13 month old boy CURED of Baby GERD in less than 2 weeks.

I am copying a statement by the mother of a 13 month old boy who seems to have been cured of his Baby GERD in less than 2 weeks after many months of suffering from GERD which was treated with Prevacid and Zantac, both of which seemed effective for a few days but made the condition even worse, immediately after.

I am sharing this post with mothers who may have babies suffering from GERD who are desperate for a cure. It is my hope that other advisors on this Forum will consider replacing the classical remedies they were taught to use in college with Nat Phos 6x which as many are aware, is a Biochemic Cell Salt which works in a manner that is difficult to understand, but which does work very positively to CURE GERD.

I am adding the notes of Dr Schuessler who first recorded the unusual properties of Nat Phos 6x and 11 other Cell Salts which are recognised today as having some unusual properties which are largely unknown or not accepted by classical Homeopaths and which I would like others to know and use as I have done for over 2 Decades, ever since I started to use them myself and to prescribe for suffering humanity, although I am 85 years of age and am not a professional Homeopath.

Infant cured of Baby GERD with Nat Phos 6x

“My son is 13 months old and is Prevacid free thanks to Mr. De Livera’s therapy “Joepathy”. My son was first diagnosed with “silent” acid reflux around 6 weeks old. He began gagging in his sleep so we took him to the Children’s ER. We were told to elevate his crib and hold him upright for 30 minutes after nursing. He continued to gag in his sleep and breathing problems ensued. The second ER trip, they gave me diet restrictions and provided us with a “danny sling” to keep our son more upright during sleep. A few days later my son was screaming in pain for hours and the only thing that would console him was breastmilk but each time I nursed him, he would be screaming again 30 minutes later. Again, we went to the ER and this time they had us stay for more testing which confirmed the reflux. My son was given Zantac which seemed to help for a while then his symptoms returned. We tried chiropractic and acupuncture but it didn’t help. We were severely sleep deprived and desperate by the time we saw a pediatric GI specialist who recommended Prevacid which he began using at 4 months old. We tried weaning him from Prevacid around 9 months with no success. At 12 months, we were determined to have him off of it. We began this by giving him half his normal dose. He did well for 2 weeks, then he began showing reflux symptoms again. This is when I consulted Mr. De Livera for his therapy. We started the Nat Phos 6x and I stopped the Prevacid. He did well the first couple days and then he seemed to still be suffering from reflux symptoms. I also believe he was having acid rebound which can happen when stopping the PPI medication. I continued Mr. De Livera’s therapy and in less than two weeks my son’s reflux symptoms were gone. It’s been almost a month and he is still symptom free. Thank God! We are very grateful for Mr. De Livera’s help. I only wish I had known about this therapy from the beginning. It works and anyone who’s had a child with reflux needs to know about it! ”

I would like to add that Nat Phos 6x is best taken immediately after a meal and the dosage depends on the intensity of the ailment. 2 tablets usually suffice but in the case of Chronic GERD the Adult patient may increase the dosage to a maximum of 6 tablets after a meal although 2-4 usually work to alleviate the uncomfortable burning sensation which has sometimes been diagnosed as a Heart Attack, when the patient is rushed to the ER.

Nat Phos 6x seems to work by stimulating Peristalsis as the patient who is suffering from severe discomfort and burning after a meal suddenly feels relieved after taking the dose of Nat Phos 6x (3-6 tablets) in the short space of about 10 minutes.

The bonus that can be enjoyed by the regular use of Nat Phos 6x is the reduction of weight by 1kg per WEEK and this may be of interest to those who have tried other means of weight reduction unsuccessfully.

Nat Phos 6x is absolutely safe in use even over long periods and can be safely used to CURE all cases of GERD.

Dr Wilhelm D Schuessler
Natrium Phosphoricum 6x

Sodium and Phosphate ions are to be found in our body in the muscle, nerve and brain cells, in the blood corpuscles and in the tissue fluids. Nat Phos splits the lactic acid, which is produced by the work of muscles into carbonic acid and water. The carbonic acid is absorbed by the sodium phosphate and brought to the lungs where it is eliminated in the process of breathing. If sodium phosphate is lacking, there results an excess of lactic acid and consequently a sour taste, heart burn, sour stools, vomiting of sour, caseous matter, particularly in babies who are overfed with sugar and milk. If lactic acid reaches the lymphatic glands, the albumin of the lymph glands coagulates and the gland begins to swell. In the initial stages of swelling of the lymphatic glands therefore, Nat Phos has a healing effect because it can split lactic acid. Nat Phos further assures that the uric acid of the blood which is formed by the splitting up of the albuminous substance is kept in solution and secreted by the kidneys. Should this not be the case, uric acid will be deposited in the joints. The sequels are Rheumatism. Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago. In the Gall, Nat Phos saponifies the fatty acids which have been consumed with the food. It is hence indicated against digestive disturbances resulting from excessive consumption of fat.


  1. Amalandy says:

    Dear Mr Livera

    i am a 40 year old male and have been diagnosed with prolactinoma. it is a benign tumor of the pituary gland which causes the prolactin levels to be elevated. The breast also gets enlatged with this excess prolactin. The endocrinologist prescribed Dostines to reduce the tumour and reduce the prolactin levels. I have to take this medication for the rest of my life. I will be very pleased if you could help with an alternate treatment.

    thank you

    • Joe says:

      I regret to inform you that I have never come across a case of Prolactinoma which I understand affects women than men. I have also no experience in treating it.

      There is however a slender chance that Conium 6c in the Wet dose which I prescribe with Arnica 6c to help cases of BPH or enlarged Prostate may help you. I have also used it very successfully to reduce breast lumps and saved at least 4 women who were in severe pain, 2 of whom had been scheduled for surgery.

      You can take a dose of each remedy twice daily in the Wet dose made as per instructions below. Leave half hour between them and you will have to STOP any drugs you are using as all drugs will antidote Homeopathy.

      Please note that I cannot be held responsible for any problems that may arise if you decide to stop the drug you are taking today.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

      Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  2. Amalandy says:

    Thank you very much for your response.

  3. Joe says:

    I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed to hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.

    The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:

    Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet but if the response is not as expected, you may increase to a full tablet but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.

    You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.

    You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

    It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
    Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.

    You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
    Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.

    If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

    • Joe says:

      “The doctor recommended I start him on solids starting at 4 months. Should I discontinue his solids and switch him back to breastmilk only?”

      I was not aware till I read your post that you were feeding your son who I believe is 5 months, SOLIDS because your stupid pediatrician instructed you to do so at 4 months when he was aware that at 4 month he was already suffering from Baby GERD. It is obvious that s/he is not knowledgable on feeding babies and as a result your baby has suffered so very unnecessarily. I am shocked to know that your ped was responsible for creating the problem of GERD and when you complain, he instructs you to give Zantac and when the baby dose prescribed proves insufficient he then INCREASES the dose !

      If you had stated so in your first post, I would have instructed you to STOP solids as a baby is not ready at 5 months to change over to solids from breast milk. I suppose that this is one of the problems I face in treating baby patients living as I presume you do in the US and you should discover within 24 hours that baby will be OK without the solids.

      Please confirm in 48 hours that all is well.

      • Joe says:

        I am indeed glad to know from your report that your baby’s reflux has stabilized within a few hours after you stopped the solids that your pediatrician had recommended and which you unknowingly had given your baby and which in turn had lead to this unnecessary trauma in his life and yours.

        It just makes me sick of the stupidity displayed by professional physicians as in your baby’s case it was only too obvious that it was the solids that were the root cause of his distress. I cannot understand how a doctor can treat the reflux and the GERD which were caused by his instructions to you to give solids with drugs that have been accepted as being unsuitable for adults and far more dangerous for babies especially at the higher doses prescribed. I am happy that all is well now and you will discover that baby will soon outgrow his Reflux and GERD symptoms.

        You can take Arnica 6c in the Wet dose to increase your milk supply made as per instructions below:

        The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

        Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
        Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
        Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
        Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
        Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

        Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:

        Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

        You can also consider using Infant Formula to supplement his demand.

        But NEVER solids till he is over 10 months old.
        And NO vaccinations please till he is over 2 years old.

      • Joe says:

        You will make the Wet dose as per instructions below and take a teaspoonful thrice daily

        The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

        Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
        Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
        Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
        Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
        Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

        Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:

        Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

  4. Alvin Moses says:

    Hello Doctor Joe. I am Alvin from India. I just need your advice regarding Arnica.

    1. Can I take Arnica 30C everyday 3 times a day for the rest of my life? I heard that one should stop taking a homeopathic dose when the symptoms get better. But you say that Arnica can be taken for lifetime? Im confused. Which other homeopathic medicines (which act like general body tonics) can be taken for lifetime?

    2. How many times should I shake the bottle everytime I take a dose? If I shake the bottle 6 times everytime, wont the arnica doses cease to be effective?

    3. Can I take Arnica 30C with other homeopathic medicines like Pulsatilla, Carbo Veg, Staphysagaria & Berberis Aquifolium.

    4. I suffer from Chronic left sided Pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, esinophilia and Pulmonary Odema with lungs being congested with thick green smelly mucus. When I took the first and second dose of Arnica 30C, shaking it 6 times, I found that it was loosening the mucus and bringing it out in my stools. But I didnt see that happening with the following doses, although the mucus congestion is still present. Should I increase the dose. How should I do it? Can I go for a 200C or 1M? How should I take the 200 or 1M and for how long?

    5. I also came across a post by you and some others saying that Bacillinum 200 is very effective for lung infections and diseases. Is it true? Will it help my case? If yes, then in what dose should I take it and for how long?

    Please advice.


    • Joe says:

      You state that you suffer from:

      ‘I suffer from Chronic left sided Pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, esinophilia and Pulmonary Odema with lungs being congested with thick green smelly mucus.”

      I hope you realize that ALL these diseases are LIFE THREATENING and also hope that you have had them treated by medical doctors as I am not able to do so with my knowledge of Homeopathy.

      It would be of interest to have more data on your many diseases with the drugs used and the time frame for each disease, as although I would not like to take your case, I may be able to suggest some therapy that may help you.

      How old are you and what is you height and weight?

    • Joe says:

      I came across your post on my website and would like to know how you responded to my therapy.

      • Rosamaria says:

        Dr. Joe De Livera,
        Today i gave her the first nat phos , something was kind wrong since yesterday she didnt want drink her milk.. But today after the nat phos i gave her this morning she ate a litle bit.. Bur stil hard for make her eat… Also she wont poop for 4 days her poop is really solid abd it is hard for her she cries trying to poop.. I dont know what to do.. Reflux gerd wont drink her milk and also not pooping.. I am just dont have no idea what to do

        • Joe says:

          You can expect your baby’s problems to stabilize in 24 hours after you give the first dose of a full tablet Nat Phos 6x which is best given, half tablet before and the balance half after a feed always dissolved in a teaspoonful of water or milk.

          Nat Phos will also solve her constipation.

          Report progress in 24 hours.

  5. ARTHUR HERTZ says:


    • Joe says:

      I am glad to learn that in spite of taking a gross overdose of Arnica 6c you did not suffer from any side effects except that you increased your weight by 7 lbs in 5 weeks which is a small price to pay for your overdosage if indeed the Arnica was the cause..

      You stated:

      I note that you do still drive but would like to caution you in continuing to drive as it may pose a danger to not only yourself but other vehicles and their occupants.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Arthritis and Gout which has helped many patients who were on a daily dose of various analgesics which only served to deaden the pain temporarily but not CURE the condition. Some patients have reported that they experienced relief from the pain they suffered for many years in the short space of just 48 hours and it is my hope that you too will experience this same blessed relief from your pain.

      The 2 remedies for Osteo Arthritis are:

      Argentum Metallicum 6c
      Arnica 30c

      Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between remedies.

      You will take 3 tablets Nat Phos 6x for your Gout which should hopefully show results in reducing your pain in about a week. Please report your response in a week.

      The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

      Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
      Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
      Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
      Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
      Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

      Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.


  6. Rosamaria says:

    Mr. De Livera,
    My name is Rosa i am from Brasil, i am sorry about my bad English, i need your help! I dont know what else i can do, i jave hope own your treatment to cure my precious baby girl.
    My daughter is 3 weeks old, and was recently diagnosed with acid reflux and GERD. The doctors told me to give her to remedies it call here MOTILIUN and LABEL, she also brestfeed and need take milk formula, because she was loosing weight. I would prefer a homeopathic treatment, like has been described on the posts on your website. Maria, my baby, doesn’t sleep. She cries all the time from discomfort. It is hard to her to burp, too. I hope and pray that you are able to prescribe treatment for my sweet daughter, so that she can live a comfortable, normal life. You are my only hope, my heart is broke seen her crying and cant do anything to help her.
    Once again thank you so much to read this message and i apologize about my bad english.
    Thank you,

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed to hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.

      The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:

      Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet but if the response is not as expected, you may increase to a full tablet but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.

      You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.

      You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

      It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
      Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.

      You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
      Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.

      If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

      • Rosamaria says:

        Dr. De Livera,
        I would like to thank you for your answer. I cry everyday seen my precious girl like that. I bought today the nat phos 6x from a website it ll take untill next month to be here. In Brasil they dont have.
        Do i keep given her the other to remedies or should i stop? Also whenever she turn 2 months she has to take a shot vacine should i not do it? Once again i am sorry about my English. Thank you for your help. Your treatment is my only hope.

        My e-mail adress is rosa.pamplona@hotmail.com

        • Joe says:

          I am concerned to learn that Homeopathic remedies are not available in Brazil.
          You can contact the addressed below in the UK and the US to check if you can get them quicker.

          Ainsworths Homœopathic Pharmacy
          36 New Cavendish Street, London W1M 7LH
          Tel 020 7935 5330

          Freemans Homeopathic Pharmacy
          18-20 Main Street, Busby, Glasgow G76 8DU
          Tel 0845 225 5155

          Helios Homœopathic Pharmacies
          97 Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2QP
          Tel 01892 537254

          Nelsons Pharmacies Ltd
          73 Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, London W1M 6BY
          Tel 020 7495 2404

          Weleda UK Ltd
          Heanor Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8DR
          Tel. 0115 944 8200


          Hahnemann Laboratories

          Remedia Homeopathy Manufactury


          Washington Homeopathics
          1 800 336 1695

        • Rosamaria says:

          Dr. De Livera,
          I found one homeopathic pharmacy here at brasil that they can make a Naturum phosphosricum. Just font know what is the meaning of 6x

          • Joe says:

            Homeopathic remedies are sold in various potencies and you cannot substitute one potency for another. I note that you state:
            “they can make a Naturum phosphosricum.”

            Homeopathic remedies cannot be made to order and if you intend using the product from the source you have indicated you are only wasting your time.

            You must get Nat Phos 6x tablets for your baby and I believe the quickest way would be to order it from the US.

            Keep me advised when you receive it and baby’s response.

        • Rosamaria says:

          Dr. Dr Livera,
          Thanks for help me, i got one from us, the brand is hylands 10 Nat phos 6x.
          Thank you very much for your help. It will be here in about. 2 weeks. They ll try to send faster way possible. Now i ll just pray and be patient until it to be here.
          I ll advice you when i get it. Dr. De Livera, just what you to know that i ll always be thankfull for all your help and have a lot of respct for you. It is hard find people like you. I am sure Maria ll be cure. And i ll make sure i ll tell about this treatment to anothers babys that are surffering with reflux and gerd.
          Thank you

        • Rosamaria says:

          Dr. De Livera,
          Today Maria went to the doctor, she told me to give her only breastmilk, because she has APLV, she is alergic to anything that has milk and soy. Told me that i should stop eating anything that come from the milk and soy.
          What do you think?

        • Rosamaria says:

          Dr. De Livera,
          “APLV” is how we call the person that can’t drink eat anything that comes from the cow or soy, I am sorry because I don’t know how you call it in English.

          Today, Maria went again to the doctor, and had an exam to find out what level her reflux and Gerd is, they found out that in 15 minutes she reflux 6 times, and it is also a silent reflux.
          A friend ll try to send me from US the neat phos so we can start soon! My heart is broke. Maria cry so so much, I hold her and hold her hand and tears come from my eyes I ll do anything to see my baby better.

          • Joe says:

            Glad to learn that you can get Nat Phos 6x sent to you by a friend and you can ask for the Hyland’s brand and get at least 250g or a half pound of the product as it is relatively cheap and will last indefinitely.

            You can also get Arnica 30c and Nux Vomica 30c in the standard pellets as they may be required to treat baby later. The smallest packs will be OK of these remedies.

        • Rosamaria says:

          Dr. De Livera,
          The nux vomica 30c they found it liquid and in tablets which one should they get? We always ll be thankfull for all your help.
          Thank you Dr. De Livera

          • Joe says:

            The Liquid Dilution is preferred but there may be a problem if it is being sent by courier who may not accept it for transit.
            If so, you can get the standard pellets which are dry and can be sent with the Nat Phos 6x.

        • Rosamaria says:

          Dr. Joe De Livera,
          I am sorry i had no internet for a week, but funally i got the medicine the nath phos, arnica also the vox vomica.
          I ll start with the nath phos. I ll let you know how shr ll answer the treament. I have a question she ll take some of her 3 months vacine it is ok to take it while she is on the treatmet?
          Thanks Dr. Joe

  7. Jenna says:

    Hi Joe,

    I came across your website while searching for a cure for Acid Reflux for my 12 week old baby boy. He’s been suffering since birth. We have him on Zantac but that just made him worse. I do NOT want him on any prescription medications, and when we were going to have to switch to Prilosec, I decided that this is unacceptable and there must be a better way.

    On top of the reflux, he seems to have trouble sleeping. Nights are fine, it’s during the day that he can’t sleep. Most of the time he sleeps 30-45 minutes. He goes to sleep ok with nursing/rocking/pacifier but we do not let him cry to sleep, because that does not work. I think he must be in pain. He typically has one or two times per day that he is crying inconsolably in my arms, and of course I cry with him 🙁 He is arching his back, extending his legs, etc.

    His reflux is silent (he swallows it most of the time, occasionally it will come out his mouth and/or nose) and began about an hour after he was born when he nearly choked to death. He has the hiccups at least once/day.

    My question for you is should I alter your standard protocol to treat GERD due to him not sleeping as well or will the Nat Phos 6x be sufficient? I am going to the store tomorrow to pick some up.

    Thank you so much. I am so relieved to hear there is hope out there.


    • Joe says:

      I prefer not to be addressed as “Joe” except by my peers and close friends, as in my country Sri Lanka, there is a certain modicum of respect reserved for age.

      I am 85 years old.

      • Jenna says:

        My apologies Dr. De livera.

        I would appreciate a response to my original post as my baby is still in pain.

        • Joe says:

          I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed to hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too.

          The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:

          Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet but if the response is not as expected, you may increase to a full tablet but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.

          You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.

          You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

          It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
          Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.

          You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
          Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.

          If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed to hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too. You indicated that you were buying the Nat Phos 6x in your last post. Have you given it to him and if so what is baby’s response? You will of course STOP the Zantac.

      The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:

      Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet but if the response is not as expected, you may increase to a full tablet but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.

      You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.

      You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

      It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
      Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.

      You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
      Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.

      If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

      Where do you live?

      • Jenna says:

        Hi Dr. DeLivera,

        I live in Oregon in the U.S. I have stopped Zantac a couple of weeks ago because it seemed to have stopped working and I do NOT believe in Rx unless it’s life threatening.

        I have given 4 doses of the Nat Phos 6x in the last 24 hours (we started at 2 p.m. yesterday, he didn’t get a dose immediately before bed or in the middle of the night, and he has had 3 feedings and 3 doses so far today). So far I cannot tell a difference. He has NOT been in any pain that I can tell. He does seem to be more alert than usual and his daytime sleep has not improved. He is still spitting up, too, but again, there doesn’t seem to be ay pain associated with it.

        I will report again tomorrow to see how the next 24 hours go.

        Should I expect him to stop spitting up entirely?

        Thank you,


        • Joe says:

          Babies invariably respond to Nat Phos 6x by stopping their reflux symptoms almost immediately.
          Report his response tomorrow.

          • Jenna says:

            Update: baby is happy and has only spit up twice today but neither seemed to bother him. At one point his belly did hurt but I did accidentally eat one of the forbidden foods yesterday so that must have been it. Overall he seems less bothered by the reflux and is overall happier.

            He was extremely hard to settle last night for bed and woke up twice in the night, both times was hard to settle. That is unusual for him. He is still only napping in 45 minute intervals but goes to sleep easily for naps.

            Does this seem like good progress? Should I reduce the dosage or see if we can stop altogether?

            Thank you,


            • Joe says:

              You have now seen that in just 48 hours after you first started your son on my Nat Phos 6x therapy he has responded and is not showing any symptoms of Baby GERD.

              You reported earlier that he had been prescribed Zantac and later Prevacid and that you decided to consult me after having read about my “Joepathy” on the Web.

              You now ask:
              “Does this seem like good progress? Should I reduce the dosage or see if we can stop altogether?”

              Don’t you think that it is too early to STOP the Nat Phos which has given him so much relief in just 48 hours? Nat Phos 6x is NOT a drug and can be taken by both babies and adults to treat GERD and many other ailments and diseases very safely.

              You can reduce his dosage in a few days and observe how he responds and perhaps report his progress again.

              I have observed that many hundreds of mothers do not care to report that their babies are OK as my therapy aka “Joepathy” that I have given them free of charge, stabilized their babies in a few days, usually in 48 hours, in contrast to their original experience in rushing baby to the pediatrician to be prescribed more powerful drugs, all of which do not work and what is pathetic, is that they all cause so much damage to their infant babies.

          • Jenna says:

            Dr. DeLivera,

            My son seems to have been cured, thank you so so so much! He didn’t spit up at all today,, day 4 of the treatment. He is so much happier all around. I’m so pleased. I will be telling everybody who will listen about this!!

            Thank you so much, for all that you do!!


            • Joe says:

              I am very happy to read your report that your son seems to be cured of his Reflux on Day 4 of my therapy.

              It is possible that you will have to continue the Nat Phos 6x therapy for some days and you can slowly reduce the dosage and stop it if you find that he can do without it.

              In any case NP is absolutely safe in use and is NOT a drug and both babies and Adults will benefit from using it.

              I am glad to note that you intend spreading the new about baby’s cure of his Reflux and I would appreciate if you will please record his cure with my therapy and post it on my website to enable me to transfer your post to Articles which is a permanent record of interesting cases on my Home Page.

  8. Jenna says:

    Oh, one more thing….which foods in your experience will aggravate GERD? I haven’t been able to tell what aggravates his reflux so I have cut out dairy, wheat, caffeine, chocolate, and soy (which I don’t eat to begin with).

    Thank you,


    • Joe says:

      You will have to play it by ear and experiment with various foods and eliminate as necessary.
      You cannot expect me to help you on this point.

  9. Vdevi says:

    My baby 3 year old is coughing.Doctor has given her prisolac and some laxative powder.It is not helping her.Can you suggest something to her?

    • Joe says:

      I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed to hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too.

      The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:

      Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet but if the response is not as expected, you may increase to a full tablet but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.

      You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.

      You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

      It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
      Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.

      You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
      Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.

      If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

      • Vdevi says:

        She is already 3 year old.I don’t feed her anymore.Is half a tablet enough for her?

      • Vdevi says:

        I have started her on nat phos 6x.After she came back from school, I fed her very little of curd rice and disolved 2 nat phos in some water and fed her.In general her cough is not worst but she coughs every now and then and when she is eating.
        I want to know if I can give her the tablet directly from her mouth as she is old enough to swallow.
        As of now I haven’t noticed any change.But I will keep you posted..

        • Joe says:

          I note that you live in Tenesee and saw your post coming in just before I shut down my computer last night and hastened to respond as you were reporting the case of your baby whom I presumed was a few months old. I now see that she is 3 years old and you can safely give her a full tablet of Nat Phos 6x after food. I note that you are giving her 2 tablets and if she is OK with the adult dose, you may continue. NP is NOT a drug and can be used very safely by both adults and children but I would prefer however that you give her just ONE tablet and report results.

          • Vdevi says:

            Before reading your post, I have already given her the nat phos 2 times(after lunch and dinner) 2 each.I could notice by dinner time she was more interested in eating and was hungry.That was never the case before.She used to refuse eating and cough a lot while feeding.Her cough is decreased but she still coughs.i really want to see if her bowl movement is good.She has not had any bowl movement without laxative since 6 – 8 weeks.
            I will go ahead and decrease the dosage to 1.How many pills can I give in a day?

          • Vdevi says:

            Also, I see on the bottle that children age 2-6 dosage is 2 and adult dosage is 4.Brand name is Hylands.I thought I should let you know about this.

            • Joe says:

              Thank you for the information on the Hylands label.

              I am very conservative in my therapy and do not subscribe to this dosage especially for children under 2 years. Although Nat Phos 6x is a Biohemic Cell Salt and is perfectly safe in use, I prefer to treat babies with just half tablet and later if the response is not good I increase the dose to a full tablet.

          • Vdevi says:

            She had her first bowl movement without laxative in 6 weeks.She looks normal to me in terms of her appetite but she is still coughing.Is there anything that I can do with her cough?or should I just wait for her acid reflux to go away completely before her cough stops?

            • Joe says:

              Glad to learn that she has had a bowel (not BOWL) movement in 5 weeks WITHOUT any laxative.

              This proves that the Nat Phos is acting as it increases peristalsis and thereby ensures that constipation is treated.

              Her cough, if it was due to the reflux of acid to her throat will cease and she should now be able to turn a new page in her life.

              You are free to give her the Nat Phos 6x for as long as you feel that she needs it.

          • Vdevi says:

            From what I understand, if the cough was due to reflux, it must have gone away by now?

      • Vdevi says:

        Today she woke up and started coughing again but she is hungry and willing to eat.I m not giving her any milk as she used to cough a lot.I assumed that milk is a trigger food for her.
        When she wakes up she is usually fussy these days.Today is no different.Today I will be giving her 1 tablet after breakfast, lunch n dinner.

  10. Vdevi says:

    Hello sir,

    I am sorry I didn’t give you enough information in my previous post..My daughter had cold and she got rated for cold but she still coughs when she is eating or after she eats also she is not interested in eating at all.When I took her to doc, they have prescribed prisolac and is not helping her.I am sure if I go back to my doc again, she will prescribe Prevacid or any other strong drug.Can I go ahead and give her nnatrum phos 6x?2 after each meal?Please let me know..

    I just happen to learn about your service, I really appreciate the work you have doing..Thanks a lot

  11. Vdevi says:

    Today when she woke Up, she had mucus in her nose.All these days she had just cough.Can you please suggest something for her cold n cough?

    • Joe says:

      I’m afraid that you are taking too much of my time as I find that your post is the 10th since you first consulted me just 2 days ago on July 18.

      I would like you to understand clearly that I cannot be expected to respond every time she presents another symptom unless it is life threatening.

      • Vdevi says:

        I am sorry if I have taken lot of your time.I really want to thank you for introducing me to this wonderful drug for my daughters reflux.She really is doing fine and I am amazed at the way her appetite has picked up..as you said I can see that it is a new phase in her life..Thanks a lot!!

      • Vdevi says:

        Hello dr Joe,

        My baby is been coughing a lot today.All night (until now , it is 3 am here) and day she is coughing and there is a whistle like sound.Yesterday she didn’t pass stools.Her stomach was bloated night before going to bed.

        The only change I did was reduced the dosage of the nat phos and tried to put her back to normal diet.I am very much worried about her cough.Please help..

        • Joe says:

          ” she is coughing and there is a whistle like sound.”

          This cough is of concern and you will have to consult a doctor to diagnose it as I cannot obviously do so on my Website.

          It is not connected to her reflux and you must see your doctor tomorrow morning and report the diagnosis.

          I noticed that you have “I did was reduced the dosage of the nat phos and tried to put her back to normal diet.”

          Is this the reason for your current position? If so the answer is obvious.
          Also how do you define “normal diet” ?

          • Vdevi says:

            Hello dr

            I took her to doctor and she prescribed cough medication.If cough doesn’t stop in a week time, she wants to start her on nebulisation and oral steroid to make her easy to breath.She thinks if it was allergy or viral infection there will be lot of mucus.
            On the night that I wrote to you, she coughed a lot but next day she was not coughing at all( very less cough) but when she breaths I feel that she is breathing heavy.This is been going on since 3 months.Cough aggrevate and next day she will be almost normal and after few days again she starts to cough.From past 6-8 weeks she is constipated.

            In the mean time, I haven’t started her on any medication given by doctor.She is on nat phos 2 after each meal( 6 per day).Today she passed stools early in the morning with little difficulty.I am feeding her less and more frequent and all easy to digest food.

            Is there anything else I can do with her digestion and cough?Please help!

            • Joe says:

              I am glad that you had your daughter’s cough diagnosed and that the verdict is Asthma. As you will realize, I could not do so myself without seeing the patient.

              You will NOT have to resort to the standard drugs with Inhaler and Nebulization and oral steroids as I have pioneered in the therapy I shall copy below which will control the problem and in some cases even CURE it.

              You do not have to give her Nat Phos 6x unless you feel that it helps her constipation as my therapy for Asthma will help her.

              I shall copy my default therapy for Asthma below:

              Your remedy is a dose of Nat Sulph 6c in the Wet dose taken nightly before bed.
              You will report your response weekly or more often as may be necessary.

              You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.

              The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

              Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
              Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
              Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
              Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
              Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

              Steam is also important and it must be inhaled for about 5 minutes twice daily. You can get the steaming device used in beauty saloons for facial treatment. You will most likely cough up a lot of phlegm immediately after steaming.

              Physiotherapy is also indicated after steaming to rid the lungs and airways of the phlegm which is also the cause of Asthma. You will lay flat across your bed with your chest slightly elevated above your head which is hanging down over the side. You will get someone to tap your chest on the back from the waist up to your neck and you should find that your phlegm will drool out in cupfuls.

              Exercise is essential for you and you will drink at least 3 liters of water daily.

              You can also blow into a balloon to help strengthen your lungs.

              If you get an acute attack of Asthma which you would normally treat with a Nebulizer you will take Ars Alb 200c in the Wet dose and this will usually bring relief within about 15 minutes or less. In the event of the first dose not working you may take another about an hour later. Please note that the maximum dosage is not to exceed 3 doses in 12 hours. Also note that Ars Alb is NOT for daily use and may only be used on a SOS basis if you discover that you cannot breathe as a result of an Asthmatic Attack.

  12. Vdevi says:

    Nat phos 6c is nowhere available on net or in vitamin shoppe.Is there any alternative for this?

    • Vdevi says:

      I am sorry, nat sulph 6c is not available anywhere.I want to know if there is any alternate remedy?

      • Joe says:

        I believe that you are not really interested in CURING your daughter judging by your reference to Nat Sulph 6c I prescribed for her Asthma, which you have confused with Nat Phos 6c which I did NOT, and both of which you state are not available. I cannot believe that both these remedies which are used daily are not available in the US.

        You are advised NOT TO WASTE MY TIME in future in expecting me to prescribe an “ALTERNATE REMEDY” as there are NONE.

        I have encountered this attitude in a few other US patients who do NOT appreciate the time I devote to helping them which you too do not seem to appreciate as it comes free of charge. I have patiently responded to 15 posts you made on my website up to today, and I regret that I am compelled to withdraw from your case.

        Go ahead with the Steroidal Inhalers and Nebulizers which will condemn your daughter to a life of suffering from Asthma which my therapy would have saved her from.

  13. Vdevi says:

    I meant to say I have misspelled Nat sulh 6c as nat phos 6c in my earlier post(first post was a typo).
    I searched everywhere on internet for Nat sulh 6c and it is not available anywhere.

  14. Vdevi says:

    UPDATE : Is the full name of the drug is
    Natrum Sulphuricum 6C? if yes, it is available only in pellets.Is it ok to use pellets?I searched everywhere for liquid form but is unavailable..

    I am sorry if I am troubling you…


  15. Vdevi says:

    Hello Dr Joe

    I understand I have made you very distressed with my behavior which was not intesional.I am a believer in homeopathic remedy and I care very much for my daughter.I would like to mention that homeopathic remedy has cured my sister cancer when she was young and now she is a adult who is leading the normal life.Please forgive me just like you forgive your own kids..I make sure I don’t take too much of your time in future..

    I searched internet and I ordered nat sulph 6c in liquid form today..( when I googled nothing showed up, I went ahead and searched your website and you have mentioned in one of the post about a website).It is going to take at least until Monday for the remedy to reach me.
    In the mean time, I have bought the pellet form of the remedy from vitamin shoppe.Can I use this until I get the liquid form of remedy?if yes how do I prepare the remedy?How many pellets need to be dissolved in water?(1 drop=how many pellets?)

    • Joe says:

      Glad to note that you have decided to be more thoughtful in your future interaction with me. I had tolerated a lot from you but the last few conversations was just too much for me and made me to decide to cut you out of my thoughts even though my heart was with your daughter and her Asthma.

      You may use 6 pellets of Nat Sulph 6c to activate a 500ml bottle of spring water which you will give her as prescribed nightly.

  16. Vdevi says:

    It’s been 3 days since I have started giving nat sulph 6c(6 pellets diluted in water).I am also giving her nat phos 6x 2 after each meal.

    She still is coughing but not as vigorous as it used to be..Her constipation is still the same.She is having very hard time to pass the stools.

    • Joe says:

      It will take a few more days for the Nat Sulph to help her Asthma.
      You will continue the Nat Phos 6x as this is very safe in use in comparison to other more effective remedies which may interfere with the N Sulph which I note is already helping her cough.

      Confirm that you are carrying out my instructions with the steam and physiotherapy.

      You must get the Nat Sulph 6c in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol as this is far more effective than the pellets to cure her Asthma.

      • Vdevi says:

        I am giving her the steam as mentioned in your post 5 minutes 2 times a day..I am unable to make her do physiotherapy 100% successfully but I m encouraging her to do it as much as I can..

        I am giving Nat Phos 6x max of 6 pellets per day.Can I increase it?

  17. Vdevi says:

    Hello dr Joe

    It is a quick update on my daughters health

    I am continuing her on nat sulp 6c (6 pills diluted in 450 ml of water) nightly and nat phos 6 x 2 after each meal..I am giving steam before she goes to bed and also after she get up in the morning..I am attempting to do physiotherapy everyday after giving steam..
    She is still coughing( sometimes with phlegm and sometimes dry) and her constipation is as bad as it was before.I have her discontinued from her day care and keeping her at home and I am also working from home just to keep her away from germs.

    Her appetite is good and she always asks me for food and chocolate milk / yogurt but when she eats them her cough will be more.I am trying to avoid but it is getting very hard for me to avoid her to eat..I notice that even the simple food if she eats more, she will not have bowel movements for next day.She was a normal child who loved her school and food..It is been 3 months and she has lost lots of weight..I am very much worried about her..

    Nat sulp liquid remedy is going to arrive today by mail.I will start her on that( 3 drops in 450 ml of water) starting from today night..

    • Joe says:

      I am glad to note that you have decided to not send your daughter to school to keep her away from infection.

      You can add the following remedies to help her further:

      Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose taken once daily.
      This remedy is a very effective anti viral agent and will help to build up her resistance to colds.

      Ars Alb 200c in PELLETS.
      You will insert 2 pellets into the water which she uses to steam and I hope that you have got the standard steamer used in beauty salons to generate the steam.

      You can have a doctor to do a full series of tests on her to check the reason for her current medical status as I cannot do so on my website. You will not use the drugs that will be prescribed. You will report the diagnosis.

      • Vdevi says:

        Hello dr Joe

        Thanks a lot for your reply..

        I will go ahead and order for new medication that you have suggested.it is very useful for her once she starts her regular school.I will definitely take your suggestion and get a full check up done from doctor about her condition(It is also something that I was thinking about).

        In the mean time, I started to give her 1 /2 tsp apple cider vinegar mixed with 1 glass of warm water and honey after her meal.It is only 2 times ( after lunch and after dinner) that I have fed her and I haven’t seen her coughing since then.My husband uses it for his acid reflux and it works for him, Today I learnt that it also is used as remedy for asthma and cough..I still have to wait and watch if it really works for her..

        As of now the liquid remedy of nat sulf 6 c hasn’t arrived yet, will arrive tomorrow.

  18. Vdevi says:

    Hello dr Joe

    I just want to give a quick update..

    While I am still continuing the treatment, I see that her cough has reduced noticeably.But she does cough every now and then.( only 2-4 times a day .It sounds like she is clearing her throught), her bowel movements are regular from past 5 days( stools are hard but she passes stools everyday).But today when We went out for shopping, all of a sudden she started coughing.I brought her home and gave her bath and steam and she is sleeping well now.
    I see that even I have dry cough from last 1 hour.I am drinking hot water it feels better..

    I haven’t gone to doctor yet to get complete examination done on her cough.I will be going very soon..

  19. Vdevi says:

    Hello dr joe

    I want to lent you know about the recent update.

    I m continuing the treatment for my daughter as advised by you.Her cough is well under control and she coughs very rarely but her constipation is still he same.

    We visited doctor yesterday and asked her for a detailed check up.She thinks her lungs are clear and advised us to take laxative which she had previously prescribed.If her cough in case get worse she asked us to go and see her again.

    Can you please advise something for her constipation.Right now she is on 2 nat phos 3 times a day and nat sulf in wet dose.Her stools are very hard like cat stools.i am not giving her steam as she has no cough from past 1 week.

  20. Vdevi says:

    Please dr Joe,

    Let me know of any remedy for constipation for my daughter.

  21. Vdevi says:

    I am giving nat phos 6x 2 pills 3 times a day, nat sulf 6c wet dose in the evening.I have stopped giving her steam as she has no cough.

    Occasionally I am giving her Apple Cider vinegar mixed in water only when she is very much bloated.

    • Joe says:

      You have listed the remedies you are giving her but you have NOT listed how she has responded to them.

      This is essential for me to advise you further as I must know if she still suffers from both GERD and Asthma.

  22. Vdevi says:

    Her cough has come down noticeably.But her constipation is still the same.Her stools are very hard and she has hard time to pass the stools.

    She still coughs every now and then but not like before.Cough is not bothering her in any way.

    • Joe says:

      I have been patiently responding to 27 of your posts up to today and feel that I am only wasting my time with you as you do not seem able to give me the feed back about your daughter even after I protested about your careless attitude which you admitted is your fault in your post of July 27.

      It took me a long time to diagnose the reason for her persistent cough which I finally discovered was due to Asthma.

      I regret that I cannot continue to waste my time on your reports and if you still wish to have any advice from me in the future for your 3 year old daughter, please request your husband to report to me as I will not respond to your posts.

  23. Vdevi says:

    It’s fine if you don’t want to talk to me.I know how to take care of my daughter.Thanks for whatever you have done so far.My husband has no idea what’s going on with our child.He is busy with work.

    I will not stop updating this website.I hope it may help someone.

    It is hard for the doctors to diagnose asthma in kids younger than 5 years.When we went to doctors office initially 3 months back, they tried nebulisation on the spot.She didn’t respond to nebulisation, which made them believe it is not asthma but her cough n constipation continued.After 2 weeks when we went to doctor , she thought it is acid reflux which is making her cough.That’s when I started giving her the homeo medicine given by you..In between I went to doctor twice to report what is going on with her.She thinks acid reflux medicine should treat her cough n constipation and also asked me try nebulisation for 3 months.When I read in internet I came to know that it is one of the method to diagnose asthma, to give asthma medication for 3 months and see if patient gets relief.

    I haven’t given her any allopathy medicine so far.Her cough is almost gone.I believe it is only because of your medicine.Her condition is something that doctors are unable to diagnose.As of now doctor has asked me to give her prisolac with laxative and nebulisation which I m not willing to give.

  24. Shannon says:

    Mr. De Livera,

    I very much appreciate the advice and therapy you give for infants with reflux. I have a 10 week old who was diagnosed with reflux at week 6 and prescribed Prevacid. Prevacid worked initially, but it seemed to cause her even more stomach pain a couple weeks later. I have decided to take her off Prevacid, and have started to follow your default therapy for babies as you posted above (1 tablet after a feeding as she was not responsive to 1/2 tablet, and I take 2 tablets after my meal three times a day). She has been on Nat. Phos 6x for just 3 days, and she still has some symptoms with large spit ups and crying after eating. Is there anything else I can do to help her, or should we just continue as we are with the default therapy? Also, do you know if this impacts my milk supply? Is there anything I can take to ensure my supply is sufficient? Many thanks to you!!

    • Joe says:

      You have already read my therapy for Baby GERD but I shall copy my default therapy below.
      Report progress in 2 days.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too. The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.

      Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk is given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet before a feed and the balance given immediately after, dissolved in milk, but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.

      You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.

      You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

      It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
      Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.

      You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
      Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.

      If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

      • Shannon says:

        Thank you for the advice! I am now feeding her half of a tablet before the feeding, and the remaining immediately after. However, I am not seeing much improvement and we are now 4 days in using Nat Phos 6x. She had one of her largest spit ups this morning and seems to be in a little pain, although maybe not as much pain as before. Is there another remedy I can use in conjunction with Nat Phos 6x?

        How long do I continue the Nat Phos 6x? Should I discontinue use once she improves, which I am confident she eventually will do?

        Thank you again for your response above. I look forward to hearing back about an additional remedy to help reinforce Nat Phos 6x, if you think it would be appropriate.

        • Joe says:

          It is still 4 days since you started on my Nat Phos 6x therapy and it is just under 24 hours since you gave her a full tablet after a feed.

          You can get Nux Vomica 30 in the Liquid DIlution but you will not use it till I give you the OK as it is a powerful remedy and I prescribe it only if the patient does not respond to the Nat Phos which is absolutely safe in use as it is a “Biochemic Cell Salt”. (Google it).

          • Shannon says:

            Hello! I wanted to update you on my baby’s progress with her reflux. We have continued 1 tablet of Nat Phos 6x after every feeding. She still has large spit ups, but it seems the pain is somewhat improving. She does still cry in pain after some feedings, but it is not as bad as before. Will her spitting up improve as well? We have been using Nat Phos 6x for 8 days now. Thank you again for your expert advice, I very much appreciate it!

            • Joe says:

              I feel that it is time to give her Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily.

              The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

              Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
              Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
              Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
              Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
              Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
              Please note that you will give this remedy for a very short time and as soon as she improves you will stop it.

          • Shannon says:

            It seems that my baby is not showing signs of reflux anymore! Thank you for your help!

            • Joe says:

              Glad to note that baby is OK.

              You first consulted me on Sept 10 and I prescribed Nat Phos 6x.
              When you reported that she was still suffering from reflux I prescribed Nux Vomica on Sept 16.

              Please confirm that she improved after she was given the Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose as prescribed.

              You will stop the Nux Vomica now but you will taper off the Nat Phos 6x tablets and only use them in case of need.

  25. Shannon says:

    Correct – she is now doing better after you prescribed Nat Phos 6x and then Nux Vomica. I have done as you said and tapered off the Nat Phos 6x, and will only use it in case of need. Thank you again for your help!

    • Joe says:

      I hope that you have understood that you must NOT give her Nux Vomica which I prescribed on a SOS basis as it is potentized Strychnine.

      Nat Phos 6x is absolutely safe in use and may be given as needed.

  26. Vdevi says:


    I m here just to update on my daughters progress.After no doctor could diagnose what the problem was, I did my own research on internet and found that my daughter had leaky gut syndrome/candida.After I started giving her home made kefir and probiotics she is doing fine.Her bowel movements are back to normal and her cough and sneezes are gone.her bloating has reduced( it was reduced after taking nat phos6x). Now I m giving nat phos only after heavy meals but not regularly.I thought it might be helpful for anyone in. Need.

  27. rebeca says:

    Hello, my name is Rebeca.My son has acid reflux since he was born.We give him enzymes and probiotics but the reflux is still there.I started to give him nath phos6× one tablet after his meal today and I can see he could sleep for an hour now.last night he was in pain and was crying.the acid comes back in his throat even after 4-5-6’7-8 hours from his meal.He is extremelley gassy and wiggling a lot when he is eating or after eating.Can you recomand something for him please? Thank you!

    • Joe says:

      Glad to note that you have read my prescription for Baby GERD and you have:
      “I started to give him nath phos6× one tablet after his meal today and I can see he could sleep for an hour now.”

      You will notice that I have amended my therapy today to give half tablet of Nat Phos 6x before and the balance half immediately after a feed. This seems to help baby better as reported by many desperate mothers.

      I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.

      The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.

      You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.

      You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.

      You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.

      It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
      Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.

      Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.

      You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.

      If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.

      You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.

  28. rebeca says:

    I feed him my breastmilk from a bottle.He is eating 4 ounces 6×|day.He is not gaining weight at all in the last 2 months

  29. rebeca says:

    He is now 8 months old and he weigh 15,11 pounds.

  30. rebeca says:

    I know nat phosp 6× makes you loose weight too so I m not sure if it is good for my baby which doesn t gain weight.what do you think?

    • Joe says:

      Be assured that your baby will NOT lose any weight while on Nat Phos 6x. On the contrary you will discover that he will gain weight in a week when his baby GERDin is stabilized which will in turn enable him to feed normally without reflux.

  31. rebeca says:

    I have hylands Nat.Phos.6×is this ok? How long should I wait and see results with my baby? He is in pain.do you recomand something for pain too?

    • Joe says:

      You first consulted me last January and I shall copy my response to you:
      ” • Joe says:
      January 14, 2016 at 9:54 AM (Edit)
      I had to check Laryngomalacia on Google to know what it was all about and it is no surprise that baby suffers from chronic GERD.

      My default therapy for baby GERD has helped unknown thousands of babies and I am not surprised that he does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x as it is the structure of his throat and neck that is responsible for his current problem which you described:
      “Since he was born he had problems with Gerd.He also has laryngomalacia which doesn t help him with reflux.He also has a cricked neck.”

      It is possible that you may have to consult a paediatric surgeon to help the multiple problems that your baby has been born with and all I can do is to hope and pray that my default therapy for Baby GERD can help him.

      Do not give him the standard drugs prescribed by doctors for Baby GERD which are all in the PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) group and all of which have been ruled as dangerous by the FDA. You can do a search on Google under “The danger of PPI drugs” to realise what other problems will be caused by these drugs.

      You can mail order the remedies in the Liquid Dilution from:

      Washington Homeopathic Products
      1 800 336 1695

      You can also visit your local Health Food store for the remedies as it is very likely that they stock them in your city.

      Feel free to contact me for any advice which I shall be glad to give you both now and in the future.”


      Your baby is now 8 months and it seems to me that my therapy has not helped him due to his laryngomalacia. You will have to consult a good pediatric surgeon preferably in a Children’s hospital where they can carry out the necessary tests and take suitable action to correct this condition.

  32. rebeca says:

    One more thing I want to add:he is moving his body his tummy back and forward almost all the time even when he is eating.He is arching his back.He is crying and he is in pain.Do you think chamomila will help him? I also gave him nux vomica bc he is inpain.I m not sure if is doing good or mot to him.but seeing him In pain makes me desperate.If you prescribe me any remedy tell me where I can buy all these please.Thank you

  33. rebeca says:

    After first day of giving him the nath phos 6× he spit up.He didn t do it in a long while.he has silent reflux.do you think it could be from the remedy?

  34. rebeca says:

    I ve been trying this remedy nat phos 6× before ..when he was 4-5 mintgs old but it didn t work out for him.I haven t tried your dossage .I used to give him 2 tablets with each feeding 6×/day.I gave him for a long time I remember but it didn t work out for him.I also gave him nux vomica but didn t work out.Hope I didn t give him too big dossage

  35. rebeca says:

    I m sorry I m keeping adding info about my baby.He also has eczema on his face and legs.I give him probiotics and enzymes and can control it in this way.After his first shot he had eczema on the back of his head.I stoped giving him any shots imidiatelley.I was so sorry I gave him the vaccine but it was too late.After the vaccine I gave him Thuya 200 c 3 tablets/day for 3 days

  36. rebeca says:

    We were kind of forced to give him the first shot because we wouldn t have any pediatrician dr otherwise.We finally found one dr that doesn t push us with vaccines but it took 6 months to find him..

  37. rebeca says:

    Hi.I think the muscle from his throat is stretched out now.I can t hear the sound from his throat.My guess his acid reflux is the one that botheres hm right now.I was wondering if I can try your therapy to cut down the acid.I don t want to go with prevacid or prilosec.I also know that homeopathy could help stretch out tge muscle if that is still his problem.Do the remedies have to be in the liquid form? I have the tablets formThank you again

  38. rebeca says:

    The dr says the muscle should stretch out by it self in time if the muscle is still the proble.is there any remedy that help with muscles? Also is there a remedy that cann help healing his eshophagus and stomack?Thank you so much for taling your time to answer me.

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