This is an interesting case where I was able to help the patient within 24 hours of the husband indicating the name of the disease that she was suffering from. I had prescribed my default remedy Arnica on the basis of his first report of her ailment but it was only after I was informed that it had been diagnosed as Urticaria that I prescribed the only remedy that will cure it, Urtica Urens 6c in the Wet dose which CURED her within 24 hours as predicted by me.
skin rashes
From sukam55
My wife aged 60 years is suffering from skin rashes for the past one month. She has been taking allopathic,homeopathy and siddha medicines but she is unable to get cured for this illness.
Description of the skin rash:
it is reddish in colour spread all over the body, just like a map drawing. When she takes the allopathic medicine, there is disappearance for about 3 or 4 hours and again reappears. There is severe it ching and the spot where the itching is there, she feels very hot on the spots.
When she takes Avil, it goes and come out again.
The following medicines in Allopathy has been tried, but in vain:
NIZONIDE Tablets 500mg, EBAST 20 mg(Ebastine Tablets) ATARAX(HYDRUXYZINE Hydrocholorde ). Hope all these are antiallegy medicines but she does not get cured with these tablets.
She has visited homeopathy clinics and she is given Sulphur, Rhustox,Lechis,Graphite,Nux Vom and Cantharis,Apis also.
first she had severe itching and swelling in both the hands(palm) and after taking the allopahthy medicines that complaint has gone and again the rash appeared all over the body.
She has applied neem, sandle,all over the body. It is requested that homeopathy experts will help us
hope homeopathy experts will come to our rescue. God bless all of them
Re: skin rashes
From Joe De Livera on 2011-04-23
I note that your wife has been treated with many drugs and Homeopathic remedies but she has not used Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily and also applied directly on the lesions as often as possible.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
It is understood that you will stop all other drugs when using Arnica as prescribed.
Re: skin rashes
From Joe De Livera on 2011-05-18
You can advise her to apply the Arnica water directly on her lesions as often as is possible to enhance the effect of the Arnica she uses orally.
Re: skin rashes
From sukam55 on 2011-05-18
Mr Joe De Livera
Thanks once again for your timely help.
Regarding the dose, can I give my wife 6drops of Arnica 6c in Mineral water, one table spoon three times a day.
should I use Spring water 500 ml. I am again doubtful about this spring water availability in Chennai.
I will check up in Medical shop.
If I get I will do as directed in your note.(i.e) 3 drops of Arnica 6c after pouring out 3cm of water from the bottle and shaking well before taking the same in a large teaspoonful.
Expecting your reply.
God bless you and your family
yours sincerely
Re: skin rashes
From Joe De Livera on 2011-05-18
Please follow the therapy I have prescribed to make the Wet dose precisely as your interpretation of it can lead to some overdosing if you use “6drops of Arnica 6c in Mineral water, one table spoon three times a day.”
Remember that 3 drops are inserted into a 500ml bottle of water and not per table spoon.
If you cannot get Spring water you can use tap water boiled to release the chlorine and preferably filtered.
I am informed that Bisleri water qualifies as Spring Water.
I shall repeat my instructions to make the Wet dose below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user. Edit Re: skin rashes
From sukam55 on 2011-05-18
Mr.Joe De Livera
thanks for your prescription. I will do so.
how many doses are to be given daily.
As per your direction a dose is sipping a capful of the bottle or a large teaspoonful,
Now she will be given the medicine as exactly prescribed by you.
once again thanks for your immediate response.
yours sincerly
Re: skin rashes
From Joe De Livera on 2011-05-18
I have listed the dosage in my first post addressed to you.
“I note that your wife has been treated with many drugs and Homeopathic remedies but she has not used Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily and also applied directly on the lesions as often as possible.”
Re: skin rashes
From sukam55 on 2011-05-18
Thanks for your advice, Mr.Joe De Livera.
We have got the wet dose prepared as per your direction.
Now she has started taking the same.
She is also applying the same on the leision (now appearing on the upperlips). She has decided to go in for this treatment.
I will also give all the details later after she gets cured in this wet dose.
God bless you and your family,
yours sincerely
Re: skin rashes
From sukam55 on 2011-05-19
Mr Joe De Livera
thanks for all the help.
now the rashes have started appearing on the chest and hand of my wife and she has itching. She is applying the wet dose on the leison. She is managing for time being. If it spreads all over the body as happened earlier then it will be a problem again.
She stopped the steriod tablet two days back and now she is trying the wet dose.(Arnica 6 C)
The rashes are not in one place and keeps on spreading now.
She will be able to manage if she does not have the rashes.she is upset and worried that she will get back the rashes again. This wet dose in the proper form is being administered from yesterday only and as of now she has taken 3 doses i.e yesterday night, today morning and afternoon.she has a feeling that steriod is only helping her to get rid of this problem. But taking steriod is not good.
Her lab results are as follows and every thing is normal.
Glucose fasting 99 mg/dl
urea 21
cholestrol 136
calcium 8.9
phosphorous 3.7
haemogobin 10.2 G/dl
Thyroid st hormone 1.9
All the tests such as Anti Nuclear Antibody, Anti Ds DNA,Antiphosplipd etc showed negative
She has been taken to Dr.Patrick, Rtd. professor of Dermotology and he advised to continue Antihistamine medicines for some more time.
But we wanted to go in for this homeomedicine and seek your advice
Expecting your reply
thankig you once again
yours sincerely
Re: skin rashes
From Joe De Livera on 2011-05-19
After having taken only 3 doses of the Arnica you cannot possibly expect her rash to disappear as if by magic.
She will have to take the Arnica for at least a week and we can then consider if my therapy is helping her.
Suggest that you verify whether there is any trigger that set her rash off a month ago. It can be some food or other causative agent which you and your wife will have to identify.
Treating the rash with antihistamines is not the answer.
Increase her dosage of Arnica 6 to 4 times daily.
Re: skin rashes
From sukam55 on 2011-06-05
I wish to inform you that it is a case of chronic urticaria and now my wife is undergoing treatment with a Homeo Dr. who is a retired Medical Officer by name Dr.Lakshmi. She is now responding to her treatment and feels better. She is given Apis mel,secal,ars album, teribinth, ferr phos, nat mur etc. Earlier she was allowed to take antihitamines along with the above treatment.Now she has stopped these also. she stopped the steriod tablets also and now she is on homeo medicines only. her rashes have gone and itching also is reduced to a great extent. When ever she gets light itching at one or two places, she is advised to apply ice pack and it relieves her itching immediately. now the intensity of itching has gone.
hope she will be cured completely shortly.
As we are in Madras, we could find an expert in homeopthy and our approach works well.
thanks for all your immediate response and help.
with regards
Re: skin rashes
From Joe De Livera on 2011-06-05
If you had got her diagnosed and informed me that her problem was Urticaria, I would have prescribed Urtica Urens 6c in the Wet dose.
This would have stopped her itching within 24 hours.
Even today since she still has itching you can give her a teaspoonful.
Re: skin rashes
From sukam55 on 2011-06-07
now she is taking phos 30 and cal phos 30 as prescribed by the homeo Doctor and she has still itching but to a reduced extent.
shall I give her the wet dose of urtica urebs 6 c along with the above medicine.
Re: skin rashes
From sukam55 on 2011-06-07
thanks for all your help. God bless you. it is urtica urens 6 c and not urtica urebs, which is typed wrongly by me.
Re: skin rashes
From Joe De Livera on 2011-06-07
The standard remedy for Urticaria (diagnosed) is Urtica Urens 6c in the Wet dose as prescribed by me.
You should not mix remedies as advised by David. If you find that the Phos and Calc Phos she was prescribed by your homeopath is working stay with it. This depends on how long she has taken it and if she feel some relief.
Otherwise use the Urtica Urens as it usually works in under 24 hours. Like magic !
Re: skin rashesFrom sukam55 on 2011-06-08
thanks for your immediate response.
I will give urtica urens 6c in wet dose and come back to you.
Re: skin rashes
From sukam55 on 2011-06-10
thanks for your guidance. She is now taking urtica urens 6c wet dose only after stopping all other medicines.
yesterday, she took 3 doses and now today also she is continuing.
she had itching on the both of the thys(left and wright)yesterday afternoon. But she controlled her itching by putting ice on the leision and she could get relief.
Usually she gets this itches in the afternoon though she was taking homeo medicines. but she was taking Atorex or Allegra in the night. But she did not take any of these medicine yesterday and she has told me that she will try only your wet dose of Urtica urens 6 c for another one or two days. she has not reported any itching to day upto 2.30PM. Hope she will become free with the medicine.
we believe more in homeopathy as we had lot of experience in these medicines. But this urticaria of her has become a professional challenge now. I am reporting the progress daily for your kind information and further guidance.
We do respect your valuable service to the humanity even at this age. God bless you and your family
thanking you
yours sincerely
Re: skin rashes
From Joe De Livera on 2011-06-10
Your report that she was OK up to 2.30 can indicate that the remedy I prescribed is helping her already.
You can increase the beneficial effect of the Urtica by applying the remedy water directly on her lesions wherever they may be.
Please ensure that you do not contaminate the water by sticking your fingers directly into the bottle. Pour some remedy water into a convenient receptacle and dip your fingers or a small piece of gauze into it and apply it on her lesions.
Report her progress tomorrow morning.
Re: skin rashes
From sukam55 on 2011-06-11
thanks for your immediate response.
yes, your medicine has started working now. After 2.30(yesterday) she had little itchings on the belly. she applied the urtica 6c wet dose on the leision and she had a relief. she told me this application later. But any how she has fallen to your advice before your post came in.
AS on to day(11.6.11), she does not have any further itchings and she is continuing your magic medicine(urtica urens 6 C wet dose).
AS per your advice, she is applying the medicine taking care ( to avoid contamination)
Kindly let us know how long she has to continue this wet dose. Hope she will get permanent cure with your medicine.
I am reporting daily to you about the progress.
God bless you
yours sincerely
Re: skin rashes
From Joe De Livera on 2011-06-11
Glad to note that my Joepathy has worked yet again.
You will observe that you confirmed that she suffered from Urticaria on June 5:
“I wish to inform you that it is a case of chronic urticaria and now my wife is undergoing treatment with a Homeo Dr.”
Up to that date I was not able to prescribe the remedy indicated — Urtica Urens and it is the 6c potency in the Wet dose that I prescribed that helped her in a manner that can be classified as a “miracle”.
She can take this remedy for as long as she finds that it is doing her some good and we can review her case later when I shall tell you to stop.
I would like to recommend that you get Arnica 30c in the Alcohol pack which I would like her to use later after we have stopped the Urtica U.
Please note that this should not be given to her right now.
Re: skin rashes
From sukam55 on 2011-06-11yes please. It is a miracle and you are the greatest person behind this.
I will get Arnica 30 later as advised by you.
now she is taking urtica uren 6c wet dose for some more time. (till you advise to stop)
I will be keeping you posted then and there about her progress. To day there is no itching as well as no rashes.
may god bless you