saving the lives of many thousands of Corona positive patients throughout the world with Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose used as prescribed by me on 31st January 2020.
Copy of your post received by me today 31st March 2020 from:
“I wrote you for the first time in September/October 2017, looking for help for my father with cancer, for my mother in law and her brain tumor, and my daughter with what seemed to be an asthma. I am writing this message quickly, so please excuse any omissions or mistakes. I have followed and used your therapy for all these years. Since beginning of March my whole family has been drinking Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c as suggested by you here. I gave a bottle yesterday to a family with confirmed Corona virus. The dad, 50 years old, was starting to develop breathing problems. The mom had been already in the hospital but was sent to recover home as she us young, 30 years old, and was still not critical. They are all doing much better today, after starting on the Eupatorium Perfoliatum. That is amazing. Be blessed for all the amazing work you do for the humanity!!!!”
Please revisit the first Article I made on January 31 2020 on my Website:
“Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200 may succeed in treating the Corona Virus.”
I would like to add that I am over 90 years in age and I treat all patients who seek my assistance with my “Joepathy” (Google) free of charge through my Website.
I hope and pray that the medical profession will take notice of the first report of a positive response to my therapy of a confirmed Corona case as this is important to prove that Homeopathy can also help in CURING seemingly impossible cases of disease, in this case the Corona Virus in anyone who follows the simple protocol I have prescribed which can be replicated in almost all countries.
One last thought before I post my response on my Website.
You have used Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose and reported that it has helped patients who were Corona positive. I first discovered in 2005 that it cured patients who presented the Cold Virus. I later used it to CURE thousands of patients who presented the Dengue Virus in Sri Lanka and abroad.
It is possible that it may also prove to be effective in CURING AIDS.
I hope and pray it will.
Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka.
It would be my pleasure to remain in contact with you as best as I can.
I am very dedicated to helping others, however I am currently still trying to save my father from dying from cancer (he’s very, very sick at the moment) and also have a 5 months old baby, therefore at times I am so very stressed and overwhelmed but I will do my best to co-operate as you request. Unfortunately, there are so many people here in the western world that don’t want to hear about homeopathic or alternative remedies. Even some members of my family don’t want to here about Eupatorium Perfoliatum etc. It’s such a shame. Unsolicited advice is regarded in a bad way here but I do my best to help others.
I don’t know if this is the right section to ask you a few questions. If I should post them somewhere else, let me know.
First, let me thank from the bottom of my heart for helping my older daughter, now 5 years old, with her asthma
She was back then 2.5 and couldn’t breed and was constantly sick. After 2 months on your protocol for asthma, together with the Gelsemium you adviced, we haven’t had to visit the doctor for 3 years now, not even once. It’s amazing. Thank you very much for your help!
My first question is: what would you recommend for my older daughter’s dry skin. I have had a doctor call it atopic skin. She seems to have what I think is eczema. It comes mainly in the winter and goes away in the summer when it’s warm again. It hasn’t been influenced up to now by changes in diet, just the seasonal changes that make it better or worse.
My next question us regarding my baby. I feel really uncomfortable with the vaccinations. Here they start with 2 months of age. I postponed the first one with a month and the second is due this Friday. But the whole vaccination thing makes me so extremely uncomfortable. At the same time, I wouldn’t forgive myself if my child becomes sick due to my actions or lack of them. Therefore, I would like to know, given your immense experience, what is your view and advice in the matter of vaccinating little babies. Should I wait, should I follow the governmental program but complement it with homeopathic, should I not do it at all, are there things I could to help my child going through vaccination, protect her? Any advice is appreciated. Of course, there is no doubt that I am the one responsible at the end and I have to take the decision on my own but your view on the matter would be really appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance!
I will do my best to keep you informed on any developments in terms of the EP 200c, the Corona virus and how the particular family reported it on is doing.
The family with corona I gave from the EP 200c reported today they are doing better. There has been improvement every day. Their daugther, almost 5 years old, is also drinking from the Eupatorium Perfoliatum and didn’t develop any symptoms.
Also, FYI, we started my dad with stage 4, very advanced, colon cancer on Arnica 30c WD for the unbearable pain related to his cancer, for which he was prescribed opiates, and I can report that he hasn’t had any pain since then. We started the Arnica 30c in the WD 2 days ago. Initially, a cap every 1 hour and yesterday during the day every 3 hours, and after that 1 cap last evening and 1 cap this morning, and he hasn’t had any pain and could sleep, eat, think again. I’ll keep you informed if you wish in terms of that as well.
I looked back over the conversations you have had with me and find that you first contacted me in November 2017 for some advice for your father who was living at that time in Bulgaria and was diagnosed with Cancer in 2015 which you felt was caused by his insatiable urge to smoke 40 cigarettes daily.
I first prescribed my default therapy, Arnica 6c in the Wet dose to help him to quit smoking but I do not have any report from you that it helped him.
I am happy that you on your own gave him Arnica 30c in the Wet dose and discovered that it helped him:
“Also, FYI, we started my dad with stage 4, very advanced, colon cancer on Arnica 30c WD for the unbearable pain related to his cancer, for which he was prescribed opiates, and I can report that he hasn’t had any pain since then. We started the Arnica 30c in the WD 2 days ago. Initially, a cap every 1 hour and yesterday during the day every 3 hours, and after that 1 cap last evening and 1 cap this morning, and he hasn’t had any pain and could sleep, eat, think again. I’ll keep you informed if you wish in terms of that as well.”
This information is indeed of great significance and I thank you for reporting it to me as I was not aware that Arnica 30 could help to reduce the intense agony and trauma that is caused by stage 4 Colon Cancer almost overnight which enabled him to stop the Opiates which he was taking daily.
It is Information of this nature that gives me the stimulus to continue with my Website at my advanced age of over 90 years to help suffering humanity and the news you gave me a few days ago that you were able to help a family with Eupat Perf 200 in the Wet dose to almost CURE their Corona Virus is one of the Highlights of my long life which I shall remember for as long as I live.
Thank you for your reply.
Is it possible that my previous message, quoted below, hasn’t been posted/delivered? We do experience some internet issues since the Corona, probably due to difficulties with the provider. See my message below:
“Elly says:
April 1, 2020 at 9:19 PM
It would be my pleasure to remain in contact with you as best as I can.
I am very dedicated to helping others, however I am currently still trying to save my father from dying from cancer (he’s very, very sick at the moment) and also have a 5 months old baby, therefore at times I am so very stressed and overwhelmed but I will do my best to co-operate as you request. Unfortunately, there are so many people here in the western world that don’t want to hear about homeopathic or alternative remedies. Even some members of my family don’t want to here about Eupatorium Perfoliatum etc. It’s such a shame. Unsolicited advice is regarded in a bad way here but I do my best to help others.
I don’t know if this is the right section to ask you a few questions. If I should post them somewhere else, let me know.
First, let me thank from the bottom of my heart for helping my older daughter, now 5 years old, with her asthma
She was back then 2.5 and couldn’t breed and was constantly sick. After 2 months on your protocol for asthma, together with the Gelsemium you adviced, we haven’t had to visit the doctor for 3 years now, not even once. It’s amazing. Thank you very much for your help!
My first question is: what would you recommend for my older daughter’s dry skin. I have had a doctor call it atopic skin. She seems to have what I think is eczema. It comes mainly in the winter and goes away in the summer when it’s warm again. It hasn’t been influenced up to now by changes in diet, just the seasonal changes that make it better or worse.
My next question us regarding my baby. I feel really uncomfortable with the vaccinations. Here they start with 2 months of age. I postponed the first one with a month and the second is due this Friday. But the whole vaccination thing makes me so extremely uncomfortable. At the same time, I wouldn’t forgive myself if my child becomes sick due to my actions or lack of them. Therefore, I would like to know, given your immense experience, what is your view and advice in the matter of vaccinating little babies. Should I wait, should I follow the governmental program but complement it with homeopathic, should I not do it at all, are there things I could to help my child going through vaccination, protect her? Any advice is appreciated. Of course, there is no doubt that I am the one responsible at the end and I have to take the decision on my own but your view on the matter would be really appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance!
I will do my best to keep you informed on any developments in terms of the EP 200c, the Corona virus and how the particular family reported it on is doing.”
I am really, really grateful for your help!
I have received your post but have not replied it through an oversight. My apologies.
It is not impossible that Arnica 30 can help your dad as you reported that he experienced considerable relief after a few doses. You can continue to give him 3 doses per day and keep me informed of his response daily as we here in Colombo are under a police curfew and we are all expected to say at home to ensure that there is no exposure to the Corona Virus which is affecting the whole world.
Happy to note that I was able to cure your 5 year old daughter’s Asthma with Nat Sulph 6c which is a remedy I have prescribed for over 15 years. Nat Sulph is Sodium Sulphate aka Glauber’s salt, which is commonly used in medicine. At 6c the presence of the salt is as low as 1 millionth and I discovered long ago that it is at that potency that it will help Asthma. I prescribed Gelsemium to help her avoid Colds but I now prescribe EP200 in the Wd as this is more effective.
I have observed that Asthma and Eczema and Dry Skin have some connection. Doctors will normally prescribe a Steroidal Cream to help the dry skin and as long as it is used daily, it will keep the skin reasonably under control but this cream has other side effects which can affect her in later life.
The remedy you will use is the same Arnica 6c in the Wd but you will insert 20 drops of the Alcohol to make the solution stronger and you will spray it on her dry skin as often as you wish. You will not however cover her skin with a bandage as this was found in one case to be counter productive as it made her skin worse and red. As long as it is sprayed it should cure her dry skin. Keep me informed of progress.
I shall copy my default advice on Vaccinations which I have included in my prescription for Baby GERD below:
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Thank you very much your quick response on Thursday!
It seems the Arnica 30c indeed is doing wonders for the agonising pain my dad otherwise had due to the cancer. He has been having this agonising pain for more than 6 months and it’s really hard to believe, but it’s gone.
I recall you adviced Arnica 30c for high blood pressure, if I am not mistaken. He already had low blood pressure. Is it possible that his BP drops even lower with the Arnica 30c. This morning my mom had measured 80/50. His liver is doing quite bad at the moment and water gets collected, but I read this might cause low blood pressure, so I wonder if Arnica is not lowering it even further and could we do about?
Immensely grateful for your help!
Arnica works by filtering the blood which is thinned and can flow more easily in the Arterial system in his body. In doing so it also dissolves all the plaque in the Arteries and renders opens up the Arteries and this can cause the BP to drop and you are advised to consult a doctor ASAP for advice but in view of the relief that he experiences from agonising pain with the Arnica, I feel that it is a small price to pay for this relief as the strong Opiates would have affected him in other ways. What was the drug prescribed? Have you got his medical report with the diagnosis of his condition which I can study? Is he mobile?
How are the Corona patients doing?
He is mobile but very weak. I have a medical report and blood results I could sent to you. Where can I send them?
He is also taking blood thinners for his atherosclerosis and aneurysm. He has a few stents placed. If Arnica is filtering the blood, should he reduce or stop the blood thinners?
While I was giving birth I couldn’t stand the pain anymore, around 8-9 cm dilation, but had nothing else than Arnica 30c in the WD at that moment. I started drinking it every 15 minutes and at some point every 5 minutes. It was immediately giving me some relief. This is why I thought it could maybe help my dad. The only thing I am currently worried about is that, after the baby came out etc., the midwife had the impression that I am loosing a bit more blood so when it reached 1 liter she decided to give me oxytocin to stop the bleeding. It might have been that the blood seemed more in quantity but actually it was only thinner. Does that make any sense? I am mentioning all this as I would like to know, is it possible that while my dad bleeds out somehow due to the Arnica?
Some interesting additional information maybe: I continued drinking the Arnica 30c in the WD in the week after birth and the midwife noticed that the part if the umbilical cord that was still attached to the ba y and usually falls off on average 7 days, healed within 2 days and fell off on day 3 after birth. She was stunned. I am giving exclusively breastfeeding so my only conclusions is that the Arnica is passed through the breast milk and contributed to the healing process.
I haven’t spoken to the Corona family again. Their daugther is my daughter’s best friend. We are also having a lock down here in the Netherlands. I will inquire and will let you know. Normally, when we don’t hear anything, it means they are doing well.
Thank you once again for all your invaluable help.
I am happy to have you as my patient since 2016 and you have helped me by reporting the first case of my Remedy Eupat Perf 200c helping a number of Corona positive patients.
I am glad to learn that your dad is mobile as it is possible that I may be able to help him to overcome his Cancer which will be another world first if I succeed.
He can safely STOP all Blood Thinners as the Arnica 30 he is taking today will replace them more effectively as you have already discovered. It will also open up the blockages in his arterial system and he must exercise from today by just walking at his own pace, preferably with a walking stick to give him more security to maintain his balance.
The latest information you have given me of the manner that Arnica has helped you at childbirth is of great interest as I had identified Arnica in 1996 as a Miracle Remedy which has not been reported on any other website in the manner that I have done in the links below:
You may like to know that I was in surgery for my Prostate in 2001 and woke up with a syringe of Morphine attached to the IV line. I promptly requested the nurse to remove it but she refused as she felt that I will suffer unnecessary pain without it. I had to give a written waiver to the surgeon that it was removed at my request.
All I used is a pellet of Arnica 30 every 15 minutes at first and extended to an hour on Day 2 which I decided upon from time to time, like you did yourself. I used pellets as I had not started the Wet dose protocol which I did in 2005 after I observed that Dr Luc de Schepper giving all medicines in bottles of water. He was here for 2 weeks as a member of Homeopaths without Borders of which I was appointed the local representative after our Tsunami in 2004. He was followed by 10 other Homeopaths who were all members of this organization who were here for 2 months all of whom I shepherded.
The surgeon and the nursing staff in the teaching Hospital of the OSU University where I was in surgery could not believe that I had no pain at all and able to walk out of hospital in 5 days after major surgery. I was in Columbus OH to visit my grand daughter who was born to my second son who is married to an America girl and now have 2 children, one of whom is in the University on a full Scholarship at age 17. She had the highest marks in the State since 4 years ago and has a Certificate signed by President Barak Obama for Academic Excellence.
Your information about Baby’s Umblical Cord is also of great interest and the Arnica would have been conveyed to her in your Breast Milk. I too have had 3 boys and I too know how long an Unblical cord lasts on baby. To see it drop in 2 days is indeed a record.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
these are wonderful news! I’ll translate Elly’s report into German and add the text to my posts. I take it that you agree to that.
Be blessed and stay in good health and thank you!
It would help if I could add which country Elly’s from. Thx. Cornelia
Elly lives in Breda, Holland.
I rejoice and thank God that my instincts were proved correct when I stated:
Dear Dr De Livera,
It is a beautiful sunny day and the birds are chirping! I hope the sun is shining on you as well.
I heard of you today from a Facebook video and am delighted to learn of you. I have been studying on my own and using homeopathy for many years. I have a question regarding the wet dose of Eupatotium for this dreaded coronavirus. I have Eupatorium 200ck 2.5mm pellets and Q potency. Would you please advise on the wet dose for both of these?
Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose is what I used in 2007 to. I CURE Dengue in over 5000 patients. It usually works in 3 hours when the patient suddenly wakes up and the fever, and other symptoms leave.
For Prophylaxis you will only use EP200c and NOT the Q potency which can even KILL.
You will use 10 pellets of the 2.5mm in 500ml water and take 5ml dose twice daily.
DeR Dr De Livera,
My apologies, correction on potency in my first letter to you. I have Eupatorium 200ck 2.5mm pellets. I just want to be accurate in my information to you, for instructions regarding wet dose.
Dear Joe
I have revisited your website after a very long time. Happy to know you are keeping well and still helping people.
Hi Carol,
I was delighted to see you back on my Website after many years and looked back on your posts which started in 1983 when you first consulted me for your 5 year old stepson “My step son has been diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder because his biological mother that he is not allowed to see drank heavily with him while she was pregnant.”
I would like to know how he is today.
I am now over 90 years in age and do still drive to office in my family owned business organization which was founded by my late Father in 1924 which he passed on to me in 1965 and which I have in turn passed on to the youngest of my 3 sons who is working with me as the CEO as his brothers are resident one in the UK, and the other in the US.
Your email IP indicates that you live in Abu Dhabi and if my memory is correct, you were introduced to me by Cathy Almeida who like you migrated to the Middle East from Goa, and lives in the US today. It this correct?
The secret of my long life is that I do not take any drugs except on a SOS basis like after surgery, and I have been blessed with my long life by God as I have only taken a dose of Arnica 30 in the Wet dose since 1996 nightly, and have proved that it is my daily walk of over 3Km and my “Joepathy”, that has kept me batting all these years free of any major medical problems up to now.
I keep hoping and praying that the world medical authorities will finally accept that there is no drug or vaccine that can equal Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200 in the Wet dose in treating and CURING patients who suffer from Covid-19 as I now have sufficient evidence to prove that it will act as a Prophylactic if used daily and will CURE the patient in 4 days.
Respected Sir, 26th July 2020
I am very much pleased to visit your website after very long time. Years back we were sharing our views in another homeopathic forum and we had few email exchanges as well.
To recollect,I am Dr Suresh, veterinary surgeon, and a staunch homeopathic follower from Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
I am 66 years old and into homeopathic practice from the age of about 20.
I am highly impressed with your EP 200 treatment for Dengue and also for Corona.
We shall continue to discuss Sir,
Most respectfully,
Dr Suresh
Phone +91 9844993302
Glad to have you back on my Website although I do not have any record of any previous visits.
I would recommend that you take Eupat Perf 200 in the Wet dose daily to keep you and all your family and patients safe from the Corona Virus. I have used it for Colds since 2005 and have CURED thousands of patients who suffered from Dengue since 2007.
It has been tested by my clients in 6 countries and they are all thankful that a simple and safe remedy can work to both protect the taker and CURE the patient.
Suggest you test it yourself if possible on a Corona positive patient and report response here on my Website.
You have requested me not to publish your Phone number but it is you that have done so already, immediately below your name.
Respected Sur,
Please do not publish my phone number please,
Dr Suresh
Respected sir,
First of all, I wanted to share my deepest respect to you for your nobel selfless work towards human mankind.
Sir, my query is regarding Eupatorium Perf. 30. I am using the wet dose of it but now I see that it is Eupatorium Perf. 200c which unfortunately is not available at the moment. Should I stop using EP 30 wet dose? I am giving it to all family members including kids as soon as they feel very initial sign of cold or fever.
I do not have any record of treating you on my Website but am glad that you are using my therapy aka “Joepathy” (Google) as a prophylactic to all members of your family.
I discovered Eupatorium Perfoliation way back in 2005 and used it to CURE the Common Cold. I used it in 2007 to CURE Dengue and used it again in January 2020 as a Prophylactic against the Corona Virus which it CURES in 4 days.
I note that you are concerned by the short form of Eupatorium Perfoliatum which is Eupat Perf 200c which are one and the same. You will continue to use it.
As you are perhaps aware I am 91 years in age and am still active and in good health as I do not take any drugs except on a SOS basis like after surgery.
Respected sir,
First of all I want to express my deepest respect to you for your kind and noble selfless work towards mankind at this very old age.
My query is regarding Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30. I am giving its wet dose (three drops of EP 30 in 500 ml RO water) to all my family members as soon as they feel any initial signs of cold or fever. Now I noticed that you mentioned about Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200 C pellets. Should I stop using EP 30 wet dose? Here EP 200C is not available at the moment.
Your comments are highly appreciated sir.
Kind regards
I first discovered this Remedy Eupatorium Perfoliatum in 2005 and have been experimenting with it as a cure for my frequent colds as at that time I was catching them almost every 2 weeks.
I experimented with the 30c first and later discovered that the 200c in the Wet dose was the most effective in stopping a cold. You are advised to change over to the 200c ASAP.
You will take a dose of 5ml every 3-4 hours till the infection is past or when used as a prophylactic, just nightly.
If your throat is affected you will gargle with the water and swallow it every 2 hours as a sore throat is more difficult to treat.
I have never promoted the use of the 30c for use in the Wet dose and do not understand how you started on it, as in any case I do not have any record of you on my Website.
Thank you so much for your so quick response.
I’ve been following you since long but never created any account or posted comments in your forums.
I asked for Eupotarium Perf. 200c but homeopath gave me 30c instead saying it is low potency so I can use it.
But as you mentioned, I’ll immediate stop 30c and will switch on to 200c pellets wet drop as you mentioned above.
Kind regards,
Why don’t you get Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c from a Pharmacy?
You live in Jaipur and there are over 50 Homeopathic Pharmacies in that town.
I don’t trust the product you get from a practicing Homeopath.
The Alcohol product is the best and you will use 5 Drops in 500ml water.
Dear respected sir,
As per your prescription our family is doing well in this pandemic. I am so grateful to you for your kind intention and help even in this age.
My wife, 38 years old, no medical history, has varicose veins in her both legs although it is not painful but many spider veins are now visible in different places, mostly in thighs. I was reading through archives and found that you suggested Hamamellis 6c in wet dose and Arnica 30c in wet dose. I also read a post where someone mentioned that Hammamellis is antidote to Arnica to which you mentioned that you shall alter your prescription.
I am wondering should I use both medications or would you suggest something different. Just for your information, I and my wife is regularly consuming arnica 30c wet dose every night.
Kind regards
I prescribe Hamamellis 6c but have stopped prescribing Arnica although I have not noticed any antidoting. In your wife’s case if she feels that her Varicose veins are giving her some pain she can consider taking the Arnica 30c before bed like me, as it promotes sleep and the Hamamellis 6c in the morning.
Thank you so much sir. Lots of love and respect from me and my family.
Sir, one more question about how long should she take Hamamellis?
Hamamelis takes time to heal and you may have to take it for some time into the future.
Do keep me advised of your progress weekly.
Dear Joe Sir
I am 70 years old, non homeopath, and have being in touch with your Website since last five years. Got very good results with your Wet dose concept for any homeopathy medicine.
I have read that for above 60 years if they use every day CarboVeg 1M once aday in early morning it will give lost energy back, make stomach healthy, aviod many diseases to appear.
I have been taking this in Wet dose and keep it in mouth for one minute so that medicine flavour goes to blood through tiny nerves in tongue & then swallow it.
This way results are extremely good.
Now I request you to tell us all, following your advised of homeopathy medicine to keep HEATHY in our old age:
1. Teeth and mouth Healthy.
2. To keep Knee Healthy
3. To keep Heart Healthy.
4. To keep Kidney Healthy.
5. To Keep Liver Healthy.
6. To keep Lungs Healthy.
7. To keep Stomach Healthy.
8. To keep Eyes Healthy.
9. To keep Ears Healthy.
10. To keep Mind Healthy.
11 . To avoid Cancer to come.
I Salute you for giving your advise to human beings since Long
Hope you will spare your time & guide us to keep us Healthy in our rest of Life.
Glad to learn that you have been monitoring my Website for many years and I presume that you are aware that I am almost 91 years in age. I am aware that Carbo Veg is sometimes used in the lower potency of 6c or 30c to help with ageing but I do not recommend using 1M daily.
I have been using Arnica 30c in the Wet dose nightly since 1996 and have proof that it has helped me to maintain a state of health that doctors who have read my reports envy, as they wished that their own statistics were equal to mine. Arnica thins the blood and benefits all the 11 organs you have listed and many more. My Blood Sugar level is 89 Random.
I exercise daily and walk over 3Km in my garden which is opposite Campbell park which is over 10 acres of land opposite my residence. I do not overeat and at 91 years in age I do still drive to office in my business organisation where all my staff depend on my helping them , especially today as they have to face the challenge of the Corona Virus, which I have CURED with Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose taken daily and which I would strongly recommend you to use.
Dear Joe Sir
Thanks fo your quick response.
I could under stand from your response that if old person take only Arnica Mont 30 c in Wet form once a day that too before going to bed will take care of all type of problems of body organs and make one energetic & healthy, Morning walk is also a must..
Any other advise you would like to give us.
God Bless you & keep you healthy.
Randhir Kumar
I am a living example of the efficacy of Joepathy which I first used in 1996 to treat my Styes which were giving me unceasing pain with swollen eyelids. This was caused by the Demodex Mites living in my eyelash roots which many Eye doctors are not aware of. The Arnica I used for Acne many years previously was the answer as it cured both ailments and killed them all very quickly.
I also noticed that it gave me more energy and decided to use it daily.
I walk over 3Km daily in my garden located in the heart of Colombo where I live.
I have been involved in a daily exercise routine from my young days and maintain it even today as exercise is essential at my age of 91 years.
I started using Arnica 30 in the Wet dose long ago and
Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after every meal twice daily to treat my Styes but I do not take Nat Phos today unless I feel the need.
I had also discovered that the Arnica 30 dose which I took first twice daily and take just one dose at night today seemed to help my sense of well being and I invite you to visit the 2 links below:
A recent Blood Test proved that I do not suffer from any medical condition whatever and hope and pray that this will continue into the future by the Grace of God.
I DO NOT TAKE ANY DRUGS WHATEVER except on a SOS basis like after surgery.
Dear Joe Sir
One of my family female member age 67 is having knee pain in both sides.
She is taking ADEL- 26 drop Germany make in Wet dose thrice a day since last three months and she has recovered more than 50%. but when she reduce the dose , it reverses. She does not mind in taking life long as far it is not harmful.
Please give your views or if there is some other homeopathy dilution medicine which can reduce knee pain.
This type of problems is there with majority of old people due to ageing affect , there for I request you to devote some time to guide we Senior Citizens.
Has she been diagnosed with Osteo Arthritis?
As you can imagine, I cannot diagnose an ailment on the basis of the information you have given in your post, but I can prescribe if you give me this vital information.
Any medical report with the drugs prescribed will do.
You may like to know that I am 91 years and do not have any medical problems as I do not take any drugs unless on a SOS basis like after surgery.
Dear Joe Sir
Thanks for your response,.
Yes she has Osteoporosis, no other diseases at present.
Can you advise any other homoeopathy medicine.
Randhir Kumar
I shall copy below my default therapy for Arthritis which has helped many patients who were on a daily dose of various analgesics which only served to deaden the pain temporarily but not CURE the condition. Some patients have reported that they experienced relief from the pain they suffered for many years in the short space of just 48 hours and it is my hope that you too will experience this same blessed relief from your pain.
The 2 remedies are:
Argentum Metallicum 30c
Arnica 30c
Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between remedies.
You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Dear Joe Sir
Thanks a lot for your advise.
Will definitely revert back the results as observed, soon.
Randhir Kumar
For corona virus you recommend 200c Eupator.perf. I have 30x do I mix the same in a bottle of water and give 5ml 2 times a day?
You cannot use Eupat Perf 30x to make the Remedy. You must use the Eupat Perf 200c. You will follow the prescription shared below literally if you wish to benefit by using my therapy which has proved to both protect the user and CURE anyone infected by the Virus.
The Remedy is Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose taken twice daily as a prophylactic, and every 3 hours if the patient is PCR Corona positive. It is best to use the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol to make the Wet dose.
You can make the Wet dose of any Remedy by using 5 drops of the Alcohol product or failing, you can use 10 Pellets in 500ml water. You may use tap water after boiling to release the chlorine.
Hi Joe sir….i really need your help sir …my husband and me had itchy throat with mild irritation in throat…we did covid home test …my husband’s came positive and mine negative..i have 2 adult daughters 26 and 28 …we all done pcr test and waiting for results…all these days we were having Eupatorium 1m 5ml and Arnica 30c wet dose 5 ml every day from this February…sir what should I do now ? How much Eupatorium to take…i have shortness breath but my lungs and other tests were normal…im really worried sir ..i live in Dubai. Please reply sir ASAP.
The Remedy is Eupatorium Perfoliatum 1M in the Wet dose which can be taken as a prophylactic and also to CURE this disease if the patient is PCR Positive.
You will take a dose of 5ml which is roughly a dessert spoonful just once dailly as a prophylactic.
If the patieit is PCR Positive the dosa is taken every 3 hours and the patient will discover that there is some improvement in 24 hours or less.
The Wet dose is made as follows:
You will insert 5 drops of the alcohol product into 500ml water and a dose is 5ml taken as instructed above.
If you use the pellets you will insert 10 pellets into 500ml water.
You can make the Wet dose of any Remedy by using 5 drops of the Alcohol product or you can use 10 Pellets in 500ml water. You may use tap water after boiling to release the chlorine.
It acts as a prophylactic against catching this deadly Corona Virus and I am convinced that it will save the world from annihilation if only the medical profession will use it worldwide instead of using the vaccines which do not seem to be able to cope with the new mutations of the Virus.