Posts for February 2016

By Joe February 1st, 2016, under Uncategorized


By Joe January 31st, 2016, under Uncategorized

I am copying my response to a visitor who inquired if I can suggest any treatment for the Zika Virus

Santa Ram says:
January 29, 2016 at 12:32 PM (Edit)
I came to know that you have suggested homeo remedies precautionary medicines for many viral epidemics. Your service to the mankind is greatly appreciated by many. Can you suggest a prevent the ZIKA virus which is spreading in Brazil. You might have find a precautionary homeo remedy to prevent this virus. Kindly tell that in this forum to help thosands of people.

Best Regards
Santa Ram

Joe says:
January 29, 2016 at 2:41 PM (Edit)
I have already alerted various news services that Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose which I have used extensively to CURE Dengue and other Viral infections, may also be used as a prophylactic to treat ZIKA for which medical science has no remedy to treat it.

The ZIKA virus is the same genus as the Dengue virus known as the FLAVIVIRUS and it is of interest that this virus has some affinity to the Brain where in the case of Dengue, Hemorrhagic Fever and Encephalitis can result. This ZIKA virus causes Microcephaly and prevents the brain of the Foetus from developing normally and this unfortunate phenomenon is usually known after the baby is born and does not respond normally.

Right now, there is no Cure or Prophylactic to treat or prevent the spread of this ZIKA virus by the same mosquito that is responsible for the spread of Dengue fever which is at Epidemic levels in Sri Lanka. I have tried very hard to spread the word that Dengue can be cured and eventually eradicated in Sri Lanka and have been quoted in all the National Dailies as having the CURE for Dengue. I have treated over 1000 patients either directly or indirectly with my remedy which I give in 500ml bottles of medicated water in the “Wet Dose” which is a term I coined 10 years ago and is now accepted internationally as you can see by Googling “Wet Dose”.

It will be true to state that I have cured over 1000 patients in Sri Lanka, the majority of whom were children, whose parents were fortunate to learn that I have the cure for Dengue, and are always welcome to contact me in office or in my residence for this remarkable cure of Dengue which I give free of charge. It has been found to cure Dengue in about 6 hours when the patient who sometimes is in a coma and is at that last stage on a IV drip and Oxygen, wakes up with the fever and the headache gone. The Platelet count rises by 2500 every hour and the patient always demands water which the body demands but is unfortunately not given in hospitals.

I have distributed bottles of medicated water to many doctors who have all reported remarkable cures of Dengue patients which some considered as miraculous. They were all unfortunately not permitted to use my therapy by the Sri Lanka Medical Council and the spread and the fatalities of Dengue march on.

In the case of the ZIKA virus we do not have any reported cases so far in Sri Lanka but it is only a matter of time before this virus will be imported by a visitor to an infected country, and I hope and pray that an antidote will be discovered in the very near future.

In the meanwhile I would urge that Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c in the Wet dose is taken by all expectant mothers if and when the ZIKA virus hits Sri Lanka, as there is every chance that it can help to prevent this virus from harming unborn children.

It must be used to CURE Dengue and is available free of charge from me.

76 year old reports CURE of problems in a month.

By Joe January 22nd, 2016, under Uncategorized

This is the story of a patient 76 years of age who suffered from various medical problem who reported that he was CURED of them all in just a month.
Theo says:
December 18, 2015 at 12:39 AM (Edit)
Joe De Livera:

As you suggest, I am posting here a question I asked you at the “Homeopathy and More” forum. I hope I am placing this post in the correct place. At the other forum, you will find a completed “patient questionnaire” at

I am asking today about elevated blood pressure (labile hypertension). Several decades ago, my average blood pressure was 145/90, sometimes higher. At that time, a physician prescribed Triam/HCTZ 37.5-25 twice daily, later reduced to once daily, which I continue to this day. Currently, average blood pressure is 130/75, average pulse 62.

Because I have been taking the diuretic for so many years, I am concerned about what damage it may be doing to the bladder or other organs. In other words, by inducing the body to rid itself of fluids more than it would normally do, am I harming anything?

Accordingly, I am hopeful there might be a homeopathic remedy which will help me maintain average blood pressure at about 130/75 without adverse side affects.

I am 76 years old, weigh 165 pounds (about 75 kilos), in good health other than this issue and a benign, enlarged prostate mentioned in my earlier query to you for which I am now following “joepathy”. I walk or bicycle two or more miles (about 3 kilometers) a day. I eat a well-balanced, healthy diet, virtually no sugar; one glass of red wine daily with a meal. I sleep well. I have not smoked for four decades. I live a quiet life with my wife of 51 years.

Thank you.

Joe says:
December 18, 2015 at 9:24 AM (Edit)
Apis 6c
Nat Mur 200c
Nat Phos 6x

It is possible that the root cause of your Prostate problems was the drug you have taken for decades Triam HCTZ which is a combination of a drug to reduce pressure and a Diuretic. You have survived for 76 years and are fortunate that your current problem is only your BP and Prostate for which I have already prescribed.


Your remedies are:

Apis 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily to act as a Diuretic .
Nat Mur 200c in the WD taken thrice daily to treat your BP
Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken immediately after every meal to reduce your weight at 1Kg per week.

You are already on my therapy for Prostate which you will continue to take as prescribed. You will leave half hour between remedies. This does not apply to Nat Phos 6c.

You will report your BP in 3 days after you have started on my prescription which I hope can get your own Digital BP Gauge to enable you to check your BP twice daily.

Theo says:
December 18, 2015 at 7:49 PM (Edit)
Sir: Thank you for your response. Today, I am ordering the remedies you suggest. When I receive them, I will take them as you instruct for blood pressure. I will also continue taking the Arnica 6c and Conium 6c wet dose for prostate. I will keep you informed. When I begin your blood pressure regime, unless you instruct me here differently, I will stop taking Triam/HCTZ 37.5-25.

Theo says:
January 4, 2016 at 9:11 PM (Edit)
Sir: After four days on the Blood Pressure remedies you suggested (and off Triam/HCTZ) , my average BP is 129/74. I plan to continue following this regimen indefinitely. Thank you so much for your guidance.

Joe says:
January 4, 2016 at 10:04 PM (Edit)
Glad to learn that your BP without any drugs dropped down to 129/74.

I cannot understand the reason why your consultants gave you this powerful drug when my simple and safe therapy has replaced it and that without any side effects whatever.

You will have to take all the remedies I have prescribed twice daily but in about 2 weeks you will stop the Apis and observe and report your BP without the diuretic.

I hope you have read my article “Pill Popping Culture”

I would like to inquire if you are doing any regular exercise as this is essential for your problem.

Theo says:
January 5, 2016 at 5:31 AM (Edit)
Sir: I too am gladdened by the results of your therapy. As I wrote earlier (perhaps on the other forum), I particularly wanted to stop taking Triam/HCTZ lest it cause unintended harm after so many years. As you are aware, the medical establishment in the USA (where I live) are generally not receptive to homoeopathy or other non-allopathic therapies, which explains the prescription for Triam/HCTZ.

In about two weeks I will stop the Apis, and then after about two more weeks, report my average BP here again. (By “average” I mean, I take several BP readings over the course of a day every day for a week or so, and then calculate the average of those readings.)

I walk or bicycle two to five miles daily (3 to 5 kilometers) as well as work outside regularly.

Theo says:
January 22, 2016 at 2:48 AM (Edit)
My average BP with Apis & NatMur (and Arnica), all in Wet Dose and in dosages you recommended, is 120/70. Average BP without Apis is 123/73. I am happy with either of those. Also, the prostate is doing fine (measured by frequency and ease of urination). I have stopped the Conium temporarily (so as not to “confuse” Apis and NatMur regimen). After a while, and if it seems necessary, I will resume the Conium. Thank you again for your help! I am very grateful to you.


Glad to note that in just over a month, your Hypertension from which you were suffering for “several decades” has stabilised and you have stopped the drug which also incorporates a Diuretic and replaced it with my therapy.

I believe that I have given you the link to my article which was featured as the Editorial of our Daily newspaper in Sri Lanka and you will now live your life without any drugs, in the manner that I do at 86 years of age and I too do a daily exercise routine including a slow jog for 15 minutes followed by exercise on my TRUE prone type exercise cycle with my mind focussed on YouTube listening to Piano Music to remind me of the days when I used to practice for 2 hours daily but had to give up when I discovered that I was not able to maintain the same high standard I was used to many years ago. I too drink some wine immediately after exercise and this helps to reduce that feeling of tiredness after exercise which I do around 8.00PM at home with the jog in the lawn in my residence which is a luxury for Colombo, where I live overlooking a park..

I too am very fit and I started the jog sometime ago when I discovered that the Whey Protein I started to take twice daily at that time seemed to help the quality of my life. I eat small quantities and avoid carbs and my BP is 120/75, Pulse 65 at rest although I pump it up to 110 during exercise. My Lipid Profile is below normal and I was surprised to discover that my Fasting Blood Glucose level was 51 which is extremely low and was the reason for my Hiccup which I had a year ago for 8 days 24×7 and which my doctor could not cure till I took a teaspoonful of sugar which stopped it in a minute (after 8 days hiccuping)!!!

I have NOT taken any drug since 2008 when I was in surgery for a Hernia repair and hope to continue this record in the future.

I would recommend that you too start taking Whey Protein (without any steroids) as this will improve your quality of life. Feel free to consult me for any medical problems you may encounter in the future and I wish you well.

Treatment of PSORIASIS copied from ABC dating back to August 2005

By Joe January 13th, 2016, under Uncategorized

I am copying a thread on the ABC on Psoriasis which dates back to August 2005.
Many who read this post may not be aware of what Psoriasis is all about and I felt that I should copy it in its entirety on my Website to be a permanent record of what can be considered as treatment for this very difficult condition to resolve.

AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis

From shilpasehtiya on 2005-08-21
33 replies
hi all,
I am shilpa sehtiya from punjab.i was suffering from psoriasis for 3-4 years. But now it is somehow suppressed. I have taken homeopathy medicines for 1 whole year along with aloevera products from Forever living products.

homeopathic medicines were:
sulphur 30
sepia 30
graphites 200
petroleum 30
Arsenic album 30
all these one dose a day

and silicea 1M once a week

along with that i have taken aloevera gel
and aloe propolis cream from forever living products.

at present i have not got any prominent marks of psoriasis.

but as now with changing weather i am again getting the symptoms of this disease.

I drop this detail here so that i can help someone.
and also I want some suggestions to stop my growing disease.

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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From Joe De Livera on 2005-08-22
Which of the remedies you listed above are you taking today ?
Which remedy did you discover was the most effective ?

I would suggest that you use Arnica 6c in the Split Dose made up as follows:
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from your nearest supermarket.
Pour out 100ml
Drop in 3 pellets or 1 drop of liquid Arnica 6c into the 400ml water
Cap the bottle tightly and succuss it 4-6 times by banging on your palm and look out for the air bubbles to fizzle up from the bottom.
Pour out 1 teaspoonful of the potentized remedy into half a cup of pure water and stir it gently.
Sip just 1 teaspoonful of the water from the cup twice daily.

Please note that the water in the cup should be used almost immediately as it seems to lose its effectiveness if kept over.

Please report any response in your Psoriasis either positive or negative after you have taken the Arnica 6c for a week.

Stop all other remedies that you are now taking if you use the Arnica 6c.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From Minsa on 2005-08-22
I have asked patients with Psoriasis to use aloe gel – not the bottled stuff, but gel from the plant. It makes a tremendous difference. Aloe is one of the wonder plants and has such positive effects on the skin – I wish everyone would grow the plant and use as ness – wonderful for burns too. Eating a small piece of aloe for a week at a time is good too- however, it should be ‘peeled’, since the outer grren bit will cause diarrhoea (I am interested, though, in knowing a) if, used homeopathically, it’d cure diarhoea b)the action on a constipated person. It’d have to be taken in tiny bits tho – the green bit for diarrhoea, I mean. Far as the gel goes, about a half inch square is enough to start with, going upto an inch square.
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to: minsa From Joe De Livera on 2005-08-22
I have observed that a patient who was suffering from Psoriasis all over his body was helped with Arnica 6c Split Dose. I cannot state that he is completely cured but he does feel far more comfortable with the Arnica than ever before. His lesions are less defined and the itchiness is gone and it is possible that he will be cured in a few months.

I do hope that shilpashetiya can also benefit from this treatment.

I had tried the Arnica 6c dry dose but this did not help the patient who responded within a week to the Split Dose which I must confess is mind boggling in its effectiveness. I cannot rationally work out how when the dry dose does not work or may even cause aggravation, the Split Dose works like magic.

This is the thrill of Homeopathy.

A question for you.

Have you cured any cases of Psoriasis and if so what are the remedies you used ?
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From shilpasehtiya on 2005-08-22
dear joe and minsa
thanx for replying.
i want to state that i am not a homeopath practitioner. i am just a patient of psoriasis. At present only 0.01% of my body is affected by psoriasis. only my elbows and scalp. otherwise i have some marks on whole body but no any leisons. I just want to get rid of these ugly elbows.

and dear joe, the way u have explained about the medicine, i am unable to understand. first tell me what is spring water and then how to succuss.
Is this medicine ok for such a low percent of disease? Are you a doctor? please give details.
actually i dont want to take risk somehow.

thank you.
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To: Shilpasehtiya From Joe De Livera on 2005-08-22
My last post was not addressed to you. I had adddressed it to Minsa.

Spring water is the drinking water that you can buy from any supermarket. Check the small print to verify if the water is sourced from underground springs.

I am not a doctor as are most who term themselves as such when they get a diploma in Homeopathy. I have however about 30 years of close study of Homeopathy and 20 years of active involvement in helping others.

You do not have to risk your life by using Arnica 6c that I prescribed although many people that used it reported very positive results.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From walkin on 2005-08-22
The worst case pf Psoriasis I ever treated , had to stand on a sheet when she undressed to catch the scales that dropped off her skin .

It took two years to clear it and I used only high potencies of nosodes.
Did not touch Arnica.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From Minsa on 2005-08-23
Sulphur, Psorinum, Thuja, Petroleum – not all together or all on the same patient, but depending on the person’s symptoms and traits.
Joe, I would be worried if anything I gave for a long-term problem caused the problem to vanish or ameliorate too quickly – may seem contradictory, but I believe in removing from root, not pushing in.
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To: Minsa From Joe De Livera on 2005-08-23
I too have used Sulphur, Psorinum, Ars Alb with some degree of success for Psoriasis patients. None of these remedies seemed to show signs of helping to ameliorate the lesions after a few weeks use, but with the addition of my favourite remedy Arnica 30c Split Dose, there was a perceptible amelioration of the patient’s condition.

It is reported that the possible cause of Psoriasis may be due to the absorption of some part of the food which is normally not absorbed and is sent out to the colon, being absorbed into the body. I prescribed Nat Phos 6x on the basis that it would help to accelerate the passage of food through the gut thereby reducing the possibility of full absorption of the elements in the food that may have been the cause of the Psoriasis. I cannot state that it worked but it certainly helped. I would like others too who read this post to please experiment with Nat Phos 6x, Arnica 30c in addition to other remedies for Psoriasis and record their findings.

I agree with you that in the case of a long term ailment like Psoriasis it would not be wise to stop the problem immediately but this does not happen with Psoriasis which is usually treated with Corticosteroids and other dangerous drugs which usually make a bad situation infinitely worse.

However an interesting case of cure to follow up your point is that of my curing many Asthma patients who had been using inhalers sometimes 2 types twice daily (4 puffs). I have been able to ‘cure’ them in a few weeks and they are all off their puffs. Those who were mild were surprised to discover that their problem did not recur after a week but others who were chronic had to use the remedy Nat Sulph 6c Split dose for a few months.

None of these cases showed any problem with Eczemawhich is supposed to follow if this condition is treated successfully and ‘cured’ suddenly.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From Minsa on 2005-08-24
Yeah, maybe its worth a try – anything that can help anyone is worth a try. May I make a suggestion to you, Joe? Start documenting your cases – as in keep records of history, prescriptions, and LONG-TERM follow-up. That will increase the value of your suggestions tremendously – you will have an answer to the commonest concern to quick-fix solutions. And, if any problems come out over a period of time, you can use these as a learning experience. I hope you will take this in the spirit its meant.
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to: minsa From Joe De Livera on 2005-08-24
I already have a list of ailments that I have prescribed Arnica for which I have recorded in Excel format and I have recently posted this list on 2 Forums. I believe I entitled it " The varied uses of Arnica”

I am simply amazed that this remedy which I consider a Miracle Remedy can can be used for so many varied uses ranging from a chronic Headache to ED. The thrill is when other remedies have failed and Arnica delivers the goods.

I hope others like you will also use it experimentally whenever you are not sure of which remedy to prescribe. This was the case with my first patient with ED and as I stated at that time, he was all smiles on the morning after.

I believe that it is important that those of us who are dedicated to helping anyone in distress who seek homeopathic assistance should do so freely and what is more important is that we should share our ‘discoveries’ in the use of remedies with each other on forums such as this and so that this precious science may progress with new ideas instead of remaining the private preserve of the so called ‘classical’ homeopaths from whom I attracted so much flak in the recent past.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From Minsa on 2005-08-25
Yes,I’m aware of that, Joe – what I am suggesting is to keep individual histories and records of patients, and insist that they continue to give you feedback over a long period of time(we all know how difficult that is) – and I mean LONG term. That will provide a more detailed pattern for you and all who are willing to follow your suggestions. I would definitely try your suggestion of Arnica for, say, a sleeping problem, but I feel no remedy should be used constantly – or be required to be used constantly – but that’s only my opinion. One more thing – you will find that Arnica 200 1M will ALSO promote sleep (I have seen this in patients who take it for injuries/ physical trauma) – and probably other potencies as well. Of course this is just for info – I realise you can’t suggest high potency use every day. Similarly, except for a few remedies that have contrary action in high or low potency,most remedies can be used in potencies other than the ideal (to the practitioner, anyway) – by adjusting the frequency of dosage. IMO, better to use whatever you have, even a close remdy than none, unless its no great hardship – in which case, why take a remedy at all?
Sorry – rambled on too much!
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To Minsa Re using Arnica daily From Joe De Livera on 2005-08-25
The ideal would be for everyone who uses a remedy prescribed on the forum to have the courtesy of noting the response good or bad on the forum after using the remedy prescribed for a few days.

Unfortunately this is very rarely done by the majority of patients and I am quite used to this lack of response which I interpret to be positive and that the patient was helped by the remedy. This is human nature for you but it would be nice if people who post their ailments on this forum remember that we who like to help them with our experience in the use of Homeopathic remedies would also like to have their feedback as it is through this learning process that we too know that any given remedy has helped.

I note that you do not recommend the use of any remedy on a daily basis. This is precisely the theory that I too was lead to believe as the ‘truth’ but it is only after taking Arnica nightly for almost 10 years that I have come to the conclusion that this is perhaps the only remedy that can be used in this manner. The proof of its efficacy can be seen if you see my photograph as people who meet me cannot believe that I am 76 years old. If you will please give me your email address, I can send it to you.

I have carried out tests by stopping this remedy some months ago and discovered that after about a week off the Arnica, I was beginning to feel not quite as vibrantly live and by the end of the third week, I was getting aches and pains in my body and was not feeling like doing my daily 45 minute walk in the park opposite my residence in Colombo. My BP also increased from 120/80 10mm upwards. I then stopped my experiment and started back on the Arnica and in a week was back to square one.

As I said before, I feel that Arnica is indeed the one remedy that can be considered a Miracle remedy which can be used daily.
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.

ica daily From Joe De Livera on 2005-08-25
The ideal would be for everyone who uses a remedy prescribed on the forum to have the courtesy of noting the response good or bad on the forum after using the remedy prescribed for a few days.

Unfortunately this is very rarely done by the majority of patients and I am quite used to this lack of response which I interpret to be positive and that the patient was helped by the remedy. This is human nature for you but it would be nice if people who post their ailments on this forum remember that we who like to help them with our experience in the use of Homeopathic remedies would also like to have their feedback as it is through this learning process that we too know that any given remedy has helped.

I note that you do not recommend the use of any remedy on a daily basis. This is precisely the theory that I too was lead to believe as the ‘truth’ but it is only after taking Arnica nightly for almost 10 years that I have come to the conclusion that this is perhaps the only remedy that can be used in this manner. The proof of its efficacy can be seen if you see my photograph as people who meet me cannot believe that I am 76 years old. If you will please give me your email address, I can send it to you.

I have carried out tests by stopping this remedy some months ago and discovered that after about a week off the Arnica, I was beginning to feel not quite as vibrantly live and by the end of the third week, I was getting aches and pains in my body and was not feeling like doing my daily 45 minute walk in the park opposite my residence in Colombo. My BP also increased from 120/80 10mm upwards. I then stopped my experiment and started back on the Arnica and in a week was back to square one.

As I said before, I feel that Arnica is indeed the one remedy that can be considered a Miracle remedy which can be used daily.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From Minsa on 2005-08-26
Joe, just mailed you.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From evenmart on 2005-09-12
I was going thru the forum. I am a psoriasis suffere since 15 yrs. I’ve tried homepathy but since I was in uae where homepopathy was not permiited I could n’t get a better follow up and stopped. Aloe vera I have tried and has not helped much.

Now the lesions are very extensive all over the body and was seen by a homeopath 3 days back and started with ars. album fior one week. Then he decides what to give later. What are the food restrictions while having homeo medicines can someone help?
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From Joe De Livera on 2005-09-12
Psoriasis is a difficult ailment to be cured even with Homeopathy.

I am glad that you have seen a Homeopaht in your city and it is best that you count on his expertise to cure you.

The only restrictions are Coffee, Cola drinks and preserved meats containing saltpeter all of which antidote the remedy.

Please record your progress on this forum with details of the treatment.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From evenmart on 2005-09-17
Joe, Thank u
what is best emollient I can use, (Olive oil, vaseline, petroleun gelly … ????)
I have severe itching.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From Joe De Livera on 2005-09-17
I do not think that any of the emollients that you listed can help.

I would like you to use Arnica 30c in the wet dose in the manner that I have detailed above and use it twice daily and report your response in a week.

There is a possibility that it can help as I have used it often to help chronic cases of Eczema which although it is different can also help Psoriasis.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From evenmart on 2005-09-17
can I take arnica with other medication,as i told i am on ars. album.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From Joe De Livera on 2005-09-17
I note that you are on a week’s course of Ars A. Suggest you keep on this therapy and use the Arnica next week in the wet dose.

In the case of Psoriasis there is no specific remedy for this ailment. You have stated that you have suffered from it from age 15 but did not state how old you are now. Also we do not know if you are M or F.

Homeopathy has cured many cases but each person is distinctly different from another and in most cases it is a case of experimenting with remedies which have been known to help the ailment.

You must be patient and we will all try to help you to overcome it.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From evenmart on 2005-09-18
I’m 39 yr old female, indian, and have psoriasis since 15 yrs, Obese. Also it started after coming to Abu Dhabi, where I have to adopt a very diffierent life style from which I was brought up. lesions are very extensive, both in body and scalp and most of the time handful of scales can be taken while changing dress.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From evenmart on 2005-09-20
I have taken a course of injection enbrel,TN alpha antagonist and help a lot to clear the lesions, will it be ok if can take those inj. with the homeo medicines. this is because of the suffering
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From Joe De Livera on 2005-09-20
I am indeed concerned at the suffering you are now undergoing but I feel that it may also be in some way due to the medication including injections that you are now using. I doubt very much that these injections can be of any assistanct to you as you would no doubt have realized by now. Psoriasis cannot be treated with drugs including steroids and at best they can only help with a temporary reduction of the severity of your ailment which invariably recurs with increasing discomfort when you are compelled to stop them.

I do not state that I can cure your condition but there are many who have successfully cured this ailment and if you are prepared to use remedies that I and other can suggest we can start whenever you are ready to stop all other drugs, injections and remedies that you are now using. Homeopathic remedies will only help when used alone and you are only wasting your time using them with the injections that you are now undergoing.

When you are ready to start again please contact us.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From evenmart on 2005-09-20
Thank u for the concern. I think I did not mention clearly. I took those injections (ENBREL) in May-June period. 28 doses only. Since it is expensive, ($300/each) I could not continue. Then in July the lesions started appearing and since two weeks it is very extensive.

I started homeo med. only on 9 Sept. 05. and I am not on any other medicines. and my problem is my homeopath is a visitor to this part and not available always. Now he left two days back will come only in Nov. Also he asked to stop ars. alb and gave some high potency med, as he said and it is not named. so I do not know what it is.I will try to get the neame from him.
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to joe– From nupur on 2006-04-21
Hello Joe—

U r really a very humble person to share ur precious knowledge.

Dear Joe–I have one patient of mine–who is suffering from erythodermic psoriasis. He is having redness, visible flaking and only on the exposed areas–like face, hands and legs. He is not having much of itching.He was given Nat Mur 200 2 dose by our Sir– which gave him a very temporrary relief.
Now he is on biochemic kali-phos 6x bd. He is a very nice gentleman who rarely complains although he is still the same. I want to help him–with his condition for which i need ur expertise.

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to joe– From nupur on 2006-04-21
Hello Joe—

U r really a very humble person to share ur precious knowledge.

Dear Joe–I have one patient of mine–who is suffering from erythodermic psoriasis. He is having redness, visible flaking and only on the exposed areas–like face, hands and legs. He is not having much of itching.He was given Nat Mur 200 2 dose by our Sir– which gave him a very temporrary relief.
Now he is on biochemic kali-phos 6x bd. He is a very nice gentleman who rarely complains although he is still the same. I want to help him–with his condition for which i need ur expertise.

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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From justmebyanyname on 2006-04-21
Hey there… Your topic line just caught my eye. Looks like the experts have probably taken care of you, but just thought I would mention that on another forum someone mentioned using ‘honey water’ (3 parts water with 1 part honey) for rinsing hands to cure a skin disease. Figure it couldn’t hurt you and might help. Good Luck!
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From Joe De Livera on 2006-04-22
To Nupur,

After he has finished with his course of the remedies he is now taking, I would suggest the use of Arnica 30 (wet dose) dose 1 teaspoonful bd, and Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets bd.

As you no doubt are aware, the treatment of Psoriasis is extremely difficult and I doubt that it can ever be cured. It can only be controlled without the steroids used in medicine and the Homeopathic remedies used can never cause any side effects.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From walkin on 2006-04-23
Sorry Joe , have to disagree .
Psoriasis CAN be cured homeopathically.
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Psoriasis can be cured. From Joe De Livera on 2006-05-04
I would like to share another discovery that I have made with members about curing Psoriasis which as everyone knows is extremely difficult.

I had used the whole gamut of remedies listed on this thread and the patient would react for a time positively when his lesions would be eased but they would return again and another remedy would be used with the roughly the same result.

I was aware that Psoriasis was caused by some imbalance in the gut which absorbed some constituent of the food that was harmful to the body, specifically the skin, and while Arnica and Sulphur and Aloe and other remedies were effective for a time they could not cure the problem.

It occurred to me that a change of diet could be the key to a cure and I persuaded my patient to go on a strict vegetarian diet which completely excluded all food like meat, fish, milk alcohol etc.

I am delighted to record that the Psoriasis vanished within about 2 months.

The patient in now on Arnica 6c in the wet dose (not split) taken twice daily and Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after meals and is exclusively on a strict vegetarian diet which I believe was the secret to his cure. He feels that this is a small price to pay to be rid of his Psoriasis which he had suffered for the last 30 years of his life. He has lost about 5kg in weight and looks very fit. His skin is smooth and there are no lesions visible and he does not have that constant itch.

I would recommend this therapy to others who may read this post as a strict vegetarian diet is not really difficult to observe and is the key remedy to alleviate the suffering caused by Psoriasis.

I would invite anyone who uses this therapy to please report their response on this forum.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From shiva_dba on 2006-05-30
Hi Shilpa… Nice to hear from you. Thanks a lot. I got boost up my confidence. I m suffering from 12 years. But i dont know how to use the medicine stated above. Could you please mail me how to use them individually? I m presently working as an Oralce DBA for an MNC. Age 26. Height 5.4′. I joined this group to marry a psoriatic gal from India so that we can share our feelings well rather than normal people. No one can assure that the normal people will accept them at every point of life. If at all the normal person insults us, we cant digest that. Thats the reason for marrying a Psoriatic gal. Its ok, I fedup with all the medicines. But nothing could result the permanant cure. Its ok, Please mail me. I wait for ur suggestion.

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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From eroys on 2006-08-09
I tried to source Arnica 6c in New Delhi, India to try out the Split Dose method for my Psoriasis problem — but no luck. Nobody has heard of Arnica 6c. They keep asking if I meant Arnica 6x.

Any solutions?
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From Joe De Livera on 2006-08-09
I am indeed very surprised to learn that Arnica 6c is not available in New Delhi. It is possible that you did not check with a few Homeopathic Pharmacies for it and you will find it. The 6x may not be a sufficiently high potency to help with Psoriasis.

As I have stated above, if you wish to get positive results, change your diet to vegan and see the results in a few weeks.

You can supplement this diet with Arnica 6c in the wet dose taken twice daily as it will also help but it is the complete change in your diet that will help.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From eroys on 2006-08-09
Hi Joe. Multi thanks for this.

Will definitely do as you say.

Is there an equivalent in x potency for Arnica 6c in this case which I can readily procure in Delhi?

I have been suffering from Psoriasis on the skin, scalp and nails for the last 3 years and have been taking arseniciodatum with limited success.

I am at a stage now where I do not have any scales on the skin, just postules which bleed when scratched and severe itching when i change clothes.

I am praying that your split dose method will help me get some relief.
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Re: AloeVera is also an alternative for psoriasis From sbdas on 2016-01-13
Psoriasis of Elbows take on alternate weekly one dose of MEDORRHINUM 200 and SYPHILINUM 200.
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Posts for January 2016

By Joe January 1st, 2016, under Uncategorized

Posts for December 2015

By Joe December 1st, 2015, under Uncategorized

Historical record of how I discovered that Arnica helped to reduce the Blood Sugar level of Diabetics:

By Joe November 25th, 2015, under Uncategorized

Historical record of how I discovered that Arnica helped to reduce the Blood Sugar level of Diabetics:

It seems a great pity that Homeopaths are not using this information in the treatment of Diabetic patients merely because there is no reference to Arnica in their classical texts used in Homeopathic Colleges.

Re: Diabetes From turningpoint on 2006-10-20
Dear Joe,
One of my friend is diabitic and I showed him your post,he started to take therapy posted by you and his BS came down to 190 from 250+ in 1 week’s time!!!He is going to meet his doctor on Monday and will ask him to cut his dosage as BS has gone down.He is NOT taking insuline but taking tabs(allopathy).He has told me to pass on his best wishes for you so please accept it dear Joe.
For how long he should take cinnamon powder and Arnica 30C 1 teaspoon?He takes Cinnamon powder once in a day,will that do?(to avoid acidity he takes once in a day).
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Re: Diabetes From Joe De Livera on 2006-10-21
The experience of your friend is quite standard and is exactly the response that others who have used this therapy have also experienced.

Quite frankly it even amazed me when I first was informed of this phenomenon from my first patient who was a type I diabetic to whom I had given Arnica 30c to help cure his wound on his toe. He was a doctor himself and was injecting himself 4 times daily. When he discovered that his BS had plumetted he rang me up and inquired what sort of magic pill I had given him as his BS had dropped in a manner that it had never done before.

Your friend can continue with the Arnica 30 therapy which I presume he is taking in the wet dose, a teaspoonful twice daily. He must reduce the standard drugs he is using for his problem if his BS goes down below 100 as otherwise he can go into Hypoglycemia which is a dangerous state to be in as he will feel very tired and may even pass out till he is given some sugar immediately.

As for the Cinnamon powder, if he can control his diabetes with the Arnica alone he need not use it. OK to use in just once daily.

I do hope that my critics will read this post to know the benefits of what they call Joepathy.
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Re: Diabetes From bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-21
It could be the Cinnamon powder that is helping.

Anyway, as Joe suggests try with Arnica alone, and let us know the result.

If your friend has heart enlargement, and is taking blood thinners, it may be dangerous to continue Arnica forever.

See the thread ‘Arnica-is it a safe remedy.’

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Re: Diabetes From bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-21

The thread is

‘Is Arnica safe for everybody?’

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Re: Diabetes From Joe De Livera on 2006-10-21

Can you please explain the reason why you warn about not using Arnica if one is taking any drugs for thinning the blood ?

As you know Arnica is in itself a blood thinner and I cannot quite figure out your advice.

You may like to know that I have many who have discovered that they have turned over a new page in their lives with a nightly dose of Arnica and would urge you to also use it for just 2 weeks and experience the difference it can make in your life.

No Coffee of course.

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Re: Diabetes From bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-21
Arnica may increase the risk of bleeding. If you have diabetes or use anticoagulants (blood thinners) or antiplatelet drugs and are considering using arnica, discuss this with a health care professional. It may be necessary to stop taking arnica before some surgeries.


Dear Joe

Arnica along with the allopathic blood thinners,may make the blood too thin,and there is the risk of uncontrolled bleeding,in case of injury/operations.

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Re: Diabetes From Joe De Livera on 2006-10-21
Dear Murthy,

As you may remember I was in surgery for my prostate in 2002 exactly 4 years ago on my 73rd Birthday. You may like to know that I prepared myself by taking Arnica 30c which was the only potency that I had with me which I had taken to the US where I had gone to visit my grandchildren, twice daily on the day before surgery and also a few hours before surgery. I woke up with the usual dangle of IV tubes and promptly ordered the nurse to remove the Morphine which was part of the IV network. She just plain refused to do so and when I was adamant she called my surgeon who also tried to dissuade me from its removal. I signed a paper absolving them of any responsibility in the event of any potential danger and proceeded to take just 2 pellets of Arnica every 2 hours sublingually. I was relatively free from pain on the first and second day considering that I had a cut in my abdomen of about 9 inches which was held together with clips. On the third day I was disconnected from the IV tubes and visited the toilet and on the fifth day I was discharged and walked to my car through the corridors of the hospital to the amazement of the nursing staff who had all assembled to see this walking wonder of a 73 year old man who was able to walk unaided in just 5 days after surgery.

I have often maintained that the majority of my therapies are based on my own ‘provings’ on myself and I can assure you from my own experience and the experience of many other patients who have used my therapy that there is absolutely no fear of Arnica ever causing any bleeding. I do realize that any agent that thins the blood must ipso facto also promote bleeding. I can assure you that Arnica does not ever do so and I hope that research will be done to answer your question which seems rational but which is far from the truth.

Another case that comes to my mind is that of my secretary who was caught up in the bomb blast in the bus terminal in Colombo in 1983 when about 200 people suffered from the blast and about 100 were killed. She was also caught in the bomb which was in a bus about 25 feet from her own bus in which she was seated. She phoned me and I arranged for her rescue from the terminal and when she arrived in my office which by then was closed, I gave her 4 pellets of Arnica and took her to hospital and after she was treated for her wounds which were superficial with just one deep cut, I took her home for the night where I gave her Arnica in the dose of 2 pellets every 2 hours and she was mobile the following morning after a good night’s deep sleep without any pain.

These are just 2 incidents that I am personally aware of and my own case of refusing Morphine and preferring to use Arnica 30 may be a world record, especially with the resultant recovery in about 4 weeks when I returned to my desk. Please note that I was 73 years of age at the time of my surgery.

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Re: Diabetes From bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-21
Dear Joe

What worked for you ,may not work for others.

Homeopathy is different from allopathy.

Here we are dealing with subtle energies, and there we are dealing with material doses.

This for that won’t give long lasting results in homeopathy.

It can be dangerous too.

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Re: Diabetes From Joe De Livera on 2006-10-21
Dear Murthy

This is where we differ fundamentally. I have quoted just 2 cases which I was personally aware of to prove how Arnica worked.

If you wade through the many thousands of posts on Arnica you will discover that it has helped many other patients whom I have also helped in post surgical recovery with Arnica. It will therefore be safe to assume logically of course that what worked for so many patients with the same symptoms should therefore also work for others in similar circumstances.

I just cannot understand the logic in your classical thinking that what worked for hundreds cannot work for your patient. This is where the delusion creeps into classical homeopathy where you wish to promote a theory when the practical application of the theory and the result do not follow your classical guidelines which you have all helped to maintain as you fear that your own brand of classical homeopathy will die out unless you maintain that exclusivity that your attitude promotes, which is now being questioned by the patients who have had remarkable cures with my own brand of therapy, now called Joepathy, which will I hope be the new medium of Homeopathic cure in the future.

I do agree with your reference to ‘Subtle Energies’ of homeopathic remedies but the fact remains that these same energies do conform to the same logical laws that allopathic therapy results in, and the sooner that you and other classical homeopaths accept these basic truths the better for your patients who are now being educated at least on this and 2 other forums the NCH and Kuldeep’s new Homeopathy and More to a new vision of Homeopathy which cannot be surpressed any more as the patients who have been suffering under the classical homeopaths are fed up with their antics which have not got them (the patients) anywhere.

I again reaffirm that there has never been any danger to the patient that has ever resulted in his using my therapy.

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Re: Diabetes From bandarbabu2000 on 2006-10-21
Dear Joe

You made your point.

I made my point.

Let the case rest here.

Let the people decide what they want.

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Re: Diabetes From turningpoint on 2006-10-26
Another feedback from me dear Joe…
On 11th of Oct.BS was 337
Patient tried your remedy and on 25th night at 9 her BS found 162!!!Amazing stuff from you dear Joe.
Patinet is a lady,age-60 and she is so much thankful to you.Will this same remedy work for type-1 diabetes as my friend’s daughter is suffeting from it since birth-her age is 13 yrs,please do advise special therapy for juvenile diabetes as well.thanks a millions Joe and may god bless you.

Patient suffering from chronic GERD cured in 9 days.

By Joe November 13th, 2015, under Uncategorized

I am copying the case of a patient who was cured of Chronic GERD in just 9 Days.

rajeshind says:
November 4, 2015 at 10:01 PM (Edit)
Resp sir, I am 50 yr old male married, height 6’2″. I am suffering from aerophagia(frequent burping/belching). I also feel heaviness and discomfort in the chest region. Sometimes, I feel like losing balance and walk like a drunk man. I get a feeling of sinking. My BP remains 130/90, BS Fasting 90, total cholestrol around 170. I have developed a fear of heart ailment due to continous discomfort in chest region. pl. advise

Joe says:
November 4, 2015 at 10:04 PM (Edit)
It is very likely that you suffer from Hyperacidity or Gastritis, aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) and I shall copy my default therapy that has helped hundreds of patients to overcome this disease for which doctors usually prescribe PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which are dangerous and can cause many other more serious problem when used in the long term.

You will hopefully discover that my therapy aka “Joepathy” will help you within 24 hours after you have taken your first dose after a meal.

The remedies you will order are as follows:

Nat Phos 6x dose 2-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 3 meals.
This remedy accelerates the passage of food down the gut and prevents the formation of acid which would otherwise reflux causing GERD.

Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
This remedy works to repair the damaged Esophagus which has metastasised to resemble the gut to deal with the Hcl refluxed into it causing severe distress. Arnica works with the Nat Phos to speedily cure the problem.

You can also take a PROBIOTIC like Bifilac daily. A Probiotic will help by changing the balance of the Bacteria in the gut and will contribute to your cure and help to ensure that your problem does not recur. After your problem with GERD is stabilised you can take the Arnica in the Wet dose nightly before bed and the Probiotic daily for life. You do not need to take Nat Phos daily but you will keep a stock to be used whenever you feel uncomfortable after a meal when you will take 2-3 tablets as necessary.

Please observe the following simple rules:

Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.

It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.

No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.

If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.

You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.

It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

rajeshind says:
November 4, 2015 at 10:25 PM (Edit)
sir i am grateful for your quick response and remedy, i will start the treatment immediately and inform you the developments. thanks and regards

rajeshind says:
November 9, 2015 at 2:48 PM (Edit)
Resp. Sir,

I have started the “joepathy” you prescribed for GERD and the results are amazing and beyond my expectations. The remedies started working from day 1 and my problems are reducing day by day. Burping/belching almost gone. What remains is a slight discomfort in the chest particularly in night while I am asleep. I hope this will also vanish soon. I am really grateful to you for your advise.

Sir, my 20 year old son has a sneezing problem. He has tendency to start sneezing continuously particularly in the morning or whenever he comes in contact with dust while cleaning room etc. He sneezes 20-30 times continuously. Please advise some remedy for him

Thanks and regards

Joe says:
November 9, 2015 at 4:31 PM (Edit)
Glad to note that my Joepathy for GERD has helped you which you have described:
“I have started the “joepathy” you prescribed for GERD and the results are amazing and beyond my expectations. The remedies started working from day 1 and my problems are reducing day by day. Burping/belching almost gone. What remains is a slight discomfort in the chest particularly in night while I am asleep. I hope this will also vanish soon. I am really grateful to you for your advise.”

It seems to me that your chronic GERD can benefit from Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose to reinforce the action of the Nat Phos 6x.
You will make it into the Wet dose and take a capful twice daily.

Report results in 48 hours.

Your son’s Catarrh will respond to
Bryonia 200c in the Wet dose given thrice daily.

Report results in 48 hours.

rajeshind says:
November 13, 2015 at 11:40 AM (Edit)
Resp. Sir,

I am glad to inform you that my ailments viz. gas, acidity and discomfort in the chest have been improving very fast and I am feeling quite refreshing and relieved. I have been taking wet dose of Arnica 30c and Nux Vomica 30c twice daily and Nat. Phos 6x after meals as advised. The results are amazing.

One more thing, I have been experiencing flashes around my eyes for quite some time and they are also reducing gradually after I started your treatment. I realized it after reading a post on ABC forum where one of your patient/follower reported the same. My son’s catarrh is also improving gradually.

I am grateful to you and admire your selfless service for the mankind.

Sir, my son (20 years) has white stripes on his back since he was 2 years old. Doctor says it is due to after effects of heavy antibiotics given to him when he was one and half year old and has infection in his blood. These stripes are getting longer and bolder with age and the skin around stripes is getting darker. Please suggest some remedy for him.

Thanks and Regards

Joe says:
November 13, 2015 at 12:41 PM (Edit)
Glad to learn that my therapy has helped you to overcome your problems with GERD in the short space of just over a week.
This is what you reported on November 4.
“I am 50 yr old male married, height 6’2″. I am suffering from aerophagia(frequent burping/belching). I also feel heaviness and discomfort in the chest region. Sometimes, I feel like losing balance and walk like a drunk man. I get a feeling of sinking. My BP remains 130/90, BS Fasting 90, total cholestrol around 170. I have developed a fear of heart ailment due to continous discomfort in chest region.””

You will continue the same therapy in a reduced dosage of 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x taken after meals thrice daily. You will stop the Nux Vomica 30.

You will continue to take the Arnica 30 twice daily.

Report progress in 2 weeks.

Pilonidal Cyst cured in 2 months.

By Joe November 1st, 2015, under Uncategorized

I am copying the case of a patient who presented a Pilonidal Cyst last August who was treated by me and who reported today that he was cured.

2015/08/29 at 12:20 PM
Dear Mr De Livera,
I developed Abscess and it was drained by surgery on August 7, 2015. I went to the doctor today (August 28, 2015) for follow up and I was told that I developed Fistula and I will need a surgery. I still see yellowish color discharge coming from the incision.
I ran into your website and been reading for 6 hours now. I am going to order the Remedies you described. I have a questions and I would appreciate your help by answering them:
1) For the Arnica 30c, can I use the tablets like Boiron Arnica 30C Pellets (3 tube pack)? If yes, I just put 3 tablets in 400ml of water?
2) for the Antibiotic Ointment, can I use Neosporin?
Thank you sir so much for your time and help. I do really appreciate it.
Joe says:
August 29, 2015 at 6:08 PM (Edit)
“I ran into your website and been reading for 6 hours now. I am going to order the Remedies you described.”

I am gratified to learn that you have spent some time to study some of the cases on my Website and you may like to read the last case I copied a few days ago under Recent Posts entitled “Joepathy – My Reaction” which I discovered on the H&M Forum of which I was one of the founder members, 10 years ago. This article will perhaps give you an insight into the reason why I established my own Website as at age 86, it was my intention to ensure that my therapy now accepted as “Joepathy” will hopefully outlast me and enable all who care to visit it the opportunity of using my therapy after reading the accounts of the patients themselves who used it and confirmed that they were cured.

Joepathy comprises my own discoveries in the use of standard Homeopathic remedies which I prescribe in my own way, often frowned upon by the coterie of classical homeopaths who slavishly follow the teachings of the founders of this Science which I presume worked in their day and age and which I too followed but decided to steer clear of, about 10 years ago when I discovered that my own Joepathy proved to provide relief in a manner that often surprised even me when it cured the patient in record time.

It is my hope that your Abscess which was treated by surgery a few days ago in the hope that your abscess will be healed has now been diagnosed as a Fistula for which the standard therapy is surgery and when the first experiment fails, it is accepted as normal for a series of surgeries to follow till the patient visits my Website and reads of the many cases of patients who were saved the horror of repeated surgeries which invariably do not cure the problem.

You have already got the Arnica 30c in the Boiron pellets but I would advise you to get the Alcohol product ASAP as this is by far, more effective. I note from your IP address that you live in LA and if you cannot get it in your city you can mail order it from:
Washington Homeopathic Products
1 800 336 1695

You may use the pellets till you get the Liquid DIlution and you will use 8 pellets in 500ml spring water. The pellets are usually 3mm ø. I am not familiar with the 3 tube pack. You may use Neosporin but I do not know if it is a wide spectrum Antibiotic and you will check the fine print. Please note that I live in Sri Lanka which is diametrically across the Earth from LA.

For the record I shall copy the therapy I have pioneered and prescribed to patients who suffer from FISTULA, FISSURE AND ABSCESS of the Anus. The majority of those who have used my therapy aka “Joepathy” have confirmed that they have benefitted from this therapy and many have confirmed that they have been cured.

I shall note the Remedies prescribed below:

Arnica 30c in the Wet dose a capful of the bottle taken thrice daily to filter and increase the flow of blood in the body which in turn will help to rebuild the tissue.
Silicea 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to expel the pus from the lesion.
Nat Phos 6x Dose 2-3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals to soften the stools.
Ferr Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to improve the quality of the blood to help heal the lesion.
Antibiotic Ointment like Polyfax or equivalent which is used internally on the tip of a gloved finger inserted into the anus after every bowel movement to keep the bacterial count as low as possible in the lesion.

Do not use toilet paper after a BM. Use a Hand Spray device instead available at Wal Mart which is a DIY fitting.
No Alcohol, Red meat, Coffee and Sausages, Ham and Bacon as they are loaded with Saltpeter. No canned beverages like Coke. Do not eat hot (Chillie hot) food if you live in India.
You will get a hollow rubber cushion to sit on to take the pressure off your anal region to enable the medicines prescribed above to help cure your problem.

Drink at least 3 ltrs water daily and exercise moderately.


The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml bottle in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.

Report progress weekly or more often as necessary.

Sam A says:
August 30, 2015 at 3:51 AM (Edit)
Dear Mr De Livera,

Thank you so much for your quick response and guidance. I do really appreciate your help and time. I checked the website for the Arnica Montana 30 C and I was wondering which one to choose. There is one with 20% Alcohol and other one with 87% Alcohol. Which one do I get? Here is the link to the one I found. Once I get your response I will order it:

I did what you advised and dissolved 8 pellets in 500ml water and started taking today 8/29/2015. I am also taking the Silicea 6x. I also started using Neosporin
Once I get the your response on which Arnica to order I will get it and get the Ferr Phos 6x, which are the two things that I am missing. In the meantime I will continue with what I have (8 Arnica pellets in500ml, Silicea and the Neosporin)

Again, thank you so much for your help and time.


Joe says:
August 30, 2015 at 6:31 AM (Edit)
You should get the higher potency as you are only using just 3 DROPS in 500ml and it is essential that you get the best product to heal you.

Have you forgotten to include a remedy I have prescribed in the remedies you listed ?
You must understand that I can only prescribe and it is up to the patient to follow my therapy literally to CURE the problem.

Sam A says:
August 31, 2015 at 11:18 AM (Edit)
Dear Mr De Livera,

Thank you for the quick response. I am waiting for the Ferr Phos 6x and Arnica 30c in liquid form to arrive. In the mean time, I am taking the Arnica 30c pellets (8 pellets in 500ml water, 3x a day), the Silicea 6x and Nath Phos 6x and Neosporin as your described . I just want to start because I do not want to wait until the Ferr Phos 6x and the liquid Arnica 30c. It might take 3 to 5 days before it arrives.

Can I take the Silicea and the Arnica in the same time? Can I take the Silicea and Arnica with food? Do I need to avoid eating Almond.

Thank you so much for your help and time. I do really appreciate it.


Sam says:
September 26, 2015 at 9:52 AM (Edit)
Dear Mr De Livera,

I would like to give you an update on my Fistula. As you know, the doctor recommended surgery, but I decided to take your remedies. I started on the remedies on August 29 with the Silicia, Arnica, Nat Pho and Neopsporin. I was waiting for the Ferrum Phos. I started the Ferrum Phos on September 4. Also, replaced the Arnica pellets with liquid on September 9 when I received it.
I followed your remedies exactly as your described with what to avoid eating.

As of today, September 25 the pus is almost none. But I noticed some blood (not that much at all). Is this normal? Also, when I use the Antibiotic after each BM, I used to feel a bump ( I guessing it is the whole that causes the infection). I can not find the bump anymore. Do I keep on taking the remedies?

Thank you for your much for your help and time. I do really appreciate it.

Joe says:
September 26, 2015 at 12:49 PM (Edit)
I am glad to note that you seem to be progressing on schedule with the eventual cure of your Fistula since you first started on my therapy aka “Joepathy” just a month ago.

I hope that you are aware that you are using the therapy I have pioneered and is not contained in any Homeopathic Text book and you are invited to read the story of how I developed my therapy by doing a Search on the Home page on this Website by typing the word “Joepathy” in the Search box.

I had to face severe attacks by classical homeopaths on many Homeopathic Forums which I retired from many years ago and established my own Website when I found that I was spending more time in the defense of my therapy which they labelled Joepathy when they discovered that my therapy which is based on the use of standard Homeopathic remedies but prescribed in a manner that does not conform to classical homeopathy, did work in a manner that the classical types could not match, as they abide by the strict classical rules which invariably do not work to CURE the disease.

You will continue the therapy till you are completely healed and you will report your progress from time to time if you wish to benefit from my advice.

Sam A says:
November 1, 2015 at 7:58 PM (Edit)
Dear Mr De Livera,

I would like to give you an update on my Perianal Abscess that caused Fistula. I started on the remedies on August 29 with the Silicia, Arnica, Nat Pho and Neopsporin. I was waiting for the Ferrum Phos. I started the Ferrum Phos on September 4. Also, I replaced the Arnica pellets with liquid on September 9 when I received it.

I followed your remedies EXACTLY as your described with what to avoid eating.

As of today November 1, 2015, the incision that was done during the surgery to drain the Perianal Abscess is completely healed. I am still following your remedies.

Thank you very much for sharing your experience and remedy with the whole world.

Do I continue with the remedy at this point? I noticed that you always advise everyone to continue with Arinca before sleep time. What is your advise? I hope I do not have to get this Pperianal Abscess again, never.

Again, Thank you so much for your help and taking the time and being patient to answer question and help others. I do really appreciate all the good work that you do to help others. We need more people like you in this world.

Posts for November 2015

By Joe November 1st, 2015, under Uncategorized