Treatment of Psoriasis

I have had a positive response from a patient who suffered from Psoriasis for a lifetime and has seen his condition easing in a few weeks on my therapy which is noted below:

Change your diet to VEGAN.

Use Arnica 6c in the Wet dose thrice daily and apply it directly on the lesions

Order the remedy in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

Take a capful of the remedy water twice daily and also apply the water on your lesions as often as possible to keep them damp.

Take Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets after every meal to ensure that the food is passed quickly from the stomach into the colon. This prevents the stagnation of food in the gut which in turn enables the lesions to heal.

Drink at least 3 liters of water daily.

No Coffee, processed meats like sausages, ham and bacon (Saltpeter) and all canned and bottled beverages including Coke. No alcohol.

It is understood that you will not take any other drug while using the Arnica therapy.


  1. ebert says:

    Thank You very much Dr. Joe De Livera.

    Take Care & Happy weekend,


  2. hade says:

    I’m a vegan and am suffering from Psoriasis for a number of years and had tolerated it since its not really a problem cos the lesions do not last for more than a day but today for the 1st time the lesions was outside my right eye and the Psoriasis was very uncomfortable, is it safe to Use Arnica 6c in the Wet dosage outside my eye?

    These lesions from the Psoriasis do not leave any marks or scars from my experience!

    • Joe says:


      Your description of Psoriasis which you have presumably self diagnosed, may not be quite correct. I would doubt that you suffer from Psoriasis as described by you and which I have not been able to cure so far.

      It is more likely that you suffer from some Contact Dermatitis or even Eczema and the remedy you have chosen, Arnica 6c in the Wet dose is correct.

      Take it twice daily orally and use it liberally directly on the lesions which you can do by dampening them with the water remedy in the bottle as often as you can do so.

      Report progress in a week.

  3. hade says:

    Dear Dr Joe, I consulted 2 different medical doctors and both diagnosed Psoriasis as the cause. Appearances of “boils” in various shapes and sizes at different parts of the body at least once a week and the good thing is it will disappear after a few hours without any medication. The only problem is when it appears it is very itchy and especially when its on the lips or eyes it can be very uncomfortable I tried to monitor the food to check if that is the trigger but it seems not to be the case. There is No clear food pattern and timing, sometimes there is none for 1 month or so!

    Thank You, sir.

    • Joe says:


      All I can advise at this stage is to use the therapy I have prescribed and observe how it will help you.

      We can thereafter decide on the identification of you problem which you obviously wish to eliminate from your body.

  4. hade says:

    O’Wise Doctor, how true, yes i’ll revert to you the next time.

    Yesterday morning i had boil like sweeling and it itched and was very uncomfortable outside my eye and this morning it vanished before i could apply before i got hold of Arnica 6c. I’ll try it the next time.

    Thank You very much.

  5. hade says:

    Dear Doctor,

    You’re Absolutely Right even without examing me, how wonderful! I’m now more than convinced that the diagnosis by the 2 western trained doctors were wrong and can safely rule out – psoriasis for the following reasons:

    Recently, I consulted a TCM (Traditional chinese physician) when i had the swelling on my lips. After examining and taking my pulse, said that “Heaty” foods maybe the most likely cause and to refrain – no medication required except to drink jugs of water. The swelling subsided after 2 days.

    On another day, i consulted an Ayurvedic doctor when i had some swelling on my L/finger and after
    examining me said that the cause may be due to either air pollution, ingestion or skin contact reactions to some abnormal “foreign” matter! Again, no medication and the swelling disappered after 12 hours.

    I did not try out Arnica 6c in the Wet dosage since i wanted to monitor the duration and consequences without medication and will now try Arnica and see the difference.

    Date Swelling Location Duration
    18th Nov Outside Right Eye Most itching & swelling gone
    after 12 hours but fully OK by next morning.
    24th Nov Boil R/ Buttock itching & swelling happened at 8.30pm, fully OK by next morning.
    26th Nov Boil L / Buttock itching & swelling happened at 10.30pm, fully OK by next morning.
    27th Nov L/ finger itching & swelling happened at 8.30am, fully OK by 5pm.

    Note: 1) Please note that the itching & swelling subsided without medication.
    2) Could not find any food to be the cause since my diet on all these days were different except for bread and oats, daily.

    Once again Thank You very much doctor

    • Joe says:


      I am glad to note that I was correct in my diagnosis which was made purely on the basis of your statements.

      I shall await your report on how the Arnica 6c helped you after you finally decide to use it.

  6. hade says:

    Dear Doctor,

    Very sorry in not getting back earlier, am having a very difficult time in fact not successful at all in getting Arnica 6c only managed to get Arnica 30 c and Nat Phos 6x can i proceed with these two pills for a start?

    Also, must i refrain from taking coffee, tea and chocolates during these medications? can i take milo, instead?

    Thank You,

  7. hade says:

    Dear Doctor,

    Had no response from you to my earlier request “Very sorry in not getting back earlier, am having a very difficult time in fact not successful at all in getting Arnica 6c only managed to get Arnica 30 c and Nat Phos 6x can i proceed with these two pills for a start?

    Also, must i refrain from taking coffee, tea and chocolates during these medications? can i take milo, instead?”

    Thank You,

    • Joe says:


      I do not remember what your ailment is for which I presume I prescribed the 2 remedies.

      You must stay away from Coffee but tea and chocolates are OK. Also Milo is OK.

  8. hade says:

    Thank you Dear Doctor, Let me refresh your memory, You said that “for Contact Dermatitis or even Eczema i should try Arnica 6c in the Wet dose to be taken twice daily orally and use it liberally directly on the lesions which you can do by dampening them with the water remedy in the bottle as often as you can”.

    I tried but cannot find any Arnica 6c but managed to get Arnica 30 c and Nat Phos 6x which i was told by the Homeopathy clinics can be substituted for Arnica 6c. Are they correct and can i proceed with these pills, please?

    I’m a vegan, are peanuts OK for this skin illness?

    Take Care Doctor.

    • Joe says:


      It is essential that you use the 6c potency in the Wet dose for Dermatitis or Eczema as the 30c will be a waste of time. You refer to ‘pills’ but here too it is essential that you use the Liquid Dilution to make the remedy in the water.

      Remember that you are using the Wet dose which I have used and prescribed to many thousands of patients and when you consider that you will only be using just 3 drops of the remedy to make the Wet dose you will have to follow my therapy aka “Joepathy” literally.

      Where do you live and do you have any problem to source the remedies?

      Also why are you taking Nat Phos 6x for your ailments?

  9. hade says:

    Thank You very much Doctor.

    I’m in singapore. In my search for Arnica 6c in the Wet dose, went to many Homeopathy clinics and each time i asked for Arnica 6c in the Wet dose and since they do not have it had recommended Arnica 30 c, instead. I wish to use it only with your approval – “Joepathy” therapy, literally.

    You recommended for me to take for my burping – “Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after a meal and observe if it makes any difference to your burping”.

    Well, can i consume peanuts, please?

  10. hade says:

    Hello Doctor, You seem to have missed a response to the following:

    Thank You very much Doctor.

    I’m in singapore. In my search for Arnica 6c in the Wet dose, went to many Homeopathy clinics and each time i asked for Arnica 6c in the Wet dose and since they do not have it had recommended Arnica 30 c, instead. I wish to use it only with your approval – “Joepathy” therapy, literally.

    You recommended for me to take for my burping – “Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after a meal and observe if it makes any difference to your burping”.

    Well, can i consume peanuts, please?

    • Joe says:


      My apologies for missing your last post.
      You stated
      “each time i asked for Arnica 6c in the Wet dose and since they do not have it had recommended Arnica 30 c, instead?”

      You must understand that you cannot buy any remedy in the Wet dose. Instead, you will make it precisely as prescribed by me.

      You must use the Arnica 6c for your Eczema as the 30c will not help.

      “You recommended for me to take for my burping – “Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after a meal and observe if it makes any difference to your burping”.

      Well, can i consume peanuts, please?”

      I do not see any relevance between Nat Phos and PEANUTS!

      Can you explain?

  11. hade says:

    Thank you Dear Doctor,

    In your 1st response to my mail Friday, September 30th, 2011 at 9:12 pm, “Treatment of Psoriasis”

    I maybe wrong but my understanding was that you asked me to Order the Arnica 6c in the Liquid Dilution in a bottle of Alcohol with a dropper arrangement. None of the Homeopathy clinics had Arnica 6c and when i told them the reason recommended Arnica 30 c to be used instead.

    Again, the Homeopathy doctor that sold me the Arnica 30 c told me to stay away from coffee, tea, milo and peanuts while taking Arnica 30 c, so that was the reason why i asked!

    You adcised me to stay away from” No Coffee, processed meats like sausages, ham and bacon (Saltpeter) and all canned and bottled beverages including Coke. No alcohol. —– will not take any other drug while using the Arnica therapy.”

  12. mark says:

    Sounds like gluten or wheat intolerance possibly. No expert here but you could ask to be tested

  13. nilkanth says:

    Respected Doctor,

    My name is Nilkanth Keskar. I am suffuring by PSORIASIS by last 43 years and now last 3years I am sufuring by High Blood Pressure. I would like to use your JOEPATHY.

    My Details are as under ;

    Name : Nilkanth Keskar

    birth date : 25th April, 1954

    Age : 58

    Weight : 62 Kg.

    I am Vegiterian

    Problems : PSORIASIS and High B.P. 100/140

    After taking allopathy medicine B.P. 90/140

    For Psoriasis I am taking Bio-chemic Combination No.20 (for Skin)

    Kindly suggest me the treatment.

    waiting your reply.


    Yours respectfully,


    • Joe says:


      I do wish that I could help cure your Psoriasis but I regret that I have not been successful in doing so up to now.

      Your case seems to be chronic as you state you have suffered for the last 43 years and you have presumable taken drugs and experimented with other alternate remedies to help your condition with negative results. You may however use the therapy I have used successfully for Eczema and report your response.

      The remedy for your Eczema is Arnica 6c in the Wet dose which is made up as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

      Take a capful of the remedy water twice daily and also apply the water on your lesions as often as possible.

      You should observe some improvement in your condition on about the third day into this therapy.

      Please report your response on the third day.

      It is understood that you will not take any other drug while using the Arnica therapy.

      I shall now copy below my default therapy for Hypertension:
      I have had some success in treating Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) using a simple remedy Nat Mur 6x which is Common Salt but with the difference that it is potentized at 6x which is the equivalent of 1 Millionth of the original NaCl.
      I have added Arnica 30c in the Wet dose and many patients have responded with a stabilized Blood Pressure of 120/80 within a week.

      You will take the remedies in the following manner:

      Nat Mur 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals.
      Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily before meals.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      You will also have to actively cooperate in your own cure by exercising for at least an hour daily and controlling your diet which must be fat free with no red meat.

      Please report your response in a week with your BP .

      If there is no significant reduction of your BP I shall then prescribe another remedy which has proved to be even more effective.

  14. vsm says:

    Dear Sir ,
    My mother is of age 59 , suffering from psoriasis since my child hood.
    She has been baring for the years and used all types of medicines .
    He has joint pains , back pain such that she cannot stand for long time . But she doesn’t have BP,BS . She is getting water at both leg ankles . She is Unable to sleep in nights as her pains will be more in nights .

    She is of weight 75kg .

    Please suggest her some medicine.

    Thanks & Regards ,

    • Joe says:

      I regret to inform you that I have not succeeded in curing Psoriasis.

      I can however try to help her joint and back pain if you will give me more data on the diagnosis.

      Is this due to Osteo Arthritis?

      What is the reason for her swollen Ankles?

      She can take

      Arnica 30c in the Wet dose made as per instructions below for her insomnia.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      • vsm says:

        Dear sir ,

        thanks for reply..

        I am not aware of what does Osteo Arthritis means. But i know after using the allopathic medicines for psoriasis , she got the joint pains.

        As per my understanding they are interrelated problems. If she use any medicine for for knee pains she gets the psoriasis more and vice versa .Insomnia is because of the pains and the psoriasis skin burning .

        psoriasis is spread over many part and making her daily routine touch and painful. In summer it will be bearable but rest of the year psoriasis increases.
        He continued her job like that and now she retired.

        She is a vegetarian and eats less salt in her food .

        Please suggest any medicine. I saw in one of your postings about Arnica 6c for psoriasis .

        Thanks & Regards ,

        • Joe says:

          I shall copy below my default therapy for Arthritis which has helped many patients who were on a daily dose of various analgesics which only served to deaden the pain temporarily but not CURE the condition. Some patients have reported that they experienced relief from the pain they suffered for many years in the short space of just 48 hours and it is my hope that you too will experience this same blessed relief from your pain.

          The 2 remedies are:

          Argentum Metallicum 6c
          Arnica 30c

          Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between remedies.

          You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

          The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

          Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
          Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
          Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
          Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
          Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

          Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  15. SunshineSmile says:

    Dear Sir,

    I’m a 34 year old Female from India, currently in Switzerland for the last 1.5 years. I was diagnosed with Psoriasis at the age of 14 and I took allopathc and homeopathic medications in the past. Both gave me temporary relief (Homeopathic remedies included Graphites and Sulphur – 2 names which I can remember now). Now after moving to Switzerland, my condition has worsened like never before. Last year (after 6 months living in Switzerland), I took an ayurvedic treatment from Kerala, India, which helped resolve my skin lesions considerably (80%), but I couldnt continue the extreme restricted diet which was prescribed to me. Now my condition is very bad, with severe itching and the moment I scratch my flakes (even slightly), the underlying skin bleeds. I also have a growth protruding out of my Anus, which bleeds if I am constipated and try to pass stool. I have psoriatic lesions all over my body from scalp to toe nails. I crave sweets and I’m over-weight by 15 kg.

    I am not taking any medication for psoriasis from the past 10 months. Since my condition has aggravated like anything, I now want to start homeopathic treatment. I read in your site about your treatment regime with Arnica. Can I follow the same? I hope I can benefit from your experience in this regard.

    Thanks again for your time and attention.

    • Joe says:

      I have not succeeded in curing Psoriasis and shall transfer your problem to my colleague Dr Arshad Ali Saeed who will take over your case as he has more clinical experience than me to help you.

      He practices in London and he will contact you on my Website ASAP.


  16. SunshineSmile says:

    To Joe:

    Thank you sir for the reply. I will await response from Dr. Arshad.

    In the mean time, I read about your suggestion of Arnica 6C split dose to some psoriatic patient. But didnt find any further responses in that thread. Do you suggest that I take that remedy now, since I havent taken any medicine for this condition for more than a year now? Also, I strongly believe that my digestion has got some link to my condition. I feel anything that can remove toxins from my blood will help heal me from inside out. That’s why I am asking your suggestion here.

    Thanks again sir.

    • Joe says:

      I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.

      I have to inform you that I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as the least I can expect from you is that you show some respect in doing so.

      Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
      I am 87.

  17. SunshineSmile says:

    My apologies for the offence..

  18. Nicole says:

    Hello doctor Joe, a quick question about not taking other medications while using these remedies – do you mean no medications whatsoever, or only those prescribed for the ailment we’re treating? My dad has psoriasis so I want him to try this, but he’s on blood pressure and cholesterol medicine. Can he still use it?

    Thank you

    • Joe says:

      ” My dad has psoriasis so I want him to try this, but he’s on blood pressure and cholesterol medicine. Can he still use it?”

      What is the remedy you wish to use for your dad?

      Describe his Psoriasis. How long has he suffered it?

      • Nicole says:

        Thank you for your reply.

        I was going to try the Arnica 6c and Nat Phos as you listed above. He’s had it for quite a long time, maybe 20 years? He’s 75 now. It seemed like it first started coming out when he first started taking cholesterol and blood pressure meds years ago. But it could also have been from stress.

        He gets dry, red lesions on his arms and legs mostly, some on his back, and it bleeds if he scratches it.

        • Joe says:

          You will have to make the choice if he can’t.

          Stop the drugs and observe how he responds.

          • Nicole says:

            He was off of them for years, and I don’t think it made much difference that I remember. His doctors put him back on them because he had a stent put in, and bypass surgery for blockages. He certainly doesn’t need the cholesterol medicine though, it wasn’t even high. I’ve tried to get him to get off of them, but he won’t.

            Can the Arnica be used still? Or does any kind of medicine interfere?

            Thank you.

  19. Nicole says:

    Thank you. I’m curious what surgery has to do with arnica working for psoriasis? And are you saying it’s not contraindicated with his medications? Bp + cholesterol meds.

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