5 1/2 Month Old with Reflux and “asthma”
From CTBeachBabieson 2011-09-02
My son was born on March 12, 2011 and is a happy spitter. By that I mean he throws up a lot, but it does not bother him. He is happy, gaining weight well (born at 9lbs 9oz and at 5 1/2 months is 21 lbs). He eats well and sleeps well. He is only breastfed.
At about 2 months old he got a chest cold. This required 2 weeks of nebulizer treatments. Medications Xopenx and pulmicort (we are in the US). Following that he got another chest cold and ear infection. Another round of nebulizer and antibiotics.
His cough cleared but still sounded weezy. Therefore, the weezy chest and frequent spitting up lead my pedi to diagnose him with reflux and perscribe zantac and daily nebulizer treatments. After one month and the weezing did not improve he was switched to prevacid and a referal to pedi pulmonologist who took him off the nebulizer, but put him on advair twice a day.
I do notice that they days he spits up more he is weezy. Otherwise he is a very happy, very healthy baby.
I’d like to get him off the prevacid and advair if at all possible. Our pedi and pulmonologist have all said we wont know if it’s real asthma until the reflux clears and who knows when that will be. I dont like the idea of him being on these meds if there is something natural that could help him. I’ve been reading briefly on Nat Phos 6x. My husband also suffers from acid reflux, high blood sugar, pressure and triglycerides so this could be a help to him too? BUT, my first priority is my son and his reflux.
Thank you in advance for any help you can give.
Re: 5 1/2 Month Old with Reflux and “asthma”
From Joe De Livera on 2011-09-02
I note your reference to Nat Phos 6x and this is indeed the remedy I have prescribed for many babies who have suffered from symptoms like your son’s, the majority of whom were cured. Your baby son’s case is more complicated as he suffers from both GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) and Asthma. The steroids prescribed are responsible for his abnormal increase of weight which at 21 pounds is excessive for his age.
I am horrified that your pediatrician(s) have prescribed the whole gamut of drugs prescribed for adults including PPI drugs — Prevacid and Zantac for your baby’s GERD and prescribed Advair and Xopenx and Pulmicort plus Nebulizers with steroids for his Asthma. It is likely that he could not have survived for long on this dangerous regimen and you must consider your baby as being very fortunate that you posted his critical condition on the ABC at this juncture in his life.
It is very likely that your son’s Asthmatic problems stem from his GERD and I shall be interested to see how he responds in a few weeks after you start on my therapy aka “Joepathy”.
I would like to start him off on 1 tablet Nat Phos 6x after every feed and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily for his GERD.
The remedy for his Asthma is Nat Sulph 6c and Ars Alb 30c both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose once daily.
It is very likely that his Asthma will cease when his GERD is cured.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Leave about half hour between remedies but give him the Nat Phos 6x dissolved in a teaspoonful of milk or water immediately after a feed.
It is understood that you will stop using all the drugs prescribed for your baby and only use them on a SOS basis if essential.
Please report his progress on a daily basis. You will appreciate that this is essential as you live in the US and I in Sri Lanka. This is the type of case that is usually treated directly during a consultation but both you and I can see the result of how your doctors have treated your baby’s case in the only manner that they have been taught to do with the most powerful drugs which are know to affect even adults. You have only to Google “Danger of using PPI drugs” to verify my statement.
If you have any urgent need to call me for help please contact me by email and you will find the address by clicking on my name when you will see my profile. If you have Skype on your computer we can then talk or you may contact me by phone.
Please visit the link below to read a similar case to your baby’s
Please request your husband to visit the link below for information on my therapy for GERD for adults. If he wishes me to treat him too, I shall do so later including his Diabetes and Hypertension with Cholesterol and Triglycerides.
Dear Joe,
I found your postings on line and am hopeful that your “Joepathy” can help our 10 week old son.
He is 16 pounds and 2 ounces currently and has been suffering from silent acid reflux which has gotten progressively worse. He is now having difficulty eating and will cry at the breast (exclusively breastfed with occasional bottle of breastmilk). Or if he does feed, will stop after just a little while, arch his back and refuse to continue feeding.
His spitting up is not after every feed but when he does it smells acidic and is in larger quantities than before. He also chokes, coughs, wheezes and sneezes now. And he sticks his tongue out, smacks his lips and acts like he’s trying to swallow something unpleasant.
Our pediatrician believes it is acid reflux and has offered to put him on Reglan or Prevacid. Or has suggested we begin to add cereal to his breastmilk.
Neither solution sounds good to us, since we are concerned the meds will cause damage and we have heard adding cereal adds calories while decreasing nutrients and fluids, setting him up for weight gain issues and constipation.
We would very much appreciate your advice. I have read about you recommending Nat Phos 6x in decreasing amounts over a period of days and possibly supplementing with a wetdose of Arnica 30x to rebuild the esophageal tissue.
Is this what you would suggest in our case? And what dosage(s) would you recommend?
Our son is either screaming from pain or sleeping from exhaustion most of the day. I am overly exhausted, feel horrible for his pain and desperate for a cure.
Any advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
With love and gratitude,
Dawn (mother of Elijah)
PS I live in Los Angeles, California. And for the last three feedings we have given him 2 to 3ml of 1/3 pill Nat Phos 6x diluted in 5 ml water. The first dose relieved the symptoms and he slept for 1/2 hour. The second dose he screamed, arched his back and threw his arms out as if he were in pain, screaming until he passed out from exhaustion (his normal reaction to the reflux but magnified). The third dose his symptoms were relieved.
It is indeed a coincidence that I have 2 cases today of babies, yours and Pan’s who are both boys and are both 16 lbs in weight and are both suffering from Baby GERD. You can visit Pan’s case on:
It is at the bottom of this thread.
You did right in not following your pediatrician’s therapy which would have only contributed to making Elijah’s case far worse than he is now.
I note that you have already used my Nat Phos 6x therapy and reported:
“The first dose relieved the symptoms and he slept for 1/2 hour. The second dose he screamed, arched his back and threw his arms out as if he were in pain, screaming until he passed out from exhaustion (his normal reaction to the reflux but magnified). The third dose his symptoms were relieved.”
You can expect his current improvement to continue into the future but you must also give him Arnica 30c in the Wet dose as per my therapy below:
The remedies that have proved to be very effective for Baby GERD are:
Nat Phos 6x dose half tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose half teaspoonful given twice daily half hour before a feed.
You will STOP all other drugs prescribed for baby which as you have already seen have not done any good.
Please confirm that you burp him immediately after each feed.
You will avoid all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby.
You will not give baby any solids whatever till he is 12 months old.
Report progress as often as you wish on this blog as I get an alert within 5 minutes.
We just gave Eli his 4th dose. This time 1/2 pill dissolved in 5ml breastmilk. He will still only take 2 ml before he complains of being full. This time he started complaining of acid before the dose and it took us a few minutes to prepare the solution and calm him down enough to give it to him, so he did cry for awhile after but is calm and passed out from exhaustion on my shoulder.
I confirm that I have eliminated already any problem foods from my diet (no onion, garlic, citrus, dairy, eggs, caffeine, chocolate or wheat). I eat only quinoa, millet, steamed green veggies, red meat, fish, sprouted grain bread, and occasionally soy yogurt and almond butter.
I am now taking the Nat Phos 6x, 2 pills after each of three meals. I just had my first dose.
We ordered the Arnica 30c and it will be here in 3 days. If I remember correctly, we will put 3 drops in 500ml of spring water and shake vigorously. Correct?
Is it from the 500ml dilution that we take the 1 teaspoon dose for Eli?
Also, we have been giving Eli the Nat Phos after EACH feeding, but he sometimes feeds as often as each hour. I read somewhere that you said give no more than 4 whole pills in any 24 hour period. So should we continue with 1/2 pill doses after EACH feeding until he has had 8 doses (equivalent of 4 whole pills)? Or should we continue to dose him even after we have exceeded 8 doses in 24 hours?
Please advise. And thank you so much for your help.
You will have to tell me if my therapy has helped Eli at least to ease his problem with GERD. You must understand that I do not have any referral to him other than through you and I shall await your reply ASAP.
You are correct that I have advised the parents not to exceed 4 tablets daily as quite frankly I do not have any reference to how your baby will respond but suffice it to state that my therapy is by far more safe than the PPI drugs that pediatricians are wont to prescribe at the drop of the proverbial hat as they just not aware of any alternative to their poisonous drugs which you only have to search for under
“The Danger of PPI Drugs”.
If you feel that the Nat Phos has helped him to ease his present status, you can increase the total dosage in 24 hours to 6 tablets. I note that you have not used the Arnica 30c so far and it is possible that the reason for his continued GERD is due to this lack of the Arnica. You can, till you get supplies, use the Arnica 30c pellets to give baby the dose. You will use 6-8 pellets in a 500ml bottle of spring water and give him half teaspoonful per dose and you will discard the bottle and make a new one when you get the Liquid Dilution.
I note that you include Red Meat in your diet and I would prefer that you do not. Keep your food intake as neutral as is possible to give baby a breather from his GERD as we do not know what the cause is for his condition.
It seems to be working. He’s had two doses already this morning and has not complained at all about acid. He is complaining right now only of a full tummy because I tried to give him the full 5ml after a full feed.
Last night he slept less than usual, but did not seem to be in pain other than some gas a couple times last night. But that could be from having him more upright more often.
I did not give him any doses last night during his feeds. But even without the doses I saw improvement. Normally he would cry from the acid and would be inconsolable. Last night he would cry but stop as soon as I started walking.
I will stop eating red meat to see if that helps. I will need to take an iron supplement since I am still trying to rebuild my iron levels due to blood loss at the birth.
I will try to find Arnica 30c at one of the stores and start that today. I will let you know how that goes.
After the first 24 hours pass, should we continue with the same dosage of the Nat Phos?
Glad to learn that Nat Phos ALONE has helped Eli. I have always prescribed it in conjunction with Arnica 30 as they compliment each other and you will also observe after giving the Arnica that there will be an almost immediate improvement in his status leading to a full recovery a few days after.
“He is complaining right now only of a full tummy because I tried to give him the full 5ml after a full feed.”
Do not overfeed him as this can result in unnecessary problems.
Nat Phos 6x is a very safe remedy for both babies and adults and if you feel that it can help Eli you can give it to him without any fears like giving him the PPI drugs.
It occurs to me that you too can benefit with Arnica and the dose is 1 capful twice daily. Eli will also benefit from your dose through your breast milk.
My boyfriend went to the store last night to get the Arnica tablets. Only problem is that he got Arnica Montana 30x rather than 30c. Will it still work? How would I prepare the solution with 30x. The tablets are the same size and shape as the Nat Phos 6x tablets.
Also, I only have a 2400ml container. I plan to boil & cool filtered water since it’s advised not to give babies bottled water. Will this work?
I just stopped here to find out that we are dealing with a very similar case with our babies.
I just wanted to mention that even though a skin allergy test didn’t show any allergies on my son. We insisted the Allergist Dr. to order a blood test and we found out that my son is severely allergic to peanuts. Please note I have tried several times in the past to eliminate foods in my diet with no success, my diet was so boring and my son’s GERD was categorized as SEVERE and getting worse every day.
For the past two weeks I have been diligently reading food labels (looking for hidden ingredients for milk, soy, peanuts, tree nuts) and after eliminating those along with red meats, and adding back onions, garlic, legumes, grains, lettuce and all the natural foods. I have seen a great improvement on my son’s GERD and now with Joe’s therapy, I see a bright light through a tunnel.
I don’t know if helps with your baby but I noticed you still eating nuts and/or foods processed with tree nuts such as quinoa. Like you, I was eliminating gassy and citric foods, along with dairy and wheat, but I was not reading labels, plus I didn’t eliminate nuts which are even present in canola oil, so I didn’t see any improvement.
The Allergist told us a nut allergy can present itself with GERD and gut problems in early stages.
I hope it helps
I have done my part in prescribing for your son and it is up to you to use my therapy precisely as prescribed.
You cannot and must not deviate from my prescribed therapy and you must be warned that serious problems can arise by substituting Arnica 30x for 30c.
Okay. Thank you for getting back to me and letting me know that Arnica 30x can not substitute for 30c. Michael said that he could not find 30c or liquid in any of the stores. So we will just have to wait until the liquid we ordered arrives. It is schedules to arrive between the 24th to 27th of this month. Much later than I originally thought.
In the meantime, we are still giving him 1/2 pill after each feed except the night feedings. At night he doesn’t actually wake up to feed and it is difficult for me to prepare the medicine and give it to him.
The Nat Phos still seems to be working but shortly after his feed, while we are preparing the medicine, he still complains of acid. Reading Pan’s post (Thank you Pan! :)) it makes me wonder if there is a food allergy present. I think I will try eliminating all nuts and see what that does.
“In the meantime, we are still giving him 1/2 pill after each feed except the night feedings. At night he doesn’t actually wake up to feed and it is difficult for me to prepare the medicine and give it to him.”
It is at night that the Nat Phos is required most as the digestion slows down during sleep and as a result the chances of his getting the acid reflux it increased.
I do not understand your problem “to prepare the medicine and give it to him.”
Please explain.
You must give him Arnica 30 twice daily to help him to CURE his GERD.
Joe, it is difficult to prepare and give him the medicine at night because he does not wake up and I cannot get him to swallow the medicine when he is asleep. It was also difficult to prepare it because I was needing my partner’s help to watch Eli while I pumped some milk to mix with the Nat Phos and then afterwards cleaned the pump pieces. But at night he can not help me because he needs to sleep so he can work.
But good news! Eli is no longer complaining of reflux. I gave him his first dose in the morning. Then he had two feeds where he fell asleep while I was preparing his medicine but never complained that anything was bothering him. I gave him a 2nd dose after his post-nap feed.
He is much calmer and happier. No more inconsolable crying… and we haven’t even given him the Arnica, yet!
Oh, also I should mention that I cut all soy, red meat and nuts out of my diet. I think he may have been having a reaction to one of those.
So, should I continue to dose him? And when the Arnica arrives late next week, should I still give that to him?
Glad to learn that Eli has responded to the Nat Phos alone and is not suffering from his GERD symptoms anymore. You can continue with your protocol with Nat Phos alone for the moment till the Arnica arrives.
The Arnica will help to rebuild the esophagus which has been damaged by the gastric juice reflux. Let us consider whether you should use it after it arrives.
Please note that the Nat Phos is only given after a feed and not before.
It is also possible that your food intake was also responsible for his problems.
Joe, thank you so much for all of your help. The Nat Phos really works!
I will let you know when the Arnica arrives. It is such a relief to know there is a treatment/cure for reflux that is not so harmful as the standard Western treatments. We are so grateful.
We are letting our pediatrician know about Nat Phos & Arnica.
Glad to note that the Nat Phos 6x alone has helped baby. The Arnica will heal the delicate lining of the Esophagus which has been virtually burnt by the toxic acid in the gastric juice for which your pediatrician has prescribed a PPI drug which has been proved to have other side effects which you can read about by Googling “The danger of PPI Drugs”. You can imagine the damage that this drug does to babies, a few months after they were born.
Pediatricians speak of the “baby dose” and it just makes me sick to know that parents like you who do not know the reason why baby cries obviously in acute pain after a feed and then pukes it all up, are prescribed the PPI drug which the doctor knows is dangerous to humans and more so for innocent babies.
You stated:
“It is such a relief to know there is a treatment/cure for reflux that is not so harmful as the standard Western treatments
Please note that there is absolutely no question that Nat Phos is NOT HARMFUL in any way to the body and this includes babies.
The presence of Natruim Phosphoricum or Sodium Phosphate (NaH2PO4), in a 6x tablet is just One Millionth of the salt. It is one of 12 Biochemic Salts that were identified by Dr Schuessler about 150 years ago and you may like to Google for “Boochemic Cell Salts” to read about them and how they work to rid the toxins in the body in a manner that drugs can never do.
I have identified and proved that Nat Phos will also reduce weight in the Obese at the rate of 1kg per week.(Joepathy).
You will do other babies a great favour if you will please take the container of Nat Phos and show or better still present it to your pediatrician with the fervent request to prescribe this remedy (it is not a drug) to ALL future cases of Baby GERD as Nat Phos HEALS, as you can testify even without the joint action of the Arnica 30 and baby grows up far more healthy than when poisoned by the PPI drugs.
Report progress weekly.
Spread the word around of how Joepathy CURED your baby.
Dr Joe,
I am a second time mother. My first never had reflux problem but second one does. My 5-week old suffers from reflux. She is breastfed exclusively. Last week I went to see her Dr. and he witnessed her after a feeding. Her face gets red, she squirms, thrusts tongue, look like she is going to gag, gets hiccups and moans or gives a short cry out in frustration. She is a good burper and burps and poops often. When she gets like this she needs to be held which i do for 30 minutes after a feeding. but yesterday I held her all day as she was uncomfortable when I put her in swing, crib, etc. She is a normally a consolable baby and does not have a full blown crying for hours fit of pain but when she is in discomfort it is very clear by observing her behavior. The Dr. prescribed her Zantac which worked for the first 4 days. Then on the 5th day didnt work so well. I researched and found your website and suggestions on Nat Phos 6x. I purchased this and administered 1/2 tab dissolved in water which did nothing to comfort her. I then delivered the other half 30-45 minutes later, which still had no effect. At her next feeding I administered 1 tablet dissolved in water after feeding which still had no effect. She continued to squirm, gag, etc. No spitting up. She doesn’t typically spit up much. At the time I had not given her the Zantac for over 10-12 hours. It may be important to note that my daughter has good check ups, growing well and is a little over 8 lbs.
After my attempts with Nas Phos 6x failed, I decided to give her the Zantac again at 10PM so that we all could get some sleep. It did settle her pretty quickly and she got 5 hours of sleep. She is a fairly good sleeper. Sometimes giving me 5-7 hours at a time but after not receiving the Zantac for 10-12 hours she was not able to settle down to put to sleep until I tried the Zantac again. Constantly squirmy and whimpering.
My questions is if I wanted to give this Nas Phos 6X another shot, how should I proceed with a case like mine. It seems other cases I have read describes lots of spitting up and inconsolable crying. I have been watching my dietary intake for the last few days, staying away from dairy, citrus, gassy veggies. Please advise as I always prefer a homeopathic cure to taking a prescription medicine. Thank you so much for your advisement.
Joe Reply:
It is best not to address your post to anyone in particular as I do not visit this website as I used to do in the past on a daily basis as there is no automatic email alert to advice me when a patient responds.
I note that you have given your baby the Nat Phos 6x and that it did not have any effect. This is surprising as I see that you have given her a full tablet. This can indicate that you may have not got the Biochemic Cell Salt which differs from the standard Homeopathic salt. You can verify this matter from the vendor as it is very rarely that it does not have the effect it has on helping baby.
You can also take the same Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily as the effect will pass over to baby in your milk.
Please also order:
Nux Vomica 30c in the Liquid Dilution which can be used if baby does not respond. The dose is quarter teaspoonful twice daily. Continue with the Nat Phos after checking on its specifications.
Do let me know how baby responds and if I do not respond to your post in 24 hours please alert me on my email:
Melissa reply:
Hi Dr. Joe,
I checked with the manufacturer at Hyland’s and they stated that the product I purchased #10 Nat. Phos 6X is Biochemic Cell Salt. Although the package states Homeopathic. I’m no chemist but perhaps you can shed some light. From reading the forums, I have read that Hyland’s is a popular brand many use. Is this not the correct product for me to treat my daughter’s silent reflux? If not, can you advise a website where I can purchase it.
I have taken your suggestion and took 2 tablets of the Hyland’s brand that I have already purchased but this may prove to be ineffective if I have not purchased the proper product. If you can confirm that I have purchased the correct product, I will proceed again by giving my daughter 1 tablet, thrice daily. In addition, I will continue to take 2 tablets thrice daily for myself in hopes this passes through my breastmilk. I will also proceed in purchasing the Nux Vomica 30c in the Liquid Dilution if indeed I have the correct form of Nas Phos 6X. I look forward to your reply.
Joe Reply:
On May 30, 2012, at 12:41 PM, Joe De Livera wrote:
Let us presume that you have the Biochemic Cell Salt.
Add the Nux V 30c in the Wet dose and report her response.
On May 31, 2012, at 7:46 PM, Melissa Arnold wrote:
Dr. Joe,
Wow! This is amazing. After your first reply i took the suggested dose of Nat Phos #6. After your last email i proceeded with giving my daughter another dose of Nat Phos #6 (1 tablet in .3ml of water) once we determined in was the Biochemic Cell Salt. This was around 1pm. We both continued this regimen every 4 hours. I wanted to get all 3 doses in prior to bedtime at 9pm. To my astonishment, after the second dose my daughter seemed a lot calmer during and after breast feeding. She only had the behaviors of a typical infant that needs to burp and then that was it. No discomfort exhibited. We skipped her Zantac dose which would have been administered at 4pm and took Nat Phos #6 as directed. I was nervous about bedtime and wondered how it would go. I gave her the last dose of Nat Phos #6 for the day at 8:30pm. She settled in for the evening as I stood over her and watched for reflux signs she has been exhibiting prior to Nat Phos #6 regimen. I observed none! Sleeping 4 hours then another 3 before I administered her 1st dose of day 2 at 5:30am. It was dark in my room so I believe I may have used a little too much water to dissolve the tablet but I gave her all of it. I took another dose for myself (2 tablets under tongue) at this time. After putting my daughter down last night I spent some additional time watching her and being so grateful that I came across your forum and have had the opportunity to work with you. Thank you.
I am still a little weary about how day 2 will go,if a relapse is to be expected, but I will be proceeding as you directed. I have not been able to order the Nux V 30C in the wet dose at this time but will have a second to do so today if you still feel it necessary. you suggested Nux Vomica 30c in the Liquid Dilution which can be used if baby does not respond. The dose was a quarter teaspoonful twice daily. Please advise. Also, I have some questions as I proceed with your direction.
1. How long do I continue with her dose (1 tablet thrice daily)?
2. How and when to wean her?
3. How long should I take the suggested dose (2 tablets thrice daily)? I personally typically have no stomach discomfort however will take it so that it goes through milk and benefits my daughter.
Thank you so much for taking the time with me and for sharing your knowledge.
Forever grateful,
On May 31, 2012, at 8:20 PM, Melissa Arnold wrote:
I meant to ask you about that. I will definitely paste everything on your forum. Can you please advise on the last portion (questions) of my last email so that i can transfer all info to your forum. Including where I should go from here in order to complete both mine and my daughter’s “Joepathy.”
Thank you again,
Joe replied and answered questions:
I am still a little weary about how day 2 will go,if a relapse is to be expected, but I will be proceeding as you directed. I have not been able to order the Nux V 30C in the wet dose at this time but will have a second to do so today if you still feel it necessary. you suggested Nux Vomica 30c in the Liquid Dilution which can be used if baby does not respond. The dose was a quarter teaspoonful twice daily. Please advise. Also, I have some questions as I proceed with your direction.
1. How long do I continue with her dose (1 tablet thrice daily)?
2. How and when to wean her?
3. How long should I take the suggested dose (2 tablets thrice daily)? I personally typically have no stomach discomfort however will take it so that it goes through milk and benefits my daughter.
I was looking for your last post confirming that your daughter had suddenly responded to my Joepathy but was sorely disappointed as I did not find it.
Did you omit it accidentally in the process of copying and pasting it or otherwise?
“Dr. Joe,
Wow! This is amazing. After your first reply i took the suggested dose of Nat Phos #6. After your last email i proceeded with giving my daughter another dose of Nat Phos #6 (1 tablet in .3ml of water) once we determined in was the Biochemic Cell Salt. This was around 1pm. We both continued this regimen every 4 hours. I wanted to get all 3 doses in prior to bedtime at 9pm. To my astonishment, after the second dose my daughter seemed a lot calmer during and after breast feeding. She only had the behaviors of a typical infant that needs to burp and then that was it. No discomfort exhibited. We skipped her Zantac dose which would have been administered at 4pm and took Nat Phos #6 as directed. I was nervous about bedtime and wondered how it would go. I gave her the last dose of Nat Phos #6 for the day at 8:30pm. She settled in for the evening as I stood over her and watched for reflux signs she has been exhibiting prior to Nat Phos #6 regimen. I observed none! Sleeping 4 hours then another 3 before I administered her 1st dose of day 2 at 5:30am. It was dark in my room so I believe I may have used a little too much water to dissolve the tablet but I gave her all of it. I took another dose for myself (2 tablets under tongue) at this time. After putting my daughter down last night I spent some additional time watching her and being so grateful that I came across your forum and have had the opportunity to work with you. Thank you.
I am still a little weary about how day 2 will go,if a relapse is to be expected, but I will be proceeding as you directed. I have not been able to order the Nux V 30C in the wet dose at this time but will have a second to do so today if you still feel it necessary. you suggested Nux Vomica 30c in the Liquid Dilution which can be used if baby does not respond. The dose was a quarter teaspoonful twice daily. Please advise. Also, I have some questions as I proceed with your direction.
1. How long do I continue with her dose (1 tablet thrice daily)?
2. How and when to wean her?
3. How long should I take the suggested dose (2 tablets thrice daily)? I personally typically have no stomach discomfort however will take it so that it goes through milk and benefits my daughter.
Thank you so much for taking the time with me and for sharing your knowledge.
Forever grateful,
Please be good enough to confirm that you sent this email to me as it is only after a visitor reads it that the full impact of my therapy will be proved.
It will also give other mothers the courage to use my Joepathy.
Dr Joe,
Last might my daughter slept in 2-3 sometimes less increments. It seemed when she woke she was exhibiting some discomfort but fed and burped well. She Would go back down to sleep well but woke very shortly after.
At 6:30a she woke exhibiting sure reflux signs. She can not settle to sleep, thrusting, swallowing noises, etc. Should I continue as directed w tablets and observe the rest of the day. So disappointed from this setback. From what I read this therapy should be a permanent resolution at some point correct? Please advise.
Thank you,
I believe that it is now time to give her a quarter teaspoonful of Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily.
Report her response as often as you wish to keep me advised.
You will of course continue the Nat Phos 6x as usual.
It seems we are back on track and her symptoms were short lived this morning. Currently she is doing well. She is due for next dose at 1PM and I will be sure to give it to her after a feeding.
Do you think that the waking every 2 hours is due to the therapy or perhaps a 6 week growth spurt? So hard to tell.
I WILL proceed with the Nux Vomica 30c as I believe it can only reinforce the therapy she is on. I called the local vitamin shop and they have the Nux Vomica 30c in the tablet form. I can get this now or continue to search and/or order it online.
Can I use the tablets and mix with water? If so, please explain how to make the mixture. Thank you.
Nux V in the pellets is not acceptable for the Wet dose.
Order the Liquid dilution as it may be needed later.
You can also include Arnica 30c in the Liq Dil which may come in handy later. It may also help her sleep pattern.
If we can succeed in treating her problem with Nat Phos 6x alone, I will be happier.
do you think i should reduce her dosage of the NP as this might be attributing to her recent sleep pattern? Perhaps a 1/2 tablet dissolved in water or instead of thrice a day ONLY twice a day? What are you thoughts?
You must remember that all Homeopathic remedies should only be used when needed. If the patient responds to the remedy, it is not necessary that the remedy be administered merely because the physician has prescribed it.
I am glad you thought of the possibility of NP being the reason for her not sleeping as deeply as she should and although I do not think that it is responsible, there may be faint chance that it is. NP was prescribed to help with her digesting her feed and to replace the dangerous PPI drugs that she was prescribed. If you feel that she does not have to depend on the NP, you can wean her off and only use it if she seems unable to tolerate your breast milk. The fact that you too take 2 tablets NP may be sufficient for baby to be helped with her digestion as the beneficial effect is passed on to her in your milk, and I would advise you to stop giving her the NP.
The idea is to use NP only if and when necessary.
Remember, i am still taking NP 2 tablets thrice daily too.
Dr. Joe,
I am so upset. Right before I read your last email I had given my daughter 1 tablet of NP. Shortly after she began to spit up a little (not typical of HER reflux symptoms) and was tense and in discomfort. It passed but took 30 minutes or so. I read your email and thought maybe I have given her too much of the NP, when she didnt need it and now i she has relapsed. I fed her at 6:30 PM EST and she did not do well so i gave her 1/2 tablet. She may have settled down minimal. She is burping alot and kicking and moving her hands a lot too. She is alert and restless. Is it possible that this treatment isnt for her? I am feeling a little helpless when I was once so hopeful. Should i keep doing what i am doing and keep you posted in the next few days? I see no signs of sleet for either of us ahead but will keep you posted.
There is nothing to get upset about merely because you gave your daughter a tablet (FULL TABLET?) of NP which as you have already noticed she does not require now because it seems to me that her Reflux symptoms are under control.
You have already noticed that NP can keep her awake and you now know how to avoid this by NOT using the NP at all as you are taking it.
Have you noticed any reduction of your weight?
You can also add Arnica 30 and take 2 doses per day in the Wet dose method. This will help you and also will help baby through your milk.
I wanted to wait a couple days before posting a reply. I am happy to report that my daughter has been doing great. I am able to see lots of smiles these last couple of days and NO reflux. I have stopped giving her the NP however I have still been taking 2 tablets twice a day. How long do you recommend I take NP for?
My daughter’s sleep has been good too, sleeping in 3 1/2- 4 1/2 hr stretches at night and she is 6 weeks old tomorrow. I cannot say that I have been noticing any significant weight loss due to the NP because I have been breast feeding and running around taking care of two children so I have already lost my baby weight.
I was wondering if you think that taking 2 NP thrice daily is a good idea for someone who is overweight with Hepatitis C. My mother is overweight though she is a very active woman. She has Hep C from a blood transfusion she received 35 years ago. She is not taken medication for her Hep C so there is not interference with any meds. She is not diabetic either. I was telling her about all the wonderful ways NP can benefit an individual with certain ailments. What are your thoughts on that? Thank you again for making all the recommendations to help with my daughter and for dealing with me through lack of sleep and mental exhaustion. I am very grateful.
I checked back to verify the date when I first prescribed my Joepathy for your baby daughter and was surprised to discover that it was only on May 31 that I prescribed Nat Phos 6x to replace the Zantac that your doctor had prescribed and which was not helping as reported by you. You can imagine the devastation that this drug could have caused if it, or another PPI drug was given to her but you were very fortunate that you contacted me first by email and now on my website.
I am indeed happy for you and baby that her gastric imbalance has been stabilized and you will discover that she will not ever be affected by any in the future.
You may reduce the dosage of Nat Phos when you feel that she does not need it and you can also reduce the dosage you are taking yourself to pass on to baby in your breast milk.
Please keep me advised of her progress and do not hesitate to contact me if you would like me to help with any future problems in her life.
I am indeed concerned to note that your mom suffers from Hepatitis C due to a blood transfusion she had 35 years ago. You may start her off on Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken after each of 3 meals daily to reduce her weight and also add Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily to help with her general health.
Melissa is a friend and when I told her I thought my 7 week old son had reflux she recommended you. Ezekiel’s symptoms are different than her daughters. He has bad gas pains, grunts all night, and arches his back and cries on the nipple. He nurses for short amount of time takes a long time to burp and when he does it sounds like a 300 pound man burping and will spit up from time to time but his breath always smells like spoiled milk so I know it’s coming up even if he doesn’t spit up. He is gaining weight so I know he’s okay but he seems so uncomfortable and he never sleeps longer than 2 hours as his gass hurts him and he wants the breat for comfort. So far I have eliminated all dairy, I am block feeding him to make sure it’s not an issue of over supply of breast milk and I have been giving him probiotics (BioGaia)
All of these seem to help but not enough to relieve him or for us to get a good nights sleep. What do you recommend?
I shall copy my default remedy for Baby Gerd and it is my hope that your baby will respond in a few hours after the first dose.
The remedies that have proved to be very effective for Baby GERD are:
Nat Phos 6x dose half tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed
You will STOP all other drugs prescribed for baby which as you have already seen have not done any good.
Please confirm that you burp him immediately after each feed.
You will avoid all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and ca 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby.
You will not give baby any solids whatever till he is 12 months old.
Report progress as often as you wish on this blog as I get an alert within 5 minutes.
Good evening, Joe:
I was reading about homeopathic treatments work for anxiety.
I sometimes get anxiety out of the blue. I would say generalized anxiety, I sometimes have insomnia, lump in throat, feelings of unable to swallow. It’s kind of scary when I feel that I cant breath properly. I try to calm myself down and that help but I would like to get rid of this anxiety altogether and prefer homeopathy over convetional medicine. Is there anything you can prescribe. Thanks,Sandy
If you need addtional info pls feel free to ask. Thanks
I presume that you live in the US where it is common to take a plethora of pills in the mistaken notion that life depends on the next intake.
You may like to visit an article that was published in a daily which I have copied on:
Please list all the pills that you may be taking today.
You will have to give me more data on your problems to work on and also if you are involved on a daily exercise routine.
I would also like to know your age and your family background and for how long you observed your ‘problems’
Hi Joe:
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I do live in the US, NYC. I do not take any meds for the anxiety and am trying to overcome it on my own. I calm myself down and try to control my breathing. However, the choking sensation is another story, I can feel my muscles tightening up and try to focus on something else until the sensation passes. I do not have an exercise regiment, except power walking for a few blocks, I am 43,Caucasian remarkable family history. Both parents alive in great health, one brother older than me, great health as well. All three however have high blood pressure. Not enormously high but enough to be on medication.
I have this (choking sensation) which make me jump out of bed if lying doing because I feel like I can’t breath. It started happening around Sept 2011. Sometimes I feel a racy heart, maybe some sweating but nothing major, feelings of scariness, uneasiness as though I was startled. I went to a local Healthstore, they recommended Ignatia Amara 200C. I took for a few days but didn’t see much improvment, maybe I didn’t give it a chance. I also took Nat Mur twice , I thought that helped. I would have to say that I get these feelings almost on a daily basis and it is quite difficult at times. My personality is outgoing and friendly yes sometimes can be sensitive, I have a soft heart. I hope this information is what you are looking for , if not please feel free to ask. Thanks again, Sandy
Your case is of interest but you will have to get it diagnosed by a competent doctor to give me data to work on as this is not possible through my website.
You state that Nat Mur did help you.
Please take 2 tablets Nat Mur 6x thrice daily and
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
This is very interesting, You are a very skilled blogger.
I’ve joined your feed and look forward to seeking more of your wonderful post. Also, I have shared your site in my social networks!
Thank you for appreciating my work to help suffering humanity.
Dear Joe,
My baby boy (8 weeks old, born 22nd Sep 2012), was diagnosed with acid reflux when he was 3 days old. He is a breastfed baby and currently weighs 12lb 6 oz (He was 9lb 1 oz at birth).
His symptoms at the time of diagnosis were discomfort and crying after feeds, discomfort and crying when laid on his back, but getting ease when sitting upright in arms or in carseat. He did not spit up that much and the term ‘silent reflux’ was used by our doctor. (He is my first baby so I was not sure what was ‘normal’ and what wasn’t, but he always sounded like he had liquid gurgling around his throat, and he definitely did not seem happy about it!).
He was first prescribed Gaviscon which I gave him (with great difficultly on a spoon) before each breast feed. It did nothing to help him and it resulted in little white clumps coming out of his mouth an hour or so after a feed. I believe the point of the Gaviscon is just to thicken the milk in his tummy so its harder to reflux up.
He was then prescribed Ranitidine, 0.5ml, 3 times a day. He did seem to settle a bit about 2 days after he started this medication, in terms of the reflux, and he could lie on his back without as much discomfort or without the sound of fluid coming back up his throat and being swallowed down again (which is what he was doing from birth).
However, I began to notice he was not passing stools as much, and 5 days after he started he was actually in a great deal of pain, and had gone from passing stools 4 -6 times a day, to not having passed a stool in 30 hours. He then was disinterested in feeding and became drowsy, and in the end was admitted to hospital. He was given a suppository in hospital which made his bowels move a green liquid (not normal! Usually grainy and yellow). The next day he was feeding better and took a few days to start seeming a bit more ‘normal.’ I had taken him off the Ranitidine the day before he was in hospital as I suspected it might be contributing to his constipation but the doctors and nurses assured me this could not be the case and that he may have just caught a tummy bug (and were quite annoyed at me for stopping his meds). So he was back on the Ranitdine the next day and the pain when trying to pass a stool continued, although he was at least able to move his bowels (albeit about once or twice a day and with a lot of pain lasting an hour or more before each movement).
Again, I felt this was not normal and felt sure if was linked to the Raniditine, so I stopped giving him the meds (again!) and brought him back to the GP (the reflux symptoms did indeed return just a day after I stopped the meds, which I felt guilty about). Our GP did not think there was any link between his bowels and the Raniditine, despite the fact his bowel problems only began after taking the Raniditine, but she did say he sounded like his was constipated and actually increased his dosage of Ranidtine to 0.75 ml 3 times a day (apparently the dosage is very closely linked to weight), and told me to give him some water in a bottle if I wanted.
Again there was another slight improvement in reflux and the water did not seem to help the constipation. 2 – 3 days later the bowel problem reached its peak; my son was screaming in agony for several hours a day, his face going red and purple, until he passed a stool (the stools are yellow, runny and grainy when they do pass, not what I expected for someone who is constipated). He was still only passing a stool about once a day, and after he did he was like a different baby – happy and calm.
So yesterday (Saturday) he got his 3 doses of Raniditine and this morning (Sunday) I am reluctant again to keep giving him it. I can’t decide which is worse – the reflux or the constipation! At least with the reflux I was not giving him meds which caused it!
Other things to note which may or may not be of relevance –
– baby has always been extremely hard to ‘wind’ after a feed. It can take 20 minutes or more to get a burp and he usually conks out to sleep until the burp comes, and then he is bright as a button again ready to eat more. His tummy also always goes really hard and distended after feeding, but softens with a burp or when he passes wind (or a poo). If I do not burp him and let him sleep, he wakes up a short time later crying and uncomfortable until he gets up wind.
– Lying him on his back and lifting him up again seems to help encourage burping.
– he never really vomited much with the reflux at the start – it often sounded like he was swallowing burps or vomit.
– in the last week he has been vomiting more after most feeds – not just the normal possets of sick you expect with wind – but quite large amounts (sometimes he doesn’t vomit or spit up at all however).
– he often has wind or can vomit much later after a feed – even 2 hours after a feed (the vomit is usually more curdled than liquid in consistency at this stage).
– Basically he never seems like he is properly comfortable, even though the ‘reflux’ has improved.
– he gets the hiccups very regularly.
– he has always fed really well, and now can feed both from the breast, and expressed breast milk in a bottle which he takes during the night. His symptoms are the same whether he is taking from the breast or bottle.
– he grunts a lot and turns his head from side to side in his sleep, and never seems like he is in a deep sleep.
I have tried to include as much details as possible (sorry if there is too much!). I have seen that you previously prescribed Nat Phos 6 but I thought I was better to see if I can get an individual prescription from you as I know you have said in the past that every patient is different. I just don’t want to give him any more Raniditine, and I hope that homeopathy will work for him. Yesterday I bought some Nat Phos 6 but I have not given him anything yet.
Thanks for taking the time to read our case, and any help at all is grealty appreciated.
You are fortunate that you stopped giving baby the Ranitidine which as you have noticed already did more harm than good. You would have perhaps done him grave damage if you continued it in the long term.
I must admit that I am indeed very surprised that your pediatrician has prescribed both Gaviscon and the PPI drug Ranitidine, both of which are known to have severe side effects to adults. You can imagine the damage to an infant when adults too suffer from the after effects.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD:
It is very likely that your baby suffers from Gastric Reflux aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease)
The remedies that have proved to be very effective for Baby GERD are:
Nat Phos 6x dose half tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose given twice daily. Half teaspoonful is a dose.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
You will STOP all other drugs prescribed for baby which as you have already seen have not done any good.
Please confirm that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that this remedy will also help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
I note that you have already purchased Nat Phos 6. Please note that you must get the Nat Phos 6x which is a tablet. Nat Phos 6c (aka 6) cannot help baby. You will discover that baby will pass wind and will digest his feed better and will sleep better after you have given him the Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in a little milk.
Report progress in 24 hours or as often as you wish on this thread .
In your email you offered to pay for my advice but be assured that no payment is expected for my service to humanity as you will see by reading some cases on my website. You are welcome to address your problems to me on my website both now and in the future, and I shall try to help you.
You may like to know that I am 84 years of age and owe my long life to God and to Homeopathy and have had the privilege of helping many with my “Joepathy”. I do not also take any drugs whatever as I only use my Homeopathic remedies for my ailments which are rare.
Thank you for your quick reply!
The Nat Phos I have is New Era Nat Phos 10 but says 6X potency on the back of label. Is this ok to give?
Until I have the arnica should I hold off giving the Nat Phos? Or do I start Nat Phos today (ie as soon as possible).
I avoid all foods that may aggravate the baby and I burp him several times during and after a feed.
I will report progress as we go.
Thanks a lot again!
Nat Phos 6x is always marketed in tablet form and I hope that you have got the tablets and not the little round pellets. This remedy at 6x potency is also known as a Biochemic Cell Salt. It is also marketed in the little round pellets as the Homeopathic product which will not help baby. I am also concerned at the description you gave “New Era Nat Phos 10 but says 6X potency”.
Since your baby’s GERD demands immediate treatment, I would suggest that you use it and let us hope that it will settle his problem which it will do within the hour if it is in fact the Biochemic Cell Salt.
Do not wait for the Arnica to arrive but give what you already have and report his response in 4 hours.
Hi Joe,
The Nat Phos I have are called tablets on the label – they are tiny, round & flat & white (like hard salt). The label says: Nat Phos 6X Biochemic Tissue Salt No. 10. Active constituent: In homeopathic potency: Nat. Phos 6X. This product is a tissue salt within the Biochemic System of Medicine.
I could not get arnica liquid so I have ordered it online to arrive this week.
I gave baby half a tablet with breast milk after his last feed (via a syringe – is that ok?). I crushed it with 2 spoons and mixed with milk. There has been no change in symptoms as yet, but he hadn’t got obvious relflux symptoms in a while with the raniditine so the real rest will be when that is out of his system (he had his most recent dose last night).
Ill keep you posted.. Thank again!
Update: no obvious change (good or bad) as yet.
I’m not sure that he’s getting the half tablet each time as a good bit of the milk mix dribbles out if his mouth. Also when I burp him afterwards he is spitting up a little bit. But this is probably normal.
Update: Baby still settled and currently lying on his back.
He has had 3 doses so far of Nat Phos.
He spat up quite solid, small, white clumps after last 2 feeds but perhaps this is normal.
Update: Baby still settled. He will get his 4th dose after the feed he is about to take. I will give another update in the morning when he will have had 3 more doses and overnight (hopefully!) sleep lying down.
It is possible that you are overfeeding him and if so it can account for his bringing up some of the milk. You can try giving him less milk per feed, but you can feed him more often. I do realize that this will interfere with your own rest but this is the price that we have all paid to bring up our babies which in my case was about 45 years ago. I have 3 sons.
What is the colour and the consistency of his stools and how often does he have a bowel movement?
Order Nux Vomica 30c in the Liquid Dilution which I may want you to add to the Arnica.
Are you taking Nat Phos 6x yourself? This will reduce your weight and also help baby with his digestion as it is passed to baby in your milk. You can also take the Arnica 30c in the Wet dose when it arrives as this too will help. You can also share it with your husband. It will help him to avoid Cholesterol and you may like to know that I have taken a teaspoonful nightly for the last 17 years which can perhaps account for my current state of wellness at age 84.
Where do you live?
Hi Joe,
Thanks for getting back to me again.
The baby had his best night last night – could the Nat Phos be working that quickly?! He slept soundly only waking for feeds.
I feed him more or less on demand and I usually never stop a feed until he stops himself – perhaps I need to stop him before he gets too full.
I have been taking Nat Phos too and will take the Arnica when it arrives. I will go now to try and purchase the Nux Vomica online. It appears to be difficult to get in liquid form.
You are certainly a great example, Joe, of homeopathy working. I will suggest the Arnica to my husband and also my mother who has high cholesterol.
We live in Ireland
Thank you for your news that baby has stabilized as I expected, and that “The baby had his best night last night ”
This epitomizes the impact that Joepathy has in comparison to classical homeopathy. And I find it very strange that it has to be me to discover it. I believe that I did tell you that you will lose 1kg per week if you continue to take t tablets twice daily. Record your weight and report your weight loss weekly to check if my research is on track.
You seem surprised that NP worked so very quickly and this is how it does usually.
Share the news with your friends and also if possible your doctor and tell him in your own words how different the Homeopathic approach to healing is in comparison to the PPI drugs that he had prescribed which would have had some serious side effects on baby.
Share the Arnica with all your friends if they wish to ensure that they do not fall victim to heart ailments.
Oh – I forgot to say – the baby had 3 poos between 10 pm and 7 am, and they didn’t seem to cause him discomfort like they had been.
I will give you more updates over the next 2 days. Do I stop giving him Nat Phos after day 3?
I will definitely be telling my doctor if this settled period lasts! It feels a bit miraculous, I’m almost afraid to say out loud that it has worked yet in case he changes in the next hours or day! It is a strange culture we live him, as I also felt hesitant to tell anyone I was taking him off Raniditine to try the homeopathy.
Thanks again and I’ll be in touch.
Your baby’s progress conforms to my expectations and you can consider him stabilized but not cured. This may take a few days more and in the meanwhile you may reduce the dosage of NP that you are giving him by reducing the pill to 3 parts and using just one part instead of half. To make it easier for you, you may drop a whole pill into water and when it dissolves in a few minutes you can give him a third of the water.
NP also softens the stool and this is the reason for your boy passing it without any discomfort.
You will have to give him Arnica in the Wet dose to help in the curative process.
There is absolutely no reason to doubt that he can slip back to square one as he has stabilized and will shortly be cured. I shall instruct you when you may stop the baby’s dosage but you must take NP as instructed to pass on the beneficial effect to baby.
I shall await your report of your pediatrician’s reaction to the news that you have effected a cure which defies the dangerous PPI drug he prescribed.
You must also know that NP is absolutely safe in use over extended periods unlike the Ranitidine.
Do not order the Nux Vomica as it will not be required.
Thanks again for the reply.
He continued to have a settled day.
I have been continuing to take 2 NP after a meal 3 times a day.
Do I reduce his dosage to 1/3 a NP tablet from his next feed or after the 3 days is up? Also do I continue to dissolve with breast milk or is water better?
The Arnica still has not arrived but I will make up the wet dose when it dose and begin to use. I will let you know when it arrives.
I’ll also continue to report progress. My skeptical husband is googling homeopathy as I type! He is surprised at how happy and settled the baby had been for the last 24 hours. Long may it last!!
I do wonder how many other babies like yours have unwittingly suffered untold agony when prescribed the dangerous PPI drugs which as you have already seen, do far more harm than cure a simple condition of gastric reflux which about 30% of the baby population suffer from during the first few months of their life.
It is my dream that ALL PPI DRUGS will be BANNED not only for babies but for adults too, as they can only prolong the agony the patients suffer, as although the medical profession and BIG PHARMA are aware of the serious side effects that they cause on the patient they just refuse to substitute them with this simple, safe and absolutely effective remedy Nat Phos 6x. It will treat this gastric condition GERD which seems to affect around 40% of the human population in developed countries and the results will be obvious in just a few minutes after it is taken when the discomfort will just vanish as it by magic. GERD is unknown in the remote villages like here in Sri Lanka where the diet is simple comprising rice and one or two curries usually vegetables, and protein in the form of lentils, fresh fish or meat.
I do hope that serious recognition will be paid to my discovery of Nat Phos in the potency 6x as its use can change the picture throughout the world in the treatment of GERD which is known to precipitate Asthma and other diseases caused by the presence of excess acidity in the digestive system which drugs do not seem capable of curing.
I shall await your report of the loss of any excess weight which I have quantified at around 1kg per WEEK.
You may give your baby the remedy dissolved in water as it is obvious that you cannot store it dissolved in your breast milk. I do not think that baby can benefit from Arnica as he already seems cured. You and your husband will however benefit from taking a teaspoonful daily for life.
I am counting on you to share the news of how this simple remedy saved your baby with your friends and especially your doctor.
Hi Joe,
The baby was very unsettled from 4 am until 7 am. It is now 7:30 and after doing a poo he does seem more settled. This makes me think he is still having problems with his bowels.
Can I just confirm what I should be giving him now? It is day 3 of being on NP. Do I give him 1/3 NP tablet mixed with water after every feed and no arnica. I take 2 NP 3 times a day after meals and he arnica when it arrives.
Thanks and I will definitely be spreading the word about NP. I will also report progress on my weight although I had already lost quite a bit of weight since giving birth so I may not have much to loose.
Thanks again,
It is very likely that the root cause of his gastric imbalance is that the Peristalsis in his gut is slow. It is very likely that this will stabilise in time when his little body realises that there is something amiss and rectifies the problem. As you will realise there is nothing that drugs can do to help but it is fortunate that NP will accelerate the action of the small intestine to propel the food down the gut.
I believe that my current diagnosis is spot on and the answer is to up the dosage back to the original half tablet to persuade the gut to perform as it did till we reduced the dosage to 1/3 tablet. I am learning as we go on and this will be useful for my future patients. I shudder to think what baby’s fate would have been if you had not discovered me. I can only presume that your doctor would have upped the dosage and may have succeeded in doing him irretrievable damage which could have harmed him for life. It is not that I am against drugs which I too take but only on a SOS basis like after surgery but I am aware that many in the developed world pop pills as it their life depends on the next one! You may like to know that I am a living example of not using any pills whatever and still very much alive at age 84.
Let us keep the Arnica away from baby for the moment as he does not really qualify for it and we will watch future developments.
Glad to learn that you have already shed the extra weight which I presume is due to long hours without rest.
Be assured that NP will not unnecessarily force further weight loss and if not for baby you could even have stopped taking it.
Thanks again.
I will report progress!
How much liquid do you reccommed using to dissolve the tablet? I think I may be making the consistency too thick.
Also, if he spits up right after I give it to him should I give him more? (I haven’t be doing this).
A teaspoonful of water is sufficient and if you find that he still spits up the milk with the NP, which is rare in my experience, you may repeat the dose with the half tablet.
Thanks Joe.
The liquid Arnica dilution arrived today.. I could only find one place that supplied it, and now that it has arrived I see it is made for animal use only! Turns out its an animal herbs company.. Ooops!
So I can’t seem to find the liquid dilution of arnica anywhere; are there any alternatives I could try?
Baby’s reflux seems to be more under control but he is still constipated. I have been trying baby massage & exercises with him.
I am continuing to give him half np after every feed and taking 2 np 3 times a day myself.
Hi Joe,
A local health shop is ordering in the liquid Arnica for me.
In my last post I requested you to also order the Nux Vomica 30c which can increase Peristalsis and thereby help with his constipation.
Hi Joe,
I have nux vomica tablets but I will try to get nux vomica liquid dilution.
Hi Joe,
I now how have the liquid arnica and the liquid nux vomica.
Should I still be giving baby Nat Phos? I’m giving him half a tablet after each feed. He is much more settled. Still seems to have a slight reflux but nothing as bad as it was before. He is also still having problems pooing.
I was wondering how baby was faring these past days and am glad you reported today.
Make a Wet dose of Nux Vom 30c and use just 2 drops in 400ml water.
Give baby a dose comprising half a teaspoon twice daily and report if it helps his constipation.
Continue with the Nat Phos 6x routine as he cannot do without it for now.
You will continue to take NP as usual.
Thank you Joe.
Is the wet dose of NV made the same way as wet dose of Arnica?
I will continue to report progress!
I see that you have not read and understood my last post to you which I shall copy below.
“Make a Wet dose of Nux Vom 30c and use just 2 drops in 400ml water.
Give baby a dose comprising half a teaspoon twice daily and report if it helps his constipation.
Continue with the Nat Phos 6x routine as he cannot do without it for now.”
The Wet dose protocol that I use and prescribe exclusively is always made in the same manner for all remedies.
However in the case of your baby, I have specified that you use only 2 drops instead of 3 drops which I prescribe for adults. You will also give baby just half a teaspoon or about 2ml instead of the 5ml or a teaspoonful which I prescribe for adults.
Sorry! Misread first time. Thanks!
My baby is 2 months and has severe reflux. He was hospitalized with meningitis (strep B) when he was a week old and was put on antibiotics for 2 weeks through IV. As a result, his immune system was very low, and within two weeks of being at home he contacted a cold, which progressed to RSV and pneumonia. Consequentially, he was hospitalized again where he received another round of antibiotics.
My son is bottle fed, and is on a very gentle formula called alimentum. he is also on ranitidine which was prescribed by his doctor. None of the above seems to be working and his reflux seems to be getting increasingly worse and I can’t stand to watch him suffer anymore. He projectile vomited the other day, he throws up and/or spits up after each feed, he is constantly chewing on his own spit up as it comes up and swallowing it back down, he has a hard time sleeping because he is constantly being woken up by the discomfort he is in, he is always sneezing/coughing and the list goes on. I am desperate for help and I am hoping that you will be able to guide me in the right direction. What do you recommend I give my child? How often…? Where do I purchase the suggested remedies?
I appreciate any input that you may have and provide.
Thank you,
I am very concerned about your 2 month old baby as it seems so very unfair that one so young should be afflicted by so many serious medical problems which can have some serious after effects on his life in the future. Your not feeding him your breast milk can also be a cause of his problems as it has the essential ingredients to pass on to him the immunity that you already have. Do try to start his on your own milk if at all possible.
I have treated babies who suffer from GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) with the same symptoms you have described and they have all responded positively in a few days.
The remedies that have proved to be very effective for Baby GERD are:
Nat Phos 6x dose half tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose given twice daily. Half teaspoonful is a dose.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
You will STOP all other drugs prescribed for baby which as you have already seen have not done any good.
Please confirm that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that this remedy will also help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread .
Thank you very much for getting back to me so quickly. When my baby was born I experienced difficulties with breastfeeding. I was not producing enough milk, and the great amount of stress that I was under made producing milk even more difficult. I tried a number of different remedies such as fenugreek, blessed thistle, domperidone (prescribed by my doctor), regular pumping and was seen by a lactose consultant. Unfortunately, none of the above was effective and I was forced to provide my baby with formula. I recently contacted a breast milk bank and they have indicated that the cost for breast milk is over $100.00 a day!! I am willing to try to produce breast milk again for my baby if you have any helpful hints and/or suggestions to get me on the right path it would be greatly appreciated…
Just to clarify with you…I am supposed to mix 3 drops of arnica 30c into a 500ml bottle of water and give half a teaspoon to my baby twice a day in addition to the Nat Phos after each feed?
Thank you again for your help
Arnica 30 in the Wet dose has helped to increase production of breast milk. In your case it is possible that the milk glands and ducts are blocked, resulting in a lack of lactation and I do hope that Arnica can help you as it is essential that your little baby boy is given every chance in life after all his harrowing medical episodes.
Arnica acts by filtering out the debris including cholesterol and thereby thinning it and you should notice a distinct difference in your output of milk and also in your life in a week when you will sleep more deeply and generally feel better. You can take a capful thrice daily. You will also drink at least 3 liters of water. Remember to shake the bottle hard before every dose.
You can also add Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals and observe if the 2 remedies will help you to lactate better. Exercise is essential and you can do some form like skipping to make you sweat. The 2 remedies will also help you to lose weight. Massage your breast often to increase the flow of blood. Stop all other drugs and whatever else you are using.
DO NOT VACCINATE BABY. He has suffered enough already for a lifetime.
You have read my instructions correctly. 3 drops Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in a bottle of water. You can reduce your dose of Nat Phos 6x to less than half tablet as baby responds without his current problems. This recovery is usually noticed in under 48 hours but you will continue the medication in reduced dosage till his little body takes over.
Do not take him out in the open where he can catch some infection.
Report his progress often to keep me in the picture.
Where do you live?
I have just been informed by a friend that
Agnus Castus 200c in the Wet dose will help to increase Breast Milk production.
Suggest you order this remedy too and use it and report if it helped you.
Thank you so much for all your guidance and support. I will be contacting my naturopath tomorrow in regards to your suggested remedy. The time and effort you put into helping these families is very generous of you and much appreciated. I will keep you posted as to how this remedy works.
You have not reported how your baby responded to my therapy for his Reflux.
You stated:
“I will be contacting my naturopath tomorrow in regards to your suggested remedy”
Is there any reason why you intend contacting a Naturopath to get the remedies?
I would have imagined that you can get the remedies directly from a Homeopathic Pharmacy in your city.
Where do you live?
Hi Joe,
I just wanted to give you an update on my baby’s reflux.
He is doing REALLY WELL!
He still gets quite a bit of spit up, often a long time after the feed has ended (despite feeding little and often now), but the spits ups don’t seem to bother him and he is burping really well and easily!
He is a very happy baby, and this week he even slept through the night a couple of times!
His pooing *had* really regulated too (I strongly feel this is thanks to the nux vomica – thanks!).
However in the last 3-4 days there have been some problems with bowel movements again. He had been going 3 times a day (pretty big poos!) but now he’s only going once a day and there quite small, and at the times he usually used to poo he is agitated as if trying to poo but it doesn’t happen. He is generally not too annoyed by it after a while but his tummy is very distended and he can’t feed as well with a full tummy, and his problems last time started this way. I was thinking that maybe it’s because he is much bigger now so needs a bigger dose. He is growing a lot! I haven’t had him weighed but he is definitely well over 16lbs. (12 weeks).
I have been giving him 1/2 a Nat Phos after each feed, taking 1 myself 3 times a day, and giving 1/2 a teaspoon on wet dose nux vomica twice a day.
Oh, I told our doctor about all of the above and she was astounded that homeopathy had worked so well for baby. I asked her would she prescribe it to future patients suffering from reflux, and she said she was not ‘allowed’ to prescribe homeopathic remedies, but that she would be suggesting it for her own grand daughter who was currently suffering from reflux! A little messed up, right?!
Glad to learn that baby has responded in just under a month to my Joepathy.
He will soon be out of the woods and you can now slowly wean him off all remedies when his digestive system is able to do without them.
I am also delighted to learn that you surprised your doctor with the great news and her reaction is quite normal. We have jointly helped her grand daughter and I hope that you will continue with your good work in spreading this new to your friends whose babies may otherwise suffer so very unnecessarily with the standard PPI drugs given for GERD which as you have already experienced yourself, do more harm than good.
I note that you have not given him Arnica so far but I do not think that it is relevant for him in his present condition.
You may like to take a dose of Arnica daily yourself and you may like to visit the link below:
Feel free to contact me any time in the future for advice.
I mean I take two nat Phos 3 times a day.
Sorry I’m only noticing now that you replied!
Thanks again for the reply and help.
Do you think a bigger dosage of Nux Vomica might help his bowel movements again? He has that problem again of seeming like he’s straining to go but then doesn’t.
Thanks and happy Christmas!
DO NOT GIVE baby any more Nux Vomica than the half teaspoonful I prescribed twice daily.
You must know that this remedy is not to be toyed with and may only be used if the patient does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x.
Baby has responded well to my therapy so far and we have to let his body take over as it has done up to now without the PPI drugs prescribed.
You may however get some Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution which we may use to help his digestion later. Do not give it till I instruct you.
Thank you for your greetings for Christmas which I reciprocate, and may Baby be well in the New Year.
Hi Joe – I have been reading your posts on treating GERD in babies and thought to write you regarding my baby girl’s situation. Hoping you can help!
My twin girls were born in Sep 2012. They were born at 31 weeks (2 months premature). They were both kept at the NICU to gain weight. One baby came home in 8 weeks after birth and doing really well. However, my second baby is still at the hospital (its been 4 months now). She is struggling with Acid reflux for past 2 months and her condition is not changing. She vomits almost all feeds, and was losing weight. Doctors have tried different formulas but nothing seems to make a difference. She is on Omeprezol, and Methachlopromide now. She was earlier on Ranitidine and Domperidone which is now discontinued. Due to acid reflux she has developed oral aversion and doesnt take feeds by mouth anymore. She is feeding off of a Nasal-G tube that goes through her nose to belly. She is in discomfort almost after every feed. Her Upper GI exam shows she has delayed emptying of Stomach. I would like to consult you to seek your advice on her condition. She is still at the hospital and I am not sure if I give her Homeopathy medicine would it work with the other medicines she is currently getting? Please help.
Thanks, Shelley
Your twin baby’s condition is very critical and may be difficult to solve but there is no harm in using the same therapy that I have prescribed to hundreds of infants who present GERD especially now that the standard PPI drugs you listed and perhaps others which they gave your baby did not help.
You will have to persuade your doctor to permit you to use Nat Phos 6x Dose half tablet after every feed, and also add Nux Vomica in the Wet dose of which a half teaspoonful is given twice daily.
You can get the Nat Phos 6x Biochemic Cell Salt from any one of the vendors listed below:
Ainsworths Homœopathic Pharmacy
36 New Cavendish Street, London W1M 7LH
Tel 020 7935 5330
Freemans Homeopathic Pharmacy
18-20 Main Street, Busby, Glasgow G76 8DU
Tel 0845 225 5155
Helios Homœopathic Pharmacies
97 Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2QP
Tel 01892 537254
Your doctors will insist that they have the ultimate drug for GERD and refuse to accept that Homeopathy is by far more potent to solve many ailments for which Drugs have no answer.
One such ailment is GERD and I believe that I have the Ultimate answer to it judging by the many babies whom I have saved with my therapy copied below:
It is very likely that your baby suffers from Gastric Reflux aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease)
The remedies that have proved to be very effective for Baby GERD are:
Nat Phos 6x dose half tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed
Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose given twice daily. Half teaspoonful is a dose.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
You will try to STOP all other drugs prescribed for baby which as you have already seen have not done any good.
Please confirm that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You (the mother) will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that this remedy will also help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread .
Hi Joe,
Thanks for your prompt reply.
Where can I get these medicines in Toronto, Canada? Any suggestions.
Hahnemann Laboratories
Remedia Homeopathy Manufactury
Washington Homeopathics
1 800 336 1695
Im a first time mother and dealing with a infant with reflux i feel so bad for my little guy. his doc did have him on prevacid but after 4 days of taking it he was crying for hours so i took him off of it i really thought it was quite odd to give something like that to an infant but with my little guy so uncomfortable all the time i was willing to try anything. i have read a little bit about something called natrum phos 6x helping with infant reflux and went and picked some up today so far he has had two doses after two different feeds both of the doses i gave were 1/2 a pill disolved in 1 teaspoon of formula so far i dont see much of a difference
should i continue to try it out for a flew days ? am i dosing correctly ? my sons reflux isn’t the worst case but it does cause him discomfort
such as back arching during feeding and burping , a lot of spit up , grunting , bad smelling breathe and having a hard time settling down for sleep like when i am putting him down for a nap he will be sleeping in my arms and then randomly start arching his back and crying out this happenings sometimes for 30 mins before he even is able to fall alseep this is also happening hours later after he has had a feed ..along with the nat phos 6x does anyone else have anything natural that may help ? iv tried keeping him up right 30 mins after a feed and tilting his mattress so hes not laying flat both do not work 
shannon blythe
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD below:
It is very likely that your baby suffers from Gastric Reflux aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease)
The remedies that have proved to be very effective for Baby GERD are:
Nat Phos 6x dose half tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed
You will STOP all other drugs prescribed for baby which as you have already seen have not done any good.
Please confirm that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that this remedy will also help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours .
Thank you for responding so far he has had 4 half pills
do you have a different remedy for people
Of the nat phos 6x he seems to be responding all symptoms
Have not disappeared but some of his discomfort has sadly we are
Not breast feeding
Who are no longer breast feeding ? Also since I’m seeing a bit of a difference should I continue on the half dose of nat phos 6x ? If so
For how long ? Also can you suggest anything that would help
Heal his throat ? I’m sure the stomach acid has irritated it
Thank you again !
Shannon Blythe
You can add Arnica 30c in the Wet dose and give him half teaspoonful twice daily to help heal his Esophagus which may have been damaged by the Gastric juice which is highly corrosive.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Shannon Blythe
You are really giving me a hard time in responding to your posts on my website and on the ABC forum where I referred you to my advice here on my website.
You should not be so very anxious of your baby’s wellbeing as you state that he has already improved with just 4 HALF PILLS of Nat Phos which you have given over the last 24 hours. You must let the help baby to get back to normal and he will hopefully do so in a few days. You cannot surely expect me to predict for how long he will have to take it when you have only started on my therapy.
“Not breast feeding
do you have a different remedy for people
Who are no longer breast feeding ? Also since I’m seeing a bit of a difference should I continue on the half dose of nat phos 6x ? If so
For how long ? Also can you suggest anything that would help ”
What exactly do you wish to ask me?
well you stated for me to also take some of the
Nat phos 6x but I am not breast feeding so I can’t also I was
Asking How long he should take it for because he is an infant so
I wasn’t sure if there is a set amount of time he is allowed
To take them for should I decrease the dose over the next
Few days ? and then when all symptoms disappear stop the nat phos 6x ?
Sadly today he has gone back to refluxing like he was before.. Should
I continue the remedy ? He did awesome yesterday but now today
Isn’t so good all symptoms are back
Shannon Blythe
I hope that you realize that although he is refluxing again, you confirmed that he had improved with just 4 doses of the Nat Phos 6x.
NP is absolutely safe for anyone including infants and is a million times safer than the PPI drug Prevacid that your doctors had prescribed. Do a Google for PPI drugs to read how dangerous it is even for adults.
You can add Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. Half teaspoonful is a dose. Let us hope that this will help him to overcome his reflux.
I have a question regarding my son. He is 4 weeks old now, and has had some gas problems for the last 2-3 weeks. We think he has colic but not entirely sure, since he doesn’t cry constantly for 3-5 hours however he does have many gas pains. Is there anything that you would recommend that we use for him? Currently we are trying gripe water and Simethicone drops, although they do not seem to help.
And unfortunately for him on top of that he seems to have reflux. Its to the point that he can’t sleep consistently since he vomits shortly after he eats and it wakes him up. This generally happens every time he sleeps. His pediatrician recommended Omeprazole and we’ve been giving him this medicine for 8 days now and it doesn’t seem to help him at all.
Any advice would help, since this is our first and its so sad to see him in such pain.
Thank you.
It is very likely that your baby suffers from Gastric Reflux aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease)
The remedies that have proved to be very effective for Baby GERD are:
Nat Phos 6x dose half tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose given twice daily. Half teaspoonful is a dose.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
You will STOP all other drugs prescribed for baby which as you have already seen have not done any good.
Please confirm that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that this remedy will also help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours.
Thanks so much for the interesting and exciting posts. My newborn was a preemie (3.4kg) now 42 weeks gestational age. She is on prilosec for reflux. She has problems pooping.
I’d like to follow the regiment but not sure on where to purchase the products (looking on Amazon). There is Amica c in pellet form. And an Amica in liquid but does not specify “c”… http://www.amazon.com/Herb-Pharm-Arnica-Extract-Ounces/dp/B00028NW6E/ref=sr_1_12?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1362728185&sr=1-12&keywords=Arnica. Lastly I see Arnica gel but that looks like a lotion and not edible.
Thanks for your help,
Ar how many weeks was your baby born?
Prilosec is a PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drug and you will read of the dangerous side effects it has on ADULTS by Googling for “Danger of using PPI Drugs”. How much more for infants? For how long have you been giving your baby this drug? Has it helped?
Replace this drug with Nat Phos 6x dose half tablet after every feed, not to exceed 6 tablets daily.
Order Nat Phos 6x Biochemic Cell Salt from
Washington Homeopathics
1 800 336 1695
Why do you want Arnica?
I am copying my default therapy for Baby GERD below:
It is very likely that your baby suffers from Gastric Reflux aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease)
The remedies that have proved to be very effective for Baby GERD are:
Nat Phos 6x dose half tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. This will help with her Reflux and her pooping.
You will STOP all other drugs prescribed for baby.
Please confirm that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that this remedy will also help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread .
Hi Joe.
The babies were born at 29 weeks. One came home at 36 weeks (minor gas/spit up). Other just came home yesterday at 42 weeks on monitor due to reflux causing her to desaturate (hold breath and then heart rate drop… Due to pain or protecting airway I suppose). We have her on a monitor. She is on 6.5 mg/day for about a month. I tried to wean her off at the hospital but then the episodes increased (heart rate dips). They said to keep her on so she can get home. Just yesterday she missed morning dose and she was miserable… Constantly clearing throat ant in pain.
In other posts I saw Arnica 30c for both baby and mom. I see in your note only I should take it. Is that correct?
Warm regards,
Your babies are very special and are fortunate to be with you when they were born at 29 weeks. You will have to expect various problems in their growing up period and I shall be glad to help in any way I can.
As I expected Reflux is common as is Asthma and Eczema. I have already indicated my default remedy for Reflux but you do not seem to have used it so far. Please report baby’s response to half tablet immediately after every feed.
Your latest arrival at home will prove to be the major challenge for you and your husband. You have not indicated the drug that you are giving for her reflux but you will continue with the drug prescribed and add the Nat Phos 6x half tablet and let me know how both babies respond.
You do not have to give them Arnica but you are cleared to take it and your husband too in the Wet dose twice daily.
Just saw your post coming in about Nat Phos 6x which you state is only available in the 7x potency. This is OK and I hope you give both your babies the 7x. The main point is to get the Nat Phos immediately as delay can only make matters worse.
If you find that the tablets are round pellets of about 3mm Ø you may give more than 1 pellet. You should discover that baby will show perceptible relief with the first dose after a few minutes. Nat Phos acts by accelerating the digestive process by some mysterious means that I have spelt out by copying the notes by the person who discovered its very unusual characteristics and if you search for Nat Phos on the Home Page you can read all about how it works.
You are also advised to get Lycopodium 30c which I may have to advise you to use if baby does not respond fully to the Nat Phos.
Are your babies M of F and what was the reason for their premature birth?
Hi Joe.
To answer some of your questions.
Both are girls. One is on prilosec at 6.5mg/day.
They were premature due to my cervix issues. I received a cerclage at 18 weeks which is a stitch closing cervix. I was completely dilated with sac membranes exposed but doctor pushed them back in and closed with stitch. So the baby with the exposed membranes water broke at 28 weeks. No contractions so went on antibiotics and went into labor at 29 weeks ( c-section). The baby with ruptured sac has the issues… She received antibiotics due to ruptured sac.
I hasten to caution you on the dangerous side effects that ALL PPI DRUGS like Prilosec can bestow on the user. They are dangerous for adults and FAR MORE for preemies.
In your babies’ interest please change over immediately to Nat Phos 6x which is equally or more effective and is absolutely safe in use.
Please also observe the rule NOT TO VACCINATE YOUR BABIES for at least 2 years.
Hi Joe.
We found the hylands nat phos 6x today and gave her 4 doses so far (single tablet) after each feed. We gave her last prilosec at 7am and skipped the dose at 7pm. At 2am (now) she seems to be having reflux issues… Clearing throat, arching back intermittently. Worried reflux will come back stronger as prilosec clears.
Let me know your thoughts.
Warm regards,
Can you describe the Hyland’s tablets with measurement in mm. I cannot advise you till I know what they are in size.
The standard product is a tablet around 4mm Ø and is about 3mm thickness. I recommend half of this tablet per dose.
You must understand that ALL PPI DRUGS like Prilosec will harm Adults and are far worse for babies but there are no drugs that can equate Nat Phos 6x which are safe and effective.
You do not need Lyco right now and we will try her out with Nat Phos for the moment.
Do not experiment using various remedies without my advice.
Also we bought lycopodium clavatum 30 from boiron in pellet form. But have not given this to her.
The size is about 5mm diameter and 3mm thickness. It is chalky and melts quickly. Package says:
Suggested Use
Adults & Children ages 6 – 12: 4 tablets.
Children ages 1 – 6: 2 tablets.
Dissolve under tongue 3 times a day. Use more frequently (every 15 minutes for up to 8 doses) with acute conditions.
We have been giving one tablet. She had 2 at 4am feeding. The 6am feeding (just now) she spit up a lot. And making lots of throat clearing noises. Fell asleep quickly after feed but continued to make these noises and some straining in her sleep.
The Nat Phos 6x you have got seems to be the genuine product but there is some possibility that the Hylands is different from the product made in India.I have prescribed half tablet of Nat Phos 6x for babies and this has worked in many cases. If it does not I then increase the dose to a full tablet.
You have already given her 2 tablets after a feed but she still spit up her feed. It is now time to use the Lycopodium 30c in the Wet dose and you will give her just half a teaspoonful twice daily and report her response.
Hi joe.
Can we make the Lycopodium wet solution from the pellet or should I buy it directly in liquid form?
Baby doing better at 9am and 11am feeding. Still spitting but less visible pain.
Yes, you may make it using 6 pellets in a bottle of water but when you get the Liquid DIlution you can make a fresh bottle with just 3 drops in 500ml water and give him a dose twice daily. Lyco helps with Reflux in conjunction with Nat Phos 6x.
Anything is better than the PPI drugs which can harm the patient especially a baby, in a manner that is unimaginable, for life.
Hi Dr. Joe!
I am excited to report that Baby A is off the Prilosec. Her last dose was Friday morning (about 6 days ago). She is not having the major issues she had last time as we tried to wean her (apnia — oxygen desaturation from holding breadth… and acidic smelling breadth). She still does have some throat clearing and spit up (both twins do). Also what sounds like gas pains because of the complaining after each feed.
Here is what we are doing…
– Each feed give 1 tablet of the Nat Phos 6x. We give 50 mls of milk in a bottle and then burp. Then give remaining 10 mls with the tablet.
– Twice a day give the Lycopodium wet solution using the pellets. We haven’t received the alcohol solution yet.
– Mom takes Nat Phos, Arnica30c. Mom stopped coffee and milk.
– Babies also have Thrush (yeast) probably because of antibiotics they were given. This is the white patches in their mouth. For this they are also getting some probiotics and coconut oil rubbed in mouth.
Let me know if you have any other ideas. We do need to keep the baby upright after the feed but they still make the pain sounds (probably from gas). It helps when i put them tummy down.
Thanks so much for your guidance.
Delighted to learn that Baby A is out of the woods and that you have not used the PPI drug Prilosec for the last week.
I would prefer that you do not use a full tablet of NP as I recommend just half tablet after a feed. Try out this reduction in dosage as I am believe that she can digest her feed with just half.
When she is able to do without the Lyco, you can stop it.
What is her weight increase?
How is Baby B?
You can treat their “Thrush” with Arnica 6c in the Wet dose. You will apply the liquid remedy on their affected lesions on their mouths. You will NOT give them the Arnica orally as I do not wish to overload the remedies they are now taking.
Please list ALL the drugs, if any, and remedies that you are giving them today.
How are you both coping?
You can both take Arnica 30 twice daily and Kali Phos 6x dose 3 tablets thrice daily. The KP will give you added energy.
She can continue with the Nat Phos 6x as it will help to reduce her weight.
Hi Dr. Joe.
Their weight gain seems fine. The are at about 3.6kg (8lbs).
Twin B is doing well and eating well. She does spit up and does sometimes get uncomfortable due to gas.
Twin A is also eating well. She also has some spit up but I’m concerned that her voice is hoarse. It sounds like throat clearing but noticed that hoarse sound when she was pushing to poop. Wondering if her esophagus is damaged from previous reflux.
They are on:
– nat phos x6
– probiotics every other day 1/2 tsp powder (good bacteria)
– vitamins and iron 1/2 ml daily
– intermittent Lyco pellet dissolved in water (waiting on wet solution).
– topically use coconut oil on thrush (need to buy arnica wet)
I (mom) take the nat phos, arnica, and Lyco orally.
Warm regards,
I am delighted to learn that your twin babies are progressing normally and that their weight gain is at normal levels. I would like to know what their birth weight was and their date of birth for my records.
It is the Nat Phos 6x that has helped them with their spitting up their milk and it is my hope that they will both continue to progress normally.
You may be overdosing with Lyco as you stated:
“intermittent Lyco pellet dissolved in water “.
Please make a bottle of the Lyco with 6 pellets in the bottle and give the baby a teaspoonful if you find that she is not responding to the Nat Phos alone.
Use the Arnica when you get the Liquid Dilution but in the meanwhile you can make the Wet dose with 10 Arnica 6c pellets in a 500ml bottle of water which you will apply directly on their lesions to help with their skin problem around their mouths.
“I (mom) take the nat phos, arnica, and Lyco orally. ”
You can safely STOP the Lyco as you do not need it.
Hi Dr. Joe.
The babies were born on December 14. Both were about 2lb 14oz.
Thank you again for your generous guidance!
Warm regards,
Hi Joe.
On the website appears the 6x is out of stock. The drop down for potency starts at 7x. See: http://www.homeopathyworks.com/product.php?xProd=2982
So I ordered the Nat Phos 6x from Hylands. The pills may be too small to cut in half but will see when they arrive.
I also ordered the Arnica 30C from the website you suggested.
I hope this is correct:
ARNMON-DL Arnica Montana
Potency: 30C
Size: 15 ml
Alcohol (87% costs 10% extra): 20%
Type: Liquid Dilution
Warm regards,
Dear joe,
I am confident you can help baby Amelia who is 8 weeks old. She has been a happy spitter tho spent early mornings grunting and straining, legs pulling into tummy (no hardness). We attributed all this to gas and made sure to burp, elevate etc (no meds), until spitting and grunting symptoms started to diminish. I assumed it was a maturing gi system. Last week I started noticing thicker mucus in her mouth sounding as if it’s stuck in the back of her throat, spit up increased with mucus in it, she’s been at the breast feeding very often, has not had a bowel movement in a day and decreased urine output at night, she wants to be held constantly prefers being over the shoulder. I called the nurse who said it sounded like silent reflux. Last night after her 4am feeding she began to scream and whine in obvious pain. This continues still, she arches her back but prefers to be rolled up in a ball, smelly gas, some burps are wet which she swallows (no spitting up), loud burps, she’s constantly swallowing and has hiccups. We are going to the doctor, and I assume they will want to put her on meds. I want to try your remedy first. Also, I have been eating a bland diet for 6 weeks. Should we still do your prescribed nat phos and arnica? Or do you have another suggestion?
Many many thanks
It is very likely that your baby suffers from Gastric Reflux aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease)
The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:
Nat Phos 6x dose half tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed.
It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that this remedy will also help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread .
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Thank you so much. Do you know where in the us I can order the wet dose? I bought arnica Montana 30c in pills. Will start nat phos ASAP
What is the max dose in 24 hrs? She eats often
Also, the pharmacy here suggested cocyntal (carbo vegetabilis 5c, colocynthis 9c, cuprum metallicum 5c). Is it ok to use with the nat phos?
You will have to make up your mind if you wish to use my therapy which has helped hundreds of babies who were suffering unnecessarily with GERD for which their pediatricians had prescribed the standard PPI drugs like Nexium .
You have the alternative of using the remedies prescribed by your pharmacy when you will not want to use my therapy.
You cannot obviously use both.
We are absolutely going with your protocol. As a parent you want to do whatever you can, and I was simply wondering if I could combine remedies. We will not, and have taken 3 doses, not much improvement yet. We ajre hopeful as she is a brand new case. Will report back tomorrow.
Doctor gave us a prescription for Zantac which we do not want to give
What is the maximum dose in 24 hrs we can give baby?
I already ordered the arnica liquid, will start once it arrives.
Many thanks
Please indicate what you have given baby in a dose, and when you gave it.
dear joe –
update on baby amelia. Gave 8 doses in 24 hours, half pills after feedings. She was much more relaxed and slept most of the day. Slept ok during the night, woke to feed. Also – finally had a bowl movement at 5am after no movement for 2 days. Tho she is still grunting and straining – either trying to poo again or pass gas. Ususally unproductively. If you could recommend a remedy for this I would greatly appreciate it. She is taking probiotics.
Alert today, continuing with NP after each feeding. She doesn’t really drink well from the dropper, so I have now started crushing the dose and giving it to her on my finger. Works very well.
More spit up, but doesn’t seem to be bothering her at all. Mostly milk with some curdling. This could be because she wants to feed so often, her little stomach just can’t keep up.
Saliva is not as thick, more runny and drooling. Dr said it was unrelated, and it was an early sign of teething.
Hiccups and burping continue. Burps greatly improved, not as loud and less often are ‘wet’. Gasping for food much less too, resulting in less gas in her belly.
No hysterical crying spells at all – just whining from discomfort of the grunting/straining.
i continue to take my dose as well
thanks again
Glad to note that baby has responded to Nat Phos 6x and that his constipation is also eased.
You will continue with the remedy and be assured that it is absolutely safe.
Report progress weekly.
Hello Joe,
I recently stumbled across your site when looking for a remedy for my 7 week old baby girl reflux problem. I purchased the Nat Phos 6x and started giving it to her 1 tablet dissolved in formula after every feed but not exceeding 6x’s in a day. She is still spitting up often after every feed even when keeping her sitting upright. I also noticed that you said to give Arnica 30c liquid 2x daily. However, we are unable to find the liquid so we purchased the pellets. I was wondering if I could use the pellets dissolved for the time being. If so, may you please tell me how to mix the pellets? Anything else that I can do to help her out? I don’t want to result to giving her the Zantac that the doctor prescribed.
Thanks in advance,
I note that you have given baby Nat Phos 6x and that she is still spitting up her feed.
It is very likely that you have not got the Biochemic Cell Salt of Nat Phos 6x as the Homeopathic version does not work in the same manner. Please check this matter with your pharmacy anc get the correct version.
If she does not respond after you have got the Cell Salt please contact me again for another remedy.
DO NOT give baby Zantac. Do a search on Google for “The danger of PPI drugs”
I am copying below my updated therapy for Baby Gerd where you will note that Arnica is eliminated. I did so as I discovered that some mothers were giving the Arnica to baby although I had advised otherwise.
It is very likely that your baby suffers from Gastric Reflux aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease)
The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:
Nat Phos 6x dose half tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. If you discover that baby does not respond to the half tablet you can increase the dosage to a full tablet given after every feed but not to exceed 5 tablets in 24 hours.
It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that this remedy will also help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread .
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I checked the Nat Phos that I purchased which is Hyland’s #10 Natrum Phos 6X Cell Salts. This is the same brand that is recommended on the ABC Homeopathy site.
As far as the Arnica 30C, I will not give this to my baby as stated by you. I am not breastfeeding. She is on the baby formula. I do burp her in the middle of a bottle feeding and also at the end of the feeding.Should I wait 10 minutes or so after her feeding to give her the medicine? She is unable to get the medicine into her system as she spits up right after the feed.When that happens I know the medicine does not have time to get settled and begin to work this way. Please advise. Thank you.
Mar J
Hylands is OK.
You can experiment with giving the NP dissolved in the formula as it will be absorbed by her and will prevent her from spitting up.
It is a waste of time to give the NP 10 minutes after a feed as the idea is to ensure that she is able to digest her feed without spitting it out.
Report her progress tomorrow after 2 feeds with NP.
I am currently dissolving 1 tablet in 5ml of formula and giving it to her right after her bottle. Should I give it to her at the beginning of the feeding followed by the bottle? Or should i just dissolve the tablet into the bottle of formula itself? Please advise and I will get started on the method right away.
Dear Joe…
First of all, I would like to thank you for all the help that you give us parents and our children. I have a three month old baby boy that is suffering from GERD (my diagnosis). He currently takes only formula (specialy formulated for super sensitive babies; hypoallergenic, non lactose, extremely hydrolized). This was the only milk that did not produce an allergic reaction in his face but his spitting is still as the begining and he is upset most of the time. We burp him after each feed but lately he has not been feeding enough (drinks around 10-15 onz per day while pediatrician states that he should be eating 24 onz). He currently weighs 12.5 lbs but he increased only 12 onz the last month. I am afraid he is not getting enough food and not incresing weight as he should.
I have read your recommendations but I was only able to find Nat Phox 30c (diluted) in my country Guatemala. Would you recommend giving this? If yes, in what dose?
Thanks in advance for your guidance…
I forgot to mention that we are currently giving him Motilium (domperidone) but I want to stop it.
I would like to inquire why your wife is NOT BREAST FEEDING your infant son. As you obviously know, it is ESSENTIAL that a baby is given the right to Breast Milk at least for the first 6 months of life as it contains the essential ingredients for life. When the baby is deprived of Breast milk there is every chance that he will suffer from various ailments like Baby GERD which your son is experiencing today.
Nat Phos 30c is NOT the substitute for Nat Phos 6x Biochemic Cell Salt which you will have to mail order from a vendor in the US who manufactures it.
Washington Homeopathics
1 800 336 1695
Please be informed that Motilium is NOT RECOMMENDED and it is BANNED in the US. It will cause serious side effects to your baby.
I shall copy below my default therapy for Baby GERD:
It is very likely that your baby suffers from Gastric Reflux aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease)
The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:
Nat Phos 6x dose half tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. If you discover that baby does not respond to the half tablet you can increase the dosage to a full tablet given after every feed but not to exceed 5 tablets in 24 hours.
It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that this remedy will also help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread .
Thank you for your fast response.
I will order the NP 6x from the recommended vendor.
My wife breat fead my son for the first month but her milk production ceased and she was unable to feed him anymore. She is now blaming herself for his problem.
Once the new NP arrives and I begin giving it to him, do you believe he will have to continue using the same formula or will he be able to drink the traditional formula?
Your wife will be surprised at the action of Arnica 6c on her production of Breast milk.
Please also order
Arnica 6c in the Liquid Dilution in the highest alcohol %age from the same vendor.
She should massage her breasts and try to feed the baby as sucking on the breast will stimulate production.
and just to make sure I understand correctly: My wife should take Arnica 6c or 30c in Liquid Dilution to restore breast feeding?
Your previous reply sais 6c but the one before says 30c.
I prescribe Arnica 30c usually to the mother to help her to recover better and Nat Phos 6x to reduce weight but to increase lactation it is Arnica 6c.
Nat Phos 6x Biochemic Cell Salt is in a standard TABLET but the Homeopathic equivalent which does not work is in pellets.
Hello Joe…
I have finally received the NP 6x. I bought from Hylands from Amazon as the place you reccommended did not carry the tablet but different pill sizes.
I started giving my son 1/2 tablet since yesterday but he only seems to get worst. I will increment to one tablet and see what happens. He is barely eating again and vomiting almost all his feed.
I have found breast milk from a friend but recently he has been rejecting it. We compliment is with formula as my wife gets her milk back.
Let me know if you have any suggestions or comments.
Nat Phos 6x is usually marketed in tablets at Washington Homeopathics and I presume that they have run out of their stocks but Hylands is OK.
Let me know how baby responds to the full tablet which is absolutely harmless and does not usually cause any aggravation of Baby GERD.
I also forgot to ask, what pill size should I buy?
Hi Joe…
My baby boy has accepted very well NP in one tablet per dose. He barely spits up now and his mood has also improved significantly.
Thank you very much for your guidance. I would also like to ask you for how long should I continue giving him NP and if I should progressively take it away or if it is better to remove it at once.
You will gradually reduce baby’s dosage of NP as his body takes over.
I hope that you realize that NP cannot possibly harm baby unlike the PPI Drugs usually prescribed by doctors which wreak havoc in their tiny bodies and which pediatricians will increase the dosage when the baby does does not help.
I have an 8 wk old infant that has acid reflux and is currently on prevacid. I have read about the Nat Phos 6x and would like to try this instead of the prevacid. Can you tell me what the dosing would be for her? She is approx. 10lbs. Also, should I use any other remedy with it or will this be enough?
Thank you
The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:
Nat Phos 6x dose half tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. If you discover that baby does not respond to the half tablet you can increase the dosage to a full tablet given after every feed but not to exceed 5 tablets in 24 hours. Please note that you must get the Biochemic Cell Salt of Nat Phos 6x which is always in tablets and not in pellets which is the Homeopathic version of the same remedy and will not help the patient.
It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will STOP all other drugs to enable the Nat Phos to cure Baby.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that this remedy will also help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours.
I do not breastfeed, she is currently on similac alimentum. When you say to mix Nat phos 6x in milk, do you just mean to use her formula? Also, do you know of a good online place to purchase the nat phos 6x and arnica?
Thank you
I hope that you realize that depriving your infant daughter of your Breast Milk, is the reason for her presenting the problems you listed of Baby GERD. You are depriving your baby of the right to your breast milk which contains the most essential ingredients for her future life and even today it is not too late to start doing so.
I live in Sri Lanka and do not know where you live to advise you from where you may get the Nat Phos 6x.
You can dissolve the NP in water.
I gave her the first dose tonight, and since she has been fussy, fidgeting and crying…just appearing uncomfortable. is this a normal reaction? If so, how many doses need to be given, before this goes away?
Thank you
It is very likely that she is reacting to the acid which she is experiencing due to the withdrawal of the PPI drug Prevacid you have been giving her for some time.
Continue with the Nat Phos 6x dissolved in water or milk which I notice you took all of a week to give her after I first prescribed it.
it took a week to give, because I had to order on line and just received today, so I started as soon as I received it. I will repost in 24 hours like requested before.
I tried half a tablet with the first 3 feeds, but she continued to remain uncomfortable and refluxing, so this last feed I increased to a full tablet..my question is if she is only allowed 5 tablets, she will not be able to get a tablet with each feed, is this ok? Or can she have more then 5 tablets in 24 hours?
Thank you
You may start her off on a full tablet of NP 6x after every feed and when you observe that she is not uncomfortable any more you can then slowly reduce the dosage down to half tablet. You may exceed the set dosage of 5 tablets as NP is absolutely safe in use unlike drugs.
You should observe that she will soon stabilize as NP helps to keep stools soft, thereby avoiding constipation and she will be OK and smiling in a week.
Hi Joe, I am happy to have found your site yesterday, while looking for alternative treatments for GERD. I have a 6.5 month old baby (who is 18.5lbs). She is exclusively breastfed, and has had reflux since day one; however, it took us a couple of months to diagnose this. I have taken dairy, wheat, gluten, sugar, spices out of my diet in an effort to help remedy her condition.
The pediatrician prescribed her Nexium and she has been taking this for 2 months now. My husband and I are not in alignment about this (he feels that the Nexium works, so would rather her take it than have GERD symptoms). I understand the side-effects of giving medications to babies, and would like to treat the etiology, rather than treat symptoms with a med. She still coughs a lot despite being on the med, and there is some concern that we may have to increase the dosage of the Nexium. Of course this is NOT an option for me.
Could you please advise on the exact protocol- both for my baby and myself to treat her GERD. I have checked with my local pharmacy and they carry Hyland brand of tissue salts.
Many thanks,
It is very likely that your baby suffers from Gastric Reflux aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease).
The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:
Nat Phos 6x dose half tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. If you discover that baby does not respond to the half tablet you can increase the dosage to a full tablet given after every feed but not to exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours. Please note that you must get the Biochemic Cell Salt of Nat Phos 6x which is always in tablets and not in pellets which is the Homeopathic version of the same remedy and will not help the patient.
It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will STOP all other drugs to enable the Nat Phos to cure Baby.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that this remedy will also help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours.
Hello Joe,
My son is 11 months old and has a history of asthma triggered by a cold.
His history is as follows:
He contracted his first infection when he was 6 weeks old. Due to his age he was hospitalized as he had developed a fever of 103 degrees F. He was administered antibiotics. He did not need to be treated for breathing difficulties during this time.
After this he has been contracting infections from his older brother and wheezing approximately every 3 weeks. The pediatrician put him on pulmicort and albuterol. When he was 4 months old he contracted a particularly bad infection where he was hospitalized again and given a 5 day course of oral corticosteroids. We were sent to a pediatric pulmonologist who changed the albuterol to duo neb.
When he was 6 months old the pulmonologist diagnosed him with reflux and put him on Zantac. But he continued wheezing. We stopped the Zantac when he was 9 months old.
So far he has had many rounds of antibiotics and he had to take oral corticosteroids 3 times in all so far.
He has just recovered from a cold which turned into an ear infection. Now he spits up after every nursing and is very cranky if he is laid down after a nursing. He was exclusively breastfed and was started on solids at 6 months.
I would like to strengthen his immunity and see him fight the infections without the asthma and reflux.
Thank you in advance for your advice
NoVA Mum
Your son’s case is complicated as he presents Baby GERD which I believe is the reason for his Asthmatic wheeze.
I shall treat his GERD first and if my diagnosis is correct, his Asthma should hopefully not bother him anymore.
I use a remedy that I have identified as an Antiviral agent but i have never prescribed it for a Baby and would prefer to hold it for the moment till we overcome his GERD.
The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:
Nat Phos 6x dose 1 tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. You will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You will also take Arnica 30c which you will order in the Liquid Dilution as per instructions below. Please note that the Arnica is NOT for baby.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Thank you Joe
We started the nat Phos 6x on Wednesday night.
The arnica liquid dilution will be delivered later. He has caught another infection. No breathing issues yet. He has a lot of drainage and has fever that comes and goes. He is weak and has lost his appetite. He still has spit ups, but not as much as before.
My son has recovered from his infection and did not have any wheezing this time around. The spit ups have reduced in frequency and severity. We are continuing the Nat Phos 6x, one tablet after every meal.
How long should we continue the nat Phos?
Also if he has wheezing the next time he has an infection, is there a homeopathic remedy for it?
NoVA Mum
Glad to note that in just a week you have noted an improvement in his reflux.
Continue the Nat Phos as it is absolutely safe but you may reduce the dose by giving half tablet and observing how he responds.
Report progress.
My son has contracted a cold and has been wheezing since yesterday. I have started him on his rescue medication. Is there a homeopathic alternative. We have been continuing the nat phos as before.
Dear Dr Joe
My sincere thanks for dedicating so much of your time to help others. In this day and age its very rare that people have such an attitude. I wish you a long and happy life so that many helpless babies and adults can benefit from your help.
I am writing in to ask for advice to treat my son. He is now 26 days old. He feeds often and has been gaining weight.
He struggles strains and grunts to poop although he is not constipated and his poop is runny and yellow just like an infant’s poop is expected to be. And even then it doesn’t come out easily. Comes little at a time and my baby keeps on grunting trying to get it out.
Sometimes cries as well. He does poop many times daily.
He also strains to pee and mostly cries after it.
He is very gassy. Hard to burp. Sometimes takes a long long time to get a burp from him and when I do its really really loud and long. He does have wind as well which again is bit loud for a baby.
He gags when my milk lets down at the start of feeding. I hand express out a little and this seems to be helping him cope with the flow.
He is sometimes settled at night and sleeps for 2-3 hours. But mostly needs to be burped or is grunting which I assume is either to pass wind or poop. I am not sure why he grunts or strains so much. He likes to be held since he finds it uncomfortable lying down.
I am not sure his symptoms are of GERD since he doesn’t spit up a lot. In fact he spits up very little.
He has been like this- straining and gassy- since birth. Although the only difference is that he used to sleep longer stretches in the first two weeks.
I would be grateful if you can suggest some remedies. I live in India now and please also suggest what brand of medicine would be best to buy.
In great anticipation.
You do not have any reason to consult me as your Baby is doing fine. It is best not to interfere with his growth by giving him any remedies. Do not give him any drugs.
If you do have any problems in the future feel free to contact me on my Website.
One final word:
Do not vaccinate him till he is over a year old and better still over 2 years old.
If you believe in God, be thankful that all is well with your infant Son and offer your thanks to Him that it is so.
Dear Dr Joe
My sincere thanks for dedicating so much of your time to help others. In this day and age its very rare that people have such an attitude. I wish you a long and happy life so that many helpless babies and adults can benefit from your help.
I am writing in to ask for advice to treat my son. He is now 26 days old. He feeds often and has been gaining weight.
He struggles strains and grunts to poop although he is not constipated and his poop is runny and yellow just like an infant’s poop is expected to be. And even then it doesn’t come out easily. Comes little at a time and my baby keeps on grunting trying to get it out.
Sometimes cries as well. He does poop many times daily.
He also strains to pee and mostly cries after it.
He is very gassy. Hard to burp. Sometimes takes a long long time to get a burp from him and when I do its really really loud and long. He does have wind as well which again is bit loud for a baby.
He gags when my milk lets down at the start of feeding. I hand express out a little and this seems to be helping him cope with the flow.
He is sometimes settled at night and sleeps for 2-3 hours. But mostly needs to be burped or is grunting which I assume is either to pass wind or poop. I am not sure why he grunts or strains so much. He likes to be held since he finds it uncomfortable lying down.
I am not sure his symptoms are of GERD since he doesn’t spit up a lot. In fact he spits up very little.
He has been like this- straining and gassy- since birth. Although the only difference is that he used to sleep longer stretches in the first two weeks.
I would be grateful if you can suggest some remedies. I live in India now and please also suggest what brand of medicine would be best to buy.
In great anticipation.
Dear Dr Joe
Just wanted to add that a homeopath I know has suggested lycopodium for my son
Hello Livera,
I am 28 years old female from India. From last 2 years I am having
Asthma, continuous coughing and sneezing issues. one month before it
is find out that I have a GERD and through PH test it is clear that I
have asthma and coughing issues because of GERD only. I am having
aleopathy medicine but its not working. Dr suggested me for surgery.
It is kindly request to you , please help me.
Thank You
I note that you have addressed me:
“Hello Livera,”
Upon referring to your 2 emails I discovered that you were more respectful in your addressing me. I cannot therefore understand the reason for this sudden change in your address in the matter of a few minutes.
Don’t you think that Hello Livera sounds condescending to address a complete stranger without the standard protocol reserved for addressing one? In fact you do NOT have to use any address at all as a mere statement of your problem would have been sufficient.
I also note that you are 28 years of age and live in India.
You may like to know that I am 85 years of age and old enough to be your Grandfather.
Please repeat your post WITHOUT any form of address if you wish to consult me.
Hello Dr Livera,
By mistake it has done , sorry for that. I know you are of my Grand father age. Sorry again sir.
GERD with asthma, continous coughing and sneezing issue and burning in chest and throat:
I am 28 years old female from India. From last 2 years I am having
Asthma, continuous coughing and sneezing issues, burning sensation in throat and chest. one month before it
is find out that I have a GERD and through PH test it is clear that I
have asthma and coughing and other issues because of GERD only. I am having
aleopathy medicine but its not working. Dr suggested me for surgery.
It is kindly request to you , please help me.
Thank You
I note that you made a mistake in sending me your last post. You should make quite certain that you do not make this type of mistake again as it tends to hurt people like me who are dedicated to helping suffering humanity free of charge, in my case with my own version of Homeopathy now known as “Joepathy”..
You do NOT have to be in surgery for a simple solution to your GERD which you have analysed correctly as being the cause of your Asthma.
I shall treat you for your GERD for the moment and observe how your Asthma responds. If it does not work, I shall then treat you for Asthma later.
I shall copy below my default therapy for GERD.
It is very likely that you suffer from Hyperacidity or Gastritis, aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) and I shall copy my default therapy that has helped hundreds of patients to overcome this disease for which doctors usually prescribe PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which are dangerous and can cause many other more serious problem when used in the long term.
You will hopefully discover that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will help you within 24 hours after you have taken your first dose after a meal.
The remedies you will order are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 3 meals.
This remedy accelerates the passage of food down the gut and prevents the formation of acid which would otherwise reflux causing GERD.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
This remedy works to repair the damaged Esophagus which has metastasised to resemble the gut to deal with the Hcl refluxed into it causing severe distress. Arnica works with the Nat Phos to speedily cure the problem.
You can also take a PROBIOTIC like Bifilac daily. A Probiotic will help by changing the balance of the Bacteria in the gut and will contribute to your cure and help to ensure that your problem does not recur. After your problem with GERD is stabilised you can take the Arnica in the Wet dose nightly before bed and the Probiotic daily for life. You do not need to take Nat Phos daily but you will keep a stock to be used whenever you feel uncomfortable after a meal when you will take 2-3 tablets as necessary.
Please observe the following simple rules:
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Thank You so much Dr Livera,
Using this , my coughing and sneezing issues will resolved? Because I have lots of continuous coughing and sneezing issue, and it is making my life worst.
One more thing I am not clear about Arnica 30c wet form. If I orders liquid form of Arnica then how to take it. I am not getting the remedy of it.
I observe that you are a girl who does not spend the time necessary to read and digest my therapy as prescribed. I refer to your statement:
“One more thing I am not clear about Arnica 30c wet form. If I orders liquid form of Arnica then how to take it. I am not getting the remedy of it.’
You will discover that your question has already been answered in the third paragraph from the bottom in my prescription.
“my coughing and sneezing issues will resolved? Because I have lots of continuous coughing and sneezing issue, and it is making my life worst.”
You have not STARTED on my therapy up to now and you expect me to cure your other ailments.
I regret that this is not possible. We will have to observe how you progress in a few weeks and you will report progress from time to time.
Hello Dr Livera,
By mistake it has done , sorry for that. I know you are of my Grand father age. Sorry again sir.
GERD with asthma, continous coughing and sneezing issue and burning in chest and throat:
I am 28 years old female from India. From last 2 years I am having
Asthma, continuous coughing and sneezing issues, burning sensation in throat and chest. one month before it
is find out that I have a GERD and through PH test it is clear that I
have asthma and coughing and other issues because of GERD only. I am having
aleopathy medicine but its not working. Dr suggested me for surgery.
It is kindly request to you , please help me.
Thank You
Hello Dr. Joe,
I am taking nat phor 6x – 3 tablets as suggested by you . My heartburn sensation is increased & coughing is also increased. When I was taking 4 tablets ( for first 2 days ) at that time I felt that I had more relaxation compared to right now ( taking 3 tablets ). Shall I continue to take 4 tablets of nat phor 6x instead of 3 tablets ?
I have started nat sulph 6c from yesterday..
Waiting for your reply.
Hello Dr Joe, i am having medicines justed by you. 1) i am having nat phos 6x immidiate after a meal, it reduces burning sensation for a while and after a hour again i face the lots burning sensation. 2) whenever i feel lots of burning sensation, i do vometting, it has very sour test and when i vomet lots of sour test cough get vommeted. 3)when burning sensation gets increased my coughing and breathing gets increased. 4) i think lots of acid is getting created in my stomach, even i am suffering from lots of gases and motion is not clear. Please help. Thanks.
Robinia Pseudacacia 3c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily for 3 days will reduce your production of acid and hopefully provide the answer to control your problem of Hyperacidity and GERD.
The problem I have is that you also suffer from Asthma and although I reluctantly prescribed Nat Sulph 6c in the Wet dose, I am not comfortable with prescribing so many remedies for you as they may antidote each other.
I would like you to STOP the Nat Sulph 6c for the moment and you will report on your GERD tomorrow after taking the new remedy to reduce your acid output.
Hi dr joe,
I am not getting robinia p in the market. so what to do? may i need to take of diffrent potency like 30c. please suggest me.
Hello Dr. Joe,
Whether Robinia 3c & Robinia Pseudacacia 3c are same or different ?
As homeopathy shop person says that Robinia Pseudacacia called Robinia only.
Also I have one more doubt , in previous message you have suggested me Ars Alb 200c ( whenever required ) in abc forum. Whether I need to take this medicine ( if required ) by the same way we prepare remedy of arnica 30c ( 500 ml spring water , 3 drops of remedy…. ) ?
Hello Dr. Joe,
Whether Robinia 3c & Robinia Pseudacacia 3c are same or different ?
As homeopathy shop person says that Robinia Pseudacacia called Robinia only.
Also I have one more doubt , in previous message you have suggested me Ars Alb 200c ( whenever required ) in abc forum. Whether I need to take this medicine ( if required ) by the same way we prepare remedy of arnica 30c ( 500 ml spring water , 3 drops of remedy…. ) ?
The full title of Robinia is Robinia Pseudacacia.
Buy it and use just 3 DROPS in 500ml water and you will take 15ml for a dose thrice daily and report in 48 hours.
The Ars Alb is for your Asthma and I have requested you to STOP the Asthma therapy for the moment till your GERD is stabilized.
Hello Dr Joe,
I have taken Robinia 3c three times for 2 days, today is 3rd day for it.
1)1st day: Lots of burning in the morning, acid was coming up. I did vomiting near about 3-4 times. I feel that acid gates vomited in the form of cough because I have bitter & sour taste after vomiting. When the cough comes up then there is lot of itching in the throat & on tongue. I have little bit relief after taking robinia 3c.
2) 2nd day : In the morning I had lot of coughing & burning sensations in the chest & throat.Whole day there was little bit burning sensation which is comparatively less than morning.
I have vomited 3-4 times in a day. After vomiting I feel better for some time.
Today morning , from 3:30 am till 9 am , I have burning sensation. In this time I have vomited 4 times & lots of cough gets vomited. I cann’t able sleep due to coughing.
Currently I am taking Robinia3c , 15 ml & Nat phos 6x.
Point to be noted : Every morning whenever I wake up I have lot of coughing in the morning.This coughing continues at least 1-2 hours. This is fixed timing of my coughing. In the whole day I have less coughing Compared to morning & there is no fixed timing for coughing in the day time ( except morning – when I wake up ). I forgot to tell that I have high acidity problem from long years.
I am not taking any other allopathy medicine from the day I have started homeopathy suggested by you. My breathing problem is also increased.
Yours is a very difficult case to treat and the first that has not responded to my default therapy for GERD and you can read the many hundreds of cases I have treated and CURED on my website.
I would like to know if you have observed any improvement in your condition today when compared to what it was before you contacted me and used my therapy.
Asafoetida 6c in the Wet dose will prevent vomiting, which I observe is perhaps your main problem right now. You will take it twice daily.
I would like to know when you vomit after a meal and how much of food you eat. Also do you drink any water immediately after a meal?
You stated that you cough when you wake up. Have you caught the current Flu which results in coughing?
You also suffer from Asthma and if this is bothering you, you may have to start on the Nat Sulph 6c as prescribed which I requested you to stop as I feared that you will end up with a remedy overload.
Have you consulted a doctor for your chronic GERD and if so what is the diagnosis?
Hello Dr Joe, yes, I have consulted to Dr for my GERD and dr told that i am having asthma and coughing problem because of gerd only that i have told you in my first post. Another thing is that i have hyper acidity from long years. Whenever i feel more burning sensation i do vomit forcefuly so that acid get vomit. Todays situation is realy worst, lots of burning sensation for whole day. I think my gerd situation is realy worst. Please help.
Hola! I’ve been following your website for a while now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a
shout out from Houston Texas! Just wanted to say
keep up the excellent work!
Here is my blog post 長袖ワンピース
Hi there, i really need your help. I havea 6 month old baby boy, ges had silent reflux since 5 weeks old. He was on zantac but after reading how bad it is i took him off. I am going to start the nat phos. My question is when do i give him it. I burp him every 2 ounces. Then again at end of bottle. On a mornin iv reduced his milk & give him porridge & fruit straight after milk. Do i give it after porridge or before? Also i give him lunch after small bottle at dinner again do i give it after lunch this is straight after bottle. He is big baby on top
Scale for height. Many thanks hazel
I see that:
“On a mornin iv reduced his milk & give him porridge & fruit straight after milk. Do i give it after porridge or before? Also i give him lunch after small bottle at dinner again do i give it after lunch this is straight after bottle. ”
It is obvious that your baby is reacting to your giving SOLIDS like porridge which his digestion is not ready to digest.
Your pediatrician should have warned you that a baby can only go on solids after 9 months.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too. The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk is given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet before a feed and the balance given immediately after, dissolved in milk, but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
Hi there, thank you. I dont want to stop food as milk isnt enough for him, the health visitor said it was ok. Also he has seemed better since starting food but still refluxing. Hes formula fed dairy free milk. Since birth had very bad wind/constipation. He still gets a little bit but much better since going dairy free.
i only found you this week
Ive got the tablets ready for next feed. To clarify its half before & then half after? Do i wind before or after the tablet?
Hes also had his vaccinations
Many thanks
I have been treating over 250 babies and you can access my advice to anxious mothers on my Website.
If you choose to give your baby solids at age 6 months feel free to do so but count me out as your adviser.
I am simply amazed at the advice you have received in Britain from both your pediatrician to stop breast milk at 3 weeks of age and to give Zantac and now from your ‘health visitor’ to give your 6 month old baby PORRIDGE and FRUIT !!!
I also note that you speak of Lunch and Dinner for your baby and am surprised that “He is big baby on top Scale for height. ” What is his weight and has his growth been satisfactory?
You are fortunate that you discovered my Website and I hope that you will read the accounts of mothers whose babies I have treated here.
You must understand that a baby is best fed with Breast Milk and I hope that you have done so in his interest especially in later life. You stated:
“Ok but how do i stop now ive started? Will he not be hungry?”
MILK is a baby’s food for at least 9 months and he will never be HUNGRY if you feed him as you should on demand, and he will make you know when he is hungry.
You cannot possibly replace milk with porridge and fruits as his digestion is not able to cope with solids of all types.
If you find that you cannot divide a tablet of Nat Phos 6x you can dissolve it and give him half the dissolved solution before and the balance after a feed. You will report his response in 24 hours as some babies especially those who have been on Ranitidine may need another remedy Nux Vomica 30c to stabilize their esophagus which is as you state, burnt by the acid. You can get this remedy in pellets as these are freely available and you will use just 6 pellets in 500ml water of which you will give baby 3ml twice daily.
Also he has been having chamomilla 3x for teething can i still give him this? Iv just gave him first tablet & found it difficult to half, also ive found it hard to get his wind up after the tablet is that normal
Ok but how do i stop now ive started? Will he not be hungry?
In britain they say 6 months i thought he would be ok, but if i need to stop i will
Sorry for multiple posts! Im also worried since stopping ranitadine his esophagus is burnt will remedy help
Hi there,
I stopped breast feeding for personal reasons i was unwell in labor & my baby didnt put on much weight in first few weeks. However i started formula & he started puttin on weight. He is approx 20lbs & our family is very tall. Im 5ft11 my partner 6ft & my father 6ft3.
I have gave the doses specified.
First dose -unsettled & hiccups
Second dose – more settled slept more, woke up with tummy ache but has done this since newborn. Gets hard left side of tummy pulls up legs & squirms.
Third dose – seems about the same. Gave tablet but then was still hungry so gave more milk. Is it ok to give milk after 2nd half of tablet?
Is he ok to take chamomilla 3x?
He is still constipated
Have you stopped his “lunch and dinner” comprising porridge and fruits?
List the Homeopathic remedies and doses you have given him till now.
Hi there
Yes stopped it all. Just bottles.
Hes having your recommendation
Half nat phos before & after bottle
I disolved this under his tongue is that ok?
When needed small dose of chamomilla 3x
Thats all
Im still seeing him reflux but not as bad he seems more settled
4th dose – seems about the same
5th dose again seems same. Woke up
At 2.30am & 5.30am with sore tummy & trapped wind.
One small hard poo.
How long does it take to clear reaction
It is time now to start him on Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose in addition to the Nat Phos 6x. You will give baby just half a teaspoonful of the remedy water which you have made with the Nux Vomica pellets twice daily.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
You may also use the pellets if you cannot get the Liquid pack and you will use 8 pellets instead of the Alcohol drops.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
I have noticed his reflux quite bad today, could this be it reacting before it settles
Confirm that you have started him on the Nux Vomica.
My last post to you reads:
“It is time now to start him on Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose in addition to the Nat Phos 6x. You will give baby just half a teaspoonful of the remedy water which you have made with the Nux Vomica pellets twice daily.”
Hi there, my internet wouldnt load i will order it right away it will take a few days though as i cant buy it in shop.
Thank you i will keep reporting. Is it normal for it to flare up?
Is the same for pellets shake in water?
Also is it ok for the chamomilla?
Please STOP BUGGING ME every few minutes as you have been doing in your 3 last posts which you have sent me in the last hour.
You must understand that I am only doing a labour of love in trying to help suffering humanity and especially babies like your own as you have given him SOLID FOOD for “Lunch and Dinner” at 6 months of age !!!
I have prescribed Nux Vomica over 6 hours ago when I realized that the Nat Phos 6x alone was not helping him and I see that you have not given it to your baby who is suffering unnecessarily as a result. I can only try to help him from Sri Lanka where I live but I cannot ensure that you do give it to him.
When you do give it you may report his response.
I did not prescribe Chamomilla.
Also should i just give half nat phos before & after?
My internet keeps going funny which is why its only sending random posts. I am not bugging anyone thanks very much, thats a bit cheeky.
Yes i gave him solid food as i was advised by my health visitor! He has had this from birth not since i fed him solud food.
You are being very rude whether you are TRYING to help or not! You are penalizing my decisions which at the time was based on NHS Guidance!
I do not appreciate this!
You stated:
“You are being very rude whether you are TRYING to help or not! You are penalizing my decisions which at the time was based on NHS Guidance!
I do not appreciate this!”
You have already seen the result of your following the advice you have received so far and your baby is the victim.
You can take your baby’s problem to the NHS or someone else who can tolerate your own rudeness, compounded by the fact that you have not given the one remedy, Nux Vomica which I feel should help him right now.
Please leave me out.
I explained i can only buy online! I havent not give him it on purpose!
Sir i have done everything you advised.
I do really need your help for my baby.
Im not usually cheeky but extremely stressed & tired trying to take care of my baby
The nux vomica arrived today in the post so i will start it tomorrow.
I have been giving baby half tablet before & after feed now for a week. His reflux has got worse, looks in pain & started pushing bottle away today. He has acid coming up his throat. I just want him to be ok i hate seeing him in pain.
Can you please please advise how to proceed. My baby needs help & i dont trust our NHS now
For the sake of your baby I shall continue to advise you.
I hope that you have continued to give his Nat Phos 6x as prescribed up to now. The Nux Vomica 30c I have prescribed some time ago for your baby has the ability of reinforcing the action of Nat Phos 6x for babies who do not respond to this remedy alone.
You will use 6 pellets to medicate a 500ml bottle of spring water or 3 drops if you have the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol. You will give 3 ml of the water as the dose to baby twice daily.
Report his response in 24 hours.
Hi there
Thank you, i will start immediatly & report in 24 hours.
Very appreciated
I confirm i have been giving nat phos half before feed & half after
Is there any specific routine for nux vom or just twice any time?
Thank you again
You will follow my instructions about the dosage and you can give the Nux V about 15 minutes before a feed.
Hi ok thank you
Before seeing this i have gave 15 mins after food just before his nap & bed tonight is that ok?
Also i have put the nat phos straight on his tongue is this ok? Or should i dissolve in milk
Many thanks
I have noticed that you often rush to print without reading the instructions I have already given you and a good example is:
“Also i have put the nat phos straight on his tongue is this ok? Or should i dissolve in milk”
Dont you think that there is a possibility of the Nat Phos tablet going the wrong way and choking baby?
Sorry about that, It dissolves immediatly on his tongue, i kept my finger there to make sure.
I have given the nux vom for 24 hours, he still seems to be refluxing but does seem happier.
He didnt sleep well last night but its hard to judge what was waking him as he has 4 teeth coming through.
Shall i carry on with nux vom twice?
Many thanks
Sir it is over 48 hours now & i do see an improvement, but only little, He is burping easier, still refluxing but not as much & doesnt look in pain.
I should mention the first 2 days nat phos didnt work then it did for 3 days then symptoms got worse again. For the 3 days he slept excellent & pooped each day. However when symptoms returned his reflux got worse, lots of waking & has stopped pooping again.
Do i carry on as we have been prescribed
Thank you again
You will continue with my therapy which has helped baby.
Nat Phos 6x acts as a mild laxative and I hope you are giving baby a full tablet with every feed and the Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily.
Hi there
Yes, half nat phos before feed & half after. Nux vom twice daily
Sir can remedys stop baby sleeping? He is waking every hour. I could hear him refluxing early hours also.
Is nux vom safe to give daily?
Thank you
Do you still continue to give him “lunch and dinner”?
Hi sir can you please advise if nux vom ok, also
Do remedys stop baby sleeping
Thank you
As long as you give the recommended dosage of Nat Pho 6x and have added Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily, all is well.
These remedies do not interfere with a baby’s sleeping pattern but if you would like to add another remedy, you may add Arnica 30c in the Wet dose given like the Nux V just twice daily.
Report baby’s response.
Ok many thanks, is it safe to give all 3? I know its different to normal medication. I just feel like hes having a lot of things
Can i make the arnica with 6 tablets?
Thank you for getting back to me.
No just milk, he was sleeping more before though
Hi sir, i have just got my internet back.
I followed your instructions & my baby is totally healed & totally pain free.
Thank you so much.
Can you help myself with a sinus issue please? Ive had bad sinuses for 2 years it started off as an allergic reaction to a sting in the ocean. I now get bad pain mainly in right side of sinus & face, i have constant blocked sinus & post nasal drip
Hi joe
My son is 8 weeks old on Monday feb 1st. My paed has diagnosed him with reflux. And has prescribed Zantac and Ulsanic. He also prescribes cortisone drops for his nose as it was stuffy and a antihistamine to be given at night for a slight excema he has on his ankles( not too bad though in my opinion)
Samuel also has a tied tongue. His symptoms are that he wheezes when he drinks. He is exclusively breastfed. He gets hiccups a lot. Squirms when he is feeding. Cries after feeding, cries after burping. Seems hard in his tummy. His tummy also makes churning noises. He is inconsolable after his evening 6pm feed and sometimes takes until midnight to settle. He sleeps well otherwise.
I have found that the Zantac has constipated him and I have taken him off the Zantac as I have been nervous using it.
Poor thing also squirms a lot in his sleep and I find he is only comfortable to sleep on his tummy. Although sometimes it is just too sore for him
Please advise what you would suggest for him.
I would like to go the natural route
Kindest regards leigh
“Samuel also has a tied tongue.”
It is possible that his problems stem from his Tongue Tie and it is essential that you have this corrected surgically after I have stabilized his GERD which should be OK in under a week.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD that I have prescribed for hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too. The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk is given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet before a feed and the balance given immediately after, dissolved in milk, but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
Dear joe
My baby is nearly 3 months end jan and suffers very badly from silent reflux.
The doctor has prescribed Omneprazole 2.5ml and I can’t seem to notice him getting better and they want to up his dosage which I don’t want too.
I stay in Kenya and am very limited to what I get here. Unfortunately I could not breast feed as he would not latch and cry all the time. I did however express for 5 weeks but now in aptimol formula.
One of my friend who owns a health shop suggested new era mineral salt Nat Phos x 10.
Do you recommend it? I am not sure if I can get it here but I will try.
Any help from you I’d be very grateful
Hello Joe,
First of all I would like to thank you for your kind heart and effort to help so many babies. I’m hoping we can also help my little baby girl.
My baby girl is now 8 weeks old. Since she was 2 weeks old she has been crying a lot, she cries after feeding, cries after burping. She curls her back when she eat, and her tummy seems hard at times. She can’t sit straight after feed or lay on her back. She just seems uncomfortable in her own skin- always crying poor little thing. My heart goes out to her and Im so overwhelmed by this experiences. She has lots of gas and so I give her probiotics and a tincture of catnip and fennel for that, it seems to help.
I eliminated lots of things from my diet: onion, chocolate, grains, dairy legume and gassy vegetables.
She gags when my milk lets down at the start of feeding. I hand express out a little and this seems to be helping her cope with the flow.
Im thinking she has a reflux( its not verified by the doctor) as I can always hear something comes up and down her throat and she is pulling her tongue out many times during the day. Her tongue has a thick white coat on it, I’m not sure if its thrush or not.
After reading this thread I bought the Nat Phos. 6X #10 from Hyland’s( which on the bottle it says that its formulated in a base of Acacia Gum and Lactose. Gave her the first dose of 1/2 a tablet yesterday at 1:30pm. Since then she had 4.5 tablets ( its now 12:26 pm ) about 24 hours later. I gave her the 1/2 tablet after food but now I see you suggest to give half of the dose before the food and half after yes?
In the first 2 doses she pooped twice, watery consistency ( that’s how she poops) then I start noticing that some of her reflux symptoms subsided a bit. She still cried and seemed uncomfortable.
Last night after the 6th dose she ate very little and cried for a while feeling very uncomfortable again. Then she went to sleep and slept for 3.5 hours and then another 4 hour stretch. ( she normally does)
I gave her one dose during the night time and then this morning I gave her another dose she seemed better, less gargling less crying. Now I just gave her the dose after food and she was screaming, it seems like the reflux symptoms are still a little bit better but she is screaming her lungs out.
She is not happy when I give her the dose dissolved in milk after her feeding. ( I dissolve it in a bit of milk and give it to her with a syringe).
I took 2 tablets after food as well.
Wondering what do you think about this case? Should I continue giving her the tablets after every feed? And if yes, how long do I continue giving her the medicine and do I need to add the Arnica ?
I hope to hear from you soon and thank you so very much.
I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.
I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.
Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
I am 86……….
You will continue to give baby the Nat Phos 6x tablet divided into 2 with the first half before and the balance half after a feed and baby’s digestion should soon be able to do without this remedy which is NOT a drug as it is a Biochemic Cell Salt (Google) and can be taken very safely for some time till baby is OK.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
My apologies sir and thank you for the fast reply.
I wanted to ask if I should continue giving her probiotic and the tincture of the Catnip and Fennel while on the Nat Phos or stop?
Also, how long will I be administrating the Nat Phos?
Thank you !
Why don’t you read the last paragraph of my prescription which I have copied to hundreds of mothers like you before you rush to print as all this wastes my time unnecessarily.
OH and one more thing to mention, our intuitive healer thinks she has hiatal hernia. In case she has this type of hernia, can this treatment contradict ?
My apologies, but I don’t see where its says how long the medicine should be administered. Am Im missing something ?
Progress: Last night she slept 6 hours for the first time YAY and she seems to respond well to the therapy, no more arching and crying while feeding. She cries a bit after feeding, but with each dose I see an improvement.
Just to make sure I understood right I give her 1/2 tablet in one dose- half of it before the feeding and half after the feeding correct ? Or do I give 1 tablet half in the beginning and half at the end? My apologies for asking this but I need to make sure I understood right as English is not my first language.
Thank you !
I just realized I may have not understood it right and given her 1/2 a tablet (1/4 before food and 1/4 after) Should I change it to 1 table 1/2 before and 1/2 after if she reacts well to it ?
Update: at 7:00pm I gave Zoe 1/2 tablet before food and 1/2 after food. After administrating the first dose she cried and was fussy the whole feed.
Next feed 9:00pm I gave her 1/2 tablet before the feed and she then refused to eat.
Now its 10pm and she still doesn’t want to eat, she is crying when she is close to the breast, she pulls her legs and seems uncomfortable.
I noticed that she is not happy when I give her the medicine before food. What do you suggest I do ?
I was thinking she may have gas as she ate for a whole hour in the day time- does the medicine also helps with gas or can I give her catnip and fennel tincture for that?
Im a little worried that she is not eating, do you think I should continue giving the medicine ?
Im hoping to hear from you soon
“I was thinking she may have gas as she ate for a whole hour in the day time- ”
You are OVERFEEDING your baby.
Reduce the feed and all will be well.
11pm I fed her and gave her 1/2 tablet after food only because I was worried she wouldn’t want to eat again if i gave her the dose before food.
12am: she woke up spitting and crying, I fed her and gave her 1 tablet after food and held her for 30mnts
Should I continue with 1/2 tablet or 1 tablet, after food only or before food as well?
I’ll update if anything new.
I normally don’t feed her for 1 hour. This was out of the ordinary, for some reason she wanted to eat and eat and didn’t want to stop. She normally eats for 15-20mnts
5:00 am feeding -1 tablet after food – some reflux symptoms came back
8:00 am feeding – 1 tablet after food Reflux symptoms are fully back.
Not sure how to proceed, any suggestions?
Hello Mr Joe
I am a mom of a 1 year old boy that has had reflux since day one, he was tested positive for GERD, in addition he has had several upper respiratory infections that have led him to be on prendisolone now over 8 times. He is not very big and a little underweight. To manage his reflux he has been on nexium and everything else, which never really worked. I stopped all medications about a month ago and decided to try the Nat phos 6x, it has worked. I did the treatment for a week and once he was better i stopped, I was also concerned about his weight on NP. At the current moment he is sick, congestion, cough and wheezing. I also feel his reflux is back and he is very gassy, this might be because of the asthma ? He is still breast fed and we are dairy free. The Pediatrician prescribed him Prednisolone and albuterol treatments, I don’t want to do that. Can you please advise me what I can give him to get him better from his wheezing, coughing congestion?
Glad you were able to contact me through my Website about your son’s Baby GERD for which I can claim to have pioneered in my research to find the Ultimate CURE which I shall copy below.
You have already discovered that the Nat Phos 6x worked for a week and you presumed therefore that your boy was cured and you discovered “his reflux is back and he is very gassy, this might be because of the asthma “.
I have often wondered about the relationship between these two diseases and feel that the Asthma is triggered by the Hcl acid and in my experience Asthma is invariably cured in a few months when you continue with my therapy aka “Joepathy” (Google) for as long as your patient feels the need. This is usually till your son is over 2 years and you can give him the Nat Phos 6c very safely as it is a Biochemic Cell Salt (Google) which anyone including adults can use instead of the dangerous PPI drugs which have been classified by your FDA as dangerous in use in the long term. (Google).
I am 86 years and Homeopathy is not my profession. I have studied it for over 40 years and it is my Hobby to which I am dedicated as I have conclusively proved that it can treat and CURE many diseases which affect humans far more effectively than drugs with the great advantage that there are no side effects.
I have not taken any drug since 2008 and have proved that it is the drugs prescribed by doctors that are the bane of patients who take a drug and discover that shortly after they have to take more than one drug to counter the after effects of the drug which they discover is more than they bargained for.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
Be assured that I shall treat his Asthma if the Nat Phos 6x does not help him overcome his GERD.
Report progress in 48 hours.
Mr. De Livera, I want to thank you for your time and I hope you can assist me , I want to also apologize for addressing you as Joe in my previoius post. Thank you for your wisdom on my matter
Apology accepted.
It is just that at age 86 I prefer that people, especially patients, appreciate my service to suffering humanity, which I give freely.
Dear Mr De Livera
We have a 6 month old daughter with silent reflux which she has had since birth. She is solely breastfed and I have eliminated all foods from my diet that may cause her distress, dairy, soya, citrus, wheat etc. She has not been vaccinated.
Before we found Joepathy we had read about Nat Phos 6x and gave it to her after every feed (no more than 6 in a day). She improved so we discontinued this.
However, her reflux has returned and is really bad again during the day, but in particular 6-8pm and when she wakes in the night (usually between 2-4am). She screams often in pain, really struggles to get to sleep with it and we can only get her to sleep in the evening once she has exhausted herself with screaming.
On finding your website, I followed your instructions for your default GERD remedy closely, Nat Phos 6x and the Arnica wet dose. Including the instructions for me to take the Nat Phos 6x 2 tabs 3x day and the Arnica wet dose x2 a day. We have been following this for 3 days however there has been no change, if anything the evenings are slightly worse.
We would be so grateful if you could advise us, we’ve read so many wonderful stories of your treatments during babies with GERD. We are all exhausted and would dearly love to avoid the drug route.
With very many thanks
Gook to know that my therapy aka “Joepathy” with Nat Phos 6x was used by you to help your baby and that you discovered after you stopped it, that her GERD returned with full force.
I believe that this is due to her stomach releasing an excess of Hcl acid which is irritating her stomach lining and resulting in “screaming herself to sleep”.
She now needs Robinia Pseudacacia 30 which you will give her in the Wet dose twice daily and she should be OK in a couple of days. Robinia acts in a manner similar to a PPI drug like Nexium, commonly prescribed by doctors for GERD which works fast, but creates more problems when used over the long term.
You do not need to give her Arnica 30 in the Wet dose which is only meant for you. It will also help your husband to avoid any Cardiac problems throughout his life
Do let me know baby’s response in 48 hours.
Good to know that you have NOT vaccinated baby.
I shall for the record copy my default therapy for Baby GERD:
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
Dear Mr De Livera
I appreciate your response.
I am not sure if this will alter the remedy, but to clarify even after she screams for extended periods in the evening she is still not able to fall asleep but will eventually come back to the breast for minimal sucking, at this point it is the only thing that calms her and she passes out. Before this, ‘beyond screaming point’, she refuses the breast (after the initial bedtime feed).
To confirm:
I will order the Robinia Pseudacacia 30 in wet dose today. And give her 5ml twice a day.
Is it 3 drops in 500ml of water when making up the wet dose?
Do I continue the Nat Phos (as per the default therapy) alongside Robinia Pseudacacia?
Or is the Robinia Pseudacacia the sole remedy of use now with her?
We are really grateful for your advice.
With many thanks
Nat Phos 6x is the main remedy which has worked for baby a few months ago which you stopped when you found that she could do without it.
She now needs it again with the addition of Robinia P 30c in the Wet dose which will reduce the flow of Hcl which as I mentioned earlier is the reason for her current distress.
You stated:
“I will order the Robinia Pseudacacia 30 in wet dose today.”
You cannot ORDER the Robinia P. You will MAKE it as instructed.
If you cannot get the Liquid Dilution you may use RP 30c with the standard pellets which should hopefully be available in your city till you get the remedy in Alcohol.
I am copying the Notes by Dr Schuessler on Nat Phos 6x Biochemic Cell Salt to give you an insight on how this amazing remedy works in the human body.
Sodium and Phosphate ions are to be found in our body in the muscle, nerve and brain cells, in the blood corpuscles and in the tissue fluids. According to Dr Schuessler, Nat Phos splits the lactic acid, which is produced by the work of muscles into carbonic acid and water. The carbonic acid is absorbed by the sodium phosphate and brought to the lungs where it is eliminated in the process of breathing. If sodium phosphate is lacking, there results an excess of lactic acid and consequently a sour taste, heart burn, sour stools, vomiting of sour, caseous matter, particularly in babies who are overfed with sugar and milk. If lactic acid reaches the lymphatic glands, the albumin of the lymph glands coagulates and the gland begins to swell. In the initial stages of swelling of the lymphatic glands therefore, Nat Phos has a healing effect because it can split lactic acid. Nat Phos further assures that the uric acid of the blood which is formed by the splitting up of the albuminous substance is kept in solution and secreted by the kidneys. Should this not be the case, uric acid will be deposited in the joints. The sequels are Rheumatism. Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago. In the Gall, Nat Phos saponifies the fatty acids which have been consumed with the food. It is hence indicated against digestive disturbances resulting from excessive consumption of fat.
Dear Mr De Livera
An update:
We had to wait 4 days for the RP liquid dilution to arrive, two days before it arrived the evening/bedtime screaming abruptly stopped.
We made the RP wet dose using the liquid dilution, we began yesterday. She has had 2 days on the remedy (alongside the Nat Phos).
No change on day one. However, today, day two, she seemed agitated this morning and screamed herself to sleep at lunchtime. She was unconsolable. Lunchtime is usually her best time of day, so this is unusual.
She seemed to pass noticeably less urine today.
This evening/bedtime went as per the last few days, calmly.
Please could you let us know how to proceed. Thank you for your advice.
I hope you understand and accept that you cannot expect me to perform a miracle and CURE your baby in an instant. You first gave baby Nat Phos 6x even without consulting me and discovered that baby was OK and discontinued it. This should not have been done and you are now paying the price for doing so. You should have consulted me before you used me therapy and you now are paying the price of stopping the NP.
You have also caused me some anxiety as you seemed to have STOPPED the Nat Phos when you inquired if you had to continue it.which fortunately you had not done.
I shall copy the conversation we have had on your baby to place on record how you gave me cause for anxiety which was totally unnecessary as all you had to do is to follow my advice precisely and saved me a lot of unnecessary anxiety in treating your baby and that free of charge.
I am only doing a service to suffering humanity at my advanced age of 86 and have patiently responded to your many posts with almost daily reports of baby’s response but as I stated earlier I cannot possibly CURE her immediately. She seems to be responding OK right now and all you have to do is to be patient and let baby’s digestive system stabilize.
Here is a copy of your reports with my response which gave me cause for unnecessary alarm and anxiety:
” • Elizabeth says:
August 10, 2016 at 3:27 AM (Edit)
Dear Mr De Livera
We have a 6 month old daughter with silent reflux which she has had since birth. She is solely breastfed and I have eliminated all foods from my diet that may cause her distress, dairy, soya, citrus, wheat etc. She has not been vaccinated.
Before we found Joepathy we had read about Nat Phos 6x and gave it to her after every feed (no more than 6 in a day). She improved so we discontinued this.
However, her reflux has returned and is really bad again during the day, but in particular 6-8pm and when she wakes in the night (usually between 2-4am). She screams often in pain, really struggles to get to sleep with it and we can only get her to sleep in the evening once she has exhausted herself with screaming.
On finding your website, I followed your instructions for your default GERD remedy closely, Nat Phos 6x and the Arnica wet dose. Including the instructions for me to take the Nat Phos 6x 2 tabs 3x day and the Arnica wet dose x2 a day. We have been following this for 3 days however there has been no change, if anything the evenings are slightly worse.
We would be so grateful if you could advise us, we’ve read so many wonderful stories of your treatments during babies with GERD. We are all exhausted and would dearly love to avoid the drug route.
With very many thanks
• Joe says:
August 10, 2016 at 6:37 AM (Edit)
Gook to know that my therapy aka “Joepathy” with Nat Phos 6x was used by you to help your baby and that you discovered after you stopped it, that her GERD returned with full force.
I believe that this is due to her stomach releasing an excess of Hcl acid which is irritating her stomach lining and resulting in “screaming herself to sleep”.
She now needs Robinia Pseudacacia 30 which you will give her in the Wet dose twice daily and she should be OK in a couple of days. Robinia acts in a manner similar to a PPI drug like Nexium, commonly prescribed by doctors for GERD which works fast, but creates more problems when used over the long term.
You do not need to give her Arnica 30 in the Wet dose which is only meant for you. It will also help your husband to avoid any Cardiac problems throughout his life
Do let me know baby’s response in 48 hours.
Good to know that you have NOT vaccinated baby.
I shall for the record copy my default therapy for Baby GERD:
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
• Elizabeth says:
August 10, 2016 at 12:15 PM (Edit)
Dear Mr De Livera
I appreciate your response.
I am not sure if this will alter the remedy, but to clarify even after she screams for extended periods in the evening she is still not able to fall asleep but will eventually come back to the breast for minimal sucking, at this point it is the only thing that calms her and she passes out. Before this, ‘beyond screaming point’, she refuses the breast (after the initial bedtime feed).
To confirm:
I will order the Robinia Pseudacacia 30 in wet dose today. And give her 5ml twice a day.
Is it 3 drops in 500ml of water when making up the wet dose?
Do I continue the Nat Phos (as per the default therapy) alongside Robinia Pseudacacia?
Or is the Robinia Pseudacacia the sole remedy of use now with her?
We are really grateful for your advice.
With many thanks
• Joe says:
August 10, 2016 at 1:51 PM (Edit)
Nat Phos 6x is the main remedy which has worked for baby a few months ago which you stopped when you found that she could do without it.
She now needs it again with the addition of Robinia P 30c in the Wet dose which will reduce the flow of Hcl which as I mentioned earlier is the reason for her current distress.
You stated:
“I will order the Robinia Pseudacacia 30 in wet dose today.”
You cannot ORDER the Robinia P. You will MAKE it as instructed.
If you cannot get the Liquid Dilution you may use RP 30c with the standard pellets which should hopefully be available in your city till you get the remedy in Alcohol.
I am copying the Notes by Dr Schuessler on Nat Phos 6x Biochemic Cell Salt to give you an insight on how this amazing remedy works in the human body.
Sodium and Phosphate ions are to be found in our body in the muscle, nerve and brain cells, in the blood corpuscles and in the tissue fluids. According to Dr Schuessler, Nat Phos splits the lactic acid, which is produced by the work of muscles into carbonic acid and water. The carbonic acid is absorbed by the sodium phosphate and brought to the lungs where it is eliminated in the process of breathing. If sodium phosphate is lacking, there results an excess of lactic acid and consequently a sour taste, heart burn, sour stools, vomiting of sour, caseous matter, particularly in babies who are overfed with sugar and milk. If lactic acid reaches the lymphatic glands, the albumin of the lymph glands coagulates and the gland begins to swell. In the initial stages of swelling of the lymphatic glands therefore, Nat Phos has a healing effect because it can split lactic acid. Nat Phos further assures that the uric acid of the blood which is formed by the splitting up of the albuminous substance is kept in solution and secreted by the kidneys. Should this not be the case, uric acid will be deposited in the joints. The sequels are Rheumatism. Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago. In the Gall, Nat Phos saponifies the fatty acids which have been consumed with the food. It is hence indicated against digestive disturbances resulting from excessive consumption of fat.
• Elizabeth says:
August 15, 2016 at 12:47 AM (Edit)
Dear Mr De Livera
An update:
We had to wait 4 days for the RP liquid dilution to arrive, two days before it arrived the evening/bedtime screaming abruptly stopped.
We made the RP wet dose using the liquid dilution, we began yesterday. She has had 2 days on the remedy (alongside the Nat Phos).
No change on day one. However, today, day two, she seemed agitated this morning and screamed herself to sleep at lunchtime. She was unconsolable. Lunchtime is usually her best time of day, so this is unusual.
She seemed to pass noticeably less urine today.
This evening/bedtime went as per the last few days, calmly.
Please could you let us know how to proceed. Thank you for your advice.”
Dear Mr De Livera
I must apologise for the confusion, we have NOT stopped the Nat Phos 6x.
We realise now our mistakes and are trying to put them right with being so careful to follow your advice and instructions.
We have been really diligent following your instructions, again I apologise if I caused confusion regarding this.
We are grateful for your advice and help.
Dear Mr De Livera,
I have a 11 week old son who is 13.5 pds dx with gerd. He also had a decrease of coordination when feeding so he has to have thick liquids and be fed side lying to avoid him from aspirating. I was told to start decreasing breastmilk and continue formula. He’s currently on zantac but is still having symptoms. you can see/hear his reflux coming up to his throat and he coughs/chokes on it. His throat is red and irritate and his bottom eyelids are constantly red. I was told
Dear Mr De Livera,
I have a 11 week old son who is 13.5 pds dx with gerd. He also had a decrease of coordination when feeding so he has to have thick liquids and be fed side lying to avoid him from aspirating. I was told to start decreasing breastmilk and continue formula. He’s currently on zantac but is still having symptoms. you can see/hear his reflux coming up to his throat and he coughs/chokes on it. His throat is red and irritate and his bottom eyelids are constantly red. At night is when he’s more uncomfortable and cries. I ordered the Nat phos. I wanted to take it as well but I’m not sure if it’s safe since I have hypothyroidism and I take synthroid currently. I wanted to pass it to him through breastmilk as well as give him tablet.is it safe for me to take? And how can I give him the tablet after feedings? Any advice will be helpful. Thank you.
Worried mother…
I am SHOCKED to read your statement that your pediatrician has ordered you to give your infant son ZANTAC which the FDA has ruled as a dangerous PPI drug when used in the long term by adults. Google “The danger of PPI drugs”. I shudder to imagine the damage it will do and has caused to innocent infants. I also note that ” I was told to start decreasing breastmilk and continue formula. ”
I consider this prescription as DANGEROUS as it will undoubtedly HARM your baby who is just 11 weeks old.
You will disregard this dangerous advice and continue to give baby your Breast Milk which is the Ultimate Food for a baby for as long as you can continue to do so.
You must understand that an infant is unable to digest any solids for at least 6 months till his digestive process is developed and I advice mothers not to give baby any solids till 8 months.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
I note that you have already ordered NP6x and you will follow my therapy outlined below for both baby and you. It will not affect your Throid medication but I would suggest that you do a Blood test to check your TSH level which usually stabilises during and after pregnancy. As you correctly presumed the NP will be passed to baby in your Br Mlk.
Please also change your doctor who prescribed formula “so he has to have thick liquids and be fed side lying to avoid him from aspirating”
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
I need help! My little one is 7 weeks and has been diagnosed with reflux. Her pediatrician prescribed Zantac for the reflux and one other med for the pain caused by spasms. However, I would much rather do this a more natural way as I am not a fan of medication for myself and definitely not for my child. Ive been reading about the phos 6x and decided to give it a try. I started giving her 1 tablet after each feeding last night. She is still spitting up alot this morning and in pain from the reflux. She grunts and squirms in her sleep and immediately after feedings. She seems to be so uncomfortable and I feel helpless!! I was giving her probiotics once a day and I want to know if its ok to still give her the probiotics while taking phos 6x? Also, would you say that phos 6x is even the right method for her? Am I giving the proper dosage for her age? She spits up when I burp her so could she also be spitting the tablet up too or should I give the tablet after I burp her? lastly, what can I give to ease the pain from the refux? Thank you so much and I look forward to hearing from you!!
Glad you did not give baby the Zantac as it was ruled as being dangerous for adults by the FDA if used over long periods and you can imagine the effect on babies !!!. Google “The danger of PPI Drugs”
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
Hello Joe,
I am very happy to have found this website. My baby girl just turned 3 months old this week. I don’t take her to the pediatrician unless absolutely necessary. I have learned that she has silent reflux. She gets choked, she sneezes, she sounds as if she has film in her throat. She arches her back, gets red in her face, squirms while trying to rest. She is very uncomfortable with it. I only breAstfeed. I did buy the Nat Phos 6* but I’m not sure how I should use it? What should I do?? It breaks my heart to see her in pain!!! I don’t want to put her on meds!!!
I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.
I fail to understand how you, a complete stranger can address a senior physician by my name especially since you are consulting me for some ailment you suffer from.
I have to inform you that I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as the least I can expect from you is that you show some respect in doing so.
Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
I am 87.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
I apologize, I didn’t mean any disrespect to you. I was only reading the comments and it said “Joe says” . I was not sure how to address you? Forgive me please for upsetting you sir. I only need your help and am very greatful for any help you can give. I don’t want to have to turn to westernized medicine.
Dearest Mr De Livera,
I do respect my elders very much as I do you. I hope that you would offer me any help you can to get my precious baby girl the comfort she needs to keep that precious smile. I have cut out all dairy from my diet. Could you please suggest a diet plan for me that would be healthy and clean for the two of us? Thank you so much for any help you can give.
Apology accepted.
I note from your email IP that you live in Warner Robins, Georgia where it is now the custom to address everyone by their first name.
I have already prescribed for your baby and am confident that it will give your “precious baby girl the comfort she needs to keep that precious smile.”
I do not think that it will be necessary for you to observe any special diet and this includes dairy but we shall consider alternatives if baby does not respond to my therapy aka “Joepathy” which is based on Homeopathic remedies which I use in a manner that is not permitted in Homeopathy where the Physician is expected to treat the “Symptoms that cause the ailment” .
I beg to disagree as I have proved beyond doubt that my “Joepathy” heals far more effectively.
You are also advised to take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after every meal to ensure that the NP effect will be carried over to baby in your breast milk.
Thank you for responding so quickly! I appreciate your time! I just gave her half of the Nat Phos before and after her feeding 20 mins ago. I will continue to do this , up to 12 half in 24 hours. I already took 2 myself with dinner . I read about the nux vomica earlier today and that’s how I found your website. When should I use this? If I should at all?
Thank you for responding so quickly! I just gave her half of the Nat Phos before and after her feeding 20 mins ago. I will continue to do this , up to 12 half in 24 hours. I already took 2 myself with dinner . I read about the nux vomica earlier today and that’s how I found your website. When should I use this? If I should at all?
Update: After the 2end dose she woke up crying and in more pain. It was difficult to give her the half before nursing because she was so fussy and wanted to nurse right away. Have you ever seen a case where Nat Phos made symptoms worse? Is there anything I can add to this such as the nux vomica? I hear her belly rumbling as she nurses and she squirms. I can hear the reflux coming up ! This is such a sad thing to see your baby go through:(.
Nat Phos is potentized Strychnine and I prefer to use it only as a last resort. It is safe in use but I prefer to use Robinia Pseudacacia 30c in the Wet dose which you get but NOT use till I say so.
You have given baby just 2 doses of NP6x and there is no question of it aggravating her GERD as it does precisely the opposite. I want you to check if it is the Biochemic Cell Salt as it is also available in the Homeopathic pack which yours can be.
I have the glands brand. #10 Nat pho 6 times.
I hope to see a change soon . Would it be ok for me to give her the fennel and catnip for her gas issues?
Update: I have given her the 3rd dose at 6:30am.
I haven’t seen any changes other than her seeming to be more uncomfortable? I trust you and I know you have helped so many. I may have the wrong brand of Nat Phos?
Sorry for the miss spelling of the brand. It’s the Hylands brand of Nat Phos. It says homeopathic on the bottle. Is this ok?
Copied from my last post today:
” I want you to check if it is the Biochemic Cell Salt as it is also available in the Homeopathic pack which yours can be.”
“Sorry for the miss spelling of the brand. It’s the Hylands brand of Nat Phos. It says homeopathic on the bottle. Is this ok?”
This is the reason for your baby not responding to my therapy as you have got the Homeopathic version. You must get the BIOCHEMIC CELL SALT OF Nat Phos 6x ASAP and you should hopefully notice the difference in a few hours.
I have Google the biochemic cell salt you are speaking of and it is the exact thing I have now. It says the base of this formula is Acacia gum lactose N.F.
I have cut out all dairy and lactose because it seems to upset her belly. This may be the reason it isn’t working !?? Is there anything else you would suggest I try at this time now knowing that I do have the correct Nat Phos?
It seems to me that Baby is not responding to the Nat Phos 6x alone and it is time to add Robinia Pseudacacia 30c in the Wet dose to reinforce its action. This remedy will reduce the Hcl acid flow in baby’s stomach and works in a similar manner to the standard PPI drugs like Nexium which are usually prescribed by doctors even though they are aware that they are dangerous.
You will make it as per instructions below and give a teaspoonful, twice daily.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Get Robinia P 30c in the standard pellets and insert just 6 pellets into a 500ml bottle of Spring Water.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Shake the bottle hard before you give baby half teaspoonful twice daily.
You will stop the Robinia as soon as you find that baby is OK but you will continue the Nat Phos for as long as you feel that it is needed. Nat Phos is NOT a drug and is absolutely safe in use for long periods.
Report progress in 48 hours.
Wonder! Thank you so much for your feedback! I don’t trust these westernized Drs. I will be ordering the above today to start baby on asap! I will let you know. Should I continue the Nat Phos while I wait for my order to come in the mail?
I did not request you to STOP the NP6x.
“It seems to me that Baby is not responding to the Nat Phos 6x alone and it is time to add Robinia Pseudacacia 30c in the Wet dose to reinforce its action. “
Ok. Thank you. I’m still waiting on the Robinia peuacacia to come in the mail so I can add it to Nat Phos .
I have received the Robinia Pseud 30c 1/2 ounces in liquid form. 20% alcohol . I’m hoping this is the wet dose? Will this be ok for the joepathy remedy? Thank you so much for your help!
“I have received the Robinia Pseud 30c 1/2 ounces in liquid form. 20% alcohol . I’m hoping this is the wet dose?”
Please read and understand my prescription as you have to make the Wet dose by inserting 3 DROPS into 500ml water from which you will take just a capful or 5ml or a teaspoonful as the dose, twice daily.
You must continue the Nat Phos 6x as usual.
Please note that your question alerted me to the danger of your giving baby the Alcohol as this occurred some years ago.
Dear Mr. De Livera,
I am coming back for your help after long 3 years. I contacted you first in 2013 regarding my baby who had severe GERD at the time, combined with frequent infections and asthma. Following your recommendation I was giving him Nat Phos 6x as instructed by you. It did help and after a several months the symptoms went away.
He is now 4 years old and continued to have asthma attacks anyime he got a viral infection, which is often. And this week after more than 3 reflux-free years he developed once again the horrible reflux symptoms: wheezing when breathing, burning sensation in belly and throat, aggitation, being able to sleep only while seating. Once again I will kindly ask for your help in this matter. I haven’t given him Nat Phos 6x since almost 3 years ago. Please advise on how to proceed with treatment regarding his reflux which I believe is one of the causes of his asthma attacks.
Thank you and kind regards,
Glad to learn that your 4 month old baby was cured of his GERD for 3 years and that with the onset of GERD once again he presented Asthma.
l have had a few cases which confirm your contention:
“I believe is one of the causes of his asthma attacks.”
There seems to be some affinity between the 2 ailments where GERD begets Asthma.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
Hello Mr DeLivera-
Please I need your help. I have a set of twins who have been
diagnose with acid reflux. They have been on 2 medications Zantac and renitidine and now been working now. Can you please help me on what I need to give them and how much. I really appreciate any help since I don’t want to play t any harsh medicine in their little bodys. One twin weight 17 lbs and the other one weights 16 and they are 3 months old. The reason they weight so much is because their Doc said aside from the medication to add cereal in their bottles.
Thank you I’m advance!
Gema Bustios
It is almost midnight here in Sri Lanka and I shall copy my default therapy below:
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
Babies do not always do a poo daily. Some babies can go up to 5 days to do so. A gentle massage of her abdomen after every feed in a clockwise direction usually stimulates evacuation.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
Need to correct. They are 4 months old turning 5 in 2 weeks. Thank you
Mr. De Livera,
Can I please get your advice on treating my baby for silent reflux. He’s 11 weeks old tomorrow (and was born 1 month early) and suffers from silent reflux. He’s been on Nexium and I would really love to take him off of it. I purchased the Nat phos 6x tablets to try. He gets mostly formula as he was never able to latch and I have a very weak supply. I do give him as much breast milk as I can. Once I start him on the Nat Phos should I discontinue the nexium immediately. He also gets probiotics drops, do these need to be stopped as well?
His dose, based on your past posts would be 1/2 a tablet dissolved in milk (can this also be formula?) given after each feed/burp?
Thank you!
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
Babies do not always do a poo daily. Some babies can go up to 5 days to do so. A gentle massage of her abdomen after every feed in a clockwise direction usually stimulates evacuation.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
STOP all other medication.
Preemies invariably need help with their digestion for a few months and your ped has already prescribed the worst PPI drug Nexium which will never cure it.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
Babies do not always do a poo daily. Some babies can go up to 5 days to do so. A gentle massage of her abdomen after every feed in a clockwise direction usually stimulates evacuation.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy. This includes Nexium.
Thank you! Do I also need to stop the probiotics?
Mr De Livera, I would be very grateful to hear your recommendations for my 4 month old son. He was born at 36w and soon after birth we discovered he had esophageal atresia. He had surgery the second day of life to fix this issue. He spent his first month in hospital. I couldn’t breast feed as I have been suffering from a complex c section recovery and have been on many weeks of antibiotics and pain relief. Part of his medical regimen since then has been to take omeprazole and Zantac daily as he was diagnosed with GERD. I’ve been researching these medications and would like to take him off them ASAP! I’ve bought Hyland’s Nat Phos 6x today and will start him on your regimen tomorrow if that’s what you recommend. Given his vulnerability after surgery and several hospital stays, what would you recommend we do to help his little body recover and heal. Also could you recommend some remedies for me to heal? My c section incision is still open in one section and I had my baby 18 weeks ago! Such slow recovery.
Thank you so much for your help.
I am happy to learn that your baby is in his 4th month after his surgery for Esophageal Atresia. I shall copy my therapy for Baby GERD to which I have also added Robinia Pseudacacia 30 which will act in the manner that Zantac does to reduce the inflow of Hcl acid which will be soon arrested by the joint action of Nat Phos 6x and the Robinia.
You can take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily to promote the healing of your lesion and I would appreciate if you will please report as soon as you find it drying up.
It seems very strange that it has not healed in 18 weeks after surgery.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
Babies do not always do a poo daily. Some babies can go up to 5 days to do so. A gentle massage of her abdomen after every feed in a clockwise direction usually stimulates evacuation.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
Add Robinia Pseudacacia 30c
Since baby is not responding to the Nat Phos alone you will add Robinia Pseudacacia 30c in the Wet dose give twice daily in the morning and in the evening. This remedy will hopefully solve your baby’s problem as it acts in a similar manner to the PPI drugs doctors prescribe to reduce the flow of Hcl Acid into the stomach.
You will continue to give her the Nat Phos as usual.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you give baby a teaspoonful of the remedy twice daily.
If you cannot get the Liquid dilution you may use the standard Pellets available. You will use 6 pellets in a 500ml bottle of water.
Hello Sir,
I would be grateful if you could recommend appropriate medicine for my son.
My son is 10 month old. He was full term and is on breast-milk and formula since 4 months of age. He has trouble gaining weight and has been below 5 percentile since birth. He also has delayed milestones. He is a happy baby but looks very tiny for his age. Recently, he was diagnosed to have silent reflux and started on prevacid. I have been going thru your blog and wanted to check if I should start him on Nat Pho 6x. I should also mention that he has eczema since birth. Earlier hydro-cortizone used to work for him but nowadays we need to apply more and takes more time to heal. Please help.
It is very likely that your baby’s problem in growth is due to his GERD which you are treating with Prevacid and his Eczema for which he is being treated with hydro-cortizone.
You must STOP ALL DRUGS you are using today when you start him on my therapy.
You will report his response in a week or earlier if you observe any improvement in his condition.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
Babies do not always do a poo daily. Some babies can go up to 5 days to do so. A gentle massage of her abdomen after every feed in a clockwise direction usually stimulates evacuation.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
The remedy for babies who present Eczema is
Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
See instructions below to make the Wet dose.
You will give baby 3ml of the remedy orally twice daily. This is roughly half teaspoonful.
You will also spray the remedy water on baby’s lesions as often as is possible. The action of the sprayed water will quickly resolve the itching and it is possible that baby should be OK in a few days.
You will report progress as soon as baby improves.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
You will insert just 3 DROPS of the Liquid Dilution of Arnica 6c into the
water which will then be the remedy.
You will shake the bottle at least 6 times before each dose.
This is Homeopathic Succussion
Report response in 48 hours.
Hello, my 1 month old son has been choking and coughing while feeding, after feeding he still gags every 10-20 minutes and cries with pain. He has not wanted to eat as much. His spits up about every other feed. He has trouble sleeping through the night and day.
I exclusively breastfeed, hold him upright, burp him(or try), then set him down 30 minutes after. He has been waking up in pain. He sounds congested after eating and his breathing is heavy/loud. He’s been feeding in smaller quantities.
Could this be silent reflux? If so, what remedy do you suggest? I have purchased Nat Pho’s 6x but have yet to give it to him.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
Babies do not always do a poo daily. Some babies can go up to 5 days to do so. A gentle massage of her abdomen after every feed in a clockwise direction usually stimulates evacuation.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.