A Patient comments on the ABC
Joe, please advise when you get a chance.
From Dawnnoelle1045on 2010-11-185 replies41 viewsWell, you successfully have helped every memeber of my family as well as my cat (th arnica wetdose was just what she needed.)
I have a major challenge and I pray that you have a solution.
My step son has been diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder because his biological mother that he is not allowed to see drank heavily with him while she was pregnant.
His major symptoms include:
*Very immature impulse control
*rage attacks
*hitting/punching kicking when frustrated
*lessened cognitive ability
*inability to comprehend cause and effect
*disrepect for authority
*invasion of boundaries
*violence and threats of violence
My biggest concern is that he will seriously hurt someone else when in a rage attack, which can be brought on from even the slightest annoyance if he is over stimulated by a stressful day.
We are working on making sure we reduce his stressors, but even if the rage attacks happened mildly frequently, they are not acceptable and I have genuine fear of his violence because in a couple of years, I won’t be able to hold him while he does them.
Just last night he was terribly upset because I asked him to come out of the room and screamed no. I counted to three for him and he wouldn’t, I went to go get him myself, as you would a toddler, he began to run away from me throwing things around my other children. During this running, is when his rage got huge.
You are not supposed to restrain these children, just redirect them, but I was inacapable of doing that and he was being extreemely violent, so I put him on lap and held him very calmly. I kep repeating that we don’t hit, we are nice to eachother. I explained over an over that he could get off my lap when he had control over his body. The entire thing lasted about a half hour. AT one point he yelled at me, “If you don’t let me down, I will get a knife and kill you.”
He’s only five years old.
He doesn’t witness violence. I am not violent towards him. No one is. We don’t have knives accessable of course, but the threat was frighteneing enough to come to you and ask for help.
I want him in my family. I want us all to feel safe. I worry that in a couple of years when he’s stronger, he will be one of those boys that end up in a group home, and he is very inteeligent, just brain damaged. I don’t want that for him. I love him very much. This is not his fault. He is brain damaged.
He has a slightly smaller than normal cerebellum and he has synapse problems in his right temporal lobe.Report post to moderator Re: Joe, please advise when you get a chance.From Joe De Livera on 2010-11-18To Dawn
I am glad to note that I have been able to help “every memeber of my family as well as my cat”
I am very concerned with your report of your stepson’s behaviour and regret to inform you that I do not have the experience that other qualified homeopaths may have in treating this case. I do agree that the treatment of this case is urgent while the child is still young.
It is my hope that other more experienced homeopaths will take up this challenge and shall follow the progress of your boy with interest.Report post to moderator Re: Joe, please advise when you get a chance.From Dawnnoelle1045 on 2010-11-18I want to use stramonium. Do you feel comfortable saying simply if this could be detrimental in any way? In addition, if it wouldn’t be detrimental, would you have any suggestions on a dose I might try? I will of course, not think anything of it if you’re incorrect. I’ve had a hard time being able to establish trust in any of the homeopaths I’ve encountered, especially in my area.
I’d rather ANY input you could offer about this one remedy than asking for help from someone I lack confidence in.
If you’re uncomfortable with this, I fully understand.Report post to moderator Re: Joe, please advise when you get a chance.From Joe De Livera on 2010-11-18I regret I cannot comment simply because I lack the experience in treating a similar case which requires specialized knowledge and understanding of the problems involved which must be treated urgently.
I do wish that I could have help you as I have done in the past but I hope you will understand that I cannot as I have not studied this problem. You may like to know that Homeopathy to me is only a Hobby and I have never followed a formal course of study which I have done on my own for the last 40+ years. I am now 82 years of age and have made some interesting contributions to Homeopathy which have often been criticized by the classical sect as they felt that my “Joepathy” did not follow the classical rules which therefore made my therapy, according to them, dangerous to be used by anyone in distress who posted his case on a Homeopathic forum.
I had the last laugh when my therapy invariably cured the ailment in comparison to the classical remedies prescribed by the classical set which did not.Report post to moderator Re: Joe, please advise when you get a chance.From Dawnnoelle1045 on 2010-11-19I understand your reluctance, and I respectfully accept your choice. I do want you to know though, and I’d like to state for the record for anyone reading this that the therapies you’ve suggested to me in the past have all worked within hours after all others suggestions have failed for months. Our family is so much better off because of your input (often unknowingly, because I just search for answers you’ve given others in related cases) having successfully risen above two years of MSA infections, serious pain and afflictions from the effects from the anthrax vaccine, and debilitating feminine problems.
So, thank you for your past involvement, and you will continue to be regarded by me as THE master of homeopathy.Report post to moderator Re: Joe, please advise when you get a chance.From Joe De Livera on 2010-11-19To Dawn
It is rarely that I receive a post like yours where you write with conviction in appreciation of the work that I have done since 2003 and continue to do even today on the ABC and 2 other Homeopathic Forums which I visit almost daily.
I would also like to invite you to visit my own Website
which I established a few months ago with the assistance of my son and is still in the process of being enlarged.
You can also type into Google my name “Joe De Livera” and “Joepathy” to read the many cases that Google has listed some of which are of interest to the Homeopathic world.
Homeopathy is, as I have stated before only a Hobby to me, to which I am dedicated and which I prescribe as I have found that my own therapy which I have prescribed to patients is often far more effective in the treatment and cure of disease. You may perhaps be aware that my therapy was branded “Joepathy” by a classical homeopath who like me was not qualified, as he was only involved in studying this Science at an academic level, and after years of debate with me finally came to understand and accept my own “this for that” therapy, which he had derisively classified as Joepathy as he felt that it did not qualify under Homeopathy because I did not follow the strict rules of classical Homeopathy.
As I explained to you in a previous post, I do not take cases in which I do not have any prior experience in treatment as although I have studied this Science for the last 40+ years, I feel that my knowledge is not sufficient to blindly follow the therapy I have gleaned from books as the majority of them are just mirror images which one author copies from another.
This is the reason why I decided to have my own website where I collate the outstanding cases that I have treated with the patients own responses which anyone who is interested can access in any part of the world for some years in the future, even after I am no more.
All I request from those who seek my assistance to overcome their ailments is that they use my therapy and confirm as you have done that it has helped them or otherwise. It is this satisfaction that keeps me active at my advanced age and I am glad that I have helped you and your family to attain a better state of wellness than you enjoyed before you used my Joepathy.
Thank you for your comments which I appreciate deeply.