TIME Magazine on Dengue

If You’re Not Worried About Dengue Fever, Here’s Why You Should Be

If You’re Not Worried About Dengue Fever, Here’s Why You Should Be

Aided by global warming, the potentially deadly mosquito-borne virus is spreading around the world to an alarming extent

By Charlie Campbell @charliecamp6ell
Nov. 18, 20137

It doesn’t have its celebrity fundraisers, unlike AIDS. It hasn’t made the headlines in the way that bird flu or SARS have. It isn’t feared in the way that polio or TB are, and yet dengue fever can kill and is spreading around the world to an unprecedented degree.

The latest figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) suggest that annual transmissions of the disease may breach 390 million. This year, infections are breaking records all over Asia and Latin America — from sweeping epidemics in Nicaragua to the worse outbreaks in six years in India, 20 years in Thailand and the first homegrown case in Western Australia in seven decades. Even temperate climates are now stalking grounds for dengue-carrying mosquitoes.

Almost 3 billion people, or 40% of the world’s population, live in areas where there is a risk of dengue transmission. Previously known as breakbone fever, owning to the excruciating muscle and joint pain inflicted, dengue first came to the fore in Southeast Asia during World War II, when large numbers of troops were afflicted with it. Up until the 1960s the disease was largely controlled with DDT, which decimated mosquito populations. But the mosquitoes crept back after the chemical was banned for its severe side effects and ever since “we have seen an ever increasing march of the virus into new territories and new recipient populations,” says Paul Young, professor at the University of Queensland in Australia and president of the Australian Society for Microbiology, who has been researching dengue for almost three decades.

Mention dengue and most people will think of aches and chills. But the disease is far more dangerous than that. Dengue causes white-blood-cell counts to plummet, making the body susceptible to secondary infections; even more alarmingly, it has a similar effect to platelets, impairing blood’s ability to clot. If left untreated, and particularly on a second infection, dengue hemorrhagic fever can take hold, and patients can suffer internal bleeding, shock and death.

While malaria rates have fallen 25% worldwide since 2000 — including a 35% drop in Africa, according to the WHO — dengue is seeing a dramatic upsurge. “South America is gearing up for a huge epidemic,” says Young. Asia has been particularly hard-hit, with 51,000 dengue cases in Cambodia and Laos; 96,000 in the Philippines; 135,000 in Thailand; 18,000 in Malaysia; and 15,000 in Singapore by the start of September. The U.S. has not been spared either, with the first case in a major city in Houston and “serious levels” in Florida.

(MORE: Dengue Fever Creeps Back Into the U.S., and Climate Change Isn’t Helping)

Dengue exacts its greatest toll among young children, those with underlying health issues or those do not seek proper medical treatment. Financially — both from medical treatment and lost workdays — it costs billions of dollars globally each year. “It has been a never-ending cycle of increasing numbers,” says Young.

The reason for the swell is simple: vector control. Mosquitoes have more places to breed now that chemical spraying is less effective, and population clusters give the disease areas to propagate. This now includes the temperate climates of Europe and North America. Scientists say global warming may play a part — since associated higher rainfall creates more stagnant water that in turn allows more mosquito larvae to hatch. Young says that dengue’s move “into more temperate zones” is among his greatest concerns, and adds that many major U.S. and European cities will be susceptible to dengue should the trend continue.

So what about a vaccine? Dengue has five strains (the most recent was discovered in Malaysia, although scientists are playing down the risk to humans of that strain) and while some can be vaccinated against, so far protection from all of them has proved elusive. France-based Sanofi Pasteur, the world’s largest vaccine firm, had a inoculation slated for rollout in 2015, but trials earlier this year confirmed protection from only three out of the four dangerous strains. The company still intends to mass-produce the vaccine, and stage-three trials are now under way in Asia and Latin America involving 31,000 subjects. Nonetheless, the partial protection “was a surprise and we need to think more about how dengue works and research,” Dr. Melanie Saville, Sanofi Pasteur chief medical and clinical officer for dengue, tells TIME.

Faced with such challenges, scientists have searched for alternative ways of combating the disease. The team at Eliminate Dengue has been breeding genetically superior mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia bacteria, which essentially prevent the insects from getting dengue (although scientists are not sure exactly why). When released into the general population, these mosquitoes take over their dengue-prone cousins. Trials are currently ongoing in Vietnam with impressive results. “It’s a great piece of science and community engagement,” says Young.

The one thing that will accelerate research into dengue is the new threat it poses to the world’s wealthier regions and countries — however unfair that may seem. Big Pharma does not traditionally focus on developing world problems — Eliminate Dengue’s pioneering work is largely thanks to largesse from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — but when affluent markets are in the firing line, attitudes change rapidly. “The amount of research work that was going into West Nile virus before it hit New York and spread across the States in 1999 was miniscule,” says Young, “and you can imagine the change. The same thing might happen with dengue.”

Read more: Dengue Fever: Why You Should Be Worried | TIME.com http://world.time.com/2013/11/18/if-youre-not-worried-about-dengue-fever-heres-why-you-should-be/#ixzz2lGFH7sxa

I responded with a Letter to the Editor Time Magazine copied below:

The Editor
TIME Magazine

I am glad to note that TIME has devoted some space to highlight Dengue which is rampant here in Sri Lanka where I live and can be considered as an Epidemic today. It is reported that over 5000 patients suffering from Dengue are admitted to hospitals throughout the Island on a daily basis and the number of fatalities for this year alone has exceeded 400. I am very concerned to learn that the WHO has quoted an infection rate of 390 Million annually worldwide.

As far as I am aware, no drug has been identified that will CURE Dengue. I have however been successful in CURING many hundreds of cases of Dengue with a Homeopathic Remedy which is freely available throughout the world in Homeopathic Pharmacies, and will CURE Dengue in under 24 hours.

The remedy is:
EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM 200c in the Wet dose which is made by inserting about 6-8 pellets each 3mm Ø into a 500ml bottle of spring water, available in all supermarkets. The first dose is 2 tablespoonfuls of the medicated water and a teaspoonful of this water is given to the patient every 2 hours till the patient feels better in under 6 hours when the dosage is progressively reduced. Many patients have confirmed that their body aches and headache disappear in under 3 hours while the fever usually comes down to normal in about 24 hours. The Platelet count invariably drops down to very low levels <15000 and many patients have reported that this count increases by around 1000 per dose on the first day and continues to rise to normals levels in 48 hours. It is unfortunate that modern medicine does not accept Homeopathy as a Curative Science and I have had many instances where doctors have frankly admitted that there is no drug in their Pharmacopeia that can cure Dengue. I have tried hard to convince them to use this remedy in the hospitals and have offered to supply it free of charge for test purposes but their response has been negative. They have explained that according to the rules of their Medical Council, they are forbidden to use any Homeopathic remedy under pain of losing their license if they do so. It must be recorded however that some doctors who are friends and had patients in their own families have requested me for a sample which I gave them, and they all confirmed that their patient was cured in a few hours after taking this remedy in some inexplicable manner, which their drugs could not equal. I have tried very hard in Sri Lanka to make the general public and our Government aware of the fact that there is a CURE for Dengue. I have co-opted the daily Newspapers to carry articles by me in their journals and anyone interested can read them on my Website: Treatment Of Dengue Joe De Livera It is my hope that readers of TIME will consider the use of this remedy which is absolutely safe in use, in the event of any members of their families presenting Dengue and record their own experience on your Website. I would also like to add that this remedy will reduce any Fever of Viral origin within a few hours. This remedy can also be used for other ailments like Catarrh and the Common Cold which I have detailed in my Website. I have also had reports of it being used successfully in Nigeria to treat Malaria but I cannot vouch for this, as Malaria has been eradicated in Sri Lanka. I do also hope that TIME will spearhead a breakthrough into the CURE of Dengue worldwide as it can be considered the Duty of all concerned to do everything possible to eradicate Dengue, which is obviously spreading worldwide due to Global Warming. May I suggest that tests are made to use this remedy in the manner I have prescribed, and the results reported in your columns which are read by millions throughout the world. I am confident that these tests, especially if done on a double blind basis, will prove to the world that my remedy will work in the same manner that it has done in Sri Lanka. I hope that at that stage it will be promoted by International bodies like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and others including TIME, to save lives. Many Millions of patients have suffered from Dengue and hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of lives have been lost up to now so very unnecessarily.It is my hope that a concerted effort is made by all who can do so, to eradicate this serious threat to human life.


  1. Ubaldo says:

    Dear Mr. Joe. I have been having severe itching over my whole body. I am working in Kuwait. When I use coconut oil over my body, I do get some relief. For 3 continuous days, I put Bicarbonate of Soda in the Bath Tub in the hot water and the itching had stopped for 2 days but again it started today. I do have high uric acid and due to this joint pains. I have been advised with regular massage with an ayurvedic oil called Dhanwantharam Oil, which is mainly sesame oil and some other ingredients. I think my body is getting heated up and since coconut oil is a coolant I do get some relief. Furthermore I also have acidity problem. I was reading through your posts and I wanted to take urtica urens but I don’t have 6c but 30c. Please let me know if I can take 30c in the wet dose. God Bless You. Ubaldo Fernandes

    • Joe says:


      Your statement :
      “I think my body is getting heated up and since coconut oil is a coolant I do get some relief.” is not factual. There is no such thing as a body “heating up” in medicine, Homeopathy or Allopathy.

      I presume that you have been treated by a doctor and I would like to know what the diagnosis is and what drugs were prescribed. Also for how long have you suffered from your problems?

      From your statements you seem to have the following ailments:

      ITCHING due to unknown causes which may even be a combination of the 2 ailments listed above.

      The remedy for GOUT is
      Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken after every meal thrice daily.

      The remedy for GERD is also the same Nat Phos 6x and I shall copy my default therapy below:

      It is very likely that you suffer from Hyperacidity or Gastritis, aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) and I shall copy my default therapy that has helped hundreds of patients to overcome this disease for which doctors usually prescribe PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which are dangerous and can cause many other more serious problem when used in the long term.

      You will hopefully discover that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will help you within 24 hours after you have taken your first dose after a meal.

      The remedies you will order are as follows:

      Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 3 meals.
      This remedy accelerates the passage of food down the gut and prevents the formation of acid which would otherwise reflux causing GERD.

      Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
      This remedy works to repair the damaged Esophagus which has metastasised to resemble the gut to deal with the Hcl refluxed into it causing severe distress. Arnica works with the Nat Phos to speedily cure the problem.

      You can also take a PROBIOTIC like Bifilac daily. A Probiotic will help by changing the balance of the Bacteria in the gut and will contribute to your cure and help to ensure that your problem does not recur. After your problem with GERD is stabilised you can take the Arnica in the Wet dose nightly before bed and the Probiotic daily for life. You do not need to take Nat Phos daily but you will keep a stock to be used whenever you feel uncomfortable after a meal when you will take 2-3 tablets as necessary.

      Please observe the following simple rules:

      Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.

      It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.

      No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.

      If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.

      You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.

      It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  2. Ubaldo says:

    Dear Joe,

    Thank you for your immediate response. You are absolutely right, I do have Gout as well as GERD. I do no eat or drink any of the foods you have mentioned since 12 Years. I am responsible for all my problems because when I was a bachelor in Kuwait, I used to eat all kinds of junk food from restaurants not knowing it will effect in my health but that was before 12 years back. But I am aware of what is good and bad after reading on the net. May God Bless people like you who give so much time feeding information on the Net. My digestion is very weak. I do not take any allopathic medicines. I have been following all the rules that you have suggested since 12 Years except for one which is sleeping in the afternoon after meals because I cant really control my sleep after noon meals since I work double shift. Even my dinner is late night since I have to work till late night and after dinner maximum one hour I have to go to bed so that next morning get up early to go to work. I don’t even drink water with meals, only after 2 hours and that too hot water. I drink atleast 2.5 Litres of hot water everyday. No carbonated beverages or coffee either. I have taken homeopathy in the past, some 5 years back for GERD and it was completely cured but it is 6 months now I realized it is returning back. I have been diagonized with Gout since 3 years and have been on a complete diet inorder to prevent blood Uric acid from rising but not helping much with high uric acid. It is hereditary because my father has it as well as my brother. 3 Months back I was in Goa, India my native place and I consulted an Ayurvedic Doctor who gave me colon cleansing treatment, ayurvedic massage for 10 days and ayurvedic medicines for 3 months. Although my joint pains has improved after massage and medicines, itching has started since one month. When I called the Ayurvedic doctor, he told me to apply coconut oil and it gave me a slight relief. I never had itching problem in the past. Then after reading on the net I put 100 gms of sodium bicarbonate in bath tub with hot water and immersed myself in it for 20 minutes for 3 days and it gave me complete relief for 2 days but today again I started to get a lot of itching. I also sweat too much. I am also performing self massage for my body atleast thrice a week based on doctors advice with dhanwantharam oil (ayurvedic) after which I do stretching for 15 minutes, followed by hot water bath. The self massage also helps my joint pains. My biggest problem now is my itching all over the body. I apologize for overloading with such a big post. Please help me with my itching. Ofcourse I will follow your medicine for GOUT AND GERD.

    • Joe says:


      The remedy to help your constant itching is
      Urtica Urens 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. This remedy will also help your Gout.

      Order the remedy in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

      Sip a capful of the remedy water twice daily and also apply the water directly on your lesions on your skin as often as possible to keep them damp.

      You should observe some improvement in your condition on about the third day into this therapy.

      Please report your response on the third day.

  3. Ubaldo says:

    Dear Joe,

    Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I do not have 6C Urtica Urens but what I have is 30C Urtica Urens. Furthermore homeopathic medicines are not available in Kuwait since homeopathy is prohibited in this country. I only have to wait to see if any friends will come from India, may be 15 days or more, till then, can I use 30C in the wet dose. Also let me know if you allow me to take 30C Urtica Urens for itching, Can I simultaneously use the NAt Phos 6 X and Arnica 30C for GERD and GOUT.
    God Bless You

    • Joe says:


      You may use the Urtica U 30c in the Wet dose twice daily for the moment but you must get the lower potency ASAP.

      Yes, you must use the Nat Phos but I would suggest you do not use the Arnica 30c which can antidote the Urtica U.

  4. Ubaldo says:

    Dear Joe,

    Thanks for your reply. Have noted your comments and will follow your instructions accordingly.
    God Bless you

  5. Sephera says:

    Hi Dr Joe,

    Thanks for your help Arnica q tincture has helped stopped the bugs crawling and damp scalp. Thanks so much. Will continue treatment.

    • Joe says:


      “Arnica q tincture has helped stopped the bugs crawling and damp scalp.”

      Please clarify:
      “bugs crawling and damp scalp.”

      I do hope that you have NOT used Arnica Q in the concentrated form direct on your scalp as you will lose your hair.

      • Sephera says:


        No I followed your instructions I’ll be more clear next time. 50 drops in a 600ml bottle to make a hair tonic. I told you I had that sensation on bugs crawling and damp scalp. That has all stopped now.


  6. Petra Haage says:

    Hallo Joe!!
    How are you! My name is Petra and I am 46 years Young 😉
    Last summer I had dengue in Laos, although I have taken a Prophylace dengue C200 some weeks before. I was really shocked , took Paracetomol and homöopathics too. like Eupathorium c200 , I felt better after three days in cambodia. I was 4 hours in the Hospital and then in the hostel. I drank 6l of water every day and a lot of coconutmilk. I knew about dengue, because my daughter had dengue 4 years ago from Thailand. It took me months to get my fatigue, my body aches and my headache was gone.
    I have a godchild in Vietnam and I will visit this girl in July 2014 because it is blind and has down Syndrom and I am a social worker and would like to spend some time in her house. I am afraid of a second dengue infection as well. But I love Asia and I cannot live without spending some time in summer there. I will make a prophylace of dengue , but what can I do if it will happens again. I am afraid of the blooding. So maybe you can help me with some informations. Thank you so much and nice whishes from Austria 😉

    • Joe says:

      I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe. I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so. Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
      I am 85.

      I have spent some time in your country and noticed that you do not address a stranger unknown to you by his first name. I noticed that in Austria too you follow the German custom of addressing anyone as “Herr or Frau”.

      Please copy and post your problem again for my advice.

  7. Petra Haage says:

    Dear Mr. Joe De Livera! I am so sorry for this, I am a repectfull woman, I want to apologize for that. I have a modicum of respect for age!!!!
    Last summer I had dengue in Laos, although I have taken a Prophylace dengue C200 some weeks before. I was really shocked , took Paracetomol and homöopathics too. like Eupathorium c200 , I felt better after three days in cambodia. I was 4 hours in the Hospital and then in the hostel. I drank 6l of water every day and a lot of coconutmilk. I knew about dengue, because my daughter had dengue 4 years ago from Thailand. It took me months to get my fatigue, my body aches and my headache was gone.
    I have a godchild in Vietnam and I will visit this girl in July 2014 because it is blind and has down Syndrom and I am a social worker and would like to spend some time in her house. I am afraid of a second dengue infection as well. But I love Asia and I cannot live without spending some time in summer there. I will make a prophylace of dengue , but what can I do if it will happens again. I am afraid of the blooding. So maybe you can help me with some informations. Thank you so much !! Best regards from Austria Mrs Petra

    • Joe says:

      Apology accepted. It is just that I tolerated being called Joe all these years till it dawned on me that many of my patients use a Pseudonym in their posts while I am addressed by my given name which I decided to stop, at least on my website.

      I note that you have suffered the full brunt of Dengue a few months ago in Laos and used Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200 presumably in the Dry Pellets and that you were just 4 hours in hospital where you were dosed with Paracetamol which is perhaps the worst drug you can give a patient suffering from Dengue as it causes severe disruption of Liver functions.

      Here in Sri Lanka Dengue is at Epidemic proportions and we have lost over 75 lives so far in 2014 although the official figure released by the government is just 18. Doctors frankly admit that they are forbidden to use my therapy which I have offered to supply Free of charge to hospitals if only they will give it to over 500 patients who present Dengue DAILY in Sri Lanka. I have informed the doctors that they can continue with their therapy, which is only palliative but they fear to use my therapy for fear of losing their license.

      Such is the power of Big Pharma in this Island where doctors are brainwashed into believing that it is only with drugs that a patient can be treated for any disease even though they are not able to CURE Dengue. As a result precious lives are lost but the revenue flows in.

      I discovered in 2005 that almost all remedies are far more effective when used in the Wet dose and I have used and prescribed the method exclusively as it is far more effective in CURING the ailment.

      Please visit the link below on my Website to read the efforts I have made to Eradicate Dengue:


      I shall copy below the remedy that I have prescribed to many hundreds, perhaps thousands of patients suffering from Dengue which usually helps them in 3-6 hours, when the Body Ache and the Head Ache vanish while the fever takes a day to do so. The patient’s Platelet count goes up by about 2500 per hour.

      The Remedy is Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose taken as prescribed below:
      First dose 20ml or about 2 tablespoonfuls
      Thereafter a capful or 5ml taken every 2 hours

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      If the Liquid Dilution is not available you may use 6 pellets of the remedy to save time in getting the Liquid Dilution as the patient must be given the remedy ASAP.

      Do not give the patient any drugs including Paracetemol as it will affect the liver.

      You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy as they will antidote my therapy.

  8. Petra Haage says:

    Dear Mr. Joe De Livera! Thank you so much. Is it true that the second infection could be worse. My doctor says that I should not go to Asia two years until the body has forgotten the disease. What should I use as a prophylaxis? Thänk you Mrs Petra

    • Joe says:

      As you are perhaps aware there are 4 distinct forms of the Dengue Virus which can be identified with a DNA test. This test will also confirm how many forms of Dengue have infected the patient up to date.

      This remedy Eupat Perf 200c in the Wet dose is the antidote to all the 4 forms of the Virus.
      I do not agree with your doctor’s statement:
      “that I should not go to Asia two years until the body has forgotten the disease.”
      I also do not believe that “the second infection could be worse.”

      It seems to me that your doctor is not knowledgeable about Dengue as this is not a disease that is prevalent in Europe up to now.

      I have prescribed this remedy to patients who presented the symptoms of Dengue in the form of a relapse periodically even up to a year after they were infected when the patient feels very tired and lack appetite. They were relieved in under 24 hours as if by magic by using this remedy. It can be used for almost all cases of Fever which is caused by a Virus.
      Bacterial infections like Pneumonia that cause fever do not respond.

      I have dealt with Dengue in detail in the many links I provided and I hope that you will read and study them in your own interest.

      Quite frankly, I do not understand how Eupat Perf 200 works but judging by the vast number of patients I have treated which I do free of charge, it is true to state that it is indeed the Ultimate Remedy to CURE Dengue.

      It will also act as a Prophylactic and may be taken once daily to provide the necessary resistance to your body. I have proof of this fact as many households with a patient suffering from Dengue did not report any cross infection as I always instruct every member to take the remedy as it is absolutely safe to use in the Wet dose.

  9. Petra Haage says:

    Dear Mr. Joe De Livera! I believe in you and I say thank you for your informations. Of course I read a lot in your links you provided! So I will take the Prophylactic once daily in the time I am in Asia, or is it nessesary to beginn before my travel?? I put 3 trops into a bottle of water (0,5)? same as if I use it by Dengue?? I know, I want to know a lot, but it is so important for me. Thank you so much Mrs Petra

    • Joe says:

      You have understood my therapy perfectly.

      You may take a Prophylactic dose of EP 200 daily for a week and continue it when in Thailand. Remember that it is not the equivalent of a DRUG as the presence of the EP remedy is at Nano levels which cannot be identified with the more accurate Spectrophotometer.

      Do keep me advised of your travels in the Far East and I wish you well in your efforts to help suffering humanity.

  10. Petra Haage says:

    Dear Mr Joe De Livera! Thank you so much. I will givey your information everywhere I will go, because I think Dengue is a really bad illness and I am happy that there is a homöopatic which can alleviate the effects. Thank you for your kindness and I am glad that I can contact you for futher informations. I work with handicapt children in my country and I try to give them always homöopatics instead hard drugs from the doctor. Best regards Mrs Petra

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