I am copying below the case of a baby who was CURED of his Baby GERD in a 5 weeks.
sonya.gardner says:
November 15, 2014 at 12:40 AM (Edit)
Hello Joe,
I have a 9 week old boy who is slightly over 12lbs. He was diagnosed with acid reflux 3 weeks ago and prescribed Zantac. The drug seemed to work wonders for the first few days and then his acid refux symptoms seemed to progressively get worse. The doctor just recently increased his dose of Zantac. I don’t think the medicine is working well and I prefer to use natural means.
Symptoms: I am unable to nurse my baby since he refuses the breast (I have to pump and bottle feed). When I feed him the bottle (with breastmilk) he is fine while he is eating, but afterwards always spits up. He has constant gas. In addition to giving him Zantac. I have also been using colic calm and he has been wearing a hazlewood necklace for the past two weeks (this hasn’t seemed to work). I would like to go back to nursing him from my breast as pumping for every feeding as well as taking care for my 23month old is getting exhausting.
Should I proceed with your normal ‘prescription’ of Nat Phos? Also what recommendation do you have for changes in my diet (I’ve a vegetarian who just recently cut out dairy to see if that helped). I am willing to do whatever it takes for my baby…
Thanks for all you do!
• Joe says:
November 15, 2014 at 6:51 AM (Edit)
I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.
I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.
Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
I am 86 years old.
• sonya gardner says:
November 15, 2014 at 2:40 PM (Edit)
Dear Dr. De Livera
Please accept my apologies. I did not intend to disrespect you in any way.
I noticed how you replied to subsequent post concerning a baby with a similar problem. I started my baby on the Nat Phos last night and will continue to do so as you outlined below to ‘salempeacock’.
Could you please tell me know more about specific foods I should avoid eating that will help my baby?
Thanks so much!
Very Respectfully,
• Joe says:
November 15, 2014 at 3:30 PM (Edit)
Apology accepted. I felt that I should protest because it did seem strange to me have a stranger addressing me an 86 year old, by name on a first encounter.
You did right by giving baby Nat Phos 6x (half tablet before and the balance after) a feed.
I would suggest that you too take the same Nat Phos tablets , 2 after each meal, as the effect will pass over to baby in your breast milk.
Keep me advised of his response in 24 hours.
Do not ever give him the dangerous PPI drugs like Zantac and about 50 other brands which is what doctors are programmed to give even baby patients although they are all aware of the serious damage these drugs cause to adults which is only second to the damage cause by Statins which are liberally prescribed to reduce Cholesterol.
• sonya gardner says:
November 15, 2014 at 7:14 PM (Edit)
Dear Dr. De Livera,
Thank you for accepting my apology and the quick response!
I have discontinued use of the PPI drug and am so glad I did after reading everything about it.
I will definitely report back after 24 hours. I am affirming that the Nat Phos is working and will be reporting back great news soon…
• sonya gardner says:
November 17, 2014 at 5:51 AM (Edit)
Good Morning Dr. De Livera,
Thanks again for the support you are providing, I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. This was the soonest I was able to update.
My son has been on Nat Phos for 36 hours as you advised and his progress is as follows:
Initial 24 hours:
-Gas seemed to exit his body less forcefully and had a very strong foul odor
-The first 4 feedings went well with minimal spit up and fussing
-The last 2 feedings he squealed in pain and had a large amount of spit up
-I did not administer Nat Phos during the middle of the night feeding
Please note: I administered 1 tsp of 100% aloe vera juice to help soothe his tummy in the late evening (please let me know if I should not do this)
Subsequent 12 hours:
-First two feedings were difficult (he was in pain and didn’t want to finish nursing) so his subsequent naps were short and he was fussy
-The remaining feedings of the day I began giving him a full tablet of Nat Phos before and after the feeding
-The late afternoon feeding went very, very well he nursed very well and did not squeal in pain during the feeding. He had some fussiness after the feeding and spit up quite a bit. This feeding was followed by the restful (and only) nap of the day.
The next feeding went ok, he got a full nursing but squealed in pain in between switching breasts, this feeding was followed by spit up and burping. I’m waiting for him to fall asleep now for a catnap before I feed him again and lay him down for the evening.
-Note: all day he has been having very foul smelling gas
-Also note: Today I started him infant pro biotics and plan on continuing this unless otherwise directed.
I am very much looking forward to hearing how I should proceed. And again thank you so much for your time and sharing your knowledge.
Very Respectfully,
Sonya Gardner
• Joe says:
November 17, 2014 at 6:31 AM (Edit)
He seems to be responding satisfactorily for 36 hours under my therapy.
” I administered 1 tsp of 100% aloe vera juice to help soothe his tummy in the late evening (please let me know if I should not do this)”
• sonya gardner says:
November 17, 2014 at 7:32 AM (Edit)
Dr. De Livera,
Thank you so much for guidance. I will not give my baby aloe anymore.
I was wondering if you can tell me about two things: 1) Will the foul odor gas subside once he is cured? , is this smell the cause of detoxification? and 2) Seeing how he is responding satisfactorily for the first 36 hours, it is expected that he will be cured by the end of 72 hours and that i will no longer have to administer Nat Phos?
Thank you so much,
• Joe says:
November 17, 2014 at 10:32 AM (Edit)
I believe that your baby needs a repopulation of the bacteria (flora and fauna) in his gut. Ask for a Probiotic suitable for babies from your pediatrician. It is very likely that there is some bacteria that are causing the milk to generate methane which is what causes the unpleasant odour which incidentally is not usual for babies. The Probiotic will fix this problem by repopulating the gut with ‘good’ bacteria and all will be well.
Glad to learn that baby responded so very quickly in just 36 hours and if in fact he does not show any signs of distress in the next 72 hours, please feel free to stop all medication.
In any case Nat Phos 6x is NOT a drug and you are invited to look it up on Google under “Nat Phos 6x Biochemic Cell Salt”
• sonya gardner says:
November 20, 2014 at 12:21 AM (Edit)
Good Morning Dr. De Livera,
Thank you so much for helping me regain my son’s health. It is safe to say that he is cured!
He does spit up still on occasion but it is mimimal and it is not accompanied by painful squeels or cries.
I really appreciate you very much!!!!!
I would also like to share with you and others an additional intervention that supplemented the therapy you prescribed. I believe my son was suffering from “Lactose Overload” caused by an over abundant milk supply (more information found here: http://www.babycareadvice.com/babycare/general_help/article.php?id=18)
As you discussed in the previous reply, gas should not be foul in odor. I have started him on pro biotics and also did some research regarding infant foul gas and found the above website.
In an attempt to have a ‘backstock’ of milk for returning back to work and to ensure that I didn‘t experience low supply (like I did with my first) I ended up creating an oversupply which set the stage for ‘lactose overload’ and then was realized by the oversupply coupled with my poor management of feedings. The oversupply was created when I began expressing extra milk after each morning feed starting when he was 3 weeks old; I would often express 6-8 ouncces after feeding him. My feeding management was poor in the essencse that I switched breasts too frequently causing my son to get too much foremilk compared to hind milk.
For the past 36 hours I have been block feeding him ensuring he is getting more hind milk and his smelly gas has completely subsided. I am still continuing the pro biotics which will be good to help undue any depletion of good bacteria that occurred because of the PPI (he was on for 3 weeks).
Thanks again for all you do!
Very Respectfull,
Dear Joe, My fasting glucose was186on6 nov. from 10 nov I began taking 6 c arnica as recommended by you. today I had another fasting glucose check and it shows 146. Do you instruct taking now onwards 30 c on a long term basis? I am taking Flavedon MR and Pankind. Flavedon 1-0-1 and pankind 0-0-1 Please, your guidance. Thank you
I noticed that you have addressed me by my given name, Joe.
I do not permit being addressed by name on my website, as I only permit my peers and close friends to do so.
Here in Sri Lanka where I live, we have a modicum of respect for age.
I am 86 years old.
You have listed 2 drugs you are using today. Do I understand that your BS data was taken with the drug ? If so for how long have you had Diabetes and how old are you?
Respected Dr Joe De Livera ,
Sir my earliar mail was on 17th April 14 and since then was continuing with Arnca 30c wet dose, and was keeping well including skin problem.
On 22nd May in night about 11 pm I had feeling of chest being pulled inside and twitching of jaws and also was not able to lift my arms freely so I went to the hospital. They admitted me checked and did Angiography and found that earliar two stents(2002) were blocked so the Angioplasty was simultaneously done and new medicated stent was fixed. I was relieved from hospital after three days with the following medications to be continued for one year without fail . 1-Metacard 50mg Once daily (Beta blocker)
Eritel LN 40mg Once daily (Sartel 40mg+Cilnidipine 0mg)
Atorva 40mg Once daily (For Cholestrol )
Ecospirin 150mg Once daily (aspirin)
Plavix 75mg Once daily (Blood thinner)
Urimax F Once daily (For Prostate)
Sir after this episode I had stopped Arnica 30c wet dose as I am taking Aspirin and Blood thinner, however I am having a strong desire to continue Arnica 30c. My B.P. keeps on fluctuating between (88/132) and (100/160)
For the last few days I am having itching in forearms and legs and I am afraid whether the Eczma cured earliar by Arnica 30c and Arnica 6c is reappearing. I have started applying Arnica 6c wet dose liquid on the affected areas but would like to take your advice sir, as to what should be done under above condition. Can I take Arnica 30c/Arnica 6c orally as well.
With regards,
Dr. Joe,
I recently came across your “joepathy” remedy on a baby forum.
I have a 3 month old who has severe GERD, she has had it every since she was 3 days old. The doctors have tried every formula possible(I’m unable to breast feed due to low milk supply medical reasons), and she is currently on zantac and prilosec (prilosec for only 1 week so far)
She literally spits out projectile after eating, during her sleeping, in between feeds. We keep her elevated at all times by either holding her upright or putting her in an elevated sleeper. We use about 7 bibs a day due to her excessive spit up. She weighs 10.2 lbs, and we have her on a hypo allergenic formula because the doctors believe her reflux and eczema are due to that. She has been on that formula for about 1 month now, along with zantac for 2 months, and it hasn’t helped.
I just started giving her half tablet nat phos 6x after each feed that began on the evening of 12/4/14..(i continue to give her PPI`s as well)so far I haven’t seen much of a difference.
She still has projectile spit ups, and reflux.
Do you suggest I up the dosage to 1 full pill 6 times a day?
I am desperate to help my child, and would appreciate any help you can offer. Thank you.
The reason for your not noticing any change in baby’s response after a feed is because HALF tablet of Nat Phos 6x is not sufficient to help her digestive process which seems to be suffering from some problem which I hope my therapy can help. Follow the instructions in my prescription below and she should be OK.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD that I have prescribed for hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too. The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk is given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet before a feed and the balance given immediately after, dissolved in milk, but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
Thank you for responding.
I gave her only half tablet initially based off your prior recommendation to others who had babies with GERD, so that is what I initially followed.
Before reading your response, I began giving her 1 full tablet this morning, but on her second feeding she did not react well.
She spat up almost all of her formula(3 oz), and acted colic the entire time following the feeding. However, instead of giving her half before and half after, I gave her the 1 tablet in full following her feed( which I’m certain was spat up from the 4 times she projectile vomited)
Should that make enough difference in giving her half before/ half after instead of the entire tablet following the feed?
I will begin giving her 1 full tablet ( half before, half after) for her next feeds. Should The half tablet I give her before her feed be dissolved in water, milk, or under the tongue?
And if she spits up severely after I have administered the tablet, should I give her another tablet to replace it or not?
I will then let you know of any progress.
Thank you again
Some babies may not respond in a few hours to the Nat Phos 6x therapy although the majority of them do.
Yours will benefit from taking Half tablet before a feed dissolved in milk and the balance immediately after. Do not however place it under the tongue for fear of it going down the wrong way.
You can give her another tablet if you are sure that she has brought it up.
I have an 8 month old baby and he has been diagnosed with silent acid reflux . I breast feed him exclusively , and have started giving him home made solids from 6 months,( my older children had similar symtoms of colic which subsided by this point).
He arches his back after sleeping, wakes up in distress , and is very fussy all the time. At night he cries alot..
I haven’t given him any other medicine .
I read alot about nat phos6x and have started giving it to him. On the first day I gave him 6 doses of 1 pellet each after feed dissolved in a tsp of water. Second day I gave him 3 doses of 1 pellet each.. 3rd day I reduced it to 1/2 pellet 3 times.. Today is the fourth day .
He seemed calm on the first day but on the third day him symptoms are back. The reason I have reduced the dosage was that he is getting a soar throat. And is coughing alot since I started this medicine . I tried homeopathy for him in his second month and he had the same reaction so I had stopped. ( my mother has the same reaction to homeopathy). Please advice what I should do.. Is this aggravation?. Should I stop the medicine and give Zantac and domperidone as the doctor prescribed ?
I am in favor of using homeopathy
Please help me
“I have an 8 month old baby and he has been diagnosed with silent acid reflux . I breast feed him exclusively , and have started giving him home made solids from 6 months,( my older children had similar symtoms of colic which subsided by this point).”
It is obvious that your baby’s GERD is due to the “home made solids” that you are giving him.
The answer is obvious. STOP the solids and put him back on breast milk or formula.
For the record, I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD that I have prescribed for hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too. The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk is given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet before a feed and the balance given immediately after, dissolved in milk, but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
Thank you very much for your reply.. As I told you I have started nat phos 6x already but it’s effecting his throat.. He is coughing and his voice sounds like he has soar throat. I wanted to know if this could be a side effect to this medicine.. And if so.. Should I stop it.my mother has the same problem if she takes homeopathy . Is it true that homeopathy doesn’t suit everyone?
As for his acid reflux.. He has it since he was born.. It hasn’t increased after starting solids.. It’s just that I was hoping it would reduce after weening him..which it didn’t..
Waiting for your reply..thnx
There is absolutely no possibility of the Nat Phos 6x prescribed, being the cause of your baby’s current distress.
I have already advised you that a baby at 6 months must not be given solids but you do not seem to accept this fact.
It is your baby, and all I can do is to share my experience in treating literally hundreds of babies to avoid the dangerous drugs like Zantac, Prevacid and hundreds of other brands commonly prescribed for Baby GERD. They will ALL cause serious side effects when used by adults, and are far more dangerous for babies.
You are invited to read the cases of these babies whose mothers have confirmed how my therapy has helped them, often in a few hours.
Please note that Nat Phos 6x is NOT a drug. It is a Biochemic Cell Salt and you can Google it for more information.
Hello Mr. De Livera,
My name is Adela. I have a 9 weeks old baby boy. He was diagnosed with acid reflex 4 weeks ago and I was prescribed Zantac. I have given the medication sporadically because I believe the medication is dangerous for my little boy. His acid reflex has gotten worse. In the beginning he would cry and pull off a lot while breastfeeding so I started to give him expressed breast milk in a bottle. I am breast and bottle feeding with difficulty. It has been 2 weeks that he is refusing the bottle. He will cry after 1 oz of drinking. he is drinking less and less. He spits every time we lay him down, very fussy, produces a lot of saliva and has a stuffy nose all the time. He gets the hiccup all the time and coughs at times. When we burp him he sometimes spits thick mucous with milk. I am going to start on your regimen this going weekend with Nat Phos 6X as you have described it on previous posts. I genuinely believe on your treatment but I m worried that it might not work on my son. I would really appreciate your help in this matter. Thank You
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD that I have prescribed for hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too. The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk is given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet before a feed and the balance given immediately after, dissolved in milk, but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
I would like you to get Nux Vomica 30c in the standard pellets which may be necessary if baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone. Do NOT use it however till I instruct you which will be after a few days on the Nat Phos.
Dear Dr Joe,
I m a mother of 3 months baby boy. Who has acid reflux since week four. He was on losec dose 1 ml in 24 hours. It did not help but also made him upset stomach and give him cramps. So we switched to Zantac, zantac did help for two weeks only the dose were only 1 ml three times. After again we switched to losec, we still give him 10 mg but no positive change in my bub. He is always upset, irritated, and only catnap.
My husband just found your website with some comments from you and so many parents that they have gone through the same difficulty. We bought Nat Pho 6x in tablet form this morning and crashed one tablet mixed it with water and administered after his feed. Not sure if the dosage was right but out of desperation we started with one given his weight (7 kg). We did see some improvements but may be for 30 mins. We will continue this for a while and see how it goes and at the same time stop all his medications. Those ones doesn’t work any way! Please let me know for how long and how much we should continue? If we don’t see any improvements what would you suggest? Thank you so much and looking forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards – Lida
I am happy to note that your husband discovered my Website and that you have already started baby on my Nat Phos 6x therapy. It is best that you give half tablet about 5 minutes before and the balance half immediately after a feed for best results as reported by many mothers you can read on my Website.
STOP ALL OTHER DRUGS IMMEDIATELY. You have already observed that they do NOT work and what is worse is the fact that they are all dangerous for adults and more so for babies.
Search the Web for “The danger of PPI Drugs” to realize the dangers that follow the use of Zantac and other similar drugs.
I shall copy my default therapy below and you will report baby’s response in 48 hours.
Also get Nux Vomica 30c in the standard pellets but you will NOT use them till instructed by me.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD that I have prescribed for hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too. The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk is given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet before a feed and the balance given immediately after, dissolved in milk, but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
Where do you live?
I forgot to tell he is 11 weeks old. Thanks
Hello Dr. De Livera,
I was hoping you can help me with my baby as I know you have been so successful with helping other mothers who had babies with reflux.
My son is 5 month old, he weight about 17 ½ pounds and 28” in length. He was diagnosed with silent reflux after his demonstrated poor eating and arching of his back. He never cried out in pain and does not have any spit up. He was put on Zantac 1.5ml 3 times a day and it seems to work on some days and others not so much. On bad days he refuses to eat for long periods of times (sometimes he can go about 6 hours without eating) and when he does finally eats, he will only drinks about 2 ounces of milk at a time and refuses the rest. He does not cry when he refuses…he just simply turns his head away. He does not want to eat small portions more frequently either…after eating 2 ounces he can happily go without eating for another 5-6 hours; even after repeatedly offering a bottle. He also never cries for a bottle or shows hunger signs; even when I sometimes clearly hear his tummy rumbling for food. He also is not a good burper, especially when he is sleepy. He still wakes up for one night feed and after drinking his milk he’ll fall asleep with the bottle in his mouth. When I lift him up to burp him he will not burp…even after trying for 30 minutes. There are times when he will wake up a little fussy when sleeping but I just rock him back to sleep. We have switched him to a hypoallergenic formula which seems to have also help as well. Pior to changing his formula he would only poop once every two days. With the new milk he poops everyday sometimes 2-3 times a day; however they are hard. He does not show any signs of distress or discomfort when he does make a bowel movement. I will also note that under the recommendation of the pediatrician we have been putting rice cereal in his bottle to help thicken the milk. The only really difference I saw after adding the cereal was that he pooped a little more often.
I have purchased the Hyland’s Nat Phos 6x & Nux Vomica 30c but I am reluctant to give it to him as I am still unsure about the dosages; even after reading your default prescription on your website.
1. Should I give him 1 full tablet of Nat Phos 6x after every feeding or ½ tablet? Also he has about 8 feedings a day sometimes, do I give him the Nat Phos 6X 8 times a day including his night feeds? You said on your website that a baby should not have more than 6 tablets in 24 hours. Can the Nat Phos 6x be given before a meal or only after a meal?
2. How long should I give this medication to my baby? In your website you say about 3 days and then taper off. I am not sure how to do that: 1st day (1) tablet after each feeding; 2nd day (½) tablet after each feeding; and what should I do on the 3rd day…( ½) tablet every other feeding?
3. If my son is displaying signs of discomfort due to the reflux should I go back and give him (1) tablet after each feeding again? And for how long?
4. Should I start giving my baby the Nux Vomica 30C at the same time I start giving him the Nat Phos 6X; or should I wait to see how responds to the Nat Phos 6x before introducing the Nux Vomica 30c? And what is the dosage and how many times a day? 3 drops in a 500ml of bottle of water – give him a teaspoon? Also is this given before or after his meal and can it be given at the same time as the Nat Phos 6?
I do apologize for all the questions but I was reading many different versions of dosages online about the ‘joethearapy’ and I was getting very confused.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you so much in advance
Glad to note that you have already got the Nat Phos 6x (NP) and the Nux Vomica 30c.(NV). I do not give baby the NV as a first resort as I prefer to start on the Nat Phos 6x which I give in Half tablet 10 minutes before a feed and the balance immediately after. If baby does not respond, I then give the NV in the Wet dose twice daily. Your record of how to give it is correct.
You may give him 8 tablets NP in halves and you will STOP the rice cereal as at 5 months a baby’s digestion is not ready for solids.
There is NO restriction on giving NP for as long as baby benefits from it.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
I’ve been reading your blogs on Gerd and I’m very hotel that you can help my son. He is almost 7 weeks old & 13 pounds. He was always very gassy and had colics. But for the part 10 days he has a lot of reflux, painful even silent reflux. E went to the pediatrician and as always they prescribed him Ranitidine (zantac) 2ml two times a day which I did even though I hated the idea of medicated my newborn (I don’t even take medication unless is Really necessary) but he had stopped eating for 18 hours and I was desperate so I have it to him. It’s been 4 days and today he started vomiting even more than before the Ranitidine and he hasn’t had a stool in 2days. I read your blogs two days ago so we bought the NP and started this afternoon. 1 tablet diluted in like a tablespoon of water after feeding.
I have to tell you that I don’t have enough milk so I breastfeed him and then give him formula since he was born. Because of his awful colics I had to change recently the organic formula I was giving him for a lab one called Nutramigen that’s supposed to help him with that. Now he’s throwing up right after feedings when I try to burp him so the NP goes with that vomit. He successfully didn’t vomit one but the other two times he did. So I don’t know if I should count those as taken or should I give him another diluted tablet right after he vomit the formula.
Also I’m taking Fenugreek herbal supplements in an effort to produce more milk. Should I stop taking them? I don’t know if that been would interfere the treatment. Also in drinking a lot of camomile and sometimes prepare his formula with camomile water to help him with the colics. Should I stop?
I’m really desperate and can’t stop crying cause I feel my baby’s pain and hunger. He can’t keep anything in his stomach now.
Thank you so much in advance.
I am happy to learn that you have already started baby on my Nat Phos 6x therapy which you used after your doctor prescribed Zantac which did not work at all and even made his condition even worse. It breaks my heart to note that modern medicine refuses to accept my simple and safe therapy using NP as it invariably works almost instantly, which was not the case with your baby.
Do not worry unduly as you can expect baby to stabilize if you persist in giving him the NP, half tablet before and balance after a feed, dissolved in water or milk.
You can increase your lactation by taking Arnica 6c in the Wet dose thrice daily at the start and twice when you are stabilized. This remedy will be passed over to baby in your milk and will help with his sleeping pattern.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD that I have prescribed for hundreds of babies which I hope will help your baby too. The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
Nat Phos 6x tablet dissolved in milk is given immediately after a feed. Start with half tablet before a feed and the balance given immediately after, dissolved in milk, but you will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
Arnica 6c to be made into the Wet dose as per instructions below.
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
Feel free to report progress and ask any questions you may like to have answered by me.
Please note that I live in Sri Lanka which is exactly opposite California where I presume you live.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
Thank you so much for your prompt response. I’ll try the Arnica 6c to increase the lactation. My baby is better now. He successfully kept the last two Nat Phos in his stomach. No vomiting, just some silent reflux. I’m assuming the Ranitidine is getting out of his system letting the NP do its work.
I’m still within the 24 hour first day, he successfully took 3 NP and vomited 2 right after giving them (this were number 2 & 3) to him after feeding. Should I count that as 5 taken NP in this day or just 3? Just want to make sure how much more I can give him for the rest of the day. He’s been eating very little these part days (1oz maybe 2oz tops) every 2 sometimes every 3 hours so I don’t give him the NP in some feedings.
Also I want to ask you if it’s Ok for him to take the homeopathic colic relief medicine I’ve been giving him, it’s called Cocynthal, it has: Carbo vegetabilis 5C, Colocynthis 9C, Cuprum metallicum 5C in purified water. It has really helped him with with colics but I stopped giving it to him when I started NP just in case some of these ingredients might interfere with the success of the NP treatment.
Thank you once again for helping me & so many parents and babies. I’ll keep you posted on my son’s progress
I am glad to note that the Nat Phos 6x therapy has helped your baby in under 24 hours and I hope that the Arnica 6c can help you with your lactation in the same manner that it has helped many mothers who were in the same predicament.
Nat Phos 6x is NOT a drug and can be used very safely by babies and adults and is by far more effective in comparison to the standard drugs given by doctors which as you have observed did more harm than good, even though you gave it to baby for only a few days. Although I have warned against using more than 6 tablets daily, it is quite safe to ignore my instructions. I hope you are giving him half tablet a few minutes before and the balance half immediately after a feed. I have evidence that this is by far the most effective method to help a baby like yours.
I would prefer that you do not use the Cocynthal as I fear that it can antidote my therapy.
You will discover within the next 24 hours that baby’s digestion will stabilize and he will show signs of an increased appetite which you will not oblige by overfeeding him, as it can cause a return of his Baby GERD.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
My baby hasn’t sleep much today. He is still in pain moving his legs and making loud noises while he pushes a lot with a red face and his stomach gets really hard. I think this is colic and gas but it could be the reflux, at this point I don’t know anymore.
He just vomit a little once today, but he is having a lot of silent reflux. He makes a high pitch noise with a choking one and then swallow whatever is trying to get out of his throat. He’s been like this All day so I had to hold him in kind of a straight position on my chest or walk all day also. If I lay him down he starts choking with reflux. I don’t know if I have to wait more and continue the therapy or this means that is not quite working for him and we have to add something else.( It’s been almost 72 hours since we started).
Is there singing I can give him for his colic and gas? Massages on his tummy won’t work.
He’s not eating much also.
Thank you. I appreciate your help.
It seems to me that Baby is not responding to the Nat Phos 6x alone and it is time to add Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose to reinforce its action.
You will make it as per instructions below and give half teaspoonful, twice daily.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Get Nux Vomica 30c in the standard pellets and insert just 6 pellets into a 500ml bottle of Spring Water.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping the half teaspoonful twice daily.
You will stop the Nux Vomica as soon as you find that baby is OK but you will continue the Nat Phos for as long as you feel that it is needed. NP is NOT a drug and is absolutely safe in use for long periods.
Report progress in 48 hours.
Dear Dr. De Livera,
Thank you so much for your prompt response. I’ll try the Arnica 6c to increase the lactation. My baby is better now. He successfully kept the last two Nat Phos in his stomach. No vomiting, just some silent reflux. I’m assuming the Ranitidine is getting out of his system letting the NP do its work.
I’m still within the 24 hour first day, he successfully took 3 NP and vomited 2 right after giving them (this were number 2 & 3) to him after feeding. Should I count that as 5 taken NP in this day or just 3? Just want to make sure how much more I can give him for the rest of the day. He’s been eating very little these part days (1oz maybe 2oz tops) every 2 sometimes every 3 hours so I don’t give him the NP in some feedings.
Also I want to ask you if it’s Ok for him to take the homeopathic colic relief medicine I’ve been giving him, it’s called Cocynthal, it has: Carbo vegetabilis 5C, Colocynthis 9C, Cuprum metallicum 5C in purified water. It has really helped him with with colics but I stopped giving it to him when I started NP just in case some of these ingredients might interfere with the success of the NP treatment.
Thank you once again for helping me & so many parents and babies. I’ll keep you posted on my son’s progress
For the past few days my daughter has been arching her back during feedings and not eating that much. I’m exclusively breastfeeding. She stays fussy all day but sleeps through the night. But during the day her naps are about 5-10 minutes before she wakes up crying. I’m not 100% she has acid reflux but she has most of the symptoms. I just wanted to know if your remedy is safe and effective. I don’t like giving her any sort of medicine. So I’m pretty hesitant to try new things but I just can’t handle her being in so much distress and being fussy all the time. Please get back to me as soon as possible, thank you !
It is very likely from your description of your baby’s current distress is caused by Baby GERD and it is also very likely that my therapy copied below will soon fix it as long as you follow my therapy as prescribed. In any case my therapy with Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt which I hope you can order in your city, is NOT a drug and can be safely used for both babies and adults.
I would like to know how you located my Website which I established over 6 years ago.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
I just got her first shots the other day and I definitely can tell that those made it worse because she wasn’t acting like this before. She got all 3 shots when she went to her pediatrician. Do they sell these tablets at the vitamin store? I just don’t want my baby to feel uncomfortable and in distress anymore. Can you tell me more about the shots that they give babies? Oh, and I found your website when I googled “acid reflux in babies” and came across an all natural website giving advice for acid reflux in babies. Thank you for your time.
You have observed her reaction to “shots” and I hope you will NOT give the MMR vaccine in ONE SHOT as there are many reports which you can access on the web of babies turning autistic as a result.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
Hello Dr. De Livera,
I was searching in google for Acid Re-flux natural remedies and I came across your site. My son he is 8 weeks old weighs 10 lbs suffering with acid re-flux, as per pediatrician suggestion we are using Zantac 0.7ml twice a day since two weeks. It initially helped for 10 days and later I don’t see much benefit out of it. I saw this site yesterday and immediately bought NP and started giving as per your suggestion (Start with half tablet before a feed and the balance given immediately after, dissolved in milk, not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours). We stopped giving Zantac but we are giving Mommy Bliss (Probiotic drops – 5 drops each day) and vitamin D3 drop (one drop each day) and woodward’s gripe water (2.5 ml twice a day)
First 24 hours observations:
We gave 2 tablets (4 half doses) yesterday before and after feed. First feed was at 8pm and second feed at 9:30pm. After first feed he throw up about an hour later. During night time we didn’t give him any NP tablets.
Started giving him NP again from today morning before and after feed at 6am,9am,1pm so total we gave him 5 NP tablets since yesterday(10 half doses).
He is still gassy/arching and crying all of sudden. He is trying to throw up and swallowing it back. He reduced his milk intake and not able to sleep more than 30 minutes. After each feed holding him in upright position 20 to 30 minutes and doing burping as well. We are sleepless and restless don’t know what to do.
Please suggest what to do, appreciate your response.
Thank you for helping parents like us.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
STOP all other drugs and vitamins as your Breast Milk has them all.
Report response in 48 hours.
Hello Dr. De Livera,
Thank you for your quick reply.
We are living in a cold place where we don’t expose to sun much, so vitamin D3 is essential as a supplement that’s why we are giving vitamin D3 and Probiotic for baby.
As per pediatrician suggestion my wife stopped taking diary,soy,wheat, gassy foods (cabbage,cauliflower,broccoli ) to control baby gassiness/acid re-flux. we are not sure baby is getting enough nutrients from breast milk since my wife stopped eating above foods.
what would be your suggestion for my wife and baby.
Past 48 observations below:
Second day we gave him 6 NP(12halves) in 24 hours. he is little better compare to first day, throw up reduced but still he is gassy and crying all of sudden, he is wheezing(could hear some noise while he is breathing). sleeping pattern changed little bit he is sleeping for 60 to 90 minutes now.Milk intake increased rather than giving full at a time we are giving more number of times.
My wife taking NP tablets 3 times a day (2 tablets each dose)
we have 2nd month appointment with pediatrician next week, she is planning to give few vaccinations, I’m not sure whether i can postpone those till he turns 1 yr at-least, if there is a possibility i will wait till he turns 1 yr old.
what would be your suggestion here.
Thank you for your time.
I note that you have your own agenda on feeding your baby and I regret to inform you that I shall withdraw from your case as you are not agreeable to using my therapy which I have prescribed for over 500 babies whose parents have consulted me on my Website with many confirming the response of their babies after the agony of coming under the orders of pediatricians who are not aware of the Miracle of Homeopathy and insist on prescribing the dangerous PPI drugs which were given to your baby.
Be informed that I am 86 years old and am NOT a professional Homeopath as this Science is only my Hobby to which I am dedicated. I treat all who consult me free of charge and you can read the tributes that some have made on my Website which is open to the world.
if my message conveys that I’m not agreeing to your therapy I’m sorry for that that’s not my intention. we are using NP as per your suggestion 6 tablets(12 halves) in 24 hours.
Need small clarification when mother is not eating all the foods and we are not exposed to the sunlight then how the baby will get all the required nutrients/vitamin D3.
Thank you for guiding parents.
My friend told me about this website after reading all the reviews i decided to give my son Nat Phos 6X since he had acid re-flux since he was born.
My son he is 3 months old now and as per the recommendations mentioned in the website I started giving him Nat Phos 6X total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours since 10 days.
He is little better since i started giving him Nat Phos but he could able to sleep for max 1 hour, after one hour he will get up and he will cry then we need to hold him up some times he will throw up little bit, it’s happening every day and night. He is gassy/wheezing.Holding him in upright position 30 minutes after every feed.I’m also taking NP tablets 3 times a day 2 tablets.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you so much in advance
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.
I can prescribe another remedy to treat his chronic baby GERD but hesitate to do so as he is just 3 months old.
Thank you very much for responding.
I’m following all your instructions.
Look like baby is not responding to the Nat Phos 6x alone, I will wait for your further instructions and i believe what ever you suggest it’s natural and it’s safe for babies.
I look forward to hearing from you!
It seems to me that Baby is not responding to the Nat Phos 6x alone and it is time to add Robinia Pseucacacia 6c in the Wet dose to reinforce its action by reducing the acid.
You will make it as per instructions below and give half teaspoonful, twice daily.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Get this remedy in the standard pellets and insert just 6 pellets into a 500ml bottle of Spring Water.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Shake the bottle hard before you give baby half teaspoonful twice daily.
You will stop the Robinia P as soon as you find that baby is OK but you will continue the Nat Phos for as long as you feel that it is needed. NP is NOT a drug and is absolutely safe in use for long periods.
Report progress in 48 hours.
Sorry for late response.
We didn’t give Robinia Pseucacacia 6c and my son he is doing ok without it, very rarely he is crying due to re-flux. we are continuing with Nat Phos 6x dose as per your instructions.
Thank you very much for your help.
You should find in my prescription, that I have already advised you not to give the Robinia except as a last resort as it is only designed to reduce the acid flow into the stomach. Nat Phos 6x in the main remedy and you have used it and discovered that it does work.
I would like to have your baby’s case history for my records and also to enable other mothers to read your own experience.
My 6 month baby (20lb) never slipts up, but he seems to have excess gas/some sort of reflux since he burps a lot sometimes over an hour after feeding, his eye lids get red for a moment and then it goes away, sometimes he quickly shakes while doing it, he doesn’t really cry when he is awake and it happens, but you see that he feels discomfort and turn asking to be held (when he is sitting). However takes short naps (30 min) and often waking up at night. DS awaking are sudden waking, it has been going on for while, sometimes when I grab him from the crib he does burp/reflux (no vomit/milk out) and need lots of movement to go back to bed, other times he screams seems like he still sleeping he fights with me, but then he sudden wakes up and bye bye no more sleep, no more lying down on his back. He also loves to nurse for comfort. I am to not allowing him to do so as often, because it doesn’t help, DS swallows air and it gets worst.
I thought DS night crying awaking could be behavioral, but he still arching his back. DS arches his back when I amI feeding him solids and also get red eye lid for moment.
His doctor doesn’t want to give him any medicine, but I now realized that DS is avoiding to put weight on his left side when siting, I think DS aims to avoid pressure on his stomach due to the discomfort.
He is current breast/ formula fed. I wonder if is there any harmmer if I try to give him the Nat Phos 6 x and Nux Vo.
Do NOT give Nux Vomica which I have replaced with another remedy which is only to be used if baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone as per my prescription below:
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I have prescribed for hundreds of babies and which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy is Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt and is NOT a drug. It is absolutely safe in use and you may like to look it up on Google.
You will give baby half a tablet dissolved in milk a few minutes before every feed and the balance half immediately after a feed but you will not exceed a total of 6 tablets (12 halves) in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby. You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
Babies do not always do a poo daily. Some babies can go up to 5 days to do so. A gentle massage of her abdomen after every feed in a clockwise direction usually stimulates evacuation.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over 2 years old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
Do not give the MMR Vaccine in One shot as there is plenty of evidence on the Web of severe side effects which can result. You are advised to give it in 3 separate shots if you must do so, after baby is 2 years old.
Do not give Baby any solid food till s/he is over 8 months of age.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
You will stop all other drugs you may be giving baby if you start on my therapy.