I am copying Page 1 of a long thread dated June 6 2006 from ABC Homeopathy of which I was one of the oldest members entitled:
“question for joe re: gerd remedy”
This thread pertains to the treatment of GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) which is a common ailment affecting about 40% of the population in developed countries due to their eating habits and fast food, which invariably results in discomfort after a meal especially dinner, with puffiness and heartburn which sometimes can be so severe that some patients are compelled to visit the nearest hospital fearing a Heart attack, to relieve their distress.
I had been experimenting at that time with Nat Phos 6x on myself as I too suffered occasionally from some discomfort after dinner and had used the standard classical remedies Like Carbo Veg with negative results. I then used Nat Phos 6x which is a Biochemic Cell Salt which is not prescribed for GERD in classical homeopathy and discovered that it worked very quickly to relieve distress after a meal.
This thread continues for 14 pages as I had treated many patients who used my therapy aka “Joepathy” and had been helped by it.
question for joe re: gerd remedy
From bellz on 2006-06-06
167 replies
Hi Joe,
You recommended that I take Nat Phos 6x for my acid reflux. Is there anything else I should be doing while taking this remedy? should I cut out any foods or drinks? should I expect immediate results? Or does it take time? I have the type of reflux that is in my throat. I have had it for about 3 months. Please advice.
thank you
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy From Joe De Livera on 2006-06-06
You should observe relief within 15 minutes of taking Nat Phos 6x. I would suggest that you use 3 tablets at the beginning of your treatment and later when you feel it stabilizing you then reduce the dose to 2 after meals.
Do not eat large meals and of course no excess fat in them.
Take Arnica 6c in the wet dose 1 teaspoonful twice daily. This will help to rebuild the damaged lining of your esophagus which in many cases has been eroded over many years of treatment of GERD with drugs like Nexium, Prevacid all based on Omeprazole which unfortunately is habit forming and expensive.
The great advantage in using the Nat Phos / Arnica therapy is that the patient will be CURED of his ailment in a few weeks which can never happen by using the drugs used in modern medicine.
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy From bellz on 2006-06-06
thanks Joe I will try it and keep you posted.
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy From Mohan on 2006-06-06
I was in United States for 5 months. I had taken with me some homeopathic and Biochemic medicines including Nat Phos 6x.
Thanks Joe, your line of treatment with Nat Phos 6xfor GERD and Hyperacidity did cure 11 people there. By the way I don’t treat for money. I love to see people being cured.
The results were so quick and convincing that these guys begged for more stocks which of course I will send them (free) shortly.
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy From bellz on 2006-06-07
hi mohan,
you said it cured 11 people. that is wonderful. I am hopeful it will help me. did you give it to many more people and it didn’t help? How long did it take to cure?
thanks for your imput
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy From parisNSA on 2006-06-07
Joe can more than 9 tablets be used of the Nat phos 6x a day?
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy From Joe De Livera on 2006-06-07
To Mohan
I am glad to note that you have also had considerable success in treating 11 patients suffering from GERD. In the majority of these cases I am confident that they were CURED and that their condition was not controlled as it usually is when using the drugs like Nexium which are unable to stablilze the stomach as Nat Phos 6x does.
You will notice that I have used NP to stabilize the stomach and Arnica 30c to help with the cure of the Esophagus
with the Sphincter muscle which are usually damaged by the gastric juices. It is the combination of both remedies that completes the cure which usually takes about 6 weeks.
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy From Joe De Livera on 2006-06-07
To Paris
It is not advisable to overdose with NP as many have complained of a bitter taste in their mouths.
No other damage seems to be done and as long as the patient sees some benefit from its use, it is perfectly safe to do so.
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy From Mohan on 2006-06-07
Dear Joe,
I have followed the complete instructions including the use of Arnica 30c in wet doses.
I made sure that no allopathic medicine is taken concomitantly.
The blessing actually goes to you.
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy From Mohan on 2006-06-07
I have two questions :
(1)I have noticed you also recommend use of Arnica 6c in the wet dose to help the process of tissue repair especially in the throat. The dose is 1 teaspoonful of the remedy sipped twice daily.
Are there any particular situations to select between Arnica 6c and Arninca 30c.
(2) I notice you now only suggest using pallets for wet dose preparation.
The original pack from the manufactures such as Schawbe or SBL are in liquid form.
Why you no more like to use 1 drop of the liquid.
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy From Joe De Livera on 2006-06-07
For chronic ailments I use Arnica 6c and if it does not help I use the higher 30c potency.
I use the wet dose exclusively for treatment of any ailment as I am convinced after using it for over a year that this is the way to go.
It is unfortunate that most homeopaths use the dry pellets exclusively as they have not discovered that the wet dose after succussion each time is far more effective than the dry. They have also not being instructed to use the wet dose and till this is promoted by the universities, I believe that the dry dose will hold sway.
A point of interest in using the wet dose is that it is very cost effective as only 3 pellets are used in a 500ml bottle of spring water which usually lasts about 3 months while the dry dose will use up the 100 pellets in a vial in a few days.
The liquid form where the remedy is suspended in Ethanol can also be used as I do here in Sri Lanka where I use 2 drops of the Ethanol remedy in a 500ml bottle. I have not observed any difference between the 3 pellets and 2 drops in the bottle.
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Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy From Mohan on 2006-06-07
For Bellz,
I was in US only for 5 months. So I did not have the opportunity to provide this excellent treatment to others who tried to contact me. My aim of visit was not to treat but during my previous visit to US I had really felt sorry that I did not carry any Homeopathic or Biochemic remedies. I was particularly perturbed that the so called classical homeopaths in US fleece the poor patients. Which keeps many patients away from this wonderful line of treatment.
In all 11 cases the relief was quick and permanent.
In fact, I may tell you that I met someone from Bombay India where he had whole lot of tests and investigations done at one of the most prominent hospitals. Even CT scan was done. The allopathic treatment rendered him no benefit. When I met him he was stiff scared to even eat rice and yoghurt as any food would make very uncomfortable.
After two doses on the first day this guy felt relief and by third day he could consume his regular full meal.
As for your problem is concerned, please strictly follow the instructions given to you by JOE and I am sure you will be cured for good.
Pls take good post-treatment care to allow enough time for your body to re-inforce the system.
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy From goingdownhill on 2006-06-09
Hi, I’m new to this forum, actually, I have never been part of any forum but I have been reading the posts on ABC Homeopathy with interest regarding Acid Reflux. (I am 55 and post menopause, 5’5′ and weigh 133 lbs).
I have reflux (heartburn since childhood),and barrett’s esophagus. Also hiatal hernia. I have been on the purple pill and others like it for approx 5 yrs now. The meds work well, however, I have been trying natural remedies for the last two wks. and have stopped taking the prescription. I am being careful since I can’t allow heartburn at all. Have been using organic apple cider vinegar and honey. Sure seem to be drinking alot of honey to put out the fire.
Based on what I read here I have ordered Nat Phox 6X and expect to receive it by next week.
In addition to my digestive mess I also have a prolapsed bladder. I have been researching the use of Sepia as a possibility for help in that area. Is that a wise choice? Can I take it while I am taking Nat Phos 6X for the acid? Is combination safe or should I just work on the acid first and then try to work on the prolapse later.
Any suggestions would be great. Thanks. Forgot to mention I do go to Chiropractor and he is trying to put my hiatel hernia back down to assist w/my acid reflux. He told me to pursue homeopathic remedies.
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