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May 2014
Thursday, May 1st, 2014April 2014
Sunday, April 6th, 2014Arnica CURES Eczema in 20 days.
Monday, March 31st, 2014Submitted on 2014/03/30 at 11:03 PM
Respected, Dr Joe De Livera, As requested, below is a complete case record of my Eczema and successful treatment with Joepathy:
I am 67 years old male from India . In begining of Sept.’13, I experienced skin problem having rashes and ichings on my hands, side back, buttocks, and outer thighs . I contacted a skin specialist doctor and started allopathic treatment that included (1) Inj Karacort 40mg – once only, (2) Tab Allegra M – morning (3) Lerafil 5 – night (4) Emolin cream – morning and (5) Halovate F cream – evening. This treatment was given for one month and it gave me significant relief but by leaving the treatment symptoms started reappearing.
A friend of mine suggested that Homeopathy can provide lasting cure for skin problems, so I contacted a Homeopathic Doctor who gave me the following treatment on weekly basis: (1st week) Romex 30, Astacus 30, LRT UR 30 (2) Fago 30 and Astacus 30 (3) Apis 30 (4) GR 30, Croton 30, Apis 30 (5) Croton Tig 30, Astacus 30, PET 30 (6) CR 30, PET 30, GR 30+, UTR LR 30, (7th week) Astacus 30, Fago 30, Apis 30. The Homeopathic doctor indicated that I can simultaneously continue my allopathic treatment also. However, I took only the Homeopathic medicines for 7 weeks. During this period, the itching and rashes started appearing, I again started taking allopathic medicines.
In Jan’14, I read an article on Arnica 30c wet dose by Mr Joe De Livera which fascinated me so much that from 5th February 2014, I stopped all previous treatments and started taking Arnica 30c Wet Dose twice daily and also applying the same over the rashes. I noticed that rashes and itching started diminishing and reduced by almost 90% within a period of 15 days .
I observed that although no rashes, but sort of burning/itching used to occur on side of thighs, knees and hands, I brought this to the knowledge of Mr Joe De Livera and he advised me to replace Arnica 30c by Arnica 6c wet dose Thrice daily and apply the same on the iching/burning areas ( Eczema ).
I started using Arnica 6c w.e.f. 13 03.14 and by 26.03.14 found that all my problems of skin cured by 26.03.14. I do not have words to convey Dr De Livera
about the efficacy of wet dose invented by him in “Joepathy”. And undoubtaly I am a fan of him because of his selfless service to the mankind.
With Warm Regards,
I. Singh
Perianal Abscess CURED in 31 DAYS.
Saturday, March 29th, 2014This is the case history of how a Perianal Abscess which the patient himself had measured and recorded at 7 CENTIMETERS or almost 3 INCHES reduced down to 3CM in just 5 days and further reduced to almost normal in 31 days.
The patient is a qualified Psychotherapist and Homeopath and the etiology of his CURE is recorded below in his own words:
Steven Lane says:
March 14, 2014 at 4:28 PM (Edit)
Dear Mr. De Livera.
I consulted you on the 9th March in connection with a perianal abscess. You advised on Joepathy therapy and suggested the internal massage. In the event of that not working you suggested 5 days of amoxicillin. I have for the last 5 days tried the internal massage. The swelling has reduced from a diameter of around 7cm to 3cm. There has not been any apparent discharge. I visited my doctor today and he was very surprised that after 3 weeks of a perianal abscess it was so small. He was also surprised (as I am) that there is very little pain. I persuaded him to give me antibiotics, though he was only willing to give me Augmentin Duo which is a combination of Amoxicillin and potassium clavulanate. My question is: should I at this point take the antibiotic or should I continue as before and see what happens. With thanks for your consideration and time. Best wishes Steven
• Joe says:
March 14, 2014 at 5:38 PM (Edit)
Glad to learn that my therapy including the internal massage with the AB Ointment helped you in just 5 days.
It is your type of report that makes me happy as it is living proof that my Joepathy does work. And you may not be aware that I have no personal experience using my therapy as I have been spared this curse of Fistula, Fissure and Abscess and it was when a friend who suffered from it appealed to me to save him from yet another surgery as he had already suffered 6 previous experimental invasions of his anus which had left him a rag. He could not sit on a chair and was one gory mess.
I saved him from the 7th experiment which would have gone on for his lifetime and the surgeon was flabbergasted when he consulted him at my request in about a month with his lesions HEALED.
I note that your surgeon too was surprised with the improvement in your own status and you will be doing his a service if you invite him to visit my Website to read of the many cases I have CURED.
I cannot understand the reason for his insisting on Augmentin as it is the drug of last resort. Amoxyl is by far safer and perhaps more effective.
Remember that you MUST USE THE FULL PROTOCOL I have prescribed and not use it in the manner you did up to now without the massage.
• Steven Lane says:
March 14, 2014 at 6:27 PM (Edit)
Many thanks for your kind reply. I shall proceed as you have suggested and report back at a later stage. Unfortunately, doctors in this country have no interest in homeopathy or any other kind of natural/non drug based treatment. In fact my doctor even refused to believe that the anti-biotic ointment could possibly have a positive effect, though he had to concede that “something seems to be working – we can’t argue with that!” Mr De Livera, I thank you profoundly for your help. You have spared me considerable pain already! Steven
• steven lane says:
March 26, 2014 at 5:15 PM (Edit)
Dear Mr. De Livera
I can report that as of today, 31 days after starting your treatment on my perianal abscess, I am totally free of the problem and its associated symptoms. I can not thank you enough. I am immensely grateful. Without surgery or even antibiotics, bar the antibiotic ointment, but just with Joepathy, the sizeable abscess (at its height it was around 7cm large) the problem has been healed. Furthermore, having had this problem 4 times previously, I know how immensely painful and uncomfortable it usually is. Not so with your treatment. Pain levels never went beyond 3 out of 10 – miraculous.
I can also report a side benefit – perhaps a result of the arnica: for the last 5 years my blood pressure has been around 145 over 100. Now it has dropped to a perfect 120 over 80. Amazing! Also, I am noticing an improvement to my sleep – I used to wake up around 5am and fail to go back to sleep. Now I am sleeping the night through until 7am.
Thank you so much and may many other people benefit from your unique approach. You are a light to the world!
Saturday, March 15th, 2014I am copying below an article on Angina Pectoris which I picked up from the web which is of interest.
Angina is the shortened form of a medical term for “angina pectoris” which means literally, pain in the chest, although it is, in fact, a heart condition. True angina can be a serious matter and a great disability in life. On the other hand, it can be controlled by good management and drugs.
There is a condition, called false angina which despite its name has nothing to do with heart, disease. Similarly in ‘Vincent’s anginal the word angina is used in an old fashioned way to mean an inflammation of the throat. But the one I am dealing in this article is real angina pectoris. Every angina patient will be the better for understanding something about this symptom, its cause and its possible control, The majority can teach themselves to come to terms with it and in doing so, they will make their lives easier and the doctors treatment more effective..
The first thing is to recognize angina, face it and make up one’s mind to outwit, this troublesome invader of man’s peace.
The pain (sometimes called angina of effort) can occur in front or back of chest, or in shoulders or radiating up the neck, or down the arm, but it is always mainly a central chest pain of a crushing or constricting character, usually *steady but not sharp and lasts for a few minutes. Sometimes the pain is felt only in upper abdomen (epigastrium and is wrongly diagnosed as gastritis by some doctors and is treated- with antacids.
The Causes Or Angina
Angina pectoris is caused by the condition of the coronary arteries which convey blood to the heart muscle to enable it to beat and sustain the circulation, These special arteries called coronary arteries are most important. Your heart goes on beating day and night for all long as you live. Other parts of the body can go to sleep when you are in bed, but the heart can never stop,
As we get older, all of us suffer to a greater or lesser degree, some hardening and narrowing of arteries (atherosclerosis),
This is part of the wear and tear of life. Naturally in some people, it is worse than others and in these individuals these coronary arteries become so narrowed and inelastic that some part of the heart muscle is starved of its proper blood supply. This causes angina pain which has been called the cry of the heart for more blood. Frequently angina is a warning symptom of a future heart attack, Severe angina (unstable angina) if not properly treated usually can lead to a heart attack (myocardial infarction)
Why Angina Comes On
Normally the constriction in the coronary arteries (essential cause of angina) is not severe enough to starve the heart muscle of blood provided individual is relaxed or lying down or walking at a comfortable pace, However, as effort increases, more blood will be needed by the heart muscle and therefore the angina pain will come on.
This extra load upon the heart can be increased by many kinds of strain such as running for a bus or train, dashing upwards, losing ones temper or becoming worked up about some personal problem. All these and many others put an, extra load on the heart which it ha’s to bear, in addition to its ordinary work and the result will be angina. A woman may get angina when she comes home from shopping or marketing, but not when she sets out. The difference is probably the extra weight of her basket.
Sometimes getting a letter which from handwriting one recognizes is likely to bring bad news may start off the attack. And some people react so powerfully to meeting another, that angina comes on. Again angina at night can be set off by an unwise meal just before going to bed.
Sometimes some teledramas you watch can set off some special emotions in your mind which can cause stress. Tears and laughter do not cause stress; only fear and memory of fear can cause stress and precipitate angina in a coronary patient.
In this article, I am not going to discuss the management of an angina patient by your family physician or cardiologist e.g. using drugs such as beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, nitrates and antiplatelet drugs or investigations for angina such as ECG, exercise ECG, 2D Echo, coronary angiography, Thallium scanning or procedures such as PTCA (angioplasty) stenting and coronary artery, bypass surgery (CABG) as there have been a number of articles on above topics in the news journals and you may have been watching TV’ programmes. On above topics. I am discussing how you should adjust your life if you are a case of coronary heart disease (CHD).
Proper Use of Rest
We advise our angina patients to rest, but very few patients know how to use rest properly. It seems so simple when one is fit and well. But the angina patient has to use every opportunity to take the strain off the circulation. When you come into the house, automatically push up your., feet and remain for a short time in a comfortable position see that you get a proper amount of rest in bed at night, not necessarily asleep but in a horizontal position.
Undoubtedly cigarette smoking keeps up the tendency to attacks of angina and the smoker should make a big effort to abandon cigarettes completely. This can be done, and those who face the struggle for a week or two will undoubtedly find their angina less troublesome.
Relieving An Angina Attack
Since angina is brought on by stress or effort, the first thing we have to do is to reduce the heart activity to a more comfortable level. Stop what you are doing and stand or sit still, putting your feet up if possible, Gradually the need for extra blood will diminish and as it goes, so will the pain.
Happily we have drugs such as Glycerol trinitrate (GTN) sublingual tablets, GTN spray and Isosorbide mononitrate sublingual tablets. The latter 2 relieve an attack of angina in one or two minutes. Unfortunately some of, the GTN tablets available in Sri Lank take about 10 minutes to dissolve in your mouth. So whenever you get an attack of angina in addition to measures mentioned above, take GTN or Isordel (aublingual) or if you can afford, GTN spray.
Sometimes it does happen that the angina patient can I walk off the attack.. The heart seems to get a second wind and the pain which may have been quite severe, diminishes and disappears.
Angina caused by over — eating or by feeling of anger, tension or frustration (mostly subconscious) are not quite so easy to relieve,
Today we have very sound drugs such as beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, nitrates and anti-platelet agents and the number of drug increase as research progresses, Your family physician or your cardiologist will know all about these and will preseribe the one which is most suitable for you personally and all these druge, should be used under your doctor’s guidance. Should a persistent attack of angina comes on take a sublingual GTN, contact your family physician if he can be contacted, swallow a tablet of soluble asprin and request one of your relatives or friends to take you to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.
Avoiding Angina
It is of course better to trace the cause that brings on an attack of angina rather than expose yourself to the risk and then to be obliged to take the drug, Drugs are an aid to the simple methods of prevention rather than as a method in itself. Angina can be brought on by a number of stimuli physical or mental. Physical exertion may bring it on for example walking uphill or an unduly long walk for a bus or carrying a too heavy a weight can precipitate angina pain.
Sexual intercourse which is painful or causes distress instead of pleasure may bring on an attack of angina, Unnecessary feats of activity such as moving the piano or opening a window which has become stiff or digging in the garden for too long or transporting a gas cylinder into the kitchen can precipitate an attack of angina.
Stress And Angina
There are mental causes which bring on angina. A violent TV program or a horror film -can produce the sort of fear situation that causes an attack. Strain, shock, fear about the family can induce an attack: of angina in a heart patient.
If angina comes on when you are walking, you will soon reduce the pace at which you can walk comfortably or it is advisable for you to take a GTN tablet before you start walking. Many angina patients develop a new scheme of organizing their lives, they arrange to avoid the excessive efforts, as for instance, by walking one way and taking the bus back. It is preferable for an angina patient to have a room down stairs.
Management of time is a difficult chore, Some of us work against the clock and this causes a strain on your circulation. A housewife must try to cut out unnecessary jobs, transfer some of the others to the family and gently tackle the rest herself. She should if possible put up her feet whenever possible, relaxing, with a cup of tea, reading a book or switching on a TV program or closing the eyes and meditating for a few minutes.
Obesity (Over weight)
Overweight is one, of the most serious forms of overstrain on heart and circulation. The heart has to, do more, the blood vessels have to work harder to keep the same quantity of blood circulating over a larger volume of muscle and fat,. If you are 10 percent overweight, then every moment of the day and night your heart has to do 10 percent more work than it was designed to do. Don’t try to reduce your weight too quickly, If you can bring it down to near normal within 2 to 4 months, this will be quite, satisfactory and only the first week or two will be really hard. Keep a record of your weight and this will encourage you.
There are many systems of diet.. Rice, bread, cakes, sugar, yams, fats, beer and spinta are the worst enemies of the person trying to lose weight. Always eat moderately especially before going to bed. A short walk after dinner is very healthy. Try to rest for 10-15 minutes or longer after each meal especially after lunch and dinner, Don’t eat or drink anything you know will disagree with you even if this means offending the cook or hostess as a digestive upset or flatulence can bring on an attack of angina. Too much alcohol is bad for an angina patient.
Emotional Stress
It is hard for any of us ‘control, our temperament. Anger, excitement, fear and tension all start the heart racing and if you are “highly strung type you should try to build up a discipline which will make you take life tolerantly, This requires distinct effort, You should accept calmly those pin .,pricks which come to all of Us.
Do not brood about people you dislike or you are sure have wronged you. Merely keep out of their way, Keep clean of people -and situations which make you lose your temper. Switch off over — exciting TV programmes and scenes of violence.
Motor Driving
You should do your utmost to rearrange your routes to avoid traffic jams as traffic jams precipitate angina in coronary patients, Fast driving is a form of stress which should be avoided, Weekend driving for relaxation and pleasure can be wonderful
Exercise for the Angina Patient
The safest exercise is walking not necessarily quick walking or sprinting but walking at a leisure pace — two to three kilometres in the open air in as pleasant surroundings, as possible. Swimming too is good- provided you do not overtax yourself and the water, is not too cold. Do ‘not be tempted into competitive games,
Most people who are no longer young get broken nights. A. Sunday nap will help you. It is advisable for heart patients to rest for about 15 to 20 minutes after lunch. Although sleeplessness is disagreeable for you as a heart patient, just lying in bed horizontally will be beneficial even when you are not asleep. Give yourself 8 or more hours in bed.
Everyone is the better for a holiday that gives a real change of surroundings and activities. A holiday during which there is no pressure on you seems to endow you with increased energy. When you are holidaying, don’t drive your car like a madman after drinking beer or other alcoholic drinks. Let your holiday be restful in the open air and sunshine with congenial people.
Look upon your angina as a friendly warning signal that your circulation is in distress, and for your good, you should immediately stop all activity for a short time. You must get an early appointment to see your G.P who, I am sure will arrange for few tests like E.C.G., blood sugar and blood cholesterol after doing a good general examination. If necessary he will refer you to a cardiologist for tests such as exercise ECG, 2D-Echocardiogram and coronary angiography if these tests are necessary.
Posts for March 2014
Wednesday, March 5th, 2014The Eighty Club
Wednesday, February 26th, 2014Virginia Stutesman says:
April 18, 2013 at 2:25 PM (Edit)
April 18, 2013
I have read many of your follower’s posts and one in particular by the name of Lisa, who posted Feb. 24, 2012, where she said she would keep you posted on her condition of undiagnosed hypoglycemia, yet with many symptoms.
I went through multiple tests for hypoglycemia more than 30 yrs ago with negative results, yet I do not metabolize carbohydrates in a normal sense.
In 2006, after at least 5 different consults w/neurologists because of extreme weakness of muscles at inconvenient times, I was finally diagnosed with a very rare disease of Periodic Paralysis, but unknown whether I was Hypokalemic or Normokalemic. As it turns out, after a few years of experimentation of low doses of Potassium, which was monitored by a doctor, I now take high doses of 20 mEq Klor-con which is the equivalent of 1500 mg. every 3 hours. My sister takes 30 mEq every 3 hours. My sister was also diagnosed to have the same hereditary disorder, which we assume the faulty mutant genes came from our father and grandmother, who experienced undiagnosed occasional muscle weaknesses, as also my father’s brothers, and some cousins.
My sister is 82 and I will be 80 in a few months, My paralysis symptoms did not come into full bloom until after menopause.
I began taking your “Wet Dose” a few months ago. I stopped taking it (I don’t know why) but now that I am having recurring irregular heart beats and shortness of breath, I am going to continue to take it to see if there is a difference.
My point is, both my sister and I cannot tolerate high carbohydrates, and if we do, it triggers muscle weakness and sometimes in extreme cases (which we now avoid) we have had total body paralysis, which can last from a few minutes to several hours to days of followed weakness. We want to avoid muscle wasting or deterioration to our muscles that could come from a full paralysis.
I would like to know if Lisa has ever gotten back with you on her condition.
Thank you for your attention, and your knowledge.
• Joe says:
April 18, 2013 at 11:39 PM (Edit)
Virginia Stutesman
It is good to know that you, your sister and I are all in the Eighty Club!
I am senior to you both as I am 84.
I am a living testimony to my nightly dose of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which I first started to use in 1996, 17 years ago.
I do not have the standard aches and pains that are accepted as the price of the advancing years which you sisters will know only too well.
I do believe that this Arnica has helped me to maintain my lifestyle in my present state of wellness, thanks be to God, and to Arnica.
I am glad to learn that you too have taken Arnica for some time and I would urge you to continue to take it as it can be best described as a GIFT OF GOD.
I would like you to add;
Nat Phos 6x tablets dose 2 tablets taken immediately after each of 3 meals daily.
This remedy may help with your Hypokalemic or Normokalemic problems which I frankly have not even read about as this syndrome is indeed very rare.
Do keep in contact with me and I shall be interested to follow your progress in life, for as long as we live.
Where do you live and how do you spend your time?
I live in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
I am still as active as I have been for the last 75 years and do still drive myself to work daily to my business organisation of which I am the CEO and I thank God that I have a worthy successor in my son who has taken over the administration leaving me more time to devote to my “Joepathy”
• Virginia Stutesman says:
February 4, 2014 at 12:20 AM (Edit)
Joe, I had this on my “favorites” and had forgotten that I had written to you almost a year ago. I am doing considerably well, despite my rare ion channelopathy disease of Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis, and 80 yrs, but look only 70! I haven’t had a major paralysis in several months. Just minor temporary weaknesses. I still take two, 5 mg, of Amiloride, a potassium sparing diuretic, a small dose (1/2 of 125 mg twice daily) of Acetazolamide, which is often prescribed for Hypokalemic PP, and also still the high dosage of Klor-con Potassium 20 mEq , 6 to 8 times daily. I also have a regimen of liquid ionic cell ready minerals of Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium that I drink with my 2 cups of tea/pineapple juice/2 1/2 qts of water/combo throughout the day. I can notice the difference in how I feel if I don’t take any of these. Because I did not go to your site and see your recommendation of Nat Phos 6x, I have not been taking it.
I recently took the quiz on what my constitutional remedies are, and Nux Vomica came up as 60 points, and Phosphorus and Calcarea carbonica came up as 50 points each. I am unsure as to what strength and how much and how often I should take these remedies. Do I mix them all together in a wet dose? I was only able to find 6 c strength in Nux Vomica, Phosphorus and Calcarea, and wonder if I should use this in a wet dose daily? I had been having problems with some air allergies, ( I live on a high hill in the High Desert in Yucca Valley California, and we get a lot of wind and dust and also sometimes some air pollution from the battle practice activity at the Marine base which is about 30 miles east of us.) I made a wet dose of Histiminum hydrochloricum 30 c and it helped greatly. No more sneezing or runny nose and watery eyes. I am still very strict with my diet of low carbs, sodium and mostly just proteins of turkey and lamb and occasionally some white fish. I discovered that I am gluten intolerant, even tho’ my Celiac test was negative, so I also avoid all gluten, as also does my sister of 83 yrs.. She gets TIA’s and episodes similar to an epileptic seizure just from eating a few snack crackers within a few hours of ingesting them. I am now recovering from a virus that developed into bronchitis and a head cold and took the corresponding remedies to overcome it. This is my first day of no wheezing after a week since succumbing to the virus. (I got exposed to a gal at my water exercise who was just coming down with it,)
I will try to remember to visit your site more often to watch for a reply. Thank you for your attention. Virginia Stutesman in Southern California USA.
• Joe says:
February 4, 2014 at 7:31 AM (Edit)
It was good to hear from you and I was able to trace your post on my Website which was on April 18 2013 where you referred to Lisa and her Hypoglycemia and whose post I was unable to trace.
I note that you take many drugs for your many medical problems some of which are rare like your HPP and am glad that you look 70 although you are 10 years older. It is important at our age not to consider ourselves as OLD as this is a sure way of going downhill.
I do NOT take any drugs whatever and am convinced that I owe my current state of wellness to God and to Arnica which I do still take nightly, as I have done since 1996. I am now in my 85th year and I believe that I have proved that one does not need the aid of drugs to live a healthy life. You may like to read my thoughts on the link below which was quoted verbatim in an Editorial in the Daily Mirror from a letter I had addressed to the editor.
You may like to know that I exercise daily on my True Prone Exercise Cycle for about 45 minutes while listening to music on my iPad Air which takes the boredom out of exercise. I am a classical pianist but do not practice today as I once used to do for up to 2 hours daily. Homeopathy takes up the time that I devoted to Piano practice on my Steinway Grand Piano which is now 62 years old.
I do not advocate taking Homeopathic remedies in the manner you have detailed:
“I recently took the quiz on what my constitutional remedies are, and Nux Vomica came up as 60 points, and Phosphorus and Calcarea carbonica came up as 50 points each. I am unsure as to what strength and how much and how often I should take these remedies. Do I mix them all together in a wet dose? I was only able to find 6 c strength in Nux Vomica, Phosphorus and Calcarea, and wonder if I should use this in a wet dose daily?”
In any case you cannot MIX 3 remedies together as they will usually antidote each other, if you do. I do not also subscribe to the theory of a Constitutional remedy as I have found that this is largely based on a nebulous concept.
My advice to anyone even less than half our age is to take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose daily. I have proved conclusively that it worked for me and reports from many hundreds of patients I have prescribed my therapy to have confirmed that they have benefitted from my therapy.
If you are sensitive to coryza with:
“sneezing or runny nose and watery eyes”
Your remedy is
Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. You will not take it daily like Arnica and you will stop it when you find your nose is dry.
You mentioned wheezing. Do you suffer from Asthma? If you do I can prescribe a remedy to CURE it.
Do stay in touch with me as we are in the same “80 Club.”
Please also visit the link below, Ode to Joe on his 84th Birthday which I enjoyed
• Virginia Stutesman says:
February 26, 2014 at 10:16 AM (Edit)
I neglected to check out your website until today, after I mentioned it to the local Health Food Store clerk. I apologize!
I have been recovering from a mild fracture of my sacrum from a sudden fall backwards onto a stone tile floor. I took Arnica right away, and I’m sure that is why I have had a speedy recovery. I have very little pain, and walk just fine!
I was so pleased that you answered me again. Thank you for your suggestions. I will obtain the Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c, and get started on it ASAP, and also try to remember to take the Nat Phos after each meal. It’s just a matter of making it a habit.
I read your comments on the Pill Popping Culture, and I have agreed with most of it for a long time. I didn’t start taking the medications for almost 2 years after I was diagnosed, but was desperate from having so many weaknesses and paralyses, when I have to watch out for myself and have on one to take care of me.
I have improved greatly in the last year. Water exercise friends are amazed at my stamina compared to when I first went to the Senior Salt Water Pool 1 1/2 yrs ago in a battery powered scooter. Now I walk happily!
I don’t suffer from asthma, but this disease of Periodic Paralysis occasionally affects my breathing muscles. It is referred to as “abortive episodes”.
I didn’t mention in my first letter that back in 1962, I was also going blind from a progressive disease, with only 20% vision remaining. The only hope the U of Mich. Hospital team gave me was to be on a waiting list for a corneal transplant. I knew from my experiences that it was from faulty carbohydrate metabolism, so I followed a high protein, low carb diet, and reversed the progressive hardening of the corneas and was able to get my driver’s license back within less than a year. The doctors were amazed! It also was known as a rare disorder, usually caused by severe infections of major organs of the body, which I had none of! (I think it was the effects of the mutant genes of the PP, as it happened about the same time I had my first full body paralysis.) My vision prescription hasn’t had to be changed in over 5 yrs.
BTW, not only are we in the same “80 Club”, but also share the same birthday month of October! I don’t celebrate them, but am thankful for each year of life!
The Ode to Joe was very cleverly composed!
Thanks again for your response! I’m sure you have many followers who are very thankful for your suggestions. You are a blessing to mankind!
Virginia in Southern California.
Thank you for your post which you state you had not read although I had responded to your post on February 4. My Website sends an automatic alert by email within minutes of my posting and I presume you overlooked it.
I can see that you have been virtually living on drugs for many years and I do believe that they were the reason for almost all your distress. My article “The Pill Popping Culture” explains it all.
I am glad to note that you seem to have changed your dependence on drugs in favour of using Homeopathy and I shall be happy to guide you in the future to share the joy of living with a quality of life that is not usually enjoyed by those who consume dozens of pills daily under the mistaken impression that their lives depend on them. Feel free to count on me to guide you and all you have to do is to log into my Website.
As I have already told you, I take just one dose nightly of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose and at age 85, I can honestly state that I do not have any ache or pain in my body. It is my hope that I will continue to do so in the foreseeable future as I am aware that many , especially babies who suffer from Baby GERD for the first few months of their infant lives, depend on my guidance to use my therapy to replace the dangerous PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs that are always prescribed by their paediatricians. which make their case infinitely worse.
Your account of your cure from the hardening of your Corneas is indeed monumental in its concept and I wonder what the root cause was for it affecting you. Could it be the Pills?
Posts for February 2014
Wednesday, February 12th, 2014How Nat Phos 6x CURED a baby suffering from Baby GERD
Monday, January 6th, 2014I am copying the conversation I had with the mother of an Infant baby girl who was suffering from Baby GERD which may be of interest to mothers whose babies suffer from the same problem.
Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2013-12-30
Hi Joe, my daughter responded to NP the first day, when I started her on half pill she started to throw up again, should I keep her on one pill on the second day also? And if she doesn’t respond to NP what should I use nox vomic or arnica 30 c? Does arnica liquid extract works the same as arnica 30 c?
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From simone717 on 2013-12-30
Hi, you may get a faster answer if you contact Joe
on his own site,
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2013-12-30
How do I use nux vomica?
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2013-12-31
Hello, nat phos worked a lil on my daughters acid reflux can I use nux vomica to reinforce it, as I still haven’t gotten the arnica liquid solution, ty
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From Joe De Livera on 2014-01-01
You have not indicated how old your Baby is and for how long she has suffered from Reflux and for how long you have given her Nat Phos 6x which is my default remedy for Baby GERD, and if you have given her a tablet after every feed.
You have asked for instructions to use Nux Vomica but this is a remedy that may only be used under supervision and at this stage it is best not to use it till you give the details requested above.
You will NOT give baby Arnica as this is a remedy I prescribe for the mother. Do not experiment with the various remedies I have prescribed to hundreds of mothers as they may cause more harm than good.
I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:
Nat Phos 6x dose 1 tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed.
You will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after every feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
It is best not to vaccinate Baby till s/he is over a year old as the after effects in some cases can add to the problems with GERD.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours or as often as you wish on this thread.
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2014-01-01
My daughter is 55 days old, I started NP on her 3 days ago, I stopped the third day and she started to throw up again and I’m giving her half NP, today which is the third day she threw up once an hour after her bottle it was a lot of vomit first was all the milk and right after a lot of clear liquid. What’s my next step.
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2014-01-01
I noticed that she started to have acid reflux about 30 days ago it was mild I toke her to the doctor and he confirmed and it started to get worse until I gave her NP she it’s not throwing up every bottle but still throwing up once or twice a day every day.
Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2014-01-01
I noticed that she started to have acid reflux about 30 days ago it was mild I toke her to the doctor and he confirmed and it started to get worse until I gave her NP she it’s not throwing up every bottle but still throwing up once or twice a day every day.
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2014-01-02
hi joe, m
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2014-01-02
Hi Joe, my two previous post above say a lil about my daughter improvement, thank God and thank for your help my daughter is almost 100% acid reflux free, I stopped giving her NP on the third day and she started to throw up once a day on day 3 and 4…. I stopped again on day 5 and she didn’t threw up for 24 hrs, but day 6 she threw up again so she is back on half NP after every bottle, I also noticed that the day she didn’t throw up her burps still have the smell of acid reflux on it or sulfur smell, you asked me to let you know if NP alone wouldn’t help so you could prescribe her something to go along with NP. I’m so happy to see her improvement and that we are almost there. Ty in advance.
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From Joe De Livera on 2014-01-02
Glad to note that she has responded well and is almost well.
I note that you have stopped the NP for a few days till she throws up again.
You can avoid this status by giving her half tablet after every feed and you must know that Nat Phos 6x is NOT to be considered as a DRUG. It is a Cell Salt which works in a different manner to heal. Do some reading on Cell Salts on the web.
You do NOT need the other remedy as she has responded to the NP alone and you must follow my instructions above.
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2014-01-02
I believe that NP it’s safe just was wondering if she would need something else to reinforce NP as she is on day 6 taking it or if I just keep giving her half NP for a lil longer and for how long would be ok to keep giving her NP in case she still need it? She will have her two months Doctor app. On the 6th should I advise the pediatrician that she is on NP? She will have her two months shot I read your post about wait with the shots but I have two more kids and I feel safe having her vaccinated.
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From Joe De Livera on 2014-01-03
As long as Nat Phos 6x is helping her at half tablet after a feed you can consider that you are fortunate as the majority of mothers have to resort to a full tablet after every feed.
You can safely give it to her for many more months in the future till she shows that her digestive system, which in the majority of babies is not fully developed, is able to cope with your breast milk without reflux.
You will be doing babies and their mothers a big favour if you spread the news to them and your pediatrician that Nat Phos 6x used as prescribed by me, helped your baby in a manner that the dangerous PPI drugs they usually prescribe, like Zantac Prevacid Nexium, cannot equal.
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2014-01-04
Hello Joe, my last report was that my daughter was on half NP after every bottle I had to put her back on one full NP because she is not responding to half NP anymore…today she threw up 3times which she was spitting up once a day before, at nap or sleeping time she is always swallowing and gagging more often cuz of the reflux comes up and down to her throat guess she has silent reflux also, she can only have one ounce of milk every two hrs but she still crying for more if I do give her 2 ounces every two or three hrs she will eventually throw up, she is so skinny right now even knowing she is doing a lot better spitting up much less but still don’t seem gained any weight since her last visit to the doctor…will report her weight on Monday as she is going for her 2 months doctor visit.
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From Joe De Livera on 2014-01-04
On the basis of your latest report, I believe that it is time to give her Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose which I presume that you have read on this thread how to make. (3 drops in a 500ml bottle of spring water).
You will give her just 1 teaspoonful twice daily and report progress in 24 hours.
I note that you will visit your doctor in a few days and you must know that vaccinating her when she is still suffering from GERD will only make her condition much worse.
My advice is to vaccinate her after she is a year old.
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From sweet.boy on 2014-01-04
Hello Doctor Joe,
I am looking for your help on my condition. The details are in the following thread.
I request you to please advise me.
Thanks in anticipation.
Sweet Boy
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From Joe De Livera on 2014-01-04
To sweet boy.
Please post your case on my website if you wish to have my advice:
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From sweet.boy on 2014-01-04
Thanks Joe.
I have posted my case in your website.
Thanks in anticipation for your help.
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2014-01-04
I found nux vomica pallets didn’t find the drops, please tell me how the use the pallets till I order the drops. Thank you!
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2014-01-04
Sorry I meant to say I found Nux Vomica in tablet version.
Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2014-01-04
Sorry I meant to say I found Nux Vomica in tablet version.
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2014-01-04
Sorry joe I’m very confused over here the Nux Vomica I have it’s pallets little pills just like NP, can I use it till I get the liquid version? Ty
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From Joe De Livera on 2014-01-04
Yes you may use the Nux Vomica 30c in the pellets.
You will insert 6 pellets into the bottle of spring water and give baby a teaspoonful twice daily.
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2014-01-06
Hello Joe, my daughter started on NV 24 hrs ago as recommended by you don’t know if it’s a coincidence or it caused her to be a lil constipated last night and today…today she cried a lot like she was in pain so I gave her karo syrup Which it helped her.. she pooped after feel hours but right after she had the syrup she threw up a lot and when to sleep peaceful …. Every time she feels uncomfortable she cries for a while than throws up and go to sleep… She still burping and spitting up the clear liquid reflux, how long can she stay on Nux Vomica? she still on one full NP it works better for Her than half.
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From Joe De Livera on 2014-01-06
Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose is NOT the reason for her current distress. NV reinforces the action of the NP6x and helps to reduce the acidity in the stomach of both adults and babies as it accelerates the passage of food or milk down the digestive system.
If as you have already discovered, she fares better on a FULL tablet of NP, you can safely continue to give her this dosage after every feed.
I tend to be cautious in all my prescriptions even though I am certain that my Wet dose method of prescribing remedies is the Ultimate Cure of all ailments.
You may use NV 30c for another day and if it does not help, you can stop it.
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From fafagriswold on 2014-01-06
Do you think NP will eventually cure her or she will have to take NP till she outgrow the reflux? I feed her every two to three hrs can I give half NP to her than next feed full NP pattern till complete 6 pallets in 24 hrs? Thank you for your responses. I’m so glade that i found you it’s a great feeling to know that I’m not alone or should I say we( moms) or not alone:)
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Re: Attn: Joe De Livera – Infant Acid Reflux and Constipation From Joe De Livera on 2014-01-06
In my experience dating back to about 40 years of helping with my own version of Homeopathy which has been labelled “Joepathy”, I have observed that many babies are born with a digestive system which is not fully able to digest their mother’s breast milk. My first born son who is now 45 years of age also suffered from this same ailment where he would suckle at the breast and do a projectile vomit of the curdled milk often on my shoulder while I was carrying him after burping.
I was interested in this phenomenon and after some research with the few Homeopathic remedies I had in my stock at that time, I discovered that Nat Phos 6x was indeed the Ultimate remedy to treat Baby GERD. I gave it to my son and since that time, I did not hesitate to prescribe it for all babies who suffered from Baby GERD even though NP was not officially recognized in the classical texts for the treatment of this common ailment.
You are obviously not aware of the trauma that I suffered for the last 15 years as a result of deviating from the standard classical method of treating the “Symptoms presented by the patient” instead of treating the disease directly, which I did after faithfully following the classical textbooks in the treatment of disease which I further added to by purchasing Radar which is supposed to be the most extensive and expensive software available even today for the Homeopath on the computer. I did give it a fair chance and it was only when I discovered that it was designed to further the useof Homeopathic remedies based on various theoretical classical norms which did not work, that I decided to treat the disease head on, using the same therapy I had used in a similar case, like for instance treating Baby GERD with Nat Phos 6x, even though it is not listed for use in the classical Repertories. My feeling then and even today is that if any remedy cures a disease, it must cure a similar disease presented by the next patient.
My therapy caused some consternation in classical circles and I was criticized by many classical homeopaths even here on the ABC but I just refused to cow down to their demands to use Homeopathic remedies in the classical manner that they used, as I had sufficient evidence that they did not help the suffering patient, in this case a Baby suffering from GERD which you are now aware how it affected your Baby and you the parents.
I am glad to note that your Baby has responded to my “Joepathy” which incidentally is the term coined by the classical coterie of homeopaths who could see for themselves the CURES that resulted of the patient’s ailment with my therapy, but which they insisted was only a temporary cover-up of the ailment which would manifest itself in a more virulent form in later life. I am happy to state that this doomsday eventuality never occurred.
You may not be aware that I am 85 years of age and am NOT a professional Homeopath. I have been fascinated with this theory of Homeopathy and studied it in my own time since 1965 when I was cured of my frequent colds with a Homeopathic remedy by one of the first practitioners of Homeopathy in Sri Lanka. I am the CEO of a very old family owned business organization in Colombo, Sri Lanka and try to help all who seek my assistance free of charge.
Answering your question, NP is absolutely safe in use as I have often informed you, and you should soon discover that it will not be wanted anymore by baby when her own digestive system is able to cope and digest her milk and later on the solids, which I prefer to give after baby is 10 months of age.
I would also advise you not to vaccinate baby till she is over a year old as the terrible after effects of doing so at this age can be read on a search on Google.
Baby boy who presented Baby GERD at 4 weeks cured in a few days.
Sunday, December 1st, 2013This is the story of a baby boy who presented Baby GERD at 4 weeks who was CURED in a few days.
I am copying the conversation with the mother to enable other mothers who may face the same problem with their babies to use the therapy aka “Joepathy” that I have pioneered using Nat Phos 6x which is not normally used by other Homeopaths as it is not in the textbooks they used in College.
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Infant girl of 6 months CURED of Reflux or Baby GERD in just 3 days.
44 View Post
Select comment Carrie Heward x
Submitted on 2013/12/01 at 11:32 AM
My sweet baby boy had silent reflux from the age of 4 weeks he would constantly be clearing his throat, arch his back during feedings and would scream out in pain. He had to be held upright for at least an hour after feeding and most of the time he slept in his swing or my arms. At first we tried different formulas thinking it was due to a milk allergy, then being desperate I started him on prevacid per my pediatrician. Being concerned about side effects and not seeing any difference I stopped the prevacid and he started zantac at 6 weeks old. It seemed to help a little at first but the dosage of zantac had to be increased as he gained weight. I was again concerned with the effectiveness and side effects and researched to find a solution for my baby that would not cause any harmful side effects and that was natural.
I discovered Joe’s therapy for GERD and started my baby at 14 weeks old with the Nat Phos 6x. I immediately stopped using zantac. At first his reflux was a bit agitated, as he had more spit up that normal. However once I started consistently giving him a tablet AFTER a feeding his reflux and spit up was very mild- in just two days! After a full week following Joe’s therapy my little boy is so happy. There has not been any sign of pain and he rarely has spit up. Thank you Joe for your life experience I am so grateful for this solution for my baby’s reflux you have improved his quality of life and his parents!
Infant girl of 6 months CURED of Reflux or Baby GERD in just 3 days.
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Select comment Joe
Submitted on 2013/11/28 at 2:10 PM | In reply to Carrie Heward.
Carrie Heward
I rejoice with you that your Baby son’s GERD has finally stabilized and that he is not suffering anymore.
It is a post like yours that reassures me that my efforts in treating patients with my Joepathy are not in vain.
I am happy to note that you are grateful for my part in treating him and am confident that your special thanks tomorrow on your Thanksgiving Day will add to the blessings that God has already bestowed on me.
I would like to record your case in the section “Articles” where I record the case in the patients own words, to be read by others who may wish to be reassured that my therapy can help them or their children. You can record your case in brief giving the pertinent details of your baby and the history of his case before and after you referred him to me.
You will be doing a favour to suffering humanity if you do spread the news of my Joepathy cure for Baby GERD.
You can continue to give him a full tablet for as long as you feel that it is necessary and taper the dosage to half and later you may stop the remedy. As you know, Nat Phos 6x is absolutely safe in use unlike the PPI drugs which are recognized as poisonous by the medics when used long term for adults and I dread to think of the damage that it can wreak in babies.
Do report Baby’s progress in life in the future and feel free to contact me anytime in the future if he or you the parents, ever wish to refer any medical case to me.
Infant girl of 6 months CURED of Reflux or Baby GERD in just 3 days.
44 View Post
Select comment Carrie Heward x
Submitted on 2013/11/28 at 12:26 PM
Dear Joe,
I have amazing news to report! My baby boy was doing so great today. Hardly any spit up or wet burps or fussiness after eating. He did not wake up with screams of pain from any naps. He was just a happy boy!!!
Now that we are seeing him stabilized what is the next step?
I am so relieved that he is not suffering anymore. THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Tomorrow is our Thanksgiving Day holiday and as we go around the table sharing what we are thankful for please know your name will be mentioned. I plan to share this experience and encourage Moms to use your therapy for their babies that have reflux or GERD.
In utmost gratitude,
Carrie Heward
Infant girl of 6 months CURED of Reflux or Baby GERD in just 3 days.
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Select comment Joe
Submitted on 2013/11/27 at 11:26 AM | In reply to Carrie Heward.
Carrie Heward
Glad to note that baby has finally responded to the Nat Phos which in his case took a few days to stabilize, although it usually works within a few hours in the case of other patients.
You cannot possibly give him Nux V 30x as it is over a hundred thousand times more powerful than the 30c. It will not also help baby and will cause severe aggravation.
It is quite possible that baby will not want the Nux V at all judging by your latest news, and we will observe if my presumption is correct as he will be on Nat P for another 24 hours.
For the record, you will use just 6 pellets in 500ml or 10oz of water and a dose is just a teaspoonful.
Infant girl of 6 months CURED of Reflux or Baby GERD in just 3 days.
44 View Post
Select comment Carrie Heward x
Submitted on 2013/11/27 at 10:19 AM
Dear Joe,
Gabriel has done really well today being on full tablet of Nat Phos. He did not wake up with any screaming pains. He still has quite a bit of spit up. I was hoping to start the Nux Vomica but my husband picked up 30x not 30c and I know that is a huge difference in potency. I was not sure how to administer the 30x correctly and will have the 30c tomorrow. Can you advise how much water should be used for the 6 pellets and if I can add the teaspoon to a bottle or should it be after or before a feeding?
I look forward to hearing from you. I appreciate the time you’ve taken to assist us!
Kindest regards,
Carrie Heward
Infant girl of 6 months CURED of Reflux or Baby GERD in just 3 days.
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Select comment Carrie Heward x
Submitted on 2013/11/27 at 12:16 AM
Dear Joe,
That is quite amazing to see all the changes and innovation that you have witnessed. That new express way sounds like it will make travel much easier.
I will make sure to use good spring water and just wanted to clarify if the amount of water used for dilution and how I administer the teaspoon makes a difference.
Thanks again- have a great night!
Infant girl of 6 months CURED of Reflux or Baby GERD in just 3 days.
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Select comment Joe
Submitted on 2013/11/26 at 11:38 PM | In reply to Carrie Heward.
Carrie Heward
Look for spring water which is sourced either from deep bore wells or mountain streams where the water is pure.
To think that at my age I have the privilege of using the most modern technology including high speed Broadband which when compared to the dial-up service, I got in 1996 is just too good to be true.
We have had the equivalent of your Freeway which opened here a little over a year ago and the second opened a few weeks ago in time for CHOGM which was the Commonwealth Heads of Governments Meeting which concluded a week ago when 53 Nations from the world met here in Colombo. This second Express Way from the Airport to Colombo which used to take over an hour and half, is now just 12 minutes away.
And all this in my lifetime !
Infant girl of 6 months CURED of Reflux or Baby GERD in just 3 days.
44 View Post
Select comment Carrie Heward x
Submitted on 2013/11/26 at 8:57 PM
Hi Joe,
Thank you for the prompt reply. We will start the Nux Vomica 30c today along with a full tablet of Nat Phos. I presume that the bottle of water for dilution is standard 16 oz of water and the teaspoonful does it matter when I give it to him? Should I just add it to a bottle to be ingested during a feed or give it to him after with the Nat Phos?
From the images I’ve seen of Sri Lanka it looks like a beautiful place. It’s amazing how technology allows us to connect from across the world.
Again I appreciate your assistance in helping my son. As his mother I only want for him to be happy and healthy.
Kindest Regards,
Carrie Heward
Infant girl of 6 months CURED of Reflux or Baby GERD in just 3 days.
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Select comment Joe
Submitted on 2013/11/26 at 1:13 PM | In reply to Carrie Heward.
Carrie Heward
I would first give him Nux V 30c and you will use 6 pellets in a bottle of water and give him a teaspoonful twice daily.
This should normally reinforce the action of the Nat Phos 6x and we will observe how he responds for 2-3 days when he will most likely stop his throwing up.
Nat Phos 6x is absolutely harmless and he may want the full tablet till his normal digestive process kicks in.
Report progress.
PS: 5.45 PM
In answer to your question which I just read as to how long I have lived in Sri Lanka my answer is:
From the day I was born in October 1929
Infant girl of 6 months CURED of Reflux or Baby GERD in just 3 days.
44 View Post
Select comment Carrie Heward x
Submitted on 2013/11/26 at 12:41 PM
Dear Joe,
Thank you for pursuing the purpose of life you have taken. It is restoring to humanity to encounter individuals like yourself. May God continue to grant you good health so you can continue in doing good works.
I appreciate the explanation you’ve given me on the Nux Vomica 30c it makes total sense the diluted version would be the recommended dosage and that was to be my next question. Since I can only find it in the pellet form what would be your instructions for dosage?
I wonder if it still maybe needed as today my baby Gabriel, still had much spit up(projectile) which he seemed to be upset and mildly fussy again. He never before Nat Phos 6x had much spit up as his reflux was silent. He has a strong swallow response and typically I could only hear the acid come back up then he would swallow it and scream. Today during two of his naps he let out a high pitched scream of pain I noticed he was swallowing when I went to check on him so I am assuming it could be acid or perhaps passing gas.
As I mentioned in a previous post I unfortunately could not breastfeed after 6 weeks and Gabriel is on Alimentum which is hypoallergenic formula that has the milk protein completely broken down. It is the only formula of the many we tried that he could tolerate. I should mention that due to formula use I incorporate the use infant probiotics to assist in his Gut health for his immunity as we have chosen not to vaccinate.
I do suspect that Gabriel does have a milk allergy as he has some eczema and redness around the anus. Would the Aethusa Cynapium 30 c still be of benefit in this case?
At this point would you recommend weaning him off the Nat Phos 6x? Would a 1/2 tablet every other feeding be the first step?
I am in SLC Utah and it is just about to get really cold and snowy soon. I suppose it is a fairly nice temperature in Sri Lanka. How long have you lived there?
Thank you again for sharing your wisdom with me and others!
“Wisdom is with aged men, With long life is understanding.
Job 12:12
Kindest Regards,
Carrie Heward
Infant girl of 6 months CURED of Reflux or Baby GERD in just 3 days.
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Select comment Joe
Submitted on 2013/11/25 at 12:51 PM | In reply to Carrie Heward.
Carrie Heward
Life is a continuous process of learning. I have celebrated my 84th Birthday a month ago and am in my 85th year and I do still continue to learn as I advance in years. I am also NOT a professional Homeopath as my therapy aka “Joepathy” is based on my observations like your report that half tablet of Nat Phos was more effective for your Baby than the whole tablet.
I do not like to prescribe Nux Vomica 6c but I did so as your a baby did not respond to the Nat Phos alone although he seems to have stabilized with the half tablet which I find rather strange.
You may like to know that in the ‘dilution’ at 30c the chances of any remedy ever hurting baby are very remote as at that potency the actual presence of the remedy, Strychnine is 1/100 to the power 30 or 100 multiplied 30 times over which will be virtually a number of zeros, around 30, that one cannot logically comprehend. In homeopathy we do go even higher like 1M or 1 Million, 10M etc. Every step higher makes the remedy more powerful and quite frankly I too refused to accept this, but when the remedy is used in helping a patient and it CURES, I have to admit that this theory is correct.
Glad you appreciate my service to suffering humanity which I shall do as long as God gives me life.
It occurs to me that baby many be allergic to your Breast Milk. You can get Aethusa Cynapium 30c which you will keep in hand but will not use till I say so.
Where do you live?
Infant girl of 6 months CURED of Reflux or Baby GERD in just 3 days.
44 View Post
Select comment Carrie Heward x
Submitted on 2013/11/25 at 12:03 PM
Dear Joe,
My little one did much better by giving him the nat phos 6x after a feeding. I did notice he had much more spit up and was more fussy after giving him a full tablet so I have continued to only give him a 1/2 dose after a feeding.
He still has a lot of spit up but is only mildly fussy which is the best improvement I’ve seen in 6 days of using Nat Phos 6x. He also continues to spit up quite a bit of his meal even an hour later and is upset and cries.
I am a bit concerned with giving him the Nux Vomica 30c due to the Strychnine and possible side effects. With your experience have any babies that have taken it experienced adverse side effects? Is there any other remedy that you could recommend that will assist in treating GERD with the Nat Phos 6x that would be as safe as Nat Phos 6x? Or perhaps you could better educate me on why Nux Vomica 30c is the best option.
Thank you for taking the time to assist me and my little boy. I am so grateful that there are amazing human beings in the world like you willing to help complete strangers.
Kindest Regards,
Carrie Heward
Infant girl of 6 months CURED of Reflux or Baby GERD in just 3 days.
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Select comment Joe
Submitted on 2013/11/24 at 6:27 AM | In reply to Carrie Heward.
Carrie Heward
I am glad to note that you have already commenced using my therapy for your baby. I do wish that other mothers too will follow your example as I have been successful in saving many babies from a lot of agony with my therapy which is completely safe and invariably cures Baby GERD.
I believe that it is time you started baby on Nux Vomica 30c and you will report his progress daily if possible for a few days and when he stabilizes as I hope he will, whenever you wish to share his progress with me.
You may continue to give him a full tablet of Nat Phos 6x after every feed till he stabilizes and then reduce the dosage down to half.
For the record I shall copy my default therapy for Baby GERD which I hope will help your baby too.
The remedy that has proved to be very effective for Baby GERD is:
Nat Phos 6x dose 1 tablet dissolved in milk given immediately after a feed. You will not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
You may like to try to reduce the quantity of milk you give for each feed to enable baby’s digestion to stabilize. You will however feed more often. It is essential that you burp baby immediately after each feed.
You will avoid eating all food that can cause any distress to baby.You must know that they are passed on to baby through your breast milk.
You will also take Arnica 30c which you will order in the Liquid Dilution as per instructions below. Please note that the Arnica is NOT for baby.
You (the mother) will take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 3 meals daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. The idea is that your milk will pass the effect to baby. You may like to know that Nat Phos 6x will help to reduce your weight by 1kg per week very safely.
Report progress in 24 hours and as often as you wish on this thread.
If you discover that baby does not respond to the Nat Phos 6x alone and this has occurred in a few cases, you will contact me again and I shall then prescribe another remedy to reinforce the action of Nat Phos 6x.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Infant girl of 6 months CURED of Reflux or Baby GERD in just 3 days.
44 View Post
Select comment Carrie Heward x
Submitted on 2013/11/24 at 2:32 AM
Dear Joe,
I have read on abc homeopathy and baby center communities about Nat Phos 6x solving infant reflux.
My little boy is 14 weeks old he was delivered via c-section due to complications with a natural delivery at 37.5 weeks. He had jaundice and was not able to stay latched on for nursing so he was treated with light therapy and formula. I also pumped and gave him as much colostrum as possible. I am sure the introduction of formula in the first few days of life could be a major contribution to issue with digestion.
I was not successful in nursing and he was primarily fed formula for the fist 6wweks with some breast milk supplementation. After 6 weeks he has been exclusively on formula of all the ones we tried he seems to tolerate Alimentum which has the milk protein completely broken down.
I noticed signs of reflux around 2 weeks old along with major gassy pains as well. I tried management of these with burping frequently and keeping him upright for 30 mins after eating. Along with using other homeopathic remedies like gripe water and colic calm and infant probiotics. None seem to take care of the pain I knew he was still having as he would arch his back or pull up his legs and have high pitched screams along with the silent reflux. So out of desperation I turned to medicine at 5 weeks he was on prevacid for 1 week but the side effects were to scary and it didn’t seem to help. I switched him to zantac which did work and take care of the pain, but I again am concerned with side effects and did not want to keep him on it.
I stopped using zantac on 11/19 and started Nat Phos 6x. I have the hylands brand and have read various dosage options. I was giving him 1 tablet in every other bottle this would equal 3 to 4 tablets a day.
I haven’t seen any improvement from it and now he actually has major spit up when being burped that he did not experience before which he cries when he spits up like he is in pain again.
Today I have changed the dosage to a 1/2 tablet after a feeding and I wanted to know if you think that maybe the issue the dosage or if I need the to add Nux Vomica as well.
He is 14 weeks about 15 lbs eats 5 oz 6 times in 24 hrs sleeps an 8 to 9 hours at night.
Any advice that will help my baby I completely appreciate I just want him not to be in pain.
Kindest regards,
Carrie Heward