
Joepathy comes of age
March 10 2008
It is possible that the World Community is taking note of my constant reference to the weakness of classical system generally practiced by those who have qualified in Homeopathy. I was agreeably surprised to note that there are now 234 listings on Google under “Joepathy”. This word was first picked up by Google about 2 years ago when there were just 4 listings but the fact that there are 234 listings today can perhaps indicate that the International community who surf the web have finally taken notice of the controversy that the classical fraternity created for themselves by openly criticizing me on the many Forums that I used to visit up to about 2 years ago when I joined this forum on an exclusive basis. I do not think that in challenging almost every post that I made, they ever dreamt that they would be opening up a virtual Pandora’s box in the use of Non Classical homeopathy which seems to me to be gaining strength day by day. I have often stated that the interest of the patient always comes first. It is not the method used, classical or Joepathy that counts. It is the eventual cure of an ailment that a patient presents that must be paramount in mind of the consultant homeopath who is in duty bound to identify the therapy to ensure that the ailment is cured as quickly as is possible. Unfortunately the single remedy method used in classical homeopathy often fall far short of attaining this goal and it is the patient who pays the price in unnecessary suffering.

At first I did not respond to the many barbed attacks I was receiving on a daily basis in almost every post that I made on the forums starting about 4 years ago and ignored them. When however I discovered that a concerted attempt was being made on 3 classical forums to silence me, purely because I refused to abide by the classical case taking procedure that was laid down as the sine qua non of handling a case, I decided to take these attacks which in some cases were downright mean and vulgar, head on. This defense did take its toll on my time as I am not a professional homeopath and I am largely self taught not only in Homeopathy but also in other spheres of knowledge. Many are also aware that I use my skill in helping anyone who seeks my assistance completely free of charge here in Sri Lanka where I live. The countering of these attacks on the forums invariably took a toll of my time which I had to divide between my official functions as the CEO of a very old family owned business in Sri Lanka and my love of healing by Homeopathy and I discovered that I was spending far more time in my defense than the time I spent in advising patients on the forums. However I felt that I was using my time usefully in exposing the hollowness and subterfuge in the classical method which I openly labelled just another ruse on the part of the classical prescriber to ensure that the suffering patient was compelled to return time and time again to be given another single remedy to treat the totality of the symptoms that he presented. And these recurrent visits do not come cheap. The patient in the meanwhile continues to suffer so very unnecessarily for weeks and sometimes even years, and there are some patients even on this forum who will testify to this matter.

The patient may be suffering from a common ailment like Eczema or Asthma or GERD and the remedy that is uaually prescribed by the classical homeopath would be far off course to help the patient as the identification of that single remedy by him/her was like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack. The classical homeopath had no option but to conform to this elusive method as otherwise he ran the risk of losing his license to practice. It is no wonder that the single classical remedy was far off track and the patient continued to suffer so very unnecessarily and was compelled to return to his classical homeopath for further investigation and treatment.

It is possible that it was my open attitude in exposing the drawback of the classical system that first attracted interest of the WWW and when the word Joepathy was coined at first in a derisive manner by a member, it seems to epitomize the therapy that I promoted which members could follow in the posts where I had advised on the many threads on the forums. It was the obvious success of my direct “this for that” therapy that seems to have struck a chord among surfers on the web and I am indeed humbled that I have been able to raise some awareness among the suffering public who would otherwise have been compelled to succumb to the step motherly therapy that classical homeopaths invariably dish out to their patients.

It is my hope that both patients and classical homeopaths will heed my call for a more rational attitude to Homeopathy which is a science that must not be allowed to “Bleed to death” as Manish Bhatia of Hpathy very succinctly phrased his article which he circulated to his membership of readers of his Ezine. When a patient consults a doctor or a homeopath he expects to be cured ASAP and it is our duty to ensure that the great benefits that can result from the rational use of Homeopathic remedies are passed on in the same rational manner that I have promoted which is now accepted internationally as Joepathy.


  1. O.P.SINGLE says:

    I am 73 years old, had bypass surgery in 1998 and angioplasty inApril,2010.And accordingly I am taking Allopathic medicine. I do not pass stools daily.I feel discomfort in the stomach and I have burping, normally after meals. Frequently I pass wind.I feel headache as well.Dull pain and heaviness in the stomache.I have consulted Cardiologist,because I feel discomfort in the chest area also.He says this discomfort is not related to heart.
    Thanks and regards.


    • Joe says:


      Please visit the link below and read how I cured a patient who had suffered from 3 strokes in 2002 in just over a year after he first contacted me late in 2010 and is now back in harness in his computer consultancy profession.

      It seems a pity that you have suffered so very unnecessarily with Cardiac problems and surgery and if only you had contacted me prior to all your surgical episodes you would be as fit as I am today at my advanced age of 83 years with all my systems go.

      Your therapy is as under:

      Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
      Arnica will filter your blood and will enable you to discard the many drugs that you are using today. You may like to know that I have proof of how it works as a patient who was suffering from Angina 2 months ago reported that his cardiac pain ceased within a week of starting on my therapy while his Cholesterol and Triglycerides returned to normal levels within 8 weeks. He also reported that he feels very fit.

      Nat Phos 6x Dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after meals to help with your gastric distress. You should experience almost immediate relief shortly after taking your first dose. You may reduce your dosage when you feel that you have recovered and you will use it only when necessary.

      Report progress weekly or more often as is necessary.

      • O.P.SINGLE says:

        Thank you very much for your prompt reply. Indeed you are doing a yeomen’s service for the suffering humanity. Such persons are rare. May God bless you?
        I visited the link advised by you and gone through the whole case. It is really amazing and beyond comprehension.
        Had I known earlier about you, I would have definitely contacted. It is all due to grace of God that I came across your Joepathy, while browsing and could contact you. As advised, I will take Arnica 30c in wet dose and Nat.Phos 6X , 3-4 tablets for my gastric trouble and report back to you about the progress in a week’s time.
        About me I am a highly emotional & sensitive person. Always in a hurry and impatient
        I get easily excited and feel nervousness and headache. I hope Arnica 30C will improve my state of anxiety, nervousness and excitement.
        Thanks once again and regards.

        • O.P.SINGLE says:

          This is in continuation to my post dated April 4, 2012. I report back to you and offer my sincere thanks and let you know about the progress for your further kind advice.
          I am feeling much better. I hardly took medicine just for four days. There has been an overall improvement. Burping has almost gone. Extreme relief from the pain and heaviness in the abdomen. However it has not gone completely. I do not pass stool everyday. Discomfort in the chest area is less, while going for walk. Earlier there was much discomfort.
          However, I feel soreness in the upper left portion of the chest about one inch from sternum towards left. I do not know why soreness is there? This is at one spot .This feeling of soreness is almost in all positions, while sitting, standing, lying down, moving. If I could recollect, this feeling of soreness is from the day after I undergone Angioplasty on April 15, 2010.I think now that this is neither related to heart problem nor gastritis.
          Sometimes, this feeling of soreness increases sometimes decreases.
          You may be able to diagnose the problem.
          I am also feeling mild burning sensation in both the feet, hands and face.
          I also feel headache most of the time.
          Yesterday on April 7, 2012, at 5.50 P.M, my B.P.rose to 141/77.I became little panicky and felt uneasiness during night. In the morning of April 8, 2012, the B.P was little on higher side 134/74. My B.P chart may be reffered.This is just for your information to help you in your advice to me.
          I am sending my B.P. Chart and test report of Lipid profile, separately, on your e-mail id. for your kind perusal. I have been taking allopathic medicines, earlier due to bypass surgery in 1998 and thereafter revised medicines after Angioplasty in April, 2010 and from March 14, 2012; Allopath has prescribed different medicines/drugs for B.P,angina etc.
          I am confident and sure that I will be able to discard many drugs by following your advice and Joepathy.God has chosen you as His instrument and gifted you with this healing power for serving the suffering humanity. God bless you.
          Looking forward to your further advice. I will follow your advice.
          1. Is it necessary to shake the 500ML bottle, every time, when one doze of Table Spoon is taken?
          2. Approximately how many days the 500ML bottle will likely to last? Just for information sake.
          Thanks and regards.
          April 8, 2012

          • Joe says:


            Your case is another success story for Joepathy. I am indeed glad to learn that your GERD has stabilized in just 4 days but is is very likely that you will have to be on the 2 remedies you are taking today for the rest of your life although you may be able to reduce the Nat Phos to a minimum dosage. It is the combination of both the Arnica and the NP that has given you the relief that you have already experienced and if only you had contacted me prior to your Bypass surgery, you would not have required it. You have already seen that that after this harrowing experience in 1998 you have still had to have angioplasty 2 years ago and this will be the routine in the future if you did not contact me here on my website.

            The pain you are complaining of cannot be diagnosed by me but a rough guess would be that it is due to another of your arteries being blocked. However it is my hope that my therapy will succeed in dissolving the plaque which is now blocking the artery at the moment and we can expect your pain to subside in a few days or weeks.

            I have seen your Lipid Profile and it seems to be at almost normal levels and this should improve under the influence of the Arnica and NP in a few weeks. Your BP’s are at levels that are not of any cause for concern and I would like you to take 3 readings when you will discover that the third is lower than the first. The average of all 3 is the mean and you will also discover that if you take the readings on your other hand that the pressures will be still more varied.

            If I feel that medication is required in the future for your BP I shall advice you to use Nat Mur 6x which you can get a stock for use if necessary.

            Remember to ask for a PSA reading when you take your next Blood Test as it is just as well to have a record at your age.

            It will be safe to slowly stop the drugs you are taking today and you can list them for my advice.

            1. Is it necessary to shake the 500ML bottle, every time, when one doze of Table Spoon is taken?
            2. Approximately how many days the 500ML bottle will likely to last? Just for information sake.

  2. O.P.SINGLE says:

    Dear Mr. Joe,
    Thank you very much for your prompt reply and kind advice. It gave me a lot of relief to read that you expect my chest pain to subside in a few days or weeks. No body gave me that hope. God bless you.
    Rather, allopathic doctor advised me not to hold more than 2 Kg. weights. This has caused me disappointment, since I am a workaholic person, mentally busy since morning at 5.30A.M till I go to sleep at 10.00 P.M.I sit before the computer for number of hours at a stretch for reading spiritual and medical articles, read spiritual books, chant His name in addition to doing normal routine work for my body. I am very much health conscious person and wish to lead a normal life without feeling any hindrance in my daily activities. I can not sit idle. I just pray to the Almighty for my normal health. Due to His grace only I could be able to contact you.
    I am a retired Professor of Mechanical engineering by profession and former Principal (on deputation for a period of five years) of a polytechnic.
    I with my wife travel a lot through out my own country-India for visiting temples and other spiritual places. Before March 14, 2012, I used to go for walk 4-5 km. in the morning and 2 Km in the evening with a speed of 4-5 Km per hour. I used to exercise and pranayam for about one hour. After following your advice I am returning to my normal routine. I started going for walk 2-2.5 km in the morning and 1-1.5 km in the evening and carry out exercise and pranayam.To-day on April 9, 2012 I noticed that My B.P rose to 140/77 at 12.30 P.M, whereas it was 114/69 at 7.10A.M.It could be because of my working continuously since morning at 5.30 A.M. or otherwise.
    Absolutely, this is a success story for joepathy.
    I am taking three dozes of Nat Phos 6x, three tablets each time, immediately after breakfast after around 9.00AM, after lunch around 1.45 P.M, and after dinner around 9.00 P.M and two wet dozes of Arnica 30, approximately 5 ML each time-one after 30-40 minutes of taking Nat Phos 6X after breakfast and second before going to bed around 9.45 P.M.Whenever you will advise me I will reduce the doze of Nat Phos.
    I will get Nat. Mur 6X and keep readily available with me. Whenever, you advise me, and then only I will use it. Below is the list of allopathic medicine, I am taking.
    1. MET XL 50mg-before breakfast and before dinner-one tablet each
    2. ARBITEL AM – before breakfast and before dinner-one tablet each
    3. DEPLATT A 150 – One tablet after dinner
    4. STARVAS EZ- one tablet after dinner
    5. REVITAL –One capsule after lunch

    Wet Doze of Arnica 30
    As I could not find spring water bottle here in my city, I prepared wet doze as follows:-
    I took an empty coca cola bottle of 600 ML.Washed it thoroughly with boiled water and wiped it and kept for drying. Afterwards I took filtered drinking water and boiled it allowed it to cool. Thereafter I took measured 500 ML water from this and poured it into the dried coca cola bottle. Then from Arnica 30 liquid bottle, I added three drops into 500ML boiled and cooled water in the coca cola bottle. Thereafter closed it with its cap and shook the bottle 6-7 times. From this I am using wet doze. If you approve of this, then I will go ahead, otherwise I will try to get spring water from somewhere.
    April 9, 2012
    1.15 P.M

    • Joe says:


      I was interested to read about your background which brought out the information that you are a workaholic. I feel that this factor had a distinct bearing on your Cardiac status and it is now in your hands to do everything possible to relax your mind. You have stated “It could be because of my working continuously since morning at 5.30 A.M. or otherwise.”
      All I can do is to advice you but I cannot command you to relax as this is in your own hands. Please note that this is an important part of my therapy.

      In my last message I requested you to have a stock of Nat Mur 6x ready at hand which I proposed to prescribe for your BP but I am now asking you to start taking 2 tablets thrice daily as this remedy also has a calming influence on your mind which will hopefully also reduce your BP. It should be interesting to see your results in 2 weeks time.

      I cannot advise you to stop any of the drugs that you are taking today as quite frankly I do not know what they are supposed to do.

      1. MET XL 50mg-before breakfast and before dinner-one tablet each
      2. ARBITEL AM – before breakfast and before dinner-one tablet each
      3. DEPLATT A 150 – One tablet after dinner (BLOOD THINNER)
      4. STARVAS EZ- one tablet after dinner
      5. REVITAL –One capsule after lunch

      I would like to know what the drugs listed are supposed to do for you. I do not have the time to check them on Google and you can do so and report what they are for to enable me to advice you as to which you can safely drop as you are already taking the 2 I have prescribed and will also take the Nat Mur to relax your mind and your BP.

      Has the Nat Phos 6x helped your constipation and your GERD? Give latest position.

      The method you are using with an empty Coca Cola bottle is OK but remember that the lid will have a sealing washer which can contaminate the Remedy which as a scientist you will know will antidote the remedy which is at a Nano level. Boiling the water is OK but take steps to eliminate the contamination angle.

      You may like to know that I boil all glass bottles in which I store the medicines with their caps. Pouring boiled water may not be sufficient.

  3. O.P.SINGLE says:


    I will try to relax and cut down sitting before the computer and also reading. In any case I do not read Newspaper and also watch TV. You may kindly suggest me the ways for relaxation. You have every right to command me. You are much older than me and like my elder brother. I shall follow your advice.
    Nat Mur 6X, I will get to-day. Kindly advise me the time slots for taking three dozes of Nat Mur 6x.

    Nat phos 6X has helped me. My GRED is much better now. Burping has gone. Mild dull pain in the abdomen persists. I pass constipated stool that too not daily. We may reduce the quantity and frequency of Nat Phos 6X, if you so desire.
    Below is regarding Allopathic Medicines:-
    Met XL 50mg:- it is a beta blocker that is commonly used to treat high blood pressure and cardiac conditions. Its side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and headache.(Copied from website)

    Arbitel AM- I tried hard to findout about This tablet. I could not get the information.I think this is also to control B.P

    Deplatta A 150-Deplatt-A contains Clopidogrel and Aspirin, it is used to prevent blood clotting and to thin the blood, thus one of its side effects is an increased risk of bleeding.(Copied from website)
    Starvas EZ-storvas 20
    reason for administering this drug and its effects Storvas contains the active ingredient Atorvastatin, it is used to help lower cholesterol. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, joint/muscle aches and headache.(copied from website)

    REVITAL Capsule-It is a daily health supplement.It contains vitamins and minerals

    April 10, 2012
    7.35 AM

    • Joe says:


      You may take Nat Mur at any time convenient.
      You will continue to take the Nat Phos 6x after meals.
      You seem to have forgotten the Arnica I prescribed.

      I cannot take the responsibility of stopping any of the drugs that you are taking today.
      You must know that Arnica thins and filters the blood and can replace Deplatta A more effectively.

      Starvas EZ which is a Statin will also be replaced by Arnica and Nat Phos. Please check “The danger of using Statins” on Google.

      Revital is OK

      You must indicate your latest BP readings to enable me to help you. If you discover that my therapy is helping you, you may stop the drugs and stay with my therapy.

      You will use my therapy concurrently with the drugs and when you find that there is some reduction of your BP you can then conclude that it it my therapy is helping you and stop the drugs.

      Exercise is essential and so is drinking water up to 3 liters daily.

  4. O.P.SINGLE says:

    Dear Mr.Joe,

    Thank you very much for your quick reply.

    Natrum Mur 6x, I will get to-day by evening.As soon as I get, I will start taking immediately.

    O.K, I will continue taking Narum Phos 6X after meals-3 times a day.
    I have not forgotten Arnica (wet doze of Arnica 30), that I am taking regularly twice daily.

    At this time,at 3.45 P.M The B.P. is 130/72 without taking Natrum Mur 6x.After taking Natrum Mur 6X, I will record the B.P for 2-3 days and report to you with the latest values of B.P

    I am doing exercises and drinking three litres of water regularly.

    Is it essential to stop the drugs?

    April 10, 2012
    4.10 P.M

    • Joe says:


      “Is it essential to stop the drugs?”

      I have already informed you that the choice is in your hands.

      You have seen that all your surgical adventures and the drugs that you have taken in the past have not CURED you so far and the chances are that they will only continue to prolong your delicate state by ensuring that you are left in a state of suspended animation till the next angioplasty which will be required merely to keep you alive.

      I am not frightening you but only making a statement which you can consider is a prophesy and may eventually be proved to be factual.

      As I stated yesterday I cannot take the responsibility of stopping any of the drugs that you are now taking as it can be said that I was responsible for any misadventure that you may experience in the future.

      I have given you the pros and cons of the drugs that you are using and suggested the Homeopathic remedies that I feel can help to replace them with far less damage to your system than the drugs that you have taken so far.

      I suggested that you continue to take the drugs with the remedies prescribed by me and see if your condition will improve and you can then selectively reduce the drugs when you find that the remedies are taking over.

      I believe that the Nat Phos that you are taking has helped your GERD and burping and you can safely stop the drugs you were using for them in the past. You can, in a similar manner, eliminate the other drugs you are taking but as I stated, I cannot take the responsibility of requesting you to stop any one drug as quite frankly, it is a risk I cannot take on your behalf, as I am not a qualified doctor of medicine and you have consulted me only a few days ago after suffering many years of cardiac distress.

      It is my hope that my Joepathy will help you and you can keep me advised of your progress as often as you wish in the future.

  5. O.P.SINGLE says:

    Thanks for your kind reply. You have very rightly and frankly stated about using drugs. Indeed I am grateful. I have since stopped the drug I was taking for Gas problem and continuing with you therapy. As suggested I will continue taking the drugs along with the remedies prescribed by you and watch the progress. If my condition improves, I will selectively reduce the drugs and thereafter your remedies will take over. Indeed a very good and intelligent suggestion. I will keep you updated.

    I hope you must be having instances under your advice of this type of case as mine relating to heart and B.P, where people have reduced the drugs gradually and remained completely on your remedies and doing fine without any problem. This information will help me to build up my confidence. In fact I have suffered a lot through surgery and pain and incidentally I could contact you. God bless you.
    In fact I want to live a stress care free life now onwards.
    I have started taking Nat.Mur 6x for B.P from 6.30 P.M on April 10, 2012
    Few questions:-
    .1. How many and at what times of the day should I measure the B.P for keeping a record? At a stretch for how many days we continue with this exercise? What should be the normal value of B.P in my case?
    2. Is walking also essential along with exercise? Kindly also suggest duration of walking and exercise separately for me.
    3. To-day after walking for 30 minutes with the normal speed I came back, I felt headache and face flushed with little uneasiness on it-may be due to increased B.P or otherwise. This type of uneasiness, I am experiencing for the last three weeks. I hope this state of uneasiness and nervousness will disappear from your remedies. I seek your opinion on this.
    4. I am a strict vegetarian. Will you give any suggestions about my food?
    Thanks and regards.

    April 11, 2012
    10.50 A.M

    • Joe says:


      I hope you understand that you consulted me after repeated surgical episodes which would have taxed your body to the limit as a last resort, before your specialists advised you that it was essential that you were subjected to that next Angioplasty.

      Incidentally how many Cardiac procedures have you had ? Can you give me a historical record of the many Cardiac problems you have had with the background before they occurred with dates?

      Answering your question, I cannot honestly state that I have ever treated anyone who has had the many cardiac episodes that you have suffered from and I hope that you realize that you are extremely fortunate that you are still able to survive and still do some exercise as you are doing today, perhaps very late in the day. I am convinced that if you had consulted me about 5 years ago I could have helped you to AVOID all the cardiac procedures that you have had so far which have not CURED you up to now.

      Have you done a regular exercise routine throughout your life and maintained an acceptable weight? Are upi overweight? Were you subjected to STRESS during your life before you first encountered your cardiac problems?

      What were your Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar levels in the past? Did you do regular Blood Test for Lipid Profiles (Cholesterol and Tryglycerides) ?

      Answering your many questions:

      .1. How many and at what times of the day should I measure the B.P for keeping a record? At a stretch for how many days we continue with this exercise? What should be the normal value of B.P in my case?


      2. Is walking also essential along with exercise? Kindly also suggest duration of walking and exercise separately for me.


      3. To-day after walking for 30 minutes with the normal speed I came back, I felt headache and face flushed with little uneasiness on it-may be due to increased B.P or otherwise. This type of uneasiness, I am experiencing for the last three weeks. I hope this state of uneasiness and nervousness will disappear from your remedies. I seek your opinion on this.


      4. I am a strict vegetarian. Will you give any suggestions about my food?


  6. O.P. SINGLE says:

    Dear Mr. Joe,
    It took some time for me to collect the history with dates.Kindly excuse me for late reply.
    My life Style
    I have always been a strict disciplinarian throughout. We lived for 30 years in College/University Campus in a very hygienic atmosphere. My life has been with simple habits and light and simple homemade food. I have been going on long walks, doing exercises and Pranayam always found fit. Before June, 1998 I hardly visited Doctor except for simple ailments like cough, cold and simple fever. I have made almost constant weight 59-61 kg. I had never been overweight I have always been non diabetic.
    My weaknesses have been of impatience, tolerance, highly sensitive and always in a hurry.
    “How many Cardiac procedures have you had?”
    It was June, 1998 that I felt chest pain while going for walks. My ECG was O.K It was guessed angina. Was subjected to Thread Mill Test (TMT) on 11th. July, 1998.TMT was positive in stage 1 Stress echo was also positive. I was advised coronary Angiography. I agreed for this. It was done on 14th. July 1998. At the time of admission I was found to be nondiabatic and non hypertensive. My B.P was 130/90. Angiography showed triple vessel disease with good L.V. function. I was advised Bypass surgery for which I agreed.
    Bypass drafting was done on 17th July; 1998.There was no problem up to 6th.April, 2010.
    From July, 1998 To March, 2010 I was on my normal routine.
    I felt again chest discomfort in first week of April, 2010.Admitted in hospital on 15th.April, 2010.Non hypertensive, and non diabetic. BP 150/80. Underwent coronary angiography on 15th April,2010 which revealed triple vessel disease and coronary angioplasty in the same sitting.The procedures were uncomplicated and well tolerated.
    I regularly check my lipid profile. I mention below few dates.
    On 15th. June, 1998 Serum cholesterol 208 mg/dl, Serum Triglycerides 245 mg/ dl
    On 11th April, 2010 Serum cholesterol 153.2 mg/dl, Serum Triglycerides 95.1 mg/ dl
    On 16th April, 2010 Serum cholesterol 115 mg/dl, Serum Triglycerides 84 mg/ dl
    On 16th April, 2008 Serum cholesterol 199.6 mg/dl, Serum Triglycerides 130.3 mg/ dl
    ECG remained O.K throughout.
    I thank you very much for your prescription of remedies, which I have been taking and continue taking.There is a considerable improvement. I just reproduce below the remedies.
    Wet Doze of Arnica 30-Twice a day
    Nat. Phos 6x 3 tablets – Thrice a day after meals
    Nat Mur 6x 2tablets-Thrice a day as per convenience.
    Now there is headache and nervousness most of the time. I hope this will also go with passage of time. Any further advice please. I am grateful.

    April 13, 2012
    4.15 P.M

    • Joe says:


      Thank you for your detailed reply.

      At this juncture, I can only suggest that you increase your Arnica intake to 3 doses per day for a week and you will then report if this increased frequency has made any difference to your condition.

      Where in India do you live?

  7. O.P. SINGLE says:

    Thank you very much for your almost immediate response. As advised I will increase the frequency of Arnica dozes to three per day. I will keep on bothering you, although it will be an encroachment on your precious time. I am sure you won’t mind. I will keep on intimating you about the progress.
    I live in Gurgaon-an emerging city very close (just 30 km) to the Indian capital-New-Delhi. What about you? Please do intimate.
    April 13, 2012
    6.55 PM

    • Joe says:


      It will be my pleasure to restore you back to normal health without any further surgical experimentation.

      You will no doubt understand this task is uphill as you have contacted me very late in the proceedings. You will have to keep me advised of any nuance in your health to enable me to advise you. Do not think that you are encroaching on my time as I devote all the time off my professional duties as the Chairman of my business organization Titus Stores, Colombo Sri Lanka to helping patients like you who have reached the point of no return, due to the gross mismanagement of their ailment by the medical profession, back to health.

      I do not think that I have referred you to an outstanding case of success that I have achieved in restoring Robert Ray a 55 year old, who was affected by 3 strokes in 2002, back to health after he contacted me in 2010. You can read his case by inserting “Robert Ray” into the search window on the Home page of my website.

      I am hope and pray that your case too will be resolved in a like manner as a tribute to my Joepathy.

  8. O.P. SINGLE says:

    Dear Mr. Joe,
    I have received your reply. T0-day I passed stool two times with in a gap of two hours and bowels were cleared. It was quite soft. Shall I reduce the doze of Nat Phos 6x from thee to two dozes. Nervousness and headache are bothering me. I feel concerned about it.
    I took Arnica in the morning and second doze I propose to take in the afternoon and then third before going to bed. I think it will be o.k. Please advise.

    April 14, 2012
    11.27 AM

    • Joe says:


      It is interesting to learn that your stools are soft and you have had 2 motions but you have not reported on your GERD which you were suffering from for some years.

      You can reduce your dosage of Nat Phos but you must take it if you wish to be saved from GERD which I believe was a contributory cause of your Cardiac problems. I make this statement as Ranjit whose case I too had been taking PPI drugs for over 20 years and he is also in the same condition that you are now in but the difference in you both is that you have accepted my therapy while Ranjit has not and may not live much longer as he is now in a bad way and has virtually given up on life.

      The Nat Mur 6x should hopefully help with your mental problems and only time will tell.

      Can you get a stock of Arnica 6c which I may want you to take in place of the 30c on a test basis?
      Also get the 3c but do not use either till I instruct you.

  9. O.P. SINGLE says:

    Gas problem I have been experiencing for the last few months only; whereas constipation is an old problem. There is considerable improvement on my GERD. There is no burping; discomfort in the chest is reduced.
    I will keep with me stock of Arnica 6c as well as Arnica 3c in liquid form and wait for your instructions.
    I will continue taking Nat Phos 6x, two tablets- two times a day after break fast and just after dinner.

    April 14, 2012
    1.08 PM

  10. O.P. SINGLE says:

    Thank you very much for your wishes.Credit goes to you and Joepathy.
    Could headache be possible due to rise of gas towards head? Uneasiness and headache are coming almost together. I am just guessing. If so, the symptoms of head should go with the prescription of GERD- Nat Phos and Arnica. Your opinion please. May be it taking some time?
    There is no time difference between New-Delhi and Colombo. However website is showing. I sent the comments at1.08 PM on April 14, 2012 and reporting April, 14, 2012 2.10 AM. I could not understand.
    April 14 , 2012
    5.52 PM

    • Joe says:


      I cannot answer your query as it would be pure guess work on my part to do so.

      Suffice it to state that you have improved with my therapy in the few days you have been using it and you will have to let your body respond as best as it should in the future.

      I too noticed the time difference on my website but I am unable to fix the problem as I am using the standard WordPress template which is controlled by the owners.

  11. O.P. SINGLE says:


    This is true that I have improved with your therapy. I am grateful.
    I will report the progress after using your therapy for at least another one week. If I need your help in between I will definitely send you the message.

    April 14, 2012
    9.35 P.M

  12. Deepan says:

    Dear Mr Joe,
    I need your help, I had used a hair dye and the next day I had a swelling on my face and it looked as if the face is burnt, I’m having a lot of itching and pain in my face. I think I had an immense allergic reaction from this dye, would you kindly reccomend me a medicene?

    • Joe says:


      Complain immediately to the Health authorities in the nearest hospital or your town council to ensure that they take notice of your allergy to this dye which has caused you so much distress. They can warn the manufacturers and so ensure that others too to not suffer from any reaction like you. From your statement, I believe that your reaction is acute and you did not pay for this type of agony.

      And please do not use Hair Dye as it is just not worth the bother and the danger of trying to hide the result of advancing years.

      Belladonna 200 in the Wet dose can help to reduce the after effects of your allergic reaction and you will also take Arnica 6c in the Wet dose. Both remedies to be taken twice daily half hour apart.

      You can also apply the medicated water of Arnica 6c on your face as it will soothe the skin and help in the recovery.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  13. O.P.SINGLE says:


    This is in continuation to my post dated April 14, 2012.
    I have been continuing taking all the three remedies-Arnica, Nat Phos and Nat Mur, thrice a day. There is considerable improvement on GERD.
    Though the chest soreness/discomfort/pain is slightly reduced, but it continues to persist and increases slightly with brisk walking, however I continue to walk for 40-45 minutes.
    B.P is 140/80. It is not coming down. I feel headache too.
    How long I will have to continue these three remedies?
    Higher B.P seems to be a matter of concern now.
    Please advise further.

    April 21, 2012
    10.15 A.M

    • Joe says:


      Your BP at 140/80 can be considered as quite normal for a person who has had a Bypass and multiple Angioplasties. Your Systolic at 140 is absolutely nothing to be concerned about.

      I am more concerned with your constant headache and this could be due to the multiple cocktail of drugs that you were taking before surgery and are also taking today.
      Please list all drugs you are taking today.

      You have asked me an interesting question:
      “How long I will have to continue these three remedies?”

      I can now see that you do not seem to realize fully the gravity of your present condition and the fact that the Homeopathic Remedies I have prescribed to you have helped you in many ways which only you can fully appreciate as only you can compare how they helped you in comparison to the drugs you were taking after your Cardiac incidents.

      You have the choice of going back to the drugs you were prescribed which as you have already seen did not help you in the manner that the remedies that I prescribed did. Did you ask the same question from your Cardiologist?

      My answer to your question is:

      FOR LIFE.

  14. O.P.SINGLE says:


    There is no doubt that the remedies prescribed by you have made a marked difference. These have been quite effective. I am grateful.
    Please find below the list of drugs that I am taking today.
    MET XL 50mg-before breakfast and before dinner-one tablet each
    ARBITEL – before breakfast and before dinner-one tablet each
    DEPLATT A 150 – One tablet after dinner
    STARVAS EZ- one tablet after dinner
    REVITAL –One capsule after lunch
    Thanks and regards.

    April 21, 2012
    12.35 P.m

    • Joe says:


      It will be safe to stop Deplatta and Starvas now as the Arnica and the Nat Phos are jointly fulfilling the same functions as the drugs and you have discovered that they have helped to ease your condition.

      After you have stopped them for a week please report the impact that stopping them has made in your general condition.

  15. O.P.SINGLE says:

    Dear Mr. Joe,
    I am posting my problems to you after a gap of about three months now.
    I have stopped almost 50% of the allopathic medicines, but the headache still continues. It increases with every activity. If I talk to some one, it increases. My quality of life has come down due to the headache. I have fatigue and exhaustion.
    During night I wake up many a times (10-12 times) for urination. Lot of gas formation. I have hearing loss too. Could you kindly suggest some remedy?
    Thanks and regards.

    July 18,2012
    9.25 PM

    • Joe says:


      It is time for you to consult a Cardiologist and later a Urologist and get yourself checked ASAP.

      You can then report your current status to me if you wish and I shall then try to help you.

      It is possible that your constant urination at 12 times per night is denying you the sleep that you must have. This results in ALL your other problems which you have listed.

      I believe that the drugs that your doctors have prescribed for you in the past have all contributed to your present state and you may like to read my article:


      • Harish says:

        Mr. Joe, I am curious to know what happen to this man Mr. O.P.Single who had long thread with you, who switched over to your joepathy remedies altogether and at the end he had multiple problems as listed in his final email dt.18th July,2012. You panickly guided him to cardiologist and urologist. He seems to have simply vanished for ever since no further communication is seen. What went wrong with your remedies or vice verca with allopathic?

        • Joe says:


          Good to know that you monitor my website and are interested in the welfare of my patients.

          I do remember the name O P Single but a search did not bring his case up.

          Do you have any clue to his email address as I can use that too in a search.

  16. Paul Rajasekera says:

    Dear Mr. Joe Livera

    You will remember I called on you, about a year ago, after reading and hearing of so many success stories of your treatment especially with Arnica, the wonder drug. I related to you the story, particularly of my MVP problem and of the allopathy treatment I had been recommended and taking for its cure, control or relief.

    My MVP was detected long years ago (December 1986) by a renowned heart specialist and surgeon. No serious treatment was recommended. Later, on the advice of so many physicians of all hues, I had totally forgotten or ignored this defect as it did not affect my well being in any way. I continued with my normal activities including involvement in games such as cricket that taxed my physical energy.

    In mid 2008, I suffered from a severe cough and fever from which I recovered after strong anti-biotic treatment and cough syrups. The
    lung specialist who treated my cough referred me to an Interventionist Cardiologist for assessment of my MVP condition. Several other Cardiologists were consulted. They all recommended immediate mitral valve replacement as there was severe mitral valve prolapse and regurgitation. The Consultant Surgeon who was consulted for a second opinion recommended that the valve replacement surgery may be optional and treated me with the following drugs – Lasix 40, Aldacton, and E.Corin 75. Check ups with Eco Cardiograms etc. were done on a 3/6 monthly basis.

    Echo cardiogram registered mitral regurgitation grade ranging from 3 to 4 in July 2012. But I was declared too old now to stand valve replacement surgery in the normal way unless new methods of externally implanting mitral valve ( which will cost millions but not yer done in this country) is resorted to.

    In October 2011, I began receiving treatment from you. On your recommendation I treated myself with Arnica (a capful off a 400 ltr, bottle) twice a day which I have been taking up to date. Along with Arnica I also take Nat Phos 6 x, 2 tablets twice a day that has removed all traces of gastric discomfort from my system.

    I informed you that for some time, in addition to your recommended treatment, I continued to take the allopathy medicine prescribed by my heart specialist surgeon, as I had not yet developed confidence in your treatment despite your advice that the drugs I took were not quite necessary with your treatment. When I finally decided to opt for your treatment fully, my feet showed signs of swelling. I resumed the allopathy treatment and I consulted you then and you recommended a treatment called Apis 6 and the swelling promptly vanished. From about mid August this year, I am entirely on your treatment (Arnica and Nat Phos 6 x). My lungs are good now, and I must telll you that I enjoy a sense of wellness with your drugs. I do not experience any ill effects of having eliminated the drugs I used to take.

    This note serves to record my experience with your treatment for my MVP. I am deeply thankful to you that I am now free from swallowing quite unnecessary and harmful drugs and enjoy better health now.

    Paul Rajasekra

    • Joe says:

      Paul Rajasekera

      Thank you for posting details of what can be termed, your recovery from your Mitral Valve Prolapse which you suffered from since 1986, and for which a succession of Cardiac specialists and surgeons had recommended urgent surgery for replacement of your Mitral Valve.

      It is fortunate for you that you consulted me, a year ago and I suggested that you give my therapy aka “Joepathy” a chance to heal your multiple ailments which I can see from your report, seem to have been helped and possibly, cured. And that WITHOUT your taking the many drugs that you listed in your report. I noticed that you failed to list the PPI drug you were prescribed for your GERD before you consulted me.

      It is very likely that it was your GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) aka Gastritis that was the root cause of many of your ailments which I am delighted to learn, are all history today.

      You will continue with Arnica 30 twice daily in the Wet dose (5ml) for life, as I have done myself since 1996 which I believe is the reason for my sense of wellness today. I presume that you have a stock of Nat Phos 6x available for use in the unlikely event of your presenting any digestive discomfort. You will also use the Apis 6 in the unlikely event of your ankles showing any signs of swelling.

      You are advised to have your heart checked every 6 months to ensure that you continue in your current state of health. I would also recommend that you continue with your current program of exercise but would not recommend strenuous exercise like Cricket which may be a little too demanding on your heart.

  17. nayyer says:

    I am 63 years old. Had good life. Found of good food, you can say reach in fats. A year back had angina pain and discovered double vassal blocked. Had angioplasty in Nov 2011 and 4 stents. Earlier had complain of high blood pressure and was on medication( BP-130/90 to 160/100 ).After angioplasty feel better but yet on medicines. I need to know that can I use Arnica 30 as I see in joe pathy.

    Second thing I wanted to ask that Erectile Dysfunction is cause of surgery which I faced and does Arnica 30 cure it. Regards

    • Joe says:


      Your ED is caused by the drugs that you have been prescribed for thinning the blood and for your Hypertension.

      Arnica 30c in the Wet dose will help but it cannot CURE your condition which was caused by your enjoying life as you have recorded and you now have to pay for it.

      You must also exercise for at least a hour daily as this can help with your ED.

      You can take Arnica thrice daily as instructed below:

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      • nayyer says:

        dear joe .Sir thanks you for your advise.I have gone through all your sites and impressed.Let you know the progress after using Arnica 30 in wet dose .Regards and best wishes

        • Joe says:


          I noticed that I had prescribed Arnica 30c for your ED.

          Patients have informed me that Arnica 3c in the Wet dose is more effective. If you do not have any improvement in your condition with the 30c you can use the Arnica 3c. If this potency is not available in your country you may use the 6c which should be available.

  18. nayyer says:

    Dear sir. I am back after 15 days and during this time was on Arnica 30 wet dose along with my allopathy medicines. During this period I observed the following,
    1. I felt fresh in the morning and found that my body pain mostly in knees and feet specially in left heel vanished. Earlier doctor said it is GOUT.
    2. My BP is normal 80/120 – 80/130.
    3. No change in my ED state with Arnica 30 wet dose. Now I shall try Arnica 3c and come back to you.
    4. Sir ,should I take both Arnica 30 in wet dose for my heart ,BP, body pain and Arnica 3c for ED. Regards and best wishes

    • Joe says:


      You are doing well in just 15 days but please DO NOT PUSH IT.

      Your ED is the least of your problems right now. Remember that you have had ANGIOPLASTY and this is not something that you just sneeze at. You do not seem to realize how serious the status of your cardiac arteries are as even with the stent in situ, you are not CURED.

      You are lucky that you were temporarily saved by your stent and it will take some time before you are anywhere near normal.
      You must try to wean yourself OFF ALL DRUGS and rely on the Arnica therapy but this will need careful monitoring of your Lipid Profile every 2 months with your Blood Pressure to evaluate if my therapy is helping you. You will NOT STOP your medication suddenly but you will reduce the dosage of the drugs slowly and see if my therapy can replace them.

      Please note that I cannot monitor your status on my website and you will have to rely on a doctor who will do so regularly every 2 weeks or so and you will report your status here on my website if you wish to have my advice.

  19. Nayyer says:

    Dear Sir. I am back after 3 months. During this time I was on arnica 30 and 3c along with other medications. My results are as following, 1. BP ,normal, 2. Lipid , normal, 3. All other blood reports , normal.4. ED, see improvement ,5 . less body achs. I feel much better and get up fresh in the morning. I have busy schedule from 7 am to 11 pm,but feel fresh through out my work. Only one thing I noticed that I have lower back pain or when I go for walk , I feel pain in my lower back. For your information please. Thanks and regards.

    • Joe says:


      I have traced your first post to me and shall copy it below:

      nayyer says:
      November 19, 2012 at 2:04 am (Edit)

      I am 63 years old. Had good life. Found of good food, you can say reach in fats. A year back had angina pain and discovered double vassal blocked. Had angioplasty in Nov 2011 and 4 stents. Earlier had complain of high blood pressure and was on medication( BP-130/90 to 160/100 ).After angioplasty feel better but yet on medicines. I need to know that can I use Arnica 30 as I see in joe pathy.

      Second thing I wanted to ask that Erectile Dysfunction is cause of surgery which I faced and does Arnica 30 cure it. Regards

      Joe says:
      November 19, 2012 at 2:34 am (Edit)


      Your ED is caused by the drugs that you have been prescribed for thinning the blood and for your Hypertension.

      Arnica 30c in the Wet dose will help but it cannot CURE your condition which was caused by your enjoying life as you have recorded and you now have to pay for it.

      You must also exercise for at least a hour daily as this can help with your ED.

      You can take Arnica thrice daily as instructed below:

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
      nayyer says:
      November 24, 2012 at 8:24 am (Edit)

      dear joe .Sir thanks you for your advise.I have gone through all your sites and impressed.Let you know the progress after using Arnica 30 in wet dose .Regards and best wishes

      I am indeed delighted to learn that you have responded so very positively to my therapy aka “Joepathy” and that ALL SYSTEMS ARE GO !!!

      I hope that you realize that you would not have had to undergo your Heart Bypass Surgery if only you had consulted me some years ago.

      You stated:

      ” My results are as following, 1. BP ,normal, 2. Lipid , normal, 3. All other blood reports , normal.4. ED, see improvement ,5 . less body achs. I feel much better and get up fresh in the morning. I have busy schedule from 7 am to 11 pm,but feel fresh through out my work. Only one thing I noticed that I have lower back pain or when I go for walk , I feel pain in my lower back.”

      I note that you are still taking some drugs with the Arnica and it may be possible to stop the drugs which are not necessary after consulting your doctors.

      It is now up to you to keep up your current regimen and if you believe in God, Thank Him for giving you another lease of life.

  20. tan ann jee says:

    I hardly comment, however I browsed some responses here Joepathy

  21. Ranjan says:

    Respected Joe

    I am 47yrs aged man. and my wife around 38. We are trying for a baby but looks like it is not happening due to late marriage. I was diagnosed like I am sufferring with Low Sperm Motility and count and Semen Volume. Are there any Homeopathy remedy for this. I browsed the internent and looks like it is called as Oligo-asthenozoosperia and also called as Asthenozoospermia. Almost 8 yrs back, I undergone Vericocile surgery (left side). We need your guidence.

    Some remedy I came across are like : Tribulus Terrestris, Argentium Nitrium , Arsenic Album, Coenzyme Q 10 capsules, Orchitinum. I don’t know anything about these and haven’t tried on my own.

    In case you have any suggessions or you already treated others who were sufferring with Oligo-asthenozoosperia then request you kindly help me with that remedy.

    Thanks for your kind patience and guidance


    • Joe says:


      Your joint case is far above my ability to help you both.

      Please contact Dr Prasanta Banerji at:

      He will treat you free of all charges.

      I would appreciate if you will please keep me posted with his therapy.

      • Ranjan says:

        Respected Joe

        Thank you so much for your kind reply and for providing the contact for Dr. Prasanta. I will contact him and as I progress, I will update you.

        Have a great day


  22. Ranjan says:

    Respected Joe

    My sister is sufferring with very small quantity of blood going out (1spn or less) whenever she goes for bowel (almost 2 times or some times 3 times a day). The blood is not in bright red but it is in dark red or marun in color. But it is going out in mucus form and this is happening since last 12 days She is not having any BP, Suger, any pain in stomak, abdamon, and no pain or burning sesation or irritatons during or after bowel. No swelling. She feels very tired after bowel. She visited the alopathy doctor and they says due to high infection or alergy, this is happening and they have given her high antibiotic medicine. Also they mentioned like her hemoglobin is at 8.

    I looked into your archived case details and found Hamamelise is used for fissure issue. But, the bowel is not hard. It is normal. Can you pl help us whether same remedy can be tried or any other remedy for this mucus like issue. Also any remedy to be taken to increase hemoglobin in blood.

    Thanks and Regards

    • Joe says:


      You must consult an ANO RECTAL SURGEON and report his diagnosis as I cannot diagnose her problem on my website.

      Do NOT experiment with using various remedies as I must know what her bleeding is due to in order to prescribe.

      • Ranjan says:

        Thanks Joe for your kind reply and suggession.

        Till we consult the surgeon, (as we need to identify that kind of surgeon in our location or in other place in our state in India, I would like to know is it ok to take Arnica 30c or 6c in Wet dose for 2 times a day as it may help to cure the infection or alergy. Kindly let me know your thought and if this is ok, then I will act on preparing the wet dose

        Thanks and Regards

        • Joe says:


          You may always use Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily to observe if it can help your sister.
          Arnica is not a DRUG and can be used by anyone who desires to enjoy a better state of health.

          Please visit


          The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

          Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
          Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
          Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
          Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
          Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

  23. Buket says:

    I have come across one of your advice on abchomeopathy and then searched about you. I am very interested in homeopathy and most other healing systems and what I believe is if one person has any healing quality then systematic education of any kind of healing including homeopathy is not necessary. I like trial and error, take some minor risks and seethe result myself. However when it comes to homeopathy it is a very broad area and I lose myself in many medicines which seem very similar to each other in terms of their distinctive qualities for an ailment. I have been on classical homeopathy treatment for about 3 years and my conditions have improved alot. But, never ends. I decided not to got to my homeopath almost 4 months ago as it has become costly. I have always been in a very good relationship with homeopathy and my body and my soul have always reacted in a very fast way which makes me visit the homeopath very often and pay more money. Classical homeopathy is of course very effective but I need more complete treatment for all of my symptoms. As I live in Turkey it is impossible to go to a drugstore and buy some homeopathic medicine as they are not sold here. When I search for my symptoms and finf many different medicines I couldn’t decide what to use on my own and I don’t want to pay more money on wrong medicines, so I hope you could give some suggestions so that I could order the right medicine abroad. Symptoms:
    1) digestive problems ( constipation, bloating, flatulence, gas)
    2) sensitive to food additives and many chemicals used in shampoos, toothpaste,etc.,hybrid seeds such as wheat and yellow corn, and all processed food( I have changed all of them to natural or organic ones and homemade dishes)
    3) skin problems like stubborn blackheads on my nose, chin, forehead and cheeks sometimes acnes or very small boils on my face and shoulders, always very dry cracked lips and fordyce spots on all over my lips
    4)spider veins all over my body. reddish, bluish and on some places purple
    5) always red shot eyes and mypoia
    6) many wrinkles on my face and cellulites all over my body and I am just 29 years old.
    7) chocolate ovarian cyst on my left ovary for almost 8 years
    8) PMS (sensitivity to odors, light, noise, bloating, flatulence, constipation, pain in the low back and ovaries and headaches, craving for sugar, chocolate and caffeine, sensitivity in breasts, brain fog, dizziness, forgetfulness
    9) hair loss and eyelash loss for a very long time
    10) dandruff on my scalp for a very long time and it itches awfully
    11) low energy, tiredness, fatigue
    12) I can’t wear tight clothes as they make some scars then itch awfully
    13) I am very sensitive to noise. I like quite more.
    I want all of them to be cured but I am honestly sure how to go on. Everyday I search for homeopathic medicines, read many forums and cannot decide. Thank you for your reply in advance

    • Joe says:


      I note that you live in Turkey and as you rightly presumed, it is unlikely that you can get any Homeopathic remedies in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in your country. You can however order them from India where they are inexpensive and cost around IRs 50 for a 10ml pack.

      You will have to indicate what your main problems are, as at age 29 you seem to have so many. If you do not exercise daily to sweat it out, this is the reason for so many at your age.

      List your ailments in the order of importance and what drugs or remedies you have been prescribed for them andI shall try to help you.

  24. Buket says:

    correction: “I am honestly not sure how to go on.”

  25. Buket says:

    14) pain in my bones especially legs and hips if I stand and walk for a while, and also wristles especially before going to sleep
    That’s all, thank you a lot

  26. Arvind says:

    Hi Dear Joe,
    thanks for your much appreciated effort to help others.

    Can I take Arnica 30c in wet dose along with other homeopathic medicine which my doctor in India is giving me for GERD. I do not know what those medicines are – they are white round granuales. They seem to be working, my symptoms are very reduced now.

    My cholesterol is as follows: TC- 232, Trig – 182, HDL-45, LDL-151 and would like to reduce it by taking Arnica. Would appreciate your advice.


    • Arvind says:

      My age is 47 and I live in US currently.

    • Joe says:


      You must make up your mind on which therapy you will use to treat your GERD. You state that you are now using the therapy prescribed by another doctor.

      Why do you wish to use my therapy when your current therapy is working?

      Homeopathy does not work on the principle “More the Merrier”

      • Arvind says:

        Hi Dear Joe,
        sorry for not being clear in my earlier email – I wish to take Arnica 30c in wet dose for reducing my cholesterol and not for the GERD. My question was is it okay to take Arnica for cholesterol reduction ALONG with other homeopathic medicine?

        I am interested in taking Arnica 30c in wet dose for reducing my cholesterol and general health on long term basis as you have suggested.


        • Joe says:


          “Too many cooks can spoil the soup”

          You are advised to continue to use the therapy you are now taking from your Indian homeopath as by adding my therapy to it, the result can be counterproductive if one remedy antidotes the other.

  27. Buket says:

    I have been prescribed many such as platin D12, Lycop, Rhus tox, Nat Mur, Silicae and more.
    1) Digestive problems
    2) Spider veins
    3) Chocolate cyst

    • Joe says:


      You have made a cryptic statement:

      “I have been prescribed many such as platin D12, Lycop, Rhus tox, Nat Mur, Silicae and more.
      1) Digestive problems
      2) Spider veins
      3) Chocolate cyst”

      Is there any reason why you have done so on my website?

  28. Buket says:

    I guess there is somehow a miscommunication here. I just don’t have the energy to tell everything from the very beginning. I have stated my case and my reasons very clearly indeed. Anyway, good luck in your way.

  29. Rajan says:

    Respected Joe

    In the past I requested for possible remedy for my sister who is facing the issue of mucus and little blood in it whenever she go for bowel. (very little blood not even half spoon). Since all regular tests were going on, she started with Arnica 30c in wet dose two times a day. Doctors gave her high powerful anti-biotic assuming it is due to high infection. But it didn’t resolved the issue. Later they did CT scan, blood, urine and stool tests and it resulted normal except the hemoglobin level is 8. They concluded like she is facing the issue due to the excess heat inside the body and currently gave her Bcomplex tablet and asked her to use tender coconut, butter-milk, lemon juice and avoid chilli and spicy foods. During all the days, she continued to take the remedy of Arnica.

    Now-a-days, she feels her issue is reduced and happens almost alternate days. She also observed like if she intake little spicy food or the bread made with wheet or jawar (we call it as chapathi or roti), and if she go out in the day hrs for any outside work, the issue aggrevates for 2-3 days and slowly reduces. She lives in the place wherein during summer the weather temp will be in the range of 42 to 44 degree C in India.

    Is there any remedy to reduce internal temparature of the body or improve the digestive system so that she can be back to normal diet/food.


    • Joe says:


      The most likely reason for bleeding during a bowel motion is Hemorrhoids or piles.

      The remedy is Hamamelis 200c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.

      She can continue the Arnica 30 in the Wet dose twice daily and leave about half hour between remedies.

      • Rajan says:

        Respected Joe

        Thanks for your kind reply. Yes, I assumed it could be Hemorrhoids or Piles and I searched in your website and found Hamamelis and requested her to take it for few days. She was able to get Hemamelis 30c potency and she took it for 4 days in wet dose. But interestingly, there is no pain or burning sensation during bowel time and after bowel. Thus we felt it may not be a piles of fissure

        Sure, I will ask her to look for Hemamelis 200c and stop the 30c one she is having and I will ask her to take this remedy for 1 wk and observe.

        To increase Hemoglobin level in the blood, can you pl suggest any remedy available. Can she take this along with other remedies with a gap of 30mins to 1hr.


        • Joe says:


          Ferr Phos 6x dose 3 tablets thrice daily will help to increase Hemoglobin levels

          • Rajan says:

            Respected Joe

            Thanks for your kind reply. I will inform this and ask her to start taking this medicine.

            I continued to read some more about the mucus and little quantity of blood in the stool. Some places says like :
            1) If you develop sudden onset of blood and mucous in the stools along with fever and abdominal discomfort you may have a temporary inflammation in the colon walls due to a viral or bacterial infection.
            2) Other conditions that can cause blood and mucous in stools include inflammatory bowel disease and colon or rectal cancer.
            3) Blood and mucous is common with inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s and Ulcerative colitis.

            Sorry for writting all these. For point 1, already she was given high antibiotics for almost 10 days but it didn’t helped. Now, I am very much scared by point 2. In case if it is going to be a cancer then any quick treatment we need to start ? We are not able to get good doctor to clearly identify the root cause and suggest proper tests to be performed. Any good remedy in Homeopathy for cancer to get cured with out it gets spread across the body. As a precaution, can we start the treatment for Cancer. Whether Arnica 30c dosage needs to be increased and this helps in curing cancer.
            For point 3, is there any remedy?

            If you can suggest us to start the treatment for point 3, observer its results for 4 to 5 days and then start remedy for point 2 then request you kindly help us with remedy details.

            Sorry for writting such a big email with sevearl concerns. Request you to help us in this regard

            Thanks & Regards

  30. surat says:

    Respected Joe Thank you for prompt advice. I have startd taking ARNIKA 30 Wet dose for the last one week three times a day alongwith nat phos 3x after each meal Iam also contuing taking drugs prescribed for cardiac problem I can comfortaably walk for 30 mins after wich i get severe pain in my feet My BP and other clinical parameters are normal

    • Joe says:


      I presume that you suffer from GERD but I do not have any background information about you on my website.

      I note that you have had some relief after using my therapy for the last week and it is in your interest to give me more details of your ailment.

  31. surat says:

    I have been suffering fm CAD since 1981. I had CABG procedure in 1990 andpct in 1995. LV function is 405 . I am taking the folling medicines.Ecosprin 150mg Cloped 75 .Bisoprolol5mg.coversyl 8mg Neurobion Amlodipin5mg .All these medicines once day. Neuropathy showed low conductiy of lower limbs nerves wich is pain in both feet. With above medicines theclinical parameters are as under.Blood sugar.Fasting72 mg .PP 100mg.Total cholestrol 136 Hdl33 Triglycerides57 LDL91 Blood Urea24 Urik acid4.0 Non dibetic.HB 14.2 TLC92 Under JOEPATHY Iam takingARNICA 30 wet thrice a day I have enlarged prostate Grade1 for wich iam taking UREMAX 0.4mg . kindly advise.

    • Joe says:


      Thank you for refreshing my memory as I was presuming that you were just another case of GERD when yours was a very complicated and chronic Cardiac problem dating back to 1981 for which you have already had Bypass surgery.

      I have already instructed you in a previous post:
      “You will however continue with the drugs you are taking and add Arnica 30c to your list.
      Conium 6c will help your enlarged Prostate taken twice daily.”

      It is indeed a great pity that you did not contact me when you first had your CAD in 1981 when I feel that your CABG procedure could have been prevented with Arnica and other Homeopathic remedies.

      There is very little else that I can prescribe in addition to what I already have done and wish you the best.

      I would appreciate if you will keep me updated with your progress.

  32. Harish says:

    Thanks Dr.Joe for the remedies suggested by you which I have ordered from India as I am in Dubai. I also have dryness in mouth during night and constipation. If you can prescribe remedy for that also.
    (2) My wife 57 has asthma since last 6 years, probably due to pet dog we had. She is taking steroid, using inhaler puff. If you can recommend homoepathic remedy.
    Thanks & Regards

    • Joe says:


      Remedies for your problems
      Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken after each of 3 meals. Reduce to 2 tablets after problem stabilizes
      I shall copy my default therapy for Asthma below:

      Your remedy is a dose of Nat Sulph 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily, First dose on an empty stomach and the second just before bed which you will take nightly for 2 weeks, When you find some relief you can reduce your dosage to just ONE dose nightly. If however you do not experience any relief which can happen if you are a chronic Asthmatic, you will please report your status to me for further advice.

      You will report your response weekly or more often as may be necessary.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

      Steam is also important and it must be inhaled for about 5 minutes twice daily. You can get the steaming device used in beauty saloons for facial treatment. You will most likely cough up a lot of phlegm immediately after steaming.

      Physiotherapy is also indicated after steaming to rid the lungs and airways of the phlegm which is also the cause of Asthma. You will lay flat across your bed with your chest slightly elevated above your head which is hanging down over the side. You will get someone to tap your chest on the back from the waist up to your neck and you should find that your phlegm will drool out in cupfuls.

      Exercise is essential for you and you will drink at least 3 liters of water daily.

      You can also blow into a baloon to help strengthen your lungs.

      If you get an acute attack of Asthma which you would normally treat with a Nebulizer you will take Ars Alb 200c in the Wet dose and this will usually bring relief within about 15 minutes or less. In the event of the first dose not working you may take another about an hour later. Please note that the maximum dosage is not to exceed 3 doses 12 hours.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  33. Sneha says:

    Hi Joe,

    i was going through the forum. please go through the below case of my 8 month old baby.

    please advise.

    my baby is 8 month old and suffered from brain injury(BILATEML FRONTO PARIETAL ACUTE ON CHRONIC SUBDURAL HYGROMA) in the 4th month. she is getting myoclonic jerks from past 3-4 days. this generally happens once she wakes up. she gets 3-4 jerks and if I press her palms it stops, otherwise it stops on its own. she is under anti-seizure medication.
    am giving her home made food and she eats properly, her weight is 7.9 addition to these jerks she has the following problem also; please advise me –

    1. she does not hold anything.her hands are still not supportive.
    2. she had blood clots in both the eyes after brain injury. we got the eyes checked last month and right eye was fully cleared but left eye is still having clots. she does not look at anything, but her pupils are reactive and she reacts well to sunlight and room light.
    3. we are going for physiotherapy but still she cannot sit on her own.

    do let me know if you need more details.

    • Joe says:


      I regret to inform you that your Baby’s case is far beyond my experience to heal.

      Please present your case to:

      Dr Prasanta Banerji whom you may consult on:

      I would appreciate if you will please copy the therapy he will indicate and report baby’s progress from time to time to me.

      I hope and pray that he will be able to help your baby

  34. Sneha says:

    thanks joe

    i have sent the details in the mail provided by you.

    i am hoping for the best.

  35. Sneha says:

    Hi Joe,

    this time i am contacting you for my mother. please advise.

    Patient ID or Name: Bijay Laxmi Sex: Female Age: 56 yrs
    Height: 5 feet 1 inch Weight: 63 Kg Country: India
    1. Describe your main suffering? (Describe symptoms) failure of both kidney since 2008
    2. What other physical/mental sufferings in past, you had? Constant high blood pressure, bloated stomach, occasional fever.
    3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical
    sufferings? What will be my future with this disease? Will I be alive or not?
    4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? She feels that this is the last moment, I am going to die.
    5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease? It started with high blood pressure may be due to family issues. I was having fever, bloated stomach, less urine. All this started from 2007
    6. Which time of the day you are worst? When the stomach is empty around 10-11 am
    7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which
    ameliorate the same? Tension or quarrel increases the BP and calm and cool surroundings reduces it
    8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of
    place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)? nothing of this sort
    9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather? She likes cool weather not cold weather and hot/humid weather cannot be tolerated.
    10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable
    Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc. moody
    – How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm? She is not scared before or during thunderstorm.
    – Do you like being consoled during your tough times? She feels very good and at times she forgets about everything
    – Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc? she feels pukish with strong smell like frying onion, strong spices etc. she does not want to be in noisy surroundings. She likes light, more light makes her happy. She is scared and dark.
    – Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
    weeping, talking to one self etc? Folding & twisting palm is her typical habit
    – How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your
    husband / wife? She has good feeling but she is worry about the future too.
    11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly? Snakes, water, hight fears her. She dreams of ghost frequently.
    12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions? Mango & Custard apple, but she can’t eat as she is on dialysis and not supposed to eat this.
    13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? Normal
    14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? Little less than normal
    15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand? Nothing of this sort
    16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or
    Limbs? Excess sweat on back and face in hot weather. No sweat in cool / cold weather
    17. How is your bowel movement and stool type? normal
    18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping? She does not good sleep and wants to sleep at right side
    19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desireless thjas in general?
    20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
    21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you
    have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication? Medicine for BP, calcium, vitamins etc
    22. Nature of work, what do you do for living? She is housewife and she can do household work.
    23. What major diseases are running in your family? No diseases in family. Her mother’s brother had heart problem.
    24. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance . she used to look fat, plumpy, fair, long & strong hair, very good skin tone before 5 years. From the time dialysis has started she has lost all the charm and looks dull & dark, had hair fall and she looks very thin.
    25. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)
    Please answer the following questions: menopause in 2009
    (Please give details of your past menstruation if you have attained menopause.)
    – Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
    – Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after
    the periods?
    – Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
    – Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
    – Do you notice any clots in the flow?
    27. Any special points you feel necessary to mention my mother is housewife and married in joint family for 32 years. She is talented and good in household work. She was very healthy, she cannot recollect any health issue before this dialysis; hardly would she have taken any tablets in her life before 2008. She has get-going attitude and very positive and optimistic in nature. she was facing family issue, domestic violence soon after her marriage; after 2006 she started having health issues, though it was not major, like bloated tummy, gastric, faintness, resistant to hot weather, sometimes fever etc. she had alopathy & homeopathy both medicines but it did not work , she had undergone several tests too but nothing major came up. After mid 2007 health issue worsen and in 2008 she was diagnosed(urea & creatinine was very high) that both the kidney are not working, and since then she is on dialysis, thrice / twice in a week. During the dialysis her BP and fluctuates like anything. inspite of mental, physical and economic issues she is in her high spirits ; though she is worried about the future but not completely hopeless.

  36. Aslamsiwani says:

    Please advise my mom surfers from high Bp and osteoarthritis
    She is80 years and knee pains
    All other health are normal
    Thank you sir

    • Joe says:


      I shall copy below my default therapy for Arthritis which has helped many patients who were on a daily dose of various analgesics which only served to deaden the pain temporarily but not CURE the condition. Some patients have reported that they experienced relief from the pain they suffered for many years in the short space of just 48 hours and it is my hope that you too will experience this same blessed relief from your pain.

      The 2 remedies are:

      Argentum Metallicum 6c
      Arnica 30c

      Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between remedies.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      Please indicate her Blood Pressure which you consider is high and also what drugs you are giving her.

  37. freddymistry says:



    • Joe says:


      I regret to inform you that you are a Chronic case of Diabetes which cannot be helped by my therapy alone.

      However it is quite possible that my default therapy which has helped many Diabetics can also help you by helping to control your Blood Sugar levels with the drugs you are taking today and this reduction should be apparent in under 12 hours. I would appreciate if you will please report any reduction in your BS level on my Website.

      I shall copy below my default therapy aka “Joepathy” which many Diabetics are using today to control their BS levels.

      The remedy I have prescribed is Arnica 3x in the Wet dose which is taken twice daily.

      Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily have also helped to reduce BS levels and you can add this to your daily dosage.

      Please note that you will most likely notice a dip in your BS level within 24 hours of starting my therapy and you will then have to reduce your dosage of either Metformin or of Insulin as it must be maintained around 110.

      Type I patients have confirmed that they discovered their BS levels were reduced by about 20% within a day of their starting on this therapy.

      Type II patients will also have to monitor their BS levels on a daily basis to ensure that their BS is stabilized at around 110 and they will reduce the dosage of the drugs that they are using daily to maintain this level. The Arnica 6c and the Mag Phos 6x are taken as prescribed.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Cinnamon powder is also useful to reduce BS levels and a quarter teaspoonful can be taken brewed as a tea twice daily. Okra or Bandakka which grows in the tropics also helps to reduce BS levels. Okra is used by cutting up a tender pod and inserting it into a glass of water which is left overnight and the water is drunk on an empty stomach the morning after.
      Turmeric has also been discovered to help reduce BS levels and can be used in a similar manner to the Cinnamon.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  38. shailesh says:

    Hello Dr Joe,

    My name is Shailesh and i am 32 years old.4 weeks back i had a sore throat and cough and was prescribed an antibiotic levoflaxacin.I just took one tablet 500 mg and had a drug reaction and stopped the medication.I developed arthritis pain in my hands,feet,arms and severe back pain.The pain is shifting pain and it keeps coming and going.I also have muscular pain in my thighs.I am unable to sleep during the night and wake up with joint pain and muscle pain all over my body.I went to a rheumatologist and got tested for RA and it came back negative.Only thing which came in blood test is i had IGG antibodies for parvo virus.So the doctor thinks i have post viral arthralgia similar to joint and muscle pain in chickunguniya

    I body hurts a lot when at rest but the joint and muscle pain gets better as i do more physical activity.Pain on top of feet,hands,fingers,back pain,pain in feet soles and this is affecting my everyday life and i am worried

    Please suggest me any homeopathic remedy for these symptoms.I will be greatful to you


    • Joe says:


      Where do you live and did you suffer from any fever with body pain within the past 2 years?

      What drugs did your doctor prescribe ?

      How did you locate me?

  39. Hollie says:

    Dear Joe,

    I have been following your advice given to another mother who’s baby had reflux by giving my son 1/2 tablet of Nat Phos 6X dissolved in a bit of water and it is only slightly helping. He is extremely fussy and most days I am lucky if I just get to shower. He will be 16 weeks tomorrow and I am only breastfeeding him. I can hear his stomach gurgling back up in his throat and by his next feeding he has spit up most of the milk I give him. We are changing his clothes around 6-10 times a day because they are completely soaked. The Dr is satisfied with his weight gain (9.4 lbs at birth and 12 lbs at 14 weeks) but I am not his brothers were much larger by 16 weeks. His brothers did not suffer from reflux and never even needed to be burped. I know each child is different but the size difference in my boys and my infants reflux make me think they are related. My infant screams out all during the day and is so stiff he is hard to hold on to. Please let me know if there is something more I can do for him.
    Thank you so much for your time!

    • Joe says:


      I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I hope will help your baby too.

      The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:

      Nat Phos 6x dose 1 tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. You will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.

      You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.

      You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

      You will also take Arnica 30c which you will order in the Liquid Dilution as per instructions below. Please note that the Arnica is NOT for baby.
      You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
      Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.

      If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

  40. syed hafeezullah says:

    Dear joe sir
    Am syed hafeezullah from hyderabad india .am contacting you for my son who is 8 years old (4th child) born on 29th june 2005.born normally but did not cried bt cried after 2 minuted of birth.he was normal till eight day on 8th day he was vaccinated for BCG later same he was unable to suck milk we waited n took to hospital at 11pm doctors told due to jaundice he may not succing n admitted next day in hospital doctors told he has fits in ICU 2 times with in 45 minutes n put on oxygen n ventilator for 8 days n discharged on 12th day I.e., he was 20 days of age n came back home.doctors told to continue fits medicines gardinal for 6 months.n later we recognice that he was unable to see n visit eye hispital thier they examine n told his vision cell got damage due to fits n showed to follow lighting exercises n since than unable to talk n he is unable sit n walk .since than he was limited pram n bed.though he is growing in size but unable to sit n walk n see n talk.but make noices with mouthrecognises all home people n cry when hhungry.he hit bed with head when put on the bed that is his way of play n hit jumps from the hips hit the bed with legs on bed with very hard.he use to get saliva through mouth.since 1 n half year he did not had fits only what he was at the hospital at that time I.e. on 9th day of birth.after that once in six months he used to have fits.since than he is been on valporin,5ml twice, zenoxa twice 150mg zac5mg twice manohexy 2mg twice daily.since last 1 n half year he did not have fits ALHAMDULILLAH.
    Could there be homeo medicine for him please help.(my other children are normal n am not married in my relation.
    Yours lovingly
    Syed hafeezullah

    • Joe says:

      syed hafeezullah

      I regret to inform you that I am not able to help your 8 year old son whose brain may have been damaged by the BCG vaccination he was given on the eighth day after he was born.

      It breaks my heart to read your account of his progress after the vaccination but I am glad that the drugs he is taking have helped him to ensure that he does not have fits for the last 6 months.

      You can refer your son’s case to Dr Prasanta Banerji who has far more experience than I do at the following address:

      • syed hafeezullah says:

        Dear sir
        Thanks for the reply.i appreciate for the refferal.also I wanted to tell
        You that sir am having gastritis problem since 17 my age is 41 years
        I take antacids when there is an attack n some time when pain is severe anti biotics also.when I was diagnoised with hypertension some 7 years back with total cholestra
        Was 270 i started doing yoga n brisk walking its bp 120/80 by tsking ramipril 2.5mg at night n doctor told me to take rosovastin 10 once daily night.since last 15 days for bp am taking dr.d.sharma generalky prescribed in abc homeo forum dr.bach flower remedy agrimony and mimilus thrice daily .so 4 days i checed my bp with physian it was ALHAMDULILLAH 110/70 along with alopathy i want you to advice me for gastritis (which will occur only once when i take spicy food n also am anxiety patient n also for cholestral) my height is 5’9″ weight 75 kgs.previously i used to do yoga n brisk walking 6kms daily now my body does not permit two at a time so am going for walking 6kms 4-5 days a week yoga asanas 4-5 days a month.
        Once again I thank you for taking a precious time from ur daily routine n replying so fast.sir keep on doing joepathy.god bless you.

        Thanking you
        Yours lovingly
        Syed hafeezullah

        • Joe says:

          Syed hafeezullah

          It is very likely that you suffer from Hyperacidity or Gastritis, aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) and I shall copy my default therapy that has helped hundreds of patients to overcome this disease for which doctors usually prescribe PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which are dangerous and can cause many other more serious problem when used in the long term.

          You will hopefully discover that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will help you within 24 hours after you have taken your first dose after a meal.

          The remedies you will order are as follows:

          Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 3 meals.
          This remedy accelerates the passage of food down the gut and prevents the formation of acid which would otherwise reflux causing GERD.

          Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
          This remedy works to repair the damaged Esophagus which has metastasised to resemble the gut to deal with the Hcl refluxed into it causing severe distress. Arnica works with the Nat Phos to speedily cure the problem.

          You can also take a PROBIOTIC like Bifilac daily. A Probiotic will help by changing the balance of the Bacteria in the gut and will contribute to your cure and help to ensure that your problem does not recur. After your problem with GERD is stabilised you can take the Arnica in the Wet dose nightly before bed and the Probiotic daily for life. You do not need to take Nat Phos daily but you will keep a stock to be used whenever you feel uncomfortable after a meal when you will take 2-3 tablets as necessary.

          Please observe the following simple rules:

          Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.

          It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.

          No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.

          If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.

          You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.

          The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

          Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
          Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
          Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
          Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
          Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.

          It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
          Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  41. syed hafeezullah says:

    Dear joe sir
    Thank you for prescribing the sha ALLAH I will follow the instructions
    And back to you asap.i forgot to mention one thing since last 10 days I had been having very very slight burning in lower abdomen after 2 hours of meals.since the day when I restarted doing KAPALABHATI pranayam after a gap of 6 months.i done 5 minutes I.e.,300 that the cause of burning or other.
    Am sorry to bother you iwant 2 more cases to discuss. wife suffering from LEUCORRHOEA since 4 years approx.recently my friend who is an homeopath dr. Prescribed bio commbination 13. 5 tablets thrice a has been using since 1 month .75% problems subsided.i want permanent cure for her for the problem she also have migraine prob. son who is 12 yrs.having head ache occasionaly since 1 year or so now frequently having the problem.i shown to optholmic dr he told his eye sight more than normal and nil optholmic problem n wrote multi vitamin syrup bt no relief n I shown him to a physian she told calcium deficiency n prescribed calcium syrup twice daily two days he said when he was viewing book the pain starting at that time I mean when seeing books the head ache starting he is feeling burden some on head.when he coming back to home after school he is fine n also he is intelligent in studies.yesterday I got a homeo remedy RUTA GRAVEOLENS 30.

    Please refer remedies for the two cases above mention.

    Thanking you
    Yours lovingly
    Syed hafeezullah

    • Joe says:

      syed hafeezullah

      It is possible that your son suffers from Migraine for which the remedy is Bryonia 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily for a week tapered down to just one dose nightly.

      I regret that your wife will have to consult a Gynecologist for her problem.
      It is possible however that Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily can help.

  42. syed hafeezullah says:

    Dear sir
    Sir I wanted to ask frequently trublling question in my mind that is
    I have not been effected by fever since last six years or so.
    Many people say getting fever is I dont understand am I abnormal
    Or is something wrong that am not getting fevers.though occassionally I may get
    Cold sneezing problems.i do 6kms brisk walking 4-5 days a week since last years.
    Am having anxiety n hypertension.
    Kindly try to sort out my issue.
    Thanking you
    Yours lovingly

    • Joe says:

      syed hafeezullah

      You must thank God daily for having given you the very special gift of enjoying good health without any fever or I presume catching a cold or cough.

      I am 85 years old and thank God for having preserved me up to today in good health without any aches and pains that are accepted as the price of the advancing years.

      I have taken Arnica 30c in the Wet dose nightly for the last 18 years and believe that this remedy is the reason for my good health.


      What is your BP and how old are you?

  43. syed hafeezullah says:

    Am 41 years 120/80 with ramipril 2.5mg daily night

  44. Pulwinder says:

    Started taking THYROIDINIUM-3X for hypothyroid as per your esteemed advice.

    Sir, can I also take one wet dose of ARNICA-30 at bed time along with above medicine ?

    • Joe says:

      Yes, you may take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily with the Thyroidinum 3x.

      Report progress in a month.

  45. badri rimal says:

    prior to this message i had requested for the start of Argentum Metta licum
    for rheumatic arthritis because the medicine for enlarged prostrate arnica and conium is contuing.And it in the beginning worked well but now again i got frequency,burning and uneasiness resumed

    • Joe says:

      You now know the reason for my reticence to OK your request to add to the 2 remedies I had already prescribed for your Prostate (Not PROSTRATE) problems.

      It is very likely that your Prostate Gland is over 50gm and you are advised to consult a Urologist and get a full report including the Size and also request a PSA test to assess the problem more fully. This report should read up to 4 and if it is over this reading you will have to get a scan done and depending on the scan a Biopsy may be indicated. You will have to contact a large hospital like Apollo who can carry out these specialized tests.

      In the meanwhile, you will STOP the Arg Met and only stay with the Arnica and the Conium as prescribed.

      Please remember to SHAKE the bottles before taking every dose as this makes the remedy more powerful.

  46. pragya says:

    sir,ut these disappear
    do i get attacked by arthritis or fibranalagia, but know nothing .whenever i have pains on all over the body i feel myself bored and search for medicines .i get stiffness on neck and shoulders.finfgersonhand are swollen when i awake but disapper after few hours.pains on knees are severe when i climb up stairs and decend from the ask pains on back ankles which sometimes swollen with no redness or any kind of deformity is known
    problems which i have narrated to you are nothing because they are controlable or say i can bear it anyway. but fatigues after walking a furlong
    is unbearable to me. the whole body especially below the waist seems to be dead and makes me unable to move for a week lying on bed. Help

    • Joe says:

      Your case is far too complicated to help on my website as it seems to me from reading your problems that you are not fully aware of what you really suffer from.

      Have you consulted a doctor and if so, do you have some report or diagnosis of your problems which you can copy to me?

      Also what is your age and sex?

  47. Ramesh says:

    Dear Dr. Joe

    I am 55 years male and recently have developed light white patches on the hand, neck and eye. One of my homeopathy friend gave some medicine and it really worked well. He didn’t tell medicine name. I got healed nearly 60%. But still not completely healed. Recently again it is appearing in very small white patches on hand (behind the palm).

    Just to brief you I tied number of mercury balls on my waist on somebody’s advise for attaining the meditation. Even on my waist also white skin has been developed . But after this I removed them all the mercury balls and thrown away.

    I request you to kindly help me to over come this white patches problem.

    With kind regards.

    • Joe says:

      “I tied number of mercury balls on my waist on somebody’s advise for attaining the meditation. Even on my waist also white skin has been developed . But after this I removed them all the mercury balls and thrown away.”

      I regret to inform you that you are suffering from MERCURY POISONING. There is unfortunately nothing that I can do to help you and your condition is indeed very grave.

      You will consult Dr Prasanta Banerji at


      He will help you.

      Please do a search on the link below and read and understand the danger that you are now undergoing due to your tying MERCURY around your waist which has resulted in your skin and body absorbing the POISON.

      I am copying below some information from Medicine Net and you are advised to read all the information on this website

      Effects of other mercury compounds (inorganic and organic)

      High exposures to inorganic mercury may result in damage to the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system, and the kidneys. Both inorganic and organic mercury compounds are absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and affect other systems via this route. However, organic mercury compounds are more readily absorbed via ingestion than inorganic mercury compounds.

      Symptoms of high exposures to inorganic mercury

      Symptoms of high exposures to inorganic mercury include:

      • skin rashes and dermatitis;
      • mood swings;
      • memory loss;
      • mental disturbances; and
      • muscle weakness.
      People concerned about their exposure to inorganic mercury should consult their physician.

      I feel that the best physician to help you is Dr Prasanta Banerji and you can consult him free of charge on the link below IMMEDIATELY.

  48. Ramesh says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,

    Thank you for your suggestion. I would like to say that the white patchs which developed have completely gone. (nearly about 60%) Unfortunately the person who gave homeopathic medicine is no more. The medicine worked wonderfully. He did not tell the name of the medicines. I am healthy and other than this light white patches I dont have any other problems. I dont have BP, sugar etc.

    I do healing through dowsing and also the astrology.

    Hence I request you to kindly let me know suitable homeopathy remedy for this light white patches. I would be grateful to you. with regards. ramesh

    • Joe says:

      I can see that you do not seem to believe my diagnosis of Mercury Poisoning which I made purely on the symptoms you presented.

      If you do a blood test for Mercury you may be surprised to discover that your white spots confirm my diagnosis. Mercury is a Cumulative Poison and it is not secreted by the body.

      I have referred you to Dr P Banerji who has more experience that I do and would not dare to suggest any remedy as requested by you, as I cannot help you.


    Dear Mr. Joe,

    Greeting for the day. My name is Manish and i am a resident of India, presently staying in Hospet, Karnataka. I have gone through your website and am eager to refer a case of my MOTHER. My mother is diabetic since 6 years. She is 65 years of age and weighs around 62 Kgs. She is residing in Bangalore. REcently her sugar levels had gone high to around 200. The Doctor has then prescribed the following Glycomet -GP 0.5 and Galvus Met 50mg/500mg. The first one is before food and second one is after food. Before these were prescribed she used to take only Glycomet.

    On several previous occassions also her sugar levels were varying. On some occassions it used to be normal and sometimes it used to go around 170.

    Please guide me on a good solution to maintain her sugar levels normal and to also make her feel healthy. She is very active normally as she does all the household work. She has a family history of hereditary diabetes.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Manish Vernekar

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy below my default therapy aka “Joepathy” which many Diabetics are using today to control their BS levels.

      The remedy I have prescribed is Arnica 3c in the Wet dose which is taken twice daily.

      Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily have also helped to reduce BS levels and you can add this to your daily dosage.

      Please note that you will most likely notice a dip in your BS level within 24 hours of starting my therapy and you will then have to reduce your dosage of either Metformin or of Insulin as it must be maintained around 110.

      Type I patients have confirmed that they discovered their BS levels were reduced by about 20% within a day of their starting on this therapy.

      Type II patients will also have to monitor their BS levels on a daily basis to ensure that their BS is stabilized at around 110 and they will reduce the dosage of the drugs that they are using daily to maintain this level. The Arnica 6c and the Mag Phos 6x are taken as prescribed.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Cinnamon powder is also useful to reduce BS levels and a quarter teaspoonful can be taken brewed as a tea twice daily. Okra or Bandakka which grows in the tropics also helps to reduce BS levels. Okra is used by cutting up a tender pod and inserting it into a glass of water which is left overnight and the water is drunk on an empty stomach the morning after.
      Turmeric has also been discovered to help reduce BS levels and can be used in a similar manner to the Cinnamon.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      You stated:
      “She has a family history of hereditary diabetes.”

      This alerts me to the fact that you too may develop Diabetes in the near future as I have observed that the mothers ailments are usually passed over to the son while the father’s problems are inherited by the daughter.

      If you wish to avoid Diabetes you are advised to take a daily dose of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose made as per instructions above.

      Report her response in 3 days with Blood test reports.

  50. Sushma says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,

    I am 52 years female. I have few health problems relating to knee joint pain and cervical pain and disc pain. I have been advised to take calcimax forte and dolokind. But there is no improvment at all.

    I request you to kindly help me by suggesting homeopathy remedies for which I will be grateful to you.


    • Joe says:

      I shall copy below my default therapy for Arthritis which has helped many patients who were on a daily dose of various analgesics which only served to deaden the pain temporarily but not CURE the condition. Some patients have reported that they experienced relief from the pain they suffered for many years in the short space of just 48 hours and it is my hope that you too will experience this same blessed relief from your pain.

      The 2 remedies are:

      Argentum Metallicum 6c
      Arnica 30c

      Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between remedies.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  51. Ganesh says:

    Dear Sir,
    I have developed high sugar from last 1.5 years and for last 1 year, I am being treated with Metformin 500mgSR: 1-1-1(thrice a day) and Half tablet of GP-1 in the morning (i.e., 0.5mg, once in morning). Bur with half of GP-1, my body starts shaking and sweats by 1pm due to low sugar (when measured many times, blood sugan varies from 80-105mg/dl). If I do not take halg GP-1, then sugar levels are around 200-220mg/dl. Apart from that, I have started getting tiredness and slight irritation in the feet, of late.
    I was told that you are providing most effective solutions to blood sugar problems. Hence, I humbly request you to kindly guide me with any alternative solutions so that I can live better.
    Best regards,

    • Joe says:

      You will continue with the Metformin 500 and report your response to my therapy in 48 hours with your Blood Sugar levels.

      I shall copy below my default therapy aka “Joepathy” which many Diabetics are using today to control their BS levels.

      The remedy I have prescribed is Arnica 3c in the Wet dose which is taken twice daily.

      Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily have also helped to reduce BS levels and you can add this to your daily dosage.

      Please note that you will most likely notice a dip in your BS level within 24 hours of starting my therapy and you will then have to reduce your dosage of either Metformin or of Insulin as it must be maintained around 110.

      Type I patients have confirmed that they discovered their BS levels were reduced by about 20% within a day of their starting on this therapy.

      Type II patients will have to monitor their BS levels on a daily basis to ensure that their BS is stabilized at around 110 and they will reduce the dosage of the drugs that they are using daily to maintain this level. The Arnica 6c and the Mag Phos 6x are taken as prescribed.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Exercise is essential to help the Diabetic and unfortunately many are not in the habit of a daily routine of exercise which in many cases is the reason for the increase in Blood Sugar levels. You are advised to start with a brisk walk and you must ensure that you sweat it out to derive any benefit from the exercise.

      Cinnamon powder is also useful to reduce BS levels and a quarter teaspoonful can be taken brewed as a tea twice daily. Okra or Bandakka which grows in the tropics also helps to reduce BS levels. Okra is used by cutting up a tender pod and inserting it into a glass of water which is left overnight and the water is drunk on an empty stomach the morning after.
      Turmeric has also been discovered to help reduce BS levels and can be used in a similar manner to the Cinnamon.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  52. akshata says:

    hello sir, my sister aged 30 yrs not getting conception….her periods r not normal..her usg scan report shows poly cystic ovarian syndrome and kidney stones present both sides with 4mm…we consulted a one homeopathy doctor he adviced beriberi vulgaris and nuxvomica….for 2 months but still she gained weight and not getting periods…allopathy doctor adviced surgical drilling…please suggest us

  53. abhi s says:

    I m taking barbaris vulgaris and sarspilla 10-10 drops 4times a day in half cup of water for kidney stone as my friend suggest me. Is that correct medicine and dose. Please help me in this case

  54. krish says:

    Hi Joe,

    I underwent anal fissure surgery in 2010. Since then it repeated in past 3 years occasionally. Last one year am OK, no fissure problem.
    Recently in July middle 2014, I had abscess in perennial anus. After clearing puss by doctor he told me it anal fistula. past 4 weeks am taking homeopathy medicine. The sequence of medicine is like this..
    1st week – Sil30.. but pain and puss continue
    2nd week – Hepar Sulpher 30 (stopped Sil 30)
    3rd week – Paeona 30 (stopped hepar sulphur 30) – pain and puss reduced
    4th week – Sil200 3times a day & Rubu200 at night alone.
    Am feeling better with reduced pain and reduce puss discharge.
    All the 4 weeks am doing sitz bath with turmeric powder and salt..Also apply antibacterial powder in anus..

    No chilli, ginger, garlic in my food..
    Wound is still seen in anus. No ointment is given..
    Can you suggest me whether do I continue same medicine or any other antibacterial ointment to use..?

    When pain occurs it persist for 2-3 hrs then slowly suppress..
    Thank you in advance for your valuable reply.


    • Joe says:

      I shall copy the therapy I have pioneered and prescribed to patients who suffer from FISTULA, FISSURE AND ABSCESS of the Anus. The majority of those who have used my therapy aka “Joepathy” have confirmed that they have benefitted from this therapy and many have confirmed that they have been cured.

      I shall note the Remedies prescribed below:

      Arnica 30c in the Wet dose a capful of the bottle taken thrice daily to increase the flow of blood in the body which in turn will help to rebuild the tissue.
      Silicea 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to expel the pus from the lesion.
      Nat Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily after meals to soften the stools.
      Ferr Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to improve the quality of the blood to help heal the lesion.
      Antibiotic Ointment like Polyfax or equivalent which is used internally on the tip of a gloved finger inserted into the anus after every bowel movement to keep the bacterial count as low as possible in the lesion.

      Do not use toilet paper after a BM. Use a Hand Spray device instead available at Wal Mart which is a DIY fitting.
      No Alcohol, Red meat, Coffee and Sausages, Ham and Bacon as they are loaded with Saltpeter. No canned beverages like Coke. Do not eat hot (Chillie hot) food if you live in India.
      Drink at least 3 ltrs water daily and exercise moderately.


      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in a 5ml bottle in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      Report progress weekly or more often as necessary.

  55. Rimita D.T says:


    I am 31 yrs old, and my husbacnd is 33 yrs old. We are trying to concieve for past 02 yrs. Im suffering from PCOD, bcoz of that i do not ovulate naturally, but i ovulate under medication.

    My Husband also has lower sperm count and it always ranges between 11-13, even under medication. can you help

    • Joe says:

      I regret that I cannot help your PCOD but I have helped a few other patients like your husband to increase their Sperm count with

      Arnica 3c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      You are advised to present your case to Dr Prasanta Banerji at


      Please follow the instructions to do so on his website.

  56. shila bhatt says:


    i have been suffering from drastic hairfall for a few years.I am 26 years old female,my hair falls with white ends on it and there is itching.Also bumps are present.Please help me out

    • Joe says:

      “i am having excess hair growth on chin,chest area too.”

      I believe that you suffer from PCOD which is a disease that I have not succeeded in helping.

      Please submit your case to Dr Prasanta Banerji at


      Please follow the instructions to do so on his website.

  57. shila bhatt says:

    I have started your treatment of hair fall.I forgot to mention that i am having excess hair growth on chin,chest area too.

  58. shila bhatt says:

    thanks a lot for your kind reply sir,i am trying to contact the above mentioned.i will try and visit the meanwhile should i continue with your treatment as i have exams?as my hair loss is severe.

  59. shila bhatt says:

    also sir can you please help me out with respect to poor concentration before exams.My friends are experimenting with modafinil and other stuff.but i am scared to use it due to side there any homeopathic alternative?thanks a lot sir

  60. Rosie says:

    Dear Joe

    I have just come across your very helpful website. I would like some guidance on how I may assist my 79 year old recovery from stroke (left side paralysis) with very significant spasticity. I see from one of the postings about Robert Ray – you made a recommendation of “Arnica 30 in the wet dose”. I wanted to confirm you would still recommend this remedy and if you could outline how the doses should be administered. In addition my mother has an aortic dissection of the ascending aorta (which caused the stroke as it was misdiagnosed). My mom’s preference is not to have the very risky surgery necessary to replace that part of her aorta. Could you recommend some treatment that can assist in strengthening arterial walls? Finally she has severe bursitis in her right shoulder (making walking with a cane all the more problematic) – any suggestions for this issue? Many many thanks for your assistance and generosity of information you have provided online.

    • Joe says:

      I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.
      I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.

      Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
      I am 85.

      • Rosie says:

        I am very very sorry. It definitely was not my intention to be disrespectful to you. Unfortunately I was not aware of this. I am writing from Canada and we could probably use a lesson or two in such worthwhile modicums.

    • Joe says:

      Your mother’s case is far more complicated in comparison to Robert Ray’s as he presented his case 8 years after his event when I treated him for Gynecomastia and discovered 2 years later in 2012 that he was cured of the after effects of his strokes and was training at a level that left me speechless. I called him early this year and he informed me that he continued to be very well and that he was spearheading the rescue efforts to help victims in his town near Seattle who were flooded out of their homes while some were drowned in mud from a mountain that had dissolved nearby.

      In your mom’s case she has “an aortic dissection of the ascending aorta (which caused the stroke as it was misdiagnosed)”. This is a totally different scenario and considering the risk of surgery at her advanced age, I would suggest that you give my Arnica 30c therapy a chance to hopefully heal her and I would invite you to visit the link below and read and digest precisely how Arnica does help to heal.


      You will give her the same combination I had given Robert:

      Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily.
      Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken after each of 2 meals daily

      You can use Rhus Tox 30c in the Wet dose for her “Bursitis” which is most likely Cervical Spondylosis and if my diagnosis is correct, this remedy should hopefully help her in a week given thrice daily. Report her response in a week.

      I hope that you understand that mom’s case is very advanced and can be considered as chronic at her advanced age and she is just 6 years younger than me. Incidentally Nat Phos 6x will also reduce her weight and if she is overweight this too will be relevant as the extra weight puts more pressure on her heart and arterial system.

      I would like to have some data on her physical status with Height and Weight and what food she eats which in her case should be specially selected by you to ensure that she does not gain weight.

      You may like to know that at age 85, I will be 86 shortly on my birthday next week, I have proved that I owe my state of wellness first to God and to Arnica which I have taken daily since 1996. I do not suffer from any pain or other discomfort in my body and am happy to help anyone anywhere in the world to the best of my ability with my own version of Homeopathy which was once derisively dubbed “Joepathy” by a group of classical homeopaths who even today hate my guts as I refused to qualify in this Science which I studied as much as they did to qualify, as Homeopathy is not my profession. I prefer to use standard Homeopathic Remedies in a manner that CURES the patient, sometimes leaving them speechless at the results of my Joepathy.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      • Rosie says:

        Thank you very much. My mother is just under 5 feet (1.5 metres) and approximately 125lbs ( 57 kilos). She has lost about 15 lbs (approximately 6 kilos) since the dissection occurred on March 29 of this year. Prior to the dissection she lived independently and was a very strong energetic woman who tended to her own home including yard work, gardening, snow removal. She drove herself to her appointments and did her own errands. She was also very active in maintaining her fitness by exercising regularly. Her main health issues prior to the dissection were high blood pressure that for many many years was controlled with medication, high cholesterol similarly controlled and her right shoulder bursitis. She also has some arthritis in her hands. My mother is Italian and her diet includes meat, fish, chicken, vegetables, meat, fish pasta, fruit. Everything is home-cooked. We try to limit her carbohydrate intake and focus on proteins and fruits and vegetables. She does not eat processed foods or carbonated beverages but does have italian coffee daily. Thank you very much for your assistance. It is greatly appreciated.

        • Joe says:

          She will have to sacrifice her Italian Coffee if she wishes to benefit from my therapy.

          Coffee will antidote the Homeopathy.

          I shall prescribe a remedy for Arthritis after you report her response to my therapy Arnica to filter her blood.

          • Rosie says:

            Thank you – we started the arnica and nat phos yesterday and are restricting her coffee intake. I have ordered the liquid rus tox and hope to start same in the next week. I will report back to you in one week time. Thank you

  61. Christina says:

    I am very grateful to have found your postings online. I’ve had my 3 month old daughter on Prevacid since she was about 8 or 9 weeks. Her bowel movements went from daily to once every 8-9 days. I was not concerned until the last occurrence when she became visibly upset. I came upon many postings online that described other infants on this medicine with the same experience. Of course the pediatrician states the two are not linked! I have used a suppository, taken her off Prevacid, and started your therapy for GERD. She is responding beautifully. I am feeling better as well. I had taken Xanax for 13 years and stopped several years ago once I started to become aware that it wasn’t good for my body. I have been considering starting again after I stopped breast feeding because I tend to shut down with anxiety and I feel overwhelmed. The moment I took the nat phos I began to feel normal again. My question is in regard to the duration of taking this product. It appears to be one week? Please confirm. Am I supposed to titrate off or completely stop? Thank you again for I am very grateful to have found this posting online. I’ve had my 3 month old daughter on Prevacid since she was about 8 or 9 weeks. Her bowel movements went from daily to once every 8-9 days. I was not concerned until the last occurrence when she became visibly upset. I came upon many postings online that described other infants on this medicine with the same experience. Of course the pediatrician states the two are not linked! I have used a suppository, taken her off Prevacid, and started your therapy for GERD. She is responding beautifully. I am feeling better as well. I had taken Xanax for 13 years and stopped several years ago. I have been considering starting again after I stopped breast feeding because I tend to shut down when I feel overwhelmed. The moment I took the nat phos I began to feel normal again. My question is in regard to the duration of taking this product. It appears to be one week? Please confirm. Am I supposed to titrate off or completely stop? Also is there something I can safely take while breast feeding if I start to experience anxiety symptoms again? Thank you again for all your help! I only wish I found you sooner!
    Thank you,

    • Joe says:

      I note you stopped Xanax 2 years ago and this confirms that you did not take it when you were pregnant and I am relieved. I presume that you were made aware that your unborn baby would suffer if you did.

      You state:
      “The moment I took the nat phos I began to feel normal again. My question is in regard to the duration of taking this product. It appears to be one week? Please confirm. Am I supposed to titrate off or completely stop?”

      I believe that the root cause of your problems including your “I tend to shut down when I feel overwhelmed.” is GERD. Please Google this word for more information.

      You will continue to take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals in future. This remedy is a “Biochemic Cell Salt” and is absolutely safe in use. Google it.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too. The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.

      Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk is given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet before a feed and the balance given immediately after, dissolved in milk, but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.

      You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.

      You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

      It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
      Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.

      You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
      Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.

      If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

      You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.

    • Christina says:

      I apologize for the duplicate error above. To add to that information if I may: As of yesterday she began to spit up. She has only ever spit up a handful of times but now unless she falls asleep directly after a feeding she will spit up. With my milk supply running slightly lower than usual this concerns me. She is also visibly uncomfortable from what I believe to be gas. She hasn’t moved her bowels since Tuesday morning after I gave her a suppository either. I have increased her dosage from 3 pills a day to 4. I know not to exceed 6. I plan to give her a suppository this evening if she hasn’t had a movement by then. I am thankful that the nas phos appears to give some relief. I would much rather her take this than Prevacid. Is this remedy safe to take longer than a week if needed? Thank you in advance for your time.

      • Joe says:

        I hope you realize that you cannot expect baby to be CURED in just under 24 hours by my Nat Phos 6x therapy which you are using already.

        You will continue to give her the NP which is absolutely safe in use and it will also help her constipation as you will soon see in perhaps a few hours. Please follow the therapy as detailed in my detailed prescription below:

        I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too. The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.

        Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk is given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet before a feed and the balance given immediately after, dissolved in milk, but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.

        You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.

        You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

        It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
        Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.

        You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
        Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.

        If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

        You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.

  62. Christina says:

    I apologize for not being clear. I started your GERD therapy on Monday night. I started with half a pill and then increased to a full pill shortly thereafter. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I gave her three pills each. Today I have increased to 4 pills out of necessity. She has begun to arch her back and pulls away while at the breast as well as spitting up as I described. I am pumping and feeding her by bottle. She had a bowel movement Tuesday morning after I gave her a suppository. Her demeanor has worsened over the last 4 days. She seems very uncomfortable as I’m guessing it is from gas and not passing any stool. The Nat Phos makes her sleepy which is great if she falls asleep directly after a feeding. If she does not sleep she presents as very uncomfortable and upset.

    • Joe says:

      You do not have to count the Nat Phos 6x tablets you give baby as it is obvious that she cannot do without them right now. You can give her half tablet before and the balance after a feed for best effect.

      You may get Nux Vomica 30c from your pharmacy which may be necessary if she does not respond to the Nat Phos alone. Do not use it without clearance from me.

      She is obviously constipation and all will be well after she passes a stool.

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD as you do not seem to have read and understood it. I have covered all the details of treating this problem in it on the basis of reports received from baby patients throughout the world which you too can read on my Website.

      I believe that your problem is that you are not giving her the recommended dosage of Nat Phos 6x to ensure that she does not Reflux her feed.

      You are advised to get Nux Vomica 30c to be used later if the Nat Phos alone is found to insufficient.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too. The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.

      Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk is given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet before a feed and the balance given immediately after, dissolved in milk, but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.

      You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.

      You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

      It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
      Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.

      You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
      Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.

      If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

      You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.

      • Christina says:

        I have read the standard GERD therapy and believe that I understand it. I am slightly confused because it states not to exceed 6 pills but yet you stated not to count pills? Is there anything else you feel I am not understanding? Today I will have given her 6 pills and she is still struggling with arching of the back, gas pains, irritability, and spitting up. I have purchased nux vomica 30c and will await instructions. Thank you very much for your help.

        • Joe says:

          I hope that you are following my prescription to give baby half tablet before and the balance half immediately after a feed. Many mothers has confirmed that this is the best method of helping baby’s digestion. And I hope that you are giving the NP tablets dissolved in milk or water. You need not count the NP dosage if you are feeding more than 12 times in 24 hours. An extra tablet will not hurt.

          You will insert 3 drops of Nux Vomica 30c in a 500ml bottle of water and you will give baby just half teaspoonful twice daily. Report response.

  63. Rimita D.T says:


    I have PCOD, and I don’t ovulate normally, But I ovulate under Ubefine 150 mg. My husband also has a lower sperm count and it usually ranges between 10-13 million. I am trying to conceive for last 2 yrs.. can you help

    • Joe says:

      I regret that I am not able to help you both.

      Please address your problems to:


      Please follow the instructions to do so on his website.

      Use the above email id for seeking further information about our research foundation.
      Use the above email id to send information necessary for the treatment of patients.

  64. Shivakumar says:

    Dear Sir, Joe

    Greeting for the day.
    My name is Shivakumar and i’m residing currently in Davangere, Karnataka. My Brother is diabetic since 16 years. Now, his age is 31 (at the age of 14 Sugar was detected in him). The doctor has prescribed the following Insugen 30/70 (Morning before food 35 Units and at night before food 5 Units) and Epton-300 ER( 1 Tablet ) at night after food.

    On several occasions his sugar levels got varying.As he got Sugar at the minor age of 14, he is suffering severely from then.

    Please guide me on a solution to maintain his Sugar level at normal stage..

    • Joe says:

      Please do a search for Diabetes in the Search Box on my Home page to read the cases of Diabetics who have improved under my therapy.

      I shall copy below my default therapy aka “Joepathy” which many Diabetics are using today to control their BS levels.

      The remedy I have prescribed is Arnica 3c in the Wet dose which is taken twice daily.

      Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily have also helped to reduce BS levels and you can add this to your daily dosage.

      Please note that you will most likely notice a dip in your BS level within 24 hours of starting my therapy and you will then have to reduce your dosage of either Metformin or of Insulin as it must be maintained around 110.

      Type I patients have confirmed that they discovered their BS levels were reduced by about 20% within a day of their starting on this therapy.

      Type II patients will have to monitor their BS levels on a daily basis to ensure that their BS is stabilized at around 110 and they will reduce the dosage of the drugs that they are using daily to maintain this level. The Arnica 6c and the Mag Phos 6x are taken as prescribed.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Exercise is essential to help the Diabetic and unfortunately many are not in the habit of a daily routine of exercise which in many cases is the reason for the increase in Blood Sugar levels. You are advised to start with a brisk walk and you must ensure that you sweat it out to derive any benefit from the exercise.

      Cinnamon powder is also useful to reduce BS levels and a quarter teaspoonful can be taken brewed as a tea twice daily. Okra or Bandakka which grows in the tropics also helps to reduce BS levels. Okra is used by cutting up a tender pod and inserting it into a glass of water which is left overnight and the water is drunk on an empty stomach the morning after.
      Turmeric has also been discovered to help reduce BS levels and can be used in a similar manner to the Cinnamon.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  65. subinoy Majumdar says:

    Respected Sir,
    I have been taking Arnica 30 and Natrum Phos 6x for Cardiac Problem for the last seven months and Now I am well for Cardiac problem. But recently another thing is being developed in eyes. For the last one month my vision disturbed and double vision arises and eye lid in right eye has been come down and eye become nearly closed. After allopathic treatment this situation developed slowly and now my right eye opens and double vision is still exist . For which I can not walk with confidently. The doctors say it is a case of nerve damage, I am taking three medicine 1) Niroday H 2) Neurobin forte and Complam Retard . I earnestly request you to examine my case and prescribe homeopathic medicine for nerve damage to prevent my double vision. Awaits eagerly for your advice and instruction.

    Thanking you,

    Subinoy Majumdar

    • Joe says:

      I regret to inform you that I am not qualified to treat your Double Vision problem.

      You must consult an Eye specialist and follow his therapy.

      You stated:
      “I have been taking Arnica 30 and Natrum Phos 6x for Cardiac Problem for the last seven months and Now I am well for Cardiac problem.”

      Can you give more data on your problem before you started on my therapy and compare it with what it is today?

  66. subinoy Majumdar says:

    Respected Sir,

    I have been suffering from cardiac problem for the last 12 years. And I am taking allopathic medicine such as Monatrade , Angigem and ecosprin and sometimes attorva or rosulip . This was started when I felt palpitation in the heart region at that time. But pain in the heart region not strongly I used to felt occationaly. In the mean time suddently I saw your prescription on different occation to many patients I started the medicine Arnica 30 in wet dose and Natrum Phos 6x and I have also contacted with you in this regard and according your advice I continue it and slowly withdrawn allopathy medicine I am taking Arnica 30 in wet dose three times a day . Giid result yield. But after two months forgeting the problem I have started consuming cow milk which leads the increase of cholestorl. At that time temporarily I have to accept the allopathic medicine to control chlorestol and after that I again started homeopathic medicine Arnica 30 as per joe pathy says. Now I am well . No pain no palpitation. ECG reveals the status does not change. Now I am taking only one allopathy medicine and Arnica 30 twice daily and Natrum phos 6x thrice daily . Hope the only one allopathy medicine which I still taking will be withdrawn after some time. I shall be grateful to you for giving me valuable suggession and like to convey my greatefulness from my core of heart to you for discovery of such valuable homeopathic medicine for the mankind .

    Thanking your,

    Subinoy Majumdar

  67. vikrant says:

    Respected Sir,

    I am living in New Delhi India and writing to you for your valuable advice for treatment of my mother (age 69 yrs) with high hopes. She is suffering from multiple diseases including diabetes, heart (bypass in 2008), brain stroke (Aug 2014) and diabetic nephrology.

    Her case history is given below.

    In 2008 she was detected with multiple blockages in heart and had a undergone bypass surgery in May 2008. She was on allopathic medicines since then.
    For last 2 years she had to be admitted in hospital after every 4 -5 months (rushed to hospital in emergency) with complaint of breathlessness. Doctors say that her heart strength is low (LEF at 20-25%) , she goes into heart failure and as a result water gets filled in her lungs resulting in breathlessness. Earlier she also suffered from angina pain though pain is not there now. Her lipid profile has always been fine. Lipid profile results (as of 9 August 2014) are given below
    Total Cholestrol: 103
    HDL: 36
    LDL: 40
    VLDL: 27
    Triglycerides: 125

    Brain Stroke
    On 16 Aug 2014 she suffered minor brain stroke (right brain) impacting her left hand (mainly), leg and face (little bit). Doctors say most likely the root cause was low functioning of heart. There has been a reasonable improvement in last 6-7 months post discharge but not what we expected. She can now walk without help and there is good strength in her left arm. There good strength in her arms when something need to be pulled or stretched but she is not able to do any routine work from her hand like holding objects for too long, tying knot, cutting, wear cloths, etc. Leg is in a better shape comparatively but she need 2-3 chances to put her foot completely in sandals.
    Her sugar levels are under control.
    Her BP is irregular some time it is very high, specially systolic, sometimes on a v low (when BP medicines are given). Today morning it was 147/59 (before breakfast).
    Post stroke Potassium has always been on a higher side and we need to take allopathic medicines to reduce it . Creatinine was 1.1 and potassium 5 per latest report 2 weeks back.

    Depression and low energy levels: Feels loss of energy , she says she feels like someone has imprisoned her mentally and she is not able to do anything. She does not feel like doing exercise (physiotherapy). Most of the time she is lying down without any movement. She does not feel like going outside. She is not happy anymore meeting people as she feel she has been punished with a non treatable disease and has lost all hope for recovery.
    Urine: She has to put lots of efforts to pass urine. We are taking diuretic pills only when pills are taken she is able to pass urine. On other hand she also complains of urine being passed by own while sleeping.
    Vertigo : Little bit while walking or standing

    Other facts: Height 4’8. Weight 47 kg.

    Homeopathic treatment
    We are taking following homeopathic treatment.
    Crataegus: 7 drops afternoon and night (taking since 7 months)
    Berberis vulg: 8-10 drops twice a day (taking since 2 weeks)
    Caust 200 – morning 2 drops (taking since 7 months)
    Combined medicine at night, Im not aware of exact names but foll is written on medicine containers:
    Lechesis 200 + Mind sleep (10 pils) (taking since 1 month)
    IGN . SECL . CST . HYP (10 pils) (taking since 1 month)
    LIL. CON . CIM . HELEB (10 pils) (taking since 1 month)
    We earlier took Lachesis 200 (2 drops daily) for month on a daily basis (immediately after the stroke) then continued for another months for 2 drops twice a week. Then it was stopped.

    We are taking following treatment for allopathic
    Flavidon – for angina
    Carca 6.25 – heart failure treatment, blood pressure
    Thyronorm 50 – thyroid
    Valent 40 – Valent relaxes blood vessels and this helps to lower blood pressure.
    Ecosprin 75 Av – Blood thining
    Acitrom 1 mg –Anti blood clotting
    Fabumac – for uric acid
    Antacids: Pantocid 40
    Trajenta 5 mg and Glynase for Sugar (Plus insulin if required, when sugar in above 160)
    Tynept 37.5 and felusil 20 mg – for depression

    Solution Request
    We have not done any test for her heart condition after the stroke but presently she feels exhausted even after walking for 2 minutes; and as I mentioned earlier most of the times she is not lying without any physical activity.
    I humbly request for your advice on her best possible treatment.

    I would like to send relevant reports however there is no attachment option given. Please let me know how these can be send.

    I will be pleased to provide further details if required. Please let me know.
    Many thanks in advance
    New Delhi, India

  68. prasanjeet says:

    Dear sirb
    Actually i am from india kolkata.i m suffering from for the last one week .fever is very mild wich keeps on rotating between 98.5 to 99.5 and it always remains like this.with little pain in leg and feeling of tiredness is there.please advice what medicine needs to be age is 30 years.currently i am taking PAN D 40and antibiotic.adviced by doctor.but there is no result the fever is still between 98 to 99.5.

    • Joe says:

      Treating a fever on a Website like mine is not recommended as your fever may be caused by a variety of reasons.

      You state that you are already under medication with an antibiotic and Pan D (Paracetemol?) and it best that you continue your doctor’s therapy as it would not be safe for me to advise you.

  69. SS Bhatia says:

    I used to take Arnica 30c in wet dose after mu Turp operation.I am also taking a morning walk for about 50minutes as advised by you.
    Te walk is also helping me as I do not have dibtese,blood pressure.or any chlostral problem.I am 72 years old. Now I am having difficulty of ankle pain in left foot. I also had severe heel pain about a year back,however it subsided after homeopathic treatment (medcine not known). I am worried that my ankle pain and heel pain may force me to stop the taking of walk as it has become an integral part of my life.
    A am a vegetarian and also do not take any alcohlic drink.

    You have also advised me to keep taking Arnica 30C for my life.

    I am desirous to know whether the Arnica 30C can be taken with other medicines(Though I do not like the Alopathic medicines) which one has to take sometimes.

    Please advise me.


    • Joe says:

      You will have to consult a doctor to diagnose if you suffer from Osteo Arthritis or Gout.

      I shall prescribe accordingly after you report the diagnosis.

  70. naresh ailaney says:

    Respected sir,
    I am 47,always feel Right nostril block and headache, heaviness on eyes.Frequently got cough,cold in winter /due to cold air. During sleeping breathes from mouth and heavy snoring resulting in sore throat and touching/ falling of uvula on tongue. pl. suggest some homeopathic remedy.

    • Joe says:

      Do you suffer from any digestive problems after a meal, especially after dinner?
      Do you suffer from Catarrh and sneeze often?
      Weight, Height?

  71. naresh ailaney says:

    My weight:75 Kg, height:5 feet 10 inch.
    Do some exercise/yoga in morning.
    sneezing during cold weather/cold wave or during change in season like in september.Doctor diagnosed allergic Rhinitis.
    Digestion problem:feeling gas, bloating.Feels relieved after burping.
    Sorry for late reply, as i was outsation.

  72. naresh ailaney says:

    Respected sir,
    I am 47,always feel Right nostril block and headache, heaviness on eyes.Frequently got cough,cold in winter /due to cold air. During sleeping breathes from mouth and heavy snoring resulting in sore throat and touching/ falling of uvula on tongue. pl. suggest some homeopathic remedy.My weight:75 Kg, height:5 feet 10 inch.
    I do some exercise/yoga in morning.
    sneezing during cold weather/cold wave or during change in season like in september. Doctor diagnosed allergic Rhinitis.
    Digestion problem:feeling gas, bloating.Feels relieved after burping.

    • Joe says:

      I noticed that you have repeated your problem 3 times up to now and I hope you understand that you make my task 3 times more difficult.

      Nat Phos 6x dose 2-3 tablets after every meal will help your digestive problems.

      Euparotium Perfoliatum 200 in the Wet dose taken twice daily will help your Catarrh.

      • naresh ailaney says:

        Thank you sir.
        I will start medicines as prescribed.

        • naresh ailaney says:

          Respected sir,
          As advised i started taking Euparotium Perfoliatum 200 in the Wet dose twice daily.still when i got up in morning (now days there is slight cool in morning) right nostril blocked, sneezing,watery nose and moreover sore throat.Feeling pricking in throat, slight cough. Daily i have to press up uvula by thumb upwards.
          As the day progress feels relived.
          Sir, your further advise is eagerly awaited.
          with regards.

          • Joe says:

            I regret to inform you that I am not able to help you as I cannot diagnose your problem on my Website.

            You are advised to consult a ENT specialist and be treated by him.

  73. Neha says:


    I have been taking arnica 30C for my acne after seeing your posts in a forum. It has provided great relief within few days. Feeling a lot healthier than before.

    Thanks a lottt..

    • Joe says:

      Thank you for reporting that you used my “Joepathy” with Arnica 30c for your Acne which you had read about on a Forum that I do not visit any more and that “It has provided great relief within few days. Feeling a lot healthier than before.”

      It is very rarely that anyone who uses my therapy which I prescribe freely, reports that it has helped them and I thank you for doing so as this is the only satisfaction that I derive from helping suffering humanity on my Website.

      I would like to inform you that I have amended my original therapy where I have prescribed Arnica 30c and replaced it with Arnica 6c as I have discovered that the lower potency is by far more effective. I also add spraying the remedy on the face to help the lesions to heal more rapidly.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Acne which I hope can help you.

      The remedy that has helped many is Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily orally, and also applied directly on the lesions on the face as often as is possible, to keep the lesions damp.

      It is essential that the patient continues to take just ONE dose of Arnica 6c nightly just before bed for at least 6 months after the problem has been resolved as there is every chance that the lesions can return otherwise.

      The use of a spray device in which the medicated water can be stored and be sprayed on the acne lesions is best.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack aka Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      Please post your response to the Arnica therapy in a week.

  74. Subinoy Majumdar says:

    Respected Sir

    I am a patient and has been taking medicine wet dose as per your advice.Now I am well and continue to take medicine Arnia 30 (wet dose) daily and Natrum Phos 6x for the last more than a year This time I seek your advice regarding ailment of my friend`s wife who has got injured after getting fall from a chair by breaking . after getting allopathic treatment he asked me to connect and seeking your advice through me for his wife`s treatment as he has no computer. Injury at back bone she has been suffering much trouble. When she wants to rise from bed she feels pain. she feels pain at the time of first moving. But after some time she feels better.She has been prescribed Arnica 200 with Rhus tox 30 gloubles for 7 days but no result is achieved. Then he has been told to take Arnica 1000 one dose globules .But good results are not been seen.

    Please prescribe the medicine for back injury of my friend`s wife save her for further trouble.
    Sir, your advice is eagerly awaited.

    Subinoy Majumdar

    • Joe says:

      ” wife who has got injured after getting fall from a chair by breaking .”

      Give details of the injury. Did she break any bones?
      If yes, when did the injury occur?
      What is her age, weight and height?

  75. Subinoy Majumdar says:

    Respected Sir,
    With reference to my email dated 19th Decembe and subsequently as per your queries I am to state that My fiend`s wife who got injured after falling while sitting on a chair .
    Spinal Cord(bone D-12 has been fractured .Her age is 61 years weight is
    65 k.g.height 5′.The chair is made of plastick,
    At the time of rising from bed she feel much pain.after some moving she feels comfortable.

    She has take Arnica-200 and Rhus tox 30 for the period 7 days

    Subinoy Majumdar

    • Joe says:

      Your report that she is OK when she moves is a good sign that she is on the road to recovery hopefully without any surgery. Spinal injuries heal without any surgical intervention and the patient is recommended complete rest to enable the injury to heal.

      You have however not confirmed that this injury occurred 7 days ago and if so, you can use
      Symphytum Q (Mother Tincture)
      Dose 10 drops in a tablespoon of water taken thrice daily for a week and twice daily thereafter.

      She is overweight at 65kg and is recommended to control her diet and to take
      Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after every meal thrice daily to shed 1kg per WEEK.

      You will report her progress weekly.

  76. Subinoy Majumdar says:

    Respected Sir,

    Further to my email dt 20.12.15 and your email dt 21.12.15 I am to state that back pain injury due to fractured of Bone d-12 after falling from chair is happened 3 months back. As per your advice she has started to take Symphytum mother tincture
    10 drops in a tablespoon water and natrum phos 6x thrice daily. But a problem has been taken place that she feels acidity after consuming the medicine She eagerly awaiting your advice whether she continue to take or not .

    Subinoy Majumdar

    • Joe says:

      You have not reported on her pain to indicate if the Symphytum I prescribed has helped her in any way.

      I find it strange that she complains of acidity as the Nat Phos 6x prescribed is the therapy for it. I have used it extensively to help reduce acidity and GERD even in babies.
      How may tablets does she take and when?

  77. Uma says:

    Respected Joe,
    My husband, age 43, has family history of Diabetes, Cholesterol, fleeting joint pains. Unfortunately, my husband inherited all 3 conditions and is on Metformin for diabetes, Welchol for Cholesterol, Motrin as needed for joint pains.
    Recently, we traveled to India during summer. A homeopathic doctor gave him a 4 month course medicines which gave very good relief for joint pains (knuckles, wrist, knee, under foot-sole of foot). He finished the 4month course. Now, due to tighter US security and customs we are not able to get the next course through courier mail. We called the homeopathic doctor in India and he doesn’t want to disclose the names of the medicines. My husband’s joint pains returned and he is suffering very much since 3 weeks. He is hesitant to use Motrin as now he believes in Homeopathic cure. I heard about your expertise from a friend I met and truly appreciate your compassion to help people in need of homeopathic service.
    Kindly, advise what homeopathic meds will help him.

    • Joe says:

      You will have to give me more data on your husband’s medical statistics as listed below to enable me to treat him.

      Age, Weight and Height
      Exercise level today. What is his profession? Does it involve sitting for hours?
      Blood Sugar level without taking Metformin for 2 days to be taken fasting with
      Lipid Profile (Cholesterol and Triglycerides) to be taken fasting
      Ailments and other medical problems he has faced in the recent past and today.
      State the time frame when he first presented his medical problems.

      • Uma says:

        Respected Sir,

        Our family wishes you a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year 2016!

        Here is the information you requested.

        Age 43 yrs; Weight 150lbs; Height 67-inches. BP is normal. Diagnosed with Type II 15 years ago.

        Exercise level – other than daily routine he does not follow any regiment due to long hours of work. He goes to work at 8:00am and returns at 7:00pm. He is an engineer works mostly at his desk. He is not completely sedentary at work.

        Labs done fasting. Results as of Dec 30th 2015:

        Blood Sugar – 120 +/- with metformin (500mg BID)
        Blood Sugar – 150+/- without metformin.

        Total Cholesterol – 176

        LDL – 88; HDL – 34

        Triglycerides – 306 mg/dl

        Estimated average fasting glucose is 154 and hemoglobin A1C is 7.0

        Ferritin level is 34 (levels gradually falling but no anemia)

        Uric acid is 6.2 (normal range always)

        Other Ailments:
        Frequent joint pains (knuckles, wrist, knee lateral side, toes and lateral foot). During pain period the affected joint swells with peaking stabbing pain; with tension in joint due to tense edema with pain worsening on mobility of effected joint. Affected joint is warm to touch while he has chills in the body. With Motrin (Ibuprofen) pains gradually decrease, swelling decreases. The symptoms may last anywhere from 3 days to a week each episode. He can have many episodes in a month.

        Primary care Doctors, Rheumatologists, specialists ruled out Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gout through labs. They all advised him to take Motrin and can not relate his symptoms to any pathology. We eat a healthy Indian diet at home.,

        My husband has no other health issues, no medical or surgical issues in the past. Family history of diabetes and cholesterol very much present.

        We eagerly look forward to your kind response.


        • Joe says:

          Your report conforms to what I had presumed and I am confident that with his BS level at 150 without the Metformin, it is very likely that the Arnica 6c alone WITHOUT the drug can help to control it.

          STOP Metformin and let him take Arnica 6c alone and report his BS level fasting in a week.

          He will STOP ALL DRUGS which I believe are the root cause of his current problems.

          He can add Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken twice daily after meals.
          Also Add Ferr Phos 6x dose as above.

          He MUST EXERCISE if he wishes to be well.
          He can do a jog which he can start by walking fast and later jog.
          The idea is to increase his blood flow which the remedies above will help.

          • Uma says:


            Thank you very much. Do you want my husband to take wet doses of Arnica 6c ?


            • Joe says:

              I cannot understand the reason for your query today.

              • Uma says:

                Respected Sir,

                My apologies, this is my first time ordering homeopathic meds; I noted Arnica 6c, Nat Pos 6x and Ferr Phos 6x meds per your valuable advise. I just wasn’t sure if Arnica 6c should be ordered in pellet form or bottle/dropper arrangement and then prepare wet dose myself per your suggestion above.

                My family and I remain very grateful to you for your valuable time and immense help. I’m very Thankful to the kind friend I met in India who introduced me to your website. I feel so fortunate to receive your advise regarding my husband. After one week of using the homeopathic meds per your suggestion, I will report the results of my husband.


                • Uma says:

                  Respected Sir,

                  My husband has been using for one week now -Arnica 6c wet pack along with NatPhos and FerrPhos per your suggested regime. There has been no change in BS readings. Kindly advise.


                  • Joe says:

                    You have not reported his Blood Sugar levels and thes is essential to me to comment.

                    It is possible that he is one of the few who do not respond to my therapy and he will have to continue to take the drug he has been prescribed.

                    • Uma says:


                      His fasting blood sugar level is plus or minus 160 without Metformin while taking Arnica 6c, NatPhos and FerrPhos.

                      Kindly advise.

                    • Joe says:

                      His BS level is marginally high as the normal is listed at between 100 to 140. If we can manage to drop his level to 140 he will be safe.

                      Can you get Arnica 3c and make the Wet dose and observe if his BS will go down?

                      Otherwise he will have to take Metformin 250 twice daily in addition to the Arnica 3c and we will observe his BS level.

                      Is he doing a regular daily exercise routine?
                      This is a very important factor to help his Diabetes.

  78. Uma says:

    Thank you very much for your reply, Sir I will get back to you soon.

  79. Uma says:

    Respected Sir,
    Thank you very much for your kind efforts and time to help people in need.
    I have a 7 yr old child, who is diagnosed delayed milestones and intellectual disability. Kindly advise how we can help him improve cognizance, intelligence,. Pediatrician says he has low muscle tone hence has fine motor delay and speech delay. He is otherwise a healthy child with no other health problems.
    Awaiting your kind response. Thank you so much for your immense help.

    • Joe says:

      You can give him Arnica 200c in the Wet dose twice daily made as instructed below:

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Ethanol / Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

      You will report his response in a week.

      • Uma says:

        Dear Sir,

        Thank you so much, once I order the drug and receive it I will update you weekly on how he is doing. If you don’t mind me asking, we live in US, could you please suggest where we can order the wet pack authentically.


  80. Subinoy Majumdar says:

    Repected Sir,

    With reference to my e-mail dt 20.12.2015 I am to state that my friend`s wife who is now unwell due to injury from falling from a chair has been under your treatment and taking symphytum mothertinchure and natum phos 6x. .Now her pain is improving .She is now in a position to sit on a chair, even she is can sit more time than before. And her acidity problem has gone. Please tell whether he continue to. take symphytum mother tinchur or not.
    Subinoy Majumdar

  81. raghu says:

    Respected Sir,

    I have been having dark patches and dark circles around my eyes for last two years. I have been drinking Arnica 30C wet dose in the morning and evening for last 6 months for my hair fall problem. Can I start applying Arnica 30C or Arnica Montana Q directly over my face and around eyes to reduce dark circles. Will this help? Please let me know the procedure to get rid of dark circles and pigmentation on my face.

    Thanking you Sir

    • Joe says:

      I have had reports that Arnica 6c in the Wet dose had helped to reduce the dark patches around the eyes in a few cases and you can use this remedy twice daily and observe your response.

      You cannot apply Arnica Q on your skin as it is a POISON and can cause serious damage to your skin.

  82. raghu says:

    Respected Sir

    Thanks for your reply.
    One more question.
    Is Arnica 6C more potent than Arnica 30C?
    I have already been drinking Arnica 30C twice a day. Is Arnica 6C still necessary on top of Arnica 30C?

    Can Arnica 6C be applied directly to face and under eye area? Please confirm

    THanking you for your valuable advice.


    • Joe says:

      As a matter of interest I checked your email IP and discovered that you live near the Bengaluru Race Course. Is this correct?

      You will use Arnica 6c by soaking it (made into the Wet dose) on a wad of cotton or a gauze pad, and leaving it on your skin over your eyes for as long as you can do so. The remedy must not however leak into your eyes. The idea is to keep the skin constantly in contact with the remedy for as long as possible. If you can get the lower potency 3c this can be considered as being even more powerful.

      I would like to have your report if this therapy lightens the black skin in about 2 weeks of constant soaking on the skin as I do not have any direct report like what you can give me on this therapy, which would be another breakthrough for my “Joepathy” where I use and prescribe standard remedies in a Non classical manner which has resulted in some incredible results, which some patients have classified as Miracles.

      Please note that you cannot take the Arn 6c or 3c orally as the lower potency will overtake the 30c which is necessary for your other problems.

  83. raghu says:

    Respected Joe Sir

    Thanks for your reply.
    Yes, I do live in Bengaluru, but not at Race course road, but far from it.

    I would follow your advice of applying soaked cotton wad (in Arnica 6C or 3C wet dose) on my face and under eyes, and report you the progress. I will order for Arnica 3C and 6C, and as soon as I get them, I will start following your advice.

    Thanks very much for your response Sir.


  84. raghu says:

    Respected Joe Sir,

    I have one another query w.r.t Arnica Montana usage. Can I apply this on my keloid on chest? Will this help in eliminating the keloid? I have seen some of the posts where in you have suggested Arnica for fibroids. Do you think, its worth a try to apply Arnica Montana on keloid directly? Please let me know your valuable opinion Sir.

    Thanking you.

  85. Joe says:

    If you feel that your current problem is due to the Arnica you are taking, you must stop it.

    • Joe says:

      If you attribute your problem copied below to Arnica you are advised to STOP IT.
      “today afternoon my both the lips became severe swelling and my face became big size and i am unable to close my mouth and unable to talk and eat,drink with pain.and i cant show my face out side.”

      I would also appreciate if your will STOP addressing me as “Brother” Joe as it annoys me to see your posts.

      I am 86 years old and am NOT a professional Homeopath as I only practice “Joepathy” which is different from classical homeopathy.

  86. Sadaf afsheen says:

    Hi dear sir.
    My name is sadaf afsheen. Sir I have dark spots n brown spots
    On my face which has been developed from last two years.i have no sun exposure .these dark spots are on my cheeks and nose and going to spread on my whole face day by day.i m very much tense about thm.i hve taken thuja 1m dose from last three months andhave taken laser treatment but its useless. Plz dear sir help me out.i have used your arnica treatment for my hair n arnica 6c for my allergi both are amazing. Plz solve my this problm plz help me out.i will be very thankful to you.God bless you for your amazing work for waiting for your reply

  87. frank fiore says:

    is their a cure for urine retention,at 87 years old?

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy below the therapy I have pioneered to treat problems associated with the Prostate .

      The remedies are

      Arnica 6c
      Conium 6c

      Both remedies to be taken twice daily in the Wet dose made as per instructions below.

      The combination of both Conium 6c and Arnica 6c seems to reduce the enlarged Prostate which can sometimes result in Prostatitis, an infection of the Prostate Gland caused by the retention of Urine. The effect of these remedies is usually experienced within a few hours after taking them.

      I would recommend that anyone who reads this post and suffers from any difficulty or burning in passing Urine starts taking Conium 6c in the Wet dose ASAP with Arnica 6c twice daily. The joint action of both remedies will ease the flow of urine by relaxing the Prostate in a manner that drugs cannot equal. It will do this very safely in comparison to drugs which usually cause other side effects. These remedies will also reduce the enlarged Prostate which in turn can hopefully rule out surgery.

      It is also necessary that a Blood Test is done annually to check the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) level which is accepted as normal at between 0 – 4. This Blood test can be added to the standard test for Lipid Profile and other factors that your doctor may find necessary.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capful which is the dose. Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.

      It is understood that the patient will STOP all other drugs which can antidote the Homeopathy.

      The following restrictions must be observed to ensure that the Homeopathy is not antidoted.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      The patient is advised to refrain from Alxohol as this has triggered the Urine retention which my therapy has helped to cure.

      Report progress weekly for further advice if needed.

  88. Sabrina says:

    My sister is suffering from an abscess that keeps recurring. It is close to the rectum on the outside. It is very painful and doesn’t burst. Can you please suggest a remedy?

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy the therapy I have pioneered and prescribed to patients who suffer from FISTULA, FISSURE AND ABSCESS of the Anus. The majority of those who have used my therapy aka “Joepathy” have confirmed that they have benefitted from this therapy and many have confirmed that they have been cured.

      I shall note the Remedies prescribed below:

      Arnica 30c in the Wet dose a capful of the bottle taken thrice daily to filter and increase the flow of blood in the body which in turn will help to rebuild the tissue.
      Silicea 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to expel the pus from the lesion.
      Nat Phos 6x Dose 2-3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals to soften the stools.
      Ferr Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to improve the quality of the blood to help heal the lesion.
      Antibiotic Ointment like Polyfax or equivalent which is used internally on the tip of a gloved finger inserted into the anus after every bowel movement to keep the bacterial count as low as possible in the lesion.

      Do not use toilet paper after a BM. Use a Hand Spray device instead available at Wal Mart which is a DIY fitting.
      No Alcohol, Red meat, Coffee and Sausages, Ham and Bacon as they are loaded with Saltpeter. No canned beverages like Coke. Do not eat hot (Chillie hot) food if you live in India.
      You will get a hollow rubber cushion to sit on to take the pressure off your anal region to enable the medicines prescribed above to help cure your problem.

      Drink at least 3 ltrs water daily and exercise moderately.


      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in a 5ml bottle in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      Report progress weekly or more often as necessary.

  89. Sheela says:

    Hello joe can you please share your email I’d as I wish to consult you by email on a recent injury I faced & need your advice on homeopathy remedy


    • Joe says:

      I do not accept email consultations and also do not permit being addressed by my name Joe on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.

      Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
      I am 87 and perhaps old enough to be your Grandfather.

      • Sheela says:

        Dear Sir
        Sorry, I was not aware that you do not like to be called Joe. I respect you and thank you for the help in form of homeopathy advice you are offering on your website. I would like to seek advice from you about head injury i had in October due to 4 inch concrete stone fell on my right hand side of the brain from 30 feet height and injured my right parietal region. There is no hemmorage Since then I am facing issues like headache of & on nor continuously but keep getting it in frontal temple region, right side of eye keeps paining & eye lids of right eye are swollen, sometimes I get neck pain, gum & tooth pain in front teeth . I am getting pain in the right portion of brain where stone had fallen. Earlier there was swelling but took ECT ezact 90 & lyserforte so swelling is gone but pain is still there. I got MRI of my brain done . Pls advice if any major issue is there & what medicine should I take in homeopathy?. Neurologist asked me to take lyser forte & ezact 90 for 2 weeks to reduce pain & swelling. Swelling is gone on right parietal region but severe pain is there. I took homeopathy granules also Arnica 200+ ruta 200 + rhustox 200 for 2 weeks but did not give me any relief. Later I took hypericum 200 one dose on Dec 12th & 2nd dose on Dec 24th & also took mag phos 6x 2 tablets 2 times a day for 1 week it gave me some relief but again the pain has started since yesterday. I took bryonia 200 for 2 days 3 times a day but did not give me any relief. Please advice what medicines should I take to improve my condition & relief from pain on right side of brain in parietal region.
        Also there is mild myelin sheath lesion what is to be taken for that? I am working professional cannot work with these problem & pain so pls advice medicine for curing this problem with permanent remedy without causing any side effect.

        • Joe says:

          You are lucky to be alive after the accident to your head as the information you gave about your injury can only be treated by your Neuro Surgeons whom you must consult whenever you are in need of medical assistance.

          It is far above the standard level of ailments that patients normally present on my Website and I regret that I cannot help you.

          The Homeopathic remedies you listed cannot help you in the potencies you indicated.

          • Sulakshan says:


  90. sulakshan says:

    sir, i had posted my information some days back. , but to my surprise, i have not so far, noticed here. although i have ,given some information after that. in the mean time which is as above. , i got tested, my abdomen for u/s , here i am astonished to find a cyst in my left kidney, measuring 2.7 cm. where as about four months back, there was no such abnormality.pancreas is normal,kidney is of abnormal shape. my prostate gland is 26.5 gm and of 1st grade as reported. i am feeling heaviness in my left side groan. please also note that , certain more symptoms.
    in open air i feel better open air ) , in closed door and in summer ( .
    also there is osteoporosis . refereed pain in above part of abdomen from broken bones in left ribs.
    there is heavy snoring and sleep apnea also.
    i think that i am also suffering from O.C.D.
    if there is any mistake on my part i am sorry for that. kindly advise me how to send post , . SULAKSHAN

    • Joe says:

      I am referring your case to my colleague Dr Arshad Saeed who practices in London and he will prescribe for you.


  91. sulakshan says:

    sulakshan says:
    January 8, 2017 at 6:04 PM

    Joe says:
    January 9, 2017 at 10:51 AM
    I regret that I cannot take your case as it is far too complicated for me to prescribe and I do not have the time to do so.

    Joe says:
    January 12, 2017 at 6:50 AM
    I am referring your case to my colleague Dr Arshad Saeed who practices in London and he will prescribe for you.


  92. sulakshan says:

    dr. arshad saaed ,sir , due to ignorance , i had posted details of my illness in post for DEC. 2016 and one part in January 2017 I AM SORRY FOR THIS. i do not know regarding my case is being considered or still pending.
    yesterday i got tested again for certain parameters .
    Hb A1C 7.1% , CREATANINE 1.3 , BLOOD UREA 31 , Hb. 12.05 , BLOOD SUGAR PP 234 , AND > RANDOM B.S. IS 177.(15.01.2017)


  93. sulakshan says:

    FRESH TESTING ON 14.01.2017 AND 15.01.207 ,dr. arshad saaed ,sir , due to ignorance , i had posted details of my illness in post for DEC. 2016 and one part in January 2017 I AM SORRY FOR THIS. i do not know regarding my case is being considered or still pending.
    yesterday i got tested again for certain parameters .
    Hb A1C 7.1% , CREATANINE 1.3 , BLOOD UREA 31 , Hb. 12.05 , BLOOD SUGAR PP 234 , AND > RANDOM B.S. IS 177.(15.01.2017)


  94. Rajesh Sharma says:

    Dear Sir,

    I have been suffering from eczema from last 13 years on both my legs. I have tried different medications but of no use. My case is hereditary too… my father and my grandmother both had it but now they do not even have a small scar…but I am terribly with it. It’s dry and gets wet sometime during monsoon, itches severely.

    If you could help me with this.

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Eczema which I hope can help you.

      The remedy that has helped many is Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily orally, and also applied directly on the lesions as often as is possible, to keep the lesions damp. The use of a spray device in which the medicated water can be stored and be sprayed on the acne lesions is best. You will make another bottle for oral use.

      It is essential that the patient continues to take just ONE dose of Arnica 6c nightly just before bed for at least 6 months after the problem has been resolved as there is every chance that the lesions can return otherwise.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack aka Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      Please post your response to the Arnica therapy in a week.

  95. nicole says:

    I was referred to this site. I have a 2 month old son who suffers from severe reflux. I have him on omeprezole which is starting to help but I am somewhat concerned about the future effects on him. The medicine does nothing to help with him vomiting, I have to give hi oatmeal in order to keep any formula down. He will throw up every single bottle without it, but the pain is finally starting to subside with the meds being upped.

    I am part of a mom group for reflux babies and they keep mentioning Nat Phos 6X so I purchased it today in hopes to start this and stop the medication. WHat do you suggest and how do I give this to him and how often. He currently only gets 5 bottles during the day and one late at night. Thank You!

    • Joe says:

      STOP THE OMEPRAZOLE which has been classified by the FDA as being dangerous for adults when used in the long run. Baby should never have been given this dangerous drug. She should respond very quickly to my default therapy copied below:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.

      The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.

      You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.

      You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.

      You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

      It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
      Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.

      Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.

      You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.

      If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

      You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.

  96. Judy Phang says:

    Hello Joe,

    I have read with great interest your articles and advice on taking Arnica in the wet dose and am keen to try this method as I am suffering from poor, interrupted sleep during which I will wake up several times during the night for some unknown reason. Could you kindly advise me on how the water bottle should be stored once the 3 drops of Arnica liquid have been added to the water, ie should it be kept in the fridge or at room temperature? Thank you in advance.


    • Joe says:

      Glad to learn that you are interested in using Arnica 30c in the Wet dose to help with your sleep.

      I have taken this Miracle Remedy since 1995 just nightly before bed and at age 87 I am very fit and do still drive in Colombo which is considered a nightmare for motorists due to the millions of 3 wheelers that operate on our streets.

      You will use just 3 drops of Arnica 30c in the Alcohol pack in a 500ml bottle of preferably distilled water and take 5ml nightly before bed.

      You will also take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after dinner to help with your sleep as this remedy will accelerate the passage of food down the giut which in many cases has been reported to be the root cause of insomnia as stagnation of food creates GERD.




      • Judy says:

        Thank you so much for your extremely prompt reply, Joe. How wonderful and incredible to know that you are able to negotiate the streets of Colombo which must not only require you to have your wits about you but also to possess great courage too! I will order the Arnica 30c liquid and the Nat Phos and hopefully I too will benefit from good health and wellbeing the same as you. Your articles and advice are very much appreciated.


        • Joe says:

          I have just noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.

          I have to inform you that I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as the least I can expect from you is that you show some respect in doing so.

          Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
          I am 87.

          • Judy says:

            Sir, I am deeply sorry to have offended you and did not in any way intend to be so disrespectful. I apologise profusely and hope that you will forgive my stupid error. Certainly you deserve every respect for the good work and invaluable advice that you so generously share with others. You are right to reprimand me and I am very ashamed of my failure to address you in a polite and respectful manner.

            Kind regards,


            • Joe says:

              Apology accepted.

              I hope that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will help you with your ailments.
              Do keep me informed of your response.

              • Judy says:

                I thank you for accepting my apology, Sir. It will take a few days for my order to arrive and hopefully it will come soon as I am eager to get a decent night’s sleep and to benefit from the enjoyment of good health as so many people have who have followed your “Joepathy” therapy. My thanks to you again for your kind advice and for sharing the benefit of your knowledge and wisdom to all.

                My best wishes to you for a blessed Easter and for continued good health.


              • Himanshu says:

                Sir i am from. Delhi 25 year old i am taking temol 25 for high bp and raflouiwa sarpghanda for high bp and tonicard for left chest pain but i feel dizzy and some time pain behind eye and front head pain plzzz cure me plzzzz sir my lft kft thyroid blood test ecg are normal i do have acidity problem a lot i feel heaviness in chest most of the time left today i purchased r85 without doctor prescription sir plz theek kr do bhut umeed hai apse i am also taking lycopus virginicus 30 bp remains 120to130 /90

                • Joe says:

                  If you wish to consult me, please record your ailment clearly in detail and in English as I live in Sri Lanka and do not understand your statement in Hindi.

                  You have referred to Blood Pressure but not mentioned how high it is. For how long have you taken the drugs you listed?
                  What is your Blood Test report?
                  Do you suffer from GERD or Hyperacidity? If so what drugs are you taking and for how long?

  97. Joshua Choppara says:

    Dear Doctor,
    I, from Kolkata, have gone through your website when my cousin has referred it to me. I am fascinated about using Arnica wet dose for overall health improvement.
    I am 50 years old, a psoriasis patient but psoriasis is mostly under control after using homeo medicine. I apply allopathy ointments /lotion now and then if I see any recurrence.)
    My wife 48 years old diabetic and sugar in fasting is around 110-120 mg/dL. She takes Metformin, Pioped, Januvia ( allopathic) medicine.
    What is the recommended homeo medicine for us, especially the potency of Arnica for me and my wife?
    I have just started taking wet dose of Arnica 6 ( one capful from liquid of mixing 3 drops in 500 ml of water)..
    Waiting for your answer.
    Kind regards,
    Joshua Choppara

    • Joe says:

      You and your wife will take Arnica 6c both in the Wet dose twice daily. This may also help your Psoriasis and it will reduce her BS level which should be maintained under 120 fasting. She will reduce the drugs she is now taking to keep this level.

  98. Mr Bhavsar says:

    Dear Respected Dr,

    Please see if you can help my case.

    1) I am male 43 yrs old beta thalassemia intermedia, faulty genetic disorder, weight 65kg
    hemoglobin always remains below 11.0 because red cells automatic dying in body due to fault genetic structure. Daily taking folic acid 5mg and monthly taking Vitamin D3 and Vitamin B12

    2) I am having hypothyroidism underactive thyroid gland from 11 yrs
    3) I am having auto immune thyroid disease, high anti TPO
    4) Poor Liver function SGOT High, Indirect Bilirubin 5.24
    5) Poor metabolism in body
    6) Inability to digest all proteins so daily high uric acid.
    7) Finger Joint Pain in morning, wrist pain, ankle pain
    8) Myalgia chest bone pain due to high bilirubin and gallstones
    9) Poor energy level and poor blood circulation in body
    10) Gallstones 9.1mm paining when eating fatty foods

    Year 2017 high suffering in body, weakness, high uric acid, joint pain, myalgia chest bone pain and weakness in evening time.
    confused mind, poor short term memory, dry mouth, sometimes cut lips, overall no happiness due to weakness

    Suggest one best single remedy and potency to take wet dose daily to feel energetic and so good red cells and reduced uric acid reduce joint pain

    thank you,

    mr Bhavsar

    • Joe says:

      I regret to inform you that there is no specific remedy to cure Thalassemia in Homeopathy or Allopathy and we are all hopeful that advances in medicine will soon be able to alter the gene that is the cause of your disease. This also applies to Hemophilia for which I have pioneered a protocol that enables patients not to rush to hospital for the drug that is commonly used in Sri Lanka to stop the bleeding every time they suffer from some accident.

      In your case you can take Arnica 6c in the Wet dose twice daily and report your response in a week.

      Do you suffer from GERD or Gastric problems?

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

  99. Mr Bhavsar says:

    Dear Respected Dr,

    Thanks for reading my message and suggesting me remedy.

    Q: Do you suffer from GERD or Gastric problems?
    Answer: To some extent Yes, I do get pain in chest bones due to gastric issues of my liver. This usually happens after 3pm daily. Doctors generally ask me to take Pantoprazole Domperidone capsules before lunch for 10 days. My bilirubin remains high in range of 5.7 to 6.2.
    One day doctor gave me 600000 IU Vitamin D3 injection and within 48 hrs I had severe gastritis that my liver not able to handle the fat soluble oil based vitamin D3 injection. severe back pain just behind chest. ECG came normal. Doctor advised not to take heavy medicine dosage due to liver being weak not able to break down fats etc. Eyes vision weak due to myopia -4.25 and -3.75.
    Is Arnica the right one to go for?

    Arnica 6CH dilution is not available here in India.
    Arnica Montana Q, 30CH, 200CH, 1000CH are available. Which potency should I take?

    When you say get 500ml spring water, is it bottled mineral water?

    Thank you

  100. Mr Bhavsar says:

    Dear Dr, I hope you are keeping good health. I am waiting for my doubt to be clarified since Nov 8.

    If you can reply, it will help me. See above.

    • Joe says:

      I am glad I asked the question about GERD as the remedy below can help you:

      It is very likely that you suffer from Hyperacidity or Gastritis, aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) and I shall copy my default therapy that has helped hundreds of patients to overcome this disease for which doctors usually prescribe PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which are dangerous and can cause many other more serious problem when used in the long term.

      You will hopefully discover that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will help you within 24 hours after you have taken your first dose after a meal.

      The remedies you will order are as follows:

      Nat Phos 6x dose 2-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 3 meals.
      This remedy accelerates the passage of food down the gut and prevents the formation of acid which would otherwise reflux causing GERD.

      Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
      This remedy works to repair the damaged Esophagus which has metastasised to resemble the gut to deal with the Hcl refluxed into it causing severe distress. Arnica works with the Nat Phos to speedily cure the problem.

      Please observe the following simple rules:

      Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.

      It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.

      No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.

      If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.

      You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.

      It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      “Arnica 6CH dilution is not available here in India.”

      Arnica in ALL potencies is manufactured in India.
      You cannot expect to be cured without it.

      You can use tap water after boiling to release the Chlorine.
      Mineral water is not usable as it is loaded with chemicals or minerals.

  101. Mr Bhavsar says:

    Dear Respected Dr, Thank you for your high quality detail note.

    Will Nat Phos 6X tablets and Arnica Montana 30CH help me with the other problem of high uric acid and joint pains that I am having?
    My morning joint pain is more problem to me than my GERD or acidity issues.

    Morning time my hand and leg finger joints pain from wakeup time upto the first half. Then the problem reduces after 12 noon. Joint pains are severe in winter and cold season. Uric acid could cause damage to red cells causing drop in hemoglobin causing breathing problems and weakness.

    This year my uric acid has been 8.6, 9.0, 9.3, 10.0 and 7.82 respectively. If some night I have protein diet dinner then next day morning pain is more. If dinner is rice and curd, joint pain is less next day.
    Very poor metabolism in body due to underactive thyroid.

    I search Arnica Montana 6CH dilution I checked on couple of online websites but did not see that potency being sold from most remedy suppliers. That is reason asked. Since you have now suggested 30CH potency that is easily available.

    Thank you so much once again.

  102. Mr Bhavsar says:

    Dear Respected Dr,

    I am waiting for my doubt to be clarified from 16 November.

    Please confirm.

    • Joe says:

      I am doing a service to suffering humanity with my own brand of Homeopathy which has been labelled “Joepathy” (Google) at my advanced age of 88 years during 40 years of which I have devoted to my therapy.

      I regret to inform you that on the basis of your statement:
      “I am waiting for my doubt to be clarified from 16 November.”

      I cannot be expected to help you till you give me more information on what you want me to clarify.

  103. Mr Bhavsar says:

    Dear Respected Dr,

    I am sorry of my repeat message did not go well.

    Below is what I wanted to clarify from you:
    Will Nat Phos 6X tablets and Arnica Montana 30CH help me with the other problem of high uric acid and related joint pains that I am having?

    Thank you,

    • Joe says:

      You first consulted me on 2017/11/07 and stated:
      “1) I am male 43 yrs old beta thalassemia intermedia, faulty genetic disorder, weight 65kg
      hemoglobin always remains below 11.0 because red cells automatic dying in body due to fault genetic structure. Daily taking folic acid 5mg and monthly taking Vitamin D3 and Vitamin B12”

      I prescribed Arnica 6c for your Thalassemia and also inquired if you suffer from GERD and you answered:
      Q: Do you suffer from GERD or Gastric problems?
      Answer: To some extent Yes, I do get pain in chest bones due to gastric issues of my liver. This usually happens after 3pm daily. Doctors generally ask me to take Pantoprazole Domperidone capsules before lunch for 10 days. My bilirubin remains high in range of 5.7 to 6.2.
      One day doctor gave me 600000 IU Vitamin D3 injection and within 48 hrs I had severe gastritis that my liver not able to handle the fat soluble oil based vitamin D3 injection. severe back pain just behind chest. ECG came normal. Doctor advised not to take heavy medicine dosage due to liver being weak not able to break down fats etc. Eyes vision weak due to myopia -4.25 and -3.75.
      Is Arnica the right one to go for?

      Arnica 6CH dilution is not available here in India.
      Arnica Montana Q, 30CH, 200CH, 1000CH are available. Which potency should I take?
      I then prescribed Nat Phos 6x for your chronic GERD.

      I would like to know if you have taken the 2 remedies I prescribed for you.
      If yes, I would like to know if you have noticed any difference in your current state of health.

  104. Anon Me says:

    Dear Sir,

    One of my foreign relatives have been diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis and he has been told to breathe using oxygen tanks. He has come across your website and since I live in Sri Lanka he asked me to get in touch with you to see if you can take his case. He is willing to come to Sri Lanka. Please let me know if this will be feasible for you.

    Kind Regards

    • Joe says:

      I would like to inform you that I am not a professional physician. I am 88 years in age and practise Homeopathy purely for the satisfaction I derive by helping suffering humanity on my Website and I do not charge any fees.

      I have never treated Pulmonary Fibrosis in the past and judging by your report your friend seems to be suffering from a chronic form of this disease. If he lives in India I would recommend that he consults

      Dr Prasanta Banerji who owns the
      Prasnata Banerji Homeopathic Foundation in Kolkata.

  105. Anuradha Vashishta says:

    Dear Sir

    Hope this email finds you well and i wish you a very happy new year.

    You have helped so many people i can see and i wonder if you can please help my newborn baby who is 2 weeks old and suffering from acid reflux. she vomits her milk then drinks breastmilk excessively which then cause hiccups. she seems to have a large appetite but has problems with indigestion.

    i have been applying hing on her stomach and back which has helped greatly but is it safe to give her nat phos 6x which i read can do miracles

    i eagerly await your advice dear sir and many thanks for your help.

    warm regards

    • Joe says:

      “she vomits her milk then drinks breastmilk excessively which then cause hiccups. she seems to have a large appetite but has problems with indigestion.”

      Your baby is suffering from overfeeding and you will have to take her off your breast when you feel that she has had enough for the feed. I have dealt with this problem in my prescription below but you can feed more often to ensure that she has sufficient milk.

      You may give her the half tablets of Nat Phos 6x which is not a drug but I do not think that she will need it after a few feeds if both you and baby settle down to shorter feeds but given more often.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.

      The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.

      You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.

      You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.

      Babies do not always do a poo daily. Some babies can go up to 5 days to do so. A gentle massage of her abdomen after every feed in a clockwise direction usually stimulates evacuation.

      You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

      It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
      Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.

      Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.

      You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.

      If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

  106. Rekha aslam khan says:

    joe, i wrote a long detailed letter to u and i m waiting for ur reply. i need ur help. thank u.

    • Joe says:

      You do not appear to have read my response to your first post on my Website to which I responded yesterday in just 15 minutes after yours arrived, and is copied below.

      You gave me the impression that you virtually demand my attention and prescription, judging by your statements in your first post which you followed with a reminder for immediate attention which you sent just over 3 hours later. I would like to place on record that at my advanced age of 88 years, I refuse to accept your attitude, which I presume has resulted from your profession as a lecturer.

      If you still desire that I treat you, I shall expect you to change your attitude and be patient, at least on my Website.

      Please also note that I am NOT a professional Homeopath as although I have studied this Science, I am not in it for any financial gain as all I wish to do is to share my therapy aka “Joepathy” with all who consult me free of charge.

      My response to you of yesterday posted at 2018/01/12 at 12:03 pm

      “I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.
      I fail to understand how you, a complete stranger can address a senior physician by name especially since you are consulting me for some ailment you suffer from.
      I have to inform you that I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as the least I can expect from you is that you show some respect in doing so.
      Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
      I am 88.
      If you still wish to consult me, you will submit a full blood test report to enable me to advise you further.”

  107. Manoj says:

    Dear Sir,
    I have gone through your website & found it very useful.I am explaining my health problem below

    General Health details of Manoj

    Height -165cm

    Weight -73 Kg

    Blood pressure – 135/90

    Blood group – B positive

    Age -51 years

    At present I am Staying in India

    Present complaint-

    I have slight pain in left arm. This pain is significant when I lift the hand above shoulder height. This pain is continuous.

    I have slight pain in left chest. This pain sometimes reduces & again come back.

    Both pain are not that much & I have no problem during working.But the sensation is always there,

    I do not feel any problem while walking & climbing staircases up to fourth floor.
    My cholesterol /Triglyceride is within limit but.My homosysteine value is 34 which is on higher side.

    During TMT test , as per report & Cardiology consultant , abnormality is observed during high speed of TMT test & during Recovery.

    Cardiologist suggested to carry out calcium score test & my calcium score is 24( Report attached ) .As per cardiologist this score is on higher side. Ideally it should be zero.

    Cardiologist has suggested following

    1. He has have suggested to start Statin tablet ( to reduce cholesterol level ) & aspirin tablet as blood thinner.

    2. He has suggested to carry out Angiography.

    I have not started any of these tablets .I have not carried out Angiography.

    At present I am taking Ayurvedic treatment for last 4 month but there is slight improvement only. In Ayurvedic treatment they have given tablets /Churna of Arjuna, Flaxseeds,Fenugreek & Sysrup of mixture of Garlic/Lemon/Applejuice/Ginger

    My opinion-

    As I have pain in left arm & Left chest .Also calcium score is also positive. In TMT test there are abnormalities found..

    I feel that there are some blockages in heart Arteries.
    I need treatment to remove these blockages if any. Pain in left arm & chest should vanish.

    I can send you my bloood test report/TMT report ,let me know on which Email address I have send

    Thanks & Regards


    • Joe says:

      The Remedies listed below will help your Cardiac problems and you must report progress at least weekly to enable me to evaluate if it has helped to resolve your crisis.

      My therapy comprises using Arnica 30c, and Apis 6c. All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose made precisely as indicated. You will also add Nat Phos 6x and Ferr Phos 6x to be taken in the dry tablets as prescribed below.

      Arnica, has the incredible ability of filtering the blood and increasing its flow throughout the body. A dose is taken twice daily and will help in many ways.

      Nat Phos 6x will help by accelerating the passage of food down the gut which will help digestion after a meal and will treat GERD. Dose 2 tablets taken after every meal thrice daily.

      Ferr Phos 6x will increase the oxygenation of the blood and will help in the curative process.
      Dose 3 tablets taken before meals thrice daily.

      Apis 6c will help to increase Kidney functions to enable the body to leach out the harmful chemicals in the blood. It is a diuretic and will help to pass excess fluid in your body as urine.

      Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      You must exercise in moderation daily and you will drink over 3 liters water daily to flush out your system.

      Report progress weekly.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Ethanol / Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

      • Manoj says:

        Dear Sir,

        Thanks for the prompt reply.

        I will arrange for the medicines prescribed by you.
        For medicines procurement I have following Query.
        I am living in India.
        For pharmacy stores I will ask him medicines in following words.
        As I am purchasing Homeopathy medicines after long time ,I wish to confirm

        Arnica 30C in Ethanol /Alcohol pack -Pl. inform bottle Qty 50 ml/100ml.& confirm this description is OK

        Apis 6C in ehanol/Alcohol pack -Pl. inform Bottle qty – 50 mil/100ml

        Arncia & Apis to be taken before meal/After meal/In the morning when stomach is empty., pl. inform

        What is Spring water? In India we get bottled drinking water

        I am taking at present Ayurvedic medicines ,Shall I stop these medicines?

        Also I am eating Raw Onion/Garlic etc, Shall I stop this?

        If you inform your mail ID ,I may send my TMT & blood test report,this may help you to understand my health problem better.

        Thanks & Regards


        • Joe says:

          Order all your remedies in the Alcohol pack and get the smallest bottle as you will only need 3 DROPS to make the Wet dose of each which you will make in separate bottles.
          You will take the remedies before a meal for best absorption and leave half hour between each.

          In the US bottled water is referred to as Spring water but you may use mains tap water after boiling to release the chlorine.

          Raw onion and garlic are best avoided.

          • Manoj says:

            Dear Sir,

            Thanks for the prompt reply.

            My kind request you to clarify following points ,if possible.

            I am taking at present Ayurvedic medicines ,Shall I stop these medicines? OR I may take your medicines with Ayurvedic medicines still in continuation.

            If you inform your mail ID ,I may send my TMT & blood test report,this may help you to understand my health problem better.

            Thanks & Regards


            • Manoj says:

              Dear Sir,

              I have email my medical reports.Pl. provide me your valuable advice

              Thanks & Regards


            • Joe says:

              I have studied your reports and cannot find any reason for your current discomfort and am confident that the therapy I have already prescribed for you will help you in the next few months. I am also confident that you should discover some reduction in your status in a month or earlier when I shall expect you to report them on my Website.

              You will take the same test in 6 months and report the improvement in the results which you can expect at that time.

              You must continue your exercise routine and also drink at least 3 ltrs of liquids preferably water daily.

              You will STOP all drugs and other medicines when you start on my therapy.

  108. Manoj says:

    Dear Sir,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Ayurverdic treatment I am taking at present will be over within a weeks time.Then I will start medicines suggested by you.

    Thanks & regards


    • Manoj says:

      Dear Sir,

      I have purchased medicines today.I am attaching the photographs in separate mail.Pl. confirm the medicinies are OK as per prescribed by you.

      You have prescribed Nat Phos 6x , Pharmasist said that Magnesia phosphorica 6X is same .Pl. confirm.

      Apis 6C is not available.It may be available after 3-4 days.Apis 30C is available.May I purchase Apis 30C or Shall I wait for Apis 6C,pl. confirm.
      Regarding time of dose I should take Arnica 30C & Apis 6C & Ferr phos half an hours before meal .Any time gap between these medicines or I can take all three medicines one by one before meal,pl. inform.

      Thanks & Regards


      • Joe says:

        You are just wasting my time.

        You give me the impression that you are doing me a favour by using my therapy which I have prescribed to many patients on my Website who have been cured. You seek my permission to continue with your Ayurvedic treatment after which you will condescend to use my therapy.

        You do not seem to be able to read and understand my simple instructions on the remedies I have prescribed and you have sent me a photograph of Magnesia Phosphorica 6x which I have NOT prescribed.

        You are advised to consult another physician as I refuse to waste any more time on treating you.

  109. Manoj says:

    Dear Sir,

    Pl. accept my sincere apology.I feel there is mis understanading .

    1) I am not at all comparing Ayurvedic treatment & Treatment suggested by you.

    2) Pl. understand that I am using Homeopathic medicines for first time.

    I have asked Nat Phos 6x ,Homeopathic Pharmasist said that Magnesia phosphorica 6X is same as Nat phos6X. I got doubt hence I have asked you.

    Sir, You are well known & respectable personality in medicine field.

    Pl. understand my limitations & provide me your valuable guidance.



  110. Manoj says:

    Dear Sir,

    I request you to forgive for the trouble given by me.

    It is one complete one month I have started your therapy

    My observations are as under

    1. I have undergo TMT test & good thing is test the test results are OK.TMT Test is now negative.

    2. There is no much reduction in Cholestrol & Tryglyceride levels.

    I will continue the therapy & inform you the progress monthly.

    Thanks & regards


  111. George says:

    Hi Dr. Joe,
    Writing to you once again for my father-in-law. He is 81 years old and is suffering from a bad back because of which he cannot stand straight and needs help to walk around. Otherwise he does not have any trouble with cholestrol or diabetes, etc. Mild hypertension. For his age, other than this back and walking issue, he is in reasonably good health.
    For the past few months he has been beginning to show signs of time and space confusion. Sometimes he is not aware of where he is, whether he is at home or in some other place, etc. He has intermittently shown signs of delusions and hallucinations. He has talked about people visiting him, when nothing like that happened. But, most of the time, he is able to talk normally and take part in daily activities, although he is not very mobile. He calls his old friends and relatives and talks to them. Calls his children, etc. His long term memory is also very good, because he remembers incidents, places and people from long ago too. It is the short term memory that is not very good.
    More recently he has been talking suspiciously about his attender, who is always with him. My father-in-law claims that his attender is trying to harm him. This doesn’t happen all the time. He usually talks this way during the evenings.
    Reading up on all this it appears that he is having symptoms of dementia, together with paranoia, suspicions, and delusions. This is reason I am writing to you. Is there anything that can be done to help him.
    Please advise. As always, I am grateful for your valuable advice, which has helped various members of my family.

    • Joe says:

      Arnica 1M in the Wet dose taken twice daily should help him in a few weeks.

      If and when you discover any improvement please report on my Website.

      You are already aware that I am 8 years senior to your FIL and I do not suffer from the problems that he does.

      Thanks to God and to Arnica 30 which I have taken since 1996 just once nightly.

  112. NL says:

    Dear Dr. Joe,
    An internet search for homeopathic remedies to treat high blood pressure led me to one of your posts on a hpthy forum. In that post you recommended Nat mur and Arnica. I had taken both of these remedies (separately) at different times over the yrs with no result. Recently, my blood pressure soared to 200/137 and heart rate 90. Heart beats heard, can be heard in my ears, and seen beating through clothing on my chest. I tried your combo remedy, and after the second dose, I began to feel better. This is the second day on this combo remedy, and BP is 140/82, heart rate 88. I will continue with the combo remedy. I’m delighted with the results in such a short period of time. Thank you!

    • Joe says:

      Thank you for reporting your experience with the combination of Arnica with Nat Mur in reducing your Blood Pressure. You did not mention the potencies of both remedies you used and I have found that Arnica 30c and Nat Mur 200c both in Wet dose are the most effective.

      I hope that you took your BP on a Digital BP gauge and you may not be aware that the first reading is always higher than the second and third readings which must be done in quick succession and their average taken.
      The batteries must also be Alkaline and must be fresh as a low voltage will give a higher BP.

      When you achieve a constant BP you may stop the Nat Mur 200 and take the Arnica 30c alone just once daily before sleep at night.
      I have done so myself since 1996 and at age 89 I do still drive to office in my business organization daily.

      I do not take any drugs and exercise by walking over 3Km daily.
      All my vital statistics are normal.

  113. ligia cacere says:

    Hello Sir,

    I hope you and your family are doing well. I went to the hospital because of pain in my upper stomach and i was diagnoses with gallbladder stone. Can you please help with this issue, thank you!!
    have a nice day

  114. Milton Sastry says:

    Hi Doctor Joe.

    Its a great pleasure to read and know your therapy for the last few years.

    Tchnically speaking, after the consumpton of the liquid of 500ml bottle with filled in Arnica 3 drops, people will start all over again in the same way, right?

    In this case, how the principles of Organon will support the system or therapy that you are upholding. The potency power is improved by shaking the bottle every time and later starting all over again with the basic 30c potency. How far this principle is technically correct as per the Organon of Hmeopathy?

    Please indicate your perceptions in view of academic interest only.

    Thanking you,

    Milton Sastry.

    • Joe says:

      This is a question I have often wondered about but not had any answers for. Theoretically the bottle will have to be shaken a few thousand times to equate the potency of the bottle used and shaken to achieve the potency of the bottle I had used up. However I have not had any problems with using the next bottle of water which I had potentized with the 3 drops of the same remedy which I succussed in the same manner a few times when taking the next dose.

      You can read about my conversion to the Wet dose on my Website if you wish to spend a few minutes on the origin of the Wet dose which term I coined myself with the consent of Dr Luc de Schepper with whom I spent some time in studying the Organon where we discovered that there was no term that Dr Hahneman had used to describe the water which had been potentized with 3 drops of the relevant remedy. We did discover that there was reference to the “Split dose” in his textbook which is different from the Wet dose.

      I was hosting Dr Luc for a few weeks while he was in Sri Lanka shortly after the Tsunami in December 26 2004 when he arrived in January 2005 and I was working with him to treat the many thousands of survivors in the area that was affected by the Tsunami in the south of Sri Lanka. I could not at first accept the Wet dose to dispense any remedies to the patients as it seemed to be so illogical. It was however the results that made me convinced that it was far more effective than the dry pellets I was using up to that time and converted me to the Wet dose which I use exclusively today.

  115. /profile says:

    It’s really a great and helpful piece of information. I am satisfied that you just shared this helpful info with us.
    Please keep us up to date like this. Thanks for sharing.

  116. badri rimal says:

    dear sir,
    it is my luck to find you in this media i knew from the web that you have done a lot for the sufferers may Almighty god live for several yrs helping the poor my wife aged 81 yrs old has been suffering since the last 2 yrs by stroke and allopathic treatments proved useless she could in the beginning of the disease she could have a little movements with right side
    but that also stopped on bedridden with all these complaints she got since six months Disphasia
    pl.hep sir
    reply so that i may be able to atart homeopathy


    • Joe says:

      Glad that you located my Website and I hope and pray that your wife will be returned to normal health with my therapy shared below:

      Your remedy to overcome the after effects of a Stroke is Arnica 1M in the Wet dose made as per instructions below and taken thrice daily for a month and reduced to twice daily thereafter.

      You will also take Nat Phos 6x Biochemic Cell Salt dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily after every meal.

      You will control your diet and avoid all fatty food and drink over 3 ltrs water daily.

      You will exercise to the maximum possible level depending on your capacity to do so and continue any physiotherapy recommended as it is a very important factor in your recovery.

      You will STOP ALL DRUGS you are taking today as the Homeopathic Remedy prescribed is at Nano levels and will be antidoted by any drug.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

      You will report progress weekly on my Website.

  117. Major SS Bhatia says:

    Dear Dr Joe de Livera,
    I had started taking Argentum Metallicum6c for my ankle pain followed by Arnica 30 C.I am feeling much better and all thanks are to you.
    I am writing this for my wife .She is a high BP patient and presently taking allopathic medicine.I read the side effects of the medicine she is taking and due to that she is suffering from high rate urination,tiredness,swelling of ankles etc.

    I was reading in this thread that Nat Mur200C and Arnica 30c has helped a high BP patient in 2018.Here bp is arround 160 after taking this allopathic medicine.Her age is 71 but the side effects are taking their toll on her.

    Can you pl suggest whether the above remedies can be taken by her.

    Thanking you
    Major SS Bhatia

    • Joe says:

      Glad I was able to help the pain in your ankle.

      I do not think that I can help your wife as it appears that her condition is far too chronic for my Joepathy to help her.

      There is no objection for her to use the remedies you mentioned but I do doubt that they can help her at this stage.

  118. Major SS Bhatia says:

    Dear Dr Joe de Livera
    In my last post today I forgot to add that she is suffering from uric acid also and as I read of allopathic medicine she is taking ,the uric acid problem is one of the side effects.

    With regards
    Major SS Bhatia

  119. Ahmed Allam says:

    Hello Dr Joe
    I am a 50 years old married male living in Egypt . From around 5 month i have been having left leg pain that gradually increased and now i cant sleep or sit for a long time from pain , i made MRI and the result was ( L4/5 diffuse posterior disc bulge augmented posteriorly by mild ligaments hypertrophy ) and the doctor gave me muscle relaxants and pain killers with no help . other than leg pain i suffer from colon problems like diarrhea and stomach like heartburn . I hope you could help me . Thank you for your time and effort in helping others .

  120. Sind says:

    Dear doctor,

    I am having continuous rumbling in stomach for the past 2 months and alternating diarrhoea for the past 1 week. It started with watery diarrhoea since the past week and I continue to have diarrhoea alternating with normal stool and frequent rumbling in stomach.

    Thank you doctor.

  121. Ita says:

    Dear Doctor Joe,
    My 4 month old son has Stridor breathing and silent reflux .
    His vocal cords don’t have much movement and he seems to be colic.
    When he feels good he is so happy but after feeds and from 6pm to 9 he cries non stop.
    Can I give him nat phos and mag phos ? What would be the dosage ?
    Thank you !

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.

      The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.

      You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.

      You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.

      Babies do not always do a poo daily. Some babies can go up to 5 days to do so. A gentle massage of her abdomen after every feed in a clockwise direction usually stimulates evacuation.

      You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

      It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
      Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.

      Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.

      You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.

      If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

      You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby when you start on my therapy.

  122. Vikku says:

    Dear doctor,
    My sister, aged 40 years was diagnosed with COVID on May 1. SInce then she’s been on the list of medications prescribed in allopathy. Since her temperature wasn’t coming down even after multiple days of illness, the doctor advised her a CT Scan wherein she is found to have mild lung infection. The doctor has put her on steroids for the next 7 days. Can you please suggest a homeopathic medication of her recovery. Her CT scan had the following observation :
    Multiple subpleural ground glass opacities and consolidation foci in both lungs.
    CORADS 6 Category.
    CT involvement score (visual): 0- 25 % – mild disease.
    CT severity score : 5 / 25.

    Kindly advise….best regards!

    • Joe says:

      The Remedy is Eupatorium Perfolatum 200c in the Wet dose which can be taken as a prophylactic and also to CURE this disease if ther patient is PCR Positive.
      You will take a dose of 5ml which is roughly a dessert spoonful just once dailly as a prophylactic.
      If the patieit is PCR Positive the dosa is taken every 3 hours and the patient will discover that there some improvement in 24 hours or less.
      The Wet dose is made as follows:
      You will insert 5 drops of the alcohol product into 500ml water and a dose is 5ml taken as instructed above.
      If you use the pellets you will insert 10 pellets into 500ml water.
      You can make the Wet dose of any Remedy by using 5 drops of the Alcohol product or you can use 10 Pellets in 500ml water. You may use tap water after boiling to release the chlorine.

      I discovered it in 2005 as the Ultimate remedy to stop an oncoming Cold and in 2007 I prescribed it, and do so even now, to CURE Dengue which is rampant in Sri Lanka.

      I have tested it in 6 countries through my clients who had access to infected patients and it CURES the patient in 4 days.

      It acts as a prophylactic against catching this deadly Corona Virus and I am convinced that it will save the world from annihilation if only the medical profession will use it worldwide instead of waiting for the vaccine which may take years to perfect.


      • Vikku Agrawal says:

        Dear Doc,
        This mail is to sincerely thank you for suggesting this medication. It worked on my sister and on a lot of my other family members who were COVID positive. We continue to take this medication as a prophylactic.
        Thanks a lot! I wish this feedback from me convinces others to use this medication if need arises.

        • Joe says:

          Thank you very much for having taken the time to confirm that the Remedy Eupat Perf 200c worked on many members of your family who were Covid Positive.

          The information you gave will hopefully open the eyes of Heath Givers like the WHO to give my therapy the standard double blind trial to evaluate if it is indeed the Miracle Remedy that can stop the progress of Covid 19 throughout the world as the loss of precious lives does not seem to abate today in spite of the vaccines which seem unable to control its progress, as the Virus mutates into a more violent form, and returns in a few days.

          I have always prescribed it for use in the Wet dose which is made as follows:

          The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

          Order the remedy in the Ethanol / Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
          Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
          Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
          Insert 5 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a dose which is 5ml or a teaspoonful as prescribed.
          The little pellets can also be used if the Alcohol pack is not available. 10 pellets will suffice for 500ml water.

          Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a teaspoonful.

          A dose is given every 3 hours if the patient is PCR+ and will be CURED in 4 days.
          Steam must be used twice daily

          When used as a Prophylactic a dose of 5ml is taken twice daily.

  123. Vikku Agrawal says:

    Thank you doctor. I have started this medication both as a prophylactic and also as a cure for Corona. For how many days should the remedy be taken ib both the cases?

  124. Seema Potluri says:

    Dear doc,

    My 16 year old son has vitiligo around eyes, under the chin and on the knee cap. With time, the vitiligo is only spreading. I can send pictures of the affected areas but don’t know how to post here.

    Please help me !


    • Joe says:

      I do wish I could help you but Vitiligo is not an ailment that can be cured as far as I know.

      May I suggest that you present your son’s ailment to the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Foundation, Kolkata and await their advice.

  125. Anand Kumar says:

    Dear doctor,

    This is regarding my 11 year old son who stutters while talking. His speech was perfectly fine till he was 6 years old. He initially started getting stuck occasionally but now he stutters every time he starts a sentence. Once his statement begins he carries it off smoothly. I have observed of late that he clutters his teeth while trying to speak a few words. We have observed that when he gets anxious over trivial things, his stuttering increases. FYI, he had atopic dermatitis till 5 years of his age. He has come out of it completely now. He is a bright ,energetic and happy child otherwise.
    Kindly help me.


    • Joe says:

      I regret that I cannot help you as I do not know how to cure stammering.

      You are advised to consult the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Foundation in Kolkata who may be able to help you.

  126. Anand Kumar says:

    Dear doctor,

    I am writing for my son who is 11 years old and has the problem of stammering. He has developed this issue in the last 5 years and it has grown overtime. He stammers when he begins to talk but then he carries off his sentence more or less smoothly. His teeth sometimes clutter while making an effort to say any word. He stammers more when he is anxious. He is otherwise a happy child. Please help me with a suitable medication for him.


  127. Sadaf afsheen says:

    Dear doctor

    I need your help and medication for my mother.I am your old patient
    Myself for hair fall and infection in my scalp problem which was settled with your Medication of arnica and I have lot of prayers for you.
    I am very thankful to you.
    Now I am again back to you with very great hope for my mother.
    Her age is 60.My mother had covid and admitted in hospital for 22 days .she is diabetic and high blood presure patient .and she was on oxygen level 15 litters maximum.there was infection in her lugs in two moths has been passed and she has cured from covid but
    The main problem is now she can’t walk after post covid .she is on bed with urine bag.after covid she become so much weak that she even can’t sit properly.before covid sha was walking and doing all her life routine works herself .we had taken physio tharapy for her but still she can’t walk.please help me .you r my last hope.please suggest some medication from which she can walk like before.I will be vary thankful to you.she is to mush hopeless now and crying too much on bed.please reply me plzzzz

    • Joe says:

      The after effects of the Covid Virus are responsible for her current state described by you and will remain for a long time as she is also having other complications as listed by you which could all have been prevented if you had contacted me as soon as she was PCR +.

      The only therapy I can prescribe now is that she takes:

      Eupatorium Perfoliatum 1M in the Wet dose 3 times daily and hope and pray that it can overcome the hold that it has on your mother today .

      You will also add Arnica 6c Nat Mur 200 both in Alcohol and report to me when you get them for further instructions.


  128. Sadaf afsheen says:

    Thanks so much dear dr for your instant reply
    So many prayers for you.I m so much worried about her and want to see her walking like before.I m doing so much care for her and lover her so much as she is my life line.I will get in touch with you.and going to take these medicnes.plz help me more
    Thanks again .I m very great full to you.

  129. Sadaf afsheen says:

    Dear doctor
    Sure I will report you weekly and very happy that you are with me.
    And I also told my mother about you.her prayers are with you also.

  130. Bakirathan.T says:

    Dear Dr.I am coming after long time.
    As per your advise I am taking Arnica 30 wet dose and I feeling good and no angina. Master health check up will be taken after this covid problem and inform the results to you Sir.Due to gastric/ stool problems I am feeling uneasy most of the time. I am using Nat.phos enen though i have stool problem. On observing that stool gets harder and not moving or annus is not expanding to push out. Kindly suggest to overcome this problem.
    As suggested myself and my wife taking EP 200 wet dose and not vaccinated.

    Happy to share you that few diabetic patient who have more than 450 points were advised your arnica 6c, is working very well and in weeks times their diabetes level come between 110-150 range and advised to stop the insulin and tablets or adjust the doses as per the doctors advise. In one case 600/300(PP/Fast ing)reading g came down to 150/300.this was never seen even on insulin.

    Thanking your valuable service and wishing you a very good health.

    • Joe says:

      Your name rang a bell and I looked back on your case and discovered that you first contacted me on 2018/06/09 when you informed me:

      Dear Dr. Joe.

      I have incidently seen your site and read most of the articles/remidies.

      I underwent bypass surgery during March 1996 for a triple vessel disease.
      On 5 blocks , only 3 blocks were by passed. During 2014 I took CT Angio in which it is observed that two by pass vessel have formed blocks. RCA bypass vessel has 100% block and OM II bypass vessel was 50%. Again I took CT Angio during March 2016 which shown that above 2 vessels got 100% block. Now On seeing your site I am taking Arnica 30C wet dose for past 15 days. Intially 3 times now only on night. On taking Arnica WD I feel better and angina was greatly reduced. I request you to advise for dissolving the blocks. Also Pl. advise for my weight reduction My ht. is 176 cm and wt. is 91 Kg.Due to Joint pains I could not walk long.

      I am indeed very glad to learn today that:

      Dear Dr. Joe

      I am coming after long time.
      As per your advise I am taking Arnica 30 wet dose and I feeling good and no angina. Master health check up will be taken after this covid problem and inform the results to you Sir.Due to gastric/ stool problems I am feeling uneasy most of the time. I am using Nat.phos enen though i have stool problem. On observing that stool gets harder and not moving or annus is not expanding to push out. Kindly suggest to overcome this problem.
      As suggested myself and my wife taking EP 200 wet dose and not vaccinated.

      Happy to share you that few diabetic patient who have more than 450 points were advised your arnica 6c, is working very well and in weeks times their diabetes level come between 110-150 range and advised to stop the insulin and tablets or adjust the doses as per the doctors advise. In one case 600/300(PP/Fast ing)reading g came down to 150/300.this was never seen even on insulin.

      Thanking your valuable service and wishing you a very good health.

      You may like to know that I am now 92 years in age and have retired from my Business organization which will be a Century old in 2024. I have handed it over to the youngest of my 3 sons who has been my understudy since he returned from higher studies at the University of Rochester NY in 1995.

      Colombo has been in Lockdown for the last 2 weeks and we are hopeful that will be back at work next Monday, September 6. This is the third lockdown and we still have about 175 Deaths daily with over 4000 new cases daily in spite of all the Vaccines being jabbed into the population by government order. I too have had the jab 3 weeks ago and chose Sinopharm which did not give me any problems.

      I am delighted to learn that you are taking the Arnica 30c with Nat Phos 6x I prescribed for you in 2018 and that your Blood tests are normal and that you do not present any Angina.pI see that you only take one dose daily but it is essential that you take 2 doses daily to ensure that you do not suffer any blockage. Please note that you are using a Remedy that I have prescribed on the basis of my experience over 50 years in Homeopathy and it is in your own interest to follow my prescription.

      You must continue this therapy for LIFE.

      I note that you are now present Constipation and you will first study my therapy aka “Joepathy” below:

      Chronic Constipation is a problem usually encountered as one advances in age and I shall record the therapy you can use to help to control it.

      It is essential that one drinks over 2.5 ltrs of liquids daily and eat in moderation and exercise by walking over 2 km daily.

      A sachet of Fybogel (Ispaghula husk) (Google) which is a natural Fibre and a laxative is taken in water as stipulated in the instruction sheet in the box, twice daily about 1 hour after lunch and dinner as this ensures an easy output.

      2-3 tablets Nat Phos 6x are taken daily after dinner as this ensures that Peristalsis is promoted and the stomach is quickly emptied of food which can otherwise interfere with deep sleep.

      5 drops of Chelidonium MT are taken twice daily after meals as this ensures that the Colon is not ovearloaded with hard stools which usually are responsible for the problem.

      Report response in a week after you start on my Joepathy.

  131. Supriya says:

    Dear Sir,
    I am supriya from Bangladesh. I am passing 25 weeks pregnancy period.
    One of my nearest Dr suggests me to take Amloki-Q
    for developing digestive systems, healthy benefit.
    Sir you plz suggest me is there any side effects of this medicine during my pregnancy time?

    Sir I am eagerly waiting for your reply.

    • Joe says:

      I do NOT recommend you take Amloki-Q merely because someone prescribed it to you purportedly “for developing digestive systems, healthy benefit.”
      Whose digestive system?
      I am 92 years in age and have been in Homeopathy since 1965 and have never come across this remedy. It is not listed in the Text Books I use for reference.

      If you would like to safeguard yourself from catching the dreaded Delta virus feel free to ask for the Remedy which has CURED many victims.

      • Supriya says:

        Thank you very much for your response.
        I have One more question.
        Pulsatila – 30 is it useful for normal delivery if I take it after my 7 months pregnancy period?

        If you recommend then I will take otherwise I will never take it.

        waiting for your response Sir.
        Best wishes for you.

        • Joe says:

          Pulsatilla 30c in the Wet dose is a Remedy that will help you to have an easy delivery.

          Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which you can start right away will also help you and your baby to grow. This Remedy filters the blood and mothers who have taken it have reported that their babies in later life have shown signs of being ahead of other children in school.

          You are advised not to leave home and mix with crowds due to the current Delta variant of the Covid virus.

          The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

          Order the remedy in the Ethanol / Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
          Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
          Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
          Insert 5 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a dose which is 5ml or a teaspoonful as prescribed.

          Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a teaspoonful.

  132. JC says:

    Dear Sir,

    I hope you can help me. I am a 34-year-old woman and am a virgin living in the USA. I have suffered from pelvic pain for 9 years now. I’ve been to many doctors (including homeopaths Prasanta and Pratip Banerji as well as Joette Calabrese) and physical therapists. Nothing has healed me, and I feel I am getting worse.

    My symptoms:
    – Tight/hypertonic pelvic floor muscles, with multiple internal trigger points on both sides. Even inserting a finger causes pain and spasm.
    – Urethral, vaginal, and rectal pain and spasm.
    – Urethral and rectal burning after stool, which lasts for hours.
    – Rectal spasm during and after stool. A doctor told me they thought this was proctalgia fugax or levator ani syndrome.
    – Urinary and stool urgency.
    – Bruised and aching feeling in my sacrum, coccyx, and rectum. Worse when sitting. I have had two MRIs and everything looks normal.
    – Sacroilliac joint dysfunction.
    – Lower back and right hip pain, which radiates to my thigh and down my leg.
    – Stress and anxiety make all of the above worse.
    – Hormonal fluctuations (before menstruation, for example) also make my symptoms worse.

    I am in constant pain, and it has hindered my ability to work, go to church, socialize, and date. I am currently taking Hamamelis 200 mixed with arnica 3 twice a day (noon and night), Platinum metallicum 200 twice a day (morning and evening), and Gelsemium 200 twice a day.(morning and evening).

    I would appreciate any help you can give me. I am miserable, and just want to feel good again.

    Thank you,

    • Joe says:

      I note that you have consulted many doctors who are all professionals who were unable to help and that you are consulting me as a last resort.

      As you are perhaps aware I am 92 years in age and am retired from my Business organisation which is almost a Century old and since you have come to me for help I shall address your case by email which I shall send you shortly.

      Your email IP address indicates that you live in Orem Utah.
      I live in Colombo Sri Lanka.

      • JC says:

        Thank you so much, sir. I’m excited to receive your email. I have researched extensively and have read wonderful things about your life’s work. What a wonderful thing you are doing for people. I’m honored that you are willing to help me.

  133. Supriya mondal says:

    Thank you sir for your kind reply and really sorry for my late respone.

    You have mentioned time when it will take for Arnica mont but you do not have mentioned time Pulsatila-30 c for helping relaxable delivery. Now my pregnancy time is running 27 week and 4 days. Would you please tell meWhen Should I take continue pulsatila-30c?

    Waiting for your kind reply.

    Wish your sound Health.

    • Joe says:

      You can take a dose of Calc Carb 30c in the Wet dose once daily and add Pulstilla 30c 2 weeks before you are due.You will start Arnica 30c the day after baby is born twice daily.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Ethanol / Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement. You may also use the standard pellets if you live in the US as I understand that it is difficult to get the alcohol pack.10 pellets is the dose in 500ml water.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 5 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a dose which is 5ml or a teaspoonful as prescribed.

      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a teaspoonful.

  134. Prokash says:

    At first take my Nomoste. Sir I have a problem.
    If you kind help me I will be greatful to you.

    I have been suffering from urethral stricture for 5 years. The passage has come from bladder is narrow a little space.
    Sometimes I have to use catheter.
    If I don’t use it I have to feel pain and my right testicle is swollen and feel pain.
    After using catheter this symptoms has been cured.

    Besides during my urine time a little strain is needed.
    No pain before and after urine time.

    I am waiting your kind reply.

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy below the therapy I have pioneered to treat problems associated with the Prostate .

      The remedies are

      Arnica 6c
      Bellis Perennis 6c

      Both remedies to be taken twice daily in the Wet dose made as per instructions below.

      The combination of both Bellis P 6c and Arnica 6c seems to reduce the enlarged Prostate which can sometimes result in Prostatitis, an infection of the Prostate Gland caused by the retention of Urine. The effect of these remedies is usually experienced within a few hours after taking them.

      The joint action of both remedies will ease the flow of urine by relaxing the Prostate in a manner that drugs cannot equal. It will do this very safely in comparison to drugs which usually cause other side effects. These remedies will also reduce the enlarged Prostate which in turn can hopefully rule out surgery.

      It is also necessary that a Blood Test is done annually to check the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) level which is accepted as normal at between 0 – 4. This Blood test can be added to the standard test for Lipid Profile and other factors that your doctor may find necessary.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
      Get 2 x 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capful which is the dose. Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.

      It is understood that the patient will STOP all other drugs which can antidote the Homeopathy.

      The following restrictions must be observed to ensure that the Homeopathy is not antidoted.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

      The patient is advised to refrain from Alcohol as this has triggered the Urine retention which my therapy has helped to cure.

      Report progress weekly for further advice if needed.

      • Prokash says:

        Thank you very much Sir for your early response.

        Sir I have a question. You have mentioned that this remedy will solve prostate enlargement but I have urethral stricture problem.
        The urine line that come from prostate gland has been narrowed some space.

        Now please tell me that is this remedy right selection?
        if you tell me ” yes,” then I will take this remedy from tomorrow.

        Take care Sir.

        • Joe says:

          Thank you for bringing your condition to my attention.
          Yours is a condition I have not treated before and I do not think that my default therapy can help you.

          It is not a condition that can be treated with Homeopathic Remedies or drugs as it is one that requires an expander device to be inserted into the Urethra to expand it.

          Please refer your problem to a Urologist.

  135. Aslam says:

    Sir good morning
    For last 8 months . Both my arms get
    Fatigued . All vitamins b 12 . Vitamin D
    And magnanesia are normal
    Brain Mri normal . EMG and RNS normal
    But this fatigue keeps me tensed Also my right upper thigh
    Weak feeling
    Please help Sir b

    • Joe says:

      Arnica 30c taken in the Wet dose twice daily will help you.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Ethanol / Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about half the water from the bottle as the alcohol sometimes changes the taste of the medicated water in about a month, when a fresh batch should be made.
      Insert 5 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a dose which is 5ml or a teaspoonful as prescribed.

      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a teaspoonful.

      • Geraldine M says:

        Dear Sir, Thank you for generously sharing you knowledge and expertise with us. It is so helpful. I am writing to see if you can help with a problem i have had for some time with my blood sugar. My doctor calls it reactive hypoglycemia. I am 69 years old and have had this problem most of my life, and have been told by many doctors they can not help me. because my blood sugar seems “normal” to them, they don’t see it as a problem. It seems that my sugar drops quickly after a meal, not every meal, but it has been occuring more frequently as of late. I eat by the clock, every two to three hours and must always travel with food and juice incase it happens while i am out. It greatly affects my life as I get anxious about being away from food and home.

        • Joe says:

          You have stated that you suffer from Reactive Hypoglycemia especially after a meal but you did not give any data of your BS level before and after a meal.

          You do not have to be concerned about your condition as there is absolutely nothing to worry even at 69 years as long as your BP is normal.

          You state:
          “I eat by the clock, every two to three hours and must always travel with food and juice incase it happens while i am out. It greatly affects my life as I get anxious about being away from food and home.”

          You are advised to drink plenty of water up to 2 ltrs daily, and maintain a regular exercise routine as I am doing at age 92. I do not also take any drugs except when absolutely essential like after surgery, and I would advise you to follow my lead and take a teaspoonful of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose just before bed which may make sone difference in your BS and I would like to hear from you if it does make any difference.

          May own BS is 89 Random and I walk over 2 km daily as I am now to old to jog as I used to do in my early years.

  136. Sunit says:

    Take my Nomosta,
    I have a only 21 days baby boy who has Some cold problems and stuffy nose. When my baby sleeps at night then stuffy nose problems and cold problems start.

    Sir plz suggest medicine for his problems
    Best wishes sir

    • Joe says:

      Babies are born with an inbuilt mechanism that usually prevents any infection.

      As long as baby is eating and sleeping normally, it is best you do not give him any medicine till he really needs it.

  137. Annie james says:

    Dr i have send pictures of my hand and nevk fold itch by whatsapp

  138. Annie j says:

    Thank you dr for the prompt response.i have started adminstering the medication. My initial reply to your message did not go through, so i am sending it again. My hisband and daughter are doing fine by Gods grace. My mom was in the hospital with UTI, now home. She has a lot of ups and downs.

    dr, what is the reason for this itch i hvae? How many times i have to apply Arnica externally.
    Appreciate your help
    God bless you and your family

    • Joe says:

      I received your posts in duplicate although you thought that the first was not sent.

      You should find that the Arnica 6 taken both orally and sprayed as often as possible, will help your itch.

      Report response in 3 days

  139. Jangkholen Haokip says:

    Sir, I have sexual weaknesses, poor erection and premature ejaculation. Would you please suggest me some homeopathic remedies to boost my sexual power. I’m newly married, my wife need sex atleast 3 times in a row for one night. I can’t compete with her.

    Kindly help me Sir.

    Yours sincerely,

    Jangkholen Haokip

    • Joe says:

      There is nothing wrong with you.
      Suggest you consult a specialist in this field who can advise both of you and follow instructions.

  140. Fern Senti says:

    I am a female, 71 years old, soon to be 72 (May 26, 1950). I am 3/8 American Indian and the rest Caucasian of sorts, I am 5 feet 11 inches tall, I weigh 240 LBs, I used to weigh close to 280.
    I have diabetes, I take Basaglar Insulin long-acting 40 units per day SQ, and
    Novalog Insulin short acting 20 Units 2-3 times per day SQ
    I have Low thyroid, I take Synthroid Levothyroxine recently increased from 100mcg to 125 mcg PO once a day
    I have high blood Pressure, I take Losartan 100mg PO per day
    I take Immune support supplements Vit C, Selennium, D3, Zinc.
    I take Multi vitamin, B12, B6 600 Mg Magnesium all PO
    When I was diagnosed with Diabetes in around 2003 I was told I probably had it undiagnosed for 5 years prior to that time.
    I got very over weight was eventually diagnosed with high blood pressure and placed on medication around 2008.
    I’m gaining a lot of weight around my stomach, my right side occasionally hurts, once it was so bad I took a tincture from a health food store for stones and it subsided.
    I have never had success from the medical field to help me to get better and get off meds, they previously had me on 2-3 additional medications for diabetes, jardiance, victoza etc.
    I finally said no more it’s not working and changed my diet water intake lost a little weight.
    If you can help me I will deeply appreciate it whatever improvements or cures I WILL DEEPLY APPRECIATE IT.
    I have heard wonderful things of you and thank you ahead of time.
    i’m so looking forward to hearing from you.


    • Joe says:



  141. Fern Senti says:

    I thought I should tell you my most recent 2 A1c results and blood
    3 months ago it was 8.2 now 9.1 under stress less exercise etc.

    Thank you again cant wait to hear from you.

    Fern Senti

  142. Ronnie says:

    Mr. Delavera,
    I want to start the arnica 30C protocol you have shared but due some pain in my legs I most often use Arnica 200C. Is there anything negarive to use 2 different potencies of the same remedy?

    Thank you very much for your time and wisdom.

    • Joe says:

      USE ARNICA 30.


  143. Ronnie says:

    Sorry,i hit send without finishing my questions.

    I read you said arnica help swiping drugs from you system. I have been given fluoroquinolones antibiotics and eversince I develop a whole body trembling without any visible movement. Most disturbing, although I learn to leave with it, I do not want it. I read Sulphuric acid could help but not sure what potency, just read it in Tyler Kent Materia Medica.

    Any feed back will be much appreciated!!!

    • Joe says:



      • Ronnie says:

        Mr. Delavera,

        Thank you for your feedback!
        So do I prepare the Eupathorium in water too?
        Could you please suggest som4 remedy for the constant 24/7 bodily vibration?

        Thank youo so much!

  144. Maryanne says:

    Do you still recommend you Eupatorium Perf.
    200 c. for omicron variant?
    Hope you are well!

  145. Jess says:

    Hi Jo,

    I have a 6 week old baby and she has reflux, I am breast feeding and have started taking Nat phos 10 (as 6x wasn’t available here in the UK) I was wondering how long it will take to start working for her? Would she benefit if I was to crush a tablet into expressed milk before a feed along side me taking them as well?
    I am still giving her infacol at the moment as I have only just started the Nat phos ( day 2) as she still needs relief to settle her after feeds.
    With the Arnica 30 you suggested, I researched that and it was advised not to take it if you have high blood pressure, as I had preeclampsia my blood pressure is still slightly high, what would you suggest?

    Any advised would be extremely appreciated!
    Hope to hear back from you Thankyou!

    • Joe says:

      I’m not familiar with Nat Phos 10 which you have given baby.

      Nat Phis 6x is generally available throughout the world including the UK and you must source it if you wish to help your baby.

  146. Jess says:

    Hi Dr Joe,

    I have a 6 week old baby and she has reflux, I am breast feeding and have started taking Nat phos 10 (as 6x wasn’t available here in the UK) I was wondering how long it will take to start working for her? Would she benefit if I was to crush a tablet into expressed milk before a feed along side me taking them as well?
    I am still giving her infacol at the moment as I have only just started the Nat Phos (day 2) as she needs some sort of relief to settle her after a feed. Also the arnica 30 that you recommended, I researched it and it states ‘do not take if you have high blood pressure’ as I had preeclampsia when I was pregnant and my blood pressure hasn’t returned to normal yet what would you advise?
    Any advice would be extremely appreciated.
    Hope you hear back from you!

    • Abbasi says:

      Hi Dr
      Arnica 30 is suggested for my energy boost. I m 60 and have 2 x stents. What is your advice?
      Kindest regards
      Mr Abbasi

      • Joe says:

        Take a spoonful of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily for life.

        Use 5 pellets in 250ml water and take a dessert spoonful.

        Cut out all other drugs.

  147. Jay says:

    Dear Sir,
    Thank you for informative site.

    I suffer for 5 years from a twitching right eye and severe light sensitivity which started
    after a sinus infection. Sometimes it gets better, but returns with headache especially if sinus symptoms and congestion happen. This is frequent. My eyesight is good except right eye tends to close. when looking at computer screen

    I am good in the morning and can do work. But in the afternoon, head feels heavy, twitching gets worse. Dull headache sometimes I am unsteady.
    I feel better when lying down.

    I take no medications, just Agraricus 30x which eases it for a short time, as does causticum and cocculus, but it returns. I also have GERD, and painful weak knees. Any help would be appreciated, as I would like to work again.
    Many thanks, and Good day to you

  148. Anne says:

    Good day sir. I wrote to you several days ago and I am not sure if you responded as I am not sure where to look for your response. I am trying again in case I did it wrong the first time. I am 42 and have multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure, and diabetic. The only medicine that I am on is losartan 50mg for HBP. They want me to take medicine for MS but it makes me feel horrible. And I am recently diagnosed with diabetes and I haven’t started anything for that. Finally, I have acne that I would greatly like to clear up. Is there a plan of action that I could start to begin to heal? You are so kind to lend your time to strangers, you are a blessed man, indeed.

  149. Rakesh Sharma says:

    I am suffering from herpes on my face. Ulcers are on my face,Specifically just above right eye brow and between left and right eye brow. Some ulcers on my right side of head. Pain is on right eyebrow and my right eye. Pl. suggest any medication.

    • Joe says:

      Hope my Joepathy will work.
      Arnica 30c in Wet dose taken thrice daily.

      Report if it does.

      Also add :

      Spray Arnica 6c from a spray bottle to keep lesions damp as often as possible, but do not Soak in a bandage.

  150. Prasanna kumari says:

    Thank you sir for your great service.
    My mother 68 years old has severe burning sensation in her feet. She is taking medicines for blood pressure and it is well under control. She does not have any other complaints. She has tiredness and did not get proper sleep in the night because of the burning sensation. Kindly, advice a remedy for feet burning sensation and tiredness.
    Many thanks sir.

    • Joe says:

      She can take Arnica 30 in the Wet dose twice daily and it will most likely help her to sleep. Last dose just before bed. Burning feet is due to the drugs.

      • Prasanna kumari says:

        Thank you so much sir. Sure ll start taking Arnica30c as prescribed. Can you also help us prescribe remedies for blood pressure. I feel she started having side effects after taking pressure tablet 2 times daily. At present her BP is 90/160. Her age is 69. We are ready to start with homeopathy as you advice. Kindly help us.

        My sincere gratitudes to you sir for your great service to mankind.

        • Joe says:

          Nat mur 200c in the Wet dose, twice daily.

          • Prasanna kumari says:

            Thank you sir. Ll start Nat mur 200c as prescribed by you. It been 10 days since she has started taking Arnica30c. She has better sleep now. She is now waking up 3 times at night for recess. Previously she has been waking up 7 times at night.

            At present the burning sensation and itches in the foot has not reduced. Her nerves (foot) have become completely weak and bleeds when she scratches(itchy)the foot. The burning sensation and itches in the foot is much intense at night. She dips her legs in cold water before bed. But still she is crying due to heat in her foot. It is worrying us a lot. Kindly suggest a remedy or treatment to stop further nerve damage.

            Thank you.

  151. Prasanna kumari says:

    Dear sir,

    This is continuation from my previous post. As you have advised my mother is taking Nat mur 200c and arnica for the past 2 months. Her Pressure is getting maintained at 140. The burning sensation of feet and legs is getting worser day by day. She couldn’t sleep well due to this. She is suffering a lot with the burning and itchy feet, legs and head during night. She is going for 20 mins walk twice daily. She is eating healthy foods.

    Kindly, suggest us a remedy for burning feet and itchy legs and head.

    Thank you,

    • Joe says:

      As you are perhaps aware, I am over 94 years in age and although I have tried to help her, it seems that my therapy is unable to cure her recurrent problems.

      Please consult other Physicians who may be able to do so.

  152. Prasanna kumari says:

    Thank you so much for your great help.

  153. Monika Bernegger Austria says:

    My name is Monika and I have been working with classical homeopathy and Banerji protocols as an alternative for 30 years.
    I recently received a recommendation from Joette Calabrese about your website.
    I am very interested in your approach and would like to find out more about your work.
    Unfortunately I cannot find a way to register on your homepage.
    I request your support

    Many thanks and best wishes from Austria


    • Joe says:

      I am almost 95 years in age and decided to use my Joepathy about 20 years ago as I found that many clients I was treating on many Homeopathic websites preferred to contact me, as they discovered that my therapy could help them more effectively. This resulted in my therapy being subjected to a lot os criticism on these websites and I established my own.

      If you are interested in my approach to curing with my Joepathy, I would advise you to read the may cases on my website and if you have any questions, you may contact me as you have done today.

      • Monika says:

        Thank you so much for replying so fast!
        I am so astonished about our age and wish you lots of healthy days to come.

        Thank you so much for sharing your insights with us.

        God bless you


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