Arnica the Miracle Remedy — Case Records
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
September 10 2006
I am copying below a few interesting cases where I have used Arnica with success. It will be observed that some of the ailments that I have used this remedy for are not listed in the Materia Medicas currently in use and this has attracted a lot of criticism for me for having used it in what has been termed a Non Classical manner which according to some protagonists of the classical school can lead to dangerous consequences.
I have the pleasure of recording however that I have never had any reports of any dire consequences following the use of this amazing remedy and all the patients whom I have treated have been grateful that I have helped them in a manner that no one had helped them before.
Arnica 30c is the classical remedy to help cure wounds.
I have used Arnica 30c which I discovered was better than the 6c for the last 10 years every night or more often in the case of need like after surgery. I believe that I owe to it my sense of wellness. I do not have any ache or pain in my body and I have proved that it is to Arnica that I owe my BP 120/80 with pulse 65 at age 76. I invite others to use it and to record their response to this remedy.
I have used Arnica myself after my Retropubic Prostatectomy and can confidently recommend it for use after any major surgery. When I regained consciousness I noticed the Morphine syringe attached to the IV line and promptly ordered it removed to the consternation of the nursing staff and the surgeon, who warned me that I could even suffer from a major shock due to the pain without the morphine. I stated that I will use my Arnica alone to control the pain and they were very surprised to note that I was relatively free of pain after a few hours. I was able to leave my bed on the third day without any pain medication except for the Arnica I used every 2 hours at first and every 3 hours later. I was discharged on the 5th day and walked to my car. They were all amazed at my extremely quick recovery in 2002 when I was 73 years old.
I would like to recount my experience yesterday December 4 2008, with my surgery.
I woke up around 4.30AM as my surgeon had instructed me to not eat any food or drink after 5.00AM. After breakfast I took 4 pellets Arnica 30c sublingually and repeated 2 doses of 2 pellets each till 11.00AM when I was wheeled to the theater.
The surgery took just over half hour and after I recovered from the general anesthesia and was returned to my room, I took 2 pellets every 2 hours and was surprised that I was able to get out of bed and walk to the toilet within 3 hours post surgery. I was later given the usual antibiotic and noticed another tablet which I was supposed to take and upon inquiry I discovered that it was Diclofenac Sodium 50mg, the standard pain medication given post Op. I refused to take it and informed the nurse that I was already using my own Homeopathic pain medication, Arnica.
It was the total absence of pain that I was impressed with and my surgeon and the nurses were surprised that I did not require the Diclofenac Sodium 50mg pain medication. My surgeon was quite impressed with the pain relief that Arnica gave me and I gave him the balance of the pellets which I had in a little glass vial which he wished to experiment with. I walked to my car about a hundred meters from my room and walked up the stairs at home to my room and did not experience any acute pain at all.
It is my hope that members who read this account will also use Arnica in the manner described and experience a very fast recovery from the trauma of post surgical pain.
I used Sabal S 6c when I discovered that I was allergic to Hytrin that was prescribed for my BPH. I changed over to Sabal S and Conium but discovered when I used Arnica for a slight wound that it was far superior to the other remedies I used for BPH and I stayed with it from 1996 up to today.
It amazes me how this remedy that I have given over 20 patients who were suffering from the after effects of the TURP (trans urethral resection of the prostate) surgery who were incontinent due to some misadventure on the part of the Uro who had obviously damaged the sphincter muscle in the neck of the bladder. Arnica gave more time between visits to the toilet and in many cases it stabilized the incontinence in a few months. Others use it on a twice daily basis. Always in the water dose.
I have used it for many years on every overseas trip. Dosage is 1 teaspoonful taken 3 times on the day before departure. Dry doses to be taken every 3 hours on board and 3 times on the day after arrival.
The patient gradually lost motor control of his hands and feet for about a year and was confined to either his bed or a chair where he was placed by his children. Drugs that were prescribed were not effective. This case was referred to me and my response was an act of faith on my part in giving him Arnica 1M which I gave him in the water dose. He was completely cured in 2 months. The dosage used was 1 teaspoonful (capful) twice daily. He is now quite mobile and does not use the remedy any more.
I used Arnica 1M dose 1 tsp daily in the case of a 75 year old who was showing signs of Alzheimer’s and he showed perceptible improvement in 2 weeks which was continued thereafter. He is now permanently on the Arnica. Dose 1 tsp daily.
Patient used Arnica 30c and discovered that her damaged toe nail was returned back to normal in a few months.
I have used it very often when the patient complains of general body pain (not arthritic). It is also useful for chronic back pain due to previous injuries. Sciatica is also helped by a twice daily dose.
Almost everyone who has taken 1 teaspoonful of this remedy in the water dose prior to sleep has noticed the deep unbroken sleep that they experienced during the night. They wake up quite refreshed with a zing in their steps.
I have used it in over 30 cases some of which were chronic for over 10 years and within a week, the patient is usually cured. The success rate is better that 80%. I recommend that the remedy is continued but those who did not do so after about 3 months do not use it anymore and can be considered permanently cured. The skin condition after this time resembles Vitiligo especially in the chronic cases which had eroded the melanin in the skin which does not regenerate but there is no discomfort or itchiness.
I have also applied the water in which a few pellets of Arnica 6c are dissolved in a spoon directly on the lesion which accelerates the healing process.
I first used this remedy for a 78 year old lady who was suffering from recurrent reinfection of her legs. She had been to hospital every 6 months on 3 occasions for about a week each time where she was treated with the most powerful antibiotics which left her drained out like a rag. When she came out on the last occasion I gave her Arnica 30c in the water dose and she takes 1 teaspoonful before sleep. She was also an insomniac and now enjoys deep sleep and for the last 2 years she has not suffered from any reinfection from her Cellulitis. I have also used it for 3 other patients also in the same age group who had been hospitalized at least twice before in each case and they do not have any reinfection after many months or years. The Arnica seems to help by increasing the blood flow in the capillaries under the skin which in turn prevents reinfection. They have however to be on one dose of Arnica permanently.
I would refer to the many posts on the ABC forum where I have been advocating the use of Arnica 6c for hair growth. The success rate has been better than 80%.
Many who were using Nitroglycerine on a SOS basis sublingually have been able to replace the drug with Arnica 30c in the Wet Dose taken twice daily. They have all confirmed that they do not suffer from Angina any more.
It is however important that the patient has his Blood Pressure and Lipid Profile checked regularly.
I used Arnica in many cases that were not responding to Bryonia 30 which is my default remedy for headaches and it worked well to relieve chronic headaches.
I am treating a boy who is now 9 years for the last 6 years who is a Haemophiliac with Arnica 6c for internal bleeding when he suffers from any fall or bump which causes a swelling and pain usually on his joints. The Arnica helps to dissipate the blood and reduces the swelling. I have given him Lachesis 200c for open cuts which bleed profusely and this arrests the bleeding in about 15 minutes. Prior to this therapy the boy had to be rushed to hospital for a drip after every fall or cut when he was treated with Hemofil M given IV.
Hundreds of teenagers have benefited by the use of Arnica 30c. I can vouch personally for its efficacy to control styes which I used to get weekly with painful results.
Prevents their formation.
Removes them in a week
The ultimate remedy.
I believe that it helps to dissipate the swelling of the synovial fluid which causes pain. I treat the Arthritis with Rhus Tox 1M and Hypericum 200c to alleviate the pain both taken in the wet dose.
I have many patients who have certified that it works like a charm !
Helps to alleviate the swelling and pain. This remedy is only effective as soon as the tonsils show signs of discomfort. Chronic cases have to be treated with an antibiotic. This remedy controls the formation of Tonsiloliths but it has to be taken on a daily basis to be effective in this control.
I consider that this is easily the most important discovery I have made and which was made quite accidentally in 2005 when I gave Arnica 6c to a Doctor who was also an MD who was a Type I Diabetic to help cure a chronic non healing wound. He informed me on the day after he took 2 doses that his Blood Sugar had dropped drastically and refused to use it anymore as he felt that it was some mysterious medicine which he did not wish to experiment with as he was already on Insulin which he injected himself 4 times daily. I then gave this remedy to two Type II Diabetics and discovered that they had the same reaction when their BS dropped considerably similar to the drop caused by Metformin. Since that time I have prescribed it to hundreds of patients in Sri Lanka and other parts of the world and they have confirmed a significant drop in their Blood Sugar levels. A case in point was a Diabetic whom I treated recently who presented a BS level of 535 for which he was treated with Metformin which resulted in Dermatitis which was oozing. I gave him Arnica 6c in the Wet dose and his BS level came down to 100 overnight. He is now on Arnica 6c alone and is able to maintain his BS levels without Metformin.
Many patients with High Blood Pressure have confirmed that they are able to control their ailment without resorting to the usual drugs prescribed to control BP. I have also added Nat Mur 6x taken twice daily to treat patients who presented higher BP’s.
Many Alcoholics have confirmed that they lose their craving for that next drink within a few days of starting on this remedy. Many have been able to stay dry for months after starting on the remedy which is taken twice daily.
I have received reports from chronic Chain Smokers who have in some cases been smoking 40 cigarettes per day that after a few days on Arnica 30 they noticed a marked decrease of their craving for a smoke. A few smokers have been able to quit the habit.
Reduced brown spots on her upper cheek bone which she had from 1996 in just 2 days.
Improvement in eyesight of both husband and wife who discovered that they do not need spectacles to watch TV.
Arnica 30c in the Wet Dose taken twice daily retards the progress of a Cataract and some cases have been reported of patients whose cataract has not “matured” even 15 years after it was first diagnosed. It is important however that treatment is commenced as early as possible with Arnica after a Cataract is first diagnosed.
This was the case of a 50 year old lady who had uncontrollable bleeding for 2 weeks which was arrested within a few hours after the first dose of Arnica 30c
Patient confirms that he was able to stop using Statins in 7 months.
Praveen Wadhwa (Girilal) reported a few weeks ago that he had observed that Arnica 6c suppresses a hangover.
I would like to place on record that I have used Arnica every day since 1996. I can personally vouch for the fact that it is absolutely safe in daily use and can be considered a great blessing to those who use it regularly every night. Many who have met me cannot believe that I am 81 years old (in 2010) as they invariably estimate my age at 15 to 20 years younger than I really am. My skin does not show any signs of aging and my BP is 120/80 with pulse 65.
I have no doubt that I owe my present state of wellness to Arnica.
Re: Arnica the Miracle Remedy — Case Records
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
June 4 2008
I would like to add an article by Udaya Kumar on Arnica which he contributed on another thread which is relevant to this article.
This article is very informative and it is my hope that others who have experienced the benefits of Arnica will also contribute towards increasing the information that we have today on this amazing remedy Arnica.
Re: Pain after dental surgery
By: udaya kumar
June 3 2008
“Quite frankly I must admit that I too am confused as to how a remedy that thins the blood can heal in so many ways after surgery but the fact is that it does so.”
Dear Joe,
I have been addressing this doubt often.
i. Thinning of blood means removing the impurities in it. How?…. is not our question here. After regular use of Arnica the blood becomes purer than before is the truth.
ii. Arnica has the power to remove blood clots. In a clot, blood becomes thick. When Arnica acts, it thins it and allows its flow or dry up.
iii. Pain is felt when there is stoppage of movement of air. When blood flow is restricted or blocked, air flow also is restricted or blocked. Water or liquid or blood cannot flow in an area where air cannot reach. By thinning the blood these snags are cleared and blood flows, and the flow of the blood is again caused by the element air.
iv. We should not forget here that Water contains only two elements. Both those elements are air. That is H2O(Hydrogen and Oxygen). Any liquid contains element of water and therefore contains element of air. Blood is not an exception. Therefore the cause of blood flow is oxygen and hydrogen. It flows with it as well as it cause to flow it. Otherwise why should we breathe throughout day and night and all year around. The water element in the body and the air element in the body are thus inextricably interlinked in its functions. The blood carries the air in it and the air causes the flow of the blood. Rheology tells us that in order for anything to flow it should have less viscocity. When blood is thinned not only its viscosity is reduced, its density also is brought down closer to water where more Oxygen atoms can be present, which is a healthy fluid for circulation.
v. When you are undergoing a surgery, a wound is created which stops the free air passage which from one side of the bank of the wound to the other side of the bank of the wound. Therefore pain is felt. Pain is also a defense mechanism communicated by other neurotransmitters to the brain and conveyed back to tell you that air is not passing there and therefore all movements in that area has been abolished which needs to be addressed. We gives medicines to address that. Arnica happens to be our medicine here. Which in fact not only repairs the area but makes the blood thin and allow it to pass through those clogged nerve fibers or damaged nerve fibres. Water and other liquids finds its way always when the dirts inside it are cleaned. Otherwise it stagnates. If we don’t give Arnica or similar medicines, the wound stagnates just the same way like a pond with dirt stagnates. Its function to me a appears very vivid and clear.
vi. That is why I maintain ether contains air,fire, water and earth; air contains ether, fire water and earth; fire contains, ether air, water and earth, water contains ether air, fire and earth,; Earth contains ether, air, fire, and water., If we had said five hundred years ago that Water contains air people would have been laughing at us. But now we know that its constituents are H2O. Similarly when I say Fire contains water people would laugh at me unless they are conscious of the fact that water is air in a certain proportion. Knowing is forgetting, knowing is not awareness or consciousness. We must be seeing our watch a hundred times a day for time but we may not be aware or conscious about what are the digits inside our watch whether they are 1,2,3, or simply some markings. We may probably have to look at it to confirm, unless we are person like me who wear only watches showing 1,2,3, digits.
vii. Most of the ailments of human beings have its root in autointoxication. First the drainages are clogged. Constipation, no persiperation, dysmenorrhea are sufficient to put toxins into the blood, imbalancing the liver, and kidney. Kidney is ryhthemically connected with the heart and therfore the toxins from inability of kidneys also find its way into the heart through the blood. Arnica when it thins the blood are working against constipation, absence of persiperation, dysmenorrhia, and scarce urine. Thinning of blood here should not be construed as diluting the blood. Thinning of blood means purification of blood. I am seeing the benefits of Arnica in the methods used by you. However, I shall be failing if I don’t record here that Arnica in usual homeopathic doses i.e. in globules or in little amount of water, used in excess, in high doses for prolonged period, or used completely out of place, or beyond cure, does give antidotable discomforts. I have not seen anyone reporting discomforts after using Arnica 30 in the way you prescribe. I think it is a good beginning and so acknowledged.
viii. And last of all why is 70% of the earth is oceans and seas and water and 70% of the body is fluid. Because they are the macrocosm and the microcosm and evolved out of the same proportion of nuclear fusion. And why is the ocean and sea always on the move, because the external air (wind) as well as the air inside the water are the kinetic forces behind it. Similarly, the air we breathe and the air in the blood constitutes the kinetic forces for movement in the microcosm i.e, our being or losely speaking our body.
Re: Arnica the Miracle Remedy — Case Records
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
July 28 2008
I am adding this post by Ravi Prasad which I came across on the ABC as it is relevant to the information on Arnica on this thread.
Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases
From rajivprasad on 2006-10-15
Dear Joe,
First of all, let me express my admiration for you as a compassionate human being.I am sure you may remember that i have appreciated your efforts in the past too.
But in the example above cited, the patient was cured by a dose of Pulsatilla 200 which you had suggested.Pulsatilla is one of the main remedies in homeopathy for the rubric “worse by heat”, and hence cured.It was simple homeopathy and not ‘Joepathy’, which i believe is associated with Arnica, Nat. Phos. & Nat. Sulph.
I have for long thought to share some of my thoughts on why your prescriptions appear to work in a number of cases.I think it is the right time to do so.
Arnica, as everyone knows is the number one remedy for the shock of a trauma, whether the trauma is physical or mental.The reason is that it has a tendency to increase the flow of oxygen to the site of trauma.In case of physical trauma, to the site of injury, and in case of mental shock, to the affected part of the brain.That is why it is one of the leading remedies in the cases of brain haemorrhage too.Evn when a person is very fatigued after very severe hard work, a dose of Arnica brings a calming influence and takes away the fatigue due to increased oxygenation in the blood.What is happening in your case is that due to your old age (which causes poor oxygenation due to old age) and your hard working routine (which must be causing a lot of internal wear and tear at the cellular level), Arnica acts like a kind of ‘superficial similimum’ and tones you up so to speak ensuring nice sleep etc.Arnica is one of the main remedies that Dr.Parimal Banerjee (one of the greatest homeopaths that India has ever produced with the world record of having treated over 1.5 million people in his time) recommends for high blood pressure.The reason is again very simple to see.Arnica naturally pushes the blood flow, and causes the heart to relax a bit in confirmed cases of hypertension.In such cases, hypertension is the disease condition to which Arnica acts as a ‘superficial similimum’.In fact, your experiment on your own self has definitely encouraged me to conduct some experiments of my own.These experiments were inspired by you.My father-in-law was suffering from gangrene of his right toe, which was in danger of being amputated.I asked him to take the wet dose of Arnica 30 and to apply Arnica Q dilution externally.The condition was healed in two months.The reasonis simple enough.The Arnica caused the highly oxygenated blood to reach the gangrenous toe.So yes, your self proving of Arnica is valuable to the homeopathic community, but more care should be taken in prescribing.There should be circumstances calling for Arnica, rather than prescribing it left, right and center to all comers.Even young people.That could cause a proving.
Nat. Phos. is a noted remedy for GERD and acidity.But it works on the Schussler’s biochemic principle.But why does it in some cases cause a reduction in weight loss?I will try to explain.Nat. Phos. (this is biochemic theory and not a homeopathic one) is the main biochemic remedy to restore the acid-base order in the body.An enhanced acid level in the body indicates that a great portion of the sugar metabolism in the body is taking place via fermentation which is due to the presence of anaerobic bacteria in very high quantities.These bacteria generate a high toxic load which teh liver is then unable to process out of the body.So it causes the body to generate a lot of fat to dissove and store the water insoluble toxins.With Nat. Phos., the acidity is reduced and hence the detoxification starts at a rapid pace in cases such as those above.This causes the fat which was generated to store the toxins in the first place, to be released and dissolved.
Nat. Sulph. is the most important homeopathic remedy in cases of asthma worse in damp places or in areas near the seashore.Colombo is near the sea and hence the high rate of success in curing asthma cases there with Nat Sulph.If Joe would read Von Grauvogl and his description of the usefulness of Nat. Sulph. in asthama cases in hydrogenoid (Grauvogl’s term for people who suffer from excess of water in their body) constitutions, he would realize why it works in these cases.And why it does not work in some cases where he needs to resort to Arsenic, Blatta etc.
Any way.These discussions are only going to enhance everyone’s knowledge and hence keep them flowing.
With warm regards to Joe and everyone else,
Re: Arnica the Miracle Remedy — Case Records
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
December 12 2008
I am copying a post by Maya Hari on the ABC on Arnica which is of interest.
Re: The Arnica Miracle continues
From maya_hari on 2006-09-09
Dear Joe. Here is an article from which agrees with you fully.
Arnica Montana
Known for its mind and body healing properties, the herb Arnica has been harvested for centuries from the mountain pastures and lowland marshes of Europe and North America. The perennial plant with orange-yellow, daisy-like flowers has a pleasant spicy smell and is renowned for its curative and restorative powers. The flowers and rootstocks are dried, the most valuable part being the flowers. This amazing herb, sometimes brewed as a tea, but often made into a lotion and infused with oil or cream for injuries such as falls, is a known homeopathic cure for stress, impotence, sleeping problems, baldness and emotional shock and trauma caused by past incidents.
Arnica once almost completely disappeared because of over harvesting but is now grown and gathered sustainably to ensure that the herb remains in use for future generations. Arnica Montana is now available for general use.
It is estimated that 70 per cent of our immune response is emotional; to be unhappy or depressed lowers our resilience to illnesses and we become more susceptible. Arnica Montana, taken daily when necessary, will help to prevent this occurring. A sudden death of a family member or friend, a prolonged illness, business worries, the stress of working and running a home, working long hours, struggling to pay the bills or worrying about other’s problems are things many people have experienced.
Arnica Montana can help to heal emotional and mental stresses.
Homeopathy’s founder, Samuel Hahnemann discovered in his experiments with the herb Arnica over 200 years ago that it could relieve emotional and mental problems caused by past trauma. Hahnemann discovered that by taking Arnica, other remedies would work better because the body was in a balanced state, and that further healing could take place. It is as a homeopathic remedy used internally where it has far greater healing powers.
Hahnemann, pioneering a system still used by homeopaths today, experimented with Arnica on hundreds of subjects and discovered its powers were vast, particularly in the realm of emotional trauma. He asked his human subjects – unaware of what they were taking – to note the effects of Arnica over a long period of time. He found it helped heal everything from baldness and impotence to incontinence, cramps, bruises, general soreness, forgetfulness, travel sickness, sleeping problems, gout, rheumatism and emotional problems.
Arnica was made into a homeopathic remedy in the 18th and 19th centuries following Hahnemann’s research. Today, Arnica Montana is the first remedy used by homeopaths to heal people affected by shock, trauma or injury to the body, and is as appropriate for a mental, emotional or spiritual shock as much as physical injuries.
In first aid homeopathy Arnica Montana is safe to use as often as is necessary. Hahnemann found that illnesses relieved by Arnica included:
• mental or emotional symptoms,
• stupor, forgetfulness, memory loss,
• delirium
• hopelessness and indifference
• a fear of being struck by others or of being touched
• vertigo
• severe headaches
• mechanical injuries resulting from concussion, skull fractures or compression of the skull
• meningitis after concussion, bruising or falling where there was partial paralysis of the tongue, iris or limbs
• eye inflammation
• retinal hemorrhage
• eye troubles resulting from blows and injuries
• hardness of hearing since concussion
• nose bleeds
• toothache
• bad breath
• vomiting blood and soreness after injuries
• indigestion
• offensive flatulence
• diarrhoea and bladder problems
• fevers
• dysentery
• acid urine
• swollen penis and testes after injury
• threatened abortion from falls or shocks
• soreness after labour and birth
• sore nipples
• asthma from fatty degeneration of the heart
• coughing causing bloodshot eyes or nosebleeds
• pleurisy after injuries
• strain of the heart from violent running
• fatty degeneration of the heart
• low pulse rate
• paralytic pains in all joints while moving
• feeling too hot or too cold between frequent attacks of violent convulsions
• general sinking of strength
• sleep apnoea
• chills • malaria
• Typhoid conditions
• concussions and contusions
• septicemia
• gout and rheumatism
• skin tender when touched
• sprains
• bee or wasp stings
• compound fractures
• pressure from stitches
• boils
• recent or remote trauma
• sore muscles
• neuralgia
• twitching tendons and muscles
• osteomyelitis,
• surgical operations,
• anguish attacks
• angina
• easily frightened
• ear problems
• stomach cramps
• impotence
• breast tumours after injury
• respiratory ailments
• palpitations
• neck pain
• hand strength
• bed sores
• sleeping problems
• nightmares
• fever
• chills
• travel sickness
• tumours following injury
• violent coughing and sneezing
• chronic bronchitis
• bitter taste in mouth
• baldness
• toothache
• stiffness weariness of the limbs.
What makes Arnica Montana work?
The herb has excellent healing effects but it is not known which substances are responsible for them.
Arnica Montana contains 0.1 per cent volatile oil containing thymol and thymol ether in the florets. Other components are alcohols (arnidiol and faradiol), flavone glycosides and carotenoid pigments.
The constituents in the stems, leaves and rootstocks have a different composition from those in the florets.
The nonirritant extract is used in anti inflammatory and regenerative creams and in hair cosmetics. The extract can also be used in cleansing creams, skin lotions and as an ingredient in facial steams before the application of face packs.
Re:Arnica the Miracle Remedy — Case Records
By: deepa
January 13 2009
Arnica 200 helped me from getting rid of bleeding during preganacy and saved me from an abortion during both the time of my pregnancy
Re:Arnica the Miracle Remedy — Case Records
By: deepa
January 13 2009
Dear Dr. Joe,
I read that Arnica is of various use ; my husband is dectected that his heart ejection fraction is reduced to 26% due to high triglicirides of 266 and smoking and stress level; he is under alopathic medication under the cardiologist, will arnica help him, his Bloor sugar seems imbalanced aswell, if he is not careful in eating it shoots up and he is suffering from extreme situation of burping, kindly help,
Re: Arnica the Miracle Remedy — Case Records
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
January 13 2009
I am grateful to you for having confirmed that “Arnica 200 helped me from getting rid of bleeding during preganacy and saved me from an abortion during both the time of my pregnancy ”
If I was prescribing for your problem I would have suggested the 30c but I am happy to note that the 200c helped you to overcome your immediate problem.
For your husband it is obvious that he must QUIT smoking if he wishes to survive. You may like to know that Arnica has helped many but the patient must also cooperate in the effort. You can read the notes on how Arnica helped smokers on this thread.
Arnica will help with his Triglycerides and Cholesterol which you have not referred to, which I presume is also very high. Please note that he will not see any immediate reduction but this should be noticed in about 3 months when there is usually a reduction of both levels which will continue as long as he takes the Arnica which he can take in the 30c potency in the Wet dose 3 times daily. His burping can be helped with Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken 3 times daily after meals.
Re:Arnica the Miracle Remedy — Case Records
By: deepa
January 14 2009
Thank you Dr. Joe for the quick reply; with god’s grace he quit smoking;
I need to buy Arnica 30C and put 2 drops in 500ml spring water and shake 50 times till it bubbles and give i teaspoon 3 times” am i correct”? Kindly advice,
is it better to buy Nat Phos 6X which is a factory prepared branded one or prepared by the shop then and there?
does he need to take any other medicine along with this too, and will it work if he continue with the alopathic medicines
what other care he needs to take?
Re: Arnica the Miracle Remedy — Case Records
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
July 20 2009
I am copying below a thread entitled “Evidence that Arnica thins the Blood” on the link below which I feel would serve to increase the information on Arnica which I have been promoting for some years as a remedy which I would recommend to anyone who would like to enjoy a state of wellness far beyond what can be achieved by taking daily doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, tonics and perhaps even drugs on a regular daily basis merely to feel well.
Evidence that Arnica thins the Blood
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
July 9 2009
I am copying below an extract from a statement made by a member which emphasizes the popular belief which has also been medically proved that Arnica thins the Blood.
“Yesterday, I went to give some of my blood as a precautionary measure in anticipation of the surgery and I noticed that the supervisor seemed somewhat impressed at the speed with which the blood was filling the blood pouch. Immediately, I thought about the Arnica wet dose that I had started some time earlier. Does it mean that the blood was more liquified? By the way, could it be a problem if the blood is too liquid at the time of a surgery? I seem to remember that there was a discussion on that topic on this forum.”
Re:Evidence that Arnica thins the Blood
By: udaya kumar
July 9 2009
To my mind, I have maintained always that Arnica is not actually thinning, though it appears to us that it is thinning. Arnica purifies the blood by dissolving all the impurities in it from clots to semi solid and may be solid impurities and helps in elimination of that from the blood thereby the blood regains its most purified state which is thinner than the stale blood we have. The viscosity of the blood is almost removed and allows it a frictionless smooth travel through the veins and out. At the same time when blood becomes pure, its power to clot and power to nourish etc also is increased many times that the thin status of the blood in a way effect the clotting of the blood after a wound or an operation. In other words the thin blood is the natural form of the blood which it ought to be and does not contribute to haemophelia. In fact, it will be curative to haemophelia. This is a fine example how blood works as a medicine to see that the body maintains homeostasis. Taking Arnica before or after a surgery need not cause any worry as Arnica will do its job many times efficiently than the thick sticky, rundown engine oil like blood,. I hope that clarifies the apprehensions of Mr. Giles. With profound regards.
PS: If I spiritually allude it, the impure soul is the human soul and that soul when purified attains God (God’s Soul/the holy spirit). What is purified is Omnipotent. An impure blood is confined to boundaries, A pure blood is omnipresent in human body. There is no place where a pure blood cannot go in the body. How to purify blood depends on our understanding and technology. One of the methods of such technology is Arnica.
Re:Evidence that Arnica thins the Blood
By: Giles
July 9 2009
The search for truth is not always easy and it is so encouraging to see that you are taking the time to explain what are sometimes preconceived ideas.
One more thing I could add related to my experience with the Arnica Wet dose is that when I started I had a kind of “floating” headache which although tolerable bothered me for a couple of days. I wasn’t sure what it was, could it be that Arnica was getting rid of toxins in too large quantities at a time? If that is the case, might it be a good idea to suggest that people start with once a day instead of twice a day as I did? Just a suggestion.
Thanks to you,Udaya, and to Joe for helping me to explore further the benefits of Arnica.
Re:Evidence that Arnica thins the Blood
By: Giles
July 9 2009
The search for truth is not always easy and it is so encouraging to see that you are taking the time to explain what are sometimes preconceived ideas.
One more thing I could add related to my experience with the Arnica Wet dose is that when I started I had a kind of “floating” headache which although tolerable bothered me for a couple of days. I wasn’t sure what it was, could it be that Arnica was getting rid of toxins in too large quantities at a time? If that is the case, might it be a good idea to suggest that people start with once a day instead of twice a day as I did? Just a suggestion.
Thanks to you,Udaya, and to Joe for helping me to explore further the benefits of Arnica.
Re: Evidence that Arnica thins the Blood
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
July 9 2009
Dear Udaya,
I am indeed grateful for your explanation of how Arnica helps with purifying the blood which in turn makes it more effective to serve the body to function better. I have often been criticized for my devotion to Arnica which I have always tried to promote to anyone who will listen and who are desirous of enjoying a better state of health.
I am now 80 years of age and have taken Arnica daily since 1996 and I can honestly state that I owe my feeling of wellness to my daily dose which I take nightly. It is unfortunate that the classical homeopathic fraternity prefers not to accept my research on this remedy throughout the period I was closely associated with it. They are all guided by the dictum that no Homeopathic remedy may be taken on a daily basis but I have disproved their theory having done so personally if only to disprove their diktat. The results are clear and it seems to me to be a pity that I cannot physically be subjected to any tests that they may specify to prove my point. Unfortunately I do not bear the requisite qualification to pontificate on the value of Arnica in promoting a sense of well being but those who have taken it for many years at my behest have confirmed that they too enjoy the same sense of wellness that I do today at my advanced age.
In your post above you stated:
“In other words the thin blood is the natural form of the blood which it ought to be and does not contribute to haemophelia. In fact, it will be curative to haemophelia. This is a fine example how blood works as a medicine to see that the body maintains homeostasis.”
You may like to learn that I have given Arnica 6c in the Wet dose to 2 Haemophiliacs to treat their chronic ailment for which both boys originally were regular visitors to hospital whenever they were injured or bruised. I use Lachesis 200 to treat any open wound when the bleeding is arrested in about 15 minutes and the Arnica 6c taken twice daily soon dissipates any clotted blood which appears blue under the skin whenever a limb is bruised due to internal bleeding.
I am grateful to a Supreme Power that I have been chosen to be the instrument of promoting this remedy to the world through the medium of this Forum and I thank you and those who have believed me and supported my efforts to promote both Arnica and Nat Phos 6x which as you are aware I have promoted for weight loss among other ailments and diseases for which I have used it.
Re: Evidence that Arnica thins the Blood
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
July 9 2009
To Giles
Your explanation for your “floating” headache is logical and very plausible and I hope that anyone who reads this thread will please take note.
Re:How Arnica reduce the Blood sugar
By: yusufpatel
July 19 2009
Dear Mr. Udaya.
I am highly impressed by reading the writeup you wrote regarding how ARNICA purifying the Blood. and it triggered in my mind if you explain how ARNICA function in reducing Blood Sugar.
Awaitng your kind reply.
Yusuf Patel
Re:Evidence that Arnica thins the Blood
By: udaya kumar
July 19 2009
Dear Mr Yusuf Patel,
You are asking me to reveal the secret of the creation or differntiaton or evolution by asking that question. Since you have asked it, I am bound by almighty to answer you and I shall God willing, do that and I am seeking the Omnipotent to reveal me that the way it turn into words for you to read. Wherever, the science is present I shall juxtapose them for the material plane of consciousness to cognize. I shall ney retreat from my duty.
The question I had answered earier was that the basic function of Arnica is to purify the blood and therefore homeostasis. I may tell you that purification of any thing is a path towards God. So, when you ask me the queston of how the purifcaton is done, we are not swimming on the surface of the water but deep inside the ocean of knowledge and wisdom. Because the question “How” takes you to sub atomic levels of the functioning of Arnica in the body which is neither visible by microscope nor with my gross eyes but is a subject of Etherial media of “thought only” and can be presented only through phlosophy and not by Science which has reached only neurotransmitters and little beyond.
I shall venture to simplify and spread that vast fabric more systematically so that you can also relish what I see with my inner eye.
In order to enter this task, I shall take the help of science in the beginning, to show you some of the known matters on Arnica.
The primary question is what Arnica is and to identify it. It is known in different names in dffernt countries and they are :
Leopard`s Bane, European Arnica Mountain Tobacco, Wolfsbane, Mountain snuff; Arnika, Wohlverleih, Wolfsblume, Wolfstoeterin, Donnerblume, Waldblume, Bergwohlverleih, Wolverly, Fallkraut, Luzianskraut, Engel Trank; Anrique, Arnica, Tabac des Vosges, Herbe aux chutes, Souci des alpes, Betoine des Montagnes; The Arnika, Val-kruid, Groot Luciaen-kruid; Fibler; Arnica, Tobaco de Montana; Arnica; Dagtutunu. Doronicum plantaginis, D. oppositifolium, D. Austriacum quartum, Ptarmica montana, Panacea lapsorum, Nardus celtica altera, Chrysanthemum latifolium, Alisma/Caltha alpina.
We have many many kinds of Arnica and some of them are being used in homeopathy. The one we are using is Arnica Montana or “of the mountains”. Few others may be identified as under:
A.Acaulis,A.Alpina. A amplexicaulis Nutt. A angustifolia Vahl Arnica cernua. A.chamissonis Less. A. chamissonis subsp.A.Ciliata, A.cordifolia Hook.A.Cornopifolia, A.Crocea. A.dealbata Baldwin, A.discoidea Benth. A. X diversifolia,A.doronicum, A. frigida, A.Foliosa Nutt., A. fulgens, A.Gerbera,A gracilis Rydb. A griscomii Fernald, A. Japonica, A lanceolata Nutt. A lanceolata subsp. A lanceolata subsp. A latifolia Bong. Arnica lessingii A lessingii subsp.A. Longifolia Eaton, A lonchophylla Greene A lonchophylla subsp. A lonchophylla subsp. A longifolia D.C. Eat. A louiseana Farr A mallotopus, A. Mariatima, A mollis Hook. A montana L. A nevadensis Gray, A Oporina, A ovata Greene, A. Palmata, A parryi Gray, A. Philoselloides, A rydbergii Greene A sachalinensis A sororia Greene A spathulata, A Scorpioides, Arnica unalaschcensis Less. A venosa, A Whitneyi Fern.
Our next step should be to find out what it contains. What are its effects and where are its effects and why are those effects. o my mind, fundamentally what we should keep in mind when we venture that is, that anything with “INE” as the last letters should be known to derive from the Gross Element Ether. And you will see that Arnica has basically abundance of these derivatives.
flavonoid glycosides: Flavonoids betuletol, eupafolin, flavonol glucuronides, hispidulin, isorhamnetin, luteolin,
patuletin, spinacetin, tricin, trihydroxy,trimethoxyflavone, kaempferol, quercetin, kaempferol and quercetin derivative, jaceosidin, pectolin-arigenin.Isomeric alcohols including arnidiol and foradiol.
Terpenoids: arnifolin, arnicolide, and sesquiterpenes
(eg, helenalin and helenalin derivatives, dihydrohelenalin).
The pseudoguaianolide ester helenalin methacrylate has been isolated from the flowers.
Amines present in the plant are betaine, choline, and trimethylamine. Coumarins include scopoletin and umbelliferone.
Carbohydrates such as mucilage and polysaccharides (eg, inulin) are found in arnica. Two homogeneous polysaccharides include an acidic arabino-galactan-protein and a neutral fucogalactoxyloglucan. Further polysaccharide isolation has been performed on a group of water-soluble acidic heteroglycans. Volatile oils could be obtained from rhizomes and roots or from flower parts and are used in perfumery.
Oils include thymol, its derivatives, and fatty acids like palmitic, linoleic, myristic, linolenic
arnicin, – a bitter resin
caffeic acid, -Caffeic acid has been shown to act as a carcinogenic inhibitor. It is also known as an antioxidant
carotenoids (alpha- and beta-carotene,)works towards production of vitamin and therefore area of function is eyes.
cryptoxanthin, lutein,-vitamin A percursor and provitamin A.cryptoxanthin is an antioxidant and may help prevent free radical damage to cells and DNA, as well as stimulate the repair of oxidative damage to DNA.
An inverse association between Beta -cryptoxanthin and lung cancer risk is said to be found in several observational epidemiological studies. This would suggest that -cryptoxanthin could potentially act as a chemopreventive agent against lung cancer. Inverse associations becomes striaght association when the medicine is potentised AND USED IN HOMEOPATHY.Therefore, Beta-Cryptoxanthin could become curative in lung cancer when potentised and through use of Arnica which contains this.
Basically what all these points towards is one thumb rule. That is what is carcinogenic is autointoxifying and what is antitoxifying is anti-carcinogenic and since the ingredient in Arnica called Beta Cryptosanthine and Caffeic Acid etc. are anti-carcinogenic, Arnica itself should be considered as anticarcinogenica and therefore anti-toxifying or detoxifying agent which exactly is what it is doing. It works against auto intoxication by purification of the blood which is demonstrated more clearly through Phytosterols below:
The main health concern from phytosterols are atherosclerosis and the vulnerable plaques which produce heart attacks, stroke, and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Phytosterols can promote atherosclerosis, particularly in susceptible individuals. Sterols can accumulate in heart valves, suggesting that dietary sterols might increase the risk of aortic valve stenosis. carotid atherosclerotic plaque. Phytosterols have cholesterol-lowering properties (reducing cholesterol absorption in intestines) Phytosterols occur naturally in small quantities in vegetable oils, especially sea buckthorn oil, corn oil, and soybean oil. One such phytosterol complex, isolated from vegetable oil, is cholestatin, composed of campesterol, stigmasterol, and brassicasterol, Sterols can reduce cholesterol in human subjects by 10% to 15%.
The mechanism behind phytosterols and the lowering of cholesterol occurs as follows: the incorporation of cholesterol into micelles in the gastrointestinal tract is inhibited, decreasing the overall amount of cholesterol absorbed This may in turn help to control body total cholesterol levels, as well as modify HDL, LDL and TAG levels. Many margarines, butters, breakfast cereals and spreads are now enriched with phytosterols and marketed towards people wishing to lower their cholesterol levels.
And look at the normal side effects of Arnica in clinical doses: It is considered as irritating to mucuous membranes,
causes stomach pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. Contact dermatitis. Eczema, Toxic effects:gastroenteritis, dyspnea, cardiac arrest, death. Why a poison like cobra poison and Potassium cyanide is an excellent medicine in homeopathy in the form of Lachesis and Kali cyanatum respectively may be a mystery for some. But it is very simple, the procedure of dilution or potentisation removes the toxicity in the toxins and convert it completely into medicines. This is the reason why when any toxic item is made into a medicine in allopathy have side effects and the same medicines do not have side effects in homeopathy. One more thumb rule is that all substances which are toxic contains Ether, and they work exactly opposite to what their crude form would do to the human body. THAT IS IF IT IS A POISON, WHEN CONVERTED TO HOMEOPATHIC DOSES WILL WORK AS MEDICINE. If they are less toxic to the effect of creating diarrhea, the potentised form will cure diarrhea. Applying that fundamental homeopathic principles here arnica will cure irritations in mucuous membranes, remove stomach pain, remove diarrhea, remove vomiting, remove contact dermatitis, remove eczema, remove gastroentritis, remove dyspnea, remove cardiac arrest (Arnica one should remember is the best first aid medicine in a situation of Cardiac Arrest and I would say if you keep one dose of Arnica 200 in your pocket and you are a heart patient suspecting cardiac arrest, the possibility are that you will survive the massive of the heart attacks by using a single dose and curative too within a single dose is a just a marvel).
Resin: RESIN SHOULD BE READ AS RESINE. And the following facts be remembered:
1. Whatever ends in “INE”, IN and ANE(by error or ignorance),should be understood as an alkaloid. And should be understood
as a derivative of Ether.
2. Whever is a derivative of Ether will not be soluble in water and will be soluble in Alcohols, Acetone and Ethers.
3. Derivative of Ther will have polydedronic strcture or Hexagonal in structure. it will contain the basic element
4. All Etheric substance will have magnetic, electric, oxidative, sublimative, Amberic and similar qualities. They mostly
appeal to sense of sight as colour, sense of smell as fragrance(at variance with smell), tongue as taste, ear as music
(at variance with noise and sound) etc.
5. All ether derivative substances will have perfume or fragrance value and will contain Esters. They are all
self-fragranced. They will have low molecular weight.
There are too many other properties and attributes to Ether which I am not touching upon here as not being relevant.
If a body is purfied to Etheric perfection, it will give out fragrance from the body. The secret of the Krishna Mriga(The Musk deer is such an example and the secret of a fragrance in the air when a holy man crosses our path is yet another example). The more the Etheric purity is contained in a substance the more fragrant the substance will become. ( One method by which a human being can achieve this by a rationalist approach is by doing Raja Yoga or to be precise by doing Paschimothasana the Siddhi of which is frangrance to the body.) And the less the purity in Etheric contents in the body the more stale and fetid the fragrance turns into and which is defined by us as smeel, stink etc. according to the level of intensity of the smell the level of intensity of impurity or putrification can be gauged. Invariably it means that what putrifies have no Etheric contents in it. i.e. Impurity of Ether (we call the same ether as life force in homeopathy) is the diseased condition and the purity of ether is the healthy condition. The idea of using Fragrance like Agarbatties in ebulition to the God whether it be in a Greek Orthodox church or southindian house where Kundurukkam (Ajakarna, Chagakarna, Dhupa, Kundura, Mandadhupa, Marichapatraka, Pitaphada, Salah, Sarja, Sarjah, Sarjaka, Sarjarasa, Shala, Svetasarja
Kahruba, Safed damar, Sageddamar, Sandras, Guggul, Kahruba-i-shamai-saida, Kahruba-i-shamai mahlul, White dammar, Piney varnish, Dhupa fat, Malabar tallow Bilagaggala,Dhupada, Dhupadamara, Hugadamara, Maddidhupa, Paenoe, Painipasha, Pantam, Payana, Payani, Perumpayani, Telli, Vella-kondrikam, Vella-kundurukkam Ral, Chandrusa, Dhoop, Salaadeek, Dhup Mandadhupa
Attam, Kukkil, Kukkulu, Sadagulai, Vellaidamar) is used or at Ajmer Sharif where Agarbatti fragrance is used or a hindu houshold where dhup is used while praying for the almighty, the purpose is the same that the frangrance in ebulition to God emanates from these principles of purity is fragrance and impurity of Ether is smell putrification, death. Thus it is also conceived that the best frangrant flowers are dearer to the God and most fragrant leaves like Basil are sacred to rituals. Similarly by using fragrant items in the food intake, the pufification of the ether in the body is increased. Thus human body increases its health through sense of smell and that the basic principle which works in the whole system of Aroma Therapy. Jus like we eat food and nourish the element Earth in the body (i.e. body itself), in the same way Ether is nourished by sense of smell is nourished by Aromatherapy and through sense of hearing by music therapy. They report to various parts of the mind where tranquility, pleasantness, releiving stress, happiness, etc. are produced which penetrates and infiltrate into the body just like electric current gets earthed in earth, to create a sense of well being away from the destruction that the anger would have caused if it was replaced by tranquility and peace of mind.
Having said that let me come back to the subject Resin. Resin is a hydrocarbon secretion of the plants. Hydrocarbons are the origin to Organic Chemistry. So Resins may be viewed as visible Ether, a visible primordial element, a visible sign of the first life. Just as we see the breathing and consider it as a visible sign of life a visible sign of the function of the Gross element Air inside the body, we must look at Resin as an emobodiment of Ether and visibly seen by us. It is a visible view of Ether, the groos element in one of its metamorphic forms just like we see water in its metamorphic form of ice or clouds. Just like Ether is seen in the form of Alcohol, or Petrol or Benzene form. Same as the Ether is tfelt and smelt as the perfume in every flower and in the fragrance of every flower. This smell or fragrance is cognized by our senses because the counterpart of that Ether is within us within the smelling power of the human beings which contributes and is responsible for our smelling power of the nose and it differentiates, assimilates and identifies its counterpart and that is what we call as I AM SMELLING THIS OR THAT. Mouth is a grosser sense than the sense of sight, hearing or smell. That is because what is eaten through the mouth needs a grinder in the mouth and then it needs a fire and couldron in the stomach to cook it and then only it can assimilate, which means they are gross in nature and needs to be converted to finer elements so that Ether can assimilate it. Whereas in the sense of sight which sees colours is already in a finer etherial abstract form and can be taken in without assimilation except the eyes have to analyse it before storage or retrieval.
From foregoing, I might have clarified to some extent that what contains Ester tends towards detoxification because it is in the real nature of Ester to be fragrant and therefore Etheric in nature, and that which do not contain Ester or fragrance tends towards toxification. Esters are sometimes shown as acidic derivatives which is a wrong classification and should be corrected if we go by philosophy, and should be nomenclatured differently and not as Esters. Asll Esters should be Etheric in origin if not they will not be bearing fragrance. What has derived from Ether will have “YL” as its ending, like Allyl, Benzyl, Butyl, Bomyl, Ethyl, Geranyl, Isopropyl, Isotutl, Linalyl, Methyl, Nonyl, Octyl, Pentyl, Propyl, Terponyl, depeding on its structure in an Icosohedron or dodecohedron or any other polyhedronal patterns.
I shalll venture upon furthering this topic in my next part as completion of this subject and a conclusion can be arrived only after each and every constituent of Arnica is analysed one after the other and I see it as climbing himalayas. Great remedies are great because of thier omnipotency or the Ether contents are quite high. And the nature of God is indescribable. with regards.
Re: Evidence that Arnica thins the Blood
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
July 20 2009
Dear Udaya,
I am simply amazed at the depth of your knowledge in your thesis on Arnica. With your permission I have copied it into my thread “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” on:
I shall await the conclusion of your article on how Arnica helps to reduce Blood Sugar levels as the information now available on the link above will be useful to anyone who seeks more information on how Arnica helps the human body to a better state of wellness, proof of which I can testify to at my advanced age of 80 years.
Warm Regards
Re: Arnica the Miracle Remedy — Case Records
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
July 20 2009
Udaya’s treatise on Arnica continued:
Re:Evidence that Arnica thins the Blood
By: udaya kumar
July 20 2009
Dear Joe,
Thank you for the kind words. It not only amazes you but me too, when the analysis of this one medicine is drawing me into so much of astonishing revelations for which I am becoming instrumental. Gods ways are great. I shall now start from the Constituents one after the other:
Glycosides are certain molecules in which a sugar part is bond to some other parts. Poisons are often bound to sugar molecules in order to remove them from body . This can be one reason why conventional doctors sometimes are not worried about glucose or sugar in urine because it is in someway a body’s method or expelling the toxins by covering it in glycosides which gets dissolved in urine and expelled. This differentiates to some extent the Diabetis insipides from Diabetis Mellitus. The Salcin presence in Glucosides and in Arnica turns into Salicylic acid on contact with water and is an alcoholic glycoside due to presence of ether in Arnica, and therefore is of analgesic, antipyretic value. This salicylic acid which is a natural presence at variance with ingestion of salicylic acid in medicinal forms by conventional system; causes no digestive upsets and infact corrects digestive upset. This infact is a virgin form of salicylic acid which is beneficial to body in many ways including removal of the antagonism in natural flaura and fauna like H.Pylori in the guts to do their natural functions rather than antagonistic functions of creating ulcers in the presence of acids. Acids in artificial form does not contain the etherial element but contain the earth element and therefore are fundamentally acidic and cannot be tolerated by living gut flaura and fauna, which are antagonised to become enemies of the body.
1. Flavanoid Glycosides:
Flavanoid glycosides include
1. Hesperidin/Hesperietin
2. Naringin
3. Rutin
4. Quercitin
5. Naringenin
6. Quercetin(Rutinose)
7. Quercetin (Rhamnose).
Hesperdin – is a flavanone(flavinoid) glucoside. It is found in large quantities in Citrus fruits and also found in Arnica. It is an antioxident and contribute to the integrity of blood vessels. It reduces cholesterol, blood pressure, loss of bone density. It is anti-inflammatory, sedative. As I said earlier, it is ending in ‘IN”/”INE” and therefore have ether content in it at a larger proportion. In other words it is a spiritual plant. The plants can also be devided into material and spiritual according to the extent of the gross elements molecules contained in it. Those which contains more molecules of ether which are more medicinal, more bitter are more spiritual plants. This is one reason why the ancients have been admiring and worhsipping plants like Basil, Neam, Pine, Peepal, Banyan, Nux, (they say Athi(Ficus Recemoga), Ithi(Ficus Microcarpa), Kanjiram(Strichnos Nux Vomica ) are the major ayurvedic trees and trees to be reckoned with and one should understand each of these trees are astronomically and astologically connected with each individual as as per their Nakshtra where Athi is for the third Nakshatra Karthika, Ithi is for Uthradam and Kanjiram for Ashwati the first star in the astrological chart, ( a complete list of 28 Nakshatras(stars) with their respective trees can be provided)). Coming back to the subject, going by the sedative aspect and the property of Hesperdin proved scientifically, it has an affinity to Opoid or Adenosine receptors.
Let us see waht these Hesperdin in Arnica do to the Adenosine receptors.
Human beings have four adenosine receptors; A1 and A2a plays their role in the heart. They regulate the myocardial oxygen consumption and coronary blood flow. A2a receptors have also broader anti inflammatory functions throughout the body. This itself explains the arnicas function as antiinflmmatory agent all over the body, and its great functions in anticloaging, as a dissolvent in blood, as an anti myocardial infarction first aid, and great regulator of blood flow, of particular help in heart ailments and rheumatoid arthritis. The two receptors have a role in release of dopamine and glutamate by regulating other neurotransmitters in the head and therefore we can safely use as a medicine which will do all the benefits what a Dopamine, and Heparin does in conventional medicinal system minus their side effects because, the Hesperdin in Arnica is doing it naturally by boosting the natural release of hesperdin in the body and improving the life force which is the Ether content and its derivatives in Arnica as I have mentioned earlier which in itself is the life force in the medicine acting with the life force in the body. You can see that the most of the present day ailments we call as autism, gluton allergy, Petit Mal and diskenesias are fundamentally the irregular functioning of the dopamine and glutamate and their receptors and synapse where Arnica reaches naturally and correct.
A2 and A3 are the other receptors where Hesperdin has a role. And they are involved peripherally in the process of regulating inflammation and immune responses. Evidently, the Hesperdin present in Arnica is boosting these areas of life force in the body. These are their desgnated reporting centres. Regulating Adnosis receptors through arnica is a natural way of pacifying Tachycardia. Hesperidin also has the ability to penetrate blood brain barrier. (only Ether content in any substance will have the potential to penetrate Blood Brain Barrier which may be equated to Brahmarandra in Kunadlini Yoga). Therefore the ether content in the medicines of spiritual nature is confirmed here.
2. NARINGIN: Naringin is bitter in taste – it has the property of lowering the lipids, and anti-cancer activities.
3. RUTIN : Rutin in Arnica gives the same effect as Ruta Graviolensis which also contains abundance of Rutin. Apart from that, Rutin can attach and Iron ion FE2+ preventing Iron from binding with hydrogen peroxide and thereby preventing damage to the Cells in the body. Which is anti cancerous in its activities.
How Sorbitol can produce hexane could be discussed seperately. But its production of Hexane would lead to wonderful revelations. Many mysteries can be solved here.
Hexane : Structure of Hexane is CH3 (CH2)4 CH3 or C6H14 or CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 which is quite interesting keeping in view that a rocket fuel has to be high content in lkanes, alkenes and alkynes or Hexanes which are all derivatives of Ether. We can very well see that the structure of Hexane is fully a Hydrocarbon structure which is also the basic structure of the origin of Organic Chemistry and that of all living and non living beings and the atomosphere even. This accounts for the belief, the theories and the scietific proving which I am attempting here that Ether is God and God is omnipresent and Ether or Hydrocarbons are the basic structure of the macrocosm and the microcosm that is the outside world and the small world inside us. They are the basic structures on which everything in the world has differentiated and existed. The purer the form the higher their place from earth, the impurer the form the lower their place on earth. Impure and pure are in terms of Etheric purity and impurity. Essentially all that is of Tamsic or Inertia in nature are fundamentally situated on the the lowest point on earth. Human beings who sleep is more inertia than the one who is standing. The human being who can fly have less inertia than the one who can stand(precluding aeroplanes where the ether is used in fuel form to fly). Ether in fuel form is more purer than ether within us as inertic form or unpure form. In other words, we exist on the surface of the earth because of inertia, because of the evils. The dualism is a wonderful aspect. We always tried to good and away from the evil. But there is a greatness in evil. Evil is what make us exist on the surface of the Earth planet. Evil is the superlative to impurity. When evil becomes the worst kind it kills the body and permanently settle it on to the earth. When evil is impure it allow us to live and exist on the surface of Earth. If the evil is purified and becomes as pure as the God which is its source, it can no more exist on the surface of the earth and it will leave the earth as it cannot stay in separation from source and that if it leaves the earth with body it is called resurruction, and if it leaves without body it is called moksha, salvation, redemption, going to heaven and that kind of phrases.
You can watch and observe these properties in the lower kind of elements like air, water, etc. The impurities in water will settle on the bottom, the impure air will settle down on the lowest points on earth, the impure air in the body escapes through the bottom and the like. If there is more Apana Vayu (impure air) than Udana Vayu (purer pranic air) then it will go downwards and if there is more prana vayu than apana vayu then it goes upwards through the mouth as belching, burping and the like.
Air becomes purer when they are treated by the fire,(we should remember here that fire differentiated from air) therefore an acidic stomach sends the air upwards with constipation and stopping the air flow downwards and release where as when fire is dull it moves downwards, causing loose motion and downward movements of air.
Quercitin: Quercitin is valuable in sarcoidosis, asthma and glucose absorption in obesity and diabetes. It has a good effect as an anti-inflammatory agent and positive as a detoxifyer to prevent cancer, prostatitis, heart disease, cataracts, allergies/inflammations, and respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma. While the conventional medicines stop at the brink due to the toxins present in it giving side effects because of the presence of ether and its derivatives, it is easier for us because we potentise and remove the toxic effects of ether. It also has been claimed to have antidepressant properties, and a great reliever in neurological diseases because the very neurotoxin present in it as ether is converted to a neuro-medicine due to homeopathic potentisation.
Naringenin: It is considered a antioxidant, free radical scavenger, anti-inflammatory, a promoter of carbohydrate metabolism, and immune system modulator. It has great tasks in the body and we find such properties in Grape fruit again a bitter sweet fruit and therefore abundant in Ether content.
Quercetin: Quercetin is promoted as great anti-cancer agent. What is an anti cancer agent? An anti-cancer agent is the one that can detoxify the body. Cancer is the inability of the body and the lymphatic glands to throw out the toxins from the body and keep in clean and neat. Most of the time the cancer is brought in by the medicinal system that works against the functioning of the body. I have said it many times that the function of human body and homestasis can be achieved only by centrifugal function. i.e. when the chakras or the energy centres in the body acre activated, centrifugal forces are created by way of which the body is able to throw out the dirts to the surface of the body, which is skin. This can be initially frusterating for the body, but when the pure body is achieved and the skin has become clear as marble,. then the body is sound and healthy and thereafter only preventive measures like food abundant in Ether,Less of Air and lesser than that of Fire, much lesser of water Water and least of Earth content should be consumed and that was what was called by our Saints and Maharishis as Satvik food. The Pathyas (dietary restrictions ) in Ayurveda right from the Charakas and Sushruthas time have abundantly cautioned humanity on these subjects which were neglected with the onslaught of superior medicinal and food tendencies which are more in Gross Element Earth, lesser of Water, lesser more of Fire, near to least Air, and least of Ether is the order of the day. Therefore the body has become more earthyly. i,e,. Body is unhealthy, evil, putrified, disease ridden, none of the energy centres are working, all devinity in humanity is lost with no hope of redemption.
I have only finished one single constituent of Arnica. It should be miles before I can rest I presume. Should we continue the Journey, Yousuf? Joe? I need rest.
With warm regards
Re:Evidence that Arnica thins the Blood
Edit/Delete this post By: udaya kumar
July 20 2009
Trees associated with Stars (Janma Nakshatra) or time of birth of each individual are 27 in numbers corresponding to the 27 stars are as under:
Star Tree
1. Aswathi-Kanjiram
(Strychnos Nux Vomica)
2. Bharani-Nelli
(Emblica Officianalis)
3. Karthika-Athi
(Ficus Recemosa)
4. Rohini-Njaval
(Zizygium Cumunii)
5. Makayiram-Karingali
(Accacia Catachu)
6. Thiruvathira-Karimaram
(Diospyros Ebenum)
7. Punartham- mula
(Bambusa Bambos)
8. Pooyam-Arayal-peepal
(Ficus Religiosa)
9. Aayilyam-Naakam
(Messua Nagassarium)
10. Makam-Peral
(Banyan tree)
11. Pooram-Chamatha
(butea monosperma)
12. Uthradam-itthi
(ficus microcarpa)
13. Atham-Ambazham
(spondia spinneta)
14. Chithira-Koovalam
(aegle marmelos)
15. Chothi-neermaruthu
(Terminalia arjuna)
16. Vishakham-vayyankatha
(Flacourtia montana)
17. Anizham-Elanji
(Mimusops elengi)
18. Thrikketta-Vetti
(Aporoba lyndleyna)
19. Moolam-vellapine
(Vatoria Indica)
20. Pooradam-Vaanchi
(Ochreinauclea Missionis)
21. Uthradam-Plaavu
(Artocarpus heterophyllus )
22. Thiruvonam-Erukku
(Calotropis gigantea)
23. Avittam-Vanni
(Prosopis spicigera )
24. Chathayam-Kadambu
(Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.)
Bosser. )
25. Pooruruttathi-Mavu
(Mangifera indica Linn.)
26. Uthruttathi- Neem
(Azadirachta inaica A.Juss)
27. Revathi- ilippa
(Madhuca Nerifolia)
Most of them are considered sacred for their medicinal values and life giving qualities. Even Gautama the Budha had his enlightenment under one of the trees above. Growing of the tree pertaining to the stars is considered good and auspicious for each individual. With best wishes.
Re: Evidence that Arnica thins the Blood
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
July 20 2009
Dear Udaya,
Thank you for all that wealth of information on Arnica that you are recording on our Forum. I must admit that some of the information is very new to me as my association with Science was what I did in the course of my studies of Medicine and Homeopathy which I did on my own in my later years. I do wish that I had done Science during my studies as it would have helped me to better understand your trend of thought and also helped me today in my Homeopathy. However I feel that if I had qualified in Medicine which would have enabled me to using it to further my gift of healing, I may have as a doctor viewed Homeopathy with suspicion, which would have precluded me from the serendipitous discovery of the Miracle of Arnica.
Please be assured that we await your future articles on Arnica as they only emphasize the valuable contribution that you are sharing with members which I feel would eventually benefit the world. It is my hope that we can jointly succeed in promoting Arnica, which I have proved to be a valuable remedy to help people who suffer from various ailments, to the world of science and medicine and thereby emable them (the patients) to avoid total dependence on drugs to cure their various ailments like Diabetes, Angina and many others I have listed in my article “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” .
Re:Arnica the Miracle Remedy — Case Records
By: leesamarie
September 4 2010
I know this post is old but maybe you could answer a question about the Arnica.
I read your post about Arnica lowering blood sugar in diabetics. My blood sugar gets low if I don’t eat, I get shaky, etc. Will Arnica make this worse or does it only have an effect if the blood sugar is too high?
I am having some issues with anxiety and I would like to try Arnica along with some other homeopathy I am trying for anxiety, but if it causes my blood sugar to go too low it obviously isn’t going to help.
Thank you!
It is obvious that you must keep your BS level at normal levels by eating something like a biscuit or a banana to ensure that you do not run out of Carbs which are essential to keep you active.
Arnica cannot lower your BS level in the case of a person like you. It will only do so if you have Diabetes.
Your anxiety problems cannot be addressed by Arnica. If you give me more data to work on, I believe I can help.
[…] daily and extensively for over 40 years. It is his calling and his passion. He is eagerly documenting the multitude of ways that Arnica can be used homeopathically, because he is in his nineties and […]
I just wanted to let you know, in case you don’t have a tracker, I mentioned you in a recent blog. 🙂
LOVE LOVE LOVE your work.
dear Mr . De Livera
he had suffer brain stroke today , and ir has heavy bleeding in head> doctors saying he has left only few days , soon he will get in coma. I know that this is certain, but is there anything we can give him as a last try (hope), I read a lot about arnica and it seems to me that that is only thing left to be tried.
thank you for your time and advises, As I understood you sugest for us to take this wet dose just one dose (one bottle) in lifetime? I do have arnica in pallets , but I don’t have it liquid, can use it instead liquid?
Best regards
Hi Joe
I am 61 yers old women from Finland and I have diabetes II and I started to try Arnica 6C wet dose like You have told to do.
My sugerlevel was morning 7.6. I do not know what that is in Sri Lanka but it is too high for me.
We talk much about the right food. I think that low carbohydrate is good. So it meens, that I have to avoid suger, sweets, breads, cakes and fruits.
I can eat fat, proteine, nuts. almonds, vegetables but no pasta, rice, potetoes and that kind of food.
Before I changed my eating habits my sugerlevel was over 10. Then I used Lantus about 62 units. Now I do not use insuline at all.
Do Arnica help me?
Best regards
Hi Joe and thank You.
I am sorry to not mentioned my all drugs.
Septemper 2010 I stopped Lantus (insulin) because I got a new remedy Victoza. The acctive stuff is Liraglutidia and you can not use it as same time with insulin.
Besides Victoza I use Metformin 1000 mg trice a day.
I have Arnica 6C in pill and I did the wet doce as You have told to do.
But what about the food?
Kind regards
To Vpanikulam
As you will realize I cannot diagnose your sister’s problem on this website on the basis of the information that you have given me in your post.
She will have to consult a doctor and get a diagnosis which you can record here and I shall try to help her if I can.
To Rufus
Thank you for your kind words.
It is purely the satisfaction that I get from helping those who suffer from various ailments with my “Joepathy” that motivates me at my advanced age of 82 years to do so.
This is regarding Common Cold:
My father 70year old is suffering from frequent cold(starts with sneezing), I read your suggestions calc carb, phosphorous and Lycopodium. My doubt is whether all the 3 taken together or first take cal carb then give 2hours gap then phos. and 2 hours gap then lyco. Kindly clarify me in this regard.
Thanks in advance
To Surya
Please follow my instructions to take each remedy in the order given leaving 2 hours between each remedy.
Your dad can take Calc Carb 30 in the Wet dose made as per instructions below after he has taken the 3 remedies in the Dry Pellets which should build up his resistance.
The Calc Carb in the Wet dose will help him to maintain his resistance if he takes it on a daily basis.
He can also take Arnica 30c twice daily and this will help him in a manner similar to a tonic.
Dear Joe,
Thanks for your immediate reply, I gave the three medicine as prescribed by you to my father. Started on 18th June 2011 2 hourly and on sunday morning he sneezed only ONCE and running nose is much better. Only the dry pellets I have given, yet to start the wet dose with carl carb 30c. how long he should continue the dry pellets? I have started the wet dose of Arnica 30c twice daily from Friday itself.
Thanks for your advise, I could see some hope in my father’s face at this age, he is suffering from this sneezing, running nose from last 25 years.
He also having High BP and as directed by you I have given Nat. Mur.6x 2-2-2 and Arnica 30c wet dose.
I will update you soon regarding the response of Arnica.
Thanks and Regards
To Surya
Do not give the 3 remedies more often that just once weekly.
You may however give him the Calc Carb 30c in the Wet dose thrice daily as this will continue the effect of the 3 other remedies which you gave him in the dry pellets.
Dear Joe,
Arnica 30c wet dose, I(40yrs, male) have started as a general tonic, one dose per night as suggested in your article. I do not have any chronic ailment. Following symptoms developed in the same order:
First day, started red rashes(with itching) in few places and vanished after few hours. Had good sleep. Immediately, after taking the wet dose, there was a floating headache in the front head.
Second day, developed chest pain and vanished after few hours. Developed sore throat(redness of throat)
Third day, started with occasional sneezing and running cold, looks like common cold and that night has mild fever. And also both knee pained for some time and the evening it vanished.
Fourth day, Cold continues and fever subsided, body ache started, the pain is as if we get after a gym workout. My left heel alone pains more.
And tonight I have to take Arnica 30c wet dose, Are these symptoms common when arnica is taken as a general tonic? I have put my wife and kids also into these tonic dose(nightly). Please share your experience. Can any healthy person take this Nightly wet dose?
Thanks for your time and the concern towards the humanity.
With Regards
To Surya
I did not read your post up to today as I did not get the automatic alert.
If this occurs in future please alert me on my email address
How is he today?
Dear Joe,
The intention is certainly not to blame. Please do not take it otherwise. I would stop taking it as per your advise.
With Regards,
Dear Sir,
I happen to visit your site and noted the contents . I am 45 , Indian staying at Nagpur and sufferring from Diabetes, Cellulities on right foot since sept ’10. I had mild angina and was admitted to the hospital were it was found that I have diabetes and the infection on my right foot was cellulites. I had 2 operations on my right foot but still its not recovered. Also I have a pressuring / tearing pain between right side of the root of the nose and eye which I suppose was due to the strain /force exerted during meditation 12 years ago . Initially I thought it will go on its own but for last 12 yrs I am suffering form the said pain and due to it my gums got effected and all teeths have been extracted . Also due to ill health there is constant constipation and I am not able to clear the stomach on daily basis. I also smoke lightly.
For the past 12 years, I have been to all doctors of all therapies but my pain on the root of the nose does not subside. On starting the therapy it would be be bearable for 1-2 days and again be as ususal. It seems that something is tearing / presurring to come out . Sometimes the pain is like wire were I could feel all the nerves in this area from nose to jaws/cheeks / back of the head etc. Due to which I feel fatigue and have no interest in any work. Though I am working but feel that this is not the pace with which I used to work.
Having read your articles I stared Arnica 6 in wet dose yesterday only for my cronic pain/diabetes/cellulites/angina/ constipation . But in your article you have mentioned for cronic pain / cellulities /angina use Arnica 30 . So I am bit confused as to wether to use Arnica 6 or Arnica 30.
Initially for about 9 months I used to take Insuline but after my last BS test on 20/06/11, I am on Glympride MF 500mg ( twice/day ). At present I am also taking Ayurvedic medicines for diabetes/cellulities.
Pl help.
Would be glad if you also reply a copy of your feedback on my email –
To Hemant
I discovered your post of June 28 under SPAM in my website.
If you read my reply please repeat your post with data on your present condition.
Dear Mr. Joe,
I am suffering from many problems last five years and seek your advice.
• After settling down in Bangalore, I got problem of continuous mucus formation which comes out from the throat (never a running nose). After visiting many allopath and homeopath doctors, one homeopath doctor ultimately controlled it and now much better. I don’t know the medicine, since I am never told about it. However, it is not completely cured. Some weather change (especially chilling), I get it again. When starts, whole day I have to clear mucus and cannot eat full stomach, since otherwise in the end food comes out. It is watery (with froth) mucus. It also enhances with pollution or indirect smoking.
• I have few other problems, like migraine. Cause could be irritation, frustration, tension, too hot or too cold weather. It starts from one side and keeps moving to different portions and starting is not necessarily at the same part.
• I get affected with air condition. Main problem I get throat irritation or throat pain. Following I may start the first problem.
• I get itching allergy when under hot sun (especially in Europe) and in forest. Uncovered parts start itching and swelling. Get feverish. After leaving the place it automatically starts decreasing and within an hour reduces completely.
• Can’t eat spicy food. Spice leads to either mucus formation of first type, heavy acidity and then vomiting. Stopped eating most of the fruits as my doctor said it leads to mucus formation. I found it is true. I can eat only papaya or mango.
I will be really grateful to you, if you can suggest something to me.
Kind regards,
I would like to add that I am 37 years old. I also cannot take any cold food.
To Paul
You have listed many problems in your post which you are suffering from and if you wish to have my advice you will have to specify them in the order of importance to enable me to deal with them in the order you will indicate.
Dear Mr. Joe,
I will be happy, if I get relief from first two problems in this order: First: dealing with mucus formation/throat pain because of aircondition, weather change pollution etc. is very regular.
Second: I also suffer from migraine every alternate days.
To Paul
Bryonia 200 in the Wet dose will hopefully help with your throat problem. You will gargle with the Wet dose every 3 hours and swallow it every time after gargling. You may take a mouthful to do your gargle as this is not an overdose.
Bryonia will also help with your Migraine.
Report progress in 3 days.
Thanks. I have started it and will let you know the progress after 3 days. I also seek help for my mother in law, who is operated for lung cancer. Last PET scan report says that now it is spread to other organs and chemotherapy is stopped. She has problem of high BP and sugar. Further she is having lot of pain including the rib where it was operated. Could you please let me know if Arnica wet dose can give her some relief and possible to avoid strong pain killers. She is mentally very strong. She is doing all her daily routine tasks herself. She is 59 years old.
Thanks and regards,
I am very concerned that your M I L’s cancer has spread to other organs and that chemotherapy has been stopped.
I have a few patients whose Cancer has responded to Manioc which I hope is available in your country. It is also known as Cassava and is a Tuber which grows rapidly and it is the Yam that is eaten. Manioc has some property of stopping Cancer from spreading and I would recommend that you give it to your M I L ASAP.
Please visit the links below:
You can also give her Hypericum 200 in the Wet dose taken every 3 hours to relieve her pain and Arnica 30c thrice daily in the Wet dose to help her condition.
I shall be interested to learn of her progress in a few weeks.
Do not give up hope although Chemotherapy has been stopped.
Dear Mr. Joe,
Last few days I am taking Bryonia 200 as you suggested. It definitely helped for my Migraine. It is a nice relief from almost daily headache. In the mean time I got mucus in throat problem with continuous irritation and vomiting after exposure of pollution, which I was suffering previously. My local doctor told me to take Antium Tart 200 (I did not know the name of this medicine. Since I am away, she told me to buy and take this) . Within a day I got much relief and it took another 24 hours for complete recovery.
Best regards
To Paul
Glad to note that your Migraine was helped while your throat problem was not by the Bryonia 200.
You did right by taking Antim Tart 200 and you can make it into the Wet dose by inserting about 6 pellets into the bottle of water which will help you even better.
Dear Mr. Joe,
I am writing about my nephew who is six years old. He is suffering from acute vomiting tendency. Seeing/smelling food also feels like vomiting. He hardly vomits but as if he tries to throw several times. He has taken enormous amounts of antibiotic for several reasons. Recently he is suggested to take Augmentin for cold which is effecting his hearing. I gave Ipecac, which seems that working. Could you please suggest something to resist vomiting tendency and if he can start eating normally?
Thanks and regards
To Paul
Ipecac 30 in the Wet dose is the correct remedy for your patient.
It is essential that he is not overdosed and made to live on Antibiotics which as you have seen have created his present dislike of food due to the destruction of the bacteria in his gut which is essential for digestion.
You can give him a Probiotic for which you will have to search in pharmacies and also give him Yoghurt or Curd to repopulate his gut with the ‘good’ bacteria essential for life.
I note that he has been given Augmentin for the treatment of a cold and this is equivalent to murder as it is a very strong antibiotic only used as a last resort when others fail.
STOP it ASAP and give other less harmful AB’s if essential. Also change your doctor who is obviously only intent on curing this boy immediately without regard to any consequences.
Give him Calc Carb 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily to build up his resistance to catching colds.
If he shows signs of catching the next cold which is unlikely after the Calc Carb, you can give him Ferr Phos 6x dose 3 tablets thrice daily to help to stop the cold. Also increase the Calc Carb at that stage to 4 doses.
My husband suffers from rheumatism,is a smoker and loves his alcohol,in spite of allopathic medicines his condition is worsening day by day.He does not quit smoking or drinking.Will arnica help?
To Anju
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose has helped countless Alcoholics and Smokoholics (!) to QUIT their habits. It reduces that inner urge for that next drink or that next smoke.
The patient will have to be fully aware that he wishes to be cured and cooperate as otherwise this is not possible.
Arnica the MIRACLE REMEDY « Joe De Livera…
To Pilates
It seems to me that you have not included your message.
Please complete it ASAP.
Dear Dr. Livera,
Please let me know how I could get Arnica for falling of hair, I have tried other homeopathy treatment without any success.
To Heloise
About 20years ago I discovered that I too was losing hair at an alarming rate daily. I was 60 years old at that time and I started experimenting with various Homeopathic remedies and have finally evolved what I feel is the best therapy to help with the Loss of Hair.
The following ingredients are required:
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 30ml bottle
Olive Oil 200 ml
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
500ml bottle of Spring water or Bottled water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour 100ml Olive oil into a bottle and mix it with 20ml Arnica Q. Shake the bottle and the Arnica will form an emulsion with the Olive Oil.
Wet the finger tips with the emulsion and part your hair and apply the oil on the roots of the hair and spend some time in massaging it into the scalp which should show an oily shine. This is done daily for best results after a shower.
Make a Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Avoid harsh shampoos. Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo instead.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
In my case I still have a good head of grey hair at age 82 although it has thinned down to about half the hair I had 40 years ago.
My son can not feel the smell.he is 28 yr old ,any injury to nose not suggest .thanks
To Vinod
I regret that I cannot think of a remedy for your son’s lack of smell.
Suggest you consult specialist doctors who may be more qualified to help him.
Hello, I have hayfever which I get every morning on wakening. It occurs other times as well, but mostly in the morning. I sneeze alot, and need to blow my nose with clear mucus. Can you please suggest a remedy.
To Hannah
The 3 remedies listed below will help your Catarrh and will also build up your resistance to colds and coughs caused by virus infection.
Take 4 pellets of each remedy sublingually precisely in the order given 2-3 hours apart.
1 Calcarea Carb 30c
2 Phosphorous 30c
3 Lycopodium 30c
Please note that these remedies may not be taken on a regular basis and may only be repeated monthly if necessary.
Report progress in 48 hours after you have completed the course.
Stop all other drugs that you may be taking today as these remedies will be antidoted by them.
Hello Joe,
I am finding it hard to get to sleep some nights, and when I do I wake up very early in the morning after about four hours of sleep. I do manage to go back to sleep sometimes, but feel very dull and no energy the next day. Some nights I wake up screaming but cannot remember what the dream was about. I then feel very anxious and cannot go back to sleep unless I take something to calm me down. What do suggest I take.
To Carmel
I presume that you have read my notes on “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” which thread you are writing from.
Your problem with sleep will be addressed as soon as you start on Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which you will make up in the manner that I have promoted and which I shall copy below.
You will take a teaspoonful of the remedy thrice daily with the last dose taken just before bed.
You will not take any other drugs unless on a strictly SOS basis.
Report progress 48 hours after you take the first dose of Arnica on your sleep.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Hello Joe, I can only get Arnica 30c in 10ml in 20% alcohol. Do I still place 3 drops in 500ml of water?
Dr De Livera,
I first read about you in the ABC homeopathy forum looking for remedies for my hairloss.
I am a female 48 years old hispanic no children overall healthy but these are my main conditions to consider:
I started loosing hair like a year and a half ago, used a lot a products and stoppd for a few months but now has started again yesterday lost like 300 hairs in the shower and cried like a baby.. I always had beautiful healthy and long hair but now it is thin and has lost lot of volume… I am very worried about this condition doctor. I take a lot of vitamins but I don’t know if it is helping me. Have seen many doctors but they say that it is stress… maybe I am close to the menopause and my body is changing.
Please doctor help me, I am really desperate .. I will appreciate any advise you can give me.
Thank you!!
To Chaly
I regret to inform you that your case is far too complicated for me to advise you.
I just want an advise of what could help me with my hair loss. Not a cure for other conditions which dont bother me at all.
Thank you anyway!
hi there
i’m suffering from hypothyroidism for last few years and my hair is thinning a lot. my age is 48 kindly prescribe the medicine thanks
Treating thinning hair at age 48 caused by Hypothyroidism is difficult at my age of over 95.
DIABETES Arnica 6c
Dear Sir (Joe De Livere) :
If a patient have both ailments with anemia what power we follow 6 OR 30…pls advise,
Best rgds,
To Kamrul
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Hello Joe, I read some comments from you about hair loss and arnica. I have been loossing my hair for a while now and noticed that the new hair is very thin and fragile. What homeopathy remedies I can use to stop my hair loss and regrow thicker hair?
Thank you for your help!
To Angel
Type “HAIR LOSS” into the Search Box on the home page and read the many accounts of patients who have been helped by my therapy.
Please tell me what country you are in?
I have a hard time sleeping, any ideas? How are you paid?
Santa Monica, CA USA
To Lisa
I live in Sri Lanka, right across the world from California.
I have promoted the use of Arnica 30c to promote sleep and if you read my notes here on Arnica the Miracle Remedy you can read the accounts of many patients who have succeeded in overcoming their insomnia.
You stated: “How are you paid?”
Can you please explain the reason why you ask this question?
> I have gone through ur several posts and started ur Armica therapy for hair fall. I am 45 yrs. male. On the issue, I have some questions;
> (i) due to high triglycerides, I was earlier taking the Raw Garlic ( 2-3 cloves) in the morning. Now since last 8-10 days I have stopped the same as I have shifted to Arnica Therapy. Should Garlic can be continue with Arnica therapy by maintaining a considerable gap of 2-3 hrs. in taking both . Or Arnica will take care of my triglycerides problem .
> (ii) It is mentioned in the post that it will take 4-6 weeks in new hair growth. Should this therapy can be continue thereafter or it should be stopped and after some gap, it will be started again for 4-6 weeks.
> (iii) I am taking the therapy as suggested by u since last 8-10 days and will report the result after 4-6 weeks. Though my hair is not falling at alarming speed but after using this It appears that hair is not falling so frequently because after massaging of good 10-15 minutes I found hardly 2-3 hairs in my hand.
> Thanks
To Ravi
You will discover that Arnica 30 in the Wet dose taken thrice daily will reduce your Triglycerides and Cholesterol far more effectively than Garlic raw or otherwise.
You have already discovered that the Arnica you are taking for your Hair Loss has helped the problem. It will also help your other problems in the same manner but the results may take a few months to be evident.
Are you overweight?
No Sir, I am 5’7″ tall having weight of 67 kgs. only and the same weight is since last 20 years ( 66 to 70 kgs.). Except of hectic schedule as working in an intelligence agency, no visible problem other than high triglyceride ( which is presently in control) & baldness(slight). Regularly walk for about 50 minutes and eat everything with little restriction.
I am giving update on the above therapy, though late but not too late. I have started this therapy in October and continued for seven weeks. I had not followed the same in toto. I had applied the arnica+ oil solution in night only and washed the hair in morning. No arnica+oil was used in day time. Taken the cord liver capsule and arnica 30 for two times daily. The result was up to expectation. I found not only the hair growth in the area where hairs were less but also that the hair becomes thick as earlier i could not able to perform some of the hairstyle due to thin hair but now a days, it becomes simple for me. So thanks to joe for spreading the therapy. From yesterday, I have started the therapy again.
However, besides the above benefit, problem of heavy white colour dandruff occurs and the same persists despite the use of oil and arnica. Kindly suggest for dandruff problem, Sir. Thanks again joe for effective therapy.
Glad to note that my therapy has helped your hair regrowth in just under 2 months.
Wash your hair daily for Dandruff.
You can also use my amended therapy without Olive Oil below:
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour out abour 100ml of water fron each bottle.
Pour in 25 drops of Arnica Q into a bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
A teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be applied on the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water is not to be taken orally.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make a Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propogate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in 2 weeks.
Hi Joe,
I hope you can help my daughter who has had vitiligo for the last two years. I started one week of steroid cream (on a dermatologist’s advice) when the problem started, but stopped after that because I knew that it would only exacerbate the problem. Anyway, over te past 2 years, her spots have increased. I consulted a couple of homeopaths for 6 months each time but the medicines had no effect. I know that vitiligo is a hard to treat disease and patience is required. But as a mother, I am finding it hard to see my daughter’s plight. Can you please help?
To Angel
I regret to inform you that I have not succeeded in helping a patient who presents Vitiligo.
I am aware of cures of Vitiligo that have been successfully carried out by the Ayurvedic Hospital in Colombo and you are advised to contact them. I do not have their contact details but shall get them tomorrow, Monday and you can then contact the management directly and discuss her condition with them
hypnotherapy for smoking…
[…]Arnica the MIRACLE REMEDY « Joe De Livera[…]…
You have referred to Hypnotherapy and I do not practice it.
If your problem is Smoking and you wish to QUIT the habit the remedy that has worked is
Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Thank you, Joe. I will be grateful for any help you can give for my daughter’s skin condition.
To Angel
You may not believe this but I have not been able to get the Phone Number of the Government Ayurvedic Hosnpital which is situated about 5Km from my office. They have given me a number which does not work.
I shall keep trying to get the number and the name of the doctor who has succeeded in CURING Vitiligo as a patient whom I was trying to help some years ago showed me his hands which have been re-pigmented within about 2 years.
I do not know if you can get this treatment without bringing your daughter to Colombo and this will depend on you.
Will Arnica the MIRACLE REMEDY really help people that burp’s? If so, how is one to “medicate”?
To Ebert.
Arnica cannot stop you burping.
You can take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after every meal and observe if it can help.
I went to the ER about two weeks ago, had a workup there because of severe pain that measured between 1 and 10 at around 8 in my abdominal area behind my belly button that was detected by an abdominal CT scan an umbilical hernia. They said it showed fat protrusion in the abdominal wall and showed impacted bowels, as I had not been moving much, and because of the pain in my abdomen, they gave me morphine only constipating me further. Also had blood tests with slightly elevated white blood cell count. The CT showed the umbilical hernia that has obviously been there for some years but has increased in size. Worse when standing, better when lying down. Worse at certain times. I also have had a history of IBS or IBD showing inflammation of my intestines (likely from the removal of my gallbladder. I have received all vaccinations as a child. Have allergies to codine and wheat products and dairy, and drugs for my headaches like Demerol and ibuprofen irritate my gut further, as well as perhaps antidepressants have caused much inflammation on top of a history of depression and unresolved emotional stress (i.e. family troubles including broken marriage, feelings of abandonment resulting, insecurity, low self image, low self worth, profound loneliness, feelings of being deserted, feeling trapped, betrayal, financial stress and insecurity, sleeplessness, helplessness, hopelessness, restlessness, agitation, anger, frustration, insomnia, w/OCD’s,) Have had much family contention even since a child, (ie abandonment by my mother, siblings, feelings of loss, loneliness, anger at my mother, sexual abuse by my older brother, abandonment by my ex husband leaving me destitute, loss of my children recently who abandoned me, financial ruin, feeling destitute, despair, and recently loss of my father in the last 3 years prior to that physical and emotional abuse of my ex-husband who left me destitute. Have a history of past infections such as measles ad H1N1. PTSD’s (choking most recent and rushed to the hospital almost losing my life). Lost gallbladder at age 9 and had to stay in hospital after from infection while in the hospital, Have relied on demerol, pherenol, ibuprofen, tylenol for migraines and antidepressants that only contributed to the IBD or IBS now causing constipation from the usual spasmatic bowel causing diarrhea i get that chronically makes me run to the bathroom over anything I eat, even after eating a grape or after brushing my teeth. Also had taken cholestyramine for the IBD. What’s now causing the distention and swelling of my belly and now constipation? The CT scan of my abdomen showed a lot of impacted stool and a umbilical hernia behind my belly button. How do I treat this? And how do I treat the hernia and constipation that is presenting now and emotional issues as well as the digestive problems? I was given more drugs such as morphine and gravol causing more sluggish gut motility while ER docs were trying to purge my colon with many oral and rectal fleet solutions to try to purge my bowel and the oral solutions like pico and “go lightly” that barely did anything. Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of the purge if I’m loaded up and doped up with morphine among other drugs? After all the drinks they gave me and fleet enemas, I still am not releasing much bowel sometimes moving out only little sandy amounts of brown sediment at the bottom of the toilet even after all the enemas I didn’t go much. Two weeks later, I am even taking lots of vitamin C, like Vitamin C flushes, hydrating myself with lots of water, making dietary changes, increasing fiber with little help. What is likely happening? What would you recommend or prescribe to help the digestive issues and hernia and what is likely causing all this so an effective treatment plan can be drawn up? Is there non-surgical modalties to treat this including the umbilical hernia?
To Tamar
I regret to inform you that your case is far too complicated for me to even think of helping you with my Joepathy.
My advice to you is to have surgery on an emergency basis for your Umblical Hernia which can be life threatening especially since I note that you live alone.
I would also suggest that you copy and post your case on the ABC Homeopathy Forum in the hope that other more qualified homeopaths can advice you.
I repeat again that you must have surgery for your Hernia on an emergency basis.
Dear Joe,
I hope you can help my father who is of age 85 now.
He had surgery of prostate enlargement in 2002 and now recently he started visiting bathroom frequently at night as well as in day too.( passes urine with foul smell and do not feel satisfied with one go. Night time he goes about 3 times and in day time he goes to bathroom about 5-7 times)
Due to old age or may be other reasons he has developed Dementia. I should mention here that he was retired officer from Municipal Corporation and has strong personality. He had developed vices like alcohol ( He has given up the same for last 15 years) but not the cigarettes ( he consumes about 20 sticks per day). He does not want to stop the cigarettes.
He can not eat solid food. Due to aversion for food and lack of hungriness. Since last one year he only takes milk and biscuits and we give him some oats and soup by telling him that its milk. He also has habit of smoking cigarette with cloves in mouth for whole day.( Nasty habit which he refuses to give up)
I have given him Arnica 30 –one dose in pills form since yesterday 3 times a day. And his urine frequency has reduced. However the foul smell persists.
Kindly let me know — Is it alright to give him 30 size 3 pills of
Arnica 30 —- 3 times a day for 2 weeks and
then 3 pills –2 times a day for next week and stop the medicine ?
Or is it must to follow the Wet dose ?
To Deep
Arnica 6c in the Wet dose will help to quell your Dad’s addiction to cigarettes. This has worked in many patients I have treated and I shall be interested to observe if it will also help him. I note that he has quit alcohol but this same remedy would have worked to do so.
Arnica 6c will also help his incontinence as you have already discovered with the Arnica 30c you have given in the dry pellets.
Dry pellets cannot be given for any length of time as they can easily cause aggravation of his symptoms.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
We will have to forget his Dementia as the therapy is again Arnica but at the higher potency of 1M also in the Wet dose. Unfortunately we cannot give it to him as it will render the 6c potency in the Wet dose null and void.
We will first treat his immediate problems with Arnica 6c which are:
Addiction to smoking
You will please report his progress frequently.
Thank you Joe, for your advise. You have not mentioned the dose per day which I presume 3 times a day for my father.
Thank you once again.
3 times daily is correct.
from 5 months when I did a routine blood test, the doctor found that I have a high blood platelets count 900 k/ul and since that Time I tried to search for the reason and didn’t find it,when I reach your website thanks God, I read about arnica so I want to know how can I use it to lower the platalets .pls recommend me the best way to use it?
900000 Platelet Count is IMPOSSIBLE.
Quite frankly, I do not know how to help you as your case is unique.
I would like to know what your doctors have advised you about your case.
You can take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose and see how it can help you.
Please read other cases on instructions to make the Wet dose.
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Dear Sir,
I came across your posts while searching for Homoeopathic remedies for my ailments.The responses that I read have given me some hope for myself
I am hoing that you’d be able to help me out by suggesting some homoeopathic medicine which I can use.
I am male and 35.5 years of age, non vegetarian, smoked from 30-35 years of age.
Unfortunately I have quite a few problems:
1. Hairfall : No one else in my family has it.My father is 75 and has a head full of hair.My problem started some 10 years back without any apparent cause
2. Chronic, allergic sinusitis which is slowly transforming into asthma.
3. Very poor memory.
Also, my wife suffers from hypothyroidism and is currently on THYRONORM 100mcg, once daily
There are other problems that I have been having.
If you need me to fill out some form with details, please let me know.
I am really at me wits’ as to what to do. 🙁
Please help.
Hairfall Please follow the therapy I have prescribed on my website. You can access it by typing “Hair Loss” into the Search box on the Home page.
Catarrh (Sinusitis) Eupatorium Perforlatum 30c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily will clear this condition.
Memory Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily.
You will leave half hour between remedies.
There is no treatment for Thyroid conditions in Homeopathy.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for the quick response. I went thru the other posts related to hair loss and was wondering whether to use “Arnica 6c” or “Arnica 30c” for making the wet dose to counter hairloss.
It is Arnica 30c that you must use to treat Hait Loss.
It is also essential that you follow the other aspects of my therapy as prescribed in toto.
Thank You Sir for the response.Since ,I have also read that people who take the wet dose (Arnica 30c) for hair should not take any other medicine alongwith, could you please prescribe something for my Psoriasis. The skin on my palms and fingers (and toes) itches , cracks and bleeds.It started a year back.
Agin, no family history of any such skin ailment.
Apologies for bothering you so much.
And Thanks again 🙂
By other medicines I meant those not prescribed by you.I do intend to take Eupatorium Perforlatum 30c in the Wet dose for my catarrh
I would suggest that you take the Arnica 6c for your skin condition and after this is stabilized you can then proceed to cure your Catarrh with the Eupat Perf 30c.
Do not mix the remedies as the Arnica may not work as it normally does with skin conditions otherwise.
I would doubt very much that you present Psoriasis which you first identified a year ago. This is a skin disease which is extremely difficult to be cured and medicine cannot cure it although I have seen proof of a few cases of cure by Homeopathy with photographs.
In your case it is very likely that you suffer from some allergic reaction and Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily is the answer. You can hasten the cure by applying the remedy on the lesions.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Thank You Sir.I will start with Arnica 6c for the skin condition.I will keep you updated.
Then, as per your instructions, I will start with Eup Per 30c and Arnica 30c.
Thank you for your time and patience.
Dear Sir,
I took my first dose of the Arnica 6c wet dose treatment today.I was wondering if there are any dietary restrictions that I need to follow.
I remember that during homoeopathic treatment one is supposed to avoid raw Garlic,Onion and Coffee,Colas(caffeinated beverages).
Please let me know if there is anything else that I need to be aware of to make the treatment more effective.
Thank You.
dear joe
i have been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks and my face shakes when i am nerveous will arnica be good foe me i cant sing in public when nervous and have anxiety for ordinary activities like talking to people>will arnica ease my anxiety
Your problem:
“i cant sing in public when nervous and have anxiety for ordinary activities like talking to people”
cannot be helped by Arnica.
The remedy that should hopefully help is Gelsemium 30c in the Wet dose taken about 2 hours prior to your performance.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Please report your response after you have used this therapy a few times
Dear Joe,
Please recall your suggestion of Arnica 6c for problems like incontinence and craving for smoking for my father dated 4th November 2011.
Unfortunately, after 10 days there is no difference in his habits for visiting toilet every 2 hourly and craving for smoking.
Kindly let me know whether I should continue the same wet dose of 6c for a while or change the potency of Arnica to 30?
thanks and regards
It is possible that the Arnica 6c that you got may be suspect. Get another bottle of the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol and let him take it for 2 weeks and report his response.
Arnica 30c in not as effective for his two problems as the 6c is. This is based on the response of patients reported to me.
Dear Sir,
I have been using Arnica 6c wet dose as prescried by you.
My skin condition seems to be getting better. The dryness and flaking have reduced by almost half.
BUT I was very pleasantly surprised to notice that my hairfall has ALSO DECREASED …!!!
May GOD BLESS You Sir…!!!
I will be eagerly awaiting your permission on when to start the other medicines, Arnica 30c and Eupatorium Perforlatum 30c, both in WET DOSES as prescribed by You.
Also, if you could help me with weight loss.I work out 5 days week for one hour each (Cardio and light weights) yet find it very difficult to lose weight.
May the LORD reward you for your selfless service to humanity.Amen
I am glad to note that your diagnosis of your “Psoriasis” was completely wrong. I am surprised that the 2 doctors you consulted also misled you but this is not unusual even here in Sri Lanka where I live.
I had diagnosed your condition based on your description of your lesions which you stated would appear and also disappear frequently and I was fairly certain that you did not suffer from Psoriasis as this is a chronic skin condition which was quite different. I diagnosed it as Eczema or Contact Dermatitis and this was without visually examining you and I was correct. This is more certain now as Arnica could not have possibly helped Psoriasis. I t btoo am amazed at how very quickly Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken both orally and applied topically can cure Eczema and it seems a pity that this fact is not recorded in the Homeopathic textbooks that all students of Homeopathy use. What is more annoying is when these same classical types attack me when I prescribe Arnica for various ailments for which it is not listed in the text books as they just refuse to accept that any remedy which is not listed in them just cannot work. I have proved otherwise, as you are now aware.
Continue with my Joepathy for Eczema and report progress weekly. Patients suffering from Eczema have reported that even chronic Eczema which they have suffered from for years, in one case for over 75 years responded to Arnica 6 in the Wet dose in less than a week. You will however have to take it for at least 6 months into the future and it is perfectly safe to do so as I have been taking it for the last 16 years but just one dose nightly.
Arnica is also my default therapy for Hair Loss and you have already noticed that it has helped to arrest it. I shall copy my default therapy for Hair Loss below:
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and wil also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 30ml bottle
Olive Oil 200 ml
Arnica 6c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
500ml bottle of Spring water or Bottled water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour 80ml Olive oil into a bottle and mix it with 20ml Arnica Q. Shake the bottle and the Arnica will form an emulsion with the Olive Oil.
Wet the finger tips with the emulsion and part your hair and apply the oil directly on the roots of the hair and spend some time in massaging it into the scalp which should show an oily shine. This is done daily for best results after a shower.
Make a Wet dose of Arnica 6c as follows:
Order Arnica 6c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propogate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
You have also inquired about helping you to lose weight.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken after each of 3 meals. This accelerates the passage of food down the gut and thereby prevents the absorption of the food especially fats and carbs into the blood stream.
Do not take the Eupat Perf right now as it can interfere with the action of the other remedies you are using.
Dear Sir,
You’d recall that you had prescribed Arnica 6c in wet dose for my skin condition.
I had very promising results the first week and infact it arrested my hairfall too. Later I noticed that I was sleeping much better too.Initially I used to have restless sleep but that too became deeper and restful.
But the past few days the improvements in my skin condition and hairfall, both, have started to taper off. They are not as bad as they were before I started the wet dose,but they have both shown some regression as compared to the first few days.
I am still taking the Arnica 6c wet dose 3 times a day as you prescribed and no other medicine.
Please advise.
You are advised to continue with the therapy which you have reported has helped you in more ways than one.
You can however reduce your dosage of Arnica to twice daily and report progress weekly.
Dear Sir,
Apologies for the delay in updating you but here it goes:
Skin Condition:
Much much better. The lesion are few and far in between.Also, they heal faster.
The size of the affected areas has diminished.The flaking is also much reduced.
The itching remains. Overall I would say around 75-80% improvement. Thanks to “Joepathy” 🙂
Unfortunately here the improvements have not been quite as dramatic after the initial very very positive results. I am taking the wet dose of ARnica 6c twice daily. Could you please suggest something?
Also, the past few days, I had a bad case of chest congestion/asthma attack. Since I was not able to contact you and the discomfort was severe, I, on the advise of another Homoeopath, took Phos 200 ,2 pills twice daily to clear my chest.
I hope you would understand since the asthalin was not helping very much.
Could you please suggest somethign for my Asthma too so that I do not have to look to others?
Thank you once again for you patience, your time and all your help.
I was wondering how you had fared since last November when I diagnosed your condition as Eczema and not Psoriasis.
I copy below my diagnosis:
“I would doubt very much that you present Psoriasis which you first identified a year ago. This is a skin disease which is extremely difficult to be cured and medicine cannot cure it although I have seen proof of a few cases of cure by Homeopathy with photographs.
In your case it is very likely that you suffer from some allergic reaction and Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily is the answer. You can hasten the cure by applying the remedy on the lesions.”
In your case it is likely that you may never be completely CURED of your Eczema. You will have to take the remedy for life and this is a small price to pay for your relief from what was a condition that was more than merely being a discomfort.
I hope that you are applying the remedy on your skin wherever you have a lesion. Please confirm.
You have now mentioned Asthma and the “Joepathy” I prescribe which has helped many patients is:
Nat Sulph 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. It is best to take the first dose first thing in the morning and the second dose just before bed.
Ars Alb 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily leaving a space of about an hour between remedies.
Steam is also important inhaled for about 5 minutes twice daily. You can get the steaming device used in beauty saloons for facial treatment. You will most likely cough up a lot of phlegm immediately after steaming.
Physiotherapy is also indicated after steaming to rid the lungs and airways of the phlegm which is also the cause of Asthma. You will lay flat across your bed with your chest slightly elevated above your head which is hanging down over the side. You will get someone to tap your chest on the back from the waist up to your neck and you should find that your phlegm will drool out in cupfuls.
Exercise is essential for you and you will drink at least 3 liters of water daily. You can also blow into a baloon to help strengthen your lungs.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
I would like to add in your case that you must STOP this remedy as soon as you discover that your Asthma is stabilized. It is not meant to be taken like the Arnica for extended periods.
Hi Joe,
I’ve read some of your posts on homeopathic websites…and am impressed enough to write this !
I am an Asian male, 61 years old who’s been diagnosed as having “bladder neck obstruction”.
First diagnosed at age 46 after a cystoscopic examination.
My prostate is ‘of normal size for my age’…but my bladder neck does not relax when attempting to urinate…and I thus have a host of “symptoms” that mimics BPH.
Slow onset, weak flow, incomplete voiding (urine retention), frequent urge at night (after lying down)…
The analogy would be pressure building up in a balloon with a strictured neck…
Was on Hytrin for about a month…but abandoned the stuff after a month!
Stayed “drug-free” for about 15 years until I decided to consult a urologist some 18 months ago who put me on “Tamsulosin”…
Tamsulosin (rINN) is an α1a-selective alpha blocker used in the symptomatic treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
The one-a-day pill helps a little…but I’m not pleased with the thought of swallowing an alpha blocker for a problem in my loins..!
Besides, I’ve noticed the initial success…waning. Tamsulosin is becoming less effective.
Had a bout of pyelonephritis in my late teens…and this they speculate, could be the cause of my current troubles.
I’m healthy in most other respects; height 170cm, weight 68 kg, biomass index: 20.8
Take a reasonable amount of vitamin supplements, exercise most days…
You have written much of the virtues of arnica.
In the event, I thought I’d write to u…for your views.
One caveat tho…I may have order any homeo meds u prescribe from overseas. I have friends in SLanka who have volunteered to get me anything u may prescribe.
We do have many homeopaths in Malaysia…but I wonder if your profession carries the same medicines around the world.
Thanks n look fwd to your advice.
I note that you live in Malaysia but you refer to some friends who live here in Sri Lanka who have offered to get you any remedy. This is of interest as I too am facing problems in the inability to get the remedies that I require to treat patients who consult me to whom I give the remedy and my advice free of charge as Homeopathy to me is only a Hobby in which I believe I have made some significant contributions which have often attracted the wrath of classical homeopaths who resent the therapy aka “Joepathy” I use to help patients which they (the classical homeopaths) have discovered is far more positive than their own classical therapy where they “treat the totality of the symptoms the patient presents with a single remedy”. I have proved time and time again that this is a fallacy which held good during Hahnemann’s period when he was experimenting with about a hundred remedies while in contrast today we have almost 10000, each of which has been proved to have some special curative effect for a specific problem.
I have treated many who presented similar symptoms to yours and have prescribed Arnica 6c in the Wet dose and hope that it can help you in the manner that it helped many who have consulted me who were desperate for a solution to a problem that drugs cannot possibly help, much less cure.
Take it thrice daily and report your response within 24 hours of your first dose.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Please note that you must stop all other drugs and vitamins that you are taking today when you start my therapy.
Thanks Joe…I didn’t say my SLankan friends can procure what u prescribe…because I assumed u would only prescribe what is ‘locally’ available ! Ha2..
In the event, I shall also approach Malaysian homeopaths to ask if they can help fill the prescription.
Shall follow your advice when I get the ingredients…and “report (my) response within 24 hours of (the) first dose.”
PS. Do u have a contact number I or my Sri Lankan friend(s) can reach you ? (for clarification if (my) homeopath has questions)
You can get supplies in Singapore from:
P&L Pharmacy Pte Ltd
19, Tanglin Road,
#01-40 Tanglin Shopping Centre, Singapore
Phone : 6235 0915 ??
You may contact me by email on:
Hi Joe,
Started last night with Arnica 6c in liquid dilution taken as prescribed. You wanted me to report my response within 24 hrs of my first dose. Can’t say there’s been much effect after the 3rd dose …Voiding is slow, halting…and I get the feeling I’m not voiding all that’s there !
I put three (seemingly tiny) drops from the slim dropper that came with the bottle into some 450 ml of bottled mineral water, succussed the contents and consumed a capful each time.
Should I add more Arnica 6c…?
I’ve stopped taking my Tamsulosin and ALL supplements…and could get anxious if Arnica doesn’t help me pee well soon !
In your experience, how soon should I expect (positive) results?
Many patients have confirmed that they noticed relief within a few hours after their first dose of the Arnica 6c.
I was also a fellow sufferer from BPH or Enlarged Prostate which I treated with the same Arnica 6c from 1996 to 2002 when I went into a Urine block when I had to be catheterized and later decided to have surgery to fix the problem.
Continue with the Arnica 6c and also take the Tamsulosin but eliminate the ‘supplements’ and report progress weekly or more often here to enable me to advise you.
The 3 drops you are using are OK but you may insert another 3 more to see if they help to reinforce the action.
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Thanks for your appreciation of my work.
Dear Joe
My daughter who is 7 years old has allergic rhinitis as well as seasonal asthma. She will get an attack only when there is a change in weather. Tried Ayurvedic but there were side effects. These days i just give her 3 ml of loratidine syrup. This controls her sneezing in the morning. I do not know what to do. Please suggest. My email is above.
You will have to give me more data on your daughter with reports of her diagnosis by doctors and an accurate description of her allergic rhinitis and asthma to enable me to prescribe for her ailments.
You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I in finding this topic to be actually something which I feel I’d never understand. It kind of feels too complex and very vast for me. I’m taking a look ahead to your subsequent put up, I will try to get the grasp of it!
You have posted under the title “Carpal Tunnel Relief”.
If you do suffer from this syndrome, you will have to give me more data on your ailment to enable me to advice you.
I presume that you are referring to my article on Arnica in your post.
I was recently referred to your website by a friend and after reading how enthusiastically you follow your passion of helping the mankind at such a grand age is surely impressive to a young man like myself.
I read about your miracle remedy Arnica 30C (liquid Dilution) but I couldn’t find it in my city. They had Arnica Tincture (liquid Dilution) but I wasn’t sure about that so I did not buy that. All they had was Arnica 30C tablets so I bought that. I plan on making the Wet Dose through them by using 3 tablets and dilute them in water as suggested. Do you think they would work? I am facing hairloss and hair whitening with dandruff.
Also, I had a fall few years back and due to which my tail bone hurts after long hours of sitting. If anything touches the tailbone the pain is acute. Do you think Arnica 30C might deal with the pain?
“They had Arnica Tincture (liquid Dilution) ”
It is the LIQUID DILUTION that you must order. This is different from Arnica Mother Tincture also referred to as Arnica Q. You cannot mistake it even if the vendor does as the Arnica Q is dark brown in colour. What you need is the colourless liquid in 87% Alcohol.
For the record I shall copy my instructions to make the Wet dose:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
The ‘tablets’ you refer to are little pellets of around 3mm ø which are not suitable to make the Wet dose of any remedy that I prescribe to make the Wet dose.
You have to make up your mind as to the reason you wish to take Arnica as you have mentioned both Hait Loss and a problem with your Coccyx.
When you are more specific in your need for Arnica I shall try to help you.
Thanks for writing back. They showed me a bottle marked as Arnica Tincture with no potency mentioned. it was written “Arnica ø” on the bottle. Should I get that? I thought we were looking for 30C potency. Please forgive my ignorance.
Hair loss and whitening is a concern now so I would focus on that for the time being.
Can I take those pellets say 1/day? They are actually standard sized (half of Disprin size) tablets rather than the very small typical homeopathic sugar pellets.
[…]Arnica the MIRACLE REMEDY « Joe De Livera[…]…
Do you suffer from Styes?
If you wish to have my advice, you must state your case fully.
JUst ONE WORD is not sufficient.
Woah this weblog is great i love studying your articles. Stay up the good work! You recognize, lots of persons are looking around for this information, you can help them greatly.
Anstine Tamez
Glad to note your interest in my website.
I hope these articles can help you and others.
CTR360 Maestri…
[…]Arnica the MIRACLE REMEDY « Joe De Livera[…]…
I do not see any text in your message and if you wish to consult me please state your problem.
Hi Joe,
A bunch of these ODD posts you are receiving are spam.
For example above
“CTR360 Maestri…
[…]Arnica the MIRACLE REMEDY « Joe De Livera[…]…”
“Nice blog right here! Additionally your site rather a lot up very fast! What host are you using? Can I am getting your associate link to your host? I wish my web site loaded up as quickly as yours lol”
These kinds of meaningless posts must have some use to the people who create them. It’s a kind of blog spam. Maybe you can try a spam blocker plugin for your blog. (I know – I’ve gotten them on the blog I moderate for a software sales site I run)
Anyway – I’m looking forward to trying the Wet Dose out. I’ve got a lot of wrist fatigue from computer work. Sounds like Arnica 30C as you suggest may work well.
My daughter (9yrs) has had an itchy vagina for a few years. Doc found nothing.
Maybe Arnica wet dose too? Or what other?
I’ll copy this in an email also – I’m not sure if you’ll see this.
Mike B
Hi Mike
Good to know that you have visited my site and I appreciate your comments about the spam which seems to be a daily curse today as I get about 50 visitors daily on my website perhaps due to my site being actively highlighted by Google as I believe their spiders have discovered that my posts on the Homeopathic forums I visit daily attract many fans. I cannot imagine what vicarious satisfaction spammers derive from unnecessarily interfering with websites like mine where all I seek to do is a service to suffering humanity with my Joepathy, only to discover that some geek has put in his 2 cents worth in spam.
I use a standard WordPress template which I selected from a vast selection of about 250 templates and and there was a small fee that I had to pay for the one that I am currently using.
You may like to visit:
You may like to know that the WordPress templates also incorporate a spam filter and I am alerted to this form of spam which rarely appears on my website as I receive a separate notification by e-mail.
I would also like to inform you that I am not physically typing this post as I use DragonDictate software on my MacBook Pro computer to do so, and this relieves me of a a lot of physical effort which I find somewhat irksome at my advanced age of 83 years. I have found Dragon Dictate to be accurate to the extent of about 80% and all it requires after dictation is to edit the result, which takes up short time, which is much shorter than typing it myself.
I have been actively involved in homoeopathy for about 25 years after I was first introduced to this science in 1968 as a sceptic and I just could not believe that any substance, diluted to the nano levels used in homoeopathy, could possibly be used to make any difference whatever in the treatment of human ailments.
I believe that I have contributed towards the advancement of this Science that has been subjected to a lot of abuse by the classical homeopaths who discovered that it is a wonderful mechanism to mint money as a certificate from a classical homeopathic university gives them the right to use the classical method which is to “treat the totality of the SYMPTOMS the patient presents with a SINGLE remedy.” I have proved otherwise and “Joepathy” was born.
Please read my website to appreciate the depths that the classical fraternity of homeopaths could descend to when I exposed this fraud in no uncertain terms.
Coming now to your email……..
I too started on Homeopathy as a skeptic. I am surprised to find myself today not only using Homeopathy but also having the privilege of prescribing it to unknown hundreds of thousands of patients and fans who have discovered that Joepathy really works.
Wrist Fatigue: This is most likely tendonitis and you will have to give your arm complete rest. You can also change the Keyboard and experiment with different levels to see if this helps.
If this does not work, I can prescribe another remedy Colocynthis 200c which you can get but not use till we evaluate your response to moving the elevation of the keyboard.
You will make the Wet dose of any remedy only once. 3 drops in 400ml water which you will use up in about 2 months.
Daughters vaginal itch: Let her take Arnica 30c just once daily in the Wet dose orally and also apply the liquid on her vagina where it itches twice daily . Just dampening will do.
Report progress often.
Nice blog right here! Additionally your site rather a lot up very fast! What host are you using? Can I am getting your associate link to your host? I wish my web site loaded up as quickly as yours lol
The software I use is WordPress whose link you can access by clicking on their ID at the bottom of this page.
Just want to say your article is as astounding. The clarity in your submit is simply great and i can suppose you’re an expert on this subject. Fine along with your permission allow me to grasp your RSS feed to stay up to date with imminent post. Thanks 1,000,000 and please keep up the enjoyable work.
Glad you read this article and that you liked it. This represents my research over a period of 10 years and it contains many facts about Arnica that are not known to Homeopathy.
Visit my website often to read more about my Joepathy which is slowly being recognized in the Homeopathic world as being even more effective than classical homeopathy where they abide by the classical rules to “treat the totality of the symptoms that the patient presents with a SINGLE remedy” This is where classical homeopathy errs and it is the patient who suffers and pays the price while the classical homeopath tries hard to abide by rules which do not cure the patient, who is compelled to visit the homeopath weekly thereby guaranteeing a source of income to the homeopath.
In my case I do not charge for my advice and in Sri Lanka where I live, people have come to accept my Joepathy as they get not only my advice but they also get the medicines free of charge.
Hi my friend! I want to say that this post is amazing, nice written and include almost all vital infos. I would like to look more posts like this .
Glad you read my article “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” and appreciated the facts recorded therein.
Simply want to say your article is as astonishing. The clearness for your submit is simply great and i could assume you are knowledgeable on this subject. Fine along with your permission let me to snatch your RSS feed to keep up to date with impending post. Thank you a million and please continue the rewarding work.
Glad to learn that you appreciate my research into Arnica where I have recorded many facts with the evidence of patients that they have been helped.
I note that you are interested in Quitting Smoking and Arnica 6c is the Ultimate Remedy.
It is also equally good to help Alcoholics and Chocoholics.
It is now being tested on Drug Addicts and results will be forthcoming
Excellent issues altogether, you simply received a emblem new reader. What may you recommend in regards to your submit that you simply made some days in the past? Any positive?
Please rephrase your question as I do not understand what you wish to ask me.
I was reading that you recommend taking arnica 6c three times a day for dark circles. How does arnica reduce dark circles? Can arnica wet dose be purchased at health stores in Canada? What is arnica? From your experience are most people successful in eliminating dark circles by taking arnica? How long on average to see results?
Thank you for your time,
Tara Howatt
I cannot answer your question:
“How does arnica reduce dark circles?”
The fact is that it does and this has been confirmed by patients in the article “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” on this website.
Thanks You so much for your help again Sir. I will begin with the wet doses of Nat Sulph 6c and Ars Alb 30c as soon as I am able to get the medicines.
As to the lesions, I have been applying the medicine to them but, truthfully, not very regularly.It would be more like 2 times daily.
Please advise me for my hair also,Sir. I have been using Olive Oil + Arnica Q emulsion regularly. Should I continue with the wet dose of 6c or would you advise something else?
I cannot thank you enough.
Your Hair Loss is the least of the problems you have today.
In any case the Arnica 6c is the remedy for both Eczema and Hair Loss and I shall copy my Joepathy for Hair Loss below:
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour out abour 100ml of water fron each bottle.
Pour in 25 drops of Arnica Q into a bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
A teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be applied on the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water is not to be taken orally.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make a Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propogate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in 2 weeks.
hello there and thank you on your information ? I have certainly picked up anything new from proper here. I did alternatively experience some technical issues using this site, since I experienced to reload the site many occasions prior to I could get it to load properly. I were brooding about in case your web hosting is OK? Not that I am complaining, but sluggish loading cases occasions will sometimes have an effect on your placement in google and can injury your high quality rating if advertising and marketing with Adwords. Well I’m adding this RSS to my e-mail and could glance out for a lot more of your respective interesting content. Make sure you update this again soon..
I do not understand what precisely you wish to convey to me as you write about my website which is hosted by WordPress over whom I have no control.
Your headline however states:
“stomach hurts after eating”
If you suffer from any problem with your stomach please give me more details about your problem and I shall try to help you to overcome it.
This is really interesting, You’re an overly skilled blogger. I’ve joined your rss feed and sit up for looking for more of your magnificent post. Also, I’ve shared your web site in my social networks
Thanks for your compliments.
If you suffer from any ailment for which you wish to consult me, please indicate it.
Dear Joe,
Sorry i couldnt find any related article to Achlasia Cardia, hence i am posting my medical problem here. Apologies for the same.
I have difficulty in swallowing foods and sometimes liquid also. While swallowing it seems gas comes out and then I have to drink water. [This is 70% of the time]
As per discussion with doctors I have learned that the food pipe junction where it meets stomach has narrowed down. The valve at the junction is not getting relaxed during swallowing of food and liquid.
Doctors are either suggesting a laproscopic surgery so that they can cut the muscle around that area and the valve can relax
A balloon dilation therapy.
Request you to provide assistance.
It is very likely that you are suffering from Gastritis aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux disease) which has been the Root Cause of your present condition which I believe is due to the Lower Esophagal Sphincter not closing as it should normally which then causes a leakage of Gastric Juice which refluxes up into your Esophagus and causes all the discomfort that you suffer from today.
I would suggest that you discount the advice of your current doctors who as I informed you in my email are intent on having you on the table to do various techniques which I believe should respond to my therapy comprising:
Nat Phos 6x dose 4 tablets taken after each of 2 meals daily
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Ignatia 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
If my therapy does not work within 4 weeks you can then go back to the tender mercies of your doctors.
I shall copy the therapy I have prescribed to hundreds of patients who presented GERD, the large majority of whom have been cured.
Your remedies are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 2 meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Ignatia 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
You can expect relief from your ailment hopefully within 24 hours.
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall when you will experience a stomach ache which in some cases can be very acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
STOP using all other drugs and report progress in a week.
Please visit the link below and read the progress of another patient, Steve, who also suffered from chronic GERD like you and who has just reported that he is feeling much relieved of his problems.
It is my hope that you too will respond in a similar manner.
Dear Sir
I am a staunch believer in homoeopathy and it appears to me that your amazingly interesting research on Arnica is very important and it definitely is a boon for the humanity.I would like to humbly ask three questions:
1)I am a 45 years old male in good health till date. I have observed that some wrinkles have emerged under my eyes and two fine lines are also getting visible on my forehead.Please tell me if these wrinkles can be cured ?
2)Can tinitus of an old person be cured by Arnica or some other homoeopathic remedy ?
3)If I dont get spring water to prepare an Arnica dilution as you have mentioned then in that case can I use purified water obtained from a water filter?
Thanks and regards
I note that you have read my research on Arnica in my article where I have copied the reports of patients wherever possible to add to the veracity of my submissions.
You have inquired about your wrinkles and you may like to know that at age 83 I do not have any. My skin is also as wrinkle free as anyone half my age and I do not seem to suffer from the standard signs of the advancing years, thanks to the single dose of Arnica that I have taken nightly before bed since 1996.
You are advised to take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose as prescribed by me on this Website twice daily for about a month and reduced to once nightly thereafter for life.
You can use Boiled Filtered Water in place of Spring water which In India is just plain tap water according to the reports I have received.
I have noticed that my hearing is far better than others who are much younger. I did lose my hearing of the higher frequencies above 15K Hertz about 2 years ago but the lower frequencies still are audible loud and clear.
I would suggest that you give Arnica 30 to your patient who may discover after a few months that his Tinnitus has cleared up.
Dear Joe,
I am a 43 year old female, overweight, height 5 ,3 , weight 69 kgs, I have gone thorough lots of emotional turmoil in last few hears, I do have very anxious nature. I am not able to sleep at night, I can only sleep if I take a sleeping pill, other than anxiety I have arthritis in my knee.not being able to sleep and difficulty controlling weight has become a big problem.
Can you please suggest some homeopathy medicine for my problem ?
Thank you,
Please read the many articles I have collated on my website to help people like you.
Type in OBESITY on the Home page and you will read the many articles where I have prescribed Nat Phos 6x to reduce weight at the rate of 1kg per week which may be higher in your case as you are overweight bordering on obese.
Anxious Nature can be helped and you will also sleep without any drugs by taking
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily.
I can prescribe a remedy for Arthritis but this will interfere with the Nat Phos 6x which you must use for reducing weight.
Report progress weekly with weight loss.
Arnica is compatible with the Nat Phos 6x
Dear Sir
My sincere thanks to you for your prompt reply.
I have no words to describe the importance of your invaluable service to the humanity.I would like to ask you that in case of tinnitus also I will have to use Arnica 30c in wet doses as prescribed by you ? And how many times it should be taken every day ?
Please also advise that-
Those who are taking wet doses of Arnica 30c should avoid taking liquor,even occasionally?
Should they avoid Onion,Ginger and Garlic ?
Can they take Biochemic medicines like Kali Phos , Calc. Flour , Kali Sulph etc.
Should they stop taking Atorvastatin drug being taken for lowering cholesterol ?
Thank you for your kind reference to my work.
I believe that Tinnitus can be helped by Arnica even though it may take some time to do so.
It is best that anyone who takes any Homeopathic therapy refrains from taking all the items you listed. Also remember to avoid all processed meats like Sausages, Ham and Bacon as they are loaded with Saltpeter which antidotes the Homeopathic remedy instantly.
Regular daily exercise is necessary and you must also drink at least 3 liters of water or other liquid daily.
Arnica 30 in the Wet dose has proved to be far more effective than ALL drugs that are prescribed like Statins for Cholesterol and other drugs for Hypertension. The effects of Arnica can be observed on the third day after the first dose is taken.
My advice, which I have evolved from my own personal experience over many years is to STOP all tablets and other drugs you are taking today unless you use them on a SOS basis and to take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose daily for life.
Do not also experiment with other Homeopathic remedies unless you are aware of their effect on the body.
Dear Sir
Thanks again for your reply.Sorry to bother you again but I have just come across a serious case of cancer and I desperately seek you advice.My friends mother,around 80,who was suffering from breast Cancer had undergone operation and chemotherapy two years back.Now after two years the Cancer has been found again in her abdomen.Could you advice some tested treatment for this case ?
Thanks and regards.
Please visit the link below:
This is an article by my cousin Dr Cynthia Jayasuriya who gives her own account of how she survived Cancer which was first discovered in 2002.
She discovered that eating Manioc which is grown throughout the Tropics, Cancer can be CURED.
Thanks a lot Sir. I will report you back.
Dear Sir,
Is there any cure for Warts and Moles ?
Thanks and regards
Thuja 6c is supposed to remove both Warts and Moles but I have not had any success in doing so.
Dear Sir
Thuja 6c should also be taken in wet dose ,as prescribed by you in the case of Arnica?How many times it should be taken ?
Yes.You will take Thuja 6c in the Wet dose twice daily.
Also order Thuja 3x (Liquid dilution) and apply directly on the Wart for better effect.
Please note that this is NOT for oral use.
Report progress weekly.
RE: High Blood Pressure & Trig
1. Age / Sex / country
> 45 / Male / Singapore
> 2. Current Complain
> BP – 180 Sys / Trig – 900 mg ( 29TH Nov 2011 )
> 3. Current medicine taking
> Allopathy :
> i. Atenol 50mg
> ii. Losarta 50mg
> iii. Fenosup lidose 160mg
> But not taking above medicine
> I m taking homeopathy
> I . Barty Cab 30 c
> II. Bartya Mur 30 c
> III . Aconite 30c
> Taking for 2 times per day ( 3 day ) 3 cycle –Dry globe
> Also taking Arnica 30c wet dose twice day since 1 st Dec 2011
> Still after check up BP is 155 sys ( 27th Jan )
> 4. Sign & symptom of disease
> Right feet feel numbness sometimes
> 5. Brief medical history
> No
> 6. Family background
> Father passed away ( diabetic patients )
> Mother got BP now on medication
> 7 . Education and Nature of Profession of Patient:
> Working as Supervisor on 12 hrs rotation shift
> 8 . Desires and aversion of food:
> Now on diet . Fully vegitarion for 10 yrs. No onions & garlic . Like
> Spicy food , tea one cup per day ,
> 9. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry..etc.:
> Thought full , collective , like to serve suffering humanity , responsibility
> 10. What makes it worse and what makes it better:
> Like sea side , nature ,
> Pls advice
> Regards sarathi
I believe that it is your daily routine of 12 hours duty that is the real cause of your Hypertension.
You are advised to reduce your work load before your condition turns chronic.
You can stop all other medication and take the following:
Arnica 30 in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Nat Mur 200c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Report response weekly.
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
I would like to add that it is best to use the Alcohol pack of any remedy instead of the dry pellets to make the Wet dose as this is far more effective.
Dear Sir Joe,
Had follow up your instruction taking N Mur 200 & Arn 30 in wet dose starting on 30 Jan . Today chk up show Bp drop to 130 mmg . Now what is the next follow up remedy as need to maintain Bp & to bring down trig level as well. How long have to continue the tratment ?
Sir many thks for your kind service to help for all the suffering patients.
Let everybody free from all the ailments through this miracle “Homeopathy”
Also thks for Sir Dr Hahnemann the Father of Homeopathy
Regards sarathi
You state that your BP has ‘dropped’ down to 130mm in just 4 days but you do not state the level that it was before you used my therapy.
I would also like to know your Diastolic pressure to evaluate your present status.
It is the combination of both the Arnica and the Nat Mur that is helping you and I would recommend that you continue to take the Arnica 30c for life as I have done since 1969 but only once nightly. At 83 years of age I can categorically state that it has helped me in a manner that no other drugs or tonics could have equated.
Sir my blood pressure is 128/80 mmhg. Now i m having gout pain at left big toe joint. Pain during motion and pressing.Not able nto wear safety shoe and walk. Doctor said due to high uric acid. Sir need your help.
regards sarathi
Your BP at 128/80 is absolutely normal and you must not be mislead by doctors who will frighten you and prescribe various drugs which will only serve to give you more problems than will help your BP.
Nat Phos 6x tablets will help your Gout by reducing the Uric acid. Dose 3 tablets after each of 3 meals daily.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose will also help.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
I read ur article about Arnica.I appreciate your research for the benefit of peoples. simply i can say wonderful.I surprised to see powerful action of arnica against ailments.
Sir, I am 54years old male. I am suffering from various problems like weakness,anxiety,less and light sleep in night doziness in day,loss of memory,unable to take proper decisions. acidity,rough skin, lower leg pain(muscle/bone) at night, light prostate enlargement,I do not feel any pleasure in mind and have no interest to any work. migraine, blood pressure(90/140).BS(7.9 random)a bit high.
I encouraged after reading ur article and decided to to take Arnica but i am confusing about potency. what i will take? 6c or30c.wet dose. please suggest other medicine if required with arnica.Regards.shakhawat.
You will take Arnica 6c in the Wet dose as per instructions below twice daily.You should find some improvement in your Blood Sugar levels almost immediately. Please record your BS level in mm/Dl which is the normally accepted norm in the Indian subcontinent.
You can take Nat Mur 200 in the Wet dose for your marginally high Blood Pressure.
Report results in 2 weeks.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Arinca Alb – 200 potency either in liquid or small sugar granules
Please provide Malaysia Contact
We need urgently
please contact us at +6075544933
I do not understand what you wish to convey to me.
If you suffer from any ailment you are free to state it clearly.
I do not have any contacts in Malayasia as I live in Sri Lanka.
Kalai you can get liquid remedy and sugar granules from
Selat Carta sdn bhd
73, jln rambai, taman rambai jaya, Bukit rambai.
75250 Melaka
Hp: 0196645786
Tel: 06-3516224
I m from Perak Ipoh. Can get remedy from Singapore also. If you need help Pls contact me
Mail me :
Regards Sarathi
RE: Burping
Hello Doctor,
I’m in my 60’s & a vegan. Recently found that my burping is getting to be loud and more frequent is there a way out of this please doctor?
In the morning i usually just take 2 slices of bread with olive oil and very little peanut butter.
During lunch its normally soup with simple food, an egg or tofu, – no lentils and nuts – just a combination of 2 of the following with very little chillis:
1) brocoli,
2) pumpkin,
3) cabbage,
4) brinjal,
5) beetroot,
6) capsican,
7) sweet potatoes
Dinner is uaually just oats with raisns and dates with cinnamon.
Thank You,
You will have to change your diet to include more protein rich food like Mushrooms, Lentils and nuts.
You have not mentioned rice in your diet although I note that you have mentioned 2 slices of bread for breakfast which is by no means sufficient for anyone your age. You have mentioned Eggs in your diet although you are a Vegan. You can increase your intake of Eggs and if at all possible also include Fish in your diet if you wish to survive normally without other problems in later life.
The food you have listed is OK but you will have to eat more than just 2 of them for a meal.
Exercise is also essential especially as you grow older as you may be prey to other ailments like Arthritis although it is very unlikely that you will have any problems like Cholesterol and Heart problems.
You can take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after a meal and observe if it makes any difference to your burping.
Also drink at least 3 ltrs of water daily.
Thank You So very much Dear Doctor for your very quick and professional advise.
Sorry, i do take rice in the afternoon but very little. Yes, i should continue to take Lentils and nuts but had recently stopped taking them thinking that its one of the causes of this burping. Do you think i should add asafoetida with Lentils?
I do drink more than 10 glasses of water daily and lots of walking and yoga.
Do you still do consulting and if so please let me know your address, for someone in SL ?
Thanks for your advice.should I take nat mur200 once or twice daily?what time will leave between two medicine.
I would have expected you to report your response to my therapy for your Diabetes before asking me for further advice for your Hypertension.
Dear Joe
I am taking arnica 6c wet dose from 10Feb. asper ur instructions. Ofcouse i will report u after 2 weeks.
Dr Joe I read this post for my hair falling from last 3-4 years. I tried lot of medincines. from last 2 weeks i started Arnica 30C wet dose recommended by you. I also have problem of dandruff. kindly suggest remedy for same. I also have a Cholestrol levels high. My facther undergone bypass 5 years back, hence family history. Kindly suggest remedy for same
It is likely that you are losing your hair due to Dandruff which is basically dead skin in which bacteria are present which can injure the hair roots.
You will wash your hair daily and use Johnson’s Baby Shampoo which you will massage well into your scalp to remove the dead cells which are the cause of your Dandruff. It is essential that this is done on a daily basis.
You will also use the therapy below to regain your hair:
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Pour out abour 100ml of water fron each bottle.
Pour in 25 drops of Arnica Q into a bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
A teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be applied on the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water is not to be taken orally.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make a Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propogate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in 2 weeks.
You have stated that you suffer from excess Cholesterol and the Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily will help to reduce it and will also reduce your Triglycerides.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose will also help your father who can take the remedy twice daily for life
Thanks Dr. Joe. I have already started Arnica 30C wet dose & Arnica 20ml in 100ml coconut oil from last 10 days. I will also follow other instuctions of Arnica Q in water & apply externally. I will also start fish lever capsule. I will inform progress in next 15 days. Thanks.
If you wish to rid your scalp of the Dandruff you cannot use the therapy I prescribed in the past of mixing Arnica Q into Olive or Coconut oil. I have since amended my therapy and now use and prescribe Arnica Q about 50 drops in a 250ltrs of water which I recommend be massaged into the scalp twice daily. It is much less messy than the oil and in your case your dandruff can even get worse as the sure way is to use the Johnsons Baby Shampoo everyday to wash off the dead scalp dandruff daily.
I have just been diagnosed with the following problems:
1. High Blood pressure levels upto 110/165
2. High blood sugar 220 Fasting and 265 PP
3. High Triglycrides at 305, VDL 60. HDL 36 and LDL 119
I am bald and 7 kgs overweight and 49 years old
Please let me know the remedy of Arnica I should take.
Also advise if Plain bottled water from the supermarket is ok for making wet dose
You have presented a very difficult case to me but I feel confident that my therapy can help you in a few weeks. Please note however that your problems can never be cured. They can only be controlled like can be done with drugs which you will have to take for a lifetime with the usual after effects which can even be more dangerous than the disease itself..
Homeopathy however has many remedies that treat the root cause of the disease and it is my hope that my therapy can help you.
I shall note the remedies below:
Hypertension (HBP)
Nat Mur 200c taken twice daily in the Wet dose
Blood Sugar
Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily
Arnica will also help to reduce your Cholesterol and Triglycerides
Arnica will also help to regrow your hair.
Nat Phos 6x Biochemic tablets dose 2-3 tablets taken after each of 2 meals
Plain boiled water may be used to make the Wet dose as per the instructions below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Report your progress weekly with the test results to verify that my therapy is helping you.
Dear Joe,
Thanks very much. I need to clarify a few points
1. Arnica 6C wet does will help both in Blood sugar and triglycrides?
2.When I take this maintainance dose above can I eat anything?
3. I am already taking Uranium Nit 3x and Thyrodinum 3X for Blood sugar, can I continue it.
1. Arnica 6C wet does will help both in Blood sugar and triglycrides?
Yes it will filter the blood and will help in reducing Cholesterol and Triglycerides.
It will also reduce your Blood Sugar in under 48 hours.
2.When I take this maintainance dose above can I eat anything?
No you will not eat sausages, ham and bacon as they are preserved with Saltpeter.
You will also not drink strong coffee and limit your intake to just 1 cup per day.
3. I am already taking Uranium Nit 3x and Thyrodinum 3X for Blood sugar, can I continue it.
You must STOP all other remedies if you wish to use mine.
You will otherwise be wasting my time in helping you.
Dear Mr Joe,
I have started the wet dose of Nat Mur 200 for hypertension and after 7 days the B remains aroung 145/95. Though it is much better than earlier but it is not at an ideal level. I am taking it twice daily.
Do I need to do anything else for BP, maybe reinforce the wet dose or increase the dosage.
Please advise.
You have not indicated whether or not your BP has responded to the Nat Mur 200 in the WD.
I must know what your BP was before and after.
Dear Mr Joe,
My BP was earlier in the range of 105/155
Your BP has dropped from 155/105 to 145/95.
This cannot be considered as being a dangerous level.
I am confident that the Arnica 30c and the Nat Mur 200c can maintain your BP at safe levels.
Report your BP reading weekly.
I would like to have more background on your case as to when you first discovered that you were Hypertensive and what drugs if any you have taken up to now
You had advised me to take Arnica 6 for Blood Sugar and Triglycrides. Arnica 30 was not prescribed.I have not started Arnica 6 as yet
I discovered about my Hypersenstive trait 15 days ago only.
I tried Nat Mur 200 wet dose but yesterday my BP went up to 110/180 so I have started taking ENVAS 2.5 twice daily.
Please let me know your email so that I can communicate dorectly with you.
It is interesting to learn that you first discovered that you suffered from Hypertension just a few days ago and you will have to continue with Nat Mur 200 for some time into the future.
You did right by taking Envas which is an Ace Inhibitor used to treat advanced cases of BP.
As soon as your BP drops around 150/100 you can stop the drug and stay with the 2 remedies I have prescribed which have helped many hundreds, perhaps unknown thousands of patients whom I have treated on the many Homeo Forums that I advise on with my Joepathy.
I presume that you are aware that the majority of the remedies I prescribe are not referred to in the standard classical homeopathic texts and are the result of my own research which I have shared with patients and hopefully with Homeopaths who have recently shown signs of accepting my Joepathy simply because it works far better than their own classical homeopathy.
I note that you have not started on Arnica 6c in the Wet dose and I would like to learn the reason why you have not done so.
Dear Mr Joe,
1. As I had told you that I ghad syopped Nat Mur 200 and started taking Envas 2.5. Can I start Nat Mur 200C along with Envas and later on stop envas?
2. Do I have to give a gap between taking the Medicine wet dose and eating/Drinking and thing else.
Dear Joe,
Wonderful. I am delighted to inform you that my B.S. level got down remarkably from 8.9 mmol/ 5.6 mmol/d.within 18 days. In our country up to 6.9mmol/d two hrs. after B/F is considered as normal.Thanks to allah/god.
Please be informed that I had some experiences while i was taking arnica 6c I was felling hotness and itching in the body and also mild pain in all joints specially in wrist, elbow,finger’s joints of both hands and legs.Now body hotness reduced but still felling pain in joints.(not serious)
Besides that I have following sufferings:-
1. Hypertension for witch taking amlodipine 5mg(1tab)regularly.
2 Haziness, Unmindful and memory loss.
3. fell very weak in the morning which makes difficult to leave bed.
4. Have Mild prostate enlargement and low urine flow.
5. Pre-mature ejafulation.
Dear sir, would you please tell me next advise for above sufferings. Regards.
I am pleased to note that your BS level reduced by 37% in a few days.
I am not familiar with the mmol/d classification. Can you please translate this to the standard mg/dl?
As long as you are under 125 BS Fasting you are OK and do not need any drugs as long as you take the Arnica 6c.
I note that you have other medical problems and I am confident that my Joepathy can help you.
Continue with the Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily for life.
Hello Doctor,
I’ve been taking Nat Phos 6x (SBL brand) dose 2 tablets after a meal and following your instruction to the letter for almost 2 weeks now and my burping is actually getting worse. Before it was mainly confined to the evenings and night but now its very bad during the mornings, afternoons, evenings and nights. Could it be that the burping will get worse, then better later?
According to the instructions of the manufacturer (SBL), dosage is 4 tablets – 3 to 4 times daily, while i’m taking 2 tablets – 4 times daily (as per your instructions), do i need to increase the dosage?
Thank You.
You can safely increase your dosage to 4 tablets after a meal especially after dinner.
The maximum that I have prescribed is 6 tablets immediately after a meal.
Report your progress in 2 days.
Are you taking Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily as prescribed?
No Doctor, You did not instruct me to take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily only to take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after a meal for my burping. please refer to your mail “Joe says: February 10, 2012 at 2:04 am “
I did not think that you suffer from Gastritis at that time and I treated you only for burping.
It is very likely that you are suffering from Gastritis aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux disease) and I shall copy the therapy I have prescribed to hundreds of patients who presented GERD, the large majority of whom have been cured.
Your remedies are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 2 meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
You can expect relief from your ailment hopefully within 24 hours.
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall when you will experience a stomach ache which in some cases can be very acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
Thank you very much Doctor, will try and report after i get hold of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose during the weekend.
You cannot buy any remedy in the WET DOSE as you must make it in a bottle of spring water according to my instructions which I shall copy below:
“Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.”
Thank you for correcting me Doctor, will do as per your instructions.
Dear Doctor,
As per your instructions tried to purchase Arnica 30c in the Wet dose – 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack (Liquid Dilution in a bottle + dropper). All the Homeopathy clinics i approached, refused to sell it saying its only for their clients. I’m sure these clinics are operating like a syndicate !
I’ll try and get it from sri lanka or india. Do you:
1) operate and see patients now days, if so, can i ask someone to get it from your clinic?
2) If No to the above, please recommend a place where i can obtain it from Sri Lanka?
Thank You.
PS i only managed to purchase 500 ml of natural mineral water + Arnica 30c pills!
Where do you live?
In Singapore, Doctor.
P&L Pharmacy Pte Ltd
19, Tanglin Road,
#01-40 Tanglin Shopping Centre, Singapore
Phone : 6235 0915 ??
The Homeopathic Center
100 First Floor
Dr Muthulakshmi Salai
Opp Nerct Electronics
Chennai 20
009144 24404393
Thank You very much Doctor, phoned both numbers of P&L Pharmacy, no response. Must be closed on a sunday, will call tomorrow and report back to you.
Doctor, phoned P&L Pharmacy this morning and was told by Dr. Ruth Ho that they do not have Arnica 30c in the Wet dose only the Arnica 30c pills. Can i not take Arnica 30c pills?
I have often had to correct the impression that patients have that they can buy the Wet Dose of any remedy.
This is not possible as the Wet dose is made by the patient according to my instructions.
You will order the Liquid Dilution of Arnica 6c.
The pellets are not effective to make the Wet dose and it is essential that 3 drops of the original alcohol product are used to make the Wet dose.
I have read your prescriptions to many indiviuals that suffer from very similar conditions such as mine. I am 54 y.o. and been suffering from GERD and Acid reflux for some 10 years, taking Nexium for the past 5 years.
Now trying to go the Homeopathic route. Just started the Nat Phos 6X and just order from ABC the Arnica from your “Joepathy”. I went off Nexium for 2 days taking 3-4 Nat Phos after lunch and dinner, but on the 2nd evening, the acid was so bad, I had to take a Nexium. The next day, I had runs for most of the day. Should I wait for the Arnica ro arrive before I attempt the Joepathy once more?
Is there something I could do to further reduce the acid other than the along with Joepathy???
Thank you for your help and you have helped many people from the large drug companies.
It is obvious that your GERD is chronic after 10 years and I note that you have taken 4 tablets of Nat Phos 6x but that the high dose has given you the runs. This can make it difficult for my therapy which, as you may have read, has helped many hundreds, perhaps thousands of patients, to help you.
Order Robina Pseudacacia 3c in the Liquid Dilution ASAP and await instructions.
I presume that you already have Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution and Nat Phos 6x Biochemic Cell Salt.
You may have to take the Nexium for a few days till the Nat Phos and the Robina start to help you.
Sorry Doctor but in your mail to me on February 28, 2012 at 12:53 am , no mention of Arnica 6c!
Well is this the way to prepare your remedy:
1) order the Liquid Dilution of Arnica 6c (in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement).
2) order 500ml bottle of Spring Water, pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
3) Insert 3 drops of the remedy (1) into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Again, i called P&L Pharmacy, checked and they confirmed the Liquid Dilution of Arnica 6c (in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack) is not available.
I find that you are taking too much of my time in helping you to overcome your GERD.
It is up to you to get the remedies I have prescribed and contact me after you have done so.
Dear Mr Joe,
My mothe is 74 years old. She is an Insulin dependent Diabetic and has been on BP medicine for the last 25 years. She is also a very negative thinking person.
With medicines all her parameters are well under control includng a BP level of 70/130 and sugar at 75 Fastng and 120 PP.
She has become slow and complains of weakness in her limbs and sometimes of Cramps. She takes regular walks every day.
Can I give her Arnica 1M in wet dose to make her muscles stronger or what else do you suggest.
I actually do not want to touch her other problems like BP and Sugar but only the aspect of strength.
Is it possible to do some thing?
You can give your mother Arnica 30c to help her to regain her strength.
I presume that you are aware that her present condition is perhaps due to the many drugs that she is taking today under the mistaken notion that unless she takes them, she cannot live. This is a total fallacy and she is experiencing the after effects of the drugs like Statins that she is perhaps taking for her Cholesterol and her Blood Pressure.
Her BP Diastolic of 70mm is far too low for her age and is perhaps the reason for her present state.
Dear Mr Joe,
She is not taking any statins, I am giving her Crategus Q for cholestrol. She does have medicine for BP.
I hope that Arnica 30 will not interfere with her BP and Sugar, otherwise I will have to monitor it and that is very difficult with her?
Dear Joe,
I will order the Robina Pseudacacia 3c in the liquid dillution. The Arnica 30C is coming so I do not have it as of yet. I do have the Nat Phos.
I will reply to you once I have received the Robina and Arnica.
Should I continue to take the Nat Phos even though I am taking the Nexium??
Thank you again for you assistance.
You can take the Nat Phos to control your GERD but if it does not help you, you can take the Nexium as a last resort. The idea is to reduce the Nexium as it will cause you many problems in the long run.
Nat Phos alone cannot help you. You must also take the Arnica 30c in the Wet dose
Google “The danger of using PPI Drugs”
Since you have suffered from chronic GERD for many years, you may have to use my therapy for some time into the future.
Use the Nexium only as a last resort.
I truly appreciate all your valuable assistance so far but please note my confussion:
1) On February 10, 2012 at 12:32 am, wrote to you with regards to “Burping”. You recommended diet change and to take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after a meal and observe.
2) On February 27, 2012 at 11:48 pm, upon my feedback to you, You increased the dosage to 4 tablets after a meal especially after dinner and to take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily cos you are of the opinion that i maybe suffering from Gastritis aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux disease) and the therapy prescribed are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 2 meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
3) Today (but wrongly shown on your site as March 4, 2012 at 11:12 pm), you asked me to order the Liquid Dilution of Arnica 6c.
Yes, Doctor i agree with you that its taking too much of your precious time but partly due to the unavailability of the items perscribed by you, my ignorance, etc have all contributed to this unfortunate situation.
I understand your frustration and thank you again for your patience.
Dear Joe,
I will continue with the Nat Phos along with the Nexium until the Arnica arrives and will try to reduce the amount of Nexium. My goal is to be Nexium free with your help.
Again, I will reply when my shipments arrive.
Thank you,
Dear Mr Joe,
1. As I had told you that I had syopped Nat Mur 200 and started taking Envas 2.5. Can I start Nat Mur 200C along with Envas and later on stop envas?
2. Do I have to give a gap between taking the Medicine wet dose and eating/Drinking and thing else.
I am still awaiting your reply to above
Dear Mr Joe,
1. As I had told you that I had stopped Nat Mur 200 and started taking Envas 2.5. Can I start Nat Mur 200C along with Envas and later on stop envas?
2. Do I have to give a gap between taking the Medicine wet dose and eating / Drinking anything else.
I am still awaiting your reply to above
You do not need to STOP the Nat Mur 200 while taking Envas. You can take both concurrently leaving about an hour between each medicine.
Dear Mr Joe,
1. I have been having Arnica 6 wet dose since the last 10 days, but my fasting blood sugar does not come below 140 and PP is 200. I am taking one capfull morning evening.
2. If I do not take Envas and only have Nat Mur 200 wet dose my BP shoots up.
Change over to Arnica 3c in the Wet dose and report your response.
What is your BP without Envas?
So Doctor you have given up on me
Hello Joe,
I finally received the liquid Arnica Montana 30C 20% alcohol and the Robinia Psuudo 3C 20% alcohol.
I am awaiting your instructions on the use of both these liquids.
As you will see I am treating many patients on my website which is not the equivalent of a Forum where each case is on a separate thread
I must admit that I cannot recollect your case but judging by the Arnica and the Robinia P you have received you are suffering from GERD and are taking Nat Phos 6x. You will continue to take NP as usual and you will also add the 2 remedies above twice daily in the Wet dose and you will leave half hour between each. Do not mix them into one bottle.
It would be helpful if each patient states his/her problem which will help me in turn to advice patients.
Dear Sir
I live in Delhi NCR,India.I have bought Arnica 30 Dr Reckweg(Made in Germany),11ml liquid pack. Can I prepare wet dose from it?
One more thing,in India , which company’s medicine should I buy?
The product you have got is OK.
I do not remember your case as I treat hundreds of patients on the web, free of charge.
Can you please indicate the reason why you wish to take Arnica 30?
Joe, sorry about assuming you remembered. You have many people that you are treating.
I originally sent you this;
I have read your prescriptions to many indiviuals that suffer from very similar conditions such as mine. I am 54 y.o. and been suffering from GERD and Acid reflux for some 10 years, taking Nexium for the past 5 years.
Now trying to go the Homeopathic route. Just started the Nat Phos 6X and just order from ABC the Arnica from your “Joepathy”. I went off Nexium for 2 days taking 3-4 Nat Phos after lunch and dinner, but on the 2nd evening, the acid was so bad, I had to take a Nexium. The next day, I had runs for most of the day. Should I wait for the Arnica ro arrive before I attempt the Joepathy once more?
Is there something I could do to further reduce the acid other than the along with Joepathy???
I will follow your instructions and will report after the first week. Do I try to use your remedies without taking any of the Nexium??
Thank you for all your assistance.
Thank you for bringing me up to date with your case.
I shall copy my default instructions for GERD below:
The therapy I have prescribed to hundreds of patients who presented GERD is copied below and the large majority of patients whom I have treated have been helped while many have been cured.
The remedies used are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 2 meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
You can expect relief from your ailment hopefully within a few hours.
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall when you will experience a stomach ache which in some cases can be very acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least hald hour daily to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
Since you are a chronic case of GERD you will also have to take
Robinia Peseudacacia 3c which you will order in the Liquid Dilution and take twice daily.
It is best to take all homeopathic medicines before a meal to ensure complete absorption and in the case of multiple remedies you will leave about half hour between each.
Nat Phos 6x is best taken immediately after a meal.
One more question, Im assuming you take one dose in the morning and one in the evening? And can I take on a empty stomach or should I have something in my stomach?
Thanks again.
Dear Sir
To know my case you can read my post dated 14 January , 2012 again.I could not start the medicine till date.
Now I am suffering from high Cholesterol also.
Cholesterol 210
Triglycerides 226
HDL 38
Direct LDL 145
Very low density Lipoprotein 45.2
Glucose Fasting Plasma 102
I am also facing problem of eye floaters for three years.
Please also let me know-
1-Should I avoid Coffee while taking Homeopathic medicines ?
2-Should I purchase German medicines only ?
Joe, thank you for your response and I will implement the steps that you have outlined.
I will report my progress next week.
Dear joe,
Last 3 weeks i started all thing prescribed by you.
1. Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle – external application as adviced
2. Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol – for wet dose
3.Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form. – Oral
4. Washing hair with baby shampoo.
Still i see a little improvement in hair fall.
Still dandruff is there little bit reduced.
kindly advice
Please give precise details of the remedies you use with the manner that you use them to enable me to advice you further.
Dear Sir
To know my case you can read my post dated 14 January , 2012 again.I have to start the medicine.
Now I am suffering from high Cholesterol also.
Cholesterol 210
Triglycerides 226
HDL 38
Direct LDL 145
Very low density Lipoprotein 45.2
Glucose Fasting Plasma 102
I am also facing problem of eye floaters for three years.
Please also let me know-
1-Should I avoid Coffee while taking Homeopathic medicines ?
2-Should I purchase German medicines only ?
What makes you think that your Blood Values are not normal?
As far as I can assess they are all OK.
You are advised to take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose once daily for life and to exercise for at least half hour daily.
I am noting below the accepted normal values for your information.
Cholesterol 210 ………140-215 mg/1dl…………… Normal
Triglycerides 226 ……..35-165 mg/dl……………. Slightly elevated
HDL 38 ……….> 45mg/dl…………… Low
Direct LDL 145 ………<130 mg/dl................ Slightly elevated
Very low density Lipoprotein 45.2.
Glucose Fasting Plasma 102 ...........60-100mg/dl.......... Normal
1 cup of LIGHT Coffee per day is accepted but it is better to avoid it if possible. Tea is OK but
ALL PROCESSED MEATS LIKE SAUSAGES, HAM AND BACON WILL ANTIDOTE ALL HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. They use Saltpeter as the preservative and this antidotes remedies instantly.
German remedies are OK but there are plenty of Indian remedies that are equally OK.
Dear Sir
Thank you so much.I have also asked about eye floaters.Please advise.
I am using in same way as suggested by you in reply in same forum on 18 & 19 Feb 2012 by you.
I appreciated your insightful blog. awesome stuff
Thank you
many many thanks Dr.Joe
May I know the reason for your thanks?
I ask the question because I have not helped you in any way.
Dear Joe,
My stomach is the weak point in my 53 yr old body and I have experienced mild cases of food poisoning since childhood up until recently. I am 5’8″, weigh 76 kgs, wear spectacles and otherwise fine except for apple-shape stomach. I live in an area that has no sun for almost 8 months/year. In 2009, I was diagnosed to have early signs of Metabolic Syndrome with dangerously low Vitamin D level. Since then, I supplement enough Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and Flax seed (Omega 3). Lately I have also started taking MSM powder that is known to cure many ailments. I am wondering if Arnica 30C can also be taken as a preventive measure for:
1. Relieving use of my specs (though not diagnosed for cataract etc);
2. Helping in strengthening my digestive system and erase signs of any future metabolic syndrome
The description of your current ailments is vague and not sufficient for me to advice you.
I presume that you have read my article “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” on this website and you will see the record of many people who have used Arnica who have discovered, like me, that they can do without spectacles.
In my case a cataract in my left eye was first diagnosed in 1996 and it has not increased in density for the last 17 years after I commenced taking Arnica 30 nightly. This is absolute proof that Arnica does help to control a cataract from increasing as they usually do in a few years.
Arnica cannot help your digestive system but Nat Phos 6x can. Dose 2 tablets taken after meals.
Dear Joe
This is about my 78 yr old mother. She is an early stage Diabetic with 323 random Blood Sugar and was pronounced two weeks ago to have 3rd stage (?) Cataract. Doc recommended immediate surgery. She still leads an active life otherwise and wants to avoid surgery. Can you recommend an alternative cure for her cataract, BS and diabetes?
I cannot treat your mother who presents Diabetes with 323 Blood Sugar level. She will first have to take Metformin to reduce it and when the BS is reduced down to about 200 she can then take Arnica 3c in the Wet dose twice daily.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
The Arnica will also help her Cataract but it will not reduce it as it can only maintain it at the present level without permitting it to increase.
You may like to know that I too have a cataract in my left eye which was first diagnosed in 1996 and it was in that year that I first started to take Arnica 30c twice daily and discovered in a few years and even a few months ago that my Cataract had not increased in density.
This can be considered as proof of the efficacy of Arnica to control a Cataract.
“….she can then take Arnica 3c in the Wet dose twice daily.” Did you mean 3c, 6c or 30c? Arnica 6c brings down the BS within 48 hours u state elsewhere. Would that be too strong a choice for her since you have not recommended it? Her BS of 323 is random and not fasting.
Please follow my instructions as contained in my last post precisely as prescribed.
Dear Joe De Livera
I have multiple fibroids, am post menopausal at 56, greying rapidly and have sunken, wrinkled skin around eyes along with dark circles. Can Arnica 30, wet dose help me?
My husband is under severe depression, could be bipolar, schizophrenic. Refuses treatment after initial visits to psychiatrist.
Please help.
Thank you and God bless
The standard remedy for Fibroids is:
Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum 3X Tablets Dose 2 tabs taken 3 times daily for 4 weeks.
You will then report your response.
You must understand that Fibroids are very difficult to be successfully treated by Homeopathy and if you do not respond in a month you may have to think of surgery.
If you have constant bleeding you can also add Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which will help to stem the flow.
Arnica will also help your problems with your skin but it will take some time to do so.
For your husband’s Depression you can give him Aurum Metallicum 200c in the Wet dose twice daily and report his response in a week.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Many thanks, Mr.Joe.
I stopped bleeding 5 years ago. Except on 2 occasions. One was last year in Sept. where I had to have allopathy to stop the flow. No bleeding since, but fibriods have shown up in the scan. Do I need to take Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum?
Can we continue Arnica wet dose alongside?
Do you have any photograph of yours? Keen to see one.
Many thanks Mr.Joe. God bless
The choice is yours whether you should or should not take the classical remedy for Fibroids.
If you can get it where you live which I believe is India, there is no harm in taking it and reporting your response for my records. The alternative is surgery and this is not worth considering at the moment as it seems so drastic.
You must take Arnica as prescribed as it will help you in many ways.
If you have Skype, you can talk to me and also see me.
Dear Sir,
With reference to my post dated 15/03/2012 Iwould like to know if Arnica 30 could also cure my eye floaters ? And how long will it take? Please advise.
Dear Mr.Joe
Thank you for the advice. Will get the medicines sometime next week. Meanwhile feeling good with Arnica wet dose.
God bless
Awaiting reply on March 16,2012 updates.
I cannot understand what you expect me to reply to you about.
I have prescribed the therapy for your Hair Loss and you have used it for a few weeks and stated that you have benefited from it.
Surely you do not expect me to grow your hair back to its original state instantly. All this takes time and patience which I observe that you do not seem to have. I have patiently answered your queries about dandruff and other details and there is little more that I can add to my therapy.
You should consider yourself fortunate that you posted on my website, as it is very unlikely that other homeopaths are even aware that my therapy can regrow hair.
Dear Sir,
I am not a qualified Homeopath, but after reading your article about the miracle remedy Arnica, I was wondering, if it is ok to mix 2 drops of Arnica 30c and 2 drops of Arnica 1M together in 500ml of water
Also would like to know whether if you will be ok with training new people
Why do you wish to mix Arnica 30c with Arnica 1M ?
I am not a professional Homeopath and cannot therefore train “new people”
You can however read my website as I am adding to it on almost a daily basis to share with others the therapy I use for healing aka “Joepathy” which is not found in classical homeopathic textbooks.
The intrinsic difference in my Joepathy is that it is sourced from my own observations on how homeopathic remedies cure ailments and not only on the study of textbooks
Thank You Dr.Joe
I have been taking Arnica 30c wet dose for the last 5 days after seeing reports on this web site and I am feeling so good. No tiredness, no aches and pains after work and I am full of energy
The thing is I am also slightly autistic, so wondered whether if i could mix Arnica 30c with Arnica 1M and use
Glad to note that my Joepathy is going the rounds and that you started to use Arnica 30c in the Wet dose and discovered that it made you feel good.
You cannot possibly mix 2 potencies together as the higher potency will override the lower. You cannot use the 1M for your presumed autism and it is most likely that the 30c will help you to overcome it. I have noticed that it increases the flow of blood throughout the body while also filtering it and if you have read my treatise on Arnica the Miracle Remedy, you should have read the article on how Arnica filters the blood.
Let us observe how you fare with the 30c for a few weeks or months and we can then think of another remedy to help you.
Ok then, thank you Dr.Joe
I will wait and see how the 30c works for the next two weeks and will let you know. Thank you very much for the support
Dear Mr. Joe
I am a 78 years old female.I have been taking Atorlip (Atorvastatin) 5 mg for nearly one year to control my high cholesterol.Doctors say that it has no side effects and can be continued for life long.But I dont want to take this medicine any more.According to doctors one should not stop taking this medicine like this.
Please advise-
1) Should I stop taking this medicine immediately ?
2)Should I take Arnica 30 in wet dose ?
3)Can I continue Arnica for some time with Atorlip 5 mg and then stop taking Atorlip and continue Arnica ?
4)Can I take Arnica wet dose while I am taking Crataegus Mother Tincture and Calc Flour. 12X also.
I would also like to inform you that I can not do much physical activities as my legs dont allow me to go for a long walk.
It seems a pity that you have left your problem so late in life and decided to consult me only today. At your age of 78, you are advised to continue to take the drug Atorlip and also add Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
You are also invited to list any other ailments that you may be suffering from which I can try to help you to overcome.
What is your weight and height?
Where do you live?
dear joe,
I reported you earlier that i started arnica 6c in wet dose for diabetic,weakness,bp and other discomfort.still i am continuing. i want to be clear about making wet dose.
1. In my country there is no sealed 5ml liquid pack in alcohol of arnica 6c. They supplied me 1drum liquid arnica 6c from their large bottle which imported from Germany (87%alcohol). Is this remedy is ok?
2. I bought 500ml plastic bottle of spring water from super market then i pour out 3cm water from the bottle then i insert 3 drops of above remedy and shaked the bottle hard for 1st time. Taking this wet dose twice daily shaking 6 times before sip a cap full of the bottle.
Please let me know whether i am in correct way or not. please reply.
I have discovered that patients with both Type I and II Diabetes respond better with Arnica 3c in the Wet dose.
You are advised to get the 3c in the Liquid Dilution as you will discover that it brings down BS levels more effectively.
The protocol you have described is correct and you can repeat this same protocol with the Arnica 3c which you will use to replace the Arnica 6c in the Wet dose.
You will use a new bottle of spring water to make the Arnica 3c remedy as you cannot use the water which you have already activated with the 6c.
Dear joe,
Thanks lot for your reply. I will follow your advise.Can I use plastic bottle instead of glass? Because 500ml plastic water bottles are available. I fell very weak both mentally and physically.can you help me for that.
Plastic bottles in which spring water is sold are OK as glass bottles are not used anymore today.
The Arnica 3c will help you to overcome your weakness mentally and physically while helping your Diabetes too.
Thanks jeo,
Let me try . After 15 days i shall inform you my conditions.
Dear Joe De Livera,
1. I was informed of arnica usefulness from one of my friend and my mom who had hypertension have started using it for last three months. She was saying she is feeling better. She is also using amlozer everyday i am not sure if arnica will help her in stop using the same.
2. My friends mother had epilepsy due to sleep apnea and she is using the cpap. She is taking 3 medicines diamox, valparin & gardenal. Please let me know if she can use arnica to help her come out of the condition.
Thanks in advance.
Please read my treatise on Arnica the Miracle Remedy on:
You will observe that this remedy cannot help your mom’s Hypertension. She will however feel better since Arnica will help in other ways to promote sleep and other bodily functions.
If you would like to use a remedy for Hypertension, you will have to give me data on her current Blood Pressure and also check for Blood Sugar or Diabetes.
What is Amlozer?
I regret that I have no knowledge of Sleep Apnea for which she is taking treatment from competent doctors.
Hi can you please advise for my husband who wants to cut down on smoking but he also wants to cut down on drinking alcohol at the same time what dosage and please give full intstructions
thank you
The single remedy that will help your husband to QUIT Smoking and Drinking alcohol is:
Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
You must impress on him that Arnica will reduce the urge for that next smoke and/or drink but he must also make up his mind positively that he must QUIT both addictions as he has you and your children to think of which is his first responsibility.
He must also exercise to sweat it out to help in the recovery process and must drink at least 3 liters of water.
On your part you must not nag him as this will only serve to increase his frustration and will impel him to continue on his present addiction.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Report results in a week.
Dear sir I am diabetic and after reading your article searched and purchase Arnica Montana 6ch 30 ML but the not the spring water. I got the distilled water. will it be OK or not. What will be the wet dose in MLs and when should the dose be taken, i mean before or after meal , period between meals and the dose. my fasting glucose without medicine comes 260. Please advice.
It is always best for the patient to post his ailment on a website like mine before commencing on any self prescribed therapy.
I note that you have purchased Arnica 6c which I have been prescribing for many years but recent research has clearly shown that Arnica 3c is by far better in controlling Blood Sugar than the 6c.
You are advised to get Arnica 3c and follow the instructions below to help your Diabetes which I hope will respond to my Joepathy.
I shall copy below my default therapy aka “Joepathy” which many Diabetics are using today to control their BS levels. The remedy I have prescribed is Arnica 3c in the Wet dose which is taken twice daily.
Type I patients have confirmed that they discovered their BS levels were reduced by about 20-30% within a day of their starting on this therapy. One has confirmed that his BS level reduced by 75% in about a month and he was able to reduce the Insulin he was using by this amount.
Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily have also helped to reduce BS levels and you can add this to your daily dosage.
Please note that you will most likely notice a dip in your BS level within 24 hours of starting my therapy and you will then have to reduce your dosage of Insulin as it must be maintained around 110. Daily tests for Blood Sugar are essential.
Type II patients will also have to monitor their BS levels on a daily basis to ensure that their BS is stabilized at around 110 and they will reduce the dosage of the drugs that they are using daily to maintain this level. The Arnica 6c and the Mag Phos 6x are taken as prescribed.
Cinnamon powder is also useful to reduce Diabetes while Okra or Bandakka which grows in the tropics also helps to reduce BS levels. Okra is used by cutting up a tender pod and inserting it into a glass of water which is left overnight and the water is drunk on an empty stomach the morning after.
The therapy I have prescribed to many patients is as follows:
Arnica 3c in the Wet dose is taken twice daily and the following protocol is used to make the Wet dose. It is essential that the patient’s BS level is monitored daily for a week to observe how the addition of Arnica to the standard drugs like Metformin reduce the BS level which should be maintained at around 110. In the case of Type II Diabetics the Units of Insulin used can be reduced to keep the BS level at this optimum level of 100.
Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily before meals.
Exercise is essential and the patient is expected to avoid Sugar and reduce Starch and to avoid the consumption of Alcohol completely.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Report progress weekly.
Sub : Homeopathy medicine to improve Sperm Motility
Respected Joe
I read several arcticles and your postings/replies to people like me in ABCHomeopathy site.
I would like to know, do you have any recommendations on the concern of Sperm Motility. which Homeopathy medicine can be used to improve the motility as well as the life time of sperms. Currently my report says like out of 92million total sperm count, almost 90% of sperms are inactive and only 02% show activity but gets died with in one hr time.
In case you already know some remedy and in the past if some of them followed your input and triedout, then pl. let me know the medicine details so that I can try out.
Currently I am taking Ayurvedic medicine since last 4 months and total count got increased from 20mil to 70 to 90mil, but almost zero progress in motility and its life time.
I read like Damiana- Q and Yohimbinum Q and Selenium 30c twice daily will improve motility and also its life span.
Request you to kindly share your thoughts and suggesions and the dosage details and how long that needs to be taken.
My second question/need help is :
One more info needed for Cyst on Head under the Scalp for my elder sister. The Alopathy doctors mentions like it is Lipoma or lump of fat, which can be removed through small minor surgery. I requested her to wait so that we can check possible medicine in Homeopathy. In case you think the ARNICA can help to resolve this, then pl. let me know your thought and the correct medicine and its dosage details.
Once again, Thank you so much for so many things you are analyzing the helping huge groups of humans
I have no previous experience in helping Sperm motility but I have helped patients who suffered from ED or Erectile Dysfunction.
The remedy I have prescribe is Arnica 3c in the Wet dose taken twice daily and it is just possible that you will also benefit from this remedy.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Report progress with a count in 2 weeks.
For your sister’s Lipoma you can give her:
Bellis Perennis 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Thanks for your reply with medicine details.
I was not able to get Arnia 3c but got Arnica 6c and 30c. I took 2 water bottles as suggested and removed little water and added 3-4 drops of 3c in one bottle and 3-4 drops of 30c in the other bottle. Hope this is the right way to make it.
Same steps I followed for Bellis Perennis. This also I got 6c as 3c was not available
Pl. let me know can these medicines can be taken before food or after food.? Any time gap in food intake.
Pl. let me know your suggessions.
You did OK
All Homeo medicines are best taken an hour or so before meals.
Leave about half hour between the remedies.
I note that you intend taking Arnica 3c which I do not think I prescribed.
Hello Sir,
I wanted to know if you have a remedy for anxiety, stress & insomnia in jeopathy, can arnica 30c be used together with antidepressant.
Can you please request info from other homeopath friend of yours for any remedy to cure anxiety & insomnia
Arnica 30 in the Wet dose taken twice daily with the last dose just before bed will promote deep restful sleep.
Nat Mur 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily will help with your anxiety.
Report progress in a week.
hello joe
Can i take the above arnica & nat mur with antidepressant
Is there any side effect with them
Suggest you STOP the antidepressant and take only the 2 remedies prescribed.
Why are you so very keen on taking the antidepressant drugs prescribed?
Are you not aware of the dangers of these powerful drugs which are prescribed by doctors at the drop of a hat?
hello joe,
I have taken antidepressant for 11month now should i stop immediately or slowly .if reducing slowly can i take arnica together
Would you like to share with me the reason for your taking Antidepressants for the last 11 months?
You will have to give me details of when and how your ‘depression’ started and what drugs were prescribed and what the results of these drugs were for you.
I may be able to help you with a more effective homeopathic remedy than the Arnica you have mentioned.
hello joe,
I used anti dep due to anxiety & insomnia & bile reflux
Can i use arnica when reducing the med
The short answer to your question is Yes.
I still feel however that Arnica is NOT the best remedy for you.
hello joe
Please tell me which will be the best remedy for me
How do you expect me to advice you when you have not answered the question which I shall repeat below:
“You will have to give me details of when and how your ‘depression’ started and what drugs were prescribed and what the results of these drugs were for you.
I may be able to help you with a more effective homeopathic remedy than the Arnica you have mentioned.”
hello joe
In how many days of using arnica twice per day we get results e.g deep sleep?
any update on when we can get results
I regret to inform you that I will not continue to monitor your progress in the future as upon reading your past comments, I noticed that you have always expected INSTANT RESULTS.
You must understand that your problems pertaining to anxiety and depression are deep seated and I do resent your cryptic questions as to when you will get results, which you seem to expect overnight.
You must understand that I am not a miracle worker to produce them.
I am a very patient man 83 years in age, and I believe that I am doing a service to suffering humanity in the best manner that I can on this website as you can perhaps read from the comments of my patients here.
In your case it is time that I call it quits as you do not seem possessed of the patience necessary to enable me to help you.
hello joe,
Sorry to have ask you irrelevant questions, i will continue with your treatment & inform you of progres
Please continue to help me i need your advice
On using arnica for first two days i sense a heavy feeling in my head, is it that arnica has start up the cleaning
Respected Joe
My mother (aged about 68years) is having 3-4 corns on the foot of her both legs. These were there since more than 15 years. Now-a-days, she finds difficult to walk with bare foot as even a very small hard particle touches to the affected area she gets pain. We tried Corn-cap but that didn’t worked. The corns on the foot are hard, yellowish-white in color. Is there a way to attach the pictures of it which may give you clarity.
If there is a remedy for this then I request you to share remedy so that I can tryout.
The classical remedy for Corns is Antim Crud 6c. I have prescribed both the Wet dose and the pellets but regret to inform you that I have not succeeded in curing this condition with this remedy.
Respected Joe
I would like to try out Antim Crud 6c and check how it acts on the corns of my mother. Can you pl. let me know any side-effects of this medicine? Shall I use it in Wet form by using 5 to 6 drops of this medicine in water ? Can you pl. let me know the dosage details.
Antim Crud 6c will not have any “side effects” like allopathic drugs which usually do so. She can take it thrice daily and also apply a bandage with the liquid directly on her corns to soften them while she is sleeping.
Please note that you cannot use a plastic bag to cover the feet to contain the liquid as it can harm the skin of the feet.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Respected Joe
I tried with the above mentioned medicine. I took 30c potency as 6c was not available. My mother used it (both internally and externally) for almost 3weeks by now but looks like no improvement. Do you suggest to try out for 200c potency ? Also will it be ok to increase the dose from 2 times to 3 or 4 times per day. ?
Further, In one of the website, I read like Ferr. Picr 30C will cure the corn. Do you have any idea on this and do you suggest this. Request you to guide us.
“I tried with the above mentioned medicine. I took 30c potency as 6c was not available.”
You must understand that I cannot be expected to help you when you make a statement like the one above.
Please be very specific in your statements and indicate the patient — youself, your mother or your father.
And also state what the medicine is.
Respected Sir,
I have been reading the posts and am really keen to take your advice.
I am obese (107 kgs) – Have Thyroid – little bit of sugar – slight BP age 56 years – female.
Medication – Thyronorm 50 (2 tablets) daily
– Repace 50 – 1 tablet for BP
have knee and ankle pain. I have tried lots of medicines to reduce my weight but in vain – had HERBALIFE, NUTRILIFE, VYFAT – no use.
I dont get proper sleep at night.
I am working but have to sit in one position the whole day.
Please help me.
It is possible that your excess weight is due to your Thyroid (Hypothyroid ? ) imbalance.
What is your TSH level?
Nat Phos 6x has been proved to reduce weight by over 1kg per WEEK if the patient is obese. However it is a very shy remedy and will only work to reduce weight if the patient does not take any other remedy or drug at the same time.
Your dosage is 2 tablets taken 3 times daily. You will record your weight and report your response weekly.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose will help you to sleep better.
You will have to get your knee and ankle pain diagnosed by a doctor and if it is due to Ostro Arthritis, I shall then prescribe a remedy.
I do feel however that with the reduction of your weight, your joint pains will also leave you.
“I am working but have to sit in one position the whole day.”
It is essential that you do at least 45 minutes of exercise to make you sweat it out as this will increase the demand of your body for sleep.
You must also drink over 3 liters of water daily.
Respected Doctor
Thank you so much. As advisedby you I have started Nat Phos 30c thrice daily. My TSH is0.59 uIU/ml. When should I have Arnica in wet dose?
I will report to you after a week.
With kind regards
Hi Joe,
My wife is pregnant but she feels very tired and pain in her body and lack of energy. Can she take Arnica 30c wet dose?
There is no reason why your wife cannot take Arnica 30 in the Wet dose but I would doubt very much that it can help her problems which you described as:
“she feels very tired and pain in her body and lack of energy.”
You have not indicated how far she has advanced in her pregnancy and you are advised to consult your doctor as he will be able to diagnose any problem which may be the cause of her present condition.
Dear Sir,
i m 35yrs old woman but look like a 50yr old. i feel very sad due to this. i had lovely, glowing, fair n flawless complexion till last 2 – 3yrs ( was envied by all my friends). i dont understand how it suddenly changed so much. my main problem is big prominent holes n wrinkles on my face. my full face is filled with these holes which look very enlarged whn i go out in d sun. i cannot face anyone due to this, feel so embarassed. also i have turned dark my fair, flawless complexion is no more. feel very sad when people keep asking me about this. please kindly help me sir. i also have hair fall problem n m overweight by 12 – 15 kgs. for which i have started your arnica 30 c n nat phos 6x therapy from yesterday, will update the results. i had read on abc forum about fregaria vesca 3x for fairness but when asked in d pharmacy they asked me the strength which i did nt know. sir please kindly help me for holes, wrinkles on my face and fairness. will be waiting for your kind reply sir. thanking you sir in advance.
I can see that you are in a depressed state of mind which I cannot accept from a 35 year old.
You need a change of your life and this I cannot help you to do with my Joepathy. Start with exercise and make your body come back to life. Eat food that will not add any more weight and use the therapy I shall prescribe below:
Nat Phos 6x Dose 3 tablets taken after each of 3 meals daily. You can expect a reduction of 1kg per week.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose to help with your Hair loss.
I have just noticed that you are already using my therapy and I would like to have your report of progress in a month or less if necessary.
Do not take Fregia Vesca 3x.
I shall deal with your “holes, wrinkles on my face and fairness” in due course
thank – you very much sir. will report progress in a week. thank – you once again.
Dear sir, had written to u on may 18th about holes, wrinkles on my face n my complexion getting darker. also had hairloss n over weight problem, for which im taking your arnica therapy n nat phos 6x, as told by you 3 pills 3 times a day. i have not yet experienced any weight loss , will continue taking it n let u know after a month, but with arnica have noticed that my hair fall is very much less n also have noticed that my skin does not become as oily as it would be first, so m very happy with that. but sir plz suggest something for my complexion, wrinkles n holes as my brothers wedding is there is november n i really want to look my best the way i was before. please help me sir. thanking u once again.
I cannot visualize your problem with “holes, wrinkles on my face n my complexion getting darker.”
You can help me to do so by sending me close up photographs of the affected area to my email address which you will see on the Home page of this website.
Please also give me more data to work on. How long have you suffered from your problem and what drugs have you taken? What period of the month do you notice the acne?
How old are you?
M very sorry sir, feeling very bad to waste ur precious time. but plz help me sir i really want to look beautiful for my brothers wedding. sir i m 35 yrs old woman . my skin was always fair n flawless with only minute, tiny holes ( i suppose they r called pores, which look like holes). but now these have increased in size n they look like prominent holes n my complexion too is no longer fair its gone dark, my face, neck, hands, feet n there r lots of wrinkles on my face which i feel shud not b there on a 35 yr old face ( looks like 45 – 50 yrs old). but with ur arnica therapy i feel that there is a slight glow on my face which i really like n feel happy about.
thanks a lot sir, will b waiting for ur reply.
She is 36 days so far. Early Stage.
I cannot assess the true picture of your wife today on the basis of your last post.
It is very likely that there is no reason for any alarm but if her feeling of excess tiredness continues you will have to see the gynecologist.
She can take a teaspoonful of Arnica before bed at night and see if it helps her to sleep better.
Dear Joe same is my problem which is of Richa. I am unable to see your email address so please share your email address.
Respected Doctor
Thank you so much. As advisedby you I have started Nat Phos 30c thrice daily. My TSH is0.59 uIU/ml. When should I have Arnica in wet dose?
Thrice daily ?
I will report to you after a week.
With kind regards
Extremely incredible. Homeopathic medicine is the best in the world.
Could you coment if a mass in my stomach can be disolved with homepathic therapy, and if so, what medicine?
Thank you,
Are you serious about your query?
“Could you coment if a mass in my stomach can be disolved with homepathic therapy, and if so, what medicine?”
Please note that I am trying to help patients by curing their many ailments and I am not sure that you are one who qualifies for my assistance.
Dearest Joe
Further to my original email. My mother is suffering from blood pressure which i believe has caused her tinnitus problem – there is constant ringing in her ears. she has swelling of the ankles also and constantly feels tired – her BP gets worse at night but ringing in ears is constant throughout the day and night.
her symptoms matched sulphur so i gave her it but after one week there is no improvement.
my mother is 61 of age, she has had this problem for the past 5 months. the only medication she is taking is ayurvedic mukta vati – prescription bp meds did not have much effect and caused many side effects.
if it helps in the past she has cysts in her ovaries which resulted in a hysterectamy, she has some warts/moles on her skin on her back, her feet are always hot and she lfeels like they are on fire (thats why i gave sulphur).
is your remedy of arnica and nat mur suited to her ?
thank you so so so so so much for taking interest in this case. may god bless you always – if there is ever a way i can repay you please let me know.
your fan
Sorabh Sahrma
You have stated that your mother suffers from Hypertension (HBP) and Tinnitus but you have not indicated what her BP is. I would also like to have details of her case to give me more data on her problems to enable me to be more in the picture. Also what is the therapy that she has been given so far.
Please complete the Patient’s Questionnaire on:
There is absolutely no payment involved in my therapy aka “Joepathy”
Dear Sir
thank you for your response and its very sweet of you that you do not charge. But you will be in my thoughts well wishes and prayers.
as per your request her BP is normally stable during the day but at night rises to 180/90. it is no coincidence i feel that the tinnitus has started as soon as BP has and i know of at least 3 other people who have had tinnitus problems with high bp. i have filled your uestionnatire as follows. the only rememdy given so far has been sulphur for past week .
Sex: F
Age: 61
Weight: 5ft 2
Height: 12 stones (overweight for height but maintains very health diet – has always been slightly overweight)
Temperature: hot normally
Blood Pressure: stable in mornings but rises to 180 at night evening time over 90
Color of Tongue: red
Optional Information:
Name of Disease:- Hypertension and tinnitus
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Patient Description:- overweight, thin hair, water retention, ankle swelling, irritable , short temper, very organsied, cannot take heat well, feet feel hot like on fire. Main problem is hypertension 180/90 – swelling of ankles (water retention),
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
Cause of your disease / Problem:
(If you don’t know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints: since past 6 months
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
Comfortable Position:-
she is best during day but at night eveyrhing gets worse
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time:is better with cold weather and during afternoon time. Worst at night.
Thirst:-does not feel so thirsty but drinks water
Appetite:-has sweet taste – lots of hunger – tries to fast but cant
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a.sulphur 200c – for one week
b.mukta vati – ayurvedic
Habits:pure veg, non drinking , non smoker
Are you fond of drinking tea?user to but not since past few years
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? Sweet but also craevs salt now as problem gets worse with salt so she has cut salt to a minimum
Are you vegetarian or carnivore?veg
How is your bowel movement?is fine
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc?overweight
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc?
Do you have any wart or mole on your body?yes on back and stomach
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a. cyst in ovaries
b.urine infections/water retention
c.slip disc back problems
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
a.father had heart problems – cholesterol
b.mother has high bp and diabetes
thank you again
Sorabh Sharma
I must admit that I am rather puzzled as to the reason why a person with normal BP during the day presents Hypertension at night.
You have mention Tinnitus and do I understand that she peaks in her problem at night?
How deeply does she sleep?
Does she do any regular exercise?
Let us start off her therapy with 2 remedies
Arnica 30c taken twice daily in the Wet Dose to filter her blood which will hopefully also help with her BP
Nat Mur 200c taken twice daily in the Wet dose to help her Hypertension to stabilize.
Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken after each of 3 meals daily to reduce her weight by 1kg per week.
She will stop ALL other medication other than the 3 prescribed above.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Dear Sir
This is what puzzles me also. Whats more the same problem affected her 10 years ago but two doses of 1M sulphur cured her overnight.
For some reason the same remedy of sulphur in a low or a higher potency is not working this time to much of my frustration.
I have already started her on the dose of arnica and nat mur as per last night and will get nat phos today for her too. thank you for taking the time to review my mothers condition.
if i add my own 2 cents worth – i think it is the build up of water that is cauisng the blood pressure and build up fluid in her ears therefore causing the tinnitus. perhaps this is why it is worse at night as in the morning water and stool is evacuated. hopefully if natrium phosphoricum expels water than this should hopefully lower blood pressure too. i was going to try one of the kali remedies being made of potassium but i have not seen much benefit to people from them in my own family.
thanks you
The Diuretic used in Homeopathy is
Apis 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Try it and report.
furthermore – yes the problem is worse at night. She does manage to sleep but feels drowsy throughout the day. she has an active lifestyle and walks everyday.
my mother has always led a healthy diet and has regularly exercised but has always been a little overweight. some years ago the doctors said she had a scar on her kidney after her hysterectomy operation – but this scar cleared. i dont think her kidneys are functioning as efficiently as they should and this build up of water is causing all the problems in her body – including the warts/moles on her back and stomach.
I did not read your later post.
“she had a scar on her kidney after her hysterectomy operation – but this scar cleared”
I cannot believe this statement.
Do you have any proof?
The Surgeon should be charged for negligence if this accident has occurred recently.
This is what the doctors told her – they said the scarring occured on its own but it happened soon after the hysterectomy. Unfortunately as it happened so long ago i wouldnt evne know where to begin in suing for negligence. Contrary to popular belief however – the health system in the UK is very bad!
I will try Apis – thank you. I have studied yoga and ayurveda as a hobby for many years – in that system blood pressure is all connected with water. this is why people with high potassium diets rarely have the blood pressure. Is Apis used in your experience as a cure for blood pressure ?
I am appalled that this scarring was discovered immediately after her Hyesterectomy. This can only indicate that the Kidney was nicked by the scalpel during surgery. I agree that this is the standard of surgery in the UK.
It was at that time that you should have sued for damages. It may be too late now to do so.
No Apis is NOT designed to reduce BP. It may however help in doing so as it will leach the excess water out of the body as it is a Diuretic. Its effect will be visible within 6 hours.
The remedy for Hypertension is Nat Mur 200c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Hi Doctor Joe – your remedy for arnica and nat mur seems to be working! for the first time my mother did not have high BP during the day, her ankle swelling went down also, …….the only time it got high was at night – again at 9pm – always happens at this time but was much less. so it seems to be working i will keep you posted. thank you from the bottom of my heart – and my mum said to give you a big thanks for your efforts also. god bless you always
Dear Sir
The remedy seems to be working – her BP is low and stable throughout the daytime and morning but as we approach night around 9pm suddenly it shoots up, her tinnitus gets worse and this completely drains her energy. Can you think of any reason why BP only goes up at night and not during the day ? This case is puzzling me now. I guess the only thing i can think off is that at night she is lying rather than sitting or standing – maybe this causes something ? Thank you for your help.
Sorabh Sharma
This is a very long shot.
That is a possibility that her Tinnitus which occurs when she puts her head down on her pillow is connected to her Eustachian Tubes which may be getting filled up with liquid from the brain and thereby causing her problems with Tinnitus and an elevated BP.
It is also possible that she suffers from Vertigo which will confirm my diagnosis.
Order Bryonia 30 in the Liquid Dilution but do not use it till I advise you further.
I think you might be onto something here. she definately suffers from vertigo and a feeling of light headedness but i just put this down to the blood pressure moving up and down. whats more weird is the two times all this has happened in her life has only happened during winter times – she catches cold quite easily if she washes her hair and goes out the same day. she has more head colds rather than sinus problems. i.e if she tilts her head down she feels pain in her head – head cold. i think there is too much fluid in her ear like you say. – she recently got wax taken out of her from the ENT specialist but this has not helped much.
my mother is very dear to me. thank you so much for taking interest in her case. i have full faith in you – if anyone can help her it is you alone. thanks
Sorabh S
I have always maintained that I am only an instrument in the Hands of God. It is Prayer that guides me in the identification of an ailment and in this case I believe I am correct. A good example of my intuition is the diagnosis I made of your mum’s Hypertension and other ailments which are associated with the Eustachian Tubes which are just behind her ear. And all without seeing her in person.
I have already indicated the remedy Bryonia 30c and you will give it to her in the Wet dose thrice daily and report her response. If all goes well, I believe that her many problems will be helped in 3-4 days and in a week they can hopefully be history.
Sir – i hope you are well. Just to let you know my mother has felt slightly better since taking bryonia – her bp remained normal and whilst the tinnitus ringing noises continue they were not as bad as they have been for the past few months. Hopefully in 2 days time i will report back and give you good news.
ps i am friends with marco. and my mother myself and marco would like to send you a thank you gift. please dont object – i know you are very modest. if you can email me your address to i would greatly appreciate it
warmest regards
I am delighted to learn that your mother’s Tinnitus and her BP have stabilized and it is my hope and prayer that this improvement will continue into the future.
I believe that some of my therapy aka “Joepathy” is not my own diagnosis and treatment but I do believe that I am an instrument in the Hands of God in whom I have an abiding trust.
Your mother’s case is exciting as my diagnosis was indeed a very long shot which paid off as you have reported that her BP has stabilized and that her Tinnitus is also less than before. And this improvement was noticed in under 24 hours on my Joepathy.
I have sent you my postal address by email as requested.
Hi Joe,
My daughter she is 9 year old. Notice she got some sort of skin rashes at the back of her knees and front of her elbow. Sometime it is very itchy and it gets inflamed. I’ve applied arnica 30c wet dose on her rashes for last 4days it did help and the redness gone but it returned again today. Can she take the arnica 30c wet does orally too?
Thanks in advance.
It seems to me that she is suffering from Eczema judging from your description of the lesions. The location you indicated also confirm my diagnosis.
The remedy for Eczema is Arnica 6c given orally and also applied topically on the lesions.
I note that you have used Arnica 30c and you will discover that the Arnica 6c is far more effective.
Dearest Doctor – heartfelt regards. I wish to seek your advice on a matter. I had very bad acidity and skin and sinus problem. I started to take lycopodium which had tremendous effects immediately. It improved all areas of my life. I took 30c for a period of 2 weeks but when i stopped i felt like my problems were returning. So again i started this time with 200c. Again i am improving. Is it safe to do so? I have read a post today on homeopathy forum re this so thought i would seek your advice. The only problem i have had is that my sinus problem has changed. Before i had sneezing and a runny nose – now my nose is not runny but rather blocked and i get sinus pain above my eye. This is definitely a new symptom. But other than that lycopodium has a been a boon for me. Can i take nux vomica also ? or is nux vomica an antidote for lycopodium. Thank you.
Love and respect.
The therapy I have prescribed for hundreds of patients who presented GERD is copied below and the large majority of patients whom I have treated have been helped in a few days and many have been cured.
Please report your response in a week.
I shall deal with your Catarrh later.
The remedies used are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 2 meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
You can expect relief from your ailment hopefully within a few hours.
Please observe the following simple rules:
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
Respected Doctor
I have already tried this remedy for a month but unfortunately it did not work for me. It did however work for my wife. And also improved quality of her hair also. She has been taking it for 2 months now. For me only lycopodium has worked. This is why i wanted to know if it is safe for me to carry on for the rest of my life – i feel alive with this remedy. but only problem my sinus has got worse. Thanks doctor
I do not know what potency of Lycopodium you have used and I would like to have more data on your use of this remedy.
Sorry doctor. I started with 30c took it for a couple of weeks. Three times a day. I didn’t want to overdose so I stopped. Then as soon as I stopped the problem came back. So I started again using 200c. I take it three time a day and whenever I do I get immediate relief. I’m just concerned that I’m not overdosing so any advice u give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanking u in advance.
I have not succeeded in connecting up your various problems due to the configuration of my website which is based on a WordPress template.
Please start all over again and list your ailments and I shall try to prescribe for each. Be specific in your statements as when you state: “I started with 30c took it for a couple of weeks”, I do not know what you refer to and also what your ailment is.
I am not a professional homeopath and at my advanced age of 83, I do still wish to share my experience in helping others with my Joepathy but I must have all the information of the ailment before I prescribe.
Dear Joe
I just wanted to let you know that i have suffered from acidity and water retention including gyno for the past 10 years. Your remedy of nat phos i have been taking for one week but i can feel a difference. i am a 30 year old man. I have had digestion and constipation problems since i was a small child. And my mother tells me that i used to vomit milk and never drank milk as a baby. a lot of waht you have said seems to fit me perfectly. will this remedy get rid of my water retention too – i feel like my whole body is full of water and swollen. one day my trousers fit normally the next day they can be tight – i have had this all my life. as well as skin problems like acne. but after just a few days of nat phos i do feel a little lighter and my complexion has cleared. are these the usual side effects ? also my sinus seems to have cleared also !!!!!
you are a wonderful doctor – lots of love
I’m glad to learn that you have been taking Nat Phos 6x for the last week and that you feel that it is doing some good. The problem you have suffered in the past could have been eliminated with the same remedy if it had been prescribed for you from your childhood.
I note that you are lactose intolerant and here too, the remedy is Nat Phos.
I would like to add Arnica 30c which you will take twice daily in the wet dose which is made up as per instructions below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Please weigh yourself today and record your loss of weight which you can expect at 1 KG per week.
Report progress weekly.
May god bless you always and all your wishes come true
I have suffered from this for years – all my life and for the first time i feel like i can enjoy my life a little without this very uncomfortable disease which caused so many problems in my studying,career and mental life. I cant thank you enough – i will certainly keep you updated on my progress and get back to you.
Sir I will surely take the wet dose method as I note this is also a vure for acne which I also suffer from. My spots are very big full of pus and painful. Especially on my back and take a long time to heal. Will arnica be enough ? Or do I need to take something additional. I presume arnica and nat phos will cure my constipation as they are helping my digestion and acidity a lot.
“My spots are very big full of pus and painful. Especially on my back and take a long time to heal.”
I note that you are taking Arnica 6c hopefully in the Wet dose and you will soon discover that the lesions that you refer to will dry up in about 3 to 4 days and will hardly be visible in a week. You can also apply the remedy water directly on the lesions to accelerate the curative process.
I would appreciate if you would please confirm when they do.
The Nat Phos that you are taking today should have helped your constipation and your GERD by this time. Please confirm.
Dearest Doctor
My GERD and acidity are 50% better and yes constipation has improved also. You are wonderful – you fixed my system in 2 days which no doctor could do in 20 years. I have so much love and respect for you. You have even greatly cured my sinus! my right nostril was always blocked but its seems to be opening now!!!!!!
My stomach was very bad before so i feel like i need to take 4 nat phos tablets and sometimes every 2 hours for it to remain good. I still feel like my stomach and whole body is full of water but i guess it has only been 3 days now in total so this should hopefully start to go too.
i am sure arnica will work as i felt a spot coming on my back but it has already subsided. A miracle !!!!!!!
Lastly doctor if i can trouble you with one more thing. I have always felt a general weakness in life – probably owing to my stomach i guess. Will nat phos and arnica help with muscular development and ‘manly’ energy also. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Lots of love
Glad to learn that I have helped your GERD and your constipation with my Joepathy.
I note that you are taking 4 tablets Nat Phos 6x every 2 hours and would like to know how you respond to it. In my experience, this should normally promote loose and watery stools but if you must take them to stabilize your GERD, there is really no harm in taking them with of course the Arnica 30c in the Wet dose as they go hand in hand.
If you still feel that your acidity is a problem you can add:
Robinia Pseydacacua 3c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Do let me know your response.
I read your last para and would like to amend the Arnica 30c to read 3c in the Wet dose also taken twice daily
.You will experience results overnight!
Please report your response.
The remedy for your sinus and blocked nose is:
Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
You can expect your blocked nose to clear in under 15 minutes.
Please report response.
One final thought.
I would like you to use a Vermicide for which you will have to consult a doctor for advice.
Also check for Amoebiasis.
Hi Doctor – thanks for your email again.
No touch wood i have not experienced watery stools like you say. I will check but i dont think my condition is related to an intestinal worm. i have had this problem since childhood and it got worse when i started drinking ginger tea everyday for my sinus problem. I added spicey food also to my diet to counteract with the sinus problem. This just made my stomach ten times worse and it took a whole year of aloe vera juice, amla juice and lime juice to correct it – and even then it was not great.
i have not experienced so much water loss to be honest – the only thing i have observed so far is reduced acidity , better bowel movements. i will report back after a week – i think my condition was severe so will probably take longer to respond. i remember as a child my body filled up with water overnight practically and i got troubles like gyno which i have dealt with all my life. hopefully this will cure me of that emabrassing problem also.
thank you
My suggestion about a Vermicide was because I presumed that you and Sorabh lived in India. She informed me that you both live in the UK. Your name sound Italian. Am I correct?
“i remember as a child my body filled up with water overnight practically and i got troubles like gyno which i have dealt with all my life. hopefully this will cure me of that emabrassing problem also.”
Can you give me more information about your problems and what you mean by ‘gyno’
Sorry Doctor for the confusion – actually sorabh is a boy and my best friend. we both live in london but yes i am of italian origin and he is of indian.
by gyno i meant gynaecomastia (if thats how its spelt) i felt puffy water in the chest region like how some males get from side effects of medication. i am sure all of this is just water that is filled in my body – if you touch my body it is soft all over but my diet and exercise regime has been fantastic all my life. i presume if nat phos leads to water loss eventually it should cure me of this problem also.
finally sir, like i said i feel a general weakness. sorabh recommended lycopodium to me which to a certain extent helped my stomach but made my sinus worse. It did however improve my marital relations if you know what i mean and i wondered if this is a safe remedy to continue for a longer period of time.
many many many heartfelt thanks.
I get the picture now.
I did realize that Marco is a boy’s name but I was not aware that Sorabh is also a boy till you stated so. How old are you both? As you probably are aware, I am 83 years of age.
Gynecomastia in many men has responded to Nat Phos 6x and I would like to know if yours too does respond in a like manner. The time frame is usually a week.
I presume that you exercise for at least 45 minutes daily and you do also eat sensibly and avoid fats and alcohol.
Let us observe how your water logged body responds in a few days.
Arnica 6c is absolutely safe to be used in the Wet dose taken twice daily. I have taken Arnica 30c in the Wet dose nightly since 1996.
Haha -that is fine – actually he looks like a girl so it is ok. We are both 29 and are both very impressed with your knowledge and have told all our friends (most of whom are doctors) about you. It seems arnica has worked wonders for you. I know my cousins grandfather took it for 5 years and was very healthy also till his age 98 or 99.
Doctor my question was regarding lycopodium however – is that safe to take daily? It seems to give me a lot of energy. Or alternatively, can you recommend a tonic for men that can be taken daily for strength. I know sorabh has a strict diet of milk, amla juice and pomegranates which seem to work for him but they do not for me so much. Thank you – and sorry for bugging you – we are just glad there is someone that can help us
Good to know that I was not the first guinea pig to prove Arnica. It is very likely however that he took Arnica in the standard pellets. The Wet dose in comparison is totally different in the manner it reacts with the body and if you have any data on how your grandfather took Arnica I shall be glad to have them.
Stop Lyco and change over to Arnica 6c to help you to function at peak efficiency.
You will also exercise and I would recommend that you both job at least thrice weekly to lift your heartbeat to over 120 bpm. for at least 45 minutes.
I am not sure doctor but sorabhs knowledge is better on this topic – we are family friends and he was in contact with my cousins grandfather. sorabh has a keen interest in medicine so i will get him to email you the details if you are interested – thanks again
Hello again doctor – marco told me you wanted to know more about his late cousins grandfather. To the extent of my knowledge he was around 40 when he had his first heart attack. After this he started using lachesis and arnica – but after a few months he switched completely to arnica – he used to use it everyday. He did not use your wet method but he used to dissolve the pellets into water and then drink the water. He never used potencies above 6c or 30c. – actually those were his two favourite medicine – lachesis and arnica which he used extensively – especially on heart patients or patients with any type of poisonous snake or insect bite.
He lives quite a long healthy life. To his death his hair was strong (he was not bald) did not need glasses all the time and his skin did not have many wrinkles. He was active and used to walk a mile at least daily. Just one thing i remember he used to regret – he never managed to cure his digestive system. He could not tolerate milk at all and rarely ate. He also suffered water retention. Towards his end his stomach i remember became like a balloon and within a few weeks he was gone.
Ps – arnica is selling in UK health stores at very expensive prices as a hair and skin remedy! Hope you find all this interesting. I have many more such cases.
The information about your cousin’s late grandfather is of great academic interest to me personally as it reinforces my belief and my own findings that this amazing remedy Arnica can be considered as the Ultimate Miracle Remedy.
I presume that you have read my monograph on Arnica on my website where I have recorded my own experiences and have also included the reports of patients who have used it.
It is indeed a pity that the old man did not know the ultimate remedy for lactose intolerance and the water retention that you state was the direct cause of his death. Nat Phos 6x was his remedy and he would have deflated in under 24 hours.
Good to know that Health stores in the UK are marketing Arnica as a hair and skin tonic and it is not impossible that they are in the habit of visiting my website to read my latest discoveries which have been proved to work to alleviate human suffering.
If anyone is interested all that is necessary is to read my posts which I have recorded herein.
I first discovered that Nat Phos 6x reduces weighty way back in 2003 when I gave it to an obese patient to treat his GERD and he reported in a month that he had dropped 8kg and that his GERD was history. It was later that I decided to share my discovery on the ABC on Christmas Day 2004 the day before the Tsunami that hit Sri Lanka with the loss of over 50000 lives. You can do a search for Nat Phos the Ultimate remedy for Obesity on the ABC Forum to read the comments made by hundreds of patients who were benefitted by my discovery.
You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x is also being used extensively in Health Farms throughout the US to reduce weight in their customers and the charges levied are fabulous.
It seems a shame that my discoveries are not even acknowledged by the medical and pharmaceutical professions as they would rather use my therapy without giving me due recognition of the fact that it was I that first discovered that Nat Phos 6x reduces weight by over 1kg per week very safely.
You can imagine the great good that will result if Nat Phos 6x is widely promoted in the US and even in the UK where I discovered that waist lines were not as streamlined as they once were about 25 years ago.
Thank you for the information about Arnica which reinforce my own discoveries.
Dear doctor. Yes that is indeed a shame that your remedies have not been recognised internationally. I guess people do not value that advice which is given for free. Unfortunately dr hahnemann also shared the same fate. I think all the great doctors are recognised much later than they should be. Your method of jeopathy gives outstanding results. With my knowledge of ayurveda and yoga I could only stabilise problems but you cure them from the root and within days !!! Ayurveda can take a long time. At least three months to show good effects.
May I ask doctor why is it you prefer the liquid form of the medicine and why in the smaller potencies. I have followed all your posts yet I have rarely seen you prescribe potencies beyond 30c. Most homeopathx are quick to jump to 200c and 1m.
Ps for what it’s worth I hold and give u the same level of respect as dr hahnemann and I am sure your name will be remembered trough the ages in the history books
I can see that you have been reading up on many aspects of Homeopathy which I have been involved in debunking as I have tried the classical method of “Treating the TOTALITY of the symptoms presented by the patient which is treated with a SINGLE remedy”
This is utter hogwash. I tried it and it just does not work. I have Radar 9 on my computer which is a MacBook Pro with the Intel chip and this permits me to use Parallels Desktop to run the PC based Radar on it. Radar is a very comprehensive software and I have learned a lot from the many textbooks that it has incorporated in the software.
It was about 5 years ago that I decided the enough is enough and changed over to my own therapy which was promptly labelled by the classical sect as not being Homeopathy. Someone suggest the word “Joepathy” and this term has stuck and if you do a search on Google you will discover over 2000 hits which encompass my choice cases with each hit including about 5 cases. Google spiders seem to appreciate my message to the world that Homeopathy does not have to be only classical as Joepathy gets more positive results in CURING patients.
Also search on Google for
Joe De Livera
Wet dose
You will be surprised to discover how they ferret out cases of public interest. I have sometimes discovered that some of my cases on my blog or on the ABC appear on the WWW within hours !!! It si not the publicity I seek for myself but if through Google I can influence the world of the readers, I believe that I have made my mark in the world of curing disease.
The Wet dose is by far more positive in its effect on disease than the Dry pellets which I used up to 2005 when I was converted to the Wet dose which term is my own as explained by me in an article I shall copy below from my files:
Since I believe that I can claim to be the originator of the term “Wet Dose” I shall copy my notes which I use to instruct patients on how this Wet dose is made.
I shall also trace the history of how this term was first coined. I have personally observed that the Wet dose when use with any Homeopathic remedy is far more effective than the standard dry pellets that are generally used by homeopaths.
You may like to know that I was the first Homeopath to use and recommend the use of the Wet dose on the ABC Forum which I did shortly after I was first introduced to the efficacy of the Wet dose by Dr Luc de Schepper with whom I was closely associated in 2005 to help the survivors of our Tsunami on December 26 2004.
It was I that first coined the words “Wet Dose” in consultation with Luc as his reference to “Watery Dose” seemed to be too long. Wet Dose was coined by me to differentiate it from the standard Dry Pellets aka Globules or Pillules which are in use even today throughout the world.
You are invited to type “Wet dose” into Google to read the many thousands of hits that are highlighted together with many cases that I have advised on in many Homeopathic Forums that I visit. It will be true to state that the term “Wet dose” has found international acceptance in the Homeopathic world as many homeopaths have discovered that it is by far more effective than the standard pellets.
I would also like mention here that it is not essential that you follow the instructions of Hahnemann who recommended that the remedy bottle be thumped on an old Bible. During his time the standard plastic bottle made of PET ( Polyethylene Terephthalate) was of course unknown or he may have otherwise have instructed clients to use my method of shaking the bottle hard to succuss it as this is equally effective. It is very likely if you follow his instructions literally with a PET bottle it will most likely burst at the bottom and leak the contents on to the old Bible !
I am glad to note that other classical homeopaths have also shown an interest in using the Wet dose therapy I recommend instead of the standard dry pellets used by them in the past.
For the record I shall copy my default instructions to make the Wet dose below:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
I would like to add that it is best to use the Alcohol pack of any remedy instead of the dry pellets to make the Wet dose as this is far more effective.
hi doctor – hope you are well. Just to give you an update – i am still taking nat phos 6 -8 times a day with 2-4 tablets each time. my constipation has definitely improved as well as my sinus ! acidity remains but arnica is definaately helping with my overall skin quality. no weight loss , reduction in gyno or increased urination just yet – but i will report back in a week. i think the remedy is definitely working but it will take more time for my body to get the desired effects as i have suffered from this for the past 20 years – it surely can’t be cured within a week
Glad to learn that I have helped your GERD and your constipation with my Joepathy.
I note that you are taking 4 tablets Nat Phos 6x every 2 hours and would like to know how you respond to it. In my experience, this should normally promote loose and watery stools but if you must take them to stabilize your GERD, there is really no harm in taking them with of course the Arnica 30c in the Wet dose as they go hand in hand.
If you still feel that your acidity is a problem you can add:
Robinia Pseudacacia 3c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Do let me know your response.
The remedy for your sinus and blocked nose is:
Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
You can expect your blocked nose to clear in under 15 minutes.
Please report response.
One final thought.
I would like you to use a Vermicide for which you will have to consult a doctor for advice.
Also check for Amoebiasis.
Hi doctor. Thank you for that very interesting information. I’m sure there are many more like me who would be keep to learn the joepathy method which actually works and is based on practice rather than theory !
To update you on my mums case her bp seems to have dropped. Before at night her readings were around 180 but now they are 160 which is great. However. Before her eyes were going red and becoming blurry
With the high bp. ThE blurry ness has become a little worse. Tinnitus remains also I think she responded best to arnica and nat mur. The day she took arnica the first time she said hEr entire body cooled down and relaxed. The next day
She had more energy than she’s had in a long time. Nat mur definitely helped reduce swellings in her ankles. Please advice if I should continue with arnica in the wet method using 30 or 6 potency. Thank you doctor.
You may continue with the Arnica/Nat Mur therapy if it suits your mother better.
You can use eiher potency and report which helps better.
You can also get Cocculus Indicus 3c for her Tinnitus and you will report how she responds in 24 hours with her BP.
I am concerned about her “ThE blurry ness has become a little worse. ”
What is this due to?
Thank you for your response Doctor. Tinnitus, water retention and blurred eye vision often occur with hypertension. so i believe this is what has caused it. her eyes go red and vision becomes blurry everytime the bp rises.
i am 100% confident that the cure for tinnitus lies only with lowering bp – if my mothers bp is cured i am sure tinnitus will go too. in ayurveda tinnitus and high bp go hand in hand.
i will continue with the nat mur and arnic 30c wet dose.
to be on the safe side would u recommend she take bp tablets recommended by her alopathic doctor. i am just concerned about her taking these as they create a number of side effects.
I cannot remember the potency I prescribed of Nat Mur. It should be 200c.
Please confirm
Yes Doctor – it is 200c – i am finding this unavailable right now however so in the meanwhile i am giving 30c only. 200c should arrive in the post soon.
I am sure you already know this but in ayurveda high BP is a characteristic of vata – when the body’s natural air starts to move upwards instead of downwards. the remedy is ashwagandha and giloy. Any yoga exercise which makes the feet stand higher than the head are also beneficial. Prunes soaked in water is another remedy.
do you know of any homeopathic medicine which would force the internal gas downwards and help alleviate vata ?
Thanks doctor – sorry if im boring you but you are the only one i know that shares an interest of research and medicine.
You must understand that I can only prescribe and it is up to you or the patient to get the remedy as prescribed.
I have been very concerned about the non performance of my therapy and am glad that I requested your confirmation.
Order the Cocculus too.
“do you know of any homeopathic medicine which would force the internal gas downwards and help alleviate vata ? ”
Nat Phos 6x will do so within the hour.
Dose is 3 tablets taken immediately after a meal.
Ok Doctor -she has been taking a medicine called muktavati for months but this helped to complete her bp under control – and stopped it from going higher – although did not cure her – mukta vati contains ashwagandha and giloy
i will tell her to stop mukta vati – and try only your homeopathic medicine.
to confirm
i will be giving her arnica 30c wet doce 3 times a day, nat mur 30 c 3 times a day (until 200c arrives) and cocculus 6c 3 times also
i will report back in a day or two on her condition
Hi doctor – hope this finds you well
just to give you an update. Unfortunately the cocculus did not show effect and tinnitus remains.Lately my mother is feeling very weak and tired and occasionally naps during the day. She is not at all active like she used to be.
Nat mur and arnica have however definitely managed to control her bp yet the bp still tends to go higher after she eats or at night time especially.
I’m finding that her systolic bp is high where as diastolic is either normal or low. her pulse is very low too.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Also if it helps with your analysis – she mentioned that she feels like blood or fluid rushes towards her brain. when this happens suddenly the bp goes high and her eyes become red. again this only seems to happen at night.
we had given her belladonna in the past as this matched but this caused her bp to drop significantly and she became very tired and exhausted. also she sweated a lot.
Your mum’s case is proving to be more difficult for me to solve than yours and Marco’s.
List her symptoms again with a detailed history of her response to my therapy.
I note that you had given her Belladonna. Give me details of her response.
Hi Doctor – I have heard many great things about u from Sorabh
I was wondering if i may trouble you regarding my father’s health. Last year he almost developed an ulcer in stomach but it stopped thankfully as he changed his diet. but i guess years of drink coffee tea and eating spicy food has damaged his stomach as there is blood in his stool. whenever this happens his knees hurt very badly too in the joint area and he feels very tired and lethargic. is there anything you can recommend for him ?
thank you so much – i will eagerly await your reply.
I believe that your dad suffers from GERD or Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease as you have stated that he suffered from an Ulcer in his Stomach.
You also refer to blood in his stool. If the colour of this blood is bright red, it is due to Hemorrhoids. If however his stools are black, this is more serious as this will indicate that he has some internal bleeding in his stomach which will have to be investigated ASAP. This is however unlikely in my experience.
Presuming that he suffers from GERD I shall copy my default therapy below:
The remedies used to treat GERD are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 2 meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
You can expect relief from your ailment hopefully within a few hours.
Please observe the following simple rules:
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
Hello and greetings.
Firstly I think you are doing a fantastic job. A truly informative and interesting blog. I have tried experimenting on my friends and family with your remedies and have had 100% success each time. Joepathy is truly wonderful. I wondered if you would be able to write an article on the 12 cell salts and in your experience which salt is best for which ailment. I love reading your articles. Thank you
Warm regards
Helga schwimmer
Thank you for your compliments. I’m glad to learn that you have been experimenting on your friends and family with the remedies that I have recorded in my website and that you have achieved a 100% success rate every time.
This is indeed a record, as it is even better than my own experience as I have discovered that there are times when the remedy that I prescribe for an ailment does not find its mark and I have then had to prescribe another remedy which works.
You may like to know that I am 83 years old and homoeopathy is not my profession. I am the CEO of a very old family owned business organization and 45 years ago I was first introduced to homoeopathy as a skeptic and discovered that a homeopathic remedy soon cured cured my frequent coIds. I then made a study of homoeopathy using the same text books that used in Homeopathic colleges and later still developed my own use of the standard remedies used in homoeopathy in a manner different to that used in classical homoeopathy. You may like to read some of the problems I have had to face from a group of classical homoeopaths which I have recorded on this website. It seemed obvious to me that they were jealous the success of my therapy as expressed by my patients in the same manner that you have done. It was they who stated that I was not practicing homoeopathy but that I was practicing my own brand of this curative science which they derisively labelled “Joepathy” way back in 2005, and this term seems to have had international acceptance as it now attracts about 3000 hits on Google which you might like to do a search for under this term.
I note that you requested me to write an article on the 12th Biochemic Cell Salts but I do not think that I can do a better job than Dr Scheussler himself which you can access on Google.
Feel free to refer any medical problems which you would like me to advise you on my website.
I really need u sir i am 25 both kidney have concretion less than 2.5 mm suffering from high bp taking medicine tenomol 25 and homopethic medicine r85 raulfalwiA srapganda and lycopus virginicus 30 but no reduction bp is 128/90 daily 90 is my problem plz help me i have take srapganda for 20 days and r85 for 10 days and lycopus daily all three daily
Hello doctor.
How are you. I am emailing in regard to my grandmother. She is suffering from diabetes and blood pressure for the past five years. She has been taking the allppathic medicine. Since the past week she has developed a major itching on her skin. And when she itches her skin goes black. It’s like eczema. She is also got slight lycodermia patch on her forehead. She was taken for biopsy of her skin few das ago and we are waiting for result. I know she has many problem. Can I give arnica as a general tonic? Thank u. Thanks for helping my grandma
Ambra Gallafaro
You will have to give me more data to work on about your grandmother’s Diabetes and Hypertension. You will have to tell me what her Blood Sugar level and her Blood pressure is without taking any drug for 2 days and I shall then be able to advise you.
It is very likely that she has presented Contact Dermatitis as a result of the drugs that she has been taking for perhaps some years and I would like to know for how many years she has been on them.
You can also give me the diagnosis of her doctors and what drugs have been prescribed in the past.
Dear Joe
First off thank you for allowing people to seek your medical advice for free. It is indeed noble and generous
I am a 30 year old male that lives in Ireland. When i was 15 i broke my ankle in two places playing tennis. the doctors at the time said that as the bone had broken in two places they would need to operate and put a screw in the bone to make sure it healed in the right place and then after 2 months take the screw out. but this was a 50-50 procedure. i opted out but the doctor at the time said i would develop arthritis at an age of about 30 plus if i didn’t let them operate
i am 30 now and touch wood my ankle is fine. it only occasionally hurts if i go running or do exercises like skipping. i have heard that arnica is very good for arthritis and joint pain. is it ok for me to take it ? there is no such pain right now but as a precautionary measure i would like to take something as the doctor from that time scared me a little.
thank you for your help
martin longhurst
Thank you for appreciating my part in helping suffering mankind.
Your report of breaking your ankle playing tennis is indeed rare and I presume that you were particularly violent in some maneuver on the court which hurt it. You did right by refusing any surgical experimentation and you now see that your refusal was correct.
You can certainly take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose nightly as I have been doing for the last 17 years and I believe that I am living evidence of the effect of taking it, as at age 83 many people refuse to believe that I am all that ancient, as I have often been mistaken for one 65 years of age!
If in later years you do present Arthritis which I would doubt right now, you can alert me for help.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
thank u so much doctor for your immediate response. your analysis gives me strength and yes i agree – medical doctors around the world are using their patients as guinea pigs and do not want us to know the powerful effects natural medicine such as joepathy can have. i would strongly recommend you write a book – the world has much to benefit from you!
Hi dr. How agree you. Not sure how much you charge. I have very bad acidity. I’ve been taking nat phos 6x as I read some of your posts outlining this. It is definitely helping but at a slow rate. Can I increase the potency ? Thanks
Matt R
There is absolutely NO CHARGE for my advice.
Homeopathy is NOT my profession.
How many Nat Phos tablets are you taking today?
Are you also taking Arnica 30c in the Wet dose?
Dear Mr De Livera
It was like a feeling like finding a long lost treasure which I got on finding your site on abchomeopathy. I read through the threads and was really amazed at your system of medication which is really homeopathy but…….!
I wonder why people can be so stereotyped that they just dont let a particular science to grow when then try to restrict their thought process to the rudimentary and classical approach. If we let a free flow of innovations set the future trends, of course after a careful documentation, humanity certainly can benefit a lot.
I tried finding your phone number so that I can call you and let you ‘interrogate’ and ‘cross examine’ me on my medical problem. To my understanding I am pretty sure that the symptoms are more indicative of the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome as I am on my computer’s keyboard for extended hours for years. I feel the typical numbness in my thumb the index, middle and the finger next to it. I do wake up in the night, because of the numbness, and at times pain in not only the fingers but also the lower arm.
I saw couple of your comments on ABC on the condition and will highly appreciate if you can recommend any prescription for the above situation.
I am 5′ 4″ and of average to medium body type (certainly not obese and neither skinny). I am an Engineer, BS (Mechanical Engg), MS (Ind Engg), MS (OR) and PhD coursework in Artificial Intelligence. Please feel free to ask me any other questions which me help you to suggest more precisely your medication.
Chief Executive
Technomen Kinetics (Pvt) Ltd.
Other Email:
skype: saiyed_asif_mahmood
Thank you for your kind words in appreciation of my attitude towards Homeopathy which is to cure the patient’s ailment ASAP.
A short answer to your question as to the reason why other consultants do not also emulate my example in using standard Homeopathic remedies to cure disease is MONEY. Homeopathy has been so abused that the classical homeopath is trained to follow the diktat of Hahnemann literally to “treat the totality of the symptoms presented by the patient, with one single remedy”. He is bound by the “Like cures Like” rules and this leaves the poor suffering patient in the hands of the homeopath who can quote the rules to justify his use of the remedy which rarely if ever, cures. As a result the patient has no alternative but to return for that weekly visit to report on his response to the Similimum prescribed, and this is at some cost in both money and in unnecessary suffering while that elusive single remedy is identified.
I have conclusively proved that my direct “This for That” therapy works far quicker and it is no wonder that the classical school discovered this fact and persecuted me on the ABC and other Homeopathic forums that I visited in the past out of sheer jealousy, because the patient was cured, sometimes within a few hours. It was they who coined the term “Joepathy” to derisively describe my therapy which they maintained was dangerous for the patient, as according to them, I was only sending the disease underground for the moment. They maintained that this same disease would manifest itself in a more virulent form in a few months. This fortunately for me and the patient has never occurred.
I might mention that I am not alone in using this attitude towards healing as the Drs Banerji, father and son use the same therapy in their Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation which you may like to visit:
They are reputed to treat over 1500 patients daily in their hospital in Kolkata.
Dealing with your case, I believe that Colocynthis 200c in the Wet dose taken twice daily should relieve you of the pain you are experiencing as a result of the long hours you spend on your keyboard daily.
You can add Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily leaving an hour between remedies.
You can also change the angle of your keyboard relative to your seated position to change the pressures exerted on the muscles of your hands. You can also consider investing in an ergonomic keyboard of which there are many examples.
Do not consent to any surgical experimentation as the results can be far worse than the discomfort you are experiencing at present.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
That is very kind of you. I’m taking four tablets every two hours. But I get a burning pain in my stomach after I eat. My bp is quite low too. 100/60. I am 28 yrs old and feel tired a lot. I am taking arnica which helps somewhat.
I also tried carbon veg once which didn’t do much. Lycopodium stopped the burning problem but gave me headaches and sneezing.
I note that you have not taken Arnica 30c with the Nat Phos 6x which you have self prescribed after reading my advice on the many Homeopathic Forums. Arnica is an integral part of my therapy as it helps to cure the inner lining of the Esophagus which is often badly eroded by the refluxed gastric juice.
I shall copy below my default remedy for GERD:
The remedies you will use are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 2 meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Please observe the following simple rules:
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
Hi doctor. Hope u r well. Thought I would let you know about my condition for gerd and acne
Acne has definitely improved. I had painful pustules which all seem to have dried up. And no lesions yet. Arnica is doing wonders.
Now for gerd I have been taking the nat phos 6x. I have taken 4 tabs every two hours but did not experience watery stools. Still little constipation but not so much. Acidity burning pain is still there. However it is less than it was last week and sinus has cleared. No weight loss
Can I increase potency of nat phos to 30c. I think this is the right remedy but I need a stronger strength.
It seems to me that your peristalsis is not up to standard and this can be the reason for your GERD not responded as it normally does with Nat Phos 6x for hundreds of other patients.
Change the potency to 3x for Nat Phos and report progress in 3 days.
You cannot use the 30c as it just will not work.
Robinia Pseudacacia 3c
This remedy will reduce the secretion of stomach acids and should hopefully help you with your GERD. Take it thrice daily for a week and twice thereafter and report progress weekly.
Thank you for your reply doctor
unfortunately robinia has little effect. I’m finding that my acidity is worse on those days when i have not passed stool sufficiently. i have a very good diet but constipation always persists. i go everyday but yet i do not get complete satisfaction and my stomach does not feel completely empty afterwards.
i will continue as per your suggestions however
Is robinia a cure for constipation also ? would u recommend i continue to take this – i think anything that cures my constipation will cure my acidity also. i note that some people cannot even take 4 tablets of nat phos in a day and they get the runs – i can take up 20-25 no problem ! and even them my stool can be dry. but it has definitely become softer with nat phos – i just feel like my stomach doesn’t completely empty.
No it is not. If as I see it has not helped you, you can take Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose thrice daily for a week and report. Please note that this remedy cannot be used on a long term basis. It is designed to increase your peristalsis which will hopefully help your digestive process.
You will continue with the Nat Phos as usual but a reduction of the dosage is necessary when you respond positively.
Dearest Doctor – thank you for your reply.
I will try nux vomica as you say. Can i continue taking arnica ? It has helped my skin tremendously !!!!! you have managed to cure what professional dermotoligsts and endless doctors and ayurveda clinics could not. I cant thank you enough. My skin is starting to look great and i am finally getting my confidence back.
Thanks for your suggestion of nux vomica.very kind of you to spare time to help me.
You will continue with not only the Arnica but you must take the Nat Phos 6x tablets but in a lower dosage.
You will add the Nux Vomica 30 in the WD taken twice daily.
Report your response.
Hi Doctor Hope you are well.
Just to update you on my progress. Nux Vomica definately helped with constipation but it really bloats my stomach. my stomach feels like im pregnant and whatsmore whenever i take nux vomica i get a huge red rash on my forehead. it goes after a few hours.
i also get this huge red rash whenever i eat yogurt or anything too sweet. Should i stop nux vomica – im finding my bloated stomach a little uncomfortbale.
thank you again for your advice and sorry to keep bugging you.
Love Marco
I regret that I cannot think of any remedy other than those I have already prescribed for you.
Yours seems to be a very complicated case which Joepathy alone cannot resolve and you are advised to go back to the drugs that you have been taking up to now.
Hi Dr – thank you for your reply
I am already at least 50% better with nat phos and arnica. Maybe in the future i will be 100%. Thank you for time and patience. Even if i have to live with this 50% now its better than before
Glad to read your report that you are at least 50% better than you were before with the drugs and whatever therapy you were using up to now.
I noted that you seemed to be sensitive to Nux V and reported a rash but this is very unlikely and cannot be due to the Nux V as it is a powerful remedy that cures rashes.
I would appreciate if you do not jump the gun and seemingly condemn the therapy I have taken pains to prescribe as it is very easy to do so like Indranil who was sorely taxing my patience with over 9 posts today on his use of Arnica 6c for his Diabetes which he seemed to blame me for its not working to reduce his BS level.
I threatened to delete all his posts and all he did was to state:
“sorry, I will not post untill any new news from me. Ok fine. please excuse me.”
I would have expected him to be more apologetic in view of his audacious attitude in demanding my attention and immediate advice over trivial matters.
Hi Dr – hope this email finds you well. I have slightly changed my name for matters of privacy but i am sure you will recognise who i am. Thank you for not giving up on my mothers case. I have full confidence that it is only you that can help her.
I will give you the full details again. She is 5ft 2 and has always been slightly overweight but very active with a very good diet. 16 years ago she developed a cyst in her ovaries and her ovaries were removed. She dealt with a menopause that used to give her lots of hot flushes. This was helped at that time with lachesis and if i remember correctly belladonna also. She also used to get swelling of ankles and feet , leg cramps and urine infections.
Around 10 years ago she developed tinnitus. A constant buzzing in her ears. She also had vertigo. This lasted 1 full year. We tried lots of things but in the end a single dose of sulphur 1 m put a stop to the problem.
Recently the same problem came back with blood pressure also. Your remedy of arnica wet dose and nat mur 200c wet dose has worked tremendously. The swellings in her feet and ankle have calmed down and her bp is more or less under control.
However, around night time her bp goes very high for some reason. Her soles also make her feel like they are burning. She has great vertigo and dizziness during this time also. She always feels tired and drained whereas before she was quite active.
Also around night time when her bp goes high her eyes also become red and blurry. Her doctor has told her that this is a common side effect of high bp. She is also getting styes which she has never had in her life but arnica has definitely helped her with this situation.
As we established that the bp only rises at night you suggested coculous which had a little positive effect on her tinnitus.
After this i tried belladonna. Belladonna 30c in pellet form. Belladonna reduced her BP by 10 units in just a matter of 5 mins. It also made her extremely tired and sleepy and she sweated a lot. For this reason, belladonna was not again given.
Currently i am giving her arnica 30c in the wet dose and nat mur 200c in the wet dose. At least thanks to you her bp i feel is under control now and will get better with the nat mur and arnica.
Thank you so much for your time and not giving up on her. Your are the only homeopath in the world that i have complete faith in as all of your remedies have worked fantastically on my friends.
lots of love
You stated:
“After this i tried belladonna. Belladonna 30c in pellet form. Belladonna reduced her BP by 10 units in just a matter of 5 mins. It also made her extremely tired and sleepy and she sweated a lot. For this reason, belladonna was not again given.”
You have identified the remedy yourself and it has reduced your mothers BP by 10mm in 5 minutes.
The answer is for her to take it in the Wet dose and you will make it as usual with the Liquid Dilution.
Thank you for your prompt response doctor. I will follow your instructions and report back. You have given me the confidence that my mother will indeed become fit and active like she once was.
You are a true asset to mankind and i will make sure that everyone knows your name and the magic medicine that is joepathy.
With kind regards and great respect
Dr just one more question if i may – will the belldonna help with swelling of the feet and legs. Nat mur has helped reduce this somewhat so should she continue with that ? thanks
I do not think that Bell can help with reducing the swelling of her feet but there is no harm in observing her response which you can communicate to me.
Hi Doctor
Fantastic website! I searched the internet for hours until i found this first useful website!
The above problem seems to relate to me a little. I get major swellings of my ankles and feet and legs. I ocassionally get cramps also. I am overweight – i think my body retains water. i am a 58 year old woman , no bp but i do get UTI.
Is there anything that would help me? I use water balance dieuretics sometimes which contain uva ursi dandellion and buchu but i feel really week after i do use them.
and just to add – whilst my case is nothing like the above one. I do occasionally get blocked ears especially in the winter. and a lot of head colds – where it hurts my head if i bend forward. my digestive system is fine and i never have sinus problems either.
im quite sensetive to homeopathic but biochemical meds suit me fine. would it be ok to take kali mur ?
Olga Jiminez
You will have to give me more data to work on as the information you have given is not sufficient for me to prescribe a remedy.
Please complete the Patient’s Questionnaire on:
“Is there anything that would help me? I use water balance dieuretics sometimes which contain uva ursi dandellion and buchu but i feel really week after i do use them.”
What are they?
Confirm that you will stop all other medication if you start on my Joepathy.
and just to add – whilst my case is nothing like the above one. I do occasionally get blocked ears especially in the winter. and a lot of head colds – where it hurts my head if i bend forward. my digestive system is fine and i never have sinus problems either.
im quite sensetive to homeopathic but biochemical meds suit me fine. would it be ok to take kali mur ?
thanks once again doctor
Yes I will stop 100%. I have heard great things about you
I am 5ft 3, nearly 60 years of age, i always feel hot, my hair is quite thin and flat, i have some warts on my stomach and back.
the main problem is i seem to retain water. i get leg cramps sometimes in the middle of the night and i wake up suddenly ! my ankles and feet are always swollen.
I was taking water balance tablets which are basically dieuretics that help me urinate more and get rid of water in my legs.
Please complete the Patient’s Questionnaire on:
Hi Doctor
Great blog!
Like marco above im going through a similar thing. arnica has done wonders for me but nux vomica is doing wonders for my stomach
i have heard nux vomica can antidote all other homeopathic medicine. will it therefore nullify the affects on arnica
Jordan Miguel
Glad you like it.
As you may perhaps be aware, I am 83 years old and I established this blog to enable me to share my discoveries in the use of standard Homeopathic remedies with the rest of the world, as I am convinced that anyone who follows my example and takes a dose of Arnica daily, preferably nightly, will ensure a relatively disease free existence throughout his/her life.
I do not subscribe to the tenets of Classical Homeopathy but must admit that I do owe it my initial grounding in this science. It changed my life and it is my hope that I can change the lives of visitors who may care to browse the pages of my website.
dear sir,
m very sorry to trouble u, have been waiting for ur reply but i guess ur busy, please pardon me sir for d trouble. sir its been 15 days since i m on arnica therapy for hair loss n nat phos for weight loss n m very happy with d results my hair fall is less n have lost 1 kg weight, will continue with d same. now dear sir plz help me for my brothers wedding is there in november n i really want to look my best. i m 35 yrs old but i look like atleast 45, my skin was always fair n flawless with only minute holes ( i suppose they r called open pores which look like holes – like orange peel skin). but now these have increased in size n look like prominent holes and my complexion too is become darker with lots of wrinkles especially when i smile , i feel so embarassed to face anybody due to this. plz sir help me for my wrinkles, fairness n those tiny holes. thanking u in advance dear sir.
You have not replied my question in my last post to you copied below:
I cannot visualize your problem with “holes, wrinkles on my face n my complexion getting darker.”
You can help me to do so by sending me close up photographs of the affected area to my email address which you will see on the Home page of this website.
Please also give me more data to work on. How long have you suffered from your problem and what drugs have you taken? What period of the month do you notice the acne?
How old are you?
dear sir,
m sorry sir i dnt know hw to post d pictures. sir these pores or holes have been there on my face mayb from my twenties but they were not so visible ( very minute) but now they r very prominent n when i go out in d sun my face really looks so bad looks like all holes r there on my face n i feel it is due to these holes that it looks more wrinkled especially when i smile none of my friends in our group have got wrinkles although they r all elder to me. have not taken any medicine for that but i have tried all d possible creams from olay to ponds miracle ponds gold n so on, but nothing has worked i do not sufferfrom acne but previously whn ever i got a pinple i wud break it n so there r some marks but no acne / pimples. i have a strong feeling that ur medicine will definately help me . plz sir , i know u will prescribe something for me which will really work i have strong faith. i m 35 yrs old. n thank you very much for ur quick reply.
You are only wasting my time in trying to help you as you are unable to send me close up photographs of your problem on your face.
If and when you do so, I shall try to help you.
Thank – you sir for giving ur valuable time n for replying patiently. May D Almighty Bless U Always so that u continue with ur good work. thank-you.
dear dr, have read ur website nd m amazed by d healings people get with ur joepathy, i am 30 yr old, housewife n am overweight by almost 15 -17 kgs. i read here abt nat phos 6x . can i take it for weight loss. i am otherwise a healthy person. ur help wud b highly appreciated.
You have not indicated your height and weight which is essential for any advice on reducing your weight.
You can take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken after lunch and dinner and
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
You can expect to lose 1kg per week.
You will report your weight loss weekly on my blog.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
sir my height is 157cms n weight is 77kgs.
You are obviously overweight at 77kg.
Keep me advised of your weight loss.
dear sir,
i have not lost any weight with nat phos 6x n arnica30c. shall i continue with these both?
If you have not responded to Nat Phos 6x to reduce your weight after using it for a month, NP is not for you.
You can however continue to take the Arnica 30c in just one dose nightly to enable it to filter your blood and keep you free of future cardiac problems.
Dear Mr.Joe
I have been on AMN for fibroids an Arnica 30 wet dose for close to two months. Constipation is better ,have no aches over 2 months.
I feel energised and sleep well. Hair fall is minimal. Only my dark circles undER the eyes are still quite prominent. Do I continue or would you like to prescribe something else, Mr.Joe.?
Many thanks
There is a remedy that can be used for the “Dark Circles” that you are constantly harping about but I will not prescribe it for fear that it can antidote your current therapy for Fibroids which I consider are more important than your other problems.
Continue with the current therapy and when you are ready for the scan 3 months after the last, you can report your progress.
Dear Dr. Joe
I am a regular reader of this wonderful site.
For the last few days I have been suffering from a shooting pain in my right heel. I cant walk properly. I am 107 kgs – I have presure and take Repace 50 – I have thyroid but is under control now. I dont have any other ailment. Kindly help me.
You must understand that I cannot figure out from your name alone if you are M or F.
I must also know your age and for how long you have suffered.
“I have been suffering from a shooting pain in my right heel”
You have stated that you are 107kg which is OBESE for either M or F.
This is the reason why you are suffering from your pain as your legs are just unable to support your bulk.
The remedy for losing weight is
Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily.
The standard weight loss as reported by patients is 1kg per week. In your case there is however a problem that the Nat Phos may not work to reduce your weight as you are taking Repace 50.
You can however taken your medication for your Thyroid as this does not seem to affect the Nat Phos.
I must have your daily BP reading taken for 5 days WITHOUT the drug to advise you if it can be stopped while you are under my therapy.
What is your Blood Sugar level?
Do you suffer from any other ailments?
I must have your complete medical picture to help you.
Ok Dr. Joe . thanks so very much.
Hi Joe
I have been following your treatment for a tight bladder neck for about a week now. Let me start by giving you some history about myself. I am 52 years old. I am 5 ‘ 5” tall weigh about 177 pounds. I am a bit over weight a have a pot belly.About 6 years ago I had been diagnosed with border line diabetes. I controlled this by just diet and exercise. However, I had a problem of peeing many times during the day. When I went to one doctor, he misdiagnosed me and prescribed me Flomax thinking that I had an enlarged prostate which I do not have. This is when my problems started. I then became addicted to it and after changing my doctor, the new doctor changed the drug and eventually stared me on Hytrin (Terazosin). The problem is that I still pee a lot, many times a day and get up at least two to three times during the night to pee. But then the doctor last year did a urodynamic test and thought that I may have a tight bladder neck (Which I think maybe from the years of holding my pee when there was no access for me to go or when I was driving). He suggested that I do a bladder neck incision, which I am very reluctant to do. He said that if I don’t do it, then my bladder may eventually fail. I came upon your name for alternatives cure to a tight bladder neck. So at the moment I am on 4mg of Hytrin in the morning and 4mg in the night before sleep. If I don’t take these tablets, it is almost impossible for me to pee. So I saw your suggesting of using the wet dose of arnica 30c strength. I stared this a week ago. However, I can’t get off the Hytrin. I tried it one day and suffered a lot. These tablets help me to relax the muscles of the bladder and then I am able to pee. Then the flow of my pee is very good after taking the hytrin. I know that I am not supposed to mix your medicine with the Western medicine. So what do I do next? I am thinking, maybe I slowly reduce the dose, 2mg in the morning and 4mg in the night, then 2mg in the morning and 2mg in the night and then just 2mg in the night and eventually lean off it. I am really suffering at the moment. Do you think I should also take the conium? I think that the Hytrin has been having a lot of side affects on me. My sex drive has gone down and feel depressed a lot. I also want to tell you that I also had piles (hemorrhoids) and did hemorrhoid banding three times in the past three years. I also lead a very stressful life and I am under a lot of stress almost daily.
Btw I think that the arnica is helping, I am peeing less now since this past week after starting the wet dose program. Please advice me what to do.
It seems to me that you are suffering from a Prostate which is in the process of enlarging. At age 52 this can be considered as being somewhat unusual as this phenomenon usually occurs when one is about 10 years older in the late sixties.
I believe that the following therapy can help you.
Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily to help you to pee more easily.
Conium 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily for 2 weeks and reduced to once daily thereafter.
Conium will reduce the Prostate mass and will hopefully keep it from causing distress in the future.
Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken twice daily to reduce weight.
Exercise is essential for at least 45 minutes daily. You must sweat it out.
Drink over 3 liters water daily. No alcohol. No smoking.
Report progress weekly.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
One other matter that I failed to include in my last post to you is that the Arnica 6c that I prescribed to help with your urinary problem will also help with your Diabetes. It is very likely that the combination of the Arnica 6c and the Nat Phos 6x will jointly help you to overcome both problems.
Hi Joe
Like I said that I had started your program about 10 days now. But I am using the Arnica 30c but also taking the Hytrin, but now as you suggest, I have to switch to the Arnica 6c strength, together with the Conium 6c. However, I just don’t think I will be able to stop taking the Hytrin. I don’t think I will be able to pee if I stop using it. My question is can I slowly reduce the hytrin dosage while taking the Arnica/Conium until I am sure that I can be comfortableto do without the Hytrin? What are the dangers of taking the Arnica/Conium and the Hytrin? Thank you so much for your help. You are a Great Human being and God will surely bless you for all your work that you do,
Your first post on my blog was made just 2 days ago on June 11 and you state that you started my ‘program’ 10 days ago and are using Arnica 30c with Hytrin. You may not be aware that Arnica 30c cannot be equated with Arnica 6c as the effect of each potency is very specific. The 30c cannot possibly help your problem. It may even aggravate it if you continue to use it.
You have to make up your mind whether you wish to use my therapy aka “Joepathy” or to use your own program. I presume that you are not aware that my therapy has helped many hundreds of patients with the exception that you are the youngest at age 52 to present prostatic problems which are usually encountered over 10 years later.
You must know that Hytrin which is an Alpha blocker works by reducing your blood pressure by about 20mm in under an hour after a dose and you may have noticed that you were sometimes faced with a mild form of vertigo or light headedness due to this lowered BP.
Hytrin cannot and must not be used on a long term basis and I would refer you to my article “Pill Popping Culture” when you scroll down on:
You will obviously have to take the many remedies I have prescribed in my last post for at least 3 days to appreciate whether or not they are helping you and it is understood that you will STOP using your own ‘program’ if you wish to use my Joepathy as otherwise I will only be wasting my time with you.
Hi Joe
I had read previous posts of yours and thought that I had to take the the Arnica 30C strenght, but I was mistaken and should have taken the Arnica 6C as you corrected me when I contacted you. I dont drink alcohol or smoke. So I eventually got the Conium, arnica 6C and the Nat phos 6X. I have started this for the last two days. But since I have stopped taking the Hytrin, I am so uncomfotable. I only went with the Hytrin was to avoid doing the Bladder neck incision. However now since starting the treatmentwith the conium and arnica 6C. I have a lot of difficultly urinating. I have to force the pee out and squeeze the bladder for the urine come out. I am also feeling light headed and have a slight headache. Do you think that maybe now my blood pressure is up, because for the last year or or I have been taking 8 mg of Hytrin per day and now I have suddenly stopped. I hope that in the next few days maybe I will get better and and your treatment will work on me. Any advise from you would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you Joe.
You must understand that you cannot equate my therapy to Hytrin which works by dropping your BP within the hour. This permits you to pee easily but Hytrin is dangerous to be used in the long term.
Since you are unable to pee without the Hytrin, you can use it together with my therapy and see if you can use a lower dosage.
As I stated before your problem is very unusual at your age of 52 and if all fails you will not have any option but to resort to surgery in the hope that it can be corrected. You will have to carefully discuss with your Uro what chances you have after surgery if it recurs.
I would strongly suggest that you consult another Uro to check the answer.
Dear Doctor
I am diabetic for nearly a 20 years and now 60 years. I am on medication and take the following on a daily basis
10 8 and 8 units of Humolog mix 25/75 Insulin thrice daily.
500 mg Metformin for breakfast and dinner plus Glimepiride 6mg at breakfast. These regimen helps me to have some sort of controll of my diabetes.
I have no complication but I had MI in 1998, after that I am on medication for heart condition too.
Doctor I read about your therapy Arnica on your website and wonder whether it will be of any help for me to get away from Insulin and other drugs for my diabetes condition. Now I always prefer alternative medicines subsequent to gaining knowledge after having read lots of materials on herbal and alternative therapies.
I shall highly appreciate if you could be of help to me. Hope to hear from you at your convenience.
Thanking you
Diabetes is not a disease that can be cured easily although I have CURED 2 patients who presented this problem in about 3 years using the same therapy I shall copy below for you. They were both under 40 years of age and had presented Diabetes for under 3 years.
I note that you have suffered from an infarct and are taking various drugs. I would like to have a list of these drugs ASAP. You may like to know that the drug you currently take for thinning the blood will not be necessary as the Arnica prescribed can replace it far more satisfactorily.
I shall copy below my default therapy aka “Joepathy” which many Diabetics are using today to control their BS levels. The remedy I have prescribed is Arnica 3c in the Wet dose which is taken twice daily.
Type I patients have confirmed that they discovered their BS levels were reduced by about 20-30% within a day of their starting on this therapy. One has confirmed that his BS level reduced by 75% in about a month and he was able to reduce the Insulin he was using by this amount.
Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily have also helped to reduce BS levels and you can add this to your daily dosage.
Please note that you will most likely notice a dip in your BS level within 24 hours of starting my therapy and you will then have to reduce your dosage of Insulin as it must be maintained around 110. Daily tests for Blood Sugar are essential.
Type II patients will also have to monitor their BS levels on a daily basis to ensure that their BS is stabilized at around 110 and they will reduce the dosage of the drugs that they are using daily to maintain this level. The Arnica 6c and the Mag Phos 6x are taken as prescribed.
Cinnamon powder is also useful to reduce Diabetes while Okra or Bandakka which grows in the tropics also helps to reduce BS levels. Okra is used by cutting up a tender pod and inserting it into a glass of water which is left overnight and the water is drunk on an empty stomach the morning after.
The therapy I have prescribed to many patients is as follows:
Arnica 3c in the Wet dose is taken twice daily and the following protocol is used to make the Wet dose. It is essential that the patient’s BS level is monitored daily for a week to observe how the addition of Arnica to the standard drugs like Metformin reduce the BS level which should be maintained at around 110. In the case of Type II Diabetics the Units of Insulin used can be reduced to keep the BS level at this optimum level of 100.
Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily before meals.
Exercise is essential and the patient is expected to avoid Sugar and reduce Starch and to avoid the consumption of Alcohol completely.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Please report the drop in your BS readings within 24 hours of taking the first dose.
Do you suffer from other ailments like Hypertension and any Urological problems?
Report progress weekly.
Hi Joe
Last week did an ultra sound of my abdominal and pelvic areas as requested by my family doctor and now have to send the results to my urologist. Here is the report of my results.
The gallbladder and biliary tree and liver are remarkable. The pancreas is not well seen, but the spleen and kidneys reveal no abnormality. The aorta and IVC are not well seen. The pancreas is normal.
Unremarkable ultrasound
The prevoid is 472 cc, post void 368cc, for a retention of 77%. There is a 3.1 cm stone identified at the base of the unirary bladder.
The prostate gland is enlarged measuring 4.5×4.3×4.1 cm, for a volume of 41cc with evidence of BPH extension to the base of the bladder. No further comment about the prostate gland can be made without a transrectal ultrasound.
Now it looks like I have a very large stone in my bladder and also have a large BPH. I have to book an appointment with my urologist , it will take a week or two. I think my option is that I will have to do a surgery. Is there anyway you can suggest something that will avoid the surgery. Especially removing the stone. My family doctor says that I will have to remove it by surgery as it is too big. I am still on the arnica 6X and conium 6X. I am also taking the Hytrin 2mg in the morning and 2mg in the evening. I reduced it by half. The doctor also found that I had UTI yesterday and prescribed me Cipro for the infection.
So please give me your advice as to how to go about this.
It is unfortunately not possible to dissolve a Kidney Stone or Calculus of 3.1CM which is considered as extremely large at over 1″ Ø.
There are various methods of breaking the stone and one that can be used is a Lithotripsy which comprises treatment, typically using ultrasound shock waves, by which a kidney stone or other calculus is broken into small particles that can be passed out by the body. This method is however a long surgical procedure which is usually done under light anesthesia which is somewhat painful for the patient.
I have helped many patients to first dissolve and later pass their Kidney stones when the calculus is below 5mm Ø and you can read about a case on:
You must understand that this method cannot be used for your present problem and I believe that your retention of urine is due to the calculus which may have to be surgically treated.
You will discover that all your problems will cease after surgery.
hi doctor
hope this email finds you well
you were treating my acidity case a while ago. to give you an update you prescribed nux vomica – which has worked fantastically !!!! nat phos 6x did not work but nux vomica has worked like a charm. ive been taking it for the past week. i know you mentioned that i cannot take this for long. till what duration should i take this ?
thanks and god bless
Hi Joe
Thanks for the information. I only got an appointment with my Uro on July 4th. In the meantime I am in a lot of pain and discomfort when I urinate.
What should I be doing or taking ?
Should I still continue with the arnica and conium?
What kind of surgery do you think would be best for me to do?
Any suggestions of questions that I should ask my Uro ?
It seems to me obvious that your two major problems can both be solved by just one surgery. I am not certain that a Urologist can also extract the 3.1Cm Kidney stone and the best method would be to have a Nephrologist in attendance at the surgery for the Prostate which will be done by a Urologist.
I do not think that your case can possibly be resolved with Arnica and Conium and you have nothing to fear for your surgery as I too have had a Retropubic Prostactomy in 2002 and am completely free of any problems today, 10 years after surgery.
I took Arnica 30c in the Wet dose 2 hours prior to surgery and every 2 hours post surgery and on day 1 and on day 2 I took it every 3 hours. I was free of pain which was due to the Arnica without any other sedation like Morphine which I ordered to be disconnected from the IV line.
Please keep me informed of your progress.
I wish you well.
Dear Joe,
I saw wonders of Arnica 30c wet dose every where and also its fascinating to know that it cures many ailments.
I have a small clarification on Arnica 30c(wet Dose).I am planning to give this to my father who has both High BP and Diabetes also stone in the Kidney. I don’t know what Allopathic medicines he is taking but usually both BP n Sugar are slightly higher than Normal.
Please clarify
1) Since I cannot convince him to withdraw Allopathic medicines all of a sudden, Is There any chance that the sugar and BP Fall Below Normal By using Arnica or how does it work.
2)Since he has Kidney stones will this affect it in any matter.
Please give your valuable advice,
I have made 2 Bottles of Arnica 30c I started to have since today morning as soon as I woke, I stritly followed all the instructions in making it I bought a mineral water boiled it colled it and made the Dose.
Today Morning I took a cap Full of Arnica Wet Dose My stomach felt Bloated
I Have Acid Reflux and also arthritis
I have tried Arg Met 6c wet dose it gives me severe bloating which leads to Acid reflux, I tried Normal Pills Arg Met 6c that also gives bloating.
Unfortunately by body is not taking Arg Met 6c
Same is happenning with Arnica also but less bloating compared to Arg Met, I will take few more doses and see if I feel the same way,
Kindly give your valuble feedback
Kind regards and Blessings.
Venkata Pathi
All I can do for your dad is to try to help his ailments listed below by copying my default therapies for them in the order listed. You will give him the remedies and report his response in a week.
Kidney stone
I note that he has presented a Calculus and I have been successful in helping many patients to pass the stones. This will however depend on the size of the stone and you will provide this information with more data on when this was first diagnosed and what treatment has been prescribed.
I have had some success in treating Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) using a simple remedy Nat Mur 6x which is Common Salt but with the difference that it is potentized at 6x which is the equivalent of 1 Millionth of the original NaCl.
You will take the remedies in the following manner:
Nat Mur 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals.
You will also have to actively cooperate in your own cure by exercising for at least an hour daily and controlling your diet which must be fat free with no red meat.
I shall copy below my default therapy aka “Joepathy” which many Diabetics are using today to control their BS levels. The remedy I have prescribed is Arnica 3c in the Wet dose which is taken twice daily.
Type I patients have confirmed that they discovered their BS levels were reduced by about 20-30% within a day of their starting on this therapy. One has confirmed that his BS level reduced by 75% in about a month and he was able to reduce the Insulin he was using by this amount.
Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily have also helped to reduce BS levels and you can add this to your daily dosage.
Please note that you will most likely notice a dip in your BS level within 24 hours of starting my therapy and you will then have to reduce your dosage of Insulin as it must be maintained around 110. Daily tests for Blood Sugar are essential.
Type II patients will also have to monitor their BS levels on a daily basis to ensure that their BS is stabilized at around 110 and they will reduce the dosage of the drugs that they are using daily to maintain this level. The Arnica 6c and the Mag Phos 6x are taken as prescribed.
Cinnamon powder is also useful to reduce Diabetes while Okra or Bandakka which grows in the tropics also helps to reduce BS levels. Okra is used by cutting up a tender pod and inserting it into a glass of water which is left overnight and the water is drunk on an empty stomach the morning after.
The therapy I have prescribed to many patients is as follows:
Arnica 3c in the Wet dose is taken twice daily and the following protocol is used to make the Wet dose. It is essential that the patient’s BS level is monitored daily for a week to observe how the addition of Arnica to the standard drugs like Metformin reduce the BS level which should be maintained at around 110. In the case of Type II Diabetics the Units of Insulin used can be reduced to keep the BS level at this optimum level of 100.
Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily before meals.
Exercise is essential and the patient is expected to avoid Sugar and reduce Starch and to avoid the consumption of Alcohol completely.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Report progress weekly.
Dear Joe, I had already give my father Arnica 30c wet dose, I am viewing your reply only now I did not get an Email when you replied.
I saw in many forums including ABCHomeopathy that you prescribed Arnica 30c to your patients as a Default Remedy for Diabetes, Keeping that in mind I gave Arnica 30c Wet Dose to my father Twice a day since 27.
Today we have noticed that There was swelling on both Foot without Pain Is Arnica 30c causing some problem to the Kidneys or any other Internal Organs, Since Normally This never Happened, I have Immediately asked my father to stop taking Arnica 30c Wet Dose.
Tomorrow he is going for a CheckUp, Please advice
Venkata Pathi
The remedy for Diabetes is Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
You can rest assured that Arnica CANNOT possibly cause swelling of the feet. It cannot also
“cauusing some problem to the Kidneys or any other Internal Organs”.
I have treated hundreds of Diabetics and the large majority have confirmed a decrease of 25% in 48 hours of taking the first dose.
Dear Joe,
Thank You very much for your Prompt reply and also thank you for reassuring the beneficiary effect of Arnica.
Does Arnica have Detox capability of internal organs like Kidney & Liver, Spleen Etc. Can it be used as a General Body Detox medicine. Please advice on it.
Venkata Pathi
You are posting from my article “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” and you want me to clarify how Arnica works.
Please read and understand my article to answer your question.
Hello Dr. Joe,
I hope you can help me with my severe hypertension.
A couple of years ago, I was diagnosed with severe hypertension (200/150) and put on multiple allopathic medications. My blood pressure dropped after that to around 140/90 and I have been taking the medications since then. But slowly my blood pressure has been creeping upwards and currently it is around 165/120, even though I continue to take the medications.
I am 33 years old, 135 kgs, 6′ 1″ and have a family history of heart disease (although I don’t have any specific heart issues other than hypertnsion). I also have uric acid problems and for a few years have been taking allopathic medicines daily as well as painkillers when flareups occur.
I would greatly appreciate if you can please advise if I should start your recommended Nat Mur 6x and Arnica 30c West Dose or if I need to make any modifications to that under my condition.
Thanks for your help in advance.
I hope that you are aware that at your age 35 your weight of 135 kg is the real reason behind your current medical problems with Hypertension for which you are taking drugs which you have already seen do not seem to be able to contain your BP.
It is very likely that you will soon present Diabetes which usually accompanies a person with your problems.
You have correctly identified Nat Phos 6x and Arnica 30c as your lifeline and you will take:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken immediately after each of 3 meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Nat Mur 200c in the Wet dose taken twice daily for your Hypertension.
Please observe the following simple rules:
Do not eat large meals. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
You must also exercise for at least an hour daily and it is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy for you to lose weight.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily.
You will report your weight loss weekly and your BP on this blog.
It is possible that Nat Phos 6x may not work to reduce your weight as it does not seem to work when the patient takes other drugs. In your case it will not be prudent to stop the drugs you are taking for your BP and we shall observe if your weight responds to my therapy and I shall decide on the next step after your weekly report.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
Thank you Dr. Joe for your detailed response. I have ordered the remedies and I should receive it in a few days and should be able to start taking them after that.
I am also starting to incorporate your advise into my diet as well.
I am aware my weight is causing a lot of these issues and I started exercising a few weeks ago. But maybe I overdid myself which started an ongoing shortness of breath problem for me and caused an extra increase in my blood pressure. Thankfully the doctors didn’t find any damage and I don’t have the shortness of breath anymore after I have taken it easy. I will start exercising again soon, but this time very slowly.
I am also happy to report that my blood pressure has decreased a bit to 155/105 by itself.
Thanks again for your valuable advise. I will report again after I start taking the remedies.
I received the remedies today and will start taking them. Please advise if I can take the wet doses of Arnica and Nat Mur at the same time or with gap in between them or other medications.
Leave half hour between remedies
Hi Dr. Joe,
I have been taking the remedies for over a week now.
I am glad to report I have had some reduction in my BP, albeit minor. Prior to starting the remedies, my average BP was 157/107. My average BP after starting the remedies is 150/102.
However, there has been no change to my weight.
I am continuing to take:
– Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets after each of 3 meals.
– Arnica 30c in Wet dose taken twice daily.
– Nat Mur 200c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Please advise if I should continue the same.
You will continue with the Nat Mur 200c that I have prescribed and also take the drug you were prescribed for your Hypertension. You should take your BP reading thrice with the same Digital BP gauge and take the average of the 3 readings as the first is always higher than the last for some reason I do not understand. It is also essential that you use new alkaline batteries and if your BP gauge is an old model, you should get a new one which reads BP off the Biceps muscle. The Wrist type is not accurate. I use the OMRON SEM-1 7500 which is arguably the best.
The Nat Phos 6x is your only hope to reduce your weight and I hope that it will help you to do so in a few weeks of daily use. You can rest assured that Nat Phos is absolutely safe in use unlike other drugs and I hope that you have got the Biochemic Cell Salt as the product in the little round pellets is the Homeopathic version which cannot help with weight reduction.
Thanks Dr. Joe. I will continue with the Nat Mur as you prescribed. I am also assuming I should continue the Arnica as well?
About the Nat Phos, I have been actually taking the round pellets as I didn’t realize they were different. I have now ordered the cell salt type which I should get in about a week. Hopefully my weight will start reducing then.
This is one of the problems associated with prescribing on the Internet.
I am glad that I checked this matter with you and am confident that your weight must reduce in the manner that thousands of others have responded by reducing their weight by 1 kg PER WEEK.
Do keep me posted with your own weight loss which you will do weekly.
Dr Joe
I have read all about Arnica and the miracle drug here in Colombia I was able to find Arnica Montana 200C prepared in alcohol how shoul I take it to benefit from all the good things Arnica has to offer.?
Respected Joe
My father is 78 years old and he is having knee pain. He always say like the sides of back portion of the knee and the back side of the leg (the length between knee and feet) of his left leg always pain very high whenever he get up from chair or sitting on floor and try to gets up. The sevior pain will be there for 2-3 min and it gets reduced to managable pain. I took him to the Ortho doctors and they did the X-Ray and say like the liquid in knee joints drained out and hence he gets knee pain and the blood vesseles flow behind portion of the Knee upto Feet and may be he is week and aged, all these are common.
Request you to suggest any remedy for this so that he can go for it and try out for few months.
At age 78 it is very likely that the cartilage between the Tibia and the Femur are worn and are causing pain.
He will take the following remedies:
Arnica 30c twice daily
Argentum Metallicum 6c twice daily
Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose leaving about half hour between each.
It is essential that he exercises his legs to keep up the circulation and the movement will also help in the curative process. Massage of the legs around the knees will also help especially behind the knee.
Report progress in a week.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Hi Joe,
I am amazed at all the things I’ve read on this website. You’re doing a fantastic job and I have faith that I too would benefit tremendously by your advice.
I am male, 65 years of age.
For the past 5 years I have been unable to void urine satisfactorily . This makes me urinate more frequently and yet I don’t feel that I have voided fully The flow of urine is also weak but there is no dribbling. However, if I sit on the pot and urinate then in 2 to 3 minutes, I void myself completely and feel better. On an averageI need to urinate about 10 times a day.
Previous ultrasounds showed minimal enlargement of the prostrate. PSA was all clear. I was prescribed Flotral 10mg tablet after B’fast in the morning.From the year 2009 Dynapres 0.4 mg was also prescribed to be taken at bedtime. I have been having the above medicine since then religiously .There has been no improvement.
The new development is that in the past week I’ve had to wake up about twice almost every night to pass urine. This never happened earlier.
Yesterday’s ultrasound impression is : Mild Prostatomegaly, prostrate being 33x 41 x 39 mm with a volume of 28.9 cc. Pre-micturation volume of urinary bladder is 178cc and post micturation residue is 13cc.
Ultrasound also shows bilateral renal cysts. PSA is 1.26.
Three years ago I was also diagnosed to have Atonic Constipation wherein I feel that there is unsatisfactory evacuation and only after two or sometimes even three attempts at passing stools I feel better for the day.
I feel that both the Urine and the stool problem are somehow interrelated. Could this be possible?
For managing the constipation problem I am having two teaspoons of Aruvedic medicine called SOfTOVAC, which seems to help.
For Hypertension, I am having the following daily:
Cipril 10 mg. (for the past 20 years)
Amtas 5 mg. (for the past 9 years)
Your findings on Arnica are fantastic. My only apprehension is that I have a longer than average blood clotting time.
Please advise. Thanks!
Bob Anand
It is interesting to note that in spite of the various teests that have been done on your Prostate that you still have to depend on the various drugs described to survive.
It is possible that there is some constriction in your Urethra but before we jump to conclusions I would like you to use the following protocol and report progress in the week.
The remedies you will use are listed below:
Arnica 6c in the wet dose taken thrice daily.
Conium 6c In the wet dose taken twice daily.
I also note that you suffer from constipation and the remedy is:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken after each of 3 meals daily.
You will use the remedies listed above for a week and report progress.
It is understood that you will stop all drugs that you’re using for hypertension and report your daily blood pressure which you will take daily and list for the week.
You do not have to be concerned about your Blood clotting time when you are on Arnica. I would like to know how and why you checked your clotting times.
I believe that ALL your problems have been caused by the DRUGS that you have been taking for both Hypertension your constipation and your Prostate problems.
You should experience perceptible relief in your urination within 3 hours and I would like to have your report as soon as you notice any difference.
Please note that you will NOT take any drugs when using my Joepathy.
Dear Joe,
Thanks for your advice. Just needed to clarify a few points:
I need to give half an hour between remedies.
The wet dose can be used till the bottle is over. Need to shake the bottle well before each dose.
Is the bottle of the wet dose to be stored at room temperature? The temperature here in Delhi can go upto at least 40 degrees C at this time of year.
I noticed at least 40 years ago that it took longer for a wound to stop bleeding compared to other people. I went for a blood test which showed that clotting time was more than average. I can’t find the test results so am unable to give you exact figures and factors. Do you think I should go for another test?
I shall be getting the remedies tomorrow and shall keep you informed of developments.
Thanks again.
You seem to have read and understood my therapy correctly.
I am a 52 year old teacher/school owner in Greece
I you might say have a few problems regarding my health I will mention some.I really don’t know which to mention first. I have unwanted facial hair and also my head hair has thinned quite a lot. I am overweight and would certainly would like to lose some weight I would also like my migraines to go away they are really bad and i can not do anything when they come and certainly i get stressed up when I have to work in such conditions but, i think most of all is that for the first time i find it really difficult to got to work. I do not want to work and my homeopath say i have apathy i cannot feel happy.
I have seen some homeopaths but I think they do not understand me I do not understand me either. I am you might say a perfectionist in many things. (which is an illusion to want to be or see everything perfect)I am putting my last hope in you.
Thank you so much for taking the time to deal with people like us.
You will have to make up your mind to QUIT smoking as my therapy aka “Joepathy” will only work WITHOUT the smoke which I believe is the root cause of ALL your problems including your Obesity, Migraines, Hair Loss, Apathy which you have mentioned. I can also visualize that you have a constant problem with Coughing and Phlegm in your lungs with perhaps Asthma which will all resolve under my therapy.
Many chain smokers have confirmed that they lost the urge for that next smoke in a week when they use my default remedy:
Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily.
Your weight should reduce by about 1kg per week with:
Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily after each of 3 meals.
I shall treat your Hair Loss after we have helped you over your problem with smoking and weight.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Oh also I smoke tooooo much lately
I have suffered from hyperacidity from last one year.
My sympton are increased secretion of stomach acids. This leads to severe hunger and subsequent pain in stomach. This is only reduced by eating food. This is aggravated whenever i tried to study books or reading books. This has greatly affected my studies as i am a student.
It is very likely that you suffer from Hyperacidity or Gastritis, aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) and I shall copy my default therapy that has helped hundreds of patients to overcome this disease for which doctors usually prescribe PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which are dangerous and can cause many other more serious problem when used in the long term.
You will hopefully discover that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will help you within the hour after you have taken your first dose after a meal.
The remedies you will order are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 2 meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Please observe the following simple rules:
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
Dear Joe De Livera,
I have taken Arnica 30c montana as per your instructions. But it aggravates the conditions severly at first I thought its normal to have aggravation but it didnt went away even after continous use. Natrum Phos do help. But Its only curing it 20%. I am currently on Natrum Phos 6x.
If you feel that my therapy is not helping you, please feel free to STOP it.
You may like to know that many hundreds of thousands of patients, known and unknown, have used it and have confirmed that they were helped within minutes after they first started on my therapy. Some have confirmed that they were cured.
In your case since you feel that it is AGGRAVATING your present desperate condition, you are advised to STOP using it immediately.
I have already stopped Arnica one month back, but natrum phos does work to some extent. Please give me some alternate remedies.
dear mr joe,
i really appreciate ur helping people with ur joepathy. i m a regular reader of ur posts. but, one thing i ve always noticed that u become very happy when ur joepathy helps people – which no doubt anybody would be. but if anyone writes to u saying joepathy is not helping them than your replies to them clearly show that ur angry on them for writing to u that ur medication has not helped them n u immediately cut off from them, even when they r asking ur help by asking u to prescribe some other medicine, u never reply back to their posts. why is it so? dnt u think that u should help them out? for what works for some may not work for others.
Can you give me any instances where I have “immediately cut off from them, even when they r asking ur help by asking u to prescribe some other medicine, u never reply back to their posts.”
Dear Joe,
Hope you would be in sound health. I have two cases to discuss with you.
1- One of my friend is feeling pain which start from back neck and goes to left shoulder muscle. Please advise which potency of Arnica will suit him?
2- My cousin (female age 31 years) have high uric acid. she is feeling pain in both heals but specially in right heel and foot palm, its fingers joint. Please advise, which medicine will better suit her. i have given her mag phos 6x tablet(5 pallets as 1 dose) it gave her immediate relief but after 6 hrs, pain return again.
3- Any medicine for joint pain???
Please advise on above.
You will appreciate that I cannot possibly diagnose your friend’s backache on my website. Request him to have it diagnosed by a doctor and when he does, convey the report to me and I shall try to help.
Mag Phos is NOT the remedy for Gout.
Nat Phos 6x is.
It your joint pain Osteo Arthritis?
Let us assume it is Osteo Arthritis and work out the remedies in the case. This should sure be helpful to many having similar condition under the diagnosis and symptoms of Osteo Arthritis as well
Can you elaborate on your post and give me more data on your ailment which I presume is Osteo Arthritis?
You will indicate if you are M or F and your age. You will also sate where you experience pain, for how long you have had it and what treatment you have used for it.
Dear Joe
You probably dont remember me but around 2 months ago you prescribed me to take nux vomcia for my stomach. it has changed my life!!!!!!!!! i cant thank you enough.
my question i was taking 6c but it wasnt having so much effect so i moved to 30c and finally to 200c. i take one wet dose of 200c every night and this really helps my stomach. if i miss a day sometimes the problem comes back. is it safe for me to carry on ? thanks
I do not have any record of prescribing Nux Vomica to you on my website.
I prescribe Nat Phos 6x for GERD and if it does not stabilize the problem, I then add Nux V 200. You have inquired if you may take Nux 200 nightly and the answer is NO.
You may replace it with Nat Phos 6x and the dosage is 2-3 tablets after every meal.
For the record I shall copy my default therapy that has helped hundreds of patients to overcome this disease for which doctors usually prescribe PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which are dangerous and can cause many other more serious problem when used in the long term.
You will hopefully discover that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will help you within the hour after you have taken your first dose after a meal.
The remedies you will order are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 2 meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Please observe the following simple rules:
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
you did not prescribe on this website – it was on another forum
nat phos has had no effect on me – only nux vomica does the trick. i have been taking nightly for the past 2 weeks and it has brought me much relief. i do not want to stop using it – but as i understand its not something i can do ?
Hi Joe
I did a procedure of cystolitholapaxy to remove the 3 cm bladder stone on Friday July 27th. Everything seemed to have gone well. I am now recovering. However, I did not do the operation of the bladder neck incision or removing part of the prostate. I want to delay it as much as possible. Do you think that if I continue with the conium and arnica, it should help me? What remedy would you advise me to take?
Glad to learn that you did the Lithotripsy procedure on your bladder stone which at 3cm Ø would have been awesome.
It would be of interest to have some details of this procedure and to learn of your reaction to it. Was it painful and how long did it take?
There is no absolute emergency to do any procedure for your Prostate right now as we can try to reduce it with Conium and Arnica as prescribed by me. A lot will depend on the actual size of your Prostate and also if you suffer from incontinence.
Hi Joe
The procedure was that I was under general anesthesia and completely asleep. They put a camera with a device through my penis up to the bladder and then they crushed the stone. Then they flushed out everything thing from my bladder. The whole procedure took about one hour. When I woke up after 1.5 hrs. I was in paid and they gave me pain medication. After that I had to drink a lot of water and kept on peeing a lot of urine and blood. Then I went home after six hours and have had to keep on drinking lots of water. He also gave me Cipro for infection and real heavy dose of paid killers.
I am now feeling better , from the pain of the stone. However, I still have a bit of difficulty peeing. The urologist says I may have a tight bladder neck. I am really hoping that your remedy of the Conium and Arnica will help to relax and open up the bladder neck. I really don’t want to do the bladder neck incision. I do not suffer from incontinence. I had stopped the conium and arnica during and after the surgery, until I am finished with the medicines given to me by the Uro. I am going to be done with them tomorrow. So from Wednesday onwards I am going to take conium 6c once a day and Arnica 6c three times a day.
As far as I can remember I have not prescribed the 3 remedies that you have listed for you but you are not far out in using them except for the Nat Sulph which I would advise you to STOP immediately as some patients have presented symptoms of Asthma after taking it repeatedly in the X potencies.
Nat Phos 6x is OK for weight reduction at usually at 1kg per week.
Nat Sulph is NOT OK for digestion as Nat Phos 6x is the ultimate remedy for digestion.
Kali Phos is OK for your nervous exhaustion but it will be necessary that the cause is established.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose is the Ultimate Tonic for the body.
i am diabetic my bs level is 300 erectel dyfusion please advice me homeopathy remediey i am taking GLUCO RED FORTE TABLET after lunch & dinner
I shall copy below my default therapy aka “Joepathy” which many Diabetics are using today to control their BS levels. The remedy I have prescribed is Arnica 3c in the Wet dose which is taken twice daily.
Your ED will also be helped by this remedy
Type I patients have confirmed that they discovered their BS levels were reduced by about 20-30% within a day of their starting on this therapy. One has confirmed that his BS level reduced by 75% in about a month and he was able to reduce the Insulin he was using by this amount.
Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily have also helped to reduce BS levels and you can add this to your daily dosage.
Please note that you will most likely notice a dip in your BS level within 24 hours of starting my therapy and you will then have to reduce your dosage of Insulin as it must be maintained around 110. Daily tests for Blood Sugar are essential.
Type II patients will also have to monitor their BS levels on a daily basis to ensure that their BS is stabilized at around 110 and they will reduce the dosage of the drugs that they are using daily to maintain this level. The Arnica 6c and the Mag Phos 6x are taken as prescribed.
Cinnamon powder is also useful to reduce Diabetes while Okra or Bandakka which grows in the tropics also helps to reduce BS levels. Okra is used by cutting up a tender pod and inserting it into a glass of water which is left overnight and the water is drunk on an empty stomach the morning after.
The therapy I have prescribed to many patients is as follows:
Arnica 3c in the Wet dose is taken twice daily and the following protocol is used to make the Wet dose. It is essential that the patient’s BS level is monitored daily for a week to observe how the addition of Arnica to the standard drugs like Metformin reduce the BS level which should be maintained at around 110. In the case of Type II Diabetics the Units of Insulin used can be reduced to keep the BS level at this optimum level of 100.
Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily before meals.
Exercise is essential and the patient is expected to avoid Sugar and reduce Starch and to avoid the consumption of Alcohol completely.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Report progress weekly.
Nidhi Ahuja
Start with the Arnica 6c which is not as effective as the 3c to control Diabetes.
Order the 3c from some source who can supply it.
I cannot treat the fever without more blood tests but you can give him:
Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose made as below and observe his response. If the fever is due to any Viral infection this remedy is the ultimate and will treat it. You can give him a dose thrice daily for 3 days and if the fever does not come down you will have to consult a doctor to do some Blood work to identify the cause.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
I am 47 years old and mostly healthy have no children. For the last 6 months I have been suffering from pain in my bladder it feels like it is heavy, inflamated.. sometimes I have cistitis and disconfort when urinating. I have been to different doctors gynecologist, urologist, accupuncturist, homeopath and do not find an effective treatment. I have had all the tests possible from blood, urine, x-rays, sonograms, even cystocospy and they do not find anything only a cyst in one of my ovaries which have been there for many years. At moments I feel pain in my lower back (lumbar and coccyx) and my heel .. will this be causing my bladder pain? Please help me doctor Livera… i want to go back to my normal life.
It is very difficult for me to try to help you as all the doctors you consulted have not discovered what is causing you so much distress for the last 6 months.
You will realise that without this data, I can only presume that you can be helped by Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily and which is made as indicated below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Please answer the questions below:
Do you have any Gastric Reflux or burning in your stomach after meals especially dinner?
How long have you been married and have your consulted gynaecologists to investigate why you have not had a baby?
Do you have normal periods?
What is your level of pain and bleeding?
Do you exercise daily?
How much of fluids do you drink daily?
You mentioned a Cyst in your Ovary.
Did the doctor mention Endometriosis or Chocolate Cyst?
How big is the Cyst?
Do you have severe pain and bleeding during menstruation?
What drugs have you taken so far for your various problems and and what was prescribed for your Cystitis?
Hola Dr. Livera .. thank you very much for replying to my inquiry. Below the answers to your questions. Do you think the cysts can be the cause of my problem? Doctor wants to take everyhting out but I do not want an hysterectomy. I need some help please.
Do you have any Gastric Reflux or burning in your stomach after meals especially dinner?
No gastric reflux
How long have you been married and have your consulted gynecologists to investigate why you have not had a baby?
No married, I hadn”t plan to have a baby
Do you have normal periods?
I have normal periods
What is your level of pain and bleeding during periods?
Little pain druing periods
Bleeding normal, 2 last months period starts like 5 days before with little spots and bleeding and after 5 days continue much bleeding, but normal.
Do you exercise daily?
I haven’t been able to exercise regularly like for 1 year, because I got inmediate inflamation of my lumbars and in my lower abdomen and it’s painful.
How much of fluids do you drink daily?
I drink a lot of fluids
You mentioned a Cyst in your Ovary. Did the doctor mention Endometriosis or Chocolate Cyst?
Doctor didn’t mention Endometriosis o chocolate cyst
How big is the Cyst?
I am not sure of the size of the cyst, I have not seen the results but I am going to request them.
Do you have severe pain and bleeding during menstruation?
I don’t have severe pain and bleeding during menstruation
What drugs have you taken so far for your various problems and and what was prescribed for your Cystitis?
Dr prescribed me lots of antibiotics, different kinds. Last one Nitrofurantoin and Uribel.
I regret that I am not able to diagnose your problem even after you answered my questions.
You must consult competent doctors and have them diagnose the reason for your pain which you can them report to me.
Dear Joe
Thanks a lot, I have mentioned the same to my sister and I will let you know the progress once she starts with the course. Meanwhile I would like to discuss about myself I am 31 yrs old and suffering from post pregnancy weight gain, I have 18 month kid and also suffer from hair loss. I have read your number of posts wherein you have suggested taking two tablets of Nat Phos 6X after avery meal and for hair loss taking a wet form of Arnica 30C. However when I went to buy these medicines in Mumbai I got Arnica M 30 and she said that it is Arnica 30 C but before taking it I wanted to confirm it with you if it’s the right thing and also for Nat Phos 6X – I have got white tablets of company – DR. Reckeweg & Co. Gmbh – Germany. Please let me know know if this is also correct or not.
Nidhi Ahuja
You have read and understood my therapy correctly for both Weight loss and Loss of hair.
Arnica Montana 30c in the Liquid Dilution is what you must order and you will make the Wet dose as instructed by me in other posts.
Nat Phos 6x is the Biochemic Cell Salt which is only sold in tablet form and you should ask for it.
Dear Sir,
I am Raj from India, my age is just 26years.
I am a Diabetic patient. I tried Syzium Jambolium and Bio-Combination-7, but there is no improvement.
Please suggest any Homeopathic Drug / can I use Arnica 6C?
If yes. how to prepare wet does (I find any places where you mentioned wet does)?
forgot to mention, by BS at fasting is around 355 and 455 after 2 hr of meal. sometime fasting BS goes to 407 also.
Your level of Blood Sugar is high for treatment by a Homeopathic remedy. It is likely that you are a Type I Diabetic and may have to use Insulin but we can start with my Arnica 3c therapy. You may like to know that I have CURED a Diabetic who presented a BS level of 535 whom I treated with the same therapy below. He was instructed to take Metformin with my therapy for about 3 years and does not take any today as his BS level is absolutely normal.
It is very likely that his cure was due to the Arnica I gave him stimulating the Pancreas to produce Insulin on demand. He is a very special case and it is my hope that you will also benefit from my therapy.
I shall copy below my default therapy aka “Joepathy” which many Diabetics are using today to control their BS levels. The remedy I have prescribed is Arnica 3c in the Wet dose which is taken twice daily.
Type I patients have confirmed that they discovered their BS levels were reduced by about 20-30% within a day of their starting on this therapy. One has confirmed that his BS level reduced by 75% in about a month and he was able to reduce the Insulin he was using by this amount.
Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily have also helped to reduce BS levels and you can add this to your daily dosage.
Please note that you will most likely notice a dip in your BS level within 24 hours of starting my therapy and you will then have to reduce your dosage of Insulin as it must be maintained around 110. Daily tests for Blood Sugar are essential.
Type II patients will also have to monitor their BS levels on a daily basis to ensure that their BS is stabilized at around 110 and they will reduce the dosage of the drugs that they are using daily to maintain this level. The Arnica 6c and the Mag Phos 6x are taken as prescribed.
Cinnamon powder is also useful to reduce Diabetes while Okra or Bandakka which grows in the tropics also helps to reduce BS levels. Okra is used by cutting up a tender pod and inserting it into a glass of water which is left overnight and the water is drunk on an empty stomach the morning after.
The therapy I have prescribed to many patients is as follows:
Arnica 3c in the Wet dose is taken twice daily and the following protocol is used to make the Wet dose. It is essential that the patient’s BS level is monitored daily for a week to observe how the addition of Arnica to the standard drugs like Metformin reduce the BS level which should be maintained at around 110. In the case of Type II Diabetics the Units of Insulin used can be reduced to keep the BS level at this optimum level of 100.
Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily before meals.
Exercise is essential and the patient is expected to avoid Sugar and reduce Starch and to avoid the consumption of Alcohol completely.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Report your BS Level in 36 hours after you start on my therapy for further instructions.
Many many thanks for your reply.
I wanted to inform you that I have never taken any insulin. and found my Diabetes before 6 months only, and tried many homeopathic medicine (as said before) as well as Ayurvedic and never use alopathy
I wanted to avoid alopathy.
Also I dont know whether it is Type-I or Type-II.
Please advice on my condition.
also tell me Sir, whether Arnica 3c & Mag Phos 6x is available normally in India?
“forgot to mention, by BS at fasting is around 355 and 455 after 2 hr of meal. sometime fasting BS goes to 407 also.”
You are technically considered as a Type I Diabetic and Insulin is usually prescribed to reduce BS at the level you have indicated.
I have already prescribed for your Diabetes and it does not matter whether it is Type I or II as both degrees of Diabetes respond to my Arnica 3c therapy which as far as I know is only prescribed by me and therefore qualifies for the title “Joepathy”
Use it as prescribed and report your progress in a week.
Do not use any other drugs or remedies if you wish to be guided by me.
Dear Sir,
many places you have mentioned “my” Arnica 3c, is a special medicine by you or I can simply ask as Arnica 3c at any medical / homeopathic store?
and what about “Mag Phos 6x” should I use this also?
Please confirm.
Thanks a lot
Please tell me one more thing about spring water.
Is there any specialty in this water? I dont think its available here in Kolkata, India. Will you please mention some alternative instead of Spring water? or I can prepare it at home?
Please read my response to you in detail as I do not have the time to analyze it for you.
The fact that your mother is also a Diabetic can indicate that you too will be a chronic Diabetic for life. If you succeed in controlling your BS with my therapy you can consider yourself very fortunate as Metformin and Insulin both affect the Kidneys in a few years.
You can use any bottled water as long as you are certain that it is NOT chlorinated.
One more thing I wanted to tell you about my family history that my mother is also having diabetes.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for you valued information.
I will try it and let you know soon.
Dear Sir,
I had checked my BS level on 1st September at fasting, I found 361, as you prescribed I was using it from last 30th August. we can see there is no improvement.
Please suggest me on my condition.
I regret to inform you that there is nothing more that I can suggest to you to treat your Diabetes level which does not seem to respond to my therapy which has helped many thousands of patients.
It is possible that the remedy you are using today is not up to specifications and you are advised to get the Dr Recheweg produce which is marketed in sealed bottles of 10ml each and is made in Germany.
I presume that you have used Arnica 3c as prescribed by me.
Dear Joe de livera
My son aged 3.6 yrs had typhoid during march 2012. He is under classical treatment since Nov 2010. His ideal remedies are sulphur, natrum mur, syphili.. Regualraly he was taking sulphur 200 3 times daily Whenever he used to be sick, if temp rose say 100, he was given sulphur 1m, his temp would rise to 103-104 and next day he would become completely alright. Recently during march he was diagnosed with typhoid 1:160 ‘O’ & ‘H’. He was given first sulphur 1m and nat mur 1m before diagnosis, but after diagnosis the 5th day he was given syphi 1m. His temp rised to 105-106 and very slowly came down the next day. And he was in a complete diet no oil, no more salt, no spice. After a week he was having low grade fever like 99-100, he was given baptisia (which doctor did not like to give-but due to my intrusion only), his low grade fever was gone. Only 2 dose betwn a gap of 25 days was given by the doctor, but after that i myself gave my son 4-5 dose each dose on one sunday and wednesday without knowing to the doctor.
During that march, april, may -he was given daily sweet lime a glass for all the three months and one tender coconut daily. After one month, he was having mild cough gradually increasing more, he was given sulphur 1m, after 3-4 days his cough would come down and be active till 10th day. once again 11th or 12th day his cough would again slowly start and when it is severe he was given natrum mur 1m same 3-4 days his cough would come down and be active till 10th day. Like that his cough recurred 4th time. Then we checked his blood it was typhoid 1:80, we did half diet for a week(no non-veg), after that week he had little high temp 103-104 suddenly leave and coming back again. We checked once again blood it was typhoid 1:160. He was given sulphur 1m his temp raised as before to 105-106 and came down very slowly. Now he is on strict diet no oil, no more salt, no spice. He is only on barley khanjee, boiled rice khanjee, mosambi(sweet lime) juice, pomogranate seeds. After temp coming down loose motion started, it was very bad smell the first two days and reduced.
On 20-08-2012 his temp came down, loose motion started, little by little semifluid motion he is having even now. No temp, we are worried of recurring cough. As his cough was recurring every 10 days, and it was 4th time last over.
Pls advise your opinion sir.
I hope that you are aware that TYPHOID is a very serious disease that one does NOT treat with Homeopathic Remedies. I am aware that the classical homeopath to whom you have entrusted the life of your son, will disagree with me, but I am of opinion that this disease and a few others CANNOT BE CURED with Homeopathic remedies.
Please read the link below to understand the reason why I have boldly made the statement above:
I regret to inform you that I cannot take the responsibility of treating him as it is far too dangerous and presumptuous for me to pretend that I can treat Typhoid which I consider is impossible with any Homeopathic remedy. The very fact that your son has not recovered in over 5 months is ample proof of my statement and it is obvious to me that the bacteria are still present in his gut and are manifesting their presence in the manner that you have described with the low temperature and diarrhoea which will continue throughout his life. You are perhaps not aware that if the patient’s intestines are perforated, he will have to be operated immediately as otherwise his life is at stake.
You stated: “He is under classical treatment since Nov 2010.”
Do I understand that your son presented Typhoid as far back as November 2011?
Homeopathic remedies can be used to treat thousands of other ailments but NOT TYPHOID. The drug that is commonly used to cure Typhoid is Ciprofloxacin but I cannot prescribe any drug on my website as I am not a qualified doctor and you are advised to consult a paediatrician immediately and seek his advice and give him the drug at the correct dosage suitable for his age.
It is very likely that the present problems that he is suffering from today are all due to the Salmonella Typhi Bacteria being present in his gut and it is only Ciprofloxacin that will help him to overcome it within 3 days.
After you have followed my advice and your son is back to normal, feel free to consult me for follow up treatment when he is CURED of Typhoid.
You have wasted almost 6 months in denying your son the treatment that is obvious with Ciprofloxacin and I believe that it is your duty to do so IMMEDIATELY as the consequences of your permitting your homeopath to continue to experiment with his classical remedies is just too foolish for me to comprehend.
Sir, He was in classical homeo treatment from nov 2010 mean – no paracetomol or amruthanjan or jandubalm or any allopathy even for common cold cough viral fever was not used from nove 2010. Say if he got cold and fever, he will be regularly given his holistic remedy sulphur 200 -3 dose a day and special dose one time given Sulphur 1m. His temp if it is 99, it may rise little 100-102 and slowly come down. The very next day evening he will be completely alright, active. But unfortunately during march 2012 his fever was recurring every 2 days and doctor asked for blood test and as he suspected it was typhoid. He gave the holistic remedy which had almost cured him 75% because he had high fever 104 and when the remedy was given, temp rose little from 104, this time it rised to 105.8 and very slowly came down the next day, (as per the doctor if the temp is more the body fighting the very harmful bacteria and killing them-temp rising or decreasing is body’s decision) and after 3-4 days he had low grade fever 99-100 and may be because of my pressure he asked me to give baptisia 2 doses with gap in betwn 25 days which is not used in classical treatment. The low grade fever was suppresed by this baptisia and the bacteria’s activity was not known. Without knowing the doctor i had also given baptisia 4-5 doses alternate 3 days. He was completely fine by April 2012. But in june we joined him to LKG school, it is on the hilly side more breeze. During june 3 rd week his cough started, whenever special dose was given, after 3-4 days cough would completely subside and again used to recurr on the 11th or 12th day, once again special doses were given. The doctor suspected of his 2 dose baptisia usage(mine not revealed) which supressed the fever and the typhoid recurrring 2nd time. So the doctor now asked for blood test widal test which shown ‘O’ 1:160, ‘H’ 1:160 on 19th Aug and after the classical treatment yesterday doctor asked me to check and it is ‘O’ 1:80 & ‘H’ 1:20. Pls tell me our opinion sir.
I believe that I am just wasting my time on trying to help your son.
I have already given you a detailed reply and even requested you to phone me which you did not do last night.
You are responsible for the welfare of your own son and you can take action as you wish in the future.
Sir I am very sorry. You are trying to help me but my mind is not stable. I am confused. Pls check this link
under 20th verse or search “typhoid”, What does that para say. Why it is said like that if typhoid cannot be cured by homeo.
I am indeed very surprised that you have put your trust on Wiki4cam which is an unknown website, and believe that your son will be cured of his Typhoid because this website states so.
I can only repeat my reply to you in my last post below:
I believe that I am just wasting my time on trying to help your son.
I have already given you a detailed reply and even requested you to phone me which you did not do last night.
You are responsible for the welfare of your own son and you can take action as you wish in the future.”
Ok Sir. On what basis you are so strongly advising me that homeopathy has not cured typhoid or will not cure typhoid. Something you would have come across. In case of dengue you have advised EP 200 as wet dose, but why not in typhoid. And why these homeo doctors say that it can be cured by homeo and treating. Or whether i should try traditional type of approach in homeo where they prescribe 3-4 medicines. May i know whether your are a physician or by experience you are advising me?. Anyway you are supporting me, pls don’t think you are wasting your time. Sometimes the devil which sits inside needs some kind of a convincing command to get out . Thank you sir for being my well wisher.
Sir i am very very sorry. pls forgive me, you are a aged person with 40 years experience in homeopathy. And i learnt about you more through website. I had my grandfather with whom my association was very much and he was a homeo doctor, just giving medicine in the house, when i was 20’s he was 85. But now he is no more, i am missing him very much. At my 21 my father expired, i had to shoulder our family mother, one sister, 3 brothers, my last brother was UKG. When i was reading about you, i was recalling my grandfather very much. Sir whatever you say i will go ahead with it. I will call and speak with you. pls tell me your free time. Sir one fact recently of my colleague son who 2 years back also had typhoid and got admitted, had drips, antibiotics at the leading paedetrician hospital. He had only allopathic medicines, i don’t know what antibiotic he had. But very recently he had symtoms of cough, cold in the chest like, when he was asked to take blood samples for tests, the present allopathic doctors identified typhoid and they are once again given treatement. Sir here whether it is a recurrence or fresh infection.
Thank you very much sir. If you replied my message you forgave me.
with regards
Please cut out the flattery you are using about me as it does not impress me at all.
I am only interested in the life of your son whom you reported has been suffering from Typhoid for many months which you were treating with Homeopathic medicines and refused to treat with Ciprofloxacin which is the obvious drug that will save his life.
After you have consulted a specialist who is reliable in your country and have been advised to give him the drug, you may contact me again.
I note that another boy also suffered from Typhoid and it seems to me that there is a common reason for this bacteria to be prevalent in your neighbourhood. It is most likely that the water you drink is contaminated and I recommend that you BOIL ALL THE WATER YOU DRINK.
The cough and cold you referred to that he suffered from has no connection with his infection with Typhoid.
There is no forgiveness involved as I was only aghast that you the father, refused to accept my advice to use Ciprofloxacin to treat your son’s Typhoid and SAVE his life.
dear mr joe,
i am a big fan of urs. i am following ur arnica therapy ( 30 c wet dose) n ar q for hair as i have lots of hair loss. have recently started so cant say much abt its effect. i do not have any health problems. i am 36 yr old female my only problem is i have wrinkles on my face a far bit too much for my age n i have dark circles too. can u plz suggest something for wrinkles n dark circles. would love to have a glowing skin as i m very beauty conscious.
I note that you have started on my therapy for Hair Loss and are taking Arnica 30c in the Wet dose as prescribed, twice daily. Arnica 30 is indeed the remedy for conditioning the skin but it will take up to 6 months to restore your skin tone to normal which at age 36 should be blemish free without any wrinkles which are normally visible around age 55+.
You may like to know that I am 83 years of age and will be 84 in a few weeks and I do not have any wrinkles on my face at all while my skin appears to be that of a person 40 years younger.
My secret is that I have taken Arnica 30c in the Wet dose nightly or more often depending on need since 1996 and this is ample proof that it is this remedy which I classify a “Miracle Remedy” that has helped me to maintain a state of wellness that many who meet me admire.
I do not also take any PILLS which are prescribed by doctors who insist that unless you do so, life will end rather abruptly. I have taken antibiotics only on a SOS basis, like after surgery. I do however take Homeopathic remedies as necessary and am living testimony that the “Joepathy” I use and prescribe, is the Ultimate therapy to live a healthy life without the standard ailments that one encounters at my stage in life without any aches and pains.
My BP is <120/80 and Pulse at rest is <70 BPM. I exercise daily for around 45 minutes and have maintained this life style for the last 75 years. I drive myself to work daily.
Please visit the article "Arnica the Miracle Remedy" on this website on:
thx a lot mr joe. will continue with ur remedy and i really hope that i too get my lovely wrinkle free skin back. thx a lot.
dear sir,
have been taking arnica 30 c n ar q for hair for almost 2wks now but i dont see any difference in my hair fall, as for my skin i know that will take time. wanted to know sir whether i can mix arnica 30 c in my face pack n apply on face also i am getting lots of fine warts on my neck ( have got plenty of them) plz can u suggest something.
It may be a little too early to expect results in just 2 weeks but you can expect to see some improvement in your hair loss in a month when patients have reported that the hair loss was significantly lower than it was originally.
You can certainly use a pack of Arnica 30 over your eyes and it may even help to lessen the dark circles if you have any.
Warts will not be reduced by Arnica but there is another remedy which I prefer not to prescribe right now till we know your response to my therapy for hair loss.
Can you send me a photograph of your warts on your neck by email?
thx dear sir for ur reply. guess i have to b little patient. i want to use arnica 30 c mixed with sandalwood face pack on my face, will let u know the results after a week or so. as for the warts they r very fine but many in number, will wait for ur remedy.
dear sir joe,
sir m sorry for troubling u, but m worried for i had a very light patch of pigmentation on my cheek n which i expected to go with arnica ( i had read a womans review) but to my horror it is become dark. at first i thought that i m imagining it but today two people asked me about it. plz help sir as i told u i m very conscious when it comes to my looks/ skin. thank you.
I do not think that Arnica was responsible for darkening your skin but if you have the slightest doubt you must obviously STOP using it in the manner that you are now doing.
dear joe sir,
i will continue to use arnica, i really want my lovely skin back, hope u will keep helping and guiding me. thank you sir.
Hi Joe I have tried getting in touch at your e-mail.
I am 73 years, have had reflux since 1985 been prescribed various medications by my GP to no avail.
I also have had a triple bypass in 2008,
My medications are Atenalol 75mg, Aspirin75mg,Simvastatin 20mg all of which I have been taking since 85.
I now believe that these are agravating my stomach, and I feel tired all the time, my sleep patern is broken every night.
I exercise daily walking and stretching. I have started taking Arnica 6c and have also order Arnica 30 will these help?
Bill J
I wonder if you are aware that your Triple Bypass was most likely due to your GERD which you have suffered from since 1985. I have treated many hundreds of patients with my default therapy for GERD with a rate of success better than 90%. I hope that even at this late stage, you too will be yet another success story.
I also note that you have been prescribed a Statin, Aspirin and a Beta Blocker since that time and it is likely that you may also be suffering from Arthritis which usually results from this lethal combination.
You can verify my statement by doing a Google search for “The danger of Statins” and specifically:
“I feel tired all the time, my sleep patern is broken every night.”
This is all due to the Statin Simvastatin. Please STOP it immediately and report the difference in 48 hours.
Your remedies are Nat Phos 6x to stabilise your GERD which it will do within the hour.
The Arnica 30c will help to heal the erosion by the gastric juice in your Esophagus and will also help to filter your blood and rid it of any excess Cholesterol and Triglycerides and will replace the action of the statin.
I would like you to record your Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels with a blood test if you do not have one done within the last month, so that we can compare your progress in about 2 months when you can take another.
I shall now prescribe my therapy aka “Joepathy” for your multiple ailments and it is up to you to follow my instructions to STOP all the drugs you are using and you should be able to notice the difference in your life as a new page is hopefully turned for the better.
“I shall copy my default therapy that has helped hundreds of patients to overcome this disease for which doctors usually prescribe PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which are dangerous and can cause many other more serious problem when used in the long term.
You will hopefully discover that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will help your GERD within the hour after you have taken your first dose of Nat Phos 6x immediately after a meal.
The remedies you will order are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 2 meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily for a month and reduced to twice thereafter for life.
Please observe the following simple rules:
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
You will continue with your exerciser routine but do not overdo it.
You may like to know that I am 83 years old today and will be 84 in a few weeks. My BP is usually below normal with a Heart BPM of around 70.
Cholesterol and Triglycerides normal. No aches and pains which are common at my age.
All this is thanks to God in whom I have an abiding trust, and to a dose of Arnica 30c which I have taken in the Wet dose nightly or more often depending on need, since 1996.
Please visit:
Hi Joe.
first happy Birtday belatedly.
Ihave Arnica 30c & expect delivery of the Nat Phos today.
I have stopped taking all medications with effect today.
The only thing I now take is pure vitam c 2500mg mixed in a little water with a touch of bicarbonate of soda after breakfast, is this permissable.
I only wish I had discovered your web site in 85.
I must admit to having been a scheptic with regard homeopathy until I was introduced to Joeopathy by a friend. It is not often in life you recieve worthy advice and certainly not free advice.
May you continue to do so.
You have anticipated my 84th Birthday which falls on October 19, next month. But thank you however for wishing me.
“The only thing I now take is pure vitam c 2500mg mixed in a little water with a touch of bicarbonate of soda after breakfast, is this permissable.”
Vitamin C in a 2500mg dose is an absolute gross OVERDOSE. You are only kidding yourself if you think that you are helping your much abused body after reading your recent medical history, to recover but you have already seen that it does not come easy as you experience heartburn which you antidote with Soda Bicarb.
You may like to know that this chemical with the 2500mg Vitamin C will antidote all the Homeopathy I have prescribed for you. I am glad that you mentioned this matter to me as all my efforts to help you would have been in vain.
You may like to know that I too was a skeptic, when over 45 years ago, I was cured of my frequent colds by a homeopath. This is when I started to make a study of this science and was so fascinated with it, that I decided to help patients with my Joepathy which you can read about on my website.
You are one of about 250 patients whom I have never met who depend on my Joepathy to achieve a better state of health than they enjoyed for decaded before they heard about me.
I invite to read some of the miracles of cure like Robert Ray whom I cured of the after effects of his multiple strokes in 2002 and he is now back again in harness today.
Hi Joe
I am glad I asked re vitamin c.
My last blood test were all normal & cholestral was 3.1
So I will keep you informed on progress
Thank you
my BP was 139-79
Hi Joe
I am after some info, I contracted Dengue Fever in Sarawak in 1963 i blacked out and wolk up in hospital in Miri Town. I was told then I should never give blood.
Are there after effects from that, I was treated with Strepto Micen?
I can now see your picture falling into place and I am glad that you mentioned your history of Dengue.
I believe that your present state of health with Triple Bypass and GERD and other problems were all due to the Dengue you contracted in 1963 in Sarawak which you stated was treated with Streptomycin which was one of the antibiotics known at that time.
I use and prescribe Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose for all Viral based Flues and you may like to know that this dreaded disease Dengue is CURED in just under 3 hours.
I believe that your body still harbours this virus even though you seem healthy but you are advised to take a course of this remedy in the Wet dose take twice daily for a week to ensure that all vestiges of Dengue are eradicated from your body.
Re Dengue
Do I take Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in conjunction with Arnice 30c?
I am curius with regard to how this has impacted on my health over all this time. Why has it never been picked up on the umpteen blood tests I have had since 1963?
Many thanks
You will continue with the Arnica 30 as usual and add the Eupat Perf 200 taken twice daily for a week and reduced to just once daily for a month.
The EP will obliterate all remaining vestiges of the after effects of the Dengue which has in my opinion, not left your body all these years. I speak with some conviction as I have had many other patients who were infected by Dengue and some with Chikun Gunya who presented a general feeling of lethargy and body aches and in one case the patient was literally not able to walk after 3 years after I had cured her of CKG with another remedy. All tests done in the hospital where her daughter was a consultant were of no avail as they were all negative.
I was consulted and remembered that I had treated her for CKG (Chikun Gunya) and in just about 6 hours she bounced back to normal.
I am hoping that you too will oblige in the same manner even though it is now about 45 years after you were first infected. This is where one has to grudgingly admit that although the Science of Homeopathy is totally illogical one has to have what I feel is Divine guidance, to help patients as I have done for many years with some success, which is recorded on this blog and on other Homeopathic Forums that I have visited in the past decade.
Keep me advised of your progress weekly.
Hi Joe
That’s the first 48hrs on treatment.
I am taking no other meds, I am taking the Arnica first thing in the morning before breakfast and the 4 Nat Fos immediately after breakfast. and evening meal. Arnica mid day and before retiring
I am coughing to clear my throat and spitting out the mucas that produces.
Plus side my breathing has improved, I drink only tea or water.
I should receive Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c today
Hi Joe
PS I am burping a lot more than usual this normaly happens only after food?
Hi Joe
Sometimes my urine smells quite strong can you advise cause?
Hi Joe
I am getting twinges around my heart which started yesterday and I have to break wind regularly. Should I increase the number of times I take Arnica30c ?
Since stopping all my medication my energy levels have increased along with my breathing and I feel better than I have felt for years.
This is my second day on EP and I look forward to even greater improvements so a big thank you.
Bill J
You have already had a chequered history with Triple Bypass and you were on a cocktail of drugs which were supposed to help you.
I would not like to take the responsibility of treating you and you are advised to seek help from your doctors.
You may however continue to take the Nat Phos 6x and the Arnica 30 as you are now doing and have your heart checked by a cardiologist for any new problems ASAP.
Hi Joe
I will speak to GP this week, the main thing I would like is to get of simvastatin & reduce The Atenalol in strengh.
Will the Arnico allow me to for go the statin?
Many thanks
I have been suffering from anxiety, tightness in head, headaches, depression, insomnia, foggy mind for the last 8 weeks. This was caused by some emotional trauma. My doctor prescribed me Ignatia Amara 200c 3 times a day (1 pill dry method; 2 times wet method: 3-4 pills) for 2 weeks. I am concerned about the high dose and would highly appreciate your guidance.
Thank you.
For how long have you taken the Ignatia 200 and has it helped you?
It is best to take it in the Wet dose which I prescribe exclusively as it is far more effective and is safer than taking the pellets.
I’ve taken it twice as a dry dose in the last 2 weeks and it has helped. The effect lasts 1-2 days. This is before I consulted with a homeopathic doctor locally and he is the one who recommended that I take it in the above frequency. I haven’t started his regimen yet and was waiting to hear back from you.
Please let me know if I should start with the 2 week treatment, 3 times a day but in wet doses?
As I stated in my last post in response to yours, Ignatia is not a remedy to be taken too often especially in the dry pellets.
If it has helped you in some manner you may consider taking it in the wet dose as instructed in my default therapy to make it below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
If you wish to use another remedy after you have done with the Ignatia, you can consider taking Arnica 30c in the Wet dose for a long time into the future as it can help you.
Thank you Joe.
Arnica 30c liquid dilution is being purchased as we speak. Can it be combined with Ignatia? I am eager to start Arnica as soon as possible without having to wait to stop Ignatia treatment.
Stop the Ignatia which you have taken for some while and start on the Arnica 30c as prescribed and record your reaponse.
Do you suffer from any gastric problems?
Hi Joe-
No gastric problems.
Dear Sir,
Your contribution to humanity is unbelievable. May Almighty ALLAH make you live long enough to see the benefits of your selfless service spread to every individual on our planet. May you also enjoy the pleasure of seeing your children doing the same. Please do not be deterred by the nasty comments of some who can only serve for a revenue or have not been chosen by the Almighty ALLAH for a greater cause.
Sir, if we consume gingko bioloba alongwith arnica, would they complement each other or otherwise?
Col jawad |Retd|
Abdul Jawad
It is rarely that anyone takes the time to record his appreciation of my single handed effort to help suffering humanity. I am indeed touched by your comments and would like to place on record that they are indeed appreciated especially since they come from the heart.
You may like to know that I am 83 years old and will shortly be 84 next week. I believe that I am living testimony first to my Creator whom you call ALLAH and I adore as GOD. I have been taking Arnica 30c in the Wet dose for the last 17 years and believe that it is this remedy that has helped me to achieve a state of wellness that no other drug or tonic can equate.
It is my belief that God is maintaining me in my present state of wellness to enable me to continue to help suffering humanity in my own way with my “Joepathy” which has in some cases worked what can be termed Miracles of healing which have not been equated by many others especially of the classical school of Homeopathy which I first studied and later discarded as my Joepathy seemed to work better.
Answering your question about taking Ginko Bilboa with Arnica I do not have any answer as I have no experience in their use jointly.
All I know and can personally testify is that Arnica alone in the Wet dose taken twice daily will enable the user to enjoy the same quality of life that I am currently enjoying without any ache or pain in my body which is generally accepted as the price of advancing years.
may god bless you .for your long life your coming birthday on 19/10/12 more joyful i wish from all indian follow you
Hello There. I found your blog using msn. This is a really well written article.
I will make sure to bookmark it and come back to read more of your
useful information. Thanks for the post. I’ll certainly comeback.
Glad you discovered my article on Arnica which I wrote to share my discovery with the world.
I do not agree that it is “well written” simply because it comprises the case studies of many people who have used my “Joepathy” and confirmed in their own words, in many cases, of their responses to my therapy. The purpose of my putting my ‘discoveries’ together in one article is to ensure that it has the widest circulation in the world as a result of many visitors, now averaging over 100 visitors daily to my website.
I consider that I am living evidence of the incredible Miracle of Arnica as I have taken just a capful once or twice daily as is necessary and at age 84 I am still driving myself to work daily and feel on top of the world with no aches and pains that are accepted as the price of the advancing years.
I shall await your own report of how you respond to my Arnica therapy in a few days with interest
Dear Mr. Joe
Many many happy returns of the day.
May God bless you with the most wonderful years ahead.
With every good wish
Thank you for your greetings on my Birthday.
May God bless you too.
Dear Mr.Joe
I am on AMN for my fibroids since March, and these have reduced a little in size but are still there. Do I continue?
My hairfall has completely stopped and I have only a slight ache in the right knee.
I am taking a nightly dose of Arnica 30.
Please now tell me the remedy for my dark circles, which you had promised, after I waited for 6 months.
Many thanks, Dr.Joe
Hi! I know this is kinda off topic however , I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest authoring a blog post or vice-versa? My site goes over a lot of the same subjects as yours and I think we could greatly benefit from each other. If you might be interested feel free to send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you! Wonderful blog by the way!
Dj Petrecere
I would like to discuss your proposal by email and shall be glad to be of help if, as you state, your blog too is similar to mine.
Please give me more details of your proposal by email on
Joe De Livera
I used to be more than happy to find this web-site.I desired to I appreciate the effort because of this amazing read!! I definitely enjoying every single little chunk of it and I have you bookmarked to have a look at new stuff you blog post.
Am I Able To just say what a relief to discover someone who in fact knows what theyre dealing with on the internet.
Dear Joe-
I’ve just taken my first dose of Arnica (wet dose) and hope it cures my insomnia/depression/anxiety. I have recently started suffering from dizziness (feels like world is tilting sideways) and throbbing dull ache at the back of my head, such that I feel I need to hold onto something when I am standing. Please let me know if I need to take anything for this? I have been taking gelsemium (1 dry pill every day) for the last one day to reduce my anxiety before sleeping. Without gelsemium, I am unable to sleep at all. Should I stop the gelsemium?
Thank you for all that you do.
I noticed that you have been self medicating yourself with various remedies like Ignatia, Gelsemium and you have now added Arnica yesterday on top of the others.
You must know that Homeopathic remedies are powerful in their action and your current attitude of taking them ad lib, can be counter productive.
In your own interest you are advised to STOP this lackadaisical attitude and stick only to what I prescribe, if you still wish to be treated by me.
Please confirm.
Sorry-I meant taking gelsemium for the last 8 days.
Thank you for responding, Joe. This is a follow-up to your last post to me. The medications I have been taking were prescribed by a homeopathic doctor but since I found your site, I would like to be treated by you. Please be assured that I will not mix your treatment with anything else-you have my commitment.
By way of back-ground, my issues started 2 months ago with insomnia, headaches, depression, anxiety and foginess of the mind. My doctor prescribed me Ignatia 200c (1 dry dose, 2 wet doses) which I took for 10 days. My depression and foginess of the mind has improved, but insomnia and anxiety continued which is why I was prescribed gelsemium. The insomnia is such that I am unable to fall asleep and mind becomes over-active. Most recently, dizziness has started where everything looks like it is tilting sideways slightly. I feel better when I am sitting. I have had a an MRI, and there are no findings.
Overall, I am 40 years old, under-weight and throughout my life have been pre-disposed to anxiety and insomnia.
Please let me know if any other history is needed? I look forward to hearing back from you. Anything that can help with my insomnia will be God-sent.
Thank you so much,
As long as you abide by my therapy I shall try to help you.
I note that you crave for sleep and you will take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily for Insomnia and report your response the morning after you have done so.
You will not take any stimulants like Coffee, Tea, Coke or Alcohol after mid-day.
You will exercise for at least half hour to sweat it out. This will create the demand for sleep.
You will drink plenty of fluids up to 3 ltrs daily.
Dear Joe-
I took the 2 wet doses today (one before bed-time). However, I am unable to fall asleep…my mind is over-active once again and now I know I will not be able to sleep tonight.
Please advice.
Thank you.
You will have to continue with my therapy for a few more days to see if it can help.
Do you suffer from any Gastric problems which keep you awake at night?
Do you exercise to sweat it out? This is important to increase your demand for sleep.
No gastric problems. As for exercising, I do some walking but due to lack of energy, cant do much. I will try and increase.
Thanks so much,
2 years back i was diagnosed with diabetes(TYPE 2). I took metaformin tablets. Recently my i checked my sugar levels – before breakfast 196 and after 290 to 320.
Some times i feel excessive thrist and bad odeor in my urine. For the past one month i am passing urine frequently.
Can i use ur theropy to cure my diabetes.
I shall copy below my default therapy aka “Joepathy” which many Diabetics are using today to control their BS levels. The remedy I have prescribed is Arnica 3c in the Wet dose which is taken twice daily.
Type I patients have confirmed that they discovered their BS levels were reduced by about 20-30% within a day of their starting on this therapy. One has confirmed that his BS level reduced by 75% in about a month and he was able to reduce the Insulin he was using by this amount.
Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily have also helped to reduce BS levels and you can add this to your daily dosage.
Please note that you will most likely notice a dip in your BS level within 24 hours of starting my therapy and you will then have to reduce your dosage of either Metformin or of Insulin as it must be maintained around 110.
Type II patients will also have to monitor their BS levels on a daily basis to ensure that their BS is stabilized at around 110 and they will reduce the dosage of the drugs that they are using daily to maintain this level. The Arnica 6c and the Mag Phos 6x are taken as prescribed.
Cinnamon powder is also useful to reduce BS levels and a quarter teaspoonful can be taken brewed as a tea twice daily. Okra or Bandakka which grows in the tropics also helps to reduce BS levels. Okra is used by cutting up a tender pod and inserting it into a glass of water which is left overnight and the water is drunk on an empty stomach the morning after.
The therapy I have prescribed to many patients is as follows:
Arnica 3c in the Wet dose is taken twice daily and the following protocol is used to make the Wet dose. It is essential that the patient’s BS level is monitored daily for a week to observe how the addition of Arnica to the standard drugs like Metformin reduce the BS level which should be maintained at around 110. In the case of Type I Diabetics the Units of Insulin used can be reduced to keep the BS level at this optimum level of 100.
Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily before meals.
Exercise is essential and the patient is expected to avoid Sugar and reduce Starch and to avoid the consumption of Alcohol completely.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Report your response with BS levels in 48 hours. You will have to take Metformin 500 twice daily and also use my therapy and report your BS level as requested for further advice
Pls recall my discussion with you on August 28, 2012 at 7:07 am above. After your advise i had take my son to one of a paediatric. He was not ready to here any of the previous history about my son, he was little harsh to us when we showed him the blood test reports and told him of typhoid infection, he throwed aside the reports and told me, how can you say it is typhoid, i too can make such reports like that he was arguing and told me if you want to follow my medication you should go according to my ways of diagnosis and treatment. And He prescribed Azithromycin for 5 days. When i came out i saw the prescription the antibiotic given was not for typhoid i learnt and as we were coming home i took my child to the general homeopath doctor whose medicine i continued till 23rd November 2012, he was giving symtomatically, sometimes rhustox 200 or bryonia 200 or baptisia 200 or Ferrum Phos 200 or gelesimium 1m one dose like that. My son was recovering and again after 10 days would resume his sickness. Finally your strong declaration of typhoid cannot be cured with any homeopathy was tuning in me continuosly, on 24th my son once again got fever it was nearly 103 and immediately we took him to one of the other padeiatric and from 24th nov he prescribed Azithromycin for 7 days, meanwhile on 4 th day i.e., on 28th nov once again he had little fever and the doctor added one more antibiotic called Ofloxacin IP 100mg for 14 days till yesterday 11-12-2012. My determined adamancy has caused all this delay. Now i suppose we have followed what you have suggested and advised me. Further what to do pls advise sir. Now we know the value of your advise. We are thankful to you sir.
I do remember your son’s case but I have not succeeded in tracing back to your original thread even though I inserted your name – John- into the Search field in my website. It is likely that you may have used another name as your ID in the last few posts you made on my website.
I must admit that I am just DEVASTATED to learn that you did not follow my advice and give your son the obvious ANTIBIOTIC specifically CIPROFLOXACIN 500mg which is the drug of choice to treat TYPHOID that you first reported many months ago.
To be quite frank you can consider yourself as being very fortunate that your son is still alive but I have no doubt that the toxins of the bacteria would have damaged his vital organs and that he will have to pay for your folly throughout his life as s result of your NOT using Cipro to treat him within a few HOURS of your son being diagnosed with Typhoid.
I do hope that even now that you will take my advice and give him Cipro 500 dose 1 pill twice daily for about 2 weeks and report progress.
What are the blood test reports of the causative organism?
Does the blood test show Salmonella Typhi or Salmonella Paratyphi as the causative organism?
If it is the latter bacteria, your son may stand a better chance of recuperating than if he was infected by the former bacteria.
Respected sir,
Last time I had discussed with you Under the title “Arnica the MIRACLE REMEDY” on August 28, 2012 at 7:07 am onwards.
The padeiatric told us until there is no response from the germs being active like high fever, we cannot give him antibiotic, but he made blood culture on 22/10/2012. which is the report below by the Pathologist.
Bile Broth) Blood C/S : Yields No Growth / Aerobically
Widal test : TO<=1/80 Dilution
TH<=1/80 Dilution
AH<=1/80 Dilution
BH<=1/80 Dilution
Typhoid Antigen & Abs : Negative
And the doctor told after the pathologist report it is negative and if at all taking any medication stop it and let us wait and see. We stopped all the remedies. On 24-11-2012 after 32 days he got high fever which was nearly 103. I took my son to the padeiatric and on insisting by me to treat for typhoid he told he will start treatment for typhoid to clear all doubts, I showed him in chit the name you had given "Ciprofloxacin", he told Ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin both are similar drugs used either one of them or both. since the child is small 4 yrs he told 'i will give ofloxacin' and gave in this order from 24th nov Azithromycin for 7 days, from 28th nov Ofloxacin IP 100mg for 14 days till 11-12-2012.
This is for your kind information pls sir.
I am thankful to God that your son is not infected with the Salmonella Bacteria that causes Typhoid. As you are aware you have always stated that he was suffering from Typhoid and there is absolutely no need to give him Ciprofloxacin or any other drug. I note that your paediatrician has also advised you to stop all drugs and observe how he responds.
You can give him Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose taken every 3 hours starting tomorrow morning and report his response in the evening. I have used this remedy for many cases like your son’s which are not responding to antibiotics and other drugs and many have been CURED in under 24 hours. I hope and pray that your sons too will respond in the same manner.
I shall copy below the instructions to make the Wet dose below and you will give him a double dose of about 10ml for the first dose and 5ml every 3 hours thereafter.
Please follow the instructions carefully and only use the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol which you can get from any pharmacy in India.
Please not that the pellets are not effective to make the Wet dose.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
OK sir. what is Spring Water. We get mineral water to drink is that the one sir or borewell water. In our city we dont have supermarket and we may not get it, we need to go to bangalore city which is 450 km away. Or else i will arrange with someone at bangalore city to get few botles.
Thank you sir.
I was just about to shut down for the night when I saw your post coming in.
You do not have to only get Spring water. Borewell Water is Spring water which comes from deep down in the earth where the water is not contaminated.
You can also use tap water after boiling to release the chlorine.
OK Thank you sir. Good night sir.
Good evening sir,
I got the medicine Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in liquid dilution which is transparent. Got the borewell water and put in 500ml botttle and removed 3 cm water and put the medicine 3 drops. After shaking the bottle 10 times, Morning we gave first double dose and after that every three hours till now single dose i.e., one cap. At present he is 70% active, playing and eating well, it is wonderful sir. Thank you very much sir.
Should we continue tommorrow also sir.
Pls advise sir. thank you sir.
John & Family.
You will continue to give him a dose of the Eupat Perf every 3 hours and report his progress tomorrow. If possible it may be worth while to even wake him up to take a dose at night and we will observe his progress tomorrow.
Did he have a temperature when you gave him the first dose?
No temperature sir.
How is he this morning?
Is he active and do you notice any difference in his general health pattern today?
Good evening sir,
Yes sir, he is good active. I think he is in normal state now.
Should we continue the medicine for one more day sir.
Pls advise sir.
Thank you sir.
Glad to learn that your son has improved.
How is he today?
If as I presume, he is back to normal you can reduce the EP 200 to just 1 dose twice daily.
Ok sir. Thank you very much sir.
John & Family
You have not reported how your son is today.
I want details of his behaviour and his temperature, if any.
Good evening sir,
He is fine sir. He dont have temperature. His behaviour more playing like-i.e., he want to play more, now and then drinks more water, after every 3 hours feels hunger, asks for anything tastey to eat. He is active. Only when going to school feels like not going to school (he is in lower kinder garten).
Thats all sir.
Thank you sir
You can STOP giving him ALL medicines from today.
If he presents any fever again, which is unlikely, please report.
Hi joe , please tell me if arnica mother tincture is the same as arnica herbal tincture
” please tell me if arnica mother tincture is the same as arnica herbal tincture”
Arnica Q aka Mother Tincture is NOT TO BE CONFUSED with Arnica Herbal Tincture.
Befpre you start experimenting with either you are advised to state the reason why you made your inquiry if you would like me to advise you.
hi joe
I was using arnica herbal tincture for hair loss but did not get positive results
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 5ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
If you live in the US you can use the lowest potency of Arnica you can get like 1x or 3x instead.
Pour out about 100ml of water from each bottle.
Pour in 20 drops of Arnica Q into the water in a bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be applied on the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use. It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
joe where can i purchase arnica q online
If you live in the US you cannot buy it,
Joe, i live in madagascar
joe do you have any online address to purchase arnica q
You can mail order your remedies from:
Ainsworths Homœopathic Pharmacy
36 New Cavendish Street, London W1M 7LH
Tel 020 7935 5330
Freemans Homeopathic Pharmacy
18-20 Main Street, Busby, Glasgow G76 8DU
Tel 0845 225 5155
Helios Homœopathic Pharmacies
97 Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2QP
Tel 01892 537254
Joe can I use arnica 200c globules for hair loss until I receive the arnica 30c wet doses
The answer is NO
hello joe , please confirm if the arnica wet doses irritate gastritis/stomach lining, or is it a temporary healing crisis
Since i am getting an irritated feeling in my stomach& pain
Arnica can only heal the body.
It cannot ever cause gastritis for which I have invariably prescribed it to heal the Eshphagus for patients suffering from GERD.
If you suspect it as being the cause of your current distress the simplest method is to STOP using it.
Hello doctor,
Kindly advice me medications.
I am 26, female, 5feet2″. i want to get rid of:
-Fat around abdomen, hips, thighs
-My menses are of 2-3days for the last 5 years.
-would like to increase height 3-4inch
-Dark circles around eyes for the past 10 years
-2 brown spots on side of face and on nose
-lack of concentration, get tired after reading 2 page from book, forgetfulness, forget words, sentences or events while talking to people, so difficult to come up with topics or recall events to talk to people about so i avoid talking to people especially if there 2 or more people. Its also hard for me to remember what we were discussing or discussed 2-3days ago. I also get confused and sometimes its hard to catchup with what people are talking about and what i should say. I am not able to think fast enough.
-sometimes i feel depressed.
-offensive flatulence, often if i am holding the gas inside it gets trapped inside and comes off through the vagina
-i am lactose intolerant, get too much flatulent if i drink milk (is there anyway to repair these enzymes?)
-i also crave for sweets
-sometimes get constipated hard stool.
-i have hair on upper lip, few hair on chest abdomen, arms, lots of hair on legs (because i shaved legs in the past)
-i used hair removal cream for upper lip and now there is a black shadow there how do i get rid of it?
-my face color has gotten darker (maybe due to suntan or health)
-I also have deviated nasal septum so my nose gets blocked alot
-My hemoglobin is 11 out of 12gm.
-I used to have too much leg pain but i no longer have it it could have been due to stress, anxiety.
I am currently on Kali phos 12x and Kali mur 6x for the last 25 days. My ears get blocked and wen i am talking i hear myself talk and hear others less and my nose gets blocked while lying down and then i have to breath through mouth. i have deviated nasal septum and because i used to catch flu alot it made my nasal blockage worse. I noticed when i didnt take kali phos and kali mur for a day my ear (hearing) got blocked in one ear. do i continue kali phos and kali mur or is there anything better? Also my hands get really cold during winter and when i shake anyones hand they remove their hands immediately because it feels cold especially in morning. most of all my problem is that i can not think fast enough when speaking to a person and when i am talking my words doesnt make sense, i want to say something but something else comes out. and it takes so much time for me to recall or remember what i want to say that people just move away from me. and it seems as though i dont learn fast enough like others do such as how to behave, how to talk, how to be clever, how to be convincing. I guess i am a simple person and not clever enough and therefore i lack friends. and if i do make friends they betray me. please help.
Your case is very complicated and I would like to start you off on reducing your weight which you have not quantified.
Here are your remedies:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken after each of 3 meals daily.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily before meals.
I presume that you have consulted doctors about your condition in the past.
It would be helpful if you can report their diagnosis.
Have they diagnosed PCOS?
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
I am copying my therapy for Obesity which you can read to help you to understand your problems.
Please visit the link below entitied
The Ultimate Cure for Obesity on:
This is a post I made on the ABC way back in 2004 on December 25, the day before the Tsunami hit Sri Lanka, a day which will forever will remain in my mind for as long as I live as I was involved in the Homeopathic after care of the many thousands of survivors immediately after the Tsunami when I was joined by members of Homeopaths Without Borders who sent 6 pairs of erstwhile Homeopaths to help me in my efforts to help them.
Basically your therapy will comprise the use of
Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily before meals.
Weigh yourself today before you commence on my therapy and report your weight loss weekly when the standard loss which you can expect and has been reported is around 1kg per week.
You will also do a regular stint of at least 45 minutes of exercise which will be done by you at intensive levels, irrespective of the general feeling of tiredness that you may experience, if you wish to benefit from my Joepathy.
You will also control your diet and avoid fatty fools completely and eat in moderation to ensure that your stomach is filled to comfortable levels.
Report your weight loss weekly when you can expect a drop of at least 1kg per WEEK.
Dear doctor,
I weigh 58kg. I dont have PCOS, i have gotten ultrasound done and labs were normal. My ESR is 20points high. My hemoglobin is 11 out of 12. My vitamin D levels are decreased. Other lab tests are normal. i had gotten endoscopy done it said i have mild duodenal and mild gastric ulcer (dont know if they reported that to make money). other than that labs were normal. I have gotten alot of vaccines in the past as well as have gotten lots of amalgram tooth fillings since i was 11 years old. but i am experiencing so many symptoms as i described above and people think i am abnormal because i dont act like the society, i am not decieving like the society and its hard to catchup to peoples cleverness as me and my family are simple people. but the society is so messed up they find the weak and step on them. Anyway. i also get leg pain and arm pain when i am in stress. i had mentioned that leg pains are gone but its not, its back. I had emailed you but i had gotten no response so i had the bought these remedy and have started using since yesterday given to me by other homeopath. he prescibed me:
Argentum nitricum 200 – 6 pills morning every day
sepia 200 – 6 pills evening every day
then report to him after 15days.
also should i be using kali phos, kali mur, and surkhana which i have used for past 25 days?
So please suggest what i should do?
You cannot use the therapy prescribed by 2 homeopaths.
I note that you are already using the therapy of your current homeopath and if you discover that it has not helped you, you can then change to mine.
well i had posted on abc and there a homeopath who prescribed me Argentum nitricum 200 – 6 pills morning every day
sepia 200 – 6 pills evening.
I forgot and i got it in liquid form. and he told me to take 4 drops in a teaspoon. do you think it would be better or more effective to make a wet dose of this?
I found this site which states that taking arnica by mouth is LIKELY UNSAFE and can also cause death. Is this information true? Please advise
You may like to know that I have been taking a daily dose of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose for the last 17 years nightly. I am now 84 years of age and am enjoying a state of wellness which many who are half my age envy, free of any aches or pains and the normal ailments that are accepted as the price of advancing years. My Blood Chemistry and Blood Pressure is normal.
The Arnica Montana referred to in this article by WebMD is the RAW PRODUCT which is well known for its toxicity.
This toxicity is not transferred to the HOMEOPATHIC PRODUCT which is POTENTIZED.
Homeopathy uses POISONS LIKE ARSENIC, SNAKE VENOM LIKE LACHESIS and many others which cannot be used in their raw state but are invaluable in the Homeopathic state as they CURE ailments and diseases which drugs can never do.
Dear doctor,
My mother she is above 70. Her blood pressure is 200/80. She was on inderal 10mg which she took irregularly. i noticed her pulse has become irregular after taking inderal. she also has lumbar back pain. she gets dizzy alot while sitting, standing or lying down. i have gotten her ears checked doctors say her ear is ok. she has weakness and she gets blue bruises easily on her arms. she had gotten operation for cataract long time ago. she now also complains of blurry vision or pain in the eye. I have started her on wilmar schwabe in wet dose:
Arnica 30
Natrium Muriaticum( Nat choraticum) 200
I have created wet dose in 2 seperate bottles with 3 drops of arnica in one bottle. and i put 4 drops of nat mur in other bottle. do i have to keep putting drops everyday in to this 500 ml bottle or am i all set by doing this once until water finishes? also kindly suggest if i am using this presciption correctly as i had seen u advice this to someone else. and plz suggest if i should be giving anything else as well.
Your mum’s BP at 200/80 is somewhat strange and Inderal may be the cause of her irregular heart beat and other symptoms.
Please visit a doctor and get her condition diagnosed and report it for further therapy if necessary.
Give her
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose thrice daily.
Nat Mur 200 in the Wet dose thrice daily
Report results.
Nat Muraticum cannot be confused with Nat Chloratum (not Choraticum) and should not be given to her.
If her vertigo increases I shall prescribe another remedy after you have got your doctor’s diagnosis.
You will only use 3 drops just ONCE to activate the water in the bottle to the remedy.
The one i bought is of schwabe and its Natrium chloratum (Natrum muriaticum) as seen on:
So should i give her this as she started taking it yesterday. or do u suggest any other brand.
The doctors did not diagnose her with any disease. they just say bp is usually high in elderly. and i am sure her arrythmia started due to inderal and due to the fact that she took it on and off.
Should the medicine you prescribed be taken empty stomach, before meal, after meal? and how much gap between these two medicines? is it better to take in capful or tablespoon? are plastic bottles good to make solutions in as i heard plastic leaches out chemicals. is it ok that i have put 4 drops of nat mur? will her diziness/vertigo go away with these two meds?
I bought Natrium chloratum (Natrum muriaticum) 200c as stated here:
Should i use this or do u recommend any other company?
also should it be taken empty stomach, before meal, after meal? and how much gap between these two medicines? is it better to take in capful or tablespoon? are plastic bottles good to make solutions in as i heard plastic leaches out chemicals. is it ok that i have put 4 drops of nat mur?
plz reply. waiting for your answer about this.
I do not know what Natrium Chloratum is as I have never come across it before. It is not referred to in my text books.
Suggest you get the standard Nat Mur 200 to treat your mum’s Hypertension as I have prescribed it with success. In any case the combined effect of Arnica and Nat Mur should help to control her BP of which her Diastolic reads 80mm which as you may know is standard. In her case she can even go up to 90mm which will be normal for her age.
is she suppose to take both at the same time or with half an hour gap?
It is best to leave about half hour between remedies and this included food.
It is best to leave about half hour between remedies and this included food.”
But if the patient is elderly and she prefers to use both medicine at same time instead of putting a gap of 30min in between….can she use at same time?
I have already spelt out to you the protocol that is accepted in using Homeopathic remedies.
It is up to you or your mum to follow them.
Dear Joe,
Its been 9 days my mother has been taking Arnica 30 and Nat Mur 200, and her BP is still the same at 200/80. What do i do?
In 9 days I would have expected her BP to respond but according to your report it has not done so.
I feel that it is best that she continues taking the drugs that she was prescribed and not use the remedies I have prescribed.
I bought Natrium chloratum (Natrum muriaticum) 200c as stated here:
Should i use this or do u recommend any other company?
also should it be taken empty stomach, before meal, after meal? and how much gap between these two medicines? is it better to take in capful or tablespoon? are plastic bottles good to make solutions in as i heard plastic leaches out chemicals. is it ok that i have put 4 drops of nat mur?
I cannot remember prescribing Nat Mur 200 for you and would like to know the reason why you wish to use this remedy. As far as I remember, I have prescribed Nat Phos 6x and Arnica 30 for you to reduce your weight which I felt was your main problem.
I also remember that you were taking some remedies prescribed by another homeopath and I warned you that you should not use the therapy from more than ONE at any given time.
You are advised to follow my instructions if you still wish to be treated by me.
Sorry about that the above post got accidently copied n pasted.
Anyway. i had replied to your post didnt get ur response to it.
“well i had posted on abc and there a homeopath who prescribed me Argentum nitricum 200 – 6 pills morning every day
sepia 200 – 6 pills evening.
I forgot and i got it in liquid form. and he told me to take 4 drops in a teaspoon. do you think it would be better or more effective to make a wet dose of this?”
I cannot understand the reason why you insist on using Nat Mur 200 which I did not prescribe for you. I have already stated that I had prescribed Nat Phos 6x and Arnica 30 and I shall copy the remedies I prescribed for you below:
“Your case is very complicated and I would like to start you off on reducing your weight which you have not quantified.
Here are your remedies:
Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken after each of 3 meals daily.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily before meals.”
You also stated:
“i had gotten endoscopy done it said i have mild duodenal and mild gastric ulcer”
You must know that your “mild duodenal and mild gastric ulcer” are due to GERD aka Gastritis and Nat Phos 6x is the ultimate remedy to stabilise your Gastric problems in conjunction with Arnica 30.
It up to you to use my therapy or to return to your previous homeopath.
Hi Joe – Just like to say thank you so much for the nat phos remedy. its worked a treat for my acid reflux which ive suffered from for years. adding mag phos 6x and silicea 30c helped rid of my constipation.
just a quick question – does the nat phos 6x have to be in those biochemical lactose tablets or can it be bought in liquid tincture form or prepared as normal homeopathic medicine. New era which is the most common biochemical medicine in the UK has gone into liquidation! so it will be hard to obtain these now..
thanks again for your help – god bless you !
I am delighted to learn that you have succeeded in treating your GERD (acid reflux) even without consulting me and that you have virtually cured yourself.
You stated:
“Just like to say thank you so much for the nat phos remedy. its worked a treat for my acid reflux which ive suffered from for years.”
You may not be aware that I am 84 years old and I am NOT a professional Homeopath. Homeopathy is my Hobby to which I am passionately dedicated and this is the reason why I have collated my ‘discoveries’ in the use of standard Homeopathic remedies in a manner that is not accepted by classical homeopathy even though my therapy works to CURE while the classical homeopathy does not.
it is posts like yours that stimulate me to continue with my therapy aka “Joepathy” to help suffering humanity in a manner that is not usually adopted by other professional homeopaths who use their own variation of the classical homeopathy they studied in college when they were all brainwashed to believe was the only way to cure with Homeopathy.
You may like to read the articles on my website to give you a greater insight into my Joepathy. Also visit “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” which I consider is my gift to suffering humanity.
Answering your question you can order Homeopathic remedies in the UK from:
Ainsworths Homœopathic Pharmacy
36 New Cavendish Street, London W1M 7LH
Tel 020 7935 5330
Freemans Homeopathic Pharmacy
18-20 Main Street, Busby, Glasgow G76 8DU
Tel 0845 225 5155
Helios Homœopathic Pharmacies
97 Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2QP
Tel 01892 537254
Nelsons Pharmacies Ltd
73 Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, London W1M 6BY
Tel 020 7495 2404
Weleda UK Ltd
Heanor Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8DR
Tel. 0115 944 8200
Thank you Joe so much for your help. Indeed you are far better than any professional homeopath – i consulted one a long time ago who said my remedy is nux vomica and lycopodium. whilst they had an initial good effect the effect soon wore off – but nat phos and mag phos – they have made me feel alive again ! and i enjoy my food now without worrying about it. You are doing a great service to humanity.
I read your website with interest. I would really appreciate if you would share your findings on the other biochemical medicine such as calc flour,phos and sulph and kali mur,phos and sulph if you have time.
thank you again sir.
As you have already noticed, my therapy aka “Joepathy” invariably CURES and I am indeed glad that after many years, you in common with other patients who suffer from GERD, have been cured. Many have recorded their own cases of cures here on my website and you are invited to do a search under Acidity, Reflux, GERD to read the cures that patients have confirmed here.
I would not advice that you continue to take Silicea which I did not prescribe as this is a deep acting remedy and is best used only when essential.
I presume that you are taking Arnica 30c nightly as I have done myself for the last 17 years.
Hi Joe – yes but i am using arnica 6c in the wet dose as i am finding that this is giving more effective results to my stomach and to my hair and skin. my hair is definately more thicker and shinier
i have been using silicea 30 – but this has greatly helped a lot too with many problems. i will take your point re not using it daily.
Glad that you were able to compare how the 2 potencies helped you.
Arnica 6c is better than 30c for the growth of hair but I would like to know how you discovered that it was better for your stomach as I have always prescribed the 30c to help with repairing the Esophagus in conjunction with Nat Phos 6x in cases of GERD which I believe that you too have suffered from
I am interested in your report and hope that you will keep me posted.
Hi Joe – by sheer coincidence. I did try 30c first but i find that the lower potencies work much better for the stomach. in most cases the lower the better.
for example 200c nux vomica had little effect on me but 6c had a huge positive effect.
with arnica i find 6c has definately improved my stomach. whilst nat phos 6x and mag phos 6x reduced constipation to a great amount (which i feel were causing the acid reflux) – arnica has definately helped reduced my hunger cravings and my stomach feels cooler and tighter than before. this is definately due to arnica 6c as i was not getting this before from the nat phos or mag phos.
i think you are a great researcher and scientist. I would urge you please write down your remedies for mankinds future. you have no idea how much i suffered with my stomach and i feel so happy now. you have brought me this happiness !
“i think you are a great researcher and scientist. I would urge you please write down your remedies for mankinds future. you have no idea how much i suffered with my stomach and i feel so happy now. you have brought me this happiness !”
The purpose of my website which is in the nature of a blog is to do precisely what you stated above. At my advanced age of 84, I decided to collate my therapy and if you would care to spend some time reading the articles here, I believe that your questions will be answered.
I was interested in your discovery that Arnica 6c which I hope you are taking in the Wet dose, has helped you with your digestive problems and would like to have some details on what precisely your gastric problems are and how Arnica 30 and 6c helped you.
Yes i have been taking it in the wet dose like you recommend. Well, with the 30c i was not noticing any effect. My stomach problems have been burning, acidity, constant hunger, constipation and gas.
The nat phos 6x does help with gas and definitely helps with constipation when combined with mag phos 6x. Adding silicea 30c really makes a huge difference to constipation!
Arnica 30c did not make a difference to me. But changing to 6c improved thickness of my hair, cooled my stomach down so i no longer had burning pains or gas. constipation has greatly been removed also.
With regards to vitality though, arnica 6c whilst good is no match for lycopodium 6c and 30c i find
I treat myself and my family with homeopathy and your article on “Arnica the MIRACLE Remedy” was very informative.
Early this morning my husband aged 57 was having a sever nausea. He is a DIABETIC and has not been feeling too well for the past few days also he has been having very severe cold and has breathing difficulties while breathing specially while sleeping at night. Have an appointment with a chest specialist tomorrow but I have more faith in homeopathy than allopathy. Today morning when he had nausea I gave him just 1 dose of Arnica 1M (In 1 tablespoon of water and 1 drop of Arnica 1M). For the past few days have been giving him Antim Tart 200 along with Rescue Remedy.
After reading this article of yours I thought I should get Arnica 6c and 30c. Would like your advice what I should be giving him.
Thank you very much for such a wonderful article.
I forgot to mention that he is also on diabetic medication and doctor has also diagonised him suffering from diabetic neuropathy.
Marlene Menezes
Thank you for your compliments on my article “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” which you will have noticed is not authored by me alone as many others have joined in to make it a paper based on the research that I and many of my friends have experienced, which we are bequeathing to the world.
I am 84 years of age and felt that I should collate my discoveries in the use of standard homeopathic remedies in a manner not permitted in classical homeopathy and I have proved that my “Joepathy” is by far more effective than the remedies that any classical homeopathy will prescribe.
You will have to give me more data on your husband’s many problems by listing ALL his ailments together with the drugs he has been prescribed for each.
It is best that you do not experiment with Arnica 1M, Antim Tart and the Rescue remedy in the manner that you are doing today as your experiments can be counter productive.
For diabetics he has been prescribed – onglyza 5mg, carbophage 500SR, E-Cod Plus, Diamicron 5mg.
On 25 Jan 2013, visted a cardiologist who prescribed – Synajma 400 and CTD 12.5 – but after taking these 2 he sharted feeling worst and has self discontinued.
For his neuropathy he is prescribed maganeuron 500mcg (6 injections every alternate day – so far 4 are over), Lyrica 75mg and Evion LC
He has been having diabetes for the last 5/6 years but has never been careful about his diet. It started with a severe attack of parotitis, this is when he was diagnoised. His mom was also a diabetic.
On 20 jan 2013 he had a severe pain on the ball of his left foot just below the big toe. This was when he was advised to go to a orthopedic who diagnosed it as neuropathy. His BP is okay just on the border.
Marlene Menezes
I shall copy my default therapies for your husbands ailments. It is up to him to follow my therapy and if he does not wish to be an invalid, he can use them wisely and reduce or even eliminate his dependence on the multiple drugs that he is using today.
You can also refer him to my article
I shall copy below my default therapy aka “Joepathy” which many Diabetics are using today to control their BS levels. The remedy I have prescribed is Arnica 3c in the Wet dose which is taken twice daily.
Type I patients have confirmed that they discovered their BS levels were reduced by about 20-30% within a day of their starting on this therapy. One has confirmed that his BS level reduced by 75% in about a month and he was able to reduce the Insulin he was using by this amount.
Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily have also helped to reduce BS levels and you can add this to your daily dosage.
Please note that you will most likely notice a dip in your BS level within 24 hours of starting my therapy and you will then have to reduce your dosage of either Metformin or of Insulin as it must be maintained around 110.
Type II patients will also have to monitor their BS levels on a daily basis to ensure that their BS is stabilized at around 110 and they will reduce the dosage of the drugs that they are using daily to maintain this level. The Arnica 6c and the Mag Phos 6x are taken as prescribed.
Cinnamon powder is also useful to reduce BS levels and a quarter teaspoonful can be taken brewed as a tea twice daily. Okra or Bandakka which grows in the tropics also helps to reduce BS levels. Okra is used by cutting up a tender pod and inserting it into a glass of water which is left overnight and the water is drunk on an empty stomach the morning after.
The therapy I have prescribed to many patients is as follows:
Arnica 3c in the Wet dose is taken twice daily and the following protocol is used to make the Wet dose. It is essential that the patient’s BS level is monitored daily for a week to observe how the addition of Arnica to the standard drugs like Metformin reduce the BS level which should be maintained at around 110. In the case of Type I Diabetics the Units of Insulin used can be reduced to keep the BS level at this optimum level of 100.
Mag Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily before meals.
Exercise is essential and the patient is expected to avoid Sugar and reduce Starch and to avoid the consumption of Alcohol completely.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Report progress weekly.
Please verify if this ailment has been misdiagnosed as your description seems to me to indicate a case of GOUT. Suggest you get a second opinion by consulting another Orthopedic surgeon. If it is Gout, I shall prescribe a remedy which has helped many patients.
You stated that he has some breathing problems.
Is he Asthmatic?
He also has breathing difficulties as mentioned in my earlier message.
Marlene Menezes
Does he suffer from any gastric distress after a meal? Feeling of puffiness, acid reflux in the throat, Heartburn?
None of these above symptoms.
He has a bad cold and chest congestion. Has to struggle hard to breathe normally. A person sitting near him will also be able to hear his breathing. In the night when he struggles to breathe there are times when he has to sit to breathe. At times you can feel his breath stopping or rather skipping beats.
Very often he wakes at 3/4.00 am and is awake till 6 am.
Marlene Menezes
I would appreciate if you will keep your post to just ONE and not use multiple posts which I find disconcerting.
Do I understand that he is NOT Asthmatic?
That he is unable to breathe as a result of his bad cold?
For how long has he had this cold?
Does he have a bad cough?
Im sorry for the inconvenience.
No so far he has not been an asthmatic. but tomorrow we will be visiting a chest specialist.
He has a bad cold for a week. He had been a chain smoker earlier but has given up around 9 years back. He has been having this cough on and off.
Dear Sir,
I am very sick with multiple diagnoses, including seizures, high blood pressure, diabetes II (that went away but came back fiercely and uncontrollably beginning mid December), pitted edema of both legs, chronic recurring bronchitis, chronic recurring yeast, terrible menstrual pain (The last 4 occurring suddenly over the last three months) and osteoarthritis that has degenerated quickly over the last year.
I am now showing blood and protein in my urine. I am so weak and tired. I am unable to get out of the bed. My pain level averages around a 6 out of ten. sometimes, it makes me cry because i cannot ease it. I have three small children and have begun writing letters to all of them because I feel like I’m dying.
I have been to so many doctors….I’m on so many medications….but I am only more sick.
Last year, I was a hospital here in Canada for pneumonia. I was mistakenly given potassium chloride by rapid infusion instead of the antibiotic the doctor prescribed. I died. I came back. A team of doctors haven’t been able to help. They only express how lucky I am to be alive.
I do not feel so lucky. My children deserve better. My husband deserves better.
Mrs B
I am very concerned to note that you have suffered so much after you were given Potassium Chloride in place of the Antibiotic the doctor ordered. I hope that you claimed damages from the hospital as your present state of health is due to this disaster.
From the description of your current symptoms, I agree that you are very sick and quite frankly I do not know where to begin to help you.
Can you please list your symptoms in the order that you would like me to try to help you? Please also list ALL the drugs you are taking and indicate the ailment for which they have been prescribed.
You have not stated your age which is relevant for further advice.
Could you please erase my name from my former post and put Mrs. B? I would be grateful.
Can I use mineral bottled water as this is easily available instead of spring water.
No it is not GOUT. I did ask the doctor if it is GOUT but he said no. The pain of gout is very severe. The nerves are affected but will be able to give you the exact condition after v visit the Podiatrist on Friday 1 feb.
My husband is open to taking homeopathy and I will be getting the mag phos 6x and arnica 3c and starting the same today itself.
Also would like to know this 500 ml bottle, after I make the preparation, should it be kept in the refrigerator and in how many days should I keep the preparation.
Thank you for your advice.
Marlene Menezes
A simple blood test for your Uric Acid level will confirm if your problem is Gout or otherwise.
It is essential that the water you will use is NOT CHLORINATED as this antidotes the Homeopathic remedy.
You do not need to refrigerate it but it is best to keep it away from light from a window.
I forgot to tell you some important things that you may think crazy and may not want to post:
I know what it feels like to be “unbroken” and really alive…