Posts for March 2024


  1. JayaKumar says:

    Good Morning Joe Sir, I am meticulously following your prescriptions to patients in this website, including my Son’s case & his subsequent relief. Sir, if you don’t mind – I want to learn Homeopathy not through the conventional studies of 5 years (BHMS), but through Books. Since you have indepth knowledge in Homeopathy may I request to advise me some basic books on Homeopathy, which will enlighten me on this field not as a Doctor but to have further Passion on Homeopathy, With Best Regards

    • JayaKumar says:

      Good Morning Joe Sir,
      The following message I had given on 5th March 2024.

      “I am meticulously following your prescriptions to patients in this website, including my Son’s case & his subsequent relief. Sir, if you don’t mind – I want to learn Homeopathy not through the conventional studies of 5 years (BHMS), but through Books. Since you have indepth knowledge in Homeopathy may I request to advise me some basic books on Homeopathy, which will enlighten
      me on this field not as a Doctor but to have further Passion on
      Homeopathy, With Best Regards”

      Respected Sir, if Possible, Kindly advise., with BestRegards

      • Joe says:

        I regret that I cannot spare the time to help you as requested, but if you continue to follow my Joepathy you may gain the knowledge that you are seeking.

  2. Preeti sial says:

    Hello Sir,
    Love reading what u advise.
    I am 52 years of age and have put on about 5 kgs in the last year and a half. Especially on the bust area. Just wanted to ask you if Nat phos 6x will help me if taken as 2 pills twice daily after lunch and dinner.

    I also have a root canal done about 8 years ago. It has a crown on it. There is slight pain when I press on the crown with my tongue. Anything that u can advise for the same so that I don’t have to go to dentists.

    Eagerly awaiting your reply

  3. Pooja says:

    Hello doctor Joe

    How are you? Its always such a pleasure to message you. And I always remember you every time I take my Arnica.

    Doctor, I am now 46 years of age and I think I have started menopause. I am getting alot of blood clots which give me pain in my stomach, body and headache. I also am low on hemoglobin.

    Is there something I can take to ease the pains and blood clots, and increase my hemoglobin levels?

    I look forward to your advise and therapy

    Wishing you the best always from my heart


    • Pooja says:

      Hello Doctor Joe

      I have also been advised to start taking Dierutics for my blood pressure which is 100/150
      You had advised to monitor it, and it is still at these levels. Not gone down. I exercise regularly and there is no packaged food intake.
      Please advise what I should do because I don’t want to take these medicines.

      I look forward to your valuable advise and therapy.


    • Pooja says:

      Dear Dr Joe

      I hope all is well at your end!

      I am not sure if you have recieved my previous notes that I wrote to you.

      Doctor, I am now 46 years of age and I think I have started menopause. I am getting alot of blood clots which give me pain in my stomach, body and headache. I also am low on hemoglobin. The pain in my back, stomach and head is intense and I just end up crying at times.

      Also my blood pressure which is 100/150 without any reason.

      Is there something I can take to ease the pains and blood clots, and increase my hemoglobin levels, and BP?

      I look forward to hearing from you.


      • Joe says:

        I regret that I am too old at 94, to help you

        • Pooja says:

          No problem Dr. Joe,

          I really appreciate your therapies that I am following for myself for GERD and my daughter for her Asthma.

          These 2 therapies have helped us in overcoming big problems and I truly thank you for that.

          You have been a blessing for us.

          Please take care.


  4. Ragu says:

    Respected Dr. My daughter is taking Arnica 30 dilution for mitral valve
    Prolapse. since 2years ad per your guidance Recently she is complaiing of stomach pain if she takes Arnica 30.It is kindly requested to support remedy for this issues.

  5. Iryna says:

    Dear Mr De Livera,
    I hope you are fine.
    Thank you for the protocol for angina. I am feeling much better. Thnak you!!!
    I would like to ask you if I can combine this protocol with another one for varicose.
    If yes, waht would you recommend?

    Many thanks in advance.
    May the Lord bless you.


    • Joe says:

      I am over 94 years in age and cannot help you anymore.

      • Dr Arshad Ali Saeed (Consultant homepath) says:

        Joe hope you doing well at age over 94 now while when i was helping out on this site for your patients from london that time you were 87 i think anyways take good care yourself and will try to get some time here for these patients to ease the patients’s pressure on you at this age.
        Dr Arshad Ali Saeed
        PG (Homeopathy) London (Part1)
        Member:college of medicine,England
        (British Citizen and practicing

        • Joe says:

          Hi Arshad,

          I am happy that you have got British citizenship.

          It is best that I respond personally to patients who consult me as they have faith in my “Joepathy”.


  6. Debra says:

    Dr Delivera
    I pray that you are in the best of health.Kind Sir, I contacted you 2 yes ago about my husband who suffered a serious stroke. You prescribed Arnica 30c wet dose , 8 drops , 250ml bottle water. He improved, but lost his sight briefly. I regret to say I listened to his drs and stopped the Arnica . He was given Plavix 75mg fir a year, which caused plaque buildup in his arteries. Blood thinners, anti plaque meds prevents K2 from keeping calcium out of arteries. I stopped the Plavix, started the Arnica again, and in4 months there in much improvement. He’s trying to speak words from recall, lifting his right arm without assistance. His outlook on life is soon much better. I can’t thank you enough, fir your generosity to mankind. I will continue to give this dose until he improves further. God Bless you Kind Sir. Thank you again Debra

    • Joe says:

      Happy to read your report.
      I thank God and Arnica for the improvement in his condition.

      • Joe says:

        I just noticed that you seem to be using a higher concentration of Arnica 30 in Ethanol at 8 drops in 250 ml water. You are advised to reduce it to 4 drops in 250 ml water.

        • Debra says:

          Dr Delivera:
          Thank you for your response. I’m sorry I became ill and did not check site.i will reduce dose as you prescribed.. As always, thank you for your generosity.
          God Bless you

  7. Roya says:

    Hello Dr. Joe,
    I am a 57 year old female who has been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis!
    At night when I go to bed, the fingers in my hands, get this very annoying Tingling sensation!
    It feels like pins & needles and very uncomfortable so much so that I can’t get a good high sleep!
    What can I do to remedy this condition?
    Would oral Arnica help my condition?
    How would I safely ingest Arnica orally without damaging my organs?
    Do you have any other suggestions!
    Thank you in advance for your help!

    • Joe says:

      I am over 94 years in age and prefer not to prescribe to difficult cases. I doubt that you suffer from Osteoarthritis and Arnica cannot help.

      • Saveeda says:

        Dr. Joe
        I am 48 years old .Please advise me ls it ok to take Arnica in wet dose for abnormal utrine bleeding. I have that for past 4 weeks. I have been diagnosed with thick uterus lining and multiple cysts..
        I am waiting for you response because l had iron transfusion due to heavy blood loss on daily basis. I would highly appreciate your help

        • Joe says:

          I am over 94 years in age and prefer not to prescribe for your problem but since I can copy my prescriptions I shall do so below:

          I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many patients in the past 20 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

          Your remedies are:

          Bellis Perennis 6c
          Apis Mel 6c
          Arnica M 30c

          All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about half hour between each.

          Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
          Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
          Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

          Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

          Report your response in a week and after your next period.
          You can expect your CC’s to reduce at 1Cm per month and you will do a US Scan and report the reduction in 3 months.

          You will not take any other drugs when you start my therapy.

          Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

          Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
          Get a 250ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
          Insert 5 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
          Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

          Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

          • Saveeda says:

            Hell Joe
            I really appreciate your response. I only had Arnica 30 c at home so l made that wet dose yesterday. I was passing big clots in desperateion l have taken 3 wet doses in last 24 hours. There are no clots but bleeding is still heavy. Surprisingly l slept for nearly 5 hours tonight. I was unable to sleep even for an hour. I live in Europe and it would take some time to get the other remedies. My question is is it ok to take only arnica untill l get rest of the medicines? Blood is igushing with no clots it has not slowed down but not as bad as it was before. I am desperate to stop the bleeding because l don’t want another iro transfusion.
            Is it ok to take other natural nutritional supplements to increase the energy.lf you could share your email l would send you my reports as well.
            I can’t thank you enough for this help.

            • Joe says:

              I am over 94 years in age and prefer not to be addressed by my given name Joe as in Sri Lanka where I live, age is venerated.

              Yes you may take Arnica Wetdose thrice till your bleeding is arrested and then reduce dosage. Arnica also promotes sleep. Do not add other supplements to your intake of remedies.

              I have sent you my email address separately.

              • Saveeda says:

                Hello Dr. De Livera

                Ok, l understand and sorry for that.
                My bleeding has stopped but l am spotting now. Should l take twice a day now? I am so grateful for this help.This knowledge should be wide spread.

                • Joe says:

                  Your response is quite normal with my therapy aka “Joepathy”.
                  Follow my prescription literally.

                  • Saveeda says:

                    Hello Mr. De Livera

                    I hope you are well. I sent you my reports Should l keep following this protocol to reduce my uterus lining and cysts? I started all medicine on 1st of April and my bleeding and spotting stopped on 3rd of April and l am feeling much better now. I pray for your long healthy life. I walk 30 mins daily and eat healthy but my sleep is not optimal l wake up at 2am and can not go back to sleep.
                    Thanks again for the help I really appreciate that.

                    • Joe says:

                      Continue the therapy and it will help all your ailments.

                    • Saveeda says:

                      Hello Mr. De Livera

                      I would like to share my progress. My uterus lining has reduced 4mm in 3 months, it was 20mm now t’s 16mm. My biopsy report came out normal as well. My periods are back to normal. I would highly recommend to take Arnica 30 in wet dose if anyone is suffering from abnormal uterine bleeding. I hope it would work for others as it has worked for me.

                      Thank you again for the help.

                      Kind Regards,

  8. Roya says:

    Hello Dear Dr. De Livera,
    I am 57 years old and I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in my hands. At night I have this very annoying pins and needles sensation in my hands, and I can’t get a good night sleep anymore.
    Do you think arnica taken orally would help my condition?
    How should I take it exactly?
    How often?
    How long should I continue taking it!
    Do you have any other suggestions?
    Thank you 🙏 in advance for all your help and advise!

  9. Faisal says:

    Dear Dr. Joe, hope you are doing fine.

    I would like to ask your suggestion for my newly born daughter who is in NICU for almost 21 days from the moment of birth. She was born at 30+ weeks as my wife had placenta previa and hypertention. my daughters birth weight was 1400gms. She cried at the moment of birth but had breathing distress and had to go through CPAP, High flow oxygen, nasal oxygen. But now she has no breathing issue. but was diagnosed with Candida in blood culture. They gave multiple antibiotic like meropenem for septicemia and antifungal like Fluconazole but the candida is persisting. Her CRP is 23.9 and Procalcitonin is around 3.5.

    Can you please prescribe homepathic remedy that can work on baby when given to mother through breast milk. Will really appreciate your quick response.

    Thank you.

  10. Saveeda says:

    Hello De Livera
    I am 48 years female. I am having utrine bleeding for past 5 weeks tried many homeopathic medicines but none of those worked.
    I came across your website and interested in the protocol you offer.
    My uterus lining is 20mm thick and l have multiple cysts. I never had any menstrual issue in the past except last year for three weeks. Do you think this protocol is right for me please advice . How long should l continue taking it? When to expect any chanes in bleeding. I am bleeding heavily right now Thank you

    • Joe says:

      I am over 94 years in age and prefer not to prescribe for your problem but since I can copy my prescriptions I shall do so below:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many patients in the past 20 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 6c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about half hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.
      You can expect your CC’s to reduce at 1Cm per month and you will do a US Scan and report the reduction in 3 months.

      You will not take any other drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 250ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Insert 5 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  11. JayaKumar says:

    Good Morning Respected Joe Sir,
    I had given a message on 5th March 2024,11:13 PM
    Sir, if Possible Kindly Help, With BestRegards & Almighty’s Bless,

  12. JayaKumar says:

    Good Morning Respected Joe Sir,
    I had given a message on 5th March 2024,11:13 PM
    Sir, if Possible Kindly Help, With BestRegards & Almighty’s Bless,

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