Posts for October 2024


  1. Ronald says:

    Dear Dr. Joe De Livera,

    What would you attribute to your healthy age of 94? How does one live as long as you?

    • Joe says:

      My motto in Life is:

      “Thy Will be Done.”

      I exercise daily, walking around 1km daily.
      Eat just sufficient to be healthy.
      Drink around 2-3 ltrs liquids daily.
      Help all who contact me here on my website.

      • Eva says:

        God bless you and all you do. I am a member on Joette Calabrese ‘s website and she speaks highly of you. I am so excited to learn about your postings and advise; what a gold mine! I may delve into your sage advise in the not too distant future. It’s like Christmas morning finding your blogs!

        • Joe says:

          Good to know that Joette speaks of me in her lectures. It is just that I discovered a positive way to use Remedies that are available in the market in a manner that cures, instead of making Homeopathy a mystery that defies the intellect, which gives the classical pundits a way to ensure repeated visits of the patient to treat a problem which can be solved in just one visit.

          I have shared all my Joepathy with her and she will continue to use my therapy with her own and it is the patient that will benefit.

          God Bless you.

          • Eva says:

            Thank you Joe. I hope to employ your recommendation on one of your postings regarding a remedy for injuries. Almost 2 years ago I injured my right groin helping my husband lower a bench down the cellar stairs. I have tried numerous remedies, but without satisfaction, very discouraging. You suggested argentum metallicum, I believe for injuries, which I am not familiar with. I have ordered the pellets from Boiron and should receive them soon. It is not mentioned to take them dry or wet and how many times to dose. Thank you kind sir and God bless. Eva 🌼

            • Joe says:

              You have identified the Remedy Argentum Metallicum and ordered it in pellets from Boron.
              You have however not mentioned the potency which should be 30c. You should add Arnica 30c and you should make the wetdose by using 6 pellets of each in 2 separate bottles of spring water.

              You will take 5ml of each remedy twice daily and report response in a week.

              • Eva says:

                Dear Joe, thank you for your time and insight. đź’– I am grateful. I have not yet received my order of Argentum Metallicum but when I do, I will follow your directions and keep you posted. God Bless, Eva

                • Eva says:

                  Dear Mr. De Livera, I am reporting back to you as asked. I started the protocol you requested, 1st dose of 5 ml wet dose argentum metallicum 30c and 5 ml wet dose arnica 30 c both using 6 pellets in water 2x/day taken together for one week today. The progress is slight; the pain is somewhat less. I ordered the argentum metallicum 30c in the ethanol base from a company in the U.S. as well as the arnica 30c in the ethanol base last night. I’m hoping the ethanol based remedies will be more effective. Your thoughts, please. God Bless, Eva

                  • Joe says:

                    The Remedy in an Alcohol base is more effective in comparison to the dry pellets.
                    Continue to take the Remedies and report weekly.

                    • Eva says:

                      Dear Mr. De Livera,
                      OK, I have not received the alcohol based remedies yet, but as soon as I do I will begin and report as requested. Appreciate your insight and time. God Bless and I pray for you everyday.
                      Sincerely, Eva

  2. Zarine says:

    Hi Joe sir …hope you and your family are doing well..Sir,I’m a 54 year old woman who recently had subconjunctival hemorrhage in my red eye ..I took Arnica 30c and Ruta 30c haemorrhage healed after 10 days ..I stopped Ruta 30c and took only Arnica but inspite of Arnica I had my 2nd haemorrhage within 3 weeks of the 1st ran tests to find out any other reasons but all my tests were there any homeopathic medicine to prevent recurrent subconjunctival hemorrhage sir …please reply sir..I’m anxiously waiting for your response with hope. Thank you Joe sir.God bless you.


    • Joe says:

      You should restart the Arnica 30 with the Ruta 30 as they are obviously the remedies to heal your haemorrhage.

      I presume that you used the Wet Dose in doing so.
      6 drops in 250ml water

  3. Zarine says:

    First of all many many thanks Respected Joe sir for your response..I really appreciate it..God bless you sir..I took Arnica 30c in wet dose and Ruta 30c in pills form ..3 pills 3 times ( from Boiron) you want me to take Ruta 30c too in wet dose sir ?

    So I will make wet dose of both Arnica 30c and Ruta 30c..6 drops each in 250 ml spring water..I will make both Arnica and Ruta separately in different bottles and take 5ml of each ,am I right sir ?

    How many times should I take Joe sir and for how long ,meaning how many months ? Sorry if I have misunderstood.

    Thank you sir.


    Thank you again Joe sir .

  4. Ashish maheshwari says:

    Respected Sir
    God bless you sir
    Can we take wet dose of arnika 30 every day night and morning lifetime for good health

    • Joe says:

      I have taken a dose of Arnica 30 in the Wetdose nightly for over 40 years and owe my long life to God and Arnica. You too can follow my example.

      I will be 95 years in age in just 2 days from now.

  5. Yaseen Nawaz says:

    Dear Dr Joe,

    I am suffering from Headache and facial pain (right side) started after i got covid in April 2021.I have consulted many neuro physicians but have no improvement in my pain (head ache and facial pain (right side more often than left)

    I have taken many MRI scans, doctors say everything is normal but i still deal with the pain. Life has never been normal after i getting covid.

    Findings in MRI :
    Bilateral contact of the AICA to the trigeminal nerve , left more than right

    Pain shoots up if i drink cold drinks and get exposed to AC and other cold areas.

    I am taking below medicines but have no real effect

    Depakine chrono 500 and Trileptal 600 mg

    I kindly request you to help me to overcome this agony.I shall be ever grateful to you.

    • Joe says:

      Take Eupat Perf 1M twice daily in the Wetdose for 2 weeks and report response.
      This will hopefully leach out the causative factor that your doctors are not able to discover.

  6. Zarine says:

    Respected Joe sir..Happy birthday to you Joe sir many more happy returns of the day Sir..God bless you with good health and long life Sir.Amen.

    Best wishes,

  7. Gettin-beta says:

    Happy birthday dear Dr Joe
    95 today! What a wonderful milestone! Certainly worth celebrating! So many accomplishments in your life because of your God given intelligence, talent and eagerness to help humanity.

    My husband Orlando, my 2 sons (now married) and I are blessed to be the recipients of your amazing joepathy.

    We still have our EP200C wet dose by our bedside. My hair is still thick thanks to your remedies. I am guessing it’s now 30 years that we first began using the remedies you prescribe. First in Dubai, then in Abu Dhabi, then in Philadelphia USA for 12 years.. now we’re back in UAE.. this time Orlando was offered the position in Sharjah. He’s 65 and plans to retire after this.. We are delighted to be back and closer to home… Goa is a 3 hour direct flight.

    Enjoy the special treatment that I’m certain Hermie is lavishing on you. God protect you and keep you healthy and happy always.

    • Joe says:

      Thank you for remembering my Birthday and your good wishes.

      It is nice to know that God has preserved me for so long and my only medical problem is a loss of balance which I try to overcome by having my carer walk beside me when walking around 1km in my garden which Hermie maintains, daily.

      I visited my Business yesterday morning where the staff greeted me for the second time this year when I cut my Birthday cake.

      Johan my youngest son is now in full control and meets me every day for breakfast.

      We had many friends and relations in the evening at home.

      Good to know that you and Orlando are back in the UAE, nearer home.

      I hope that you take Arnica daily and I am convinced that I owe my long life to God and Arnica.

      God Bless you.

      • Gettin-beta says:

        Dear Dr Joe That’s amazing that you’re continuing your walks … Sounds like you had a heart warming bday with friends and family.

        Indeed arnica is always within easy access at our home..i don’t have it as regularly as I should. Partly because the one in ethanol has a plasticky taste after being sold to me in a small plastic bottle about 10 years ago. I need to dispose of it

        I just came across the virtues of Sanguinaria a homeopathic remedy for respiratory issues. I tend to often have issues with breathing and bouts of breathless coughing.. i don’t enjoy using the inhaler or puffer for long periods. A person on line described having the same wheezing sounds and was cured after just a couple of doses of Sanguinaria.
        Wondering if I could take it in the wet dose. There’s 30 ch and 200c
        What is ideal to take in wet dose? I love the idea of wet dose that you’ve taught us all. I am thinking of taking once a day. What’s your advice dear Dr Joe.
        Thanks for being our role model

        • Joe says:

          Nat Sulph 6c in the Wet dose is the preferred Remedy for any congestion in the lungs as described by you and you can take it twice daily.

          My 95th Birthday was a singular milestone in my life and I thank God and Arnica for it. I do still continue my walking which I do daily in my house, with my arm on my carer’s and I do about 1000 steps daily. I drink a lot of water and other liquids daily and even at night when I wake up.

          • Gettin-beta says:

            Dr Joe, you are a such a disciplined person… Your daily regimen is amazing… Ana drinking lots of water…I manage 4 glasses a day.. wish we could all be so focused as you.

            I have had recurring warts coming up on my little finger for the last 3 years. I bought Thuja mother Q recently.. I believe in addition to applying on the warts, I can knock out the virus by taking it orally too.
            Dr Joe how should I make the wet dose? Any suggestions? I’ll be most grateful.
            Thanks Cathy

            • Joe says:

              I thank God and Arnica for this unusual gift of a long and productive life and it is nice to have your post.

              I exercise by walking daily over 0.5Km daily as recorded on my iPhone and drink over 3 ltrs of liquid daily. I have to hold my carerer’s elbow when walking for safety.

              You can try Thuja 30c in the WD and apply the MT directly on your finger.

              Wet dose = 4-6 drops in 25ml water. I thought you knew this after all these years!

              • Gettin-beta says:

                I am used to making the arnica wet dose and EP wet dose in the 500ml bottle of store bought mineral water.
                I will follow your instruction about thuja wet dose.
                I will buy thuja 30c .. thanks Dr Joe

  8. Geetha.S says:

    Dear Sir,

    How are you? Happy Birthday!Wish you many more happy years of the day.
    God bless you with good health and happiness.

  9. Geetha S says:

    Dear Sir,
    How are you? Happy Birthday! Wish you many more happy returns of the day. God bless you with good health and happiness.

  10. isingh says:

    Respected Sir,

    “Happy Birthday” to you.


    I S Parswal

  11. Shoab Rana says:

    My prayers and best wishes for your birthday.

  12. Shoab Rana says:

    A week or so ago, I sent you a long message detailing my situation and request for help and guidance. Can you kindly respond to that when convenient.

    Thanks and regards.

    • Joe says:

      I have been patiently treating you since January 2016 and it is time to inform you that I cannot continue doing so for as long as I live.

      You are advised to refer back to my past prescriptions and study them for answers to your queries.

      • Shoab Rana says:

        I am sorry but can I ask you one favor. I had been negligent and not checking my messages. How do I access my past messages. I will check them as you have advised and revert.
        Thank you, again.

        • Joe says:

          You can insert your email address into the Search window on the Home page to access your previous posts.
          Do not revert as I shall not reply.

  13. Amlendu Prakash says:

    Wishing you a happy birthday sir. You are a Real Hero you are born for humanity selfless service for millions.
    Amlendu Prakash, Delhi India

  14. isingh says:

    Respected Sir,

    since last ten days I am having anxity and heaviness in head,contacted allopathic Dr here and he prescribed Lonafit 0.25mg Tab 3 times daily, but this gives temporary relief for some time only.

    Is there any medicine in Jeopathy to cure the anxity problem pl ?


    I Singh

    • Joe says:

      Regret I cannot help you.

      • isingh says:

        isingh says:
        October 24, 2024 at 3:45 PM

        i am not sure but faintly remember as if in some of the old post probablly it was suggested that Nat.Mur 6x may heip in anxiety problems ,but as i don”t have any details available can not assume this to be right Sir.

        I Singh

  15. Dear Doctor,

    Wishing you a blessed birthday with a year full of health, family, friends, and healed patients. Thank you for sharing your expertise on this forum! You have provided an incredible resource for my ongoing studies. I appreciate your example as I reach my 60th birthday!

    Warmest regards and respect,

  16. Dawn says:

    Hello dear Joe!

    I was wondering if you’ve ever come across anyone with Myasthenia Gravis, or any such symptoms of fatigable muscle weakness?

    Also are you familiar with any remedies for a lazy eye? Asking for my niece.

    Lastly, is the method of making the wet dose more effective if using the liquid remedy vs the globules? Or will it have the same effect either way, with succussion?

    Thank you very much in advance and have a lovely day. 🙂


    • Joe says:

      Regret that I cannot help you.

      • isingh says:


        i am not sure but faintly remember as if in some of the old post probablly it was suggested that Nat.Mur 6x may heip in anxiety problems ,but as i don”t have any details available can not assume this to be right Sir.

        I Singh

  17. Jagdish Kumar Pabreja says:

    Respected Dr Joe,
    First of all I wish you belated Happy Birthday Sir. Sorry for having missed in wishing you on 19th Oct.
    I got my Ultrasound done and the report says “Gall bladder-overdistended state and shows multiple tiny echogenic foci with sludge in its lumen”
    Though I have no pain at all as normally I keep on taking Arnica 30 in wet dose as you mostly advise.
    I had read in your posts about having cured gallbladder stone patients. I searched your posts but couldn’t find. My age now is 80 years.
    Please advise me which medicine should I take for this.
    Thanks and regards,

    • Joe says:

      The following remedies will dissolve Gall stones.
      Berberis Vulgaris 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
      Arnica 30c twice daily in the Wet dose.
      Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after every meal.

      Report response in 2 weeks.

      Thank you for your greetings on my 95th Birthday on October 19th.

      • Jagdish Kumar Pabreja says:

        Respectable Joe Sir,
        Thanks for the reply, I will start the medicines tomorrow and shall update you after two weeks. I will get Ultrasound abdomen done after two weeks and send you the report.
        Thanks and regards

  18. Edna says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,
    I have read that you are taking Arnica 30c in wetdose daily for 40 years. Thank you for sharing and it’s such an inspiration.
    My questions are, at what age can we start taking the arnica 30 in wetdose daily?
    Should we switch this Arnica 30c to Arnica 6c somewhen? If I’m not mistaken, you have switched to arnica 6c now? Please apologize if I’m wrong.
    Thank you so much for your answer and God bless you Sir.

    • Joe says:

      You can start taking Arnica 30c in the Wetdose if you are over 25 years in age daily and report response in a month.

      I have not changed the potency to 6c at any time.

      Read my findings in
      “Arnica the Miracle Remedy”

  19. Pat Samler says:

    I have had chronic diarrhea for over 2 years… I was diagnosed with microscopic colitis over 10 years ago but I did not want to go on steroids which was the only solution that the doctor gave. I have tried the Banerji protocol for colitis for over 5 months and have not noticed much of any improvement. Nux Vomica 30 2/D and Ipecap 30 with Merc Sol combination as needed after an event.
    Can you recommend anything? This has not helped so far.
    Thank you

  20. Tanya H says:

    Hello Mr. De Livera
    My brother is 28 an in excruciating pain. Doctors say he was born with a hip joint that has caused it excessive wear and now suddenly feels like bone on bone. Is there anything you can recommend for him? I’m a student of Joette Calabrese’s APH but have not gotten to her PAIN course yet. She regards you highly. Thank you!

    • Joe says:

      This is a Remedy that I hope may cure your brother’s problem.

      Take them in separate 250ml bottles in the Wetdose made by using 5 drops of each Remedy twice daily.

      Arnica 30, Argentum Metallicum 30c, Symphytum 30c.
      5ml of each remedy is a dose.

      Report response in a week.

  21. Sameer says:

    Dear Dr Joe,
    I am 44 years old.
    Recently during routine health check, my LDL cholesterol
    Came little high.Below are the details:
    Complete lipid profile: 209
    Triglycerides: 87
    HDL: 49
    LDL: 143

    Kindly could you recommend a remedy in this regard.


  22. Medina says:

    Hello sir. I hope this message gets to you I am not great with forums. My son’s reflux is so bad he is having what the drs diagnosed as apnea events in his sleep and while awake. They put him on a PPI. I have not noticed a difference and asked to wean off. I started Nat Phos 1/2 tablet 3x a day. The constant pain from reflux seems better but he is spitting up more than usual and still wakes up in pain. I have tried everything and have difficulty getting him to burp. We have tried many different formulas and they cause severely painful gas and constipation. The drs want to add more medicine to help alleviate the constipation. My son is 13 weeks and struggles to have a bowel movement and when he does spits up at the same time. He is only able to sleep sitting up on me while I’m sitting up. The drs now want to put in a feeding tube because the reflux is so bad and is regurgitating when he lays down and getting stuck in his nasal airway causing breathing issues. I hate that more medication is being pushed on him and now tubes. They are now trying to push us to get a vaccination because of the breathing issues when I don’t believe in vaccinating a baby. But I’m told I’m putting him in danger of RSV. I believe this to all be related to his severe reflex or stomach issues. Please, if you have any other remedies to add with the Nat Phos I greatly appreciate your wisdom.

    Thank you for you time.

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.

      The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.

      You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.

      You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.

      Babies do not always do a poo daily. Some babies can go up to 5 days to do so. A gentle massage of her abdomen after every feed in a clockwise direction usually stimulates evacuation.

      You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

      It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
      Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.

      Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.

      You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.

      If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

      You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby when you start on my therapy.

  23. Eva says:

    Dear Mr. De Livera, I have finished the wet dose of argentum metallicum 30c and arnica montana 30c, in 2 separate wet dose bottles. I was hoping to receive the ethanol bases remedies I ordered since the last time I responded to your email. This is a company new to me as there are minimal to none homeopathic companies in the U.S. that sell the ethanol remedies. I received an email today saying the company wll be sending the 2 remedies out and I will not be receiving them till November 18, hopefully. Therefore I will continue with making the wet dose as you instructed using the dry pellets. It is a slow improvement. God Bless. + Eva

    • Joe says:

      You have not mentioned what your response has been to the Remedy after you started on it.

      Have you noticed any improvement? Read the comments of patients who have used it here on my website.

  24. Eva says:

    Dear Mr. de Livera, I am updating you from my last posting, above, November 7, the company I found here in the U.S. which I ordered the ethanol based remedies: arnica 30c and argentum metallicum 30c finally sent my order from almost 2 weeks ago; unfortunately, they let me know 2 days ago they were sending only the arnica, not the argentum as they could not obtain it. I’ve have to search far and wide to find a company I could rely on for the ethanol based remedy as it is a challenge to find. I started taking the ethanol based wet dose of arnica last night, but I have continued to use the dry pellets of argentum metalilicum as a wet dose until I hopefuly, receive the ethanol based wet dose which is coming from India. Don’t know if you are able to recommend a reputable homeopathic company that sells the ethanol based remedies. I will keep you posted. My symptoms as of today are status quo from my last posting. Thank you and God bless. Eva

  25. Eva says:

    Dear Mr. De Livera, Thank you for your input. I am still waiting for the ethanol argentum remedy to arrive and I am still taking the wet dose using the dry pellets in water 2x/day, along with the wet dose of arnica. There is a slight improvement that I have noticed: now, most nights I sleep fairly well as before using your remedies, I had a most restless night trying to get comfortable. I feel the pain is less intense than before and I can go up and down the stairs slowly, but with less difficulty. It is small gains, but welcomed. I put much hope in the ethanol based argentum when I employ it. God bless you and I will continue to update you. Eva

    • Joe says:

      I am confident that my therapy will help you. Don’t give up. My Joepathy has helped many thousands. You have to do a search on my Website to read about them.

  26. Eva says:

    Dear Mr. De Livera, I finally received the wet dose of argentum metallicum 30c, 1 week ago. I had received 2 notifications that the remedy was not available twice and was now ordering from an Indian website. I finally received it late a week ago Tuesday night. So, I have been taking the argentum metallicum 30c and arnica 30c wet dose twice a day since receiving both remedies. I still have pain, but less intense and I feel my energy level has slightly improved. I am still sleeping fairly well. I am hopeful and I appreciate your insight and concerns, praying daily for you. Will keep you posted in a week from now. God Bless, Eva

  27. Eva says:

    Dear Mr. De Livera, almost a week and a half ago, I finally received the ethanol based Arnica 30c remedy. Daily since, I have been taking the argentum metallicum 30c and arnica 30c, both ethanol based remedies twice a day in filtered water. I have been sleeping well without pain. During the day I find I have challenges walking on my right side with stiffness and getting up and down from sitting. Then there are days that it is less intense. I realize it is a slow healing, but I am hopeful. I continue to pray for you and put my trust in God. I shall report back in 2 weeks unless there is a change. God bless. Eva

  28. Eva says:

    Dear Mr. De Livera, A very blessed, Merry Christmas to you and your family. I am updating you since my last post. I continue with the same regiment of argentum metallicum 30c and arnica 30c taken 2x day in the wet dose. My symptoms have not gotten worse but, improvement is slight. Although my energy level is not where I would like it, I can move and perform daily duties till 2 pm when I tend to peter out. I still persevere and have hope for greater healing. I also continue to pray for you and thank you for your dispensing of knowledge and kindness. God bless and I will update in 2 weeks again. Eva

    • Joe says:

      Am confused.

      Why are you taking Arg Met? Arn 30 is OK.

      • Eva says:

        Dear Mr.De Livera, I am taking the arg met per your order back in Oct. and checking in with you all along I have noted as such to you along with the arnica 30 c; both as wet dose.
        God Bless, Eva

  29. Eva says:

    Dear Mr. De Livera, I have continued the protocol you have prescribed since October- argentum metalicum 30c wet dose to follow with arnica 30c wet dose twice a day. The pain is lessen, but I still walk slowly and have a challenging time lifting my right leg. Sleep is improving by imcrements. I shall continue with this regimen until I hear otherwise. God Bless. Eva

    • Joe says:

      I am confused by your post where you refer to my prescribing Argentum Metallicum and Arnica in the Wetdose to you for your right leg. You also refer to your sleep impediment which has improved.
      I do not have any record of prescribing to you in the past and would like to have more data on your problems.

      I presume you are aware that I am over 95 years in age.

      God Bless you.

  30. Eva says:

    Dear Mr. De Livera, I don’t mean to confuse you or mislead you. Going back to Oct. 25 th of this web pages posting I gave you my particulars regarding how I injured my injured my leg/groin and asked you about prescribing argentum metallicum and arnica for remedies to help my problem of which you replied in the positive. I’m sorry if this is confusing. God Bless, Eva

    • Joe says:

      I can’t access the page you referred to unfortunately but since you have improved with this therapy, you are advised to continue it for some time and report progress from time to time.

      God Bless.

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