A grateful patient writes on her Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts


To Taniya

I am glad to note that you started using the default remedies that I prescribe for Endometriosis with Chocolate Cysts and PCOS on April 20 and that you have already observed a reduction and improvement in “my lower abdomin seems to come down in size & my currunt menses is much more clearer & no pain no clots, back pain & leg pain is 80% improved”.

I would like to thank you for taking the time to record the improvement you experienced in just 25 days and hope that others like you who are fellow sufferers will also use the same remedies in the manner you have done, which have proved time and time again that they are the Ultimate Solution to your problem which in my experience,  seems to affect about 20% of females at some time in their lives.

I must admit that I am simply appalled to observe the standard treatment reported by my patients which is meted out by gynecologists which is largely ineffective and often leads to the patient suffering in silence like one patient who suffered a daily loss of blood for over 12 months with clots and acute pain during those days. She casually mentioned to me that she was entering hospital for a Hysterectomy in a few days as her doctors were not able to stem the flow of blood in spite of their best efforts and had suggested a Hysterectomy.

I requested her to give me just 2 weeks to enable my therapy to help her and she called me excitedly the day after to report that her bleeding had shown a marked reduction within 24 hours  and later stopped as if by magic within 4 days without the agony and clots that she had suffered during her period during the past 12 months. She was compelled to resign from her job and was virtually bed ridden as she lacked all energy to move about. All her doctors could do was to give her large doses of Folic Acid tablets and ‘Iron Injections’ weekly with no effect whatever. They had in desperation decided to do a Hysterectomy as they feared the worst otherwise.

I used to prescribe Bellis Perenis 6c which is the standard remedy given to patients with your condition and is always given in the dry pellets to treat patients. It was much later that I changed over to the Wet dose in 2005 when I added Arnica 30c also in the Wet dose and I was gratified to note the response in patients whom I treated who reported like you that the pain they had suffered with the loss of blood seemed to stop within a couple of days and they also discovered in about 2 months, that the Chocolate Cysts for which many had been advised to have surgery seemed to disappear during that time. This could be verified with a US Scan.

You may like to know that I am 82 years of age and it is reports like yours that keep me active and motivated on this and other Homeopathic forums not only in prescribing remedies which are now accepted as “Joepathy” which have helped thousands of my grateful patients but also in wasting my time in rebutting the attacks of one Australian ‘classical’  homeopath who dares to attack me on a regular almost daily basis, for using remedies as I do in what is described as a “this for that” basis which he states is a non classical manner which according to him,  will lead to other more serious problem later.

This has never happened so far and I have reassured him that if his prophesy ever comes to pass, that I shall deal with it at that time with my Joepathy.

Please report your progress from time to time and also spread the good news of your present improvement and hopefully your eventual cure to your friends who may be afflicted with your problem, which you may know from your own experience cannot be treated with drugs nor by classical homeopathy.

Thank you for your good wishes.

Joe De Livera


  1. kashif jamil says:

    Dear Joe,
    I would like your help. I hope that you can assist my wife.
    She is 31. we are married for 5 years no children.

    My wife has underwent two operations of endometriosis.
    last year in 2010 she had a major operation where doctors performed laproscopy, took out adhesives. She was also put a bag attached to her stomach for few months to pass the stool. That was then removd and she was healthy as before.

    Todaz she went to her doctor and he told her to go to hospital as there are signs of endometriosis again. She suffered mild pain near pelvic reagon during her periods.

    Please let me knwo what do you thing of her case.
    Sincerely yours

    • Joe says:

      To Kashif

      I was very concerned indeed to read the report of your wife’s surgical experience within the course of a year and from your report I can presume that her surgery which perhaps involved shortening her small intestines which resulted in the Colostomy did not help as she seems to be back again to square One.

      I would like to have more data on her condition before surgery with details of the actual surgical procedure to enable me to treat her. The remedies I will prescribe are similar to those that I had prescribed to the other patients: Bellis Perennis 30c and Arnica 30c both to be taken twice daily in the Wet dose. You can purchase these remedies in the liquid pack in Alcohol and as soon as I have the details called for I shall give you my prescription.

      I presume that you have read the reports of the 2 patients whom I had helped to overcome their problems which were similar to those of your wife. You will note that the therapy I had prescribed had given the patient considerable relief and enabled both patients to conceive with only one patient carrying to full term while the other had an Ectopic pregnancy which was surgically terminated.

  2. Mohan says:

    Hello Mr. Joe
    My wife has been diagnosed with ovarian cyst of 5 cm in both ovaries. She is on Tamoxifen for two years as a follow up treatment for Breast cancer which was treated in 2008 by chemetherapy, surgery and radiation.
    I would like her to try Bellis Perenesis as per your recommendations to so many of the patients. Is it suitable in her case? Please advise.

    • Joe says:

      To Mohan

      It is very likely that your wife’s Ovarian Cysts will be reabsorbed by her body within a month or even earlier if she uses Bellis Perennis 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
      I am copying below my default remedy for her problem.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c

      Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      The Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevent the spread of these lesions internally, while the Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Report your response in a week.

      Please type Endometriosis into the Search box on every page and read the many cases I have helped to overcome their problem.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Report progress from time to time.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      • Mohan says:

        Hello Mr. Joe
        Thank you for the prompt reply. My wife has been taking Bellis P 30 C and arnica 30C in the wet dose for the last 4 days. She can feel mild relief. Just to clarify- the dose of both the medicines are – 3 drops in 500 ml spring water, right? It is quite diluted I must say. The water does not even taste like medicine. But then, I do not how homeopathy works.
        Thanks again

        • Joe says:

          To Mohan

          Glad to note that your wife can “feel mild relief” in just 4 days.
          It is still too early to be certain but if she continues to feel better daily, it can be presumed that my “Joepathy” is helping her.

          I also note that you seem doubtful about the method that I prescribed to make the Wet dose but after helping thousands of patients, I must admit that even I often wonder how any substance diluted to infinitesimal levels can possibly work.

          But the results prove that my therapy based on the use of standard Homeopathic remedies which are available anywhere in the world, will help the patient if my instructions are followed precisely as prescribed.

      • kariko says:

        hi joe, i am interested in trying your default setup for chocolate cysts as mentioned here.

        after 1 yr wait i had a laprosokopy, only to be told the chocolate cyst on my right side wasn’t accessible as my ovary had adhered to the bowel and was behind the bowel. as well, i was told my endo was too much to do anything about. (bowel/bladder etc).

        i had heard that bellis p was good for left ovary, but for right ovarian cyst, one should try apis mellifica – i’ve not noted right side on your discussion, is there a difference?

        as well, are you familiar with and would you recommend:
        -Thiosinaminum 6X to break down scar tissue.
        -Folliculinum 7C to balance the hormones (from day 7 to day 28).

        also, i’ve heard of these, but not familiar with:

        -Aurum Iodatum and Aurum Muricatum Natronatum

        as well, castor oil packs – or is that dangerous because of where cyst is?

        -currently i’m taking calelunda and arnica to recover from 4 incisions last week,

        but goal is to shrink/stop cyst from growing, and treat existing endo –

        my gyno appt is 28th of this month to discuss “medical therapy options” -but as it was so evasive and with no results i’m not keen on those solutions unless i’m in danger with the bowel being involved.

        thanking you for your assistance,


        • Joe says:


          The manner you have presented your case makes it difficult for me to know what precisely your problem is. You are advised to give me more data on your case on a historical basis with more insight into when you first noticed your problems and what remedies you were prescribed, which I notice are many. None of them have yielded any curative results and this is where I believe my “Joepathy” can help as it usually does.

          I must also know how old you are and what remedies were prescribed in order of date to make my task easier and more positive.

          I shall copy my default therapy below which can give you some idea of my therapy. You will not however attempt to use the simple therapy below till I get more information from you as requested above.

          Did your gynecologist diagnose your condition as PCOS?
          Did he mention Endometriosis and Chocolate Cyst?

          If so your remedies are:

          Bellis Perennis 30c
          Arnica 30c

          Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

          The Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally, while the Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

          Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

          Report your response in a week and after your next period.

          Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

          Report progress from time to time.

          Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
          Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
          Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
          Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
          Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

          • kariko says:

            hi joe,
            i’m 41 years old. first noticed april 2011 when i wet the bed 2x s in a row only at the start (1day) and end (1day) of my period, after 4 ultrasounds until sept 2011 diagnosed with 2 cysts on each ovary assumed chocolate cysts w/endo – the laproksopy last week confirmed endo. i wasnt prescribed any, rather took on my own a tonic made of: calendula,chaste tree berry, cramp bark, dong quai, fals unicorn root, goldenseal,pokerroot, prickly ash bark, wild yam bark – as found on internet a remedy from the states that has some of those ingredients in a tonic with amazing results, been taking 2x daily in dropper of hot water since oct. in october also started estrosmart plus – a product by lorna vanderhaeghe fro balancing horomones and treating fibriod cycsts. the herbs i listed to you in my inital response (save the arnica which i’m on for healing), are one’s i’m considering, with the goal of shrinking cysts, and reabsorbing adhesions which he didn’t remove. so for the cysts, was thinking of bellis p- but read that apis mellifica (bee venom) was good for right cysts, the one which my dr is concerned about, as he couldn’ reach that one as the ovary was adhered to bowel and not accessible. My second concern,dealing with current adhesions was considering: Thiosinaminum 6X to break down scar tissue. Arnica 12X to reabsorb tissue. OR….. serraptease w/nattokinase which is supposed to reabsorb tissue as well. I also understand liver and thyroid could be issue’s with endo, so was thinking of thyroidium- Improves thyroid balance, and (Dong Quai)- Balance of estrogen/progestorone, regulate cycle, uterus health, contains B12, or Cimicifuga Racemosa (Black Cohosh)- The Black Cohosh root has a diuretic effect and is even thought to slow down the growth of fibroids by levelling out estrogen . Think liver was issue as past year self medication included wine – a lot – which I’ve not had for the past week now. As it stands I’m meeting dr. next week, which I think he plans to put me on medication to destroy tumor – but it’s really potent, I’d rather try herbs, see what my own body can do with supplements first – my family dr and my gyno dr don’t believe in homeopathic remedies – so this is all me, just trying to do best I can with what I can find out on the internet. Thank you for your support –makes me feel less alone, and gives me hope my body can heal itself.

            • Joe says:


              I notice from your post that you have been taking many medicines for your Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts. I also note that you have been taking some homoeopathy remedies together with some Chinese medicines to help with your problem.

              I presume that none of these medicines and homeopathic remedies has helped you and if you wish to seek treatment from me you must confirm that you will stop all other medicines remedies and drugs that you have listed.

          • kariko says:

            hi joe, i confirm i wont’ try the new tonics i was going to have the pharmacy create – i do have a concern about the adhesions that won’t be addressed – but as you’ve the years of experience, wherein i’ve been researching online only, will bow to you.

            please note: is there a way to create a wet dose with just pellets and water or do i need the ethanol? i have access to the first 2 so can start right away on your go. please confirm – and thank you for taking the time – i’m feeling quite at wits end right now and don’t want hardcore drugs – i figure my body can absorb the adhesions, and the cyst can shrink -freeing up my bowel and ovaries – thank you joe

            • Joe says:


              You can start on my therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts and report your results in a few weeks.

              You will use the Liquid Dilution of every remedy as the standard pellets are a waste of time in their ability to CURE the ailment. Remember that we are using just 3 DROPS of the remedy in 500ml water and it is best to use the Ethanol.

              You may use the pellets as a temporary measure till you get the Liquid DIlution.

          • kariko says:

            thanks joe, i’ll ask the pharmacist to make a “wet dose” of each – do i just tell them it’s for the 30c strength?

            • Joe says:


              Your pharmacist should not be requested to make the Wet dose of the remedy for you.
              Follow the simple instructions below:

              The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

              Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
              Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
              Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
              Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
              Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

          • kariko says:

            hi joe, i cannot get the diluted dose of either.(liquid in alcohol) the pharmacist i was using didnt’ have it, rather she chose to create a tonic with 10 herbs in it and wished to charge me $50.00 -i told her i would not purchase it as i only wanted 2 dilutions bellis p and arnica – as i confirmed this is what i would do. since then, in the past day and 1/2 i’ve tried over 6 stores here, best i can do is have an “appointment” with a naturopath for $100-$200, in which they’ll decide what i need. suffice to say, at such time, being off work, i simply cannot afford it, nor can i do your remedy without them having power over what they’ll put in based on their own experience/ego – so i give thanks to you sir, for whatever reason the universe does not wish to offer me up this option – it’s left me quite depressed and i don’t understand it now, but keeping in mind my surgeon said the cyst wasn’t accessible, and he didn’t take any lesions off rather left me w/4 holes and a “sorry, but couldn’t do anything” after 1 year of wait -and the new possibility of contracting mrsa from my hospital stay -perhaps there isn’t a cure for me. thank you for your time and attention – blessings to what you offer as i felt a light of hope – trust that if my situation turns for the better, i shall contact you – in honor k

            • Joe says:


              I can sense the desperation in your post and hope that you will not give up in despair.

              Where in the world do you live and do you have access to Homeopathic remedies in your city?

              Can you mail order remedies from the US or the UK?

  3. bbus says:

    Uterus fibroid and blocked uterus

    • Joe says:

      To Bbus

      I regret to inform you that I cannot help you as there is no Homeopathic remedy that can unblock your tubes.

  4. bbus says:

    I am 44 still fertile test show that the uterus tube is blocked and i have fibroid Doctor try to inset tube carry out HSG could not insert the catheter to release dry.

  5. Frank says:

    Dear Joe,

    My wife is 33 years old and we have a 5 1/2 year old daughter. For some time now (almost 2-3 years) she has been experiencing abdominal pain and whilst the GYNEC that we visit (on a regular basis) states that these are cysts and onloy recently (6 months ago) diagnosed as Endometrioisi, the only solution that they have advised is to take BCP’s for 3 months and bear the pain. Not happy with that advice we recently did an Ultrasound which diagnosed possibility of chocolate cysts. Again, solution offered by the GYNEC (different doc) was 3 months on femilon and thereafter laproscopic surgey in March 2012 followed by 6 months of Danozol. Neither of these options I think are good enough for me to accept and having conducted research on the net, I came across your forum.

    I am a strong believer in homeopathic treatment as it had done wonderfully well for my daughter who has been taking it regulary for the past 2 years and has relieved her of a lot of allergies and constant cough/cold.

    Appreciate if you can provide some permanent solution via the homeopathic route for my wife. The results of the Ultrasound (taken on 3rd Jan ’12) are provided below for easy reference:
    UTERUS: normal in size, anteverted, measures 7.92 x 4.35 x 4.78 cm with centralo Endometrial echo measuring 8.7mm
    OVARIES: Rt Ovary measures 3.61 X 2.48 cms and shows a small cyst 2.0 x 1.5cm. internal echoes noted.
    Lt ovary shows three cysts within, largest measuring 3.13 x 2.22 cms. Internal echoes noted in one of the cysts.
    IMPRESSION: Bilateral ovarian cysts with internal echoes within – suggests the possibility of chocolate cysts.

    Thanking you in advance.

    • Joe says:


      I am glad that you located my website where I am in the process of collating all my experience in treating patients with my own brand of Homeopathy which the classical set derisively labelled “Joepathy” which term has come to stay. You may like to know that I am all of 83 years of age and I believe that I am doing a service to humanity by recording my therapy which has worked in some cases in a miraculous manner to alleviate human suffering. I would recommend that you spend some time in reading the many articles that I have recorded here and especially “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” and another pertaining to Robert Ray whom I cured after almost 10 years of the after effects of his 3 strokes, when he posted his case on the ABC forum in 2010.

      I have dealt with the rational behind my therapy which anyone who reads the results and compares them with those of the classical homeopaths in dealing with the same ailment, has to admit that my Joepathy does indeed deliver the goods and does not warrant the derisive attitude that these classical types have conferred on it, motivated as I presume, by jealousy. I believe that they have adopted this caustic attitude as I seem to be cutting the grass under their feet as I do not charge for my advice and they seem to resent this fact as they may be losing their revenue.

      I would like to reassure both you and your wife that there will never be any need to have recourse to surgery nor drugs which will only serve to make a bad situation infinitely worse. I shall be glad to be of help and can hope and pray that my therapy will help her in the manner that it has helped many fellow sufferers.

      Your wife’s case is of interest and I shall copy my default therapy which has helped many women who suffered from both Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts.

      Her remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c

      Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      The Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also helps to prevent the spread of these lesions internally, while the Arnica will reduce the pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Report your wife’s response weekly or more often as necessary.

      • Frank says:

        Dear Joe,

        Thank you very much for your prompt response. I have placed the order and awaiting the delivery. As soon as we receive the consignment and start the treatment I will write back and advise you of her progress.

        Thank you so much for everything and god bless you.


        • Frank says:

          Dear Joe,
          I have procured the medication and noted from previous posts your insistence on following the prescribed dosage. Therefore, i have a few clarifications on the same and would appreciate your guidance.

          – 3 drops of BP and Arnica (both) in 500 ml, shaken vigorously and a capful to be had twice daily (1 hr inbetween each dose)

          my questions are:
          – the 500 ml of water in which the medication is mixed, do i need to prepare a fresh dosage on a daily basis or use the original until the bottle is finished?
          – you have requested me to write back and inform you atleast once a week on my wifes progress, i can and will defibately do that, How long will she need to take this?
          – any dietary restrictions?
          – any preferred time in which this has to be taken?

          Lastly, i know you are not charging a fee but is there a charity that you are a patron of that i can donate to? I feel quite odd that i am not paying for this and probably a few more queries i have on other ailments for 1/2 family members incliding myelf.

          kindest regards

  6. Frank says:

    Hi Joe,

    Awaiting your kind response and therefore taking this opportunity to seek your advice on another ailment – for myself this time

    I am 42 (43 in may), 5ft 7in, weight 92kgs – definately overweight by quite a distance. The problem with my weight gain is what I like to call ‘stress eating’ and when it comes to that point, any food is good food and things like chocolates, fried chicken, etc go down the hatch quite well.

    Moreover, since I work at least 12 hrs every day, 4 hrs of which involve me driving to work and back, i rarely keep good timing as far as my meals are concerned.

    So whilst I have bought Nat Phos 6x for the weight loss, is there really something that you can prescribe that attacks the cause (stress eating) of the problem not just the symptom (weight gain)?

    I have many colleagues/friends from Sri Lanka and will be getting back to work in a couple of days so will definately be inquiring from them whether they know you. Read your very interesting profile on the net and you truly are an inspiration.

    Once again, thanks in advance.

    • Joe says:


      Nat Phos 6x alone cannot help you since you also present:

      “The problem with my weight gain is what I like to call ‘stress eating’ and when it comes to that point, any food is good food and things like chocolates, fried chicken, etc go down the hatch quite well.”

      I have pioneered in the use of Arnica 6c in the Wet dose to help Smokers, Alcoholics and recently Chocoholics to shed their addiction to QUIT it. This includes one who was actively practicing Bulimia to overeat and puke it out. Amazing !!! I would like to record that I succeeded in helping her to QUIT her addiction which comprised both Chocoholism and Overeating.
      She is now much reduced in weight and is living evidence to the success of my Joepathy.

      I am now testing it on Drug Addicts and hope that I will succeed in helping addicts but it is still too early to record it as a success.

      You can take Arnica 6c twice daily as prescribed below and report your response in a few weeks or earlier if you find any difference in your urge.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Your opening para states:

      “Awaiting your kind response and therefore taking this opportunity to seek your advice on another ailment – for myself this time”

      I do not recollect treating you and would appreciate if you can refresh my memory as I invariably respond to patients who post their case on my website within a few hours.

      • Frank says:

        Hi Joe,

        Yes you do respond quite quickly and was therefore undecided whether I should write back and ‘push’ for an answer to my queries.

        You have not treated me before but it is my about my wife that I had written to you (endometriosis and choclate cysts) which you responded on 6th Jan.

        The clarifications that I was seeking are copied below for your refreence and guidance once again:

        i have a few clarifications on the same and would appreciate your guidance.

        – 3 drops of BP and Arnica (both) in 500 ml, shaken vigorously and a capful to be had twice daily (1 hr inbetween each dose)

        my questions are:
        – the 500 ml of water in which the medication is mixed, do i need to prepare a fresh dosage on a daily basis or use the original until the bottle is finished?
        – you have requested me to write back and inform you atleast once a week on my wifes progress, i can and will defibately do that, How long will she need to take this?
        – any dietary restrictions?
        – any preferred time in which this has to be taken?

        Lastly, i know you are not charging a fee but is there a charity that you are a patron of that i can donate to?

        Kind regards

        • Joe says:

          “my questions are:
          – the 500 ml of water in which the medication is mixed, do i need to prepare a fresh dosage on a daily basis or use the original until the bottle is finished?
          – you have requested me to write back and inform you atleast once a week on my wifes progress, i can and will defibately do that, How long will she need to take this?
          – any dietary restrictions?
          – any preferred time in which this has to be taken?”

          I have never charged for my assistance as the Good God repays me with good health and the ability to help others when all other physicians have given up sometimes. At my advanced age of 83 the very fact that I do not have any aches and pains in my body and live a full life is proof of the reward I receive from my Creator.

          You are welcome to say a short prayer for me if you believe in prayers.

  7. Frank says:

    Dear Joe,

    Once again, a big thank you for your very prompt response and for all the clarifications.

    And Yes, I do believe in prayers, or else I would never have ‘stumbled’ across your web site. You will always be in our prayers.

    Will keep you updated on this forum on both my wife and my progress.

    Kind regards

    • Joe says:


      I presume that you live in the US where that ubiquitous ‘cup of coffee’ is part of your culture.

      This is to request you not to drink over half cup of coffee if you must, on a daily basis.

  8. Frank says:

    Hi Joe,

    Au contraire – I am from India but live and work in Dubai (past 20 years) – the name is a bit deceiving and at times it works in my favour (Anglo-Indian).

    Coffee is definately a cup a day (if at all). I tried getting Arnica 6c (Goa and Bombay) but no luck, have requested an order from ABC Homeopathy and it should arrive within a week. In case there is a difficulty in procuring the same would the 30c dose (wet) do?

    Since I’ve just come back into Dubai, I will start my wife on the Arnica and BP medication from tomorrow morning and advise you on a regular basis.

    Kindest regards

  9. Frank says:

    Hi Joe,

    This is Frank and writing to give you an update on my wife who you had prescribed Arnica and BP for her endometriosis and chocolate cysts.

    Its been almost 10 days that she has been taking the medication and just recently went for her regular checkup with her Gynaec. Guess what? the Dr says that she does not have any chocolate cysts, no sign of them at all. When my wife advised that she still gets excruciating pain in her left lower abdomen, the Dr advised her that its probably to do with her mind and nothing else. We even told her that an ulta-sound done in India reported that cysts exists, but was dismissive of the same.

    I am going for a 4th opinion just to get one final confirmation on these cysts. I really don’t know who to believe. Whilst we have not stopped the medication, she is still in excruciating pain (left lower abdomen) which has continued after her menses as well.

    Just wanted to check with you that is this normal during the treatment phase? Is there anything else that I can do for her with some of your remedies or do we continue with the same? You have advised that this would take 3-6 months, which both of us are OK with but just wanted to keep you updated on her condition.


    • Joe says:


      I cannot think that your wife’s Chocolate Cysts (CC) have disappeared with just 10 days into my therapy. They could have reduced but I do not think that they vanished completely like magic. If they really did so, even I would be impressed!

      This process takes about 2-3 months to deflate the CCs which in some cases were about 15mm, bigger than a tennis ball. I have succeeded in reducing them with the same protocol and the gynecologists were simply amazed that this form of miracle was possible as all the drugs they used could not equal this performance.

      Arnica will help to reduce the pain associated with her period and also normalize the bleeding. If she still complains of excruciating pain, you can add Mag Phos 12x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily.

      You are just wasting your money in consulting gynecologists right now in just 12 days after she started on my therapy. Suggest you do so in 2 months when a scan is done to see the progress inside.

  10. Frank says:

    Hi Joe,

    Just some additional info should it help you with further diagnosis.

    The pain is where the left ovary is located. Its been a continuous stabbing pain for the past 3 days that she also feels in her lower back and travels down to her left leg as well. She believes that it could be related to her ovulation cycle but then that’s just a guess from our side.

    Her Gyn also conducted a CA 125 blood test, results of which came in today and the Dr was simply amazed that the results showed a significant diminished value from the previous test conducted about 3 months ago.

    Hope the above helps in some way. Trying to obtain the Mag Phos locally and will try that as well.


    • Joe says:


      You must realize that I cannot possibly diagnose your wife’s pain on my Website. It is only a direct consultation with a knowledgeable Gynecologist that can do so.

      Your report of the CA 125 blood test is interesting and can show that my therapy has helped her in some way even though it did so in a few days.

  11. Gabi says:

    Please just late me make sure that i understand the preparation of the Wet dose:

    So i get two bottles with 500 ml of water, one for the BP and the other for the Arnica. I pour out about 3cm of water and insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle from a hard surface at least 6 times. Then i pour from the bottle in to its cap (full cap) and i drink it. Then i wait for at least one hour and do the same with the Arnica. Then after at least one hour i repeat those steps once again in the same day? Do i pour 3 drops of the BP and the Arnica for the second use, and every time after that, or do i just make the shaking of the bottle for 6 times-before each taking of the dose?
    And i use the water from the bottles until they are empty, and then i make the same procedure from the beginning (buy two bottles, pour out 3cm, pour in 3 drops of BP……).

    • Joe says:


      I can see that you have not read and understood my instructions carefully and it is in your own interest that you do so if you wish to benefit from my therapy aka “Joepathy”

      You will NOT:

      “shake the bottle from a hard surface at least 6 times”
      All you need do is to shake the bottle in your hand 6 times to ensure bubbling.

      “Then i pour from the bottle in to its cap (full cap) and i drink it. Then i wait for at least one hour and do the same with the Arnica. Then after at least one hour i repeat those steps once again in the same day?”
      You will drink the first 2 doses in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach and you will drink the other 2 doses with the BP before dinner and the Arnica just before bed.

      “Do i pour 3 drops of the BP and the Arnica for the second use, and every time after that, or do i just make the shaking of the bottle for 6 times-before each taking of the dose?”
      You will only use just 3 drops of the remedy to activate the water just once. The 3 drops will be good right up to the last drop. You will then repeat the process again about 2 months later.

  12. Madiha says:

    Dear Joe,
    after reading and getting to know about you through a friend i am so hopeful in writing my case to you.

    i am 27 year old and i was disgnosed with a endometriotic cysts in my right and left ovaries when i was taken to a hospital in oct 2010 due to a sharp pain left lower abdominal pain.

    the doctor here in Pakistan right away gave me “danocrine” 100 mg for 6 months i use to get my ultrasounds done after every 2,3 months and use to show it to me doc the size hardly decreased but i was painfree with hell lot of side effects of that cruel medicine .

    just to give a more detail: i always use to have bad pain during menses since my periods started till today.

    i stopped that medicine and got my MRI done and new ultrasound done in JULY 28 2011

    T1W axial, coronal , T2W axial, sagittal and STIR coronal images were obtained.

    Clinical Indications: K/C/O Endometriomas. On Diane.
    Right lower abdominal pain off and on since 2010

    Right ovary is enlarged with presence of a multiseptated cystic lesion measuring 5.0 x 5.0 cms the largest locule measures 4.0 x 3.0 cms with TIW hyperintensity and low signal on T2W

    Left ovary normal in size and measures 2.5 cms a small sub centimeter similar lesion also seen in it findings are most likely due to bilateral endometriotic cyst the ovaires are in close approximation to the uterus near the midline.

    Uterus is anteverted and normal size with a length of 6.0 cm.
    endometrial thickness measures 6.0 mm.

    after this i was on some homeopathic medicine which i think were helful as i survived on them till i got MARRIED just a month ago on 4 th of jan 2012

    i am on my periods 7 th day today and these periods were very pain full first 4 days i couldnt even walk due to such bad pain in my lower abdominal and sometimes till the right leg.
    first time i even saw cloting or some dark color mucus passed thru urine.

    i went to get my new ultrasound done today and here is the report :
    Right Ovary: 5.0x 3.9 cms
    follicles :few
    1.3 x 0.9 cm
    two cysts seen (1) with internal echoes and septations measuring 2.8 x 1.4cms (2) with homogenous internal echoes measuring 3.7 x 3.4 cms most likely endometriotic cysts

    Left Ovary : 3.6x 2.3 cms
    follicles multiple (<12)
    1.3 x 0.9 cms

    please help as i am not interested in getting a surgery done or to get back on dano.

    a friend told me get bellis perennis 30c liquid dilution.

    i live here in pakistan but will be moving to the us in a few months.
    how to get a medicine here in pakistan right away?

    Thank you so much and God Bless.

    • Joe says:


      I shall copy my therapy aka “Joepathy” for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which has helped many hundreds of fellow sufferers two of whom had babies after many years of anxious waiting, not to mention the pain they suffered for years and the fear of being opened up to extract the Chocolate Cysts which was only temporary as they invariably returned as soon as the Danasol was stopped.

      Report your progress weekly.

      I live in Sri Lanka and cannot advise you on where you can procure the remedies which must conform to my prescription below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c

      Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      The Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevent the spread of these lesions internally, while the Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Report your response in a week.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Report progress from time to time.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      You can do another US Scan in about 3 months and report the results.

      This scan usually surprises the patient and leaves the gynecologist speechless.

  13. Fs says:

    Dear Joe,

    i m 23 years old female, unmarried, today for the first time got my ultasound done, only because in my last period i had slight pain for 7 days on and off and especially on times after i woke up.
    during all my life my i have had heavy bleedings mainly first and second day the most, i have had clottings too in bleeding mainly day second of period.

    i am extremely in grief to find out my report that says:

    Right Ovary: 9.6 x 7.0 cms
    Follicles : few
    two cyst seen (1) with homogenous internal echoes measuring 7.6 x 5.8 cms with an echogenic area in it measuring 2.0 x 1.9 cms (? blood clot).
    (2) with internal septations measuring 4.0 x 4.2 cms most likely endometriotic cysts.
    normal sized uterus showed an echogenic area in the endometrial cavity measuring 1.2×0.7 cms possibility of endometrial polyp cannot be excluded.
    Normal left ovary.

    this was all pasted exactly word to word from my ultrasound report.
    can u please suggest a medicine for me? i dont want to get a surgery done pls, and also please tell me are all endometriotic cyst the same and if not what bases do they differ?
    please i need ur immense and serious help AS soon as possible, would pray all my life for you, so far you are doing a tremendous job.
    Thank you so much. pls reply soon.

    • Joe says:


      I seem to sense some panic in your post and this is to reassure you that you will NOT EVER have to resort to any invasive surgery for your problem.

      You will have to follow my therapy aka “Joepathy” precisely as prescribed and report your results in about 3 months after another scan which should invariably prove that your Chocolate Cysts have reduced or are not visible while you will discover that the pain and bleeding you experienced for many years should have normalized with your next period.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c

      Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      The Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevent the spread of these lesions internally, while the Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Report your response in a week.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Report progress from time to time.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  14. Fs says:

    sorry i missed to mention, the pain was lower abdomen not that lower but the back this time, previously all my life in periods had normal cramps in lower abdomen at front.

  15. Fs says:

    thank you so much Dr Joe, i will try to get these medicines delivered asap in Pakistan.
    Bless You.

  16. Madiha says:

    Hello Dr. Joe,

    Thank you so much for your reply, i also had to ask you one thing, can i take multivitamins like centrum silver (recommended by an eye specialist) with your prescribed medicine ? because i often see a golden light passing by my left eye hence doctor said its due to weakness and i should take multivitamins, or can u suggest some multivitamins for me ?
    can we do gym normal aerobics? and can i take iron containing (foods) like strawberry , kiwi etc .
    Thank you very much.

    • Joe says:


      You will have to STOP all other drugs, vitamins etc if you wish to be helped by my therapy.

      You must understand that Homeopathic medicines work at Nano levels and they must be permitted to alleviate human ailments without the interference of other forces. The 30c potency is 100 to the power 30 or 100 multiplied 30 times which will result in a figure which is beyond comprehension but the fact is that this potentization does work in a manner that is inexplicable but the results are all there for anyone to verify as you can see from the reports of patients on my website.

      You can ertainly continue with your aerobics and eat any fruits but I did not know that Strawberries and Kiwi have any more iron content than others.

      This is different in Dates which are loaded with iron salts.

      There is a Homeopathic remedy that can help but I cannot prescribe it as it may interfere with the action of the remedies already prescribed.

  17. Madiha says:

    thank you so much Dr and is it Arnica Montana 30c ?

  18. Madiha says:

    Hello Dr. Joe,
    As you mention earlier about the remedy, should I mix Bellis Perennis 30c and Arnica 30c together in a bottle or have them seperate in two bottles? Do I need to take the doses from the bottle till the water lasts or should I need to add more drops at a later time? When the water is finished should I start the same remedy all over again? Thank you so much for your time.’
    God Bless you.

    • Joe says:


      You will NOT MIX 2 remedies in ONE bottle.
      You will only insert 3 drops to each bottle ONCE to activate the water.
      You will take a capful from each bottle as the dose till it lasts which is usually about 2 months.
      You will shake each bottle before each dose at least 6 times before you take a dose twice daily.
      You will report your progress weekly.

  19. Fs says:

    hi Joe,
    today finally i found it , but the company is of SCHWABE, made in germany,
    it is bellis perennis 30 written on it but not C, i asked the shopkeeper he said its the same thing.
    does company really matter or this company is even safe and ready to start with? cause the one i have ordered online is still on way from US postal services.

    • Joe says:


      Schwabe is OK. It is one of the best.

      If the potency of any Homeopatic remedy is only in figures it indicates that it is the C Potency. Other potencies like X and M will always be indicated.

      As long as you can get the Schwabe you do not have to get anything from the US.

  20. Fs says:

    Hi Dr Joe,
    My remedies you told are
    Bellis Perennis 30c
    Arnica 30c

    (Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each)

    twice daily, should i take one in the morning and one at night ? post meal or before meal? please clear this.
    Thank you so much. Waiting for your reply.

    • Joe says:


      I hope that you have read and understood my instructions:


      It is best to take a dose before a meal but take the Arnica just before bed.

  21. Fs says:

    alright i get it, thank you so much , started today.
    God bless you More.

  22. Gabi says:

    Hi Joe. It’s been 11 days since i started taking the remedy. My cycle was supposed to start at the same day as the start of the remedy taking, but was late one week. The first 4 days was vary light almost nothing. Yesterday the pains started and today also,the flow is heavier but not that much, but that is normal for me.
    The most important is that the pressure i felt (the lower abdomen, more precisely, the vagina) is with much smaller intensity. The feeling of numbness in the left knee and the area above it is still present though. I’m hoping for a bigger improvement.
    God bless you

    • Joe says:


      You can expect further improvement in your condition especially in your bleeding when the Arnica takes hold which will be obvious next month.

      The lack of pressure that you report is the result of the Bellis P reducing your Chocolate Cyst and it is very likely that in 2 months it will not be visible on a scan which you can do in 3 months to be quite sure of progress.

      This is the time to pray for a baby as our lives are completely in God’s Hands.

      My prayers are with you.

  23. Madiha says:

    Dear Joe,
    hope you are well..i started taking the medicine 2 days ago.
    and feel my body slightly sore like weakness in bones especially in the morning..but i am hoping for the best.. my periods date was 28 last month and i always get them 2 days before..
    i really hope better periods pain wise this time.

    God Bless you, ill keep you updated.


    • Joe says:


      I am confused as to which remedies you are taking as you state that you started on them 2 days ago and later that you got others from the US. Please indicate precisely what remedies you are taking and when.

      Schwabe is a good brand. The ABC remedies are sourced from many suppliers and if you can indicate the brand I can advise you.

      Where do you live? As I remember you live in Pakistan and have got married recently. Please refresh my memory.

      “feel my body slightly sore like weakness in bones especially in the morning”
      This is not a usual reaction and we must watch it.

  24. Madiha says:

    Also that, today the medicines are delivered to me as well the one i ordered from abc homeopathy all the way from US, right now am taking SCHWABE which i started 2 days ago.
    I have a slight confusion the bellis Per says : add 4 drops in water and drink 3 times in day on the bottle.
    I am solely following the way you have told and i should remain follow that only right?
    sorry to bother too much, but just cant wait to be absolutely perfect feeling and free of cyst thats why got skeptical.
    Thank You so much 🙂

  25. Madiha says:

    i started Arnica 30 c and Bellis Perennis 30c, yes i live in Pakistan, recently got married, was on Danocryne for a while left it and then started homeopathic medicines from a doctor located in my area. ( u have a whole history of me above on the same page).

    i ordered these two medicines online from abc homeopathy, but since it was taking long, so i looked for them in Pakistan and found it in SCHWABE, and the one i ordered from abc homeopathy, the company is WHP – Washington Homeopathic Product.

    and today morning when i woke up felt little cramp in my foot thumb too, but when i rubbed it for a while it got fine.

  26. Madiha says:

    taking Bellis Per empty stomach in morning, and after eating something take Arnica just as you have told.
    then at night before dinner take BP and just before going to bed take Arnica.

  27. Madiha says:

    waiting for your reply Dr.Joe. Thanks

  28. Fs says:

    hi Dr. Joe,
    my medicines for choc cyst are Bellis Pern 30c and Arnica 30c,
    i started it on feb 15 2012 and that was my periods day 1 too, i usually have heavy bleeding but not always, but this time it was a little more than normal periods i have had from last two to three times.
    the first day had cramps in lower abdomen, and got fever too midnight which was gone the next morning. cramps got better gradually as days passed, and bleeding too was normal by the end of day 3.
    felt back pain on right side slightly on and off and unrest feeling even in day 5 and 6,
    i am still solemnly taking my doses on time and the way you have prescribed. Just thought i let you know about my weeks progess.
    Thank You and God Bless you.

  29. Madiha says:

    Hi Joe,
    for my choc Cyst and cramps you prescribed me Bellis Perennis 30c and Arnica 30c, i have started it for about a week now.
    from past two days i have frequent urination, i need to go for it for about 10 times a day, i assume its urine infection cause i have had it previously too. yes my water intake is not very nice, but today i had almost 1.5 liter water bottle.
    i will be going for a urine test tomorrow, i took ‘citralka (disodium hydrogen citrate – liquid) mixed in water’ for this problem which usually allopath Doc give. wanted to know if its okay to take while am taking BP and Arnica.
    Thank You so Much and waiting for your reply.

    • Joe says:


      1.5 liters of water is by no means sufficient especially if you live in the tropics. It should be increased to at least 3 liters immediately.

      Please note that the 2 remedies are NOT responsible for your present crisis and it is obvious that you suffer from some infection in the bladder which is the real cause.

      You may need an Antibiotic which will depend on the results of your Urine test which should also include a ABST test (Antibiotic Sensitivity Test) if any causative organism is discovered.

      Continue with the therapy you are taking if and when you are prescribed the AB.

  30. Raj says:

    This is Rai, How are you doing? i came across this by internet, i am having Ovarian Cyst of size 6.5 cm, yesterday i went to gynecologist and he told me it seems like Endotermiosis with chocolate fluid and he suggested me to go for surgery.
    > I don’t want to go for surgery i am 28 and have no kids yet. couple of months back i was concieved and lost my pregnancy at 8th week, then they found i had cyst, i am not on any medication currently, could you please suggest me i am eagerly waiting to see the response , i will be helpfull.

    • Joe says:


      I shall copy my default prescription which many ladies have followed with a high percentage of success as you have already seen from the article you have read on my website.

      Please note that you will NOT consent to any surgery to drain the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that you are having as they WILL recur with every period when the Follicle does not burst out of the tissue to find its way into the Fallopian tube as it is locked in the tissue and forms a cocoon which forms a CC after every period.

      You will discover that my therapy which is absolutely safe in use will reduce the CC and drain the chocolate coloured fluid every time you ovulate.

      The remedies prescribed below, Bellis Perennis will help with your Endometriosis and the Arnica will control your bleeding and the pain which you will notice in your next period.

      Since you have already conceived, your chances of doing so again are very good and I hope that you will have a baby soon. Do not give up hope.

      Prayer also helps.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c

      Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      The Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevent the spread of these lesions internally, while the Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Report your response in a week.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  31. Madiha says:

    Dear Joe,
    hope you are good.
    Just thought i let you know about my progess.

    i started the therapy on the 15 th of feb..after a week or more..i had a complaint of frequent urination..i was sure there is a infection and i started antibiotics..but once i got the tests done the report was clear..and the other week i got my periods like on the 25th feb and the (urination) problem got fine..
    i had pain 2 days before the periods and first 2 days of the periods i had to take pain killers and was on the heat therapy , after that i was fine..

    i am glad atleast i am back on my old situation bcus the first period after getting married were really bad in terms of pain.

    when do u think i should go for a scan..?

    i am still solemnly taking my doses on time and the way you have prescribed. Just thought i let you know about my progess.

    Thank You and God Bless you.

    • Joe says:


      It is still too early to expect any difference in just 2 weeks.
      In my experience the earliest time for another scan is 3 months.

      If you experience excruciating pain during your period you can take Mag Phos 12x Biochemic Tablets dose 3 tablets every 3 hours. This will hopefully eliminate the pain. Please stay away from analgesics as they do more harm than good.

      Did you notice any difference in your bleeding pattern this time in comparison to previous occasions?

  32. Fs says:

    Hi Joe,

    my medicines re also same which arnica 30c and BP 30c for my choc cyst.
    from monday feb 27, i have sore throat, cough, flu and fever, i went to a doctor and he gave a cough cyrup, ponstan,caflam and (ceclor (capsules)).
    just wanted to know i can take them along my remedies right?
    Thank you so much.

    • Joe says:


      There is nothing that can be done to stop an oncoming Cold or Cough which as you are aware is caused by a virus.

      It is best not to take the cocktail of drugs that you have been prescribed as they will only help to temporarily control the cough that you have but at the risk of disturbing the Homeopathic remedies which as you may be aware are present at Nano levels.

      It is essential that you partake of exercise to make you sweat and lift your heart BPM to over 100 but this will have to await your recovery from your cough.

  33. Gabi says:

    Hello Joe. I had a strange experience with my period. I started taking the remedy on the 7-th of Feb. My period was late for a week, it started on the 13-th Feb and it lasted for a week. Then a few days later, on the 26-th i started bleeding again, this time with no pain at all, a different period from any other in my life, with constant flow, not heavy but the same in all of these previous days, with small cloths. It still has not ended but today the flow is reduced, like it will be over in a day or two.
    The pressure i felt down is reduced, but still there. The numbing in my leg is still present tough.
    What should i do when i empty the bottles? I have medicine for about a week from now. Should i start another round?

    • Joe says:


      Yours is an advanced case of Endometriosis with heavy bleeding and you will have to take the 2 remedies I have prescribed Bellis P and Arnica for the next few months before you find any positive relief which will first manifest itself in the arresting of the bleeding and with it the pain you may have experienced which many have complained of.

      It is still too early to predict the next development but you are advised to continue the therapy as prescribed.

  34. Fs says:

    Hi Joe,
    thank you so much for your prompt reply, i have noted what you have suggested for me 🙂

    wanted to ask something for my mother , her age is 50 plus, september 24 2011 she had an angina pain she was taken in emergency to hospital , it was found that her artery which supplies 30 % blood to heart was 100% blocked, so her angioplasty was done where they put stent in her heart.
    her medicines are ascard,low plat, tenormin ( these are for blood thining, cholestrol and blood pressure ).
    now often what she feels is unfresh, restlessness and (slight pain in hands and chest and this mostly when her blood pressure is high).

    from past 3 to 4 months her cholestrol came on border line too. unfortunately due to her knee joints pain she cant even walk or exercise .i was wondering if she can take arnica which i read helps a lot for an ideal lipid profile and control blood pressure too? but can she really take it with her allopathic medicines? please do let me know. Thank you so much

    • Joe says:


      Your mother at 50 years of age is far too young to have had an angioplasty. This is the standard therapy today in many countries where Angina is treated by a Stent which costs a lot of money. Angina is caused by the accumulation of Cholesterol plaque in the arteries which blocks the passage of blood. In your mother’s case you state by 100% ???. I believe that this is a gross overstatement on the part of your Cardiologist who advised the stent.

      This could have been avoided if she had taken Arnica 30c for the last 10 years to prevent the formation of excess Cholesterol and Triglycerides and other debris which have clogged up her arteries.

      This is the reason for my plea to anyone who reads this post. If you are over 40 years old, follow my example and take a teaspoonful of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose nightly before bed. You will never be faced with any arterial blockage. I have taken Arnica 30c in the Wet dose for the last 17 years and am living evidence at age 83 of the efficacy of this Miracle Remedy. My Cholesterol, Triglycerides are at normal limits and I do not have any aches or pains which are generally accepted as the price of Old Age.

      Visit http://www.joedelivera.com/?p=66

      You can start her off on Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which I presume you know how to make and she can take it twice daily for life.

      She can take it with her other drugs and if you will report her response in a month with data on her Lipid Profile for Cholesterol, Triglycerides and other information about her BP, I will then advise you on the next step.

      Her Arthritis will respond to Argentum Metallicum 6c in the Wet dose and you can report her results in a week when the pain in her knees should have abated.

  35. Fs says:

    Thank You so much Dr.Joe, May God Bless you .

  36. Suparna Das says:

    Hi Dr.Joe
    I came across your website while finding some solution for my health.
    I am stating my problems.
    1) Height – 5 ft, Weight 60 kg, Age -27. Married. No pregnancy.
    2) Having poly cystic ovary from 2006.
    3) White discharge from the very first menstrual cycle.
    4) Abnormal hair growth in body part. Front area of head is becoming bald.Hair quality is becoming thin. Weight is increasing.
    5) Feel fatigue very quickly. Sweating too much. Feel thirsty mostly.
    6) Diagnosed Chocolate cyst in left ovary at October, 2011. I have taken modus 10 as prescribed my gyn. Side effects was pain continuation, hot flush.
    7) After that I have been treated under local homeopathy doctor. But condition is not improving.
    8) I feel acute pain from 3rd day of period in left lower side of abdomen, waist area, and left leg. I have acne which comes and goes with the menstrual cycle. During period passing urine becomes tough.
    9) I have fisher which worsens during period days.
    10) I have bulging stomach which is swelling.
    11) I take allegra-180 per day due to cold allergy when it happens.
    12) Menstrual date – January – 14th. Lasted for 10 days. Heavy bleeding. There was one 7 days long bleeding between January and February of brownish color which occurred my cyst to decrease.
    February – 18th. Lasted for 7 days, less bleeding.
    13) I have taken these medicines:
    At November: conium 3 + sepia 6 (2 dose)
    Arnica 3 (2 dose)
    Ignatia 200, Mag phos 3x
    At December: conium 3 + sepia 6 (2 dose)
    Cimicif 30 (2 dose)
    Hamam 200 + Arnica 3 (2 dose)
    Nitric Acid 30, Belledona 30
    At January: conium 3 + sepia 6 (2 dose)
    Caulophy 200 (2 dose)
    Hamam 200 + Arnica 3 (2 dose)
    Muriatic Acid 30 (2 dose)
    Medorrh 200
    Chamomille 30
    Krcosil 200 (1 dose) [Stopped 1month ago]
    Hyper 200 + Belledona 30
    14) My reports are:
    At October:
    Right ovary: 36.7 x 17.6 x 43.2 mm vol = 14.61 ml
    Left adnexal sol: 51 x 32.4 x 54.6 mm vol = 47.25 ml
    Left adnexa shows a complex cystic sol with internal septations and echoes . Right ovary adherent to uterus, bulky in size with small cysts.
    At January :
    Adnexae right ovary appears normal in size (38 mm x 20 mm x 16 mm, vol 6.9 cc). It is adherent to the uterine wall.
    A predominantly hypoechoeic lesion (39 mm x 28mm x 26 mm, vol – 15.4 cc) is noted in the left uterine adnexa. Fine echoes are noted within. Left ovary could not be located separately.
    At March:
    I have done USG in this month due severe pain. I will get my report tomorrow. Doctor said volume of left ovary is 58 cc and of right ovary 6 cc.
    I am waiting for your reply if there is any solution to my problem.
    Thanks and Regards

    • Joe says:


      All I can state at this stage is that you have a very complex problem which you state you have suffered from your first menstrual cycle.

      I presume that you have taken a wide variety of drugs and it is obvious that they have not helped you so far. It is also possible that the therapy I have prescribed for many women may also not help you but it has helped many and we can only hope and pray that it will help you too. It will certainly reduce the Chocolate Cysts and the heavy bleeding that you suffer from and you should experience the difference in your bleeding pattern in a week or so.

      You stated:
      “9) I have fisher which worsens during period days.
      10) I have bulging stomach which is swelling.
      11) I take allegra-180 per day due to cold allergy when it happens.”

      Can you explain “Fisher” ?

      Are you overweight?

      You can add Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30c in the Wet dose for your Catarrh or Cold allergy. Take a dose twice weekly to keep Catarrh at bay and report progress.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts and hope that it will help with your PCOS.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c

      Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      The Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevent the spread of these lesions internally, while the Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Report your response in a week.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Report progress from time to time.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Please note that you cannot expect instant results as yours is a very complex problem as I indicated above and it may take some time to resolve.

      It is understood that you will not use any other drug or homeopathic remedy when you start on my therapy.

      Report progress weekly.

  37. Suparna says:

    Dear Joe,
    Thank you for your quick reply.
    I should clarify some issues. The medicines given by the doctor cured white discharge for 2 months. But now it is happening again. The amount increases generally when I am tensed or stressed. I suffer from hyper tension.
    I have miss spelt the word “fissure” which is constipation problem. And the pain becomes huge during the cycle.
    Yes I am over weight. It should be around 54 kg.
    I didn’t have tonsil problem ever until I suffered from German missiles. We have warm weather here but still I am prone to get cold very easily. Rashes forms around tonsil area, infection in gum cheek eye area with fever – these are symptoms.
    Sometimes I have less and sometimes heavy bleeding, not every time. My gyn told me it is due to PCOS. Usually I had 5 day cycle but from the month of October it remains for 7-10 days.
    I forgot to mention e coli also been detected with chocolate cyst. i have taken antibiotics for 2 months and lastly my doctor advised me to take uriliser and cranmed. I have also taken that for 2 weeks. But still sometimes I feel pain when urinating during the cycle and amount also become less.
    I live in India. Here the medicines you suggested are available but name is arnica 30 not 30c. I wanted to know whether these two are same. Otherwise I will order it from outside.

    • Joe says:


      You will have to eliminate your E Coli with a suitable Antibiotic (AB) and it is very likely that the AB you have taken for 2 months has not helped to do so. You will have to get a ABST (antibiotic sensitivity test) done on a sample of your urine and use the AB that is best.

      You will add Nat Phos 6x to your list of remedies to keep your stools soft to prevent any further abrasions of your fissure and if it does not respond in a week I will prescribe the remedies to help it to heal. Nat Phos 6x will also reduce your weight by around 1kg per week.

      Arnica 30 = 30c. Please note that this must be in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol.

  38. Suparna says:

    Thank u so much Joe for your reply. I will collect the medicine and will let you when i start it.

  39. Suparna says:

    Dear Joe,
    If you please tell me what will be the dosage of nat phos 6x.

    • Joe says:


      Nat Phos 6x dosage for weight reduction is

      2 tablets taken immediately after each of 2 meals daily.

      Check and report your weight weekly when the norm is 1kg per WEEK.

  40. Suparna says:

    Dear Joe
    Thank u so much for your advice.

  41. Suparna says:

    Hi Joe,
    Today I have collected the medicines. As you already know I was taking another set of medicines till today.
    Do I need to take any antidot before I start?

    Also, I am having too much pain these days and feeling weak. Anything for that?

    With kind regards.

    • Joe says:


      Please list all the medicines that you are taking today.

      It is understood that if and when you commence using my therapy, you will STOP all other medicines for 3 days before you start on mine.

  42. Gabi says:

    Dear Joe
    Since my period ended, I’m forced to ware sanitary napkins, cause there is a really small quantity of blood occurring every day. It’s not even a flow it’s like my last day of the period cycle. I don’t feel any pain nor discomfort, but should i be worried or this is a reaction prone to the remedies you suggested, which by the way i continued using.

    • Joe says:


      It is now just under 6 weeks since you first started on my therapy and it may be still too early to expect any positive response since you have suffered from your Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts (CC) since 2008.

      Patients have reported that their bleeding and pain have been helped within a few weeks of starting on my therapy and I would like to have more feedback from you with your response.

      Has your CC reduced in size?

      If the bleeding continues it may be caused by a Fibroid but it is still early days to suspect this. Have you experienced this in the past?

      Continue with the therapy and give me more feedback.

      • Joe says:


        The best news you have given me is:

        “Something that I’ve noticed is the lower part of my stomach has reduced in size and i started losing some weight. It’s not anything drastic but It’s noticeable. Previously i couldn’t lose any weight, in spite of my intensive 3 times a week pilates workouts for the past 7 months now.”

        We can only hope that this improvement will continue as this can indicate that the 2 remedies are working as scheduled and if so, you can expect to hopefully overcome your problem. A scan is best done in 3 months when there should be perceptible changes visible in your abdomen.

        You can also add Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken after each of 3 meals daily. This will also help reduce your weight and it is compatible with the 2 you are already taking.

        Continue your exercise routine and drink plenty of water. Don’t worry about the bleeding for the moment and report progress with your weight drop weekly.

  43. Gabi says:

    I don’t know if the CC has reduced in size, cause i think it’s still too soon to do a scan (actually i don’t wanna get disappointed from the results, so I’ll wait for another month).

    No, this is the first time I’ve never experienced something like this in the past.

    Something that I’ve noticed is the lower part of my stomach has reduced in size and i started losing some weight. It’s not anything drastic but It’s noticeable. Previously i couldn’t lose any weight, in spite of my intensive 3 times a week pilates workouts for the past 7 months now.

  44. Suparna says:

    Dear Joe,
    Sorry for my late reply. This week was pretty hectic and my condition was not good. You told me to report all my previous medicines which I have already reported you. I have started your prescribed medicines from 10th march. I could not wait because my pain increased so much that I had to take painkiller twice daily. After taking your medicines first three days was painful and those days were exceptionally hectic. After that I could get some rest and felt mild relief. But this relief is not constant. I am feeling pain whenever I am going out or taking stairs. Should I stop going out and take complete rest? And moreover the number of growth of unwanted hair (like between breasts) has increased.

    White discharge is happening, only the quantity is less. I can’t sit and lie properly these days due to pain, as a result I am suffering from back pain and pain in left waist. These pains do not leave me for a while.

    I have few questions. How many days it will take to cure? Will I be fully cured at all? Or should I go for operation?

    From the previous USG reports you can see that size of my right ovary has constantly decreased. Is it good or bad? What do u say? Please pray for me.

    • Joe says:


      You have been on my therapy for the last 7 days and I hope that you do not expect to be cured of your chronic problems within this time frame. You state that you have experienced considerable pain which you have ascribed to my therapy, but in the same breath you state “After taking your medicines first three days was painful and those days were exceptionally hectic. After that I could get some rest and felt mild relief.”
      I hope that you will realize and understand that the obvious answer to alleviate the pain you have experienced is to rest, and thereby give your body a chance to recover from what can otherwise be an impossible task for me.

      I also hope that you understand that I am doing a purely voluntary service at my advanced age of 83 years completely free of any charge to help patients in severe distress, and although some patients have classified me as a ‘Miracle worker”, I do not subscribe to that view as I am just a normal person who has proved that my own therapy aka “Joepathy” which is based on Homeopathic Remedies which I have studied and done research on and later used personally and prescribed to my patients, does indeed work in an unusual “miraculous” manner which even I do not understand.

      You have also posed a few questions which I shall copy below:

      “I have few questions. How many days it will take to cure? Will I be fully cured at all? Or should I go for operation?”

      Surely you cannot expect me to prophesy when and how you will be cured. You are invited to read and digest the response of other patients whom I have treated on this same thread that you are posting from to understand that a cure of your gynecological problem is not by any means an instant fix as you would already have discovered, after visiting the many doctors whom you have consulted up to now. You will read that many of my patients have been grateful for my part in helping them as at least two of them succeeding in pregnancies in spite of suffering for years and after having been through multiple surgeries, which I note you request me to advice you upon.

      I have always maintained that surgery is not the optimal solution for your ailment as it is akin to taking Paracetemol for a headache, the pain of which it suppresses temporarily. It cannot be likened to my therapy which is more deep seated in its effects and seems to CURE the Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts permanently in a period of time which you must understand cannot be accelerated at the whim of the impatient patient.

      If you are not patient enough to continue with my Joepathy please feel free to consult others who are more qualified than I am to help you and who may succeed in so doing in the manner of a quick fix.

  45. Suparna says:

    Another thing i forgot to mention the fissure pain has started again.

  46. Fs says:

    hi Joe , hope you are good, i am on on BP and Arnica for Choc Cycst, started it on feb 15, and it was my day first of periods too,
    i already updated you last month about my post condition and during that time .
    this month i still havent got my periods due date was march 15, but since 15 march i have had cramps at only one point of time in a whole day for a short span only – a slight cramps near cyst area right side lower abdomen felt like normal periods cramp and as if i will get them anytime but i did not get them as yet,and after a short span cramps would be gone .
    ( today i did not feel any such cramp though) just thought i let you know about it.
    Thank You and God bless you.

    • Joe says:


      I presume that it would take a few more weeks before your problem is helped and it is likely that it will take a few more months before it is resolved. You are advised to continue with my therapy for some time into the future.

      If the pain that you suffer from is acute you may use:
      Hypericum 200 in the wet dose taken every 4 hours and this should relieve your pain and cramps which you are suffering from.

      Please report your response.

  47. Fs says:

    alright thanks Joe.

  48. Madiha says:

    Dear Mr. Joe,
    hope you are good.

    a little background..

    i started the therapy ( for chocolate cyst) on the 15 th of feb..after a week or more..i had a complaint of frequent urination..i was sure there is a infection and i started antibiotics..but once i got the tests done the report was clear..and the other week i got my periods like on the 25th feb and the (urination) problem got fine..i had this issue before too and by taking a homeopathic medicine by this doctor it got better too but now its back since i have stopped his all medications..

    i had pain 2 days before the periods and first 2 days of the periods i had to take pain killers and was on the heat therapy , after that i was fine..

    i am glad atleast i am back on my old situation bcus the first period after getting married were really bad in terms of pain.

    i am still solemnly taking my doses on time and the way you have prescribed. Just thought i let you know about my progess.


    march 21

    now i am having a feeling to have them anytime..i wanted to ask if
    Mag Phos 12x Biochemic Tablets dose 3 tablets every 3 hours
    will immediately reduce the excruciating pain like other pain killers do because it really gets unbearable for me ..:S

    i am feeling a lot better as in before it was every other day when i use to have that cyst pain now i see slight improvement..

    but the frequent urination -in drops and that uncomfortable thing pinch is still there..

    my urine dr test were clear.. don’t know whats wrong..

    anyway i am hoping for the best and will keep updating you.

    Thank You and God Bless.

    • Joe says:


      I would like to reassure you that your complaint of frequent urination has nothing to do with my therapy. You state that you have taken an antibiotic for your suspected urinary infection but that the report was clear. You must understand that unless you had the test done prior to your taking the antibiotic, there will be no trace of any bacteria in the resultant report.

      You state that you had taken some medicine from another homeopathic physician which had helped you in the past but that you are experiencing the same urinary problem again. I regret that I cannot prescribe for your urinary problem on the web and you will have to seek guidance either from a medical doctor or another homoeopath who may be able to help you.

      You complain of pain both before and during periods and I notice that you have enquired about taking Mag Phos 12 X biochemical tablets which I presume were prescribed by another homeopath in the past. I have had better results with Hypericum 200 in the wet dose which I presume you know how to make. You can take a dose 3-4 times daily and you should observe that within about 15 min after you take your dose that there will be a considerable relief from the pain you are experiencing.

      Report progress weekly.

  49. Suparna says:

    Dear Joe,

    I hope you are fine. I am sorry for being impatient as it was just few days i was taking your medicine. I know you are purely doing a voluntary service at this age and i am really grateful to you for this. I have been consulted many well known doctors (aloepathy and homeopathy) but nobody could help me. And unfortunately i was getting frustrated about my condition bcz this CC has devastated my life. I hope you can understand my situation. Here is some updates i have for you.

    This week i am purely at home. I could not feel any pain in my ovary until yesterday. Yesterday night it was mild pain. And today i felt extreme pain in morning. I was just sleeping and may be accidentally i turned at my left side which these days i cant do. I am surprised about this because there was no pain or mild during last 7 days. I took MP12x but it didnt help so i had to take combiflame. Apart from this i am feeling burning sensation and pain from where the left leg is started i mean its between my belly and left leg.I dont know the exact english of this. This pain i am feeling continuously.
    Last month i had period at 18th Feb. This month it has not started yet.
    Thanks and Regards.

    • Joe says:


      You have been using my Joepathy for the last 12 days and all you have done up to now is to complain about your pain and discomfort that you are suffering from during this short period.

      You seem to have forgotten that you have also suffered from this same pain for many years in the past and the least I would have expected you to do is to state clearly whether or not the therapy I have prescribed for you has HELPED YOU OR NOT.

      You must understand that I too am human and it pains me to have to read about your pain all the time.

      If you do not wish to adopt a positive attitude towards using my therapy and STOP COMPLAINING, I will be compelled to call it quits in treating you in the future.

  50. suparna says:

    This is weekly update. Your medicine was working last 6 days.but from yesterday the pain has resumed.
    Fyi, I am suffering from this cc problem not for many years but for 5 months.

  51. Madiha says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,
    thanks for your prompt reply..
    i know the urinary issue is not because of your therapy, it was there before too..but since u told me that with arnica and bp 30 i can not take any other medications right now i stopped my homeopathic medicine for this urinary issue..which i can always start again with your permission later…

    right now i have to get this cc cured first and alhumdulialh i feel change..and am very hopeful too..

    actually in your last msg you recommended me Mag Phos 12 X biochemical tablets .. but no worries you have asked my sister to take Hypericum 200 in the wet dose too so we have both in the house now i can take that.

    thank you so much i will def let you know about my condition next week.


    • Joe says:


      I was not aware that I was treating 2 sisters. I would like to know for the record the problems affecting both of you.

      I would also like to know which of the 2 Pain medications helps you better.

      Mag Phos 12x or Hypericum 200c ?

  52. Fs says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,
    hope you are in good health, Fs who writes you that is me and Madiha both are sisters, the problem we both have is Choc Cyst, Mine recently diagnosed and Madiha’s was diagnosed more than a year ago.
    and the mother i wrote of who had an angioplasty last year at the age of 50 plus, is Our mother, shes taking arnica now ,would get her whole lipid profile done by april and would update you. For her arthritis u told Argentum Metallicum 6c wet dose, could you pls tell how many times in a day she should take it ?
    and yes about me- i still havent gotten my periods , my due date was 15 march and now its a week above. Thank God i didnt have that acute pain again for which you prescribed me Hypericum, i just had it pre n post my due date for few days thats it.
    Thanks and May God bless you more.

    • Joe says:


      I have always maintained that learning is an ongoing process and even at my advanced age of 83 I am still continuing to do so.

      It is indeed coincidence that both you sisters present Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts and it is very likely that your mother too has suffered from this same syndrome. I would like to know who is the older of you two, and for how long you have each suffered from your respective symptoms. Can you also give me a full background of yourselves with age and marital status and other details of menstruation irregularities if any with your respective bleeding patterns and for how long a period lasts.

      Hypericum is quite safe to be used for extended periods and I would like you to inform me how long it takes to act after you take a dose.

      You mum can take Arg Met 6c in the Wet dose twice daily. She should hopefully discover that she is relieved of her pain in under a week and can be cured in about a month. She will report her response to the remedy weekly.

      God Bless you both and your mother.

  53. Fs says:

    Thanks a lot for your prompt reply.

    Here is my background
    Age: 24 Date of birthday 27 Feb 1988
    Not married – a student currently.
    always have had heavy bleeding in first three days, mainly second.(would have weakness and fever on day second and cramps in lower abdomen) they would end maximum by day 10th, on day 5 there wouldnt be anything till day 7, and on 8 and 9 some brown discharge would come for max by three days not in heavy amount though. ( all this i wrote is on AVERAGE, sometimes i will have normal(not too much heavy bleeding) and pain free periods too as in minimal pain.
    just that in january 2012 had slight pain during periods (and after discharge the pain would flee) at the back so got my ultrasound done and found this out. I remem from past 2 years always had periods on time, a day or three max would fluctuate thats it but mostly on due date.

    My mother never had this problem, and we all siblings (we are 4 sister n 1brother )were normal deliveries. I will update you about my mother too.Also that should she discontinue her pain killers for knee joints (aloepath medicines – pain killer and glucosamine)?

    Madiha: Age 27, Date of birth January 18,1985. got married in January 2012, by profession : design clothes and export them, works from home only, works whole night and sleep in day time.
    diagnosed Endomet in Oct 2010, periods: always have had heavy cramps in periods since beginning and heavy bleeding too, and lasts for 7 days only. would get periods a week before a due date , on average recently three days before or after a due date.
    After it was diagnosed – what medicines i took and brief history is written in blogs posted above dated : february 4,2012 ,name : Madiha. the urinary problem – i suspect that the medicine “danocrine” i took in past- it is one of its adverse affect that uterus and ovaries have become close to each other, (may be it is my assumption) cause when i used to go for ultrasound(back last year) the doc had difficulty in understanding and reading the inside details.

    Let me know if you need anything else to know.

    Thanks a lot Dr.Joe, Bless you.

    • Joe says:


      Your report goes to prove how genes work in continuing familial traits among siblings. Although your mother did not present the same problems that you and Madiha suffer from, it is most likely that you inherited them from your father and it would be of interest if you can investigate if any members of his family had any similar gynecological problems.

      The one remedy that can help both you and your sister is Bellis Perennis 30c which has proved to successfully replace Danosol in scores of women which it does very safely unlike the drug which has serious after effects which you can read about if you do a Google search. The Danocrine which is the same drug that you were prescribed has already shown its after effects and I hope that your problems with your ovaries and uterus will abate with your use of my therapy. Arnica must be used jointly with the BP and I shall be interested to have your continued reports in the future of your response to my therapy.

  54. Fs says:

    Hi hope you are in good health dr joe, may God bless you for all your efforts and help, cant wait to be cured with these therapies. We are solemnly taking it and positive about it. Thank you so much, i even got my periods last night, very slight or hardly any cramps no fever and very normal bleeding so far, really content n pray a lot for you. Would update you more further as it ends. Thank you

    • Joe says:


      Glad to learn that you are more comfortable with your period this time and I hope that this is an indication that my Joepathy is working. It may be too early to expect results but I remember a case about 5 years ago when the patient a 49 year old woman who was an employee was bleeding literally to death as the doctors in the gynecological hospital could not stop her bleeding for some weeks and had recommended a Hysterectomy.

      I gave her the same remedy Arnica 6c in the WD in office around midday when she came to inform me that she was entering hospital the next day. I was surprised to find that she had reported to work the day after and all smiles as she discovered by evening that her bleeding had been arrested.

      Such is the power of Joepathy.

      If you do get cramps with unbearable pain your remedy is Hypericum 200 in the Wet dose taken every 4 hours.

  55. Gabi says:

    Hello Joe. I would like to inform you about my status. I got my period on the 20th of February. I felt pains on the first day (i always feel this pain on the second day), but i managed to go through that period of 4-5 hours while the intensity of the pain was at max level, without any pain killers. The flow was normal not heavy, with very few clots.
    I’m still loosing weight (being on a diet and exercising), gradually. I couldn’t find Nat Phos 6x. Maybe i’ll order over Internet.
    The pressure i feel in the lower part of the abdomen and the numbness of the left leg is with lower intensity.
    I can say that your therapy is suiting me quite good. I will continue taking it, and i will keep you informed.
    Thank you!

    • Gabi says:

      “I got my period on the 20th of February”. I mean March 🙂 Sorry

    • Joe says:


      I believe that it is safe to state that you have shown considerable improvement under my therapy.

      I would like you to please compare your status prior to using my therapy to what it is today for my records.

      A detailed report will be useful for both you and me.

  56. Madiha says:

    Hi Joe, i started your therapy on feb 15,

    last month condition: i had pain 2 days before the periods and first 2 days of the periods i had to take pain killers and was on the heat therapy , after that i was fine..bleeding was good, had it normally. (not extra and not even too less)

    this month: got my periods on 26th march, acute pain started constantly a day before period for which i took hypericum along my BP & Arnica as u have prescribed.
    but currently 2 days have passed i still have constant pain not that unbearable but bearable for which i am taking hypericum along BP n Arnica.
    i feel way too much weak, shortened of breath, feel heavy head, nausea twice for a short span. bleeding below average very few. i had to go somewhere and i couldn’t even stand for long so sat down and got ready than to stand. (all day i tried to sleep to feel less of my condition, food intake was only one meal, and water intake was not even a lot). Although when i got up took honey in warm water along drops of black seeds oil to overcome this weakness.

    • Joe says:


      I am concerned with the pain that you report for which you used to take pain killers last month. Can you tell me if you noticed any improvement in your pain level this month?
      Is there any improvement in your bleeding pattern?

      You will have to be more active physically to ensure that the lesions inside your abdomen caused by your Endometriosis do not pack up together and thereby cause further damage. You must know that Endometrial tissue is similar to a spider’s web but much larger and the growth is increased during the days of your period. This is when you must move about rather than just sleeping in bed as this will promote the growth of the tissue. Exercise is also essential during the rest of the month and you must drink at least 3 liters of water daily.

      Do you have Skype on your computer which will enable you to talk to me?

      My Skype ID is Joedelivera.

  57. Suparna says:

    Hi Joe,
    I want to update you about my condition after continuing joepathy for 4 weeks. I only feel pain seldom nowadays and it is tolerable. I think your prescription is working, thank you very much. However, I got last period at feb 18. At march I missed it and till now it has not happened. I also have got cold allergy and I have pimples on face.


    • Joe says:


      Glad to note that my Joepathy is helping you. Your case may take some more time to resolve but there will be no after effects like with the drugs you have been taking.

      Your periods may also take some time to stabilize.

      Please explain “cold allergy”.

      The Pimples are symptomatic of your problem which is most likely PCOS and we can only hope that they will also be resolved by my medication.

  58. Suparna says:

    Hello Joe,
    What i meant by cold allergy are Rashes forms around tonsil area, infection in gum cheek eye area with fever.
    Thanks for your response.

    • Joe says:


      It is possible that as your condition improves that your cold allergy and other problems will also resolve themselves.

  59. Fs says:

    Hi Joe, Hope you are in good health. sorry could not update about my last months period. Here it is:
    last period progress: compare to past period before i started joepathy, this time i had no fever on first day which i used to from past couple of period, felt very minute or hardly any cramps, just that day second was quite heavy, previously i have had heavy bleeding too but sometimes it would be normal too, but this period day second was quite heavy.
    previously my period wouldnt end on time they would drag and stop after day 4, and would end by day 8 or so. but this time they ended on time, had normal bleeding everyday ,felt perfect cycle, except that day second was quite heavy bleeding and had minute pain lower abdomen back right side just for about a day and it got better after taking hypericum.
    this month its due on april 23rd as per last months date.
    Thank You so much Joe for joepathy, i am taking it on time and will be.
    one thing i wanted to know that are there any food which we should avoid totally ? such as i have heard that tomatoes, lemon or iron containing food should not be taken. i read on your forum about tea and coffee and chocolate, i dont take them anyway. just wanted to know if there is anything else we should avoid.
    Thank You and God bless you.

    • Joe says:


      From your report I believe that your condition has improved but it may take a few more months to consider you as cured.

      The only food you will have to avoid is processed meats like sausages, ham bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote Homeopathic remedies instantly.

      You can also avoid drinking coffee. Tea is OK. No canned beverages like cola drinks as they are just not fit for human consumption.

  60. Gabi says:

    Sadly this mail won’t be as optimistic as the previous one. After my last period i felt the pain in the lower abdomen and in the left leg (the same symptoms I’ve explained in the previous posts). This last few days are better as I’m expecting my period.
    I’m concerned about the excess growth of hair on my face, lately it started to appear on the chin and in the area between the chin and the neck. Is it due to excess of mail hormones? Maybe it’s the reason why i don’t feel the urge for motherhood as much as the girls my age (27) do?
    Is it possible to conceive even if you have a chocolate cyst? And if you can what would happen with the cyst?

    • Joe says:


      I believe that it is now time to do another US Scan to see what improvements have occurred in the past few months since you came under my care.

      The excessive growth of hair on your face is symptomatic of PCOS and is due to some imbalance in your hormonal system. I can try to help this condition later but the first priority is your Chocolate Cysts which should hopefully have reduced and should show if they have reduced on the scan.

      I have had 2 case of patients which you can read on this thread who have conceived but this can take some time in your case.

      I do not think that I requested you to exercise as this is an integral part of my therapy. I would like you to start on a daily routine and it is essential to sweat it out.

  61. Madiha says:

    Hi Joe, i started your therapy on feb 15,

    month condition: i had pain 2 days before the periods and first 2 days of the periods i had to take pain killers and was on the heat therapy , after that i was fine..bleeding was good, had it normally. (not extra and not even too less)

    March :
    this month: got my periods on 26th march, acute pain started constantly a day before period for which i took hypericum along my BP & Arnica as u have prescribed.
    but currently 2 days have passed i still have constant pain not that unbearable but bearable for which i am taking hypericum along BP n Arnica.
    i feel way too much weak, shortened of breath, feel heavy head, nausea twice for a short span. bleeding below average very little. i had to go somewhere and i couldn’t even stand for long so sat down and got ready than to stand. (all day i tried to sleep to feel less of my condition, food intake was only one meal, and water intake was not even a lot). Although when i got up took honey in warm water along drops of black seeds oil to overcome this weakness.

    after my periods i felt MUCH BETTER like never before..
    since 2010 i use to have this lower abdominal pain after every period of mine but this month I am Glad i felt a lot better.. and didn’t notice any pain at all..

    Now April :
    now april is here and i am expecting my period on the 26th like in a few days..i am only concern about the bleeding and the pain i suffer till 2-3 days continuously.. i didn’t see much improvement from hypericum.

    can i take Mag Phos 12 X biochemical tablets this time and see if this work for the pain and the bleeding improves.

    once again thank you so much Dr, Joe for joepathy, i am taking it on time and will be.

    God Bless you.

    • Joe says:


      Your report indicates that you have improved with my therapy and we will await your next period to observe if this improvement continues.

      You can take Mag Phos 12x if you experience any acute pain. I feel however that you may not experience this pain since you are taking the Bellis Perennis 30c for the last 2 months.

      Report progress.

      God Bless you.

  62. Anna W says:

    Dear Dr De Livera,

    I have recently come across your website while I was searching for acure for my endometriosis and chocolate cysts. I found new hope reading your patients comments and would like to prepare the wet dose of Bellis Perennis.

    However, I live in the UK and I find it very hard to find the tincture form of this remedy.

    I tried googling the remedy but nothing comes up. The only source seems to be Amazon US where I found the following tincture:


    In your instructions you say “Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack
    also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle”. Is the tincure I found on Amazon suitable? Otherwise I can only find the Bellis Perennis 30c pellets form.

    I would very much appreciate your response.

    I have two 3,5 cm cysts on my left and right overy and a couple of
    small 1 and 2 cm ones. I am 28 years old and trying to get pregnant
    within the next 1-2 years. The cysts are not painful and I only found out I had them during a routine ultrasound.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards,

    • Joe says:


      You stated:
      “However, I live in the UK and I find it very hard to find the tincture form of this remedy.”

      I presume that you are not aware that the TINCTURE of any remedy, also known as Mother Tincture or “Q” is NOT to be lightly used as it is the concentrated essence of the remedy and is usually poisonous if taken orally.

      You will order the Liquid Dilution from any of the vendors in the UK:

      Ainsworths Homœopathic Pharmacy
      36 New Cavendish Street, London W1M 7LH
      Tel 020 7935 5330

      Freemans Homeopathic Pharmacy
      18-20 Main Street, Busby, Glasgow G76 8DU
      Tel 0845 225 5155

      Helios Homœopathic Pharmacies
      97 Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2QP
      Tel 01892 537254

      Nelsons Pharmacies Ltd
      73 Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, London W1M 6BY
      Tel 020 7495 2404

      I presume that you have already read and understood the prescription that I have made and I hope that you do not harm yourself by taking the Tincture of Bellis Perennis which is a POISON.

      You may only take the Bellis Perennis in the 30c Wet dose.

      Before you start on my Joepathy, you are advised to record precisely the problem you suffer from Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts instead of taking upon yourself the onus of treating yourself which as you have hopefully realized by now, could have lead to more problems that you are already having.

  63. Anna W says:

    Dear Dr De Livera,

    Thank you for your swift response.

    I have not started the treatment yet but thank you for your warning. But I understand now, the liquid dillution of bellis perrenis is not a homeopatic remedy itself but a base tincture that needs to dialluted to then make a homeopathic remedy.

    I found the remedy on the Ainsworths Homœopathic Pharmacy as per your recommendation. I found “Bellis Perrenis 30C”, the website prompts me to choose the form and there is an option of either
    “in 33% alcohol or 96% alcohol”
    Which one should I order?
    If I do not have any pains and my periods are regular do I also need to order arnica?

    Just to give you more information about my condition, I have always had regular periods and no pain or discomfort so the news about the cysts came rather unexpected. I am not on any birth control pills either. The good news is that the two bigger cysts don’t seem to grow beyond 4 cm, they have been this size for the last year and a half. I believe the smaller cysts (2 cm and 1 cm) could have appeared on my last US scan because the scan was done when I was ovulating.

    I have always kept a very healthy diet, eat no processed food and try to eat only organic fruit and veg and at least 2 warm meals a day. Chocolate has always been only a treat and I only drink herbal teas. There is, however, ovarian cancer history in my family. Both my mum and my great gran had hysterectomy and successfully battled cancer.

    Thank you,

    • Joe says:


      You can order the 96% alcohol remedy.

      Please follow the protocol below for the rest of your life.

      Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken nightly.

      “There is, however, ovarian cancer history in my family. Both my mum and my great gran had hysterectomy and successfully battled cancer.”

      Eat Manioc or Cassava 10gm twice daily

      Visit the links below:




      I have already prescribed Bellis Perennis 30c for this problem and you can take it for as long as you feel that it is needed. It will drain the liquid in your Chocolate Cysts back into the body but it may take a few months to do so. It will not permit any new CC’s to form.

      Exercise daily for 45 minutes is essential and you my ensure that your Heart BPM is elevated over 110. This is presuming that you do not have any cardiac problems.

      • Anna W says:

        Dear Dr De Livera,

        Thank you for your advice. I have to say your website is so interesting and extensive I am slowly reading through it and it gives me hope.

        Thank you for sending the links to articles about cancer and the kernel seeds-very interesting- I am actually already taking the seeds 3-4 seeds per day.

        I will order Arnica as well as per your recommendation. This is again, arnica mother tincture?Please confirm.

        I found the following one:
        This one, however, does not say 30C
        The other pharmacies only seem to have the pallets form of Arnica which I guess cannot be dialluted in water.

        Once I have ordered the remedies and prepared the wet remedy what is the daily dosage?

        I look forward to hearing from you.

        Kindest regards,

        • Joe says:


          Glad to note that you have discovered that my website is interesting. I can only hope that you will take solace from the records of fellow patients 2 of whom had babies with one who had an Ectopic pregnancy which was unfortunately aborted.

          Ainsworths will have any remedy that you want in any potency and I would suggest that you place your order with them.

          “Once I have ordered the remedies and prepared the wet remedy what is the daily dosage?”

          The dose is a capful taken twice daily.

        • Joe says:


          I have just read your post where you have stated:
          “I will order Arnica as well as per your recommendation. This is again, arnica mother tincture?Please confirm.”


          In Homeopathy a Mother Tincture aka “Q” is the concentrated product from which the potentized remedies 3c, 6, 30c, 200c, 1M etc are made by a process of potentization after succussion.

          You will order the Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution from Ainsworths as prescribed by me which you will use twice daily for your problem.

          Please confirm that you have clearly understood the potency and the manner that you will use just 3 DROPS of the Liquid Dilution in a 500ml bottle of spring water.

          Do NOT take any remedy till you have clearly understood my therapy.

  64. Anna W says:

    Thank you, I will try and contact Ainsworths directly when I’m back in the UK this week. Should the remedy be taken in the evening/morning/with meals?
    I actually have another question to you. I have just had my Ca125 marker checked and it is at 24. The norm is up to 35 so really im well within the limit. However, last year the level was 15.. so the ovarian cancer biomarker has grown. Should I be worried? To compare my mum level is at 13, however she had hysterectomy many years ago.
    I would appreciate your response.
    All the best,

  65. Fs says:

    Hi Joe, hope you are in good health,

    this month i got my period right on due date infact a day or two before.
    before i got them had hardly a pinching pain which didnt really feel like a pain but more as a fatigue feeling at the right side lower back only.
    bleeding compare to last month was less, but over all it wasnt a less bleeding, i thank God and your joepathy didnt have cramps in my days. it bleed for 4 days, and then hardly on 6th just a bit. and am through, thats how my cycle went this month.

    Thank You and God bless You.

    • Joe says:


      This is a good example of how Joepathy has worked for you.

      Thank you for recording the improvement in your condition which can only improve with every passing day.

      How is your sister and your mother?

  66. anna w says:

    Dear Dr De Livera,
    I hope you doin well.
    I have some further questions regarding your therapy.i heard that while taking homeopathic remedies one must not take any herbal supplements, vitamins or anything that can interfere with the homeopathic remedy. Yet you recommended that I take manioc?Is manioc the same what yam?
    I was looking into herbal remedies websites but there are so many different types of yam I am not sure which one to order. Would you be able to recommend anything?
    Thank you,

    • Joe says:


      I am copying the link to Manioc in Wikipedia below.


      You must get this yam ASAP as your CA 125 levels are above normal and with the history of your family it is essential that you eat it daily for life.

      You do not need any other drugs or vitamins as they can antidote the Homeopathy that I have prescribed for you.

      Please note that I can only prescribe a remedy and it is up to you the patient to accept my therapy and use it in the spirit that I have suggested it to you, or to reject it as I cannot command that you do so.

  67. Anna W says:

    Dear Dr De Livra,

    Thank you. I am a bit worried that the ca125 levels have gone up but I was wondering if the fact that I had chest and kidney infection when I was doing the test could have had an impact?

    I found the following UK website:
    It looks like a trustworthy source and it sells Maca in 800mg
    What do you think?

    I now understand that the 30c tincture is not a mother tincture but a diallution and I will be using it as per your instruction 3 drops dissolved in 500ml of water. You said I should pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle. As bottles come in various shapes are you able to cnfirm how many milliliters should I pour out? I have a syringe so I could use it to measure the amount of water that needs to come out from the bottle.
    Once again thank you for your responses.
    Best regards,

  68. Anna W says:

    Dear Dr De Livra,

    Thank you. I was wondering if the fact that I had chest and kidney infection when I was doing the Ca125 test could have had an impact?
    Because 4 months ago the test result was only 13.

    I found the following UK website:
    It looks like a trustworthy source and it sells Maca in 800mg
    What do you think?

    I now understand that the 30c tincture is not a mother tincture but a diallution and I will be using it as per your instruction 3 drops dissolved in 500ml of water. You said I should pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle. As bottles come in various shapes are you able to cnfirm how many milliliters should I pour out? I have a syringe so I could use it to measure the amount of water that needs to come out from the bottle.
    Once again thank you for your responses.
    Best regards,

  69. Anna W says:

    Further to my previous post, I think I made a mistake, manioc is not the same what maca.

    I was reading about the good effects of maca on the hormonal balance and as they have similar names I got confused.
    What is your opinion on maca as a supplement?
    Manioc or cassava unfortunately I cannot find in tablet form all I can find on the internet is how to prepare it in the kitchen as a dish..
    thank you, Anna

    • Joe says:


      I can see that you seem to lack the patience to read and understand my prescription for your problems, which are many.

      At the onset you were confusing the Tincture of the remedy I prescribed and it took me a long time to change your mind which I believe I have finally succeeded in doing.

      I then prescribed Manioc or Cassava for you and you confused it with MACA which is by no means the same as Manioc but you discovered your mistake in time, by yourself.

      Please note that Manioc is NOT a drug and is the staple food in many parts of the world. It was found that the incidence of Cancer was very low in parts of Africa where it is eaten and scientists then concluded that it was the chemicals in this yam that made the difference.

      In your case, irrespective of whether your CA levels were due to your chest and kidney infection or otherwise, my advice to you is to eat at least 10gm Manioc twice daily FOR LIFE.

      You must also read the article “Living with Cancer” by my cousin Cynthia Jayasuriya on:


      I am informed that Manioc is available in London and you must make every effort to get it and to cook it according to the instructions given in Cynthia’s article.

      Answering your question about the volume of water to be discarded from the 500ml bottle the precise quantity is not relevant as all that is necessary is that there is sufficient airspace to succuss (shake) the water every time you take a dose.

  70. Madiha says:


    Hi Joe, i started your therapy on feb 15,

    month condition: i had pain 2 days before the periods and first 2 days of the periods i had to take pain killers and was on the heat therapy , after that i was fine..bleeding was good, had it normally. (not extra and not even too less)

    March :
    this month: got my periods on 26th march, acute pain started constantly a day before period for which i took hypericum along my BP & Arnica as u have prescribed.
    but currently 2 days have passed i still have constant pain not that unbearable but bearable for which i am taking hypericum along BP n Arnica.
    i feel way too much weak, shortened of breath, feel heavy head, nausea twice for a short span. bleeding below average very little. i had to go somewhere and i couldn’t even stand for long so sat down and got ready than to stand. (all day i tried to sleep to feel less of my condition, food intake was only one meal, and water intake was not even a lot). Although when i got up took honey in warm water along drops of black seeds oil to overcome this weakness.

    after my periods i felt MUCH BETTER like never before..
    since 2010 i use to have this lower abdominal pain after every period of mine but this month I am Glad i felt a lot better.. and didn’t notice any pain at all..

    Now April :
    now april is here and i am expecting my period on the 26th like in a few days..i am only concern about the bleeding and the pain i suffer till 2-3 days continuously.. i didn’t see much improvement from hypericum.

    can i take Mag Phos 12 X biochemical tablets this time and see if this work for the pain and the bleeding improves.

    APRIL: i got my period on the 24th evening 2 days before my actual date .
    first day evening till next morning it didn’t bleed really and i didn’t experience any pain as well..
    it started bleeding second day with cramps when i got up in the morning and stayed for a couple of hours i also experience it in my left leg at night, 3rd day was fine 4th day again cramps for a couple of hours..
    i was taking my medicines on time , i also started mag phos this time.

    Over all it didn’t bleed much like 70 % less if i compare it with what i use to have before. hardly 3-4 days -is this okay?

    cramps improved 70 % i am glad and i am sure ill be pain free in a couple of months Inshallah.

    ill keep u updated about the cyst pain which i didn’t really experience last month i hope it stays the same.

    God Bless!


    • Joe says:


      Glad to note that there is considerable improvement in your condition after you first started on Joepathy on February 15.

      Thank you also for recording your progress in the manner that you have done as otherwise, it would have made me go back to all your posts to follow the history of your case for the last 10 weeks.

      I was delighted to read:
      “Over all it didn’t bleed much like 70 % less if i compare it with what i use to have before. hardly 3-4 days -is this okay?

      cramps improved 70 % i am glad and i am sure ill be pain free in a couple of months Inshallah.”

      It is interesting to note that Hypericum 200 was not effective and you may certainly replace it with Mag Phos 12x and report your response. The dose is 3 tablets taken thrice daily during the difficult days.

      You can also add Ferr Phos 6x dose 3 tablets thrice daily throughout to help replace the lost blood.

      God Bless you.

  71. Sarah says:

    Hi Joe,
    About a month ago I discovered your website and a lot of my symptoms sounded similar to those you have treated in the past with women’s issues. I have very irregular periods and often bleed for months at a time. I started to take the wet dose of Bellis Perennnis 30c followed by Arnica 30c (an hour later), two times a day for about a month so far. I am not sure if it is working in the desired way. I read you said there could be heavy bleeding, and there is sometimes, is this ok? Thank You for your help!

    • Joe says:


      It is important to have a qualified diagnosis of your problem which I cannot do on my website.

      Please consult a gynecologist and report his findings after a US Scan is done to identify the reason for your “very irregular periods and often bleed for months at a time”.

      In the meanwhile please STOP the Bellis P but you may continue with the Arnica which I want you to take in the 6c potency in the Wet dose twice daily.

  72. Sarah says:

    Ok. Thank You

  73. Suparna says:

    Dear Dr Joe,
    I am afraid that this mail wont be as optimistic as the previous one. In month of april I had period at 10th. 1st day I felt little cramp, then didn’t feel any pain until 5th day. From that day I am feeling pain at left side of my lower abdomen. Sometimes the pain is at left waist and severe. A change comapred to the period pattern. Previously it would last for 9-10 days. This time it lasted for 5days and the colour is like fresh. I am taking medicines as recommended by you and hoping for the best.
    Thank you.

    • Joe says:


      “I am afraid that this mail wont be as optimistic as the previous one.”

      “A change comapred to the period pattern. Previously it would last for 9-10 days. This time it lasted for 5days and the colour is like fresh.”

      I do not really understand what you wish to convey by your 2 statements above which imply that there is no improvement in your original condition which you reported and which you can read yourself from your previous posts on my blog.

      I would like to inquire if you still expect a Miracle Cure of your PCOS from which you stated that you suffered since 2006 and also experienced acute pain which lasted for 10 days. You do not also refer to your Fissure.

      If you seriously expect me to provide a Miracle Cure, I regret to inform you that I am NOT a Miracle Worker and you are free to consult anyone else who can fulfill your high standards.

  74. Ajay says:

    Hi Joe,


    First of all let me thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your medicine for chocolate cyst worked wonders. Me and my wife had lost all hopes untill we came across your site. Let me give you an insight into our story.

    On 25th of October 2010 I took her to a renowned Hospital as she had been diagnosed with Femoral Hernia. During the Ultrasound sonography, the doctor detected a 38mm cyst on the right ovary. No cyst on left ovary.Doctor suggested Lap surgery for femoral hernia & Ovarian Cyst puncturing both to be done together.

    She was admitted on 15th November 2010 to Hospital for Laparoscopic Right Femoral hernia repair with Right Ovarian Endometrioma Exicision – Operation to be done on the same day

    Post surgery, on 16th November 2010, doctor gave 1st dose of Zoladex injection to stop her monthly periods for some time. Again on 15th December 2010, 2nd dose of Zoladex injection was given. Her periods stopped from December 2010 till February 2011. Periods again started from February 2011.

    From the month of February 2011 till March 2011, she started her fertility treatment which included injections to produce good quality egg, injections to rupture eggs, Letroz tablets followed by IUI (Intrauterine Insemination). We didnot get any success and not only was she unable to conceive but also the doctor during Ultrasound Sonography detected two new cyst on left ovary – 1.7cm x 1.5 cm and 1.4 cm x 1.3 cm Please note that this was just after one month after her surgery. Her doctor suggested a 2nd operation to remove the new cyst on the left ovary followed by IVF. My wife was completely uncomfortable to undergo a 2nd operation within a months time. So we decided to stop all fertility treatments and allow nature to take its course. (Please note that this was in the month of March 2011)

    Since we were unable to conceive naturally, In the month July we visited a different doctor and a different hospital. This time during the ultrasound sonography doctor detected multiple cysts on both left and right ovary. Post surgery the cysts started spreading across. This doctor too suggested surgery to remove the cysts followed by IVF. We lost all hopes. Though my wife was completely uncomfortable to do a 2nd surgery so soon, however not seeing any other options she made up her mind for the same.

    During this time as I was researching on the net, I came across your site and read few of the cases of Chocolate cyst treated by you. To be honest I was not really sure if we should try this option. However we decided that since there was nothing to loose lets us give it a shot. She consumed the two medications suggested by you i.e Bellis P – 30 and Arnica – 30 in wet doses.

    She consumed this medicine for five months continuously and in the month of February 2012 she conceived. We were extremely glad. The next few visits to the doctor was very exciting. Tears rolled out of our eyes as we heard our baby’s first heart beats. It was an out of the world feeling and we couldn’t stop thanking you.

    However unfortunately this month she miscarried after two months of pregnancy. The doctor said that she also has Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and hence she miscarried.

    But our hopes are still alive as we know that she can conceive which never happened during the course of allopathic treatment. Thanks to you. May God bless you.

    Post miscarriage I have asked my wife to continue the medicine once again as we decided to give a two months gap before we try again. Please do let us know your valuable advice on this.

    Also request you to help us with some medicine to prevent miscarriage and also treat PCOS.

    Looking forward to your valuable advice. Please let me know if you need any additional information.

    Many thanks for your wonderful work and may god bless u always for it.

    • Joe says:

      Dear Ajay

      I have read with great interest and satisfaction your record of how my Joepathy has helped your wife to conceive even though I had not directly prescribed for her as you had read the records of cases I had listed on my website and used the same therapy. It is indeed unfortunate that your wife lost her baby after 8 weeks. I can well imagine the trauma that you would both have suffered as in my case too we were married in 1958 and my eldest son was born in 1968. 2 sons followed shortly afterwards.

      Do not lose hope as there is every chance that she will conceive again and have a beautiful baby soon and if you believe in God, you are both exhorted to pray for a baby as I firmly believe in His Divine Power to bless you both.

      I would suggest that you continue with the Bellis P 30c with the Arnica 30c therapy both in the Wet dose taken twice daily for at least 3 months into the future as your wife must get over the trauma which both of you suffered in the recent past.

      I would suggest that you have a US Scan done in 3 months to visualize the picture internally and you can then start the process all over again WITHOUT any IVF interference which I suspect was the reason for the trauma you suffered.

      Kind Regards


    • Joe says:


      You requested me to prescribe a remedy to help prevent any future Miscarriage which will hopefully not happen.

      I am copying a list of remedies that are used for preventing Miscarriage from my notes. Please study them with your wife and see which of them can help her.

      It is understood that you will NOT use any without consulting me. You will not also think of starting another baby for at least the next 6 months.

      You will also not use any IVF techniques in the future.

      To Prevent Miscarriage(Tendency)
      Symptoms/Problems Remedy Frequency(Doses) To prevent tendency of
      abortion when there is thyroid disturbance Thyroidinium 200 weekly(3)
      In anaemic patients Ferrum net 3X 3 hourly Abortion due to hardening
      of cervix Aurum mur-nat.3X 3 hourly In fat and flabby women with
      profuse and early mensuration Calcarea carb.200 or 1M weekly(3) In
      hysterical women with superiority complex Platina 1M 10 mins(3)
      Abortion in early months;habitual in 2nd month Kali carb.1M weekly(3)
      Habitual in 2nd,3rd or 4th month Apis mel.200 weekly(3) During 3rd
      month with blackish bleeding Kreosotum 30 or 200 weekly(3) During 3rd
      month;haemorrhage partly clotted;worse from least motion Sabina.200 or
      1M weekly(3) Abortion 5th to 7th month Sepia 30 or 200 weekly(3)
      Abortion 2nd and 7th month D.N.A 1M weekly(3) Abortion after 7th month
      Opium 200 or 1M weekly(3) In women with weak and unhealthy
      uterus(history of profuse menses lasting for weeks together) Secale
      cor.30 or 200 4 hourly Intercurrent remedy;when there is tubercular
      family history Tuberculinum K.200 or 1M fortnightly(3) Intercurrent
      remedy;when there is history of abortion Syphilinum 200 or 1M

      • Ajay says:

        Hi Joe,

        Many thanks for prescribing medicines to prevent miscarriages. As advised by you we will give a gap of six months before trying for a baby.

        I also wanted to share with you the following. The doctor had advised us to do Anti Mullerian Harmone test/Mullerian Inhibiting Substance. The normal range is between 2.0 to 6.8 ng/mL. However her test revealed that it was out of range – 18.4 ng/mL. AMH is an indicator of egg quantity and indirectly, possible egg quality.
        I read that High levels are a sign of poor ovarian reserve and poor egg quality. However I am not sure and hence wanted your advice on the same. Also could you please suggest some medicine for this?

        I also went through the miscarriage preventive medicines. She miscarried at the end of her second month and doctors say that it could be due to chromosomal abnormalities. So I was wondering if we could give her Apis Mel (Habitual in 2nd,3rd or 4th month Apis mel.200 weekly(3)).

        She has no thyroid problem and neither is she overweight. She is 165 cms (5 feet 5 inches) tall and weighs 58 Kgs.

        I will never go in for any IVF Techniques. We did everything blindly as our doctor advised us with no returns at all. I am a firm believer of Homeopathic medicines and I am sure it will help us conceive.

        Once again many thanks and God bless you for your good work.

        I will keep you updated regarding our status as we progress.


        • Joe says:


          Please note that I would not like your wife to take any of the remedies I have copied from my notes to prevent any possible miscarriage. We will jointly decide on which is best in due course.

          The main need now is for her to relax and not worry about the reasons why she seems to be suffering from her predicament. She must get actively involved in some work that will take her mind off her problem and partake of a daily exercise routing and this goes for you too.

          She will continue with the Bellis P and Arnica protocol but take just one dose of each daily.

          I hope that you are also taking the Arnica daily.

          • Ajay says:

            Hi Joe,

            Greetings! How are you?

            Sorry for the late replies as I was travelling for the entire last two weeks.

            As for my wife, she loves baking and hence interested to take up baking courses. I intend to put her for some baking classes which will help her divert her mind.

            She does regular workouts at the gym for 20 mins which includes cardio. I too used to accompany her however due to my present hectic schedules I am not working out. But as advised by you I will start by brisk walks for 15 mins daily.

            I have also started taking arnica twice daily.

            I will keep you updated regarding our progress. Thanks once again for all your help.

            Oh one more thing which I think I should inform you is that I suffer from High BP. As of last week my reading was 140/90. I am currently 30 Yrs, and weigh 80 Kgs, Height 5 feet 8 1/2 inch. But I am not taking any pressure tablets as of now. On the advice of a doctor I am consuming Rauwolfia serpentina 0, 20 drops in water twice daily. This is helping me in reducing my pressure which previously was 140/100.

            • Joe says:


              I am glad to note that you have started your wife on a cookery course in baking.

              The idea is to get her mind off her current predicament which has obviously affected her and I note has also affected you. I note that you have consulted another doctor who has prescribed Rauwolfia Q 20 drops twice daily which has reduced your BP by 10mm.

              You can add Nat Mur 200 in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
              You will be taking
              Arnica 30c in WD
              Nat Mur 200c in WD
              Rauwolfia Q in WD

              Please report your BP in 4 days.

              I note that your wife has started 20 minute workouts and this should be done daily.
              It is the intensity of the workout that is relevant and her Hearth BPM should peak at over 120BPM which can be monitored on a Heart monitor on the machine.

              You may ilke to know that I too do a almost daily workout on a recumbent exercise cycle and lift my heart BPM to 115 for a few minutes but always over 110 for 10 minutes.

              Your walking for 15 minutes is a waste of time and you have already shown signs of Hypertension.
              How old are you?

              The Arnica will help you and you can add Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 2 meals and report your progress.

              It is understood that your wife will continue with her therapy of

              Bellis Perennis 30c
              Arnica 30
              Both remedies in the Wet dose taken twice daily.

  75. Sonia says:

    Hello Dr.Joe,
    My name is sonia, I am 24 years old. I had ovarian cyst problem since october 2009. I live in India. At first I was diagnosed with simple follicle cyst of 3.5cm than after 6 to 7 months I was diagnosed with unilocular functional cyst of 3.8 cm than in october 2011 I was diagnosed with 4.5 cm of chocolate cyst with mild internal echoes. Now it has grown to 5.5cm with coarse internal echoes.

    My family doesn’t have any history of endometriosis. I started excercising and doing pranayama since oct 2011.

    I came across your website recently. I would be really pleased if you help me out with this problem.

    I had regular periods till now. only on 1st day of my period i will have some lower back pain.

    On 30th of April 2012 I was given Zoladex injection by doctor.

    Can I take your suggested medicine when I have taken this injection and should I take the solution after meal or before meal?

    And I forgot to mention that I am Single and planning to get married soon

    Thank you

    Awaiting your response,


    • Joe says:


      Please visit the link below on Zoladex:


      It seems to me that your consultant used a bulldozer to move an anthill.

      I presume he felt that by inhibiting your period for a few months with this drug, he could succeed in curing you of your Chocolate Cysts.

      He diagnosed and treated you incorrectly.and you are advised NOT to go back to him in future. Read the paragraph on the side effects, which are said to continue for a few months.

      I shall copy below my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts.

      Did your gynecologist diagnose your condition as PCOS?
      Did he mention Endometriosis and Chocolate Cyst?

      If so your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c

      Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      The Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally, while the Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Report progress from time to time.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Please visit:


      • Sonia says:

        Thank you sir for your instant reply,

        I knew that zoladex has many side effects I tried to avoid it for almost an year, but since I didnt know about your medicine and the cyst was growing I had to take that injection.

        Should I start your medicine now or should I wait for my next period and then start taking it.

        i am little scared right now with this cyst. My ultrasound says its endometrioma (chocolate cyst). It doesnt say PCOS.

        I took that injection just 10 days back and I am already feeling pain in my joints. Is it ok if I start your medicine now itself.

        I will do anything to get this cyst out of me. Please do guide me.

        • Joe says:


          You do not have to be scared of your Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts anymore as my therapy will ensure that the chocolate coloured liquid in your Cyst is absorbed by the body.

          You must start taking it IMMEDIATELY and do not waste time to do so.

          You are fortunate that the Zoladex has only left you with pain in your joints. The damage to your body can be much more profound in the long term as it is a long acting drug which in my opinion MUST BE BANNED.

          I do not also understand the reason why your doctor gave you a shot of this dangerous drug when the standard drug use extensively is DANASOL which is not dangerous and helps to prevent future CC’s.

          There is absolutely no known drug that will reduce the CC in size by ensuring that it is absorbed by the body.

          Only my therapy can do so with Bellis Perennis and Arnica.

          Please visit:


          • Sonia says:

            Thank you so much,

            I will start searchin for this medicine from today itself.

            I have addresses of homeo pharmacy near my area I will check there and get back to you once I get them.

            Can I take this solution during my periods also?

            thank you once again.

  76. Suparna says:

    Dear dr. Joe,
    I am suffering from pcos since 2006. Period was normal 5 days period. I did not have any pain due to this, only problem was baldness, two times gap of period in a year and unwanted hair growth. I used to do lots of exercises. I was diagnosed with cc at October 2011 with heavy pain during period and also lasted for 5 more days. Period was started to continue for 9- 10 days and colour was blackish. Doing exercise became impossible for me.
    I have started medicines prescribed by you from March 12. In April I got my period at 10th. Improvment was lesser days period and colour was redish. Pain started from 5th day and continued for 15 days. As my next period is approaching there is low or no pain at all. One thing I did not mention earlier as I didn’t know it that two of my aunts had cyst in uterus and gone for operation. My fissure problem is less these days. Thanking for your therapy and hoping for improvement.

    • Joe says:


      Glad to note that you now understand that your PCOS cannot be cured overnight.

      You must continue with my therapy which has helped many patients and you can visit the link below to read of a case how I cured a patient:


      You will have to be patient with your problem and it will hopefully resolve itself in a few months.

      You can share your condition with your aunts and inform them that surgery is NOT the answer to their problem which seems to run in your family.

  77. Suparna says:

    Thanks for your quick reply dr. Joe. My aunts have done vasectomy long ago. I have one question that whether you mean PCOS or chocolate cyst or both.

    • Joe says:


      Vasectomy surgery is only done on MALES:
      “Vasectomy is a surgical procedure for male sterilization and/or permanent birth control. During the procedure, the vasa deferentia of a man are severed, and then tied/sealed in a manner such to prevent sperm from entering into the seminal stream (ejaculate). Vasectomies are usually performed in a physician’s office or medical clinic.”

      I believe that your aunts were subjected to surgery for sterilization which is a simple operation done to prevent conception.

      If however they suffered from Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts, it is likely that they were surgically treated either Laparoscopic or open, to excise the Chocolate Cyst.

      I shall be interested to learn how long ago this surgery was done and how they are today.

      If they suffered from CC or Endometriosis, it is very likely that they do still suffer from either or both these problems. If so, my Joepathy will help them both.

  78. Suparna says:

    Dear dr. Joe,
    I am sorry for using the wrong word. I have asked my aunt. They had done hysterectomy. They had cyst in uterus. One of them had done it 10- 12 years ago and she has thyroid. And other aunt has done it 2 years ago. Their age is near about 50. Both have done it by open surgery. They didn’t have cc.

    • Joe says:


      I was also suspecting that your aunts had presented Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which were treated by a Hysterectomy in both cases.

      I cannot understand however the reason for this radical step in removing an essential organ in the body at their relatively young age of 40 years, merely because the gynecologist was not aware of a more gentle approach to their problems.

      You can consider yourself fortunate that you consulted me as it is very likely that in a few months you will be cured or at least helped to overcome your gynecological problems.

  79. Sonia says:

    Hello Dr,

    I got the diluted solution of both medicines but I am not able to get spring water here. Can I use mountain water or mineral water in its place. I searched 2 to 3 super markets but I didnt get spring water.

    Awaiting your response,


    • Joe says:


      Spring water is the water sold in supermarkets. Buy a 500ml bottle which will be activated by you with just 3 drops of the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol of the remedy which you will use till the bottle is exhausted in about 2 months at 2 capfuls daily.

      • Sonia says:

        Sir Is it normal packaged drinking water? I thought packaged spring water is different from packaged drinking water.

        I am little confused, Please do guide me.

        Awaiting your response


        • Joe says:


          Please read and understand my reply in my last post to you copied below.

          Spring water is the water sold in supermarkets. Buy a 500ml bottle which will be activated by you with just 3 drops of the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol of the remedy which you will use till the bottle is exhausted in about 2 months at 2 capfuls daily.

          • Sonia says:

            Ok Dr. I will start from today and will keep you updated about the results.

            Thank you for taking time to help me out.


  80. Madiha says:


    Hi Joe, i started your therapy on feb 15,

    month condition: i had pain 2 days before the periods and first 2 days of the periods i had to take pain killers and was on the heat therapy , after that i was fine..bleeding was good, had it normally. (not extra and not even too less)

    March :
    this month: got my periods on 26th march, acute pain started constantly a day before period for which i took hypericum along my BP & Arnica as u have prescribed.
    but currently 2 days have passed i still have constant pain not that unbearable but bearable for which i am taking hypericum along BP n Arnica.
    i feel way too much weak, shortened of breath, feel heavy head, nausea twice for a short span. bleeding below average very little. i had to go somewhere and i couldn’t even stand for long so sat down and got ready than to stand. (all day i tried to sleep to feel less of my condition, food intake was only one meal, and water intake was not even a lot). Although when i got up took honey in warm water along drops of black seeds oil to overcome this weakness.

    after my periods i felt MUCH BETTER like never before..
    since 2010 i use to have this lower abdominal pain after every period of mine but this month I am Glad i felt a lot better.. and didn’t notice any pain at all..

    Now April :
    now april is here and i am expecting my period on the 26th like in a few days..i am only concern about the bleeding and the pain i suffer till 2-3 days continuously.. i didn’t see much improvement from hypericum.

    can i take Mag Phos 12 X biochemical tablets this time and see if this work for the pain and the bleeding improves.

    APRIL: i got my period on the 24th evening 2 days before my actual date .
    first day evening till next morning it didn’t bleed really and i didn’t experience any pain as well..
    it started bleeding second day with cramps when i got up in the morning and stayed for a couple of hours i also experience it in my left leg at night, 3rd day was fine 4th day again cramps for a couple of hours..
    i was taking my medicines on time , i also started mag phos this time.

    Over all it didn’t bleed much like 70 % less if i compare it with what i use to have before. hardly 3-4 days -is this okay?

    cramps improved 70 % i am glad and i am sure ill be pain free in a couple of months Inshallah.

    ill keep u updated about the cyst pain which i didn’t really experience last month i hope it stays the same.

    May :
    Dear Doc,

    here i’d like to report my last months condition after my period it was fine except 1 day when i experienced the same cyst pain (that i didn’t experience last month) whole day and night but the other day it got okay and didn’t happen again.

    now i am expecting my period in 2-3 days in your last message you told me add :
    “You can also add Ferr Phos 6x dose 3 tablets thrice daily throughout to help replace the lost blood”

    shall i take it through out or just in my period days?

    God Bless!


    • Joe says:


      Thank you for presenting your case the way you did as this makes it easier for me to connect up the various stages of your progress. I do hope that other patients too will use your same format to ease my task in helping them.

      It can now be assumed that you have made considerable positive progress in your therapy but I am afraid that I may not be able to cure you of what God has most likely accidentally foisted on both you and your sister Fatima. I can only help you both to control your identical problems without any invasive surgery which many other girls have done with no permanent cure. The open surgery is somewhat brutal for the patient and the laparoscopic approach is more acceptable but both forms are only temporary as with the next period, the patient goes back to square one.

      As you may know there is no medicine in the medical pharmacopeia that can ensure that the chocolate liquid is reabsorbed into the body but Bellis Perennis does this very successfully. It is unfortunately not able to stop the progress of the Endometrial tissue from spreading in your abdomen and you can see actual videos of the mess that this tissue creates on YouTube by inserting Endometriosis into the search window.

      You have been my patient since February and I believe that it is now time to do a US Scan to see the progress inside you which will enable your gynecologist to compare the result with the last scan that you would have made. Remember to take the last scan and to request him to indicate what changes if any can be observed.

      I feel that you are more pain free with the Mag Phos 12x tablets and you can also use the 6x to evaluate the difference in your response.

      You may take the Ferr Phos 6x dose 2 tablets thrice daily as this will help with improving the blood quality.

      Please request your sister Fatima to also report her progress in the same format that you have done.

      I would also like to have a report of how my therapy has helped your Mother’s Osteo Arthritis.

  81. Madiha says:

    Also here i’d like to add that since feb period that’s when i started your therapy i am not with my husband.

    we were together in jan only and my first period after marriage were FULL OF PAIN continues 3 days no pain killers even worked.

    after that i started your therapy and i really hope that i don’t experience the same pain now when i’ll soon be with him.

    God Bless You!

  82. Madiha says:

    Also i am experiencing Painful Gas Cramps before and during Cycle :'( they are killing i didn’t even get them my date is 24th and these gas cramps starts a week before.

  83. Madiha says:

    thanks doc ,

    do u think BP was unfortunately not able to stop the progress of the Endometrial tissue from spreading in my abdomen ?

    do u see any hope ?

    • Joe says:


      “do u think BP was unfortunately not able to stop the progress of the Endometrial tissue from spreading in my abdomen ?

      do u see any hope ?”

      I can see that you are beginning to despair about your ailment.


      Read the stories from patients whom I have treated 2 of whom confirmed that they had babies.

      You may be the next.

      You may if you like, contact me on Skype.

      My Skype ID Joe De Livera

  84. Madiha says:

    please add me i have sent you the request.

  85. Fs says:

    Hi Joe, hope you are in good health. here is the whole history.

    my medicines for choc cyst are Bellis Pern 30c and Arnica 30c,
i started it on feb 15 2012 and that was my periods day 1 too, i usually have heavy bleeding but not always, but this time it was a little more than normal periods i have had from last two to three times.
the first day had cramps in lower abdomen, and got fever too midnight which was gone the next morning. Periods cramps got better gradually as days passed, and bleeding too was normal by the end of day 3.
 Felt back pain on right side slightly on and off and unrest feeling even in day 5 and 6.

    March 18, 2012 at 3:45 pm
    This month i still havent got my periods due date was march 15, but since 15 march i have had cramps at only one point of time in a whole day for a short span only – a slight cramps near cyst area right side lower abdomen felt like normal periods cramp and as if i will get them anytime but i did not get them as yet,and after a short span cramps would be gone .
( today i did not feel any such cramp though) just thought i let you know about it.

    March 23, 2012 at 1:20 am
    i still havent gotten my periods , my due date was 15 march and now its a week above. Thank God i didnt have that acute pain again for which you prescribed me Hypericum, i just had it pre n post my due date for few days thats it.

    April 14, 2012 at 3:54 am
    last period March progress: compare to past period before i started joepathy, this time i had no fever on first day which i used to from past couple of period, felt very minute or hardly any cramps, just that day second was quite heavy, previously (before joepathy) i have had heavy bleeding too but in some period cycle it would be normal too, but this period day second was quite heavy.
previously(before joepathy) my period wouldnt end on time they would drag, stop after day 4, and would end by day 8 or so. But this time they ended on time, had normal bleeding everyday, felt perfect cycle, except that day second was quite heavy bleeding and had minute pain lower abdomen back right side just for about a day and it got better after taking hypericum.
this month its due on april 23rd as per last months(march) date.

    This month i got my period right on due date infact a day or two before it was on 20 April.
before i got them had hardly a pinching pain which didnt really feel like a pain but more as a fatigue feeling at the right side lower back only.
bleeding compare to last month was less, but over all it wasnt a less bleeding, i thank God and your joepathy that I didn’t have cramps in my days. it bleed for 4 days, and then hardly on 6th just a bit. And am through, that’s how my cycle went this month. Only that a day before my due date and on first day my stomach got a little upset, as in with every urine pass had bit of stool too. So I just took one tablet for bad stomach and It was cured and I was perfect.

    May: am expecting my period on 20th that is today, and I just had same thing just once so far with today’s second urine pass time in morning had bit of stool too and felt as if last time condition, but I guess it could be a coincidence too, and am over thinking. I have had been previously way before joepathy had constipation issues, but now that’s not the case at all. Constipation seems history now. This month I haven’t gotten my periods till now; probably later today or tomorrow would have them. But thank God feel no such pre period cramps that I used to along uncomforted feeling before my period due date, this used to happen all the time before I started joepathy. But thank God am much better, feel much difference too overall. Lets see would update you about this month.
    Is it okay if me and Madiha both go for our US scan after this month’s period or we should get it done before?

    Thanks and God Bless You.

    • Joe says:


      I am glad to note that you have rapidly improved within the short period of 4 months and it is likely that in a few months more, you can be certified as cured.

      I agree that it is now time for another US Scan for both you sisters and I would like to have the report you get from the radiologist.

      Please take your last scan to enable him/her to compare the difference between them.

      I am at home today, Sunday, for the next 2 hours and if you would like to call me on Skype ASAP.

  86. Fs says:

    Pls add me on skype, i have already sent you a request, my user name is : fati.s3

    so i could update you further about my mother.

  87. TAIBA TAHIR says:

    i need to write a personal letter…how can i??kindly help me sir JOE………………………………….

  88. Anna W says:

    Dear Joe,
    Hope you keeping well.

    I just wanted to give you an update on my treatment. It is going well I am not able to tell you if my cysts changed yet but I can see that I sleep much better and my skin on my face has cleared up. Ever since I remembered I suffered from spots and I had a lot of scars after the spots had broken. I have been using all sorts of creams to get rid of them. Only after 2 weeks of taking your remedies my skin is as clear as never before. All veins and old scars of my face are completely gone!

    I cannot believe it. I dont have to put make up on on anymore to cover spots.
    Thank you and God Bless,


    • Joe says:


      Thank you for posting the progress of your Chocolate Cysts on my website.

      I’m also glad that the lesions on your face have cleared up and that the scars left behind by the acne you have presumably suffered for some years have been filled up in just 2 weeks on my therapy. It is the Arnica that I prescribed for your Endometriosis and CC’s with the Bellis Perennis that has cleared up your acne, and it is very likely that as long as you stay on the Arnica which you have to take for a considerable period into the future, you will not have any problems with acne at all.

      I find it strange that the standard homeopathic textbooks do not refer to Arnica as the ultimate remedy to help cure acne. There are many other remedies that are used by homeopaths throughout the world but none of these remedies have the same success rate as arnica to cure pimples which are the bane especially of teenagers, although in your case your acne may have been due to your endometriosis and chocolate cysts.

  89. Suparna says:

    Dear DR. Joe,
    I started therapy prescribed by you at 10th March. Here are my USG reports.

    Report of 3.3.2012

    Right ovary : 31.4 x10.7 x33.9 mm vol : 5.98 cc
    Left adnexa : 53.6 x37.7 x55 mmvol : 58.16 cc

    Left adnexa shows a cystic encapsulated SOL with homogeneously bright internal echoes inside. Right ovary shows small follicles. Right ovary and adnexa appear adherent to uterus.

    Fluid with internal echoes seen in POD.

    Impression :

    Retrotitled uterus.
    Normal size right overy showing small follicles.
    Left adnexal cystic SOL with homogeneous internal echoes inside – suggestive of hemorrhagic cyst / endometrioma.
    Review with previous study shows increase in size of left adnexal cystic SOL.

    Report of 22.5.2012

    UTERUS :
    Anteverted. Normal size (79.3 x37.1 x 53.7 mm). Endometrial echoline is central. Myometrial echotexture is homogeneous. No sizable focal lesion is seen.

    Right ovary measures 39.9x 35×25.1 mm, vol 10.8 cc.
    Left ovary measures 54.5 x 62.6 x 41.2 mm, vol 23.6 cc.

    Both the ovaries are normal in size containing echogenic cystic areas completely replacing the cortical outline.

    The corticomedullary differentiation is completely effaced with thin out stroma is seen.
    The cyst contains internal hyperechogenecity and fluid debris level.

    The right ovarian cyst measuring 16.8 x 14 mm, and left ovarian cyst measuring 28.7 x 24.8 mm. the cystic areas are inseperably adhered to the lateral uterine wall.

    CALL – DE – SAC:
    No free fluid is seen.

    Impression :

    Bulky and cystic both ovaries with internal echoes as decribed ? chocolate cyst.

    • Joe says:


      Can you please compare the data on your latest USG report with the data on your last USG?

      This is the only way to verify if my therapy which you have used for 6 weeks has helped in any way.

  90. OYIZA says:

    good day doctor… I am presently in Nigeria..my result shows a normal sized anterverted uterus with normal myometrial and endometrial echotexture. However there is a cystic mass in the left adnexium measuring 60mm x 62mm consistent with left ovarian cyst. The right ovary is normal…. i am scared… i really need to know if i can find your treatment in Nigeria as i am not familiar with the names above.. Please respond.

    Thank you Sir

    • Joe says:


      The information you have given me is not sufficient to enable me to help you. I must know your age and if you are married and if so, the number of children.
      Also details of any excessive bleeding and pain levels during menstruation.

      I can presume that you suffer from Endometriosis and perhaps one or more Chocolate Cysts.

      Please confirm and give me all the details of your ailment to enable me to help you.

      I must have the history of your ailments and what drugs if any were prescribed for you by your doctors. Also what your response was to the treatment.

  91. Suparna says:

    Hi Dr. Joe,
    Hope you are fine. I have been using your therapy for over 10 weeks. As told by you to compare the reports I went to a new gynae. What he told me is that the size of cyst has been decreased in left ovary and in right ovary it has been started. So there is very little chance that I will ever be pregnant.
    This month’s period started at 10th and it ended at 15th. First day it was less and blackish bleeding and no pain. As the amount increased at 2nd day, I felt cramp at right side. It was throughout the period and ended at 6th day. Only third and fourth day the color was fresh and rest of was blackish. I took mag phos 12x and hypericum with BP and arnica. After the period there was no pain.
    But I am going through tremendous pain at left side of abdomen during last 8 days continuously. I have tried MP 12x and hypericum. But as I can’t tolerate the pain I am taking pain killer twice daily. White discharge is happening and my face is looking puffy, full of rashes. My stomach is also upset sometimes. I can’t sit even.

  92. Chandra says:

    Hello Dr.Joe,

    My wife, 32 yrs old, was initially diagonised with Endometriosis,
    there were 2 cysts, about 5-6 cms detected in both the right and left
    ovaries. She underwent laproscopy in May 2011 and the cysts were
    removed. However by Dec 2011 she again started experiencing pain in the abdomen, we did a scan and found the cysts had recurred. The
    latest scan taken this month shows cysts of size 4.5 & 5.5 cms
    respectively in the left and right ovary. Doctor has advised surgery
    again but we have heard and read that there are remedies in homeo for this problem. We haven’t had any children yet. Would you kindly spare some time to advise us on this.

    Thanks for your attention to this


    • Joe says:


      My apologies that I did not respond to your post of May 31 due to some problem in my website and I have just read your post today.

      Please let me know if you would like me to advise you.

  93. Joe says:


    I shall copy my default therapy aka “Joepathy” for your wife’s ailment which has been diagnosed as Endometriosis with Chocolate Cysts. I note that they were surgically removed a year ago and that they have recurred again.

    The 2 remedies to be used are:

    Bellis Perennis 30c
    Arnica 30c

    Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

    The Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally, while the Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

    Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

    Report your response in a week and after your next period.

    Both remedies MUST BE ORDERED in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol which is available from almost all Homeopathic Pharmacies in India where I presume you live.

    You will use 3 drops of the Bellis Perennis in half a cup of spring water which you will drink twice daily. This remedy must be made freshly as instructed above for every dose.

    Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of Arnica 30c

    Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
    Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
    Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
    Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
    Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

    • Chandra says:

      Thank you sir for the prompt response. Will let you know the progress. Btw, you’re right we are based out of India

      • Chandra says:

        Dr.Joe, we need 1 clarification with regards to the Arnica dosage. You have said

        Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
        Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
        Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.

        If we understand it right, after preparing the 500 ml solution, Only 2 tablespoons of the 500 ml would be consumed each day, so do we need to do the same procedure everyday? Could we reuse the same mixture until the whole 500 ml is consumed? Please clarify. Also could you please advise if this is best when taken before/after food?

        Thanks again

        • Joe says:


          “If we understand it right, after preparing the 500 ml solution, Only 2 tablespoons of the 500 ml would be consumed each day, so do we need to do the same procedure everyday? Could we reuse the same mixture until the whole 500 ml is consumed? Please clarify. Also could you please advise if this is best when taken before/after food?”


          You can take the first dose on an empty stomach and the last dose just before bed.

        • Joe says:


          “If we understand it right, after preparing the 500 ml solution, Only 2 tablespoons of the 500 ml would be consumed each day, so do we need to do the same procedure everyday? Could we reuse the same mixture until the whole 500 ml is consumed? Please clarify. Also could you please advise if this is best when taken before/after food?”

          I believe that you have not understood my therapy fully.

          You will take only 1 capful or a TEASPOONFUL of the water remedy twice daily.

          You will use the whole bottle till you finish it in about 2 months.

          You can take the 3 remedies at any time of the day preferably before food. You will leave about half hour between remedies

  94. Sonia says:

    Hello Dr. Joe ,

    I started taking your advised medicine from May 10th 2012, at that time I was diagnosed with chocolate cyst of 6cm with solid substance inside it.

    I was also given Zoladex injection by my doctor . I got my ultra sound done yesterday. My report showed clear cyst of 5 cm. It didnt had any solid material inside it and it had reduced in 1 cm from previous report within 23 days of your medicine.

    Thank you for your medicine, I will continue your medicine and keep you updated about my condition.

    Thanking you,


    • Joe says:


      A Chocolate Cyst (CC) usually contains a chocolate coloured liquid which tends to increase in quantity and with it the size of the CC which then causes the patient acute pain and is usually relieved by laparoscopic or open surgery. It is unfortunately true that with the next period the egg which is unable to penetrate the lining around the ovary is the nucleus of the next CC and the cycle goes on and on resulting in multiple surgeries to relieve the acute pain the patient suffers. Modern medicine lacks the ability to reduce the existing CC and is also unable to prevent the formation of any new CC’s.

      The Bellis Perennis 30 I prescribe helps to reduce the CC by promoting the body to reabsorb the chocolate liquid thereby returning the condition to as near normal as is possible. You have already seen proof of the diameter of your CC reducing by 1Cm in just under a month and my experience is that a 5cm CC is usually reduced in about 4 months.

      You stated:
      “I started taking your advised medicine from May 10th 2012, at that time I was diagnosed with chocolate cyst of 6cm with solid substance inside it. ”
      I would doubt very much that the contents of the CC was any solid substance as it would have been palpable from outside your abdomen. I believe that the US Scan was unable to differentiate the dark chocolate coloured liquid and the radiologist reported that it was solid mistakenly.
      Again you stated:
      “My report showed clear cyst of 5 cm. It didnt had any solid material inside it and it had reduced in 1 cm from previous report within 23 days of your medicine.”
      It is possible that the chocolate coloured liquid was filtered of its colour by your body and thereby rendered as opaque to the USS.

      It would be interesting to inquire what the real reason was for this description of a solid mass from your radiologist on your next visit.

      You will continue to take the Bellis Perennis 30c as prescribed but I would also request you to get the same remedy in the 6c potency as I would like to request you to take the BP in the lower potency as there is a greater possibility that your CC may respond better to the lower potency.

      Please do not permit any more injections of Zoladex as it can antidote the Bellis Perenis by preventing it from operating in the manner that it would do without it.

      • Sonia says:

        Hello Dr,

        Is it necessary that I should reduce Bellis Perennis 30 c to 6 c. I am also taking Arnica 30c with it.

        My previous report said that my cyst had coarse internal echoes. But now there are no echoes in it.

        I have prepared new 500ml bottles just 2 days back. So if I have to switch from 30c to 6c these new medicine bottles will be a waste. What should I do.?

        Thanking you,


        • Joe says:


          It is best that you do not make 2 bottles of the remedy at any one time as it is possible that the contents of the second bottle may not be up to the level of the quality of the first. As you are aware a bottle of the remedy in the Wet dose will last for just over 2 months at 1 capful taken twice daily and it is best to make the remedy freshly every 2 months.

          You do not have to discard the remedy that you have already made but let us think of the 6c potency when you finish the new bottle that you have just made.

          Please note that this is still an experiment which I started after reading the notes on Boericke on:


          You will notice that he has recommended that this remedy is best used in the Tincture or Q potency or in athe Third Potency. I have suggested the 6c potency to take any possible advantage in using the lower which is between the 30c and the 3c.

          • sonia says:

            Ok Dr., The 2 bottles are 1 for Bellis P and another for arnica.

            I will let you know when I finish those bottles.

            Thank you very much for helping me,

            Thanking you,


  95. sonia says:

    Ok Dr., The 2 bottles are 1 for Bellis P and another for arnica.

    I will let you know when I finish those bottles.

    Thank you very much for helping me,

    I have put 3 drops of Bellis p in 1 500ml spring water bottle and I am taking a cap full of it before dinner and in another bottle, I have put 3 drops of arnica and I am drinking a cap full after 1 hour ie after dinner.

    Is the dosage and preparation correct? for the solution?

    Waiting your reply,


    • Joe says:


      All is well and you are on course.

      I would still want you to get the Bellis P 6c as I now have more evidence from another patient that the 6c potency works better than the 30c that I have been prescribing up to now.

      Do not however use it till I give you the OK.

  96. frustrated says:

    Dear, i got diagnosized first ovarian inflamation and later choclate cysts .Reason i went to my gyn is that i had spotting bleeding on the day of ovulation that was short and not too bothersome.However the conclusion from doctors was worse that i wish i didnt go .They started tracking my left ovarie choclate cyst on a monthly basis and it grew from 4cm to 5 last .After that i didnt check as they were suggesting urgent laparoscopy and insementation plus pregnancy .I have no partner so can not get pregnant .
    I have tried to cure this with aloevera and molases and beet and my condition has drastically improved!! i suggest this drink to all fellow ladies!!! I however can not now find any more molases so i m truying to get alternative natural remedy .I am 29 year old girl whom never gave birth and i d love to get this condition cured soon as i m freaked out big time by incompetent doctors._Please give me detailed explanation of what i should do .I understood from posts above i ned to take bellis peremis 30c plus amica 30c however i dont understand when i should get this.Also what the alcohol solution means? THanks for clearification!!! PLEASE RESOND ASAP!! GREATEFULL

    • frustrated says:

      also i wanna mention that i have 0 pain and as i am an ex proffesional athlete.I also feel i get less bleading.I drink Herbal Drops every day and they help a lot also with PMS symptoms and bleeding during regular period is less.However last two months i notice spotting again on the 14th day even dispite the fact tha ti use this drops please subsrive somethn new and tell me wheter i can combine ur medicine with what i m takin now!! THANKS

      Ingredients: Alchemillae Folium, Millefolii Herba, Petroselini Fructus, Calendulae Flos, Geranii Robertiani Herba, Polygonum aviculare.

      • Joe says:


        You stated:
        “please subsrive somethn new and tell me wheter i can combine ur medicine with what i m takin now!! THANKS”

        It must be clearly understood that you cannot and will not combine my therapy with any other drugs or other medicines that you are taking today.

        Please confirm.

    • Joe says:


      Can you please present your case in a manner that will enable me to visualize how and when it all started and what treatment and the drugs if any that you were prescribed.

      You have also not indicated your age and when you were first diagnosed with Chocolate Cysts. Did your doctor mention Endometriosis?

  97. Fs says:

    Hello Joe, here is the whole history

    This is what my first US scan reported before i ever wrote to you,
    Right Ovary: 9.6 x 7.0 cms
    Follicles : few
    two cyst seen (1) with homogenous internal echoes measuring 7.6 x 5.8 cms with an echogenic area in it measuring 2.0 x 1.9 cms (? blood clot).
    (2) with internal septations measuring 4.0 x 4.2 cms most likely endometriotic cysts.
    normal sized uterus showed an echogenic area in the endometrial cavity measuring 1.2×0.7 cms possibility of endometrial polyp cannot be excluded.
    Normal left ovary.

    Then started your remedy.

    my medicines for choc cyst are Bellis Pern 30c and Arnica 30c,
i started it on feb 15 2012 and that was my periods day 1 too, i usually have heavy bleeding but not always, but this time it was a little more than normal periods i have had from last two to three times.
the first day had cramps in lower abdomen, and got fever too midnight which was gone the next morning. Periods cramps got better gradually as days passed, and bleeding too was normal by the end of day 3.
 Felt back pain on right side slightly on and off and unrest feeling even in day 5 and 6.

    March 18, 2012 at 3:45 pm
    This month i still havent got my periods due date was march 15, but since 15 march i have had cramps at only one point of time in a whole day for a short span only – a slight cramps near cyst area right side lower abdomen felt like normal periods cramp and as if i will get them anytime but i did not get them as yet,and after a short span cramps would be gone .
( today i did not feel any such cramp though) just thought i let you know about it.

    March 23, 2012 at 1:20 am
    i still havent gotten my periods , my due date was 15 march and now its a week above. Thank God i didnt have that acute pain again for which you prescribed me Hypericum, i just had it pre n post my due date for few days thats it.

    April 14, 2012 at 3:54 am
    last period March progress: compare to past period before i started joepathy, this time i had no fever on first day which i used to from past couple of period, felt very minute or hardly any cramps, just that day second was quite heavy, previously (before joepathy) i have had heavy bleeding too but in some period cycle it would be normal too, but this period day second was quite heavy.
previously(before joepathy) my period wouldnt end on time they would drag, stop after day 4, and would end by day 8 or so. But this time they ended on time, had normal bleeding everyday, felt perfect cycle, except that day second was quite heavy bleeding and had minute pain lower abdomen back right side just for about a day and it got better after taking hypericum.
this month its due on april 23rd as per last months(march) date.

    This month i got my period right on due date infact a day or two before it was on 20 April.
before i got them had hardly a pinching pain which didnt really feel like a pain but more as a fatigue feeling at the right side lower back only.
bleeding compare to last month was less, but over all it wasnt a less bleeding, i thank God and your joepathy that I didn’t have cramps in my days. it bleed for 4 days, and then hardly on 6th just a bit. And am through, that’s how my cycle went this month. Only that a day before my due date and on first day my stomach got a little upset, as in with every urine pass had bit of stool too. So I just took one tablet for bad stomach and It was cured and I was perfect.

    May: am expecting my period on 20th that is today, and I just had same thing just once so far with today’s second urine pass time in morning had bit of stool too and felt as if last time condition, but I guess it could be a coincidence too, and am over thinking. I have had been previously way before joepathy had constipation issues, but now that’s not the case at all. Constipation seems history now. This month I haven’t gotten my periods till now; probably later today or tomorrow would have them. But thank God feel no such pre period cramps that I used to along uncomforted feeling before my period due date, this used to happen all the time before I started joepathy. But thank God am much better, feel much difference too overall. Lets see would update you about this month.

    After a US scan done after 3 months which was on May 31st 2012, it reported:
    Right ovary appears enlarged and cystic with homogenous echoes in it.It measures 9.0×8.2×8.8 cm. and concluded : Right endometrioma, Normal uterus and left ovary.

    You then suggested :” You will take the Bellis Perennis (BP) 6c in half cup of water which you will take twice daily. You will insert 3 drops of the remedy into the water and you will repeat the procedure and insert 3 drops for every dose.You can take a US Scan in a month and report me”.

    June condition: its been 15 days that i started BP6c, feeling it normally from upward i feel it has decreased in size but its different when bladder is full, i feel the size is same, am afraid size hasnt increased instead.
    My period is due on 23rd june as per last months date, thank God no pain or cramps as such. Just thought i share it with you.
    I have gotten your reply already. would update you further in upcoming weeks.

    Thank You and God Bless You.

    • Joe says:


      I believe that my therapy is slowly helping you to return to normal and your next US Scan will confirm how much it has helped.

    • Miki says:

      I was wondering about FS and her sister’s story… Were there any miracles for them? What is their story now?

      • Joe says:


        I have not had any news from the two sisters for a few months and have forwarded your inquiry to them by email.

        I too was hoping to hear from them and shall convey their response when they do reply shortly.

  98. Sonia says:

    Dear Dr.Joe,

    hello Sir, you asked me to take Bellis Perrennis 6c instead of 30c. My medicine bottle is almost empty. Should I take 30c or 6c.?

    Awaiting your reply,


    • Joe says:


      A 500ml bottle of water activated with the remedy should last you at least 2 months at 1 capful twice daily. You are taking a capful each of Arnica and Bellis P daily and at the dosage a bottle should last you over 3 months.

      Please explain how you were able to empty your 2 bottles and what the dose is that you took daily.

      • Sonia says:

        Hello Dr.Joe,

        I have bought 2 500ml water bottle from market and poured out some water and then added 3 drops of bellis p to one bottle and 3 drops of arnica to another bottle.

        I am taking 1 capful of bellis p in morning before breakfast and 1 capful of arnica remedy after breakfast with atleast 1 1/2 hr gap between. and 1 capful of bellis p in night before dinner and 1 capful of arnica after dinner with 1 hour gap.

        the water bottles that i have bought have a little large bottle caps, maybe thats why it is getting emptied soon.

        Should i change the water bottles to one which have small bottle caps.?

        If there is any change I should do. Please do inform me.

        Awaiting your reply


        • Joe says:


          You seem to be discussing only about the quantity of the remedies that you are taking but you have not reported on your main problem for which you are taking them, hopefully as instructed by me.

          Don’t you think that the least that you can do is to report your response and whether my therapy has helped you within the month that you are using my therapy?

          • Sonia says:

            Hello Dr,

            As i had taken that Zoladex injection, I had very painful periods last month. And my due date this month was 12th but still I didnt get my periods. So I dont know whether the painful cramps of periods have reduced or not.

            But the size of the cyst has reduced by 1 cm and coarse internal echoes where present in cyst before taking your remedy, those echoes have gone and the cyst is clear now.

            Before taking your remedy I didnt had any symptoms due to chocolate cyst, so I cant make out the progress. I had regular periods before also and painful cramps where there before, I will tell whether the cramps have reduced or not after this month’s period. After next scan I can tell you about the cyst size.

            But my tummy feels light and good since I started taking your remedy.

            i cant thank you enough for helping me. My whole family was in tension due to my condition. After knowing that that the cyst has reduced by 1 cm everyone is little relieved. All thanks to you Dr.


            • Joe says:


              You have made me happy to learn that my therapy has helped yet another patient who in your case had even been given some injection which in my opinion could only have made matters worse that they were.

              It is just over a month since I first prescribed for you and you have discovered that your CC has reduced by 1CM. I hope that you do realize that no drug in the medical pharmacopeia could have equated this performance.

              I believe that it is only the combination of both the Bellis P and the Arnica that have done this small miracle for you.

              Do keep me posted with your condition after your next period.

  99. Sonia says:

    Yes, i know that no medicine could have ever helped me even a little bit.

    The Doctor who did my scan was not believing that the cyst has become clear with no internal echoes. He showed it to 2 other doctors to confirm.

    I just hope that my cyst gets cured.

    I will keep you updated of my reports.

    Thank you


    • Sonia says:

      Dr, you didn’t tell me whether I should continue bellis p 30c or 6c.

      Awaiting your reply,


      • Joe says:


        I have had reports from patients that they discovered that BP 6c was more effective than the 30c.

        In your case however you have already got positive results from the 30c and I do not think that it is necessary that you change the potency for the moment.

        We can consider a change if you discover that the remedy is not performing at a future date.

        I presume that you are also taking the Arnica 30c as usual as this is an integral part of my Joepathy.

        • Sonia says:

          Yes Dr. Joe, i am taking Arnica 30c also as you instructed.

          I will continue with Bellis P 30 c itself.

          Thank you,


  100. Madiha says:

    Congrats sonia 🙂 good to hear its working on you.

  101. Anna W says:

    Hi Joe,

    How are you? Hope all is wel with you.
    I am feeling very good taking Arnica and Bellis- good nights sleep, clear complexion and my periods are not painful anymore so looks like Im on a good track. I keep eating apricot kernels as you recommended- I found easy way of consuming them- Im ordering grounded apricot kernels and I am drinking them twice daily in a fruit juice. As I have crowns on my teeth I cannot really eat nuts 🙂 I know the they say limit is a spoonfool of the grounded powder but I am taking 4 tespoons a day and feeling very well. I probably won’t have an ultrasound scan until end of the year. I dont want to do it too often as it is energy going into my body after all it is not completely neutral. I am hoping for good news when I finally have it. At the moment as I said I seem to have completely forgotten about the cysts, as I am in no pain and very busy and satisfied with my new job.
    All the best and God Bless,

    • Joe says:


      Good to hear from you and to learn that you are OK today.

      I agree that there is no need for a US Scan as I remember how a baby squirmed when first exposed to a scan in the first trimester.

      Do not overdo the Apricot Kernels. Taking it 4 times daily may be Overkill.

  102. Nadiya says:

    Hi Dr Joe,

    Im in great need of you as im suffering from several types of illness. And i dont know what should i do please respond me and try to advise me remedies.

    My problems are as follows;

    My periods are extreamly irregular like they would not come for 3-4months and when they come they last for 1-2months time and it usually happens in summer since last 3-4years.
    I recently got married and I was taking Homeopathy medicine Asoka and Calc Phose and Ferrum phose to regulate my cycly along with vitamins and it did help and regulate my periods for 4-5months but now again I have missed my periods for 3months.
    And I recently got diagnozed that my ovaries are bulky and has cyst on them therefor im PCOS aswell and that I dont ovaluate.

    Also another great issue of mine is HAIR LOSS.
    I use to have super thick black gorgeous hair all my life but since 3years I started to loose them and I have lost 80%of my hair. my scalp is visible and even if my palm touch my hair, i see 10-15hair on my palm. My hair loss gets worse in end of August to October that even my mother gets worried that i have bunch of hair on my hands and if I loose hair this year I will definately go bald. And Im a newly married girl and I dont wana look like that im very much worried. My age is 24 Please advise what should i do?

    Best Regards,

    • Joe says:


      Did your gynecologist diagnose your condition as PCOS?
      Did he mention Endometriosis and Chocolate Cyst?

      If so your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c

      Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      The Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally, while the Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Report progress from time to time.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      I shall now copy my default therapy for Hait Loss:

      The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.

      Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle
      2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
      Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.


      Pour out about 100ml of water fron each bottle.

      Pour in 20 drops of Arnica Q into the water in a bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.

      Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be applied on the scalp twice daily.
      Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use. It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.

      Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.

      Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propogate.

      Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.

      It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.

      Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.

      Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.

      Report progress in 2 weeks.

  103. Painful Right Ovarian Cysts says:

    Hi Mr. Joe,

    I am 38 years old and have always struggled off and on with ovarian cysts. When I was 20 years old I had to be rushed to the hospital due to throwing up and passing out. My abdomen was also protruding. The doctor did an ultrasound and put me on the pill. This caused so many other side effects that’s I took myself off of them. I have always had some form of lower abdomen pain and at the age of 27 started to hate intercourse with my spouse because of constant pain. My present gyno says its because I have a tilted pelvis but I haven’t always had this pain (during intercourse) so I have a hard time believing this. I forgot to mention that I do have two children, ages 5& 7. About 6 months ago I started having really bad pain, where my ovaries are. It would wake me up in the middle of the night and I wouldn’t be able to move for at least two hours. I would break out into a cold sweat and start throwing up. I went to my gyno and had an ultrasound and blood work done. The blood work came back normal, but they found two functiona/simple cysts measuring about 2.5cm each in my right ovary. My gyno was going to put me on the pill but I had done some research and told her to give me a couple of months and I would try apple cider vinegar and molasses. Well this did shrink my cyst as was determined by another ultrasound, but unfortunately I developed GERD from the acv and had to stop. I resorted to taking the birth control pills and have been on them for a little over one month. I am still having severe pain in my right ovary. I was wondering if you could please help me. I simply do not want to have surgery!!!! Thanks,


    • Joe says:


      Did your gynecologist mention Endometriosis and Chocolate Cyst?

      If so your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c

      Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      The Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally, while the Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      If the pain you experience is high, you can add Hypericum 200 in the Wet dose taken every 4 hours to control your pain.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Report progress from time to time.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      • Painful Right Ovarian Cysts says:

        Dr Joe,

        My Gyno never mentioned my cysts being chocolate or having endometriosis. She said that the cyst looked clear inside. With that being said would it still be ok to take the remedies you previously mentioned?

      • Painful Right Ovarian Cysts says:

        Dr Joe,

        My Dr never mentioned my cyst being chocolate or having endometriosis. She did state that the fluid inside of the cyst was clear. Is it still ok to take your recommendations?

    • Painful Right Ovarian Cysts says:

      Hi Dr. Joe,

      I am writing to give you an update on my situation. The last time I wrote to you it was July 11, 2012. I was diagnosed with a simple/functional cyst on my right ovary that measured approximately 2.5 cm. Since August 1, 2012 I stopped taking birth control pills and Ibuprophen and started with Arnica 30 and Bellis Perennis30 and Hypericum. It is now September 10, 2012 and here are the results of my unltrasound. My Dr. now says I have Endometriosis and a Chocolate Cyst on my right ovary which measures 4.5cm. She was not very happy that it is growing and of course wants me to have surgery. She stated that in her 14 years of practice she has never seen one of these cyst go away without surgery. I convinced her to give me until December to reevaluate my situation and advised her that I was going to try your therapy. Is there any other recommendations you have for me? Is there anything stronger that I can take for the pain? I am not sleeping at night due to the pain. Awaiting your response!

      • Painful Right Ovarian Cysts says:

        Dr Joe,

        My name is Korie Champeaux and I live in the USA. I ordered my products from a company called Health Chemist from Auckland, NZ. I received Naturopharm Bellis Perennis 30C Liquid, Weleda Arnica 30c ml Liquid and Naturopharm Hypericum 200c Liquid. I take both of my remedies twice daily. I have a 500ml bottled water and have poured out a bit to allow airspace. I then add 3 drops of one remedy in one bottle and do the same for the other. I shake the bottle really hard and allow the bubble to form then I take a capful of the Arnica and wait one hour than take the Bellis. Im not giving up and am very hopeful that this will work. Thanks for your help!

        • Joe says:

          I would like to know the reason why you ordered your remedies from New Zealand when you live in the US.

          I would suggest you mail order the remedies from

          Washington Homeopathics
          1 800 336 1695

          Order the Bellis Perennis 6c as the 30c you are using does not seem to work.

          I am trying to figure out the reason why my therapy has not helped you when so many patients on this thread have confirmed that they were helped and some cured.

          What is the water you are using? This too could be a reason for the remedy not working. I ask the question as the water in the US is contaminated due to Fracking for Natural Gas.

          Can you get distilled water?

        • Korie says:

          Dr Joe,

          The reason for me ordering my products from NZ was none other than the results from my google search. I will again order the Bellis P 6c from http://www.homeopathyworks.com. And yes, I can get distilled water. Will get some today and try that with the products I currently have until my new shipment comes in. I also noticed that you prescribed for some of your previous patients something that would cause the body to reabsorb the fluid in the cyst. Should I order that as well? Like you I am puzzled as to why I have not been cured or at least seen shrinkage in the cyst, but I will continue trying your Joepathy with the hopes that it will work for me too. Thank you for your support and help!

          • Joe says:


            Thank you for reminding me of Apis 6c in the Wet dose which you can also include in your order from Washington Homeopathic Products.

            You will take it twice daily with the Bellis P 6c and the Arnica 30c and we will evaluate your response in a few weeks.

        • Korie says:

          Ok Dr. Joe,

          I will let you know how things are going after taking all three for a few weeks.

          Thanks Again!


        • Korie says:

          Dr Joe,

          The Arnica from http://www.homeopathyworks.com has 20% alcohol in it. Is that ok?

        • Korie says:

          Dr Joe,

          I store my Arnica, Bellis, and Apis waterbottle mixtures in the refigerator. Do you think that maybe this has something for the remedy not working?

          • Joe says:


            It seems to me that you have not responded to my therapy which has helped hundreds of fellow sufferers like you some of whom had be subjected to laparoscopic surgery.

            Refrigerating the bottles will not change their effect.

            Patients have reported that a US Scan done in 2 months usually shows some marked reduction of the Chocolate Cyst while the pain and bleeding was markedly lower.

            You are advised to continue the therapy as the alternative is surgery which you must avoid at all costs as it is only temporary as the CC’s will form with every period.


        • Korie says:

          Dr Joe,

          I just received my shipment for the stronger dosage of Arnica and the Apis. I am starting on them today. I know my ultrasound showed the cyst going from a 2.5 to a 4.5 but something refreshingly unusual I must report to you. For the first time I have started my monthly cycle and have had ZERO pain! I don’t understand….my cyst is growing but I have NO pain! Which tells me that your remedies are definately doing something. I am usually on the floor for at least two hours minimum, plugged up to a heating pad! Explain that one! Anyway…just wanted to say thank you.

          • Joe says:


            I am delighted to learn that for the first time you are experiencing a period without the agony that you have suffered for some time in the past.

            There is no doubt that my Joepathy has helped you and I am confident that it will continue to do so in the future as well.

            I would like to have your report of any difference in your bleeding pattern.

            I cannot account for your CC increasing in size and we will have to observe if and when it will commence reducing in its dimensions.

            In the meanwhile I want you to order :

            Bellis Perennis 6c from WHP which you may have to use later but not till I instruct you to do so.

        • Korie says:

          Ok I will order the Bellis 6C and wait for further instructions from you. I will let you know if there are any other changes. You also instructed me to get off of coffee. It has been about 2 months since I have had coffee. I have switched to tea.

          • Joe says:



            The coffee may have made the difference.

            It would be of interest to fellow patients if you can recap the history of your case with details of when you first noticed that you were having problems and what treatment you had from doctors and how you reached the current state of a painless period.

  104. Painful Right Ovarian Cysts says:

    One more thing….Should I continue on my birth control pills and Ibuprofen? Thanks again!

    • Korie says:

      Hi Dr. Joe,

      I need to give you an update regarding my present situation because I am not sure if I should be concerned. I started my monthly cycle on October 17th and it ended on October 22. Well it is now November 1 and every single day I have been having a “more than normal” brown discharge. So much that I have to wear a pad. I haven’t had any abnormal pain from the chocolate cyst that I have in my right ovary, nor do I feel any different. Should I be concerned or is this normal? Thank you!

      • Joe says:


        I do not recollect having treated you.

        Can you please remind me of your case?

        If you are concerned with your brown discharge you are advised to consult your doctor.

      • Korie says:

        Dr Joe,

        Hi ! Here is a quick update of my past history followed by my current status:

        Feb 2012 Chocolate cyst in right ovary measuring approx. 2.5 cm. You started me on Apis 6c, Arnica 30C and Hypericum.

        Sept 2012 Chocolate cyst in right ovary now measures 3.7×3.5×3.3. You advised me to stop the Hypericum and up my dosage to Apis 6C, Bellis 6C and Arnica 6c and Magnesia Phosp 12x.

        Dec 12 2012 My current situation is as follows:
        Chocolate Cyst in right ovary measures 3.3 x 3.5 x 3.6. I have been taking Apis 6C, Bellis 6C, Arnica 6C and Mag Phos 12X. (The three wet doses are also 87% alcohol.) I have been following your instructions for the wet dosage. Not sure what to do now. Thank you for your help.

        • Joe says:


          I regret to inform you that in spite of my best efforts to resolve your case successfully, your CC’s are not responding to my Joepathy.

          Please contact Dr Prasanta Banerji at the address below and discuss your case with him.


          Please keep me advised of his therapy.

          • Korie says:

            Dr Joe,

            I really appreciate all that you have done. Thank you for your best efforts! I will contact Prasanta Banerji.


          • Korie says:

            Your advise per our last conversation:

            Joe says:

            December 19, 2012 at 7:52 pm


            I regret to inform you that in spite of my best efforts to resolve your case successfully, your CC’s are not responding to my Joepathy.

            Please contact Dr Prasanta Banerji at the address below and discuss your case with him.


            Please keep me advised of his therapy.

            Dr. Joe,

            Here is what was recommended to me by Dr. Prasanta Banerji:

            Sepia 200 CH, in pill, 5 pills a dose.
            Conium Mac 3 CH, 5 pills a dose.

            Do you think it is ok to continue the Apis, Bellis, and Arnica while I am trying the new recommendations? Even though your therapy did not get rid of my cyst it has helped VERY much with the pain that I usually suffer and I am hesitant to discontinue your therapy. I have contacted Dr Prasanta with this concern but I have not gotten a response.
            What do you suggest?


            Korie Champeaux

            • Joe says:


              It is best NOT to mix the remedies prescribed by 2 Homeopaths.

              You must follow the therapy of Dr P Banerji and report your response here on my website in a few weeks.

              I presume that the pain that you mentioned was experienced during your period. If you experience pain again when using the PB protocol, you can use Arnica for a week when you experience pain and bleeding.

            • Joe says:


              Can you please indicate what the dosage is that Dr Banerji advised you to take daily?

              “Sepia 200 CH, in pill, 5 pills a dose.
              Conium Mac 3 CH, 5 pills a dose.”

              How many times did he instruct you to take the 2 remedies?

          • Korie says:

            Dr Joe,

            Here is a recap of some of our previous correspondence. My reason for writing you is at the very bottom. Thanks!!!!

            Korie says:

            December 19, 2012 at 3:48 pm

            Dr Joe,

            Hi ! Here is a quick update of my past history followed by my current status:

            Feb 2012 Chocolate cyst in right ovary measuring approx. 2.5 cm. You started me on Apis 6c, Arnica 30C and Hypericum.

            Sept 2012 Chocolate cyst in right ovary now measures 3.7×3.5×3.3. You advised me to stop the Hypericum and up my dosage to Apis 6C, Bellis 6C and Arnica 6c and Magnesia Phosp 12x.

            Dec 12 2012 My current situation is as follows:
            Chocolate Cyst in right ovary measures 3.3 x 3.5 x 3.6. I have been taking Apis 6C, Bellis 6C, Arnica 6C and Mag Phos 12X. (The three wet doses are also 87% alcohol.) I have been following your instructions for the wet dosage. Not sure what to do now. Thank you for your help.


            Joe says:

            December 19, 2012 at 7:52 pm


            I regret to inform you that in spite of my best efforts to resolve your case successfully, your CC’s are not responding to my Joepathy.

            Please contact Dr Prasanta Banerji at the address below and discuss your case with him.


            Please keep me advised of his therapy.


            Korie says:

            December 20, 2012 at 6:23 am

            Dr Joe,

            I really appreciate all that you have done. Thank you for your best efforts! I will contact Prasanta Banerji.


            Korie says:

            December 26, 2012 at 6:03 pm

            Your advise per our last conversation:

            Joe says:

            December 19, 2012 at 7:52 pm


            I regret to inform you that in spite of my best efforts to resolve your case successfully, your CC’s are not responding to my Joepathy.

            Please contact Dr Prasanta Banerji at the address below and discuss your case with him.


            Please keep me advised of his therapy.

            Dr. Joe,

            Here is what was recommended to me by Dr. Prasanta Banerji:

            Sepia 200 CH, in pill, 5 pills a dose.
            Conium Mac 3 CH, 5 pills a dose. Both of these are taken once in the morning and once at night.

            Do you think it is ok to continue the Apis, Bellis, and Arnica while I am trying the new recommendations? Even though your therapy did not get rid of my cyst it has helped VERY much with the pain that I usually suffer and I am hesitant to discontinue your therapy. I have contacted Dr Prasanta with this concern but I have not gotten a response.
            What do you suggest?


            Korie Champeaux

            Joe says:

            December 26, 2012 at 7:56 pm


            It is best NOT to mix the remedies prescribed by 2 Homeopaths.

            You must follow the therapy of Dr P Banerji and report your response here on my website in a few weeks.

            I presume that the pain that you mentioned was experienced during your period. If you experience pain again when using the PB protocol, you can use Arnica for a week when you experience pain and bleeding.

            Feb 4, 2013 Hello Dr. Joe! Hope you are doing well. Despite my best efforts to find a homeopathic solution to my Chocolate Cyst I regret to inform you that I have decided to have surgery. I am nervous and reluctant, but due to the severe pain it has left me no choice. When I stopped taking the Bellis, Arnica, and Apis the pain in my righty ovary immediately came back. I have been taking Dr Prasanta Banerji’s recommended pills, but my pain is back and my stomach is starting to bulge more which makes me think the cyst might be growing. My surgery is scheduled for February 25, 2013. I am writing to ask your advice as what to take for pre and post op? Also, is there anything I can take for the long term that will prevent more cysts from forming once the surgery is done? Thank you for your very best efforts.

            Korie Champeaux

            • Joe says:


              I too agree that it is best that you have surgery, presumably laparoscopic surgery to deal with your Chocolate Cysts as it is obvious that my Joepathy and the therapy that Dr Banerji prescribed for you, did not work.

              It is rarely that my therapy does not help the patient but there is another patient whose case I am dealing with today here on my website, on the same thread as yours, which has not responded like yours.

              You can take Arnica 30 thrice daily on the day prior to surgery and take it every 3 hours on the days after surgery for 3 days post surgery and reduce it down to twice daily for a month and again reduce it to just nightly for life.

              I do hope that your surgeon will be able to give you a permanent solution to your CC problem and my prayers are with you.

              Please keep me advised of your progress.

    • Korie says:

      Dr Joe, Here is a copy of some of my prior correspondense with you in hopes that you will recall our conversations:

      I am writing to give you an update on my situation. The last time I wrote to you it was July 11, 2012. I was diagnosed with a simple/functional cyst on my right ovary that measured approximately 2.5 cm. Since August 1, 2012 I stopped taking birth control pills and Ibuprophen and started with Arnica 30 and Bellis Perennis30 and Hypericum. It is now September 10, 2012 and here are the results of my unltrasound. My Dr. now says I have Endometriosis and a Chocolate Cyst on my right ovary which measures 4.5cm. She was not very happy that it is growing and of course wants me to have surgery. She stated that in her 14 years of practice she has never seen one of these cyst go away without surgery. I convinced her to give me until December to reevaluate my situation and advised her that I was going to try your therapy. Is there any other recommendations you have for me? Is there anything stronger that I can take for the pain? I am not sleeping at night due to the pain. Awaiting your response!

      I need to give you an update regarding my present situation because I am not sure if I should be concerned. I started my monthly cycle on October 17th and it ended on October 22. Well it is now November 1 and every single day I have been having a “more than normal” brown discharge. So much that I have to wear a pad. I haven’t had any abnormal pain from the chocolate cyst that I have in my right ovary, nor do I feel any different. Should I be concerned or is this normal? Thank you!

      I do not want to contact my doctor unless you think I need to because her first response will be…”I told you that you need to have surgery”.

      • Joe says:


        Thank you for the update with your history. I am treating so many that at my age of 84 it is somewhat difficult to remember cases as well as I did 10 years ago.

        Your CC has increased from 2.5cm in July to 4.5cm in September.
        This indicates that my therapy has not helped you so far.

        Let us add Apis 6c in the Wet dose which you will take thrice daily and evaluate your response in a month.

        You can also add Mag Phos 12x dose 3 tablets taken to treat the pain you experience instead of Hypericum 200. It is possible that this remedy may be causing the increase of your CC and you must stop it.

        You will continue with the other remedies, Arnica, Bellis P.

        I do appreciate your fears of consulting your doctor as the normal advice is to do a laparoscopic procedure. What they fail to accept is that with every period, every egg your ovary discharges is a potential CC in the making.

        • Korie says:

          Thank you for your advice. I will get the new meds and start them immediately. Do you think I should be concerned about the brown discharge or is this normal?

      • Korie says:

        Joe says:

        February 4, 2013 at 12:02 pm


        I too agree that it is best that you have surgery, presumably laparoscopic surgery to deal with your Chocolate Cysts as it is obvious that my Joepathy and the therapy that Dr Banerji prescribed for you, did not work.

        It is rarely that my therapy does not help the patient but there is another patient whose case I am dealing with today here on my website, on the same thread as yours, which has not responded like yours.

        You can take Arnica 30 thrice daily on the day prior to surgery and take it every 3 hours on the days after surgery for 3 days post surgery and reduce it down to twice daily for a month and again reduce it to just nightly for life.

        I do hope that your surgeon will be able to give you a permanent solution to your CC problem and my prayers are with you.

        Please keep me advised of your progress.

        Thank you soooo much for your help, recommendations, conern and prayers. They seem heartfelt and I appreciate it. I will keep you posted. Thanks again Dr. Joe. May Yahweh bless you!


  105. Sonia says:

    Hi Dr.Joe,

    I had my periods and I didnt had that much pain as I used to have before taking your medicine. Cramping was really less. I have not done Ultrasound yet so dont know about the size of the cyst .

    I will get my ultrasound done after july, I will keep you updated about my status.

    Thanking you,


    • Joe says:


      I am glad to note that my Joepathy is helping you.

      Do let me know the results of your scan when you decide to take it later this month when I feel that your CC should have reduced another Cm.

      Continue with my therapy.

  106. nazsha says:

    dear joe i saw ur post regarding pcos.i am 25 yrs ,as of now i am suffering from pcos for the past few years kindly plese suggest me some good medicine.

    • Joe says:


      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Report progress from time to time.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  107. Nadiya says:

    Finally I got hold of Arnica Q so I made a solution like how you advised me ( 500ml spring water pour out 100ml water 20drops Arnica)
    Now my question is if it’s okay to shake the bottle (if so then how many times do I need to shake) and about the quantity you suggested me half a teaspoon isn’t is very small amount? And I honestly don’t understand how will I be able to spread it all over my head as its very little. My hair fall is sooo bad so I ask you to please pray for me as well.

    • Joe says:


      You may increase the quantity of the liquid I have suggested as it is necessary that your hair is all covered or soaked in the solution. Massage it in well.

      I am copying my default instructions for Hair Loss just in case you have overlooked the other salient factors that you will have to use to regrow your lost hair:

      The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.

      Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle
      Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
      2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
      Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.


      Pour out about 100ml of water fron each bottle.

      Pour in 20 drops of Arnica Q into the water in a bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.

      Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be applied on the scalp twice daily.
      Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use. It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.

      Arnica 30c for Oral use

      Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:

      Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.

      Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.

      Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propogate.

      Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.

      It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.

      Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.

      Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.

      Report progress in 2 weeks.

  108. Geeta says:

    Hello Dr Joe,

    How are you? I have been reading a lots of your forum about “Overian Cyst” on abc homepathy and very impressed with your treatment for it.
    I am 35 years old and have one 3 yr old daughter. I had C-section for my this first delivery.
    Well, recently i have been diagnosed with (complex or hemorrhagic)cyst on my left Overy. After reading your so many posts i have started taking the remedy (Bellis Perennis 30c and Arnica 30c) on Jul 31, 2012.

    I wanted to confirm it with you if this is right medicine for me as well. Please take a look at my report below and let me know. Thanks a lot for helping so many people in the community.

    God Bless!

    Below is my report from ultrasound:


    ** HISTORY **:
    Pelvic pain

    ** FINDINGS **:
    Uterus measures 8.1 x 4.6 x 5.3 CM. No fibroids are identified.

    Endometrial stripe thickness measures 11 mm.

    Right ovary appears unremarkable. Left ovary measures 4.2 x 4.7 x
    4.1 CM. There is a complex cyst in the left ovary, 3.6 x 2.8 x 3.8
    CM in size.

    ** IMPRESSION **:
    No abnormalities of uterus or right ovary identified.

    3.6 x 2.8 x 3.8 CM complex cyst in the left ovary. This has
    internal echoes and a few thin linear septations. No internal
    blood flow is seen. This may represent a complex or hemorrhagic
    left ovarian cyst.

    • Joe says:


      It is obvious that you present a Chocolate Cyst (CC) and it is very likely that you also present Endometriosis which usually is the cause of the CC. Patients have also reported heavy bleeding during menstruation and if you too suffer from this problem, be advised that the Arnica will help to stop it, as you will notice on your next cycle.

      I note that you have already read and started on my “Joepathy” which is my default therapy for both ailments. I hope that you have followed my instructions precisely as prescribed as it has helped many scores of ladies some of whom were on the verge of surgery for Hysterectomy simply because their gynaecologists did not know how to stem the bleeding which sometimes affects patients and which usually results in unnecessary surgery.

      Please report your progress as often as you wish as I will then be able to keep a track and take another US Scan in about 2-3 months after the last to check the progress of your internal problems.

  109. Geeta says:

    Hello dr Joe,
    Thanks again for prompt reply. I am following the prescription very precisely. I have 2 bottles of water with approx 400ml water in each bottle. I have added 3 drops of Bellis Perennis 30c and Arnica 30c separately in each bottle.
    Taking BP in the morning empty stomach and Arnica after 1 hour after eating something.
    Taking BP in the evening 1/2 hr before dinner and Arnica right before sleeping.
    Please correct me if there is any discrepency.

    Btw, i dont problem of heavy bleeding during periods with this cyst. However, i do remember having heavy bleeding once during periods couple months ago. I am hoping these remedies will work for me just like it did for so many other women.

    I will definitely report you about my progress. I have a ultrasound scheduled for 21st aug.


    • Joe says:


      I note that you have followed my therapy precisely as prescribed.

      I presume that you succuss (shake hard) the remedy water at least 6 times before you take a sip.

      I would not advice you do an US Scan this month. It is best to leave at least 2 months before you do so as you will otherwise be wasting time and money.

      You may like to know that a US Scan has some effect on an unborn baby as it squirms as soon as it is subjected to the sound waves. Whether this is good or not is the point to be evaluated. I do not think that it can hurt you but it does seem to upset the foetus.

  110. Geeta says:

    Yes, i succuss the remedy by hitting bottle hard on my palm or shaking the bottle 6-7 times and then take 1 teaspoon of medicine.
    Well, the ultrasound is scheduled by my gyneocologist as she wants to keep an eye on the cyst size. But i will follow your suggestion and reschedule the ultrasound date 2 months from now.

    Is hemorrhagic cyst is same as chocolate cyst? I am little confused about the terminology used ar different places on web.


  111. chunnu says:

    Dear Dr Joe,

    My name is Jagmohan verma and my wife’s nameis Priyanka verma. i am living in Abu dhabi along with my wife with no kids. I have read lots about you in internet in homeopathy forum. can you please help us out in the treatment.
    My wife is having few issues and that’s why infertility. issues are as follows
    1. She is having endometreosis/ chocolate cyst in both the ovaries size 5 cm in left ovary and small in right ovary. she underwent once with Laproscopic operation and took leopride injection for 3 months.
    2. then she diagonised with TB in genital part (Myco bacterium- sample- menstrual blood)and took medicine (RHE- FD)for 9 months (as per doctors advice). during this she did not take any medicine for cyst. now the medicine is finished ie she completed 9 months of her course.
    3. During this time she had some pelvic pain and white/red discharge during the non mensuration time ie within the mid of months or after 8 to 10 days of mensuration cycle. still it is continuing.
    4. we tried several time for a baby but she could not conceive. we went to doctor and now she is suggesting to go for another surgery and then IVF. we are not ready for another surgery because it will detroiate the ovary condition more.
    5.she underwent CA 125 test also and it is non cancereous but as per doctor it came little higher around 70.
    6, could you please suggest some medicine by which it can be cured, i could not see my wife condition because she is thinking a lot that she could not recover from this and will not have baby. she is a house wife and desperatiely need baby for his lonliness.

    Please help us out.


    • Joe says:


      I am concerned to learn that your wife was diagnosed with
      “TB in genital part (Myco bacterium- sample- menstrual blood)and took medicine (RHE- FD)for 9 months”.

      Have you consulted another physician to confirm this diagnosis? TB in the Vagina is very rare and it is possible that your doctor has given your wife an incorrect diagnosis. I do not think that the single test that was done can indicate TB. You must get this matter rechecked by specialists in your city or elsewhere.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which has helped many scores of patients as you can read on this website.

      The remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Report progress from time to time.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  112. chunnu says:

    i will send all the details of medication and report in your mail id. let me collect all the report from doctors. will be soon replying back with details. in the mean time is it possible to start some medication. she is having some blockage in her fallopian tube which is forgot to mention


    • Rosy says:

      For removing blockages in the fallopian tube, Thiosinamium 6X and Silica 6X in wet dose, 4-5 drops, 3 times a day for 6 months, completely unblocks the blocked fallopian tube.

      • Joe says:

        Thank you for the information which I have not used so far.

        Before I do so, I would like to know if you have used the remedies yourself. And you refer to the Wet dose and 6x and 4-5 drops.

        You must know that Silicea 6x is always in tablet form, but it is possible that Thiosin may be available in alcohol. How do you explain the anomaly ?

  113. chunnu says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,
    could you please explain me the meaning of 30c? what is the full form of C and what shall i tell at homeopathic store. is it the power of the medicine may be 30000 power or what?

    • Joe says:


      It will take me too long to reply your question. However the potency of any remedy is 100 to the power indicated by me which is 30. In other words it is the dilution which is potentized of the remedy and an explanation of this dilution is achieved by multiplying 100 x 100 x 100 Thirty times which will give you a number of Zeros that I have not calculated as it is irrelevant.

      You can obtain Homeopathic remedies from:

      Telephone: +971(4)3377028



      Please ask for any remedy from your vendor and you will not be required to explain to him what any remedy in the 30c potency is.

  114. chunnu says:

    could you please tell me the name of the company or indian make or german make for the medicine. this is because i have to ask somebody to send it to me from India.


  115. chunnu says:

    thanks a lot Doctor. i ll get it from Al noor hospital. it is near my house.

  116. Neha Gautam says:

    I was browsing online and got your contact information from there. I got highly impressed to see that you have helped so many people with your jeopathy. And i am hoping you can help me too. Below is the detail about my medical problem.

    I live in Denver,Colorado,USA. I have hypothyroid and presently I am taking medication (Armour Thyroid, 30 mg) for it. At present my thyroid levels are normal, I am sending you the current reports as an attachment to this email.

    I am suffering from irregular periods, Now the doctor has given me some medications(they are kind of birth control pills) to bring my cycles back to normal. This pack has 21 tablets, he has asked me take 21 tablets and then when I get my periods need to start the second doze at the second day of my period.

    When I first saw the doctor ( Reproductive Endocrinologist ) he did some tests(blood works and ultrasound) and diagnosed that I have PCOD.
    Later he did Semen Analyses for my husband and few more blood works (for genetic tests) for me.
    My husband’s reports were fine. He also said that for me it is not a genetic problem as he had gone through all my chromosomes study.
    Now after all these tests he said that I am suffering from PCOS, I am unable to produce eggs and the few eggs which I am producing are not healthy.

    He suggested us for the ‘Donor Egg’ option.

    I will really be greatful to you if you can advice me some remedy to help me with this.

    Here are my details:
    Name: Neha Madhia Gautam
    Age: 29+
    Time since I got Married: 1 year 9.5 months

    Many Thanks

    • Joe says:

      Neha Gautam

      I presume that you have read the posts from patients whom I have helped who suffered from the same PCOD that you have been diagnosed with. I shall copy my default therapy aka “Joepathy” which has helped many, two of whom have successfully conceived.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Above all else you must learn to relax and also to exercise daily to give yourself and your husband the space to successfully start a baby. You must not force yourselves to do so and I presume that you have been advised by your gynaecologist how to use the optimum dates of fertility to the best advantage.

      You will NOT take any other Drugs while on my therapy and also not take Coffee and Sausages, ham and bacon as they have Saltpeter which antidotes the Homeopathy instantly.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Report progress from time to time.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      • Neha Gautam says:

        Hello Dr.,
        I really appreciate that you took out time to reply to my problem. Thanks a lot for your advise, I will soon start the medication which you have prescribed but I have few more questions to ask.

        1) Presently I am taking “Armour thyroid-30mg” ,and you said while taking your medications I should not be taking any other medications. Do you want me to stop this medication too?
        2) Just to let you know one more time that I have been diagnosed as PCOS not PCOD.
        3) My doctor had also diagnosed that my pancreas are producing more insulin due to which I have a fear of getting type-1 diabetes. In the latest test all the diabetes tests are negative but still I have been prescribed-Metformin Hcl-500mg. Do you want me to stop this medicine too?
        Doctor told me that this medication will help me reduce my weight and control my insulin levels, will your prescribed medicine help me loose weight too?
        4) I have also been prescribed a medication to bring my period cycles to normal.(it’s a kind of birth control pill and is a 21 days course, when I get my periods after this dose I have been asked to start the next dose of 21 tablets from second day of my period) . Should I also stop this if I start your prescribed homeopathic medicine?
        5) Do you want me to send you all my reports? I can send you all the recents blood tests and ultrasound.

        Thanks a lot
        Neha Gautam

        • Joe says:

          Neha Gautam

          You cannot stop the drug you are taking for your Hypothryodism which you list at 30mg.
          Please check the dosage and confirm if it is mg or 0.30mg or 30Micro Grams.

          What is your TSH level? When did you first consult a doctor for your Thyroid?

          I cannot understand how your doctor could have diagnosed you with a condition that would bring about Type I Diabetes. Please copy his report on this post. You may like to know that the Metformin 500mg that you have been prescribed can cause your Blood Sugar level to DROP unnecessarily and even dangerously and will result in your getting tired and listless with no energy.


          Also STOP all other drugs which your doctor has prescribed including the birth control pill.

          Send your reports to my email address.

          The Bellis Perennis 30c and the Arnica 30c will both help your PCOS and PCOD which are the same disease.

  117. Monisha says:

    Hello Doctor,

    This is Monisha. I am 23 years old (unmarried), I have been diagnosed with endometriosis, and i have had a laparoscopic surgery in April 2012, in which they have punchtured and removed the fluid. But now I am still suffering with pain every month, taking tablets and IV. Again doctors have told that it has been chocolate cysyts which has been coming again. I would like to know about ur treatment with homeopathy. I would like to seek help from you to cure me from this.

    • Joe says:


      I am indeed concerned that you have undergone laparoscopic surgery for your Chocolate Cysts (CC) which were caused by Endometriosis and that within just 4 months you have presented yet another CC for which you would normally have had to undergo another laparoscopic surgery if you have not contacted me.

      This is the sad story of patients whom I have often helped to cure but you must understand that this process is not a quick fix and may take a few years into the future to resolve. I note that you are 23 years old and unmarried and I would like to know how long ago you were diagnosed with Endometriosis and perhaps PCOD which are both causative factors for CC’s. Also what are the dimensions of your first CC and what is the US Scan report of your present one?

      You stated:
      “But now I am still suffering with pain every month, taking tablets and IV.”
      Please indicate what these drugs were. Also what was the purpose of the IV and did they inform you what drugs were injected?

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts and hope that they will help you in a few weeks. You will have to report your progress weekly for a month till your next period and thereafter after every period till I am satisfied that I have stabilized your problem.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Report progress from time to time.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  118. sonali says:

    hello dr.
    i m 39 y old .my height is 5.2 but wt is too much 83kgs.got married from last 3 Y’s.unable to conceive.after 6 months of my marriage i have come to know that i have endometriosis cyst in my left ovary approx 3cm which further increased and now it is 7.5cm ,mean while i m suffering from hypothyroid,uric acid then cholesterol and my sugar level was also going little up.i gone through laproscopy for my cyst but again it come out now size is approx 5cm.my periods are normal and cycle of 29-30 days and last in 3-4 days.two times before i have taken homeopathy for cyst but doesn’t work.both Dr.didn’t show the name of medicine .now again i meet one new Dr.who give me causticum 200 for 3 days after 10 days my homeo dr said to repeat the dose but still my cyst is in same size.if u need further information plz ask me i really want to dissolve this and become mother.
    one more thing dr i have sever gas problem.

    • Joe says:


      I believe that it is your extra weight that is the cause of your problems and Nat Phos 6x will hopefully reduce it safely.

      Please visit the link below entitied

      The Ultimate Cure for Obesity on:


      This is a post I made on the ABC way back in 2004 on December 25, the day before the Tsunami hit Sri Lanka, a day which will forever will remain in my mind for as long as I live as I was involved in the Homeopathic after care of the many thousands of survivors immediately after the Tsunami when I was joined by members of Homeopaths Without Borders who sent 6 pairs of erstwhile Homeopaths to help me in my efforts to help them.

      Basically your therapy will comprise the use of
      Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals
      Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily before meals.

      Weigh yourself today before you commence on my therapy and report your weight loss weekly when the standard loss which you can expect and has been reported is around 1kg per week.

      You will also do a regular stint of at least 45 minutes of exercise which will be done by you at intensive levels, irrespective of the general feeling of tiredness that you may experience, if you wish to benefit from my Joepathy.

      You will also control your diet and avoid fatty fools completely and eat in moderation to ensure that your stomach is filled to comfortable levels.

      Nat Phos 6x will fix your “severe gas problem” within a few hours. You will have to cooperate yourself by avoiding all fatty food and control your diet and most important of all, you must exercise on a regular daily basis as per instructions above.

      I shall now copy the therapy for your Chocolate Cysts which is caused by Endometriosis:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Report progress from time to time.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      • sonali says:

        Hi Joe,
        thanks for ur reply.i m taking eltroxin 100 ,6 days in a week for my hypothyoridism.and metformin(glucophage 500 mg)2 daily.i gone through ur abc forum n come to know that these medicine will produce interference in the path of reducing wt if i will take Nat Phas 6x.is it true?u mentioned 2 times arnica 30c , i want to start my wt loss medicine first .my another question is that how arnica 30 c will help me in this manner.my present homeo consultant now change medicine she gave me cal flour 30x for 1 week (for cyst)can i take nat phos 6x ,arnica30c with caicarea fluor 30x.i m suffring sever hair loss n memory loss proble too.waiting for ur kind reply.

        • Joe says:


          “my present homeo consultant now change medicine she gave me cal flour 30x for 1 week (for cyst)can i take nat phos 6x ,arnica30c with caicarea fluor 30x.”

          When you finally make up your mind that you will only use my Joepathy for your Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts, you can contact me.

          “Too many cooks can spoil the soup”

  119. chunnu says:

    hello doctor,
    i enquired with one of the pharmacy based at Abu dhabi and they have the medicine with them. thanks a lot for ur advise. could you please let me know what not to take (foods or eatable items) during medication (jeopathy). presently i m taking medicine for hypothyroid in 25mg (euthyrox- 25 mg). my period date is supposed to be either today or tomorrow, but still it is in dilemma. ie disturbance in cycle.
    plz give some highlights on this. i ll be purchasing the medicines on thursday. one more question- shall i continue with thyroid medicine or shall i stop it?

    • Joe says:


      Glad to note that you can get the medicine in your city.

      You cannot stop the medicine you have been taking for your Hypo Throidism.

      Report your progress weekly.

  120. chunnu says:

    hi Dr,
    can i use mineral water in place of Spring water? if not then i need to search for spring water in malls.
    is there any restiction in food after the start of the course?


    • Joe says:


      You can use mineral water but you must check what minerals are present in the water.

      Tap water is OK as long as you boil it to release the chlorine which will otherwise antidote the Homeopathy.

      You will avoid coffee and not eat any preserved food like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will instantly antidote the Homeopathy.

  121. Geeta says:

    Hello dr Joe,
    Update :- i just wanted to update you on my progress on overy cyst with remedy. I started the remedy on July 31. Until yesterday, i felt like the pain is reducing slowly. But since today morning my left side of the waist, pelvic, leg and hip is hurting a lot. Also i saw little discharge couple time.
    Is this increase in pain normal while i am taking medication ? Any suggestions ?


    • Joe says:


      It is still far to early to assess how my therapy is helping you as you have only taken it for 9 days.

      DO NOT TAKE any pain medication as this will disrupt the action of remedies that you are taking.

      I shall await your next report in a week with interest.

  122. Geeta says:

    Hello dr Joe,
    Correct, its too early to decide anything. No i didnt take any allopathic medication. However, i did take homeopathic medicine called mag phos 6x that had helped me earlier in past.

    Just a quick question, can i take my multivitamins with the remedy?


    • Joe says:


      Mag Phos 6x can only relieve the pain that you may have experienced with your problem.

      The Bellis P and the Arnica will both work to reduce the CC and will also help with the Endometriosis.

      You must stop all other medication including vitamins as the concentration of a Homeopathic remedy is infinitesimally small and will be antdoted by them.

  123. chunnu says:

    hi doc,
    i have checked at CENTRAL DAWN PHARMACYand the medicines are available with them but it is in tablet form, could you please let me know can i go for these tablets what is available with these pharmacies. ie can i use those tablet in water to make the solution.
    moreover could you please let me know some dealers or shop at Delhi so that brother can purchase from it and send it to me.

    thanks and regards

  124. Joe says:


    “so now you please suggest what to do. i am bit confused now.”

    Why are you “confused”?

  125. Geeta says:

    Dr joe,

    I got eye inflammation because of long use of contact lenses. Doctor asked me to stop contact lens use and provided me a eye drops (cromolyn – ophthalmic) for 1 month. I will have to use these drops as i my eye is very irritable right now.
    My concern is if these drops will interfere my treatment for cyst. Can you please advice?


    • Joe says:


      I cannot recollect treating you and would appreciate if you can please refresh my memory.

      I presume that you suffer from Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts and would like to have your latest report after a scan.

  126. Geeta says:

    Hello doc,

    Sorry i should have mentioned the history. Well, i have a complex or hemorrhagic left ovarian cyst ( as per doc ). And I started your remedy on july 31st for the cyst.
    Now, since i having some eye inflammation, the doc has prescribed some eye drops (cromolyn – ophthalmic) which i need to take for 30 days. My concern if it is advisable to take these eye drops with your remedy with this eye drops. Can you please suggest?


  127. Sonia says:

    Hello Dr.Joe,

    I am updating you my endometrioma status, As I have told you earlier I had endometrioma of 6cm with coarse internal echoes and I was given the Zoladex injection for that in April 30th . Then I started your remedy and after 25 days when I got my scan done the cyst size was 5.1 cm with no echoes.

    Yesterday I got my US Scan done and the report said that the cyst is 4.3cm x 5.1cm with internal echoes.

    I cant be sure whether it has reduced in size or of same size. I had pain when I had my last periods but bleeding was not that much.
    I am taking bellis perennis 30c and arnica 30c in wet dose twice daily.

    Please do inform me if I need to change my dosage or as such.
    Waiting for your reply,


    • Joe says:


      Glad to learn that your Chocolate Cyst (Endometrioma) is reducing on schedule.

      You state that your Chocolate Cyst (CC) which was originally 6cm has reduced to 5.1cm with no echoes in a month. These echoes which are visible on a scan are the reflection of the sound waves which show white on the scan due to the colour of the chocolate coloured liquid inside. The CC has reduced down to 4.3cm and this can cause a concentration of the liquid which is again visible in an echo.

      This is quite normal and I presume that you understand that modern medicine cannot replicate the effect of Bellis P and Arnica which you are taking today and will take for an extended period in the future.

      You will continue to take the 2 remedies prescribed and I shall await your next report with interest.

      • Sonia says:

        I know for sure that no other medicine can help with my chocolate cyst. I am absolutely glad that I found your website and started out your remedy.

        I will continue same dosage and will update you with my status after my next scan.


  128. fs says:

    can u pls come online on Skype right now? asap?

  129. chunnu says:

    Hello Dr.
    Today i received all the medicine from India and tomorrow onward i ll start taking the medicine. Dr i just want to know abt Spring water. since it is not available in Abu dhabi i bought 2 different brand of mineral water and the composition are as below. U plz have a look and tell me which shall i take.
    Composition are: calcium: 1, magnesium: 20.7, sodium: 2.5, potassium: <1, iron: <0.1,carbonates:<1, Bicarbonates: 8.5, sulphate: 77.4, chlorides<1, nitrates: <1, Fluoride: <0.1,bromides:<.01, total hardness:<100, solid: 115, pH: 6.9, and bromate: <10 micro gram.
    2. Emirates:
    compostition: calcium: 16, magnesium: 4.1, sodium: 10, potassium: 0.2, Bicarbonates: 27, sulphate: 18, chlorides: 35, nitrates: 2.2, Fluoride: <0.05,bromides:<.01, total hardness:<100, solid: 120, pH: 7.4, and bromate: <0.005 gram
    3. MASAFI

    Natural Mineral Water Chemical Composition
    PH 6.5 – 8.5
    Calcium < 3.4
    Magnesium < 19
    Sodium < 10
    Potassium < 0.2
    Bicarbonate < 27
    Sulfates < 19
    Nitrate < 0.4
    Chloride < 47
    TDS < 120-180
    Fluoride < 0.1

    4. Culligan

    Parameters Range
    Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 100-120 ppm
    pH 7.0-8.0
    Calcium (Ca) 6.0-7.0 mg/l
    Sodium (Na) 7.0-9.0 mg/l
    Potassium (K) 37.0-45.0 mg/l
    Magnesium (Mg) 1.9-2.5 mg/l
    Fluoride (F-) 0.8-1.5mg/l
    Bicarbonates (HCO3-) 60-80 mg/l
    Chloride (Cl) 15-30 mg/l
    Sulphates (SO4) <0.1 mg/l
    Conductivity 200-220 micro ohms/cm
    Iron, mg/l <0.01
    Total Hardness as CaCO3 1-2 gpg or 17.1-35 mg/l

    5. Oasis

    (Approximate Composition) Final Product Limits (mgs/Ltr)
    Calcium 19.5
    Magnesium 6.5
    Sodium 16
    Bicarbonate 38
    Chlorides 50
    Sulphates 6
    pH 6.8
    TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) Min 105 mg/l

    6. Nestle
    (Approximate Composition) Final Product Limits (mgs/Ltr)
    Calcium 20
    Magnesium 3
    Sodium <5
    Bicarbonate 10
    Chlorides 40
    Sulphates 15
    Nitrate <0.1
    Flouride 0.4
    pH 7.2
    TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) Min 120 mg/l

    7. Al Shalal
    (Approximate Composition) Final Product Limits (mgs/Ltr)
    Calcium 5-40
    Magnesium 2-20
    Sodium 10-25
    Bicarbonate 30-100
    Chlorides 10-70
    Sulphates 2-20
    pH 6.5-8.2
    TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) Min 100-150 mg/l
    edited by erum on 08/11/2010

    First two i do have presently in my house but remaining 3 to7 i dont have but still i can search to make the medicine done.
    You plz give your preference in serial so that if i ll not get the one i can use other as well.

    Plz do the needful for me.

    Thanks and regards in Advance.


  130. chunnu says:

    i do have alBayan drinking water as well but i dont have compositon for it

    • Joe says:


      You can use any bottled drinking water as long as it is still water.
      For safety you can first boil the water and medicate if after cooling it

  131. chunnu says:

    Dear Dr. Joe
    Could you please advise me the timing for taking medicines which you prescribed for Chocolate cyst.
    Bellis 30 C
    Arnica 30 C
    Apis 6C
    when to take these three medicines? is it taken all in empty stomach in the morning. Any diet restricition? what to take and what not to?
    plz advice.


    • Joe says:


      You will take each of the 3 remedies twice daily and you will leave about half hour between each.
      Read my detailed instructions on making the Wet dose.
      You can expect a distinct improvement in your pain levels and bleeding if any during your periods starting in a week.
      You are invited to report progress when you do notice any improvement.

      You can take a US Scan in 3 months to verify how your CC has reduced.

  132. chunnu says:

    Hi doctor,
    i prepared the medicine as per your directive. ie 3 drops of remedies in 3 cm less water in half a liter bottle.
    water which has been used was boiled water and was cooled before addition of medicine.
    Doc today i got my lower abdomen ultra sound report from Gatewell Medical centre and as per there report i am having cyst in both my ovaries
    Left ovary: 2.1 cm hammerogic chocolate cyst
    Right ovary: two cysts are there measuring 2.6 cm and 2.4 cm respectively without hammerogic one ie simple chocolate cyst.

    i started the medicine yesterday and will certainly give you the feedback as the progress will be. Moreover i ll also go for US after 3 months and send the details to you.

    tell me doctor whether hammeorgic cyst will be corrected or some other remedies to be taken along with the 3 remedies.

    WIll give the updates

    • Joe says:


      I cannot recall your case and would appreciate if you will please refresh my memory.

      I would like to know for how long you have used my therapy and what the original dimensions of your Chocolate Cysts were and if they have reduced up to now.

      Do you also suffer pain and excess bleeding during your periods?

      What drugs have you been taking up to now and for how long?

  133. chunnu says:

    1. i am having endometreosis/ chocolate cyst in both the ovaries size left ovary 2.1 cm hammerogic chocolate cyst and small in right ovary two cysts are there measuring 2.6 cm and 2.4 cm respectively without hammerogic one ie simple chocolate cyst .
    i underwent once with Laproscopic operation and took leopride injection for 3 months – 2. then she diagonised with TB in genital part (Myco bacterium- sample- menstrual blood)and took medicine (RHE- FD)for 9 months (as per doctors advice). during this she did not take any medicine for cyst. now the medicine is finished ie she completed 9 months of her course.
    3. During this time she had some pelvic pain and white/red discharge during the non mensuration time ie within the mid of months or after 8 to 10 days of mensuration cycle. still it is continuing.
    4. we tried several time for a baby but she could not conceive. we went to doctor and now she is suggesting to go for another surgery and then IVF. we are not ready for another surgery because it will detroiate the ovary condition more.
    5.she underwent CA 125 test also and it is non cancereous but as per doctor it came little higher around 70.
    6, could you please suggest some medicine by which it can be cured, i could not see my wife condition because she is thinking a lot that she could not recover from this and will not have baby. she is a house wife and desperatiely need baby for his lonliness.

    This already i gave u all the details previously. i have started your medicine two days before and i sent the details of cyst which i underwent a month before. this is for your information.

    Moreover my period is normally going for 5 days with reasonable bleeding but some times it is going only for 3 days with less bleeding. regarding pain during periods it is always a painful one.
    i suffered from licoria as well and during this sometimes red discharge and sometimes clear discharge has been seen.
    I underwent laproscopic operation around one and half years before and the medicine which i took already described at the top of this mail.

    you already suggested arnica, apis and bellis for the above problems.
    this mail was to give the indication abt the size of the cyst.

    One important thing i am feeling weekness when i am sleeping/ more work at home or when licoria come. why it is so? but when i am taking five phos i seems to be OK.


    • Joe says:


      Thank you for your update on your wife’s Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts.

      My apologies that I requested you to recap her case as it did not appear when I did a search under your name on my website. You must know that I am not a professional Homeopath but have a long history of treating patients with my “Joepathy” which you can read about on this website.

      She will have to take the remedies I have prescribed for at least 2 months before she can feel any improvement in her condition and in 3 months she should take a US Scan to check for confirmation that my therapy has helped her.

      In the meanwhile please ensure that she is not subjected to any surgery or other IVF procedure to start a baby. You can read about 2 girls whom I have helped to conceive on this thread.

      • chunnu says:

        Hello doc,
        thanks for the updates.
        i will not go for any IVF or any surgery, i am having full belief on you and your Jeopathy.
        i ll certainly give all updates about any improvement and after 3 month i ll send the details of US scanning.


  134. Geeta says:

    Hello Dr Joe,

    Just wanted to update you on my results.

    RECAP: I was diagnosed with (3.6 x 2.8 x 3.8 CM complex or hemorrhagic)cyst on my left Overy on July 20th. I started taking your prescribed remedy on July 31st, 2012.
    Even though i didn’t want to do Ultrasound after one month of my remedy , my Gynocologist wanted to do it for tracking purpose. SO i did go for Ultrasound on Aug 31st.

    RESULTS: As per doctor’s report, my cyst is gone and no issues seen on left overy.

    She said i am cyst free, however i do feel some pain on left side and sometimes on the right side. I am assuming that the cyst is not completely gone even though US report says so. So i will continue taking the remedy for few more months. Your advise??

    BTW, currently i am not taking my multi-vitamins with the remedy (since July).
    Since i am panning to continue this remedy for long time Can i start taking my multi-vitamins after couple months to fulfil daily requirement on vitamins? Or i will have to stop it completely as long as remedy continues?

    Thanks a lot for helping me with my cyst problem

    God Bless!

    • Joe says:


      I am copying your first report of August 1 below:

      “** FINDINGS **:
      Uterus measures 8.1 x 4.6 x 5.3 CM. No fibroids are identified.

      Endometrial stripe thickness measures 11 mm.

      Right ovary appears unremarkable. Left ovary measures 4.2 x 4.7 x
      4.1 CM. There is a complex cyst in the left ovary, 3.6 x 2.8 x 3.8
      CM in size.

      ** IMPRESSION **:
      No abnormalities of uterus or right ovary identified.

      3.6 x 2.8 x 3.8 CM complex cyst in the left ovary. This has
      internal echoes and a few thin linear septations. No internal
      blood flow is seen. This may represent a complex or hemorrhagic
      left ovarian cyst.”

      You may like to know that you are my first patient whose Chocolate Cyst has responded in the shortest space of time of just 5 weeks, to my therapy aka “Joepathy”.

      All I can state at this stage of your CC is:


      You will continue to take the remedies for another month as you have done in the past and report progress with data on the US Scan findings.

      You will not take the Vitamins and other drugs that you seem to depend on.

      You may like to know that I am 84 years of age and have not taken any drugs or vitamins for many years. I only take drugs like antibiotics on a SOS basis like after surgery.

      I use only Homeopathic remedies and believe that I owe my advanced age without any aches or pains first to God in whom I have an abiding trust and to Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which I have taken nightly for the last 17 years.

  135. Geeta says:

    Hello Dr Joe,

    Even though US scan says cyst is disolved i am having too much pain after this last US scan from Aug 31. Now i feel pain and pressure on the right side of pelvis as well which was not this severe last month before aug 31 US.
    I wanted ask you :-
    1. Could it be possible that i developed a cyst on right overy too while i was taking remedy ?
    2. Could this be a referred pain which i feeling on right side of pelvis.


    • Joe says:


      I am glad to learn that your latest US Scan confirms that your CC has been reduced and is not visible any more.

      I cannot account for the pain that you are experiencing in your right side today but you must understand that your ovary will be producing a new egg on about the 13th day in your cycle which can be the cause of the pain you refer to when the duration of the pain should be about 3-4 days.

      If you have been diagnosed with Endometriosis, this too can have some bearing on the pain you are experiencing. If you experience heavy bleeding Arnica should have controlled it and kept it at normal levels.

      You will understand that your suffering from the pain and the discomfort can be considered as very small price to pay when compared to your having to stand surgery which you will have to stand for the rest of your life when you ovulate every month when the ovum is not permitted to pass through the membrane to lodge in the Fallopian Tube.

      I have been informed by 2 patients who have recorded their experience on this thread that they succeeded in having babies when all the problems clear up.

      You can take Hypericum 200 in the Wet dose and you can take it every 4 hours to deaden the pain. This remedy is quite safe to be used when you experience acute pain.

      Report your response to the Hypericum 200 and also your progress from time to time to keep my advised of your progress.

  136. chunnu says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,
    from few days i am suffering pelvic pain at my right hand side. i had a MC 2nd to 7th of this month. during the period the pain was ok but after the period i had the pelvic pain as well as little brown liquid discharge. though i am taking regular medicine for CC prescribed.
    i have observed that this sort of discharge is occuring just after the completion of my period. i dont know the exact reason for that. moreover when this thing happens then proper ovulation is not taking place. one good thing has been observed that after the laproscopyoperation there was hard feeling just below my naval. it got rectified and the hard area got soften.

    dr. try to give some answer for this licoria just after my period ie discharge and the lower pelvic pain.


    • Joe says:


      You must understand that the 2 remedies I have prescribed for your Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts are not able to help you with the TB that you reported in your Genital tract which can be the reason for the brown discharge which you notice after your period.

      I am not able to help with the TB you have mentioned which I do not believe that you suffer from. The tests that you have done are not conclusive to diagnose TB. You can consult your doctor to diagnose the reason for this Leucorrhoea.

      Let us observe how you progress under my therapy for another few months and we will then re-evaluate the therapy if necessary.

  137. Geeta says:

    Hello Dr Joe,

    Sure i will try this hyperium 200c(is it liquid dilution ? ) in wet dose. Should i use 3 drops in 400ml water? Do i have just take 1 teaspoon ?


    • Joe says:


      I prescribed the Hypericum 200 in the Wet dose for you to help reduce the acute pain you complained of.
      You have already made the Wet dose with the Bellis P and Arnica and you will follow the same protocol to make the Wet dose of Hyper 200.

      A capful or 5ml is the dose for all remedies I prescribe but in the case of Hyper 200 this is only effective for about 3-4 hours and you may take it when you feel the pain returning.

  138. Miki says:

    Hello Joe,

    My name is Micaela and I am 26 years old. I have cysts on both ovaries but I am not sure if they are chocolate cysts. I have one son in which I gave birth to when I was 15 years old. I have been married for 3 years and have not been able to conceive. My husband and I have been trying from day one. I have heavy periods and a bad case of PMS. I havebad migraines a week before and about the first two days of my period and pain relievers do no thelp them. I am overly sensitive the week before. I am often gassy. I have discomfort in my back and abdomen area but it is not painful. I have a hard time sleeping at night. I sleep better during the day in which I cannot because I work. I am in pain on the first and second days of my period. Midol helps but I have to take at least 16 pills within the two days. My period lasts about 5 days and I have a 26 day cycle. Do you think your remedy will help me? I really want to have another child soon

    • Joe says:


      You have stated that you are not certain that you present Chocolate Cysts which are usually caused by Endometriosis. You are fortunate that you have a son as it is very likely that your Endometriosis and CC’s came later and are the cause of your not having children today.

      I shall copy my default therapy for your ailments which have helped many as you can read on the thread you are posting from. Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You have also reported being gassy and it is possible that you also suffer from gastric problems for which you will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2-3 tablets immediately after each of 3 meals. Your headaches may also be caused by your gastric imbalance.

      You will stop all drugs you are taking today.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Report progress from time to time.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  139. Anna W says:

    Dear Joe,
    I have not been in touch with you for a while. I hope you in good health. I am still taking your homeopatic remedies and feeling rather well. I am due to have an ultrasound in November so I hope I will be able to tell you some good news. I am also just about to start trying to get pregnant. My life has calmed down a bit now and I have a stable, well paid job which will enable me to provide for my family alongside my partner. I made that decision as I have recently had another Ca125 tests done and they came back elevated to 95 which is double of the maximum normal level. This is worrying therefore I cannot postpone having a baby any longer. To be honest its nearly as if God was trying to tell me that I should hurry up, things do happen for a reason.
    Do you think it is safe to try and get pregnant if the cysts are still present?
    I keep eating lots of apricot kernels.. I hope this will keep me cancer free alongside healthy diet and excercise. My doctor Polish doctor suggsted that they do a laparoscopy to make sure I don’t have cancer whereas my UK doctor told me not to do the Ca125 test any more as this is always elevated when one has endometriosis and it will only make me worry but insted get pregnant and hope for the best.
    So you can imagine I am rather puzzled and don’t know what to do..
    Still I love life and the disease changed my outlook on it, I believe I enjoy life more since I found out I am ill, little worries seem less relevant and I’m much more patient and understanding to others.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    God Bless,

  140. Anna W says:

    Dear Joe,

    Thank you for your reply and re-assurance. I am glat to hear that you keeping well and healthy.

    I am surprised to hear that bitter apricot kernels are not available in Sri Lanka. I would be happy to send you a bag in a letter if you email me your address.
    They are quite bitter but taste a bit like the amaretto liqor so its not an unpleasant flavour. I normally grind them and dissolve in some water as I have weak teeth so cannot risk eating any type of nuts.
    You don’t crack the fruit opened, you can buy ready bags of the kernels from many souces (internet, healthy food shops). I am taking about 10-15 nuts per day but must start taking more because of the rising CA 125 levels.

    Sadly, I wont be able to join Skype this morning as today is my last day in Poland visiting my family and tomorrow I am flying back to the UK. I am now off to visit my grandmother who has recently has a bad episode of gallstones and is currently recovering from a procedure. She is an extremely positive and cheerful person at the age of 84 she is fit in her joints and she still babysits her neighbours children etc so mentally she is doing very well. Unfortunately she loves her food and has been eating heavy foods such as eggs and bacon for breakfast most of her life so it looks like it finally caught up with her. We all pray that she gets better soon and we are helping her to follow a low fat diet. Its a shame she takes a lot of drugs now otherwise I would recommend arnica to her.

    I will be in touch with you again soon.

    Take care and best wishes,

  141. kusum kandwal says:

    Dear Joe Sir,

    I am Kusum Kandwal. I am 29 years old . i had an operation in 2010 in AIIMS Hospital India . That time i had a huge Chocolate Cyst in my right ovary (appx 10 cm) and many multiple cysts in left ovary. had lots of pain in lower abdomen and irregular periods every month. lots of clots of blood. doctors suggested me for surgery. it was a large operation on lower abdomen from top to bottom. After operated they advised me to get married. after 7 month cysts are came back and became again in huge sizes .i took three Decca Peptty injection for reduce cysts and it was effected. now current position is i have a large cyst in rt ovary(7 cm appx) and left (4 cm. appx). I got married in 28/11/11. im having homeopathic medicines with little sugar tablets from two months and recently some days before some blood fluid came out in urine and that time i had lot of pain in my stomach and constipation for 4-5 days.constipation is comes after few days. im doing yoga pranayam from two months and reducing some weight also. Doctors are advising me again laprascopy but i do not want it again. im very fear of operations now. We, i and my husband wants a baby soon but not able and missing every month.

    Please Sir advice me homeopathic medicines . i want kill my cysts completely. please advice me as soon as possible.

    For your kind needful please

    • Joe says:

      Kusum Kandwal

      I shall copy my default therapy which has helped many women who presented Chocolate Cysts (CC) which are invariably caused by Endometriosis.

      When I received your email, I directed you to post your problem on this thread entitled “Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts” and I hope that you will spend some time on reading the many posts from fellow sufferers from this singular problem which seems to affect at least 5% of women in the developed world.

      I am simply amazed that modern medicine does not seem to have any drug that can help the patient in the manner that the 3 remedies I shall prescribe below can do. It is not any surprise that gynaecologists will advice surgery which I note has, in your case, been done in the old Retropubic approach which is rarely used today as the Laparoscopic approach is more popular and is by far more comfortable for the patient, without the complications that you have suffered from, as described by you.

      It is indeed a matter of regret that in spite of the surgery that you have undergone, and the injections that you were given, you have again presented the same CC’s and it is very likely that if you did not contact me that you would have had no alternative other than repeated surgeries throughout your life.

      You can read the comments of some patients, 2 of whom have conceived after following my therapy aka “Joepathy” and it is my hope and prayer that you too will be fortunate in starting a Baby.


      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      • kusum kandwal says:

        DEAR DR. JOE



        • Joe says:

          Kusum K

          Spring water is bottled water usually sold in supermarkets.

          All remedies are best taken about a half hour before meals.

  142. kusum kandwal says:

    Hello dr. Joe
    I live in india gaziabad city. I tried bud i got only flavored spring water of catch company. Can i use that with remedies or i can use mineral water.


  143. kusum kandwal says:

    Sir,I had tried to search spring water in nerby supermarket but I have got spring water with some flavour written on it,does the same is ok or plz suggest me any other alternative ,can i use mineral water or boiled water.

    • Joe says:


      Boiled tap water, preferably filtered and boiled is far safer than the flavoured spring water that you have discovered.

  144. mohini says:

    Hello sir,

    Iam 31 year old married women,married on Feb 2007 but till I am unable to concieve a baby even,we have checked ourselves (Me and my husband) from doctor but no negative result result came but then also I cant understand what is the problem,
    10 days before my periods I have my lower abdomen pain,and my periods get two days early from the actual every month,before 1 year the duration of my periods was normal ( normally for 4-5 days) but now my mensu duration came to two days only,4 times doctors had suggested and done IUI test and previous year laproscopy also have been done in june 2011,but no such good new came,
    Now from somebody I came to know about you ,so it is my humble request you to please suggest me some miracle medicine for me and my husband ,so that my periods gets regular ,and increase the chances of concieving baby,…

    waiting for your response

    good night

    • Joe says:


      I do wish that I can help you but from the information that you have provided I do not know how I can do so.

      It would be helpful if you can send me the report give by your gynecologist who did the laparoscopic examination by email to enable me to have more information on your problem. Please provide full data on the procedure that you have been subjected to in the past.

      Was an Endometrial Biopsy done by your doctor and if so do you have the analysis?

      You can start with Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily for the moment and I shall try to help you upon receipt of the information requested.

      What is your weight and height?

      Do you exercise?

  145. mohini says:

    Dear Sir,

    Plz check your mail,I had send my scanned medical document for your kind persual.
    As per your question.

    my weight and height is 55kg and height is 5 ft

    Do you exercise – No

    now please check the mail documents and advice accordingiliy.

    thanks and regards


    • Joe says:


      As far as I can see, you seem to be perfectly normal and your reports too confirm this.

      Did your gynaecologist do an Endometrial Biopsy and if this has been done can you please indicate which it is? Or can you transcribe the result?
      The documents you sent me are not all legible and I cannot read them.

      You must start on Exercise and this goes for your husband too.
      You may like to know that at age 84 I exercise for between 30 to 45 minutes daily to lift my heart BPM to over 110. This makes me to sweat and keeps me in a condition that many half my age envy.
      I drink over 3 ltrs liquid daily to replace the fluids lost in exercise.
      Exercise is all part of the therapy to start a Baby and it is up to you both to start a regular program.

      Also take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily.
      This goes for you both.

      Do either of you have any other physical impediment or have you suffered from any other diseases in your life?

      • mohini says:

        Dear Sir,

        Again I had send the clear report of mine on your requirement,

        now please check the same and advice accordingly.and I will surly done the same thing that you had and will prescribed.


        • mohini says:

          Dear Sir,

          Iam waiting for your kind reply, so request you to kindly check the mail with the clear report which again I had send on your requirement in your mail id.



          • Joe says:


            I responded to your email and your post on October 12 and shall copy my response below which you do not seem to have read.


            As far as I can see, you seem to be perfectly normal and your reports too confirm this.

            Did your gynaecologist do an Endometrial Biopsy and if this has been done can you please indicate which it is? Or can you transcribe the result?
            The documents you sent me are not all legible and I cannot read them.

            You must start on Exercise and this goes for your husband too.
            You may like to know that at age 84 I exercise for between 30 to 45 minutes daily to lift my heart BPM to over 110. This makes me to sweat and keeps me in a condition that many half my age envy.
            I drink over 3 ltrs liquid daily to replace the fluids lost in exercise.
            Exercise is all part of the therapy to start a Baby and it is up to you both to start a regular program.

            Also take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily.
            This goes for you both.

            Do either of you have any other physical impediment or have you suffered from any other diseases in your life?

  146. Ling says:

    Hi Joe,

    I’m 30years old was diagnosed with a 8cm chocolate cyst on my right ovary. After a year of hormonal treatment, scans and intense pain, my drs decided to remove it surgically. However, I realised that the operation will not keep the cysts from forming again. I then started doing research about this topic and found from various websites/blogs that bellis perennis is quite effective in shrinking these type of cysts as well as the relief of painful menses.

    As I am situated in Cape Town, South Africa, it was a bit of a search to locate a local stockist for bellis perennis (which I eventually did!). Anyhow, I can only buy it in 200c potency (pellets) and would like to know the correct dosage and way to take this remedy as I am DESPERATE for some actual relief!!

    Thanks so much for being a light in a very dark tunnel!

    Looking forward to your response.

    Kind regards,


    • Joe says:


      I have been successful in reducing Chocolate Cysts (CC) in the case of many patients as you can read on this thread but I have always used Bellis Perennis 30c in the Wet dose.

      I note that you have got BP 200c but I do not have any experience in its use and if you do use it, I would appreciate if you will please report how it worked with you.

      I would suggest that you use the BP 30c in the Wet dose as this has been tried and tested in over 100 cases some of which are listed on this website of which at least 80% were successful.

      You can mail order Bellis P 6c from any of the vendors below in the UK and they will ship it to you in a few days.

      Ainsworths Homœopathic Pharmacy
      36 New Cavendish Street, London W1M 7LH
      Tel 020 7935 5330

      Freemans Homeopathic Pharmacy
      18-20 Main Street, Busby, Glasgow G76 8DU
      Tel 0845 225 5155

      Helios Homœopathic Pharmacies
      97 Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2QP
      Tel 01892 537254

      Nelsons Pharmacies Ltd
      73 Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, London W1M 6BY
      Tel 020 7495 2404

      Weleda UK Ltd
      Heanor Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8DR
      Tel. 0115 944 8200

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Report progress from time to time.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  147. Mohini says:

    Dear Sir,

    My gynecologist did an Endometrial EA Biopsy(Uterus peace test) and that has been done last year well. Dr. said that there is a little issue but not to worry.she dint tell the issue reported. i also cant understand my reports as that it is very difficult to read.

    we also started exercise and Arnica 30c.



    • Joe says:


      I too agree that the reports you sent me which I believe were photographs of the originals, are not legible.

      What I would like to know from you is whether or not your gynecologist diagnosed you with


      In any case I have preempted your reply as the therapy I have prescribed is for both conditions and has helped many women, three of whom conceived as you can read on the same thread you are writing from

  148. Mohini says:

    dear Dr. Joe

    Thanks for your kind reply. my dr said me nothing to worry on that peace test. even they are not sure where is the problem. these days im very disturbed and dr saying to be happy for conceive but its very difficult for me as i got married 5 years before and still not a mom.

    I read your cases, i m taking Arnica 30c wet doses, is there anyone else remedy to use.


    • Joe says:


      You must understand that I am doing a service to all my patients free of charge and this is the second time that I have had to repeat a question to you after you first consulted me.

      In this case I have asked you whether your doctor diagnosed you with Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts and you have asked me for further assistance:
      “I read your cases, i m taking Arnica 30c wet doses, is there anyone else remedy to use.”

      I cannot advice you without your answer.

      I shall copy the question that I asked you in my last post which you have not answered.


      I too agree that the reports you sent me which I believe were photographs of the originals, are not legible.

      What I would like to know from you is whether or not your gynecologist diagnosed you with


      In any case I have preempted your reply as the therapy I have prescribed is for both conditions and has helped many women, three of whom conceived as you can read on the same thread you are writing from.

  149. kusum kandwal says:

    Hello Dr. Joe

    how are you?.

    last ultrasound reports was right ovary reveals cystic mass measuring 6.97 X 5.34 cms with internal echoes. Left ovary reveals cystic mass measuring 4.98 X 3.85 cms with internal echoes. Uterus is anteverted, enlarges and bulky, measuring 8.65 X 4.03 cms. Myometrium shows normal echo-pattern. dated on 1/10/2012.

    As per your advice yesterday i did a ultrasound of my both ovaries.
    current ultrasound is Uterus:- is antiverted normal in size 78 X 37 X 42 mm.). and normal in echotexture no evidence of any myometrial mass lesion seen . Endometrial echo complex is centrally placed 5 mm. thick. No evidence of any free fluid in cul-de-sac.

    Left ovary- one thin smooth walled unilocular cyst size (40 x 28 x 38mm) seen. there is absence of internal nodules, septae, internal low level echos and no flow seen on Doppler imaging.

    Right Ovary:- One thin smooth walled Multiocular Cyst size (86 x 70 x 53mm.) seen. Septae Present. There is absence of internal nodules. internal low level echos and no flow seen on Doppler imaging.

    im taking three remedies Bellis Perennis 30c ,Arnica 30c , Apis 6c since u advised me.

    My periods came on 11th October. it was heavy blood clots flow and for 4 to 5 day. 6-7 days before periods i felt some blood came out and pain also. i want to know about medicines that may i have to Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle every time or only at once.

    Thanks & regards

    Kusum Kandwal

    • Joe says:

      kusum kandwal

      I have already prescribed for your Chocolate Cysts and Endometriosis and you will follow my therapy precisely as prescribed.
      You will only use the 3 drops of the Liquid Dilution just ONCE.

      You will also discover that the bleeding and pain you have experienced in the past with every period are also reduced and even eliminated.

      Report your progress.

  150. madhu says:

    Dear Sir,

    I also have the same problem so Can I take regular all below three mediciene directly 04 drop or less in my mouth instead of mixing it in water,may it can effect fast.

    Bellis Perennis 30c
    Arnica 30c
    Apis 6c



    • Joe says:


      “Can I take regular all below three mediciene directly 04 drop or less in my mouth instead of mixing it in water,may it can effect fast.”

      The answer is NO.

      There is no question of hastening the cure of any ailment by taking the remedy in the raw alcohol.
      You will only aggravate your present condition.

      Please follow my therapy precisely as prescribed.

  151. chunnu says:

    Dear Dr.
    i am taking medicine as prescribed by you ie arnica apic and Bellis. but hardly 20 days before when i went for untrasound i was astronished to see the size of my cyst on both the ovaries. it was showing 4.5 cm (three small cyst as well) and 3 cm respectively which according to me increased one compared to the ultrasound reported at 3 month before. i am taking your medicine from last two months.
    Dr. still i am taking your prescribed medicine and hoping for miracle. from a week i am suffering from abominal pain and after taking rest and intermittent giving heat externally to lower abdomen, i am getting releived from pain to some extent. but after some time pains reoccurs.
    could you please tell me the reason and how to get rid of this problem.
    or when the medicine will start working in positive direction?


  152. KUSUM K says:


    I would like to give thanks for your given prescription,for your kind information On last month November i had done my ultrasound,the chocolate cysts are decreased. left overy – 27x24x31mm, Right is 49x24x37mm, Now my Dates are normal and lower pain is also less. the previous size you can see in previous conversation,i am continue with your prescribed medicines,
    now I will report you after my next Ultrasound.

    thanks once again.

    Kusum K

    • Joe says:

      Kusum K

      Glad to note that your Chocolate Cysts in both ovaries have reduced in size by about half within the space of 2 months. I also note that your periods are now regular and that you do not experience any pain.

      You will continue with my therapy and report your progress after your next scan in 2 months. It is my hope that your CC’s will, by that time be half their present reduced size.

      Do not ever consider any more surgery although your doctors will be very keen to put you on the table, as this is how they make their money.

      You may also like to help your friends who are fellow sufferers like you to use my therapy aka “Joepathy” as it seems to work in some miraculous manner.

      It is my hope and prayer that you will be blessed with a baby in a few months.

  153. kusum kandwal says:

    Dr. Joe
    Hello,thanks for giving me well wishes. We are very thankfull from heart.i hav already started to help my friend regarding this treatment.may be she will be get in touch with you very soon.
    Thanks once again you are like God for me…i’ll report you my next scan after 2 months…

    Take care..:-)

    • Joe says:

      kusum kandwal

      “started to help my friend regarding this treatment.may be she will be get in touch with you very soon.”

      Who is your friend and does she also suffer from the same problem like you?

      It is better for her to give her details separately and if she cannot do so herself you can present her details separately from yours.

  154. Joe says:


    Your remedies are:

    Bellis Perennis 30c
    Arnica 30c
    Apis 6c

    All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

    Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
    Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
    Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

    Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

    Report your response in a week and after your next period.

    Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

    Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
    Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
    Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
    Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
    Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  155. kusum kandwal says:

    Dr. Joe.
    Yeasure ihave already sendher your mail id and details she we contact you very soon..

    Thanks regards

  156. Valerie says:

    hi joe
    i too have been recently diagnosed with endometriosis after many months of pain a choclate cyst was removed during surgery however within a week of surgery all my symtoms returned. i have seen your remedy and would like to try this natural route before i even consider any more surgery or hormonal medicine. i am trying to order these product from ainsworth however can you tell me is the liquid dilution either in 36% alcohol or the 96% alcohol. when i choose product i am asked which of the above i want, i will wait to hear from you before i order.
    i am 36 in a long term relationship have no children am a very happy person can get stressed easily and my problems only started since aug of this year. early 2012 was a very stressfull for me also i was on depro provera injection for 7/8 years and last injection was july 2011.
    have never had problem with my cycle or that area of my body in my life before this.
    i have to say that it was extremely bad in aug/sept/oct – i belive that a chocolate cyst burst 23-31st oct and symtoms eased has Ultrasound 14th november all clear has laroscopy surgery 30th Nov and cyst was there and removed.

    • Joe says:


      I can see that you have suffered so much so very unnecessarily with your Chocolate Cysts (CC) and the chances are that you may have continued to suffer in the future under your surgeons who only have just ONE treatment which is laparoscopic surgery for every CC’s and when they discover that they cannot prevent the next one which usually occurs with your next period, they would eventually suggest a Hysterectomy as this regular procedure cannot be repeated indefinitely. I know of 2 patients who have suffered in this manner.

      It is not impossible to conjecture that the contraceptive you used Depo Prova may also have been the root cause of your CC’s but I cannot be positive about this point till I have more data on the background to your problem.

      I have treated so many cases on my website and here in Sri Lanka and you can perhaps spend some time reading the accounts of patients whom I have treated with 3 being blessed with babies after some years under my therapy.

      I shall now copy my default therapy which I have prescribed and has been used by many women one of whom discovered that her CC reduced by 1Cm in 2 months.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      You can order the remedies in the higher potency of 96% alcohol as this is the ultimate even though it will cost a little more.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      • Valerie says:

        hi joe
        i have read accounts on your website and am hoping to have sucess in reducing daily discomfort and pain.
        the background to when my problem started was in Aug i had a bleed during sex and since then have had a pain in fallopian tube and ovary area. i also has bout of cysitis and was sent to a urologist as i had bladder issues 8yrs ago and i felt my issue was due to my bladder i felt a pressue in that area. was being sent for bladder installations and pain in fallopian tube area got very bad and i started spotting i was extremely bad during september and oct esp when i did not know what was wrong.
        i got very bad pains in vaginal area along with fallopian tubes before my period was due when it arrived it was very heavy and full of large clots and lasted over 7 days at this stage i went back to my gp who upon listening to all my symtoms told me that i had to see a gynocologist when i say him for all of 5 mins he listend to my symtoms since the bleed
        sore vaginal area (throbbing/burning general soreness)
        pain in fallopian tube and ovary area both side fells like they are stinging
        back pain
        at time feel like something is going to fall out of that area
        all my symtoms ease within 3 days of start of my period and am completly pain and discomfort free for approx 3 days or so after periond and then it all starts again
        he done a US and said nothing there no lumps bumps or cysts and that my symtoms sounded like endometriosis and booked me in for the laroscopy and d & c 2 weeks later. had that done where he informed me that i had a cyst which he removed and had endometreosis and that was it. i am not taking any medication as my own gp is still waiting for full report back however i have informed her that i would rather wait and go the natural route before going down the road of hormonal treatment.
        i have never suffered with this before i went on injection and was on it for 7/8years in which time i had no periods at all as everything was shut down by this injection. my perions only returned in feb 12 and were 3 days and very light. from june/july i suffered extreme arousal and a bout of cystitis which i had not suffered this in 8years,then these problems started. i started thinking that these problems could be as result of my body not working for so long and trying to work it self back to normal after the injection.
        i will order these products now and hopefully i will have them before christmas i am ordering in uk i live in ireland
        my period is due 23rd or so of Dec which l look forward to have discomfort free days after this!!! i just want my life back to being happy and not having this terrible discomfor which has put my life on hold since august!!! thanking you in advance i will report to you 7 days after i start treatment

        • Joe says:


          You do not seem to have received my response to your last post and I am copying this response below:

          Submitted on 2012/12/17 at 9:40 am | In reply to Valerie.


          I can see that you have suffered so much so very unnecessarily with your Chocolate Cysts (CC) and the chances are that you may have continued to suffer in the future under your surgeons who only have just ONE treatment which is laparoscopic surgery for every CC’s and when they discover that they cannot prevent the next one which usually occurs with your next period, they would eventually suggest a Hysterectomy as this regular procedure cannot be repeated indefinitely. I know of 2 patients who have suffered in this manner.

          It is not impossible to conjecture that the contraceptive you used Depo Prova may also have been the root cause of your CC’s but I cannot be positive about this point till I have more data on the background to your problem.

          I have treated so many cases on my website and here in Sri Lanka and you can perhaps spend some time reading the accounts of patients whom I have treated with 3 being blessed with babies after some years under my therapy.

          I shall now copy my default therapy which I have prescribed and has been used by many women one of whom discovered that her CC reduced by 1Cm in 2 months.

          Your remedies are:

          Bellis Perennis 30c
          Arnica 30c
          Apis 6c

          All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

          You can order the remedies in the higher potency of 96% alcohol as this is the ultimate even though it will cost a little more.

          Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
          Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
          Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

          Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

          Report your response in a week and after your next period.

          Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

          Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
          Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
          Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
          Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
          Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  157. Robin says:

    Dear Mr Joe,

    I would like to know what is the procedure for homeopathic treatments from you as one of my friend has suggested me this website.
    Actually my wife is suffering from below mentioned cyst even after surgery(8 months back)-
    “LEFT OVARY shows a cyst of approximate 48 * 45 mm without any internal echo or septa” and Minimal free fluid seen in cul-de-sac.


    • Joe says:


      There is really no “procedure” to be followed by patients who post on my website for treatment for various ailments that they suffer from.

      Please submit all the data that your wife has been diagnosed with by her gynecologist as I cannot diagnose her problem on the Internet on my website.

      I shall respond as soon as possible after I receive her data.

  158. Swati Kishore says:


    i m Swati. There is a well defined rounded endometriotic cystic lesion of approximate size 5.9 , 7.6, 6.7 cm showing moderate level internal echoes in left adnexa intending the uterus. Further there is a suggestion of well defined anechoic lesion of approximate size 7.9, 5.1 cm in left adnexa showing thin septa. Left ovary is not visualised separately.

    Gynaecologists have strictly told to undergo surgery. But i m looking for homeopathic trewatment. I have been told to take Phosphorus 200 for 2 days but some homeopaths themselves are recommending not to take phosphorus as it has been considered as a hemorraghic medicine and fearful medicine to give to the patients. I m confused to the utmost level. Please suggest a solution. What shal I go for? Surgery or homeopathic medicine that is Phosphorus etc.

    • Joe says:

      Swati K

      Please get this straight

      Many girls have used my therapy and you can read about the many cases I have saved from surgery on this thread that you are posting from.

      I shall copy my default therapy below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  159. Swati Kishore says:

    Hi Joe, really grateful abt de remedy u suggested. But i really wanted to know abt de credibility of following medicines which one of de homeopathic doctors prescribed me for de same condition based on my Personality CONSTITUTION :
    1) Phosphorus 200
    2) Phytum 30
    3) Mag Phos 6x

    Is phosphorus a right medicine in endmetriotic cyst condition? Please I want to know ur views. I shall appreciate ur immediate response.
    Swati Kishore

    • Joe says:

      Swati Kishore

      I do NOT subscribe to the classical therapy you quoted, based on your Personality Constitution, which I consider is a lot of rubbish.

      If you wish to use it you cannot use my therapy already prescribed

  160. Swati Kishore says:

    Hi Joe…I want to start ur remedy as per ur advice of de following medicines:
    Bellis perennis 30c
    Arnica 30c
    Apis 6c
    But before starting the medicines I want to bring to ur notice the exact DETAILS of my problem with the SYMPTOMS.

    My age: 27 years
    Status: Unmarried

    Ultrasound report says:
    A well defined cystic lesion of approximate size 5.9 x 7.9 x 6.7cms showing moderate level internal echoes in the left adnexa indenting the uterus, with left ovary not seen separately – ENDOMETRIOTIC CYST.
    A thin walled anechoic structure measuring approx.7.9 x 5.1 cms is also seen in the left adnexa adjacent to the cyst -? loculated collection-? HYDROSALPINX.

    My problem became prominent in August 2012 on the first day of my periods in the month of August when I felt pain in the left side of lower abdomen. Normally before this I never experienced any prominent pain ever before, during or after my monthly cycles.
    Since August to 28 November 2012, mild pain kept recurring throughout these months. I also noticed a swelling in the lower abdomen.
    On 28 november, I had my ultrasound through which I came to know abt endometriotic cyst and hydrosalpinx in my left adnexa. After this I started breathing exercises and included fibrous, green vegetables and fruits in my diet. Then I didnot experience any prominent pain till 12 December, when I felt pain in my left lower abdomen and I had my periods the next day 13 December. This pain persisted in medium intensity till 19-20 December, one or two days after my periods. Since then there is no prominent pain, only mild pain which occured twice or thrice since my periods got over this month.
    There are certain QUERIES which I want to know:

    1. I am having regular and normal periods as of now. I donot have any irregularity in them. Could it happen that after taking ur prescribed medicines any irregularity in my periods occur?

    2. Can unusual bleeding or severe pain occur after taking these medicines?

    3. Are there any sideaffects of ur prescribed medicines? Do i need to take any precautions?
    I want to know about all this bcoz m preparing for my exams and I want to b mentally prepared for the treatment advised by you.

    With Regards
    Swati Kishore

    • Joe says:


      Please read the many cases that I have treated of girls who have suffered even more than you have, on the thread that you are posting from, to give you the answers to all your questions.

      I hope that you realize that you only have the ONE alternative to treat your Chocolate Cysts by having laparoscopic surgery to remove the 2 Chocolate Cysts that you present in and around your Fallopian Tubes today. You must also be informed that it is very likely that you will be presenting many more Chocolate Cysts, one for almost every period you will have monthly, and this will involve multiple surgeries throughout your future life.

      You have referred to your oncoming exams and state:
      “I want to know about all this bcoz m preparing for my exams and I want to b mentally prepared for the treatment advised by you.”

      You must understand that I am doing a voluntary service FREE OF CHARGE and have treated over 25 girls on my website whom I have helped with many cured. 3 of these girls have been blessed with babies, one after over 15 years of anxious waiting, and after you have read all these cases you can then contact me, here on my website.

      Please note that there is absolutely NO GUARANTEE that I can give you that you too will respond to my therapy and hopefully cured, but you must satisfy yourself after reading the cases on my website and contact me again, if you still wish to be treated with my “Joepathy”.

  161. Swati Kishore says:

    Hey Joe…i want to have the treatment advised by you. I sent you all my details so that you advise me appropriate treatment. I want to get started with your treatment as soon as possible. So please answer my queries Joe.

    • Joe says:


      I regret that I cannot spare the time to reply to your questions.

      If you still wish to use my therapy that has helped many girls, you can do so by following my prescription below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  162. Swati Kishore says:

    Hey thanx a lot for ur reply Joe. I really appreciate. I know u must not b hvin much time as u r doing a great job. I got all 3 medicines u prescribed. I just wana know dat right now m havin normal periods. Is there any possibility of any irregularity and pain after starting de medicines? I mean extra bleeding and all?
    Very soon i ll b starting with the Joepathy. Happy to find ur website and ‘Joepathy’.
    With regards
    Swati K

  163. Swati Kishore says:

    Hi Dr. Joe, hope u doing well. I just wanted to tell u about the COMPANY and POTENCY of your prescribed medicines which I bought. All 3 medicines are the original product of DR. RECKEWEG, made in Germany. But I didnot find 30c. On all the medicines only 30 is written. They are like:
    BELLIS PER 30,
    ARNICA MONT 30 and
    APIS MELL. 6
    So are they the same ones you prescribed or do I need to purchase something else? Plz reply Sir. I wana start the medicines asap.
    With regards
    Swati Kishore

    • Joe says:


      If a Homeopathic Remedy is expressed in numerals alone it it presumed to be the “c” or Centesimal potency.

      All the remedies you listed are in the CORRECT potency.

  164. Swati Kishore says:

    Thanks alot Joe. I ll soon start wid de medicines nd will keep you informed.
    With regards
    Swati Kishore

  165. Swati Kishore says:

    Hi Joe…just wantd to ask one more thing. How shal i take the medicines? I mean which medicine to b taken empty stomach and i mean how shal i take all 3 medicines? Plz tel.
    With regards
    Swati kishore

  166. Swati Kishore says:

    Hi i Joe…just wantd to ask one more thing. How shal i take the medicines? I mean which medicine to b taken empty stomach and i mean how shal i take all 3 medicines? Plz tel.
    With regards
    Swati kishore

  167. Swati Kishore says:

    Hi Joe a very Happy New Year. May good ppl like u prosper greatly nd hv de best life…
    I just wantd to ask 2 more things.
    1) How shal i take the medicines? I mean which medicine to b taken empty stomach and i mean how shal i take all 3 medicines? Shal i take dem before getin fresh nd before brushin my teeth in the morning or else how? Plz tel.
    2) Joe i live in India. We hv spicy kinda food. Do i need to put any dietry restrictions? Shal i stop having ONIONS completely, i mean not even as curry in vegetables
    Plz tel.
    With regards
    Swati kishore

    • Joe says:


      Thank you for your greetings for the New Year which I reciprocate with my best wishes for your good health in 2013.

      You can take all remedies with a gap of half hour or more if possible.

      You can eat all Indian food but you will abstain from processed meats like sausage, ham and bacon which are preserved with Saltpeter which will antidote the remedy immediately.

  168. kusum kandwal says:

    Hello dr joe,
    Wish you a very happy new year ahead. May god will bless you full of happiness and peaceful life.

    I want to ask that im feeling little bit of of puls snatching feeling in my left lower abdomen its very painless but little bit still. Yesterday we went for party and i danced very much. Since this morning im feeling some blood is coming out but very low in quantity and my period ‘s date is 7 th so i want to know wat is this? Is there any problem or normal..im taking my medicines properly.

    Thanks and take care.

    • Joe says:


      Thank you for your greetings for the New Year which I reciprocate with my wishes that you will be cured in this year.

      I do not think that your bleeding is of any consequence and you must never repeat this exercise “Yesterday we went for party and i danced very much” as your present condition does not permit you to exert as you once did in the past.

      Increase your Arnica to 3 dose per day and all will be well.

  169. kusum kandwal says:

    Dear dr joe,-
    Thanks for reply. Sure i will not do the things i did yesterday and now bleeding is not heppining ..

    Thank you……:-)
    kusum k

  170. Swati Kishore says:

    Hi Joe…I already started with your prescribed medicines on 31 Dec 2012…But just wanted to confirm one more thing regarding my diet. CAN I HAVE EGGS IN MY BREAKFAST? AND CAN I EAT CHOCOLATES ? Please tell.
    With Regards
    Swati Kishore

    • Joe says:


      You may certainly eat EGGS but I would advise you to refrain from eating Chocolates as in any case they are unnecessarily fattening and this may antidote the Homeoapthy.

  171. Swati Kishore says:

    Thanks alot Joe. I ll completely stop chocolates for de meantime.
    With regards
    Swati Kishore

  172. sadia says:

    Respected Dr.Joe
    I am sadia. I have one daughter almost 3 years i was trying for second baby but my Dr. has diagnosed chocolate cyst of about 25*18 mm in my right ovary. I need your advice in this matter .


    • Joe says:


      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      My therapy will however help to reduce them and also to prevent their formation in the future.

  173. Swati Kishore says:

    Hi Joe…I started with ur medicines on 31 Dec 2012. Actually in between I caught severe cold which is fine now but the phlegm is accumulated in my chest which is creating cough. I didnt have any medicine for cold. Usually I used to apply Vicks vaporub in order to prevent cough. But I think with the homeopathic medicine I cant apply Vicks Vaporub. So plz tell me what shall I do for the phlegmatic cough? Can I apply it with the homeopathic medicines or let the cough subside on its own?
    With Regards
    Swati Kishore

    • Joe says:


      Inhale Steam to clear your lungs. The steam will liquify the phlegm and you can cough it out easily. Do it 3 times daily.

      Also take Phos 30 in the Wet dose twice daily to help with drying up your cough.

  174. Swati Kishore says:

    Hi Joe…Hope u r well and good. Here’s my first report to you.
    I was diagnosed with Endometriotic cyst of 6 cms. and Hydrosalpinx of 7 cms. I started with ur prescribed medicines from 31 Decembr 2012.
    In January, I had my periods on 9 th January 2013 – five days before my original date i.e.13th.
    This time periods were painless but as soon as periods were over i.e.from 14 th till presently I am feeling mild pain at intervals, the pain comes n goes.
    I ll get my US done by the end of this month.
    I m taking medicines on time. Stopped coffee n chocolates completely. And doing exercises daily for around half n hour.
    But I m not understanding one thing that if the periods were painless this time then why there is mild pain after the periods till now?
    Plz tell Joe.
    With regards
    Swati Kishore

  175. Swati Kishore says:

    Hi Joe…Hope u r well and good. Here’s my first report to you I was diagnosed with Endometriotic cyst of 6 cms. and Hydrosalpinx of 7 cms. I started with ur prescribed medicines from 31 Decembr 2012 In January, I had my periods on 9 th January 2013 – five days before my original date i.e.13th. This time periods were painless but as soon as periods were over i.e.from 14 th till presently I am feeling mild pain at intervals, the pain comes n goes I ll get my US done by the end of this month. I m taking medicines on time. Stopped coffee n chocolates completely. And doing exercises daily for around half n hour But I m not understanding one thing that if the periods were painless this time then why there is mild pain after the periods till now? Plz tell Joe.
    With regards
    Swati Kishore

  176. kusum kandwal says:

    Hello sir,
    As per your recomend i had my ultrasound on 24/01/13,asper report left overy size is 31*21*27 Android right is 45*41*30mm In both overies there is absence of internal nodules,septae,internal low level echos and no flow seen on doppler imaging.plz describe above mentioned, and one more thing from last 2 days some brown spotting comes wirh no pain,now kindly tell me about all this report ,as iam continously taking yor remedy in regular basis.


    • Joe says:

      kusum kandwal

      You must understand that I cannot be expected to search for the data of your first scan for comparison with the data on your latest scan as I am not treating only you on my website. It is your duty as the patient to list the data of both scans for comparison to evaluate whether or not my therapy aka “Joepathy” has helped you in 4 months

      I have however done so after wasting about 20 minutes of my time in painfully searching for the data on your post after your first scan and the results are very satisfying as you will see from the data of your scan done on October 1 2012.

      Your report of 1/10/12:

      ultrasound reports was right ovary reveals cystic mass measuring 6.97 X 5.34 cms with internal echoes. Left ovary reveals cystic mass measuring 4.98 X 3.85 cms with internal echoes. Uterus is anteverted, enlarges and bulky, measuring 8.65 X 4.03 cms. Myometrium shows normal echo-pattern. dated on 1/10/2012.

      Your report today:

      As per your recomend i had my ultrasound on 24/01/13,asper report left overy size is 31*21*27 Android right is 45*41*30mm In both overies there is absence of internal nodules,septae,internal low level echos and no flow seen on doppler imaging.plz


      30/10/12 TODAY REDUCTION
      6.97 X 5.34 cms 45*41*30mm 24 X 23


      4.98 X 3.85 31*21*27 19 X 12

      “In both overies there is absence of internal nodules,septae,internal low level echos and no flow seen on doppler imaging.”

      The lack of echoes is due to the liquid in the Chocolate Cysts clearing up with my therapy. The chocolate coloured fluid is now clear and will continue to be reduced and this reduction will also reduce the size of your Ovaries back to normal.

      It gives me great pleasure to record these results as this proves that my therapy aka “Joepathy” CURES while classical homeopathy invariably does not.

      You can visit the link below to read about the harsh criticism that I suffered a few years ago in maintaining that my approach to Homeopathy was far more effective than the classical approach:


      You will continue with the same therapy that you are currently using and take another scan in 2 months and report results with this data above.


  177. Swati Kishore says:

    Hey Joe, I have sent my first report since started with ur medicines almost a month ago i.e. on 31st Dec 2012. I mentioned everthing. Plz tel if do I need to continue with the same medicine dosage? I mean everything is going fine according to u?
    With regards
    Swati Kishore

  178. kusum says:

    Dear sir,

    First of all I feel sorry for the previous message i had send with no previous detail,and for your kind information My previous message to you was on
    December 12, 2012 at 6:43 am

    I would like to give thanks for your given prescription,for your kind information On last month November i had done my ultrasound,the chocolate cysts are decreased. left overy – 27x24x31mm, Right is 49x24x37mm, Now my Dates are normal and lower pain is also less. the previous size you can see in previous conversation,i am continue with your prescribed medicines,
    now I will report you after my next Ultrasound.

    newly ultrasound report on January 25, 2013 at 12:04 pm- As per your recommend i had my ultrasound on 24/01/13,as per report left overy size is 31*21*27 Android right is 45*41* 30mm In both ovaries there is absence of internal nodules,septae,internal low level echos and no flow seen on Doppler imaging.plz describe above mentioned, and one more thing from last 2 days some brown spotting comes with no pain,now kindly tell me about all this report ,as am continuously taking your remedy in regular basis.

    Now my both, present and previous report is mentioned above for your kind perusal

    thanks and regards

    kusum kandwal

    • Joe says:

      Kusum Kandwal

      Glad to note that you now realize the problems that you have caused me in not submitting the data of your previous US Scan.

      The main point today is that there is now ample proof that your Chocolate Cysts have reduced by significant levels and that the liquid inside the Cysts have cleared up as per the reports you have quoted.

      It is very likely that your CC’s will slowly be absorbed by the body as reported by many other patients who have recorded their cases on my website.

  179. Swati Kishore says:

    Hello Sir,
    I have earlier referred my case with ENDOMETRIOTIC CYST and HYDROSALPINX IN MY LEFT ADNEXA, diagnosed in November, 2012. After that I had an Ultra Sound on 18 December 2012 and then started taking your prescribed medicines from 1 January 2013. I had an Ultra Sound yesterday i.e. 31 January 2013. So I am mentioning both Previous report i.e. 18 Dec 2012 and the New Report i.e. 31 January 2013.The medicines you prescribed are :
    (a) Bellis Perennis 30
    (b) Arnica 30
    (c) Apis 6

    • ULTRASOUND ON 18 DEC 2012 mentions:

    “Evidence of well defined rounded cystic lesion of approximate size of
    5.9 x 7.6 x 6.7 cms showing moderate level of internal echoes in left adnexa Indenting the uterus. Further there is well defined anechoic lesion of approximate size 7.9 x 5.1 cms in left adnexa showing thin septa within, abutting the above mentioned cystic lesion.
    Left ovary not visualised separately.




    • Now ULTRASOUND on 31 January 2013 mentions :

    “Left Kidney shows mild dilatation of pelvicalyceal system.

    Evidence of well defined rounded cystic lesion of approximate size of
    6.1 x 5.5 x 5.8 cms showing moderate level of internal echoes in left adnexa Indenting the uterus. Further there is well defined anechoic lesion of approximate size 7.9 x 5.1 cms in left adnexa showing thin septa within, abutting the above mentioned cystic lesion.
    Left ovary not visualised separately.




    My both previous and present report are mentioned and kindly see the above observations and if there is any further suggestion / direction.


    With Regards
    Swati Kishore

    • Joe says:

      Swati Kishore

      I do not have the time to wade through the statistics in your report.

      Please indicate if my therapy has helped your case or not and quote the difference in size with every subsequent scan.

  180. Swati Kishore says:


    1) There is seen a reduction in the size of the left ovarian endometriotic cyst .
    Previous size of cyst : 5.9 x 7.6 x 6.7 cms
    Present size of cyst : 6.1 x 5.5 x 5.8 cms

    2) There is no decrease in the size of left Hydrosalpinx : 8.0 x 5.1 cms

    3) A new development is seen: there is a MILD HYDRONEPHROSIS on the left kidney. What shall I do for it? Plz tell.

    I am continuing with your medicines as there is a reduction in the size of the cyst. All thanks to your medicines. But what shall I do for Left side Hydronephrosis problem?


  181. Swati Kishore says:

    Bellis Perennis 30
    Arnica 30
    Apis 6

    • Joe says:

      Swati Kishore

      You are taking the remedies I have prescribed and there is very little more that I can think of to help you.

      You may however change the potency of the Apis to 30 and report your response.

  182. Swati Kishore says:

    Ok Sir, I will change the potency of Apis to 30. After that I ll report to you.

  183. KUSUM K says:

    Hello Dr. Joe..

    Its great to talk to you again and i wish to take your advise again..

    as per my last post (newly ultrasound report on January 25, 2013 at 12:04 pm- report left overy size is 31*21*27 and right is 45*41* 30mm.). My Last periods came on 27 jan and over on 4th feb. just about one hour before today its bleeding again but light and im feeling a little bit of pain in lower abdomen not much. i also do feel that i can not do much walk and home works as i always feel tired and lazy. is this because of disease? once a month i eat non veg.should i leave it? im doing acupressure too.

    please tell me as i m confusing with this all.
    Thanks alot
    Kusum K

    • Joe says:

      KUSUM K

      I have traced your last post on my website to October 5 where you stated:

      “have a large cyst in rt ovary(7 cm appx) and left (4 cm. apps).”

      You now report:
      “(newly ultrasound report on January 25, 2013 at 12:04 pm- report left overy size is 31*21*27 and right is 45*41* 30mm.).”

      This indicates that there is considerable reduction in dimensions of your CC’s which seem to have reduced in size in common with the reduction reported by other patients.

      I cannot advise you on the reason for your unusual feeling of tiredness which may or may not be due to your current problem. Suggest you consult your gyne for advice.

      Continue the therapy I have prescribed and also list precisely what remedies you are taking today and details of how you take them.

  184. KUSUM K says:

    Hello Sir,

    Thanks for advice me above, i’ll consult with my gyno.
    i am taking Bellis Perennis 30c, Arnica Montana 30c and Apis 6c liquid doses cape-full of boiled water bottle twice a daily before breakfast and dinner about one hour gape in MT Stomach. also im taking Arnica before lunch as per your advise.Before taking remedies i shake it 8 to 10 times.

    My cyst is almost reduced half of my first report i have sent you and i am very thankful of yours about it. cant explain but its a miracle for me.

    thanks a lot

    kusum K

  185. John says:

    My wife got pregnant in June, 2011 and miscarried in August, 2011. She got pregnant again in February, 2012 and miscarried again in April, 2012. Both times the doctors performed a D&C. Since her last miscarriage and subsequent D&C, her menses have not been the same. Since April, 2012 her menses have been very unpredictable, and that was understood immediately after the D&C, but the last few months have her very concerned. She tracks all of her menses and has looked back over the last two years of her records. She resumed her normal 25-29 day cycles with approximately 5-7 days of flow. However, November 20, 2012, her cycle was 8 days long, and her next menses came only 23 days later on December 13, 2012, and lasted 10 days. Her following menses came 25 days later on January 7, 2013, and was extremely spotty for over a week, and she spotted and bled for 14 days. She has started bleeding this month on February 10, 2013, 34 days since she last started her menses last month. She is very concerned that the last D&C has caused her scar tissue in her uterus, and/or that it is Asherman’s Syndrome, which we discovered by researching the internet.

    My wife has always responded well to homeopathy, so we were hopeful that there would be a way to treat this. Is Bellis Perennis 30C & Arnica 30C in Wet Dose helpful for these symptoms.

    I would very much like to get her started on a homeopathic treatment plan soon before this problem becomes greater, possibly causing Endometritis. We do not plan to try and conceive again, as she will be 40 this year.

    Please advise and we will definitely participate by getting back to you as soon as possible with every outcome to help the global, online community to learn from our experience. Thank you so much for your help. Many prayers are coming your way for the work that you do and for your generosity.


    • Joe says:


      I note that you have decided against starting another Baby as it is possible that the next attempt too may result in yet another failure. I shall be interested to learn the reason that your doctors have given you both for this recurrent miscarriage of your wife.

      I also note that you have read about my therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which is Bellis Perennis 6c and Arnica in the Wet dose. This remedy has helped many women who were suffering from these ailments but in your wife’s case I do not think that she qualifies for Bellis P as she does not seem to have both Endo and CC’s.

      I believe that Arnica 30c alone should cure her constant bleeding and she should hopefully discover that it has helped her in a week.

      Start her on this remedy taken thrice daily and report her response in 2 weeks or earlier if she observes any improvement in her current status.

      Thank you for your kind words on my Joepathy which as you may be aware, I practice free of charge including the remedies which I give my patients in Sri Lanka.

  186. Mohini says:

    Good after noon sir,

    as per your prescription i am taking Arnica 30c wet dose regularly twice a day since November and its a big good news that i am pregnant after 6 year of our marriage first time. its 1 and half month running and my pregnancy test kit is positive.

    im very thankful of yours that you have changed my life and gave me my life’s most valuable Gift. may god will give you more happiness and love in your life.


    • Joe says:


      I am delighted to learn that you have started a baby after 6 years of marriage and that you are now in your 6th week of pregnancy. Thank you for announcing this great news to me today. It is news like yours that make me truly happy and gives me a reason at my advanced age of 84, to continue to help anyone who seeks my assistance with my “Joepathy” .

      It is possible that the Arnica 30c you are taking in the Wet dose helped your baby to be conceived as this remedy increases the flow of blood throughout the body and thereby facilitates the implantation of the fertilized ovum in the womb.

      It is now in your hands to be careful in your activities both at home and elsewhere. If you are working parent you should not take any risk especially like using public transport. It is also essential that you start a daily program of exercise like walking briskly as it will not do to sit at home, just doing nothing till baby arrives in due time. Continue with your life as usual and do not do any Ultrasound scans in the first trimester as they may harm your baby.

      Continue with your Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which you can take twice daily as usual with the last dose taken at night just before bed.

      You may like to know that my wife and I waited patiently for 10 long years before we had our first son and we now have 3 sons the eldest of whom is 45 years and the youngest is 39. My wife and I are fully aware of the torment that both you and your husband would have suffered during the past 6 years and it my hope and prayer that God will bless you with more children in the future.

      I thank God that I was able to help you. Please keep me advised of your progress from time to time and if you require any advice from me in the future, please feel free to contact me on this website.

  187. mohini says:

    Hello sir.
    Sure i will continue with ur advise and will have arnica daily. once again thanks alot and i’ll report you time to time.


  188. Sonia says:

    Hello Dr. Joe,
    I am updating my condition.
    I had chocolate cyst of 6cm when i started your medicine. I am regularly taking bellis p and arnica.
    After 1 month of taking medicine, the cyst size was 5.1cm and my scan after around 4 months reported cyst size of 4cm.
    last month i had my ultrasound done and it says that the cyst size is now 2.3cm x 1.9cm. it also said that there is another cyst of 1.9cm but not clear that that it is complex cyst or not.
    The cyst size has reduced, all thanks to you. But I am little scared about the other cyst that has been reported in my ultrasound.
    My periods are regular with 35 days gap. previously my periods were exactly at 29 days. is 35 days gap common ?
    first 2 days of periods i will have pain, but not severe.

    Awaiting your reply


    • Joe says:


      Glad to note that you have observed a further reduction of your CC’s and that your periods have extended to 35 days which is very unusual. You can report this to your gyne and report his response. It is recommended that you take Arnica as you are now doing for LIFE. I have done so but only nightly since which is for 17 years and I owe my current state of wellness at age 84 first to God and then to Arnica.

      If you experience any unusual pain or bleeding during your period you can increase the dosage of Arnica to 3 daily.

      Have you been informed by your gynecologist that you also present Endometriosis?
      If so the same remedy Bellis P 6c will help you as it has done to reduce the Ø of your current crop of CC’s.

      There is nothing to be scared of your new CC as it will also reduce in the same manner as your other CC’s.

      Report your progress monthly.

      • Sonia says:

        Thank you for your reply Dr. Joe,
        My doctor didn’t say that the another cyst is also chocolate cyst, she told me that they dont know whether it is normal monthly cyst or chocolate cyst.
        I asked her whether the cyst has reduced or not, she told me that it has not increased.
        I told her that my periods are late by 1 week but she didnt say anything for that. She did ask to take that Zoladex injection again, but I refused to take it.
        I am regularly working out execercises for 1 hour everyday, could that cause for delay in my periods?
        However bleeding is not that much during my periods and my periods used to extend till 7 days before, but now its only for 5 days.
        She told that the other cyst may be regular monthly cyst.


        • Joe says:


          In your own interest you must change your gynaecologist as she does not seem to be able to identify a Chocolate Cyst from the normal ovum which is discharged by all women in every cycle.

          Also she did not confirm that your CC has reduced, which it has done according to you.

          I wonder if she is some frustrated woman who is not sympathetic and disposed to help her patients.

          Glad you refused the Zoladex which would have caused you more grief.



          How many injections have you been given so far?

          • Sonia says:

            only one, that was before I consulted you.
            Actually the 2 cyst are close to each other it seems. so they are not able to get it properly in ultrasound I think.
            Yes the CC is reduced for sure. but when I asked her about the reduced size, she told me that 2 to 3 cm variation is common in ultrasound. But I know its not the case.
            I cant thank you enough for your medicines. I had never thought that the cyst would even reduce in size. I am sure other women like me will find some relief from their condition with your help.
            are the work out for 1 hour everyday reason for 1 week delay in my periods?


            • Joe says:


              “Yes the CC is reduced for sure. but when I asked her about the reduced size, she told me that 2 to 3 cm variation is common in ultrasound.”

              RUBBISH !!!

              She should know that CC’s will only INCREASE in size and will NEVER REDUCE with all the drugs in the Pharmacopeia.

              Only 3 remedies in Homeopathy can do so. Bellis Perennis and Arnica and Apis. It is the combination that does so. If they are taken individually the reduction does not occur.

              You can read the accounts of 4 girls who were all fellow sufferers like you who were blessed with babies on my website.

    • Sonia says:

      Hello Dr. Joe,
      I am updating my condition.
      I had chocolate cyst of 6cm when i started your medicine. I am regularly taking bellis p 30, arnica 30 and apis 30.
      After 1 month of taking medicine, the cyst size was 5.1cm and my scan after around 4 months reported cyst size of 4cm.
      last month i had my ultrasound done and it says that the cyst size is now 2.3cm x 1.9cm. it also said that there is another cyst of 1.9cm but not clear that that it is complex cyst or not.

      today i had my ultrasound done and it says that “well defined anechoic cystic lesion in the right adnexa measuring 6.4 x 5.1 cms” and also it says there is right antero lateral intramural fibroid measuring 3.2 x 2.7 cms.

      i dont know what went wong my periods are regular with medium level cramps on 1st and 2nd days. I am taking medicines regularly, i am working out regularly.

      i cant make out what caused the cyst to grow in size again. is it caused by food i am taking. i take only 1 cup of tea in the morning, i dont eat that much of chocolates. should i avoid all oily food and chicken.?

      i really need you guidance dr. joe. please help me.

      Awaiting your reply


  189. Sonia says:

    I am not taking apis, I am taking bellis p and arnica only. should I start Apis also?

    pain during my first 2 days of periods and 35 days gap started from last month. before that I didnt had that much pain and also 28 to 29 days gaps between my periods.

    I dont want to go to my gynaecologist for another 4 to 5 months. If the 35 days gap between my periods remain, will that be a problem?


    • Joe says:


      I am on my laptop and am able to respond to you almost immediately as I realize how anxious a patient is especially after consulting a gyne who is unable to help.

      You MUST take ALL the remedies I have prescribed.

      Exercise is no impediment to your condition, It will only help to eradicate it.

      A 35 day cycle is unusual but should not pose any major hazard if the bleeding and pain is normal and not over 5 days.

    • Joe says:


      Are you married? if so for how long?

      • Sonia says:

        I am single.
        You prescribed me bellis p and arnica itself on may 2012. I asked you whether I should take apis or not after 5 months. you told me it is not needed.
        What is the potency of Apis that I should buy 6c or 30c?

        Awaiting your reply,

        • Joe says:

          I was not aware that I had been treating you for so long. I cannot imagine why I advised you NOT to take Apis 6c which I always prescribe for patients today. I do so as I have discovered that it helps to reduce the CC faster and can be considered as very effective.

          Do take Apis 6c in the Wet dose ASAP .

          It would be useful if you can record the history of your case with data on the size of your CC and other details of pain, bleeding and other factors which can be of interest for future therapy.

          • Sonia says:

            Surely I will start Apis 6c as soon as possible. I will catalog my condition from starting and medicines which I have taken and my cyst size.
            I will report it to you when I get my next ultrasound done.

            Thanking you,

  190. divya says:

    mam i am now suffering from chocolate cyst left 6 cm and right 6 cm i had a lap before 1 yr and took 4 cm cyst on both sides and took hormone tablet due to that tablet i got blood clot in brain now i recovered from that but two months before i have hip pain i took scan again it is cyst i am taking homeopathy medicines but still i have hip pain

    • Joe says:


      The information you have given about your Chocolate Cyst (CC) is very short and I must have more details of how old you are and for how long you have suffered from CC’s if you wish me to treat you. Did your doctors tell you about Endometriosis? Do you have painful periods with heavy bleeding?

      I have never come across a BLOOD CLOT in the brain caused by drugs. What is the name of this drug and for how long did you take it? How long did you take it?

      What is your Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels?

      What did your doctor tell you was the cause of your Hip Pain?

      What are the Homeopathic medicines you are taking today?

      How old are you? Married? Children?

      • divya says:

        mam i am not married i am 23 yrs old .after cc surgery 6 months i was given hormonal tablets and injection last they gave a tablet for stomach pain ovarl-g that time i had no cyst in one week i got headache and vomiting and got cerebral venous sinus thrombosis(cvst) its side effect of hormonal tablets.i took aspirin tablets one yr for it and recovered but still i get migraine headaches. i have no cholsterol.after one yr off all my sufferings now again i get hip pain and took scan i have 6 cm chocolate cyst on both sides i am afraid again to take hormonal tablets and i cant take it as doctors told i should not take it life long again blood clot will come in brain if i take that tablets they again suggest lap now and to try some allopathy medicines but i am not ready for it so i want a homeopathy medicine for my cyst,i have leg pain and hip pain now i consulting a homeo doctor she gave oophorium 3 drops daily night and for pain two abdominal drops apis mellifica 10 drops 3 times daily and lachesis 10 drops 3 times daily she gave willl this medicines shrink cysts soon.mam waiting for ur reply

        • Joe says:


          Your case is very similar to Vanessa and I shall copy my therapy which I have just made for her.


          I do not have any records of treating you and presume that you have read about my therapy on my website where I presume you read about the many women whom I have helped with my therapy aka “Joepathy” as this treatment protocol was pioneered by me.

          Your 5cm Chocolate Cyst (CC) and your Endometriosis should hopefully respond to my therapy but you will have to expect a delay of about 2 months before you can see any real reduction in the Ø of your CC. My experience is that they do reduce at about 1cm every 2 months, while the Endo seems to halt in its progress inside your abdomen. It can however never be dissolved but it seems to reach a stage which does not cause any problems internally but you will have to continue my therapy for the rest of your life which we can perhaps reduce in the dosage later as necessary.

          I shall for the record, copy my default therapy for your problem below:

          I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

          Your remedies are:

          Bellis Perennis 30c
          Arnica 30c
          Apis 6c

          All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

          Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
          Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
          Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

          Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

          Report your response in a week and after your next period.

          Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

          Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
          Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
          Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
          Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
          Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  191. Sonia says:

    Hi Dr.Joe,
    I couldn’t get Apis 6c, but I got Apis 30c will that work?
    Can I use boiled and cooled tap water in place of spring water because I couldn’t find bottled spring water this time.?

    Awaiting your reply,

    • Joe says:


      I did a search under your name on my website and discovered that you had consulted me on May 8 2012. You stated that you had visited my website and that you were already using my therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which many patients were using, with many CURED on the thread that you were using to consult me.

      You have now visited my website after almost a year and wish to know if you can use Apis 30 instead of Apis 6 but you have not indicated if you have used my therapy and if so if it has helped you.

      If you still wish to be treated by me the least that you can do is to indicate if you have used my therapy and if it has helped you.

      • Sonia says:

        Yes Dr I have been using you therapy from may 2012, at that time the cyst size was 6cm, After 1 month I updated my status also that the cyst has reduced by 1 cm and after that in August 2012, I updated that the cyst size was 4.1 cm, and last month I got my ultrasound done and the cyst was 2.3 x 1.9 cm.

        On may 2012 you asked me to take bellis p 30c and arnica 30c. I started taking them in may 2012 itself. I am regularly updating my status Dr.Joe. Your therapy has helped me a lot.

        2 days back you asked me to start taking Apis 6c also but I couldn’t find it, I got Aois 30c. Can I take Apis 30c itself instead of Apis 6c?


        • Joe says:


          As you may be aware, I treat about 10 patients daily (all free of charge) and do not maintain any records of each. I do a Search on my website if I wish to read the background of the case but when I did so for you, the only result was the one in May last year but there is none after.

          I am glad to learn that you have been using my Joepathy for your CC’s and that they have reduced from 6cm to 2.3.

          I am surprised to learn that you cannot get Apis 6 in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol and if you live in India you should be able to get it from the nearest Homeopathic Pharmacy in your city. Apis 30c in not as effective as the 6c.

          I can give you the name of Homeopathic pharmacies that can supply Apis 6c if you indicate where you live.

          • Sonia says:

            I live in Mysore , Karnataka, India. The homeopathic pharmacy where I buy the medicines have most of all the medicines, but I think Apis 6c is sold out. If you can tell me about any other pharmacies, I will be very grateful.


            • Joe says:


              I do not have any contact with Mysore Pharmacies but you can contact the address below in Channai

              The Homeopathic Center
              100 First Floor
              Dr Muthulakshmi Salai
              Opp Nerct Electronics
              Chennai 20


  192. Sonia says:

    oh ok thank you Dr.Joe,
    I couldnt get spring water, can I take boiled and cooled filtered tap water instead?. Till i find Apis 6c should I take Apis 30c?

    Awaiting your reply

  193. kusum kandwal says:

    Left overy it is 36*32*30 (last report it was45*41*30)
    Right overy it is 67*52*56 (last repirt it was31*21*27)

    My last period starts on 23-02-13 but now it more than one month my periods still not started plz give me advice .

    • Joe says:

      kusum kandwal

      Thank you for the GREAT NEWS.

      It seems to me that my therapy has helped your WOMB and even your Endometrial mass to return to normal. Please consult your gynecologist again with ALL your previous reports and get a qualified opinion on whether my assumption is correct.

      There is also no doubt that your Ovaries have also returned back to normal and here too your gynecologist can examine the results and confirm.

      Please list ALL the remedies you are taking today with the dosage of each.

      I do not think that you need to worry about your missing periods. They will return to normal in due course.

  194. KUSUM K says:

    gud morning sir…

    Bellis P ,
    Arnica 30 c and
    Apis 6c
    All remedies twice daily between on hour gap each before breakfast and dinner..also im taking Arnica dose before lunch with Spring Water..this time my Cyst Increased and my last periods was not well only for 3 days and very heavy…

    Left Ovary (last report 31*21*27mm)Present report 36*32*30mm
    Right Ovary(last report 45*41*30mm)Present 67*52*56mm.

    May be i have to consult with any homeopathic doc bcs of my gynecologist does elepathic treatment..

    my period started today morning..

    thanks reply

    • Joe says:


      Here is your last report which I received this morning:

      Left overy it is 36*32*30 (last report it was45*41*30)
      Right overy it is 67*52*56 (last repirt it was31*21*27)

      This is a copy of your latest report:

      Left Ovary (last report 31*21*27mm)Present report 36*32*30mm
      Right Ovary(last report 45*41*30mm)Present 67*52*56mm.

      You seem to be mixing up your statistics as you have quoted R ovary data for your L Ovary. This confuses me
      and in your own interest you cannof afford to do so as I can only depend on your figures to advice you.

      Please submit a table of your data again from the beginning of your first consultation with me with dates.

      Have you discussed the varying size of your Ovaries with your gynecologist?
      You have indicated that you wish to consult a Homeopath and this is absolutely of no use as the standard classical homeopath does not have any clue to your problem. It is just that I have helped many girls in the past some of whom have recorded their own experience under my therapy.

      Please indicate in detail if you have benefited from my therapy.

      Do you have Chocolate Cysts? This is usually the case with patients who suffer from your gynecological problems.

  195. KUSUM K says:

    Hello Sir..
    Sorry for the mixed up by my husband posted report and he was confused and mixed sizes of cysts rit to left and left to right i saw early in the morning and correct report again and post it again…

    from the beginning i reported you my scans…

    On 29/10/12

    Left Ovary- 40*28*38 mm Right Ovary-86*70*53 mm

    On 27/11/12

    Left Ovary- 27*24*31 mm Right Ovary- 49*24*37mm

    On 24/1/13
    Left Ovary- 31*21*27 mm Right Ovary- 45*41*30 mm

    on 26/03/13
    Left Ovary- 36*32*30 mm Right Ovary- 67*52*56 mm

    yes i have chocolate cysts in my both ovaries and i am suffering with this problem since 2009 that i had lots of pain in my lower abdomen during on my every period and i operated on 13th October,2010. doctor removed cysts but that came again after 6-7 month. i was lucky that god sent me a good boy to get marry with me otherwise nobody was agree to get marry with me with this problem…we are trying for baby since got married…on 28/11/11 …

    as per you prescription i having bellis p Arnica 30c and Apis6c…with spring water.and im damn sure that only ur remedies can cure my problem as i saw my reports are positive some time …

    and off course i went to my gyneo to consult abt the reports but not met with her …my home is too far than that hospital almost 3-4 hours after marriage i have changed home and every time she was not there in hospital..so now im looking for a good gynecologist here within my home area…

    please sorry once again for that mixed up and it will never happen again…

    thanks and reply

    • Joe says:


      You have not indicated the Diameter of your Chocolate Cysts (CC).

      You state that you have already had surgery to reduce one or more CC but that they keep coming back.
      This is characteristic of all CC and I do pity the many thousands of women who are subjected to surgery sometimes every 6 months.

      The size of your Ovaries is not relevant to me. It is the Diameter of your CC that is of interest.

      Imagine the danger to the patient of every surgery from the anesthesia and the cost. We are forgetting the pain and the bleeding and other inconvenience caused by the CC. You know what it is.

      My therapy which I have pioneered and which is sadly NOT accepted by the classical Homeopathic fraternity has been proved to work and has invariably reduced the CC by having the liquid to be reabsorbed into the body tissue. As you are aware, medicine has not found a substitute and what is worse prefer to keep on fleecing the patient twice annually.

      I am happy for your sake in your choice of your husband.

      3 women whom I have treated have had babies.

      Pray for a BABY.

  196. KUSUM K says:

    hello Joe Sir,

    thanks for ur advice as i was feeling very sad but now im ready again to facing this challenge and i’ll never leave pray and trust for my baby..thanks

    yesterday i went to the gynecologist near by my home and she saw my reports and said that why are u taking homeopathic medicines that there is no cure ever made for this cc problem. and its waste of time and i should go with laproscopy and than IVF..there is only one way ..i said that homeopathic medicines are working as u can see on my reports that cyst is reducing and she said that its not because of medicine , its reduces itself sometime but comes again..

    but i dnt believe on her as i saw ur remedies are really working on my problem and im continue with this…..can i also have ayurvedic medicines for CC with ur remedies..

    please advice and reply

    take care

    • Joe says:


      It is obvious that the gyne whom you consulted to verify if my understanding of your problem was correct just refused to read and accept your evidence in the scans and other data you presented.

      I am aware that there are many doctors who refuse to accept the Science of Homeopathy even when they or their own family were cured by a remedy when their own drugs did not cure the ailment. They are alll brainwashed to only believe in their drugs as this is MONEY for the doctor and the cost of the drugs which are very high for gynecological use.

      I am very surprised to read your request:
      “can i also have ayurvedic medicines for CC with ur remedies..”

      Quite frankly it pains me to read your statement which you have made after you have evidence from your scans that my therapy has helped you. This proves to me that all my efforts to help you are not accepted as they are made in good faith and free of charge.

      I do not think that you deserve my assistance in the future.

      Please STOP all my therapy and START on the ayurvedic drugs immediately.

  197. KUSUM K says:

    Joe Sir,

    sorry if i hurt you but i dint mean that and im very sure abt ur medicines that they are very effective. i just want to reduce this problem more quickly…only this is the reason i asked you.

    sorry once again im not gonna leave ur medicines and not gonna have any other medicines….

    Kusum K

  198. KUSUM K says:


    i know i hurt ur feeling but i just ask a Question. if you do not want me assist in the future its ok…thanks for everything what u did for me.


  199. Vanessa says:

    Dear Dr Joe,

    I have had increasingly bad period pain and went for an ultrasound scan which showed a 5cm endometrioma (choc cyst) in my right ovary. It has ground glass appearance and no internal septa with a regular structure thus the sonographer said its consistent with endometriosis. I am a bit worried as I have read on the internet there is a slight chance endometriomas can be malignant but I presume this isn’t the case here as it would be seen on the ultrasound as a solid mass and would be irregular?

    Anyway I have decided not to go for surgey and try to reduce it homeopathically. I have read your website and have purchased Arnica 30c in liquid form as well as Bellis 30c and Apis 6c and plan to follow your treatment plan. Would you say this is the correct treatment for me?

    I am unmarried never had children and 25 years old.

    Many thanks.


    • Joe says:


      I do not have any records of treating you and presume that you have read about my therapy on my website where I presume you read about the many women whom I have helped with my therapy aka “Joepathy” as this treatment protocol was pioneered by me.

      Your 5cm Chocolate Cyst (CC) and your Endometriosis should hopefully respond to my therapy but you will have to expect a delay of about 2 months before you can see any real reduction in the Ø of your CC. My experience is that they do reduce at about 1cm every 2 months, while the Endo seems to halt in its progress inside your abdomen. It can however never be dissolved but it seems to reach a stage which does not cause any problems internally but you will have to continue my therapy for the rest of your life which we can perhaps reduce in the dosage later as necessary.

      I shall for the record, copy my default therapy for your problem below:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  200. Vanessa says:

    Dear Dr Joe

    Yes, I read about how you have helped many women and I am confident that your remedy will help me too. Thank you very much for your response. I will commence the therapy on Tuesday as soon as I receive the remedies.

    I will report back to you in a week.

    Many thanks again.


  201. Vanessa says:

    Dear Dr Joe

    I sent you a message on April 6th regarding a 5cm chocolate cyst on my right ovary. You prescribed me the remedy which I received this week and started taking 2 days ago. I am due to get my period tomorrow so I am in a lot of pain. Obviously it is too soon for the remedy to start helping so I was wondering if there is anything else I can take for the pain in the meantime?

    I usually take normal painkillers but I understand I am not meant to do this while on your therapy.

    Many thanks.


    • Joe says:


      If you really cannot stand the pain you may use your standard protocol.

      Do let me know the difference when your next period arrives as it usually takes at least 10 days on my therapy to make the difference. You can expect to be completely RID OF PAIN as confirmed by many women.

      In the meanwhile continue with my therapy.

  202. Vanessa says:

    Thank you very much Dr Joe for your quick response, I am very confident in your therapy and trust that it will work for me too.

    I will let you know the progress after my next period.

  203. Tiya says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,
    I was very much depressed for last few days after getting a USG report showing a 5.9×4.3 cm chocolate cyst on left and a smaller one on right ovary. It is my third time. In 2009 my cholcolate cysts were operated . Then cysts reappeared in 2010, again operated. After that CA-125 was at a lower level (22-30) for several months. It has again increased to the range of 45. Cysts reappeared in 2012 and slowly increased to present size.
    I have found your website and treatment process very inspiring. I have even bought the medicines ( Bellis+Arnica + Apis ) today. But I think I should inform you first before starting these medicines. What are your recommendations?
    I have some questions- Can I start at once? Is there any restrictions on other medicines ? All remedies twice daily between on hour gap each before breakfast and dinner?

    • Joe says:


      It give me great satisfaction to learn that you have read my therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts and that you are about to use them.
      For the record I shall copy my therapy I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis Tiya6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  204. Tiya says:

    Dear Dr Joe,
    Thank you for such a quick reply.
    Let me add few more information- I am 34 , mother of single child and I do not feel any abdominal pain ( now or in earlier cases ). periods are also almost normal.
    I will let you know the progress. regards

  205. Vijay says:

    I and my wife are married now for 1 year 7 months and we have been trying to have a child and thats when we consulted a doctor. On talking to the doctor we were asked perform an Ultra Scan and my wife was diagonised for a Cyst in the Ovary. After taking many opinions from various doctors we are being told that she has an endometriosis cyst which needs to be removed via Laproscopy. My wife has no pain from other people have been facing with endometriosis cyst and at this moment we are so confused and need help. On the other hand my wife comes from a family of Hemophilic and as of today we are not sure if that is true but this has been recorded after oberving family of incidents. For now the surgery has been put on Hold till the Hemophilic tests are done.
    In the meantime if someone can help in getting us to the right person who can help us in curing the endometriosis cyst without a surgery it would be really helpful?

    • Joe says:


      You have already visited the thread on my website where some patients have confirmed that they were saved from surgery by my therapy. 3 ladies have also confirmed that they were able to have babies although one of them suffered from an Ectopic pregnancy.

      You have not given me any data on your wife’s Cyst and also information if your consultant had diagnosed Endometriosis with Chocolate Cysts and if so what stage the Endometriosis is at today. Does she have unusual bleeding with clots accompanied by intense pain during her periods and for how long does she bleed?

      It would be useful if you can send me your wife’s reports by email on:


      I presume that you live in India and you can get the remedies that I have prescribed on the thread that you are posting from and I shall give you further instructions after I receive your reports.

      Please be reassured that she will not require any surgery Laparoscipis or otherwise as my therapy will reduce her Chocolate Cyst in about 3 months by about 1cm per month and will eventually ensure that the CC is reabsorbed into her body.

  206. zoom lens says:

    Hi, i read your blog from time to time and i own a similar one and
    i was just wondering if you get a lot of spam feedback?
    If so how do you reduce it, any plugin or anything you can recommend?
    I get so much lately it’s driving me insane so any assistance is very much appreciated.

  207. Nishat says:

    dear Joe

    I came across your website when I totally lost hope and was frustrated- since 4 months I had brown periods which were for 20 or 15 days each month – and in the month of june 2013 I suffered very heavy periods and couldn’t stand because of lower abdominal pain- Hence,my husband took me in emergency and doctor did intravaginal ultra sound and came to know I have a 5cm chocolate cyst on right ovary and left is clear – they said its not 100% sure too..but considering the heavy bleeding and 15 mm uterine lining they think its chocolate cyst and put me on primolute N for a month- but its been 15 days and the heavy bleeding stopped but slight is just spotting now but only when I am on primolute if I delay taking this med for an hour or two the bleeding starts with bright red spotting with lower abdominal pain.

    one of the doctor asked me to go for laparoscopy surgery to remove this so called chocolate cyst – they think I may suffer from endometriosis -i don’t know what all that is – just know that I lost all hope. and scared to go for that surgery and i don’t even know if they will remove my ovaries GODFORBID!!!

    I always suffered irregular periods since 15 years of age- and after marriage I came to know that am suffering from PCOS – I tried clomid 6-7 time given by gynacs n infertility specialists with gaps. but nothing happened all these years (married since 5 years) Me and my husband yearns for a healthy cute lil bundle of joy!! but we are getting hopeless.

    I previously suffered from hypothyroidism was taking thyroxine but later i left it got cured with Alternative medicine(unani or herbal treatment in my home country) and i was advised to take metformin every day – but i puked every dose I took every single day- mood swings -irritability and what not -hence i stopped that too.
    My weight is 74 kg and height is 5 feet 1 inch. i am overweight- i tried my best to lose weight but couldn’t and doctors think its all because of my weight that i suffer these problems.

    after going through your website and reading about your remedy I feel like going for it and specially my husband is all excited and asked me to write to you – please recommend for me what dose of medicines should I go for?..and even the country where am staying don’t have homeopathy meds – I will have to ask someone to send me from my home country (india)

    • Joe says:


      I presume that you have read the many cases listed in the chapter you are writing from. You would have read about my therapy and how it has helped many girls to control their Endometriosis and reduce their Chocolate Cysts (CC).

      Please note that you will NOT require SURGERY for your problem and we can hope that I will succeed to help you as I have done with so many girls, 3 of whom have had babies after many years and have stated so on my website.

      I note that you have considerable bleeding and pain during your periods and you may be pleasantly surprised with the difference you will experience with your next, as long as it occurs at least a week after you start on my therapy.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c
      Nat Phos 6x tablets dose 2 tablets taken after meals thrice daily

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.
      Nat Phos 6x will reduce your weight by up to 1kg per WEEK.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      I note that you are of Indian origin but that you live abroad and that you cannot get any Homeopathic remedies. If you will indicate where you live I may be able to indicate the nearest source from whom you can get your remedies.

  208. Nishat says:

    oh yes forgot to add my age- am 30 years old – and even this that while orgasm i get sever lower abdominal pain which is unbearable n this lasts for 3-4 mins

  209. Shubha says:

    Hi Joe,

    I came across your website when i was searching for alternative medicine for endometriosis.

    I went to consult the doctor since i have urination problem (slow urination).

    Then i was diagonised with endometriosis cyst of 4.4 cm in the left ovary. And doctor told that the urination problem might be due to this problem.

    Gyncologist Doctor had prescribed me Tab “Novelon” for 3 months. During the treatment, bleeding was less during periods. But the pain didnt reduce during periods. The pain will be there during and after periods(abt week). After Periods the pain will be on left side of lower abdomen. Slow urination problem starts after 5 th day of my periods.
    When the period is closer, Urination problem will be better.

    After 3 months also, cyst size is not reduced. So he adviced for laproscopy removal of cyst.

    Before taking tablet also, i was having painful periods and medium flow. Not that much heavy flow.

    I had my ultrasound scanning on 29 thJun 29 2013 and impression given is “Left Adnexa shows a thick walled cystic lesion of size 4.2cmss showing plenty of internal echos”

    I have frustated with this problem and dont want undergo surgery.

    Please prescribe me the medicine for reducing the cyst.

    Thanks and Regards,

    • Joe says:


      I am copying below the therapy I prescribed to Nishat on the link I have noted below which will help you since you also suffer from the same ailment.

      If you are not overweight, you can skip the Nat Phos 6x.

      Report your response after your next period.

      Joe says:
      July 2, 2013 at 10:51 AM (Edit)

      I presume that you have read the many cases listed in the chapter you are writing from. You would have read about my therapy and how it has helped many girls to control their Endometriosis and reduce their Chocolate Cysts (CC).

      Please note that you will NOT require SURGERY for your problem and we can hope that I will succeed to help you as I have done with so many girls, 3 of whom have had babies after many years and have stated so on my website.

      I note that you have considerable bleeding and pain during your periods and you may be pleasantly surprised with the difference you will experience with your next, as long as it occurs at least a week after you start on my therapy.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c
      Nat Phos 6x tablets dose 2 tablets taken after meals thrice daily

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of these lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.
      Nat Phos 6x will reduce your weight by up to 1kg per WEEK.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      I note that you are of Indian origin but that you live abroad and that you cannot get any Homeopathic remedies. If you will indicate where you live I may be able to indicate the nearest source from whom you can get your remedies.

  210. Shubha says:

    Thanks Joe for prescribing remedies.

    I will reply after my next periods.

    Please let me know that the medicines prescribed should be taken before food or after food.

  211. Shubha says:

    Thanks Joe.

  212. Sonia says:

    Hello Dr. Joe,
    I am updating my condition.
    I had chocolate cyst of 6cm when i started your medicine. I am regularly taking bellis p 30, arnica 30 and apis 30.
    After 1 month of taking medicine, the cyst size was 5.1cm and my scan after around 4 months reported cyst size of 4cm.
    last month i had my ultrasound done and it says that the cyst size is now 2.3cm x 1.9cm. it also said that there is another cyst of 1.9cm but not clear that that it is complex cyst or not.

    today i had my ultrasound done and it says that “well defined anechoic cystic lesion in the right adnexa measuring 6.4 x 5.1 cms” and also it says there is right antero lateral intramural fibroid measuring 3.2 x 2.7 cms.

    i dont know what went wong my periods are regular with medium level cramps on 1st and 2nd days. I am taking medicines regularly, i am working out regularly.

    i cant make out what caused the cyst to grow in size again. is it caused by food i am taking. i take only 1 cup of tea in the morning, i dont eat that much of chocolates. should i avoid all oily food and chicken.?

    i really need you guidance dr. joe. please help me.

    Awaiting your reply


    • Joe says:


      I am also very surprised that your CC has regrown into its current size of 6.4X5.1cm.

      This is the very first time that I have been informed of this form of regrowth which is very surprising, after you reported that it reduced in 4 months.

      Please tabulate the dimensions of your CC as it is taking too much of my time to track the dimensions in the time frame you have indicated. You can give the dates with the dimensions to enable me to advise you.

      I would also request you to consult another gynecologist to verify your data after another US Scan.

      Also request confirmation of your Fibroid and if you suffer from Endometriosis.

      • Sonia says:

        hi joe,
        on may 2012, cyst was 6.1 cms chocolate cyst
        on june 2012, it was 5.1 cms chocolate cyst
        on november it was 4cms
        on feb 2013 it was showing 2.3cms x 1.9 cms chocolate cyst with another cyst measuring 1.9 cms not sure whether it was chocolate cyst or not
        on july 2013 it is showing 6.4cms x 5.1 cms which is anechoic and radiologist is not sure whether it is complex chocolate cyst or not and it also says that i have intramural fibroid which hypoechoic and measures 3.2 x 2.7 cms.

        i will have my ultrasound done by another facility in 2 months.

        • Sonia says:

          is there anything else i can do to help with the healing, i started apis 30c just 1 month back. i was only taking bellis p and arnica before.

          awaiting your reply


          • Joe says:


            I have just noticed that you are taking Apis 30c in the WD.
            I do not remember prescribing this remedy in the 30c potency to you.

            Please copy my prescription ASAP.

  213. Swati Kishore says:

    Respected Sir,

    I am Swati. I hope you are in good health and going good.


    I wrote to you about my problem of Endometriotic Cyst and Hydrosalpinx in December 2012. I started with ‘Joepathy’ in January 2013 by taking the medicines:

    Bellis Per 30
    Arnica 30
    Apis 6

    But after a month in February, I had an US in which there were no changes. So You advised me to change Apis 6 to Apis 30. I did that and since then on the same medication.


    Now I had an US on 5 July 2013. and I am very glad to tell you ,sir, that my problem of HYDROSALPINX has reduced prominently but the problem of endometriotic cyst has shown no changes. Following is the difference between 2 reports –

    FEBRUARY 2013: Endometriotic cyst 6.1 x 5.5 x 5.8cm

    Hydrosalpinx 8.0 x 5.1 cm

    JULY 2013 : Endometriotic cyst 7.8 x 6.6 x 6.2 cm

    Hysrosalpinx 2.0 x 1.2 cm

    Sir its a very good news about the reduction in Hydrosalpinx but please advise me for Endometriotic cyst which is still same sized as before.

    Waiting for your kind response

    With best regards

    • Joe says:


      Thank you for sharing your GOOD NEWS on the reduction of your Hydrosalpinx with me.

      I cannot understand however the reason why your Chocolate Cyst (CC) aka Endometriotic Cyst has also not reduced in the same manner.

      This phenomenon seems rather strange to me as CC’s that I have treated have all reduced in the same manner. There is plenty of evidence of this reduction even today on my website where Sonia has confirmed that her CC’s have also reduced.

      A solution is to reduce the potency of the Bellis Perennis to 6c in the hope that the lower potency (in the Wet dose of course) will have some effect for your CC.

      You will of course take the other remedies as usual.

  214. Sonia says:

    hi dr. joe,

    on may 2012, cyst was 6.1 cms chocolate cyst
    on june 2012, it was 5.1 cms chocolate cyst
    on november it was 4cms
    on feb 2013 it was showing 2.3cms x 1.9 cms chocolate cyst with another cyst measuring 1.9 cms not sure whether it was chocolate cyst or not
    on july 2013 it is showing 6.4cms x 5.1 cms which is anechoic and radiologist is not sure whether it is complex chocolate cyst or not and it also says that i have intramural fibroid which hypoechoic and measures 3.2 x 2.7 cms.

    i will have my ultrasound done by another facility in 2 months.

    is there anything else i can do to help with the healing, i started apis 30c just 1 month back. i was only taking bellis p and arnica before.

    awaiting your reply


    • Joe says:


      I have just noticed that you have repeated your post again.
      It is also a source of irritation to me as I have to wade through many posts to identify yours.

      I was typing my reply to your last post and you have repeated your post for the second time. I do realize that you are anxious about your problem but you must understand that I am doing a service to you and to suffering humanity at my advanced age of 84 and the least that I can expect from a patient is to have the time to do this service to reduce a CC, which is UNIQUE and has NOT been attempted by anyone, as far as I am aware in the WHOLE WORLD.
      This is the reason why I can claim to have pioneered in this therapy in the treatment of Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which has helped over 50 patients and which I hope that other Homeopaths will copy.

      Here is my reply to your last post.

      Thank you for tabulating the reduction of your CC’s.
      You must remember that at my advanced age of 84, it seems unfair for the patient to casually list a number of statistics and expect me to calculate the results to work out the net reduction of the CC. I did try to do so after I received your last post but gave up as it takes too much of my time.

      A point that is of interest is that your CC’s are ANECHOIC. The liquid in a CC is CHOCOLATE in colour. The fact that yours are anechoic or CLEAR denotes that there is some improvement in their status but I cannot understand the reason for the increase in its dimensions as reported by you.

      Let me change the potency of Bellis Perennis to 6c in the Wet dose and you will report on the result after your next Scan which I would like to have in exactly a MONTH as originally requested by me and NOT in 2 months as you have decided, to enable me to decide if my idea has helped you.

  215. Sonia says:

    sorry for repeating the post dr. joe, i will not repeat my mistake . i will change the potency of bellis p to 6c. i will update my status as soon as i get my ultrasound done.

    thank you for your help dr. joe.


  216. Shubha says:

    Hi Joe,

    I am taking
    Bellis Perennis 30c
    Arnica 30c
    Apis 6c
    in wet dose as you prescribed from saturday night.
    After taking medicine, slight watery bleeding started from yesterday. My periods was stopped on 29 th of Jun. I am bit worried about this. Please let me know whether is this common after taking madicine.

    Thanks and Regards,

    • Joe says:


      Do not worry about your bleeding which the Arnica will control before your next period.

      I am more interested to know how your Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts respond to my therapy.

  217. Shubha says:

    Hi Joe,

    ok.. Thanks Joe.
    Usually i experience endometriosis problem(lower abdomen pain) during my periods and after periods for one week. But urination problem will be there always. Still i have not experienced any relief from urination problem after taking medicine.

    I will let you know the improvements after my next periods.

    Thanks and Regards,

  218. Swati Kishore says:

    Respected Sir,

    I will surely change the potency of Bellis Per from 30 to 6. One more query that shall I continue taking Apis 30 instead of Apis 6.

  219. Swati Kishore says:

    Sir, I just wanted to ask one more thing that what dose of
    Bellis Perennis 6 shall I take? And also tell that m i correct regarding my medicines also as following?

    My medicines from now will be:

    Bellis Per 6
    Apis 6
    Arnica 30

    With Best Regards

  220. Swati Kishore says:

    Sir, actually I meant that should I take 3 drops of
    Bellis Per 6 in 500 ml of water ?

    • Joe says:

      Swati Kishore

      I am copying my default therapy to make the Wet dose which I have already done for you and for literally thousands of patients who have invariably read and understood it and used it.

      If after reading the instructions you still have questions, please feel free to address your question to me.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

      Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  221. Swati Kishore says:

    Thanks Sir…I am following the same since January 2013. I asked only because I thought that Bellis Perennis 6 is of low potency so i thought that it might require less drops. But its the same.

    Thank you Sir.

  222. Shubha says:

    Hi Joe,

    I am taking medicines that you prescribed for endometriosis cyst of 4.2 cm since 3 weeks.
    Bellis perennis 30c, Arnica 30 c and Apis 6c.
    My Periods started on friday, its already 4th day. Only spotting is there since the first day and no bleeding.
    I dont have abdominal pain. Please let me know is this ok..is it normal..?

    Thanks and Regards,

    • Joe says:


      You have nothing to worry about with your current status with relief from bleeding, pain and other problems that you suffered from for years as many patients have had the same experience which one of them classified as “Miraculous” after she had suffered for some years with constant bleeding sometimes in clots accompanied by unbearable pain for she was compelled to take powerful analgesics.

      I cannot understand the reason why doctors do not have an equivalent drug to treat your condition so far. I am aware of Danasol which some doctors prescribe but th.e cost here in Sri Lanka is prohibitive at around $3.00 each and the dose is one taken twice daily. In contrast my therapy is just a few cents and what is more it is able to REDUCE the CC and also to treat both the pain, as you have reported and of course arrested the bleeding. This is a blessing in disguise as you may discover that you will put on some weight, which would otherwise have been expended in the blood you would otherwise have lost.

      Please remember that I was the first Homeopath to identify this combination of remedies and there is no question that my therapy qualifies for the term: “JOEPATHY” which is my legacy to the world and more especially to suffering humanity. I do not seek any recognition of payment for my therapy as otherwise, I would not have prescribed openly on my website, and you know how much doctors charge for drugs which do not help at all.

      I would recommend that you do some form of daily exercise like jogging or Badminton as this is all part of my therapy to help you.

      You will do a US Scan in 2 months and report the reduced size of your Chocolate Cyst and also a report on your Endometriosis.

      I do not know if you are married and your age and where you live.

  223. Shubha says:

    Thanks Joe for the reply.. am relieved after reading your words.. Thanks a lot!!!

    I will get US scan done in the next month.. And i will report the same..

    Thanks Joe…


  224. Lerie says:

    Hi Dr Joe, I have 3 endo cysts as diagnosed by the gynae. They measure at 1.8cm, 2.4cm, 3.4cm respectively. I have done several ca125 blood tests and the first result was 109 which freaked me out. Subsequently it dropped all the way to 33.8/35. However I’m still very concerned about this figure. I do not know what caused it to drop as doc prescribed me a medicine called visanne and it’s a progestin pill. Last time, I used to experience pain before and for after period it’s about 12 days of pain. The dull pain feels localized after the period and during the period the pain is really excruciating. For now I’m on visanne so I no longer have periods for past 5 months plus, it’s intermittent pain now and then but it’s mild. I do not know if the medicine is working for me or not as the pain feels like it came from the ovaries. On the other hand ever since taking this medicine, my ca125 dropped quite alot. So I’m confused… However doc told me not to stop the medicine as once menses start coming, it adds on to my endo cysts again. And on top of all these, my cysts remain about the same size throughout the 6 months that I have been making regular visits to gynae. Does this sound like endo? Pls advice me thank u dr joe! Would appreciate with a therapy suggested by u too! 🙂

    • Joe says:


      I am not confident that my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts can help you as you have indicated that your Ca levels have also been affected some time ago although they have subsequently dropped to accepted levels.

      You have also been ordered by your gene NOT TO STOP the drug VIsanne you are taking. You must understand that one condition for using a Homeopathic remedy is that NO OTHER DRUG be used if the patient wishes to benefit from the Homeopathy. This is because Homeopathic remedies are all potentized at Nano Levels and any drug will Antidote the remedy.

      You will have to make up your mind if you wish to abide by this rule and confirm if you still wish to proceed with my therapy aka “Joepathy”.

  225. Shubha says:

    Hi Joe,

    I am taking medicines prescribed by you from last two months.
    I had my periods. And today is 6th day. First and second day only spotting was there. Flow started on third day and continued till 5th day. I didnt experience much pain.
    I got Ultra sound scan done on 6th day. No change in the cyst size.
    Impression from Scan:
    “Left broad ligament shows a thick walled cyctic lesion of size 4.2.cms showing plenty of internal echos.
    Colour doppler evaluation shows no significant flow within the cyst.”
    I am 30 yrs old and Unmarried. I live in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

    • Joe says:


      The majority of patients who suffer from Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts have confirmed that the pain they experienced was significantly reduced and in 3 months there was a marked reduction of their CC by at least 1cm Ø which continued for some months. You have not stated if your own pain has reduced in comparison to what you suffered in the past. It may be too early to map any reduction of your CC.

      If you feel that you are wasting time in using my therapy you can always go back to the drugs you were using in the hope that they will help you better.

      Please note that I was the first to pioneer in this speciality of treating both Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts successfully with my therapy as there is no record of any treatment of your problem using the standard classical homeopathic approach, which as you may know varies with every homeopath and does not usually work.

  226. shubha says:

    Hi Joe,

    Pain is reduced when compared to previous months.
    Since the size is not reduced I was scared..
    I don’t want to go for surgery.
    Please let me know, shall I continue with the same medicines or any other medicine as you prescribe.
    I will keep you informed about my condition.

    Thanks and Regards,

    • Joe says:


      You have already experienced some improvement in your condition after using my therapy.

      The reduction of the size of the CC usually takes about 3 months and you can take a scan in 4 months after the last and report the size.

  227. Sonja says:

    Dear Joe,

    I have endometriosis with chocolate cysts. I’m not using any medicine at the moment but I use Serrapeptase and Nattokinase (enzymes). Can I use them together with Bellis Perennis and Arnica?

    Best regards, Sonja

    • Joe says:


      You cannot use any other drugs or enzymes if you wish to use my therapy.
      How long have you used them and how did they help you?
      Your description of your ailment is very cryptic and you must give more data if you would like me to help you.

  228. Sonja says:

    Hello Joe,

    Thank you for your reply! I will give you some more details. In the last 2 years I had two surgeries to remove Chocolate Cysts from both ovaries. I don’t know how many cysts there were but the biggest was bigger than 10 cm. After my last surgery, about 7 months ago, I started to take Serrapeptase and so far it helped me because I don’t have new cysts at the moment. I just started using Nattokinase last week. Because I am very scared to get new cysts I wanted to use your therapy also. I understand I can not use both products together. I think I will continue to use the Serrapeptase because of the good results so far and if I get new cysts I will stop using it and will use your therapy instead. I really don’t want another surgery. Thank you for your help!

    Best regards, Sonja

  229. shweta.mishra says:

    Hi Joe,
    I am SM, I came to know your website when i was searching for alternative medicine for endometriosis and chocolate cyst.My age is 30 years and i got married in 2008 december.I have been trying for a baby for past five years.I recently met a fertility doctor and went through some follicular scan and result showed the evidence of multiple endometriotic cysts measuring (2.0 *2.4 cm),(2.6*1.7cm),
    (1.9*1.4 cm) and 2 small c.f.s. are there in my left ovary.The doctor suggested me to go for leproscopy to take out the chocolate cyst.I am very much scared right now because i never been to any operation before in my life and i am also worried wether i will be able to conceive after that operation or not?
    i also went through some blood work for TSH and AMH .Dr. told me that first we see the blood test results, if they are not good than you have to go for leproscopy soon becoz its being a five years. I am very much depressed right now :(, Joe plz help me get rid of this problem so i can have a baby as soon as possible.

    plz reply soon Joe

    • Joe says:


      This surgery is a goldmine to gynecologists as your Chocolate Cysts (CC) will recur with every period. I have pioneered a treatment for your ailment and as you can read on my website 3 ladies have conceived and 2 have grown up children. One had an Ectopic pregnancy which had to be surgically terminated.

      My therapy will first reduce the CCs and they will be absorbed into your body but this will take a few months. You will take the remedies prescribed below and you will report your progress after every period.

      Try NOT to be Depressed as God will bless you with a Baby soon.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Where do you live and can you purchase Homeopathic remedies in your city?

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      • shweta.mishra says:

        Thank you so much i never expect such fast responce from you, i really appreciate that.You know i have pain on my left side of abdomen and at the back also. It is really bad . is this just because of this chocolate cyst ??

        I live in Banglore (India) and i hope i will get these remedies here.
        Where do you live. Do you have any phone no. where i can talk to you ?

  230. shweta.mishra says:

    Hi Joe,

    Can you suggest some places in Banglore where i can buy these medicines or any on line website where i can order exactly the same medicine that you prescribe me ?


  231. shweta.mishra says:

    Hi joe ,
    I have started taken these medicine from today.I just followed the same procedure that you mention above.can you tell me joe do i need to take these medicine empty stomach or after meal?
    I just bought three 500 ml bottle of water and empty all three 3cm and pour three drops of each medicine in three different bottle and shake it 6 times so now i have three bottles one is Bellis Perennis 30c, second is Arnica 30cand third is Apis 6c . is this rite joe ???
    Let me know if i did anything wrong in preparing the medicine ??????

  232. ShwetaMishra says:

    Hi,Dr. Joe
    Hope you are doing good. Just want to tell you that i started your medicine on 24th of november and yesterday i got my period .I usually have bad pain on first day and today its normal. I have finished those three bottle of medicine today.I am wondering wether i go for scan to see the size of cyst or should i wait for some more time ??
    Suggest me what should i do and should i again start taking those three medicine that you suggested me ?

    • Joe says:

      Shweta Mishra

      Glad to note that you have not suffered any pain and unusual bleeding with your period this time.

      You state:
      ” I have finished those three bottle of medicine today. “

      I have not looked up on your medicines and you will save me some time by indicating what they are.

  233. ShwetaMishra says:

    Dr. joe i have evidence of multiple endometriotic cysts measuring (2.0 *2.4 cm),(2.6*1.7cm),(1.9*1.4 cm) and 2 small c.f.s. are there in my left ovary.You told me not to go for laperoscopy and suggested me these three medicine :
    Bellis Perennis 30c
    Arnica 30c
    Apis 6c
    so i just followed your instruction and prepare these medicine. Today i finished that medicine so tell me should i continue these three medicine or first go for Scan to know the size of cyst wether it reduce or not ??

  234. ShwetaMishra says:

    yes i do not have any unusual bleeding and as far as pain is concern it is still the same no change in it. I had bad pain yesterday today is my second day.
    Sorry for miscommunication.

    • Joe says:


      Please be more precise in your statements in future as you confused me when you stated:

      “I usually have bad pain on first day and today its normal.”

      I understood you to mean that although you suffered pain previously, your period today is normal.

      I do not think that your CC’s could have reduced in just 3 weeks as in my experience they take at least 2 months to show some reduction. A scan will therefore only be a waste of money and time.

      You also state that you have finished the 3 medicines and this can indicate that you are taking over 5ml or a capful of each per dose as 500ml will last at least 2 months. It is fortunate that this overdose does not seem to matter as some have taken even more and have not been affected.

      In any case you cannot expect to be CURED in 3 weeks after your having suffered from CC’s and Endometriosis for some time and you must continue with the 3 remedies for some time into the future.

  235. ShwetaMishra says:

    Dr. joe I didnt mean to confuse you by my statement but ya sure i will try to be precise in my statement so i will continue these medicine.As you said that 500ml bottle last for 2 months but mine has finished. I took big spoonful of these doses twice a day.Now i will take care that it will last for 2 months.


  236. Swati Kishore says:

    Hello Sir,

    I am on Joepathy treatment since one year (1st January 2013 till present) and have complete faith in your treatment. Here’s a brief of the condition.

    As per the US reports of February, 2013:

    Endometriotic cyst size : 6.1 x 5.5 x 5.8 cm and

    Hydrosalpinx size : 7.9 x 5.1 cm

    I started with your default set of medicines. As per your advice Apis 6 was changed to Apis 30 in February 2013. So I continued with :

    Bellis Per 30
    Apis 30
    Arnica 30

    As per US report of July, 2013:

    Endometriotic Cyst size :7.8 x 6.6 x 6.2 cm and

    Hydrosalpinx size : 2.0 x 1.2 cm

    And as per your kind advice, the above mentioned medicines were changed to :

    Bellis Per 6
    Apis 6
    Arnica 30

    As per US report of today (27 jan 2014) :

    Endometriotic cyst size : 7.5 x 7.2 x 6.1 cm and

    Hydrosalpinx size : 7.4 x 2.9 cm

    I request for your kind advice for further treatment.


    • Joe says:

      I am concerned to note that your Chocolate Cysts and your Hydrosalpinx which I have been treating you for the last year have not shown any positive result.

      I believe that this is due to your Hydrosalpinx which can be presumed to be affecting your CC from reducing when compared to many other patients whom I have treated in the past whose CC’s reduced by 1Cm per month.

      I advise you to seek treatment from another physician as it seems to me that my therapy has not helped you.

  237. Carina says:

    Dear Joe, I hope all is fine with you.
    I would like to ask for your help regarding a problem I have been facing for the past 2 years. Im 40, and did my 2nd c-section 2 years ago, very against my will. I feel I was forced in a second c section by a doctor who was only worried with her ego, money and time. The fact his that I have abdominal pain and lower back pain since then and it is most probably due to abdominal adhesions . Several doctors told me already that the technique was badly done and for that reason its almost 100% sure I have strong adhesions. What is your opinion on that. I am a student of homeopathy myself but as a student I still dont feel confident and experienced enough. I also wanted to be able to ‘let go’ of this bad emotions and feelings I have towards the delivery and this doctor as it seems I can not stop feeling deceived and revoltedand everyday i think: i should have been more brave and said no; i should have gone to another doctor, ; i should….
    Many blessings

    • Joe says:

      Where in the world to you live?

      You state:

      “I have been facing for the past 2 years. Im 40, and did my 2nd c-section 2 years ago,”
      “The fact his that I have abdominal pain and lower back pain since then and it is most probably due to abdominal adhesions “

      What precisely is your ailment?
      The pain you experience can be due to what you have diagnosed yourself as “strong adhesions” which can be due to a variety of causes. Endometriosis for instance.
      But you have already had 2 children and patients with Endo experience some difficulty in conceiving.

      I prefer not to be addressed as “Joe” except by my peers and close friends, as in my country Sri Lanka, there is a certain modicum of respect reserved for age.

      I am 85 years old.

      • Carina says:

        Dear Sir,
        I live now in Bahrain but am from portugal. The ailment is due to post surgical adhesions from c-sections, also confirmed by the obstetrician. I can actually feel some pulling specially in the area of the scar. I do not have endometriosis and the pain is stronger around the umbilical region. I did several gastro exams and they all came clear.
        Please excuse my informality, in my country also we dedicate a certain modicum also to unknown people. I didn’t realize it at the time I wrote.
        Best regards,

        • Joe says:

          You must understand that from the data you provided, it is virtually impossible for me to help you with any remedy that can serve to reduce the pain and discomfort that you suffer today as a result of your 2 C-sections which you permitted although they were not necessary.

          You do not suffer from any ailment or disease and the only remedy I can think of is Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily for a month and reduced to just once thereafter.

          Do you suffer from any Gastric problems like feeling full after a meal?

          The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

          Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
          Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
          Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
          Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
          Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

          Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:

          Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  238. Carina says:

    Dear Sir,
    Thank you for your reply. I will do as you advise.

    I only discovered the 2nd c section was not necessary and that the doctor lied about it after it happened and when I was told so by other doctors, and maybe that is the reason i still feel sad about it. But everything happens for a reason…

    I understand what you say regarding the symptoms I present. I can only tell that the the pain is like burning and tearing pain in the umbilical region, worse from pressing, and when it begins it comes also bloated abdominal area.
    I was hoping that you might had some passed experience regarding the scar tissue (adhesions) resulting from surgery, some way to dissolve them so they dont cause any more harm. I do however understand that this is not a common ailment.

    I thank you again and wish you many blessings.

  239. alaine says:

    hi I am alaine. i suffer from endometriosis. the pain gets so intense in mid cyle and is progresing every month. cna you help me.

    • Joe says:

      I can certainly try to help you in the manner that I have succeeded in helping many patients but you will have to give me more data to work on.

      Age; How and when you first noticed your problem; How you suffer from it today; What drugs were prescribed; etc etc.

      Have you done a US Scan and did your doctor tell you that Chocolate Cysts were identified? If so the Ø of the CC.

  240. Jerril says:

    Hi Joe, Hope all fine. Could you please provide me your email id or contact number? Thanks

    • Joe says:

      I prefer to help anyone who comes to me for treatment with my “Joepathy”, exclusively on my Website.

      I also object to be addressed by my given name Joe except by my peers and close friends, as in my country Sri Lanka, there is a certain modicum of respect reserved for age.

      I am 85 years old.

  241. springlo says:

    Hello Doctor Joe,
    I came across your name in abchomeo a few months ago and thought may be you specialize in skin and hair treatments.Recently I checked your website and was thoroughly surprised to see so many cases.I completely agree with your type of treatment(Joepathy) because it aims at giving relief to the patient ASAP. I know how it feels when one has to wait for weeks for the remedy to show its effects.Here’s my case briefly. I really hope your remedy as well as your prayerful approach will heal me soon.

    i am 26 yrs old married woman & i have pcos problem for the last 10 yrs. I didn’t get a natural period since last 2 years. Before that I took allopathic medication to get periods.
    My PCOS was diagnosed when I was 16 yrs. I took Krimson 35(OCP) for 5 years.
    I stopped the medication as i came to know that medications should not be taken for longer periods of time. I used to get periods irregularly at first but now they are totally absent. My recent scan shows that I have cysts on both ovaries like a chain of pearls.Iam taking Homeopathic treatment for the past 1 year . First the doctor gave me Pulsatilla, Cyst drops(I don’t know the name), and medicine for iron for 3 months. He didn’t even take my full details before prescribing the medication Since there was no improvement, he gave me Dysmin tablets , and two types of drops one in morning and one at night for 1 month. Still no periods. Then I took Dysmin tablets(3 times), Dr.Reckeweg’s R28 (in morning). and another drops(one dose at night). Still no periods. I have taken fertility medications before starting homeo for 6 months .But no use. I changed to a classical homeopath who gives me small doses every 7-15 days.Its taking a long time and not getting a period has increased my stress exponentially. Please help me. I am worried that may be I am not taking the right medication. Please tell me if i should continue or go for laproscopy.

    PS:Iam 5ft 6″. 83 kgs . No exercise seems help me lose weight. I am taking Ignatia 1M once a week currently.

    • Joe says:

      I shall treat you for your Chocolate Cysts immediately as it is possible that they are the primary cause of your menstrual problems. You can expect them to slowly reduce in a few months and a scan is recommended in 2 months to observe the progress.
      No laparoscopic surgery will be necessary.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      • springlo says:

        Dear Sir,
        Thank you for your quick response I really appreciate it. I have one clarification. My cysts are not chocolatè cysts,they are water filled bags. So is the treatment suitable for this type of cysts?


        • Joe says:

          I have treated about 100 women who presented Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts successfully with the same remedies I have prescribed for you. Some of these patients have had multiple laparoscopic surgeries which seemed to be never ending and it is very likely that you too will be faced with this problem.

          In your case you also have PCOS and you stated:
          “My recent scan shows that I have cysts on both ovaries like a chain of pearls”

          These cysts are invariably filled with a chocolate coloured liquid which allopathic medicine cannot reduce or eliminate and I have done so successfully in the case of the majority of women as you can read on my website.

          If you reject to use the therapy I have prescribed even before you use it, you are free to do so.

  242. springlo says:

    Thank you doctor. I will start the remedies as soon as I get them.

  243. Ben says:

    Dear Joe,

    according to transvaginal ultrasound, my wife has suspected bilateral endometriomas (chocolate cysts).

    Left ovary: 70 x 48 x 50mm

    Right ovary: 43 x 27 x 28mm

    Uterus: fibroids – 51mm x 39mm x 30mm and 33mm x 25mm x 38mm

    Gynaecologist suspects endometriosis and not cancer.

    Can your remedies fix / help this problem?

    CA125: 160, CA19.9: 70

    Family history of ovarian cancer


    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Arnica 30c
      Apis 6c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to reabsorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      • Ben says:

        Dear Joe,

        thank you for your reply.

        I would like to contact some of the people who have managed to reduce their chocolate cysts / endometriosis via your suggested protocol.

        I would like to try your protocol asap but at the same time would like to speak with others to get their feedback on how it worked out for them.

        If the cysts reduce at 1cm per month then it will be many months before some results are seen. I want to be 100% convinced this will work as delaying other treatment (laparoscopy and excision of endometriosis and the endometriomas which may be cancerous) could be detrimental to my wife if the homeopathic solution doesn’t work.

        I am happy to call internationally.

        Thanks again

        • Joe says:

          I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe. I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.

          Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
          I am 85.

          • Ben says:

            Dear Sir,

            please accept my apologies.

            There was no disrespect intended. Many others had also addressed the same and just followed suit.

            In regards to my previous query, please advise if it is possible to speak with or contact others who have successfully treated this problem.

            If this is possible it would be most appreciated.

            I have just purchased the three solutions you have suggested and will make a mix tonight.

            Please advise if I am supposed to put 3 drops of each product (9 drops in total) into one 500ml bottle or separate bottles?

            Also, the twice a day dosage: is there a preferred time? How close to eating?
            If my wife takes the first dose at 7am then she will take the second dose at 8am?

            How much time should wait before eating?

            My wife’s monthly pain cycle will start in the next couple of days.

            Thank you kindly for your assistance so far and once again my apologies.

            Best regards

            • Joe says:

              Apology accepted.

              Surely you cannot expect me to provide you with the phone numbers of patients who have been helped or CURED by my therapy !
              I do not maintain personal contact with them at all and do not even know where in the world they live.

              I have developed my own therapy which I have prescribed and you can read the results of patients whom I have helped on my website.

              If and when you decide on when your wife uses my therapy you will use SEPARATE bottles.

              All remedies are best taken half hour between each and half hour before a meal.

              Arnica can however be taken just before bed for best effect.

  244. Ben says:

    Dear Sir,

    based on your instructions, I would like to confirm I have understood correctly.

    Here is my sample program – is this correct?

    Twice a day, one hour between each dose
    30 minutes between each type
    30 minutes before eating
    Arnica before sleep

    7am bellis perennis
    7:30am apis
    8am bellis perennis
    8:30am apis
    9am breakfast

    8pm Arnica
    9pm Arnica
    9:30pm sleep

    Please confirm this is correct.

    Thank you very much.

    Best regards,


    • Joe says:

      Glad you referred the dosage as you understood it to me as it would not do to take a dose of BP within an hour of each other.

      You must take a dose of each remedy in the morning and the second dose in the evening to enable the remedy to work in your body.

      I have amended the dosage and timing below:

      7 AM Bellis P
      8 AM Apis
      9 AM Arnica

      7 PM Bellis P
      8 PM Apis
      9 PM Arnica

      It seems to me that I will have to copy this dosage pattern to other patients in my instructions to enable the patient to take the dosage correctly.

    • Joe says:

      Glad you referred the dosage as you understood it to me as it would not do to take a repeat dose of each remedy within an hour.

      You must take a dose of each remedy in the morning and the second dose in the evening to enable the remedy to work in your body.

      I have amended the dosage and timing below:

      7 AM Bellis P
      8 AM Apis
      9 AM Arnica

      7 PM Bellis P
      8 PM Apis
      9 PM Arnica

  245. Irene says:

    Hi Joe its my first time coming to your website i have endometriosis and i was wondering what remedies you use for someone who doesn’t have heavy bleeding but misses periods often, my hormones are high in estrogen and have a 4cm cyst on my right ovary and feel that i might be getting it on my left side also with breast tenderness including tissue formation but no cyst or tumors on the breasts, can you please help me i have a lot of pain in my abdominal area and have history of gastritis. Are you a doctor? or an herbalist? Were do you treat your patients? I tried looking for the Bellis Perennis and Arnica in vitacost.com but i can’t find it there, can you please direct me to sources? i live in the US.

    • Joe says:

      I prefer not to be addressed as “Joe” except by my peers and close friends, as in my country Sri Lanka, there is a certain modicum of respect reserved for age.

      I am 85 years old.

      You do not have to use my therapy which has helped many patients who suffered from your ailment and were cured.

      “Are you a doctor? or an herbalist? Were do you treat your patients?”
      I note you have already read on my website and you should by now have read about these cures including some who had babies after many years.
      One has just conceived as you can read on:


  246. Renee says:

    Hello, id like to first say that I really appropriate your hard work and time you have invested into helping people.
    I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in 2007, i have been on a search for help for years. As a child I was teased and humiliated because of my condition, i can feel things getting worse as years past, I really need your help because Im so sad I dont know what to do. Here is some information about me,
    Weight: 235
    Ive only had 2 periods since i was 11
    I have unwanted hair on my face,chest, chin,neck etc
    I have abdominal pains
    I have pain in my pelvic area
    I have thinning hair
    I have tender breast
    I have dry skin on my face
    I have starch and sugar cravings
    I am sad most of the time
    My vision has decreased
    I have tried everything to lose weight but have been the same size for yrs
    I have headaches
    I cant sleep at night
    I dont have diabetes or heart disease
    I have good blood pressure
    My lower back hurts
    And it hurts during sexual intercourse with my husband
    Please tell me what things i can take to heal my body, where I can purchase it and how to take it. Please i really need help and i havre no one else to turn to, the doctors have given up on me and i desperately neeed help. Thank you so much!

    • Joe says:

      I believe that you are writing from Georgia and I am sure that you have consulted many physicians for your PCOS without any success.

      It breaks my heart to read your story and do wish that I can help you but you must know that PCOS is a problem that is very difficult to treat and cure. I have tried a few cases in the past, unfortunately with no success.

      I would suggest that you present your case to Dr Prasanta Banerji at:


      He has far more experience than I have in treating desperate cases and I am sure that he will help you.

      I would appreciate if you will keep me posted with the therapy he prescribes for you from time to time. Be warned that your treatment will take many months of therapy and in my opinion he is the best to treat you.

  247. Renee says:

    Oh and i have had ultrasound showing small cyst on my ovaries.

  248. zoia hassan says:

    hello doctor.
    i am 26 and just had married in November 2,2013.i always had heavy periods in first two days of my cycle and then it gradually decrease till 5 days.i used to feel much pain in first two days of my periods.bt after my marriage the pain gradually became worse,i thought it as PMS as it used to start 7 days before my periods.then as i was trying to concieve and being failed in conceiving after 7 months i got some fertility medicines for 2 months,and i shocked that my pain increased and spread to the whole month ,now i feel lower back pain in left side that goes through my lleft leg to the foot and also a cold sensation in both legs and left hip.ultrasound does not show anything ,is it endrometosis ?as i dont want to go through the laproscopy tests with incisions.and plz if it is endrometosis ,prescribe me a remedy .
    Regards :Endrometosis sufferer.

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis 6c
      Arnica 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      You are advised to follow the dosage pattern below:

      7 AM Bellis P
      8 AM Apis
      9 AM Arnica

      7 PM Bellis P
      8 PM Apis
      9 PM Arnica

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      Do you live in LA ?

  249. Becs says:

    Hi Joe,
    I have increasing pelvic pain developing over the past 4years. Pain spasms start around mid cycle and relief comes a few days into my cycle.
    I have light menstral bleeding & only minimal cramping. back pain and fatigue when I have pain which is sometimes up to 20days, pain is increased when bladder is filling causes need to urinate alot, a feeling of pressure that builds and agitation from bending movements. Also prior to passing stool and feeling of lackif pressure/ability to bear down. But doesnt seem to be effect digestion i.e constipation. USscans come up all normal. I am scheduled in for laparoscopy to diagnose in a months time I am hesitant as don’t want to have invasive surgery but as far as I know this is the only way to diagnose?
    I’m wondering to I have the laparoscopy so i can know how to treat? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,
    I am interested in your therapy.
    Many thanks

    • Joe says:

      A major problem I have in treating you on my Website is that I do not have the advantage of diagnosing your problem on the basis of your report of pelvic pain as this could be due to a variety of causes.

      Have your gynes diagnosed you with Endometriosis and perhaps Chocolate Cysts? Can you indicate their report?

      If it is Endo and CC, you can read the many reports of patients whom I have helped and the majority cured.

      You have not mentioned your age and if you are married with children.
      As you will realize this information is essential to treat you.

      Postpone the laparoscopy for later.

  250. M.K.SHARMA says:

    my daughter is ahvng endometric cyst(Chocklate cysts) in Ovaries.

    • Joe says:

      I have prescribed for your daughter’s Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts on August 7.

      Have you given the remedies to her up to now?

  251. Priyanka says:

    Hi Sir,

    I am very happy to read the posts and know that there is treatment for chocolate cysts.
    I am 27 years old and found cholocate cysts in my ultrasound, please find ultransound report details:
    Right overy shows at least 2 cysts with low levels echoes ehithin, larger one shows echogenic debris-37 x 29.8 mm and 18 mm.Right overy measures approx.5.7 x 3.2 x 4.1 cm with voulume of 40.5 cc.
    Left overy shows 2 small cysts with low level echoes(21.3 x 15.8 mm and 20 x 10 mm).Left overt measures approx.4.3 x 2.5 x 2.9 cm with a volume of 17.2 cc.
    -Possibility of bilateral endometriotic cysts is likely.
    I experience heavy bleeding during my periods for first 2-3 days , but no pain. As suggested by doctor , i took Yasmin for 3 months. But no major reduction in cysts size.
    My doctor is asking to get opearted , but i do not want to. Can you please advise me.

    Thanks and Regards,

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      You are advised to follow the dosage pattern below:

      7 AM Bellis
      8 AM Apis
      9 AM Arnica

      7 PM Bellis
      8 PM Apis
      9 PM Arnica

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  252. Cilla says:

    Hello Joe,
    I am 14 wks pregnant and have 2 cysts, one endometrioma and one dermoid cysts, both blood and both in my right ovary. The endometrioma was 9.7cm on the last scan and the dermoid was 3.5cm. As they are both in my right ovary, both relatively large and I am pregnant, the doctor has stated that I need to have my ovary removed before I am much further on in my pregnancy. Due to the risks to the baby I am worried about this but would you think that really due to the urgency of the case it is too late to start medication?
    Thank you very much.

    • Joe says:

      I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.
      I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.

      Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
      I am 86 years old.

      • Cilla says:

        I’m sorry if this offended you, I noticed that others have addressed you by your given name and was unaware that this was not allowed. In the UK where I live, it would generally be a normal mode of address, particularly as the only thing I know about you is your name.
        May I ask why most others have been permitted to use this mode of address and not been rebuked?

        • Joe says:

          I did not object to being addressed by my name up to 2 years ago, but decided that enough is enough when I discovered that the majority of patients who consulted me, used a Pseudonym which gave me the cue to resist being addressed by a complete stranger who was consulting me for the first time, by my given name, Joe.

          I have never charged for my therapy aka “Joepathy” and if you are interested to have more data on this term, you can do a Search on the Internet to read the many thousands of cases I have helped to solve with my own Protocol which does not conform to classical Homeopathy which in any case does not have the same curative rate that my own therapy does even though I use and prescribe the same remedies that classical homeopaths prescribe.

          It was then that I decided that I should request patients to address me in the manner that is customary in my country as I did feel that my advanced age qualified me to expect others to respect it, as many of them were old enough to be my grandchildren.

          I noticed that patients consulted me after they discovered that the drugs first prescribed by their doctors did not help them. Some had then consulted classical homeopaths who invariably made their condition worse and after a search on the Internet they then consulted me, when they were invariably cured of their ailment or disease in a short time, sometimes overnight.

          I am not offended by your addressing me by name, which you state is common today in the UK but my first visit to the UK, England as it was then known was in 1947 and I have lived in Wimbeldon for some time in later years, in the Sixties and Eighties and did not notice that it was customary to address a physician by his name, at least not on a first consultation. It is just that I wished to remind you that there is something sacred about protocol which may, as you state be different today in comparison to what it was during the time that I used to visit your country in the past.

          If you still do wish to consult me, you are requested to copy your case without addressing me by my name on my Website.

  253. Misti says:

    Dear Sir,
    I was diagnosed with a chocolate cyst of 3.6 cm in my right ovary and my gynac prescribed me modexyprogestrone for 3 months after which the cyst reduced to 2.1 cm there after i visited a homeopath who prescribed me calcarea fluor 7ch but after 2 months of medication the cyst returned to 3.7 cm . i am desperately want to conceive plz help

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      Read the accounts of 4 mothers on my Website who were blessed with Babies after using my therapy. You can access them by doing a search on my Homepage under “Endometriosis”

  254. M says:

    Hi Joe

    Pls help, Ovarian cyst on left ovary about 7 cm and constant weight gain. I really need help with this. I tried to post on abchomeopathy but no one seems to give a proper direction.

    I AM REALLY VERY UPSET AND DEPRESSED AND ANGRY ALL AT THE SAME TIME. I got my eyes swollen and cannot stop crying.
    Please help.

    • Joe says:

      I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.
      I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.

      Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
      I am 86 years old.

      You are also expected to give me more data on how old you are, how long you have had your Chocolate Cyst, and if you also suffer from Endometriosis.
      Do you experience pain and have excess bleeding at your periods?

  255. Aika says:

    Sir I am 25 years old and I was diagnosed with cyst in my left ovary recently measuring 11.9×7.5cm in size. The doctor writes the following in the report of my ultrasound:
    “Cyst with low level echoes and septation seen in left adnexa measuring 11.9×7.5cm could be a cystadenoma. On CDS no significant vascularity seen within the walls of the cyst”

    Ive consulted the gyne doctor on my report and she suggested me laproscopy straight away. But me and my parents are not willing to go for that. Im experiencing mild pain at my left kidney side which is more frequent now than before.. though I never experienced any problems in periods. They are regular. Kindly suggest me some homeopathic treatment for the cysts and also mention the brand so it will be helpful for me to find in Pakistan. Your help will be much appreciated.

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      • Aika says:

        Much appreciate your quick response. I will order these medicines tomorrow only and will keep in touch with you on the progress of my condition. Can you kindly just reconfirm me the procedure to take it- You mentioned 3 drops of each medicine in 500ml bottle.. and we have to take only a capful of the dose.. so what we going to do with the rest?

        • Joe says:

          You will obviously drink it all up to the last drop till you are hopefully CURED, but this should take a few months.
          The contents should normally last for a couple of months.

          And you will not use just the ONE bottle for the 3 remedies as they will antidote each other. You will use 3 separate bottles. You will leave half hour between each remedy.

  256. Mihaela says:

    Dear Dr.Joe,
    I need your help. I’m 33 and had a daughter 8 years ago with Caesarian.I was diagnosed with endometriosis on my abdominal wall 2 -3 years after the birth.The endometriosis is on the left side above my C-section scar in my opinion a size of a small lemon.I’m in pain and the endometriosis gets bigger in the begining of my period and few days after my period ends.

    Thank you and best regards,

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  257. Mihaela says:

    Thank you so much dear Dr.Joe.I will inform you in a week after I take the first dose.

  258. WENDYJAND3 says:

    Dear Dr. Joe- I have been diagnosed with a possible chocolate cyst 6 cm. on my left ovary, as well as endometriosis Stage 3 (I had laproscopic surgery 11 years ago). My new Oncology Ob i saw recommended a FULL HYSTERECTOMY, which i am against having! I am 43 years old, and would prefer to go into natural menopause in the next 7 years or so. I am going to request that he do excision surgery this summer so that i can get a fresh start (i feel that i have adhesions around my bladder and bowel), I have a pulling feeling down my left leg (the side with the cyst), and i have difficulty urinating (i have to push, which makes me think things are blocked up). And then i plan to do a low dose birth control pill continuously for the next several years to hopefully bring me to menopause without losing my body parts. My question for you is: can i do these homeopathic treatments along with low dose birth control pills? I may also do natural progesterone cream to counterbalance some of the side effects from the bc pill. I am very interested in your treatment with arnica and bellis perennis. Also, can i start this treatment before surgery? Thank you for your time! Wendy

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      I have anticipated and have answered your question on taking drugs with my therapy above.

      Homeopathic remedies are all at NANO levels and they are all antidoted by any drugs you are taking.

  259. Deee says:

    Dear Dr.Joe,
    I am 29 years old and my husband is 34. We are desperately trying for a baby since 5 years with no luck. I was diagnosed with PCOD since puberty and endometriosis since 2.5 years both of which are not allowing me to become a mom. I will not have periods years together unless i take some medicines. Once i start with periods again it never stops until i again take tablets.

    Recently december 2014 I had my periods by taking ayurveda medicine which continued for almost 2.5months and finally stopped again with medications. March 2015 I had a severe pain in my abdomen which on scan was found that endo was severe enough with a 10cm cyst which had to be operated immediately.
    March 28th I had the surgery, April 4th I had the lupron shot and april 13th i again got my periods. 1st month of lupron was bearable. But again 2nd shot i took on may 4th and experiencing severe side effects of it. My gynec said before giving the 3rd shot let us get a scan done. So I had my scan yesterday. These are the results..

    URINARY BLADDER : Distended with normal wall thickness. No abnormal internal contents.

    UTERUS : Anteverted, measures 6.2 * 3.6 * 3.9cm. Normal in size, shape and echotexture. Normal myometrial echoes.
    EM measures 4.8mm. Cervix is normal in size and shows normal echotexture.

    OVARIES : Both ovaries are normal in size, shape and echotexture. No adenexal pathology.
    RO : 3.8 * 3.2cm & shows a dominant follicle measuring 2.0cm.
    LO : 2.9 * 2.0cm.

    No evidence of paraaortic nodes or free fluid in the abdomen.

    IMPRESSION : Normal abdominal sonography.

    So with this gynec said everything seems normal and I dont require the 3rd shot of lupron and she asked me to wait for my periods even its a year until it comes.

    May be the cysts have gone, but I feel the endo pain in the bowel and the bladder and the pulling pain in the legs. So even a little endo left over will definitely spread very soon. I have a very severe pain with the sexual contact and burning sensation.

    Sir, I am very much interested in taking your medicines which can prevent me from seeing endometriosis in future and I dont want to have any further surgeries for this.

    We are a couple desperately wanting for a baby sir, so kindly suggest what medicines should I go on in order to prevent the return of endo and have a healthy baby.

    And the medicine you suggest, can it solve my PCOD problem also and make my periods regular?
    I stay in Mysore-Karnataka-India. And if u can suggest where I can get the medicines near my place.

    Will be waiting for your answer sir…

    Thanks & best regards,

    • Joe says:

      I do wish that I can help you to have a baby as my first born arrived 10 years after we were married and although I am now 86 years of age, I do still remember the trauma that we suffered with every period, which you and your husband are going through today.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which many ladies have used 4 of whom have bourne Babies. You are among the few who present PCOD + Endometriosis + Chocolate Cysts which makes your chances low and all I can do is to pray that God will bless you with a Baby.

      You should however show a marked improvement in the pain and the bleeding you experience and I would appreciate if you will keep me posted of your response from time to time.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      • Deee says:

        Dear sir,

        Thank you so much for ur quick response in wishing someone good widout anything in return. People like u are very rare now a days.

        I will definitely post you once I start taking the medicines. But my worry is I dont know from where to get these medicines. Do we get it somewhere in n around my place or I will have to order it online?
        And one more doubt is, will these medicine bring periods? Because I dont get my periods unless I take any medicines. Or should I just continue wit ur medicines even without periods?

        Thanks & regards,

        • Joe says:

          I believe you live in Mysuru from your email IP address and you should be able to get the remedies in Bangalore from the 2 addresses below:

          Haresh Homeo House,
          25/3 M.B.Plaza 1st Floor Opp SBM ATM,
          Shivajinagar, Bangalore 560001

          Mahaveer Ayur & Homeo,
          23 Lady Curzon Road Opp Bowring Hospital, Shivajinagar, Bangalore 560001.

          The Homeopathic Center
          100 First Floor
          Dr Muthulakshmi Salai
          Opp Nerct Electronics
          Chennai 20

          009144 24404393

          The remedies I have prescribed will help to reduce Chocolate Cysts and will also control the proliferation of the Endrometrial growth which I believe will help you. The Arnica will help your bleeding if any and will also help in your recovery.

          I cannot guarantee that you will get your periods but you can hope and observe and report progress.

        • Joe says:

          I believe you live in Mysuru from your email IP address and you should be able to get the remedies in Bangalore from the 2 addresses below:

          Haresh Homeo House,
          25/3 M.B.Plaza 1st Floor Opp SBM ATM,
          Shivajinagar, Bangalore 560001

          Mahaveer Ayur & Homeo,
          23 Lady Curzon Road Opp Bowring Hospital, Shivajinagar, Bangalore 560001.

          The Homeopathic Center
          100 First Floor
          Dr Muthulakshmi Salai
          Opp Nerct Electronics
          Chennai 20

          009144 24404393

          The remedies I have prescribed will help to reduce Chocolate Cysts and will also control the proliferation of the Endrometrial growth which I believe will help you. The Arnica will help your bleeding if any and will also help in your recovery.

          I cannot guarantee that you will get your periods but we can hope and observe and you will report progress.

  260. Deee says:

    Dear Sir,

    Thank u for your response. Will get the medicines from any of the address given by you. Definitely will update my progress once I start taking it sir.

    Thanks & regards

  261. Asma says:

    Dear Dr Joe,

    I have been diagnosed with Endometriosis during last month, I was so shocked when my Gynecologist suggested hysterectomy. I was so depressed and started reading about this disease and its cure, fortunately I have found your page, read almost every post, that has lifted the clouds of gloom and depression, I am not worried any more since I have found your remedies.

    Let me briefly share my medical reports with you. Mt CA 125 is 156,
    ” A cyst is seen in left ovary measuring 39×36 mm, with internal low level echoes and tiny calcific foci in its wall. IMPRESSION: Left adnexal (ovarian) complex cyst….? Endometriosis.

    my Globulins are 3.6. ESR-28. vit D is 20.5.

    I have never taken black tea in my life and the coffee intake is no more the 2 cups in a year. I dont eat processed food at all, no fried or fast food at all. I eat healthy and just home cooked food, beside that I am over weight, though I am not regular in work puts but i do take regular walks. I weigh 92 kgs. I am 41 and not married. Due to some circumstances I remain under tremendous stress.
    My periods are very regular, with heavy bleeding that last for 5 days. I have been having painful periods right from the very first day, I take synflex to control the pain. from last few months I get periods on time but the flow is prolonged. After my periods I feel severe pain in my back and lower abdomen.

    Can i use your default remedy that is
    Bellis Perennis 30c
    Apis Mel 6c
    Arnica M 30c.

    Please help me recover. waiting for your reply. God bless you.

    Best Regards

    • Joe says:

      Glad to learn that you have studied my therapy as prescribed to hundreds of other patients and I hope that you have also read the reports of patients who were cured of both their Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts and the 4 who have been blessed with babies.

      I must record my surprise at your gynecologist suggesting a Hysterectomy at your age of 41 years. I note that you weigh 92kg which is obviously overweight and you will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals and report your weight loss which can expect to be over 1kg per WEEK. You must of course be careful of your diet and you must EXERCISE daily and also drink over 3 ltrs of liquids. Water preferred and No sugar.
      You stated:
      “Due to some circumstances I remain under tremendous stress.”
      Have you been prescribed any drugs for your stress ?

      Your bleeding will be arrested within a few days of taking the Arnica 30c prescribed and you will report your status during and after your period.

      I shall copy my default therapy below for the record:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts below:

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  262. Keya says:

    Dear dr joe,
    I am keya,28, suffering for endometriosis and got a tremendous pain from 23 rd june. After usg it was shown that i have a cyst 85mm×76mm in my left adnexa and ca125 report was 42.5u. Then i searched for remedys and then find your treatment and from then i have taken the three medicine in wet dosage from 8th july to 18th july and test usg again and it was then 75mm×60mm. Bt my dr pescribed me for laproscopy. And my parents take desicion for it. In 23 july it was done and amazingly on that 23 the cyst was 60mm jst. Today i am fit. No problame at all. Bt dr tell me that it can grow again and i have to take some injection and medicine as i am not married and planning my marriage after 2 year. Dr please tell me what to do now for precaution and for without cystfull problametic life. Have i to continu your medicine or steroid hormonal injection??

    • Joe says:

      I do not have any record of having prescribed for you but presume that you have read and studied my therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts (CC) on my Website. I am very glad you did so and you have proved that the reason why I established my Website in 2010 is amply justified as it is open to the world on the WWW and will hopefully outlast me as I am 86 years of age. I use and prescribe my own therapy aka “Joepathy” which has helped many thousands of patients throughout the world.

      I am indeed not only deeply shocked but flabbergasted, that your parents insisted on your being subjected to a Laparoscopic surgery even after you used my simple and safe therapy for just 10 days and proved that your Chocolate Cyst had reduced by 10mm in dimensions and when you were opened up laparoscopically it was discovered that there was further reduction of 15mm.

      I presume that they are not aware of the great risk you were subjected to in the anasthesia and in the surgery which was totally unnecessary in your case, as you had already used my Joepathy and had discovered that it had helped you in a manner that can be considered a RECORD in terms of the reduction of your CC from 85mm down to 60mm or actually 25mm in the short space of a month.

      This reduction has never been reported in the past and I have treated over 100 patients who were fellow sufferers like you. I find it difficult to believe it as in my experience over many years, Chocolate Cysts usually reduce at the rate of 10mm per month but in your case you have evidence in both your US Scans and on the actual Cyst which your surgeon had removed that it had reduced by 25 mm in a month.

      You stated: “Bt dr tell me that it can grow again and i have to take some injection and medicine”
      I am glad that your doctor warned you about the possibility of a recurrence of your CC’s and also your Endometriosis which he would have directly seen when he did your laparoscopic surgery. This is unfortunately the case with surgery and treatment with Danasol and other drugs similar to the injection that he had offered you. What he did not tell you is that there is a strong possibility that you will have to take these powerful drugs throughout your life to ensure that you do not get a CC with every one of your periods as this is a distinct possibility.

      My therapy will however control the proliferation of the Endometrical tissue which you can see on YouTube by doing a search for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cyst.

      All you have to do is to use my therapy as prescribed and you will discover that it will help to reduce the pain and the excess bleeding that many patients experience.

      You will REFUSE to take any drugs or Injections that your doctor will offer and I hope your parents will also realize the danger to which they exposed you even after you discovered that your CC had reduced in just 10 days.

      It may help you if you take a print of my article and present it to them.

  263. Asma says:

    Dear and Respected Dr Joe,

    hope you are doing well, I am happily surprised by your prompt reply. I really appreciate your dedication and professionalism.

    I have purchased the prescribed remedies and will start them today.

    I have been diagnosed Vit D, deficient and have been advised to take a therapy of Vit D injections, I had got its first short a month ago and the second in due today, the other one will be taken after 6 months. Shall I continue with the therapy? Can I take Fish oil capsule, evening prime rose oil and any other supplements along with your remedy?

    I was advised to take mild sedatives to manage stress and to get proper sleep for that I have used “Relaxin” or Lexotonil” but from the last 6 weeks I haven’t taken any of them.

    I also want to discuss briefly about my brother who is 36 years old but unfortunately physically challenged to to “Cerabral Atrophy”. He gets a prolonged episodes of hiccups that usually lasts for weeks, Can you recommend any remedy to control them as he is in pain and the Aloepathy medicines showing no results from last one week. I can discuss his case with you in detail, if you think that your remedies can cure him.

    May ALLAH bless you with all the best under his command.

    Best Regards

  264. Asma says:

    Dear and Respected Dr Joe,

    hope you are doing well, I am happily surprised by your prompt reply. I really appreciate your dedication and professionalism.

    I have purchased the prescribed remedies and will start them today.

    I have been diagnosed Vit D, deficient and have been advised to take a therapy of Vit D injections, I had got its first short a month ago and the second in due today, the other one will be taken after 6 months. Shall I continue with the therapy? Can I take Fish oil capsule, evening prime rose oil and any other supplements along with your remedy?

    I was advised to take mild sedatives to manage stress and to get proper sleep for that I have used “Relaxin” or Lexotonil” but from the last 6 weeks I haven’t taken any of them.

    May ALLAH bless you with all the best under his command.

    Best Regards

  265. Asma says:

    Respected Dr Joe,

    Hope you are doing well. I have started your default remedy for endometriosis two day back. I had early periods, very painful but I haven’t taken any analgesic. I have more veginal discharge then blood, since last one week I have been having pain in my pelvic bone added with the endo pain, the pain is so severe that my left leg gets so stiff when I get up from bed or chair. I also massage with mustard oil in order to relax the muscles.

    I have been having a problem of water retention from last so many years that get worsen during periods. I hardly get to see normal size of my feet.

    Kindly advise.

    Best Regards and prayers for your well being

  266. Keya says:

    Dear dr,
    I have shared my problame with you few days ago and its very nice to have a reply from you. Thank you sir for your kind presence. Sir in 31st july i have a review checkup in cmc,vellore. And get biopsy report. Dr tell me it was benign and iam totally safe but a endometriotic wall also present after laproscopy. And prescribed me LOETTE Ethinyloestradiol 20µg /levonorgestrel 100µg tablets for 1 year till my marriage. Then please tell me your most valuable openion for rest of my life and after marriage a healthy baby and stressless life regarding endometriosis. Now my parents understand that they made a big mistake. Bt you who is the sufferer actualy. Sometime i felt very sorry for myself. I need your help sir

    • Joe says:

      I cannot trace my last post to you and I believe that you are the patient who was forced to have a laparoscopic surgery for a Chocolate Cyst unnecessarily by your parents.

      Please copy my last post to you and also inform me the reason why you did a Biopsy and also the reason for taking the drug.

  267. Keya says:

    Dear sir,

    You mentioned that you can’t trace your last post. Here is the post
    –“Keya says:
    July 26, 2015 at 9:14 PM
    Dear dr joe,
    I am keya,28, suffering for endometriosis and got a tremendous pain from 23 rd june. After usg it was shown that i have a cyst 85mm×76mm in my left adnexa and ca125 report was 42.5u. Then i searched for remedys and then find your treatment and from then i have taken the three medicine in wet dosage from 8th july to 18th july and test usg again and it was then 75mm×60mm. Bt my dr pescribed me for laproscopy. And my parents take desicion for it. In 23 july it was done and amazingly on that 23 the cyst was 60mm jst. Today i am fit. No problame at all. Bt dr tell me that it can grow again and i have to take some injection and medicine as i am not married and planning my marriage after 2 year. Dr please tell me what to do now for precaution and for without cystfull problametic life. Have i to continu your medicine or steroid hormonal injection??

    Joe says:
    July 27, 2015 at 1:53 PM
    I do not have any record of having prescribed for you but presume that you have read and studied my therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts (CC) on my Website. I am very glad you did so and you have proved that the reason why I established my Website in 2010 is amply justified as it is open to the world on the WWW and will hopefully outlast me as I am 86 years of age. I use and prescribe my own therapy aka “Joepathy” which has helped many thousands of patients throughout the world.

    I am indeed not only deeply shocked but flabbergasted, that your parents insisted on your being subjected to a Laparoscopic surgery even after you used my simple and safe therapy for just 10 days and proved that your Chocolate Cyst had reduced by 10mm in dimensions and when you were opened up laparoscopically it was discovered that there was further reduction of 15mm.

    I presume that they are not aware of the great risk you were subjected to in the anasthesia and in the surgery which was totally unnecessary in your case, as you had already used my Joepathy and had discovered that it had helped you in a manner that can be considered a RECORD in terms of the reduction of your CC from 85mm down to 60mm or actually 25mm in the short space of a month.

    This reduction has never been reported in the past and I have treated over 100 patients who were fellow sufferers like you. I find it difficult to believe it as in my experience over many years, Chocolate Cysts usually reduce at the rate of 10mm per month but in your case you have evidence in both your US Scans and on the actual Cyst which your surgeon had removed that it had reduced by 25 mm in a month.

    You stated: “Bt dr tell me that it can grow again and i have to take some injection and medicine”
    I am glad that your doctor warned you about the possibility of a recurrence of your CC’s and also your Endometriosis which he would have directly seen when he did your laparoscopic surgery. This is unfortunately the case with surgery and treatment with Danasol and other drugs similar to the injection that he had offered you. What he did not tell you is that there is a strong possibility that you will have to take these powerful drugs throughout your life to ensure that you do not get a CC with every one of your periods as this is a distinct possibility.

    My therapy will however control the proliferation of the Endometrical tissue which you can see on YouTube by doing a search for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cyst.

    All you have to do is to use my therapy as prescribed and you will discover that it will help to reduce the pain and the excess bleeding that many patients experience.

    You will REFUSE to take any drugs or Injections that your doctor will offer and I hope your parents will also realize the danger to which they exposed you even after you discovered that your CC had reduced in just 10 days.

    It may help you if you take a print of my article and present it to them”

    Sir after laproscopy they told my parents to give the the money for biopsy check for final checking about it wheather is it benign or malignant. Previously they check my ca 125 and it wxas 42.5 unit. And finaly biopsy report came to our hand in 31st july. The report was safe and it is written that

    ” show section of a cyst wall lined by benign cuboidal to columner epithelium. The cyst wall shows areas of recent and old hemorrhage and mild chronic inflammatory cells. Overian stroma is present. Definite endometrial glands or stroma are not identified. There is no evidence of malignancy..””

    Then after viewing this report and checking my health give me a medicine LOETTE Ethinyloestradiol 20µg /levonorgestrel 100µg tablets for 1 year till my MARRIAGE. Which will restrict my menstral cycle. Then please give me your valuable advice so that i can live like a normal woman.

  268. Asma says:

    Dear and respected Dr. Joe

    Hope you are doing well. I have started your remedy for Endometriosis from 27th July 2015. My periods started one week early and were very painful. I am religiously using your default remedy. the pain is 50% reduced and I am feeling relax. since yesterday, all of a sudden pain started in the same area, there was no blood, there was a translucent vaginal discharge with a stinking odor, I am taking medicines the pain subsides but the intensity gets reduced after I take medicines.

    Plz advise.

    Best Regards and Prayers

  269. Asma says:

    Dear and Respected Joe, hope you are doing well, since last 2 days I have been experiencing pain in my right ear, that is increasing and I am suspecting infection, I am already using your remedy for Endometriosis. Please advise some suitable remedy , as per your advise NO aloepathic medicines should be used while one is on your treatment.

    I will really appreciate your advise as the pain is bothering me.

    Best Regards and Prayers.

    • Joe says:

      Pain in the ear is a condition that I cannot treat as it can be due to a variety of causes.
      You must consult a doctor to diagnose and treat it.

  270. Keya says:

    Dear sir,

    I have shared my problames few days ago. I got a lapro surgery in 23 july for endometriosis. It was presurerised by my parents and doctors when i am curing with your 3 miracle medicine. After that my doctors give me a contraceptive pill LOETTE medicine daily for 1 year. Doctor told me that i will get only 4 periods in a year. After laproscopy they examined biopsy and some adhesion and scars body still present. I need your help. I need your openion advice what to do now. I am waiting for your reply sir

    • Joe says:

      I can see the problem that you are undergoing from both your parents and your gynecologist who seems to be in a position to dictate what they feel should be your future course of therapy to treat your Endometriosis and CC’s. I am indeed very surprised that your parents have not accepted the fact that my therapy had indeed REDUCED your CC but insisted that you go ahead with the Laparoscopy.

      It is possible that the real reason that they do so is the attraction of the revenue in fees that they can extract from your parents by subjecting you to Laparoscopic surgery and you must know that this scenario will continue throughout your life. I am surprised that both your parents, who I presume are knowledgable, do not realize the danger that they are exposing you as it is almost certain that your Endometriosis is Chronic and every ovum which your Ovaries discharge with every cycle on the 13/14th day can each result in the next Chocolate Cyst.

      There is no known drug in allopathic medicine to equal to the Bellis Perennis 30c that I have prescribed to you and many patients have reported that it works in some miraculous fashion to Resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid into your body. The combination with Arnica and Apis ensures that your body is helped to keep the Endometriosis under control while the CC’s are not permitted to grow again and again.

      Your Doctor has prescribed:
      “a contraceptive pill LOETTE medicine daily for 1 year. Doctor told me that i will get only 4 periods in a year. After laproscopy they examined biopsy and some adhesion and scars body still present.”

      All I can do for you is to advise you NOT to be fooled by your gynecologist as all the drugs he can prescribe will not help you to control your Endometriosis and CC’s. You can do a search on my Home Page under Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts and read the many cases I have helped and also read about the 4 patients who have been blessed with babies.

      You must understand that I can only advise you but it it up to you to inform your parents that you are the patient and that you are not willing to take any drugs and injections in future as they will not help you in any way and can cause serious damage to your fertility.

  271. Keya says:

    Dear sir,

    You told me that “Endometriosis is Chronic and every ovum which your Ovaries discharge with every cycle on the 13/14th day can each result in the next Chocolate Cyst””. Then the restriction of periods is the right way?? Which restrict discharge of ovum from overies?? Where your medicine will not restrict my period at all. There is a c onfution in my mind sir. Please advice

    Sir i am 28 and i am unmarried and it takes another 3 years to marry. Now i am adult. Please advice me the way so that i can live this hazard free life and can give birth a healthy baby at the age 32. All circumstances puzzled me.

    • Joe says:

      Restricting a period with a BC pill is NOT the way to overcome your Endo and CC’s. It is obviously the CURE of your 2 problems that is urgent especially in your case, and you have already PROVED with data from your US Scan that my therapy has positively REDUCED the dimensions of your CCs in a few days.

      I am surprised that you cannot understand and appreciate the difference between the 2 therapies. The fact that you will miss your period does not make any difference as your current ‘stock’ of Ovarian follicles which were identified in your Scans will keep on increasing in size as the BC pill is unable to do so and you will again be forced to have laparoscopic surgery on a SOS basis in the near future.

      All I can do is to advice you and it is up to you decide with or without the advice of your parents and the interference of your gyne who will obviously want you on the table for another experimental laparoscopy which I hope you understand will continue throughout your future life.

  272. Asma says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,

    Its been a one month that I have started your default remedy for Endometriosis, This is my second periods with in a month, obviously I again had early periods with very heavy bleeding. What I have noticed that the constant pain in my lower abdomen and back at the left side is significantly reduced, I am still having the bleeding (brown color fluid) after my regular periods for that I need to use a thin sanitary napkin.

    My Vit D ranges between 10 to 20, can I use Vit D supplements along with this remedy. I am also intolerant to gluten, my entire body (from face to ankles) remains swollen that increases during periods. plz also advise me overcome these issues.

    Best Regards and prayers for your well being.

    • Joe says:

      You must consult a gynecologist to diagnose your problem with a US Scan
      to verify if you do present Endometriosis as this is essential for me to prescribe for you.

      The Vit D data you submitted is not of interest for me to try to help you.

  273. Keya Das says:

    I think you remember that i, keya das, am a patirnt who suffering from endometriosis, took surgical tratment 2 month ago due to some missunderstnding about the problem. It was unecessary and i agree with you totaly where your medicine reduced the cyst size and pain totally. Bt due to wrong ca 125 report i had to take the sergical option,as wrong report says it developed to the cancerious stage. Though it was absolutely wrong and i had to suffer. After that they give me a contraceptive pill LOTTEE to prevent my menstrul cycle as they think it can only be reduced or cured by hormonal treatment. Bt after taking it 20 days i fell some mild pain again.

    At that point i jst stopped the all medicine and i started your medicine that is Arnica, Apis mel 6c, bellis perenis.. and i am cntinuing these medicine presently. And my periods going normal from all side. Now jst for 3 days i stopped arnica bt cntinued 2 others and felt some mild pain in same portion of my abdomen.

    I want to follow you sir. I told you evrything. Please give your valuable advice to live hazardless life. Thank you sir

    • Joe says:

      My experience with patients whom I have treated for E & CC’s is that they have to use my therapy for about 6 months before they can consider stopping it.

      You can read the cases of patients I have treated by doing a search under “Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts” which will confirm my statement above. The great advantage with my therapy aka “Joepathy” is that it does not in any way cause side effects and can be used very safely for many months or years as found necessary.

      In my case I have used Arnica 30c in the Wet dose for 20 years nightly or more often as needed and at age 86, I can vouch for the fact that it has enabled me to enjoy a state of wellness free of all aches and pains and I do still go to office daily, driving my car in the traffic of Colombo.

      May I suggest that you report the gynaecologist who unnecessarily prescribed surgery to you to your local Medical Council to ensure that this consultant does not harm another patient like he did to you. You may like to take another scan of your abdomen to prove that you have successfully overcome your problem without the drugs prescribed later which in any event did not do any good.

  274. hira mughal says:

    Help me plzzzzz
    m very much upset
    I’m being using bell’s prennise 30c n arnica Montana 30c but my back flow n new cysts r being formed still…
    plz help me
    I want to conceive my age is 29 years old… n endometriosis is diagnosed in 2014
    M very much upset plz help me.. .

    • Joe says:

      You will have to give me more data on your ailment to enable me to help you.

      I presume that you have already consulted a gynaecologist and he has diagnosed Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts (CC) as you stated:
      “my back flow n new cysts r being formed still…”

      It is up to you to give all details including the size and number of CC’s and you can add the Scan report.
      When did you discover the CC’s and for how long do you bleed?

  275. hira mughal says:

    I really don’t know what’s the problem y m not get registered on ur site…
    plz Dr help me

    • Joe says:

      You do not have to register to consult me on my Website.

      State your problem in the same manner that you have posted your email.

  276. Soumya says:

    Hi Sir,

    Greeting of the day!!

    I am suffering from Endometriotic cyst from last 6 yr.My left and right ovary both contains endometritoc cyst,for which I usually bear a severe cramp on the first day of my cycle only.My cycle are normal and no excess bleeding.Due to severe pain,when I consulted doc they asked me to do ultrasound and found endometriotic cyst in my both ovary.To avoid surgery I consulted one Homeopathy Doc who prescribed me aurum muriaticum natronatum 3x and macrotinum 3x along with REPL 76 daily 3 times a day.But due to irregularities in taking medicine I am suffering pain.

    Please let me know if those medicines are right for me,I am married and of 30 yr age.


    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  277. zan says:

    Endometrioma cyst on left ovary 5.4 cm..

  278. Keya Das says:

    Respected sir,
    Its again keya das a recovered patient from endometriosis. Though i had to take surgical steps and the reason i explained eariler. Then i am continuing your three miracle remedies which made my life tension free and cystless. In december i did usg and that time it was cleared and reported that some sergical debris was present. Now i jst wanted to know sir if it continues and if i want to marry after 1 yr will it be problem to concive? Now i am 29.

    Secondly when i am taking red meat it become painful and problematic all the time. You never guide me about food habit so these time my request please give your valuable advice over this matter. What should i intake and what shouldn’t. Periof is normal and regular. And one more thing i jst wanted to know from you that yoga could make my life better or not in this aspect.

    Finaly sir i dnt possess enough vocabulary to show my respect, my gratitude to you. I am really very thankful to you. Looking forward to hear your valuable advice. Thank you again

    • Joe says:

      Your case is of interest to visitors, especially to Dr Arshad who is a qualified Homeopath who works in London and is helping me to prescribe for patients on my Website.
      I shall copy your first post of July 27 2015 below:

      Joe says:
      July 27, 2015 at 1:53 PM
      I do not have any record of having prescribed for you but presume that you have read and studied my therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts (CC) on my Website. I am very glad you did so and you have proved that the reason why I established my Website in 2010 is amply justified as it is open to the world on the WWW and will hopefully outlast me as I am 86 years of age. I use and prescribe my own therapy aka “Joepathy” which has helped many thousands of patients throughout the world.

      I am indeed not only deeply shocked but flabbergasted, that your parents insisted on your being subjected to a Laparoscopic surgery even after you used my simple and safe therapy for just 10 days and proved that your Chocolate Cyst had reduced by 10mm in dimensions and when you were opened up laparoscopically it was discovered that there was further reduction of 15mm.

      I presume that they are not aware of the great risk you were subjected to in the anasthesia and in the surgery which was totally unnecessary in your case, as you had already used my Joepathy and had discovered that it had helped you in a manner that can be considered a RECORD in terms of the reduction of your CC from 85mm down to 60mm or actually 25mm in the short space of a month.

      This reduction has never been reported in the past and I have treated over 100 patients who were fellow sufferers like you. I find it difficult to believe it as in my experience over many years, Chocolate Cysts usually reduce at the rate of 10mm per month but in your case you have evidence in both your US Scans and on the actual Cyst which your surgeon had removed that it had reduced by 25 mm in a month.

      You stated: “Bt dr tell me that it can grow again and i have to take some injection and medicine”
      I am glad that your doctor warned you about the possibility of a recurrence of your CC’s and also your Endometriosis which he would have directly seen when he did your laparoscopic surgery. This is unfortunately the case with surgery and treatment with Danasol and other drugs similar to the injection that he had offered you. What he did not tell you is that there is a strong possibility that you will have to take these powerful drugs throughout your life to ensure that you do not get a CC with every one of your periods as this is a distinct possibility.

      My therapy will however control the proliferation of the Endometrical tissue which you can see on YouTube by doing a search for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cyst.

      All you have to do is to use my therapy as prescribed and you will discover that it will help to reduce the pain and the excess bleeding that many patients experience.

      You will REFUSE to take any drugs or Injections that your doctor will offer and I hope your parents will also realize the danger to which they exposed you even after you discovered that your CC had reduced in just 10 days.

      It may help you if you take a print of my article and present it to them”

      Sir after laproscopy they told my parents to give the the money for biopsy check for final checking about it wheather is it benign or malignant. Previously they check my ca 125 and it wxas 42.5 unit. And finaly biopsy report came to our hand in 31st july. The report was safe and it is written that

      ” show section of a cyst wall lined by benign cuboidal to columner epithelium. The cyst wall shows areas of recent and old hemorrhage and mild chronic inflammatory cells. Overian stroma is present. Definite endometrial glands or stroma are not identified. There is no evidence of malignancy..””

      Then after viewing this report and checking my health give me a medicine LOETTE Ethinyloestradiol 20µg /levonorgestrel 100µg tablets for 1 year till my MARRIAGE. Which will restrict my menstral cycle. Then please give me your valuable advice so that i can live like a normal woman.

      I do remember that you were in acute pain at that time and I gave you instructions on stopping all drugs and using the 3 remedies I had discovered would help you last July. I am delighted to note that they have helped you up to now.

      I am also deeply touched by your expression of gratitude for having taken the time to come back to my Website. All I can state today is to advice you not to eat any red meat as you seem to be allergic to it although I do not understand how your condition worsens when you do eat meat.

      I am happy to learn that you are getting married in the near future and it is very likely that if you can start a baby that all your problems will cease. This has happened in the case of 5 patients like you who suffered many surgeries and traumatic pain before they consulted me and were helped to eliminate their Chocolate Cysts which in turn enabled them to have babies.

      I am now 86 years of age and hope to hear the news that you too have had a baby as this will
      be a source of great joy and satisfaction to me to know that you too had a baby after treatment with my “Joepathy”

  279. Mihaela says:

    Dear Dr.Joe can I take ayurvedic medicine along with your therapy for endometriosis?

    • Joe says:

      If the ayurvedic therapy has helped you, you should NOT use my therapy.

      In any case you cannot mix the 2 therapies as they will antidote each other.

  280. Meenakshi says:

    Dear Dr.Joe
    I am 46yrs old having severe bleeding and heavy clots(dark maroon or almost black in colour)for more than a year. Consulted gynecologist (alopathy) underwent D&C in September 2015 as the endometrium was 14+mm in thickness.
    My Ultrasound report on 30th January 2016 says
    uterus is anteverted and bulky measuring 7.5 into 5.9 into 8.4 cm. A subtle hypoechoic area of altered echotexture measuring approximately 2.0 into 2.0 cm is seen along with posterior wall of the uterine body which may represent focal adenomyosis or fibroid.. Endometrium is 7 mm in thickness.
    Both ovaries are sonographically normal. Right ovary measure 2.4 into 2.2 into 2.4 cm( vol. 6.5 cc) and left ovary measures 3.8 into 2.7 into 2.8 cm ( vol. 14. 9 cc). Left ovary contains well defined unilocular cyst measuring 1.9 into 1.6 cm.
    No abnormality is seen in the adnexae.
    No sonographically detectable bowel abnormality is seen.
    Impression:* Bulky uterus with subtle focal area of altered echotexture in the posterior myometrium which may represent focal adenomyosis/fibroid.
    * well-defined unilocular left ovarian cyst with features of follicular cyst.
    – I am taking SYSRON-NCR from 16th day for 10days after which I am having periods within 4days which last for 8-10days with heavy bleeding , dark colored clots severe pain. Also taking tablets for bleeding control, clot control and pain killers for 3days on gynecologists advice. Slowly this heavy bleeding and clotting getting heavier month by month.
    – now they advice for uterus removal.
    – as we live in a very remote area of Madhya Pradesh in India. I always worry what if sudden surgery is required.
    – while talking to one of my friends she said she too have the same problem and taking homeopathic treatment with which she is comfortable.
    -now I am in my hometown Visakhapatnam on summer vacation. If I have to go for surgery I may have to within 15days.
    -some say better to get uterus removed so that can avoid uterus cancer and this every month tensions.
    -my husband and myself are in big dilemma what to do.
    Now I request you to advice me and also would like to know, can I get my periods regularly i.e 27-30 days cycle with normal periods with homeopathy treatment. If so how long I may have to be on medication approximately.

    With Regards

    • Joe says:

      I have just read your post and shall copy my default therapy which I have prescribed to hundreds of patients some of whom have confirmed their experience after using my therapy. 5 of them have confirmed that they had babies but in your case at age 46 it is not recommended that you try for one.

      It is a pity that you did not contact me 10 years ago as there would have been evey chance that you too would have had a baby but the decision is yours to take the next step “as we live in a very remote area of Madhya Pradesh in India. I always worry what if sudden surgery is required.” I do not think that this eventuality can arise at your age.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

    • Joe says:

      I have not had any response from you to my prescription for your Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I copy below:

      Joe says:
      May 3, 2016 at 6:56 AM (Edit)
      I have just read your post and shall copy my default therapy which I have prescribed to hundreds of patients some of whom have confirmed their experience after using my therapy. 5 of them have confirmed that they had babies but in your case at age 46 it is not recommended that you try for one.

      It is a pity that you did not contact me 10 years ago as there would have been evey chance that you too would have had a baby but the decision is yours to take the next step “as we live in a very remote area of Madhya Pradesh in India. I always worry what if sudden surgery is required.” I do not think that this eventuality can arise at your age.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      Your Post of May 3:

      Dear Dr.Joe
      I am 46yrs old having severe bleeding and heavy clots(dark maroon or almost black in colour)for more than a year. Consulted gynecologist (alopathy) underwent D&C in September 2015 as the endometrium was 14+mm in thickness.
      My Ultrasound report on 30th January 2016 says
      uterus is anteverted and bulky measuring 7.5 into 5.9 into 8.4 cm. A subtle hypoechoic area of altered echotexture measuring approximately 2.0 into 2.0 cm is seen along with posterior wall of the uterine body which may represent focal adenomyosis or fibroid.. Endometrium is 7 mm in thickness.
      Both ovaries are sonographically normal. Right ovary measure 2.4 into 2.2 into 2.4 cm( vol. 6.5 cc) and left ovary measures 3.8 into 2.7 into 2.8 cm ( vol. 14. 9 cc). Left ovary contains well defined unilocular cyst measuring 1.9 into 1.6 cm.
      No abnormality is seen in the adnexae.
      No sonographically detectable bowel abnormality is seen.
      Impression:* Bulky uterus with subtle focal area of altered echotexture in the posterior myometrium which may represent focal adenomyosis/fibroid.
      * well-defined unilocular left ovarian cyst with features of follicular cyst.
      – I am taking SYSRON-NCR from 16th day for 10days after which I am having periods within 4days which last for 8-10days with heavy bleeding , dark colored clots severe pain. Also taking tablets for bleeding control, clot control and pain killers for 3days on gynecologists advice. Slowly this heavy bleeding and clotting getting heavier month by month.
      – now they advice for uterus removal.
      – as we live in a very remote area of Madhya Pradesh in India. I always worry what if sudden surgery is required.
      – while talking to one of my friends she said she too have the same problem and taking homeopathic treatment with which she is comfortable.
      -now I am in my hometown Visakhapatnam on summer vacation. If I have to go for surgery I may have to within 15days.
      -some say better to get uterus removed so that can avoid uterus cancer and this every month tensions.
      -my husband and myself are in big dilemma what to do.
      Now I request you to advice me and also would like to know, can I get my periods regularly i.e 27-30 days cycle with normal periods with homeopathy treatment. If so how long I may have to be on medication approximately.

      With Regards

  281. Mihaela says:

    Dear Dr.Joe I want to ask you about thaking another homeopathic medicine that my dr prescribed for my emotional state at this monent. It is carcinosinLM1 . Will there be a problem if I take it along with the endometriosis therapy ?

    • Joe says:

      “Too many cooks will spoil the soup”.

      It is up to you to decide which of your ailments is the more urgent and in need of help.

  282. Zahra says:

    Hello dr.joe.
    I request you to help me out plz
    I am 26 years old and single..and was diagnosed with a left ovarian cyst of size 7.2×8.3 cm two years back.. my memstrual cycle is very normal but before this cyst it was 6 days profuse now its just 2 days profuse and later it become scanty.i used alot of medicines in past 2 years including homeopathic and allopathic but no change in the size of cyst.i feel abdominal fullness and pain in my lower abdomen on left side and lower back plus left leg thigh.
    Regards and best wishes. Dr.zahra

    • Joe says:

      I noticed that you keep insisting in other posts that you do not suffer from Endometriosis but you must understand that a Chocolate Cyst is usually caused by Endometriosis and the therapy I have perfected which works to reduce the CC at 1cm per month will also help with the pain, bleeding and other problems associated with Endometriosis as you will discover if you use my therapy immediately after your menses, during your next period.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts which I have pioneered and have prescribed to many ladies in the past 10 years and you are requested to visit their cases which are recorded on my Website.

      Your remedies are:

      Bellis Perennis 30c
      Apis Mel 6c
      Arnica M 30c

      All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.

      Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the rapid growth of the Endometrial Tissue internally.
      Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. A Scan taken 3 months into treatment shows that there is no trace of any colour (anechoic) in the fluid. The CC usually reduces at about 1cm per month.
      Arnica will reduce the pain and bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.

      Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.

      Report your response in a week and after your next period.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      • Zahra says:

        Respected dear dr.joe
        Before starting I shall appreciate your concern and the work you are doing for people.infact it seriously raised your respect in my eyes that you took time and responded me.thank you for this.
        First i am again repeating this sentence to let you know that i am suffering from a simple follicular ovarian cyst not a CC which is associated with endometriosis.do you still like to prescribe me the same treatment?? Kindly confirm.plus this is my mid cycle and i will be having my next periods in a week.so if i have to take the same medicine when i shall start?? After my periods or right now??
        Secondly, sir I am qualified dentist practicing these days and for sure you can ask me for any dental or medical help.I would love to help you any time.
        One more thing I really appreciate that you are a proud researcher who is telling himself that you are not qualified but had worked and researched alot.
        I wish you the best of best health so that you keep your great work doing like this.
        best wishes and regards.

        • Joe says:

          Glad to note that you are in Medicine as this will enable me to explore with you how we can treat your Ovarian Cyst. You will have to give me all data you have up to now in detail to enable me to guide you to reduce your Cyst.

          I have treated over 50 patients for Endometriosis and Chocolate Cysts but you are my first to present an Ovarian Cyst which I presume has been diagnosed by a gynecologist to be not due to Endometriosis.

          I would like to have all the data you have from the many gynes you have consulted and also a detailed record of the symptoms that lead up to your Ovarian Cyst with an indication of the time frame. You will indicate details of the pain and bleeding levels you experienced. Your height and weight with details of your exercise levels and your marital status.

          Also visit:


          You can start taking Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily right away and you should notice some difference in your pain and bleeding in you next period which you will report to me.

          Your email IP indicates that you live in Lahore. Correct?

          • Zahra says:

            Dear sir,
            I read that recommended ovarian cyst knowledge u asked me to.
            I shall mention all the problems in a sequence so it would be easy for you to get my point.
            1: I was diagnosed with a simple follicular ovarian cyst two years back when i went to a doctor for my US scan due to severe excrusiating pain in my pelvic region and lower back with nausea vomiting and signs of kidney pain.

            2: size of the cyst was 7.8× 7.2 cm. It was anechoic, with no septae.or any other associated complication.
            3: My gynecologist was quite hopeful that it would reduce or go away after an antibiotic course and 2 or 3 menstrual cycle.after one week antibiotics the pain was not there.not any other associated symptoms. But after scan the size was the same.
            4: like other patients i have no menstrual cycle irregularity, infact bleeding flow is less than usual and scanty …and i am experiencing clots since last 3,4 months.
            5: Its been 2 years now and the cyst is still there with neither reduction in size
            Nor increase.
            6: i am 25 years and 3 months old. With 5’7″ height and 55kg weight. I am unmarried and planing for marriage in next year.Like everyone i really like kids and these studies about cysts that they drag to infertility are really scary for me.
            7: my gynecologist after my recent scan said this to me that its totally upto you that you can go for surgery or wait for some more time as my cyst is persistent in size.and there is no associated pain not heavy bleeding as normally patients complain.
            8: I really dont want to go for a surgery.and i read about your work for CC and write it to you.
            9: at this time the only symptoms are fullness of stomach, dull constant pain in left thigh and lower abdomen and back, heavy breathing associated with little exvercise or walk, increased body heat with sweaty palms.

            This is the entire data that i have.. and i request you to help me out.
            And yes i am living in Lahore.. I believe you are Srilankan?? As i percieved.

            Kind regards.
            Waiting for your response anxiously.

            • Joe says:

              The Arnica 30c I prescribed should hopefully help your bleeding and pain as it has done for many patients in a few weeks.

              We can then consider the next step to reduce the Cyst which I hope is not solid and if so, my default therapy for CC’s should help to reduce the mass which can then be mapped in a scan as my experience is that they reduce at 1cm per month.

              Keep me advised of your progress during your next period.

              I live in Colombo and am 86 years old and Homeopathy to me is only a Hobby to which I am dedicated. I am living evidence that it works in some mysterious manner as I have not taken any drugs whatever since 2008 when I was in surgery and have proved that one does not have to depend on drugs to live. I take a teaspoonful of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose as I have done for 20 years nightly. I have proved that this teaspoonful of Arnica is the reason for my current state of wellness, free of any medical impediment and I am sharing news of my therapy aka “Joepathy” to all who wish to use it through my Website as I have proved conclusively that my therapy CURES.

              I seem to be making some long overdue changes in the Classical protocol used in prescribing as the many classical homeopaths who once berated me for rocking the Classical boat about 10 years ago now seem to be using my “This for That” Joepathy protocol in the Wet dose as I presume that they have discovered for themselves that it works far more effectively to CURE the patient using standard Homeopath