Thank you for having acceded to my request to make a concise report of your 82 year old father’s recovery from a stroke he suffered from in January 2018.
You have been reporting on his progress as requested by me weekly and I do not think that you need to do so from now as he is not a patient anymore and can be considered as cured. You will however continue the daily protocol of 2 doses of Arnica 10M.
I believe I mentioned that I am his senior in age by 6 years and will be 89 next October. I do not take any drugs whatever unless on a SOS basis and I thank God for giving me my extended lifespan which I have dedicated to helping others with my own unique interpretation of Homeopathy aka “Joepathy” which I have always found would cure the patient.
I shall copy your report below:
Author: Natalia
Respected Sir,
I want to use this email to tell anyone interested in how your “joepathy” treatment has been helping my father in the last 4-5 months.
My father had a stroke in Jan 2018. This was his second major stroke in 5 years and he is now 82. The first stroke was MCA on right side of brain. He recovered with physiotherapy but still used to drag his left leg and hardly used his left arm. According to the doctors, he had recovered 70%. This second stroke was on left rear side of brain that had badly affected his cognition. He couldnt sleep at night time and got restless in the bed. As a result, the hospital had him on antipyschotic drugs and sleeping pills.
Before we started Joepathy, his symptoms that were really affecting him were poor cognition (couldn’t recall recent things, like what he ate), had very less attention span, very poor vision (he had some tunnel vision). He could walk with a cane and one person support.
Then, Sir prescribed Arnica IM WD thrice daily, that was changed to twice daily and later was upgraded to Arnica 10M WD twice daily. I have been regularly providing weekly reports on Sir’s website if anyone is interested in reading it. As of now, he is at home. He is physically active, goes for walks with me outside, climbs up and down stairs, exercises daily for his arms and legs. From a cognition standpoint, he is much much better than where he was in Jan, Feb and even Mar. His long-term memory has come back, his short-term memory has improved, his attention span is better and so is his vision. In all, he has improved thanks to Sir and his treatment.
Thank you Sir for all your support and guidance.