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Dear Doctor De Livera,
I am writing you with the hope that you can guide me to obtain optimal health and I thank pyou for any information you provide.
Age 69.25 years;
Had triple negative breast cancer in 2009, chemo, radiation, lumpectomy.
Height – 4ft 10.5 in. Weight – 165lbs. Gained 30lbs in last 3 months due to stress eating of wrong foods and lack of exercise –all due to work issues.
Live in Connecticut, USA
Health: Blood Pressure – 130/80 . Lipids are good: total cholesterol under 200. Unable to sleep due to worry, get 4 hours sleep.
Itchy acne on face for past week. Do not take allopathic at all, but do take supplements for B12, iodine, probiotics, thyroid, flaxseed oil, krill oil, ubiquinol, zinc, vit d3. Current Vit D level is 48 ng/dl.
Have stopped all supplements since start of itchy acne on face.
I truly believe my Almighty led me to your website while searching for benefits of Arnica 30. I thank you, in advance, for any guidance you can give Dr. De Livera. My prayers are with you.
Dear Doctor De Livera,
I am writing you with the hope that you can guide me to obtain optimal health and I thank pyou for any information you provide.
Age 69.25 years;
Had triple negative breast cancer in 2009, chemo, radiation, lumpectomy.
Height – 4ft 10.5 in. Weight – 165lbs. Gained 30lbs in last 3 months due to stress eating of wrong foods and lack of exercise –all due to work issues.
Live in Connecticut, USA
Health: Blood Pressure – 130/80 . Lipids are good: total cholesterol under 200. Unable to sleep due to worry, get 4 hours sleep.
Itchy acne on face for past week. Do not take allopathic at all, but do take supplements for B12, iodine, probiotics, thyroid, flaxseed oil, krill oil, ubiquinol, zinc, vit d3. Current Vit D level is 48 ng/dl.
Have stopped all supplements since start of itchy acne on face.
I truly believe my Almighty led me to your website while searching for benefits of Arnica 30. I thank you, in advance, for any guidance you can give Dr. De Livera. My prayers are with you.
If I inadvertently submit multiple times, I apologize.
Sincerely, Bobbie
I do believe that if you shed your weight, it is very likely that the majority of your ailments will be stabilized by using the simple therapy comprising Arnica 30c in the Wet dose and Nat Phos 6x as prescribed below.
You will however have to STOP all the supplements you are taking to enable Nat Phos to work on reducing your weight by 1kg per week which it will not do if you continue to take them.
This is a post I made on the ABC way back in 2004 on December 25, the day before the Tsunami hit Sri Lanka, a day which will forever will remain in my mind for as long as I live as I was involved in the Homeopathic after care of the many thousands of survivors immediately after the Tsunami when I was joined by members of Homeopaths Without Borders who sent 6 pairs of International Homeopaths to help care for the survivors.
Basically your therapy will comprise the use of
Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily before meals.
Weigh yourself today before you commence on my therapy and report your weight loss weekly when the standard loss which you can expect and has been reported is around 1kg per week.
You will also do a regular stint of at least 45 minutes of exercise which will be done by you at intensive levels, irrespective of the general feeling of tiredness that you may experience, if you wish to benefit from my Joepathy.
You will also control your diet and avoid fatty fools completely and eat in moderation to ensure that your stomach is filled to comfortable levels.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Report your weight loss weekly when you can expect a drop of at least 1kg per WEEK.
At, I am ready to place an order for
Natrum Phosphoricum pills – potency 6x; size 1 oz; pill size No. 40; and
Arnica Montana -dilution, potency 30C; size 15ml; alcohol 87%.
Am I getting a sufficient amount of both products for the protocol just suggested for me? Please advise and thank you.
In a timely fashion, I will keep you posted on how things turn out. I am anxious to give a testimonial on the success of this protocol for my situation ! God bless you.
Nat Phos 6x is usually marketed in tablet form and I note that you refer to a No 40 pill.
Can you inquired from your supplier if they can supply this remedy in the standard tablet as you will need 250g for use for many months in the future.
I get my stocks from India and the cost of 500g is just IRs 200.
I have been following your writings on various websites and very much appreciate the way you provides relief to many patients all around the world.
I’m writing this for my wife aged 34 Years who suffered very much with the high cough and running nose for last three days. Mucus is not sticky and pale white in color. Throughout the night she was coughing and couldn’t sleep well. She is having issues with cold climates and cannot afford AC while traveling. we tried Rhus tox 30C pellets 3 doses (1 dram medicated pills) and also the Bry 30 wet doses since yesterday with not much relief.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
I have come across your posts on the internet since I have been living off of the information presented there. My baby girl is ten weeks old and weighs 15 pounds. She is 24 inches tall. She was born as a big baby and has been gaining well until recently. She was diagnosed with silent reflux a month ago and was prescribed Zantac, we did not give her any meds until recently. She has started to refuse bottles, screaming all the time. I read about nat phos 6 x and the wonderful benefits it has on babies reflux. However, I would like to ask you how to use it with my baby. She is bottle fed with an organic lactose free formula and eats 7-8 times a day. Should I give her in the bottle? Or after each feed? How much water or milk do I dissolve it in? When do I decrease the dose? Thank you very much for your response in advance. I am so hopeless and would do anything for her instead of giving her the dangerous meds.
Best wishes,
Regina s.
That was my original message. However, as a desperate mother i started to use your advice that you gave to other patients. I was giving my baby NatPhos for 24 hrs after each feeding. I also gave her nux vomica twice during that pertiod. I only did it for a day because she was not eating well the next day and I got scared. However, we went for an internal scan a few days later and they said she has no significant reflux!!!Before that I could hear the acid going up and down her throat and since then she has not had that. We also figured out that her refusal to eat is due to severe constipation and gas. She never burped much or let out gas. I am feeding her an organic lactose free formula that has rice as an ingredient. I am also giving her gripe water after each feed and simethicone drops in the bottle to help with gas. Dear Dr. De Livera, could you give me some advice on what to do with my babys severe constipation> and gas? I would truly appreciate all your help.
I look forward to hear from you.
Best wishes,
Regina S.
” I am feeding her an organic lactose free formula that has rice as an ingredient.”
I hope that you realize that babies at 10 weeks are NOT ready for solids like the rice, as their digestive systems are programmed to only handle MILK.
If you have been giving her the “organic lactose free formula” , it is obvious that this is the reason for her distress and you must revert back to a milk formula.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed to hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:
Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet but if the response is not as expected, you may increase to a full tablet but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
Thank you very much for your reply. I will start giving my baby the half tablet from the next feeding. However, I am not breastfeeding. Can i dilute tha NatPhos in her formula or should I do it in boiled cooled water? How many mls?
I will report her progress shortly.
Thank you very much.
Dear Dr De Livera,
Thank you for your unselfish good work.
I am 67 in relatively good health except for the fact that I have been dealing with Peyronies for the last 2 years. As you recommend I have been taking Arnica 30c in the wet dose for about four months. I recently purchased Thiosinaminum 30c as it is recommended for scarring. Do you think this can be of some help or is there another protocal you can recommend. Thank you.
Respecfully, John
Dear dr. De Livera,
I have started my baby with half tablet of natphos. We are leaving to Europe in two days and I am a bit worried that I will not have proper internet connection. Let me tell you a bit about my daughter.
After we took her home from the hospital, she was nursing constantly. The reason I gave up breastfeeding was that she was constantly pulling off, choking and screaming. It was very stressful experience. I wish I had known better and would have continued. She was spitting up only a bit but was always acidic smell. She was diagnosed w silent reflux. The doctor prescribed zantac but we only started the dose a few weeks ago. We saw some improvements,mostly in her sleep. She was sleeping on her belly, taking three naps,sleeping at night but waking up nicely for feeds. She was barely passing gas and was always hard to burp. Lately, all the old symptoms came back,like not sleeping,arching her back. Her crib sheets had the acidic smell. However, after I tried your method she did not have those wet burps anymore. She started to have less hiccups. She was still refusing feeds but sleeping well during naps. At night after each natphos she started to be more awake send hard to settle down. She was up for an hour after each feed. When I started to use the gas drops in her bottle,she got a bit better. Passing lots of gas and crying only sometimes from it. Bowel movements are whether hard or watery and dark. She also has lots of cramps and wiggles during sleep. She also moves her head side to side before feeding. I am not sure if she really has reflux or colic or gas issues. Last week we had a big ultrasound and they watched her feeding from a bottle. They saw some acid riding in her tummy but nothing significant. However, the doc prescribed even stronger medication.
Dear Dr. De Livera, do you think she has reflux,or tummy pains? Is there anything I can give het besides natphos to help her ease the cramps? Since I will be in Europe I will not have a chance to get all the remedies so would like to get them in case I need them. I just gave her her first foes of half tablet and I did not see any improvement yet. It took me an hour to rock her to sleep. She was up all night and still no nap during the day. She is shaking from tiredness and her eyes are still wide open.
Sorry for all the information I know I have to be patient and wait it out. Thank you for everything.
If you are giving only half tablet Nat Phos 6x after a feed, it does not seem sufficient. Give the balance half immediately after a feed dissolved in milk or water.
Take a sufficient stock of Nat Phos 6x with you when travelling and also get Nux Vomica 30c in the standard pellets to be used if necessary if you find that the NP is not sufficient to help her.
You will use 6 pellets in a 500ml bottle of spring water and a dose is a teaspoon full given twice daily.
If you are continuing with the rice based formula, I hope that you have changed over to another without the rice.
I am adding my advice to another mother which may be relevant for you:
“Nat Phos 6x (NP) is NOT a drug. It is a Biochemic Cell Salt which is very safe to use for both babies and adults . Look it up on Google.
The dosage of NP does not vary with the feed. You should discover almost immediate relief after the first dose as confirmed by anxious mothers whose babies were prescribed the dangerous PPI drugs like Zantac for months previously, which invariably did not help and made a bad situation infinitely worse.
NP is best given with half tablet before a feed and the balance after.”
Dear Dr. De Livera,
The formula we were using was milk based but they had organic brown rice syrup as an ingredient instead of corn syrup. My baby had been on it for over a month. She had better days a few weeks ago,but recently I feel like we went back to the beginning. I gave her natphos only once since she has refused her second feed. She was exhausted from not sleeping all day. So ,please correct me if I am wrong, I give her half tablet before feed and half after. Can I use spring water for her to make nux vomica? I usually boil and cool the water off for her for the bottles but unfortunately I can not take that with me on the plane. Do you think it is safe for her to drink spring water on the plane?
Can I give her anything to improve her sleep? Or the natphos will give her relief in that too?
I am also giving her baby tea between feedings since she is thirsty. The fennel and chamomile tea. Do you think it is ok? Thank you very much.
If baby’s problems stabilize with your current regimen when you are using Nat Phos 6x you can continue but otherwise it would be wise to change over to a regular formula based on milk and there should be many brands in your city.
You may use the water on board the aircraft to make your milk and the Nux V and you will follow the instructions of using just 6 pellets in a 500ml bottle of spring water and you will give a teaspoonful as the dose twice daily.
If baby is thirsty it is best to give just plain WATER.
I am reporting her recent progress. She got her first natphos dosage at midnight before and after feed. She did not cry during feed and burped and let gas out easily. She went down in her bed and brought back some water. Then she wiggled for a while but settled. Woke up later for her next feed, 4 hrs after previous. She seemed hungry. She did not settle after natphos easily. Was not crying,but kicking legs, trying to scratch her eyes out, skin scratching,etc. I had to swaddle her to calm her down. Her nose sounds stuffed,even though it is clean. Will give her nux vomica next time.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
We started a different formula. Baby girl was up all night crying. This morning I could not settle her anyway. She was in sooo much pain. She did not want to go down on her tummy,or side but neither her back. I was holding her with tummy facing away from me and walking around for an hour. When I gave her the bottle,she did not refuse it at all. Got her natphos before and after and was able to burp. I also gave her nux vomica, a teaspoonful. She was very tired but could not settle on her tummy or side. I swaddled her so she can rest better. She still jumps a lot from pain. Are these cramps gonna get better soon? Are they from reflux? I do not hear any wet burps, nor the acid coming up and down her throat. She brought back the water last night and no acidic smell there either. If her reflux clears up meantime, natphos will not irritate her tummy and give her cramps,right? I am sorry but so hard to see such a little baby in so much pain.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
My baby just got her fifth dose of natphos. I started to giving it to her at midnight our time and now it is 2.30 in the afternoon. I am feeding her 3 oz of formula every 3 hours. She took her morning nap but was restless and fidgeting a lot. She slept for an hour and woke up a bit sad but after I put her on her chair she was happy and talking a lot. During feeding she did not refuse the bottle,sucked nicely. She had many burps after. She was fidgety and hyper right after feeding. A little bit of milk came back but only a bit. Did not smell like acid at all. When I am feeding her, I can feel her stomach rumbling inside. I held her upright on the rocking chair for twenty minutes. She fell asleep. I put her in the crib on her side with her pacifier in her mouth that she sucks constantly. I am not sure if it is just a habit or gives her relief. I would like to ask you what should I do with the following feedings? She will eat at least two or three times. Should I give her the last natphos at around the evening feed? I would leave the next feed and give her after? And start a new day from midnight? What would be the dose for tomorrow? The same? I just want to make sure that if I buy spring water like Poland spring is that gentle enough for her tummy to make it into a bottle at the airport? I always boil the water, but will not be able to bring with us. Also should I give her anything to improve her sleep? At least for the night time? I am worried that she is not getting a good rest. I have arnica 30 c at home as well.
In 2011 I had 2-3 endometriomas removed, large cyst on left ovary and 2 small ones on right ovary. No previous history of pain or endometriosis. Surgery was difficult with surgeon having trouble removing left cyst hence left ovary damaged. Took months to recover and took homeopathic remedies to manage pain. Started contraceptive pill 6 weeks after surgery and pain was more controlled though sensitive bladder with feeling of pressure and frequent urination continued.
I stopped taking the pill July 2013 as wanted to conceive. Have been trying to conceive all year with no success with intermittent pain.
Period- dark blood few drops only for few days followed by proper bleed in red.
Had day 21 blood tests, all thyroid, hormones etc normal. Had ultrasound scan last week to find that my left ovary is inactive and is only 2cm big at present, right ovary has 4-5 small endometriomas (max size approx 2cm each, right follicle could be seen with likelihood of ovulation within 12 hours. The uterus lining was 7.1cm which the sonographer thought was a bit under normal. There is also a 2cm fibroid.
The doctor wants to test my tubes next to see if all ok, if so they want to give me drugs to increase egg production to increase chances to conceive quickly to reduce damage by endometriosis. I do not want surgery at all as I don’t trust the surgeon not to damage what looks like my only functioning ovary.
Am very tired all the time with lower back pain last few weeks. Job is very stressful and long hours.
My age is 35, I have no children but am panicking as need to get pregnant quickly before this endometriosis pain and damage gets worse. Please help! Thanks
Dear Dr. Joe De Livera,
I am writing you here (I do not know if it is the correct place to ask you for advice . Please, let me know).
I am Spanish, living in Madrid.
I have got an anal fistula after natural drain of an abscess. The surgeon has told me that the only possibility is surgery.
I found in the internet about your method and I have begun with it. I have been following it for three weeks now. I think I am a little better because the inflammation is smaller. I do not have pain.
The Natrium phosphoricum D6, Silicea D6 and ferrum phosphoricum D6 that I am taking following your prescription were bought in a pharmacy from Schüssler remedies. Please tell me if they are correct.
I am also taking the arnica in the wet dose that you prescribe. I have a doubt with “a capful”; I am taking approximately 125 ml each time (Three times a day). Please advice me if that is correct.
The pharmacist told me I can take a glass of wine at lunch whenever there is at least a gap of two hours with the taking of silicea, arnica and ferrum phosforicum.Please advice me if this is correct. She also told me that I could take a cap of coffee whenever there is a gap of two hours as I wrote before.
How long do you estimate it could take to heal? I am waiting for the surgery (I do not want to) that I estimate will be in 2.5 months. Do you think it will be enough time to heal the fistula following your method?
Thank you very much for your time. I would be very grateful if you could give me an answer to my doubts. I believe in your method!
“I am also taking the arnica in the wet dose that you prescribe. I have a doubt with “a capful”; I am taking approximately 125 ml each time (Three times a day).”
You are overdosing by taking 125ml thrice daily.
The CAP of the bottle usually holds 5ml. You must reduce the quantity per dose to 5ml. which is also about a teaspoonful.
I shall copy the therapy I have pioneered and prescribed to patients who suffer from FISTULA, FISSURE AND ABSCESS of the Anus. The majority of those who have used my therapy aka “Joepathy” have confirmed that they have benefitted from this therapy and many have confirmed that they have been cured.
I shall note the Remedies prescribed below:
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose a capful of the bottle taken thrice daily to increase the flow of blood in the body which in turn will help to rebuild the tissue.
Silicea 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to expel the pus from the lesion.
Nat Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily after meals to soften the stools.
Ferr Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to improve the quality of the blood to help heal the lesion.
Antibiotic Ointment like Polyfax or equivalent which is used internally on the tip of a gloved finger inserted into the anus after every bowel movement to keep the bacterial count as low as possible in the lesion.
Do not use toilet paper after a BM. Use a Hand Spray device instead available at Wal Mart which is a DIY fitting.
No Alcohol, Red meat, Coffee and Sausages, Ham and Bacon as they are loaded with Saltpeter. No canned beverages like Coke. Do not eat hot (Chillie hot) food if you live in India.
Drink at least 3 ltrs water daily and exercise moderately.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml bottle in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
“I have got an anal fistula after natural drain of an abscess. The surgeon has told me that the only possibility is surgery.”
You will prove that your surgeon’s statement is WRONG in a few weeks.
Dear Dr. Joe De Livera,
Thank you very much for your answer.
I still have a doubt:
The Natrium phosphoricum D6, Silicea D6 and ferrum phosphoricum D6 that I am taking, following your prescription, were bought in a pharmacy from Schüssler remedies. Please tell me if they are correct.
This manufacturer advices to take them by putting them under the tongue like candies. Please, tell me if this is correct.
Thank you very much for your time.
Best wishes,
My name is Jesús (Spanish, living in Madrid).
I have another question for you. In this case it is about my mother. She is 76 and has got knee arthrosis in her left knee. If she is a certain time on foot or walking her knee gets inflamed with pain.
What can she do? Do you have a solution for her problem?
Again, thank you very much for your time. I would appreciate very much your answer.
Best wishes,
I shall copy below my default therapy for Arthritis which has helped many patients who were on a daily dose of various analgesics which only served to deaden the pain temporarily but not CURE the condition. Some patients have reported that they experienced relief from the pain they suffered for many years in the short space of just 48 hours and it is my hope that you too will experience this same blessed relief from your pain.
The 2 remedies are:
Argentum Metallicum 6c
Arnica 30c
Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between remedies.
You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
What is the effect of saltpeter and coffee on arnica 30c and argentum metallicum 6c? Don´t they work if the person takes coffee or foods containing saltpeter?
Is it possible to heal completely with the 2 remedies?
I hope my mother feels better soon.
Thank you very much for your time. I would appreciate very much your answer.
“What is the effect of saltpeter and coffee on arnica 30c and argentum metallicum 6c? Don´t they work if the person takes coffee or foods containing saltpeter?”
Saltpeter is a preservative used in meat products like sausages, ham and bacon and will antidote ALL Homeopathic remedies instantly.
Coffee has the same effect.
You cannot expect me to prophesy whether or not my therapy will help your mother’s Arthritis even before she uses it.
I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:
Your remedies are:
Bellis Perennis 30c
Apis 6c
Arnica 30c
All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.
You are advised to follow the dosage pattern below:
7 AM Bellis P
8 AM Apis
9 AM Arnica
7 PM Bellis P
8 PM Apis
9 PM Arnica
Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.
Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.
Report your response in a week and after your next period.
You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.
Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
I regret that I cannot answer each of your questions as it takes too much of my time.
I am NOT a professional Homeopath and am 85 years of age and established my Website to share my therapy with others like you who may wish to benefit from my therapy aka “Joepathy.
I have prescribed the therapy that has helped many patients and you will please follow it and report your progress in a few months after you have had another US Scan to verify if my therapy has helped you.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
My baby finished the natphos treatment and I am sure that she is reflux free. However, she still has digestive problems, letting out smelly gas and cries sometimes doing that. We are using only the milk based formula now. It has been two nights that she has nit slept more than two hours. She is wide awake, kicking strongly with heels and moving hands. When we try to soothe her or rock her she starts screaming. If we put her drown and out of her bed she is happy but very hyper and restless. Her nervous system seems to be off. What can we do! We r leaving for the plane ride soon. Thank you.
“My baby finished the natphos treatment and I am sure that she is reflux free”
Glad to learn that in just about a week your baby has responded positively to my therapy, in time for her first flight on a plane.
You will of course be taking the Nat Phos 6x just in case you have any incidents on board. Take the Nux Vomica 30c in the pellets and in the unlikely event of her presenting any problems you will dissolve just ONE pellet in about 20ml water which is roughly about half a glass and you will give her just one teaspoonful. It is best to give her the Nat Phos 6x as this will not present any problem to give it to her on board.
Remember to give a feed when the plane is taking off and is landing as the sucking action helps to clear the airways and sinus and prevents her getting the standard blocked ears which we all have to contend with on a plane.
Keep in touch when you can and I wish you and your baby a pleasant flight.
Firstly I must thank you for your time again.
I recently consulted you regarding my hair fall and as I have already said on the hair loss webpage of yours, your amazing joepathy has helped me very much.
Today I am writing to request your advice for my 3.75 year old daughter.
She is down with fever. I assume its viral fever. She came down with it by late evening, so I could not get her to a doctor.
She has had viral fevers in April, June and now in August.
I have been reading your website over the past few days and noticed that you recommend eupatorium perf 200c for increasing resistance.
Is it advisable for a toddler as well sir?
Also in June and now, during the time when my daughter has fever, she complains of severe pain, especially in her legs – knees mainly. And her knees will b quite warm to touch even if the other parts of her leg are cold. In June while she had temperature, she could not even walk.
When I consulted the paediatrician in June he said its due to a calcium deficiency. And later on when I mentioned this to a homeopath, she said that its a symptom of the viral fever these days.
Do you have any suggestion or remedy to help her with this?
I am a bit worried that she is falling ill so often now, which wasn’t the case previously.
I am really grateful for your time. I respect and admire your dedication to joepathy and your efforts to help thousands of people like me. I believe its a gift from God, your purpose of this birth is to give joepathy to mankind.
I am glad to note that you have read the many cases on my Website and that you already know the therapy I prescribe for Viral Infections.
Go ahead with Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose and you can give a capfull or 5ml to your daughter every 2-3 hours. It is perfectly safe for her at 4 years of age.
This remedy will help to build up her resistance to Viral infections.
Thank you for your kind words which are appreciated.
They contrast diametrically with an insulting post I have just responded to from a woman who goes by the pseudonym ‘rya’ who demands that I respond to her inane questions.
Thank you very much for your prompt reply sir. I will start eupatorium perf 200 tomorrow as soon as I can get to the store.
Could I please present my baby’s problem to you as well. I do not wish to take up much of your precious time. But I read many of your posts and could not find a similar condition being remedied.
Both my kids suffer from extreme lactose intolerance
My daughter grew out of it at 3.5 years of age. But I had to breastfeed her after going on a dairy free diet myself. This was too hard for me since even if i ate a piece of bread with milk or butter as an ingredient, it will make her bloated and she won’t be able to settle or sleep.
Now my second child is 6 months old and he is also the same. I am currently breastfeeding him and I am on a dairy free diet. He also has eczema for which I read that your default therapy is arnica 6c, although I am not sure if its advisable for a baby. He is currently taking Ayurvedic concoction for eczema which had helped him tremendously. I only came upon your site in detail after my hair loss and unfortunately did not read about arnica 6c before starting him on ayurveda
Anyway sir, I read on one of your posts about Nat Phos 6x being given after every feed for lactose intolerance. Can you please suggest a remedy for my son as well? Just to reiterate he is extremely intolerant in that even if I eat a biscuit with milk before feeding him, he will cry and scream in pain.
I have to say that I am extremely grateful for this website. Its like a joepathy textbook and my main past time now is to read the vast amount of remedies and cases on here.
I pray to God to bless you with even more health and a long happy life.
Please note that Eupat Perf is NOT for daily use, even in the Wet dose. You will STOP giving it as soon as your patient shows signs of relief and the temperature and malaise are stabilized.
Lactose tolerance will respond to Nat Phos 6x and you can give 2-4 tablets to an adult or 1 tablet to a baby safely. NP is NOT a drug and is absolutely safe in use.
Look up “Biohemic Cell Salt” on Google.
Be warned about Ayurvedic drugs as it is not impossible that the instant response you discovered in your baby’s Eczema may be due to Steroids which are mixed into the concoction.
I am glad to note that you are making a study of my Website which I established to enable me to share the therapies I prescribe, many of which I have discovered and some of which I use myself like Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which I am convinced is the reason for my existence in this world which I owe first to God and to Arnica which I have taken nightly since 1996.
I advice you and anyone who is over 40 years to follow my example.
Dear Sir,
Once again thank you ever so much for your time and patience in helping a stranger like me.
I will stop eupatorium perf as soon as my daughter is better. But as read in your other posts I was hoping to continue it once weekly for a couple of months to increase her resistance. Hope that is ok.
Is it adviceable to give her a weekly dose in the winter season or when she starts school to boost her resistance?
The Ayurvedic doctor is very reliable. And his family is renowned for treating infants for seven generations. After reading through many of your posts, I understand that if I am to follow your therapy, I will have to stop other drugs. In that case, I will have to stop ayurveda and start arnica 6c for his eczema as well along with the Nat Phos 6x.
Could you please tell me the dosage of the wet dose of a six month old baby? His eczema is under control now and his skin is mostly ok.
I also have one more question sir.
I read that Nat Phos 6x dosage should not exceed 6 tablets in a 24 hour period. My son who is breastfed feeds on an average 9-10 times in a 24 hour period. So I am assuming that I start him off with half a tablet after each feed, so that I do not go beyond the recommended dosage. Is this ok sir?
I am already taking arnica 30c wet dose for hair loss. And I have introduced it to my mum, husband and aunty’s family, all of whom are benefitting from a good night’s slumber and I notice that I also have much more energy which wasn’t the case previously after waking up at night to feed my son.
Thank you once again and my sincere prayers for you and your family.
i have bought the arnica 30c in pellet form. In order to take it as a wet dose can i buy ethanol from the pharmacy and add it to the dissolved pellets to make it a wet dose.
Please read and UNDERSTAND how to make the Wet dose of any remedy which I have already given you in my last post:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Respected Dr. Joe
My daughter Ms. AKANKSHA SHARMA, 20 years(unmarried) studying in a college was having pain during menstruation periods for last 2-3 years.
In january2014 she was diagnosed with Endomeriosis cyst ( Choclate cyst) in both Ovaries of size10x8x8cms and 6x6x5cms(multi septate) through MRI scan. Laproscopy surgery for (operative laproscopy with adhesiolysis with endometrioma with bilateral ovarian cystectomy done) in January, 2014.
She was administered Lupride 3.75mg injection( Leupride Acetate 3.75mg) after laproscopy and another injection one month later. Calcium tablets have been prescribed.
In July2014 again endometriosis cyst in Rt Ovary was diagnosed through Ultrasound. Again Lupride 3.75mg injection given in July 2014. Also advised early marriage.
One Gyne Doctor had advised contraceptive pills to be taken regularly for 63 days then stop for 2-3 days and again take the pills daily continuously. The main purpose is to stop the menstruation cycle or limit the same to 2-3 times a year so that the endometriosis of ovary does not increase. It has been given to understand that there is no cure for endometriosis in Allopathic system and it will reoccur. Emdometriosis cyst will have a tendency of reoccurrence if menstruation is not stopped. All these are hormones to suppress menstruation only and have side effects also viz., lowering bone density, wt gain,,depression , joint pain, breast changes etc etc.,.
I am attaching MRI scan, (before laproscopy) laproscopy procedure, Lab test of cyst, CA-125 test results, Ultrasound scan of July2014.
Kindly advise on homoeopathic treatment. We do not want to go in for allopathic hormones/medicines.
Regards and thanks,
Shimla, Himachal Predesh, INDIA
I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:
Your remedies are:
Bellis Perennis 30c
Apis 6c
Arnica 30c
All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.
You are advised to follow the dosage pattern below:
7 AM Bellis P
8 AM Apis
9 AM Arnica
7 PM Bellis P
8 PM Apis
9 PM Arnica
Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.
Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.
Report your response in a week and after your next period.
You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.
Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
I just wanted to let you know that my 4 year daughter is doing much better now after four wet doses of Eupatorium perfoliatum 200 yesterday.
And my six month old son is sleeping so much better than what he did in the previous few months. He has been a gassy baby who is very hard to burp and this has improved a lot in a day where I gave him eight doses of Nat Phos 6x – half tablet each.
I am not sure if his lactose intolerance is cured as of now. But I will drink some tea with milk tomorrow before feeding him and report tomorrow. Previously that would give him a very bloated stomach and I will have a screaming baby who can’t sleep.
Thanking you once again for your time and advice. And since prayers for you and your family. I cannot say how grateful I am for this website and your immense knowledge that you share so freely.
Joe I don’t understand the wet dose, do you pour the alcohol on to the arnica pilules then put into the water,
is it possible to reply to my e mail address, I have trouble finding your answer on here.
sorry dR, In uk we usually use first names
I had a stroke 3 yrs ago, was at first making good recovery, then after a uti from which I recovered, my dr gave me more antibiotics, for a year I have been going down hill ,started with a pain in my stroke side arm til now really bad spacticity pain from my neck to my foot, I can hardly walk pain 24 7 I want to try your remedy, please advise me.
I do wonder why you hesitate to use my therapy and keep on going around in circles to use my therapy.
You do not have to use alcohol on the pellets. You will use just 6 pellets in a 500ml bottle of spring water. Tap water too can be used after BOILING to release the chlorine which antidote the homeopathy instantly.
Looking back on the many (6) posts you have made up to now and my responses to them, I feel that I am just wasting my time in trying to help you as you have not even started on using my therapy. You seem obsessed in continuing to question my original instructions to use the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol which I have patiently explained to you is not essential, as you stated that you have got the remedy in pellets.
If and when you start using my therapy, you may post again to report your response but I shall not respond to your inane questions till that time.
sorry Dr,
I have put 6 arnica pellets in the 500ml bottle of spring water after pouring out 3cm of the water and then shaken vigorously, I hope this is right I am in such pain maybe that is why its longer to grasp your remedy.
sorry again Dr
Joe, I am in the uk, ive been told ethanol is whisky or vodka, do I put drops of this onto the arnica pilules,
I am confused about how to make this remedy before adding to the spring water.
You have wasted my time and yours as I find that you first consulted me on March 13 for your stroke:
““hi mr livera I am a stroke surviver 72 in a lot of right side pain I can t seem to get ethanol in alcohol in the uk,
advice please ?”
I have tried to help you but you did not seem to understand my therapy and kept bungling along and you stated yesterday:
“dr livera, I have tried the remedy for several days, I am still in bad pain where can ibuy the remedy in alcohol”
It is very likely that my therapy cannot help you as you have already used it and discovered that it did not.
In the circumstances, you are advised to consult other physicians to help you as I cannot continue to do so in the future.
My daughter is still having issues with GERD and the Nat Phos doesn’t seem to be helping is there something else I can do I really don’t want to give her what her doctor prescribed.
“My daughter’s projectile vomiting got so bad we took her to the ER and they diagnosed her with pylorci stenosis and she had to have surgery but even with that fixed she still has the silent GERD.”
This may be the reason for not responding to my Nat Phos 6x therapy as she seems even now to be having some problem in her digestive system.
You may add Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose given twice daily and see if it can reinforce the action of the NP.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
I first contacted you on 03Aug2014 about weight loss. I am reporting back to you sooner than you suggested because I have a few questions.
I am Barbara, the 69.25 year old who weighed in at 165 lbs on 03Aug2014. I had ordered the Arnica 30c ethanol but have not yet received it. So I used 6 tablets of Arnica 30c in 500ml spring water to get started until the ethanol version gets to me.
I received my order of Hyland’s Nat Phos 6x on Wednesday (05Aug).
Here are my questions:
For Nat Phos 6x I am taking a total of 9 tablets — 3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals. I noticed from reading your remedy to others that the dose is 2 tablets. My guess is that, for my situation, you prescribed a higher dose. Correct?
Until i receive the Arnica Dilution (ethanol), is it permissible that I use the tablets-in-spring-water remedy? I take a teaspoonful before morning and evening meal.
I am very happy to report: I went from 74.8kg (165lbs) to 72.8kg (160.4lbs)!
I am looking forward to starting the Arnica30c ethanol Wet Dose to gain optimal health.
Thank you taking your hobby and turning it into research that helps thousands of people. Thank you standing up for yourself when you are criticized for your theories and for being strong enough to investigate further when you learn of positive off-effects of a treatment from users.
As I close this note, I ask God for continued blessings on you and your loved ones.
Your report of having lost 2kg in just 4 days is indeed an event for celebration and it does make me happy to know that my “Joepathy” has helped you to do so. I would prefer however that you do not lose weight so rapidly but if you do not suffer from any after effects you may continue with the high dose of 3 tablets after every meal. You can reduce it down to the standard 2 when you wish to slow down the rate of reduction but it is essential that you follow my therapy aka “Joepathy” precisely as prescribed. I would appreciate if you will keep me posted with your weight loss weekly.
You may use the standard pellets of Arnica 30c till you get the Liquid Dilution.
You have obviously followed my progress on my own Website and also perhaps on the ABC and if so you would have read of the recent debate that I was involved in on the ABC forum with David Kempson.
David seems to have left reality for some nebulous level of existence today as he seems to feel that it is only through his own interpretation of Homeopathy that a patient can be helped. I do pity his monopolizing the use of standard Homeopathic remedies available in almost everywhere in the world and referring to them with the condescending “our remedies”, whereby he precludes the use of these same remedies by people like me who have helped so many patients and CURED the majority which record he does seem to pitifully lack.
You are invited to read about the Banerji Protocol Debate on the link below:
I have a 6 week old baby who has been suffering from reflux since he was 2 weeks old. It has gotten progressively worse and I am desperate for some help. I saw your therapy for Nat Phos 6X and am wondering if you think it will help him. He arches his back, screams through a bottle, fights taking the bottle, will not sleep even though he can’t keep his eyes open, screams inconsolably, wants to eat ALL the time, coughs and sometimes chokes after a bottle, spits up occasionally. We have switched him through a number of formulas to see if that was the issue – he is on Similac Soy now, but still having issues. Our pediatrician is a naturopath and recommended a number of treatments but I have seen the amazing results that have worked quickly with the Nat Phos 6X. My pediatrician recommended trying slippery elm for him, but he hates the taste and spits it all out when I try feeding it to him. Also a question in regards to your therapy – you say to dissolve the Nat Phos 6X pellet in milk after a feeding – the “milk” you are referring to is formula, correct? My baby boy is 8 pounds 11 ounces and 21 inches long.
I note that you do not breast feed baby and that he is on Similac today. I would prefer that you change over to a standard milk formula ASAP as the Soy product falls far short of the essential ingredients that a baby needs for growth.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed to hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:
Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet but if the response is not as expected, you may increase to a full tablet but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
We currently have him on soy because we tried him on Enfamil Newborn, Enfamil Gentlease, and Similac Alimentum. All of which he did awful with. The Alimentum my pediatrician believes he had an allergic reaction to which is why we have put him on the soy. I am very apprehensive
Of changing his formula since he has done so well on the Soy. My pediatrician does think he has a milk intolerance.
I do want to clarify on your treatment that I give him a bottle and then give him the Nat Phos dissolved in like an ounce of warm formula after his bottle? I obviously won’t take anything since I am not breastfeeding. Thank you for the clarification.
I had written,with a problem of mine,pardon me to ask ,as I am not Tek savvy.i have lost the mail ,and I don’t know ,if you have answered it…..I am not able to retrieve it…sorry for the trouble.
Dear Sir,
Iam Male 30 years, Profession : IT Professional.
Iam suffering from Ankylosing Spondilities since 18 long years.
Blood Report says that Iam HLA B27 Negative and RA Test Negative.
Also my X-Ray Reports says following
“CONCLUSION:Facetal arthropathy and sclerosis at multiple levels in lumbar spine.Changes of bilateral hip joints arthritis and bilateral
sacro-ilitiesWhiskering (enthesopathy) at bilateral greater troachanters and anterior inferior iliac spines.To rule out ankylosing spondylitis.”
But I have gone to 2 -3 specialists and they say that it is Ankylosing Spondilities (Though the Blood reports & X-Ray rules it out). I take Dicofenac Sodium 50mg + Paracetamol 500 mg every day. If I do not take it I cannot go to office such is the servere pain.
I cannot sit leg crossed. I have gone through various posts and Today I have bought Argentum Met 6C and Arnica 30C and started taking it as per the instructions you had laid down. I believe that as others are getting benefited by Joepathy, I will too. Also My B.P is high 167/90 all the time and I have GERD.
Anything else you suggest Sir ?
God Bless you for helping so may people.
I am 32 years old male suffering from tenderness and pain around the liver area from many years (8 years) along with
1-very itchy skin
4-Loss of appetite.
5-severe constipation
6- swell Liver
My Ultrasound and LFT reports are ok. I am using Lycopodium 200 which is giving me little relief but still i am suffering from above conditions. I feel much relief in above symptoms when intensity of liver swelling came down. Please suggest.
Do you do any exercise at all?
You will have to make up your mind that you will do so on a regular basis if you wish to be cured of your current afflictions which medicine will not succeed in doing.
Where do you live and how did you locate my Website?
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your time. some one from abchomeopathy forum has referred me this website. I am an IT Engineer from Pakistan. I have no regular habit of exercise but as per your suggestion i will start it on regular basis. please find below the required data.
Personal Information:
Full Name:
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Weight: 70kg
Height: 6 feet
Blood Pressure:120/80
Color of Tongue:pink-white
Occupation: Engineer
Optional Information:I got your website information from abchomeopathy
Country: Pakistan
Phone: +923216320923
(With city and country codes)
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- Tenderness/pain around the liver area
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Patient Description:- Constipation, burning sensation on liver, felt swelling on liver, no desire to pass stool, hair loss, itchy/sclapy sensitive skin with red rashes specifically on head and face, eyes become red
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
Cause of your disease / Problem:ultrasound are ok, LFT is ok but i feel burning pressure on liver. I have consulted many doctors but they are saying it is IBS. they given me PPI’s which gave temporary partial releif but disease is still there with same impact.
(If you don’t know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints: 8 years
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
c.Stool test—Normal
Comfortable Position:- laying on bed and drinking cold water gives me releif
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:-I feel as heat is coming out of my body, eyes became red, in sitting position i feel very discomfort as i feel burning pressure and tenderness on liver, acute constipation during worst state of disease.
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
Change of Weather:- feel comfortable in cold weather
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:- feel comfortable in cold environment
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time: no specific time.when swelling decreases i feel comfortable. After passing stool i also feel much comfortable
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time:
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Thirst:- high
(How is your thirst?)
Appetite:- low
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a.protium/Espra (Allopathic)
b.Lycopodium 200, Bryta crab 30c,Natrum Phos-6x (Gives releif)
c.Chelidonium-Q, Causticum-200
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol?no
Are you a smoker?no
Are you fond of drinking tea? once daily
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? yes
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? Carnivore
How is your bowel movement? constipated
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? slim
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? yes
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? keloid on chest
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a.Throat infection (recorring from childhood)—for treatment i usually take antibiotics
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
a.I was vaccinated for Hepatitis few years back.
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
Glad to learn that you have already taken my advice about regular, if possible DAILY exercise, which I presume you read about on my Website.
At age 32 you are fortunate that you were given the first warning by your own body that you were abusing it and i hope that you understood that this was the cause of:
“Constipation, burning sensation on liver, felt swelling on liver, no desire to pass stool, hair loss, itchy/sclapy sensitive skin with red rashes specifically on head and face, eyes become red”
You will also drink at least 3 ltrs of liquids daily to enable your body to digest and pass your stool comfortably.
I shall copy below my default therapy for GERD:
It is very likely that you suffer from Hyperacidity or Gastritis, aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) and I shall copy my default therapy that has helped hundreds of patients to overcome this disease for which doctors usually prescribe PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which are dangerous and can cause many other more serious problem when used in the long term.
You will hopefully discover that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will help you within 24 hours after you have taken your first dose after a meal.
The remedies you will order are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 2-3 tablets taken immediately after each of 3 meals.
This remedy accelerates the passage of food down the gut and prevents the formation of acid which would otherwise reflux causing GERD.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
This remedy works to repair the damaged Esophagus which has metastasised to resemble the gut to deal with the Hcl refluxed into it causing severe distress. Arnica works with the Nat Phos to speedily cure the problem.
You can also take a PROBIOTIC like Bifilac daily. A Probiotic will help by changing the balance of the Bacteria in the gut and will contribute to your cure and help to ensure that your problem does not recur. After your problem with GERD is stabilised you can take the Arnica in the Wet dose nightly before bed and the Probiotic daily for life. You do not need to take Nat Phos daily but you will keep a stock to be used whenever you feel uncomfortable after a meal when you will take 2-3 tablets as necessary.
Please observe the following simple rules:
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
First of all, I would like to congratulate you for the selfless service you are rendering to the citizens of the world.
I have a couple of queries – I hope you have the time to answer them.
1. A dry dose is 6 pellets taken orally. So 2 doses in a day would mean 12 pellets in a day. You have suggested that to prepare a wet dose, 6 pellets can be put into a 500 ml bottle of water and one wet dose is 5 ml (or one tablespoon) from this bottle. So the 500 ml bottle would last for 100 doses or 50 days(approx) if taken 2 times a day. I am not able to understand this. How one dose of 6 pellets in dry form is the same as 100 doses in wet form. Sorry if I am being really stupid and I have missed something.
2. I have retro calcaneal spurs on both my heels. My heels hurt a little when I wake up in the morning but it is tolerable and after a few minutes it is alright. Although there is very minor pain in the heel while walking during the course of the day, for the most part I am able to ignore it. I play table tennis daily for 1 hour wearing a sports shoes and I do not have much discomfort. I am a bowler and I play cricket almost every weekend and after the game my heels hurt a lot. Can you suggest homeopathic remedy in wet form. I can easily purchase the remedies in liquid dilution.
3. To use as a general health care tonic, I purchased liquid dilution Arnica 30c and also a bottle of spring water and poured out some water to leave some air at the top. The liquid dilution bottle (11 ml) comes with a dropper at the top and I accidentally poured 4 drops instead of the 3 you recommended. Is this alright? I plan to take it twice daily, once in morning after 30 minutes of bfast and 1 at night just before going to bed. And after 1 month, just at night. Is this alright? Do I have to take any precautions while storing the 500 ml bottle? I have presently kept it in an oil tray in my kitchen and it has no direct sunlight. Is this alright?
Sincere thanks for your time sir and I wish you a happy and healthy life.
It is only when the Liquid remedy in Ethanol is not available that I reluctantly OK the use of the pellets which have already been activated with the remedy by the vendors. The disadvantage in using the pellets is that there is no control in terms of how much of the Ethanol remedy has been used to activate the Lactose pellets.
You have not stated your age but the fact that you play Cricket which I too used to play about 70 years ago, means that you are in your Twenties. You should soon discover that you will recover very quickly from that feeling of tiredness after a game and I would like to have your comments in a week after you start on my Arnica 30c therapy.
You live in Bangalore and you should not have any problem in getting the Arnica 30c in Alcohol and you will use just 3 drops in a bottle of water. 4 drops is also OK except that you will notice the taste and smell of the Alcohol when you sip a capful of the remedy.
You seem to have studied my Website and I hope that you will pass the information you glean from it to your friends to enable them to achieve a better state of health which I at my age of 85 enjoy today.
I am extremely delighted to receive a prompt response from you. No amount of words can even begin to describe your efforts in reaching out to people voluntarily and by responding to our queries and the benefits we reap from it. Truly hats off to you.
I am very satisfied with your response to pellets vs wet dose and I am completely convinced.
Glad to note that you were once a cricketer, too. I truly believe it is a gentleman’s game. I do not feel any tiredness after a game of cricket; I was actually seeking homeopathic remedy from you for my heel spur and the associated pain. Here is an image of an Xray of both my heels in which the bone spur is visible:
I have a little pain the morning but it is alright after taking a few steps and little or no pain during the rest of the day. Only when I am playing cricket and back home I walk with a limp.
Yes, I have reviewed your site thoroughly and once again I wish to express my gratitude for the work you are doing. I have already notified a few of my friends about your site and one of them has started taking the Arnica wet dose along with me. It has been 2 days so far. I will make sure to post results after a week.
Please help with my heel spur condition if you can.
HI Sir ,
How are you? I am very glad to say that my husband’s blood sugar level got controlled after using arnica30c wet dose. he is more active and energetic now a days . Thank you very much for your therapy.
I want some suggestion for my son of 4 year old , very frequent phlegm cough he suffers. very easily he catches the cold and it start with cough , phlegm and nose blockage. night times cough will be more sometimes he vomits after cough.
I would like to find out if Natphos 6x and Arnica 30C will elevate my blood pressure levels. teh readings are continuously high such as 180/90. the top reading is always above 150. I am taking natphos 6x and arnica 30C pellets for acid reflux. The arnica in liquid dilution is not avaialble in my country . south africa.
My son is following your therapy of nat phos, for silent reflux, and is doing very well. I had to add in nux vomica twice a day but he is doing great.
My question is, is it ok to give both nat phos and nux vomica for an extended period of time. I have tried to take him off them but he does not seem ready
I do not have any record of having treated your son and cannot therefore answer your queries.
I presume that you have read the many cases I have documented on my Website and are using the therapy which I had prescribed at various times in the past and have successfully treated your son for his gastric problems.
If you would like me to advise you, you are requested to state your son’s problems and when you started to copy and use the therapy I have prescribed for other babies.
So just to confirm ( I do not know what EP200 is??)
I am to continue giving the nux vomica twice daily along with the nat phos for a week, then continue with the nat phos but only give the nux vomica one daily and see how things go?
Good morning. Please advise me in the following problem:
I m a male, 58 years, 5 feet 6 inches, 72 kg. For past around six months i m facing a problem in left eye vision. Some smoke type reflection arises in the cornea and it blocks vision. Then i take some ayurvedic medicine for clearance of blocked nerves. The vision clears very slowly in a fortnight but not fully. Then the problem recurs after around a month. ULTIMATELY MY LEFT EYE SIGHT GETTING POORER DAY BY DAY. I m having high BP and taking one tablet daily of AMLODEP AT.
I got my eyesight checked from famous eye hospital and also at PGI Hospital Chandigarh. BOTH SUGGESTED SOME INJECTION IN EYE AND A LASER TREATMENT AFTER THAT. i do not want laser treatment but I wish to cure the problem by HOMOEOPATHY. The hospital doctors say that there is vision behind cornea but due to some vein which is punctured because of high BP, the blood comes behind cornea thus blocking the vision.
Please suggest me some homeo medicine for clearance of vision as well for repairing of punctured vein. My father was also a registered homoeo practitioner. He expired six years ago at 84.
Dear Mr.Joe, i am K.Baskaran, from India, working as a lecturer in private college. On July 2013, i had a hot sensation that spreading from my heart to throughout the body. I met doctor, he told it was a slight BP due to not taking proper rest and food.(the 10 days i used to travel 4 hours daily for an on duty). Normally my diet is very simple. Not take much food. I’m pure vegetarian. I had a now & then burning sensation in different parts of my body. After three days, again my BP gone up to 160/100. i was prescribed pressure tablets. At last i went to my wife’s family doctor, who was around 70 years old, taken all the tests.
Blood Test – Normal
Urine Test- Normal
Throat Scan- Normal No thyroid problem
ECG- Normal
Chest echo- Mitral valve prolapse
Abdomen – one kidney stone- on right side
Finally, he concluded that i’m suffering from Anxiety neurosis. He prescribed
Propranolol 40mg
Pantoprazole 40 mg and
Amitriptyline 12.5mg
after that he withdrew Propranolol 40mg
after that i was still suffered by sudden dizziness, a feeling that someone sucked all my energy. If lying on bed for sometime i somewhat relieved from those things. During this my heart palipatates.
For this i consulted a M,D., general physician, he told that my pulse rate was 102. He prescribed metoprolol 25mg in addition to pantoprazole and libotryb.
height-162cm, wt-54kg
Now the symptoms i have,
i am short temper – if someone didn’t do the work properly i easily get annoyed. Normally i need perfection in works i involved.
1.Sleeplessness – for the last three years
2.Nightmares- bad dreams while sleeping( seeing dead persons of my relatives in dreams)
4.fear – fear of death,(due to the disturbances in the heart) fear of heart attack (after july 2013)
– fear of driving vehicle
– fear to be alone
– fear about feature
5. vomitting sensation
6. i frequently suffered from mouth ulcer( now it is reduced)
7. bitter taste in mouth during the time when i lost all my energy
8. Gas trouble
9. the taste of food in throat i had during belching
11. some kind of feeling i couldn’t able to describe which happens on my hands like energyless.
12. chocking feeling in throat and rarely in heart
13.shortness of breath(now it is rarely occuring)
14.heart burn
15.Pain in the chest,
16.pain in the chest bones,
18.when i feel some disturbances in heart belching will reduce those symptoms(walking also reduces symptoms)
19.high pulse rate
20.Neck pain –spondylitis from December 2013
21.Mitral Valve prolapse
My therapy for MVP is noted below and comprises using Arnica 30c and Nat Phos 6x. Arnica, has the incredible ability of filtering the blood and increasing its flow throughout the body. This increased flow seems to help in stimulating the Mitral valve to close but I cannot understand how this phenomenon does occur and can only quote the cases of patients, at least one of whom was scheduled for surgery 3 years ago to overcome this problem. His cardiologist whom he used to visit every 3 months for the usual check up has informed him reently that he need not visit him for a year. He too cannot understand how a standard case of MVP could have reversed.
Nat Phos 6x will help by accelerating the passage of food down the gut which will help in your cure. It will also reduce your weight by 1kg per week. Dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals. Report your weight reduction.
You will STOP ALL DRUGS as Homeopathic remedies are present in the remedy prescribed at Nano levels which can be antidoted by any drug. You will take a Fish Oil capsule and I would recommend PULSE which is a special Fish Oil extracted from fish in the Arctic Circle which have higher levels of Omega 3.
I presume that you are taking various drugs for your MVP and that you feel tired with pain over the heart. I would appreciate if you will keep me posted with any difference in your symptoms, especially the pain you have experienced over your heart which some patients have reported receded in about a week.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Do you have any swelling of your ankles?
You must exercise on a daily basis to ensure that your body is helped by the increased blood flow which will gradually improve the bodily functions by unblocking the micro capillaries which may be blocked.
You will drink over 3 liters water daily to flush out your system.
I have been suffering from thyroid for the last three years. I got my thyroid levels checked last month. The result is TSH – 0.483. I am taking Euhtyrox 100 microgram tablets once daily before breakfast. I am maintaining balanced diet but my weight is increasing gradually. I am also suffering from Gas problems. A few minutes after meals my stomach becomes tight due to gas. Please suggest a homeo remedy for my thyroid and gas problem.
Your TSH levels at TSH – 0.483 is absolutely normal and I cannot understand the reason why you were prescribed Euthyrox (NOT EUHTYROX) 100mg as reported by you. This is a gross overdose even if your TSH level is high which yours is NOT.
I believe that your problem is GERD and I shall copy my default therapy below:
It is very likely that you suffer from Hyperacidity or Gastritis, aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) and I shall copy my default therapy that has helped hundreds of patients to overcome this disease for which doctors usually prescribe PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which are dangerous and can cause many other more serious problem when used in the long term.
You will hopefully discover that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will help you within 24 hours after you have taken your first dose after a meal.
The remedies you will order are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 2-3 tablets taken immediately after each of 3 meals.
This remedy accelerates the passage of food down the gut and prevents the formation of acid which would otherwise reflux causing GERD.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
This remedy works to repair the damaged Esophagus which has metastasised to resemble the gut to deal with the Hcl refluxed into it causing severe distress. Arnica works with the Nat Phos to speedily cure the problem.
You can also take a PROBIOTIC like Bifilac daily. A Probiotic will help by changing the balance of the Bacteria in the gut and will contribute to your cure and help to ensure that your problem does not recur. After your problem with GERD is stabilised you can take the Arnica in the Wet dose nightly before bed and the Probiotic daily for life. You do not need to take Nat Phos daily but you will keep a stock to be used whenever you feel uncomfortable after a meal when you will take 2-3 tablets as necessary.
Please observe the following simple rules:
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
My wife Anju diabetic having BP and colestrol problems not regular in taking medicines except for suger got messive stroke attack on May 18 2013 the day She arive back from India.
She was provided first aid help within 15 minutes and full fledge medical emergency help in Hamilton General Hospital with in 45 minutes.
Due to messive stroke her brain was swelling too much affecting other part of the brain.
So doctors decided to allow the brain to swell upto its maximum capacity and operated & removed a big piece of skull from rt side.
Still she does not have skull flap on rt side
She remained in hospital about two months during that period many time her position was too critical.
After that she was given rehabilitation phyiothrapy for 3months and she was improving started little walks with help.
In last week of Nov 2013 she got second stroke which was not a massive but her status gone worse. She remained in Hamilton General hospital for three months and then transfered to rehabilatation wing for three months but there was no improvement.
So Finallyy she was transfered to long term care nursing home in last week of Jun 2014.
She has left vision neglect.
She is weak in lft side of mouth. Food particle come out of mouth from left side.
She complains pain in left arm and left leg.
She had stiffened mussles in both limbs arm & leg.
Her leg remains bend from knee. If we try to straight she feels pain too much.
She cannot stand. If try to make her stand her left leg remain in air at least 3-4″ above the ground.
After message for 15-20 minutes it touches the ground but still she can’t put her wt on left leg.
She does not have full control over her boul moments (nature’s call.
Some time she does not swallow the medicine. She keep the medicine in her mouth for long time with water and does not swallow even our frequent requests.
I would be highly greatful if you could suggest some appropriate solution for her case.
I regret to inform you that your wife’s case is beyond help with my Homeopathy and we can only try to keep her comfortable for as long as she lives.
The only remedy that can help her is Arnica 30c in the Wet dose made as per instructions below and given 3-4 times daily. If she cannot swallow the teaspoonful of the liquid remedy you can drip it into her mouth while she is in bed. Arnica will help to filter her blood and will also help her Diabeetes by reducing her Blood Sugar level by at 10-25% in about 6 hours. You will then reduce the dose of Insulin or Metformin to maintain a BS level of 110.
I hope that you realize that this massive damage to her brain was caused by her not taking her prescribed drugs regularly and the last thing that she should have done is to travel alone to India. The fact that she got her stroke immediately after arrival is due to the lack of oxygen when flying at over 35000ft when the oxygen content of the air at that altitude is only 60% when compared to that at sea level.
I do not know how old you are yourself but I would like to request you too to take Arnica 30c at least once or twice daily as a tonic to filter your blood and ensure that you do not face the same problems like your wife.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3-4 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a dose as prescribed.
I believe that you live in NY and would like to know how you discovered my Website.
in addition to above post, I would like to add that my weight is gradually increasing. Presently there is no physio thrapy in the nursing home, no walking no exercise. Only wheelchair is the source of movement.
Dear Dr
My grandson is 2 years old. He’s at present in Mumbai. Since Sunday evening he came down with a runny nose and cough. Cough is severe and non stop and he ends up throwing up, most of it mucus. I read your post that Eupatorium Perforatum 200 can help for runny nose and cough. I asked my daughter to give it to him.
Early Monday morning at 5am he had loose motions and he had high fever of 104F. My daughter gave him Calpol and the fever came down to 101.+F and was constant through the day and night. He was unable to hold anything in his stomach, not even liquids. Dr. did a stool culture test and report showed amoebic and pus cells. Yesterday evening he managed to drink a quarter glass of water and had jam and toast. This morning he had jam and toast. Whenever he coughs he throws up and most of it is mucus. Motions are no longer loose but he still goes after eating. Dr is not happy with the temperature still hovering at 101.+F and now suspects Typhoid and has taken blood for testing. Results will come in this evening at 5pm.
Can you please recommend a remedy which my daughter can give my grandson if the blood test result is positive for Typhoid? Should my daughter continue giving him Eupatorium Perforatum 200?
Would appreciate a reply from you at the earliest. Thank you so much for your help and may you be blessed for all that you are doing for each one of us. Will update you on my husband’s condition in a day or two. He has been taking the Coconut Oil every single day. Am very concerned about my grandson.
If your 2 year old grandson is positive for Typhoid he MUST take the standard antibiotic Ciprofloxacin that will treat it. There is absolutely NO Homeopathy for Typhoid which is a fatal disease if it is left untreated.
DO NOT GIVE CALPOL as it will only reduce the fever with other side effects.
Eupat P will NOT help a fever if it is due to Typhoid. It can only help a fever due to a virus infection.
Please keep me informed of the result of the blood test tonight.
Have you noticed any change in your husband’s Parkinson’s?
Dear Dr.
Thank you for your prompt response. Just got word from my daughter that the report for Typhoid is NEGATIVE. Thank God for that. However, there is a bad stomach infection and the dr. has put him on Flagyl. Is there anything that you can recommend for the runny nose and severe cough? The cough is non stop and he tends to gag and then throw up.
It will be a month on Aug 25. I haven’t seen any change so far in my husband’s condition. However, both of us are being positive that hopefully one day we will see some change. Will keep you informed.
Glad to learn that the report is Negative for Typhoid. This is a disease that is rare and it is not the type of disease that can affect a 2 year old.
If the Flagyl does not work to stop the infection, you may have to give him an IV drip of Saline to ensure that his stomach is rested and in 24 hours his Diarrhoea will be cured as there will be no food to digest.
Bryonia 200c in the Wet dose taken every 3 hours will help his cough. You will have him gargle with a spoonful and swallow it and report if it helps him.
You must know that Pneumonia can also be suspected as a cause of the cough. You will have to depend on your doctor to diagnose this disease by checking his lungs as I cannot do so on my Website.
You will make the Wet dose of Bryonia 200 as per instructions below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Dear sir. I am 24 year old man .I am suffering from rhd mild mr.last 13 year .I put penadura 12 lakh unit injection every 3 doctor say this is mariner but iam not satisfied totally.
I have also high b.p but they cantrol by Madison.
Some time heaviness in my heart
Some time also heaviness in my head
My blood report are normal
My 2d echo report in rhd mild mr
Any terment in homeopathic to cure this problem pls pls sie suggest me…
You are only wasting my time as you seem to be copying the text on the report you have from your doctors.
“I am suffering from rhd mild mr.” “My 2d echo report in rhd mild mr”
What is your blood pressure?
You do not seem to understand English and if you wish to be treated by me, you must get someone who reads and understands English to help you.
Thanks for your time and looking into my situation and responding so promptly. I really appreciates your affort to help the needy people. I also wish to thank u for your valuable advice.
We are living in Hamilton, ON, Canada. I was frustrated by the condition of my wife which is going worse day by day. And in nursing home there is no physio therapy help available. I personally visit her daily for one and half hour and try to give her some massage and try to make her stand some time try to walk her for couple of steps. But situation is being worse day by day. Her leg neither touch the ground nor become straight remains bend at knee joint. Feels too much pain when I try to make straight. Mussles of leg has been stiffened too much. So keeping in view her condition I thought I should try some other thrapies. So I started surfing on internet for homeopathy, homeopathic doctors & clinic. While surfing the net I came accross the ABC Homeopathy. And by Looking into site I came accross the case of Robert Ray who got three strokes from 2000 to 2002 and cured upto 90% by your advise in 2011. I tried to find out some thing more about you. luckily I found a link about your website in google.
Surprisingly Hamilton is oldest city of Ontario Canada near Toronto but there is no homeopathy pharmacy/store in Hamilton. I visited couple of drug stores in hamilton but I could not foud Arnica in liquid form. I could found Arnica 30c in pallet form. I found Arnica gel/cream and Arnica spray locally in normal drug stores. I am wondering if I can use spray or cream whether it can help a little to softed the mussles. I bought one bottle of Arnica 30c with 80 pallets for the time being and will be starting giving her tomorrow onward. If you can provide me link to order online for liquid form it would be greatly appreciated. Definitly I will give updates weekly.
I am presently in my 60es and have no issue with my health. But still I will act on your advice after getting liquid form of Arnica 30c.
You have my sympathies for your wife but there is very little more that I can think of to help her.
She is fortunate to be with you today after surviving the massive strokes she suffered after returning from India which is a trip that she should never have done and that alone.
You can mail order remedies from:
Washington Homeopathic Products
Dear Doctor De Livera:-
Just checking in:- I am the first post for August 2014 (contacts are 03Aug2014 and 09Aug2014) — formerly Barbara, now TYJ and using a computer instead of iPad.
For my situation (weight loss) you suggested Arnica 30c WD twice daily before meals and Nat Pos 6x (3 tablets) thrice daily after meals. I started at 74.8kg, then went to 72.8kg and now 73.2kg. It’s slow going, but I am happy with this progress. I’m watching my salt intake because my BP went from 130/80; then 150/80; now 140/78 (pulse 64). Back in 16Apr2014, BP was 110/66 when weight was 68.9kg.
Current Exercise at your suggestion: Walking, climbing about 100 steps daily, lifting some weights (not often though)
THANK YOU immensely for pointing me to the article on Manioc/Yucca/Cassava for Vit. B17 against Cancer. I am culturally familiar with Manioc; this product will be added to my food intake.
Thank you for suggesting the readings: I already did “Banergi Protocol”, “Arnica The Miracle Remedy”, “The Ultimate Cure for Obesity” – all prior to my first contact with you. In fact, I spent a month reading through ABC (on your name) and of course this current site – all entries. And I am still reading as new entries come online. Thank you for all that you do; you are making history!!
My questions now are: Should I be concerned about my BP? I tend to eat 4 – 5 meals per day. Can I take more than 9 tablets/day of Nat Phos 6x, for example 12 – 15 (based on 3 after each meal)?
I am facing surgery mid-November and will need guidance at that point as to what to take for quick recovery; I will contact you early November about that. I had used Arnica Montana 30c pellets with past surgeries. You are a busy man and I do not need to weigh you down with my issues when there are so many others with dire needs who need your guidance. Thank you again. Continuing to keep you in Prayer.
Glad to know that you have been assiduously reading my posts on ABC and on my own Website as there is a wealth of information in them that can be used by anyone as the source material for a book on “Joepathy”.
I note that you have graduated from an iPad to a computer and I hope that it is a MacBook Air or Pro which is what I am using right now. I have been on the Mac platform since 1996 and prior to that I was on the first IBM PC in 1983.
“My questions now are: Should I be concerned about my BP? I tend to eat 4 – 5 meals per day. Can I take more than 9 tablets/day of Nat Phos 6x, for example 12 – 15 (based on 3 after each meal)?
my BP went from 130/80; then 150/80; now 140/78 (pulse 64). Back in 16Apr2014, BP was 110/66 when weight was 68.9kg.”
You have no reason to be concerned with your BP which is absolutely normal.
Remember that Mahatma Gandhi’s reading was 220/110. He did not die of Hypertension.
You can certainly increase your intake of Nat Phos 6x but I do doubt that it can make any difference to your weight and BP.
Nat Phos 6x is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is absolutely safe in use but you may suffer from a mild Diarrhoea as it is a laxative in large doses.
Respected Sir,
of late i am getting pin feel pricking over the body ,
all my tests were normal, except trjgyclersides and cholesterol, and i am already on Joepathy medicines, i am57 years old ,non diabetic .
please advise thank you , regards aslam
The remedy that can help you is Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack aka Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Please post your response to the Arnica therapy in a week.
I shall copy my default therapy for Acne which I hope can help you.
The remedy that has helped many is Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily orally, and also applied directly on the lesions on the face as often as is possible, to keep the lesions damp.
It is essential that the patient continues to take just ONE dose of Arnica 6c nightly just before bed for at least 6 months after the problem has been resolved as there is every chance that the lesions can return otherwise.
The use of a spray device in which the medicated water can be stored and be sprayed on the acne lesions or the eyelids without directly touching them is best.
You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack aka Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Please post your response to the Arnica therapy in a week.
Dear sir:
I, R.K.De,61 years old indian resident of delhi,india having gone through your case studies on your website, I am pleased to submit my case for your perusal and valued advice.
Case: having angina for the last two years which occurs 2-3 times a day with severe pain while in motion and sometimes at rest and the pain automatically subside after few minutes but sometimes i use sorbitrate if it is acute. I am taking allopathic medicine and for the last two months my both the legs are swelling and last week the swelling has extented to lower abdomen,sack of the testes and penis like hydrocil but no pain . In view of the above your advice is solicited to cure it by your medicine as i want to avoid allopatheic medicine.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily will help your Angina. It will do so by filtering your blood and this in turn will dissolve the plaque in your arteries and you should find that you will not need the drugs you are using to relieve the pain you experience today.
You will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after every meal, thrice daily to help the Arnica to filter your blood.
You will add Apis 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily to reduce the swelling in your legs. You will stop it as soon as you notice that the swelling is reduced.
You will exercise by walking for as long as you feel comfortable to help increase the circulation of your blood in your body.
You will control your diet and avoid all fatty food.
You will drink at least 3 liters liquids daily.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol (Alcohol) pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Hi sir. I am Apeksha. I am 20 years old and a resident of India. I have gone through your therapy for the treatment of hairfall. However, I have certain queries regarding that. For how long should I keep arnica mont q+coconut oil solution in my hair? Am I supposed to make the solution beforehand or mix it each time I apply it?
I have been using this for the past one week but there’s no control in hairloss. My diet, shampoo everything is usual, I dont understand why this is happening. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure that I use it the right way. Is it possible Dr, that it may not suit every skin type?
Looking forward to your reply.
I do not prescribe any oil today and have amended my therapy as below:
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 20 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Respected Dr.Joe,
I acknowledge with thanks for your reply and would comply with your advice and would also like to know whether i should discontinue the allopath medicines while taking your medicine.
I do not have any link to your case on my website. If you have posted your case under another name or on another email address or another computer please use the same name and computer to enable me to advise you.
I am very happy with your suggestion to use arnica 30c an EP200 for my allergic rhinitis and my son’s phlem cough . I want to submit you my case with calcium deficiency .
I am a 30 year lady with one kid .
5 years back while walking i got ankle twisted and got pain in my both the feet for few days. I visited a orthopedic and got x-ray for my leg .He said there is calcium deficiency in both the feet and that is causing the pain. he gave some medicines and ankle pain was arrested.
But from then i am getting pain in feet . i cannot walk immediately after getting up from chair , always getting pain in any one part of feet and some times at knees , shoulders lower back. like that.
Sounds are coming from most of the joints in the body.
I am scared that this deficiency is spreading all parts of the body .
Please suggest me some medicine to get rid of this .
I wish to thanks once again for prompt reply and for your sympathy words as well as for the link for online ordering the remidy.
I have already ordered for the wet medicine. Mean time I had already started giving her 5 pallets 3-4 times a day of Arnica 30C. After reading all about your recommendations and your help to thousands of needy people I got a light of hope in your advice. You are requested to boost my hope in yourself and in homeopathy. I know the condition of my wife is not good. But still I see the hope in your advice. Pllease boost up my moral. So please suggest any other remidy too if You feel any Appropriate. Hoping to hear from you soon. Thanks once again.
“I had already started giving her 5 pallets 3-4 times a day of Arnica 30C.”
You cannot give 5 pellets Arnica 30c 3-4 times daily.
This can cause other serious side effects.
Homeopathy does not work in the manner (more the merrier) that you seem to have assumed.
You may however insert 6 pellets into a 500ml bottle of spring water and you can give it to her 3 times daily.
You can also benefit from Arnica 30c by taking a dose twice daily yourself.
I have taken a dose nightly for the last 18 years. I am 85 and feel 50 and people do not believe my age.
Respected Dr.joe,
I acknowledge with thanks for your reply and would comply with your advise, I would also like to know whether should i stop taking allopath drugs while taking your medicine.
You may continue to take the drugs you have been prescribed for a few days and after you feel that my therapy has helped you, you may then discontinue the drugs but you will use my therapy for the rest of your life.
Please note that Arnica will filter your blood and thereby eliminate the blockage in your Cardiac Arteries which are partially blocked and are the cause of your Angina.
Dear Joe,
My father is 75 years of age he was suffering from chest pain from last month today he has report of his Coronary Angiography which states “cad with unstable angina RCA severe disease”. Dr has said he place a ring into his heart valve or artery to fix this problem. could you please suggest a medicine for him. he condition is really poor at this time.
I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe. I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.
Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
I am 85.
I regret to inform you that you have contacted me far too late to help your dad. His report indicates that his Coronary Arteries are partially blocked and he will have to continue with the therapy prescribed by his doctor.
You may add Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily in the Wet dose to help him.
Does he suffer from any digestive problems after meals like flatulance?
You are advised to take the same Arnica to prevent falling into the same status as your dad in a few years time.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
I am 43 yr old male living in usa. I have been regular follower of your website and have also taken and benefitted from Arnica 30C in wet dose nightly for about 8-10 months and continuing that. I dont have other health issues as such but for last couple months i am struggling with sleep issue, cannot fall asleep and stay asleep. Doctor is prescribing sleep pills. I have tried some over the counter supplements but not much help. Request you to kindly suggest any remedy
You state that you have been taking my Arnica 30 therapy for the last year and that you do still find it difficult to fall asleep.
It is possible that your insomnia may be due to some gastric imbalance and if you suffer from any burning sensation in your abdomen including a feeling of fullness after dinner, you need to take Nat Phos 6x tablets. Dose 2-3 depending on need.
Do report how you respond in 48 hours.
You must also do some exercise like jogging to create the demand in your body for sleep.
No alcohol and NO COCA COLA or other stimulants.
I discovered the amazing qualities of Arnica 30 years ago which I have shared on
I took nat phos 6x 3 tablets after having dinner. got clear bowel movement but did not find impact on sleep. As you have suggested I am doing gym for 30-40 daily in the evening and also 30 min walk in morning that would hopefully help
I hope it is still fine to continue with a capfull of arnica 30 in the wet dose nightly
Respected Dr. Joe.
I would humbly request you to give me some prescription for the following problem: I had been on a holiday and of course had outside food..I suddenly started having a little shortness of breathe and a little bloated after food and had to take deep breathes….Since the breathing which was of and on ,did concern me ,I went to the Dr, and my chest X-Ray, pelvic and even abdomen ultrasound was done. Meanwhile I got Nat Phos 6x (reading all your post ,which I am hooked on to ) 3 tab 3x .
My reports have come and they are all normal.Thank God….But I am still feeling the deep breathe problem and I feel as if I am choking in my throat, and because of this I falsely yawn ,to get the breathe out.
I am along with my husband taking Arnica 30x. as a general tonic since 3 months. I am very active, my age is 58 ,weight 54 kgs
“I am along with my husband taking Arnica 30x. as a general tonic since 3 months.”
STOP taking Arnica 30x as this is not the recommended potency for use as a general tonic. You must use Arnica 30c which is the potency I have used since 1996 and I have taken a dose nightly or more often depending on need.
I cannot diagnose your deep breathing problem and would like to know if you suffer from any gastric problems like feeling full after dinner.
I presume that you exercise regularly to make you sweat and that you also drink over 3 liters liquids daily.
Dear Dr. Joe,
Thanks for your prompt reply, ..I am sorry,that I wrote Arnica 30x. I .doubled check it, as I got it from India,and it is Arnica 30C….Since I did feel a little bloatedness, I started taking Nat phos 6x.
People like you do not deserve to be treated by me as you have been responsible for giving me unnecessary cause for anxiety as a result of your carelessness in stating:
“I am along with my husband taking Arnica 30x. as a general tonic since 3 months.”
Please do not bother me in future as I shall not waste any more time on treating you.
Hi Joe:
My son is now 8 years old in Sept. He was diagnosed of acid reflux a few months ago because he contiunes to have hoarse voice. I used some prescription anti-acid drugs from doctor but it won’t help his symtoms. Can you please let me know how I should treat him for his age?
Thanks a lot,
Hi Joe:
My son is now 8 years old in Sept. He was diagnosed of acid reflux a few months ago because he contiunes to have hoarse voice. I read some posts here and in your website. Can you please let me know how I should treat him for his age? I used some prescription drugs from doctor but it won’t help his symtoms.
Thanks a lot,
I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe. I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.
Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
I am 85.
Sorry, Dr. Joe De Livera:
I am from US not sure how I should say a respecful name for you. I truly respect you and your treatment from my heart.
I have given 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x with 2 tablets of Arnica Montana 30x three times a day to my son for his hoarse voice . Should this all right? It has been 2 days I didn’t see much improvement in his voice, but I will contintue the treatment.
For Arnica currently I only bought tablet in local store. Can I dissolve it in the Spring water or I must have the Ethanol pack?
I have ordered a liquid form of Arnica will probably recieved it next week.
Thanks a lot for any suggestions from you.
It took me some time to figure out what you were talking about and I see that you have also posted on the ABC and indicated that you wish to use some variation of Arnica to help your son who has a “hoarse voice”.
You did mention that his problem was diagnosed as GERD and I prescribed my default therapy for GERD on the ABC which I note has not been followed by you as you are giving your son
Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after meals.
This is OK but you cannot give him Arnica 30x three times daily as this is not what I prescribed. You cannot use remedies blindly for any reason and you must use the Arnica 30c ONLY.
You will STOP the Arnica 30x IMMEDIATELY.
If you cannot get the Liquid Dilution, you may use the standard pellets and make the Wet dose with just 6 pellets in a 500ml bottle of spring water.
I shall be away from Colombo for a few days from tomorrow and the time here is almost midnight.
Please do not experiment with Homeopathic remedies as they can be a source of danger if used in a manner that is not prescribed.
My son was diagnosed as Acid Reflux because his hoarse voice. Actually the hoarse voice is his only symptom and he has this for several years. What is your suggestion for curing the hoarse voice?
I will stop the Arnica 30x and try to buy Arnica 30c soon.
If you have other suggestions of healing his hoarse voice, please let me know.
Thanks a lot,
I am Vinay from Bangalore, India and I am suffering from lower back spine pain since last week.
In January 2014 I was diagnosed with Spine TB which was affecting (degenerated) D9 and D10 vertebrae. Thankfully it was diagnosed on time and I started taking heavy anti TB medicines. In 2-3 months I completely recovered from TB symptoms. I gained back all my lost weight etc. I started feeling completely healthy. Although my Allopathy doctor still insists that TB medicines need to be taken for a year so I am still taking them.
Few days back I did a car drive within the city and it took me 60-90 mins to reach my destination. I was driving all the way. That day I felt some stress in my lower back but not much. I had driven such a long distance after a very long time.
Apart from that I have a 2 months baby currently. When he cries at night, I get up, with my legs crossed on bed, I try to lift him up and this is when I have excruciating pain in my lower spine. Its not near the tail bone but a little above where the trouser belt comes around.
Many years around (8-9yrs) ago, I had the same pain and I got my MRI done. Doctor told me I have Disc herniation problem but it is not too serious. He told me to do some simple yoga exercises regularly and I will be fine. I did not take any medicines and just with the yoga the pain had gone. I did not continue the exercises after the pain was gone. Once in 1-2 years because of a sudden jerk or because of lifting weight I will have the same pain again and I will again lie down on flat surface and the pain will go with the yoga exercises.
Recently, like I said, it started with lifting my baby at night. He is 6 kgs. Also since the lift in my building is not working I had to lift some weight to my flat on second floor, that also caused the stress.
The pain is like a sharp pain, few inches above the tail bone, just below where I tie my belt.
The pain is maximum when I am sitting on a chair; when I try to get up; when I try to stoop; or when I am cross legged and trying to bend forward, and too much when I am trying to lift something, even slightly heavy. I can’t stoop.
When I lie down completely I feel very relaxed. When I put a hot water bottle. Pain reduces a lot. Similarly when I walk or stand straight the pain is almost 0. When I try to get up from bed in the morning I feel the pain.
I stay in Bangalore, here temperature is always cool. currently 20-25C.
I am 5’11” MALE, 79 KGs, wheatish brown skin color.
Sleep pattern is normal. Sometimes I take a nap in the day. Sometimes I don’t. At night I sleep around 12-1 and get up by 8-9 AM.
I am not sensitive to anything heat or cold.
Your state of mind – Recently I have a lot of stress, due to financial and health and petty issues.
Any desires or aversions for particular foods – Like salty stuff, dont like sweet stuff. Like fried and non veg more.
Details of any major diseases suffered in past – TB details mentioned above
Details of any reactions to other medicines taken.- The TB medicine Akurit 4 was very heavy as it was 4 medicines to be taken together. I had extreme nausea, vomiting, weight loss etc. But then slowly the body got adjusted to it and now I don’t have any symptoms at all.
History of homeopathic treatment if any – I used to have acute bronchitis when I was a kid. Drosera 30 completely cured me from it.
I also take Reckwegg R6 for Flu when I have cold, fever etc. I also take AF-TABS by SBL.
I don’t have any sensitivity to light or dark. My tongue is normal in color, pinkish white.
Recently I bought Reckweg R-11 which is for back pain. It did not help.
I also tried Pulsatilla 30 and it helped but only 10%.
Please advise what can I do to reduce the pain and become normal again.
One important condition I forget to add that she feels great tingling feeling when I try to touch her limbs (leg or arm) for massage. She almost starts crying. she can’t bear the feeling of tingling. Pl suggest some remedy for that.
I found your website after searching for natural remedies for acid reflux and I’m hoping your remedies will help my son like so many other children described on this site. My son is 2 1/2 years old and was diagnosed with acid reflux when he was 1 month old. He has been on several different medicines but with exception to Prevacid nothing worked. While the prevacid worked, it caused significant sleeping issues for him so we stopped it. He was most recently prescribed Prilosec but we stopped this about a week ago hoping he had outgrown the reflux, but he has not. He was diagnosed with Eosinophilic Esophagitis a few months ago and our doctor said the reflux is common with this disease. Would you recommend treatment with Nat Phos 6x for his reflux?
I am shocked to learn that your son, now 2.5 years of age has been hooked on the dangerous PPI drugs which were prescribed by your pediatrician and I shudder to think how they would have affected his growth up to now.
Nat Phos 6x is my default therapy for GERD and it usually works in a few hours after a meal. It is absolutely safe in use and can be used for as long as it helps him.
You have mentioned “Eosinophilic Esophagitis” and I presume that it can be another of those mysterious diseases cooked up by doctors when they are faced with a problem they cannot identify and prescribe for. Let us hope that my Nat Phos therapy can help your son and if it is the remedy of choice, we will not use Nux Vomica 30c which in any case I would like you to get preferably in the Liquid Dilution. You will however NOT use it till I give you the green light.
My age is 63. First time I came to know by February end 2014 that my blood pressure is high. At that particular time I was over busy with my Company Project. Since then I’ve started monitoring my blood pressure with Digital Monitoring System. Usually I take readings 3 times viz morning, evening and night. Readings varies according to exercise, tensions etc. No Allopathic medicine taken nor any cholesterol or sugar etc. Blood pressure is on average 146/79 (3 months readings between April to June 2014).
Usually in morning Blood pressure is higher maybe due to pressure of getting ready for office. Night readings are usually lowest i.e. after exercise and food etc. Average readings are as follows: Morning :150/82, Evening (i.e after coming from office etc): 148/81 & night : 140/75.
It has been observed that at times BP increase to 170/95. Usually whenever it reached above 160/90, I have taken homeopathy medicine (pills with BP mixture) given by my friend. Maybe 15 times in 5 months upto date.
Following are my questions:
-If BP increased temporary to 170/95, is it serious.
– Initially I’ve felt that too many burps were coming. Is their link between burps & blood pressure. It is my observation that after taking BP Homeomedicine, few bur
ps come & subsequently BP drops.
– if average results are ok as mentioned above, still to take medicine
As a precautionary , should I take medicine or not.
My earlier subject was related to blood pressure medicine. Now I want to discuss about back (spine problem). In fact my blood pressure problem was detected in an Orthopedics Doctors clinic.
In July 2013, I’ve visited gym and did very extreme exercise to flat my belly. In this exercise, I was sitting on an exercise chair, bending down my body & my legs were simultaneously going up. I felt pain slightly on the right side of my lower back as if I’ve teared something such as Ligament/tendon. I continued exercise for next 3 days. Same type of pain came. This came on all the three days, one time each day when I over stretched. I did not realised that I was finding problem to stand up in my office, but could NOT relate it to over stretching as I was doing other exercises too. After 3 days, I went to UK, Weather was cooler in night and on same date my back ceased completely. I was in full pain and lied down for 2 days. Then I took sulphadine , which made me to stand & walk. Once I started walking & warmed up, there was no problem. But once I sit and stand up again, it was difficult to stand up unless slowly & with loosening of all muscles. Doctor related to spasm & spondylitis. After one week, while standing up I felt if my back got stuck & in deep pain .I contacted a chiropracter, who literally with his elbow put pressure on “some knot” over my right hip and got me relaxed. I remain in some sort of pain particularly while sitting for 45 days. I am not in favor of Allopathic medicines, therefore took pain killer only for 15 days. But once taken, 24 hours went well.
All was ok with the exception that I had slight pain in lower back which I always wanted it to go, so that I can continue my exercises. Approx. two months back , I felt at some position of standing , a tingling effect between my hip & scrotum area 9maybe groin)which goes after some time. This maybe that I’ve started walking and slow running due to slight blood pressure observed.
Carried out MRI , Finding of MRI was :
-Spinal canal stenosis in 3 locations
-inter verbal disc narrowing
-bone marrow oedema.
-normal caliber
-no para spinal masses
-other disc showed no disc herniations.
BMD was ok+ ASO was negative.
Note: Here I would like to add that one of my physical exercise upto July 2013 was to spread my hand horizontally (500 times/day maybe) with full force while walking with impact on chest & belly. I am sure that this exercise has definitely some contribution on my spine cord. There was no finding for the tingling affect in MRI. I felt this tingling affect gets better once I put ice at lower back of my hip ie the original area of pain .It seems it relaxes my upper part of testicles area too. In any case my doctor has given a shot of cortisone mix medicine oappr. One month back. Results seem improved but not fully gone.
Please advise what medicines I should use to improve my back. Till to date I’ve never felt any back pain In my back with the exception of pain due to that gym exercise which I carried out in July 2013.
I regret to inform you that I cannot treat your problem which I believe has been caused by over exertion during your intense workouts which you are advised to STOP in your own interest.
I cannot devote the time to do so as I am 85 years of age and have other demands on my time from patients throughout the world.
Hello Dr Joe De Livera,
I have a three month old baby who is exclusively breastfed and has been diagnosed with acid reflux. She was put on Zantac about 3 weeks ago and her dose has been periodically increased since her condition wasn’t improving. recently she has started developing food aversion, arching her back and crying every time I try to feed her. In act of desperation we started searching alternative approach and came across your website. This morning we administered 1.2ml dose of zantac and started giving her one full tablet under her tongue of Nat Phos 6X after each feeding. We gave to her 4 tablets so far. During the last two feedings she had amazingly she didn’t refuse to eat, and I am hoping that it’s because of the Nat Phos 6X.
We will continue giving it ti her however we are not sure at what dosage and for how long. I would appreciate your advise. Additionally should we stop zantac immediately of should we wean her off gradually? Also, can Nat Phos cause constipation because my baby coincidently didn’t poop today.
Just on the side note, she has thrush and she’s been on second round of diflucan to treat it.
I would like to send you an update on the progress of what we initiated yesterday.
We continue giving our daughter Nat Phos 6x one tablet per feeding. We skipped her zantac dose last nigh (1.2ml) in hope that NP would help her enough to feed comfortably. However, today in late morning she started acting up and refusing to eat. She would cry hysterically from hunger but would not eat. It made us very uncomfortable and we decided to give her the morning dose of zantac (1.2ml) to ease her pain. Also, she’s hardly ate anything today. We are not sure how to proceed next.
I would appreciate our help in this matter. Thank you
thank you for getting back to me.
I would like to share a few observations with you regarding my daughter’s condition.
She continues to be fussy and unsettled. She arches and fidgets during feedings frequently pulling off and crying. It doesn’t happen at each feeding, however. Sometimes she seems comfortable and just eats her meal quietly. Her feedings went down to about 2oz per feeding (we estimate the volume by weighting her) and she is not eating enough to gain weight. We administered Nat Pros 6x six full tablets a day dissolved under her tongue (she doesn’t take a bottle). Additinally, I started taking Nat Pros ^x 2 full tablets three times a day. We haven’t notice any major difference in her feedings. We also reduced her Zantac to one dose of 1.2ml per day (we were afraid just to stop that) and didn’t notice a major difference from what she was on 2 doses, which makes us think that Zantac doesn’t make much difference in her condition. What we are trying to assess is if there is something else bothering the baby but reflux. Besides her feeding issues, she doesn’t exhibit other reflux symptoms. Her spitting is limited, she had a few vomiting episodes, however it may be from her crying and swallowed air. She remains calm on her back and sleeps well at night in her crib. However she wheezes frequently and caughs occasionally, and also has frequent hiccups.
Please let me know your thoughts and if there is anything else that I should do to improve her condition.
Thank you for your help.
You will add Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose and give her just 1 teaspoonful twice daily.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Thank you. I will order Nuc Vomica 30C but it will take a few days for me to receive it. In the meantime allow me to share a few observations regarding my daughter’s condition. In the last 24hr period she hasn’t arched cried or showed discomfort at feedings and she was less fussy thruout the day. her food intake is still about 2oz per feeding, which is a little low for her age. We reduced her Zantac dose to 0.8ml once a day and tomorrow we will stop administering it completely. We have been giving her 1 full tablet after feeding of Nut Pros 6x six times a day for last 4 days.
PLease let me know if I should continue the above dose of NP6X and for how long. Also, once I receive Nux Vomica 30C should i give it to my baby after feedings as NP6X? For how long should i continue that treatment?
I am very surprised that you do still continue to give baby the Zantac as I have clearly stated that you must STOP all drugs to enable the Nat Phos to work. I believe that the reason why you are not benefiting from my therapy is because of your continuing to give baby the Zantac.
You will find that you will NOT want the Nux Vomica if you STOP the Zantac which has been accepted as being dangerous for adults when used for long periods. The effect on a baby is best left to your imagination.
We will stop her Zantac. Today AM she took her last dose of 0.8ml.
We keep giving her NP6x after feedings six times a day. This is the fifth day since we started to administer the remedy. Her crying, fidgeting, pulling of the breast and refusing to eat improved yesterday and the trend continued today. However, she just had another episode at the last feeding. Not sure what trigers it. However after i gave her 1 dose of NP6X she was able to finish her meal peacefully.
We also have noticed she eats small amounts on average 2oz per feeding. She hasn’t been gaining weight because of the low intake, and that concerns us. Will your therapy increase her appetite?
PLease let me know how long I can continue administering NP6x and should i keep giving her 1 tablet six times a day? Also, I will monitor her condition tomorrow so we can decided if Nux Vomica is needed.
I should also mention that she’s been battling thrush since she was 3 weeks old. She is currently taking Diflucan, which will continue for another week. This is her second round of medication, which is probably affecting her feedings. I understand that i should stop all drugs in order your therapy worked, however her thrush is very persistent and need to continue until it’s gone. Is there any remedy for thrush in infants, which you could recommend. Please let me know.
It’s been more than 48hrs since we stopped administering Zantac. We continue giving the baby Nat Phos 6X full tablet six times a day. She continues to cry and arch when trying to feed her, refusing to eat. it takes long time to “convince her” to eat, She continues to eat small amounts at each feeding.
Should I add Nux Vomica 30C to her therapy or wait and see how her condition progresses? Thank you.
Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose given twice daily will reinforce the action of the Nat Phos 6x.
It is a million times safer than Zantac and you are advised to give it to her.
I still have not received the Nux Vomica 30C in the liquid solution. Can I use the tablets to make wet dose instead? If yes, please let me know how to prepare it. My doctor is pushing for PPI, saying that GERD picks up between 4-5 moths and I should administering it to my baby ASAP. I am hoping that I will not need to that.
Thank you.
just wanted to send an update on my baby’s condition.
We’ve been administering a full tablet of Nat Phos 6x six times a day together with 2 pellets of Nux Vomica 30C twice a day in liquid solution.
We have noticed a huge improvement. She stopped crying and refusing eating. Her intake has also increased from about 18oz to 25-27 oz per day. However, she is still gaining weight very slowly hence my question: can NP6x cause poor weight gain or weight loss if used for prolonged time?
Also, can I continue using NP6X and NV30C over long period of time safely or should it be stopped after certain period of time? Just on the side note, we have tried to reduce NP6x to half a tablet six times a day and the baby wasn’t doing as good any more, therefore we decided to go back to a full tablet six times a day.
Thank you again for all you advice. We are very happy that we didn’t need to give my baby Provacid.
You stated:
“We’ve been administering a full tablet of Nat Phos 6x six times a day together with 2 pellets of Nux Vomica 30C twice a day in liquid solution.”
I shall copy my prescription for Nux Vomica of 2/9/14
“You will add Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose and give her just 1 teaspoonful twice daily.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.”
Nux Vomica is potentized Strychnine and MUST NOT be used on a daily basis for baby. At 2 pellets per dose it is very concentrated and you must STOP it.
Nat Phos 6x is absolutely safe in use as it is a Biochemic Cell Salt (Check Google)
We stopped administering Zantac more than a month ago.
We have also reduced her dose of nux vomica in half and then stopped giving it to her completely 2 days ago. We became worried that Nux vomica may be unsafe for her as you have suggested in your previous post. Today, however, she exhibited some signs of the reflux – some spit-ups, lack of appetite and skipping meals and vomited once. We think that stopping nux vomica may have caused her feeling worse.
Please advise how to administer nux vomica in a safe manner. Is the wet dose safe for long time use on a daily basis or should it be administered sporadically. Having the above in mind please let us know what we could use in lieu to improve her condition.
Nux Vomica 30c in absolutely safe in use for a short period unlike Nat Phos which may be used on a daily basis. In any event Nux V is a million times safer than the Zantac you have given baby.
You have already observed that she cannot do without the NV and the answer is obvious.
Thank you. Can you please clarify if I can continue giving her NV in the wet dose and for how long I can continue. What would you consider as short term? She is 4ms old now and she will probably need the treatment for couple more month till she starts outgrowing the reflux. I do understand that this treatment is safer than Zantac or Provacid suggested by our doctor that’s why we have opted for this this route and we would like to stick to it. Just want to do it in a safe way.
Just a quick question: will the dose you have prescribed (1/2 teaspoon of the wet dose) have the same effect as 1 pellet twice a day that we were giving to her? The dose seems extremely diluted.
I would like to report progress on my baby’s condition.
Today we have started administering 2x/day 1/2 teaspoon of NV and continued 1 pellet of NP6x 6x/day.
She vomited in the morning during her feeding and kept refusing higher food doses subsequently. Her each feeding didn’t exceed 3oz when usually she was taking 5oz per feeding. Her today’s intake was about 5-7oz lower than usual.
I should mention that she was vaccinated yesterday and this is when her vomiting started coincidentally.
Is there something additional I should do in order to improve her condition or should I continue with the prescribed therapy.
“I should mention that she was vaccinated yesterday and this is when her vomiting started coincidentally.”
You have already got the answer to your question about baby vomiting her feed. You will observe that I have specifically requested you NOT to vaccinate baby till she is over 1 year old. I hope that you are aware of the negative effect of vaccination which you can do a Google search for.
You are advised to follow my therapy literally as it has helped hundreds of babies throughout the world.
I would like to report progress on the condition of my baby daughter. We continue giving her NP6x six times a day after meals. We also are giving her NV30C in wet dose 1/2 teaspoon twice a day as you have prescribed. She recovered from her vaccine within 2 days: her vomiting stopped and she was eating well for about a week.
However within last couple of days we noticed that she started snacking again and refusing meals higher in volume. Her schedule is very erratic, we never know how much and when she will eat. There is no spitting or vomiting but she frequently pulls out during feedings, refusing to eat more and arching her back. We are concerned about the volume of her intake since she is gaining weight very poorly and her doctor is pushing for PPI med. We are extremely reluctant to give it to her and we have been fighting it for over 2 months.
Can you please advise if we should increase any of her remedies temporarily to improve her condition and then go back to her current dosage? Is there anything else I could give to her to improve her eating?
Thank you very much for all your support.
PPI drugs will only serve to make a bad situation infinitely worse.
Are you give her SOLIDS ? And what is her age ?
You may increase the Nat Phos 6x but not the Nux V although you may give her a teaspoonful, if you are giving her only half.
She is 4.5 months. We started giving her rice cereal mixed with breast milk to increase her calorie intake. No other solids so far.
How much of NP6x should I increase it to? NV – will do a teaspoon 2x/day.
Thank you.
Did it not occur to both you parents that when baby protested in the only way she could by regurgitating her feed AFTER you started her on solids that these solids comprising Rice Cereal was the REASON FOR HER REFLUX?
Do not change her current intake of the 2 remedies as they are not the reason for her current reflux.
I am glad I had the foresight to inquire at my advanced age of 86 years of age, about SOLIDS and this was the answer. You will report her response in 12 hours.
I often wonder why parents are NOT given a course in bringing up babies.
Read and UNDERSTAND my prescription on Baby GERD and do not even consider vaccinating her till she is over a year, preferably 2 years.
I am not sure if i understand your response. We should not increase/change the dose of the remedies. The rice cereal was prescribed by the pediatrician who is concerned with her “failure to thrive”. We have been giving her rice cereal for about 10days dosing once a day 2-3 tablespoons with breast milk. We have not started any other solids. Are you saying that we have made a mistake introducing it to her diet and should we stop it?
thank you again.
“Are you saying that we have made a mistake introducing it to her diet and should we stop it?”
Don’t you understand that it is the rice cereal that has caused her reflux?
Your pediatrician is to blame for having instructed you to give it but baby’s digestive process is not ready for solids. If you had reported baby’s present condition to your ped, he would have prescribed a PPI drug like Zantac or Prevacid and when it does not help in a few days, he will double the dose not caring about the after effects on a baby when these PPI drugs have caused dangerous after effects to adults.
I have often advised parents not to give solids till baby is at least 10 months and is able to digest solids.
Her doctor is concerned that she is not gaining weight. Poor weight gain in infants is associated with failure to thrive. This is one of the indicators that she has reflux and needs medication (PPI).
We are concerned about it therefore we have started giving her rice cereal to increase her calories intake, as advised by her doctor. It didn’t seem wrong to give her a few spoons of the cereal mixed with breast milk, especially that she is not given formula or any other solids. Rice cereal is considered gentle for digestive system and is advised to be first solid food to be introduced in infants at 4-6ms.
Nonetheless, we continue administering NP6X and NV30C as you have advised. As of today, she continues being fussy about her eating and she has vomited for the first time in two weeks. We are very worried about her poor food intake and wish her condition improved quickly.
PLease let me know if I need to change anything in her treatment.
Thank you
we have just discovered that baby has oral thrush (yeast overgrowth in her mouth). It could be a cause of her recent eating refusal. Would you recommend any remedy for that? We’ve been reading that vitC could be helpful since yeast doesn’t like acidic environment however we do not want to aggravate her reflux.
PLease let us know.
I too felt that the reason for baby not eating normally was due to some other reason but I have no experience in treating oral thrush and you are advised to consult a peditrician, preferably someone else to advise you.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too. The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet but if the response is not as expected, you may increase to a full tablet but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
Dear Sir,
My name is Mohit. I’m 22 years old. I got to know about your blog from
my uncle. What you’re doing is very inspiring and noble.
Sir, I have a very serious problem of tonsils. I got this when I was 4-5 years of age. I went
for swimming once, and I got infected with the bacteria called streptococcus. Since then I’ve been
very vulnerable to cold and spicy food stuff. I have suffered a lot because of these tonsils.
Every few months I’ll get follicles in my tonsils. This used to happen very frequently when I used to drink
pepsi or anything cold. I still do, and it’s gotten worse lately.
I had a very peculiar infection right before I entered college (in 2011). I don’t recall how it had happened,
but my lymph nodes under the jaw were swollen. Doctors thought of it as a dental problem but it wasn’t.
I had to get an FNAC done to check for any other possibility. And the report said it was due to infection.
I don’t recall which medicine I took, but I took an antibiotic and it helped. And after that I was fine for about an year.
Even though I didn’t take proper care.
But now after every month or less I’m falling sick. There are craters on my tonsils, the follicles I get now are not white spots but thick white layers that cover my tonsils. I have taken unimaginable amount of antibiotic since I was a child. I have taken lots of homeopathic medication as well, because my mother used to worry these antibiotics will have severe effect on my kidneys, but I had no choice.
Last time I fell sick was in second week of August 2014, and before that was sometime around second week of July 2014. And before that was sometime in June 2014. When I fell sick in June, I was taking Mahacef 200mg for about 3 days, my fever wasn’t coming down.
So I changed medicines to Clarithromycine 500mg morning and night, took it for 5 days. And since then,
each time in July and August I fell sick I took the same dosage. And I’ve been applying an ear bud dipped in betdaine gargles liquid directly to my tonsils so that it’s more effective.
And just two days back I had slight chilled milk shake hoping I was fine and now my throat has started paining again while swallowing saliva. I am really worried. I cannot eat or drink as I please, I cannot live my life this way. Also, I would want you to know I’m an occasional smoker. And occasionally drink alcohol. I only have soft drinks (coke, pepsi) with alcohol now. Please sir, if there’s any solution you can provide I’ll be very grateful.
My weight is between 61-65 kg
Height is 5’8? or 5’9?
Sorry for not having precise details. If you need the exact details I can check and let you know.
Thank you sir.
” would want you to know I’m an occasional smoker. And occasionally drink alcohol. I only have soft drinks (coke, pepsi) with alcohol now.
I regret that I cannot even try to help you till you confirm that you will NOT partake of alcohol, cigarettes and Coke as they will all antidote my therapy and I will only be wasting my time in doing so.
Dear sir,
Even though I am not a regular smoker or drinker, I’ve been waiting for a reason to leave these things. You’ve given me one. I promise I shall never smoke or drink again.
I really pray that you can help me. I have never found a proper cure for my throat in all these years. I’m ready to do whatever it takes.
Thank you.
Glad to learn that you have decided to give up smoking and alcohol which are essential requirements to help me to treat you.
I see that you have not replied my request for your answer to my question:
“you must give me more data on your ailment which I believe is caused by Hemorrhoids. If so, what treatment and drugs have you used and what are you using today.
Also describe the current condition of your piles.”
Dear Sir,
I’m not suffering from piles. You probably misread another post. The post below mine is related to piles.
You didn’t ask me for any details as you only asked me whether I shall partake in drinking or smoking or not.
I’ve provided most of the details, if there’s anything else you need to know please let me know.
Thank you.
My apologies for having mixed your case up with another patient’s.
I presume that you have realized by now that your case is extremely complicated and I believe that you have consulted many physicians who have all treated the disease you present but who have not succeeded in preventing you from catching another again.
I hope that my therapy aka “Joepathy” which I shall prescribe below can the eliminate your sensitivity to infection by building up your resistance to catching the normal viruses that are part of life today especially in crowded environments.
Your remedy is Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily for a week and reduced to twice daily which dose you will maintain for some time into the future.
If you encounter any throat infection like a sore throat the remedy you will use is Bryonia 200 in the Wet dose taken thrice daily.
You will also take Arnica 6c in the Wet dose twice daily to help you to avoid both smoking and alcohol. Many chronic chain smokers have confirmed that they have discovered that the urge for that next smoke or in the case of alcoholics that next drink, is suppressed by this remedy within a week. I would like you to report your progress weekly or more often to keep me in the picture and you will report truthfully if you regress, which I hope will be unlikely. In any case I believe that the fact that you have contacted me after your uncle advised you to do so.
You will leave about half hour between the 3 remedies which you will make precisely as prescribed.
You will exercise to sweat it out on a regular daily basis as this is important to build up your bodily resistance to virus infections.
Do you suffer from any digestive problems especially after dinner when you may feel full? If your answer is a yes, I shall prescribe another remedy to treat this problem.
You will control your diet and try to eat only what is essential to keep you fit and healthy. No fatty food.
You will drink over 3 liters of liquids daily to ensure that your body is detoxified as far as is possible and eliminate the waste material in urine.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
I have already suffered from Acid Reflux back in the month of February and March. Wherein I had a small ulcer in my stomach. I used to have severe breathing problems and palpitations in heart due to anxiety. But that has been taken care of. I don’t suffer from any of that anymore. I’ve taken the medicine Ten Calm (Alparazolam & Propranolol) for my heart palpitations. Though everything turned out to be normal.
I take Becosule capsules usually after dinner. (Irregularly)
Currently I am studying in VIT Vellore (Final Year student) . And only yesterday I caught viral fever. A lot of my friends had it, I caught it through them maybe.
I will be in touch sir. I’m going back home on September 6th, will purchase the medicines then and begin treatment by September 10th.
Thank you so much sir.
I am very surprised to learn that at age 22 you use a multitude of drugs and antibiotics which I presume were all prescribed by your doctors and you have taken them on the assumption that your whole life depended on that next pill or capsule.
“I’ve taken the medicine Ten Calm (Alparazolam & Propranolol) for my heart palpitations. Though everything turned out to be normal.
I take Becosule capsules usually after dinner”
You will STOP all drugs and other supplements when you start on my therapy.
You may like to know that at age 85, I do NOT TAKE ANY DRUGS whatever and am convinced that the secret of my trouble free life is due to my NOT taking any drugs.
You will also take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after every meal to help with your GERD.
Do you partake in a regular exercise routine?
This is essential and is part of my therapy.
I regret to inform you sir that I haven’t been playing any sport or physical exercise since class 11 (2009)
What kind of excercises do you suggest I start with? Running amd stretching? Or any other physical excercise. Please let me know sir. You’re right, I’m spoiling my life by not being concerned about my health and depending on these pills.
Also sir, I just noticed my throat. It’s red and has small ulcer type spots on the edges and craters of tonsils. What can i do about those? And can i continue applying Betadine gargles solution directly to such spots using an ear bud?
Maybe I said it too early. Sir I checked again, I have follicles in throat again. Shall I resort to a 3 day antibiotic course? It will only get worse if I don’t do something about it. I’m going home on 6th, I cannot purchase the medicines you asked until I go home. I won’t find those medicines here in Vellore.
What do you suggest I do?
Thank you sir.
I am 57 years old having health problems listed here.
1. Knee pain (Osteoarthritis) – continuous mild pain and more while climbing up and down stairs. Taken Ayurvedic treatment for three years.
2. Itching around anus with external noticed twice. First time piles cured with Ayurvedic medicines. Seconed time cured with Homeopathy medicines but tiny piles is still present. However, itching and pain chronic .
3. Stomach Bloating and fullness. Especially aftern luch stomach becomes heavy and remains so till late evening.
Kindly suggest treatment for Itching around anus with external noticed twice. First time piles cured with Ayurvedic medicines. Seconed time cured with Homeopathy medicines but tiny piles is still present. However, itching and pain chronic
If you would like me to help you, you must give me more data on your ailment which I believe is caused by Hemorrhoids. If so, what treatment and drugs have you used and what are you using today.
Also describe the current condition of your piles.
For Dry Skin and itching/pain around anal area used several cremes prescribed by Dermatologist. Also used Ayurvedic medicines . None of these doctors could cure dry skin/itching/pain.
Taking Homeopathy medicines but the doctor refuses to give names of medicines used.
Itching is controlled by Kumari Thailam (sidha medicine). But have to apply two or three times a day.
I do not have bleeding in stools and never had. The piles is external and dry.
I really very upset with your post I was in a great hope after going through your site.
Please suggest me if I should continue with Arnica 30 wet does. Will it give her some relief or of no use. Please try to help me. Thanks.
Waiting for your post.
I really very upset with your post I was in a great hope after going through your site.
Please suggest me if I should continue with Arnica 30 wet does. Will it give her some relief or of no use. Please try to help me. Thanks.
Waiting for your post
Dear Dr De Levira
Good morning. First let me inform you that both my grandchildren are better. The older one passed on the cough and cold to his little brother who is 3 months old. His stomach infection, cough and cold all came under control with antibiotics. The stomach infection had made him so weak that my daughter had no choice but to resort to antibiotics for both of them. Now it’s time to work hard on both to build up their immunity. Thanks for your help and support during that period.
I need to report on my husband’s case. A brief reminder of my husband’s case. He has Essential Tremors and 5 years ago it was only his right thumb. He had been wrongly diagnosed for Parkinson’s Disease and prescribed L Dopa. At that time, the neurologist did not say that he was treating him for Parkinson’s disease and just told him to take the tablets for a month and that it would control the tremor. One month has become 5 years and he is unable go off it. He tried stop taking the tablet and was miserable. I wish I had done some reading about this medication and had I known what he was prescribed to take, I would have told him not to take L Dopa. My mistake.
It has been exactly a month and 9 days since he started taking Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. 4 tablespoons at breakfast, 2 tablespoons at lunch and 2 tablespoons at dinner time as suggested by you. How long should he continue taking Coconut Oil? He is not active and sits most of the time through the day. He is also taking 1 teaspoon of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice a day as you suggested.
He takes L Dopa 6 times a day, one tablet every 2 1/2 hours and the effect of L Dopa is usually only 2 hours. During the wearing off period he goes through the side effects of L Dopa …. severe cramps in his stomach, severe pain in his left leg and right arm, tremors in his right hand, his legs become heavy and rigid. He’s not able to lie down and sleep during the day and night due to stomach cramps and leg pain. He sits on the couch and falls asleep for a short while. Some days are bearable. He’s scared to go out in case the L Dopa wears off. It sometimes takes 10 mins to 20 mins for the L Dopa to take effect and sometimes even an hour or even more for it to take effect.
He is also taking 2 tablets of Nat Phos 6x after his meals. He’s not able to express how he feels. Most times he’ll say he’s not well. He’s become very negative. We try to tell him to be positive and that we are working and trying hard to get him better.
There is a post on abchomeopathy website “New Hope in Parkinson’s disease – Dr. Deoshlok Sharma” dated 2008-02-21 where he mentions a homeopathy remedy “Loleum Temulentum 3C” for Parkinson’s Disease. Any comments on this remedy?
I am hoping to see the day when he no longer needs to take L Dopa and is normal again.
Is there any remedy that you can suggest to help him manage the side effects of the L Dopa?
I am so sorry Dr Joe. After going through your site I was really feeling like a miracle would happen and she might get relief immediatly. But that was not the case it may happen slowly. I am continuing Joepathy and rely on your suggestions. She got new condition that there is too much swelling on her leg ankle foot and complete left arm and hand. Once again I feel sorry for my post and wish to thank you for your reply.
Respected Dr.De Livera,
This is in my mail of 24th August and your reply of 25th August regarding my angina pain and swelling in legs. I started themedicine as advised by you from 27th August onwards and would like to report the result for your perusal.
1. Angina pain is reduced to some extent say 40% while walking but I do feel pain while climbing stairs .
2. Swelling in my legs and scortal have started reducing from 3rd August but still swelling is there so should i stop the medicine or continue it for some time more?
I would also like to inform you that I have been suffering from severe constipation for the last one year . Sometimes there is no urge for 4-5 days and sometimes there is urge after medication every 10-15 minutes but no evacution except formation of gas and stomach cramp.
In view of the above I thank you from the core of my heart for your treatment and would once again seek your valued advise for the constipation though I am having Nat Phos 6x 3 times after meal daily.
Your first post is dated August 24 and I am glad to note that in just 10 days you report positive progress in your Angina, which as you are probably aware is usually treated with drugs to relieve the pain while in the case of my therapy, the blood is filtered and the cause of the pain which is due to the blockage in the cardiac arteries is slowly dissolved, thereby increasing the flow of blood which process will hopefully continue into the future and relieve you of your Angina permanently.
You must however be informed that this process will only continue as long as you take the Arnica, and you will take it for LIFE. I instructed you to stop the drugs you were taking when you discovered that the therapy I prescribed was helping you and I would like to know if you have stopped taking the drugs you were taking up to now as I had requested you to continue to take them till you felt some improvement when using my therapy.
You will continue to take the Apis for as long as is necessary to reduce the swelling of your ankles and scrotum. You will only stop the Apis when you find your swelling completely gone.
You have reported Constipation today and I note that you are already taking Nat Phos 6x thrice daily. You have not however indicated how many tablets you are taking for a dose.
I would like to know for how long you have experienced constipation.If you have suffered from this problem for many years, it is very likely that the root cause of your Angina is your constipation, as your body was unable to rid itself normally of the refuse products which as you stated, accumulated for 4-5 days and as a result you ended up with Angina and Swollen ankles which indicate that your Kidneys are also affected.
Ast Respected Dr. De Livera, ur mail of 4th sept.I would like to inform you that I had a cardiac attack in 2006 due to blockage and used to take allopatheic medicine i.e. 8 tablets daily during that time constipation started as doctor told me that i will have constipation due to side effect of these drugs. I left the drugs after 2 years(in 2008) when I was completely cured. Since 2012 the chest pain reappear with mild intencity and got severe from the last year when the constipation started again . Your prediction regarding kidney may be right as I go 4 times for urination during night.However I am giving below the biochemistry and lipid done on March this year.
SUGAR- BSF-81, PP-88,
LFT- Albumin- 2.1(down), Globulin- 5.0 (up) A/G ratio-0.4(down)
KFT- blood urea-26, Serum creatine- 1.0, Calcium-8.0(down)
LIPID- Serum chol- 417, Serum trigly- 169, HDL- 80, LDL- 261, VLDL- 76,?
Urine albumin: you would suggest me the right?ds/ R.K De,
This is: n continuation of my latest post.
Urine albumin:+
I am taking allopath drugs alongwith arnica wet dose even now as advised till I get relief from pain .
In view of the above I hope you would suggest the right therapy for constipation.However any other clarification can be sent on hearing from you.
Kindly suggest treatment for Itching around anus with external noticed twice. First time piles cured with Ayurvedic medicines. Seconed time cured with Homeopathy medicines but tiny piles is still present. However, itching and pain chronic
Joe says:
September 1, 2014 at 12:43 PM
If you would like me to help you, you must give me more data on your ailment which I believe is caused by Hemorrhoids. If so, what treatment and drugs have you used and what are you using today.
Also describe the current condition of your piles.
kvk says:
September 1, 2014 at 6:37 PM
Dear Doctor,
For Dry Skin and itching/pain around anal area used several cremes prescribed by Dermatologist. Also used Ayurvedic medicines . None of these doctors could cure dry skin/itching/pain.
Taking Homeopathy medicines but the doctor refuses to give names of medicines used.
Itching is controlled by Kumari Thailam (sidha medicine). But have to apply two or three times a day.
I do not have bleeding in stools and never had. The piles is external and dry.
Respected Dr.Joe,
Going through the cases of your patients throughout the world may I request you sir to go through my case and advise me the right medicine . My case is as follows:
Prostrate problem for the last 6-7 years and taking medicine Alfatam-D
My P.S.A is 1.4
Uric Acid for the last 3 years
Uric Acid is around 8 and taking medicine Fabutas-40
Stifness in fingers of both hands for the last 3-4 months and cannot fold fingers properly as I feel pain while folding fingers.
In view of the above I hope you will kindly suggest me some medicine for permanent cure. I will be pleased to give you any further information regarding my case on hearing from you.
Nat Phos 6x dose 4 tablets taken immediately after each of 3 meals daily
I shall copy below the therapy I have pioneered to treat problems associated with the Prostate .
The remedies are
Arnica 6c to be taken thrice daily in the Wet dose
Conium 6c to be taken twice daily in the Wet dose
The Wet dose is made as per instructions below.
The combination of both Conium 6c and Arnica 6c seems to reduce the enlarged Prostate which can sometimes result in Prostatitis, an infection of the Prostate Gland caused by the retention of Urine. The effect of these remedies is usually experienced within a few hours after taking them.
I would recommend that anyone who reads this post and suffers from any difficulty or burning in passing Urine starts taking Conium 6c in the Wet dose ASAP with Arnica 6c twice daily. The joint action of both remedies will ease the flow of urine by relaxing the Prostate in a manner that drugs cannot equal. It will do this very safely in comparison to drugs which usually cause other side effects. These remedies will also reduce the enlarged Prostate which in turn can hopefully rule out surgery.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capful which is the dose. Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
It is understood that the patient will STOP all other drugs which can antidote the Homeopathy.
The following restrictions must be observed to ensure that the Homeopathy is not antidoted.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Report progress weekly for further advice if needed.
Dear Doctor De Livera,
I am writing you with the hope that you can guide me to obtain optimal health and I thank pyou for any information you provide.
Age 69.25 years;
Had triple negative breast cancer in 2009, chemo, radiation, lumpectomy.
Height – 4ft 10.5 in. Weight – 165lbs. Gained 30lbs in last 3 months due to stress eating of wrong foods and lack of exercise –all due to work issues.
Live in Connecticut, USA
Health: Blood Pressure – 130/80 . Lipids are good: total cholesterol under 200. Unable to sleep due to worry, get 4 hours sleep.
Itchy acne on face for past week. Do not take allopathic at all, but do take supplements for B12, iodine, probiotics, thyroid, flaxseed oil, krill oil, ubiquinol, zinc, vit d3. Current Vit D level is 48 ng/dl.
Have stopped all supplements since start of itchy acne on face.
Currently eat vegetables – mainly cabbage, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, garlic, onions, organic chicken/ beef. Recently crave pork.
I truly believe my Almighty led me to your website while searching for benefits of Arnica 30. I thank you, in advance, for any guidance you can give Dr. De Livera. My prayers are with you.
Sincerely, Bobbie
Acne problem: sir i cant understand how to register here?everytime i try to reg on this website it says invalid username
Sir how to contact you?
Dear Doctor De Livera,
I am writing you with the hope that you can guide me to obtain optimal health and I thank pyou for any information you provide.
Age 69.25 years;
Had triple negative breast cancer in 2009, chemo, radiation, lumpectomy.
Height – 4ft 10.5 in. Weight – 165lbs. Gained 30lbs in last 3 months due to stress eating of wrong foods and lack of exercise –all due to work issues.
Live in Connecticut, USA
Health: Blood Pressure – 130/80 . Lipids are good: total cholesterol under 200. Unable to sleep due to worry, get 4 hours sleep.
Itchy acne on face for past week. Do not take allopathic at all, but do take supplements for B12, iodine, probiotics, thyroid, flaxseed oil, krill oil, ubiquinol, zinc, vit d3. Current Vit D level is 48 ng/dl.
Have stopped all supplements since start of itchy acne on face.
Currently eat vegetables – mainly cabbage, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, garlic, onions, organic chicken/ beef. Recently crave pork.
I truly believe my Almighty led me to your website while searching for benefits of Arnica 30. I thank you, in advance, for any guidance you can give Dr. De Livera. My prayers are with you.
If I inadvertently submit multiple times, I apologize.
Sincerely, Bobbie
I do believe that if you shed your weight, it is very likely that the majority of your ailments will be stabilized by using the simple therapy comprising Arnica 30c in the Wet dose and Nat Phos 6x as prescribed below.
You will however have to STOP all the supplements you are taking to enable Nat Phos to work on reducing your weight by 1kg per week which it will not do if you continue to take them.
Please visit the link below entitied
The Ultimate Cure for Obesity on:
This is a post I made on the ABC way back in 2004 on December 25, the day before the Tsunami hit Sri Lanka, a day which will forever will remain in my mind for as long as I live as I was involved in the Homeopathic after care of the many thousands of survivors immediately after the Tsunami when I was joined by members of Homeopaths Without Borders who sent 6 pairs of International Homeopaths to help care for the survivors.
Basically your therapy will comprise the use of
Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily before meals.
Weigh yourself today before you commence on my therapy and report your weight loss weekly when the standard loss which you can expect and has been reported is around 1kg per week.
You will also do a regular stint of at least 45 minutes of exercise which will be done by you at intensive levels, irrespective of the general feeling of tiredness that you may experience, if you wish to benefit from my Joepathy.
You will also control your diet and avoid fatty fools completely and eat in moderation to ensure that your stomach is filled to comfortable levels.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Report your weight loss weekly when you can expect a drop of at least 1kg per WEEK.
Please also visit:
Dear Doctor De Livera,
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly!
At, I am ready to place an order for
Natrum Phosphoricum pills – potency 6x; size 1 oz; pill size No. 40; and
Arnica Montana -dilution, potency 30C; size 15ml; alcohol 87%.
Am I getting a sufficient amount of both products for the protocol just suggested for me? Please advise and thank you.
In a timely fashion, I will keep you posted on how things turn out. I am anxious to give a testimonial on the success of this protocol for my situation ! God bless you.
Nat Phos 6x is usually marketed in tablet form and I note that you refer to a No 40 pill.
Can you inquired from your supplier if they can supply this remedy in the standard tablet as you will need 250g for use for many months in the future.
I get my stocks from India and the cost of 500g is just IRs 200.
The Arnica 30c is OK.
I have been following your writings on various websites and very much appreciate the way you provides relief to many patients all around the world.
I’m writing this for my wife aged 34 Years who suffered very much with the high cough and running nose for last three days. Mucus is not sticky and pale white in color. Throughout the night she was coughing and couldn’t sleep well. She is having issues with cold climates and cannot afford AC while traveling. we tried Rhus tox 30C pellets 3 doses (1 dram medicated pills) and also the Bry 30 wet doses since yesterday with not much relief.
Will you please suggest some medicine.
Your wife has caught the common cold and she seems to suffer from the usual symptoms that follow this infection.
There is unfortunately nothing that can be done to STOP the cold and she should be OK in a few days more.
The Rhus Tox you have given her cannot help her.
Thanks for the quick reply
Is there any thing we can do to reduce the intensity of cough as she is getting weak.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
I have come across your posts on the internet since I have been living off of the information presented there. My baby girl is ten weeks old and weighs 15 pounds. She is 24 inches tall. She was born as a big baby and has been gaining well until recently. She was diagnosed with silent reflux a month ago and was prescribed Zantac, we did not give her any meds until recently. She has started to refuse bottles, screaming all the time. I read about nat phos 6 x and the wonderful benefits it has on babies reflux. However, I would like to ask you how to use it with my baby. She is bottle fed with an organic lactose free formula and eats 7-8 times a day. Should I give her in the bottle? Or after each feed? How much water or milk do I dissolve it in? When do I decrease the dose? Thank you very much for your response in advance. I am so hopeless and would do anything for her instead of giving her the dangerous meds.
Best wishes,
Regina s.
That was my original message. However, as a desperate mother i started to use your advice that you gave to other patients. I was giving my baby NatPhos for 24 hrs after each feeding. I also gave her nux vomica twice during that pertiod. I only did it for a day because she was not eating well the next day and I got scared. However, we went for an internal scan a few days later and they said she has no significant reflux!!!Before that I could hear the acid going up and down her throat and since then she has not had that. We also figured out that her refusal to eat is due to severe constipation and gas. She never burped much or let out gas. I am feeding her an organic lactose free formula that has rice as an ingredient. I am also giving her gripe water after each feed and simethicone drops in the bottle to help with gas. Dear Dr. De Livera, could you give me some advice on what to do with my babys severe constipation> and gas? I would truly appreciate all your help.
I look forward to hear from you.
Best wishes,
Regina S.
” I am feeding her an organic lactose free formula that has rice as an ingredient.”
I hope that you realize that babies at 10 weeks are NOT ready for solids like the rice, as their digestive systems are programmed to only handle MILK.
If you have been giving her the “organic lactose free formula” , it is obvious that this is the reason for her distress and you must revert back to a milk formula.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed to hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:
Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet but if the response is not as expected, you may increase to a full tablet but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
Thank you very much for your reply. I will start giving my baby the half tablet from the next feeding. However, I am not breastfeeding. Can i dilute tha NatPhos in her formula or should I do it in boiled cooled water? How many mls?
I will report her progress shortly.
Thank you very much.
Dear Dr De Livera,
Thank you for your unselfish good work.
I am 67 in relatively good health except for the fact that I have been dealing with Peyronies for the last 2 years. As you recommend I have been taking Arnica 30c in the wet dose for about four months. I recently purchased Thiosinaminum 30c as it is recommended for scarring. Do you think this can be of some help or is there another protocal you can recommend. Thank you.
Respecfully, John
I regret that I am not able to help you as I have not studied your ‘Peyronies’.
You may safely take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose for life as it will help you in other ways.
Dear dr. De Livera,
I have started my baby with half tablet of natphos. We are leaving to Europe in two days and I am a bit worried that I will not have proper internet connection. Let me tell you a bit about my daughter.
After we took her home from the hospital, she was nursing constantly. The reason I gave up breastfeeding was that she was constantly pulling off, choking and screaming. It was very stressful experience. I wish I had known better and would have continued. She was spitting up only a bit but was always acidic smell. She was diagnosed w silent reflux. The doctor prescribed zantac but we only started the dose a few weeks ago. We saw some improvements,mostly in her sleep. She was sleeping on her belly, taking three naps,sleeping at night but waking up nicely for feeds. She was barely passing gas and was always hard to burp. Lately, all the old symptoms came back,like not sleeping,arching her back. Her crib sheets had the acidic smell. However, after I tried your method she did not have those wet burps anymore. She started to have less hiccups. She was still refusing feeds but sleeping well during naps. At night after each natphos she started to be more awake send hard to settle down. She was up for an hour after each feed. When I started to use the gas drops in her bottle,she got a bit better. Passing lots of gas and crying only sometimes from it. Bowel movements are whether hard or watery and dark. She also has lots of cramps and wiggles during sleep. She also moves her head side to side before feeding. I am not sure if she really has reflux or colic or gas issues. Last week we had a big ultrasound and they watched her feeding from a bottle. They saw some acid riding in her tummy but nothing significant. However, the doc prescribed even stronger medication.
Dear Dr. De Livera, do you think she has reflux,or tummy pains? Is there anything I can give het besides natphos to help her ease the cramps? Since I will be in Europe I will not have a chance to get all the remedies so would like to get them in case I need them. I just gave her her first foes of half tablet and I did not see any improvement yet. It took me an hour to rock her to sleep. She was up all night and still no nap during the day. She is shaking from tiredness and her eyes are still wide open.
Sorry for all the information I know I have to be patient and wait it out. Thank you for everything.
If you are giving only half tablet Nat Phos 6x after a feed, it does not seem sufficient. Give the balance half immediately after a feed dissolved in milk or water.
Take a sufficient stock of Nat Phos 6x with you when travelling and also get Nux Vomica 30c in the standard pellets to be used if necessary if you find that the NP is not sufficient to help her.
You will use 6 pellets in a 500ml bottle of spring water and a dose is a teaspoon full given twice daily.
If you are continuing with the rice based formula, I hope that you have changed over to another without the rice.
I am adding my advice to another mother which may be relevant for you:
“Nat Phos 6x (NP) is NOT a drug. It is a Biochemic Cell Salt which is very safe to use for both babies and adults . Look it up on Google.
The dosage of NP does not vary with the feed. You should discover almost immediate relief after the first dose as confirmed by anxious mothers whose babies were prescribed the dangerous PPI drugs like Zantac for months previously, which invariably did not help and made a bad situation infinitely worse.
NP is best given with half tablet before a feed and the balance after.”
Dear Dr. De Livera,
The formula we were using was milk based but they had organic brown rice syrup as an ingredient instead of corn syrup. My baby had been on it for over a month. She had better days a few weeks ago,but recently I feel like we went back to the beginning. I gave her natphos only once since she has refused her second feed. She was exhausted from not sleeping all day. So ,please correct me if I am wrong, I give her half tablet before feed and half after. Can I use spring water for her to make nux vomica? I usually boil and cool the water off for her for the bottles but unfortunately I can not take that with me on the plane. Do you think it is safe for her to drink spring water on the plane?
Can I give her anything to improve her sleep? Or the natphos will give her relief in that too?
I am also giving her baby tea between feedings since she is thirsty. The fennel and chamomile tea. Do you think it is ok? Thank you very much.
If baby’s problems stabilize with your current regimen when you are using Nat Phos 6x you can continue but otherwise it would be wise to change over to a regular formula based on milk and there should be many brands in your city.
You may use the water on board the aircraft to make your milk and the Nux V and you will follow the instructions of using just 6 pellets in a 500ml bottle of spring water and you will give a teaspoonful as the dose twice daily.
If baby is thirsty it is best to give just plain WATER.
I am reporting her recent progress. She got her first natphos dosage at midnight before and after feed. She did not cry during feed and burped and let gas out easily. She went down in her bed and brought back some water. Then she wiggled for a while but settled. Woke up later for her next feed, 4 hrs after previous. She seemed hungry. She did not settle after natphos easily. Was not crying,but kicking legs, trying to scratch her eyes out, skin scratching,etc. I had to swaddle her to calm her down. Her nose sounds stuffed,even though it is clean. Will give her nux vomica next time.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
We started a different formula. Baby girl was up all night crying. This morning I could not settle her anyway. She was in sooo much pain. She did not want to go down on her tummy,or side but neither her back. I was holding her with tummy facing away from me and walking around for an hour. When I gave her the bottle,she did not refuse it at all. Got her natphos before and after and was able to burp. I also gave her nux vomica, a teaspoonful. She was very tired but could not settle on her tummy or side. I swaddled her so she can rest better. She still jumps a lot from pain. Are these cramps gonna get better soon? Are they from reflux? I do not hear any wet burps, nor the acid coming up and down her throat. She brought back the water last night and no acidic smell there either. If her reflux clears up meantime, natphos will not irritate her tummy and give her cramps,right? I am sorry but so hard to see such a little baby in so much pain.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
My baby just got her fifth dose of natphos. I started to giving it to her at midnight our time and now it is 2.30 in the afternoon. I am feeding her 3 oz of formula every 3 hours. She took her morning nap but was restless and fidgeting a lot. She slept for an hour and woke up a bit sad but after I put her on her chair she was happy and talking a lot. During feeding she did not refuse the bottle,sucked nicely. She had many burps after. She was fidgety and hyper right after feeding. A little bit of milk came back but only a bit. Did not smell like acid at all. When I am feeding her, I can feel her stomach rumbling inside. I held her upright on the rocking chair for twenty minutes. She fell asleep. I put her in the crib on her side with her pacifier in her mouth that she sucks constantly. I am not sure if it is just a habit or gives her relief. I would like to ask you what should I do with the following feedings? She will eat at least two or three times. Should I give her the last natphos at around the evening feed? I would leave the next feed and give her after? And start a new day from midnight? What would be the dose for tomorrow? The same? I just want to make sure that if I buy spring water like Poland spring is that gentle enough for her tummy to make it into a bottle at the airport? I always boil the water, but will not be able to bring with us. Also should I give her anything to improve her sleep? At least for the night time? I am worried that she is not getting a good rest. I have arnica 30 c at home as well.
In 2011 I had 2-3 endometriomas removed, large cyst on left ovary and 2 small ones on right ovary. No previous history of pain or endometriosis. Surgery was difficult with surgeon having trouble removing left cyst hence left ovary damaged. Took months to recover and took homeopathic remedies to manage pain. Started contraceptive pill 6 weeks after surgery and pain was more controlled though sensitive bladder with feeling of pressure and frequent urination continued.
I stopped taking the pill July 2013 as wanted to conceive. Have been trying to conceive all year with no success with intermittent pain.
Period- dark blood few drops only for few days followed by proper bleed in red.
Had day 21 blood tests, all thyroid, hormones etc normal. Had ultrasound scan last week to find that my left ovary is inactive and is only 2cm big at present, right ovary has 4-5 small endometriomas (max size approx 2cm each, right follicle could be seen with likelihood of ovulation within 12 hours. The uterus lining was 7.1cm which the sonographer thought was a bit under normal. There is also a 2cm fibroid.
The doctor wants to test my tubes next to see if all ok, if so they want to give me drugs to increase egg production to increase chances to conceive quickly to reduce damage by endometriosis. I do not want surgery at all as I don’t trust the surgeon not to damage what looks like my only functioning ovary.
Am very tired all the time with lower back pain last few weeks. Job is very stressful and long hours.
My age is 35, I have no children but am panicking as need to get pregnant quickly before this endometriosis pain and damage gets worse. Please help! Thanks
Dear Dr. Joe De Livera,
I am writing you here (I do not know if it is the correct place to ask you for advice . Please, let me know).
I am Spanish, living in Madrid.
I have got an anal fistula after natural drain of an abscess. The surgeon has told me that the only possibility is surgery.
I found in the internet about your method and I have begun with it. I have been following it for three weeks now. I think I am a little better because the inflammation is smaller. I do not have pain.
The Natrium phosphoricum D6, Silicea D6 and ferrum phosphoricum D6 that I am taking following your prescription were bought in a pharmacy from Schüssler remedies. Please tell me if they are correct.
I am also taking the arnica in the wet dose that you prescribe. I have a doubt with “a capful”; I am taking approximately 125 ml each time (Three times a day). Please advice me if that is correct.
The pharmacist told me I can take a glass of wine at lunch whenever there is at least a gap of two hours with the taking of silicea, arnica and ferrum phosforicum.Please advice me if this is correct. She also told me that I could take a cap of coffee whenever there is a gap of two hours as I wrote before.
How long do you estimate it could take to heal? I am waiting for the surgery (I do not want to) that I estimate will be in 2.5 months. Do you think it will be enough time to heal the fistula following your method?
Thank you very much for your time. I would be very grateful if you could give me an answer to my doubts. I believe in your method!
“I am also taking the arnica in the wet dose that you prescribe. I have a doubt with “a capful”; I am taking approximately 125 ml each time (Three times a day).”
You are overdosing by taking 125ml thrice daily.
The CAP of the bottle usually holds 5ml. You must reduce the quantity per dose to 5ml. which is also about a teaspoonful.
I shall copy the therapy I have pioneered and prescribed to patients who suffer from FISTULA, FISSURE AND ABSCESS of the Anus. The majority of those who have used my therapy aka “Joepathy” have confirmed that they have benefitted from this therapy and many have confirmed that they have been cured.
I shall note the Remedies prescribed below:
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose a capful of the bottle taken thrice daily to increase the flow of blood in the body which in turn will help to rebuild the tissue.
Silicea 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to expel the pus from the lesion.
Nat Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily after meals to soften the stools.
Ferr Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to improve the quality of the blood to help heal the lesion.
Antibiotic Ointment like Polyfax or equivalent which is used internally on the tip of a gloved finger inserted into the anus after every bowel movement to keep the bacterial count as low as possible in the lesion.
Do not use toilet paper after a BM. Use a Hand Spray device instead available at Wal Mart which is a DIY fitting.
No Alcohol, Red meat, Coffee and Sausages, Ham and Bacon as they are loaded with Saltpeter. No canned beverages like Coke. Do not eat hot (Chillie hot) food if you live in India.
Drink at least 3 ltrs water daily and exercise moderately.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml bottle in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
“I have got an anal fistula after natural drain of an abscess. The surgeon has told me that the only possibility is surgery.”
You will prove that your surgeon’s statement is WRONG in a few weeks.
Dear Dr. Joe De Livera,
Thank you very much for your answer.
I still have a doubt:
The Natrium phosphoricum D6, Silicea D6 and ferrum phosphoricum D6 that I am taking, following your prescription, were bought in a pharmacy from Schüssler remedies. Please tell me if they are correct.
This manufacturer advices to take them by putting them under the tongue like candies. Please, tell me if this is correct.
Thank you very much for your time.
Best wishes,
Your advice is correct.
Dear Dr. Joe De Livera,
My name is Jesús (Spanish, living in Madrid).
I have another question for you. In this case it is about my mother. She is 76 and has got knee arthrosis in her left knee. If she is a certain time on foot or walking her knee gets inflamed with pain.
What can she do? Do you have a solution for her problem?
Again, thank you very much for your time. I would appreciate very much your answer.
Best wishes,
I shall copy below my default therapy for Arthritis which has helped many patients who were on a daily dose of various analgesics which only served to deaden the pain temporarily but not CURE the condition. Some patients have reported that they experienced relief from the pain they suffered for many years in the short space of just 48 hours and it is my hope that you too will experience this same blessed relief from your pain.
The 2 remedies are:
Argentum Metallicum 6c
Arnica 30c
Both remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between remedies.
You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Dear Dr. Joe De Livera,
Thank you very much for your answer.
What is the effect of saltpeter and coffee on arnica 30c and argentum metallicum 6c? Don´t they work if the person takes coffee or foods containing saltpeter?
Is it possible to heal completely with the 2 remedies?
I hope my mother feels better soon.
Thank you very much for your time. I would appreciate very much your answer.
“What is the effect of saltpeter and coffee on arnica 30c and argentum metallicum 6c? Don´t they work if the person takes coffee or foods containing saltpeter?”
Saltpeter is a preservative used in meat products like sausages, ham and bacon and will antidote ALL Homeopathic remedies instantly.
Coffee has the same effect.
You cannot expect me to prophesy whether or not my therapy will help your mother’s Arthritis even before she uses it.
I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:
Your remedies are:
Bellis Perennis 30c
Apis 6c
Arnica 30c
All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.
You are advised to follow the dosage pattern below:
7 AM Bellis P
8 AM Apis
9 AM Arnica
7 PM Bellis P
8 PM Apis
9 PM Arnica
Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.
Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.
Report your response in a week and after your next period.
You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.
Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
I regret that I cannot answer each of your questions as it takes too much of my time.
I am NOT a professional Homeopath and am 85 years of age and established my Website to share my therapy with others like you who may wish to benefit from my therapy aka “Joepathy.
I have prescribed the therapy that has helped many patients and you will please follow it and report your progress in a few months after you have had another US Scan to verify if my therapy has helped you.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
My baby finished the natphos treatment and I am sure that she is reflux free. However, she still has digestive problems, letting out smelly gas and cries sometimes doing that. We are using only the milk based formula now. It has been two nights that she has nit slept more than two hours. She is wide awake, kicking strongly with heels and moving hands. When we try to soothe her or rock her she starts screaming. If we put her drown and out of her bed she is happy but very hyper and restless. Her nervous system seems to be off. What can we do! We r leaving for the plane ride soon. Thank you.
“My baby finished the natphos treatment and I am sure that she is reflux free”
Glad to learn that in just about a week your baby has responded positively to my therapy, in time for her first flight on a plane.
You will of course be taking the Nat Phos 6x just in case you have any incidents on board. Take the Nux Vomica 30c in the pellets and in the unlikely event of her presenting any problems you will dissolve just ONE pellet in about 20ml water which is roughly about half a glass and you will give her just one teaspoonful. It is best to give her the Nat Phos 6x as this will not present any problem to give it to her on board.
Remember to give a feed when the plane is taking off and is landing as the sucking action helps to clear the airways and sinus and prevents her getting the standard blocked ears which we all have to contend with on a plane.
Keep in touch when you can and I wish you and your baby a pleasant flight.
Thank you sir. God bless you! I will contact you when we come back.
Dear sir,
Firstly I must thank you for your time again.
I recently consulted you regarding my hair fall and as I have already said on the hair loss webpage of yours, your amazing joepathy has helped me very much.
Today I am writing to request your advice for my 3.75 year old daughter.
She is down with fever. I assume its viral fever. She came down with it by late evening, so I could not get her to a doctor.
She has had viral fevers in April, June and now in August.
I have been reading your website over the past few days and noticed that you recommend eupatorium perf 200c for increasing resistance.
Is it advisable for a toddler as well sir?
Also in June and now, during the time when my daughter has fever, she complains of severe pain, especially in her legs – knees mainly. And her knees will b quite warm to touch even if the other parts of her leg are cold. In June while she had temperature, she could not even walk.
When I consulted the paediatrician in June he said its due to a calcium deficiency. And later on when I mentioned this to a homeopath, she said that its a symptom of the viral fever these days.
Do you have any suggestion or remedy to help her with this?
I am a bit worried that she is falling ill so often now, which wasn’t the case previously.
I am really grateful for your time. I respect and admire your dedication to joepathy and your efforts to help thousands of people like me. I believe its a gift from God, your purpose of this birth is to give joepathy to mankind.
I am glad to note that you have read the many cases on my Website and that you already know the therapy I prescribe for Viral Infections.
Go ahead with Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose and you can give a capfull or 5ml to your daughter every 2-3 hours. It is perfectly safe for her at 4 years of age.
This remedy will help to build up her resistance to Viral infections.
Thank you for your kind words which are appreciated.
They contrast diametrically with an insulting post I have just responded to from a woman who goes by the pseudonym ‘rya’ who demands that I respond to her inane questions.
Dear sir,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply sir. I will start eupatorium perf 200 tomorrow as soon as I can get to the store.
Could I please present my baby’s problem to you as well. I do not wish to take up much of your precious time. But I read many of your posts and could not find a similar condition being remedied.
Both my kids suffer from extreme lactose intolerance
My daughter grew out of it at 3.5 years of age. But I had to breastfeed her after going on a dairy free diet myself. This was too hard for me since even if i ate a piece of bread with milk or butter as an ingredient, it will make her bloated and she won’t be able to settle or sleep.
Now my second child is 6 months old and he is also the same. I am currently breastfeeding him and I am on a dairy free diet. He also has eczema for which I read that your default therapy is arnica 6c, although I am not sure if its advisable for a baby. He is currently taking Ayurvedic concoction for eczema which had helped him tremendously. I only came upon your site in detail after my hair loss and unfortunately did not read about arnica 6c before starting him on ayurveda
Anyway sir, I read on one of your posts about Nat Phos 6x being given after every feed for lactose intolerance. Can you please suggest a remedy for my son as well? Just to reiterate he is extremely intolerant in that even if I eat a biscuit with milk before feeding him, he will cry and scream in pain.
I have to say that I am extremely grateful for this website. Its like a joepathy textbook and my main past time now is to read the vast amount of remedies and cases on here.
I pray to God to bless you with even more health and a long happy life.
Please note that Eupat Perf is NOT for daily use, even in the Wet dose. You will STOP giving it as soon as your patient shows signs of relief and the temperature and malaise are stabilized.
Lactose tolerance will respond to Nat Phos 6x and you can give 2-4 tablets to an adult or 1 tablet to a baby safely. NP is NOT a drug and is absolutely safe in use.
Look up “Biohemic Cell Salt” on Google.
Be warned about Ayurvedic drugs as it is not impossible that the instant response you discovered in your baby’s Eczema may be due to Steroids which are mixed into the concoction.
I am glad to note that you are making a study of my Website which I established to enable me to share the therapies I prescribe, many of which I have discovered and some of which I use myself like Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which I am convinced is the reason for my existence in this world which I owe first to God and to Arnica which I have taken nightly since 1996.
I advice you and anyone who is over 40 years to follow my example.
Dear Sir,
Once again thank you ever so much for your time and patience in helping a stranger like me.
I will stop eupatorium perf as soon as my daughter is better. But as read in your other posts I was hoping to continue it once weekly for a couple of months to increase her resistance. Hope that is ok.
Is it adviceable to give her a weekly dose in the winter season or when she starts school to boost her resistance?
The Ayurvedic doctor is very reliable. And his family is renowned for treating infants for seven generations. After reading through many of your posts, I understand that if I am to follow your therapy, I will have to stop other drugs. In that case, I will have to stop ayurveda and start arnica 6c for his eczema as well along with the Nat Phos 6x.
Could you please tell me the dosage of the wet dose of a six month old baby? His eczema is under control now and his skin is mostly ok.
I also have one more question sir.
I read that Nat Phos 6x dosage should not exceed 6 tablets in a 24 hour period. My son who is breastfed feeds on an average 9-10 times in a 24 hour period. So I am assuming that I start him off with half a tablet after each feed, so that I do not go beyond the recommended dosage. Is this ok sir?
I am already taking arnica 30c wet dose for hair loss. And I have introduced it to my mum, husband and aunty’s family, all of whom are benefitting from a good night’s slumber and I notice that I also have much more energy which wasn’t the case previously after waking up at night to feed my son.
Thank you once again and my sincere prayers for you and your family.
This is your FIFTH post on my Website and this time you have gone too far and annoyed me.
I do not have to respond to your inane questions anymore especially after I have clearly indicated my viewpoint in my last response.
If you retaliate in the same strain as your last post you will compel me to DELETE all your posts.
Dear Dr Leviera
i have bought the arnica 30c in pellet form. In order to take it as a wet dose can i buy ethanol from the pharmacy and add it to the dissolved pellets to make it a wet dose.
thank you.
Please read and UNDERSTAND how to make the Wet dose of any remedy which I have already given you in my last post:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Dear Dr Liviera
Since i have already bought the pellets, how do i take it. What will be the doasge per day. I will make sure i order the liquid pack the next time.
kind regards
You will insert 6 pellets into a 500ml bottle of water to make the remedy,
Thank you Dr Liviera. You assistance is truly God sent. I hope that i will be able to buy the liquid dilution pack here in South Africa.
kind regards
Sorry Dr Liviera, Will the dose still be 1 teaspoon twice a day.
The dose remains constant, whether made with the pellets or the Liquid Dilution.
thank you Sir.
Respected Dr. Joe
My daughter Ms. AKANKSHA SHARMA, 20 years(unmarried) studying in a college was having pain during menstruation periods for last 2-3 years.
In january2014 she was diagnosed with Endomeriosis cyst ( Choclate cyst) in both Ovaries of size10x8x8cms and 6x6x5cms(multi septate) through MRI scan. Laproscopy surgery for (operative laproscopy with adhesiolysis with endometrioma with bilateral ovarian cystectomy done) in January, 2014.
She was administered Lupride 3.75mg injection( Leupride Acetate 3.75mg) after laproscopy and another injection one month later. Calcium tablets have been prescribed.
In July2014 again endometriosis cyst in Rt Ovary was diagnosed through Ultrasound. Again Lupride 3.75mg injection given in July 2014. Also advised early marriage.
One Gyne Doctor had advised contraceptive pills to be taken regularly for 63 days then stop for 2-3 days and again take the pills daily continuously. The main purpose is to stop the menstruation cycle or limit the same to 2-3 times a year so that the endometriosis of ovary does not increase. It has been given to understand that there is no cure for endometriosis in Allopathic system and it will reoccur. Emdometriosis cyst will have a tendency of reoccurrence if menstruation is not stopped. All these are hormones to suppress menstruation only and have side effects also viz., lowering bone density, wt gain,,depression , joint pain, breast changes etc etc.,.
I am attaching MRI scan, (before laproscopy) laproscopy procedure, Lab test of cyst, CA-125 test results, Ultrasound scan of July2014.
Kindly advise on homoeopathic treatment. We do not want to go in for allopathic hormones/medicines.
Regards and thanks,
Shimla, Himachal Predesh, INDIA
I shall copy my default therapy for Endometriosis and Chololate Cysts below:
Your remedies are:
Bellis Perennis 30c
Apis 6c
Arnica 30c
All remedies to be taken in the Wet dose twice daily leaving about an hour between each.
You are advised to follow the dosage pattern below:
7 AM Bellis P
8 AM Apis
9 AM Arnica
7 PM Bellis P
8 PM Apis
9 PM Arnica
Bellis Perennis reduces the Chocolate Cysts (CC) that are usually present with Endometriosis and also prevents the spread of the lesions internally.
Apis 6c will help the body to resorb the Chocolate coloured fluid which fills them. US Scans taken 3 months into treatment prove that there is no trace of any colour in the fluid. The CC usually reduce about 1cm per month.
Arnica will reduce your pain and the bleeding that many patients suffer from, some on a continuous daily basis.
Please note that this therapy is not an instant fix to your problem and you may have to take it for some time into the future.
Report your response in a week and after your next period.
You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.
Please follow the instructions below to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Dear sir,
I just wanted to let you know that my 4 year daughter is doing much better now after four wet doses of Eupatorium perfoliatum 200 yesterday.
And my six month old son is sleeping so much better than what he did in the previous few months. He has been a gassy baby who is very hard to burp and this has improved a lot in a day where I gave him eight doses of Nat Phos 6x – half tablet each.
I am not sure if his lactose intolerance is cured as of now. But I will drink some tea with milk tomorrow before feeding him and report tomorrow. Previously that would give him a very bloated stomach and I will have a screaming baby who can’t sleep.
Thanking you once again for your time and advice. And since prayers for you and your family. I cannot say how grateful I am for this website and your immense knowledge that you share so freely.
Joe I don’t understand the wet dose, do you pour the alcohol on to the arnica pilules then put into the water,
is it possible to reply to my e mail address, I have trouble finding your answer on here.
I discovered after a search under your email address that you posted on March 13 under the pseudonym Lizzie:
“hi mr livera I am a stroke surviver 72 in a lot of right side pain I can t seem to get ethanol in alcohol in the uk,
advice please ?”
I do not have a record of the therapy I prescribed and I presume that it would have been my default Arnica therapy with perhaps Nat Phos 6x.
You have again posted on my website today under Elizabeth but you do not confirm that you have used my prescription and if so what your response was.
It seems to me that you have not used my therapy as you are experimenting with
“pour the alcohol on to the arnica pilules then put into the water,”
I would like to know what your current problem is and if you have used my therapy at all.
I do not permit being addressed as “Joe” by strangers as I only permit my close friends to do so.
I note that you live in the UK and it is not usual to do so to a stranger and in this case to a physician 85 years of age.
sorry dR, In uk we usually use first names
I had a stroke 3 yrs ago, was at first making good recovery, then after a uti from which I recovered, my dr gave me more antibiotics, for a year I have been going down hill ,started with a pain in my stroke side arm til now really bad spacticity pain from my neck to my foot, I can hardly walk pain 24 7 I want to try your remedy, please advise me.
dr do I pour the alcohol on to the arnica pilules
I have not used your therapy yet
I do wonder why you hesitate to use my therapy and keep on going around in circles to use my therapy.
You do not have to use alcohol on the pellets. You will use just 6 pellets in a 500ml bottle of spring water. Tap water too can be used after BOILING to release the chlorine which antidote the homeopathy instantly.
Dr if I don’t have to order Ethanol in the alcohol pack with dropper, why do you say to order it, when do you need to add to the remedy
Looking back on the many (6) posts you have made up to now and my responses to them, I feel that I am just wasting my time in trying to help you as you have not even started on using my therapy. You seem obsessed in continuing to question my original instructions to use the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol which I have patiently explained to you is not essential, as you stated that you have got the remedy in pellets.
If and when you start using my therapy, you may post again to report your response but I shall not respond to your inane questions till that time.
sorry Dr,
I have put 6 arnica pellets in the 500ml bottle of spring water after pouring out 3cm of the water and then shaken vigorously, I hope this is right I am in such pain maybe that is why its longer to grasp your remedy.
sorry again Dr
Joe, I am in the uk, ive been told ethanol is whisky or vodka, do I put drops of this onto the arnica pilules,
I am confused about how to make this remedy before adding to the spring water.
dr livera, I have tried the remedy for several days, I am still in bad pain where can ibuy the remedy in alcohol
thank you.
dr livera
I have found in the uk, Arnica 30c in 20pc alcohol with dropper , is this alright for your remedy.
Thank you.
You have wasted my time and yours as I find that you first consulted me on March 13 for your stroke:
““hi mr livera I am a stroke surviver 72 in a lot of right side pain I can t seem to get ethanol in alcohol in the uk,
advice please ?”
I have tried to help you but you did not seem to understand my therapy and kept bungling along and you stated yesterday:
“dr livera, I have tried the remedy for several days, I am still in bad pain where can ibuy the remedy in alcohol”
It is very likely that my therapy cannot help you as you have already used it and discovered that it did not.
In the circumstances, you are advised to consult other physicians to help you as I cannot continue to do so in the future.
My daughter is still having issues with GERD and the Nat Phos doesn’t seem to be helping is there something else I can do I really don’t want to give her what her doctor prescribed.
In your post of June 14 you stated:
“My daughter’s projectile vomiting got so bad we took her to the ER and they diagnosed her with pylorci stenosis and she had to have surgery but even with that fixed she still has the silent GERD.”
This may be the reason for not responding to my Nat Phos 6x therapy as she seems even now to be having some problem in her digestive system.
You may add Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose given twice daily and see if it can reinforce the action of the NP.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Dear Honorable Sir,
I first contacted you on 03Aug2014 about weight loss. I am reporting back to you sooner than you suggested because I have a few questions.
I am Barbara, the 69.25 year old who weighed in at 165 lbs on 03Aug2014. I had ordered the Arnica 30c ethanol but have not yet received it. So I used 6 tablets of Arnica 30c in 500ml spring water to get started until the ethanol version gets to me.
I received my order of Hyland’s Nat Phos 6x on Wednesday (05Aug).
Here are my questions:
For Nat Phos 6x I am taking a total of 9 tablets — 3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals. I noticed from reading your remedy to others that the dose is 2 tablets. My guess is that, for my situation, you prescribed a higher dose. Correct?
Until i receive the Arnica Dilution (ethanol), is it permissible that I use the tablets-in-spring-water remedy? I take a teaspoonful before morning and evening meal.
I am very happy to report: I went from 74.8kg (165lbs) to 72.8kg (160.4lbs)!
I am looking forward to starting the Arnica30c ethanol Wet Dose to gain optimal health.
Thank you taking your hobby and turning it into research that helps thousands of people. Thank you standing up for yourself when you are criticized for your theories and for being strong enough to investigate further when you learn of positive off-effects of a treatment from users.
As I close this note, I ask God for continued blessings on you and your loved ones.
Your report of having lost 2kg in just 4 days is indeed an event for celebration and it does make me happy to know that my “Joepathy” has helped you to do so. I would prefer however that you do not lose weight so rapidly but if you do not suffer from any after effects you may continue with the high dose of 3 tablets after every meal. You can reduce it down to the standard 2 when you wish to slow down the rate of reduction but it is essential that you follow my therapy aka “Joepathy” precisely as prescribed. I would appreciate if you will keep me posted with your weight loss weekly.
You may use the standard pellets of Arnica 30c till you get the Liquid Dilution.
You have obviously followed my progress on my own Website and also perhaps on the ABC and if so you would have read of the recent debate that I was involved in on the ABC forum with David Kempson.
David seems to have left reality for some nebulous level of existence today as he seems to feel that it is only through his own interpretation of Homeopathy that a patient can be helped. I do pity his monopolizing the use of standard Homeopathic remedies available in almost everywhere in the world and referring to them with the condescending “our remedies”, whereby he precludes the use of these same remedies by people like me who have helped so many patients and CURED the majority which record he does seem to pitifully lack.
You are invited to read about the Banerji Protocol Debate on the link below:
Also visit
I have a 6 week old baby who has been suffering from reflux since he was 2 weeks old. It has gotten progressively worse and I am desperate for some help. I saw your therapy for Nat Phos 6X and am wondering if you think it will help him. He arches his back, screams through a bottle, fights taking the bottle, will not sleep even though he can’t keep his eyes open, screams inconsolably, wants to eat ALL the time, coughs and sometimes chokes after a bottle, spits up occasionally. We have switched him through a number of formulas to see if that was the issue – he is on Similac Soy now, but still having issues. Our pediatrician is a naturopath and recommended a number of treatments but I have seen the amazing results that have worked quickly with the Nat Phos 6X. My pediatrician recommended trying slippery elm for him, but he hates the taste and spits it all out when I try feeding it to him. Also a question in regards to your therapy – you say to dissolve the Nat Phos 6X pellet in milk after a feeding – the “milk” you are referring to is formula, correct? My baby boy is 8 pounds 11 ounces and 21 inches long.
I note that you do not breast feed baby and that he is on Similac today. I would prefer that you change over to a standard milk formula ASAP as the Soy product falls far short of the essential ingredients that a baby needs for growth.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed to hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:
Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet but if the response is not as expected, you may increase to a full tablet but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
Thank you for your response Dr. DeLivera,
We currently have him on soy because we tried him on Enfamil Newborn, Enfamil Gentlease, and Similac Alimentum. All of which he did awful with. The Alimentum my pediatrician believes he had an allergic reaction to which is why we have put him on the soy. I am very apprehensive
Of changing his formula since he has done so well on the Soy. My pediatrician does think he has a milk intolerance.
I do want to clarify on your treatment that I give him a bottle and then give him the Nat Phos dissolved in like an ounce of warm formula after his bottle? I obviously won’t take anything since I am not breastfeeding. Thank you for the clarification.
Nat Phos 6x is the ultimate remedy for Lactose intolerance as you can verify for yourself when you use it.
You may give half tablet in water or milk before and the balance immediately after the feed.
Please note that NP is NOT a drug.
Check it on Google under “Biochemic Cell Salt”.
I had written,with a problem of mine,pardon me to ask ,as I am not Tek savvy.i have lost the mail ,and I don’t know ,if you have answered it…..I am not able to retrieve it…sorry for the trouble.
Dear Sir,
Iam Male 30 years, Profession : IT Professional.
Iam suffering from Ankylosing Spondilities since 18 long years.
Blood Report says that Iam HLA B27 Negative and RA Test Negative.
Also my X-Ray Reports says following
“CONCLUSION:Facetal arthropathy and sclerosis at multiple levels in lumbar spine.Changes of bilateral hip joints arthritis and bilateral
sacro-ilitiesWhiskering (enthesopathy) at bilateral greater troachanters and anterior inferior iliac spines.To rule out ankylosing spondylitis.”
But I have gone to 2 -3 specialists and they say that it is Ankylosing Spondilities (Though the Blood reports & X-Ray rules it out). I take Dicofenac Sodium 50mg + Paracetamol 500 mg every day. If I do not take it I cannot go to office such is the servere pain.
I cannot sit leg crossed. I have gone through various posts and Today I have bought Argentum Met 6C and Arnica 30C and started taking it as per the instructions you had laid down. I believe that as others are getting benefited by Joepathy, I will too. Also My B.P is high 167/90 all the time and I have GERD.
Anything else you suggest Sir ?
God Bless you for helping so may people.
I would prefer to refer your case to Dr Prasanta Banerji at
Please follow the instructions to do so on his website.
I am 32 years old male suffering from tenderness and pain around the liver area from many years (8 years) along with
1-very itchy skin
4-Loss of appetite.
5-severe constipation
6- swell Liver
My Ultrasound and LFT reports are ok. I am using Lycopodium 200 which is giving me little relief but still i am suffering from above conditions. I feel much relief in above symptoms when intensity of liver swelling came down. Please suggest.
I saw your post coming in and am interested in your case for which you would have consulted many doctors.
I would like to help you to overcome your problems but you will have to give me more data on yourself by completing the
Do you do any exercise at all?
You will have to make up your mind that you will do so on a regular basis if you wish to be cured of your current afflictions which medicine will not succeed in doing.
Where do you live and how did you locate my Website?
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your time. some one from abchomeopathy forum has referred me this website. I am an IT Engineer from Pakistan. I have no regular habit of exercise but as per your suggestion i will start it on regular basis. please find below the required data.
Personal Information:
Full Name:
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Weight: 70kg
Height: 6 feet
Blood Pressure:120/80
Color of Tongue:pink-white
Occupation: Engineer
Optional Information:I got your website information from abchomeopathy
Country: Pakistan
Phone: +923216320923
(With city and country codes)
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- Tenderness/pain around the liver area
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Patient Description:- Constipation, burning sensation on liver, felt swelling on liver, no desire to pass stool, hair loss, itchy/sclapy sensitive skin with red rashes specifically on head and face, eyes become red
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
Cause of your disease / Problem:ultrasound are ok, LFT is ok but i feel burning pressure on liver. I have consulted many doctors but they are saying it is IBS. they given me PPI’s which gave temporary partial releif but disease is still there with same impact.
(If you don’t know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints: 8 years
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
c.Stool test—Normal
Comfortable Position:- laying on bed and drinking cold water gives me releif
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:-I feel as heat is coming out of my body, eyes became red, in sitting position i feel very discomfort as i feel burning pressure and tenderness on liver, acute constipation during worst state of disease.
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
Change of Weather:- feel comfortable in cold weather
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:- feel comfortable in cold environment
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time: no specific time.when swelling decreases i feel comfortable. After passing stool i also feel much comfortable
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time:
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Thirst:- high
(How is your thirst?)
Appetite:- low
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a.protium/Espra (Allopathic)
b.Lycopodium 200, Bryta crab 30c,Natrum Phos-6x (Gives releif)
c.Chelidonium-Q, Causticum-200
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol?no
Are you a smoker?no
Are you fond of drinking tea? once daily
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? yes
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? Carnivore
How is your bowel movement? constipated
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? slim
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? yes
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? keloid on chest
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a.Throat infection (recorring from childhood)—for treatment i usually take antibiotics
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
a.I was vaccinated for Hepatitis few years back.
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
God Bless you
Glad to learn that you have already taken my advice about regular, if possible DAILY exercise, which I presume you read about on my Website.
At age 32 you are fortunate that you were given the first warning by your own body that you were abusing it and i hope that you understood that this was the cause of:
“Constipation, burning sensation on liver, felt swelling on liver, no desire to pass stool, hair loss, itchy/sclapy sensitive skin with red rashes specifically on head and face, eyes become red”
You will also drink at least 3 ltrs of liquids daily to enable your body to digest and pass your stool comfortably.
I shall copy below my default therapy for GERD:
It is very likely that you suffer from Hyperacidity or Gastritis, aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) and I shall copy my default therapy that has helped hundreds of patients to overcome this disease for which doctors usually prescribe PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which are dangerous and can cause many other more serious problem when used in the long term.
You will hopefully discover that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will help you within 24 hours after you have taken your first dose after a meal.
The remedies you will order are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 2-3 tablets taken immediately after each of 3 meals.
This remedy accelerates the passage of food down the gut and prevents the formation of acid which would otherwise reflux causing GERD.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
This remedy works to repair the damaged Esophagus which has metastasised to resemble the gut to deal with the Hcl refluxed into it causing severe distress. Arnica works with the Nat Phos to speedily cure the problem.
You can also take a PROBIOTIC like Bifilac daily. A Probiotic will help by changing the balance of the Bacteria in the gut and will contribute to your cure and help to ensure that your problem does not recur. After your problem with GERD is stabilised you can take the Arnica in the Wet dose nightly before bed and the Probiotic daily for life. You do not need to take Nat Phos daily but you will keep a stock to be used whenever you feel uncomfortable after a meal when you will take 2-3 tablets as necessary.
Please observe the following simple rules:
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Dear sir,
First of all, I would like to congratulate you for the selfless service you are rendering to the citizens of the world.
I have a couple of queries – I hope you have the time to answer them.
1. A dry dose is 6 pellets taken orally. So 2 doses in a day would mean 12 pellets in a day. You have suggested that to prepare a wet dose, 6 pellets can be put into a 500 ml bottle of water and one wet dose is 5 ml (or one tablespoon) from this bottle. So the 500 ml bottle would last for 100 doses or 50 days(approx) if taken 2 times a day. I am not able to understand this. How one dose of 6 pellets in dry form is the same as 100 doses in wet form. Sorry if I am being really stupid and I have missed something.
2. I have retro calcaneal spurs on both my heels. My heels hurt a little when I wake up in the morning but it is tolerable and after a few minutes it is alright. Although there is very minor pain in the heel while walking during the course of the day, for the most part I am able to ignore it. I play table tennis daily for 1 hour wearing a sports shoes and I do not have much discomfort. I am a bowler and I play cricket almost every weekend and after the game my heels hurt a lot. Can you suggest homeopathic remedy in wet form. I can easily purchase the remedies in liquid dilution.
3. To use as a general health care tonic, I purchased liquid dilution Arnica 30c and also a bottle of spring water and poured out some water to leave some air at the top. The liquid dilution bottle (11 ml) comes with a dropper at the top and I accidentally poured 4 drops instead of the 3 you recommended. Is this alright? I plan to take it twice daily, once in morning after 30 minutes of bfast and 1 at night just before going to bed. And after 1 month, just at night. Is this alright? Do I have to take any precautions while storing the 500 ml bottle? I have presently kept it in an oil tray in my kitchen and it has no direct sunlight. Is this alright?
Sincere thanks for your time sir and I wish you a happy and healthy life.
Krishna Kumar
It is only when the Liquid remedy in Ethanol is not available that I reluctantly OK the use of the pellets which have already been activated with the remedy by the vendors. The disadvantage in using the pellets is that there is no control in terms of how much of the Ethanol remedy has been used to activate the Lactose pellets.
You have not stated your age but the fact that you play Cricket which I too used to play about 70 years ago, means that you are in your Twenties. You should soon discover that you will recover very quickly from that feeling of tiredness after a game and I would like to have your comments in a week after you start on my Arnica 30c therapy.
You live in Bangalore and you should not have any problem in getting the Arnica 30c in Alcohol and you will use just 3 drops in a bottle of water. 4 drops is also OK except that you will notice the taste and smell of the Alcohol when you sip a capful of the remedy.
You seem to have studied my Website and I hope that you will pass the information you glean from it to your friends to enable them to achieve a better state of health which I at my age of 85 enjoy today.
Dear Sir,
I am extremely delighted to receive a prompt response from you. No amount of words can even begin to describe your efforts in reaching out to people voluntarily and by responding to our queries and the benefits we reap from it. Truly hats off to you.
I am very satisfied with your response to pellets vs wet dose and I am completely convinced.
Glad to note that you were once a cricketer, too. I truly believe it is a gentleman’s game. I do not feel any tiredness after a game of cricket; I was actually seeking homeopathic remedy from you for my heel spur and the associated pain. Here is an image of an Xray of both my heels in which the bone spur is visible:
I have a little pain the morning but it is alright after taking a few steps and little or no pain during the rest of the day. Only when I am playing cricket and back home I walk with a limp.
Yes, I have reviewed your site thoroughly and once again I wish to express my gratitude for the work you are doing. I have already notified a few of my friends about your site and one of them has started taking the Arnica wet dose along with me. It has been 2 days so far. I will make sure to post results after a week.
Please help with my heel spur condition if you can.
Krishna Kumar,
HI Sir ,
How are you? I am very glad to say that my husband’s blood sugar level got controlled after using arnica30c wet dose. he is more active and energetic now a days . Thank you very much for your therapy.
I want some suggestion for my son of 4 year old , very frequent phlegm cough he suffers. very easily he catches the cold and it start with cough , phlegm and nose blockage. night times cough will be more sometimes he vomits after cough.
Please suggest some medicine.
Thanks in advance
Regards, VSM.
The same EP200 you are using will help your son.
Give it twice daily for a week and taper it down to just once daily for another week and when he feels OK you will give it just twice weekly.
Dear Dr Liviera
I would like to find out if Natphos 6x and Arnica 30C will elevate my blood pressure levels. teh readings are continuously high such as 180/90. the top reading is always above 150. I am taking natphos 6x and arnica 30C pellets for acid reflux. The arnica in liquid dilution is not avaialble in my country . south africa.
thank you Dr for your help.
Dear Doctor,
My son is following your therapy of nat phos, for silent reflux, and is doing very well. I had to add in nux vomica twice a day but he is doing great.
My question is, is it ok to give both nat phos and nux vomica for an extended period of time. I have tried to take him off them but he does not seem ready
I do not have any record of having treated your son and cannot therefore answer your queries.
I presume that you have read the many cases I have documented on my Website and are using the therapy which I had prescribed at various times in the past and have successfully treated your son for his gastric problems.
If you would like me to advise you, you are requested to state your son’s problems and when you started to copy and use the therapy I have prescribed for other babies.
So just to confirm ( I do not know what EP200 is??)
I am to continue giving the nux vomica twice daily along with the nat phos for a week, then continue with the nat phos but only give the nux vomica one daily and see how things go?
Respected Dr. Joe,
Good morning. Please advise me in the following problem:
I m a male, 58 years, 5 feet 6 inches, 72 kg. For past around six months i m facing a problem in left eye vision. Some smoke type reflection arises in the cornea and it blocks vision. Then i take some ayurvedic medicine for clearance of blocked nerves. The vision clears very slowly in a fortnight but not fully. Then the problem recurs after around a month. ULTIMATELY MY LEFT EYE SIGHT GETTING POORER DAY BY DAY. I m having high BP and taking one tablet daily of AMLODEP AT.
I got my eyesight checked from famous eye hospital and also at PGI Hospital Chandigarh. BOTH SUGGESTED SOME INJECTION IN EYE AND A LASER TREATMENT AFTER THAT. i do not want laser treatment but I wish to cure the problem by HOMOEOPATHY. The hospital doctors say that there is vision behind cornea but due to some vein which is punctured because of high BP, the blood comes behind cornea thus blocking the vision.
Please suggest me some homeo medicine for clearance of vision as well for repairing of punctured vein. My father was also a registered homoeo practitioner. He expired six years ago at 84.
Sir, please help me.
I regret that I am not able to help you as your case is very complicated.
It is best that you continue to seek treatment from your present consultants who know your case and have helped you up to now.
Dear Mr.Joe, i am K.Baskaran, from India, working as a lecturer in private college. On July 2013, i had a hot sensation that spreading from my heart to throughout the body. I met doctor, he told it was a slight BP due to not taking proper rest and food.(the 10 days i used to travel 4 hours daily for an on duty). Normally my diet is very simple. Not take much food. I’m pure vegetarian. I had a now & then burning sensation in different parts of my body. After three days, again my BP gone up to 160/100. i was prescribed pressure tablets. At last i went to my wife’s family doctor, who was around 70 years old, taken all the tests.
Blood Test – Normal
Urine Test- Normal
Throat Scan- Normal No thyroid problem
ECG- Normal
Chest echo- Mitral valve prolapse
Abdomen – one kidney stone- on right side
Finally, he concluded that i’m suffering from Anxiety neurosis. He prescribed
Propranolol 40mg
Pantoprazole 40 mg and
Amitriptyline 12.5mg
after that he withdrew Propranolol 40mg
after that i was still suffered by sudden dizziness, a feeling that someone sucked all my energy. If lying on bed for sometime i somewhat relieved from those things. During this my heart palipatates.
For this i consulted a M,D., general physician, he told that my pulse rate was 102. He prescribed metoprolol 25mg in addition to pantoprazole and libotryb.
height-162cm, wt-54kg
Now the symptoms i have,
i am short temper – if someone didn’t do the work properly i easily get annoyed. Normally i need perfection in works i involved.
1.Sleeplessness – for the last three years
2.Nightmares- bad dreams while sleeping( seeing dead persons of my relatives in dreams)
4.fear – fear of death,(due to the disturbances in the heart) fear of heart attack (after july 2013)
– fear of driving vehicle
– fear to be alone
– fear about feature
5. vomitting sensation
6. i frequently suffered from mouth ulcer( now it is reduced)
7. bitter taste in mouth during the time when i lost all my energy
8. Gas trouble
9. the taste of food in throat i had during belching
11. some kind of feeling i couldn’t able to describe which happens on my hands like energyless.
12. chocking feeling in throat and rarely in heart
13.shortness of breath(now it is rarely occuring)
14.heart burn
15.Pain in the chest,
16.pain in the chest bones,
18.when i feel some disturbances in heart belching will reduce those symptoms(walking also reduces symptoms)
19.high pulse rate
20.Neck pain –spondylitis from December 2013
21.Mitral Valve prolapse
My therapy for MVP is noted below and comprises using Arnica 30c and Nat Phos 6x. Arnica, has the incredible ability of filtering the blood and increasing its flow throughout the body. This increased flow seems to help in stimulating the Mitral valve to close but I cannot understand how this phenomenon does occur and can only quote the cases of patients, at least one of whom was scheduled for surgery 3 years ago to overcome this problem. His cardiologist whom he used to visit every 3 months for the usual check up has informed him reently that he need not visit him for a year. He too cannot understand how a standard case of MVP could have reversed.
Nat Phos 6x will help by accelerating the passage of food down the gut which will help in your cure. It will also reduce your weight by 1kg per week. Dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals. Report your weight reduction.
You will STOP ALL DRUGS as Homeopathic remedies are present in the remedy prescribed at Nano levels which can be antidoted by any drug. You will take a Fish Oil capsule and I would recommend PULSE which is a special Fish Oil extracted from fish in the Arctic Circle which have higher levels of Omega 3.
I presume that you are taking various drugs for your MVP and that you feel tired with pain over the heart. I would appreciate if you will keep me posted with any difference in your symptoms, especially the pain you have experienced over your heart which some patients have reported receded in about a week.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Do you have any swelling of your ankles?
You must exercise on a daily basis to ensure that your body is helped by the increased blood flow which will gradually improve the bodily functions by unblocking the micro capillaries which may be blocked.
You will drink over 3 liters water daily to flush out your system.
Report progress weekly.
Thank you very much for your immediate response. Sure, I’ll post you the improvement periodically.
I do not have any swelling in my ankles.
Dear Dr. Joe,
I have been suffering from thyroid for the last three years. I got my thyroid levels checked last month. The result is TSH – 0.483. I am taking Euhtyrox 100 microgram tablets once daily before breakfast. I am maintaining balanced diet but my weight is increasing gradually. I am also suffering from Gas problems. A few minutes after meals my stomach becomes tight due to gas. Please suggest a homeo remedy for my thyroid and gas problem.
With best regards
Sohail Khan
Your TSH levels at TSH – 0.483 is absolutely normal and I cannot understand the reason why you were prescribed Euthyrox (NOT EUHTYROX) 100mg as reported by you. This is a gross overdose even if your TSH level is high which yours is NOT.
I believe that your problem is GERD and I shall copy my default therapy below:
It is very likely that you suffer from Hyperacidity or Gastritis, aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) and I shall copy my default therapy that has helped hundreds of patients to overcome this disease for which doctors usually prescribe PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which are dangerous and can cause many other more serious problem when used in the long term.
You will hopefully discover that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will help you within 24 hours after you have taken your first dose after a meal.
The remedies you will order are as follows:
Nat Phos 6x dose 2-3 tablets taken immediately after each of 3 meals.
This remedy accelerates the passage of food down the gut and prevents the formation of acid which would otherwise reflux causing GERD.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
This remedy works to repair the damaged Esophagus which has metastasised to resemble the gut to deal with the Hcl refluxed into it causing severe distress. Arnica works with the Nat Phos to speedily cure the problem.
You can also take a PROBIOTIC like Bifilac daily. A Probiotic will help by changing the balance of the Bacteria in the gut and will contribute to your cure and help to ensure that your problem does not recur. After your problem with GERD is stabilised you can take the Arnica in the Wet dose nightly before bed and the Probiotic daily for life. You do not need to take Nat Phos daily but you will keep a stock to be used whenever you feel uncomfortable after a meal when you will take 2-3 tablets as necessary.
Please observe the following simple rules:
Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.
It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.
No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.
If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.
You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Report progress weekly.
Dear Dr. Joe,
My wife Anju diabetic having BP and colestrol problems not regular in taking medicines except for suger got messive stroke attack on May 18 2013 the day She arive back from India.
She was provided first aid help within 15 minutes and full fledge medical emergency help in Hamilton General Hospital with in 45 minutes.
Due to messive stroke her brain was swelling too much affecting other part of the brain.
So doctors decided to allow the brain to swell upto its maximum capacity and operated & removed a big piece of skull from rt side.
Still she does not have skull flap on rt side
She remained in hospital about two months during that period many time her position was too critical.
After that she was given rehabilitation phyiothrapy for 3months and she was improving started little walks with help.
In last week of Nov 2013 she got second stroke which was not a massive but her status gone worse. She remained in Hamilton General hospital for three months and then transfered to rehabilatation wing for three months but there was no improvement.
So Finallyy she was transfered to long term care nursing home in last week of Jun 2014.
She has left vision neglect.
She is weak in lft side of mouth. Food particle come out of mouth from left side.
She complains pain in left arm and left leg.
She had stiffened mussles in both limbs arm & leg.
Her leg remains bend from knee. If we try to straight she feels pain too much.
She cannot stand. If try to make her stand her left leg remain in air at least 3-4″ above the ground.
After message for 15-20 minutes it touches the ground but still she can’t put her wt on left leg.
She does not have full control over her boul moments (nature’s call.
Some time she does not swallow the medicine. She keep the medicine in her mouth for long time with water and does not swallow even our frequent requests.
I would be highly greatful if you could suggest some appropriate solution for her case.
I regret to inform you that your wife’s case is beyond help with my Homeopathy and we can only try to keep her comfortable for as long as she lives.
The only remedy that can help her is Arnica 30c in the Wet dose made as per instructions below and given 3-4 times daily. If she cannot swallow the teaspoonful of the liquid remedy you can drip it into her mouth while she is in bed. Arnica will help to filter her blood and will also help her Diabeetes by reducing her Blood Sugar level by at 10-25% in about 6 hours. You will then reduce the dose of Insulin or Metformin to maintain a BS level of 110.
I hope that you realize that this massive damage to her brain was caused by her not taking her prescribed drugs regularly and the last thing that she should have done is to travel alone to India. The fact that she got her stroke immediately after arrival is due to the lack of oxygen when flying at over 35000ft when the oxygen content of the air at that altitude is only 60% when compared to that at sea level.
I do not know how old you are yourself but I would like to request you too to take Arnica 30c at least once or twice daily as a tonic to filter your blood and ensure that you do not face the same problems like your wife.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3-4 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a dose as prescribed.
I believe that you live in NY and would like to know how you discovered my Website.
Report progress weekly.
in addition to above post, I would like to add that my weight is gradually increasing. Presently there is no physio thrapy in the nursing home, no walking no exercise. Only wheelchair is the source of movement.
Dear Dr
My grandson is 2 years old. He’s at present in Mumbai. Since Sunday evening he came down with a runny nose and cough. Cough is severe and non stop and he ends up throwing up, most of it mucus. I read your post that Eupatorium Perforatum 200 can help for runny nose and cough. I asked my daughter to give it to him.
Early Monday morning at 5am he had loose motions and he had high fever of 104F. My daughter gave him Calpol and the fever came down to 101.+F and was constant through the day and night. He was unable to hold anything in his stomach, not even liquids. Dr. did a stool culture test and report showed amoebic and pus cells. Yesterday evening he managed to drink a quarter glass of water and had jam and toast. This morning he had jam and toast. Whenever he coughs he throws up and most of it is mucus. Motions are no longer loose but he still goes after eating. Dr is not happy with the temperature still hovering at 101.+F and now suspects Typhoid and has taken blood for testing. Results will come in this evening at 5pm.
Can you please recommend a remedy which my daughter can give my grandson if the blood test result is positive for Typhoid? Should my daughter continue giving him Eupatorium Perforatum 200?
Would appreciate a reply from you at the earliest. Thank you so much for your help and may you be blessed for all that you are doing for each one of us. Will update you on my husband’s condition in a day or two. He has been taking the Coconut Oil every single day. Am very concerned about my grandson.
God bless you ’cause we need you.
If your 2 year old grandson is positive for Typhoid he MUST take the standard antibiotic Ciprofloxacin that will treat it. There is absolutely NO Homeopathy for Typhoid which is a fatal disease if it is left untreated.
DO NOT GIVE CALPOL as it will only reduce the fever with other side effects.
Eupat P will NOT help a fever if it is due to Typhoid. It can only help a fever due to a virus infection.
Please keep me informed of the result of the blood test tonight.
Have you noticed any change in your husband’s Parkinson’s?
Dear Dr.
Thank you for your prompt response. Just got word from my daughter that the report for Typhoid is NEGATIVE. Thank God for that. However, there is a bad stomach infection and the dr. has put him on Flagyl. Is there anything that you can recommend for the runny nose and severe cough? The cough is non stop and he tends to gag and then throw up.
It will be a month on Aug 25. I haven’t seen any change so far in my husband’s condition. However, both of us are being positive that hopefully one day we will see some change. Will keep you informed.
Thank you once again for your help.
Glad to learn that the report is Negative for Typhoid. This is a disease that is rare and it is not the type of disease that can affect a 2 year old.
If the Flagyl does not work to stop the infection, you may have to give him an IV drip of Saline to ensure that his stomach is rested and in 24 hours his Diarrhoea will be cured as there will be no food to digest.
Bryonia 200c in the Wet dose taken every 3 hours will help his cough. You will have him gargle with a spoonful and swallow it and report if it helps him.
You must know that Pneumonia can also be suspected as a cause of the cough. You will have to depend on your doctor to diagnose this disease by checking his lungs as I cannot do so on my Website.
You will make the Wet dose of Bryonia 200 as per instructions below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Dear sir. I am 24 year old man .I am suffering from rhd mild mr.last 13 year .I put penadura 12 lakh unit injection every 3 doctor say this is mariner but iam not satisfied totally.
I have also high b.p but they cantrol by Madison.
Some time heaviness in my heart
Some time also heaviness in my head
My blood report are normal
My 2d echo report in rhd mild mr
Any terment in homeopathic to cure this problem pls pls sie suggest me…
You are only wasting my time as you seem to be copying the text on the report you have from your doctors.
“I am suffering from rhd mild mr.” “My 2d echo report in rhd mild mr”
What is your blood pressure?
You do not seem to understand English and if you wish to be treated by me, you must get someone who reads and understands English to help you.
What drugs are you taking?
Dear Dr Joe
Thanks for your time and looking into my situation and responding so promptly. I really appreciates your affort to help the needy people. I also wish to thank u for your valuable advice.
We are living in Hamilton, ON, Canada. I was frustrated by the condition of my wife which is going worse day by day. And in nursing home there is no physio therapy help available. I personally visit her daily for one and half hour and try to give her some massage and try to make her stand some time try to walk her for couple of steps. But situation is being worse day by day. Her leg neither touch the ground nor become straight remains bend at knee joint. Feels too much pain when I try to make straight. Mussles of leg has been stiffened too much. So keeping in view her condition I thought I should try some other thrapies. So I started surfing on internet for homeopathy, homeopathic doctors & clinic. While surfing the net I came accross the ABC Homeopathy. And by Looking into site I came accross the case of Robert Ray who got three strokes from 2000 to 2002 and cured upto 90% by your advise in 2011. I tried to find out some thing more about you. luckily I found a link about your website in google.
Surprisingly Hamilton is oldest city of Ontario Canada near Toronto but there is no homeopathy pharmacy/store in Hamilton. I visited couple of drug stores in hamilton but I could not foud Arnica in liquid form. I could found Arnica 30c in pallet form. I found Arnica gel/cream and Arnica spray locally in normal drug stores. I am wondering if I can use spray or cream whether it can help a little to softed the mussles. I bought one bottle of Arnica 30c with 80 pallets for the time being and will be starting giving her tomorrow onward. If you can provide me link to order online for liquid form it would be greatly appreciated. Definitly I will give updates weekly.
I am presently in my 60es and have no issue with my health. But still I will act on your advice after getting liquid form of Arnica 30c.
You have my sympathies for your wife but there is very little more that I can think of to help her.
She is fortunate to be with you today after surviving the massive strokes she suffered after returning from India which is a trip that she should never have done and that alone.
You can mail order remedies from:
Washington Homeopathic Products
Dear Doctor De Livera:-
Just checking in:- I am the first post for August 2014 (contacts are 03Aug2014 and 09Aug2014) — formerly Barbara, now TYJ and using a computer instead of iPad.
For my situation (weight loss) you suggested Arnica 30c WD twice daily before meals and Nat Pos 6x (3 tablets) thrice daily after meals. I started at 74.8kg, then went to 72.8kg and now 73.2kg. It’s slow going, but I am happy with this progress. I’m watching my salt intake because my BP went from 130/80; then 150/80; now 140/78 (pulse 64). Back in 16Apr2014, BP was 110/66 when weight was 68.9kg.
Current Exercise at your suggestion: Walking, climbing about 100 steps daily, lifting some weights (not often though)
THANK YOU immensely for pointing me to the article on Manioc/Yucca/Cassava for Vit. B17 against Cancer. I am culturally familiar with Manioc; this product will be added to my food intake.
Thank you for suggesting the readings: I already did “Banergi Protocol”, “Arnica The Miracle Remedy”, “The Ultimate Cure for Obesity” – all prior to my first contact with you. In fact, I spent a month reading through ABC (on your name) and of course this current site – all entries. And I am still reading as new entries come online. Thank you for all that you do; you are making history!!
My questions now are: Should I be concerned about my BP? I tend to eat 4 – 5 meals per day. Can I take more than 9 tablets/day of Nat Phos 6x, for example 12 – 15 (based on 3 after each meal)?
I am facing surgery mid-November and will need guidance at that point as to what to take for quick recovery; I will contact you early November about that. I had used Arnica Montana 30c pellets with past surgeries. You are a busy man and I do not need to weigh you down with my issues when there are so many others with dire needs who need your guidance. Thank you again. Continuing to keep you in Prayer.
Glad to know that you have been assiduously reading my posts on ABC and on my own Website as there is a wealth of information in them that can be used by anyone as the source material for a book on “Joepathy”.
I note that you have graduated from an iPad to a computer and I hope that it is a MacBook Air or Pro which is what I am using right now. I have been on the Mac platform since 1996 and prior to that I was on the first IBM PC in 1983.
“My questions now are: Should I be concerned about my BP? I tend to eat 4 – 5 meals per day. Can I take more than 9 tablets/day of Nat Phos 6x, for example 12 – 15 (based on 3 after each meal)?
my BP went from 130/80; then 150/80; now 140/78 (pulse 64). Back in 16Apr2014, BP was 110/66 when weight was 68.9kg.”
You have no reason to be concerned with your BP which is absolutely normal.
Remember that Mahatma Gandhi’s reading was 220/110. He did not die of Hypertension.
You can certainly increase your intake of Nat Phos 6x but I do doubt that it can make any difference to your weight and BP.
Nat Phos 6x is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is absolutely safe in use but you may suffer from a mild Diarrhoea as it is a laxative in large doses.
Remind me of the reason for your surgery.
Respected Sir,
of late i am getting pin feel pricking over the body ,
all my tests were normal, except trjgyclersides and cholesterol, and i am already on Joepathy medicines, i am57 years old ,non diabetic .
please advise thank you , regards aslam
” i am getting pin feel pricking over the body ,”
You will have to be more specific about your ailment, if you wish to consult me.
Do you suffer from some rash?
No SIr, no rash except vitamin D is marginally low , but I am fine
Sir, this prickly feeling is not continuous , it comes for 5 minutes in an hour, then vanishes
The remedy that can help you is Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack aka Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Please post your response to the Arnica therapy in a week.
Dear Dr. Joe Sir,
Thank you for your kind advice to all here for so many ailments.
I am 38 yrs old male from india.
Recently from sometime i am having very small pimples type all over the skin like cheek, neck, head scalp, shoulders, back, & arms.
These give me very itchy feeling and i get embarassed while itching starts in front of someone while meeting.
Please suggest some remedy as i want to avoid allopathy for it.
Abhay Vats
I shall copy my default therapy for Acne which I hope can help you.
The remedy that has helped many is Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily orally, and also applied directly on the lesions on the face as often as is possible, to keep the lesions damp.
It is essential that the patient continues to take just ONE dose of Arnica 6c nightly just before bed for at least 6 months after the problem has been resolved as there is every chance that the lesions can return otherwise.
The use of a spray device in which the medicated water can be stored and be sprayed on the acne lesions or the eyelids without directly touching them is best.
You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack aka Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Please post your response to the Arnica therapy in a week.
Dear sir:
I, R.K.De,61 years old indian resident of delhi,india having gone through your case studies on your website, I am pleased to submit my case for your perusal and valued advice.
Case: having angina for the last two years which occurs 2-3 times a day with severe pain while in motion and sometimes at rest and the pain automatically subside after few minutes but sometimes i use sorbitrate if it is acute. I am taking allopathic medicine and for the last two months my both the legs are swelling and last week the swelling has extented to lower abdomen,sack of the testes and penis like hydrocil but no pain . In view of the above your advice is solicited to cure it by your medicine as i want to avoid allopatheic medicine.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily will help your Angina. It will do so by filtering your blood and this in turn will dissolve the plaque in your arteries and you should find that you will not need the drugs you are using to relieve the pain you experience today.
You will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after every meal, thrice daily to help the Arnica to filter your blood.
You will add Apis 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily to reduce the swelling in your legs. You will stop it as soon as you notice that the swelling is reduced.
You will exercise by walking for as long as you feel comfortable to help increase the circulation of your blood in your body.
You will control your diet and avoid all fatty food.
You will drink at least 3 liters liquids daily.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol (Alcohol) pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Report progress weekly.
Hi sir. I am Apeksha. I am 20 years old and a resident of India. I have gone through your therapy for the treatment of hairfall. However, I have certain queries regarding that. For how long should I keep arnica mont q+coconut oil solution in my hair? Am I supposed to make the solution beforehand or mix it each time I apply it?
I have been using this for the past one week but there’s no control in hairloss. My diet, shampoo everything is usual, I dont understand why this is happening. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure that I use it the right way. Is it possible Dr, that it may not suit every skin type?
Looking forward to your reply.
I do not prescribe any oil today and have amended my therapy as below:
The following remedies will help to arrest the loss of hair and will also help to regrow the hair in about 2 months.
Arnica Q or Mother Tincture 15ml bottle
Arnica 30c in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol
2 500ml bottles of Spring water sold in supermarkets.
Any good Fish Liver Oil in capsule form.
Arnica Q to be used to mix into the water for massaging into scalp.
Insert 20 drops of Arnica Q into the bottle and you should notice that the water bubbles freely when the bottle is shaken about.
Half a teaspoonful of this medicated water is to be massaged into the scalp twice daily.
Please note that this water remedy with Arnica Q is NOT for oral use.(NOT FOR DRINKING). It is only for massaging into the roots of the hair.
Arnica 30c for Oral use
Make the Wet dose of Arnica 30 as follows:
Order Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.
Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo daily for your shower which will help to wash away the perspiration from the scalp which causes the bacteria that are responsible for your Dandruff to propagate.
Avoid Coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy.
It is understood that you will STOP all other remedies and drugs you are taking today.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 minutes like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote.
Patients who suffered from severe hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They also noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks.
Report progress in a month
Respected Dr.Joe,
I acknowledge with thanks for your reply and would comply with your advice and would also like to know whether i should discontinue the allopath medicines while taking your medicine.
I do not have any link to your case on my website. If you have posted your case under another name or on another email address or another computer please use the same name and computer to enable me to advise you.
Hi Sir,
I am very happy with your suggestion to use arnica 30c an EP200 for my allergic rhinitis and my son’s phlem cough . I want to submit you my case with calcium deficiency .
I am a 30 year lady with one kid .
5 years back while walking i got ankle twisted and got pain in my both the feet for few days. I visited a orthopedic and got x-ray for my leg .He said there is calcium deficiency in both the feet and that is causing the pain. he gave some medicines and ankle pain was arrested.
But from then i am getting pain in feet . i cannot walk immediately after getting up from chair , always getting pain in any one part of feet and some times at knees , shoulders lower back. like that.
Sounds are coming from most of the joints in the body.
I am scared that this deficiency is spreading all parts of the body .
Please suggest me some medicine to get rid of this .
I drink milk etc also.
Thanks & Regards ,
What is your height and your weight?
Do you do any regular exercise till you sweat?
You stated:
“I drink milk”
Is the milk you drink Full Fat and how much milk do you drink daily?
Hi Sir ,
My height is 165 cm. and weight is 80 kg. i drink milk skimmed milk up to 300ml every day and one cup tea in the evening .
exercise particularly nothing , but i sweat everyday as i do my house hold work everyday .(I know its not sufficient )…
Is there any medicine for increasing the metabolic rate also sir…
Please don’t mind sir if i am asking silly questions , please excuse me .
Please suggest me some medicine sir…
Thanks & Regards ,
You are overweight by 15kg and it is up to you to take steps to do so ASAP by following the therapy I have already prescribed for weight loss.
Respected Dr. Joe
I wish to thanks once again for prompt reply and for your sympathy words as well as for the link for online ordering the remidy.
I have already ordered for the wet medicine. Mean time I had already started giving her 5 pallets 3-4 times a day of Arnica 30C. After reading all about your recommendations and your help to thousands of needy people I got a light of hope in your advice. You are requested to boost my hope in yourself and in homeopathy. I know the condition of my wife is not good. But still I see the hope in your advice. Pllease boost up my moral. So please suggest any other remidy too if You feel any Appropriate. Hoping to hear from you soon. Thanks once again.
“I had already started giving her 5 pallets 3-4 times a day of Arnica 30C.”
You cannot give 5 pellets Arnica 30c 3-4 times daily.
This can cause other serious side effects.
Homeopathy does not work in the manner (more the merrier) that you seem to have assumed.
You may however insert 6 pellets into a 500ml bottle of spring water and you can give it to her 3 times daily.
You can also benefit from Arnica 30c by taking a dose twice daily yourself.
I have taken a dose nightly for the last 18 years. I am 85 and feel 50 and people do not believe my age.
Respected Dr.joe,
I acknowledge with thanks for your reply and would comply with your advise, I would also like to know whether should i stop taking allopath drugs while taking your medicine.
You may continue to take the drugs you have been prescribed for a few days and after you feel that my therapy has helped you, you may then discontinue the drugs but you will use my therapy for the rest of your life.
Please note that Arnica will filter your blood and thereby eliminate the blockage in your Cardiac Arteries which are partially blocked and are the cause of your Angina.
Dear Joe,
My father is 75 years of age he was suffering from chest pain from last month today he has report of his Coronary Angiography which states “cad with unstable angina RCA severe disease”. Dr has said he place a ring into his heart valve or artery to fix this problem. could you please suggest a medicine for him. he condition is really poor at this time.
I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe. I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.
Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
I am 85.
I regret to inform you that you have contacted me far too late to help your dad. His report indicates that his Coronary Arteries are partially blocked and he will have to continue with the therapy prescribed by his doctor.
You may add Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily in the Wet dose to help him.
Does he suffer from any digestive problems after meals like flatulance?
You are advised to take the same Arnica to prevent falling into the same status as your dad in a few years time.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Dear Dr. Joe,
I am 43 yr old male living in usa. I have been regular follower of your website and have also taken and benefitted from Arnica 30C in wet dose nightly for about 8-10 months and continuing that. I dont have other health issues as such but for last couple months i am struggling with sleep issue, cannot fall asleep and stay asleep. Doctor is prescribing sleep pills. I have tried some over the counter supplements but not much help. Request you to kindly suggest any remedy
thanks & regards
You state that you have been taking my Arnica 30 therapy for the last year and that you do still find it difficult to fall asleep.
It is possible that your insomnia may be due to some gastric imbalance and if you suffer from any burning sensation in your abdomen including a feeling of fullness after dinner, you need to take Nat Phos 6x tablets. Dose 2-3 depending on need.
Do report how you respond in 48 hours.
You must also do some exercise like jogging to create the demand in your body for sleep.
No alcohol and NO COCA COLA or other stimulants.
I discovered the amazing qualities of Arnica 30 years ago which I have shared on
Dear Dr. Joe,
Thank you for your reply. I do not seem to have any stomach problem but will try out suggested remedy
kind regards
Dear Dr. Joe,
I took nat phos 6x 3 tablets after having dinner. got clear bowel movement but did not find impact on sleep. As you have suggested I am doing gym for 30-40 daily in the evening and also 30 min walk in morning that would hopefully help
I hope it is still fine to continue with a capfull of arnica 30 in the wet dose nightly
kind regards
You are advised to take Arnica in the Wet dose nightly for LIFE.
I have taken it nightly since 1996 and am convinced that at age 85, I owe my current state of health to Arnica.
Applogies Dr. I thought u are a young doctor of europe. Could you please look into my father’s case.
Respected Dr. Joe.
I would humbly request you to give me some prescription for the following problem: I had been on a holiday and of course had outside food..I suddenly started having a little shortness of breathe and a little bloated after food and had to take deep breathes….Since the breathing which was of and on ,did concern me ,I went to the Dr, and my chest X-Ray, pelvic and even abdomen ultrasound was done. Meanwhile I got Nat Phos 6x (reading all your post ,which I am hooked on to ) 3 tab 3x .
My reports have come and they are all normal.Thank God….But I am still feeling the deep breathe problem and I feel as if I am choking in my throat, and because of this I falsely yawn ,to get the breathe out.
I am along with my husband taking Arnica 30x. as a general tonic since 3 months. I am very active, my age is 58 ,weight 54 kgs
“I am along with my husband taking Arnica 30x. as a general tonic since 3 months.”
STOP taking Arnica 30x as this is not the recommended potency for use as a general tonic. You must use Arnica 30c which is the potency I have used since 1996 and I have taken a dose nightly or more often depending on need.
I cannot diagnose your deep breathing problem and would like to know if you suffer from any gastric problems like feeling full after dinner.
I presume that you exercise regularly to make you sweat and that you also drink over 3 liters liquids daily.
Dear Dr. Joe,
Thanks for your prompt reply, ..I am sorry,that I wrote Arnica 30x. I .doubled check it, as I got it from India,and it is Arnica 30C….Since I did feel a little bloatedness, I started taking Nat phos 6x.
People like you do not deserve to be treated by me as you have been responsible for giving me unnecessary cause for anxiety as a result of your carelessness in stating:
“I am along with my husband taking Arnica 30x. as a general tonic since 3 months.”
Please do not bother me in future as I shall not waste any more time on treating you.
Sir, I sincerely apologize for writing the letter x in stead of the letter C.So immediately I double checked.
I note that you are currently taking 3 tabets Nat Phos 6x after every meal but you have not indicated if it helped you.
Sorry Dr. Somehow the mail went incomplete. My height is 5’2″
May I ask you to look into my case and give your kind sugggestions.
Thank you ,
Hi Joe:
My son is now 8 years old in Sept. He was diagnosed of acid reflux a few months ago because he contiunes to have hoarse voice. I used some prescription anti-acid drugs from doctor but it won’t help his symtoms. Can you please let me know how I should treat him for his age?
Thanks a lot,
Hi Joe:
My son is now 8 years old in Sept. He was diagnosed of acid reflux a few months ago because he contiunes to have hoarse voice. I read some posts here and in your website. Can you please let me know how I should treat him for his age? I used some prescription drugs from doctor but it won’t help his symtoms.
Thanks a lot,
I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe. I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.
Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
I am 85.
Sorry, Dr. Joe De Livera:
I am from US not sure how I should say a respecful name for you. I truly respect you and your treatment from my heart.
I have given 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x with 2 tablets of Arnica Montana 30x three times a day to my son for his hoarse voice . Should this all right? It has been 2 days I didn’t see much improvement in his voice, but I will contintue the treatment.
For Arnica currently I only bought tablet in local store. Can I dissolve it in the Spring water or I must have the Ethanol pack?
I have ordered a liquid form of Arnica will probably recieved it next week.
Thanks a lot for any suggestions from you.
It took me some time to figure out what you were talking about and I see that you have also posted on the ABC and indicated that you wish to use some variation of Arnica to help your son who has a “hoarse voice”.
You did mention that his problem was diagnosed as GERD and I prescribed my default therapy for GERD on the ABC which I note has not been followed by you as you are giving your son
Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after meals.
This is OK but you cannot give him Arnica 30x three times daily as this is not what I prescribed. You cannot use remedies blindly for any reason and you must use the Arnica 30c ONLY.
You will STOP the Arnica 30x IMMEDIATELY.
If you cannot get the Liquid Dilution, you may use the standard pellets and make the Wet dose with just 6 pellets in a 500ml bottle of spring water.
I shall be away from Colombo for a few days from tomorrow and the time here is almost midnight.
Please do not experiment with Homeopathic remedies as they can be a source of danger if used in a manner that is not prescribed.
Dear Dr. Joe De Livera:
My son was diagnosed as Acid Reflux because his hoarse voice. Actually the hoarse voice is his only symptom and he has this for several years. What is your suggestion for curing the hoarse voice?
I will stop the Arnica 30x and try to buy Arnica 30c soon.
If you have other suggestions of healing his hoarse voice, please let me know.
Thanks a lot,
Dear Doctor Joe,
I am Vinay from Bangalore, India and I am suffering from lower back spine pain since last week.
In January 2014 I was diagnosed with Spine TB which was affecting (degenerated) D9 and D10 vertebrae. Thankfully it was diagnosed on time and I started taking heavy anti TB medicines. In 2-3 months I completely recovered from TB symptoms. I gained back all my lost weight etc. I started feeling completely healthy. Although my Allopathy doctor still insists that TB medicines need to be taken for a year so I am still taking them.
Few days back I did a car drive within the city and it took me 60-90 mins to reach my destination. I was driving all the way. That day I felt some stress in my lower back but not much. I had driven such a long distance after a very long time.
Apart from that I have a 2 months baby currently. When he cries at night, I get up, with my legs crossed on bed, I try to lift him up and this is when I have excruciating pain in my lower spine. Its not near the tail bone but a little above where the trouser belt comes around.
Many years around (8-9yrs) ago, I had the same pain and I got my MRI done. Doctor told me I have Disc herniation problem but it is not too serious. He told me to do some simple yoga exercises regularly and I will be fine. I did not take any medicines and just with the yoga the pain had gone. I did not continue the exercises after the pain was gone. Once in 1-2 years because of a sudden jerk or because of lifting weight I will have the same pain again and I will again lie down on flat surface and the pain will go with the yoga exercises.
Recently, like I said, it started with lifting my baby at night. He is 6 kgs. Also since the lift in my building is not working I had to lift some weight to my flat on second floor, that also caused the stress.
The pain is like a sharp pain, few inches above the tail bone, just below where I tie my belt.
The pain is maximum when I am sitting on a chair; when I try to get up; when I try to stoop; or when I am cross legged and trying to bend forward, and too much when I am trying to lift something, even slightly heavy. I can’t stoop.
When I lie down completely I feel very relaxed. When I put a hot water bottle. Pain reduces a lot. Similarly when I walk or stand straight the pain is almost 0. When I try to get up from bed in the morning I feel the pain.
I stay in Bangalore, here temperature is always cool. currently 20-25C.
I am 5’11” MALE, 79 KGs, wheatish brown skin color.
Sleep pattern is normal. Sometimes I take a nap in the day. Sometimes I don’t. At night I sleep around 12-1 and get up by 8-9 AM.
I am not sensitive to anything heat or cold.
Your state of mind – Recently I have a lot of stress, due to financial and health and petty issues.
Any desires or aversions for particular foods – Like salty stuff, dont like sweet stuff. Like fried and non veg more.
Details of any major diseases suffered in past – TB details mentioned above
Details of any reactions to other medicines taken.- The TB medicine Akurit 4 was very heavy as it was 4 medicines to be taken together. I had extreme nausea, vomiting, weight loss etc. But then slowly the body got adjusted to it and now I don’t have any symptoms at all.
History of homeopathic treatment if any – I used to have acute bronchitis when I was a kid. Drosera 30 completely cured me from it.
I also take Reckwegg R6 for Flu when I have cold, fever etc. I also take AF-TABS by SBL.
I don’t have any sensitivity to light or dark. My tongue is normal in color, pinkish white.
Recently I bought Reckweg R-11 which is for back pain. It did not help.
I also tried Pulsatilla 30 and it helped but only 10%.
Please advise what can I do to reduce the pain and become normal again.
Respected Dr Joe,
Just wanted to add my age 34 years. I missed stating this earlier.
Your case is very complicated because of your TB of the Spine and I would prefer to refer your case to Dr Prasanta Banerji at
Respected Dr Joe,
Could you please suggest how can I present my case to the institute?
Can I post it in a forum or email or do I have to visit personally?
Please advise.
You may complete the questionnaire in the link below and post it to Dr Banerji after reading his instructions on his Website.
Thanks Dr Joe once again.
One important condition I forget to add that she feels great tingling feeling when I try to touch her limbs (leg or arm) for massage. She almost starts crying. she can’t bear the feeling of tingling. Pl suggest some remedy for that.
I regret that I am not able to help your wife as I cannot diagnose her problem on my Website.
Dear Dr De Livera,
I found your website after searching for natural remedies for acid reflux and I’m hoping your remedies will help my son like so many other children described on this site. My son is 2 1/2 years old and was diagnosed with acid reflux when he was 1 month old. He has been on several different medicines but with exception to Prevacid nothing worked. While the prevacid worked, it caused significant sleeping issues for him so we stopped it. He was most recently prescribed Prilosec but we stopped this about a week ago hoping he had outgrown the reflux, but he has not. He was diagnosed with Eosinophilic Esophagitis a few months ago and our doctor said the reflux is common with this disease. Would you recommend treatment with Nat Phos 6x for his reflux?
Thank you,
I am shocked to learn that your son, now 2.5 years of age has been hooked on the dangerous PPI drugs which were prescribed by your pediatrician and I shudder to think how they would have affected his growth up to now.
Nat Phos 6x is my default therapy for GERD and it usually works in a few hours after a meal. It is absolutely safe in use and can be used for as long as it helps him.
You have mentioned “Eosinophilic Esophagitis” and I presume that it can be another of those mysterious diseases cooked up by doctors when they are faced with a problem they cannot identify and prescribe for. Let us hope that my Nat Phos therapy can help your son and if it is the remedy of choice, we will not use Nux Vomica 30c which in any case I would like you to get preferably in the Liquid Dilution. You will however NOT use it till I give you the green light.
My age is 63. First time I came to know by February end 2014 that my blood pressure is high. At that particular time I was over busy with my Company Project. Since then I’ve started monitoring my blood pressure with Digital Monitoring System. Usually I take readings 3 times viz morning, evening and night. Readings varies according to exercise, tensions etc. No Allopathic medicine taken nor any cholesterol or sugar etc. Blood pressure is on average 146/79 (3 months readings between April to June 2014).
Usually in morning Blood pressure is higher maybe due to pressure of getting ready for office. Night readings are usually lowest i.e. after exercise and food etc. Average readings are as follows: Morning :150/82, Evening (i.e after coming from office etc): 148/81 & night : 140/75.
It has been observed that at times BP increase to 170/95. Usually whenever it reached above 160/90, I have taken homeopathy medicine (pills with BP mixture) given by my friend. Maybe 15 times in 5 months upto date.
Following are my questions:
-If BP increased temporary to 170/95, is it serious.
– Initially I’ve felt that too many burps were coming. Is their link between burps & blood pressure. It is my observation that after taking BP Homeomedicine, few bur
ps come & subsequently BP drops.
– if average results are ok as mentioned above, still to take medicine
As a precautionary , should I take medicine or not.
My earlier subject was related to blood pressure medicine. Now I want to discuss about back (spine problem). In fact my blood pressure problem was detected in an Orthopedics Doctors clinic.
In July 2013, I’ve visited gym and did very extreme exercise to flat my belly. In this exercise, I was sitting on an exercise chair, bending down my body & my legs were simultaneously going up. I felt pain slightly on the right side of my lower back as if I’ve teared something such as Ligament/tendon. I continued exercise for next 3 days. Same type of pain came. This came on all the three days, one time each day when I over stretched. I did not realised that I was finding problem to stand up in my office, but could NOT relate it to over stretching as I was doing other exercises too. After 3 days, I went to UK, Weather was cooler in night and on same date my back ceased completely. I was in full pain and lied down for 2 days. Then I took sulphadine , which made me to stand & walk. Once I started walking & warmed up, there was no problem. But once I sit and stand up again, it was difficult to stand up unless slowly & with loosening of all muscles. Doctor related to spasm & spondylitis. After one week, while standing up I felt if my back got stuck & in deep pain .I contacted a chiropracter, who literally with his elbow put pressure on “some knot” over my right hip and got me relaxed. I remain in some sort of pain particularly while sitting for 45 days. I am not in favor of Allopathic medicines, therefore took pain killer only for 15 days. But once taken, 24 hours went well.
All was ok with the exception that I had slight pain in lower back which I always wanted it to go, so that I can continue my exercises. Approx. two months back , I felt at some position of standing , a tingling effect between my hip & scrotum area 9maybe groin)which goes after some time. This maybe that I’ve started walking and slow running due to slight blood pressure observed.
Carried out MRI , Finding of MRI was :
-Spinal canal stenosis in 3 locations
-inter verbal disc narrowing
-bone marrow oedema.
-normal caliber
-no para spinal masses
-other disc showed no disc herniations.
BMD was ok+ ASO was negative.
Note: Here I would like to add that one of my physical exercise upto July 2013 was to spread my hand horizontally (500 times/day maybe) with full force while walking with impact on chest & belly. I am sure that this exercise has definitely some contribution on my spine cord. There was no finding for the tingling affect in MRI. I felt this tingling affect gets better once I put ice at lower back of my hip ie the original area of pain .It seems it relaxes my upper part of testicles area too. In any case my doctor has given a shot of cortisone mix medicine oappr. One month back. Results seem improved but not fully gone.
Please advise what medicines I should use to improve my back. Till to date I’ve never felt any back pain In my back with the exception of pain due to that gym exercise which I carried out in July 2013.
I regret to inform you that I cannot treat your problem which I believe has been caused by over exertion during your intense workouts which you are advised to STOP in your own interest.
I cannot devote the time to do so as I am 85 years of age and have other demands on my time from patients throughout the world.
Hello Dr Joe De Livera,
I have a three month old baby who is exclusively breastfed and has been diagnosed with acid reflux. She was put on Zantac about 3 weeks ago and her dose has been periodically increased since her condition wasn’t improving. recently she has started developing food aversion, arching her back and crying every time I try to feed her. In act of desperation we started searching alternative approach and came across your website. This morning we administered 1.2ml dose of zantac and started giving her one full tablet under her tongue of Nat Phos 6X after each feeding. We gave to her 4 tablets so far. During the last two feedings she had amazingly she didn’t refuse to eat, and I am hoping that it’s because of the Nat Phos 6X.
We will continue giving it ti her however we are not sure at what dosage and for how long. I would appreciate your advise. Additionally should we stop zantac immediately of should we wean her off gradually? Also, can Nat Phos cause constipation because my baby coincidently didn’t poop today.
Just on the side note, she has thrush and she’s been on second round of diflucan to treat it.
I appreciate your attention to this matter.
I would like to send you an update on the progress of what we initiated yesterday.
We continue giving our daughter Nat Phos 6x one tablet per feeding. We skipped her zantac dose last nigh (1.2ml) in hope that NP would help her enough to feed comfortably. However, today in late morning she started acting up and refusing to eat. She would cry hysterically from hunger but would not eat. It made us very uncomfortable and we decided to give her the morning dose of zantac (1.2ml) to ease her pain. Also, she’s hardly ate anything today. We are not sure how to proceed next.
I would appreciate our help in this matter. Thank you
I hope you understand that you cannot expect my therapy to CURE your baby INSTANTLY.
You are advised to continue with my therapy and report response in 48 hours.
thank you for getting back to me.
I would like to share a few observations with you regarding my daughter’s condition.
She continues to be fussy and unsettled. She arches and fidgets during feedings frequently pulling off and crying. It doesn’t happen at each feeding, however. Sometimes she seems comfortable and just eats her meal quietly. Her feedings went down to about 2oz per feeding (we estimate the volume by weighting her) and she is not eating enough to gain weight. We administered Nat Pros 6x six full tablets a day dissolved under her tongue (she doesn’t take a bottle). Additinally, I started taking Nat Pros ^x 2 full tablets three times a day. We haven’t notice any major difference in her feedings. We also reduced her Zantac to one dose of 1.2ml per day (we were afraid just to stop that) and didn’t notice a major difference from what she was on 2 doses, which makes us think that Zantac doesn’t make much difference in her condition. What we are trying to assess is if there is something else bothering the baby but reflux. Besides her feeding issues, she doesn’t exhibit other reflux symptoms. Her spitting is limited, she had a few vomiting episodes, however it may be from her crying and swallowed air. She remains calm on her back and sleeps well at night in her crib. However she wheezes frequently and caughs occasionally, and also has frequent hiccups.
Please let me know your thoughts and if there is anything else that I should do to improve her condition.
Thank you for your help.
You will add Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose and give her just 1 teaspoonful twice daily.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Thank you. I will order Nuc Vomica 30C but it will take a few days for me to receive it. In the meantime allow me to share a few observations regarding my daughter’s condition. In the last 24hr period she hasn’t arched cried or showed discomfort at feedings and she was less fussy thruout the day. her food intake is still about 2oz per feeding, which is a little low for her age. We reduced her Zantac dose to 0.8ml once a day and tomorrow we will stop administering it completely. We have been giving her 1 full tablet after feeding of Nut Pros 6x six times a day for last 4 days.
PLease let me know if I should continue the above dose of NP6X and for how long. Also, once I receive Nux Vomica 30C should i give it to my baby after feedings as NP6X? For how long should i continue that treatment?
Again, thank you for all your help.
I am very surprised that you do still continue to give baby the Zantac as I have clearly stated that you must STOP all drugs to enable the Nat Phos to work. I believe that the reason why you are not benefiting from my therapy is because of your continuing to give baby the Zantac.
You will find that you will NOT want the Nux Vomica if you STOP the Zantac which has been accepted as being dangerous for adults when used for long periods. The effect on a baby is best left to your imagination.
We will stop her Zantac. Today AM she took her last dose of 0.8ml.
We keep giving her NP6x after feedings six times a day. This is the fifth day since we started to administer the remedy. Her crying, fidgeting, pulling of the breast and refusing to eat improved yesterday and the trend continued today. However, she just had another episode at the last feeding. Not sure what trigers it. However after i gave her 1 dose of NP6X she was able to finish her meal peacefully.
We also have noticed she eats small amounts on average 2oz per feeding. She hasn’t been gaining weight because of the low intake, and that concerns us. Will your therapy increase her appetite?
PLease let me know how long I can continue administering NP6x and should i keep giving her 1 tablet six times a day? Also, I will monitor her condition tomorrow so we can decided if Nux Vomica is needed.
I should also mention that she’s been battling thrush since she was 3 weeks old. She is currently taking Diflucan, which will continue for another week. This is her second round of medication, which is probably affecting her feedings. I understand that i should stop all drugs in order your therapy worked, however her thrush is very persistent and need to continue until it’s gone. Is there any remedy for thrush in infants, which you could recommend. Please let me know.
Thank you very much .
It’s been more than 48hrs since we stopped administering Zantac. We continue giving the baby Nat Phos 6X full tablet six times a day. She continues to cry and arch when trying to feed her, refusing to eat. it takes long time to “convince her” to eat, She continues to eat small amounts at each feeding.
Should I add Nux Vomica 30C to her therapy or wait and see how her condition progresses? Thank you.
Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose given twice daily will reinforce the action of the Nat Phos 6x.
It is a million times safer than Zantac and you are advised to give it to her.
I still have not received the Nux Vomica 30C in the liquid solution. Can I use the tablets to make wet dose instead? If yes, please let me know how to prepare it. My doctor is pushing for PPI, saying that GERD picks up between 4-5 moths and I should administering it to my baby ASAP. I am hoping that I will not need to that.
Thank you.
The pellets are not as powerful as the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol.
You will use 6 pellets in a bottle of water.
Do not be persuaded by your doctor to give baby the dangerous PPI drug, usually Zantac.
Give half tablet Nat Phos 6x before a feed and the balance after, both dissolved in water.
NP is absolutely safe in use and is NOT a drug.
Thank you very much for your response. Will try that.
just wanted to send an update on my baby’s condition.
We’ve been administering a full tablet of Nat Phos 6x six times a day together with 2 pellets of Nux Vomica 30C twice a day in liquid solution.
We have noticed a huge improvement. She stopped crying and refusing eating. Her intake has also increased from about 18oz to 25-27 oz per day. However, she is still gaining weight very slowly hence my question: can NP6x cause poor weight gain or weight loss if used for prolonged time?
Also, can I continue using NP6X and NV30C over long period of time safely or should it be stopped after certain period of time? Just on the side note, we have tried to reduce NP6x to half a tablet six times a day and the baby wasn’t doing as good any more, therefore we decided to go back to a full tablet six times a day.
Thank you again for all you advice. We are very happy that we didn’t need to give my baby Provacid.
You stated:
“We’ve been administering a full tablet of Nat Phos 6x six times a day together with 2 pellets of Nux Vomica 30C twice a day in liquid solution.”
I shall copy my prescription for Nux Vomica of 2/9/14
“You will add Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose and give her just 1 teaspoonful twice daily.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.”
Nux Vomica is potentized Strychnine and MUST NOT be used on a daily basis for baby. At 2 pellets per dose it is very concentrated and you must STOP it.
Nat Phos 6x is absolutely safe in use as it is a Biochemic Cell Salt (Check Google)
Do you still continue to give her the Zantac?
We stopped administering Zantac more than a month ago.
We have also reduced her dose of nux vomica in half and then stopped giving it to her completely 2 days ago. We became worried that Nux vomica may be unsafe for her as you have suggested in your previous post. Today, however, she exhibited some signs of the reflux – some spit-ups, lack of appetite and skipping meals and vomited once. We think that stopping nux vomica may have caused her feeling worse.
Please advise how to administer nux vomica in a safe manner. Is the wet dose safe for long time use on a daily basis or should it be administered sporadically. Having the above in mind please let us know what we could use in lieu to improve her condition.
Thank you for all your help.
Nux Vomica 30c in absolutely safe in use for a short period unlike Nat Phos which may be used on a daily basis. In any event Nux V is a million times safer than the Zantac you have given baby.
You have already observed that she cannot do without the NV and the answer is obvious.
Thank you. Can you please clarify if I can continue giving her NV in the wet dose and for how long I can continue. What would you consider as short term? She is 4ms old now and she will probably need the treatment for couple more month till she starts outgrowing the reflux. I do understand that this treatment is safer than Zantac or Provacid suggested by our doctor that’s why we have opted for this this route and we would like to stick to it. Just want to do it in a safe way.
Thank you again for all your input.
I do not think that you will need Nux V for more than 2 months but you will not exceed the stipulated dose of half teaspoonful twice daily.
Report progress often to enable me to advise you.
Will do. Thank you.
Just a quick question: will the dose you have prescribed (1/2 teaspoon of the wet dose) have the same effect as 1 pellet twice a day that we were giving to her? The dose seems extremely diluted.
Thank you
Did I prescribe “1 pellet twice a day that we were giving to her? ”
What was baby’s response to your dosage?
I would like to report progress on my baby’s condition.
Today we have started administering 2x/day 1/2 teaspoon of NV and continued 1 pellet of NP6x 6x/day.
She vomited in the morning during her feeding and kept refusing higher food doses subsequently. Her each feeding didn’t exceed 3oz when usually she was taking 5oz per feeding. Her today’s intake was about 5-7oz lower than usual.
I should mention that she was vaccinated yesterday and this is when her vomiting started coincidentally.
Is there something additional I should do in order to improve her condition or should I continue with the prescribed therapy.
Thank you.
“I should mention that she was vaccinated yesterday and this is when her vomiting started coincidentally.”
You have already got the answer to your question about baby vomiting her feed. You will observe that I have specifically requested you NOT to vaccinate baby till she is over 1 year old. I hope that you are aware of the negative effect of vaccination which you can do a Google search for.
You are advised to follow my therapy literally as it has helped hundreds of babies throughout the world.
I would like to report progress on the condition of my baby daughter. We continue giving her NP6x six times a day after meals. We also are giving her NV30C in wet dose 1/2 teaspoon twice a day as you have prescribed. She recovered from her vaccine within 2 days: her vomiting stopped and she was eating well for about a week.
However within last couple of days we noticed that she started snacking again and refusing meals higher in volume. Her schedule is very erratic, we never know how much and when she will eat. There is no spitting or vomiting but she frequently pulls out during feedings, refusing to eat more and arching her back. We are concerned about the volume of her intake since she is gaining weight very poorly and her doctor is pushing for PPI med. We are extremely reluctant to give it to her and we have been fighting it for over 2 months.
Can you please advise if we should increase any of her remedies temporarily to improve her condition and then go back to her current dosage? Is there anything else I could give to her to improve her eating?
Thank you very much for all your support.
PPI drugs will only serve to make a bad situation infinitely worse.
Are you give her SOLIDS ? And what is her age ?
You may increase the Nat Phos 6x but not the Nux V although you may give her a teaspoonful, if you are giving her only half.
She is 4.5 months. We started giving her rice cereal mixed with breast milk to increase her calorie intake. No other solids so far.
How much of NP6x should I increase it to? NV – will do a teaspoon 2x/day.
Thank you.
Did it not occur to both you parents that when baby protested in the only way she could by regurgitating her feed AFTER you started her on solids that these solids comprising Rice Cereal was the REASON FOR HER REFLUX?
Do not change her current intake of the 2 remedies as they are not the reason for her current reflux.
I am glad I had the foresight to inquire at my advanced age of 86 years of age, about SOLIDS and this was the answer. You will report her response in 12 hours.
I often wonder why parents are NOT given a course in bringing up babies.
Read and UNDERSTAND my prescription on Baby GERD and do not even consider vaccinating her till she is over a year, preferably 2 years.
I am not sure if i understand your response. We should not increase/change the dose of the remedies. The rice cereal was prescribed by the pediatrician who is concerned with her “failure to thrive”. We have been giving her rice cereal for about 10days dosing once a day 2-3 tablespoons with breast milk. We have not started any other solids. Are you saying that we have made a mistake introducing it to her diet and should we stop it?
thank you again.
“Are you saying that we have made a mistake introducing it to her diet and should we stop it?”
Don’t you understand that it is the rice cereal that has caused her reflux?
Your pediatrician is to blame for having instructed you to give it but baby’s digestive process is not ready for solids. If you had reported baby’s present condition to your ped, he would have prescribed a PPI drug like Zantac or Prevacid and when it does not help in a few days, he will double the dose not caring about the after effects on a baby when these PPI drugs have caused dangerous after effects to adults.
I have often advised parents not to give solids till baby is at least 10 months and is able to digest solids.
Do you have any suggestions how to address her weight issues without introducing solids? PLease let me know.
Thank you.
I have not studied Dietetics and cannot therefore help you to increase the weight of your baby.
I would however like to know the reason for your consternation on baby’s weight
Her doctor is concerned that she is not gaining weight. Poor weight gain in infants is associated with failure to thrive. This is one of the indicators that she has reflux and needs medication (PPI).
We are concerned about it therefore we have started giving her rice cereal to increase her calories intake, as advised by her doctor. It didn’t seem wrong to give her a few spoons of the cereal mixed with breast milk, especially that she is not given formula or any other solids. Rice cereal is considered gentle for digestive system and is advised to be first solid food to be introduced in infants at 4-6ms.
Nonetheless, we continue administering NP6X and NV30C as you have advised. As of today, she continues being fussy about her eating and she has vomited for the first time in two weeks. We are very worried about her poor food intake and wish her condition improved quickly.
PLease let me know if I need to change anything in her treatment.
Thank you
“Poor weight gain in infants is associated with failure to thrive. This is one of the indicators that she has reflux and needs medication (PPI).”
Absolute rubbish !
Don’t you both realize that your ped is misguiding you in the hope that he can persuade you to stay with his PPI’s?
we have just discovered that baby has oral thrush (yeast overgrowth in her mouth). It could be a cause of her recent eating refusal. Would you recommend any remedy for that? We’ve been reading that vitC could be helpful since yeast doesn’t like acidic environment however we do not want to aggravate her reflux.
PLease let us know.
Thank you.
I too felt that the reason for baby not eating normally was due to some other reason but I have no experience in treating oral thrush and you are advised to consult a peditrician, preferably someone else to advise you.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too. The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet but if the response is not as expected, you may increase to a full tablet but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
Dear Sir,
My name is Mohit. I’m 22 years old. I got to know about your blog from
my uncle. What you’re doing is very inspiring and noble.
Sir, I have a very serious problem of tonsils. I got this when I was 4-5 years of age. I went
for swimming once, and I got infected with the bacteria called streptococcus. Since then I’ve been
very vulnerable to cold and spicy food stuff. I have suffered a lot because of these tonsils.
Every few months I’ll get follicles in my tonsils. This used to happen very frequently when I used to drink
pepsi or anything cold. I still do, and it’s gotten worse lately.
I had a very peculiar infection right before I entered college (in 2011). I don’t recall how it had happened,
but my lymph nodes under the jaw were swollen. Doctors thought of it as a dental problem but it wasn’t.
I had to get an FNAC done to check for any other possibility. And the report said it was due to infection.
I don’t recall which medicine I took, but I took an antibiotic and it helped. And after that I was fine for about an year.
Even though I didn’t take proper care.
But now after every month or less I’m falling sick. There are craters on my tonsils, the follicles I get now are not white spots but thick white layers that cover my tonsils. I have taken unimaginable amount of antibiotic since I was a child. I have taken lots of homeopathic medication as well, because my mother used to worry these antibiotics will have severe effect on my kidneys, but I had no choice.
Last time I fell sick was in second week of August 2014, and before that was sometime around second week of July 2014. And before that was sometime in June 2014. When I fell sick in June, I was taking Mahacef 200mg for about 3 days, my fever wasn’t coming down.
So I changed medicines to Clarithromycine 500mg morning and night, took it for 5 days. And since then,
each time in July and August I fell sick I took the same dosage. And I’ve been applying an ear bud dipped in betdaine gargles liquid directly to my tonsils so that it’s more effective.
And just two days back I had slight chilled milk shake hoping I was fine and now my throat has started paining again while swallowing saliva. I am really worried. I cannot eat or drink as I please, I cannot live my life this way. Also, I would want you to know I’m an occasional smoker. And occasionally drink alcohol. I only have soft drinks (coke, pepsi) with alcohol now. Please sir, if there’s any solution you can provide I’ll be very grateful.
My weight is between 61-65 kg
Height is 5’8? or 5’9?
Sorry for not having precise details. If you need the exact details I can check and let you know.
Thank you sir.
” would want you to know I’m an occasional smoker. And occasionally drink alcohol. I only have soft drinks (coke, pepsi) with alcohol now.
I regret that I cannot even try to help you till you confirm that you will NOT partake of alcohol, cigarettes and Coke as they will all antidote my therapy and I will only be wasting my time in doing so.
Dear sir,
Even though I am not a regular smoker or drinker, I’ve been waiting for a reason to leave these things. You’ve given me one. I promise I shall never smoke or drink again.
I really pray that you can help me. I have never found a proper cure for my throat in all these years. I’m ready to do whatever it takes.
Thank you.
Glad to learn that you have decided to give up smoking and alcohol which are essential requirements to help me to treat you.
I see that you have not replied my request for your answer to my question:
“you must give me more data on your ailment which I believe is caused by Hemorrhoids. If so, what treatment and drugs have you used and what are you using today.
Also describe the current condition of your piles.”
Dear Sir,
I’m not suffering from piles. You probably misread another post. The post below mine is related to piles.
You didn’t ask me for any details as you only asked me whether I shall partake in drinking or smoking or not.
I’ve provided most of the details, if there’s anything else you need to know please let me know.
Thank you.
My apologies for having mixed your case up with another patient’s.
I presume that you have realized by now that your case is extremely complicated and I believe that you have consulted many physicians who have all treated the disease you present but who have not succeeded in preventing you from catching another again.
I hope that my therapy aka “Joepathy” which I shall prescribe below can the eliminate your sensitivity to infection by building up your resistance to catching the normal viruses that are part of life today especially in crowded environments.
Your remedy is Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily for a week and reduced to twice daily which dose you will maintain for some time into the future.
If you encounter any throat infection like a sore throat the remedy you will use is Bryonia 200 in the Wet dose taken thrice daily.
You will also take Arnica 6c in the Wet dose twice daily to help you to avoid both smoking and alcohol. Many chronic chain smokers have confirmed that they have discovered that the urge for that next smoke or in the case of alcoholics that next drink, is suppressed by this remedy within a week. I would like you to report your progress weekly or more often to keep me in the picture and you will report truthfully if you regress, which I hope will be unlikely. In any case I believe that the fact that you have contacted me after your uncle advised you to do so.
You will leave about half hour between the 3 remedies which you will make precisely as prescribed.
You will exercise to sweat it out on a regular daily basis as this is important to build up your bodily resistance to virus infections.
Do you suffer from any digestive problems especially after dinner when you may feel full? If your answer is a yes, I shall prescribe another remedy to treat this problem.
You will control your diet and try to eat only what is essential to keep you fit and healthy. No fatty food.
You will drink over 3 liters of liquids daily to ensure that your body is detoxified as far as is possible and eliminate the waste material in urine.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Thank You for your assistance Sir.
I have already suffered from Acid Reflux back in the month of February and March. Wherein I had a small ulcer in my stomach. I used to have severe breathing problems and palpitations in heart due to anxiety. But that has been taken care of. I don’t suffer from any of that anymore. I’ve taken the medicine Ten Calm (Alparazolam & Propranolol) for my heart palpitations. Though everything turned out to be normal.
I take Becosule capsules usually after dinner. (Irregularly)
Currently I am studying in VIT Vellore (Final Year student) . And only yesterday I caught viral fever. A lot of my friends had it, I caught it through them maybe.
I will be in touch sir. I’m going back home on September 6th, will purchase the medicines then and begin treatment by September 10th.
Thank you so much sir.
I am very surprised to learn that at age 22 you use a multitude of drugs and antibiotics which I presume were all prescribed by your doctors and you have taken them on the assumption that your whole life depended on that next pill or capsule.
“I’ve taken the medicine Ten Calm (Alparazolam & Propranolol) for my heart palpitations. Though everything turned out to be normal.
I take Becosule capsules usually after dinner”
You will STOP all drugs and other supplements when you start on my therapy.
You may like to know that at age 85, I do NOT TAKE ANY DRUGS whatever and am convinced that the secret of my trouble free life is due to my NOT taking any drugs.
You will also take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after every meal to help with your GERD.
Do you partake in a regular exercise routine?
This is essential and is part of my therapy.
I regret to inform you sir that I haven’t been playing any sport or physical exercise since class 11 (2009)
What kind of excercises do you suggest I start with? Running amd stretching? Or any other physical excercise. Please let me know sir. You’re right, I’m spoiling my life by not being concerned about my health and depending on these pills.
Also sir, I just noticed my throat. It’s red and has small ulcer type spots on the edges and craters of tonsils. What can i do about those? And can i continue applying Betadine gargles solution directly to such spots using an ear bud?
Maybe I said it too early. Sir I checked again, I have follicles in throat again. Shall I resort to a 3 day antibiotic course? It will only get worse if I don’t do something about it. I’m going home on 6th, I cannot purchase the medicines you asked until I go home. I won’t find those medicines here in Vellore.
What do you suggest I do?
Thank you sir.
I did not request you to STOP antibiotics if you feel that you must use them for your throat.
When you start on my therapy you will have to stop them as all drugs will antidote my therapy.
Dear Dr.Joe,
I am 57 years old having health problems listed here.
1. Knee pain (Osteoarthritis) – continuous mild pain and more while climbing up and down stairs. Taken Ayurvedic treatment for three years.
2. Itching around anus with external noticed twice. First time piles cured with Ayurvedic medicines. Seconed time cured with Homeopathy medicines but tiny piles is still present. However, itching and pain chronic .
3. Stomach Bloating and fullness. Especially aftern luch stomach becomes heavy and remains so till late evening.
You have listed 3 ailments each of which qualifies for separate therapy.
Please list them in order of urgency as they cannot all be treated together by me.
Dear Doctor,
Kindly suggest treatment for Itching around anus with external noticed twice. First time piles cured with Ayurvedic medicines. Seconed time cured with Homeopathy medicines but tiny piles is still present. However, itching and pain chronic
If you would like me to help you, you must give me more data on your ailment which I believe is caused by Hemorrhoids. If so, what treatment and drugs have you used and what are you using today.
Also describe the current condition of your piles.
Dear Doctor,
For Dry Skin and itching/pain around anal area used several cremes prescribed by Dermatologist. Also used Ayurvedic medicines . None of these doctors could cure dry skin/itching/pain.
Taking Homeopathy medicines but the doctor refuses to give names of medicines used.
Itching is controlled by Kumari Thailam (sidha medicine). But have to apply two or three times a day.
I do not have bleeding in stools and never had. The piles is external and dry.
Hope the above information is helpful.
I’ve earlier submitted my health problem, but it’s not appearing in August Posts.
If you cannot identify your last post you may resubmit it here as I have read your post.
Hi Dr Joe
I really very upset with your post I was in a great hope after going through your site.
Please suggest me if I should continue with Arnica 30 wet does. Will it give her some relief or of no use. Please try to help me. Thanks.
Waiting for your post.
Hi Dr Joe
I really very upset with your post I was in a great hope after going through your site.
Please suggest me if I should continue with Arnica 30 wet does. Will it give her some relief or of no use. Please try to help me. Thanks.
Waiting for your post
Please stop bugging me.
I am NOT a miracle worker.
Continue with my therapy.
Dear Dr De Levira
Good morning. First let me inform you that both my grandchildren are better. The older one passed on the cough and cold to his little brother who is 3 months old. His stomach infection, cough and cold all came under control with antibiotics. The stomach infection had made him so weak that my daughter had no choice but to resort to antibiotics for both of them. Now it’s time to work hard on both to build up their immunity. Thanks for your help and support during that period.
I need to report on my husband’s case. A brief reminder of my husband’s case. He has Essential Tremors and 5 years ago it was only his right thumb. He had been wrongly diagnosed for Parkinson’s Disease and prescribed L Dopa. At that time, the neurologist did not say that he was treating him for Parkinson’s disease and just told him to take the tablets for a month and that it would control the tremor. One month has become 5 years and he is unable go off it. He tried stop taking the tablet and was miserable. I wish I had done some reading about this medication and had I known what he was prescribed to take, I would have told him not to take L Dopa. My mistake.
It has been exactly a month and 9 days since he started taking Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. 4 tablespoons at breakfast, 2 tablespoons at lunch and 2 tablespoons at dinner time as suggested by you. How long should he continue taking Coconut Oil? He is not active and sits most of the time through the day. He is also taking 1 teaspoon of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice a day as you suggested.
He takes L Dopa 6 times a day, one tablet every 2 1/2 hours and the effect of L Dopa is usually only 2 hours. During the wearing off period he goes through the side effects of L Dopa …. severe cramps in his stomach, severe pain in his left leg and right arm, tremors in his right hand, his legs become heavy and rigid. He’s not able to lie down and sleep during the day and night due to stomach cramps and leg pain. He sits on the couch and falls asleep for a short while. Some days are bearable. He’s scared to go out in case the L Dopa wears off. It sometimes takes 10 mins to 20 mins for the L Dopa to take effect and sometimes even an hour or even more for it to take effect.
He is also taking 2 tablets of Nat Phos 6x after his meals. He’s not able to express how he feels. Most times he’ll say he’s not well. He’s become very negative. We try to tell him to be positive and that we are working and trying hard to get him better.
There is a post on abchomeopathy website “New Hope in Parkinson’s disease – Dr. Deoshlok Sharma” dated 2008-02-21 where he mentions a homeopathy remedy “Loleum Temulentum 3C” for Parkinson’s Disease. Any comments on this remedy?
I am hoping to see the day when he no longer needs to take L Dopa and is normal again.
Is there any remedy that you can suggest to help him manage the side effects of the L Dopa?
Sorry, Good Afternoon. I started in the morning and by the time I managed to complete it, it’s already 4:35pm.
I am so sorry Dr Joe. After going through your site I was really feeling like a miracle would happen and she might get relief immediatly. But that was not the case it may happen slowly. I am continuing Joepathy and rely on your suggestions. She got new condition that there is too much swelling on her leg ankle foot and complete left arm and hand. Once again I feel sorry for my post and wish to thank you for your reply.
Respected Dr.De Livera,
This is in my mail of 24th August and your reply of 25th August regarding my angina pain and swelling in legs. I started themedicine as advised by you from 27th August onwards and would like to report the result for your perusal.
1. Angina pain is reduced to some extent say 40% while walking but I do feel pain while climbing stairs .
2. Swelling in my legs and scortal have started reducing from 3rd August but still swelling is there so should i stop the medicine or continue it for some time more?
I would also like to inform you that I have been suffering from severe constipation for the last one year . Sometimes there is no urge for 4-5 days and sometimes there is urge after medication every 10-15 minutes but no evacution except formation of gas and stomach cramp.
In view of the above I thank you from the core of my heart for your treatment and would once again seek your valued advise for the constipation though I am having Nat Phos 6x 3 times after meal daily.
Your first post is dated August 24 and I am glad to note that in just 10 days you report positive progress in your Angina, which as you are probably aware is usually treated with drugs to relieve the pain while in the case of my therapy, the blood is filtered and the cause of the pain which is due to the blockage in the cardiac arteries is slowly dissolved, thereby increasing the flow of blood which process will hopefully continue into the future and relieve you of your Angina permanently.
You must however be informed that this process will only continue as long as you take the Arnica, and you will take it for LIFE. I instructed you to stop the drugs you were taking when you discovered that the therapy I prescribed was helping you and I would like to know if you have stopped taking the drugs you were taking up to now as I had requested you to continue to take them till you felt some improvement when using my therapy.
You will continue to take the Apis for as long as is necessary to reduce the swelling of your ankles and scrotum. You will only stop the Apis when you find your swelling completely gone.
You have reported Constipation today and I note that you are already taking Nat Phos 6x thrice daily. You have not however indicated how many tablets you are taking for a dose.
I would like to know for how long you have experienced constipation.If you have suffered from this problem for many years, it is very likely that the root cause of your Angina is your constipation, as your body was unable to rid itself normally of the refuse products which as you stated, accumulated for 4-5 days and as a result you ended up with Angina and Swollen ankles which indicate that your Kidneys are also affected.
Ast Respected Dr. De Livera, ur mail of 4th sept.I would like to inform you that I had a cardiac attack in 2006 due to blockage and used to take allopatheic medicine i.e. 8 tablets daily during that time constipation started as doctor told me that i will have constipation due to side effect of these drugs. I left the drugs after 2 years(in 2008) when I was completely cured. Since 2012 the chest pain reappear with mild intencity and got severe from the last year when the constipation started again . Your prediction regarding kidney may be right as I go 4 times for urination during night.However I am giving below the biochemistry and lipid done on March this year.
SUGAR- BSF-81, PP-88,
LFT- Albumin- 2.1(down), Globulin- 5.0 (up) A/G ratio-0.4(down)
KFT- blood urea-26, Serum creatine- 1.0, Calcium-8.0(down)
LIPID- Serum chol- 417, Serum trigly- 169, HDL- 80, LDL- 261, VLDL- 76,?
Urine albumin: you would suggest me the right?ds/ R.K De,
Your medical picture today is very complicated and I would prefer not to try to treat you on my Website.
You can continue with my therapy already prescribed and you will continue with all your drugs as usual.
This is: n continuation of my latest post.
Urine albumin:+
I am taking allopath drugs alongwith arnica wet dose even now as advised till I get relief from pain .
In view of the above I hope you would suggest the right therapy for constipation.However any other clarification can be sent on hearing from you.
kvk says:
September 1, 2014 at 12:07 PM
Dear Doctor,
Kindly suggest treatment for Itching around anus with external noticed twice. First time piles cured with Ayurvedic medicines. Seconed time cured with Homeopathy medicines but tiny piles is still present. However, itching and pain chronic
Joe says:
September 1, 2014 at 12:43 PM
If you would like me to help you, you must give me more data on your ailment which I believe is caused by Hemorrhoids. If so, what treatment and drugs have you used and what are you using today.
Also describe the current condition of your piles.
kvk says:
September 1, 2014 at 6:37 PM
Dear Doctor,
For Dry Skin and itching/pain around anal area used several cremes prescribed by Dermatologist. Also used Ayurvedic medicines . None of these doctors could cure dry skin/itching/pain.
Taking Homeopathy medicines but the doctor refuses to give names of medicines used.
Itching is controlled by Kumari Thailam (sidha medicine). But have to apply two or three times a day.
I do not have bleeding in stools and never had. The piles is external and dry.
Hope the above information is helpful.
Dear Doctor
Kindly advice.
Respected Dr.Joe,
Going through the cases of your patients throughout the world may I request you sir to go through my case and advise me the right medicine . My case is as follows:
Prostrate problem for the last 6-7 years and taking medicine Alfatam-D
My P.S.A is 1.4
Uric Acid for the last 3 years
Uric Acid is around 8 and taking medicine Fabutas-40
Stifness in fingers of both hands for the last 3-4 months and cannot fold fingers properly as I feel pain while folding fingers.
In view of the above I hope you will kindly suggest me some medicine for permanent cure. I will be pleased to give you any further information regarding my case on hearing from you.
You state:
“Prostrate problem for the last 6-7 years and taking medicine Alfatam-D
My P.S.A is 1.4”
What precisely is your “Prostate problem” ?
Are you prepared to take the remedies I may prescribe for your Gout and Prostate and STOP all other drugs?
Do you suffer from Gastric problems?
Can you sleep deeply?
Prostrate is large in size with normal shape and echotexture.
Prostrate measures 53x49x39 mm(vol approx 46.4 cc).
Yes i am prepared to take remedies you prescribe for Gout and
Prostrate and stop all other drugs.
No i do not suffer from Gastric problem.
Yes i can sleep deeply but sleep is disturbed as i have to pass urine after every 2-3 hrs during the night.
I am 65 years old.
Prostrate is large in size with normal shape and echotexture. Prostrate measures 53x49x39 mm(vol approx 46.4 cc)
Yes i am prepared to take remedies you prescribe for gout and prostrate and stop all other drugs.
No i do not suffer from Gastric problem.
Yes i can sleep deeply but sleep is disturbed as i have to pass urine after approx every 2 hrs during the night.
I am 65 years old
The remedy for Gout is:
Nat Phos 6x dose 4 tablets taken immediately after each of 3 meals daily
I shall copy below the therapy I have pioneered to treat problems associated with the Prostate .
The remedies are
Arnica 6c to be taken thrice daily in the Wet dose
Conium 6c to be taken twice daily in the Wet dose
The Wet dose is made as per instructions below.
The combination of both Conium 6c and Arnica 6c seems to reduce the enlarged Prostate which can sometimes result in Prostatitis, an infection of the Prostate Gland caused by the retention of Urine. The effect of these remedies is usually experienced within a few hours after taking them.
I would recommend that anyone who reads this post and suffers from any difficulty or burning in passing Urine starts taking Conium 6c in the Wet dose ASAP with Arnica 6c twice daily. The joint action of both remedies will ease the flow of urine by relaxing the Prostate in a manner that drugs cannot equal. It will do this very safely in comparison to drugs which usually cause other side effects. These remedies will also reduce the enlarged Prostate which in turn can hopefully rule out surgery.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capful which is the dose. Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
It is understood that the patient will STOP all other drugs which can antidote the Homeopathy.
The following restrictions must be observed to ensure that the Homeopathy is not antidoted.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Report progress weekly for further advice if needed.
Sir i am also taking gemmer 2 for diebety and olkem 20 for blood pressure.
Kindly advice should i also stop taking these medicines alongwith medicine for gout and prostrate.
I would like to have your Blood Sugar and your Blood Pressure with the drugs you are taking today.
You will then STOP the drugs for 3 days and report your BS and BP without the drugs.
This will enable me to advice you on your future protocol.
You have not indicated your response to the therapy I have already prescribed.
Please note that this is very important in your own interest.