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Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases

Sunday, March 11th, 2012

I am copying a long series of posts on the ABC Homeopathy forum which visitors to my website may find interesting as it dates back to 2006 and is a record of my own progress in Homeopathy and records the evolution of Joepathy which term was coined by the classical homeopaths on the ABC to derisively describe my own therapy which they maintained was not Homeoapthy as I did not abide by the classical rules to “Treat the totality of the symptoms that the patient presents, with a SINGLE remedy”. I begged to differ as I discovered many years ago that this classical diktat just did not work and commenced my own therapy which they coined  and described as Joepathy. This term attracts over 1760 hits on Google and if you insert my name Joe De Livera into this same search engine it shows 58000+ Hits but not all pertain to my name.

I would like to copy first the last post on the ABC on this thread which a member dug up from the archives which gave me the idea of copying it on my own website to give  visitors a better understanding of my own vision of Joepathy which is in my opinion an extension of Homeoapthy which works in a manner that classical homeopathy cannot equal.

Glad that you liked my post which intrigues me as it was first made by me in January 2004 which is all of 8 years ago which makes me 83 years old and thank God I am still alive and kicking in the same manner that I have been doing for the last, say 70 years of my life.

I must also give Arnica the credit due to its miraculous power to maintain life at an optimum level and I would refer you to my article “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” on

I drive daily to work and back and I am the CEO of a family owned business which was established by my late father in 1924 before I was born and in which my youngest son is now in charge of, although I still call the “shots”. I spend about 2-3 hours on Homeoapthy on this ABC and my own Website and also try to help any patients who consult me in office when I give my services and the medicines free of charge.

A good example of the ‘proof of the pudding’ in my affinity to Homeopathy and more especially Arnica is the fact that no one who meets me believes my age which they usually estimate at around 65 years. I do not bear the usual signs of old age and do not sport any wrinkles on my skin. I do not have any aches and pains in my body and I exercise daily for around 45 minutes to lift my heart bpm to 115 for about 10 minutes. Sometimes to 120 if I feel good.

If you will spend some time on my Website you will read more about my research into Homeopathy which I have “simplified” into what the classical homeopaths on this and other forums have derisively classified as “Joepathy” which is an aspect of this curative art which is practical and works in a manner more positively to cure than classical homeopathy which in the majority of cases just gives the suffering patient the run around while the classical homeopath beats about the bush as instructed by the classical exponents of this science.

I am not alone in my “this for that” therapy and you will tead if you visit the website below:


I shall now copy the many posts on the link below on the ABC website.

Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases

From rajivprasad    on 2006-10-15
160 replies    7319 views
Dear friends,

I had posted these thoughts of mine on another thread.But for the benefit of all the members and to encourage further discussion, i have started a new thread and pasted it here.


Dear Joe,

First of all, let me express my admiration for you as a compassionate human being.I am sure you may remember that i have appreciated your efforts in the past too.

But in the example above cited, the patient was cured by a dose of Pulsatilla 200 which you had suggested.Pulsatilla is one of the main remedies in homeopathy for the rubric “worse by heat”, and hence cured.It was simple homeopathy and not ‘Joepathy’, which i believe is associated with Arnica, Nat. Phos. & Nat. Sulph.

I have for long thought to share some of my thoughts on why your prescriptions appear to work in a number of cases.I think it is the right time to do so.

Arnica, as everyone knows is the number one remedy for the shock of a trauma, whether the trauma is physical or mental.The reason is that it has a tendency to increase the flow of oxygen to the site of trauma.In case of physical trauma, to the site of injury, and in case of mental shock, to the affected part of the brain.That is why it is one of the leading remedies in the cases of brain haemorrhage too.Evn when a person is very fatigued after very severe hard work, a dose of Arnica brings a calming influence and takes away the fatigue due to increased oxygenation in the blood.What is happening in your case is that due to your old age (which causes poor oxygenation due to old age) and your hard working routine (which must be causing a lot of internal wear and tear at the cellular level), Arnica acts like a kind of ‘superficial similimum’ and tones you up so to speak ensuring nice sleep etc.Arnica is one of the main remedies that Dr.Parimal Banerjee (one of the greatest homeopaths that India has ever produced with the world record of having treated over 1.5 million people in his time) recommends for high blood pressure.The reason is again very simple to see.Arnica naturally pushes the blood flow, and causes the heart to relax a bit in confirmed cases of hypertension.In such cases, hypertension is the disease condition to which Arnica acts as a ‘superficial similimum’.In fact, your experiment on your own self has definitely encouraged me to conduct some experiments of my own.These experiments were inspired by you.My father-in-law was suffering from gangrene of his right toe, which was in danger of being amputated.I asked him to take the wet dose of Arnica 30 and to apply Arnica Q dilution externally.The condition was  healed in two months.The reasonis simple enough.The Arnica caused the highly oxygenated blood to reach the gangrenous toe.So yes, your self proving of Arnica is valuable to the homeopathic community, but more care should be taken in prescribing.There should be circumstances calling for Arnica, rather than prescribing it left, right and center to all comers.Even young people.That could cause a proving.

Nat. Phos. is a noted remedy for GERD and acidity.But it works on the Schussler’s biochemic principle.But why does it in some cases cause a reduction in weight loss?I will try to explain.Nat. Phos. (this is biochemic theory and not a homeopathic one) is the main biochemic remedy to restore the acid-base order in the body.An enhanced acid level in the body indicates that a great portion of the sugar metabolism in the body is taking place via fermentation which is due to the presence of anaerobic bacteria in very high quantities.These bacteria generate a high toxic load which teh liver is then unable to process out of the body.So it causes the body to generate a lot of fat to dissove and store the water insoluble toxins.With Nat. Phos., the acidity is reduced and hence the detoxification starts at a rapid pace in cases such as those above.This causes the fat which was generated to store the toxins in the first place, to be released and dissolved.

Nat. Sulph. is the most important homeopathic remedy in cases of asthma worse in damp places or in areas near the seashore.Colombo is near the sea and hence the high rate of success in curing asthma cases there with Nat Sulph.If Joe would read Von Grauvogl and his description of the usefulness of Nat. Sulph. in asthama cases in hydrogenoid (Grauvogl’s term for people who suffer from excess of water in their body) constitutions, he would realize why it works in these cases.And why it does not work in some cases where he needs to resort to Arsenic, Blatta etc.

Any way.These discussions are only going to enhance everyone’s knowledge and hence keep them flowing.

With warm regards to Joe and everyone else,

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Hahnemania     on 2006-10-15
Very well put Rajiv, and on all your points regarding why these remedies are sometimes curative, or seem to help, I couldn’t agree more.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From bandarbabu2000     on 2006-10-15
Now, Joepathy as a seperate therapy is declared officially, and we shouldn’t have any hesitation in letting people choose it if they want, among so many other therapies like,Aurveda,Acupuncture,Yoga,Reiki,Unani,Chinese,Herbal..etc..etc.

Joepathy mainly uses Arnica,Nat.sulph,Nat.Phos for all most all ailments on this earth, with antibiotic gels, and medicines added sometimes.

I am sure google will pickup this word soon,if not already done so.

Congrats Dear Joe.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From bandarbabu2000     on 2006-10-15

I just googled it and got 1-6 links displayed out of a total of 39.

Just type joepathy.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From rajivprasad     on 2006-10-15
Dear Jacob,

Thanks for your appreciation.One thing i always very deeply think about is why do certain remedies pick up a reputation for helping in certain conditions.The so called ‘specifics’.In this i am inspired by James Burnett who was one of the great maters of yesteryears who really understood his remedies, and hence found uses for certain lesser known remedies where other homeopaths would not dream of using them.

With warm regards,

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From kuldeep     on 2006-10-15
May be it is Joe’s healing capabilities not just his prescriptions.

Materia works in strange ways, once I gave a patient Antimony Crudum for some ailment but in hours his rock like tennis ball like hanging tumor under his eyes was gone in some hours.

It was just gone. He went to hundreds of homeopathys for the treatment of tumor but gave up.

When I gave him antimony crudum I didn’t have that tumor in my mind.

One year ago just a leaf of Helix Hedera reversed hydrocephalus in a  small child where everybody else gave up and family were utterly poor slum dwellers, were unable to afford any decent medical attention.

A friend of mine, (Not a fundamentalist homeopath) asked me to fetch helix hedera from some vendor in USA because he was unable to find it in India, I happened to be in Mcleod Gung (Himalayas) and couried him just few leaves of it.

Homeopathy does not end in a book but begins from the book and goes beyond for ever…

If one happen to realize healing powers of materia and uses it with courage, God give him a hand.

I never consider myself a homeopath, but a believer of materia.

Hahnemann instructed his students to make more provings, not to lick a fixed ‘The Last Testament’.

Fundamentalism is the root cause of all problems because fundamentalists believe in some medival Last Testament.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From PANKAJ VARMA     on 2006-10-15
Wow ! Kuldeep !!

I didn’t know you could make such hard hitting comments.

Surely…these guys pressed the “wrong button” .

Pankaj Varma
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From kuldeep     on 2006-10-15
This pathy or that pathy can cure this or that and cannot not cure that or this.

Many people like me and you become hobby homeopaths, we cure some and unable to cure some.

Classical homeopaths too cure some, unable to cure some.

When a curing happen fundamentalists say:

…. Yeah, you cured but it is temporary, faulty, not whole ….. in long term problem would even go worse ….

Last year one girl was cured of her kidney disease (was scheduled for kidney transplant in two weeks). I gave her Serum Anguillae.

Homeopathy College principal (whole college was treating that girl for two years) called me and cursed me, he said oh yeah…. temporary relief… faulty relief.. fake relief….

Two lives were saved by a so called pathy. One was the poor paid donor and other was the girl, all transplants last few years.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Hahnemania     on 2006-10-15
Dear Kuldeep.

I too have seen some amazing cures, not least of all small grains of sand actually working their way out of an ex builders callouses after just one dose of Silicea in an LM, literally before my eyes.

Also, I couldn’t agree more with your assertions, which is why my own work very much revolves around bringing Homoeopathy into the 21st century, to encompass all the WORTHWHILE advances made since the days of Hahnemann, as well as scientific advances made by allopathy, such as the discovery of micro-organisms. It is also why I have myself self-proved over 300 remedies, many of them new, and why I am also working toward finding similiums for new threats to health, so I would hardly consider myself a ‘fundamentalist’ 😉
…but I do all this only within the parameters of original doctrine, as this is, and always will be the source, and when we detract from this, we lose the essence of Homoeopathy.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Hahnemania     on 2006-10-15
Erm, the assertions in your first post that is, we must have been posting at the same time.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Hahnemania     on 2006-10-15
And hmm, this forum is seriously in need of an ‘ignore’ button, to dispense with…minor irritations of a psychotic (or should that be sycotic ‘hehehe’)nature. Still, whatever people have to do to feel a sense of worth I guess, it is rather sad to watch, but hey, you can’t hate the mentally unbalanced, only try to help them.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From PANKAJ VARMA     on 2006-10-16
On the net “he he he”…stands for…. “I don’t agree with you !” .
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Hahnemania     on 2006-10-16
Whatever you say loonytunes
-makes twirlies-
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From kuldeep     on 2006-10-16
Thanks for the key:

“not least of all small grains of sand actually …”

Dear Hahnemania when I find a patient in the slums of India, I try to find a remey in the slums of India.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From kuldeep     on 2006-10-16
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From bandarbabu2000     on 2006-10-16
Hi Pankaj

If you can’t discuss an issue,keep quiet.

Kuldeep has made some good points and let the discussion continue on that.

Don’t expose old wounds, and get more and more hurt.

Hi Kuldeep

New thinking is always welcome. I always read your threads with interest.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Hahnemania     on 2006-10-16
Dear Kuldeep, I am not sure I understand your post, please elaborate.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From kuldeep     on 2006-10-16
Dear Murthy

Experimenting with materia I have concluded that it works in strange unpredicted way. Most often simimum fails.


We are already exposed to thousands of materia in varous potencies as pollution.

One may prescribe Antimony crudum in a certain potency but most probably a patient is already exposed to it as air or water pollution so  similum fails.

But if a body is exposted to a certain strange potentized materia, that offers most of the chance.

If I can’t cure a patient I try to expose his body to strangest of the strangest materia. Could be Mercury or Antimony or Cyanide for him  but not for all.

Similum works may not work because body is already exposed to that so find strangest shock.

My cousin has never endin sinus problem, with homeopathy he is half better. Last week we were walking and I asked him to chew some goldenrod pollen grains, he chewed and instantly got hay fever.

So most probably he was having hay fever from goldenrod… This gives his case an another dimension.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From kuldeep     on 2006-10-16
An Example:

Graphites used to work as a great potent medicine about a hundred years ago but it does not work at all because it is a household material these days, our body is already exposed to it in all possible potencies, same thing is with petroleum…

So these factors must be considered before prescribing..

On the other hand, in these days Silica works excellent and predictably because our bodies are just too clean.

Nat. Phos and Nat. Sulphate are not easily found in environment so they work in these days.

Alumina would never work on a potter. Petroleum would never work on a petrol pump attendent.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From rajivprasad     on 2006-10-16
Dear Kuldeep,

I would like to say three things.First is that i have always admired your streak of innovativeness and have read almost all of your contributions on this forum with a lot of interest.Your ‘silica’ thread, your pencil ‘graphites’ adventures, your thread on different remedies and so on.I really enjoyed all of them and also learned a lot from them.

Second is that i am myself an experimenter, and am by no means an  orthodox, licking a bible type, boring person that i may come across as.I understand fully well that like any subject, homeopathy also needs to develop and evolve.Of all the experiments that you are making, some may become well established and become a part of standard materia medica in the future.But what is also important is to not throw the baby away with the bathwater.You can experiment as much as you wish.Some will succeed spectacularly and some will fail.But as long as one is willing to learn and observe, the knowledge of the individual as well as of the subject itself grows.

Third is that one not only needs to experiment and use exotic remedies, but also why certain remedies are working in certain conditions, and if there is an overlap of symptoms where two or more  remedies are indicated, can we identify specific and distinguishing characteristics of these new remedies, to choose from among them.That is the only way one can contribute to the development of new materia medica.

I can see a similar attempt being made at your own website too.Isn’t it?Your software to help people identify their constitutional remedy is  also an attempt to individualize, if i understand correctly.So where is a fundamental difference of opinion.


P.S. to Pankaj,

Now as for pressing ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ buttons, i don’t know what is being said.Why should any one think like that?We are not here to press buttons.At least i am not.And don’t try to behave like the class bully who will scare the tiny little children into submission.If you want to participate in discussions, please do so like an educated man and also try to live up to your Guru’s revered name.Give solid arguments and for God’s sake, stop behaving like a small child whose candies have been stolen.I have always been giving respect to you but you insist upon raking up a controversy.There is nothing to be gained by this sort of attitude.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From rajivprasad     on 2006-10-16
Dear Kuldeep,

You said that “Graphites used to work as a great potent medicine about a hundred years ago but it does not work at all because it is a household material these days……same thing is with Petroleum”.

But this is surprising coming from the person whose “What is Graphites” thread where you recommended making potentized Graphites from pencil material, was so polular on this forum.You yourself recounted a number of thrilling and successful cures with it and inspired a lot of the people here on the forum to experiment more.

There was another thread on which you suggested a very popular protocol for treatment of eczema.You suggested to take one remedy one week, then the next one next week and so on till the eczema responded to a particular remedy.I clearly remember that Graphites and Petroleum were the two of the remedies in that protocol.In fact you are on record saying that these are the two main remedies for the treatment of eczema.If they don’t work nowadays, i wonder why you recommended them.

In my personal experience, i have tried your pencil graphites experiment with 5 children and it has worked.So it still works as both  of us have confirmed.In two of these cases, i had to give Graphites 10M and above for which i used normally prepared Graphites as it is almost impossible to run the potency of the pencil Graphites thing to that high.

You also said that:

“Alumina would never work on a potter. Petroleum would never work on a petrol pump attendant”.

Why is that?If what you say is correct then what about the Arndt’s law.I hope you have heard about it.

It states that “weak and strong stimulii provoke opposite physiologica reactions”.So if a person is poisoned with a particular toxin or drug the same toxin or drug given in extreme dilutions helps to neutralize the poisonous effects of the crude drug or toxin.This law is one of the things which helped many allopaths to understand why the homeopathic remedies work.This is also the basis for Isopathy, which Hahnemann so strongly rejected.But he got it absolutely wrong of course, as today the Nosodes are an integral part of a homeopath’s armamentarium.And they work.They are the most potent remedies in homeopathy.

I will end with only one example from my experience, though there are more than a hundred that i could share.I treated a person a few years back who told me of a strong adverse reaction to Sulpha drugs.Whenever he took any Sulpha drug, he felt very ill all over his body.Sulphur 10M, one dose cured his sciatica and he is pain free for the last 4 years.

I would love to hear your detailed thoughts.

With warm regards,

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Joe De Livera     on 2006-10-16
To Rajiv

Thank you for your treatise on how Arnica, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph react  to resolve the respective ailments that I have prescribed them for patients whom I have helped on the homeopathic forums. This is, I feel, the attitude that other homeopaths should emulate by sharing their knowledge based on their own discoveries with the use of standard Homeopathic remedies in curing diseases which were not listed in the Repertories. I reported about 2 years ago that I had discovered that Arnica reduced Blood Sugar levels in both Type I and II Diabetics and as usual my report was held up in scorn immediately. It was only when other homeopaths discovered that Arnica does in fact reduce BS levels and as you also rightly included BP levels in patients, that those who scorned me sat up and took notice that there was indeed method in my madness.

You may have read the many attacks that classical homeopaths heaped upon me in the past few years on the homeopathic forums I visit daily, merely because they considered me a maverick who rocked their precious Classical Homeopathic boat too much. I believe that they did so because at least some discovered that my presence on their classical forums could corrupt the minds of potential classical homeopaths who were already in homeopathic colleges, as my therapy which treats the disease directly in the allopathic manner, seemed to be more effective than the standard classical method of identifying just one remedy which takes into account all the other symptoms presented by the patient. I do not wish to elaborate on this point as I have already dealt with it in other posts on the ABC. You may have observed that the attacks against my therapy invariably predicted doom to the unsuspecting patient who in many cases was confused as to which therapy he should use, which made a bad situation even worse as in some instances he would prefer the classical approach merely because the prescriber had the title Dr. before his ID. I have some cases where the patient used the classical therapy and returned to my therapy when he found that the classical approach was not helping him and discovered that my non classical therapy cured him in some cases, instantly.

I have always maintained that Homeopathy to me is only a Hobby to  which I am passionately dedicated especially today, since I have some time at my disposal which some years ago I could not devote to homeopathy as my professional duties came first. The return of my sons after their post graduate studies in the US and joined the family business gave me this free time which I use today to help others and it gives me great satisfaction to help a patient which I have done free of charge, especially those who have run the gamut of specialist doctors, Ayurvedic physicians and then later classical homeopaths and finally they come to me here in Sri Lanka or visit a Homeopathic forum and I take over in my own direct way.

It seems such a shame that other homeopaths classical or otherwise  do not also use the direct way that I prefer instead of going round in circles as they were taught in their respective collages to use only the classical system because Hahnemann had directed them to do so. Reference to his Organon will show that he too was constantly updating his therapy with every subsequent edition and I believe that what I am now trying to do is to continue in his footsteps by updating the concept of Homeopathy and to prove to those classical types that there is another way of helping a patient to overcome a disease by using the direct method that I have been using successfully for many years in spite of the conflagaration that it seems to have caused in homeopathic circles.

I observe today that there seems to be some semblance of a truce that has resulted between the classical types and their attacks against me as at least one of them has stated that as long as the therapy I use is termed “Joepathy” he does not have any reservations about my involvement in this art of healing.

I was also humbled to note the number of hits that this word “Joepathy” gets on the Search Engines, which is a fact that I was not  aware of till Murthy drew my attention to it a short while ago. I hope that this can perhaps indicate that the rest of the world too is taking some notice of the therapy that I have always used successfully, which to me seems the obvious therapy that others too should use in helping a patient to overcome his ailment. It seems a happy coincidence that this fact was discussed today, a few days before my 77th Birthday.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From rajivprasad     on 2006-10-16
Dear Joe,

When is your birthday?Please accept my most heartfelt best wishes on this great occasion for you and my family.I have nothing but admiration for your spirit of compassion and service towards fellow human beings.If even one tenth of the people of the world had the same compassion as you, this world would become so beautiful.

The reason for my starting this thread was very simple.I wanted to explain why these three remedies that you are so fond of, may be working in a number of cases that you have helped.

Though I do not share your views on the way the more well known official school of homeopathy is practised, I still respect you as a compassionate human being.

May God give you many, many, many more years of serviceful life!!May your ‘beloved’ Arnica keep working for you for ever.

With lots of best wishes,

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From pimathew     on 2006-10-16
Hi Joe,

Let me also take the previlege of wishing you on your Birthday. Best Wishes and Take Care. Hope u will hit a century with Arnica. keep it going.

Once Again “Best Wishes”

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Hahnemania     on 2006-10-16
Dear Kuldeep, from the assertions you have made above, I am afraid your observations are quite incorrect.

First of all, the only time the similium fails, is if it is indeed NOT the similium, and has been merely mistaken as such by the prescriber, or, if the patient is in need of the ISOmilium.

“If I can’t cure a patient I try to expose his body to strangest of the strangest materia. Could be Mercury or Antimony or Cyanide for him  but not for all.”
Is this not what we all do, and the latter part of your assertion the whole basis of remedy individualization?

“We are already exposed to thousands of materia in varous potencies as pollution.”
We are? Please explain. I think you are confusing mere dilution with Homoeopathic potency.

“Graphites used to work as a great potent medicine about a hundred  years ago but it does not work at all because it is a household material these days, our body is already exposed to it in all possible potencies -(again you are confusing mere dilution with potency)-, same thing is with petroleum…”
-Rereads- Erm, what? Have actually fully treated a chronic case before? An awful lot of the remedies required to affect cure, are those to which the patient has been exposed!
For example, I have had ex car mechanics who have been exposed to Petroleum all their lives, yet needed the substance in potency to relieve their conditions, the same I have found true of Kreosotum (in fence painters and gardeners), Chlorine in ex swimming pool attendants, Silicea in stone cutters (which is actually common knowledge, and listed in the majority of mat meds!), and even graphites in artists who use this substance to draw, myself being an example! I could go on with numerous examples. What about patients who have reacted badly to allopathic drugs, who require a potency of the offending substance? All these things are in our everyday environment, yet they do not affect everyone who merely comes into contact with them. Each individual will react differently to substances, and It matters not so much what we are exposed to, but what we are exposed to WHICH AFFECTS US as individuals, and when this is the case, only the Isomilium will cure, and this will occur regardless of continued exposure.

Your experiments therefore, I am afraid are quite flawed.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Joe De Livera     on 2006-10-16
Dear Rajiv

I was born on October 19th 1929.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and you may like to know that I have dedicated the rest of my life to helping those who consult me with my own brand of Homeopathy which is now accepted as Joepathy.

I agree with you completely that if only others too are more caring in their daily lives the world would be a far better place to live in. It is unfortunate that in homeopathic circles there still exists that aura of exclusivity which is, I believe, the real reason why Homeopathy does not achieve the status that medicine enjoys today. I believe that the many critics that have voiced their opinions against my therapy have  done so as they wish to keep this science at the higher levels that the successors of Hahnemann have elevated it to, with that aura of mystery that a homeopath usually commands from his patients which originates in the standard procedure involved in the classical case taking process. I do not write off this process but I maintain the the human mind cannot do justice to identifying that one remedy that will help the patient according to the tenets of classical homeopathy without the assistance of Homeopathic Software like Radar which I too use when necessary. I state this as the choice of this single remedy cannot possibly be identified from the many thousands that are available as the odds against the correct choice being made even by the most experienced homeopath are a million to one and cannot possibly be done mentally. This is where the software can be relied upon if the strict application of the classical theory has to be successfully implemented.

In my case I have evidence to prove that the majority of practicing homeopaths in the Indian sub continent use the same direct method that I too use to identify a remedy as it is absolutely impossible for those who see over 20 patients per day to spend at least an hour per patient with the classical system. The unfortunate result of the application of the classical system without the software is that the patient is usually given a remedy that suits his ‘picture’ and he goes back home in the fond hope that the remedy will help him at least in some small way and that when he reports back to the homeopath which is usually in a week that he would have some visible alleviation of his ailment. This is sadly not the case and many patients who have gone through this routine have informed me that in spite of the hour long interview that they had with their classical homeopath the remedy that they got did not have the slightest effect to help their ailment. In some instances I was informed that their ailment flared up and caused greater discomfort than what they already were suffering from. I have so many similar reports when these patients consulted me that I often wondered what the real reason was for these classical types to use a technique that they knew was faulty especially when dealing with the standard ailments that afflict people like GERD, Asthma, Eczema to name only 3 which I seem to have the gift of healing in a few days, or in the case of Asthma in a few hours. I realize that when a classical homeopath reads my viewpoint, he will immediately predict the usual doom and gloom scenario which the poor patient will, according to him, suffer from with a long time prediction of the possible results of consulting me, a non qualified homeopath, who has a background of using the direct approach in the alleviation of suffering. It is just my sense of directly approaching a problem in life coupled to my originality in doing so that has helped me to attain this status in my life and I believe in sharing my discoveries especially in homeopathy with others so that those who are not prejudiced will open their minds to the possibility of using a non classical alternative to the methods they use to cure their patients.


Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Joe De Livera     on 2006-10-16
Dear Rajiv

I was born on October 19th 1929.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and you may like to know that I have dedicated the rest of my life to helping those who consult me with my own brand of Homeopathy which is now accepted as Joepathy.

I agree with you completely that if only others too are more caring in their daily lives the world would be a far better place to live in. It is unfortunate that in homeopathic circles there still exists that aura of exclusivity which is, I believe, the real reason why Homeopathy does not achieve the status that medicine enjoys today. I believe that the many critics that have voiced their opinions against my therapy have done so as they wish to keep this science at the higher levels that the successors of Hahnemann have elevated it to, with that aura of mystery that a homeopath usually commands from his patients which originates in the standard procedure involved in the classical case taking process. I do not write off this process but I maintain the the human mind cannot do justice to identifying that one remedy that will help the patient according to the tenets of classical homeopathy without the assistance of Homeopathic Software like Radar which I too use when necessary. I state this as the choice of this single remedy cannot possibly be identified from the many thousands that are available as the odds against the correct choice being made even by the most experienced homeopath are a million to one and cannot possibly be done mentally. This is where the software can be relied upon if the strict application of the classical theory has to be successfully implemented.

In my case I have evidence to prove that the majority of practicing homeopaths in the Indian sub continent use the same direct method that I too use to identify a remedy as it is absolutely impossible for those who see over 20 patients per day to spend at least an hour per patient with the classical system. The unfortunate result of the application of the classical system without the software is that the patient is usually given a remedy that suits his ‘picture’ and he goes back home in the fond hope that the remedy will help him at least in some small way and that when he reports back to the homeopath which is usually in a week that he would have some visible alleviation of his ailment. This is sadly not the case and many patients who have gone through this routine have informed me that in spite of the hour long interview that they had with their classical homeopath the remedy that they got did not have the slightest effect to help their ailment. In some instances I was informed that their ailment flared up and caused greater discomfort than what they already were suffering from. I have so many similar reports when these patients consulted me that I often wondered what the real reason was for these classical types to use a technique that they knew was faulty especially when dealing with the standard ailments that afflict people like GERD, Asthma, Eczema to name only 3 which I seem to have the gift of healing in a few days, or in the case of Asthma in a few hours. I realize that when a classical homeopath reads my viewpoint, he will immediately predict the usual doom and gloom scenario which the poor patient will, according to him, suffer from with a long time prediction of the possible results of consulting me, a non qualified homeopath, who has a background of using the direct approach in the alleviation of suffering. It is just my sense of directly approaching a problem in life coupled to my originality in doing so that has helped me to attain this status in my life and I believe in sharing my discoveries especially in homeopathy with others so that those who are not prejudiced will open their minds to the possibility of using a  non classical alternative to the methods they use to cure their patients.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From kuldeep     on 2006-10-16
Dear Rajiv Prasad

Graphites works only on low potency and diverts the problem elsewhere to more cureable dimension. In my own experience it never ever worked about 6x.

I have countless miracle stories abuot homemade graphites but none regarding homeopathy grade.

Same thing with Petroleum, it may work on tribals who are living days away from any road.

That’s why in my eczema thread I remommened a weekly course of 8 remedies including Graphites and Petroleum.

On the other hand Crank Case Oil turned out to be a very potent medicine, I request you to experiment with it. With that medicine many’s people’s asthma got diverted to eczema and eventually they may recover from it.

And second thing: It is not necessary thing I said today may be absolute truth, that’s how I see things today and tomorrow I may arrive at different conclusions.

I never ever recommended anybody to purchase and take homeopathy grade graphites because I believe it is wasting time, money and faith on a medicine.

ON the other hand homemade Graphites and Antimony works like magic and one sees the effect in hours.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Hahnemania     on 2006-10-16
How would this explain how I have cured/brought back to the surface many cases of eczema using both Graphites and Petroleum in potencies ranging from 6c right up to LM1 of the APPARENTLY ‘old’ variety?

Many of these remedy layers have been passed from generation to generation, hence the original source works just as well as any other.

If only a so called ‘modern’ preparation of a drug cures a patient, then it is by virtue of personal exposure, and of the other things which are now mixed with these substances ADDITIONALLY causing problems, and I would consider such an occurrence extremely rare, especially in view of the fact most of these aditives have no medicinal value.

The man who looks TOO deeply Mr Kuldeep, ends up seeing nothing.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From rajivprasad     on 2006-10-16
Dear Kuldeep,

Of course i can understand about the personal experience point that you made.But then personal experience depends on so many factors and is purely ‘subjective’ to the ‘experiencer’.It is valuable no doubt to the person concerned.It is through personal experience that true learning takes place, and no amount of book learning can replace that.I really admire your willingness to share your wonderful experiences.Regarding the ‘personal truths’ being dynamic and not static; I again agree with you as I am very similar in my basic approach towards ‘truth’ as you.One should always be open to receive new infprmation and be bold enough to change one’s ‘truths’ even if it is on a public forum like this.I like your boldness too.

In my own experience the traditionally prepared Graphites and Petroleum, even in very high potencies right up to the CM potency work very well.I get my medicines from a pharmacy which i trust and their remedies (it includes all the more common homeopathic remedies) have never failed me.Where these two extremely deep acting and powerful remedies are needed, nothing can substitute them.Of course, in homeopathy, the ‘similimum’ would always cure.

I will try the motor crank oil remedy when i get a chance.I have read that thread of yours too.As i said earlier, i read all of your threads and am a regular visitor to your website too.As i said earlier, I like your innovativeness and willingnes to share your remarkable experiences.Hence I read carefully whatever you write about your ‘homeopathic experiences’.

With warm regards.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From PANKAJ VARMA     on 2006-10-16
Hi Joe !
Happy birthday in advance.

From one Libran to another Libran.

Pankaj Varma
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From PANKAJ VARMA     on 2006-10-16
Hi Rajiv,
Great post.
Pl. read this …which I posted on another thread too….

Here is the officially stated position of the British Homeopathic Association from their official website (FAQs).:


Should I stop my other medication?
No. Homeopathic remedies can be safely taken along with other medicines. It can be very dangerous to stop a medicine which you have been using for some time. The remedies will not interfere with your other drugs. You will be able to reduce your other drugs if you begin to improve under the influence of the homeopathic ones.

B A C K to list.

Why have I heard that some homeopaths tell their patients to stop their other drugs?
It is very unusual for a qualified health care professional to give such an instruction. Some non-medically qualified homeopaths have been known to give such advice and it stems from their distrust of mainstream medicine. The reason they will give is that some drugs can inhibit the effects of the homeopathic remedies. It is true that some drugs can produce such an inhibitory effect, particularly steroids and other drugs which suppress the immune system. However, experienced homeopathic practitioners will tell you that it is still possible to see the remedies produce good effects in the face of these drugs. Drugs should only be stopped when it is deemed they are no longer clinically necessary.


When homeopathic meds can work even while allopathic meds are being given….surely 2/3 homeoapthic meds given in alteration/succesion or together (combination meds)..will also give results.

We have seen it happening.

Don’t know why…inspite of so much evidence…the classical homeopaths are making a “song and dance” of things.
Best wishes,

Pankaj Varma
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From kuldeep     on 2006-10-16
I am pasting the same contents I posted at:

I would like to share another story about this “Unqualified Homeopathy doctor who gave me the insight to treat tonsil stones”. In those days I was in India and he appeared at my door at mid-night and requested me to join him regarding an emergency.

He took me on his motorcycle in a poor neighborhood and there in a home a man with huge inflamed belly was lying, staring at the ceiling. Man was all blue-yellow. Whole room was stinking of bile. This is the standard practice in India that when a patient is about to die, hospitals reject him and send him home so a death would not be recoded in a hospital’s name.

That layman doctor asked me to help him, only thing he said to me to mark the approximate boundaries of his liver lobe on his tummy (like I am an expert). I did that (using my layman’s knowledge) and then he took out a thickest syringe and started pumping out green liquid from man’s liver (it was his first experience with the syringe but he was a bold courageous man) Whole crowd was watching us.

This layman doctor can’t not read English but can only read Punjabi so was unable to update his knowledge in human anatomy even in a layman’s terms. Only book he has a Boeirike’s translated Materia Medica.

He removed a gallon of liquid and then stared giving the patient a liquid of Naturm Sulphate. I left at morning and patient was a bit better and asked for some tea.

Today that patient is healthy and well.

I have some other stories about that unqualified doctor. He was the one who asked me to find Helix Hedera for a poor kid.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From kuldeep     on 2006-10-16
Dear Rajiv

Thanks for telling that in your cases high potency Graphites and Petroleum worked.

Experience is not your’s or mine but it of the whole Man-Kind’s.

Mr Hahne-MANIA we all are the prisoners of our past, education, background, experiences, etc. Some people have windows in their cells and some just prefer solitary confinement in a narrow blocked cells.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Hahnemania     on 2006-10-16
Dear Kul-notsodeep.

Ahhh, I see. That made no sense at all with reference to my questions by the way, but hey, if you don’t have an answer, you dont have an answer, it’s cool.

Oh, and as stated before, comments presumed to be profound, are no substitute for a good scientific answer.

My post btw was intended for further discussion, not as personal attack, which you seem to have taken it as, it was just written in a hurry, but sure, whatever you say.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From kuldeep     on 2006-10-17
You said: The man who looks TOO deeply Mr Kuldeep, ends up seeing nothing.

And now not So Deep…

By the way what was your precise question? I would love to answer it and I am not attacking you but you only want to listen to a certain song, and it happens that I am not singing it.

I am not a trained homeopath and neither I read Organon or any theory regarding it, yes I read Hahnmann’s story and adventure but that’s it. Still I will answer your question but what is it?

As I said before, after a long journey if one finds his luggage is missing… just opposite has happened with you. Person has arrived but luggage is missing.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From kuldeep     on 2006-10-17
Sorry! Luggage has arrived but person is missing — lost.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Hahnemania     on 2006-10-17
The notsodeep was in response to “Hahne-MANIA”.

Which would suggest to me that you have something on your mind regarding my posts, and no, I listen to many different songs, if they have some basis in actual reality. You were stating how you believe Graphites etc are only effective when home made, I was stating this ISN’T the case, and you came back with some odd quirky little phrase which had no relevance to the question I asked, which btw is still there should you care to actually read it.

Hmm nm, this is pointless, as I siad before, we’re not even playing in the same ballpark, have fun with the fortune cookie phrases.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From bandarbabu2000     on 2006-10-17
Hi Kuldeep

Petroleum 200 and 1M worked for me and for others too.

You never read Organon!!

People like you and Pankaj, who have very good knoweldge of materia medica can do wonders, if you follow the principles enunciated in Organon.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From kuldeep     on 2006-10-17
dear hahnemania, I only stated my own experiences and I belive they are limited. If Murthy says that Petroleum 1M works on him, this adds to my own experience unless I don’t believe in other people.

I never read theory behind homeopathy and never used a a medicine about 30c.

Time to time for fun I read a complete picture of a materia and experiment with it, then it adds to my memory and work so over the time prescription gets diverse.

This year I chewed Rhus Tox several times and I thought I just don’t hurt me but then I discovered I was having eczema like symptoms on my eyelids, surface was raw for many months. So a proving waa made and used it on a person with eczema on his eyelids and miraculously person cured in two days.

Match Stick remedy also gave me many miracles. (burning a match stick close to water and immidiately dipping in the water before the head burns out.) This is a composite remedy, contains sulphur, kclo3, phosphoric acidum, carbo hydrate … etc.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From rajivprasad     on 2006-10-17
Dear Kuldeep,

I love your boldness as well as simply accepting what you have read and what you have not.At least you are not pretending anything.Never mind if you have not read the organon.But no harm in reading it as it is a very small book.It can’t harm you in any way.

Keep your experiments going.I will certainly try the match stick remedy after proving it on some close friends.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From PANKAJ VARMA     on 2006-10-17
Aaah Murthy !! Be careful….a compliment slipped out !
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From PANKAJ VARMA     on 2006-10-17
see the thread started by me on 24th december 2003:

single or a number of medicines

i just brought it up again.

pankaj varma
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From bandarbabu2000     on 2006-10-17
Hi Pankaj

It is not a slipped out compliment.It is intentional and a fact.

This is the unfortunate situation. You people have grasped the matera medica very well ,but are failing in the administration and repetetion aspects, due to lack of proper understanding of the fundamentals.

Only if you people stick to the fundamentals of

1)Similar remedy

2)Single remedy

3)Minimum dose

4)Repetetion only when progress is halted

5)Selection of a new medicine if new symptoms show up

6)upping the potency ,in case symptoms return unchanged, and no new symptomsare added.

and similar other time tested princiles,you can do wonders.

My sincere request will be to read ‘Organon’ with an open mind, as if you knew nothing about homeopathy.

You will wonder why you missed it, all these years.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Joe De Livera     on 2006-10-17
I would like to copy Rajiv’s analysis on how Arnica, which you may remember I have been using on a nightly basis for 11 years, has helped me.

I can confirm that it has not done me any harm so far and it is not likely to do so in the future. I am convinced that it has helped me to maintain my state of health at the level it is today. What is more, I have proved that when I stopped it for a few weeks, I felt distinctly old, which I will be at 77 years in a couple of days.

“Arnica, as everyone knows is the number one remedy for the shock of a trauma, whether the trauma is physical or mental.The reason is that it has a tendency to increase the flow of oxygen to the site of trauma.In case of physical trauma, to the site of injury, and in case of mental shock, to the affected part of the brain.That is why it is one of the leading remedies in the cases of brain haemorrhage too.Evn when a person is very fatigued after very severe hard work, a dose of Arnica brings a calming influence and takes away the fatigue due to increased oxygenation in the blood.What is happening in your case is that due to your old age (which causes poor oxygenation due to old age) and your hard working routine (which must be causing a lot of internal wear and tear at the cellular level), Arnica acts like a kind of ‘superficial similimum’ and tones you up so to speak ensuring nice sleep etc.Arnica is one of the main remedies that Dr.Parimal Banerjee (one of the greatest homeopaths that India has ever produced with the world record of having treated over 1.5 million people in his time) recommends for high blood pressure.The reason is again very simple to see.Arnica naturally pushes the blood flow, and causes the heart to relax a bit in confirmed cases of hypertension.In such cases, hypertension is the disease condition to which Arnica acts as a ‘superficial similimum’.In fact, your experiment on your own self has definitely encouraged me to conduct some experiments of my own.These experiments were inspired by you.My father-in-law was suffering from gangrene of his right toe, which was in danger of being amputated.I asked him to take the wet dose of Arnica 30 and to apply Arnica Q dilution externally.The condition was healed in two months.The reasonis simple enough.The Arnica caused the highly oxygenated blood to reach the gangrenous toe.So yes, your self proving of Arnica is valuable to the homeopathic community, but more care should be taken in prescribing.There should be circumstances calling for Arnica, rather than prescribing it left, right and center to all comers.Even young people.That could cause a proving. ”

This example may serve to negate the theory expressed above.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Joe De Livera     on 2006-10-17
Correction to the last line above;

This example may serve to negate the theory expressed in the previous post above.
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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From bandarbabu2000     on 2006-10-17
Hi Joe

Arnica is a very short acting remedy, and hence might not have posed any problems for you.

By the time you are taking your second dose, the first one’s action might have been completed already.

What we are telling is that the previous action of the medicine is to be allowed to be completed,before repeating it.

Medicines like Sulphur act even upto 60 days. I get benefit from Petroleum only after the first week.

Don’t generalise things, and try to cite your experience with Arnica in each and every thread.

I again repeat, what works for Joe, need not work for the billions of people on the earth.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From bandarbabu2000     on 2006-10-17
What Rajiv said is more or less same as I said.

See his concluding remarks.

” There should be circumstances calling for Arnica, rather than prescribing it left, right and center to all comers.Even young people.That could cause a proving. ”

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From rajivprasad     on 2006-10-17
Dear Joe,

Can you please explain what did you mean by your following statement:

“This example may serve to negate the theory expressed above.”

Which example are you talking about?

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Joe De Livera     on 2006-10-17
Hi Murthy

Please do not get me wrong. I would never advocate that deep acting remedies like Sulphur should ever be used in the manner that I am using Arnica. It is just that I felt that Arnica should not fall within the remedies that you had in mind in your post that I mentioned it in my post above.

As for my prescribing Arnica “right left and center” I can assure you that I do not do so except in the many cases that I have discovered that it helps where the other standard remedies do not. I have only prescribed for helping with acne in the case of teenagers.

You are invited to visit a thread on Arnica which I posted some time ago where you will see that I have used it to help in some unusual cases where it has never been used before:

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From Joe De Livera     on 2006-10-17
Hi Ravi,

Murthy’s theory.

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Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many cases    From PANKAJ VARMA     on 2006-10-17
Hi Murthy !
I am referring to the post you have addressed to me today.

My comments:

You and Rajiv were repeatedly asking me about the books I was using as reference. I just gave you both one name…of DR.V.R.BAJAJ and R.K.TANDON.
(Homeopathic Guide to Family Health)….to see a sample of the comments you both would come out with.

May I inform you…that book devotes a whole chapter to the life and work of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.

That book has a whole Chapter on “Organon of Medicine” by “Dr. Samuel Hahnemann”.

In its chapter on Selection of Remedy …the authors have reproduced Section 83 to 90 of the Organon.

Frankly, I was be-numbed on reading yours and Rajiv’s unpleasant comments (putting it mildly) on that book.

That book is with me since 1992.

Are you assuming that from 1992 to 2006…I wouldn’t have read anything about or from the Organon ???

(If just had that limited info about me).

I am again and again stating that your system and my system are different. And the choice was made after “looking at the other side also”. I found my system more effective.

In that debate I made very important points that are relevant to the growth and acceptance of homeopathy by a larger number of people in the world compared to the acceptability it has today.

Those comments were made in great seriousness and as they have been there in my thoughts for a long time.
(Like the need for an instrument and a unit for measuring the strength of the “Vital Force”).

They relate to observations for the future growth of homeopathy…things that are yet to be discoverd (looking beyond the wall).

My request to you, Rajiv and Jacob is to make considered remarks and not abrupt remarks.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma

Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-10-17Hi Murthy !
I am referring to the post you have addressed to me today.

My comments:

You and Rajiv were repeatedly asking me about the books I was using as reference. I just gave you both one name…of DR.V.R.BAJAJ and R.K.TANDON.
(Homeopathic Guide to Family Health)….to see a sample of the comments you both would come out with.

May I inform you…that book devotes a whole chapter to the life and work of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.

That book has a whole Chapter on “Organon of Medicine” by “Dr. Samuel Hahnemann”.

In its chapter on Selection of Remedy …the authors have reproduced Section 83 to 90 of the Organon.

Frankly, I was be-numbed on reading yours and Rajiv’s unpleasant comments (putting it mildly) on that book.

That book is with me since 1992.

Are you assuming that from 1992 to 2006…I wouldn’t have read anything about or from the Organon ???

(If just had that limited info about me).

I am again and again stating that your system and my system are different. And the choice was made after “looking at the other side also”. I found my system more effective.

In that debate I made very important points that are relevant to the growth and acceptance of homeopathy by a larger number of people in the world compared to the acceptability it has today.

Those comments were made in great seriousness and as they have been there in my thoughts for a long time.
(Like the need for an instrument and a unit for measuring the strength of the “Vital Force”).

They relate to observations for the future growth of homeopathy…things that are yet to be discoverd (looking beyond the wall).

My request to you, Rajiv and Jacob is to make considered remarks and not abrupt remarks.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom rajivprasad on 2006-10-17Dear Pankaj,

I did not make any abrupt remark about you.Go back to that thread and see all the posts in sequence.You called me a ‘television reporter” and i kept showing respect to you.I appreciated your knowledge of the materia medica.Next day, i woke up in the morning and when checked this forum page, i saw your aggressive tone and then you derogated me by calling ‘kid’ etc.I returned the compliment.But in the end i apologised to you for being elder to me.Still i can see that you refuse to tone down your aggresiion.

Can you show me one abrupt remark that i made?That is not the way i am.

If you are thorough with the Organon, good for you.But i can only discuss within the framework of what portion of your knowledge you display through your posts.If you choose to protect your ‘brand equity’ and still call something hidden from the world as ‘my system’, what can one make of it?How can a brand have brand equity when what that brand represents is lost upon everyone.If you indeed have a system of homeopathy that you have developed, please write a book and share with the world.Then one can discuss the merits and demerits of that book.But then, a system also has a philosophy behind it, the need for such a system, a proper explanation why the author considers the old system or systems to be a failure and so on.You believe in multiple remedies at the same time.Fine.But what is the philosophy behind it?How do they work?Explain in great detail to the world.If you feel your ‘brand equity’ will be eroded, then write a book.It will compensate you financially for the information that you shared with the world apart from bringing name and recognition from other homeopaths.But in the absence of a detailed explanation of ‘your system’, do not claim abut it.

I do not have any personal system.I follow the great masters of homeopathy and learn humbly at their feet.I also learn from other fellow homeopaths and their experiences.

Rajiv Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-10-17Rajiv,

That was an explaiantion of “Muna Bhai”….I didn’t call you Muna Bhai / kid….heaven’s sake!!
Muna bhai came in becoz of the rose flowers.

If you have doubts about the understanding/interpretation of a post…you are welcome to directly ask me thru e-mail.

Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom rajivprasad on 2006-10-17Dear Pankaj,

I am again pasting the relevant portion to which i had just referred in my last post on this thread which you had written in my ‘honour’ a few days ago:

“I can now understand some of your bitterness…which stems out of your illness.

I wish you “Get Well” and send you a bouquet of roses just like Munna Bhai did to Lucky Singh …in Munna Bhai Lage Rahoo.

Pankaj Varma

For those who don’t understand Hindi:

Muna Bhai Lage Rahoo ….literal meaning…Kid Brother! keep persisting !

Hidden meaning…..Kid Brother ! I may not agree with you ..but I admire your preseverence!”

You made a blanket statement that my ‘bitterness’ (only you could see bitterness in my open appreciation of your knowledge of materia medica) stems from my ‘illness’.What a summary conclusion?How did you know that i am still very ill?While you were busy seeing the ‘bitterness’ in me, praises kept pouring on me for my loving and compassionate nature.

How can the correct translation of ‘Munna Bhai’ be ‘kid brother’?It will be ‘Brother Munna’.If your real intention is only to render an accurate translation, then what was the need to give your hidden (which was openly mentioned) message which was as follows:

“Hidden meaning…..Kid Brother ! I may not agree with you ..but I admire your preseverence!”

I took it as a slight as it is very clear to anyone who has a little knowledge of the English language.So i returned the compliment in a like manner.

This was just to keep the matters straight and to sort it out between you and me.

Rajiv Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-17quote

“hi ravi,

murthy’s theory.



hi joe

it made me to laugh.

it is not murth’s theory. it is hahn.’s theory. it is homeopathy.

murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-17Hi Pankaj

Organon is not only about selection of remedy.

It looks to me you read it in bits and pieces.My advice is to read it from cover to cover in one sitting, when your mind is fresh. It may take a couple of hours, but it is worth it.

Coming to the nature of your comments, you have a tendency to hit below the belt.

Your comment on Rajiv’s illness is in very poor taste, and it is natural that one reacts strongly,if a reveletion of previous illness, for the sake of discussion, is used to settle scores.

Myself and Rajiv are trying hard to put the bad things that are said behind us.
Please understand it.

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom sazim on 2006-10-17Dear Pankaj and Kuldeep, Jacob and Murthy

Homeopathy is an ever expanding science bordering on paraphysics (where matter equals energy), and is a much much advanced system to cure diseases. Allopaths and hard core scientists are still scratching their head about its functionality, so debating about the classical and neoclassical ways of practicing homeopathy wont yield results on this

I totally agree with Jacob and Murthy, that you cannot go against the basic principles of homeopathy as envisaged by the great Hahnemann. Hahnemannic homeopathy has some basic principles, which if avoided, would put you in such a peril, that you would be completely lost. To cure completely is to follow Hahnemannic homeopathy, but that doesn’t stop anyone to improve the basic principles as well.

Einstein proved that nothing can exceed the speed of light within the laws of known physics, but that law is based on the assumption that you are travelling from point “A” to point “B”. Interestingly if you change the assumption, that is instead of going from point “A” to point “B”, let point “B” come close to point “A” (through molding of space), you will break the basic law of physics. (travelling more than the speed of light)

What I am trying to say is, that Hahnemann is not the final word on homeopathy, he was a great revolutionary who showed us what homeopathy is, and how miraculous it can be, but its upto the scientist/doctors of today and tomorrow, who will make great strides into this remarkable gift which our creator has bestowed on us.


sazim Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-17Actually, it’s HAHNEMANN’S theory, not Muthy’s, which would be known had the above poster actually studied the subject in detail.

“As for my prescribing Arnica “right left and center” I can assure you that I do not do so except in the many cases that I have discovered that it helps where the other standard remedies do not.”
Hmm, that’s odd, because I have been here only 2 or 3 weeks, and I have seen either Nat Phos or Arnica ‘prescribed’ by the above person to practically every new body seeking help, and the same on other forums, and also, the ‘Arnica wet dose’ is something they tout as cure for practically everything from anal fistula to hair loss, including their own nightly dose for keeping them fit at an old age.

-Jacob. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-17Sorry Murthy, I see you have already posted this, my link had only brought me to the second page of this thread, and indeed, it supllied a good chuckle here too 😉

-Jacob. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-17Hi sazim

You are right. The development shouldn’t stop and it didn’t stop.

For example Hahn. was not in favor of nosodes. But, you hardly find a classical homeopath who doesn’t use them.

Hahn. was highly critical of coffee. Now,many homeopaths feel his views on coffee are not very accurate, and coffee is to be avoided only if the person is addicted to it.

However, the fundamentals of homeopathy remain the same.

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-17Dear Sazim, I could not have put this better myself, and totally agree with all your points, especially the latter, which is, it may suprise some to read, very much the centre of my own work.

As Kent said, “when Homoeopathy is hundreds of years old, our successors will acquire knowledge that we do not possess now.”
A quote I have always used to defend my own further elaborations and theories based on true doctrine, when these are attacked by others.

It just requires a very good knowledge of the subject to realise what really IS new theory and advancement based on this doctrine, and what is harmful deviation and useless theory.

-Jacob. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-17″My request to you, Rajiv and Jacob is to make considered remarks and not abrupt remarks.”

That is perhaps the most Ironic and laughable statement I have ever read in my life. Some should try looking in their own graden rather than over the wall to their neighbour’s…

(…hmm, this ‘profound quote’ thing at the end of posts, is becoming quite contageous, maybe I CAN see the point of it…when it actually makes sense that is 😉 )

-Jacob. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Joe De Livera on 2006-10-17″What I am trying to say is, that Hahnemann is not the final word on homeopathy, he was a great revolutionary who showed us what homeopathy is, and how miraculous it can be, but its upto the scientist/doctors of today and tomorrow, who will make great strides into this remarkable gift which our creator has bestowed on us. ”

Sazim’s quote copied above with which the present company has agreed, epitomizes my own use of Homeopathic remedies which this same company has classified as Joepathy. Edit Post Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-17Dear Joe

You don’t know anything about homeopathy, except the names of few medicines.

Please back off from this learned discussion.

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Joe De Livera on 2006-10-17I did not realize that you could be that RUDE. Edit Post Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Joe De Livera on 2006-10-17It is remarkable how you descended from to the ABC a few days ago and proceeded immediately to display your high faluting concept of what to you, is classical homeopathy by keeping on criticizing me and others who have been on this forum for many years and who have spent a lot of time in our dedicated efforts in helping those who post on this forum.

It is a matter of interest to me and to other members of this forum that you have not tried to help by prescribing any remedies to those who post here in the hope of a cure. I would suggest that you put your money where your mouth is and show the resident patients and prescribers here how you would treat an ailment instead of causing so much unnecessary friction by insisting on your own concept of classical homeopathy with your abrasive comments which only serves to disturb the peace and love that this forum was noted for till you invaded it after an absence of many years.

I would like to add that my patients whom I have helped with my own concept of Homeopathy think otherwise. I copy below an example:

re: anal fistula- fissure    From overanxious     on 2006-10-17
Dearest Jo what an Angel you are!…

I have had the Doc look at me today.. The cut is there and it does keep opening with little blood every two or three weeks. “No fissure” “No Fistula” Dry and External Hemroids with its accompanying little hole.. I have ordrered all I need Homeopathically and the Doctor has given me the Antibiotic Ointment for when and if the hole does open up again. I have lost another 3 kg in weight this week. I have gone from being morbidly obese to obese.. heading for just FAT now (Chuckles)

I thank you from the center of my being

re: anal fistula- fissure    From Joe De Livera     on 2006-10-17
You embarass me with your comments !

I am glad that your doctor reassured you that all is well and the best news is that he gave you that much needed prescription for the Antibiotic ointment which is an essential part of this therapy. Use it liberally to ensure that the lesion is permitted to heal without the bacteria.

Keep on with the Arnica but if you do not have any pus discharge, you can drop the Silicea.

Keep us posted with the progress of your lesion which I feel will quickly heal. Edit Post Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-17Dear Joe

You are mistaken that I shy off from prescribing here.

I did so,and got good feedback, even very recently.

See the Nux.Vomica thread.

I will not prescrinbe like you guys at the drop of a hat.

Rajiv and Jacob have already started prescribing here.

I too will do so, when time permits.

But,primarily, I took it upon myself to expose all this pseudo homeopathy.

Unless and until the moderator feels that I am doing a disservice to the patients here, I will continue, in exposing these reckless prescriptions.

I want ABC too to be known as a good homeopathic forum.

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-17Hi Joe

See the Asthma topic .fauzia now comes out with the truth.

Your Nat.sulph therapy did aggravate her daughter.

Now, what do you say?

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom kuldeep on 2006-10-17If there is a motive to find a fault, it is always present. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Joe De Livera on 2006-10-17To Murthy

I am copying below the first post of Fauzia the mother dated May 5 2006 who describes the pathetic condition of her daughter who was a chronic Asthmatic from the age of 1 year. She was on inhalers which she had to use merely to survive right up to the time that I took her case last May and she has been off inhalers for most of the time except when Fauzia panics and either rushes her to the doctor or gives her a puff which is very rarely today.

I am satisfied that the Nat Sulph has helped her as it was prescribed by me, first in the wet dose and then in the split dose but there is nothing that I can do to increase her resistance to URT infections which have invariably brought on an attack of her asthma. This cannot however be adduced to the Nat Sulph merely because the mother panics like she did with her croup which you will note did not bring on her asthma.

I have prescribed Ars Alb 200 to be used whenever she has an attack and cannot breathe and I cannot understand the reason why she does not follow my instructions.

I am considering changing the remedy to Blatta Orientalis 6c to be used in the same manner as the Nat Sulph as I too agree that the Nat Sulph may have reached the end of its ability to help her.

I do wish that I was able to cure the daughter’s Asthma as I have done in the case of many other patients but this case seems to be more difficult than others that have responded and are cured as they do not use any remedy any more.

It will be appreciated that the mere fact that one case does not respond in the manner that others have done cannot be shown up as the general rule with the therapies that I have used to cure over 3000 patients on this forum which can be read if you have the patience to do so in the archives where I have over 4500 posts recorded.

I have in another post requested you to “put your money where your mouth is” and prescribe a remedy to help the patients on the ABC instead of invariably criticizing me and others on this forum.

You are invited to do so and join me in helping to resolve this case. All I am interested in is to see Fauzia’s daughter is healed and our joint efforts may succeed where my sole effort has not met with the success that I expected.


From fauzia
on 2006-05-26
434 replies
my daughter is 6 and a half yrs old and she is suffering from recurrent wheezing and cough from the age of 1 yr….the doctor diagnosed her as asthma patient…they prescribed her flexotide inhaler for 2 months last yr and ventoline inhaler incase of coughing….she had several asthma attacks of cough and wheezing almost every month till now…this yr also prescribed her of flexotide and ventoline inhalers for two months…but as long as she is on the inhalers she is ok but after a week of withdrawl she starts coughing etcc. atleast almost every night during sleep she coughs…i am really in need of help
i have tried so many homeopathy medicines but no permanent cure…can any of the doctors here help???? Edit Post Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-18″but this case seems to be more difficult than others that have responded and are cured”
The reason being, that there is no standardised cure for asthma, or any other complaint. Each case is to itself unique, and as stated eleswhere, such cases can only actually be termed CURED, by proper follow up, performed by a practitioner with knowledge of what to look for in terms of signs of supression.

-Jacob. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom kuldeep on 2006-10-18Beliefs! Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-18and…”Sazim’s quote copied above with which the present company has agreed, epitomizes my own use of Homeopathic remedies which this same company has classified as Joepathy.”
No, it does not, because you sir, do not follow Hahanemann. You merely pick and choose certain assertions he has made to justify your own methods. You would be well advised to actually sit down and read the Organon cover to cover, maybe then you will realise exactly what he would have thought, and indeed DID think of such methods as your own. Whatever it is you think you are practicing, please do not ever think you are following in the footsteps of Hahnemann, because you are most definitely not.

-Jacob. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-18Facts! and 200 years of them too 😉 Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-18″It is remarkable how you descended from to the ABC a few days  ago and proceeded immediately to display your high faluting concept of what to you, is classical homeopathy by keeping on criticizing me and others who have been on this forum for many years and who have spent a lot of time in our dedicated efforts in helping those who post on this forum.”

The period of time involved is irrelevant, truth is truth…and wait, of what to Murthy is classical Homoeopathy? Please Joe, tell us, what is YOUR concept of classical Homoeopathy then? Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-18I told you Murthy, hours, not weeks.

and um, I’m glad you um…took it upon yourself…to expose all this pseudo Homoeopathy…


Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-18I told you Murthy, hours, not weeks.

and um, I’m glad you um…took it upon yourself…to expose all this pseudo Homoeopathy…

-Jacob. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom kuldeep on 2006-10-18Dear Hahnemania, I am not a critic or a guardian of any fixed pathy.

I consider pseudohomeopathy also a good-pathy which benefits mankind.

I do not consider any path holier then thou’s path.

This world needs all kind of people all kinds of paths, all kinds of pathies. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-18And this is your choice to make. I however, will only settle for absolute truth, and always will.

-Jacob. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-18And this of course is your choice to make. I however will only settle for absolute truth, and always will.

-Jacob. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-18Hmm, my first reply did post, despite not showing, apologies to moderator, delete as you see fit.

-Jacob. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom kuldeep on 2006-10-18Yes thy truth is absolute. God blessed you and you are enlightened. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-18I do not believe in such things, but each to his/her own I guess. I searched and I found, It’s that simple. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom ripas on 2006-10-18In the raging debate of classical homeopathy v. ‘mixopathy’ or ‘anything goes-pathy’, lets consider this.
Homeopaths who follow the elementary rules at least have a basis for this: they have the theory and the rationale behind why homeopathy works.
If we are to accept or even stop opposing ‘mixopathy’ and its sibling ‘thisforthatpathy’, lets have the promoters and the supporters propound their theory. Every school of medicine has its foundations in certain beliefs. Medical advice, after all, impacts people’s quality of life in the long run, especially if repeated mis-prescriptions are made. I would let go – for now – the acute prescribing that is done on few facts and no knowledge of the patient. Hopefully, an acute condition will limit itself before too much harm is done. It is the chronic prescribing or long-term advice (like the ridiculous arnica-every-night — I wonder, if someone starts with arnica 30, succussed and plussed for 8 years, what potency is it now?) that is so worrisome. Even more worrisome is that there are those who refuse to realize or acknowledge this fact.
So please do tell us – what is the basis for mixopathy or joepathy? What theory rules? Can I take a guess? The same theory behind allopathy?
I am thankful that there are finally a few voices here initiating a debate – thank you, Jacob, Murthy, Rajiv Prasad. It is an old trick to insult, deride and make personal attacks when the ones questioned do not have real answers. far easier to scoff at the people and call their very valid inquiries garbage and rubbish rather than stop to think that the motives of the questioners are not to deride the prescribers (not to begin with – but if someone keeps attacking, a person will either retire in disgust or fight back. The first option gives the attacker the illusion of victory; the second invites insinuation that the defence is somehow unwarranted!) but solely from concern for the system we know can do so much if only it’s not misused.
And finally, I think Pankaj asked somewhere how come if the classical homeopaths were right that Joe is still going strong after years of arnica. How do you know? How do you know the state of Joe’s internal health? How do you know that there has not been any alteration that is undiscernable to him – maybe he was less stubborn and had the humility to learn before? How do you know his wife hasn’t poured out his arnica and replaced it with water? How do you know that arnica did not stop its action long ago and its is only Joe’s mind providing a placebo effect? Or maybe Joe is a unique case? Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Nesha-India  on 2006-10-18Joepathy = A.D.D.

Homeopathically Rules Explained : “PLACIEBO method ”

A medicine given JUST to SIMPLY MAKE-BELIEVE satisfy the patient that he is taking some medicine for his problems / diseases. Mostly, these medicines are do not have any physically curative effect. BUT to only INDUCE & satisfy the patient INTO BELIEVING psychologically that these medicines are working on him. The patient by psychological law of Expectation (anticipation) starts believing in the placebo medicine and experiences some psychological relief, BUT THE INTERNAL  DEEP-SEATED CAUSATIVE DISEASE FACTOR REMAINS THE SAME and further  dangerously cumulates into a powerful inter-woven complicated case disease.

CONSIDER THIS (by Winston Churchill) :
“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on”

Remain Healthy & Happy ……. Nesha-India Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Joe De Livera on 2006-10-18To Ripas,

If you are really interested in investigating my attitude to Homeopathy I would request you to visit my post entitled “In defense of my attitude towards Homeopathy” which strangely enough was addressed to you and which you can find if you do a search under this same title on the ABC. I shall copy it below but after I have replied some salient facts that you have questioned which I feel I must reply to first.

The post that is dated July 21 2006 addressed to you gives you almost all the answers that you have posed in your post above but I shall pick out a few matters from it to give you short answers to them for purposes of clarification as requested by you.

I have always refused to accept the classical theory that remedies must never be given on a daily basis. I do agree that ALL remedies cannot be given in this manner but I have no hesitation in using Arnica 30c in the wet dose (or the dry dose in pellets) on a daily basis. I have used this remedy myself for the last 11 years and I can assure you that if I stop the daily dosage for about 3 weeks I will find that my years hang on me and my BP also shoots up by about 10mm on both Systolic and Diastolic levels. My pulse also goes up to around 90 at rest. FYI my BP today is 117/76 with pulse 63 checked a short while ago. If as you fear I was to suffer under the standard warnings given by only classical homeopaths about the repetitive use of Homeopathic remedies like Arnica, I would not be writing this reply to you right now.

I note your concern about my using just plain water instead of the remedy nightly but right now I am using 3 No 30 pellets of the remedy that I have made in common with all remedies as I get the liquid remedy in ethanol and activate the lactose pellets myself. There is absolutely no possibility whatever of anyone interfering with my Arnica which is today the only remedy that I take daily.

I do admit that it may seem strange that I have a penchant for Arnica and for Nat Phos and the reason why I use these remedies so often is because I have discovered that the majority of cases that I handle on the forums have benefitted by them. You can read the research that I have done on Arnica by doing a search for “Arnica the miracle remedy” and you may be surprised that I have listed many more ailments that this amazing remedy can be used for which are not listed in the MM’s. As for Nat Phos I have used it extensively for GERD related ailments and it has worked in the majority of cases if they were caused by hyperacidity with some being relieved in a few minutes after taking this remedy.

I believe that the reason that the majority of classical homeopaths use this long drawn out case taking procedure is because they wish to ensure that the patient is suitably impressed by their exclusive prowess which eventually results in a single remedy which usually does not give the patient, say in a GERD case, the relief that he wants ASAP. This also ensures that the patient has to return to the homeopath on a weekly basis to be given the next remedy and all visits are not free. I have had many patients who have been fooled by their homeopaths for some months who posted their ailment on this forum and in the case of GERD type ailments I invariably have prescribed Nat Phos 6x and the patient reports almost instant relief and usually is cured in a few months of this daily routine.

The point that I wish to make is that while classical homeopathy may have its uses in the hands of experts in the science like Dr Luc de Schepper whose name is mentioned on the opening page of this forum today and whom I know personally as he was here with me shortly after the Tsunami in Sri Lanka, and others of his caliber, the average homeopaths especially those who practice in the Indian Subcontinent who have over 25 patients on a daily basis, cannot possibly pretend to use the classical system as the time they will have to expend on each patient will make it impossible for them to see the over 100 patients they treat on a daily basis. I can vouch for the fact that this is the standard form adopted in Sri Lanka by the homeopaths whom I have discussed this matter with and I am also assured by my friends in India and Pakistan that this is indeed the norm except of course in the case of the few classical homeopaths who are exclusive and of course expensive to  consult. I do not blame these classical types for using their skills in the manner that they were commanded to do by their superiors also of the classical school but I reserve the right not to follow their example simply because my ‘thisforthatpathy’ now also known as ‘Joepathy’, seems to have stuck as it has been picked up by the Search Engines, which is a fact that I was not aware of till a few days ago.

I have proved that there is no danger of the remedies that I use generally do not constitute any hazard when prescribed in the manner that I use them. They have invariably served to help the patients who have used them and you can refer to the comments of patients who have benefitted from my treatment. It is interesting to record that some patients were at first suspicious of my non classical ideology and preferred to use the remedies prescribed by classical homeopaths with no positive response. This was the case of an asthmatic boy whose mother did not use the Nat Sulph therapy that I use extensively for Asthma and when she discovered that the remedies that a classical homeopath did not help him she gingerly gave him just 1 teaspoonful of Nat Sulph 6c and within a few hours he was asleep without the usual congestion in his lungs which had been treated for many years with steroids and later with classical remedies and finally with the Nat Sulph. He is, I believe, still on a split dose of this remedy as the mother has not posted any news for some months.

As you may know, I am not a professional homeopath and only use my skills free of charge to help anyone who consults me in Colombo and on the forums. I have sufficient confidence in my own Joepathy to be able to help anyone and if I am not certain of my ability to do so, I always refer them to others who may be able to help. I believe that my attitude to homeopathy has been felt in classical circles as I have recently been the target of many classical homeopaths who have attacked me with unusual ferocity which I presume they have leveled at me because I have rocked their precious homeopathic boat just a little too much. As far as I am concerned I shall continue to use my skill in the manner that I have done so far and you are invited to read the many tributes from grateful patients who have been at least helped and many who have been cured by me.

I believe that it is time for the classical types to also help the patients who post on this forum instead of compelling me to waste my time in responding as I am now doing to their attacks as their attitude is not designed to promote the science that they have spent a lot of time in acquiring but prefer to use to deride my efforts to help others in the manner that I have done for many years, with outstanding results as evidenced on the ABC.

I shall now copy my post of July 22 2006 addressed to you below:

In Defense of my attitude to Homeopathy

From Joe De Livera
on 2006-07-22
0 replies
In defence of my attitude to Homeopathy From Joe De Livera on 2006-07-21
Dear Mr Ripas,

I note that you are responding to a post that I made on July 12 in response to yours of the same date.

From the general trend of your argument I believe that it is my direct treatment of the ailment that you seem to resent, perhaps because you have seen that many patients whom I have responded to on this forum have confirmed that they have been helped and in many instances cured. This routine of cures does not only pertain to Asthma and I must admit that I used the direct allopathic method in prescribing the remedy with the success that you can read about on the respective threads.

I am amazed at the reasons that classical homeopaths like you can offer and I can see that you are only interested in defending the classical attitude to homeopathy which I too resort to with my Radar software if I am not familiar with the ailment or the response from the patient to the remedy that I prescribe has not been satisfactory, which occurs very rarely.

I do not object to classical homeopaths using their classical knowledge in treating any ailment. I do resent however when these classical types go to the level that Dinesh Sharma went to yesterday to attack me in his uncontrolled fit of rage which is only too transparent on the ABC which you can read on:

I shall copy my response below and this will also answer some of your own reservations on the direct method that I use to prescribe any remedy to my patients. It must be borne in mind that in the case of these patients, the resultant effect which leads to a cure has almost always been positive. There have been absolutely no instances of any remedy that I prescribed causing any form of distress or aggravation.

Re: Gastric Problem.
From Joe De Livera
on 2006-07-20
To Dinesh Sharma

I was appalled to note that you had addressed your post to me personally and deliberately repeated it 3 times over which I believe you did in a fit of anger as a result of my commenting on your prescribing what you fondly believed was your “classical constitutional remedy” to relieve the patient’s obvious distress from hyperacidity which sadly did not have the slightest effect in helping him for a whole month but only resulted in a serious aggravation of his condition when he was under  your supervision.

I believe that types like you who are so obsessed with your own importance which you have assumed as a result of your obtaining your diploma in Homeopathy should stop to consider that the primary reason for your spending a few years in the study of this precious science is to heal suffering humanity. It is only when people like you are forced to accept that the remedy that your classical training has taught you to prescribe which did not have the slightest effect in helping the suffering patient but instead had aggravated his condition to a degree that he was so obviously suffering from it, that you explode and then proceed to insult me and command me in UPPER CASE to “MIND YOUR WORDS” or in other words to SHUT UP.

I regret that I cannot oblige you by doing so as I strongly feel that types like you and a few others who play around with the lives of those who visit this forum in the manner that you have done for Bodapathi should be compelled to tender an apology to him for the damage that you have done to him by making his complaint which I believe is GERD infinitely worse during the last month. It is important that those who visit this forum should know the real person you are — haughty, self opinionated, and obsessed with your own interpretation of what you feel is Homeopathy which has done irreparable damage to at least one member.

I believe that what you need is the humility to accept that you have made a serious error in your prescription of Lycopodium 200 and to bow out gracefully from the thread and thereby permit others who are able to help, to do so in peace without having to waste time in resorting to this form of defense in replying to your tirade as I am now doing right now. In spite of the constraints of time that this form of defense involves I still felt that I should give you some food for thought to teach you how to prescribe at least in the future.

You will have observed that none of us who have been advisors on the ABC for many years and long before you even knew its existence and joined it, have upbraided or criticized you directly when we had reason to do so in previous lapses on your part. I do remember a previous instance when I had to advise you in a case similar to the present and you undertook to behave in a more acceptable manner.

It is the sheer arrogance that you displayed in your tirade that I find objectionable when you state:
“I tried to help him and infcat if you can read earlier post Lycopodium had helped him.But to change constitution requires time but you can not understand all this stuff as your are not a Homeopath”.
As far as I are aware Bodapathy did not show any positive response to your constitutional remedy Lycopodium 200 which sadly backfired on him and you were directly responsible to help him when he pleaded that it was not helping him when you insisted that it must help him perhaps because you had prescribed it and you were of course the last word in Homeopathy ! You then proceed to insult me with your broken Indian English stating that ” you can not understand all this stuff as your are not a Homeopath”.

You must understant that if you persist in maintaining this arrogant attitude you may risk the wrath of other members and the management and may be banned from this forum permanently.

Bodapathi has decided to consult a Gastroenteriologist as the agony that you have caused him is too much for him to suffer. In doing so he will obviously be following his path to disaster as the specialist will no doubt prescribe the standard drugs used in medicine that inhibit the production of acid like Nexium, Prilosec to name only two which will only serve to palliate his ailment and will continue to send him on the path to GERD from which a return is extremely difficult as you can read from the experience of others who have been rescued even on this thread.

You must remember that it does not take that piece of paper which I presume you possess, which you like to flaunt to the other members of this forum with your title of “Dr” which you have used as a prefix to your name, to enable those who practice Homeopathy to help members who post their ailments. It is more the dedication of the prescriber to this science and the experience that he has accumulated throughout the past years that is important and not the careless attitude that you and many others in your profession cultivate when they discover after a few years in practice that they can safely assume the status of a petty god over their patients. You have only to read the post above from Pat to appreciate the level that some homeopaths descend to, merely to maintain that haughty devil may care attitude at the expense of the poor suffering patient. I am aware of some who deliberately do so in order to ensure that the patient has no alternative but to visit them even weekly to obtain relief from their ailment which could have been cured with perhaps a single remedy in a single consultation.

As you probably know, I have been deeply involved in this science since 1970 and after a period of study it is now my hobby which I practice free of charge both privately in Sri Lanka and on the ABC as I feel a deep sense of satisfaction to help in the alleviation of human suffering in my own way which you may have read in other threads on the ABC. Some of these cures have been commented upon by grateful patients as being miraculous.

I do hope that you will not repeat your hypercritical arrogant attitude as evidenced in your last post which you have repeated 3 times over and that you will not interfere in future with my sincere attempts to help in the alleviation of human suffering.

Joe De Livera

If as I presume you are a qualified classical homeopath who insists only on working within the narrow confines of the classical method that you have been inculcated into accepting during your studies, I would suggest that you spend some time on this forum which as you will see is easily the most prolific of Homeopathic forums in the world and is used by over 50 patients to post their ailment daily seeking a cure. I presume that many hundreds, perhaps many thousands of visitors also frequent it as they obviously can find matters of health discussed in it which may be of interest to themselves.

I would recommend that you use your time more fruitfully by helping to cure human ailments posted by patients on this forum rather than just picking on dedicated Homeopaths like me and force me to use my time to defend my attitude to Homeopathy which has invariably resulted in a cure in comparison to the cures that are achieved by the classical types whose antics are only too transparent on this forum.

Answering the matters that you have discussed in your post, I too agree that a virus cannot affect anyone for 2 weeks. We are however presuming that Fauzia’s children were affected for this length of time, which you will read from her response was not the case. She indicated that after she had her children’s throat swabs analyzed it was discovered that they were in fact infected by the Beta Haemolyticus Streptococcus for which the required antibiotic was used and she later confirmed that both her children were cured of the infection. Their Asthma was also being controlled by the Nat Sulph.

I would like to comment on your mention of the other remedies some of which I too have used in the cure of Asthma:

You state:
” The removal of suffering, as in asthma, is by itself a big achievemnet, but it is not a cure. I use Aconite 6 or /and Ipecac 6 or Blatta O 6, and a host of remedies from Arsenic and Carbo Veg to Nat Sulph- and others, but among these, Aconite, for instance, willnot be curative. Blatta 6 will have to be given in high potency in between – if it is the matching remedy. However, like your nat Sulph prescription, by and large Aco and Ipecac relieve the symptoms. ”

I have used Blattta Orientalis but in 30c potency in the dry dose for the treatment of Asthma in the case of a professor of Physics in our university in the hills in Sri Lanka. He stated that he was OK at sea level in Colombo but that when he went to his university located in Kandy that he often was unable to breathe. Blatta O fixed his problem and it did that permanently about 2 years ago and he can be considered  fully cured. I have used Ipecac for a patient who was on Nat S but had a persistent cough which was resolved by the remedy.

I have recommended the use of Ars Alb 200 in the dry dose when the patient is unable to breathe when he would reach for his Inhaler. FYI I have noticed that within about 20 minutes the patient who is gasping for breath, is able to breathe without any discomfort. I have not however used Carbo Veg and Aconite and would not like to do so as I only prescribe remedies that I have used myself, or in this case as I am not an Asthmatic, remedies that I have discovered evoke a positive response from the patient.

You may like to know that almost all cases of Asthma that I have treated have responded positively to Nat Sulph 6c in the wet dose and later the split dose which I use after about a month on the remedy direct from the bottle.

You state:
“When a palliative remedy is used, leave aside the usual concerns of what other effects it might have, the thing is that a closely matched remedy which might cure is ignored. The principle of a doctor or practitioner is to heal. To heal you need to know all you can about the system you are using, its theory, its tools – all the remedies. I am not against you because you are a lay practitioner. I am against your practice of not attending to the principles because you have found what you think of as success and don’t care to rock the boat except in defiance of what you think are a bunch of fuddy-duddies raining on your parade. ”

I do not agree with you that the remedies that I use are only “palliative”. It just depends on how you choose to interpret “cure”. If it is permanent it can be considered a cure but otherwise it is palliative. In the case of Asthma the cure especially in the case of chronic cases is sometimes long drawn out and may take some months. The healing process continues throughout the period the patient sips the one teaspoonful of the remedy daily and this is a far cry from the tablets and inhalers usually multiple inhalers all of which are loaded with all the choice steroids that the patient has been used to using for a lifetime.

A teaspoonful of NS does not in any way harm the patient and even I, after so many cases of successfully resolving cases of chronic Asthma, often wonder how this minuscule dose of this chemical Sodium Sulphate also known as Glauber’s Salt can possibly have this beneficial effect on a patient who was as I stated has been an asthmatic during most of his life.

I do not agree that I as a lay practitioner must know ALL about the remedies I use which are the standard remedies that anyone can get from a pharmacy. It would be quite impossible for me to study ALL about the ailments that I prescribe for. I believe that it is that streak of originality that I seem to have been born with that makes me deviate from your obvious classical outlook which has resulted in my identifying many remedies in the classical Homeopathic texts for ailments that are not listed in them . If as you state you have read some others of my post on this forum you may have noticed that I have responded to the majority of the posts that patients have made and it would be safe to presume that the real reason for my success is that patients seem to appreciate my methodology in helping them as I believe that they have realized that they have resulted in more cures than those that the classical homeopaths have offered in terms of constitutional remedies and other experimental use of remedies which in a recent case was carried on for over a month when the patient was virtually screaming in agony while this homeopath continued to insist that the aggravation was part of the curative process, which in this case seemed to be unending. As you may have read the patient decided to seek an allopathic cure in sheer disgust at the homeopathic aggravation.

It is also a shame that some of these classical homeopaths use this forum to drum up business for themselves by contacting the patients directly. Their modus operandi is to pose a questionnaire to the patient within a few minutes of the original post and when the patient responds the reply from the homeopath is often delayed. Excuses are made that the ailment is under consideration as the selection of the remedy usually takes time. The patient in the meanwhile is desperate for a remedy as his ailment is causing him distress and then contacts the homeopath directly who states that the curative process will take a few months and offers to look after the patient for a handsome fee which has to be paid for the first consultation and a monthly fee to be paid for a year or more depending on the severity of the patient’s ailment.

Some of these patients have contacted me and a few of them have even copied the original emails of these homeopaths. I also have evidence of the direct approach to the patient from the homeopath with the offer to help for a fee. This ploy is resorted to when the patient does not have his email address in his profile when the homeopath requests the patient to send him photographs of the ailment to enable him to treat it better and thereby obtains his email address. It is a matter of some concern to all of us who treat anyone for the joy it gives us to see a patient cured which in my opinion is far greater than the money that others who practice for a fee professionally derive from curing someone in distress.

You state:
“I am against your practice of not attending to the principles because you have found what you think of as success and don’t care to rock the boat except in defiance of what you think are a bunch of fuddy-duddies raining on your parade.
I earnestly request you to please take some time to study, to use the repertory and, since you have the time and the inclination, to serve better.
It is not my intention to offend or put you down. I give you credit for trying, but you are not optimizing.”

As no doubt you are aware, I practice my own version of Homeopathy which has been recently branded “Joepathy”, I am convinced that my method is more direct and is less hazardous to the patient and what is most important, it results in a cure.

All I ask of you classical homeopaths is to permit me to continue with my mission of healing in the manner I choose which I feel is best for the patient. You are aware that this is a forum which is open to anyone who would like to voice an opinion and I would welcome any constructive opinions instead of the destructive insults that I have often had to suffer in the past (this does not include you) on this and other forums dedicated to Homeopathy.

In conclusion I would like to refer you to the first 2 Aphorisms of the founder of Homeopathy which I shall quote below:

? 1
The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed

? 2
The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.

The mere fact that I have to brave the criticism from people like you and even insults from others who pose as classical homeopaths shall not and will not make me deviate from the manner that I believe I am correct in following.

I shall end this essay with a quotation from Arthur Schopenhauer

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
— Arthur Schopenhauer —

Joe De Livera Edit Post Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-18Dear Joe

Best wishes for the success of ‘Joepathy’.

Since it is recognised even by the search engines as a different therapy,why all this comparision with classical homeopathy?

Your therapy has all the rules framed by you,practiced by you.

For the time being you are the only one practicing it.May your tribe increase.


Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom kuldeep on 2006-10-18As Dr deoshlok sharma and I have commented. Joe made us study deeply about Arnica, Naturm Phos and Nat. Sulphate. We use these three medicines often.

My younger brother had severe eczema on his hands, my all medicines worked in the begining but later on eczema came back.

With just a tablet of nat sul 6x (I made it to 6c) his eczema is gone. For the last 6 months he is eczema free. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-18So,it makes three of you practicing ‘Joepathy’. I stand corrected.

All the best.

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Nesha-India  on 2006-10-18Murthy,
Apologies, but you would be wrong.

“Joepathy” is practised by “joe” and “kuldeep alias hoolio, lopez, homeo_fan, stanzione, girilal, Steve Atur, lanif, pw3000, alchemist, laura11, silverman, varun14,l uxmi, kapil, jeevan, jeniffer, vinnie, and about a dozen other names.

BTW, is Dr deoshlok sharma, also practising “joepathy” ?.

CONSIDER THIS once again. (by Winston Churchill) :
“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on”

Remain Healthy & Happy ……. Nesha-India Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Joe De Livera on 2006-10-18Dear Murthy

Thank you for your kind thoughts even though I seem to detect that undercurrent of sarcasm in them.

Please note that I was not responsible for the term Joepathy and I was quite surprised when someone pointed it out to me and I was intrigued that it had been picked up by the Search Engines, perhaps because they have also followed my outspoken attitude to that holy cow Classical Homeopathy. I have no qualms in using my own Joepathy as I have used some remedies in a manner that they have never been recorded for in the texts. The point that I wish to make is that if one discovers a remedy will help some ailment like for instance Arnica helps so many including Diabetes, why should not this remedy be also used by others ? I have records of many patients who were chronic Diabetics who were using the standard drugs to overcome their ailment and after I put them on Arnica and Cinnamon, they discovered that they were suddenly free of their Diabetes. They have all been warned that they will have to take Arnica 30c for the rest of their lives in a dosage of 1 teaspoonful twice daily and I do not see any aggravation or other damage that has  been predicted by you and others that has resulted in their use of these 2 remedies,  which is far less damaging to their bodies than the drugs that they were using, in some cases for many years. You may like to know that Arnica helps both Type I and Type II Diabetics.

The main point to be considered in my use of remedies in the manner that I do, is that they have invariably helped the patients who use them. You have the possibility of reading the records of successful cures in the archives of this forum. You will appreciate that this is a public forum open to the eyes of the world and many thousands may read about the goings on, on the ABC and the manner that I have been attacked for standing up to the classical onslaught, I hope successfully.

You must realize that these constant attacks leveled against me by you and others of your ilk will only increase my exposure more and I hope that in your own interest you will keep your attacks down, or at least modulate them, in your own classical interest.

It is obvious that the more you attack me the more people will wish to know the real reason why I am being attacked, which is bad for your classical business.

Joe Edit Post Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-18Dear Joe

Don’t worry about classical homeopathy loosing its sheen because of our comments on ‘Joepathy.’

It is there since the last 200 years and will be there forever.

If our comments are making ‘Joepathy’ popular,it is for the better as far as you are concerned. Is it not?

So,sit back, relax and enjoy the popularity of your ‘Joepathy’. By your own admission, we are helping you to make it more popuular.

So, thank us, if you feel like.


Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Nesha-India  on 2006-10-18Murthy,

Above is a very CLASSIC reply. I like it.

Remain Healthy & Happy ……. Nesha-India Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Hahnemania on 2006-10-18Rajiv has already given a detailed and FACTUAL explanation of how these methods appear to ‘work’, there is nothing which can be added. There is no cure, only palliation, except in a few rare cases, where the remedy given was the one which was ACTUALLY required for the case, hence…accidental.

-Jacob. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom kuldeep on 2006-10-18yes sir! whomever she does not like is my or Joe’s reincarnation. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Joe De Livera on 2006-10-19I’m simply amazed at the traffic that I seem to generate on the ABC with my present band of detractors who now attack me on a daily basis, each of whom seems hell bent on criticizing me in his/her own inimitable way, with the avowed intention perhaps of silencing me. To me it seems unnatural that there should be such a concerted effort on the part of each of them to use the time they spend on the ABC in focussing his/her attention in criticizing me.

It is very strange however that the general membership, still seems to favour using my therapy, although one would have expected them to at least stop using them and to stop addressing their latest postings addressed to my attention, for fear of the dire danger that my therapy may, according to my detractors, pose to them (the patients) at a time hitherto undetermined, in the future.

It is possible that they still continue to use the remedies that I have prescribed as they have discovered that they invariably help to allay their pain and in many cases cure them. It is also possible that these patients still persist in contacting me as there do not seem to be others who are dedicated like me to deal with each of their cases as I do, with that special touch which may have precipitated this constant attack mode, anti Joepathy.

It will be noted that my detractors compel me to respond in my own defense which involves wasting my time on a daily basis, on what I feel is a negative approach to healing.

I call upon them individually and collectively to put their money where their mouth is and use their combined talents to prove to me and the rest of the membership that their own high faluting classical theories pertaining to curing ailments are superior to my own Joepathy.

I rest my case.

Joe De Livera Edit Post Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-10-19A very happy birthday to you Joe and many happy returns of the day.

Joe…there are others who have said the same about Arnica.

I remember another person …here on ABC who was 75 years …said he had been taking a dose of Arnica everyday for more than two decades. I think he was from South America. Will take me time to dig out the post.

The “Polycrests”…are defined as such. Meds that take care of a variety of ailments.

I am reproducing this from another site:

These are known as ‘polycrest remedies,” from the Greek word ìpolychrest,î which means ” many uses.” Currently there are sixty-five such remedies.

So enjoy your good health and keep spreading the sunshine.

Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-10-19* “Polychrests” Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Joe De Livera on 2006-10-19To Pankaj

Thank you for your greetings on my 77th Birthday.

I am glad that you brought up my pet remedy Arnica in your post and was very interested to learn that there was another 75 year old who had been taking Arnica for even longer than I have been taking it, which is since 1996.

I shall be very interested to have some record of his post.

Joe Edit Post Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom ripas on 2006-10-24Joe, for someone who complains about being forced to waste time, you certainly churn out over-lengthy and extremely repetitive posts, without ever addressing the core issues.
I have ‘visited’ your article, and I’m afraid your illogic does not convince me. What defense are you claiming when you are so short-sighted that you are unable to gauge from symptoms following your faulty recommendations that you are not curing but causing other problems? That you are adamant on your viewpoint, which has no basis, but not only abuse real homeopaths, but loftily claim that real homeopathy will “die out” (because, of course, your great genius has discovered the REAL real homeopathy!)? That your knowledge is shallow and undefined, which is why you will not or cannot do anything other than practice allopathy disguised – and therefore mislead those who think they can depend on you? That you think nothing of not knowing your remedies – even the remedies you constantly employ -thoroughyly?
You quote Dinesh Sharma’s thread and say how appalled you are by his prescription and his “sheer arrogance”, but fail to see exactly those factors in your own.
If you were a homeopath, you would not need arnica every day. You would have found a remedy that cured you. Even from what you write, it is obvious that you don’t need arnica every day. Its effect is certainly not homeopathic. However, I concede that arnica has multiple uses – but so do most homeopathic remedies. I wish you good health with your protocol, but I don’t think you are remotely justified in cutting &  pasting it to anyone and everyone.
Any remedy that that have an effect on a person also has the potential to harm – please don’t use this cliched argument that “it can do no harm”.
HOW successfully have you “resolved” the asthma cases? Please go back and read the threads – classic palliation, and very likely suppression too. It’s a very good thing that those posters kept on posting for so long, so after the initial euphoria, the facts became obvious – if you care to see them. Obviously you don’t. Ifthis is how you count “successful” cases, then you are guilty of unintentional fraud. Sorry to be harsh, but just as you refuse to understand my point, I refuse to pander to yours.
I am certainly not here to “drum up business for” myself – if you will note, I do not even post my e-mail ID. I have enough to do, but because of my very great regard for homeopathy and the nonsense that goes on in the name of homeopathy, I will continue as far as I can to refute what is misleading.
Please also go and read the introduction to the Organon and you might see some advice for yourself. Don’t quote Hahnemann out of context or for your purposes. You are still a good man, but certainly no homeopath.
You remind me of those people who keep boxes of drugs like paracetamol and other OTC remedies and some antibiotics, creams, etc., they have had prescribed at some point, and with no more idea than that ‘this does that’, solemnly hand out medicines to anyone in need. Intention is very noble, I’m sure – but what about the results? I’m sure they too would insist that they “cured” X,Y or Z.
happy birthday anyway – sorry if this isn’t much of a gift. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Nesha-India  on 2006-10-24CONSIDER THIS :

Arnica is a CULT or a fad or a religion for “joepathy.

Arnica works for ANY & ALL diseases ONLY in a store in SriLanka.

– Arnica as “Global or Universal” remedy for ANY & ALL diseases is deliberately and falsely projected only through Homeo forums, “W H Y ? ” … JUST simply to create a self-identity (which in psychological parlance is termed as “A.D.D.”.

– All around the world, The Homeopathic Medical Councils, will spit on SUCH “Cult” prescribing of Arnica for ANY & ALL diseases.

– Literally all the other Homeo sites & Forums have banned the propogator & manipulator of the Arnica CULT. Forums like ABC… & many others, are outside the purview of the local Homeopathic Medical Councils, and nuisance & false propogators of Arnica and Nat.Phos, find it very very convienent to carry out their self-glorifying nuisance without any social or moral sense of responsibility. OBVIOUSLY, the internet forums provide these nuisance CULT propogators a ready and safe “PSCYHO” outlet for their self-glorifications in the guise of “FREE HELP”, or “respected old age” or what-nots (sic).


– Will these CULT (Arnica) propogators, be ever allowed to Medically practise in any country. They won’t be allowed and will be thrown out back to SriLanka. In SriLanka, THERE ARE NO HOMEOPATHIC INSTITUTIONS OR COLLEGES and neither ANY RULES & REGULATIONS WHATSOEVER.

– Majority of the patients who disappeared were false multiple login alias i.d.’s, used for self-glorification and sadistic pleasure created by such false CULT propogators, as caught by Nesha-India (one of them is “kuldeep alias girilal alias ……….”)

– OBVIOUSLY, “ONLY” incompetent Homeopaths WILL AGREE to the Arnica being a universal remedy for ANY & ALL diseases, WHICH IS VERY EASY TO PRESCRIBE on the basis of “THIS FOR THAT” allopathic theory.

– Homeopathy is not make-believe Forestry medicine, which can be un-authentically prescribed left and right. Homeopathy is a specific and precise razor-sharp art in medicine. Homeopathy requires very specific professional medical knowledge THAN RUNNING A STORE in SriLanka.

– Arnica, prescribing for ANY & ALL diseases, is like playing an Internet game, with nothing to lose. The Arnica prescriber cannot be held responsible, when a genuine patient’s case becomes further more complicated. Such patients will never ever know, what has actually caused such complications.

– CAN we all hide behind Arnica and say that just because “Joe” is a senior citizen, experienced and respectable, Arnica can be prescribed for ANY & ALL diseases. Such prescribing, when failed, will make the patient GO AWAY FROM HOMEOPATHY to other medicine systems like Allopathy ….. The distressed patients will lose hope and his trust in Homeopathy and in forums like this one. Patients will try the hare-brained one’s-favourite medicines, and on failure to get results, with frustration, just simply won’t bother to post on this forum and with frustration even stop visiting such forums.

– Can we all give Arnica as a PROPHYLACTIC for “ANY & ALL” diseases

– Can Arnica be given as a PROPHYLAXIS as a preventive treatment against “ANY & ALL” diseases

CONSIDER reading the entire posts in following links, wherein Nesha-India has been high-lighting (since a year) the nuisance of Mono “Arnica” prescribing for ANY & ALL diseases.

Titled = “Homeopathy prescribed Allopathically – THIS FOR THAT”

Titled = “A R N I C A – For Anything and Everything”

A proverb by Nesha-India :
” Early to Arnica and Early again to Arnica makes a man Sleepy, Hairy & PACIFIED ”

Remain Healthy & Happy ……. Nesha-India Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Joe De Livera on 2006-10-24Since the attack continues on my use of Arnica I am copying below the thread on “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” on

Arnica the Miracle Remedy – Brief case histories

From Joe De Livera    on 2005-11-08
38 replies    2313 views
I would like to note below brief case histories which I have recorded in the use of Arnica for various ailments.

It will be noted that some of the ailments that were successfully cured are not listed in the Repertories and the Materia Medicas now in use, and it is hoped that they are considered for listing in future editions, after more tests are carried out by those who can count on the facilities to carry out these tests.

Arnica 30c is the classical remedy to help cure wounds.

I have used Arnica 30c which I discovered was better than the 6c for the last 10 years every night or more often in the case of need like after surgery. I believe that I owe to it my sense of wellness. I do not have any ache or pain in my body and I have proved that it is to Arnica that I owe my BP 120/80 with pulse 65 at age 76. I invite others to use it and to record their response to this remedy.

I have used this myself after my Retropubic Prostatectomy and can confidently recommend it for use after any major surgery. When I regained consciousness I noticed the Morphine syringe attached to the IV line and promptly ordered it removed to the consternation of the nursing staff and the surgeon, who warned me that I could even suffer from a major shock due to the pain without the morphine. I stated that I will use my Arnica alone to control the pain and they were very surprised to note that I was relatively free of pain after a few hours. I was able to leave my bed on the third day without any pain medication except for the Arnica I used every 2 hours at first and every 3 hours later. I was discharged on the 5th day and walked to my car. They were all amazed at my extremely quick recovery at 73 years.

I used Sabal S 6c and Conium 30c when I discovered that I was allergic to Hytrin that was prescribed for my BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). I had a slight wound for which I used Arnica 30c and discovered that it was far superior to the other remedies I used for BPH and I stayed with it from 1996 up to my surgery in 2003 and used it after on a regular nightly basis.

It amazes me how this remedy that I have given over 20 patients who were suffering from the after effects of the TURP (trans urethral resection of the prostate) surgery who were incontinent due to some misadventure on the part of the Uro who had obviously damaged the sphincter muscle in the neck of the bladder. Arnica gave more time between visits to the toilet and in many cases it stabilized the incontinence in a few months. Others use it on a twice daily basis. Always in the water dose.

I have used it for many years on every overseas trip. Dosage is 1 teaspoonful taken 3 times on the day before departure. Dry doses to be taken every 3 hours on board and 3 times on the day after arrival.

The patient gradually lost motor control of his hands and feet for about a year and was confined to either his bed or a chair where he was placed by his children. Drugs that were prescribed were not effective. This case was referred to me and my response was an act of faith on my part in giving him Arnica 1M which I gave him in the water dose. He was completely cured in 2 months. The dosage used was 1 teaspoonful (capful) twice daily. He is now quite mobile and does not use the remedy any more.

I used Arnica 1M dose 1 tsp daily in the case of a 75 year old who was showing signs of Alzheimer’s and he showed perceptible improvement in 2 weeks which was continued thereafter. He is now permanently on the Arnica. Dose 1 tsp daily.

I have used it very often when the patient complains of general body pain (not arthritic). It is also useful for chronic back pain due to previous injuries. Sciatica is also helped by a twice daily dose.

Almost everyone who has taken 1 teaspoonful of this remedy in the water dose prior to sleep has noticed the deep unbroken sleep that they experienced during the night. They wake up quite refreshed with a zing in their steps.

I have used it in over 30 cases some of which were chronic for over 10 years and within a week, the patient is usually cured. The success rate is better that 80%. I recommend that the remedy is continued but those who did not do so after about 3 months do not use it anymore and can be considered permanently cured. The skin condition after this time resembles Vitiligo especially in the chronic cases which had eroded the melanin in the skin which does not regenerate but there is no discomfort  or itchiness.

I first used this remedy for a 78 year old lady who was suffering from recurrent reinfection of her legs. She had been to hospital every 6 months on 3 occasions for about a week each time where she was treated with the most powerful antibiotics which left her drained out like a rag. When she came out on the last occasion I gave her Arnica 30c in the water dose and she takes 1 teaspoonful before sleep. She was also an insomniac and now enjoys deep sleep and for the last 2 years she has not suffered from any reinfection from her Cellulitis. I have also used it for 3 other patients also in the same age group who had been hospitalized at least twice before in each case and they do not have any reinfection after many months or years. The Arnica seems to help by increasing the blood flow in the capillaries under the skin which in turn prevents reinfection. They have however to be on one dose of Arnica permanently.

I would refer to the many posts on the ABC forum where I have been advocating the use of Arnica 6c for hair growth. The success rate has been better than 80%. I use Weisbaden 200c for the stubborn cases which is taken every other day.

Many who were using Nitroglycerine on a SOS basis have been helped by the Arnica 200c which was used also on a SOS basis. For daily use as a prophylactic the patient uses Arnica 30c twice daily and is not affected by the angina any more. It is however important that the patient has his condition checked regularly.

I used Arnica in many cases that were not reacting to Bryonia 30 which is my default remedy for headaches and it worked well.

I am treating a boy who is now 6 years for the last 3 years who is a Haemophiliac with Arnica 30c for internal bleeding when he suffers from any fall or bump which causes a swelling and pain usually on his joints. The Arnica helps to dissipate the blood and reduces the swelling. I use Lachesis 200c for open cuts which bleed profusely and this arrests the bleeding in about 15 minutes. Prior to this therapy the boy had to be rushed to hospital for a drip with every fall or cut.

Hundreds of teenagers have benefited by the use of Arnica 30c. I can vouch personally for its efficacy to control styes which I used to get weekly with painful results.

Prevents their formation.

The ultimate remedy.

I believe that it helps to dissipate the swelling of the synovial fluid which causes pain. I treat the Arthritis with Rhus Tox 1M and Hypericum 200c to alleviate the pain both taken in the water dose.

I have many patients who have certified that it works like a charm !

Helps to alleviate the swelling and pain. This remedy is only effective as soon as the tonsils show signs of discomfort. Chronic cases have to be treated with an antibiotic. This remedy controls the formation of Tonsiloliths but it has to be taken on a daily basis to be effective in this control.

I consider that this is easily my most important discovery which I made quite accidentally a year ago when I gave Arnica 30c to a MD who was a Type I Diabetic to help cure a chronic non healing wound. He informed me on the day after he took 2 doses that his Blood Sugar had dropped drastically and refused to use it anymore as he felt that it was some mysterious medicine which he did not wish to experiment with as he was already on Insulin which he injected himself 4 times daily. I then gave this remedy to two Type II Diabetics and discovered that they had the same reaction when their BS dropped considerably similar to the drop caused by Metformin. I then prescribed 1/4 teaspoonful Cinnamon powder to be used twice daily and have 2 patients who are able to control their ailment without recourse to the standard drugs used for the control of Diabetes.

I shall be glad to reply any questions that those who read this article may like to pose if any clarification is required on any matter pertaining to my use of Arnica listed above

Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Joe De Livera on 2006-10-24Since the attack continues on my use of Arnica I am copying below the thread on “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” on

Arnica the Miracle Remedy – Brief case histories

From Joe De Livera    on 2005-11-08
38 replies    2313 views
I would like to note below brief case histories which I have recorded in the use of Arnica for various ailments.

It will be noted that some of the ailments that were successfully cured are not listed in the Repertories and the Materia Medicas now in use, and it is hoped that they are considered for listing in future editions, after more tests are carried out by those who can count on the facilities to carry out these tests.

Arnica 30c is the classical remedy to help cure wounds.

I have used Arnica 30c which I discovered was better than the 6c for the last 10 years every night or more often in the case of need like after surgery. I believe that I owe to it my sense of wellness. I do not have any ache or pain in my body and I have proved that it is to Arnica that I owe my BP 120/80 with pulse 65 at age 76. I invite others to use it and to record their response to this remedy.

I have used this myself after my Retropubic Prostatectomy and can confidently recommend it for use after any major surgery. When I regained consciousness I noticed the Morphine syringe attached to the IV line and promptly ordered it removed to the consternation of the nursing staff and the surgeon, who warned me that I could even suffer from a major shock due to the pain without the morphine. I stated that I will use my Arnica alone to control the pain and they were very surprised to note that I was relatively free of pain after a few hours. I was able to leave my bed on the third day without any pain medication except for the Arnica I used every 2 hours at first and every 3 hours later. I was discharged on the 5th day and walked to my car. They were all amazed at my extremely quick recovery at 73 years.

I used Sabal S 6c and Conium 30c when I discovered that I was allergic to Hytrin that was prescribed for my BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). I had a slight wound for which I used Arnica 30c and discovered that it was far superior to the other remedies I used for BPH and I stayed with it from 1996 up to my surgery in 2003 and used it after on a regular nightly basis.

It amazes me how this remedy that I have given over 20 patients who were suffering from the after effects of the TURP (trans urethral resection of the prostate) surgery who were incontinent due to some misadventure on the part of the Uro who had obviously damaged the sphincter muscle in the neck of the bladder. Arnica gave more time between visits to the toilet and in many cases it stabilized the incontinence in a few months. Others use it on a twice daily basis. Always in the water dose.

I have used it for many years on every overseas trip. Dosage is 1 teaspoonful taken 3 times on the day before departure. Dry doses to be taken every 3 hours on board and 3 times on the day after arrival.

The patient gradually lost motor control of his hands and feet for about a year and was confined to either his bed or a chair where he was placed by his children. Drugs that were prescribed were not effective. This case was referred to me and my response was an act of faith on my part in giving him Arnica 1M which I gave him in the water dose. He was completely cured in 2 months. The dosage used was 1 teaspoonful (capful) twice daily. He is now quite mobile and does not use the remedy any more.

I used Arnica 1M dose 1 tsp daily in the case of a 75 year old who was showing signs of Alzheimer’s and he showed perceptible improvement in 2 weeks which was continued thereafter. He is now permanently on the Arnica. Dose 1 tsp daily.

I have used it very often when the patient complains of general body pain (not arthritic). It is also useful for chronic back pain due to previous injuries. Sciatica is also helped by a twice daily dose.

Almost everyone who has taken 1 teaspoonful of this remedy in the water dose prior to sleep has noticed the deep unbroken sleep that they experienced during the night. They wake up quite refreshed with a zing in their steps.

I have used it in over 30 cases some of which were chronic for over 10 years and within a week, the patient is usually cured. The success rate is better that 80%. I recommend that the remedy is continued but those who did not do so after about 3 months do not use it anymore and can be considered permanently cured. The skin condition after this time resembles Vitiligo especially in the chronic cases which had eroded the melanin in the skin which does not regenerate but there is no discomfort  or itchiness.

I first used this remedy for a 78 year old lady who was suffering from recurrent reinfection of her legs. She had been to hospital every 6 months on 3 occasions for about a week each time where she was treated with the most powerful antibiotics which left her drained out like a rag. When she came out on the last occasion I gave her Arnica 30c in the water dose and she takes 1 teaspoonful before sleep. She was also an insomniac and now enjoys deep sleep and for the last 2 years she has not suffered from any reinfection from her Cellulitis. I have also used it for 3 other patients also in the same age group who had been hospitalized at least twice before in each case and they do not have any reinfection after many months or years. The Arnica seems to help by increasing the blood flow in the capillaries under the skin which in turn prevents reinfection. They have however to be on one dose of Arnica permanently.

I would refer to the many posts on the ABC forum where I have been advocating the use of Arnica 6c for hair growth. The success rate has been better than 80%. I use Weisbaden 200c for the stubborn cases which is taken every other day.

Many who were using Nitroglycerine on a SOS basis have been helped by the Arnica 200c which was used also on a SOS basis. For daily use as a prophylactic the patient uses Arnica 30c twice daily and is not affected by the angina any more. It is however important that the patient has his condition checked regularly.

I used Arnica in many cases that were not reacting to Bryonia 30 which is my default remedy for headaches and it worked well.

I am treating a boy who is now 6 years for the last 3 years who is a Haemophiliac with Arnica 30c for internal bleeding when he suffers from any fall or bump which causes a swelling and pain usually on his joints. The Arnica helps to dissipate the blood and reduces the swelling. I use Lachesis 200c for open cuts which bleed profusely and this arrests the bleeding in about 15 minutes. Prior to this therapy the boy had to be rushed to hospital for a drip with every fall or cut.

Hundreds of teenagers have benefited by the use of Arnica 30c. I can vouch personally for its efficacy to control styes which I used to get weekly with painful results.

Prevents their formation.

The ultimate remedy.

I believe that it helps to dissipate the swelling of the synovial fluid which causes pain. I treat the Arthritis with Rhus Tox 1M and Hypericum 200c to alleviate the pain both taken in the water dose.

I have many patients who have certified that it works like a charm !

Helps to alleviate the swelling and pain. This remedy is only effective as soon as the tonsils show signs of discomfort. Chronic cases have to be treated with an antibiotic. This remedy controls the formation of Tonsiloliths but it has to be taken on a daily basis to be effective in this control.

I consider that this is easily my most important discovery which I made quite accidentally a year ago when I gave Arnica 30c to a MD who was a Type I Diabetic to help cure a chronic non healing wound. He informed me on the day after he took 2 doses that his Blood Sugar had dropped drastically and refused to use it anymore as he felt that it was some mysterious medicine which he did not wish to experiment with as he was already on Insulin which he injected himself 4 times daily. I then gave this remedy to two Type II Diabetics and discovered that they had the same reaction when their BS dropped considerably similar to the drop caused by Metformin. I then prescribed 1/4 teaspoonful Cinnamon powder to be used twice daily and have 2 patients who are able to control their ailment without recourse to the standard drugs used for the control of Diabetes.

I shall be glad to reply any questions that those who read this article may like to pose if any clarification is required on any matter pertaining to my use of Arnica listed above Edit Post Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-24Plese read this.


Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy.

It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician.

It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe.

For example, taking mother tinctures can lead to serious side effects, and stopping prescribed medication without first consulting a physician can also endanger your health. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.

Also read this.

Article on pseudo homeopathy


Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom kuldeep on 2006-10-24Come on Murthy, leave the motives behind. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom ripas on 2006-10-26Please excuse me, I know this will seem like I’m attacking Joe again, but whatI am attacking is this presumption that threads posted by that same gentleman are quoted ad nauseum therafter on other threads as if in validation of his stand. Please explain how quoting yourself PROVES your views.
And, once again, you seem to see criticizm of your practices as an attack on your person, which is not the case. You may be a very wonderful person, but that does not mean everything you say is gospel. Similarly, if what you do is perceivably wrong and therefore pointed out, it is not to impinge on your character. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Nesha-India  on 2006-10-26The same repeated quoting is nothing but a sick trick, for which the self-glorifyer has ample of time besides maintaining his age STATIC BP of 120/80 with Pulse of 65

It is done to mask or drown the earlier posting with a huge lengthy post, so as to confuse the next reader, who typically read the last post. If you notice, he will post a huge nuisance lengthy post immediately after my post and also of anybody who opposes him.

Persons suffering from A.D.D., have this self-glorifying mono-babbling attitude. AND he is supported immediately on the next post by the back-stabber sadistic pervert, whom I have caught using dozens of multiple proxy login i.d.s. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom ripas on 2006-11-06And Joe, my asistant brought this to my knowledge- nobody is denying that Arnica is a great remedy and can do so many things. SO IS EACH POLYCHRESTIC homeopathic medicine. If I decide tomorrow to start singing paeens to, say, Nux Vomica and how it can cure everything from diarrhoea to constipation to eczema to GERD to sleeplessness, it does not mean that that medicine would work on everyone or should be prescribed to everyone. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Nesha-India  on 2006-11-07NOW, the above requires classical training in a appropriate homeopathic college / institute.

However, some bookish self-styled-homeopaths, feel that they have invented the next generation of Homeopathy and to justify their own theories, will monotonously self-glorify, endlessly. Some people will profess the need to change with present times and challenge the old school. AS IF, the anatomy functioning / symptomology of the human brain and mind changes.

DOES it change ? IF so, Let’s discuss or justify.

The Homeopathic CAUSATIVE factor should be found out before recklessly prescribing Arnica for ANY & ALL diseases. OTHERWISE, it is just placiebo’cally only a palliative (only temporary relief leading & cumulating to more powerful & dangerous symptoms later on, in the long term).

BE CAUTIOUS : Read this links throughly before attempting self-medicating.

Remain Healthy & Happy ……. Nesha-India
* Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-07In my opinion…when Joe suggests the use of Arnica in low potency on a daily basis:

It is the diluted extract of the Arnica Herb that is working like a herbal medicine and giving benefits to the user.

Polycrests cover a wide range of symptoms.

If it benefits the user, where is the problem. Such a diluted dose is not going to cause the provings…about which a follower of Classical Homeopathy is making out to be.

I think the proverb …”a very big issue is being made out of a small tissue” ….applies here.

Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom gavinimurthy on 2006-11-07As Ripas has pointed out even nux vomica is a polychrest and why it can’t cure all the problems on this earth?

It is not a question of small verses big issue.

It is a question about homeopathic philosophy.

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-07And this is what Dr.Mehmood said:

“Problem appears when we try to dis-approve a medicine versus a fundamental and made a declaration.

This is exactly happened with Mr. Joe’s system of treatment. I am a trained homeoapth but also I am well aware that beside homeopathy many other systems can help the mankind.”

So Murthy ……guys like you making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom gavinimurthy on 2006-11-07Who is Dr.Mehmood?

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Nesha-India  on 2006-11-07Hope the “Joepathy” cult group, realises that :

– “diluted” arnica is not the same as potencised Arnica
– “potencised” arnica is not the same as diluted Arnica HERB.

Question :
Was “joe” all along suggesting the diltuted version of the Arnica HERB
Was “joe” all along suggesting the diluted version of the Arnica “”HOMEOPATHIC” potency (6c OR 30c)

The “joepathy” cult group is requested to atleast look up the dictionary to understand the meaning of “Potency” and “diluted”.

The Arnica was giving benefit to the many aliases (false multiple login i.d.’s), which have now dried up and the true negative responses have started surfacing up. IS THE TRUTH TRIUMPHING.

in the guise of renovating a new-type of Homeopathy.

IT IS VERY VERY FALSE to say that all along “joe” was suggesting the diluted HERB of Arnica and not the HOMEOPATHIC version of Arnica-6c & Arnica-30c. AS A UNIVERSAL CURE FOR ANY & ALL DISEASES.
It is a big lie (big issue) out of nothing (small issue)
Remember, the almighty God is watching.
Dr. Hanneman is squirming inside his grave. Let him be in peace.

CONSIDER THIS once again. (by Winston Churchill) :
“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on”

Remain Healthy & Happy ……. Nesha-India
* Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-07Counter-argument:

Who is Murthy. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-07Nesha…you mean “potency” is not made through “dilution” ?? Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Nesha-India  on 2006-11-07Pankaj,

Counter-Question :

So you say that potency is made “through” dilution.

That would be surprising ! Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-07Ask a chemist for the answer ….and you will know !! Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-07Re: Sulphuric Acid tip for alcoholism From dr mehmood on 2006-11-06
There is no need to throw away any fundamental.

Problem appears when we try to dis-approve a medicine versus a fundamental and made a declaration.

This is exactly happened with Mr. Joe’s system of treatment. I am a trained homeoapth but also I am well aware that beside homeopathy many other systems can help the mankind. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom gavinimurthy on 2006-11-08Very very unfortunate situation.

The more these people talk, the more they display their ignorance about homeopathy.

Dilution alone will not make a potency. It is a combination of dilution and succussion.

To release the energy, the succussion part of the process is very important.


Now,you know who is Murthy.

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom kuldeep on 2006-11-08Now, you know who is Murthy.

We also call ‘Buth’ in Hindi. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom kuldeep on 2006-11-08Actually in Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Punjabi and Persian too — ‘Buth’

Statue in English. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Joe De Livera on 2006-11-08I have been reading the many post that were made in the past day or two on this thread and cannot understand the reason for the consternation that the therapy I have used for many patients has caused, which resulted in the many attacks that have been made by various people against me, simply because I have shared my discoveries with members, both prescribers and patients on this forum, who may find some use for them.

The mere fact that I do not subscribe to the classical formula does not mean that my use of existing Homeopathic remedies is wrong. Murthy has of course gone out of his way to warn members with his default “Doom and Gloom” formula but as far as I know the members have not risen to his bait to stop the therapy that they have used which I prescribed and change over to his classical formula which he is yet to specify. I note that this response from those who have benefitted from the use of my  therapy has sent him into paroxysms of anger but he seems to have cooled down now and I hope his status will stabilize and improve in the future, but I know that he will wait for the appropriate moment when he can pounce on the unsuspecting patient if there is the slightest chance of any remedy that I prescribed being the cause of some other ailment. I refer to the case where Silicea used for a Fistula seemed to have caused a breast lump.

It is strange that many members who have graced this thread seem only to be determined to show up the danger of using my Joepathy, but do not at least appreciate the fact that in the majority of cases, my therapy has worked wonderfully well. I realize that at least one female member will classify this statement as “self glorification” but facts are stubborn and it is just this sense of determination on my part to forge ahead to establish a different viewpoint in the use of Homeopathic remedies, that impels me at my advanced age of 77 years to withstand all these attacks and to share with others, the benefits that can result from the use of remedies I prescribe which has been classified as Joepathy by many members. It must be remembered that this term Joepathy was first used derisively but it seems to have stuck and many now use it with, I hope, some reverence as it may be the beginning of a revolution in the use of remedies in a non classical manner that will help suffering humanity. I must admit that I fail to understand the reason why my therapy which has been proved to be effective in a manner that the classical method has not helped in the case of some ailments like Fistula which I have been treating with a combination therapy including an Antibiotic ointment which is directly inserted inside, can be classified as dangerous and can lead to future manifestations of doom. The patient is the final arbiter of the efficacy of my therapy and if he is helped, I cannot understand the reason for this consternation on the part of a few members to shadow every one of my posts with the avowed intention of only creating that doubt in the mind of the patient at least one of whom left the forum and surrendered himself to his surgeon for yet another surgical adventure for his Fistula.

It simply amazes me to read the language that the female pseudo classical homeopath has use to describe my efforts to help patients but she must realize that the more she vents her anger and waspish language on me, the more she succeeds in increasing the interest of patients to my Joepathy. She should realize that all her efforts are counter productive and she only succeeds in making a bad situation (for her) even worse as she insists on displaying her scant knowledge of spelling in the English language where almost every one of her posts are replete with bloomers like PLACEIBO meaning Placebo, all of which when coupled to her Indian interpretation of the English language which is used universally, provide entertainment to people like me whose mother tongue is English which is a language that I have specialized in for as long as I can remember.

I notice that she has in the recent past started to criticize me for my somewhat lengthy posts and I presume that this may be due to some problem associated with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) which she often attributes to me by some quirk of her imagaination. Her own admission about her inabliltiy ot read my what she classifies as ‘lengthy’ posts prove that she herself suffers from ADD or even ADHD and this perhaps impairs her power of concentration after some time to read my posts in rebuttal of her own insulting posts where she descends to the level that prompted me to retaliate with the quotation from Cyrus Ching about the pig. She often refers to my age which I presume she now accepts at 77 and my static BP which she knows by memory of <120/80 and pulse of <65 both factors I have often used to PROVE that Arnica has helped me to maintain, in the hope that more and more members will follow my lead and emulate. She has often been warned by members to maintain her cool and to try to help members instead of going into paroxysms of vituperation and anger which provide members with at least some light relief to read and most of all to pity the abuse of what was once an intelligent mind.

Another classical type Ripas has finally accepted that “Arnica is a great remedy and can do so many things”.
This is indeed a new departure for this erstwhile classical homeopath who has often criticized me in the past and I hope that this attitude of cooperation will continue as this will benefit members on this forum. I would also recommend that he spends more time in helping patients instead of using his time away from his practice to only  criticize me and a few others who do not subscribe to his classical approach to Homeopathy.

I am gratified to note that many who have contributed their thoughts on this thread and this includes the staunch classical types may now be seeing some faint glimmer in the horizon through the trees that occlude their view of homeopathy due to their continued brainwashing process during their formal studies. I hope that this revolution will continue in spite of the references made to my Joepathy being equated to the “mongrel sect” which is referred to by the master in another context.

The fact is that the classical sect often use the same “this for that” therapy in their practice on a regular daily basis. They would not however dare to confirm this fact in their official attitude as long as they do not state so in a manner that they can be quoted. It is just persons like me who have nothing to lose by exposing this double standard which has fortunately been corroborated by a few classical homeopaths, some of them academics and close friends, that keep me going in this manner that I must admit I do enjoy, to expose it to the public, in the hope that others too will make bold to state their inner convictions about homeopathy and thereby serve to lower the threshold that classical homeopathy holds in the eyes of the suffering patient, complete with the hocus pocus associated with the case taking procedure which is often criticized by the patient and the constitutional remedy which follows which is the sine quo non of the classical homeopathic treatment, all of which is only designed to increase the revenue that the proponent of this art can gain by increasing the number of visits of the patient whose ailment can be cured on the very first visit if only he used my Joepathy approach to healing. Edit Post Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom gavinimurthy on 2006-11-08sigh….

murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-08Yes Murthy…with today’s ability of scientific analysis …one can find substances in liquids upto PPM or PPB levels. (Parts per million or parts per billion).

At Hahnemann’s time these testing techniques were not available.

Pollutants in rivers, lakes, swimming pools are measured in PPM or PPB terms…and Pollution Control Boards around the world declare regulations about permissible PPM or PPB levels of substances/metals/alloys/elements in the water.

If you give a bottle of a homeopathic potency to a chemist / microbiologist who does this kind of work…he / she will analyse and give you the PPM or PPB result of that bottle of homeopathic medicine. (Say… Phosphorus or Selenium or Zincum Metal etc).

To him it is just a dilution.

You talk of energies in homeopathic medicines…has anybody found means to measure it?????

Yes the books are speaking about it…we all know it.

Without measure…it is a mere conjecture.

(Because of these things I am careful in quoting from the material given in homeopathic books).

Today’s scientific world wants a lot many proofs of what people say about homeopathy and how homeopathy works.

Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom rajivprasad on 2006-11-08Dear Pankaj,

Can you do me a favour?I wanted to express the 30C in terms of parts per million or parts per billion or even parts per trillion or qazillion for that matter.But failed.I tried the help of the dictionaries.But they don’t seem to have a word for it.

I thought may be you could help me.

By the way 3C is equivalent to 1 ppm. 5C is equivalent to 1/10 ppb(part per billion).I don’t know what to call 30C. Also what about the 10M? Can you give me the English word which represents the dilution of 100 raised to the power 10,000 times?

I will be very grateful to you.I really admire your persistence in trying to find matter in terms of ppm and ppb in potentised remedies.

But can you name a chemist who is willing to and capable of measuring the remedy in terms of these ‘material’ units in a 10M remedy bottle.He/she may live in India or abroad.

Rajiv Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-08Dear Rajiv,
So you are confirming what I am saying ….. that atleast the lower potencies can be rated as ppm and ppb dilutions.

About higher …we will talk in good time.

Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom rajivprasad on 2006-11-08Dear Pankaj,

That ‘good time’ when we will be able to talk as scientifically as you wish about the higher dilutions would indeed be a good time.But i fear that, that ‘good time’ is a ‘good deal’ away.


Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom rajivprasad on 2006-11-08Dear Pankaj,

That ‘good time’ when we will be able to talk as scientifically as you wish about the higher dilutions would indeed be a good time.But i fear that, that ‘good time’ is a ‘good deal’ away.

Rajiv Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom gavinimurthy on 2006-11-08Hi Rajiv

It clearly shows their level of understanding of homeopathy.

Gradually every thing is coming out.

They just know about some medicines, and some of their uses.They also know that 200c is more potent than 30c.
Nothing beyond that.

The rest of their prescritions are based on pure allopathic thinking.

They don’t know, how homeopathic medicines are made.

They don’t the importance of succussion.They feel increasing the potency is achieved by increasing the dilution.

They don’t know,at what potency,not even a single molecule of the medicine is present.

They don’t know,how energy medicines work.They don’t know anything about the philosophy of homeopathy.

They never heard the names of masters that are always on our lips, and talk disparagingly about them, despite not knowing about them.

They don’t know,what is really an aggravation,and how to control it when needed to.

They don’t know, when to stop the medicine and when to repeat it.

They don’t know anything about suppression.

And they pose as if they are the most succesful prescribers on this earth.

And worst of all, they try to get up after being thoroughly mauled, and try to declare themselves as winners.!!

May the unfortunate patients ,who listen to them be saved.!!!

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-08Pl. see your mail box. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-08″Pl. see your mail box.” …is for Rajiv. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-08Manufacturing defect !!! Cannot return product to the store / manufacturer. Unfortunately…no “warranty”came with the product. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom rajivprasad on 2006-11-08My dear Pankaj,

All this is turning out to be a big joke.There is no chemist on this earth who can detect a trace of matter in a 10M or a 50M or a CM potency.Not as of now at least.Not in the next few decades.The more you insist on it the more sympathy i feel for you.

If you say that it would have been nice to see a scientific breakthrough which could really explain why or how the high potency remedies work, then i could understand and would have supported you.But when you say that people can measure matter in the high and highest potencies with the current level of science and technology, then your comments look ‘funny’ to say the least.

Rajiv Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom gavinimurthy on 2006-11-08Hi Rajiv

It is astonishing that these people don’t know ABCD of homeopathy,and are able to deceive the unfortunate patients here, posing as homeopaths.

The more these people talk, the more they expose their hollowness.

Allow them to talk here, rather than through e mail, and let everybody know, where they stand.

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Nesha-India  on 2006-11-08Regarding the issue of Dilution and Potencisation,
JUST MAYBE, IT HAS AN ANSWER IN “joepathy”, if not in any other pathy or sciences.
Seems “rajivprasad” is not among the Arnica Cult Group.

Answering the Self-Glorifyer, who Intead of answering my questions,

AS usual ALWAYS – a never-ending monotonous & boring mumble reeked of self-glorification & chronic frustration. ATleast there is time available for writing such a long boring and monotonous post.


ATLEAST, start writing a book. Maybe that’ll sell.
– if not in English, then atleast in Sinhalese.
– if cost not recoverable, distribute it free on 19th October.
– if not otherwise, ATLEAST AS A “SOUVENIR”


CONSIDER THIS once again (by Winston Churchill) :
“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on”

“A baby is an alimentary canal with a loud voice at one end and no responsibility at the other”.

(if the above quote is beyond understanding, ask me (who else but “only” Nesha-India) to explain).

Remain Healthy & Happy ……. Nesha-India Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-08Rajiv,
You have to be a qualified lab technologist to say that…and for others to accept what you are saying.
Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom rajivprasad on 2006-11-08Dear Pankaj,

I have to be a qualified lab technologist to say what.That at the level of 12C, we have crossed the Aoogadro’s Number.At the level of 13C and above, you are dealing with something that ‘science’ has not been willing to accept.That is the reason they have refused to believe that such non-material things as so called homeopathic remedies could have any effect on human body.So, any cures or effects which patients feel must be a ‘placebo’ effect.All this is easily available to anyone who wants to do a little research.

The concept of Avogadro’s number is understood by a class 12th Science student.Now, we are not even talking of 12C or 13C.We are talking of 10M. A dilution which is of the order of 1 drop of the remedy in 100 raised to the power of 10,000 drops of alcohol.The part per billion has been breached at the 5C itself.The English language does not have an ‘official’ word to express the 20C because they have never tried such a dilution.Because for them such a dilution is meaningless.So, forget the 10M.

Why i need to be a lab technologist to understand this simple thing that matter as we (Science) understand it, does not exist at the level of 10M or 50M or 100M?All of Science has debunked homeopathy for this very reason.That these so called remedies have no trace of matter in them.It is a known fact in scientific literature.You are revealing a tremendous amount of ignorance to even carry on discussing all this  without at least doing some reading on what the ‘official science’ has to say about homeopathy and its remedies.

Just do a bit of googling and you can find a lot of information.Read about Benveniste and his experiments and the criticism that he received and come back for further discussions if you still wish.

All the best.

Rajiv Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom gavinimurthy on 2006-11-08Hi Rajiv

By now, you must have realised the level of understanding of these ‘resident presribers’ here.

And they have the cheek to say, we are dogmatic.!!

The more they try to win the argument, the more they are showing their ignorance.

They will not agree that they need to study more.

They will try to defend the undefendable, however absurd their argument may look to even slightly knoweldgable people.

Once they know,that they are exposed, and that there is no way for retreat,they start pouring in personal invectives.

I have been too familiar with this cycle.

Now, it is your turn.

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-08Rajiv,
I am ignoring the personal comments you have made (may be you were under some stress to do so).

However, I must say I am really impressd with the calculations that you have given.

If I had not seen the working of high potency homeopathic meds, after reading your excelelnt analysis…even I might have concluded that it is palcebo effect. Anyway, I have seen the impact of high potency meds on patients. So I don’t say so.

This leads us to the logic that manufacturers who make high potency homeopathic meds …by their action…generate an energy in the medicine.

If it is energy …there has to be a form of the energy. It can be electrical energy, mechanical energy, sound energy, light energy, magnetic energy, nuclear energy etc ,etc, etc.

Can you enlighten me…after googling or otherwise…what is your conclusion >>>> which form of energy gets generated in high potency homeopathic meds ????

Thank you in advance,
Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom gavinimurthy on 2006-11-09It is a dynamic energy.

You know only a few forms of energy. There are many others, which you are not aware of.

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom gavinimurthy on 2006-11-09Just google ‘homeopathy dynamic energy’ and read the hundred of references yourself.

Come back, if you have not understood any thing.

We will help you.

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom kuldeep on 2006-11-09Rajiv

A clarification is needed from your side. More then once a question was addressed to you but was replied by Mr. Bandar and his replied mentioned ‘We’ word.

Do you agree that the answer came from your behalf too. Are you included in the ‘WE’ as Mr. Bandar utters. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom gavinimurthy on 2006-11-09We is the “royal ‘we'” as we call it.

You will not understand it.

Forget it.

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Joe De Livera on 2006-11-09I shall copy a post that I have just made on another thread which may give members a different perspective to the present debate as to what make Murthy tick.

He is obviously suffering from some serious delusions as he now has confirmed his condition by:

“We is the “royal ‘we'” as we call it. ”

Here is the copy of my post:

I am simply amazed at the tenacity of Murthy who first confused you and even now continues to do so merely because he wishes to have the last word. It is unfortunate that his last word is always to criticize even more the advice that I have given you which naturally confuses you the patient, which seems such a shame and requires some action on the part of the moderator of this forum which does not seem to be forthcoming.

It is only too obvious that Murthr is being attacked by other members of this forum who have been helping patients for the past few years in comparison to his own pathetic efforts in the recent past which did not seem to go down with the members, especially the new members who have by now, discovered that he is just a windy old gas bag, who although he professes to be the ultimate classical homeopath has yet to show his prowess by condescending to help someone in distress with his hyper classical version of homeopathic remedies. He prefers to sit on the side lines and continues to insult the prescribers and to confuse patients like you who wish to be helped by a remedy for your ailment.

Those of us who still are present on this forum have to weather on a daily basis, his insults as also the insults of a female member who feels that she is cute in her analysis of homeopathic matters. She often feels that she can interject the skills that she has gathered in her hair dressing career into homeopathy and so obviously fails miserably in doing so. She does however provide tactical support to Murthy as she seems to shadow his posts and swoons on his pontifications which give her some vicarious delight whenever he makes a pest of himself on the forum, insulting me and other members who are present here purely to help those who seek assistance.

It is strange that the moderator of this forum has permitted this form of licentiousness as it detracts from the avowed purpose of this forum which is to help to alleviate human suffering with our own individual use of homeopathic remedies which as you can see from the many posts that I personally have made which have now reached almost the 5000 mark over a period of over 4 years have been focussed on helping the afflicted. The large majority of patients whom I have helped with the remedies that I have pioneered have confirmed that my therapy has helped them and the surprise is when Murthy continues to attack me and the patients for following my prescriptions which is fully aware have helped them to recover. I find this behaviour very strange and as a member reported may be due to some alcoholic haze which clouds his reasoning.

You are advised to ignore Murthy’s ravings as I am unable to stop them myself except by warning members that he is proving to be a pest whose advice is best ignored. Edit Post Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom kuldeep on 2006-11-09Dear Joe

Is he working for some other party to derail this website?? This question has been asked by more than one person and more than once: Is he working for some third party to kill this site.

Or we can use the idiom:
Some one else’s dog.

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma has alread predicted: Virus. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom rajivprasad on 2006-11-09Dear Pankaj,

First of all, accept my congratulations for your sheer honesty and modest admittance of the fact that you had not thought along the lines i suggested in my post.But as you have seen yourself in your long experience as a prescriber, the high potency remedies (the 10M, 50M, CM etc.) work despite the absence of matter in them.This has been the ‘bogey’ for the official sciences which has caused them to dismiss ‘homeopathy’ as a humbug and all incidents of ‘cures’ as ‘placebo’ effect.

It is sure that some energy is released in the process of dilution and succusion of the remedy.’Succussion’ is as important as ‘dilution’ in the process of potentisation.Why ‘succussion’ helps in potentising is a bit difficult to understand at the current level of scientific advancement.But that it helps in ‘potentising’ and can be experienced personally by any one via this simple experiment that i am suggesting.

Take Arnica Q.Add on drop to 100 drops of water.Do not shake or succuss at all.Simply take one drop from this solutio and again add 100 drops of water to it.Do not shake again.Repeat this process 30 times.Now you have Arnica 30C in terms of dilution.But this remedy solution has not been shaken violently (‘succussed’) at each stage as is normally done.So, that is the only difference.Now just add a few drops of alcohol to preserve this solution.Next time someone gets hurt, give this unsuccussed Arnica 30 to the person.It will have no effect as the matter (molecules of Arnica) have been diluted out of existence.But give a dose of normal Arnica 30C which is prepared by dilution and ‘succussion’ at each stage.And it will work like the magic medicine that it is.So, its a hands on proof of the fact that ‘succussion’ helps in releasing the hidden ‘healing energy’ in some manner.How and why is still unanswered by Science of today.Though there are many attempts to explain but no definitive explanation that is accepted by all.

In this connection, to those who are interested, they can google for Poincare and read about his experiment with a photograph.It is known in Science as the Poincare Effect.It is the best intuitive proof of the ‘homeopathic phenomena’.I will just summarize the experiment briefly for everyone’s benefit.Poincare stretched a photograph in a certain fixed manner in all directions.This was done in a number of iterations.After each iteration, the dimensions of the person’s face would be changed.And after a few iterations, it is no longer the photograph of a man.The face is totally lost and after a while becomes totally lost.But when he kept on repeating this stretching, after a number of iterations the same face started to appear again.Everyone could see that it is the same face, but with lighter colours and finer features.This happens till infinity.That is the face reappears in a finer and finer manner and then disappears.This is one of the most stunning experiments in the field of Science and gives an intuitive proof of so many phenomena such as ‘homeopathy’, ‘reincarnations’, and for a deep thinker of many more things.

I suggest the people to do their own research in this most fascinating topic.

All the best.

Rajiv Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-09Murthy,

You did not read the “etc., etc.,etc.” my post.

While you are your self blind to the written accuse me of not knowing a subject.

Many of us…by this time know that you have come here to kill this site. Becoz…no aomount of reasoning with you has helped

You don’t even have the decency to carry on an intelligent discussion without making personal attacks.

Be assured, we will not allow you to kill this site…as we have nurtured it for a long time.

I would not have wasted so many words on you…I am only writing all this for other readers so that they are also made aware of your “hidden agenda”.

Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-09Dear Rajiv,
Thanks for letting us know about Poincare Effect.

Now, in your post about potency medicines you say:
“How and why is still unanswered by Science of today.Though there are many attempts to explain but no definitive explanation that is accepted by all.”

So all we can say …in terminology of science is that it is an “Empirical* relationship”…i.e. “it is an observed natural phenomenon” that high potencies work on the human body.

The energy relationship which some books give has not been established.

Murthy …your answer of “dynamic energy” being present there is not confirmed by Rajiv.

If at all, “dynamic energy” gets stored in a bottle of potensised homeopathic medicine….then a lab technologist should be able to take a reading of that energy.

Also , higher the potency…higher should be the reading of the “dynamic energy”.

Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-09The logical and EMPIRICAL methods of science:

There is no single scientific method. Some of the methods of science involve logic, e.g., drawing inferences or deductions from hypotheses, or thinking out the logical implications of causal relationships in terms of necessary or sufficient conditions. Some of the methods are—— EMPIRICAL———, such as making observations, designing controlled experiments, or designing instruments to use in collecting data. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom rajivprasad on 2006-11-09Dear Pankaj,

Dynamic energy or spirit like energy are just ways of expressing this ‘something’ which gets released from the remedy substance.Because, Science has not been able to understand the nature of this energy.To measure something, you need to have instruments that will register this energy.Till date no such instrument has been built.It is like trying to measure the ‘prana’ (‘life force’ or ‘atma’) that dwells in our body.No lab technology exists to measure this.Such ideas come to your mind because you have not read or thought enough about this.

The quantum physics may one day be able to explain or understand this.But as of now, it is a long way off.The desire to measure it with a meter or something is still a long way off.

Any way.I am happy enough to tell this much.You are invited to read more, think more and then come back for more ‘meaningful’ discussions if you wish.

With warm regards,

Rajiv Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-09Dear Rajiv,
I am an Electronics Engineer and I am aware of measuring and testing technologies plus capabilities of medical lab technologists and microbiologists.

When people talk of “dynamic energy” in the bottle of homeopathic medicine…two possibilities exist:

1. The energy level is readable in the liquid bottle of homeopathic medicine ..when compared to the energy level of an ordinary alcohol bottle of same size, same alcohol quality,dilution etc.

There are instruments that can read the energy difference (if it exists) fairly accurately.

2. Other possibility is :
When the homeopathic high potency med touches the surface or lower portion of the tongue…some energy is released.

There are electronic sensors which can read this also…and there are trained medical lab technologists who are very well versed in this kind of exercise. This can also be measured fairly accurately.

So if dynamic energy really exists in a high potency homeopathic medicine…it can be measured.

Thanks and wishes,
Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom gavinimurthy on 2006-11-09Hi Pankaj

If there is no dynamic energy (which you can’t measure) in the homeopathic medicines, how do you explain their working?

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-09What cannot be explained by known scintific logic is called “Empirical phenomenon”…or observed phenomenon….that is all.

Quartz crytals release energy on application of external mechanical force….that energy quantum is measurable by electronic instruments.

When materials release energy …it can be measured.

Further more, law of energy is that it cannot be released from nothing. It is only transformation from one form of energy to another.(Electrical to light in bulb, mechanical to sound in guitar, mechanical to electric in hydropower stations, electrical to mechanical in a mixie..etc. etc.)
Only exception is nuclear energy…which is released by bombardment of nuclear energy generating materials and process is known as “fusion”….here mass is getting converted into energy and follows the E = mc squared relationship….given by Albert Eienstien.

Pankaj Varma

Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-09What cannot be explained by known scintific logic is called “Empirical phenomenon”…or observed phenomenon….that is all.

Quartz crytals release energy on application of external mechanical force….that energy quantum is measurable by electronic instruments.

When materials release energy …it can be measured.

Further more, law of energy is that it cannot be released from nothing. It is only transformation from one form of energy to another.(Electrical to light in bulb, mechanical to sound in guitar, mechanical to electric in hydropower stations, electrical to mechanical in a mixie..etc. etc.)
Only exception is nuclear energy…which is released by bombardment of nuclear energy generating materials and process is known as “fusion”….here mass is getting converted into energy and follows the E = mc squared relationship….given by Albert Eienstien.

Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom gavinimurthy on 2006-11-09This was the question..

“Hi Pankaj

If there is no dynamic energy (which you can’t measure) in the homeopathic medicines, how do you explain their working? ”

You have not answered it.

Murthy Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-09Explaination:

A permanently-polarized material such as quartz (SiO2) or barium titanate (BaTiO3) will produce an electric field when the material changes dimensions as a result of an imposed mechanical force. These materials are piezoelectric, and this phenomenon is known as the piezoelectric effect.

Conversely, an applied electric field can cause a piezoelectric material to change dimensions. This phenomenon is known as electrostriction, or the reverse piezoelectric effect.

Piezoelectric Effect

Reverse Piezoelectric Effect

Piezoelectric materials are used in acoustic transducers, which convert acoustic (sound) waves into electric fields, and electric fields into acoustic waves. Transducers are found in telephones, stereo music systems, and musical instruments such as guitars and drums.
Quartz, a piezoelectric material, is often found in clocks and watches. An oscillating electric field makes the quartz crystal resonate at its natural frequency. The vibrations of this frequency are counted and are used to keep the clock or watch on time. Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-09If I had a cogent and convincing answer…I wouldn’t have asked the question of measurement of the energy release.

That is why I started my post saying “Empirical phenomenon”….one that is observed.

What is observed is this:

You give homeopathic med in high potency to an individual and it generates some changes in his / her system.

That is all. (period).

If you try to explain it then you hit a dead end:

No energy transformation that can be measured, no substance to cause chemical/biological reaction …proofs have not been found as of now!!!!!!!

If there are proofs available, please enlighten me.

Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Nesha-India  on 2006-11-09DO NOT THINK OF “ENERGY”
Do not think of Dilution / potency.

TO THE ABOVE QUESTION, PLEASE READ Nesha-India’s answer to question by “sazim” in, “”specially post dated 17 February 2006″”
– AND –
Also read
“”specially post dated : 30 January 2006 & 09 December 2005″” & other posts.

“It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious”

Remain Healthy & Happy ……. Nesha-India Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-09Yes Nisha,
Appreciate your answers on that thread and regard your understanding of homeopathy.

It is the drug picture vs. the disease picture and an appropriate potency selection..they trigger the Immune system ….which then takes over.

Science has still to explain how the trigger mechanism works…doesn’t matter…it works…that is more important.

Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom rajivprasad on 2006-11-09Dear Pankaj,

I have said what i had to say.I have said nothing new.It is all very well known that homeopathic medicines work.That there is no matter in them.That there is something which happens in the dilution and succussion process which makes simple alcohol into a homeopathic remedy.That what that ‘something’ is has not yet been understood by ‘Science’.I don’t care if you are an Electronics Engineer or the greatest scientist of this world.It is a fact that Science of today has not reached the level where they can understand this ‘homeopathic phenomenon’, forget measuring it.It is too tough a problem for the ‘Science’ itself.Forget the poor lab technologist.

Your problem starts with the word ‘energy’ which raises visions of different kinds of energies which have been measured or are measurable by Science.This ‘homeopathic energy or power or whatever is there in the alcohol, is not measurable or traceable by any means.Not till now at least.

Arguing beyond this is meaningless.Let us stop it now.By the way, if you can develop a means to trace and measure this ‘healing energy’ using your skills as an Electronic Engineereven if in collaboration with some Lab Technologist, both of you would become immortal in the history of Science and get the Noble Prize too.

Rajiv Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-11-09Dear Rajiv,
We were discussing a subject…no need to go off the edge !!

You contributed some meaning ful things there.

It all started with the distinctions between potency and dilution.

Cheer up.
Pankaj Varma Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom rajivprasad on 2006-11-09Dear Pankaj,

I don’t think i went off the edge.Otherwise i would have apologised.I don’t like to offend anyone.I wanted to make my point clear and hence the use of superlatives.You can do your research and find out if what i said is correct or not.

In the end, what matters is that these remedies work.There is a rich philosophy, tradition and current practice which supports this subject.A homeopath hardly needs to worry about when or how Science will be able to explain this.If he knows his materia medica well and understands the ‘laws of cure’, he can help many people regain health.

All the best.

Rajiv Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Pawan Wairagade on 2012-03-11Hi joe,

Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge. One word for you “Ubuntu” its african word which means life towards huminity.

One doubt, plz don’t mind on Jan 2004 in below email you were stated you would be 80 on october and your birthday was October 19th 1929. I dont understand your exact age.. are you really that old ?
site:.otherhealth . com/homeopathy-list-discussion
To Shannon
” I will be 80 years old in October and I believe that I am the best example of how Arnica which I have taken since 1996 ” Report post to moderator Re: Why ‘Joepathy’ works in many casesFrom Joe De Livera on 2012-03-11Pawan

Glad that you liked my post which intrigues me as it was first made by me in January 2004 which is all of 8 years ago which makes me 83 years old and thank God I am still alive and kicking in the same manner that I have been doing for the last, say 70 years of my life.

I must also give Arnica the credit due to its miraculous power to maintain life at an optimum level and I would refer you to my article “Arnica the Miracle Remedy” on

I drive daily to work and back and I am the CEO of a family owned business which was established by my late father in 1924 before I was born and in which my youngest son is now in charge of, although I still call the “shots”. I spend about 2-3 hours on Homeoapthy on this ABC and my own Website and also try to help any patients who consult me in office when I give my services and the medicines free of charge.

A good example of the ‘proof of the pudding’ in my affinity to Homeopathy and more especially Arnica is the fact that no one who meets me believes my age which they usually estimate at around 65 years. I do not bear the usual signs of old age and do not sport any wrinkles on my skin. I do not have any aches and pains in my body and I exercise daily for around 45 minutes to lift my heart bpm to 115 for about 10 minutes. Sometimes to 120 if I feel good.

If you will spend some time on my Website you will read more about my research into Homeopathy which I have “simplified” into what the classical homeopaths on this and other forums have derisively classified as “Joepathy” which is an aspect of this curative art which is practical and works in a manner more positively to cure than classical homeopathy which in the majority of cases just gives the suffering patient the run around while the classical homeopath beats about the bush as instructed by the classical exponents of this science.

I am not alone in my “this for that” therapy and you will tead if you visit the website below:


How Chronic Asthma in a 7 year old was cured.

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

I am copying an article that Kishanie Fernando contributed to my website at my request where she describes in detail the trauma that Devmini her 7 year old daughter suffered up to April 2011 when she met me with her daughter. Both she and her husband Chitral were spending almost all their time and effort on just keeping Dee from catching her next attack of Asthma. Her life was maintained on a number of Inhalers which her doctors had instructed to be used not only when necessary but to be used to ‘prevent’ attacks of Asthma which were unfortunately almost a daily occurrence. This is without counting the numerous episodes of Nebulizing that were done in a hospital near their residence more often that just weekly.

I am indeed glad to report that Dee seems to have overcome her chronic Asthma and is now a normal child who is however not permitted to overexert in school like taking part in sports which involves exposure to the sun and dust which I have advised against.

It is my hope that parents of children suffering from Asthma will read this article and perhaps follow the therapy I have used which Kishanie has detailed. They are welcome to contact me on this website if they wish to have any further information on any issue.

The first part of this is a article that was published in ‘Footprints’ : a social justice magazine – Vol 6 no 3 May-August 2011 issue. The second part is the follow up on the first part. The homeopath referred to in the article is Mr. Joe de Livera of Sri Lanka .

How we were rescued from the Ills of many Pills.

Our home was virtually turning into a mini hospital. Loads of inhalers, bottles of medicine, cards of tablets, not to mention a home nebulizer sat on every imaginable space available. Our social life was spent more in channelling doctors and visits to hospitals. Our highest expenditure for the month revolved around doctors fees, home emergency services and purchasing medication.

The recipient of all this medical attention was Dee my daughter who had just turned 7 and had been diagnosed with Asthma from the age of around 3. In the last two years the frequency of her wheezing attacks had increased to once or twice a month. As a preventive Dee was on the Seretide Inhaler, 1 puff twice a day from age 3. When she presented an attack she was put on 4-6 Ventolin puffs 6 hourly, the Seretide increased and nebulised when necessary. On such occasions the medications prescribed inevitably included a steroid like prednisolone, antibiotics like Augmentin/ Claritin/ Zinat, bronco dilators, anti histamines, sometimes a cough syrup and nose drops (also steroids). Hydrocortisone injections were not new to her. For her extreme dry skin a steroid cream was prescribed. On the last visit we made to her paediatrician we were informed that the strength of Dee’s inhalers had to be increased. By this time Dee had also developed a problem with bowel movements (constipation) which we were told may necessitate surgery.

As a result of her wheeze she missed out on school at times as long as 14 days at a stretch, missed out on play and friends and could not lead a normal life. Quite apart from Dee’s suffering, we as parents were challenged to a fair share of problems. The stress level in our home was at an all time peak. The sound of a cough or sneeze made me hit the panic button. As a professional working part time, I continued to struggle through the various jobs I had to do to fulfil my responsibilities but had to miss out on friends, parties, holidays and  adventure which had been so much a part of our life before. Without a question the main focus in life became Dee’s illness – trying to get her through an attack and thereafter getting back to the normal routine as much as it was ever possible

When Dee presented an attack – we were haunted with the fear of being overdosed with strong medication or being given the wrong medication as it had happened many times. It was not a strange phenomenon in a market exceeding more than 9,000 brands of medicines that no two doctors prescribed or agreed with the same medicine. These doctors even differed in the dosages they prescribed, many preferring the higher dosages to satisfy their clientele with quick results. Channelling doctors / paediatricians made us learn the bitter truth of how care giving professionals had transformed themselves into money besotted mudalalis. Some paediatricians saw a minimum of 50 child patients in a morning and another 50 or more in the evening. These doctors prided themselves that they limited their patients since they had resigned or retired from the government service and could space out their time in the air conditioned comfort of private hospitals. Others who continued to work in the governmental hospitals squeezed in channelling sessions before and after work. As a result, both these breeds were often in a hurry not wanting to spend more than 10 – 15 minutes on a patient. To facilitate such urgency they would resort to unethical practices like asking the next patient to line up inside the consulting room while they examined a patient. Since a child is always accompanied by parents this made the consulting room uncomfortably crowded leaving no privacy or time for medical discussion or advice. The hurried atmosphere during which the medication was prescribed was day light robbery.

Such was the case, when it was recommended that we try the alternative treatment of homeopathy. The first homeopath we visited was  very impressive in his ways, charged us a heavy fee but was unable to make a difference to Dee’s health. We saw him every 10 days. His focus was on immunity boosters. But the frequency of Dee’s wheezing attacks continued.

The second homeopath we met was positive, confident and a tower of strength. He started off Dee on a homeopathic remedy for asthma which was given in a bottle of water medicated with few drops of the remedy, on the spot. All other medications were stopped. Today almost 4 months since, Dee takes no steroid based preventive inhalers. She is simply on 2 remedies for her wheeze – a homeopathic remedy called Nat. Sulf. 6c taken in the wet dose which is diluted in water succussed or shaken hard to produce bubbles and taken twice daily and another, Ars. Alb. 30c which is diluted into the water and steamed externally through an electric steamer (kettle like equipment). If she is phlemy, after the steaming she is given physio therapy by turning her face down, while lying in bed on her belly and tapping her back to bring out the phlegm. For her dry skin (eczema) she was prescribed Arnica 30 in the wet dose at night. A few doses of Nat phos 6x fixed her constipation problem without any surgery.

As a direct result of stopping the allopathic drugs Dee’s appetite improved vastly. The child who used to hate food now loves her food. We have been advised to give her plenty of vegetables, fish, fruit and water and give her a quick warm water bath daily. All preserved meats containing nitrites or saltpetre such as (salted meats) ham bacon and sausages have been stopped.

There is an amazing difference to her energy levels which are for the first time not artificially boosted with steroids. Even more amazing is the change to her skin, which was very dry and peeling is now smooth and moist. Dee is proud of her skin now which had been the cause of bullying in school. The dandruff which she suffered on her head has also vanished.

It is not to say that Dee does not present asthma attacks even today which she did a couple of time whenever she caught a cold which as in the past would precipitate an attack. But the frequency is lessening as she is now given weekly immunity boosters which help her to avoid colds.

With the tension of a sick child declining, for the first time, we the parents have had time to consider some changes to our lifestyle and health. My husband and I have both resorted to homeopathic treatment. The Arnica prescribed for me has had amazing results not only on my skin, dietary habits and general well being, but more importantly in keeping my blood sugar readings at normal. Having being a diabetic for the past 7 years, now I do not take a single tablet for it or for other ailments. My eye sight has improved to a level that I can do without my spectacles for general reading.

Even our 15 year old black Labrador Amore who is grossly over weight and had problems with getting up is now hobbling around the house after being treated with arnica.

The changes that have taken place in our life after changing over to Homeopathic Therapy cannot be enumerated here. And the only evidence of medication in our house today are a few bottles of Homeopathic Remedies in plain bottles of water and an electric steamer.

– Kishanie Fernando


It is now almost 9 months since my daughter first started on homeopathy. Her condition has kept improving. From time to time according to her condition Uncle Joe has kept changing his method of treatment and the remedies – this I believe is the insight of Joepathy. Some where in December Dee was introduced to Euparotiuim Perfoliatum 30 as a prophylactic against all virus borne infections and this has kept colds and coughs away even in the worst month of December when Flus are rampant and most asthmatics suffer attacks. Presently the dose has been reduced to a split dose to be taken once a day at morning. The Nat Sulph continues in the night. In the morning before leaving for school she inhales steam. It is only when she is phlegmy a cap of the AA 30 is diluted into the steamer which she inhales. Dee’s resistance to colds and coughs has improved considerably and she seems to have overcome the tendency to catch them and this has contributed to her not getting her attacks of Asthma which usually followed every cold that she caught in the past.
Dee is a new child now. She is able to attend school more regularly. She is able to attend extra classes in oriental dancing and singing. She is able to play outside as long as it is not too dusty. She takes a daily bath eats and sleeps well. My husband and I are deeply indebted to Uncle Joe for taking on a challenging case like Dee. I believe only Joepathy could have brought us this far.

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012
“The Cure for Dengue”-This is in response to the comments of Wickrama of September 30 on the article featured on your website entitled “The Cure for Dengue”
Posted on October 3rd, 2011


Joe De Livera  Colombo Sri Lanka

I was interested to read the comments of Wickrama who has taken upon himself the onus of debunking Homeopathy which he equates to the “rubbish” of Astrology. It is likely that he has never had occasion to use Homeopathy and is perhaps one of those who slavishly depend on their doctor’s advice to keep taking Pills as a way of life and were referred to in another Sri Lankan paper, the Daily Mirror where I was quoted in their Editorial entitled:


Big Pharma depends on people like Wickrama to maintain their revenue as the cure of any ailment by Homeopathy is achieved at a fraction of the cost of taking drugs to hopefully cure the disease. I would recommend that he reads the Editorial in the link above as he will perhaps realize, albeit rather late in his life, that he has been brainwashed into believing that good health is only possible by taking the numerous Pills that he is perhaps Popping even today, on a daily basis.

I would recommend that he visits my website: for more information on “Joepathy” which has recently been highlighted in the news media. This term was coined by a group of Classical Homeopaths about 10 years ago to derisively describe my therapy which they classified as “This for That” which I persisted in using, in the manner that a doctor would prescribe any drug for an ailment. The Homeopathic rule in prescribing was to “Treat the totality of the symptoms presented by the patient with a single remedy”. I used this diktat in the past and soon discovered that it only resulted in the patient’s agony being prolonged. I dared to differ and was branded as a maverick and it was then that these classical homeopaths discovered that my therapy aka Joepathy resulted in an almost 100% rate of cure which was of course anathema to them as they could see from the cures that resulted and were recorded on the Homeopathic websites I visit even today, that patients addressed their requests for assistance to me as they had proof of the successful outcome.

The fact remains that Homeopathy used on my “this for that” basis is now being taken very seriously in comparison to the classical therapy which does not usually work and may have been the reason for Wickrama to make his abrasive comments.

Joe De Livera


Sri Lanka

8 Responses to ““The Cure for Dengue”-This is in response to the comments of Wickrama of September 30 on the article featured on your website entitled “The Cure for Dengue””

  1. Dr Usuf Says:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:13 am It is very apparent that Mr Wickrama is debunking homoeopathy without knowing what homoeopathy is. Lots of good things that are empirically proved over the centuries as good are thus debunked. Acupuncture was at the receiving end of much negative criticism oveer the years till the WHO recognised it as an effective therapeutic system. At the moment science has no knowledge to sufficiently prove or disprove the efficacy of homoeopathy. This is so as Homoeoapthy is ‘energy medicine’ and works at bio-energetic level. No contemporary lab instrument can detect, monitor nor measure the drug at work at energy level as the drugs administered are not gross at material quantities like alloapthic drugs in pill/capsule form which can be detected, monitored or measured. Moreover, Homoeopathy is not placebo medicine as some critics are fond of calling it. If it is so then how come infants and animals not prone to subjective feelings recover from disorders. Millions are cured by homoeopathy everyday. Presently, it is an empirical verity which someday tottering science would proclaim as true! Till then the homoeopathic community has to learn to tolerate the likes of Mr Wickrama!

    Rating: +2 (from 4 votes)
  2. Fran Diaz Says:
    October 4th, 2011 at 6:34 am Once again, Hurrah for “Joepathy” and our thanks to Dr Joe de Livera for bringing alive Homeopathy in Lanka ! An interesting item to record here is that in America some homeopathy medicine companies produce what are called Complex Homeopathy pills, which are pills made of mix of homeopathy medicines for a particular disease. For instance, the company called Luyties produces a Complex medicine for Bronchial Irritation composed of the following low potencies of 3 & 6:
    Aconite 3x, Bryonia 3x, Causticum 6x, Phos.6x.
    We find the Complex meds. easy to use and delivers quick results, at least enough relief so that the body can recover quickly with least amount of suffering.
    See more products from Luyties at I do hope that Sri Lankans produce their own homeopathy medicines and make Lanka a healthy nation.

    Rating: +1 (from 3 votes)
  3. Wickrama Says:
    October 4th, 2011 at 6:44 pm Mr. De Livera must be having a terrible grudge against a doctor or some doctors to casually reject the Medical Science as a “PILL POPPING CULTURE”, although he must be fully aware that billions of pills are taken by millions of people for successful cure/control/management of thousands of different health problems. I need not remind him that Medical Science has been developed over the centuries by hardworking people using various scientific methods of research, analysis, experimenting and testing in order to bring it to the current level, and that these developments are still continuing, and, that in addition to “PILLS” there are various other methods such as injections, vaccinations, surgery etc are being used by medical science for treatment.

    My comments he is referring were against Homeopathy and not Joepathy although it also seems to be following the same absurd “principle” of believing that super-ultra-hyper dilution of “ingredient” in water to do the trick. I do not have to debunk homeopathy because it has been already done! For the benefit of Dr Usuf, Fran Diaz and other readers (I am sure Mr. De Livera’s eyes and mind are closed on this matter), I hereby quote following;

    “Homeopathy: The Ultimate Fake”

    “Basic Misbeliefs

    Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician, began formulating homeopathy’s basic principles in the late 1700s. Hahnemann was justifiably distressed about bloodletting, leeching, purging, and other medical procedures of his day that did far more harm than good. Thinking that these treatments were intended to “balance the body’s ‘humors’ by opposite effects,” he developed his “law of similars”—a notion that symptoms of disease can be cured by extremely small amounts of substances that produce similar symptoms in healthy people when administered in large amounts”

    “At Best, the “Remedies” Are Placebos

    Homeopathic products are made from minerals, botanical substances, and several other sources. If the original substance is soluble, one part is diluted with either nine or ninety-nine parts of distilled water and/or alcohol and shaken vigorously (succussed); if insoluble, it is finely ground and pulverized in similar proportions with powdered lactose (milk sugar). One part of the diluted medicine is then further diluted, and the process is repeated until the desired concentration is reached. Dilutions of 1 to 10 are designated by the Roman numeral X (1X = 1/10, 3X = 1/1,000, 6X = 1/1,000,000). Similarly, dilutions of 1 to 100 are designated by the Roman numeral C (1C = 1/100, 3C = 1/1,000,000, and so on). Most remedies today range from 6X to 30X, but products of 30C or more are marketed.”

    “Actually, the laws of chemistry state that there is a limit to the dilution that can be made without losing the original substance altogether. This limit, which is related to Avogadro’s number, corresponds to homeopathic potencies of 12C or 24X (1 part in 10 to the power24). Hahnemann himself realized that there is virtually no chance that even one molecule of original substance would remain after extreme dilutions. But he believed that the vigorous shaking or pulverizing with each step of dilution leaves behind a “spirit-like” essence—”no longer perceptible to the senses”—which cures by reviving the body’s “vital force.” Modern proponents assert that even when the last molecule is gone, a “memory” of the substance is retained. This notion is unsubstantiated. Moreover, if it were true, every substance encountered by a molecule of water might imprint an “essence” that could exert powerful (and unpredictable) medicinal effects when ingested by a person”

    Extracted from the full article at;

    which is just one of the many websites that can be obtained by googling “debunking homeopathy”

    Rating: -1 (from 3 votes)
  4. Fran Diaz Says:
    October 5th, 2011 at 6:20 am Please consider the following points before passing judgment on Homeopathy :

    * If Homeopathy is quackery, why has the Royal Family of Britain used it for three generations ?
    * Why does India and several European countries have state or privately run Homeopathy Colleges & hospitals ?
    * Why is it mandatory for French medical students to study Homeopathy ?
    * Why have several businesses continued to produce Homeopathy medicines, some doing so for over one and half centuries, in both Canada & the USA and Europe.
    * INDIA especially uses homeopathy medicines and has published the necessary books for self study in English and other languages.
    * Homeopathy has been proved to be very effective in treatment of illness in animals and even plants.
    * In our view, Homeopathy simply balances the mind & body and acts as a deep seated catalyst to help the body heal itself, naturally and gently. We recommend that diagnosis of illness be done too, through lab reports and doctors. In the case of new patients using Homeopathy, please note that homeopathy is usually tried by a patient only after other methods of healing have failed to help.

    Rating: 0 (from 2 votes)
  5. Wickrama Says:
    October 6th, 2011 at 8:37 am Fran,

    * If Homeopathy is quackery, why has the Royal Family of Britain used it for three generations ?

    ## Did the Royal family used ONLY HP? If not, what percentage were HP and Conventional Medicine? What were the ailments/sicknesses? What were the success ratios?

    * Why does India and several European countries have state or privately run Homeopathy Colleges & hospitals ?

    ## Why does NOT 100odd other countries?

    * Why is it mandatory for French medical students to study Homeopathy ?

    ## Why NOT for American, British, German, Russian, etc; etc; etc; etc; etc; etc; etc; etc; etc;………………………………

    * Why have several businesses continued to produce Homeopathy medicines, some doing so for over one and half centuries, in both Canada & the USA and Europe.

    ## SUPPLY and DEMAND – To supply for the fools who demand them, of course !!

    * INDIA especially uses homeopathy medicines and has published the necessary books for self study in English and other languages.

    ## Once again, SUPPLY and DEMAND !!

    * Homeopathy has been proved to be very effective in treatment of illness in animals and even plants.
    ## NOT in humans?? Less effective in humans ??

    * In our view, Homeopathy simply balances the mind & body and acts as a deep seated catalyst to help the body heal itself, naturally and gently.

    ## Where is the evidence for such a claim?? What is there to “BALANCE” between mind and body? Body is a physical object while mind is not.

    *We recommend that diagnosis of illness be done too, through lab reports and doctors. In the case of new patients using Homeopathy, please note that homeopathy is usually tried by a patient only after other methods of healing have failed to help.

    ## So the homeopaths depend on the medical doctors and laboratories for their diagnosis? (Just like the Astrologers depend on Astronomers for their data !!) Don’t they have their own methods? If everybody go to HPs for treatment there won’t be doctors or laboratories available for the HPs for their diagnostic needs. What then??

    Rating: +1 (from 1 vote)
  6. Fran Diaz Says:
    October 8th, 2011 at 2:04 pm Basically we have to use all systems of Medicine that will help cure or alleviate pain. All Medical systems must work together for the common good of all the citizens of a country. In medicine, ideally we have to leave aside economics, profit motive and concentrate on saving lives.
    To say “Supply & Demand” is the reason why Homeopathy is popular is correct. It is because of the efficacy of Homeopathy that there is a Demand.

    Here is new evidence that proves Homeopathy dilutions have effect :

    New Scientific Experiment Proves Homeopathic Dilutions Have Effect
    Posted on January 5, 2010 by homeopathyresource
    Scientists replicating earlier experiments but using modern scientific methodologies has confirmed that homeopathic potentized dilutions are active. The study was published recently and is entitled: Inhibition of CD203c membrane up-regulation in human basophils by high dilutions of histamine: a controlled replication study.
    Membrane up-regulation of CD203c, which in these experimental conditions proved to be a more consistent activation marker than CD63, was significantly inhibited in samples treated with histamine at the dilutions of 2C (P = 0.001), 12C (P = 0.047), 14C (P = 0.003), 15C (P = 0.036) and 16C (P = 0.009). Control water dilutions/succussions did not show any significant effect.
    Using a strictly standardized flow cytometry protocol and a new dilution/succussion procedure, we have shown that low and high dilutions of histamine inhibit CD203c up-regulation in anti-IgE stimulated basophils.
    The online paper also describes the history of this type of experiment starting with a scientist named Benveniste and how modern methods have now shown indisputably that homeopathic high dilutions that are potentized have effect and that this experiment can be replicated successfully.

    Rating: 0 (from 2 votes)
  7. Fran Diaz Says:
    October 10th, 2011 at 8:21 am Also, the connection between the human Mind & the human Body is now well established. It is now acknowledged by Science that the human Mind can cause bodily disease through a continued sense of stress, anxiety, sleeplessness, anger, etc. Vice-versa, human well being and positive emotions such as joy, laughter, security, wishing oneself & others well, etc. will ensure good health with a good immune system.

    Rating: 0 (from 2 votes)
  8. Joe De Livera Says:
    December 25th, 2011 at 7:12 pm Someone alerted me to the many responses that had been made on my response to my Post on this Website entitled “The Cure for Dengue” and I would like to take this opportunity of recording the case of the CURE of Robert Ray which may open the eyes of those who do not believe that Homeopathy can cure ailments which medicine cannot.

    This is the case record of an outstanding cure that resulted in my treating a patient for Gynecomastia or Male Breasts which in the case of Robert Ray were at ‘B’ Cup size which were caused, according to him, by the use of many drugs from 2002 to 2010 to treat the after effects of 3 strokes which left him hobbling with a stick for 8 years. He responded to my “Joepathy” in a few weeks when an improvement was noticed by him when his Gynecomastia reduced perceptibly. This gradual improvement continued up to a few weeks ago when he surprised me by stating that he was CURED of the after effects of his multiple strokes and that he was again gainfully occupied as a Computer Analyst in a firm in St Louis where he commutes weekly from Seattle.

    To those of you who may like to read the account of his amazing CURE from a stroke within 2 years, I have listed them on the links below:

    It is my hope that anyone who reads these posts takes Arnica 30c in the Wet dose as I have done since 1996 just once nightly, will enjoy the same state of health as me. I can confidently state that I owe my wellness at my advanced age of 83 to Arnica and it is my hope that those who may follow my example will record their own response to this amazing Homeopathic remedy which has cured Robert and many thousands of patients throughout the world who have followed my progress on the Web.

    For the record I shall detail the method that I have perfected to make the Wet dose of Arnica 30c:

    The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

    Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
    Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
    Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
    Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
    Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

    If anyone who reads this post wishes to consult me for any ailment he may do so free of charge, on my website:


Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

Joepathy comes of age
March 10 2008
It is possible that the World Community is taking note of my constant reference to the weakness of classical system generally practiced by those who have qualified in Homeopathy. I was agreeably surprised to note that there are now 234 listings on Google under “Joepathy”. This word was first picked up by Google about 2 years ago when there were just 4 listings but the fact that there are 234 listings today can perhaps indicate that the International community who surf the web have finally taken notice of the controversy that the classical fraternity created for themselves by openly criticizing me on the many Forums that I used to visit up to about 2 years ago when I joined this forum on an exclusive basis. I do not think that in challenging almost every post that I made, they ever dreamt that they would be opening up a virtual Pandora’s box in the use of Non Classical homeopathy which seems to me to be gaining strength day by day. I have often stated that the interest of the patient always comes first. It is not the method used, classical or Joepathy that counts. It is the eventual cure of an ailment that a patient presents that must be paramount in mind of the consultant homeopath who is in duty bound to identify the therapy to ensure that the ailment is cured as quickly as is possible. Unfortunately the single remedy method used in classical homeopathy often fall far short of attaining this goal and it is the patient who pays the price in unnecessary suffering.

At first I did not respond to the many barbed attacks I was receiving on a daily basis in almost every post that I made on the forums starting about 4 years ago and ignored them. When however I discovered that a concerted attempt was being made on 3 classical forums to silence me, purely because I refused to abide by the classical case taking procedure that was laid down as the sine qua non of handling a case, I decided to take these attacks which in some cases were downright mean and vulgar, head on. This defense did take its toll on my time as I am not a professional homeopath and I am largely self taught not only in Homeopathy but also in other spheres of knowledge. Many are also aware that I use my skill in helping anyone who seeks my assistance completely free of charge here in Sri Lanka where I live. The countering of these attacks on the forums invariably took a toll of my time which I had to divide between my official functions as the CEO of a very old family owned business in Sri Lanka and my love of healing by Homeopathy and I discovered that I was spending far more time in my defense than the time I spent in advising patients on the forums. However I felt that I was using my time usefully in exposing the hollowness and subterfuge in the classical method which I openly labelled just another ruse on the part of the classical prescriber to ensure that the suffering patient was compelled to return time and time again to be given another single remedy to treat the totality of the symptoms that he presented. And these recurrent visits do not come cheap. The patient in the meanwhile continues to suffer so very unnecessarily for weeks and sometimes even years, and there are some patients even on this forum who will testify to this matter.

The patient may be suffering from a common ailment like Eczema or Asthma or GERD and the remedy that is uaually prescribed by the classical homeopath would be far off course to help the patient as the identification of that single remedy by him/her was like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack. The classical homeopath had no option but to conform to this elusive method as otherwise he ran the risk of losing his license to practice. It is no wonder that the single classical remedy was far off track and the patient continued to suffer so very unnecessarily and was compelled to return to his classical homeopath for further investigation and treatment.

It is possible that it was my open attitude in exposing the drawback of the classical system that first attracted interest of the WWW and when the word Joepathy was coined at first in a derisive manner by a member, it seems to epitomize the therapy that I promoted which members could follow in the posts where I had advised on the many threads on the forums. It was the obvious success of my direct “this for that” therapy that seems to have struck a chord among surfers on the web and I am indeed humbled that I have been able to raise some awareness among the suffering public who would otherwise have been compelled to succumb to the step motherly therapy that classical homeopaths invariably dish out to their patients.

It is my hope that both patients and classical homeopaths will heed my call for a more rational attitude to Homeopathy which is a science that must not be allowed to “Bleed to death” as Manish Bhatia of Hpathy very succinctly phrased his article which he circulated to his membership of readers of his Ezine. When a patient consults a doctor or a homeopath he expects to be cured ASAP and it is our duty to ensure that the great benefits that can result from the rational use of Homeopathic remedies are passed on in the same rational manner that I have promoted which is now accepted internationally as Joepathy.

Updated information on the Treatment of Hemophilia

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

Joepathy can treat Hemophilia successfully.

From Joe De Liveraon 2010-03-150 replies844 views

I would like to share my experience in the treatment of 2 patients (Boys one 9 years old and the other 16 years old) who were diagnosed as Hemophiliacs by their doctors and who do not have to be rushed to hospital today as their parents used to do originally. They are now using my Joepathy therapy to treat this disease Hemophilia which they inherited from their mother for which there is no known cure in Medicine or in Homeopathy. This disease can only be controlled but not cured by Homeopathy but an expensive drug Hemofil M is used to treat this disease in Sri Lanka where it is given IV in the government hospitals free of any charge. It is hoped that a breakthrough will soon be made in Medicine and there is a possibility that this may be achieved by altering the Genes which hopefully will cure this disease.

In the meanwhile I have perfected a simple therapy that will eliminate the anxiety that the parents have to suffer from every time their son has a cut or a bruise which originally had to be treated in a hospital but can now be treated with Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capful which is the dose. Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.

I have detailed the Joepathy which I prescribed since 2006 which I have since refined today to the use of just 2 remedies Arnica 6c and Lachesis 200 in the Dry dose pellets which need only be used on a SOS basis in the event of a deep cut or wound. The parents of the two boys have informed me that they have observed that Lachesis 200 is not essential today as the Arnica 6c in the Wet dose alone can control the bleeding both internal and external in the event of a cut which is bleeding or a bruise where the skin is not broken which usually results in Hemotoma of the joint and pain.

It is my hope that other Homeopaths will also consider using this simple protocol which I have perfected which 2 patients are using successfully today. Please record your patient’s response if you prescribe this remedy, on this Forum.

My post dated May 11 2006 on the ABC
May 11 2006

I have been treating a 10 year old boy whom I have known as a baby whose parents brought him to me when he was around 6 months old with blueish-green marks on his arms and legs. I I suspected Hemophilia but did not wish to take the responsibility of diagnosing his ailment and sent the parents to the government Pediatric Hospital which is located about 200 meters from my residence. The baby was diagnosed as a Hemophiliac by the physicians and as he grew in years he was often warded in the hospital after any bleeding injury where he was invariably treated with IV drips of Hemofil M which the mother informed me cost the hospital over $200 per dose but was given free to patients in Sri Lanka from all government hospitals. As the child grew he developed a horror of hospitals and would be traumatized every time he was taken to hospital where he would be warded for about 3 days after every bleeding injury.

The parents appealed to me for help with my Homeopathy and I gave the parents Lachesis 200 to be used SOS whenever the boy was injured and was bleeding and Calc Phos 6x to be taken twice daily. The bleeding stopped within about 20 minutes after Lachesis but internal bleeding or hematoma when occurred whenever he fell down and bumped his joints did not respond till I gave him Arnica 30 in the dry pellets taken 3 times daily. The mother reported that the pellets reduced the blue hematoma which was usually accompanied with swelling of the joint causing considerable pain. I stopped the Calc Phos as it did not seem to help much but instructed the mother to give the boy Arnica 30 in the Wet Dose twice daily. I also instructed her to increase the frequency of the dosage whenever the boy suffered from any internal injury resulting in a hematoma.

I was surprised to discover that the boy seemed not to present a hematoma after any bump when he was under the new Arnica therapy taken twice daily and the mother also reported that a minor cut did not seem to bleed as much as it did before the boy was on the daily doses of Arnica. Deeper cuts did bleed and 4 pellets of Lachesis 200 taken sublingually always stopped the bleeding.

I am sharing this information with members as it is possible that someone may present Hemophila, the treatment of which is not usually known to Homeopaths.

A Woman recounts her Heart Attack

Monday, November 28th, 2011


‘I had a heart attack at about 10:30PM with NO prior exertion, NO prior emotional trauma that one would suspect might have brought it on. I was sitting all snugly & warm on a cold evening, with my purring cat in my lap, reading an interesting story my friend ha d sent me, and actually thinking, ‘A-A-h, this is the life, all cozy and warm in my soft, cushy Lazy Boy with my feet propped up.

A moment later, I felt that awful sensation of indigestion, when you’ve been in a hurry and grabbed a bite of sandwich and washed it down with a dash of water, and that hurried bite seems to feel like you’ve swallowed a golf ball going down the esophagus in slow motion and it is most uncomfortable. You realize you shouldn’t have gulped it down so fast and needed to chew it more thoroughly and this time drink a glass of water to hasten its progress down to the stomach. This was my initial sensation–the only trouble was that I hadn’t taken a bite of anything since about 5:00p.m.

After it seemed to subside, the next sensation was like little squeezing motions that seemed to be racing up my SPINE (hind-sight, it was probably my aorta spasms), gaining speed as they continued racing up and under my sternum (breast bone, where one presses rhythmically when administering CPR).

This fascinating process continued on into my throat and branched out into both jaws. ‘AHA!! NOW I stopped puzzling about what was happening — we all have read and/or heard about pain in the jaws being one of the signals of an MI happening, haven’t we? I said aloud to myself and the cat, Dear God, I think I’m having a heart attack!

I lowered the foot rest dumping the cat from my lap, started to take a step and fell on the floor instead. I thought to myself, If this is a heart attack, I shouldn’t be walking into the next room where the phone is or anywhere else… but, on the other hand, if I don’t, nobody will know that I need help, and if I wait any longer I may not be able to get up in a moment.

I pulled myself up with the arms of the chair, walked slowly into the next room and dialed the Paramedics… I told her I thought I was having a heart attack due to the pressure building under the sternum and radiating int o my jaws. I didn’t feel hysterical or afraid, just stating the facts. She said she was sending the Paramedics over immediately, asked if the front door was near to me, and if so, to un-bolt the door and then lie down on the floor where they could see me when they came in.

I unlocked the door and then lay down on the floor as instructed and lost consciousness, as I don’t remember the medics coming in, their examination, lifting me onto a gurney or getting me into their ambulance, or hearing the call they made to St. Jude ER on the way, but I did briefly awaken when we arrived and saw that the radiologist was already there in his surgical blues and cap, helping the medics pull my stretcher out of the ambulance. He was b ending over me asking questions (probably something like ‘Have you taken any medications?’) but I couldn’t make my mind interpret what he was saying, or form an answer, and nodded off again, not waking up until the Cardiologist and partner had already threaded the teeny angiogram balloon up my femoral artery into the aorta and into my heart where they installed 2 side by side stints to hold open my right coronary artery.
I know it sounds like all my thinking and actions at home must have taken at least 20-30 minutes before calling the paramedics, but actually it took perhaps 4-5 minutes before the call, and both the fire station and St. Jude are only minutes away from my home, and my Cardiologist was already to go to the OR in his scrubs and get going on restarting my heart (which had stopped somewhere between my arrival and the procedure) and installing the stints.
Why have I written all of this to you with so much detail? Because I want all of you who are so important in my life to know what I learned first hand.
1. Be aware that something very different is happening in your body, not the usual men’s symptoms but inexplicable things happening (until my sternum and jaws got into the act). It is said that many more women than men die of their first (and last) MI because they didn’t know they were having one and commonly mistake it as indigest ion, take some Maalox or other anti-heartburn preparation and go to bed, hoping they’ll feel better in the morning when they wake up… which doesn’t happen. My female friends, your symptoms might not be exactly like mine, so I advise you to call the Paramedics if ANYTHING is unpleasantly happening that you’ve not felt before. It is better to have a ‘false alarm’ visitation than to risk your life guessing what it might be!
2. Note that I said ‘Call the Paramedics.’ And if you can take an aspirin. Ladies, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!
Do NOT try to drive yourself to the ER – you are a hazard to others on the road.
Do NOT have your panicked husband who will be speeding and looking anxiously at what’s happening with you instead of the road.
Do NOT call your doctor — he doesn’t know where you live and if it’s at night you won’t reach him anyway, and if it’s daytime, his assistants (or answering service) will tell you to call the Paramedics. He doesn’t carry the equipment in his car that you need to be saved! The Paramedics do, principally OXYGEN that you need ASAP. Your Dr will be notified later.
3. Don’t assume it couldn’t be a heart attack because you have a normal cholesterol count. Research has discovered that a cholesterol elevate d reading is rarely the cause of an MI (unless it’s unbelievably high and/or accompanied by high blood pressure). MIs are usually caused by long-term stress and inflammation in the body, which dumps all sorts of deadly hormones into your system to sludge things up in there. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let’s be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.


Sunday, November 27th, 2011

I am copying an article on Cancer by Dr Rick Cantrell who suffers from Cancer himself which was identified about 10 months ago and he recounts his own experience in living with Cancer. The link to his article is below:
July 14, 2011
Rick Cantrell, PhD, MD, PsyD on Cancer

This is an article that should be sent to anyone important in your life.
I posted this article, which may have some provoking thoughts:
Rick Cantrell, PhD, MD, PsyD

The below is absolutely 100% true and as a doctor I have been telling people this for 15 years now. No one wants to listen. Folks need to wake up. Cancer treatment is about making money. It is a 120 billion dollar a year industry in the United States alone and estimated to be a 600 billion dollar a year industry worldwide.

A successful cancer case according to the American Cancer Society and the American College of Oncology and Hematology means that the person survives for 5 years. Both the American Cancer Society and the American College of Oncology and Hematology admit that a person is likely to survive cancer for 7 to 10 years even if they do absolutely NOTHING. Of course, only the doctors get those magazines – not you, the cancer patient.

Alternative medicine’s track record of curing cancer is 10 times higher than that of conventional medicine. Note that I say CURE.

Remember another thing. A TUMOR is just a symptom. It is not the cause of cancer.

Science is cause and effect. Remove the cause and the effect disappears.

I am in my third battle with cancer right now. I have not done any chemotherapy or radiation or surgery for any of my bouts with cancer. I survived leukemia, I survived NonHodgkinsLymphoma and now I have Glioblastoma which is supposedly an incurable form of brain cancer. I was given two months to live 5 months ago.

I have been using Chinese herbs, high doses of vitamin C, acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy and nutritional changes. Yes, at first it got worse. It had metastasized to my lymph nodes, my lungs and my bones. As of this week, I am happy to say that there is no evidence now of any cancer in my lymph system or my bones. I had 6 tumors in my lungs, now there are only two. The tumors in my brain have shrunken tremendously. I never did any of their chemo, radiation or surgery.

Here is a very interesting statistic that you can only have access to by being a doctor. Every year more than 1,000 doctor oncologists (cancer doctors) are diagnosed with cancer. Less than 10% of them choose to do the treatment that they have been giving to their patients. Sort of like the fact that less than 25% of all pediatricians vaccinate their own children because of the fact that the risk of sudden death or serious side effects from the vaccination is higher than the risk of catching the disease one is being vaccinated for. This is not bullshit, people – it is truth.

Medicine is about money, not about your health; and the system traps people, especially the elderly, disabled and poor, into a deadly treatment regime that puts them in an early grave. Meanwhile, all the jet set billionaires are flying off to Europe and paying big bucks for alternative treatments and getting cured.

Does alternative medicine work all the time? No. Of course, not. Nothing works all the time. But there is a reason for that. You don’t die until it’s your time to die. Nothing can make you live longer than that time.

However, quality of life comes into play. Those cancer patients who use alternative therapies for their cancer, yet still die from the illness, suffer in a much higher quality of life. They die able to spend time with their families and even recognize their family members. They don’t become emaciated like those who do chemotherapy or radiation do and rarely is a person who goes under the treatment of chemotherapy able to
recognize anyone for the last few days of their lives. Their bodies become ravaged to the point that you can’t even recognize them either. They suffer at a much much higher rate and they have one let down after  another as doctors tell them, ahhh – it’s looking good, only to tell them on the next visit it’s looking worse, you need more chemo and radiation.

What is criminal about this is that YOUR DOCTORS KNOW THIS SHIT.

I took an oath as a physician. I have always followed it. That has certainly not made me successful financially as a doctor because I have consistently refused to go along with conventional medicine’s bullshit.

Read the below carefully. It may indeed make a difference in your life.


Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins :

1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person’s lifetime

3. When the person’s immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, but also to environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet to eat more adequately and healthy, 4-5 times/day and by including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However, prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.

9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation, the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.


A. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc. are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses, but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in color. Better alternative is Bragg’s aminos or sea salt.

B. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk, cancer cells are being starved.

C. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little other meat, like chicken. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

D. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and some fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment.

About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).
E. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or Kangen water, filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body’s killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

14. Some supplements build up the immune system IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the body’s own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body’s normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising
daily and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular
level Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

1. No plastic containers in micro.

2. No water bottles in freezer.

3. No plastic wrap in microwave..

Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Centeras well. Dioxin chemicals cause cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don’t freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently, Dr Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital , was on a TV program to explain this health hazard.
He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This especially applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead, he recommends using glass, such as CorningWare, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn’t bad but you don’t know what is in the paper. It’s just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to
paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons. Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food. Cover food with a paper towel instead.

I would like to add that Dr Cynthia Jayasuriya is also a survivor of Cancer which was first identified 9 years ago and she cured herself after a remission of 7 years, by eating Manioc regularly in her diet.

Please visit the link below for more information on her CURE:

Robert Ray was CURED from the after effects of 3 Strokes he suffered from 2002 to 2010

Thursday, November 17th, 2011

I am copying below some posts from the ABC Homeopathy Forum which records the case of Robert Ray who suffered from 3 strokes in 2002 which affected his ability to walk without assistance.

He posted his case on the ABC and I prescribed Arnica 30c in the Wet dose and the exchange of posts are recorded below:

“joepathy” works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From jorbri1513on 2010-05-2516 replies1078 views*WARNING, THIS IS A LONG POST*

I posted this information regarding my situation on 4/17/2010. I posted to all doctors and Joe De livera was the only person to respond.

“I survived a right side stroke in September 2002 (caused by high blood pressure, which is under control with diet exercise and vitamins). When I was treated in the hospital it was discovered that I had 2 small strokes prior to the one in 2002. (exact dates could not be determined). Since that time I have severe spasticity and weakness in the leg, hip and glute area and very tight groin muscles. I had weakness in the right arm and hand, but I was able to correct it with exercise.
I have difficulty walking (I use a cane), kneeling, climbing stairs, rising from a seated position and bending (as if to pick up something)
The right arm becomes spastic while walking.
I have been trying to strengthen with resistance training, the right side leg and hip muscles to help with walking and weight transfer motions while walking. When I exercise the muscles feel stronger and movement is better, however after the session and subsequent cooling down period,I am right back to square one with severe spasticity,(weakness subsides for awhile) an abnormal gait, inability to take a full step (I use a cane), tight groin muscles and muscle pains (mostly aches and occasional cramps in hamstrings) and problems rising from a seated position. Can you advise on how to deal with the lingering spasticity and pain.”

Since approximately 1999 when I suspect that I had the first minor stroke I had been plagued with severely painful leg and hip muscles 24 hours a day. I had an abnormal gait (known as hike hip) due to the minor stroke.

I had no idea what was happening and went to my “Doctor”. He advised me that I had arthritis. He prescribed some anti inflammatory medicine.

After the second minor stroke in 2000 I experienced more difficulty walking and could barely bend over. I went back to my “Doctor” and received the same diagnosis and medication at a stronger dose.

In September of 2002 I had the third stroke which kept me in the hospital for 30 days. The diagnosis was the stroke was caused by high blood pressure. I was given physical therapy (and high blood pressure medication) in the hospital and continued outpatient therapy for another month after discharge.

For the next 8 YEARS I suffered from EXTREME spasticity on the right side arm and leg. I have tried acupuncture, acupressure, massage therapy, magnet therapy and just about any treatment recommended to try and get relief.

On April 17 2010, I posted the message at the beginning of this forum. Joe De livera responded and recommended his staple remedy ARNICA 30c in the wet dose. Within 5 days exactly (believe me I was counting them) I felt great relief. No pain, tight muscles relaxed, and the spasticity was 95%relieved.

I could not believe how good I felt and I kept waiting for the pain to come back. IT HAS NOT RETURNED AS OF THIS POSTING! I have continued to feel relief and do not have anymore spasticity and flexibility is returning.

My mobility has increased 80%. Prior to Joe’s treatment I could not walk 10 feet without stopping because of the pain. I have been able to go shopping (which I couldn’t do before. I would drive to the store and my son would go inside and shop.)

I have been able to exercise more vigorously which is helping me to recover muscle strength which is important. Prior to Joe’s treatment if I exercised or “hobbled” a long distance I would be incapacitated for at least 2 days. When I say incapacitated I mean flat on my back and if I did stand I need 2 canes for support.

All of this has stopped since working with “JOEPATHY”
and I do not see it returning. I was so impressed with the progress I was making I turned to “JOEPATHY” for other ailments I was experiencing. (Yeah, I WAS a walking train wreck).

I developed gynecomastia (male breasts) as a result of one of the blood pressure medications I was taking (spironolactone). I contacted Joe and he recommended Nat Phos 6x which helped me loose weight, I went from 205 pounds to 195 and counting (I am over 6ft tall).

The gynecomastia has been cut in half and is still going down. If you are reading this and are a man I don’t have to tell you how relieved I was not to have “BREASTS!”.

I suffered from a peri-rectal cyst in 2009 which recurred this year. I again turned to the originator of “JOEPATHY”
and he recommended silicea 6x and ferr phos 6x in addition to arnica. Guess what, NO MORE CYST!!

I’ve read negative posts regarding “JOEPATHY” and everyone is entitled to their opinion. However if you want fact I can attest to the truth that “JOEPATHY” WORKS!!!! I will continue to follow the treatment laid out by Joe De livera because it WORKS!!!!

If there is any interest the original and subsequent posts can be found at

I am a believer and thank Joe for studying and thinking outside the box to help me with my problems. In a world where people are becoming more selfish and narcissistic it is wonderful to find someone a selfless and people oriented as Joe De livera.


Robert W. Ray

re: “joepathy” works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!From dragonfly1976 on 2010-05-25Wow! that’s great news.

Good health to you.

re: “joepathy” works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!From Joe De Livera on 2010-05-26To Robert

Thank you for confirming the improvement in your status of health on this thread.

It is precisely this form of recording your personal experience that will prove to readers and more especially to those who delight in vilifying me, that my Joepathy has helped you in a manner that all the drugs and other therapy you have used for the last 8 + Years, have not done. The improvement in your health in the short period of 3 weeks is  in itself monumental

re: “joepathy” works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!From girilal on 2010-05-28
When it comes to treatment, Joe De Livera has Midas touch.

re: “joepathy” works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!From Joe De Livera on 2010-09-06

To Robert

It is now over 4 months since you last reported that you were 80% cured of your symptoms which you suffered after your first stroke in 2002.

“My mobility has increased 80%. Prior to Joe’s treatment I could not walk 10 feet without stopping because of the pain. I have been able to go shopping (which I couldn’t do before. I would drive to the store and my son would go inside and shop.) ”

I would like to have your latest report on your present condition.

re: “joepathy” works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!From jorbri1513 on 2010-09-08
Hi Joe,

I am pleased to report that my condition continues to improve daily. I have continued to show improvement on the spasticity and I would assess my level of improvement at about 90%. I will be working with a PT (physical therapist) to help with strength and mobility (to ensure I’m doing the correct exercise). As far as homeopathically I am still improving and I still say JOEPATHY WORKS!!!


Re: Treating Gynecomastia with JoepathyFrom brijobob on 2011-11-11

Hi Joe,

I read your email and I have to thank you and joepathy “TREMENDOUSLY”.

I live in the Pacific Northwest and thanks to your treatment and advice I have been able to resume my career as a Computer consultant.

I am currently working four days a week in St. Louis MO. and returning home on Thursday and flying back on Sunday for my 4 day stint all at company expense with a salary of $125,000.00 per year.

None of this would be possible without your treatment and guidance. I have continued to use Arnica 30c to control my blood pressure which I maintain at 125/70 and I use Arnicated oil to relax my muscles after

Currently my workouts are 2 1/2 to 3 hours in duration and very intense.

None of this would have been possible without your help.

My gynecomastia has been completely eradicated with the help of Nat Phos 6x to help burn the fat and turn what was a B cup bra size breast into a chiseled chest on a 55 year old man.

With your therapy I was able to train intensely and bring my waist down from 42 inches to 34 inches.

I am proud to announce that I am walking normally again and looking forward to running soon.

You are truly a miracle worker and have my complete confidence.

I had to create a new login as Nawaz keeps having me blocked because I took umbrage with him attacking me for using your therapy.

You can read the last 2 pages of this post where he attacks me for using your therapy then attacks my “WIFE”

Nawaz advised me to stop using Arnica for HBP and I foolishly listened and saw my BP spike. This was really troubling to me since my HBP was the cause of the stroke and the residual damage which you helped me cure.

I returned to your therapy and have been fine since.

Exercise is “ESSENTIAL” to burning fat and with the addition of Nat Phos 6c it burns fat faster.

In weight training/loss there is no such thing as spot reduction so Nat Phos 6c helped me burn fat on all areas of my body.

I am sure Nawaz will try to block this user account also.

To the person requesting the info on “Joepathy” for gynecomastia all I can tell you is that Joe’s advise to me was spot on and has helped me return to a “NORMAL” life when I thought I was doomed to a life of immobility and gynecomastia.

My gynecomastia was an embarrassment to me and left me not wanting to take off my shirt. I didn’t want to look in the mirror either.

NO MORE. As I stated previously I now have a chiseled chest and an 8 pack abdomen.

None of this would have been possible without JOEPATHY and I tried many other methods of ridding myself of my ailments but Joe’s worked.

I have told many people that I encounter who suffer from HBP, Diabetes, Male Pattern baldness, and Gynecomastia (I met several men in the gym with gynecomastia) his therapy has helped them also.

I forgot to mention that Arnica started hair growing on my pate where it had fallen out over 20 years ago.
My son calls me a “chia pet”
if you are familiar with the chia pet products you can appreciate the humor in this.



Re: Joepathy for gynecomastiaFrom Joe De Livera on 2011-11-11

Hi Robert

Thank you for your post and I must admit that I am delighted after reading it. I am so very glad that you have got back to work and that you commute weekly between the West coast and St Louis. This town is of some significance to me as I had a friend of mine, a veteran pilot who was working in Sri Lanka to purchase a 10 year old Cessna 177 which I had refurbished with a brand new engine before it was flown all the way to Sri Lanka in 1979. I used it to commute between my fishing project which is about 225 miles north of Colombo and enjoyed every moment I was up in the air. I sold the aircraft to an Air Lanka pilot about 15 years  ago and it is not airworthy anymore today and is at rest in a hangar in Ratmalana airport a few miles south of Colombo.

I am happy that the improvement in your condition after your stroke has continued and you can be considered to be normal today. It is personal accounts like yours that prove that there is indeed ‘method in my madness’ as although I am not qualified in Homeopathy nor in medicine, the fact remains that I have been successful in helping thousands of patients in the past 8 years since I first joined the Homeopathic Forums while at home I have been helping many patients which I do completely free of charge in my free time. As you are aware, I  do not abide by the classical rules but it is the proof of the pudding that matters and your case is one which no other homeopath would have dared to advise on and it would be safe to state that you are cured.

I note with some concern that you state:

“Currently my workouts are 2 1/2 to 3 hours in duration and very intense. ”

This can be considered as overkill in your case, and you are advised to not tax your body to that extreme level but to maintain a comfortable level of about an hour of exercise daily which will lift your Heart BPM to a maximum of 110 which I consider acceptable for one who had suffered from 3 strokes and is also 55 years of age. I would not advice to consider running as this is another ball game entirely.

You may like to know that I have maintained a 5-6 day weekly routine for over the last 50 years of walking for 15 minutes with a 5lb weight in each hand followed by 30 minutes of cycling with sufficient pressure on the pedals to make me sweat in 10 minutes while lifting my BPM to 100-110.

The idea is to exercise regularly without making up for lost time like you seem to be doing today. I must mention here that the very fact that you have survived the extreme routine you reported proves that you are 99% cured but it is just as well not to push it.

You state:
“In weight training/loss there is no such thing as spot reduction so Nat Phos 6c helped me burn fat on all areas of my body. ”

I am interested in your statement and would appreciate your confirmation that you do use the Nat Phos 6c and not the 6x that I have recommended to reduce weight.

Your observation about the growth of your hair is also of interest and I would recommend the use of Arnica Q in an emulsion with Olive Oil on the scalp hair roots as this has been used by hundreds of patients including myself and this virtually guarantees a good head of hair even at my advanced age.

Keep up the good work Robert but do not push it.


Re: Joepathy for gynecomastiaFrom brijobob on 2011-11-11

Hi Joe,

First let me apologize, I use Nat Phos 6X not 6C. I just Returned from St. Louis last night and after checking my email I sat down to respond to you after the long flight and an even longer week.

Badshah – You asked “Robert, did you experience defecation problems with Nat Phos 6X?”

No, my experience was the opposite. Nat Phos 6X “AIDED” in my daily elimination.

At one point I became concerned that my system would become dependent on it, but that never happened.

I have not used Nat Phos 6x since Joe helped me completely eradicate my gynecomastia.

Joe not to worry about my workout duration or intensity.
Many thanks for your concern though.

I passed the acute phase of recovery a long time ago.

I am no stranger to this type of exercise and rehabilitation.
I have been exercising and studying the effects of exercise on the body since my tender age of 15.

The reason that the workouts are so long is because I do a total body workout. If I miss a muscle group I create an imbalance and my body lets me feel it immediately after I recover from the workout.

As I’m sure you are well aware, muscle growth occurs in the rest phase and I don’t have time to isolate muscle groups since I returned to work.

My body has responded “MAGNIFICENTLY” with the help of Arnica 30c to promote the flow of blood to the muscle groups while recovering.
I don’t know if I mentioned that I also massage the leg muscles with Arnica oil which I found on this site.

You are right in one thing it has been a long time between significant exercise and just trying to maintain myself, but I’m not trying to make up for lost time.

I was using coconut oil and Arnica Q, I read another thread you had with a forum poster on this subject and when I realized this would aid the Arnica 30c I was taking orally I added it to my daily grooming. I didn’t have any olive oil so I used coconut oil.I’ll switch over and see if there is any difference but I am getting great results with the coconut oil.

As for being a “QUALIFIED” homeopath, WHAT is that if not someone with proven results?


Keep up your “GOOD” works Joe.


Re: Joepathy for gynecomastiaFrom Joe De Livera on 2011-11-13

Hi Robert

Thank you for taking on this case which deserves your help as you are advising from your own experience which I must admit is awe inspiring from a curative angle when taken in the context of what you suffered for 8 years and which was resolved very quickly in a few weeks by the Arnica 30c I prescribed in the Wet dose.

I am however concerned on your insistence on intense workouts each of 3 hours duration and I would like to know how often you indulge in them. I do hope that you do them in the Gym where others can help you in any eventuality.

I am surprised to note that David Kempson who usually bugs me on my posts has not commented on the record of your cure and I wonder if he has read this exchange of posts which can give him some food for thought that it is not only his own brand of ‘classical homeopathy’ that can help a patient but my Joepathy too can perhaps even surpass his own concept of Homeopathy based on the Simila Similibus Curantur theory.

I notice that he likes to emphasize the false idea that it is only Hahnemann’s classical homeopathy as contained in the Organon that can cure anyone.

I have always maintained that if he was alive today he may have changed over to Joepathy (This for That) therapy after reading accounts like your own cure.

Re: Joepathy for gynecomastiaFrom Joe De Livera on 2011-11-14

To David

I was wondering if and when you will comment on Robert Ray’s case as you seemed strangely silent these past few days. Your belated response is typical of your previous attitude to the many cases that I have helped and I consider that this case to me is the most satisfying of the many thousands that I have helped on the Homeopathic Forums and at home here in Colombo.

Here is your post which you made on another thread. I presume you did so as you wished to ensure that members of the ABC would not read it as they would otherwise have done if you posted it here on Robert’s thread:

“That patient was not cured of his stroke symptoms. Why would you be offering that case as proof of cure? In fact he needed treatment from other practitioners on this site for a number of other problems.

After the treatment with Joepathy, he still suffered from a Perianal cyst, erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure, difficulty walking without a cane, twitching in the arms, weakness of the legs and right shoulder.

The patient did acknowledge he was helped by Joe’s treatment. However he clearly was not cured.”

You state that the patient was NOT cured of his stroke symptoms. This is typical of your hatred of my Joepathy which anyone who is not obsessively jealous of this Miraculous Cure of a condition that had prostrated Robert since 2002 up to a few months ago, would have applauded. In your case I have often prescribed Lyco to help to clear your brain which seems so filled with Hatred of the singular success that has attended my CURES that you refuse to see the wood for the trees. I do hope that at this late stage you will take my advice.

It is true that Robert has presented other problems which you mentioned but they do not have any connection with his main problem which had rendered him to be a Paraplegic since 2002. It is when anyone deliberately stoops to the levels that you have so far descended down to in your criticism of my Joepathy that even I lose my even keel and am compelled to waste my time to berate you.

Please re-read Robert’s latest report of 11/11/11 where he states categorically that he was CURED of the aftereffects of his STROKE.

Re: Treating Gynecomastia with JoepathyFrom brijobob on 2011-11-11

Hi Joe,

I read your email and I have to thank you and joepathy “TREMENDOUSLY”.

I live in the Pacific Northwest and thanks to your treatment and advice I have been able to resume my career as a Computer consultant.

I am currently working four days a week in St. Louis MO. and returning home on Thursday and flying back on Sunday for my 4 day stint all at company expense with a salary of $125,000.00 per year.

None of this would be possible without your treatment and guidance. I have continued to use Arnica 30c to control my blood pressure which I maintain at 125/70 and I use Arnicated oil to relax my muscles after workouts.
Currently my workouts are 2 1/2 to 3 hours in duration and very intense.

None of this would have been possible without your help.

My gynecomastia has been completely eradicated with the help of Nat Phos 6c to help burn the fat and turn what was a B cup bra size breast into a chiseled chest on a 55 year old man.

With your therapy I was able to train intensely and bring my waist down from 42 inches to 34 inches.

I am proud to announce that I am walking normally again and looking forward to running soon.

You are truly a miracle worker and have my complete confidence.

Re: Joepathy for gynecomastiaFrom Joe De Livera on 2011-11-15
I am copying David’s response to my last post which he has again chosen to hide in another thread which is totally irrelevant to the cure of Robert’s Stroke in the hope that only I will read it.

I believe that he does not have the courage to post it in the obvious position here on this thread as it deals with Robert’s case of CURE after he first got 3 Strokes in 2002.

Re: desperately seeking sleep for reflux baby 13months    From brisbanehomoeopath [Log on to view profile]    on 2011-11-14
There is a simple way to tell if this patient is cured.

Have him stop his daily doses of Arnica.

If the symptoms remain cleared from him, then we have cure. If the symptoms return, then the patient is not cured.

Cure, as defined by homoeopathy, does not need to be maintained by constant applications of a medicine. It is maintained by the healthy vital force, which is in turn made healthy by just a few doses of the simillimum.

Cure is stable, long-lasting and affects the patient on all levels. Homoeopathy sets its yardstick at a high level because it is capable of doing such things.

When homoeopaths present cases for peer review, in order to be called ‘cured’, they also need to show such stable improvement (no tendency to relapse, ongoing maintanence of good health, no new diseases arising except in purely acute or external forms) for at least 12 months and preferably for 24 months.

A case cannot be ‘part-cured’. It is cured (all symptoms are gone) or it is uncured (symptoms remain). During the process of cure you will continue to see symptoms showing, and during this stage you cannot call the case cured even if Direction of Cure is good and suggests cure will happen. Many times patients will get seemingly a long way up this path, only to begin relapsing or displaying new more serious symptoms.

Cure also needs to have definitely come from the remedy. If patients engage in a variety of healing modalities, stop or start other kinds of medication, begin activities known to ameliorate the condition, then this clouds the issue sometimes beyond clarity. In such cases declarations of cure by the medicine would need to be assessed very cautiously.

This is exactly the measure I apply to my own cases before I declare them cured.

I have been asked to publish some of my cured cases in Frans Vermeulen’s new book – the requirements are stringent. I must show 18 months of the patient being improved, across all levels, with no sign of the old pathology or new pathology. No original symptoms can remain in the case.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Mon, 14 Nov 2011 06:54:33 GMT]

Re: Joepathy for gynecomastiaFrom Joe De Livera on 2011-11-15
David has stated:

“There is a simple way to tell if this patient is cured.

Have him stop his daily doses of Arnica.

If the symptoms remain cleared from him, then we have cure. If the symptoms return, then the patient is not cured. ”

I would not dare to request Robert to STOP the Arnica/Nat Phos therapy that he continues to take today as prescribed some years ago. It has not caused him any harm and I do not anticipate that it can possibly cause him any in the future too.

I would consider that it is not in his interest to stop these 2 remedies he is taking today as it is not impossible that his metabolism can again commence the production of the debris in his blood which are now being filtered by my Joepathic therapy.

I am not interested in analyzing the fine details of the word CURE as I have had sufficient evidence direct from Robert that he was CURED by my Joepathy and is back to his normal lifestyle. I must admit however that his insistence of 3 hours of intense training is a matter for concern especially now that he is considering to add Running to his program.

All I wish to ensure is that he continues in his life without any future complications and that he too will live to reach my advanced age of 83 years in about 30 years from now.

Re: Joepathy for gynecomastiaFrom Joe De Livera on 2011-11-15
I am copying a post by Reva V in reply to David which is part of this thread;

Re: desperately seeking sleep for reflux baby 13months
From Reva V    on 2011-11-15
Please show your “cure” (patient) as defined by you. It is not a polisehd publication, but the thread in this forum could be a real reference. You made 6500 post. I would expect alteast 1% of them should have benefited by your definition of “cure”. I will certainly contact them and get thier current health.

For people to live with Arnica, they have very good life after this, including my patients. Yes, you can stop Arnica, put them away from the EMF around us, remove flouride and Chlorine in the water (pre-Hahnemann time), eliminate the toxic chemicals from the every day food intake, give them no pollusion air…. and they will enjoy the cures of Hahnemann after stopping Arnica.

Again, please show your “cures”

Reva V

Re: Joepathy for gynecomastiaFrom Joe De Livera on 2011-11-16
Hi Robert

Thank you for your response to my post which you may not have done if I had not moved it from the thread dealing with the 13 month old baby where David Kempson who entitled himself as the “brisbane homeopath” had chosen to hide his feeble attempt to downgrade my Joepathy which CURED the aftermath of your stroke which had left you a paraplegic for about 6 years.

You have confirmed that in the past 2 years you have returned back to normal life without any impediment and that you are indulging in a 3 hours stint of an intense workout which I hope is not on a daily basis. You stated that you are also considering going a step further by running.

Your reports have given me the greatest satisfaction I have had in the 40+ years that I have been exposed to Homeopathy to know that you are back in harness and that I was in some way connected to your CURE which occurred after I read your post on this Forum and took your case. At that time, I had already helped 2 senior citizens who are now no more, to get back on their feet after some years of living as virtual vegetables as they had both lost movement in their extremities and were consigned to a living death by their children, for some time. I had used Arnica 1M to reawaken their brain and I was able to do so within a couple of weeks into my Joepathy. I mention this term deliberately as I want if known to you and David you will undoubtedly read this post that he would never have used Arnica 1M to treat patients with this condition simply because Hahnemann and his erstwhile followers did not record any CURES of this condition with Arnica 1M in their written texts which both David and I have studied. David refuses to come down to earth and insists that unless we follow the Diktat of the pioneers of Homeopathy to “treat the totality of the symptoms presented by the patient with a single remedy” the poor patient is damned to an existence that is not a cure but is equivalent to a time bomb due to implode in a short time into a far worse state than what he suffered from originally. According to the classical sect the patient enjoyed his  respite from his original state for only a temporary period of time as he would suffer a fate far worse than what you suffered from for 6 long years of Paraplegia. Be warned !

You are now 2 years into your new life and although I am indeed fearful of the possible results of the extreme stress that you are subjecting your body to, the fact that your mind impels you to do so is proof that “All systems are GO” .

You are living proof of the efficacy of my Joepathy.

I am also delighted to learn from your postscript that you have been instrumental in saving the leg of a chronic Diabetic from amputation.

As you are aware, I am in my 83rd year and I am indeed gratified that I have been chosen by my Creator to continue the process of CURE that I have worked out in my own manner which differs from the tenets of classical Homeopathy which David practices which unfortunately do not seem to give the same positive evidence of CURE that my Joepathy does.

I have just noticed that David has posted his long awaited response to you a short while ago, where he states that he has used Arnica himself to help his ‘clients’ but in his own classical manner and not in the manner that Joepathy is used to directly treat the ailment presented by the patient in what has been termed the “This for That” manner.

I have no qualms about the criticism I receive from David today and other classical homeopaths on the ABC and other forums who have criticized me in the past.

I do resent however the disparaging references that David makes to my Joepathy which I use today instead of the standard ‘classical’ homeopathy as I have found, as you too have found, that Joepathy CURES while classical homeopathy rarely if ever, does.

The Treatment of Styes and Chalazions with Arnica

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

Chalazions usually form almost immediately after Styes on the Eyelids. This is due to the lack of blood flow to the hair follicles in the Eye lashes where bacteria that descend on the eyes and are cleared away by the eyelids are not washed away by the blood flow which in a very few individuals is low,  and results in frequent Styes which do not ‘pop’ with the discharge of the pus and soon harden to a Chalazion which has to be scooped out surgically. The hardened mass cannot be treated by any homeopathic remedy and the only solution is to have them scooped out surgically by a competent Opthalmic surgeon.

Arnica will ensure that the formation of Styes is prevented in the future but it will have to be taken on a regular daily basis for some time into the future if the patient like the 15 year old child in this case below is to be free of Styes in the future.


From ridhimakushal on 2011-10-051 replies9 views

i am 15 yrs old and i have got a chalazion about 6-8months ago ihave gone through surgery for 2 times and its still there i have done hot compresses i have also taken homeopathy treatment. and doctore are saying that you need one more surgery and i dont want to go through surgery please help me how can i cure it???
i need your help please please help me. Report post to moderator Re: chalazionFrom Joe De Livera on 2011-10-06Arnica 30c in the Wet dose will ensure that your Chalazions do not recur in the future but unfortunately the one you have today, which you state has been subjected to 2 surgeries, cannot be helped by this remedy. The surgery is not too invasive and will have to be done to finally fix the problem. You must also know that your existing Chalazion is a storehouse for bacteria and there is every chance that more infection can follow from the same bacteria in your lesion which will spread to other follicles of the eye lashes.

The reason is due to the fact that the flow of blood in your eyelids seems to be very low in your case and you would have observed that you suffer from frequent Styes forming in the past due to the invasion of bacteria into the hair follicles of your eye lashes which should normally be dealt with without the formation of yet another sty.

Arnica will increase the blood supply into the eyelids and thereby prevent the formation of yet another Sty which ends up as a Chalazion but you will have to take it for the rest of your life in the manner described below.

You will take a dose which is just a teaspoonful, twice daily for a month and then reduce it to just once nightly to ensure that your Styes will not recur in the future. It is perfectly safe to be taken on a long time basis in the Wet dose and you may like to know that I have taken it myself nightly for the last 16 years as a general ‘tonic’ to the consternation of my classical homeopathic colleagues. I am 82 years old and have proved that Arnica is an amazing remedy which has helped me and many others to maintain my state of health in a manner that no other remedy can possibly equate.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

Do not have your surgery done for at least 10 days after you start on the therapy prescribed above to enable the Arnica to help with clearing up the debris in the hair follicles of your eye lashes.

Report progress from time to time on this Forum.


Re: chalazion From ridhimakushal on 2011-10-06
but how can i get rid of the present chalazion??
Report post to moderator
Re: chalazion From Joe De Livera on 2011-10-06
You will have to get it scooped out by the same Opthalmic surgeon who attended to you in the past. There is unfortunately no alternative to surgery.

The Arnica therapy will guarantee that you do not ever get any more Styes which harden into Chalazions in the future.

The History of the term “Wet dose” which I use exclusively to dispense remedies.

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

I am copying a thread from the ABC where I have traced the origin of the “Wet dose” which I have promoted since 2005 which is unfortunately not used by the majority of Homeopaths throughout the world as they are not aware of its benefits and are not taught about this method of treatment of their patients in their Colleges.

The reader will be interested to learn about the efficacy of the Wet dose and its origins in this article below copied from

Wet dose in demineralized water

From imstree [Log on to view profile]    on 2011-10-03
4 replies    55 views

I have taken my wet dose in spring water….but it was unavailable today so I decided to dilute my granules in demineralized treated water (by reverse osmosis-ozonized).Will my dose still be effective??

Thoughts, and many thanks!

Re: wet dose in demineralized water    From brisbanehomoeopath[Log on to view profile]    on 2011-10-03
It won’t make any difference at all. You can use tap water, spring water, rain water – as long as it is water it will work.

Re: wet dose in demineralized water
From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile]    on 2011-10-03

Glad to note that David Kempson is commenting on the Wet dose which I first listed on the ABC forum in 2005 shortly after I coined the term and gave my reasons for doing so.

What he fails to understand is that the presence of Chlorine in Tap Water will antidote the Homeopathic remedy.

Simple boiling of the water will fix this problem as the Chlorine is liberated by boiling.

It is my hope that David will also follow my lead and give his remedies in the Wet dose precisely as I have prescribed it below:

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

Re: wet dose in demineralized water    From brisbanehomoeopath[Log on to view profile]    on 2011-10-03
The proper name of the ‘wet dose’ is actually the Split Dose, a method outlined in our Organon of Medicine by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann the inventor of homoeopathy. ‘Wet dose’ is actually a poor term for it as it fails to explain what the purpose of the method is (to divide the dose into smaller amounts to reduce aggravation, thus it is ‘split’).

Chlorine in water does not antidote remedies. I have used tap water many times with no diminishing of the power of the medicines at all, as have many patients without asking me about the quality of water to be used. Very few things antidote remedies.

In fact antidoting can only take place if something is given that matches the symptoms of the remedy, in effect curing it through the law of similars.

Re: wet dose in demineralized water
From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile]    on 2011-10-03

I disagree with David on both the points he has made in his response above.

It was Luc who introduced me to the “Watery dose” which he used at that time by inserting either the remedy or the remedy in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol into water. He too called it the “Split dose” and upon further investigation jointly by him and me from my edition of the Organon it stated that the Split dose was made by first dissolving the remedy in a bottle of water to which 20% alcohol was added as the ‘preservative’. A teaspoonful is taken from the ‘preserved’ remedy and inserted into a cup of water and after it is mixed into it, the patient is given a teaspoonful as the dose and the rest of the medicated water is discarded.

I questioned Luc about the reason for this puzzling instruction from the Master and he could not give me an answer as to the reason why the remedy is made into the Watery dose in a 20% solution of Alcohol, from which a teaspoonful is taken and further mixed or diluted in a cup of water from which a teaspoonful is the dose given to the patient. The addition of 20% of neat alcohol into the remedy bottle would make the mixture the equivalent of a stiff drink of alcohol and this admixture too Luc could not figure out. We conjectured that Hahnemann may have himself been inebriated when he included this Aphorism into the Organon !

The point that I was making at that time was that I had discovered that a patient who presented Asthma was not responding to Nat Sulph 6c in the Split dose but he did respond to the Wet dose which is made by inserting 3 drops of the remedy into a bottle of spring water from which a teaspoonful is sipped and we arrived at the term “Wet dose” which I coined with Luc agreeing on this term which I notice he uses himself to describe a remedy made into a bottle of spring water.…

I coined the term “Wet dose” to differentiate it from the Dry dose which usually comprises lactose pellets. This term Wet dose has stuck in the Homeopathic World like my “Joepathy” and a quick search on Google for Wet dose will list over 25000 hits. For the record “Joepathy” lists over 2000 hits.

I would challenge David to disprove that I was the author of the term “Wet dose”.

I have used the term Wet dose in all my posts and notes on making the Wet dose which I use exclusively as I have found that it works far more effectively than the dry pellets.

I would like to copy my post on the ABC below as further evidence of its history:

Preparing the Liquid and Split Dose
From Joe De Livera     on 2006-01-21

I was converted to the Liquid Dose which is also referred to as the Wet or Water dose by Dr Luc de Schepper who was here in Sri Lanka last April to help the survivors of the Tsunami. He referred me to Hahnemann’s Sixth edition where he has recorded this method of using a remedy.

Up to that time I had, in common with other homeopaths throughout the world used the dry globules which are activated by using a few drops of the liquid remedy that you get from the Homeopathic Pharmacies, usually in 10ml plastic bottles with dropper caps.

The liquid dose is made by getting a 500ml bottle of Spring water from a supermarket and it is recommended that the fine type is read to check if the water is from deep bore wells to ensure purity. The water must be free of chlorine.

2 drops of the liquid remedy or 3 globules which are already activated are then inserted into the bottle from which about 50ml has been decanted to provide some air space on top just under the lid.

The bottle is then subjected to violent agitation either by twirling in the hand clockwise and anti c, or the bottle can be banged on the open palm or a cushion to ensure the the water produces bubbles like when opening a bottle of soda. This bubbling is succussion which is the secret of HOmeopathy and raises the potency of the water which is now the liquid remedy every so slightly thereby making the remedy to help cure the ailment better that with the dry dose.

The split dose is used when the trace of the remedy should be very subtle and just sufficient to prod the body to accept it and help cure the ailment like Asthma. The method of using the split dose is to succuss the bottle and take a teaspoonful of the remedy from the bottle and put it into half cup of water from another bottle which is reserved for this purpose. The water is stirred gently and a teaspoonful from the cup is sipped.

I was at first very skeptical about the effect of any remedy which I had been dispensing to patients in the dry dose which was usually 2 gobules taken twice or thrice daily, being powerful enough to help cure anyone when used in the liquid dose and even less in the split dose.

However I must record for the benefit of anyone who reads this post that I have discovered that the Liquid Dose is far more potent than the dry globules to cure any ailment. It is the succussion that makes the liquid remedy to help cure the ailment faster.

I must admit that succussion is mind boggling in its concept but the fact is that it works and the patient is cured.

This is the Miracle of Homeopathy.

As for David’s reference to Chlorine NOT affecting the Homeopathic remedy I have to state here for the purpose of record that I have personally found that tap water when used without boiling to make any Wet dose antidotes the remedy as soon as the 3 drops are mixed into the chlorinated water.